Am 27.11.2009 um 11:15 schrieb Quim Gil:

> - Do you want non-free apps showing up in
> ?
> - Do you want non-free apps showing up in
> ?

I'm relatively new to the Maemo scene and am currently developing my first 
Maemo app using C++ and Qt. I have also played with Python and PyQt which is 
quite nice. Just wanted to take this opportunity to say hi to you all and give 
you my humble opinion on the matter. :)

I don't know yet if I'll be releasing my app as open source, it could very well 
be non-free. So this issue is interesting to me both as a developer as well as 
a user.

First of all, my viewpoint as a user: I want as many apps as possible. Choice 
is always good. I own an iPod Touch, and I can say with confidence that my 
criteria for selecting an app is always functionality, quality (hard to gauge 
since there is no "try before you buy", so I'm judging by user ratings for 
that) and price. As a user, I don't care about source code availability. One of 
the main reasons I chose Maemo/N900 instead of e.g. the Palm Pre is that there 
are almost no apps available for their WebOS platform even months after release.

As a developer, I want users to be able to get the app as easy as possible, 
delivering as high a quality as I can. So obviously I would want my app to be 
in extras-testing. But if that is not possible / not wanted by the community, 
appearing on downloads/Maemo5/ would still be important.

> Testers with a strong opinion about open source might not be interested
> at all on this, but other users might be indeed interested in becoming
> betatesters of a non-free app in exchange of checking the lastest
> versions some days/weeks before regular users get them in Ovi or elsewhere.

I agree. I do understand that Maemo has a strong open source (or even free 
software) crowd. I am a big fan of open source myself. If people do not want 
non-free apps on their device, just don't add non-free to your sources.list. 
Problem solved. Same with QA. Nobody is forcing anybody to QA non-free 
packages, right? That doesn't mean that people who actually want to do that QA 
should be prevented from doing it.

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