long name package problem

2008-03-01 Thread Zoran Kolic
Last 2 weeks or so I have a problem to see updated
files in graphical application manager. Names for
ubuntu files are so long, that it makes it impossible
to format correctly. Manager formats from right to
left. The size and version are shown, no space for
name left on the screen.
The apps in question are faad (libfaad2, libmp4...). 
Nokia 770, gregale.
I'd like the maintainer to shorten the names of files.
In this moment it riuns the usability of app manager.
Best regards


maemo-developers mailing list

Re: web based local application GUIs

2007-11-27 Thread Zoran Kolic
 1.) Rpc (aka web services)
 2.) Dbus
 3.) Direct SQLite DB interaction

Whatever motivation was, I second the idea to use 770/800/810
as device as user wants. Even smaller computers have place
under the sun for more ambicious tasks. Web services could
be love/hate, they solve the problem making different os-s
share the project or business. Talking about web, I think
ajax is nowadays must-have for success at first-time-visit
customers. Btw, daemons and services could be less demanding
than multimedia usage of the device.


maemo-developers mailing list

Re: installation of perl:PDL

2007-10-18 Thread Zoran Kolic
 Back in time, there were reports in this forum of somebody (Xavier
 Calvet) who successfully installed perl:PDL in maemo.
 But I can't! there is no CPAN nor MakeMaker, so I am left to following
 make-ing instructions by hand.

If you have module somewhere handy, could you just put it
to be in the path?


maemo-developers mailing list

Re: New release of Python2.5 for Maemo

2007-06-28 Thread Zoran Kolic
 I have my mother in mind, who isn't even going to subscribe to
 maemo-developers, let alone even consider writing code.
 device is sold to a far wider audience: I suspect more people have
 bought it from Nokia shops and the like (one of the main telcos
 advertises it in newspapers here), than people from maemo-developers.

That are the facts. Also is the fact that nokia doesn't make easy to
people to have their's own opinion.
I agree that 770/800 is not the box developers assume as os for making
everything in life. Looks like pretty multimedia gadget for yanger
population. There you make money and nothing could change that. For
making something like real time os, having python, perl at al, one
should remove graphical apps and do what he/she wants. As I did. I
recall os like qnx, rtos for embedded devices. It is free in version
6.2.1 and 6.3 for non commercial use. If people donate their time and
passion, don't treat them like a children.


maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Boot bora as root

2007-04-19 Thread Zoran Kolic
 still no luck on getting application installer to run
 as far as some programs not working when unning as root per Zoran's
 comment, I see no reason why they shouldn't (I accept that they might
 not, but they probably should IMO) ... these internet tablets have a
 LOT of potential 
 .  the more mature and closer to a multi-user environment

It was not easy to me to understand the logic behind the gadget first
time I fired it up. Sudoers bridged two worlds the way I didn't expect.
I simply stoped to compare 770 to desktop and all ghosts gone. Now I
see Chris' attempt as an effort to free the hidden power. He probably
changed so many files' permissions and ownerships, that he could not
recall it even under hypnosis. I assume that might be easier to trouble-
shoot from command line, starting from brand new bora. One step at time.
If root has /root and /user/root, it could bring headache to apps,
that don't have environment variables set. Finally, yes, I see a lot of
restrictions as ass savers.


maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Boot bora as root

2007-04-18 Thread Zoran Kolic
 That was my assumption also. I changed the occurances of use/users
 (one occurance of systemui/users) to root/root in the init scripts
 so I changed out all the references to /home/user to /home/root and
 made a symlink from /home/root to point to /root  I then copied
 over (without overwrite) all the /home/user/.stuff over to root's
 home dir 
 I'm booting as root now
 something onto the mameo wiki ... what say everyone?

What was the real reason for that? I second your wish for login option.
But, it is far away from all power root all the time. There exist programs
that cannot work as root. In case you don't go wireless, you could play as
you like, no harm. I envision troubles when particular app tries to fork
and finds wrong permission. Anyway, if you have fun, it's your playground.


maemo-developers mailing list

Re: No more 770 bug activity?

2007-04-02 Thread Zoran Kolic
 - As Carlos Guerreiro has pointed out previously, there are no plans to
 make any new official release for the 770. There is the IT OS hacker
 edition, but it's not official and the official development in Nokia is
 currently focused in the maemo 3.x, IT OS 2007 and what is coming next.
 This means that from our side there is no official 770 bug activity. 
 This perception is understandable considering what has happened to the
 770. Let me just state that the current status of this first product is
 the result of a lack of better support planning specific for the
 Internet Tablets. Not an effect of a kind of business model thinking
 that customers will go for a new device every year.

Be sure that all folks on this list do understand Nokia's point of view.
I could even go further if Pluton is not planet anymore. People loose
more than this gadget, so no tragedy at all. As follow-up, fs with closed
drivers, wm, console and really small kernel with _all_ modules somewhere
in repository would suffice. Eager developers fulfill the holes (Simon says).
Why should you close the door, that don't exist?


maemo-developers mailing list

lfm failure

2007-03-24 Thread Zoran Kolic
I have a problem, trying to get lfm file manager up. It is
written in python and needs curses.  Curses are copied from my
desktop system as directory.
Now I have error with message:
  cannot import nameMissingReplyHandlerException
In this moment I have no clue where to go next. Does someone
use lfm on 770 and 39-14?

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Xephyr dependencies stop progress...

2007-03-22 Thread Zoran Kolic
 Thanks to Paul Klapperich's suggestion, I was able to use 'alien' to 
 create an RPM file out of the DEB file.  Now I am back in dependency 
 hell.  Xephyr depends on
 error: Failed dependencies:
 libXau.so.6 is needed by xserver-xephyr-1.1.1-21
 libXdmcp.so.6 is needed by xserver-xephyr-1.1.1-21
 libfontenc.so.1 is needed by xserver-xephyr-1.1.1-21
 even after installing libXdmcp-1.0.1

That's the fun of life. Anyway, would be fine to make a little investigation
in this direction, prior to install. Almost all apps have manuals and depend
lists in readme or similar. I recall myself, when I installed tones of libs,
just to have not so useful program, that I removed few days later. Some sys-
tems have ports and all info in Makefile and pkg-descr. Not linux, you
know. Debian gives it, when you try to find app in repository.
I want to say that you could automate the process, for the sake of your nervs.


maemo-developers mailing list

Re: N800 and USB host mode

2007-03-04 Thread Zoran Kolic
 Has anybody played around with trying to get the N800 to support USB
 host mode? Yes, I know that this won't work without a modified USB hub
 to inject +5V onto the USB port.

Not the answer to question. Just like to get more info on the subject.
I've found cable with 5 pins for the 770 side and two usb-s for data and
power on the other. Powered usb hub is not hard to find. What exact file
or files should be changed by the hand to make equivalent to flasher in
enabling usb host mode?
Cannot say for 800 since I don't have it, but two gadgets look different in
a lot of details. Do I have a correct feeling that 800 cannot be powered
down at all?


maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Programmatically Enabling Hardware Keys

2007-02-24 Thread Zoran Kolic
In x server it is possible to use xev to find correct button identifi-
cation. Then, using xmodmap, to map them to appropriate function. I'm not
sure does it work on 770; have to take a look on binaries.


maemo-developers mailing list

Re: becomeroot once again but with password

2007-02-22 Thread Zoran Kolic
 To have a free access user make completely superfluous to use a
 private-public key pair to ssh to root. Anybody can see both the
 private and public, what is the need of authentication?

One plus is that only you know the passphrase. Better then nothing.

 If user or is without a true password and can be accessed from ssh,
 anybody on the lan (on the lan because they need to know your ip) can
 take the control of your tablet.

If I understand well, it goes for user in front of the screen. When
that user tries to connect remotely, he needs ssh authentification,
from password or key.

 a robber will see also all your sent and
 received mails.

Dude way would be to connect to port 995 via ssl. Some isp thinks it
is not important. I see that port 585 is dedicated to imap-ssl.

 In any case the better for these mobile things is encrypted
 filesystems, on my other computers I use fuse+encfs, it would be nice

Memory footprint and flash rub come to mind.


maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Security Guidance for N800 OS development

2007-02-20 Thread Zoran Kolic
  I mention this because, as more Internet aware/dependent 
  applications are developed for the N800 (it is an Internet tablet 
  after all) the attack surface for the product will increase. I 
  have asked previously about whether or not the N800 has a stateful 
  firewall but so far the answer seems to be no.
 ... because it would be pointless. Anyone opening passive sockets on 
 such a device really needs so much more than mere firewalling. In 
 general, I've found firewalling on Linux to be a waste of time if the 
 idea is to protect the machine itself, even if you do have passive 
 sockets open. In principle, the layer of software doing the stateful 
 inspection is essentially the same software doing the processing - 
 packets arriving which are in the wrong state get discarded *anyway*.

Just cannot say how much I disagree!

 Well, where's the input coming from? This is typically only a 
 security problem with multiuser systems or open network services. 
 Malicious payloads (like, say, email, web pages) can cause issues, 
 but in general they're much less of a serious issue, and they're 
 certainly no different to any other platform.

Disagreement again.

 I'm just really not clear that this is as much of a big deal as you 
 seem to think, and I can't see anything specific to Maemo which needs 
 addressing. If anything, the 770/N800 are a lot more secure than the 
 average Linux box, let alone the average computer.

Kh-kh! Candid camera?


maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Security Guidance for N800 OS development

2007-02-20 Thread Zoran Kolic
 echo your system is now secured

Works! Man! Thank you!
I take back all I sad about security.


maemo-developers mailing list

[maemo-developers] Re: MMH project started

2007-02-09 Thread Zoran Kolic
After reading some documentation, I've found ready solution for those,
who use mutt. App called msmtp is available for sending mail to smtp
server. If queue is needed, msmtpqueue scripting method could solve the
issue. To use it, in .muttrc should be added line to what binary to
send. (Default is /usr/sbin/sendmail.)
For unencrypted pop at port 110, the fastest fetcher is by no doubt perl
script pop-perl5. All those enables low footprint, for on and off line.


maemo-developers mailing list

[maemo-developers] Re: MMH project started

2007-02-08 Thread Zoran Kolic
 procmailrc uses a very complicated syntax.
 So I am pretty sure I will skip it, probably in favor of maildrop.

I used fetchmail and put the stream to sendmail/postfix on the 25 port.
It could hand it to maildrop for sure. I don't think that fetchmail
can do it alone. How do you configured on nokia?

 (and I did succeed for example in getting mail from gmail)

I do it regularly from port 995 with getmail.

 I was thinking about nmh (hence the name 'mmh').

Looks intriguing. But cannot find proper docs. Have you installed it
on 770? (Scirocco in my case.)

 It is a set of command line tools to 'handle' mails. Handling means also 
 sending it directly to the remote MX (so to fill up the gap on sending 

As stream or from file? I use mbox to store. Mutt could pipe. Has an
option to set outbound server/service/sendmail.

 In the case the user wants a delayed deliver, I can simply use at 

Defer option in postfix or similar sounds little better?

 'nmh' is quite big and python is big also.

Python 2.4. How big nmh is in real life? Deb file is 1.6.

 I am aware of little mail senders, but I still prefer the nmh path as it 
 also gives me mail handling.

OK. Just thought. I might have them both. Looking for info on the net.
What do you get with nmh in this moment?
Hey! What os? Does it work on scirocco?


maemo-developers mailing list

[maemo-developers] Re: Kernel guide for maemo (and other devel docs)

2007-02-06 Thread Zoran Kolic
 I suggest that you don't advocate following steps of manual editing of
 .config files. It is considered as bad practice even though it works.

With complete howto, it must be easier. There is linux kernel nutshell
for free on the net. Bsd breed use this approach.


maemo-developers mailing list

[maemo-developers] armel-debs.applieddata

2007-02-06 Thread Zoran Kolic
Any experience with armel-debs.applieddata.net/debian/pool/main ?
Would be nice to use some precompiled binaries without bricking
the device.


maemo-developers mailing list

[maemo-developers] Re: New list spin-off?

2007-02-05 Thread Zoran Kolic

  Renamed maemo-developers@maemo.org, no change in subscribers.

Or just devel or dev. 770-dev and 800-dev?

  New list, interested people need to join.

Applications or apps?

  Renamed maemo-users@maemo.org, no change in subscribers.

For me users would be fine. If it is already set to change.

I think that people are going from list to list since they cannot
find the answer. Could you tell how many 770s have been sold and
how many of them are on the lists? The purpose of the list should
be the name. Cause you asked, looks like that developer program
made the wave. Be patient and take a look few weeks more, before
change anything.
Anyway, would it make any move in content, except the name?


maemo-developers mailing list

[maemo-developers] Re: Span filesystem across both SD cards?

2007-02-02 Thread Zoran Kolic
 This may be a crazy idea, but what possibilities exist to span a single 
 filesystem across the two SD cards, thus presenting a single filesystem to 
 the N800?

Not a crazy idea, but you must have a good reason for that. Raid is out
of question. Someone should measure memory consumption for this and what
modules you have to load. Little bird says you could always buy chip
SD card of 100 Gb. (Next decade or sooner.)


maemo-developers mailing list

[maemo-developers] Re: Span filesystem across both SD cards?

2007-02-02 Thread Zoran Kolic
 And now that I've learned all that much, I created the wrong symlinks: I
 cp'ed /usr to the MMC, and then made the wrong link: ln -s /media/mmc2/usr
 /usr. Yes, now I know it should be the reverse way, but do not understand

That's it! Don't warry about. You have option to symlink whole directory:
  ln -s /usr/bin /media/mmc2/usr/bin
or every particular file per se. Also, if your home is on mmc, add bin
directory to the path. Then copy files from /usr/bin to /home/user/bin.

 My device is just now reflashed.

Cool! Have you started to breath again?

 what to do to be able to install them on the MMC instead of on the 770's
 internal memory.

I expected it as default. My collection is small, but who knows?


maemo-developers mailing list

[maemo-developers] Re: Span filesystem across both SD cards?

2007-02-02 Thread Zoran Kolic
  That's it! Don't warry about. You have option to symlink whole directory:
ln -s /usr/bin /media/mmc2/usr/bin
 Wrong.  ln is like cp: it takes the existing path first, and makes it
 appear at the destination, which you supply second.

You are right. Sebastian should have binaries on mmc and nothing of
the same name on internal memory. Then:
  ln -s /media/mmc2/home/user/bin /usr/bin
Sorry to taint the thread.


maemo-developers mailing list

[maemo-developers] Re: Sending mail from console

2007-01-30 Thread Zoran Kolic
 I try to send an email from a console application using the integrated
 osso-email, but it seems that ist does not have a console mode or a
 suitable dbus call.

Unix pipes have a hard time to work with graphic apps.

 If I put a mail into apps/email/Mail/Outbox/ using a reengineered
 filename (something like accountname^Outbox^msgid), the mail is
 _sometimes_ delivered when calling send_and_receive, but not always.
 Sometimes the mail is set on hold: I can see it in the Outbox folder of
 osso-email but I have to manually force the send using the send button.

You could write the file in text editor, add headers and send it,
if I'm not wrong in this case. Also, login into your smtp server,
write the letter and let the server do the rest.

 Is there a reliable way to insert an email into the internal mail spool?

All ways are reliable if the mail is there.
The plain file on desktop you may send by ssmtp or similar. It is
not available on 770, as I know.


maemo-developers mailing list

[maemo-developers] pyopenssl

2007-01-26 Thread Zoran Kolic

Does someone use pyopenssl on 770? Any opinion on libssl from
command line?


maemo-developers mailing list

[maemo-developers] Re: kernel modules

2007-01-13 Thread Zoran Kolic
 Maybe this is just me being thick, but why would you want a firewall
 if you're not running any services?

Why not? And, ports are used every time I do something on the net.
Statefull firewall would be the perfect filter for in and out packets.
I see implemented iptables as stateless, since it does not fulfils
netfilter specs. Some modules are missing. Would be nice if nokia
could provide us/me/user with those modules and info, what is changed
in this instance.
I use ipfw on my box and cannot imagine going in the void w/o this. Some
says openbsd ip is even better. So, I like to have my 770 as any
other machine, for mail, web, ssh, telnet... I really need firewall
for this. Making new environment could be fun, but not now. Why not
having repository for kernel modules and libraries for (in this example)
scirocco? For some time I will for sure remove some files for localisa-
tion, some graphical stuff, when I use only console versions etc. On
this place could lay modules I like. When you abandon 770 for good I
will recompile the kernel et alia, but no need for it now.
Why all of people in nokia opose to firewall? You put it on the box.
Lets make it fully functional, please.


maemo-developers mailing list

[maemo-developers] Re: kernel modules

2007-01-13 Thread Zoran Kolic

Daniel, iptables is already on 770. It just works like its not.

maemo-developers mailing list

[maemo-developers] Re: OS2006 roadmap

2007-01-12 Thread Zoran Kolic
 How do you specify WPA2+AES? Under the Security method list in  
 connections setup, I've got WPA pre-shared key or WPA with EAP only.

The former.


maemo-developers mailing list

[maemo-developers] kernel modules

2007-01-12 Thread Zoran Kolic
I'd like to know if nokia or someone else has repository for modules,
rest after kompiling the kernel for os versions?
Since the choice of stuff must to stay inside ~64Mb, I'm sure that
a lot of it has left aside. Now, when OS2006 goes to no-man-land, it
would be nice to have compatible modules for something one will want
for a month or two, without bricking the device, as a few people done
recompiling the kernel and needed modules.
I'm sure that not a box should go in the wild naked, without firewall.
Reduced options for iptables on 2.2006.39-14 with living binary make
me believe it could be up and well. Just a module or two and detailed
manual what is there and what is missing. Native debian credo (save...)
is not a way on 770. If you try to desinstall iptables, you can't. It
has a mission. So, one who put it in the base could answer and add
parts to the system.
Not every person wants party on 770. Some wish libraries, till it's
not over.


maemo-developers mailing list

[maemo-developers] iptables question

2007-01-11 Thread Zoran Kolic
Does someone use iptables on 2.2006.39-14?


maemo-developers mailing list

[maemo-developers] Re: OS2006 roadmap

2007-01-11 Thread Zoran Kolic
  Also, there are some bugs left in the 770 OS which only Nokia can  
 fix (like rebooting every 5 minutes when using WPA for wireless)

I use wpa2 and aes with no reboot. 2.2006.39-14.
I don't see 770 as a bad device, for the same rea-
son someone see it like that. It could be trans-
formed into little linux box with all perl/python
scripts working flawlessly.


maemo-developers mailing list

[maemo-developers] Re: step by step tutorial for developing home applets

2007-01-09 Thread Zoran Kolic
 Is there a python howto for home applets

Oreilly books look the best choice to me. Programming
python exspecialy. Even inventor of the language made
fine tutorial in digital format.


maemo-developers mailing list

[maemo-developers] socat error

2007-01-06 Thread Zoran Kolic

Hi all!
Using socat, I try to connect to pop server on port 995. It
should support ssl encryption. So, I tried this:
  socat - openssl:server:995
Socat puts error message in SSL_connect() function. I have
libssl installed.
Have I missed something? This libssl with libssl-dev is part
of openssl. On man page it looks enough. Apt-get to openssl
failed, since no such app on the server.
What could I do to make encrypted conection on 770?
Best regards


maemo-developers mailing list

[maemo-developers] Re: gethostbyname() ?? Unable to become root

2007-01-03 Thread Zoran Kolic
 When I try to become root in an xterminal (sudo su -, or sudo gainroot) it 
 often fails and I end up with this error message.
 unable to lookup Nokia770-39 via gethostbyname()

I suspect you have changed hosts file.
For the very first line it should be new_box_name localhost
This new name should match hostname file.


maemo-developers mailing list

[maemo-developers] mount problem

2006-12-20 Thread Zoran Kolic
Hi all!
Sorry to post multiply on the same
I've found the solution for format
problem on os 2.2006.39-14. For
some reason, I did think I had mis-
tral. It is scirocco, and e2fsprogs
installed with apt-get, from maemo
repository. Mkfs.ext3 made it as I
Now, I cannot mount this partition.
The command get error:
mount -t ext3 /dev/mmcblk0p3 /media/depot
Nothing verbose. Permissions to depot
directory are 755, owner is user and
group first users, then root. Finaly,
I tried to load ext3 module. The path
is not known, since insmod looks in
/lib/modules directory.
Is there something I overlooked? I
could try to format the partition again,
but it doesn't look like culprit.
I think I have to add library path.
But what and where?
I'll post data if needed.
Best regards


maemo-developers mailing list

[maemo-developers] further formating (was: mmc, one more time)

2006-12-19 Thread Zoran Kolic
Hi all!
I'm proud to say that I survived
partitioning of mmc card with built
in sfdisk. Making vfat and swap
works like a charm. One thing stops
me: cannot install e2fsprogs.
Version 1.37 in repository.maemo.org/pool
is wrong, as error massage says. What
server should I put as source for it?
I could apt-get them, I could dpkg them,
just what to fetch?
And, curious; is it safe to delete di-
rectory MyDocs with all those files?
Best regards


maemo-developers mailing list

[maemo-developers] mmc, one more time

2006-12-16 Thread Zoran Kolic
This topic is crunched million times;
and I have stranded with repartition
on os 2006, believe it or not.
All docs look outdated, for os 2005.
Intention is to make vfat-swap-ext3
on rs-mmc. I've found mkswap and
mkfs.vfat on the gadget. Could manage
to connect 770 via usb to my bsd box
and use it's fdisk to make partitions.
But, no way to make ext3, since it
is not native bsd fs.
Have I missed an option, something like
mkfs -ext3 /dev/mmcblk0p3? Is cfdisk
(or fdisk) part of toolset at reposi-
I'd like to avoid using other computers
and os, if possible to do it as standalone.

Btw, the batery indicator shows my 770
is always full. Would be fine, but not
true, I think.

Best regards


maemo-developers mailing list

[maemo-developers] Re: Shutting down Hildon etc to run empty X serverand one app

2006-12-05 Thread Zoran Kolic
  Yes, something like this *might* be possible. I'm right now looking into
  similar hacks to get some kind of a kiosk-mode on one 770 I found laying
  around. I will write more about my findings bit later.
 It's entirely possible, but you have to disable the lifeguard reset.  I
 run bare X servers (or Xomap + matchbox) for testing all the time.

It'd be great.
Personaly, I would like to get rid
of graphical apps and replace them
with console based. (I know, none
will buy it in the store, looking
like that.)
Also, some kind of handbook (like
freebsd one) on current topics could
ease further posting to the list.
Best regards


maemo-developers mailing list