> That was my assumption also. I changed the occurances of use/users
> (one occurance of systemui/users) to root/root in the init scripts
> so I changed out all the references to /home/user to /home/root and
> made a symlink from /home/root to point to /root .... I then copied
> over (without overwrite) all the /home/user/.<stuff> over to root's
> home dir ....
> I'm booting as root now
> something onto the mameo wiki ... what say everyone?

What was the real reason for that? I second your wish for login option.
But, it is far away from all power root all the time. There exist programs
that cannot work as root. In case you don't go wireless, you could play as
you like, no harm. I envision troubles when particular app tries to fork
and finds wrong permission. Anyway, if you have fun, it's your playground.


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