Re: Decent PIM for the N8x0

2008-05-01 Thread Larry Battraw
On Thu, May 1, 2008 at 12:58 PM, Jonathan Markevich
 After that, it would be *nice to have* a few other things, but without them 
 it's still very workable.

 I have quite a few more suggestions for the calendar but I don't know where 
 to send them either.

Ditto!  I still can't believe how awkwardly the top line of Calendar
is formatted with the names of the days/months/years crushed together
on top of each other when there's a lot of free space to expand into.
I'd fix it if I had the slightest idea how the UI was put together
(Glade?).  Of all the bugs or features I've found this seems like the
simplest to fix and most glaring error.

I have a more general question for Maemo developers-- is there any way
short of writing/editing a rc2.d script to automatically start an
application upon restart/power on?  Without having Calendar started we
receive no alarms set within it.  It would be amazing if there was
some way to integrate the existing (humble but extremely robust) alarm
functionality in Maemo with GPE so the alarms would always go off and
alarms set in error (like the ones that go off a day after the real
alarm) would be more obvious since they could be seen in the Maemo
alarm list.

maemo-users mailing list

Re: GPE Google calendar

2008-04-01 Thread Larry Battraw
On Tue, Apr 1, 2008 at 12:39 PM, James Knott [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Is it possible to sync the GPE calendar with Google calendar?

Yes and no.  As mentioned, Erminig is the thing that will do it.  However,
there are some problems that I've run into that make it impossible for it to
fully sync sometimes.  It doesn't seem to handle repeating events well.
There are some notes about it but I can't remember exactly what causes it to
break.  It will simply hang in the middle of a sync, never finishing.  I've
done some digging but the GData API and the GPE calendar database interface
code is fairly complex and I believe the author no longer has time/interest
in working on it.  It's on my list of things to do since it's so critical to
be able to enter appointments on the desktop and have them present on the
tablet for alarms and reference.

There's a second option: using gpesyncd and opensync but I've not tried it
before and I belive it works with the Evolution Email/PIM software instead.
Just something to look for when trying to find a way to make it happen.  I
find it very disappointing that Nokia doesn't seem to care about such basic
and important functionality.  It adds value and makes the tablet much more
than just something that surfs the web 'Ok' and plays music/video fairly
well (Canola).  They don't seem to recognize that it's as important a
requirement for some of us as a touch-screen, Bluetooth, or Wi-fi.  If Palm
Pilots could do it over ten years ago, somehow we should be able to do it

maemo-users mailing list

Re: A2DP audio

2008-03-19 Thread Larry Battraw
On Wed, Mar 19, 2008 at 8:48 AM, Adam Parsons [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 While I'm in a posting frenzy at the moment (don't worry, I'll go quiet
 again soon), I'll ask another (probably silly) question, if I may.

 Has anyone found or got A2DP working with a Bluetooth stereo headset, yet?

Yes.  It's still got issues with breakups occasionally but kagu
supports it if you install mplayer and create a settings file for it
(mplayer).  You really need to do a search for A2DP on the forums for the full information on
setting it up and what to expect.  I ended up getting a Jabra A120S BT
A2DP transmitter which is small enough to plug in just about anywhere
and isn't too bulky or heavy to hang off the n800.  The breakups were
just too annoying whereas there are 0 breakups with the transmitter.

maemo-users mailing list

Re: Audio connection problem

2008-03-13 Thread Larry Battraw
On Thu, Mar 13, 2008 at 7:21 AM, David Hagood [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have found that running the N800 through a ground loop isolator helps 
 immensely - especially if you are charging the device as you use it.

  The Radio Shack ground loop isolator (RS #270-054) works well for this.

Yes, this is key.  The n800 will transmit noise via the headphone jack
if you are charging at the same time, particularly when charging from
something from something that can leak tiny amounts of AC current back
to the amplifier.  This is pretty much the case every time when
charging and connected to a AC-powered amplifier or even a DC amp
where you're using 120V inverter or 12V charger connected to the same
battery.  That's why it's minimized when using a tape adapter; there
is very little AC coupling between the tape read head and the tape
adapter.  Like the ground loop islolator, an audio transformer will do
the trick too (You'll need a 1:1 ratio on the windings).

Just my 2 cents-
maemo-users mailing list

Re: Audio connection problem

2008-03-13 Thread Larry Battraw
On Thu, Mar 13, 2008 at 1:42 PM, Mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am very familiar with the ground loop problem, and this is not
  related to that. Ground loop problems are a result of noise created by
  other devices, whereas this noise is created by the Nokia itself. It's
  also a completely different kind of noise - ground loops usually cause
  a whine (that varies with rpm's in a running vehicle), but this is a
  swishing white noise that seems to vary with the sound that the Nokia
  is playing. Also, no other devices, including my standalone mp3
  player, exhibit this noise when connected identically.

  The reason the cassette adapter works is not because of isolation but
  because of completely different power and impedance characteristics -
  it's a lot closer to headphones than to a line input.


We're obviously talking about different things.  Mine only occurs when
charging and is a pronounce alternating hum and buzz as the n800 draws
current and pauses (Easy to see on a charger w/a LED).  It stops the
second I remove the charger.  To demonstrate my point about the
coupling I've connected the n800 to a switch-mode charger connected to
batteries: it removes the noise completely.  I used the term
ground-loop because from the reference of the receiver your input has
a ground, particularly if it's hooked to a PC as mine is which has a
grounded output.  The charger is not grounded and so floats in
reference to the receiver except for the AC current induced by the
switching of the power supply and current to the n800, coupled via the
mains lines going to both the receiver and charger.  Hence the noise.
It doesn't necessarily fit the classic definition of a ground loop but
was the closest thing I could think of.

I'm puzzled by your description of low output levels.  If anything,
with both the speaker volume and the application volume up all the
way I have to turn it down a bit to avoid overdriving what I'm
connected to.  The only thing I can think of is that you're not
resetting the device volume to the maximum after plugging something
into the headphone jack since that drops the volume automatically a
fair bit.
I've hooked it to plain amplified speakers, a guitar effects box, a
cassette adapter, a Sony receiver, and myriad other devices with and
without inline volume controls.  I really don't think impedance has
anything to do with it; my receiver measures at around 100K ohms for
the inputs which is essentially infinite compared to the internal
speakers or headphones and works well outside the charger noise.  I
did have one thought: when you connect it to whatever amplifier you're
using have you tried using a 4-conductor audio plug?  I believe the
tip is powered (with a pull-up resistor) to support the headset
microphone and your plug might be partially contacting that, causing

maemo-users mailing list

libgpsbt and libgpsmgr debs/OS2008 2007.51-3

2008-03-12 Thread Larry Battraw
I managed to remove these packages by accident and I'm wondering: are
the deb packages available anywhere?  I looked around quite a bit but
couldn't find anything but older versions for OS2007 and so forth.
They seem to be free packages and so I'm puzzled why the binaries
wouldn't be available somewhere.

Larry Battraw
maemo-users mailing list

Re: N800 user unhappy with OS2008 upgrade -- are there others?

2008-02-28 Thread Larry Battraw
On Tue, Feb 26, 2008 at 2:12 PM, Norman Ramsey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I finally upgraded my N800 to OS2008 about a month ago.
  I've gotten used to the new look and feel, about which I'm mostly
  neutral, but otherwise it has been nothing like what I was promised:

   1. The RSS reader is no better able to handle a feed with a hundred
  entries; my favorite feed falls in this class.

I don't think the RSS reader will ever be a priority, unfortunately.
It's been tagged (as far as I can tell) as a low-importance toy app.
 That, and there are so many other high profile applications like the
browser and they only have so many staff.

   2. I get web browser crashes at least once a week.  I *never* had a
  crash under OS2007.

True.  Some of it can be attributed to the micro browser change from
Opera, but it is disappointing since I don't remember as many crashes
with microb in OS2007 either.

   3. I very frequently get inadvertent 'double-hits' when using the
  stylus with the touch screen.  These were rare events under OS2007.

This bug simply must be fixed.  It's a major regression over OS2007
and I thought my touch-screen had started to fail due to the glitches,
including double-taps when using the hardware buttons.

   4. If improvements have been made to the applications themselves (as
  opposed to the home screen), they are not readily visible to me.
  Image viewer still chokes on a directory with several hundred
  images, for example.

Overall I think the look is much more polished and appealing, although
I rarely use the Applications button and have launcher panel
installed for starting my important apps.  It seems faster as well
(For obvious reasons since the clock speed was increased).  I think
the improvements outweigh the problems significantly, especially once
you get familiar with the new way some things work.

   5. OK, one minor complaint about the look and feel: with the new fat
  menus, even using the stylus, I can only fit a few bookmark
  entries on the screen at one time.  A device like this benefits
  from a lot of bookmarks, but now screen real estate carries less
  information and bookmarks are therefore more work to find.

  I am really disappointed in this upgrade and in Nokia's general
  decision to keep the applications closed source.  The performance of
  the applications is a continual source of disappointment to me, but
  without access to the source code it is hard to see how to do better.

There should be an option for Classic or the new look as it really
can be a handicap if you have tons of things loaded.  Either way,
things like the launcher panel keep my sanity intact instead of
threading through nested folders to get to an application.
  I am aware of Nokia's reasons for keeping many applications closed
although I don't think they are helping themselves that much.  It sure
slows down clone makers but it also adds up to a slower, less
well-tested result.  I expect in the end other people will port/create
superior applications to replace the built-in ones.  I think Nokia is
banking on that to add value without cost to the platform.  As long as
they don't kill the Maemo platform through too-frequent hardware
releases that cut out older device users of OS updates the future is
bright and I can't wait to see what else comes of it.

maemo-users mailing list

Microb-based browser settings come from? (OS2008-latest N800)

2007-12-24 Thread Larry Battraw
I'm having a unusual problem where proxy settings from another defined
connection have permanently contaminated the settings written into
the prefs.js for the browser.  No matter what settings I choose for my
current connection it always writes in the proxy settings from a
former connection (I deleted it).  Normally I don't use a proxy so the
connection I've defined has the proxy settings blank and not set to
use a proxy.  Regardless, these other proxy settings are written into
the prefs.js, making it impossible to connect to any sites.  I've
tried installing privoxy and setting the proxy settings to as you would expect; it does nothing, the old proxy
settings from the former connection are written into prefs.js.  I've
hand-edited prefs.js (without the browser running), and used
about:config to manually blank the proxy settings.  Using about:config
works until I close the browser, whereupon those old proxy settings
are written back in.

Any clues where the proxy settings are coming from and how to get rid
of this behavior?  And yes, I did restore from a backup when upgrading
to the latest version of the OS.

maemo-users mailing list

Re: starting up.

2007-12-19 Thread Larry Battraw
On Dec 19, 2007 8:55 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've just ordered my first N800, and it should arrive in a few days.
 I've read this list enough to know that it will do the things I want it
 to do (and more) once I write a few minor applications for it.  I've
 been programming since the 60's, am a long-time Unix and emacs user, and
 am currently using Debian on several machines.  (I've started writing
 the crucial minor applications on a Debian system).

 My questions are:

 Where do I go to get started as an end-user of the N800? is the definitive resource for
general information and questions.

 Where do I go to get started as a programmer on the N800?  What's the
 recommended UI library? and there's really only one standard UI library,
which is a modified form of GTK called Hildon

 Software repositories for the N800 seem to be scattered among many
 sites.  Where should I look?  Is there an index somewhere?

 Is it possible to brick the N800 by flashing with a bad kernel?  Or
 does the N800 have a nonreflashable flasher?

No, you can't brick it (AFAIK) with a bad kernel; I've gotten it to a
state where the kernel wouldn't boot it but then the flasher utility
you use to install updates or rescue yourself can always restore a
broken kernel, using the one included in a standard OS image published

 Is it possible to ruggedize the N800?  I've already destroyed several
 Nokia cell phones and a Palm pilot by letting them drop out of
 my pocket onto the floor when I bend over.  (My Palm is still limping
 along with gratuitous blobs of orange pixels and uneven backlighting
 after several falls.  Kudos to the manufacturer!)

Do not wait, go and buy one of the silicone skins sold for it.  They
make it very slightly larger and the leg to prop it up will not come
out when it's on but it will make it virtually impossible to slide out
of your pocket.  I got mine off of eBay for around $3.00 plus $4.00
for shipping.  Here's an example (I believe this is similar or
identical to what I bought):

Have fun, and make sure you install OpenSSH server first thing to make
installation of packages and generally mucking around a lot easier!

maemo-users mailing list

Re: Proxy settings

2007-12-01 Thread Larry Battraw
You need to go to the Control Panel/Connectivity and select the
Connection button, edit it and click Advanced on the last screen to
locate the proxy settings for the built-in applications like the


On Dec 1, 2007 8:58 AM, Sascha Feldhorst [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am using a http/https proxy server with authentification in my home net .
 Does anyone know how to configure my applications (browser, packet manager)
 on my N800 for the use with the proxy? Using the environment variables
 http_proxy ?

 Best regards

 p.s.: I already installed xterm and gained root access, if this helps solving
 the problem.
 Cand. Inform. Sascha Feldhorst
 Universität Dortmund
 GPG Key ID: 0x1E9E26B5
 Key @ Keyserver

 maemo-users mailing list

maemo-users mailing list

Re: How is the N800 antenna implemented?

2007-07-30 Thread Larry Battraw
 Does anybody know how the antenna in the N800 headphones is implemented?
 Are they using the ground conductor as the antenna, are they using the two
 headphone lines as a dipole antenna, or what?

  Using the ground connector wouldn't really work since I believe it's
directly connected to system ground and wouldn't produce a net
difference in field strength.  When I last checked the ground
connector acted as a ground plane and one of the headphone wires
served as the actual antenna.  It doesn't work that well in practice
(in its stock configuration) simply because there's not enough
exposed/non-twisted-pair portion of the headphone wire pair to receive
a good signal (Only one wire/ground pair acts as the antenna and I
can't remember which right now).  Once you expose a few inches of the
heaphone wire from the ground sheath/pair it works very well as long
as you don't go crazy and expose so much antenna that it overloads the
RF frontend

 There are 2 reasons I ask: first, I'd like to be able to do a calibrated
 sensitivity check on the FM receiver, which means I need a proper RF
 interface to inject the signal from my sig-gen on. Secondly, I work in
 what can best be described as RF hell (as you might deduce by the fact
 that I have ready access to a calibrated RF sig-gen), and I'd like to be
 able to couple my external antenna drop into the N800.

I wouldn't do that if I were you.  Any time you connect something to
you and a external (out-door) antenna you're betting against the
possibility of a lightning strike, static discharge, accidentally
touching something live and becoming the shortest path to ground, or a
host of other unpleasant possibilities.  Stick with something cheaper
and purpose-built for listening to the radio on; you could even go for
one with a remote so you don't have to touch it every time you want to
adjust the volume or switch stations.

maemo-users mailing list

Re: RTCom - SIP Service

2007-07-20 Thread Larry Battraw
On 7/20/07, Marius Vollmer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 ext Larry Battraw [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

As an aside, has anyone had their Application manager break after
  trying to to install RTCom?  I managed to get RTCom installed manually
  via apt-get/dpkg but now whenever I run the Application manager the
  window will appear almost instantly, titled Application manager, and
  sit forever.

 That usually means that the backend process does not start up and the
 frontend is waiting for it to respond.  That's quite bad since you
 basically can't debug the situation without help from the frontend.
 It's a known bug that has been fixed in more recent versions of the

  Are these versions available in Sardine or somewhere else?

 The backend has quite low requirements for a successful startup.
 Usually, sudo has some problems.  Try this as user:

 $ sudo /usr/libexec/apt-worker
 apt-worker: wrong invocation

 If you see the error message wrong invocation from apt-worker, it
 has been started successfully.

  Yep, that is exactly what it printed, so no problem with the
/etc/sudoers file; I verified that by hand as well.
-r--r-1 root root 2316 Jul 19 09:02 /etc/sudoers

  Doing a strace results in the attached log

 Thanks for the strace!  It was only for maemo-invoker and not for the
 hildon-application-manager, but I appreciate the effort! :-) Debugging
 can be a bitch on the maemo platform... :)

  Sigh  :-)  I figured it was awfully short for what was getting
kicked off.   I did a copy of the root FS to the internal SD card to
boot from and now it works for whatever reason, regardless of whether
I boot from flash or SD.  Very strange.  I had already tried rebooting
before so I'm unsure of what has changed.

maemo-users mailing list

Re: RTCom - SIP Service

2007-07-19 Thread Larry Battraw

  As an aside, has anyone had their Application manager break after
trying to to install RTCom?  I managed to get RTCom installed manually
via apt-get/dpkg but now whenever I run the Application manager the
window will appear almost instantly, titled Application manager, and
sit forever.  It can only be killed, has no buttons or menus, and
clicking the window X waits a while before reporting it isn't
responding and offering to kill it.  Doing a strace results in the
attached log


Description: Binary data
maemo-users mailing list

Re: Status of SyncEvolution and PIM applications

2007-07-09 Thread Larry Battraw
On 7/9/07, Lars Persson Fink [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Everyone,

 Thanks very much for all your answers. I'll try to summarize them here
 to see if I got it all:

 1. What are the different PIM solutions available?
 GPE, Pimlico, Winzig and Opened-hand.

 2. What synchronization possibilities are available for them? What is
 their respective status?
 Erminig ( syncs GPE with
 Google Calendar.

Erminig is relatively new and has not received a lot of testing (from
what I can see).  I've used it several times so far and besides the
missing proxy support (which would come from one of the underlying
components it depends on) it seems to work well.


 4. What is the level of functionality of Erminig and OpenSync, do they
 sync addresses, todos and calendar items? Two-way, one-way?

I could never get OpenSync to work properly without crashing
Evolution.  Erminig seems to work well, and does a two-way sync,
critical for me, as well as supporting multiple calendars.  I may end
up trying to code in some proxy support because that would be a
killer app for me to be able to maintain my schedule in Google
Calendar and have a local, synced copy on the n800.

maemo-users mailing list

Re: Database Need

2007-07-01 Thread Larry Battraw

Totally agree.  On the Zaurus you had Java and it made it easier to bring
over some really great programs like HSQLDB and several others I can't
recall off-hand.  Some of the better ones were amazing and allowed
connections to real DBs like PostgreSQL, Oracle, etc.  They also allowed
for form design on the device to create your own Access-like DB applications
which were wonderful.  Not having some kind of generalized method for
storing structured data in DBs is really a weak point, and Java would fix
that quickly due the availability of so many Java DB apps out there.


On 6/29/07, Dr. Nicholas Shaw [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have need for a database (similar to MobileDB would be excellent).  I
SQLite3 but am looking for a Hildonized DB, e.g. something I don't have to
open a xterm window to use.

Any thoughts/ideas? I appreciate any help.  Right now I'm using gnumeric
many of my database needs and while it is adequate, it is a poor
for a small DB.

maemo-users mailing list

Re: My two applications for the N800

2007-06-10 Thread Larry Battraw
On 6/7/07, David Hautbois [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I developed two python applications for the N800

 2 - Erminig
 A python application to sync GPE Calendar and Google Calendar.
 Features :
 Two ways sync
 recurrent events an exceptions supported
 add/modify/delete events

 Be careful and test this application with test calendars.
 Bad and good feedbacks are welcome.


Thanks for such a useful and much-needed application!!  It worked well
for me-- a first since Google seems to have changed the format GPE

maemo-users mailing list

Re: happy birthday maemo!

2007-05-25 Thread Larry Battraw

On 5/25/07, Ferenc Szekely [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


We launched maemo exactly two years ago. Happy birthday!


 And what better way to celebrate a birthday than with a few presents?  New
firmware, bluetooth headset support, USB host support; I'm sure there are
quite a gifts the community would love to receive (though may not
necessarily get).  The question is, what can we give to Maemo in return?

maemo-users mailing list

Re: SDHC 8G support

2007-04-08 Thread Larry Battraw

On 4/8/07, Phillip N. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

El dom, 25-03-2007 a las 17:40 +0100, Neil MacLeod escribió:

Hi maemos!..

Finally got my n800 up and running..  wohoo!!

i flashed the kernel of OS2007, with this image:

and now the SDHC 8G Sandisk UltraII stick is recognized..

but look:

/dev/mmcblk1p13.8G 84.8M  3.7G   2% /media/mmc1

its showing just 4G.

Well.. you can see i have only 89MB in it, but soon i will move part of
my music collection there.. so, i would deifnitly apreceate to use
thouse extra 4G memory..

Have anyone got 8G running?

 I do, as well as several others.  Once your n800 recognizes your
SDHC card you're ready to go-- almost :-)  You need to format the card
and only a PC (Windows/Linux/whatever) can do it right since the
format utility on the n800 will only format it to 4GB.  Connect your
n800 to a PC and format the card this way or just use a card reader
connected to a PC.

maemo-users mailing list

Re: kind of off-topic, but not completely: some questions about the N800

2007-04-02 Thread Larry Battraw

On 4/2/07, andrei raevsky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Dear friends,

I have just acquired the N800 and I love it.  I do have a number of
questions about it which are not really maemo-related, but since this list
is one of well-informed N770/N800 users I thought I might at well ask here.

 First off, you might want to flash the the latest version of the
firmware (v3.2007.10-7) as I can pretty much guarantee you don't have
it.  It will likely help with potential problems that crop up.  You
can get the windows install here:

1) Xterm: I have installed xterm and even got myself a root password (using
dropbear ssh).  However, this is no the Bash shell I am used to and the
commands do not have man or info pages.  Where can I find some documentation
on this shell's usage?  And one small thing: show do I scroll up numerous
pages (like to examine the contents of a 'netstat' command)?  BTW - when I
do netstat|less I get a warning that this terminal is not fully
functional.  Any ideas as to what that means?

 Not really anything to worry about, and you might want to try more.

2) Batteries: Nokia's documentation says that once the batteries are charged
the unit should be disconnected (same thing for my Nokia phone, BTW).  So
does that mean that overnight recharge is not an option?  Can/should I run
the unit without a battery inside when/if I can?  The battery life of the
unit (and of my Nokia phone) is, alas, rather short.  Has anyone tried
purchasing a non-Nokia battery for cheaper and possibly with a longer
battery life?

 The notice about disconnecting is from an older era in batteries and
is no longer applicable.  You can't run without a battery inside.
It's really just gambling with your tablet to use non-Nokia batteries;
some do it with success but it seems like battery life is not as much
as you'd expect.

3) I have installed mplayer.  Both the original media player and mplayer
tend to make the unit freeze (with the sound track still running) has anyone
come up with a solution for this

 Make sure you have the latest mplayer and firmware installed and it
should work; make sure the resolution of the video and bitrate is low
enough.  See and search for mplayer
for lengthy discussions on this.

4) I have installed a lot of small files on the internal 2GB card and ever
since  see the unit doing refreshing very often and for a long while.  Is
there any way to make this better.

You can disable metalayer-crawler0 but as mentioned, the later
firmware may help.

5) on bootup I notice (with a CPU monitoring applet) that the CPU is working
at full blast.  I did a top in xterm to see who was taking so much CPU
power and I found out that the culprit is 'metalayer-c'.  Any idea of who
that is and why this happens?

See #4

6) has anyone succeeded in installing a firewall on the N800?  I could, of
course, write a small script for iptables but its just not convenient to
access the root account with ssh each time then run the ipables script.  Any
better ideas?

There's no need for a firewall since there are no ports open to
exploit.  Windows machines need firewalls, not Linux tablets :-)

7) is there a car charger for the N800?

 It's possible to use a car charger intended for a Nokia phone with
the same (small) power tip as opposed to the older 3.5mm size.  It's
also possible to purchase an adapter to convert the larger tip to the
smaller type used by the n800.

Ok. that's about it.  Sorry for the non-maemo linked questions  many thanks
for any pointers,


 No problem.

maemo-users mailing list

Re: Javascript inconsistencies in Opera after firmware

2007-03-26 Thread Larry Battraw

On 3/26/07, Marius Gedminas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Mon, Mar 26, 2007 at 07:44:14AM -0600, Tim wrote:
 Arg. I found it. :-/ (It must have been really late when I check ed
 the last time!)
  But, it is enabled and I'm still having the issues (and, as I said,
 I wasn't before the firmware upgrade).
  If you have a second to check in Minimo and in
 Opera, you'll see what I'm talking about.

I don't know what your Javascript is supposed to do.  If you mean the
nice sliding effects when you click on Categories/Archives, then Opera
on my N800 does that (OS2007.3).

Marius Gedminas
Go not unto the Usenet for advice, for you will be told both yea and nay
quite a few things that just have nothing at all to do with the question).

maemo-users mailing list

Re: python on v3

2007-03-24 Thread Larry Battraw

On 3/24/07, Jonathan Greene [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I am unable to install python runtime (2.5) on my n800 which makes it
impossible to get gpodder going.  Anyone else have any luck?

 I had no problems (I did it from the command line), although I
discovered gpodder ignores the download path given.

maemo-users mailing list

Re: python on v3

2007-03-24 Thread Larry Battraw

 Try: apt-get install python2.5-hildon gpodder

You'll need to do it as root of course.  That should pull down the
python runtime and everything needed for gpodder itself.  I've
included my over-sized /etc/apt/sources.list as well in case you need
part of it for reference.


#maemo:name Maemo Repo
deb bora free non-free
#maemo:name Maemo Mapper
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On 3/24/07, Jonathan Greene [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

What's the command?  I'll give that a whirl...


On 3/24/07, Larry Battraw [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 3/24/07, Jonathan Greene [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I am unable to install python runtime (2.5) on my n800 which makes it
  impossible to get gpodder going.  Anyone else have any luck?

   I had no problems (I did it from the command line), although I
 discovered gpodder ignores the download path given.


maemo-users mailing list

Re: [ANN] Simple Launcher -- Home applet to launch your apps

2007-03-23 Thread Larry Battraw

On 3/23/07, Mikhail Sobolev [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Yesterday I made the first public release of simple-launcher.  It's a
home applet that shows icons of often used applications: you click and
the application starts :)

[Some] known limitations (that's why it's 0.9 :)):
  * there's no infobanner when the application is started
  * if the application is already started, it's not brought up (for the
user it looks like nothing happened)

The package is available at

 VERY nice!  I hate having to open the menu, go to extras, and _then_
scroll through everything I have installed.  Having launchable icons
on the desktop should have been present from day one.  It's something
everyone understands-- click the icon and voila!  The program starts.
It's great in moderation, and having your launcher is perfect; I was
even more excited to see you could put multiple programs in there,
having assumed it was for a single one.  Most of the home applets are
so simplistic my expectations were low I suppose.  My only feature
request is for a default icon for programs like minimo that don't
provide one.

maemo-users mailing list

Re: Does a full size (desktop) Bluetooth keyboard work with N800?

2007-03-19 Thread Larry Battraw

On 3/19/07, Tom Karches [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Has anyone tried using a full size keyboard with the N800?

Like this Dell one (I don't care about the mouse...) :


 As long as it's a ordinary BT keyboard without a special driver it
will work.  I have a Microsoft Wireless Optical Desktop BT keyboard
that works great and tickles me to no end to use with a Linux device

maemo-users mailing list

Re: First release of maemo port of Claws Mail

2007-03-17 Thread Larry Battraw

 Has anyone had luck using POP3 for gmail with this client?  I always
get a connection error.


On 3/16/07, Jean-Luc Biord [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Claws Mail, (formerly known as Sylpheed-Claws), is a GTK+-based e-mail
client and news client for Linux, forked from Sylpheed in April 2001. It
was initially the bleeding-edge testbed for new Sylpheed features, but
evolved enough to now be a completely separate program.

maemo-users mailing list

Re: N800 and USB host mode

2007-03-06 Thread Larry Battraw

On 3/5/07, Michael Wiktowy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 3/5/07, Larry Battraw [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I understand
 that better support may be forthcoming, but that would be part of a
 new kernel or a back-port of the fixes.

The Nokia folks seem to be strangely silent on the whole USB host
thing. Maybe they are not wanting to implicate themselves in a power
injection hack that could damage your tablet. That would explain why
they took out the vital bits from the kernel.

I didn't see USB host support on the roadmap so I don't hold out much
hope for the fixing of what I would consider a major regression of the
N800 functionality vs. the 770. Nokia has surprised us with bigger
easter eggs though.

I would appreciate some clarification from Nokia whether this
functionality will return or if it was removed intentionally.


 There was never a removal of the functionality since this is a new
chipset and support for it was not available for it (AFAIK) in the
kernel until recently.  I tried it out and it's pretty rough in (the
current kernel version) 2.6.18; it would crash very quickly after
booting up and I couldn't get it to actually do anything as far as
host-mode is concerned.  So no conspiracy, just no working code :-)  I
expect as support firms up we'll see it made available on the n800,
particularly if people are interested enough to help out.  A
roadmap/wishlist for changes to the platform is being created so this
would definitely be a candidate for the list.

maemo-users mailing list

Re: Bluetooth mouse.

2007-03-06 Thread Larry Battraw

On 3/5/07, Daniel Stone [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Try -mouse ps2,/dev/input/mice.  Of course, you still won't get a

(OS2007 can find a mouse just fine, in theory, if you tell it to.
OS2006 can't.)


 Thanks for the tip.  I've compiled xsetroot so I just use the
cursor_name to set one.  The options  you've given don't seem to work
so I guess there's more to it.  I've verified /dev/input/mice is
receiving mouse data.

maemo-users mailing list

Re: N800 and USB host mode

2007-03-06 Thread Larry Battraw

 I believe what you're looking for is here:  There's a _huge_ list of
wishes for improvements elsewhere, but the roadmap is closer to
reality in terms of what might be implemented.  I believe the plan is
to flesh it out as far as who's running any particular project,
whether they're Nokia or not, current status, etc.  Searching the dev
list for roadmap will get you the details.


On 3/6/07, Michael Wiktowy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 3/6/07, Larry Battraw [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   There was never a removal of the functionality since this is a new
 chipset and support for it was not available for it (AFAIK) in the
 kernel until recently.  I tried it out and it's pretty rough in (the
 current kernel version) 2.6.18; it would crash very quickly after
 booting up and I couldn't get it to actually do anything as far as
 host-mode is concerned.  So no conspiracy, just no working code :-)  I
 expect as support firms up we'll see it made available on the n800,
 particularly if people are interested enough to help out.  A
 roadmap/wishlist for changes to the platform is being created so this
 would definitely be a candidate for the list.

That makes complete sense, thanks for the info. I did notice another
related thread after I posted this giving me some hope.

The absence of facts invites speculation. I wasn't speculating that
there was a great Nokia conspiracy to deny us USB-hosting. I was
speculating that one of the reasons could have been legitimate
aversion to liability.

One thing that should go on this wishlist is a link from every item to
a separate page where there are reasons why a particular wishlist item
isn't implemented yet and specific requests for community help. I
think there is a lot of FOSS people not knowing what Nokia is already
doing in-house and not knowing what to sink their teeth into that will
end up being made redundant before they are done. A little note for
each item saying something like Nokia internal is not working on this
currently or  this work is being done upstream at this URL or this
work is waiting on x project to get their act in gear and support
function y.

I saw this new roadmap at one point but lost the link to it (the old
Maemo roadmap link is horribly outdated). Can someone point the way to


maemo-users mailing list

Re: N800 and USB host mode

2007-03-05 Thread Larry Battraw

On 3/5/07, Paul Klapperich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 3/5/07, Jeff G [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   just run flasher to see its options and your question is answered ;-)
   i think it was --enable-usb-host or something like that

 Can you do that (turn on USB-Host mode) without re-flashing the device?

Yes. You use the flasher utility, but you can set flags (host mode, dev
mode, etc) without uploading a new firmware. Just don't include the switches
for the firmware upload when you use the other options.

 Just a reminder that as of now USB host mode is still not
functional.  From what I've heard the support is disabled in the
kernel, likely because it's not mature enough to enable.  I understand
that better support may be forthcoming, but that would be part of a
new kernel or a back-port of the fixes.

maemo-users mailing list

Re: [maemo-users] suggestion for next Nokia tablet

2007-02-12 Thread Larry Battraw

On 2/12/07, Paul Klapperich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Handspring Visors used to have scrollwheels way back before Palm bought them
back up. That was at or before Blackberrys were gaining traction. Handera
Palm OS products had them, too, I think.


 I believe you're thinking of the Sony Palm handhelds, although I
believe you're correct about the Handera verions.  I owned one of the
original Handspring Visors and it had exactly the same number of
buttons as a Palm and no scroll wheel.  I owned a Sony T415 (Palm OS)
which had a scroll-wheel as well as the dubious distinction of having
the worst-designed buttons of any device I've owned, bar none.  They
were _extremely_ small, with narrow ridges projecting upward that were
supposed to look cool.  The up/down toggle switch was so narrow you
had to grab it with a fingernail to reliably move it.

maemo-users mailing list

Re: [maemo-users] Re: Two power management settings

2007-02-12 Thread Larry Battraw

On 2/12/07, Neil MacLeod [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Larry Battraw wrote:
  Any battery/cell [1] can be overcharged, particularly Lithiums as
 they cannot tolerate overcharge without potentially dire consequences.

I thought Lithium cells came with protection circuits to prevent over charging?

 It depends ;-)  I've purchased bare 18650 lithium cells without
protection circuits, and I know laptop batteries generally have
circuits,  no idea about the BP-5Ls the Nokia tablets use.  When I was
talking about lithium cells not being able to tolerate overcharge I
was talking about the bare cells themselves-- not as part of a
finished assembly like the BP-5L.

maemo-users mailing list

Re: [maemo-users] Re: Two power management settings

2007-02-11 Thread Larry Battraw

On 2/11/07, Neil MacLeod [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Neil MacLeod wrote:
 I also don't think it's possible to overcharge Li-Ion batteries these
 days (unless they're made by Sony). :)

Oops, the BP-5L battery in the N800/770 is a Lithium Polymer design - I'm 
fairly confident these also can't be overcharged but not 100% sure...

 Any battery/cell [1] can be overcharged, particularly Lithiums as
they cannot tolerate overcharge without potentially dire consequences.
Obviously the cell must be correctly made so it accepts the proper
amount of charge without destroying itself (amid other things), as was
the case with the Sony batteries.  The charger must precisely charge
it to the correct voltage and then completely cease charging;
self-discharge is negligible and there is no need (and no tolerance)
for trickle charging like Nickel-based cells.  So no, it doesn't
trickle charge, and to the best of my knowledge it runs completely off
of AC during charging as well as when the cell is completely charged.
Trying to charge the cell and draw power from it at the same time
would complicate things quite a bit since the voltage would be
fluctuating rapidly as it charged and the device drew power at
different levels.


1. A battery is comprised of more than one cell
maemo-users mailing list

Re: [maemo-users] N800 doesn't charge that well

2007-02-10 Thread Larry Battraw

On 2/9/07, Kahlil Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have a N770 and an N800, I have had issues where I leave the N800
charging with the N770 cable and it doesnt charge at all. It doesnt
loose power but it doesnt increase it either.

When I plug it in, I am able to see the charging icon but when I
unplug it, I see that the bars are still on the same position.

Anyone has been in this situation?

 I haven't personally seen it-- I use both chargers interchangeably,
but I've heard of one person that couldn't use the 770 charger with
their n800 at all.  To the best of my knowledge the chargers are
identical so I'm not sure why this should be the case unless there was
something wrong with the charger.  If you plug in your n800 to the
n800 charger does it proceed to charge normally if you switch chargers
after seeing this behavior?

maemo-users mailing list

Re: [maemo-users] Two power management settings (was: FM Radio - suggestions)

2007-02-10 Thread Larry Battraw

On 2/10/07, Neil MacLeod [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Jon Smirl wrote:
 Is the N800 smart enough to know when it is on AC and not blank the
 display? The N770 didn't appear to have this feature. The clock could
 be set as a screen saver when on AC power.

I think it's a mistake that there is only one set of power management timeouts 
- there should be separate timeouts for battery and AC power.

With two power management settings you would specify much longer dim and 
blanking screen timeout values (perhaps even infinite) when the device is on AC 
power, but specify short values (perhaps 2 and 5 minutes) when on battery power.

 The 770/n800 both know perfectly well when they're on AC or being
charged.  Having different behaviors would make sense; the Zaurus SL
series did this.  I'm guessing it's mostly a situation where there are
too many things to work on and too few hands to work on it!  :-)
Anyway, if it's important enough perhaps someone should submit a RFE;
I'm less concerned about it than system bugs and USB host, for

maemo-users mailing list

Re: [maemo-users] RSS News Reader application only shows a few articles

2007-02-03 Thread Larry Battraw

On 2/2/07, Paul Klapperich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

It seems to me that if you open a feed that all of the items are marked as
read unless you tick the save for later, even if you don't scroll the
whole thing. On the next refresh, all read items are not displayed. Very
annoying design choice.


 Agreed.  At the minimum there should be an option for how many
articles to keep in view at any time.  Set it for 20 and next time it
refreshes if there are 3 new articles it will show them + 17 old
articles.  Currently it's a joke if your refresh interval is very
often, especially if there are few articles being posted.

maemo-users mailing list

Re: [maemo-users] Re: Charge from a USB port.

2007-02-01 Thread Larry Battraw

On 2/1/07, Simon Moore [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

No we just chopped the end off the nokia charger and soldered to a
USB lead.  I was unable to source the correct size power plug from
Maplin or anywhere else it is smaller than the smallest hence the chopping


 Does this actually work?  The 770/n800 need current-limited power,
and I would think the direct USB connection would feed it too much
current.  Too much current and the 770 will refuse to charge or
possibly damage it.  I bought a USB phone charger adapter and soldered
a nokia phone plug onto it.  The USB phone adapter boosts the voltage
to 6 volts and limits the current as well.  It looks very similar to
the Nokia one except it has a female USB plug on the other side (to
plug phone adapter plugs into).  Works pretty well but doesn't seem to
charge as fast as the standard AC adapter the 770/n800 ships with.

maemo-users mailing list

Re: [maemo-users] Re: N800: virtual memory

2007-01-30 Thread Larry Battraw

 Sorry, my mistake.  It's actually xD (and SmartMedia), not microSD.


On 1/29/07, Gopi Flaherty [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Jan 29, 2007, at 8:54 PM, Larry Battraw wrote:

 spares.  The only cards I know of that don't are microSD (TransFlash),
 and SmartMedia.  In those cases software or the chipset for the
 interface may need to take care of it.

Are you certain about that? Can't you get cheap little microSD to SD
adaptors? I thought the point of microSD and miniSD was that they
used the same interface as SD, letting you add them without any real
extra effort.

maemo-users mailing list

Re: [maemo-users] SDHC - 4BG?

2007-01-29 Thread Larry Battraw

On 1/29/07, Jonathan Greene [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Do you have to do anything special for the 4GB cards to work?  There's
a radioshack within striking distance and they have Sandisk cards in
stock... :)

 I might suggest visiting before making any decisions.
Last I checked they had several SD (not SDHC) 4GB cards for around

maemo-users mailing list

Re: [maemo-users] Re: N800: virtual memory

2007-01-29 Thread Larry Battraw

On 1/29/07, Danny Milosavljevic [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


On Thu, 25 Jan 2007 20:06:42 -0500, Larry Battraw wrote:
 From my limited experience, VM helps when you're opening several
 applications/windows, particularly web pages.  Without out it things
 may start disappearing when you run low on memory as you might expect.
  It's definitely much better than the 770 without VM, but I don't see
 a reason to avoid VM in the first place.

How good is wear leveling on the SD cards?
Does it pose a problem when using it for swap? (after all, the swap would be on 
a limited, fixed are of the card, and would be updated rather often)

SD and CF cards all do automatic wear-leveling, regardless of what
files are being used for any particular logical sectors of the card.
It's invisible from the OS level and is somewhat similar to the way
that hard drives transparently remap bad sectors from a reserve of
spares.  The only cards I know of that don't are microSD (TransFlash),
and SmartMedia.  In those cases software or the chipset for the
interface may need to take care of it.

maemo-users mailing list

Re: [maemo-users] JAVA for the 770

2007-01-26 Thread Larry Battraw

On 1/26/07, sebastian maemo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Wahlau:


So you run your pre-installed browser (that is an Opera version), and go to
the webpage. You don't need to install anything. If you wait
a few seconds for the webpage to download, you'll see the typical map view
and even satellite or hybrid view if you like.

I think we may have a misunderstanding here.  Google Maps is based on
JavaScript --no relation to Java-- and works without a JVM.  I have a
770 that has been freshly flashed which shows Google Maps just fine.

maemo-users mailing list

Re: brightness Re: [maemo-users] Re: Storage/Sleep Issues..

2007-01-25 Thread Larry Battraw

On 1/25/07, Andrew Flegg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 1/25/07, Igor Stoppa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Here we are really talking of being able to charge the battery outside
 its safety ranges.

 Given the right knowlege it is possible cause do phisical damage to the
 device and the user.

No, we're talking about finding out how much the battery is being
used. This is obviously of benefit to end users without accurate

On Thu, 2007-01-25 at 13:08 +0100, ext Frantisek Dufka wrote:
 I meant way to get discharge current from battery circuit to know what
 is actual consumption of the device and how big is the influence of
 various parts.

End-users being able to know if something's (albeit not exactly what)
is driving the battery consumption through the roof would be of
immeasurable benefit, especially since the N800 is pushed as an always
on device.

 Something like a CPU meter but for wattage consumed at any given
point would be great.  Even just the raw battery voltage would be
nice, although having the estimate on battery life is at least an
improvement in IT2007.
 As an aside, you need a fairly sophisticated meter to measure the
current-- it's not like you can pick up a $30 meter and expect to get
good readings.  The 770 and n800 consume current in large bursts and
if the internal resistance of the meter is too high (i.e. when set to
read mA) the device won't run.  I had to use a 4-wire ratio-resistance
method with a resistor (piece of thin wire actually) around 50/1000
of a ohm, hooked to a desktop 6.5 digit DVM.

 If anyone has some tests for power consumption they needd I can run
them, within limits of course.

maemo-users mailing list

Re: [maemo-users] gcc compiler suite, linker, and make for ARM on ITOS2006

2007-01-23 Thread Larry Battraw

On 1/23/07, Paule Ecimovic [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi, Larry

Thanks for this link to the Maemo 2.1 SDK. This is full of useful
programming examples, although I am looking for gcc to run from the Nokia
770 itself from within an osso-xterm in order to be able to compile, link,
and run programs right from and on the device, just like on a desktop linux
box. I would like to skip the external linux box though.


Oops, my mistake!  However, with the SDK it's relatively
straightforward to build an ARM executable of gcc, the binutils, and
glibc.  That said, it's very time-consuming and may be a bit confusing
for someone else who hasn't done it before.  It looks like there's a
native build of the toolchain here, so you may want to check it out:

maemo-users mailing list

Re: [maemo-users] Anyone tested bluetooth Frogpad yet?

2007-01-22 Thread Larry Battraw

On 1/17/07, Andrew Turner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Jan 17, 2007, at 11:01 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Anyone tested bluetooth Frogpad yet?
I am a right-hander that picked up a left-hand frogpad for the purpose of
being able to use a mouse, or pen in my right hand while using the frogpad
in the left. It works really well, though I am still getting up to a decent
typing speed on the Frogpad.

I even use the FrogPad on both my Nokia 770 and my 6600 mobile.

 What kind of learning curve did you experience?  I'm looking at
getting one and wanted to make sure it was usable with a little
effort.  After x months of using it what are you up to in terms of

maemo-users mailing list

Re: [maemo-users] Storage/Sleep Issues..

2007-01-20 Thread Larry Battraw

On 1/19/07, John P. Mitchell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 How does one sleep the N800 or is it required? I have been just
stuffing it in the sleeve, but sometimes it comes back out lit up. I
wonder if I am using battery that I could save.

 Try hitting the power button and selecting lock touch screen and
keys.  Otherwise it's definitely going to turn the screen on every
time it's bumped.

maemo-users mailing list

Re: [maemo-users] Bluetooth keyboard

2006-10-12 Thread Larry Battraw

On 10/12/06, Willie McKemie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thanks for the response!

  First off, you'll need to pair it with the 770.  My MS keyboard has
 a small, recessed button that initiates pairing.  It won't be visible

Is that the key in the upper right, labeled Sleep?  That one gives me
no satisfaction.

 Perhaps I should have been more specific.  The button is on the
bottom (underside) of the keyboard and is labeled Connect Channel.
It's closest to the F Lock key, but on the other side as mentioned.

How does one tell when the keyboard batteries are exhausted?  I have
found no power on switch or indicator.

 The only way I've been able to tell is when it stops sending data
and you might be able to scan for it but not able to pair with it.

maemo-users mailing list

Re: [maemo-users] USB Flash Drive

2006-09-15 Thread Larry Battraw

 What you're seeing is symptomatic of having switched the 770 to host
mode via the echo host  /sys/devices/platform/tahvo-usb/otg_mode
method.  I have never gotten my 770 to work as a host this way, and
it's sad that this is actually given as an alternative to using the
flasher program because it doesn't seem to work.  At one point I had
my 770 set to host mode (via the flasher method) and had modified one
of the init scripts to set it back to slave mode via echo slave 
/sys/devices/platform/tahvo-usb/otg_mode.  After that echo host 
/sys/devices/platform/tahvo-usb/otg_mode would make it switch back to
host mode successfully, allowing it to be done on-the-fly.  Not sure
why doing it from the default slave mode doesn't work.
 Once you have host mode working you'll see info about your USB drive
appear and a device created (Usually /dev/sda1) that you can mount.



I have been able to switch the 770 usb to host mode and then I connected a
usb flash drive to the usb port of the 770. I am injecting the required 5v
to the flash drive and the 770.

I see the following messages in dmesg:
[68094.508758] USB cable connected
[68095.097320] g_file_storage gadget: File-backed Storage Gadget, version:
20 October 2004
[68095.097412] g_file_storage gadget: Number of LUNs=1
[68095.097503] g_file_storage gadget-lun0: ro=0, file: /dev/mmcblk0

What do I need to do to actually mount the external flash drive?

maemo-users mailing list

maemo-users mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] RE: [maemo-users] Future features for Maemo Desktop (Task Navigator, Home, Status bar)?

2006-08-18 Thread Larry Battraw



Thanks for your feature proposals for Maemo Desktop so far.
I'll be collecting them next week, so please keep posting them over the

 Hi Karoliina,

I would really enjoy seeing (As others have described) to be able to
have an arbitrary number of icons for the task bar and status bar,
perhaps with arrows to scroll through them.  Ditto on the idea to have
icons on the desktop/home screen to start applications.  First-class
support for keyboards is important so that it's not something that
mostly works and is an afterthought.  Things like the ability to set
the key repeat rate and a icon indicating a keyboard is detected on
the status bus, etc.
 Finally, it would be great to have a context menu for application
icons (that are running) on the taskbar to minimize, restore, go
full-screen, and close.

Larry Battraw
maemo-users mailing list

Re: [maemo-users] Check battery level

2006-08-18 Thread Larry Battraw

Somebody knows how to do it but a message or attachment is missing:

[maemo-users] Check battery level
carles.bruguera carles.bruguera at
Thu Aug 10 21:09:56 EEST 2006

   * Previous message: [maemo-users] Upgrade to OS 2006 Edition with
a Linux Host
   * Next message: [maemo-users] Granule (flashcards) IT2006 port available
   * Messages sorted by: [ date ] [ thread ] [ subject ] [ author ]


That's what i was searching.

have you tried to check value just in the moment the visual indicator
changes from 4 bars to 3, 3 to 2 and so on, to check the teoretical
75,50, and 25 % ob the battery?

Maybe with a litttle bit of patience i'll do it :)

En/na Matan Ziv-Av ha escrit:

You can read the raw analog battery level by running the attached
program (value returned in HEX):

./retu-adc 2 3

How to reasonably convert the value to percents is still an open
question. I use the followin function:

int batt_raw_to_pc( int r) {
   /* Linear, for now */
   if(r=550) return 100;
   if(r=500) return (r+450)/10;
   if(r300) return 0;
   return (r-300)*96/200;

On 8/18/06, Ian Malcom [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I've been trying to figure out the battery power level
programmatically for weeks now :( Would it be possible
for someone to post the source of the program that
does this?

Thanks a lot!!

maemo-users mailing list

Re: [maemo-users] Re: [maemo-developers] Future features for Maemo Desktop (Task Navigator, Home, Status bar)?

2006-08-18 Thread Larry Battraw

On 8/18/06, Marius Gedminas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Fri, Aug 18, 2006 at 08:15:12PM +0300, Igor Stoppa wrote:
 Done already, check the power management and drivers code. Next?


By the way, I remember hearing somewhere that in OS2005 if you had the
audio player open and paused, the device would not enter into a full
power savings mode and would drain the battery faster.  Is this fixed in

Marius Gedminas

 I can't say authoritatively if it is, but my experience is that it
has been partially fixed.  Before if you even had the audio player
open it would drain your battery.  Now you can leave it open without
problems, but you must not leave it paused to avoid battery drain.

maemo-users mailing list

Re: Fwd: [maemo-users] Problems with audio-playback since IT2006 update

2006-08-15 Thread Larry Battraw

 I notice the skips tend to be right after launching the player and
starting playback of a large playlist.  They coincide with the reading
of all files in the playlist for length which maxes out the CPU until
all the files are read.  Ditto on the bizarre attempts to connect to
the network when a playlist file is missing.  Very annoying if you've
moved things and the entire playlist is composed of missing files
since regardless of being in online/offline mode you'll get dialog
boxes and errors.


On 8/15/06, Marius Gedminas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Mon, Aug 14, 2006 at 06:55:36PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Since I updated to IT2006 audio playback is often very distorted. It
  happens from time to time, sometimes it goes away, sometimes I have to
  turn the device on/off to make it working again.
  It sounds more or less like MP3 at very low quality modes (32kbps or so).
  Has anybody else seen this behaviour, and has already a bug report filed?

 However I can confirm your experiences with mp3 playback (also streams).
 It often occurs when the n770 is under heavy io-load. The skips are annoying.

I haven't heard anything as weird as Clement described, but I get skips.
OS2005: no skips.  OS2006: same set of mp3 files on the MMC card, I get
skips.  The CPU seems to be 100% used during audio play (according to
the oss-statusbar-cpu graph), don't know for, but it probably causes
those skips.

Another funny thing with the audio player: if you remove a file from the
filesystem, but leave it in the playlist, the audio player will try to
connect to the Internet.

Marius Gedminas

maemo-users mailing list

Re: [maemo-users] gnumeric for ITOS2006 huge size

2006-08-08 Thread Larry Battraw

 Well, it is a first release and by nature isn't optimized.  I'm sure
it will slim down a bit given time.  FYI the actual resident size on
the 770 is about 12M, not 30 as the installer indicates.


On 8/8/06, Armin M. Warda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


gnumeric for ITOS2006 requires
- 9MB download size
- 30MB space on the N770

any chance to reduce these huge requirement?

  regards, Armin.

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Re: [maemo-users] 2G mmc with 2006

2006-06-30 Thread Larry Battraw
A patch for the problem has already been created. I would be a little surprised if the patch wasn't included in the final IT2006 release kernel. The beta release definitely did not have the patch so it was necessary to download and flash the updated kernel image.
Larry On 6/30/06, George Farris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On Fri, 2006-30-06 at 23:10 +0300, Marius Gedminas wrote: On Fri, Jun 30, 2006 at 01:07:20PM -0700, George Farris wrote:   Nokia published the final release of the 2006 Software Edition. The   image is available at . Cool.   Anyone tried a 2G mmc card with 2006 yet?If so does it work?
 Someone on forums mentioned that it doesn't: man that's a real piss off if it can't handle large cards.I was really hoping this would be solved, lets hope there is an update
coming...Nokia, comments?
maemo-users mailing list

Re: [maemo-users] 2006beta: invisible emails

2006-06-28 Thread Larry Battraw
Is there a location that the patched kernel image can be downloaded from? I've noticed frequent reboots when accessing heavy web pages (Specifically and would like to see if it helps.
LarryOn 6/28/06, Kimmo Hämäläinen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On Wed, 2006-06-28 at 10:02, ext Laurent MARTIN wrote:... After all I found that this beta is definitely... a beta! maybe too buggy for a normal user. My Nokia freezes and reboots more than 5
 times per hour when browsing the web or reading emails. This maybe due to something wrong with my configuration or swap on my MMC: I'll investigate...Probably it's the swap in MMC. We discovered a bug in the kernel
concerning accessing the MMC and I think the bug is still in the betaimage.BR, Kimmo Laurent.

maemo-users mailing list

Re: [maemo-users] usb-storage.ko for the Nokia

2006-04-11 Thread Larry Battraw
On 4/11/06, Bob Lees [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I would echo David's original question, is there any reason why the OTG mode
 could not be used to switch from master to slave mode, driven from a command
 or voltage sensing on the 770.  After all as has been noted elsewhere the 770
 needs 5volts supply fed to it when in master mode so something in the 770 is
 already sensing this.

 Or put another way why do we have to use flasher to switch USB modes?

  Actually the flasher will force USB host mode all the time, but it's
not necessary.  Obviously USB slave mode is the default, but it's a
matter of a single command to make it switch to host mode (until the
next reboot).  I created a script that runs every reboot to switch it
into host mode, as it's easier to edit the script on the fly than
reflash when I need slave mode.  As I believe has been mentioned
elsewhere, you run the command echo host
/sys/devices/platform/tahvo-usb/otg_mode (as root) in the terminal
or a shell script to switch to host mode.  Maybe it will make it into
the BT keyboard plugin someday, since everything else seems to be
relocating there :-)

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