Re: [Mailman-Developers] dkim-signature headers

2007-02-08 Thread John W. Baxter
On 2/8/07 10:27 AM, Barry Warsaw [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Me too.  Here's my discussion on the topic, including a concrete
 proposal for Mailman 2.1.10 and 2.2/3.0.  Feel free to comment on the
 wiki on in this thread.

Looks good to me.

 IOW, a valid signed List-ID header should be indication enough that all
other signatures were subject to breakage because of mailing list garbling

Probably should be ...all prior signatures... not ...other

Since the public key for a DKIM signature comes from DNS (as I understand
it), an administrative detail is that a mailing list operator has to provide
for the key's existence in order for Mailman's attempt to sign to be


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Re: [Mailman-Developers] dkim-signature headers

2007-02-07 Thread John W. Baxter
On 2/6/07 5:51 PM, Bob Puff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 If a bad DK isn't bad, then how is this supposed to help spam?  I mean, if the
 mere presence of some signature in the headers will increase the likelihood of
 an email being delivered (or at least help it NOT be tagged as spam), surely
 the spammers will pick up on this, and the whole benefit lost.

They have.  Much of the spam I see from the new breed legitimate spammers*
contains DKIM signatures.  (I have to assume those verify OK, else why put
them in.)

* new breed legitimate spammers:  That is, in the US, those who carefully
conform to CAN-SPAM as far as one can tell--one can't really tell whether
they share unsubscribed addresses with other spammers as likely new
victims without probing.


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Re: [Mailman-Developers] dkim-signature headers

2007-02-07 Thread John W. Baxter
On 2/7/07 7:32 AM, Barry Warsaw [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Either they have a milter that refuses to
 resign or they have a working milter.  If their milter doesn't
 resign, then less harm is done by stripping the header.  If their
 milter does resign, then less harm is done by allowing it to resign,
 even if Mailman has broken the original signature.

Or they have an MTA that doesn't care at all about DKIM, in which case less
harm is done by not stripping.


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Re: [Mailman-Developers] dkim-signature headers

2007-02-07 Thread John W. Baxter
On 2/7/07 8:46 AM, Barry Warsaw [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Should we strip DKIM by default or not?

Not strip by default.

Even though that changes the default vs the most recent Mailman, it leaves
the default alone for everyone who jumps to 2.1.10 from earlier versions.


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Re: [Mailman-Developers] dkim-signature headers

2007-02-07 Thread John W. Baxter
On 2/7/07 9:19 AM, Barry Warsaw [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 OTOH, how many people would smell something fishy if this
 message had this header:
 From: Barry Warsaw [EMAIL PROTECTED]

With many MUAs (including the vast majority of different MUA programs and
versions) that would pass totally unnoticed, as the user only sees
From: Barry Warsaw
without taking some action.

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Re: [Mailman-Developers] dkim-signature headers

2007-02-02 Thread John W. Baxter
On 2/1/07 5:46 PM, Bob Puff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have demime in front of most of my larger lists, and I can tell you from
 casual peeks at the incoming copy that I keep, there are far too many people
 who send html email.

Anyone using Windows machine, or a Mac starting with Tiger who hasn't made a
change to the defaults out of the box sends HTML mail.  Before Tiger, Mac
users were sending text/rich.  And there is little incentive to change the
defaults unless one is an Internet veteran.

Plus AOL.

There is some self-selection away from HTML in the mailing list population,
since many folks using lists know what's wrong with HMTL mail, and others
get chided for sending it.


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Re: [Mailman-Developers] Pickles begone

2006-12-29 Thread John W. Baxter
On 12/29/06 2:17 PM, Barry Warsaw [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm about to merge my SQLAlchemy branch to the trunk.  I'm happy
 enough with where this is going to commit to this approach going

[Loud cheering from the sidelines!!]

(An upcoming rewrite of our mail handling system will also be eliminating
(at least most) pickles.  At present, these are cleverly stored in MySQL,
and getting the data out in ad hoc queries is remarkably difficult.)


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Re: [Mailman-Developers] Crypto-sign to post

2006-11-09 Thread John W. Baxter
On 11/9/06 2:54 AM, Stefan Schlott [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Another possible problem:

And yet another problem:  the proliferation of different ways to create
signed messages, and recognizing them successfully.

I could sign messages at least three ways just using Apple's
   GPG with a suitable plug-in (what I do) in
 SMIME form
  Whatever is native to (involves getting a [free] personal
certificate from Thawte, and putting it into the keychain.  Signing is
automatic at that point).  I don't know what format that produces--I've been
meaning to find out.

(No, you won't find me on the public key servers--we use this inhouse only.)

I think all traces of the signature need to be stripped after it is used for
verification (but I could be wrong).

All that (and the other problems cited in this thread) aside, I advocated
this idea about 5 years ago, and still favor it.


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Re: [Mailman-Developers] [Mailman-Users] OS X Mailman Python

2006-09-29 Thread John W. Baxter
On 9/28/06 7:16 PM, Barry Warsaw [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 If you look at the source, you'll see that the #! line is actually
 @PYTHON@ which gets substituted by configure at build time.  I forget
 exactly why, but the standard #! /usr/bin/env python invocation
 caused problems for people, so now we hardcode it via configure.

#! /usr/bin/env python
in an old-enough RedHat would have launched Python 1.5.2 when that version
was long dead (deceased, etc).  That's probably not the only example of the
reason for configure to select the Python to be used--essentially any
installation with multiple Pythons is subject to env picking the wrong one.


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Re: [Mailman-Developers] [Mailman-checkins] SVN: mailman: [8041] trunk/mailman/Mailman

2006-09-28 Thread John W. Baxter
On 9/28/06 1:11 AM, Nigel Metheringham

 On Wed, 2006-09-27 at 23:25 -0500, Brad Knowles wrote:
 LMTP is probably the best and most native method for both sendmail
 and postfix.  I can't speak for other MTAs.
 Exim can do LMTP, over a pipe (ie fork/exec program), a socket or

Exim can, indeed.  But for some cases only if built with a special build
flag.  From the (4.6.1) spec:

The lmtp transport runs the LMTP protocol (RFC 2033) over a pipe to a
specified command or by interacting with a Unix domain socket. This
transport is something of a cross between the pipe and smtp transports. Exim
also has support for using LMTP over TCP/IP; this is implemented as an
option for the smtp transport. Because LMTP is expected to be of minority
interest, the default build-time configure in src/EDITME has it commented
out. You need to ensure that

is present in your Local/Makefile in order to have the lmtp transport
included in the Exim binary.

However, we seem to be interested in LMTP over TCP (to localhost), and I
*think* that is available without the TRANSPORT_LMTP=yes build.

As one data point, the Exim (4.54) shipped with CentOS-4.4 is built without
# exim -bV
Transports: appendfile/maildir autoreply pipe smtp

A quick test with exim -bV -C testConfig
suggests that the protocol = lmtp option in an smtp transport is at least
not a syntax error (and I believe it will work).


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Re: [Mailman-Developers] [Mailman-Users] OS X Mailman Python

2006-09-28 Thread John W. Baxter
On 9/27/06 6:29 PM, Carson Gaspar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --On Wednesday, September 27, 2006 11:54 AM -0400 Barry Warsaw
 Then there is the question of what versions we support for Mailman
 2.2, which is currently under development.  Previously we've said
 we'll support Python 2.3 but I think we should revisit that decision.
 If you drop python 2.3, you drop RHEL4. It doesn't effect me personally, as
 I don't run mailman on my RHEL4 servers, but I suspect it would make many
 folks unhappy.

Well, to run Mailman later than 2.1.5 (with backports) (I think it is) in
RHEL 4 (or, therefore, CentOS-4), one is looking at building Mailman from
source rather than using official packages.  If one is capable of doing
that, one is also capable of doing an alternative install of a newer Python,
and telling one's Mailman to use that.

Unofficial packages would have to take the Python version problem into

So while the requirement is a nuisance, it's not a show stopper IMHO.


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Re: [Mailman-Developers] Patches in mandriva package

2006-09-18 Thread John W. Baxter
On 9/17/06 8:01 PM, Barry Warsaw [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 BTW, what do you think about changing the way we hold messages for
 digests?  E.g. instead of putting them in an mbox file, where it's
 more difficult to skip bad messages, stick them in a queue-like
 directory and pull them from there.  Any messages that can't be read
 and scrubbed would just be removed.
 Might be too big a change for the 2.1 series, but perhaps we should
 look at that for 2.2.

Sounds like a good change (with 2.2 being the earliest reasonable time to do

  --John (cheering from the sidelines)

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Re: [Mailman-Developers] Fwd: suggested improvement for Mailman's bounce processing

2006-08-15 Thread John W. Baxter
On 8/14/06 5:42 AM, Barry Warsaw [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Today, held messages still have to be approved by the moderator.
 What I propose is to allow posters to self-moderate, simply by
 verifying that their address is real.  This probably means a
 clickable link and (maybe) a header cookie for replying.  Think
 Gmane's auto-moderation approach.

Unfortunately, the would-be posters then have to be notified of the message
status.  Thus, while you're reducing moderator workload, the backscatter
problem isn't solved.

Unfortunately, we know MTAs are hard to write (Exim is still evolving;
Postfix took much longer to write than the author expected; sendmail will
never be finished).  Mailing list managers are hard to write (Mailman is
still evolving).

So an integrated MTA/MLM would be hard to write (it wouldn't need all the
bells and whistles of a full MTA, and would simplify some of the MUA's
problems, so the difficulty is probably less than the sum of the
difficulties, but still probably more than either alone).  (And a
newly-written thing doing SMTP would be insecure.)

So aside from ruining email, the spammers have ruined email mailing lists.
Perhaps irretrievably (at my age of 67, certainly irretrievably in my
working lifetime).

None of which means it shouldn't be tried, although perhaps it should be
tried in the world of whatever comes along to provide a working replacement
for SMTP.



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Re: [Mailman-Developers] Turning off dynamic JavaScript

2006-07-06 Thread John W. Baxter
Thank you for the correction, David.


On 7/5/06 5:07 PM, David Andrews [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 That assertion is not true, to my knowledge -- and I am a screen reader user.
 Because it does work with a lot of things, and does offer improved
 functionality, it is rare to turn Javascript off.
 David Andrews
 At 01:54 PM 7/5/2006, John W. Baxter wrote:
 On 7/5/06 11:26 AM, emf [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The problem I face is not when JavaScript is not active, the problem is
 when JavaScript *is* active *and* behaves correctly - i.e. performs the
 dom modification I've told it to - but the browser/screen reader doesn't
 bother to tell the user.
 ~ethan fremen
 Does the industry (I almost wrote do we) know how big a problem this is in
 practice?  That is, what fraction of users of screen readers and other
 assistive stuff routinely run with JavaScript active?
 Since the assertion here is screenreaders have trouble with JavaScript I
 would expect most screenreader users to have JavaScript turned off.

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Re: [Mailman-Developers] Turning off dynamic JavaScript

2006-07-05 Thread John W. Baxter
On 7/5/06 11:26 AM, emf [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The problem I face is not when JavaScript is not active, the problem is
 when JavaScript *is* active *and* behaves correctly - i.e. performs the
 dom modification I've told it to - but the browser/screen reader doesn't
 bother to tell the user.
 ~ethan fremen

Does the industry (I almost wrote do we) know how big a problem this is in
practice?  That is, what fraction of users of screen readers and other
assistive stuff routinely run with JavaScript active?

Since the assertion here is screenreaders have trouble with JavaScript I
would expect most screenreader users to have JavaScript turned off.


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Re: [Mailman-Developers] Parsing and Rendering rfc8222

2006-07-05 Thread John W. Baxter
On 7/5/06 4:30 PM, Barry Warsaw [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm thinking something along the lines of sha1 hashing Message-ID and
 perhaps Date.  RFC 2822 $3.6 says that the only required headers are
 the origination date (Date:) and originator address fields (From: and
 possibly Sender: and Reply-To:).

One does see messages with no Date: header.  In the past, one also saw
messages with multiple Date: headers.  (Neither condition complies with
RFCs.)  I suspect in that case the hash would include some convenient
constant.  (I can't remember where I saw the multiple Date: header form--it
might have been from Western Union (or not)).

I was examining Date: headers because of the bug in old Exchange + Outlook
combinations in which a crafted overlength Date: header could cause viral
infections if the message were simply present in a mailbox list display
created by Outlook.  (Around 1966 or so, but of course those versions have
to be in use together somewhere still--it's only a decade.)


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Re: [Mailman-Developers] 2.1.8 documentation mismatch

2006-06-06 Thread John W. Baxter
On 6/6/06 9:23 AM, David Lee [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This mixture of terminology seems to occur in other places also. You might
 want to consider rationalising these to the same thing for the sake of
 moderators who might be (say) secretarial staff.

Secretarial staff should have no problem with the example given.  The CEO,
on the other hand...

And yes, terminology should be consistent.


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Re: [Mailman-Developers] Topic regexps

2006-05-26 Thread John W. Baxter
On 5/25/06 8:29 PM, Mark Sapiro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I've thought about this some more and what I'm currently thinking is if
 the topic regexp is multiline, leave it as is in topics, but before
 compiling it for use, split the lines and then rejoin them with |,
 and compile not in VERBOSE mode.

I think you need to strip any trailing | characters from the strings in the
resulting list before joining with |.

Otherwise, you might build one||two||three
Which clearly isn't what is wanted.

Hmmm...I guess I mean up to one trailing | case someone
really wanted one||two for some really strange reason.

 I think this would be the natural interpretation from the existing

I agree.

When we first installed a Mailman version with topic support, I messed
around with it, and it didn't work.  Since I didn't care much, I ignored the
problem rather than figuring out what I was doing wrong.  (This thread has
made that obvious, of course.)


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Re: [Mailman-Developers] [Mailman-Users] Sender field

2006-04-29 Thread John W. Baxter
On 4/29/06 8:00 AM, Stephen J. Turnbull [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Sender doesn't instruct *conformant* MTAs at all, does it?  AFAIK the
 only thing that a RFC 2821-conforming MTA looks at is the Return-Path
 header, and it's supposed to remove that.

There is no Return-Path: header during transmission of a message. The
Return-Path header is added in the process of delivery.
There is a return path, stated in the MAIL FROM:[EMAIL PROTECTED] SMTP
command.  (That command *can* have more stuff related to authentication.)
The return path is what should be used as the address of a bounce if a mail
system foolishly accepts a message and then creates a bounce.

Notice that if an MTA rejects a message (or one or more of the recipients of
the message), it is not bouncing or creating a bounce.  It is issuing an
error response...the MTA (or MUA in the case of message submission) that was
trying to send creates a bounce message if appropriate (for message
submission, the MUA notifies the user--or pretends to:  Microsoft by default
hides the notification remarkably well).

While multi-line text associated with the rejection code is provided for,
MUAs are very poor about showing it if a submission is rejected--some show
only the first line; some only the last line.  Even some MTAs improve the
text of the rejection.


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Re: [Mailman-Developers] [Mailman-Users] Sender field

2006-04-28 Thread John W. Baxter
On 4/28/06 6:06 AM, Barry Warsaw [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Thu, 2006-04-27 at 22:46 -0500, Brad Knowles wrote:
 If the previous value of the Sender: field is being lost, then
 that should be corrected.  At the very least, the value should be
 saved in an Old-Sender: or Previous-Sender: or some other
 suitable renamed sender field.
 Probably Original-Sender:

Probably, indeed.  But what happens if that header was already taken in
the process that brought the message to mailman for distribution to the

(As usual, I have only questions, not answers.)


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Re: [Mailman-Developers] Advice wanted on option to not include original post in notices

2006-03-27 Thread John W. Baxter
On 3/27/06 3:48 PM, Mark Sapiro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 First, should these be site wide options or should they be
 per-list options with a default from In either case, the setting would match current behavior.

 [Other good thoughts deleted, as Mark knows what he said]

Hi, Mark

It is the site's reputation which (increasingly with more aggressive
anti-spam in the world) suffers from bounces containing the content.  So
messages heading out of the site to the world should be controlled by the
site as to whether the content is included.

It should be up to the list administrator what (non-bounce) message bodies
reach the administrator/moderator in email.  (Personally, I don't much care
as long as the whole thing remains visible in the web interface.  I get
ideas about servers to block.)

I agree that bounces without content are pretty they should go
to list administrators.

Sorry I didn't answer last week...I was busy.


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Re: [Mailman-Developers] Inactivity deletion of maillist users ?

2006-01-12 Thread John W. Baxter
On 1/12/06 5:51 PM, Mark Sapiro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Joshua Ginsberg wrote:
 Perhaps an interesting compromise might be to add to config.pck a key
 last_post whose value is a dictionary of email:time 9-tuple pairs.
 That way, folks like Erling could write a script to go ahead and do this
 fu, and it might be an interesting metric for other purposes as well.
 This could prove to be a real burden to sites that have LARGE lists.
 Adding yet another dictionary with 100,000 keys to the list object
 could have significant impact.

Aimed primarily at original poster, whose name I don't remember.

What is so hard about parsing the lines like the following in the post log
for the information?

Jan 11 14:31:59 2006 (8997) post to list-name from [EMAIL PROTECTED],
size=3320, message-id=insignificant for this purpose, success

Run a script before the log is rotated away which maintains a database keyed
by posting address and containing a last_post_date field.  Now and then
query the database for posters who have posted more recently than xxx days
ago, gets a list of all members, and reports the set difference of
all-members - recent-posters.  Action taken could be any of the ones

This really doesn't seem like it should be part of Mailman, although it
might have standing as a contributed extra goodie.  I would expect it to
have a low download count.


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Re: [Mailman-Developers] RELEASED Mailman 2.1.7

2006-01-01 Thread John W. Baxter
On 1/1/06 1:22 AM, Tokio Kikuchi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 John W. Baxter wrote:
 Shouldn't Mark Shapiro be recognized in the ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS file now?
 Yes.  Mark Sapiro _is_ in the ACKNOWLEDEMENTS.  I've just added his name
 in top page of the  It'll appear in and gnu mirror sites later.

YIKES.  I have been reading Mark's name for a long time now, and my mind has
continuously inserted an h after the S.  So I did a search for the
incorrect name I expected so find.  Sorry, Mark!


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Re: [Mailman-Developers] RELEASED Mailman 2.1.7

2005-12-31 Thread John W. Baxter
On 12/31/05 5:02 AM, Tokio Kikuchi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm pleased to announce the release of GNU Mailman 2.1.7.  This
 is a significant release, which includes security enhancement
 fixes, a new language (ia: Interlingua) support, a couple of new
 features, and many bug fixes.

Well done!  Thank you, all involved.

Shouldn't Mark Shapiro be recognized in the ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS file now?


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Re: [Mailman-Developers] Spam/Scam button

2005-12-14 Thread John W. Baxter
On 12/14/05 3:32 PM, Barry Warsaw [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I do think mailman-developers
 is a reasonable place to discuss this.  We can talk about whether it's
 even reasonable to have anti-spam defenses in Mailman, and if so whether
 we want to pick one such product to support, or have a pluggable
 architecture (possibly shipping one by default).
 I also think there are interesting usability/user interface questions to
 ask, as well as whether spam filters should be per-list, site-wide, or

We're happy with spam and virus defenses in the MTA which receives from the
world and does the spam and virus work before handing off the messages to
the MTA on the Mailman machine.  The  Mailman machine can't be reached on
port 25 (or 587 or 465) from the world.

If anything is shipped with Mailman (beyond tuneups to what is there now,
which we mostly don't have to use), we'd likely want it able to be turned


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Re: [Mailman-Developers] Make web_page_url visible in the admin GUI?

2005-11-26 Thread John W. Baxter
On 11/26/05 1:25 AM, Stephen J. Turnbull [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Max == Max Bowsher [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Max Is there any reason not to add web_page_url to the
 Max configurable options in the admin GUI? Right below host_name
 Max in the general category would be a good place.
 Yes, please!

Yes, there is a reason.  It is the same reason that the ability was taken
out many Mailman versions ago.

Thought experiment:
1.  Make a typo which cripples the URL such that you can't reach the admin
web page.

2.  Now fix it from the browser.

The sort of thing in #1 (sometimes not a typo but a more fundamental
mistake) happened often enough to make removing the ability seem quite

One thing which has changed since the decision is that a much higher
proportion of list operators don't have command line access than was the
case then.  So *perhaps* it would make sense to revisit the decision (making
it a site option, please).


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Re: [Mailman-Developers]

2005-11-23 Thread John W. Baxter
On 11/23/05 3:38 AM, Fil [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Unfortunately this still doesn't succeed reconnecting to the server: I get
 this traceback:
   File /var/local/mailman/Mailman/, line 141, in
 if == 0: OperationalError: (2006, 'MySQL server
 has gone away')
 A little bit of hacking makes this problem less painful, but I'm sure I got
 it wrong, or it is that my MySQL server goes away quite a lot. I don't
 know for sure, anyway, but if you're currently trying my version of you might want to update
 the patch is @
 -- Fil

What sort of setting does the MySQL server you are running have for timing
out idle connections?  Could it be that you aren't hitting it often
enough?  In which case, going away a lot is normal.

(I have that problem regularly with a desktop query client (CocoaMySQL for
Mac OS X).  It responds to a vanished connection by hanging unresponsively
until killed...your code is clearly better than that.  ;-))


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Re: [Mailman-Developers] Mysql MemberAdaptor 1.61 and Mailman 2.1.6

2005-10-26 Thread John W. Baxter
On 10/26/05 6:06 PM, Mark Sapiro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Actually, it is not really doing the right thing because it is not
 supposed to be aware of what's in the _BounceInfo class. The info that
 is passed to it is a string representation of the _BounceInfo
 instance, and it should really just be saving and retrieving that.
 IMO, there should be just one column in the MySQL table for this
 string representation. The only possible snag I see is that the string
 contains new-lines, and I don't know MySQL so I don't know if
 new-lines are allowed in a string field/column.

Based on these tests dashed off using one of Exim's debugging capabilities
$ exim -be
 ${quote_mysql: A\x0atest}
 ${quote_mysql: A\x0dtest}
the newlines are OK but have to be quoted (as do CR characters, and others).

This, of course, assumes that Exim's quote_mysql operator is doing the right

The best thing would be to check the MySQL documentation (which I'm too lazy
to do this evening).


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Re: [Mailman-Developers] Issues with archiving directory and OS limitations

2005-10-25 Thread John W. Baxter
On 10/24/05 5:28 PM, Brad Knowles [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Base-64 would let you get two characters creating no more than
 4096 hash subdirectories, and you can see the numbers above for the
 likely reduction in the number of grandchild subdirectories/files.

Base 64 isn't a good idea for code which might run on case-insensitive file
systems (eg Cygwin or Mac OS X).  Base 36 would seem safer if this code is
going to go into the official Mailman release sometime (which is probably a
good idea).


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Re: [Mailman-Developers] Mailman 2.X CVS MAIN is back

2005-08-31 Thread John W. Baxter
On 8/31/05 8:11 AM, Barry Warsaw [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 At the very least, we must drop Python 2.1 and 2.2.  Neither of those
 versions are being supported any longer and I will definitely not claim
 to have tested the current code base on either version in a very long
 time.  If we must continue to support Python 2.3, so be it, but I'd like
 to leapfrog even that version.  There are several Python 2.4 constructs
 and modules that I'd dearly love to be able to take advantage of.

It seems to me that the improved email module is enough reason to require
Python 2.4.  (We moved our email processing to 2.4 for that reason.)

Yes, one can--as I understand it--use the new email module under Python 2.3,
but if one has institutional issues that prevent using Python 2.4 they
probably prevent messing about with 2.3 in that sort of way, as well.


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Re: [Mailman-Developers] EOL handling in Mailman

2005-03-20 Thread John W. Baxter
On 3/19/2005 23:43, Sylvain Beucler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Savane uses the PHP mail() function, that executes the local
 sendmail-compatible command.
 At both GNU Savannah ( and Gna! (, we use the
 Exim version packaged by Debian. In both cases, the mail we receive
 via mailing lists (and in the Mailman archives) have the newlines
 doubled. The mails we receive at our personnal mail addresses is
 correct (no doubling). As far as I'm concerned, line doubling _does_
 look ugly and unprofessional ;)
 As a result, I was under the impression that Mailman is the one that
 doubles the newlines. Now maybe Exim as an SMTP server (not as a
 sendmail-compatible command) is doubling lines. But are you completely
 sure Mailman (or a Python library used by Mailman) is not converting
 \r\n to \n\n?

Ever since Philip Hazel tried to accommodate some broken email producers by
messing with incoming line endings, there have been problems with products
broken in different ways.  As I recall, Philip has done various tuneups over
the last many Exim versions.

You didn't say what version of Exim is running in your Debian
installation...there are backports of newish Exim versions available which
would likely fix your problem.

Note that switching from the Exim 3.x series to Exim 4.x involves a
significant reconfiguration of's likely best done by running
debconfig and answering the Exim configuration questions as if you were
starting from scratch.  This will not be something to tackle the day before
a vacations on your production server.


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Re: [Mailman-Developers] Mailman 2.1.6b4

2005-03-04 Thread John W. Baxter
On 3/4/2005 9:37, Nigel Metheringham

 On Fri, 2005-03-04 at 12:11 -0500, Bryan Fullerton wrote:
 Is there an updated timeline for the final 2.1.6 release? It won't be
 in February... :)
 Is there a booking form for Guido's time machine?

Of course it will be in February.  Perhaps February 35th, perhaps 48th...

  --John (this comes from growing up in California, where the legislature
had a ritual of the presiding person ordering the Sergeant at Arms to stop
the clock a few minutes before midnight on budget deadline night.  Then it
entailed climbing a ladder to stop the clock)

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Re: [Mailman-Developers] High Availability

2005-02-28 Thread John W. Baxter
On 2/27/2005 17:46, Preston Wade [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I read some old post back in 2002 on this list about Load balancing.  In my
 scenario I don't have near the volume to warrant load balancing but I am
 interested in fail over capabilities.  Would it cause Mailman any heartburn if
 I simply wrote an rsync script to keep the trees in sync?

We do this.  It seems to be successful.

 And then use the 
 heartbeat package to do automatic fail over.  I realize depending on my sync
 cycle I will potentially loose some data.  Is there a better alternative to

We stopped trying to use heartbeat long ago, when of the first 10
auto-triggered switches, all proved to be false alarms by the heartbeat
code.  (Not just for this purpose.)

 Also I saw there are plans to move to a user store were users would have one
 password for all list.  Have there been any considerations for LDAP as that
 user store?

There have...I hope LDAP isn't the only choice when the change happens
(we're moving away from LDAP, having become tired of repairing broken LDAP


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Re: [Mailman-Developers] Hashing member passwords in config.pck

2005-02-14 Thread John W. Baxter
On 2/12/2005 6:02, Barry Warsaw [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Sat, 2005-02-12 at 02:07, Bob Puff wrote:
 So let me ask this: if we drop passwords for everything but the private
 archives, do we really need to do anything differently than the format
 currently in place?  Do they really need to be one-way encrypted?  Being able
 to email a forgotten password has its benefits.
 It's still worthwhile (in the long run) to hash the passwords.  Some
 people tend to re-use them, so stealing Mailman passwords can
 potentially lead to cascading attacks.  Password resets are fine.

I don't see how users remote from their normal email can make use of
password resets.  Without the old password, how do they prove they should be
able to reset a subscriber's password?  Thus they can't designate the new
password, nor learn the generated one, remotely.

I don't think the above kills the idea (I've changed my mind, with respect
to the private archives, from what I said earler).


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As a general rule, if you have questions regarding sensitive security issues, 
you can post them to [EMAIL PROTECTED], which is a closed distribution list.

Please do not otherwise discuss sensitive security issues on any public mailing 
list, until such time as an official announcement has been made, including 
availability of a patch, etc

Even if the issue has been publicly discussed in other forums, you should wait 
for the official announcements before discussing them publicly, whether on 
mailman-users, mailman-developers, or elsewhere.

Re: [Mailman-Developers] Hashing member passwords in config.pck

2005-02-11 Thread John W. Baxter
I used to be careful about saving my passwords for all the lists [Mailman*]
I am subscribed to.  I no longer bother...I request the mail out of the
password if I need it (very rare).

If the situation becomes a choice of
1.  mail out the password becomes generate a new time-limited password and
mail that
2.  do away with passwords and have everything validated via a mailed-out

I think I as a user would prefer 2.  As a list owner, ANY change causes
queries and unhappiness among the ranks of the subscribers.  And as site
administrator, I would have to coordinate removal of passwords or even the
new time-limited password idea with our main list owner, who has her own
scripting to hide the passwords from the subscribers (who don't do things
via the Mailman web pages).

I concur with the idea of getting the simple patch out for the CAN-2005-0202
problem quickly in 2.1.6 and getting the password removal/changes into a
2.1.7 [or 2.2 as has also been suggested] (pretty soon and with very little
if anything else).

We shouldn't assume MySQL as the SQL server; we shouldn't assume LDAP as the
password database.  Here, we're phasing out MySQL in favor of PostgreSQL for
licensing reasons, and trying to phase out LDAP in favor of SQL for
stability reasons.  But we can't make those decisions for others, of course.

Bigger stuff I think has to wait for Mailman 3...this would include password
databases, subscriber databases site wide, etc.

  --John (who for medical reasons can't be of any help, but must continue
cheering from the sidelines.  Sorry!)

On 2/10/2005 10:55, Chuq Von Rospach [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 this might not be a bad idea, but -- would require all operations to be
 validated via a URL emailed to the affected address. But I could live
 with that.
 On Feb 10, 2005, at 10:44 AM, Adrian Bye wrote:
 Getting rid of passwords would open up mailman to usage to a much
 wider range of
 users, which should mean more development resources and interest.

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Re: [Mailman-Developers] [Fwd: Re: [Mailman-Announce] Mailman 2.1.6 beta 1]

2005-01-24 Thread John W. Baxter
On 1/21/2005 13:31, Tokio Kikuchi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 think I can add some code before the 2.1.6 final release to exchage
 Re: and prefix order for the subject prefix without numbering. (Yes, we
 now have a nice feature to add numbering in the subject prefix.)
 Can you do the same for AW and some of the other non-English forms of
 Re?  I'm only asking because you'll be working in the code anyhow.
 Oh yes, I'm doing this also. Are there any other like this one? ;-)

I can't currently remember any other than AW.  And I don't think AW will go
away, RFCs or program which seems to do it is
X-Mailer: Microsoft Office Outlook, Build 11.0.6353
when in a German location (or configured to act German, or something).


Mailman-Developers mailing list

[Mailman-Developers] What would send to bare administrator

2005-01-21 Thread John W. Baxter
OK, that subject might hit a filter somewhere.  ;-)

Mark Shapiro wrote in another thread, in mailman-users:

If you haven't changed SMTP_LOG_EACH_FAILURE in,
the 3 failures should be logged in Mailman's smtp-failure log.

Which prompted me to look there, and find

Jan 18 14:47:56 2005 (20931) delivery to administrator failed with code 501:
administrator: recipient address must contain a domain

That's true, the way the MTA (Exim) is configured.

A quick grep in the source didn't reveal a case where Mailman attempts to
send mail to the unqualified recipient administrator.  Does anyone happen
to know where it is?

When I get back (from the doctor) I'll try to find out what was going on
Tuesday around that time.


Mailman-Developers mailing list

Re: [Mailman-Developers] What would send to bare administrator

2005-01-21 Thread John W. Baxter
On 1/21/2005 14:06, Mark Sapiro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 John W. Baxter wrote:
 A quick grep in the source didn't reveal a case where Mailman attempts to
 send mail to the unqualified recipient administrator.  Does anyone happen
 to know where it is?
 I don't know, but is it possible that 'owner' or 'moderator' for some
 list - maybe the site (mailman) list - is set to 'administrator'?

The smtp-failure entry matches a post log entry (with 1 failure) exactly in
time.  The mailing list to which a message was posted does not now contain
the word administrator in the results of

bin/dumpdb lists/rose-movies/config.pck | grep -3 administrator

Same is true for .../config.pck.last, which is not at all surprising (the
list is large enough to have frequent changes).  I'll ask the list
administrator (long-time friend) whether she remembers putting
administrator into the list as member or as a list official.

The list is a weekly announce-only list (soon to be monthly).

This week's instance of the failure does not repeat prior failures (the two
most recent prior failures were in a different list, back in November and
had an obvious cause).

I'll watch the results of next week's posting.


Mailman-Developers mailing list

Re: [Mailman-Developers] Maybe it's time to release 2.1.6

2004-12-01 Thread John W. Baxter
On 12/1/2004 6:05, Barry Warsaw [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have no problems requiring Python 2.4 for Mailman 2.2, although I
 would like to get some feedback from the community before we decide for
 sure.  I wouldn't be opposed to requiring at least Python 2.3, but I
 definitely think we should drop support for earlier Pythons since
 nothing earlier than 2.3 is being maintained any more.

The Debian part of the community in particular (of which I am not part).  I
wonder when Python 2.4 will wander into a Debian release.

Perhaps a query on the -users list about requiring Python 2.4 with Mailman
2.2 would produce a solid reason not to.

Mailman-Developers mailing list

Re: [Mailman-Developers] Dates again

2004-11-20 Thread John W. Baxter
On 11/20/2004 13:26, Kenneth Porter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --On Saturday, November 20, 2004 6:22 AM -0500 Steven Kuck [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 As I said, I can guarantee messages from the future are wrong.  Disagree?
 Perhaps messages from more than a day (or N days) in the past could be
 bounced saying:
 Either your system clock is wrong or your message was unreasonably
 delayed.  Either fix your clock, or make sure your message is still
 current and send it again.
 Alternately, the message could be held for approval or date fixing, and
 you could set that user as Date Impaired so that all messages from that
 individual get fixed - if they're off.
 This seems a reasonable approach, given a configurable delivery delay
 tolerance. One could also cross-check References headers against messages
 already received, to set a lower limit on the time stamp. If a message
 claims to have been sent prior to one it references (modulo some
 tolerance), then it can be bounced/modified/moderated.

Keep in mind that there are MUAs which set the Date: as the message is
begun, not when it is sent.  If the sender leaves it as a draft for a couple
of days before sending, the Date: will be two days old.  (What one wants
to do with that date is another matter.)

Mailman-Developers mailing list

Re: [Mailman-Developers] Can we remove nimda.txt ?

2004-10-18 Thread John W. Baxter
On 10/16/2004 14:13, David Relson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Sat, 16 Oct 2004 08:52:15 -0700
 John W. Baxter wrote:
 You might want to refer folks who want to run test virus messages
 through their Mailman system (system = the MTA and its filtering and
 Mailman and whatever else is involved at a given site) to
 ( is very different).
 They are??? and look identical (and have the
 same IP address).

Oops...they are the same.

This was Safari helpfully completing a URL it had seen before within, and not completing it--not having see it--in

The proper reference would probably be the more complete

Thanks for objecting!  ;-)

Mailman-Developers mailing list

Re: [Mailman-Developers] Can we remove nimda.txt ?

2004-10-16 Thread John W. Baxter
On 10/15/2004 22:52, Tokio Kikuchi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Also, I want to ask 'nimda.txt' in the tests/msgs directory is of
 any use in the mailman source code. None of the test scripts refer
 to this file. I even did find . | xargs grep nimda only to get
 Binary file ./tests/msgs matches. If none of you can find usage
 of this file, I want to remove from the source tree because some
 companies prohibit to download a file which contain nimda file.
 (I know it's nonsense but ...)

My guess is that the nimda.txt file is left over and can be removed without

You might want to refer folks who want to run test virus messages through
their Mailman system (system = the MTA and its filtering and Mailman and
whatever else is involved at a given site) to
( is very different).

By including the reference, you avoid having anything in the distribution
which triggers (sensible) virus scanners.

  --John (who just used eicar yesterday in another context)

Mailman-Developers mailing list

Re: [Mailman-Developers] Timestamps in archive are +1 hr

2004-08-17 Thread John W. Baxter
Version of Mailman?  System on which you're running?

Assuming Linux, what is the third (last) line of
cat /etc/adjtime

I expect either LOCAL or UTC...our Mailman machine has UTC, and--which I had
never noticed--is an hour ahead on the From lines in the archive.  Hmmm.

Mailman 2.1.2; RedHat 9


On 8/17/2004 2:12, Chris Boulter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Apologies for noise, but I posted this to mailman-users last month and got
 no replies. It doesn't seem like something which would be all that hard
 to fix for someone who knows Python/Mailman better than I do. Any ideas?
 - Forwarded message from Chris Boulter [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
 Date: Wed, 28 Jul 2004 15:30:35 +0100
 From: Chris Boulter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [Mailman-Users] Timestamps in archive are +1 hr
 The timestamps on messages in our Mailman archives are all 1 hour ahead of
 reality. Any ideas?
 I'm in the UK, where it's currently summertime, which is UTC +0100. Typing
 'date' on our Mailman box gives
   Wednesday July 28 15:24:33 BST 2004
 which looks correct to me.
 I've found that I can fix the time by changing line 60 (in the
 ctime function) from
   year, mon, day, hh, mm, ss, wday, yday, dst = time.localtime(date)
   year, mon, day, hh, mm, ss, wday, yday, dst = time.gmtime(date)
 and rebuilding the archives, but I don't want to leave this hack in place.
 If it's useful to know, a test mail I sent at 1253 local time today had
 its seconds-since-epoch set to 01091019325 by the time it got to the
 Many thanks.
Mailman-Developers mailing list

Re: [Mailman-Developers] [Greg Stark] Re: Bounceremoval parameters default values

2004-07-01 Thread John W. Baxter
On 7/1/2004 9:57, J C Lawrence [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Thu, 1 Jul 2004 09:46:47 -0700
 somuchfun  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 J.C., I agree with you that there is never a right time. BUT, when
 introducing a new feature (like mailman did with the VERP bounce
 probes) it is wise to have the option to turn this feature off
 (perhaps until 2.1.6 comes out) to give people time to adjust their
 settings and systems.
 They can of course always gain that same time and more by simply not

Which is decidedly NOT encouraged by this snippet from Barry's 2.1.5

 This version also contains a fix
 for an exploit that could allow 3rd parties to retrieve member
 passwords.  It is thus highly recommended that all existing sites
 upgrade to the latest version.


Mailman-Developers mailing list

Re: [Mailman-Developers] message filters - how to define regex string which allowes any mail address

2004-04-02 Thread John W. Baxter
On 3/30/2004 8:01, lp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 If anyone knows the regex string that defines any mail address
 reagrdless of what stands before and after @, please give me an exact
 example of the string.

Well, the first edition of Mastering Regular Expressions by Jeffrey E. F.
Friedl (spelled correctly) had such a regular expression in small print
occupying a full page near the back.  [He developed pieces of it in various
parts of the book.]  It had a bug, so there was a correct version at
O'Reilly's site in the book's errata area.

Unfortunately, the book is now in its second edition, and Mr. Friedl seems
to have left the bug out of that regular expression, so it isn't in the
current errata and I can't point it out to you.

Check a bookstore with a good O'Reilly selection or a library...the book
should be available in one or the other of those places so you can enjoy the

You probably don't want to use the regular expression.


Mailman-Developers mailing list

Re: [Mailman-Developers] Virus sent to lists from my domain - add password for moderated users

2004-03-16 Thread John W. Baxter
On 3/15/2004 11:11, Chuq Von Rospach [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 and I don't have a good answer for that, not at all. not sure how to
 close that hole offhand. we made it easy to figure out it IS a list, we
 show an address that the virus can tell has posting privs -- and we do
 no validation that it's actually coming from that address. ugh)

I muttered here a couple of years ago about digital signing of messages
which come from a non-moderated sender.  I know it introduces non-trivial

I don't think the viruses manage SMTP AUTH yet (these days, they're intent
on using their own SMTP servers and forging senders, so the needed
authenticator probably isn't available on the machine they've
infected...that could change) could certainly [try to] force mail to
come that way.

Here, incoming mail goes through our virus scan before getting farmed out to
the mailing list machine.  So far, that seems to have done its job.  (We're
weak on the spam side for the lists, but basically strong enough so
far--almost all the few spam incidents have been moderators making errors.)


Mailman-Developers mailing list

[Mailman-Developers] Text for the mass subscribe upload a file option.

2003-10-20 Thread John W. Baxter
In Mailman 2.1.1, the mass subscription page has this text under the
textbox, introducing the Choose File button

or specify a file to upload:

I just talked with a not-dumb list owner who selected an Excel file,
producing a wonderful list of 22 non-deletable, non-modifiable entries,
which had addresses jumbled together with strings like %0F%00%00.

After that conversation, I would suggest that the text read

or specify a plain text file to upload:

Fortunately, the list in question was new, so we elected to blow it away and
try again.


Mailman-Developers mailing list

Re: [Mailman-Developers] Subscriber list

2003-09-15 Thread John W. Baxter
On 9/13/2003 18:45, Phil Barnett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Saturday 06 September 2003 6:15 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I would like to retrieve my complete list of subscriber (i'm using mailman)
 in a text file but i don't know how to do it, can someone help me please ?
 (i've more than 2 subscribers)
 Thank you very much (sorry for my poor english talking, i'm french)
 /home/mailman/bin/list_members listname  ./listname.out

The above is the reply we always see to this question, on mailman-developers
and on mailman-users, but it is impractical for some fraction of the list
administrators out there.

Either the email help command is out of date, or the list can be retrieved
from email *without* having to bother some curmudgeonly sysadmin (such as
myself).  The help command says:

who password
See everyone who is on this mailing list.  The roster is limited to
list administrators and moderators only; you must supply the list
admin or moderator password to retrieve the roster.

I just checked...the command works for me...for a smallish list (under 70


Mailman-Developers mailing list

Re: [Mailman-Developers] Non-member post confirmation

2003-08-29 Thread John W Baxter
At 10:21 -0400 8/28/2003, Barry Warsaw wrote:
 In additon to the full subscription option there could perhaps be a thread
 subscription which would subscribe the sender to only receive mails from the
 thread started by him/her. This might become somewhat heavy though.

It's a great idea that's been bantied about for years (e.g. Roundup's
nosy lists).  But that would have to be a feature for a 2.2 release.

And would have problems with uncooperative MUAs and uncooperative MUA
users, either of which could take an interesting (to the restricted
subscriber) message outside the thread.

Good luck.

Are Topics working well enough to be useful (I haven't tried any)?

John Baxter   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Port Ludlow, WA, USA

Mailman-Developers mailing list

Re: [Mailman-Developers] Non-member post confirmation

2003-08-29 Thread John W Baxter
At 22:42 +0200 8/28/2003, Brad Knowles wrote:
   There is already the option Should the list moderators get
immediate notice of new requests, as well as daily notices about
collected ones?, which I was very grateful to be able to turn off.

Perhaps more useful the list admin could set periods other than daily
(millenniumly is tempting but too long ;-)), and the timing (eg, tell me at
6AM, Noon, and 4PM).  Or per admin or moderator:  tell Barry at 6AM; tell
John at Noon; etc.

A lot of code...would it be used?


John Baxter   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Port Ludlow, WA, USA

Mailman-Developers mailing list

Re: [Mailman-Developers] Re: [Mailman-Users] Invite vs. autoresponders

2003-01-04 Thread John W Baxter
At 11:49 +0100 1/3/2003, Fil wrote:
 SB I've recently discovered that vacation autoresponders will
 SB subscribe recipients to Mailman lists when they get invited.

 Dang.  This is because the From address contains the confirmation
 cookie encoded in the address.  This might kill this idea for
 ease-of-use confirmations.

I would imagine that, if the autoresponder is set to answer emails coming
with a 'Precedence: list' header, the bug is with them, not with Mailman.
You don't want to kill a good functionality just because most autoresponders
are very poorly written - avoiding loops is enough ;)

Well, there are different needs for different Mailman sites.  If you have
to convince your provider that every address in your list truly wanted to
be there, it's unhandy for there to be such a simple example of
involuntary subscription, which the provider can demonstrate at will.

Same for sites which choose to block phoney opt in schemes, and which
contain members of your list.


John Baxter   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Port Ludlow, WA, USA

Mailman-Developers mailing list

Re: [Mailman-Developers] email comparison bug?

2003-01-02 Thread John W Baxter
At 23:28 -0500 1/1/2003, Barry A. Warsaw wrote:
 JWB == John W Baxter [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

JWB Since HerName *can* be a different account than is
JWB hername, I think we're stuck, even though it almost never
JWB is.  When there is a sitewide database of Mailman
JWB users...we'll STILL be stuck, I fear, although the GUI might
JWB allow a user to say the equivalent of that's me, too.

Mailman's policy is that membership is by case-insensitive email
address, and it preserves the case of the subscribed address only for
the recipient address (either envelope or From:).

When there's a unified user database (read: Mailman 3.0), an email
address with any combination of case will still point to the same user
record, but it may be possible for users to add delivery addresses
with different cases.

To me, it sounds reasonable.  To folks in the last holdout case-sensitive
local part domain, it likely doesn't.  ;-)

And given the policy, the behavior I defended is indeed wrong.

  --John (who doesn't know anyone in that last holdout case sensitive local
part domain)
John Baxter   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Port Ludlow, WA, USA
Soggy mail is caused by postage dew.

Mailman-Developers mailing list

Re: [Mailman-Developers] Re: [Mailman-Announce] RELEASED Mailman2.1 beta5

2002-11-24 Thread John W Baxter
At 1:02 -0500 11/20/2002, Phil Barnett wrote:
Sending passwords as plaintext in 2002 is downright negligent considering the
current state of sniffing, monitoring and penetration.

So...we stop calling them passwords.


John Baxter   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Port Ludlow, WA, USA

Mailman-Developers mailing list

Re: [Mailman-Developers] [ mailman-Bugs-635462 ] Admin pagesHTML does not set TEXT color

2002-11-08 Thread John W Baxter
At 9:37 -0500 11/8/2002, Dale Newfield wrote:
On Fri, 8 Nov 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Admin pages HTML does not set TEXT color

Why is it mailman's job to protect stupid users from their own browser

This one sounded like it was posted not from a stupid user but from a
careful tester.  If mailman has an intended appearance, it should cause
that appearance to happen unless the user--in a browser which will--has
refused to allow the site to override her local style sheet.

Personally, I liked the old days, when the user's browser settings were
allowed to control appearance details, and HTML described content.

Of course, one could hardly hire out as a designer following that idea,
so it didn't last long.

  --John (one of the few who remembers that the first T in HTTP stands for
John Baxter   Port Ludlow, WA USA
Always allow for the innate perversity of inanimate matter.

Mailman-Developers mailing list

Re: [Mailman-Developers] Anti-spam killer app?

2002-08-16 Thread John W Baxter

At 13:10 -0700 8/16/2002, Chuq Von Rospach wrote:
Take a look at this --

It's a new technique for identifying spam. The more I look into the details,
the more I think we have the anti-spam killer app, becaues it tunes itself
to the individual (or site), adapts as the anti-spammers adapt, and the
technique used is fairly easy to implement and damn difficult for a spammer
to avoid

Damn, I wish I'd thought of this.

Me, too.  ;-)

I find it fascinating that the last URL reference at the bottom (yes, I
read that far) is to the page at Apple's site describing the filtering in
Apple's revised in Mac OS X 10.2.

I think the idea has a lot of promise.


John Baxter   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Port Ludlow, WA, USA

Mailman-Developers mailing list

[Mailman-Developers] Re: Integrating TMDA (was Re: Cute TMDA use)

2002-07-29 Thread John W Baxter

At 21:02 -0600 7/29/2002, Jason R. Mastaler wrote:
In a perfect universe, you'd have a global
whitelist containing the address of every non-spammer on the planet.

In a perfect universe, there would be no spammers on the planet.  ;-)

John W. Baxter   Port Ludlow, WA, USA
set emptyRecord to {behindTheCurtain: Pay no attention to the string
behind the curtain!}

Mailman-Developers mailing list

[Mailman-Developers] Re: Opening up a few can o' worms here...

2002-07-29 Thread John W Baxter

At 19:53 -0700 7/29/2002, Ka-Ping Yee wrote:
If you generate an image containing the entire e-mail address, it
can be made extremely hard to read, even with state-of-the-art OCR.

It also becomes hard to read for those who don't have their browser
download images.
Plus you have to avoid typical ad sizes.


John Baxter   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Port Ludlow, WA, USA

Mailman-Developers mailing list

Re: [Mailman-Developers] Opening up a few can o' worms here...

2002-07-16 Thread John W Baxter

At 17:46 -0400 7/16/2002, Barry A. Warsaw wrote:
 CVR == Chuq Von Rospach [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

CVR Problem is, many users don't know how. And one could argue
CVR who ought to solve this problem. Should users be forced to
CVR jump through hoops to use a mail list safely? Or is it the
CVR user's decision how safe to be?

Nope, I think it's the ISPs that will solve the problem, although it
might be in ways mom-and-pops don't like.

I don't think the ISPs *can* solve the problem in the near-to-medium-term
future.  [Longer term, with the demise of SMTP and its everything open to
all except for a few bandaids approach, maybe.]

At some point, the SpamAssassin/quarantine model breaks down...when you
quarantine 10 large messages to let one smaller message go through, you're
somewhere close to that point.  As it is, we're busily installing four
machines to do the work that one would do quite well in the absence of
spammers (and they'll have help from another machine or two so that users
can see their quarantined mail and rescue their false positives).  And yes,
SpamAssassin is part of that picture.

Plus, I fear the new breed spammers (the ones who actually think their
advertising is useful and welcome and only sent to opt-in lists, although
they buy the lists from guys who [figuratively] sell them from under a
trenchcoat at the entrance to a dark alley) will cause legislation to be
passed forbidding filtering at the mail server level.  It nearly happened
last time around.

Ah, well...we'll see how it goes.


John Baxter   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Port Ludlow, WA, USA

Mailman-Developers mailing list

Re: [Mailman-Developers] Opening up a few can o' worms here...

2002-07-16 Thread John W Baxter

At 20:49 -0400 7/16/2002, Jay R. Ashworth wrote:
But *why isn't this the recipients' problem*?

Because the recipient gives up, and takes her ISP payments elsewhere, or
really gives up and takes them nowhere (which I'm tempted to do myself when
I retire).

John Baxter   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Port Ludlow, WA, USA

Mailman-Developers mailing list

Re: [Mailman-Developers] Opening up a few can o' worms here...

2002-07-16 Thread John W Baxter


Not to get too far OT here but...

I've seen the next generation of spammer software at work recently.
Spammer's machine makes direct SMTP connection to my box, gives MY address
as the FROM:, TO:, and
REPLY-TO:.  This bypasses all the open relay testing, and would only leave
stuff like SA to detect it.

Actually, you missed version a of this, in which a user is picked, and
messages are sent to 8 [about] or fewer alphabetically-near addresses on
the same domain.  I *think* the or fewer mostly came from stale addresses
being bounced.

So this thing was really clever, right?  Not really...there was a supposed
Received: header below the Subject: header.  With a made up host name in
the supposedly sending domain, and SMTP not esmtp protocol.

Not hard to catch and freeze by parsing headers, although I froze based on
another header instead.  (The latter turned out not to be specific to the
spam in question [just because it wasn't found in any of the message I have
in my last couple of years of history didn't make it unusual, just old, as
it turned out].  It recently caught another juicy spammer who was easy to
deal with but whom I wouldn't have noticed if I hadn't had to vette the
frozen messages.)

Plan B of this series* is the [EMAIL PROTECTED] to [EMAIL PROTECTED] form
you're seeing...which sometimes is, it turns out  [EMAIL PROTECTED] to
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  This form lacks the misplaced phony Received: header.

*I see it as part of the series...the perps may not.

John Baxter   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Port Ludlow, WA, USA
mailman-developers...where no canned worm is safe.

Mailman-Developers mailing list

Re: [Mailman-Developers] OSX installation problem - no mailmanuser

2002-07-12 Thread John W Baxter

At 12:37 +0100 7/12/2002, Robert Crosbie wrote:
John W Baxter hath declared on Thursday the 11 day of July 2002  :-:
 Greg Westin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I sent this question to the mailman-users list and got no response, so I
 thought maybe I should try here.  I don't know if this is a problem
 because I'm a novice at these UNIX installations, or if there's
 something wrong with the Darwin installer:

 I haven't looked at the configure script (at all...I don't know what
 language it's in),

Basically a shell script...

 but the symptoms sound as if the script is not using
 normal system calls to retrieve the mailman user information... the
 Pythonic pwd.getpwnam() for example would get it just fine.  Is it doing

Perhaps you should have checked the script, it does in fact use
pwd.getpwuid() and/or pwd.getpwnam().
I assume these work properly on OSX.

Well, pwd.getpwnam() doesn't work properly but the failure is not
involved here.

(The encrypted password is returned by getpwnam regardless of whether root
or someone else runs it.  Coupled with the traditional 8-character crypt()
used for the passwords, this is a major flaw in Apple's security.  This
isn't a Python thing...the Perl equivalent also gets the password field.)

I haven't put Mailman on my Mac OS X machine.

[I haven't bothered to replace sendmail, either, but before actually
allowing port 25 connections I need a mail program I can
configure...fortunately while I've been driving Unix since 1995 at work
(same chair), we ditched sendmail when Exim became viable.  So I know
almost as little about sendmail as Aunt Sally does.]


John Baxter   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Port Ludlow, WA, USA

Mailman-Developers mailing list

Re: [Mailman-Developers] OSX installation problem - no mailmanuser

2002-07-11 Thread John W Baxter

Greg Westin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I sent this question to the mailman-users list and got no response, so I
thought maybe I should try here.  I don't know if this is a problem
because I'm a novice at these UNIX installations, or if there's
something wrong with the Darwin installer:

I haven't looked at the configure script (at all...I don't know what
language it's in), but the symptoms sound as if the script is not using
normal system calls to retrieve the mailman user information... the
Pythonic pwd.getpwnam() for example would get it just fine.  Is it doing
the equivalent of
   grep mailman /etc/passwd
?...if so it cannot succeed in a proper Mac OS X (although one could create
the user, find the numeric UID, and use vipw to install the user in
/etc/passwd and whatever we have to install the group in /etc/group. probably know this, but NetInfo is going away in a month or so
(Jaguar) to be replaced by an LDAP-based solution.  So doing a
NetInfo-specific fix would probably be unwise.

  --John (not under Jaguar NDA, and without Jaguar)

John BaxterPort Ludlow, WA, USA
I am NOT out of the office.  I will respond if and when I get around to it.

Mailman-Developers mailing list

Re: [Mailman-Developers] Another stupid question

2002-05-22 Thread John W Baxter

At 23:21 -0400 5/22/2002, Jay R. Ashworth wrote:
On Wed, May 22, 2002 at 10:27:58PM -0400, Barry A. Warsaw wrote:
 So, you need to fix host_name (and probably web_page_url).  Only the
 former can be changed on the General admin page.  Both of course can
 be changed via withlist.

Or I can remove the list and reinstantiate it, right?

Yes, but if you are at the stage of the list's lifetime when that is
appropriate, then it would seem that this list is a good one on which to
practice using bin/withlist.  Unless you're already comfortable with it.


John Baxter   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Port Ludlow, WA, USA

Mailman-Developers mailing list

Re: [Mailman-Developers] Replybot change proposed

2002-05-18 Thread John W Baxter

 I propose that the Replybot not send responses to any message marked
 Precedence: bulk unless there is a corresponding X-Ack: yes

Should that be expanded by adding Precedence: junk ?

John Baxter   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Port Ludlow, WA, USA

Mailman-Developers mailing list

Re: [Mailman-Developers] patch for using Bouncers/ with Python 2.2.1

2002-05-10 Thread John W Baxter

At 1:00 -0400 5/10/2002, Barry A. Warsaw wrote:
 JWB == John W Baxter [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

JWB Python 2.2.1 on Mac OS X does include those
JWB modules (and issues a deprecation warning upon import at the
JWB interpreter command line).  I didn't do anything special to
JWB include them.

And that module specifically imports the warnings module to silence
the deprecation warnings in Python 2.2.x.  Did you generate this patch
because you saw those messages, or things were broken for you?

Someone else stated that the old regular modules were missing on Mac OS X
and generated the patch.  For me they are present on Mac OS X.  I don't
know why they are present for me and not for the patch generator.


John Baxter   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Port Ludlow, WA, USA

Mailman-Developers mailing list

Re: [Mailman-Developers] Another broken message

2002-05-09 Thread John W Baxter

At 13:38 -0400 5/9/2002, Ron Jarrell wrote:
Ok, I got another instance (that makes 5 I've seen now) of mailman
sticking the headers into the body of the note..

There were extremely abbreviated headers, a blank line, a mangled header,
and then the rest of the headers in the body of the note.

The body starts:

  for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Thu, 9 May 2002 17:08:55 +
Received: from [] by;
Thu, 09 May 2002 17:08:55 +

Barry, having seen several examples now, it looks like something in the
header code every so often dumps a null line into the output while
building the message, thus causing the rest of the headers to look like
they're in the body...

If I were writing such an error, I would probably do it first by having a
problem with doing header continuations, if the end of what should be the
last line of the continued header exactly fills the allotted space for a
line.  (Having fixed that, I might get the same result more creatively.  ;-)

In fact, in other contexts I have done that.  Too often.

  --John (who hopes to learn to leave the errors out altogether sometime)
John Baxter   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Port Ludlow, WA, USA

Mailman-Developers mailing list

Re: [Mailman-Developers] Warning: nasty variant of this new virus.

2002-04-23 Thread John W Baxter

At 14:35 -0700 4/23/2002, Chuq Von Rospach wrote:
I just got sent a new copy of the Klez.E virus. The text it sends to the
user is this:

Klez.E is the most common world-wide spreading worm.It's very dangerous by
corrupting your files.

Ah...there's one now.  It came in a text/html part, with quoted-printable
The clever HTML which precedes the above material is (in its entirety) (I
stuck the spaces into the first tag to try to avoid confusing some dumb
mail client or overly-smart scanner).



The social engineering in the English translation of the message isn't
badly done.

File name in this sample is Fy.bat (which I suspect I'm interpreting

John Baxter   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Port Ludlow, WA, USA

Mailman-Developers mailing list

Re: [Mailman-Developers] Re: [Mailman-Users] Re: Editability ofmessages

2002-04-19 Thread John W Baxter

At 18:04 -0400 4/19/2002, Barry A. Warsaw wrote:
specifically, we seem to exhaust our open file limit about every 3rd
or 4th day.
It's disturbing and
we'll have to do something about it, although hopefully not as drastic
as reverting to Exim3.  I'm just wondering if any other Exim4 users
are seeing similar problems.

We haven't moved to either Mailman 2.1 or Exim 4 (on the Mailman machine) yet.

But...we are seeing a Python-based web dynamic page server (not leaving open files behind with a fairly new Python.

We've temporized by having a monitor which does a suitable
and counts the relevant open files...killing and restarting that server
when the count reaches 1000.

I'll pass along to the (really sharp) guy who is working on that problem
that you're seeing something at least vaguely similar.  We've been
operating on the theory that the problem is in our code, but...perhaps not?


John Baxter   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Port Ludlow, WA, USA

Mailman-Developers mailing list

Re: [Mailman-Developers] message posting in a loop with mailman2.1b1

2002-04-17 Thread John W Baxter

At 16:28 -0700 4/16/2002, Marc MERLIN wrote:
I'm not saying  that mailman is incorrect on the  interpretation of the RFC,
I'm saying  that if mailman  feeds an  incorrect Email address  or something
that causes  the MTA  to reject  the mail,  it will  endlessly spam  all the
subscribers that are being delivered to every time mailman tries.

This can't be the desired behaviour...

Nor is it what I see running Mailman with Exim.  But I haven't ventured
into 2.1b1 yet.

How does Mailman deliver the messages to Exim?

John Baxter   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Port Ludlow, WA, USA

Mailman-Developers mailing list

Re: [Mailman-Developers] bin/qrunner picking up changes

2002-03-29 Thread John W Baxter

At 8:19 -0500 3/29/2002, Mentor Cana wrote:
With the latest CVS, whenever list's configuration changes (i.e. new headers
or footers) a bin/mailmanctl restart is needed.

This could confuse lists owners who expect (rightfully so) to see the
changed footers or headers on their lists as soon as they save the
configuration. Should the Submit Your Changes button do a bin/mailmanctl
restart after successfully saving list's changes?

(I'm not sure of this behavior is limited to headers and footers only)

The issue is bigger than presented above (I don't have a 2.1.anything
installation to play with).

But simply telling a list owner to run
   bin/mailmanctl restart
won't do the trick:  most list owners don't have the power to run that
command (or any shell access at all).

Therefore, I'm pretty sure a solution is in the works.


John Baxter   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Port Ludlow, WA, USA

Mailman-Developers mailing list

Re: [Mailman-Developers] Modifications to msg

2002-03-18 Thread John W Baxter

At 18:56 -0800 3/18/2002, Dan Mick wrote:
 RFC 2822 rules on the number of specific headers a message can have.
 E.g. it can have many Received: headers, but only one Reply-To: header
 (although the latter allows for multiple addresses... go figure).

Ease of parsing.  No one but humans typically looks at Received:,
but dumb MUAs need to use Reply-To:, so complicated tricks for
accumulating a list are limited there.  (at least that's what
I'd guess at for a rationale.)

There is rather tortured logic in the old (and maybe new) documents
justifying the ability to have multiple addresses in the single From:
header.  Personally, I've never sent or received one of those, even as a
test message (I'm sure to get one now, having said that ;-)).

The other side of the coin is that there almost have to be multiple
received headers (OK, there could be one, munged some more by each handling
MTA, but that sounds dangerous for several reasons including ultimate
size), since multiple MTAs along the message's travel MUST each include a
Received: header (or would have to stick the information into the one
Received: header given the other rule).  And, of course, too many hops
would be harder if the MTAs had to unwind a 30 sub-item Received: header.

So let's turn the question around:  of what headers is there a logical
reason for multiples.

1.  Received, for the reasons mentioned.
2.  X-anything (I suspect, since there's little control over those)

But not Date: (despite the appearance of multiple ones of those in some
messages) and several others.

Reply to: ??  There probably shouldn't be huge numbers of Reply to:
addresses.  Multiple addresses are probably allowed on the same sort of
reasoning as multiple addresses in From:--the boss and the secretary thing.

(Unlimited reply to headers sounds like a great way to get a Spam
multiplier effect, but that wasn't a consideration at RFC writing time.)

And remember, too, that some things in RFCs are the way they are because
that's the way they are (and are hard to explain any other way).


John Baxter   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Port Ludlow, WA, USA

Mailman-Developers mailing list

Re: [Mailman-Developers] big list

2002-03-08 Thread John W Baxter

At 12:15 -0500 3/8/2002, Barry A. Warsaw wrote:
It would be really cool if we could get a bunch of MTA authors
together (I only care about the open source ones wink) to define a
protocol for letting the MTA doing the stitching.  I think Postfix,
and probably Exim support a way to do this for the envelope sender,
but the really interesting bits happen when the body of the message
can be personalized.  The outgoing MTA's the most efficient place to
do this, but you have to get it the information it needs to chew on.

I know there's been some talk about subsuming the outgoing
functionality into MM, but I see such a bulk mailer/stitcher as a
separate project, that could be integrated into MM through a new
DELIVERY_MODULE.  I don't expect to have time to work on that myself,
so there's an opportunity for someone who wants to contribute.

I suspect you'll get a lot of resistance from MTA authors to the idea of an
MTA (mail transfer agent) messing with the bodies of the messages.  That's
MUA work.

This is more for a purpose-built tool which knows how to send messages to
the world's MTAs and how to prepare messages, but does not know anything
about receiving messages from general local senders or from the world.  In
other words, a potentially useful different product.

Aside:  how far we've come from the old mainframe LISTSERV, the network of
which carefully sent one copy along with a list to addresses to various
neighbors near the addressees for further distribution.  So quite likely,
only one copy crossed the Atlantic...possibly one one went from Chicago to
Florida, etc etc.

As to VERPing a big list with the *current* tool:  don't (if it hurts,
don't do it, and I doubt whether throwing enough more hardware at the
50,000 address list is feasible).  VERP a bunch of little lists roughly
sequentially.  The originator of the thread might try the first 1,000 and
see whether 50 1000 member lists will work.  *Particularly* when nearly
50,000 bounces are expected (the list is bouncers from other lists, per the
initial message).

John Baxter   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Port Ludlow, WA, USA

Mailman-Developers mailing list

Re: [Mailman-Developers] big list

2002-03-08 Thread John W Baxter

At 23:31 +0100 3/8/2002, Fil wrote:
Sometimes you want to try and stress things, just to give beta feedback to
Barry. I've shown a problem with computing all VERPed messages before
sending (as opposed to *while sending*), I'm quite happy with that being in
a beta (or alpha) moment before the much awaited MM2.1.

Indeed, and that part of the thing you did was excellent.  (I find it
interesting that a second try worked somewhat well, at least initially.)
If you wanted quick results, the approach turned out not to be right...but
it certainly stressed well.

John Baxter   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Port Ludlow, WA, USA

Mailman-Developers mailing list

Re: [Mailman-Developers] Please Allow Me To Introduce Myself...

2002-03-08 Thread John W Baxter

At 15:01 -0800 3/8/2002, James J. Besemer wrote:
However you characterize them, don't you agree they are the future
(which was
the main point of my sentence)?  For better or worse, I detect an inexorable

Trend, yes.  Perhaps it's wishful thinking, but I don't think inexorable.

Counter trends:
[US] ADA compliance
wireless email appliances

[Both would make XML mail sensible, but not tower-of-babel HTML.]

None of which detracts from your point:  Mailman needs more ability to deal
with HTML mail.

  ---John (and besides, at age 62 now, I'll likely miss out on whatever
happens...which if that is HTML email, is good)

John Baxter   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Port Ludlow, WA, USA

Mailman-Developers mailing list

Re: [Mailman-Developers] Please Allow Me To Introduce Myself...

2002-03-06 Thread John W Baxter

At 16:14 -0800 3/6/2002, James J. Besemer wrote:
Another faction doesn't object to HTML per se except that the text in such
messages (for them)
appear in too small a font and they can't figure out how to change it.

Happens to me a lot since I read mail on my Macs, and a sensible size on a
Windows machine (particularly in Times) is unreadably small here.  (96 bit
vs 72 bit issues).  It happens on Web pages as well, where it's easy to
change the size but I often don't bother.

My solution is simple for mailing lists:  if a message is hard to read, I
don't read it (unless it seems to answer a question I posed, in which case
I try).


John Baxter   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Port Ludlow, WA, USA

Mailman-Developers mailing list

Re: [Mailman-Developers] Protecting email addresses from spamharvesters

2002-02-27 Thread John W Baxter

At 10:55 -0800 2/27/2002, Dan Mick wrote:
wrong was misstated; what I meant to say was the user is not
part of Mailman.

But the user is part of the mailing list system.  Usually the most
troublesome part.


John Baxter   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Port Ludlow, WA, USA

Mailman-Developers mailing list

Re: [Mailman-Developers] Interesting study -- spam on postedaddresses...

2002-02-20 Thread John W Baxter

At 10:15 -0800 2/20/2002, Chuq Von Rospach wrote:
That, basically, allows us to stuff mailtos somewhere pointing to an address
you can mail to to report site failures. I'll even go farther and say that
address can simply be on a web page, not linked to a Mailto, and if you
really, reallly want, obscure it further as a JPG or something. But I think
that's all overkill, given that spammers now automatically spam
root/postmaster/etc on domains anyway.

Which (as the reader of many of those, and as the person who adds content
filters) I find amusing:  they deliberately attract the attention of the
one most likely to do something.  I guess it makes sense when they think
about individual's machines sitting there accepting mail; it doesn't make
sense when then send to a server which serves lots of users.

It reminds me of the punt returner signalling for a fair catch when the
ball will come down near the goal line.  What that says to the onrushing
troops is ignore me and my teammates:  we can't hurt you anyhow...go after
the ball and keep it this side of the line.  Exactly what the troops'
coach wants them to be told.

So I recommend this:

You no longer advertise admin's real addresses. Instead, you advertise a
feedback  that sends messages to the admin, to discourage mailing directly.
A year ago, I probably would have insisted on SOME kind of email contact
point, but frankly -- the percentage of users who can't use a web page is
pretty much zero now.

[Good justification snipped.]

I think you're on to something, Chuq.

It also helps those admins who prefer to use a role address rather than a
personal one, as things stand now.  Saves inventing yet another of those
which isn't specially handled by the MTA/Mailman combination.


John Baxter   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Port Ludlow, WA, USA

Mailman-Developers mailing list

Re: [Mailman-Developers] Interesting study -- spam on postedaddresses...

2002-02-20 Thread John W Baxter

At 13:42 -0800 2/20/2002, Chuq Von Rospach wrote:
And any decent library also has a rare books room, which IS tightly locked
up. And while the content of a mail list qualifies as a public library to
some degree, the subscriber addresses live in that rare book room.

At least in Chuq's context, in which Apple claims in their privacy policy
to protect the addresses of us innocent subscribers to their lists.

That context may not match the context of other list operators, who may
feel that the subscribers are out in the main stacks somewhere.  Or in a
drawer in the librarian's desk for suitable review.

John Baxter   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Port Ludlow, WA, USA

Mailman-Developers mailing list

Re: [Mailman-Developers] Interesting study -- spam onpostedaddresses...

2002-02-20 Thread John W Baxter

At 20:36 -0500 2/20/2002, Jay R. Ashworth wrote:
[Quoting Chuq]
 See above. You don't get the analogy right.


No, I merely don't value the email address's privacy as highly as you
do.  I get about 50 spam a day in 200 new messages including about 14
mailing lists -- I'm entitled to hold that opinion if I want.

You *can't* make addresses overly private; they cease to be usable.

At least, given the supporting tools and infrastructure we have today.

I have a domain, for no particularly good reason.  (I saw the word in a
book ad in Science News...I bought the book and the domain based on the ad.
And since you could look it up it's

Once I had the domain, I started registering each product (or company's
products) with a unique local part  Late last year, I had
a sudden infusion of Spam addressed to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  [Company
shall remain nameless ;-)]  Sending mail to that address now produces a 550
response whose text is sold down the river by Palm   (Which might be
wrong...they might have leaked it instead...which IMHO is worse.)  Palm is
probably following the privacy policy as it has evolved since I registered
the (early production) Palm IIIx.

For Usenet posting, I use an address...the harvesters don't
seem to bother with obfuscation seems to be needed.  (And yes, I
get to deal with our SpamCop reports, but for THIS purpose the service
works very well.)

Scrambling quickly back on topic:  some list admins could do well to try a
SpamCop address--or the like elsewhere--for list admin purposes for Mailman


John Baxter   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Port Ludlow, WA, USA

Mailman-Developers mailing list

Re: [Mailman-Developers] Interesting study -- spam on postedaddresses...

2002-02-20 Thread John W Baxter

At 0:08 -0500 2/21/2002, Dale Newfield wrote:
 If the question and answer can be arbitary on a site by site, or better,
 hit by hit basis, then it becomes infeasible to build a spambot to enter
 such sites.

If it's arbitrary, it's generated by some algorithm.  If it's generated by
some algorithm, I just need to figure out the algorithm and I can always
get it.

Not to mention that people surprisingly often mess up answers to questions
as easy as Who is buried in Grant's Tomb?


John Baxter   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Port Ludlow, WA, USA
Who is buried in Grant's Pass?   Many people who lived there, and some who
had moved away.

Mailman-Developers mailing list

RE: [Mailman-Developers] Interesting study -- spam on postedaddresses...

2002-02-20 Thread John W Baxter

At 23:15 -0500 2/20/2002, Dale Newfield wrote:
On Wed, 20 Feb 2002, Damien Morton wrote:
 I still think the email-address-as-jpeg solution is prohibitively
 expensive to reverse; effectively impossible for machines, entirely easy
 for people.


It can't be enlarged for people that have poor vision.

Opera is a counter-example, but doesn't defeat your point.

(Tidbits the cat enlarged the web page my Windows laptop was idling on to
200% earlier today in a walk across the keyboard:  Opera has keystrokes for
nearly everything.)


John Baxter   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Port Ludlow, WA, USA

Mailman-Developers mailing list

RE: [Mailman-Developers] Interesting study -- spam on postedaddresses...

2002-02-18 Thread John W Baxter

At 7:12 -0500 2/18/2002, Damien Morton wrote:
There are several approaches to this, including
the use of javascript email decryptors and/or publishing email addresses
as rendered images.

I don't think we can assume that the user who feels a need to send mail to
the admin has a JavaScript-capable browser with JavaScript turned on.  Nor
can we require it, IMHO.

  --John (right now, I can't remember which browsers on which machines have
Javascript turned on.  Not good)

John Baxter   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Port Ludlow, WA, USA

Mailman-Developers mailing list

[Mailman-Developers] Future: Safe Auto-moderated Announce List

2002-02-11 Thread John W Baxter

I see the basic how do I let the right people post to this announce list
automatically question often enough to indicate that there is a perceived

Let's put digital signature technology to work.

For some post 2.1 release (and probably patchable into 2.1 by suitable
people), extend the privacy options to include:

List (two columns...duplicate senders probably allowed for the case of a
work key and a home key or an assistant's key for authorized forging, or
  Automatically post messages from these senders PROVIDED they are
digitally signed using the key listed for the sender.

  Automatically and silently reject (with logging) any message not from a
listed sender and properly signed.

Variations (not silently rejected, etc, if desired...but sending a
rejection message gives the would-be rogue poster information).

It seems to me that this can be turned into a suitable solution to the
auto-moderated announce list desire, without a whole lot of coding.

I didn't see such a feature request on SourceForge...if I missed it I
apologize (I've spent no more than 15 minutes driving SourceForge).

  --John (whose site has about 5 lists which would benefit from this feature)

OA   (Obligatory acronym):  SAMAL
John Baxter   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Port Ludlow, WA, USA

Mailman-Developers mailing list

Re: [Mailman-Developers] Mailman CVS works on OS X!

2002-01-23 Thread John W Baxter

At 13:20 -0800 1/23/2002, John W Baxter wrote:
[Off-list deliberately...OK to quote back onto the list if for some odd
reason you want to.]

Aargh...fortunately, there was no reason aside from off-topicness for me to
try to send off-list.


John Baxter   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Port Ludlow, WA, USA

Mailman-Developers mailing list

Re: [Mailman-Developers] Re: way to minimize IO load with MTA supported VERP

2001-12-07 Thread John W Baxter

At 14:18 -0500 12/7/2001, Bob Puff@NLE wrote:
Speaking of Exim.. one thing that really bothers me about Exim is the
message(s) it sends when it has to wait to deliver the message... these
would be interpreted as bounces, although they really are not.  I've seen
a few such messages, only to have the message delivered normally.  That
would trigger some bounce logic to at least pick up on what really isn't
(yet) a bounce.

Exim's delayed delivery warnings are orderly enough that it would be
quite easy to ignore them in bounce processing.  In several ways, they
don't look like failure messages.

Meanwhile, they let a user who has mistyped an address know about it sooner
than without the messages.  For an Exim running in support of live users.

Assuming, of course, that the Exim administrator has resisted the
temptation to improve the delayed delivery message.  If she's done that,
users are likely to fall off lists.  One hopes that the Exim admin and the
Mailman admin are speaking to each other.

If the Exim is running just to handle Mailman, the warning message can be
done away with entirely (and the retry intervals can be adjusted, and
several other such adjustments made).  Trivially.  But of course, you can't
configure away messages generated by remote sites you don't control.


Mailman-Developers mailing list

Re: [Mailman-Developers] Re: [Mailman-Users] Bounce Options

2001-12-01 Thread John W Baxter

At 2:18 -0500 12/1/01, Barry A. Warsaw wrote:
I'm more concerned with the user who fills up his disk and doesn't
notice it for a week because they're on vacation.  I'd like Mailman to
be robust against this, and I think the average non-deliveries over a
couple of weeks, with consignment to probation probably catches most
of this use case.

I'd prefer that such folks subscribe again if still interested.  You've
provided that option, so that's not a complaint about the design.  Note
that the one last warning may well bounce in this case.

On the other hand, I was on one list with a one bounce and you're out rule
(clearly stated in the welcome message).  That's too draconian for even me
to use (I had to resubscribe about 4 times over 3 years).  They were using
Majordomo, and the person in charge had a quick trigger finger.  ;-)


John Baxter   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Port Ludlow, WA, USA

Mailman-Developers mailing list

Re: [Mailman-Developers] Messing with

2001-10-30 Thread John W Baxter

At 1:39 -0500 10/31/2001, Bob Puff@NLE wrote:
One more question.  I realize the docs say never to mess with,
but use the  What happens if you do mess with  Are
modules somehow linked to certain byte offsets in it that, if modified,
makes things go boom?

When you upgrade Mailman, your edited is replaced.  Your is left alone.

No strange's just source code.


John Baxter   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Port Ludlow, WA, USA

Mailman-Developers mailing list

Re: [Mailman-Developers] Reply-To: handling

2001-10-20 Thread John W Baxter

At 22:15 -0700 10/19/2001, J C Lawrence wrote:
BTW: Have you checked Mutt's behaviour yet?  Could/would someone
check Outlook's behaviour?

Eudora 5.1 beta for Mac OS X (wherein I am at the moment) honors multiple
address Reply-To: headers.  It's highly likely that Eudora has done so from
the beginning (Steve believes in standards even though he hasn't been
allowed to add the list header handling yet:  odd in that Qualcomm was
involved in developing the list header RFC).

It's likely that the little Windows offshoot from Eudora (called Eudora)
also does it right, although it's a largely different team doing the work.
I can test if no one else here can easily.

John Baxter   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Port Ludlow, WA, USA

Mailman-Developers mailing list

Re: [Mailman-Developers] (2.0.6) pipermail takes 1 minute to rebuild indexes on large lists

2001-10-10 Thread John W Baxter

At 9:58 +0900 10/10/2001, Ben Gertzfield wrote:
Yes, this is probably the right solution.  In fact, I'm actually
leaning towards suggesting that Mailman just come with or depend
upon hypermail for archiving; we're just re-inventing the wheel
by trying to modify pipermail over and over, and it's really not
going to scale.

A problem here is that Hypermail is far from the only game in town.  I
don't know its current state:  hopefully much better than when we tossed it
out about 5 years ago.

Should mailman be picking the outside archiver to use, or should it just
make it easy to use SOME outside archiver?  (If there is some archiver
which is the GNU archiver in the sense that Mailman is the GNU mailing
list manager, I suppose that one could reasonably be favored.)


John Baxter   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Port Ludlow, WA, USA

Mailman-Developers mailing list