Re: [Mailman-Users] [Mailman-Developers] Sender field

2006-05-08 Thread William D. Tallman
On Tue, May 09, 2006 at 12:33:29AM +0900, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
> > "William" == William D Tallman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Well damn!!!  I am genuinely impressed and appreciative of this
response!  Have it saved off in a separate file to study.  Mr. Turnbull
has my sincere thanks for his effort here, and I hope that others may
have found it as valuable as did I.

On reflection, I stand instructed in several respects (not just about
failing to discount what my own MTA added to the headers :D ), but
specifically in the distinction between illegal and non-conforming.  I
should well have known better than that, having some knowledge of
programming (C), and being a long-time detractor of message windows
produced by a popular operating system to the effect that one has
"performed an ILLEGAL operation" (emphasis mine).

I may never actually put Mailman into service, but the project is both
interesting and instructive, in no small part in consequence of the
traffic on this list.  Again, my thanks to Mr. Turnbull.

Thanks for reading,

Bill Tallman

Mailman-Users mailing list
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Re: [Mailman-Users] [Mailman-Developers] Sender field

2006-05-08 Thread Stephen J. Turnbull
> "William" == William D Tallman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

William> On Wed, May 03, 2006 at 11:11:22PM +0900, Stephen
William> J. Turnbull wrote:

>> I don't think that is the way that RFC writers in general
>> think.

William> Yes, so I gather.


William> Which means that people really should learn to use email
William> systems intelligently, with the MUA of choice as the
William> means of control.

I firmly believe that, but unfortunately there are lots of MUAs that
don't really permit intelligent use.  Many people "inherit" an MUA
either from their OS or maybe their brother-in-law, and do not have
the desire or resources to change MUAs or even learn to use the one
they've got effectively.

There are a number of ways to look at this, but what the people who
write RFCs have come to insist is that you be strict with yourself
(always follow the rules and best practices), while being lenient with
others.  You can think of this as simply aikido on the Internet (==
self-defense), or some kind of generosity to those less clued than
oneself, but the rule works well whyever you follow it. :-)

>> So a good mail client will initialize the address of a reply to
>> the Reply-To, but provide a way for the user to override.  The
>> RFC only specifies the former, though, and only as a
>> suggestion.  Exactly how to handle this problem is a user
>> interface issue, and the RFC remains silent on such issues.

William> Implication here is that 'user' is a real human being,
William> not a software agent.

In this particular case, user refers to "user of a good mail client",
presumably human (but it could easily be an Emacs Lisp program or an
expect script ... ok, ok, that's not "easy", that's "heroic" ... but
it could be heroicly!)  However, most of RFC 2822 doesn't refer to
how the headers should be treated by a mail client, just to what they
mean.  That meaning could be useful to a human, or a mailing list
server, or whatever.

William> RFC2822, section 3.6.6 discusses re-sending fields as
William> intended for use by a re-sending 'user'.  It also
William> specifies that these fields are for informational
William> purposes only, and MUST NOT be used to actively
William> manipulate the message.

"Automatically."  There's nothing that says that you can't write a
mail client that has an "bounce followup" feature which looks for
sender, resent-sender and so on, and adds them to the "To" header, as
well as formatting the body with a summary of the progress of the
message by using Date and Resent-Date headers.

William> So an email list server cannot act as a re-sender, IIUC.

I don't see why not.  I think you're overinterpreting the RFCs.
Certainly, in this case "human user" is a leading interpretation.  But
if the actions described could be executed by a program, then there's
no good reason not to interpret "user" as possibly being a program,
unless the RFC explicitly says so.

William> The alternative is that the server actually initiates a
William> new message as a 'forwarding' agent.

I don't think either of the meanings of "forward" suggested in RFC
2822 section 3.6.6 apply here.  ("New message with old message as
body" clearly applies to digests, but I think we're more interested in
non-digest delivery in this thread.)

[William gives an example]
William> That means that the server must (MUST?) identify itself
William> in the originator fields.

No, I think that's wrong.  If the server wants to claim responsibility
for injecting the message into the mail system, then it should put
itself in the Sender field.  This absolves the original Sender of all
responsibility for misformatting of the message, misdirection to wrong
addresses, etc, etc.  If the server doesn't change the body at all,
and only adds new headers, then I think it should not do this.  In the
grey areas like Mailman, it's unclear.

However, suppose Mailman is configured to leave the headers alone, and
to leave the body alone, forwarding verbatim to the addresses on the
mailing list (except for adding its List- headers, etc).  I would
argue that since Mailman doesn't automatically forward, but instead
checks for spam, whether you're subscribed or not, whether the
subscriber is already an addressee in the message, etc., it makes
decisions about what to send where, and is therefore a "user" in the
sense of section 3.6.6.

Mailman SHOULD add Resent- headers, because if delivery gets
screwed up, bugs in its logic should be considered a candidate cause.
Ie, those headers mean that Mailman accepts partial responsibility for
misdirecting the reinjection of the message into the mail transport

For example, suppose Mailman hiccups and reinjects the same post
twice.  It would be useful to check whether the Resent-Message-Ids
differ.  If they do, you know for sure it was Mailman.  If they don't,
it doesn't prove it wasn't Mailman, but you do kn

Re: [Mailman-Users] [Mailman-Developers] Sender field

2006-05-03 Thread William D. Tallman
On Wed, May 03, 2006 at 11:11:22PM +0900, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
> > "William" == William D Tallman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> William> How does the RFC, or the writers thereof, define "user"?
> They don't.  IMHO (there are those more expert than I on this list)
> anything that is normally expected to touch the headers or body of a
> message is a "user" for the purpose of RFC 2822.  What is excluded is
> the mail transport system (MTAs) which are specified in RFC 2821.

> There is also a distinction between "originators" and "others".
> Certain headers ("From", "Subject", "Date", etc) are specified as for
> the use of the originator.  Other headers are generally specified in
> terms of their semantics alone, and not according to who may use them.


> William> An automated system is the tool of some deliberate
> William> intent, implying (necessarily?)  the will of a "user", I
> William> would think.
> I don't think that is the way that RFC writers in general think.

Yes, so I gather.

> Although there is a desire for RFC 2822 headers to be intelligible to
> humans, and many are very useful in day-to-day work, RFCs are in the
> end about machine-to-machine communication.  Thus the focus is on
> syntax so that machines can parse them without knowing what they mean,
> and of semantics that allow machines to make a good guess at what the
> humans are going to want.

Okay, that follows.
> For example, if there is a Reply-To header, the From header should be
> ignored, and the Reply-To address used in composing the addressee list
> for a reply.  However, one of the examples used IIRC is where the
> author of the original message is traveling and uses his own address
> as From (that's the identity the recipient recognizes) but Reply-To to
> direct the response to his host, whose email address he is borrowing.
> Now, a human who replies a week later will know that the boss is back
> home and want to reply to From but the mail client can't know that.

Which means that people really should learn to use email systems
intelligently, with the MUA of choice as the means of control.

> So a good mail client will initialize the address of a reply to the
> Reply-To, but provide a way for the user to override.  The RFC only
> specifies the former, though, and only as a suggestion.  Exactly how
> to handle this problem is a user interface issue, and the RFC remains
> silent on such issues.

Implication here is that 'user' is a real human being, not a software

RFC2822, section 3.6.6 discusses re-sending fields as intended for use
by a re-sending 'user'.  It also specifies that these fields are for
informational purposes only, and MUST NOT be used to actively manipulate
the message.  As a re-sender does not alter the originating fields,
software presumably cannot automagically use that information to ID the
source of the message, which remains the purview of the originating

So an email list server cannot act as a re-sender, IIUC.

The alternative is that the server actually initiates a new message as a
'forwarding' agent.  That means that the server must (MUST?) identify
itself in the originator fields.  The address of the author of the
message goes in the From: field, and the address of the forwarder (the
email list's originating mailbox) goes in the Sender: field, with
information on responses in the Reply-To: field.  As the author is not
the email list server, the address of the server's mailer MUST be by
itself in the Sender: field.  All as per section 3.6.5.

Additionally, one would think that the server is a 'forwarder' because
the message it sends out is not identical to the message it receives: it
adds footers, etc.

IIUC, that is.  Which apparently I do not, having read through the
headers of a message from this list.

There is no Sender: field.  The first field is apparently an
unstructured field with no identifier with the canonical following
colon.  It contains the sender (mailman-users-bounces...) and the date,
presumably of sending.  The second field is Return-Path: with an
'addr-spec'.  The originator fields are untouched.

Which means that the list server is neither a re-sender or a forwarder,
I gather, and that means I don't understanding any of this at all!  Or
is it that the server really is a re-sender in disguise and my MUA (MDA,
actually: Procmail) is forced to process this message to its final
destination in my mail system illegally?

As I'm (recreationally) in the process of setting up and understanding a
wee Mailman server on my own system, I'd really like to understand all
this, but looks like I've got a ways to go.

> William> Or is this relevant?
> Yes.  Sometimes such definitions are made explicitly.  I don't think
> they exist in this case, but it's a very good idea to ask.

Okay, thanks for this response!

And thanks again for reading,

Bill Tallman

Mailman-Users mai

Re: [Mailman-Users] [Mailman-Developers] Sender field

2006-05-03 Thread Stephen J. Turnbull
> "William" == William D Tallman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

William> How does the RFC, or the writers thereof, define "user"?

They don't.  IMHO (there are those more expert than I on this list)
anything that is normally expected to touch the headers or body of a
message is a "user" for the purpose of RFC 2822.  What is excluded is
the mail transport system (MTAs) which are specified in RFC 2821.

There is also a distinction between "originators" and "others".
Certain headers ("From", "Subject", "Date", etc) are specified as for
the use of the originator.  Other headers are generally specified in
terms of their semantics alone, and not according to who may use them.

William> An automated system is the tool of some deliberate
William> intent, implying (necessarily?)  the will of a "user", I
William> would think.

I don't think that is the way that RFC writers in general think.

Although there is a desire for RFC 2822 headers to be intelligible to
humans, and many are very useful in day-to-day work, RFCs are in the
end about machine-to-machine communication.  Thus the focus is on
syntax so that machines can parse them without knowing what they mean,
and of semantics that allow machines to make a good guess at what the
humans are going to want.

For example, if there is a Reply-To header, the From header should be
ignored, and the Reply-To address used in composing the addressee list
for a reply.  However, one of the examples used IIRC is where the
author of the original message is traveling and uses his own address
as From (that's the identity the recipient recognizes) but Reply-To to
direct the response to his host, whose email address he is borrowing.
Now, a human who replies a week later will know that the boss is back
home and want to reply to From but the mail client can't know that.

So a good mail client will initialize the address of a reply to the
Reply-To, but provide a way for the user to override.  The RFC only
specifies the former, though, and only as a suggestion.  Exactly how
to handle this problem is a user interface issue, and the RFC remains
silent on such issues.

William> Or is this relevant?

Yes.  Sometimes such definitions are made explicitly.  I don't think
they exist in this case, but it's a very good idea to ask.


Disclaimer: this is the way I think about these things, and I've found
it useful in understanding what RFCs do and don't say.  Others will
surely have different opinions.

School of Systems and Information Engineering
University of TsukubaTennodai 1-1-1 Tsukuba 305-8573 JAPAN
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  ask what your business can "do for" free software.
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Re: [Mailman-Users] [Mailman-Developers] Sender field

2006-05-02 Thread Barry Warsaw
On Mon, 2006-05-01 at 13:27 -0500, Neal Groothuis wrote:
> > I'd like to work up an unofficial diff to Mailman 2.1 for people like
> > Stephen who are willing to give it a try on a live site.  
> I'm not sure this is even necessary.
> Ezmlm doesn't touch the Sender: header at all, Majordomo sets it to the 
> owner of the list, and (AFAICT) Listserv sets it to the list itself. 
> This would seem to me to indicate that incidences of mail being returned 
> inappropriately to the sender are infrequent, at worst.

As I said, I think it's defensible to claim Mailman is the originator,
but practicality beats purity, and I do think a list manager falls into
a gray area here.

Having said all that, you might be right, in that we really don't need
to do much except remove the addition of the Sender: header in


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Re: [Mailman-Users] [Mailman-Developers] Sender field

2006-05-02 Thread Barry Warsaw
On Mon, 2006-05-01 at 18:16 -0700, Mark Sapiro wrote:
> Neal Groothuis wrote:
> >
> >Mailman is not the originator of the message, so it should 
> >not be tampering with the From: or Sender: fields at all.
> This is arguably not true. Mailman may add a list header and/or list
> footer to the body of the message as well as potentially filtering or
> scrubbing various MIME parts. The message sent by Mailman can be
> significantly different from the one originally received.

The copy that Mailman sends is almost always modified in some way, and
given the ambiguities in the standards, I think it's defensible to say
that Mailman is the originator of the messages received by list members.


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Re: [Mailman-Users] [Mailman-Developers] Sender field

2006-05-01 Thread Mark Sapiro
Neal Groothuis wrote:
>Mailman is not the originator of the message, so it should 
>not be tampering with the From: or Sender: fields at all.

This is arguably not true. Mailman may add a list header and/or list
footer to the body of the message as well as potentially filtering or
scrubbing various MIME parts. The message sent by Mailman can be
significantly different from the one originally received.

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, Californiabetter use your sense - B. Dylan

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Re: [Mailman-Users] [Mailman-Developers] Sender field

2006-05-01 Thread William D. Tallman
Watching this with interest; a newbie learns...

On Mon, May 01, 2006 at 01:27:40PM -0500, Neal Groothuis wrote:

> It might be appropriate for Mailman to add Resent-* headers, depending 
> on how one reads RFC 2822, 3.6.6.  I personally don't think it's 
> necessary or useful, since list servers add their own List-* headers, 
> per RFC 2369.   The Resent-* headers seem to exist for individuals 
> resending messages, not automated systems.  This is supported by the 
> RFC: "Resent fields are used to identify a message as having been 
> reintroduced into the transport system by a user."

How does the RFC, or the writers thereof, define "user"?  An automated
system is the tool of some deliberate intent, implying (necessarily?)
the will of a "user", I would think.

Or is this relevant?

Thanks for reading.

Bill Tallman

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Re: [Mailman-Users] [Mailman-Developers] Sender field

2006-05-01 Thread Neal Groothuis

I'd like to work up an unofficial diff to Mailman 2.1 for people like
Stephen who are willing to give it a try on a live site.  

I'm not sure this is even necessary.

Ezmlm doesn't touch the Sender: header at all, Majordomo sets it to the 
owner of the list, and (AFAICT) Listserv sets it to the list itself. 
This would seem to me to indicate that incidences of mail being returned 
inappropriately to the sender are infrequent, at worst.

The important question would seem to be "what's appropriate?"  From RFC 
2822, 3.6.2: "The originator fields indicate the mailbox(es) of the 
source of the message."   Given this, the definition of the Sender and 
From headers, and the example given in this section, it seems that 
Outlook's interpretation of the fields ("SENDER on behalf of FROM") is 
reasonable.  Mailman is not the originator of the message, so it should 
not be tampering with the From: or Sender: fields at all.

It might be appropriate for Mailman to add Resent-* headers, depending 
on how one reads RFC 2822, 3.6.6.  I personally don't think it's 
necessary or useful, since list servers add their own List-* headers, 
per RFC 2369.   The Resent-* headers seem to exist for individuals 
resending messages, not automated systems.  This is supported by the 
RFC: "Resent fields are used to identify a message as having been 
reintroduced into the transport system by a user."
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Re: [Mailman-Users] [Mailman-Developers] Sender field

2006-05-01 Thread Barry Warsaw
On Sun, 2006-04-30 at 00:00 +0900, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:

> Sender doesn't instruct *conformant* MTAs at all, does it?  AFAIK the
> only thing that a RFC 2821-conforming MTA looks at is the Return-Path
> header, and it's supposed to remove that.
> So this is purely a matter of pragmatic self-defense against broken
> MTAs that do bounce to Sender.

Correct, and what we're trying to figure out is whether we need that
self-defense any longer.  The change to test this may be as simple as
commenting out "msg['Sender'] = envsender" in bulkdeliver() inside (a little more complicated if you want to do it just for
one domain though -- you'd want to test for something like "if
'' in mlist.host_name")

> Agreed.  For a number of reasons, I think this information can be
> useful.  As I mentioned elsewhere, the Resent-Message-Id field can be
> used to supply a UUID that we can trust (eg, for constructing
> canonical archive URLs).  Unlike the Received headers, these are
> readable by humans who aren't wall-eyed, helpful in tracing delays,
> for example.

It's an intersting idea.


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Re: [Mailman-Users] [Mailman-Developers] Sender field

2006-05-01 Thread Barry Warsaw
On Fri, 2006-04-28 at 19:12 -0500, Brad Knowles wrote:

>   I think we need to gather a lot more information about the likely 
> outcome from this change, and I think the best way to achieve this is 
> through giving admins (either site admins or list admins) the ability 
> to set an option and choose whether or not they want to see what 
> happens.

I agree that we need a lot more data, but I'm not sure making this an
option is the best way to gather that data.  Besides, if we do it that
way, it'll be Mailman 2.3 (or whatever <3.0 wink>) before we make the

I'd like to work up an unofficial diff to Mailman 2.1 for people like
Stephen who are willing to give it a try on a live site.  We just have
to agree as to what that change should be!


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Re: [Mailman-Users] [Mailman-Developers] Sender field

2006-04-29 Thread John W. Baxter
On 4/29/06 8:00 AM, "Stephen J. Turnbull" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Sender doesn't instruct *conformant* MTAs at all, does it?  AFAIK the
> only thing that a RFC 2821-conforming MTA looks at is the Return-Path
> header, and it's supposed to remove that.

There is no Return-Path: header during transmission of a message. The
Return-Path header is added in the process of delivery.
There is a return path, stated in the MAIL FROM:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> SMTP
command.  (That command *can* have more stuff related to authentication.)
The return path is what should be used as the address of a bounce if a mail
system foolishly accepts a message and then creates a bounce.

Notice that if an MTA rejects a message (or one or more of the recipients of
the message), it is not bouncing or creating a bounce.  It is issuing an
error response...the MTA (or MUA in the case of message submission) that was
trying to send creates a bounce message if appropriate (for message
submission, the MUA notifies the user--or pretends to:  Microsoft by default
hides the notification remarkably well).

While multi-line text associated with the rejection code is provided for,
MUAs are very poor about showing it if a submission is rejected--some show
only the first line; some only the last line.  Even some MTAs "improve" the
text of the rejection.


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Re: [Mailman-Users] [Mailman-Developers] Sender field

2006-04-29 Thread Brad Knowles
At 12:00 AM +0900 2006-04-30, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:

>  Brad> If we need something that will be noticed by other MTAs
>  Brad> beyond the envelope sender and the "Return-Path:" &
>  Brad> "Errors-To:" headers, then we're going to have to carefully
>  Brad> think about this.
>  What's an Errors-To header?  I can't find it in the usual suspects.

That's the oldest technique for handling bounces.  It has been 
deprecated for a while, but I would be inclined to continue to at 
least provide the appropriate information.

Brad Knowles, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little
temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

 -- Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), reply of the Pennsylvania
 Assembly to the Governor, November 11, 1755

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Re: [Mailman-Users] [Mailman-Developers] Sender field

2006-04-29 Thread Stephen J. Turnbull
> "Brad" == Brad Knowles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

At 7:50 PM -0400 2006-04-28, Barry Warsaw wrote:

>> Whatever else we decide, I don't agree, or at least, it won't
>> help us.  $3.6.6 says that Resent-* headers are to be added by
>> a user.  It also says that these are purely informational
>> headers, so I don't see how adding them will instruct a
>> receiving MTA usefully.

Sender doesn't instruct *conformant* MTAs at all, does it?  AFAIK the
only thing that a RFC 2821-conforming MTA looks at is the Return-Path
header, and it's supposed to remove that.

So this is purely a matter of pragmatic self-defense against broken
MTAs that do bounce to Sender.

Brad>   Siunce the RFC doesn't specifically talk about "relay
Brad> agents" as separate from "users", I think we could argue
Brad> that Mailman would qualify as a "user" in this context.
Brad> Therefore, the Resent-* headers seem to be most appropriate.

Agreed.  For a number of reasons, I think this information can be
useful.  As I mentioned elsewhere, the Resent-Message-Id field can be
used to supply a UUID that we can trust (eg, for constructing
canonical archive URLs).  Unlike the Received headers, these are
readable by humans who aren't wall-eyed, helpful in tracing delays,
for example.

Brad> If we need something that will be noticed by other MTAs
Brad> beyond the envelope sender and the "Return-Path:" &
Brad> "Errors-To:" headers, then we're going to have to carefully
Brad> think about this.

What's an Errors-To header?  I can't find it in the usual suspects.

But I don't see any particular need for thought.  Conforming Internet
MTAs don't look at message headers, period.

School of Systems and Information Engineering
University of TsukubaTennodai 1-1-1 Tsukuba 305-8573 JAPAN
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  ask what your business can "do for" free software.
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Re: [Mailman-Users] [Mailman-Developers] Sender field

2006-04-28 Thread Bob Puff

Yes, and it still happens.  Apparently, AOL has some filter based on a FROM:
address matching a specific list, and bounces it with an SPF error, which it
clearly is not.


-- Original Message ---
From: Barry Warsaw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Have you tried turning on full personalization so that every 
> recipient gets their own copy?
> -Barry
--- End of Original Message ---

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Re: [Mailman-Users] [Mailman-Developers] Sender field

2006-04-28 Thread Brad Knowles
At 7:50 PM -0400 2006-04-28, Barry Warsaw wrote:

>  On Fri, 2006-04-28 at 13:05 -0500, Neal Groothuis wrote:
>>  As I noted in my previous response, I believe that the correct field (if
>>  Mailman were to add a "Sender:" header) to add would be "Resent-Sender".
>>Please see RFC 2822, section 3.6.6.
>  Whatever else we decide, I don't agree, or at least, it won't help us.
>  $3.6.6 says that Resent-* headers are to be added by a user.  It also
>  says that these are purely informational headers, so I don't see how
>  adding them will instruct a receiving MTA usefully.

Siunce the RFC doesn't specifically talk about "relay agents" as 
separate from "users", I think we could argue that Mailman would 
qualify as a "user" in this context.  Therefore, the Resent-* headers 
seem to be most appropriate.

But you are correct that these are purely informational and will 
be completely ignored by any MTA.  If we need something that will be 
noticed by other MTAs beyond the envelope sender and the 
"Return-Path:" & "Errors-To:" headers, then we're going to have to 
carefully think about this.

I am still opposed to blindly making this change and letting the 
community find out what happens.

I think we need to gather a lot more information about the likely 
outcome from this change, and I think the best way to achieve this is 
through giving admins (either site admins or list admins) the ability 
to set an option and choose whether or not they want to see what 

Brad Knowles, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little
temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

 -- Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), reply of the Pennsylvania
 Assembly to the Governor, November 11, 1755

  LOPSA member since December 2005.  See .
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Re: [Mailman-Users] [Mailman-Developers] Sender field

2006-04-28 Thread Barry Warsaw
On Fri, 2006-04-28 at 14:08 -0400, Bob [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> ...Trouble similar to a current problem I am having with AOL: they are
> bouncing all email with the 
> FROM: address of a specific AOL user, when mailman delivers the
> messages to -any- aol or 
> address.

Have you tried turning on full personalization so that every recipient
gets their own copy?


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Re: [Mailman-Users] [Mailman-Developers] Sender field

2006-04-28 Thread Barry Warsaw
On Fri, 2006-04-28 at 13:05 -0500, Neal Groothuis wrote:

> As I noted in my previous response, I believe that the correct field (if 
> Mailman were to add a "Sender:" header) to add would be "Resent-Sender". 
>   Please see RFC 2822, section 3.6.6.

Whatever else we decide, I don't agree, or at least, it won't help us.
$3.6.6 says that Resent-* headers are to be added by a user.  It also
says that these are purely informational headers, so I don't see how
adding them will instruct a receiving MTA usefully.


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Re: [Mailman-Users] [Mailman-Developers] Sender field

2006-04-28 Thread Barry Warsaw
Now that I have a few minutes to breath ;) I'll try to summarize my
thoughts on this, and then perhaps go back later and follow up to
specific points later in the thread.

I'm sympathetic to ripping out the Sender: field munging.  It was always
primarily a workaround for buggy MTAs.  If the majority of MTAs out
there now Do The Right Thing, then of course we want to be RFC
compliant.  Outlook's behavior has always been a wart but so far, the
benefits have outweighed the costs.  If the benefits are minimal now,
then it should go.

The question that must be answered is: if we no longer munge Sender:
header, what are the right headers to set to increase the likelihood
that bounces will go where we want them to?

I don't care about the minority of still-deployed buggy MTAs that may
send bounces to the wrong place as long as we can be reasonably assured
they won't send them to /some/ wrong places.  For example, I think it
would be bad if they started spamming list owners with bounces, very bad
if they spammed the original message authors, and worse if they spammed
the mailing list with bounces.  We have almost none of that now and if
we removed the Sender: header and saw a huge increase in this bad
behavior, then the benefits of munging the header go way up.

Of course, we might not know until we start deploying, which would be
too late.  I encourage those of you who want to get rid of Sender:
munging to modify your Mailman 2.1 code now and see what happens. :)  Of
course, you'll let us know how that goes!  My recommendation would be to
record the results in the wiki.

I agree that the RFCs are a bit murky in this area, but it's relatively
clear that the RFC 2822 'secretary' example illustrates the intent of
Sender:.  Our list owners are not the agents transmitting the messages,
so listname-owner should clearly not go in Sender:.

We really want to increase the chances that Mailman will process all
bounces.  As I mention above, we absolutely can't be a vector for
spamming people with bounces they can't do anything about.  If some
buggy MTAs throw bounces away though, tough luck for their users.  There
should be enough compliant MTAs out there that the added cost of keeping
bogus addresses on a list because we never saw their bounces should be

I don't really like list or site options for this kind of thing.  For
one thing, we already have too many options and adding list options
complicates the U/I and cognitive load for list admins who usually
really don't want to be bothered with this nonsense.  We should be
reducing the options a list admin has to worry about, not increasing

This is not really appropriate for a site admin either because that's
too coarse of a decision.  A Mailman site talks to a huge array of MTAs
and MUAs, so I don't think you could make a good choice.  If anything,
should we determine that Sender: munging has to stay, it should be a
user option because only the user knows whether their MUA will present
them with an ugly message display.  A user could decide to turn off
Sender: munging, but I suspect it's still more than the typical user
will want to deal with.  And of course per-user options get into all the
personalization vs. performance issues.

Is listname-bounces confusing?  Yes, and I wouldn't be opposed to
changing this, although I'm not sure what we'd use.  listname-processor?
Well, let's hope we can just get rid of Sender: munging instead.


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Re: [Mailman-Users] [Mailman-Developers] Sender field

2006-04-28 Thread Mark Sapiro
Dallas Bethune wrote:

>For our uses just  
>changing that list-bounces address to something less ominous looking  
>would help.

It definitely looks to me as if something needs to be done. I think
perhaps offering 3 options either to the list admin on a per-list
basis with a site default or just a site option. I lean towards
per-list although it's more work to add to the GUI.

The options I see are

1) current behavior with perhaps the addition of putting the original
Sender: in another header.

2) like 1) only use list address instead of list-bounces.

3) don't touch Sender: at all.

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, Californiabetter use your sense - B. Dylan

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Re: [Mailman-Users] [Mailman-Developers] Sender field

2006-04-28 Thread Bob [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Don't forget to consider things like SPF, which I think uses the sender field.  
Whatever is used for 
SPF _must_ be the domain of the mailman box, or you're gonna run into a pack of 

...Trouble similar to a current problem I am having with AOL: they are bouncing 
all email with the 
FROM: address of a specific AOL user, when mailman delivers the messages to 
-any- aol or 
address.  Its a very bad problem, because AOL is saying its a SPF problem, when 
it clearly isn't (as 
  other aol people can post to the list and receive their posts), and all the 
aol users are being 
automatically unsubscribed from lists that this guy posts on.  But I digress...


Neal Groothuis wrote:

 > It does not appear that Mailman modifies the "Sender:" field to comply with 
 > RFC 2822.  The 
list-bounces address is not the mailbox of the agent responsible for 
transmitting the message, as 
required in section 3.6.2.  The mailbox of the agent responsible for the 
transmission of the message 
would be the list-owner address.
 > Mailman's use the "Sender:" field does not seem to be in line with the 
 > intent of the RFC, nor 
with current usage of the field.

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Re: [Mailman-Users] [Mailman-Developers] Sender field

2006-04-28 Thread Barry Warsaw
On Fri, 2006-04-28 at 10:29 -0700, John W. Baxter wrote:
> On 4/28/06 6:06 AM, "Barry Warsaw" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Thu, 2006-04-27 at 22:46 -0500, Brad Knowles wrote:
> > 
> >> If the previous value of the "Sender:" field is being lost, then
> >> that should be corrected.  At the very least, the value should be
> >> saved in an "Old-Sender:" or "Previous-Sender:" or some other
> >> suitable renamed sender field.
> > 
> > Probably Original-Sender:
> Probably, indeed.  But what happens if that header was already "taken" in
> the process that brought the message to mailman for distribution to the
> list?
> (As usual, I have only questions, not answers.)


(and so on, and so on... :)

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Re: [Mailman-Users] [Mailman-Developers] Sender field

2006-04-28 Thread Neal Groothuis

John W. Baxter wrote:

Probably, indeed.  But what happens if that header was already "taken" in
the process that brought the message to mailman for distribution to the

As I noted in my previous response, I believe that the correct field (if 
Mailman were to add a "Sender:" header) to add would be "Resent-Sender". 
 Please see RFC 2822, section 3.6.6.  The "Resent-Sender" field may be 
multivalued, so this isn't a problem.  However, Mailman should not be 
modifying the Sender: field at all.

"Original-Sender" is a header used when gatewaying X.400 messages into 
RFC 822 messages for use in JNT mail networks.  It would not be 
appropriate for use here.

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Re: [Mailman-Users] [Mailman-Developers] Sender field

2006-04-28 Thread John W. Baxter
On 4/28/06 6:06 AM, "Barry Warsaw" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Thu, 2006-04-27 at 22:46 -0500, Brad Knowles wrote:
>> If the previous value of the "Sender:" field is being lost, then
>> that should be corrected.  At the very least, the value should be
>> saved in an "Old-Sender:" or "Previous-Sender:" or some other
>> suitable renamed sender field.
> Probably Original-Sender:

Probably, indeed.  But what happens if that header was already "taken" in
the process that brought the message to mailman for distribution to the

(As usual, I have only questions, not answers.)


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Re: [Mailman-Users] [Mailman-Developers] Sender field

2006-04-28 Thread Barry Warsaw
On Thu, 2006-04-27 at 22:46 -0500, Brad Knowles wrote:

>   If the previous value of the "Sender:" field is being lost, then 
> that should be corrected.  At the very least, the value should be 
> saved in an "Old-Sender:" or "Previous-Sender:" or some other 
> suitable renamed sender field.

Probably Original-Sender:


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