Re: [Mailman-Users] Mailman archive messages(not rm, but install!)

2006-12-09 Thread Brad Knowles
At 1:43 AM -0500 12/9/06, John A. Martin wrote:

  Oops.  The first sentence of mine above was intended to end with a
  question mark rather than an exclamation mark.  Maybe that would have
  sounded better.

That would have been somewhat better, yes.

 Brad I didn't say that Debian did.  Alan McConnell said that
 Brad Mailman had been installed without pipermail:

  Does that mean that the Debian Package does not carry pipermail?

In and of itself, no.  It simply means that Alan didn't have 
pipermail available to him.

 Brad When asked what kind of whacked-out version of Mailman they
 Brad were running that didn't include the built-in version of
 Brad pipermail, he said:

 Brad mm 2.1.5 .  But under Debian, so it has
 Brad experienced/endured the Debian security upgrade
 Brad procedures.

  Does that mean that the Debian Package does not carry pipermail?

In and of itself, no.  But it did certainly strengthen my belief that 
we were talking about a standard Mailman package as provided by 
Debian, yes.

  Between you and Alan you suggest something that is not true.  You are
  an authority on this list (and elsewhere).  Beginners will conclude
  From your statement that they should avoid using the Debian package.
  Whether that is good advice or not it is not justified by the line of
  evidence above.

A lot depends on the circumstances under which you read the given 
messages.  You took away one particular set of conclusions, and I 
took away a different set.

But then I most definitely felt strongly attacked in your follow-on response.

  Excuse me if I have a tendency based upon the above to suspect a
  readiness to assume that Debian does bizarre things when there is no
  evidence supporting that assumption.

You didn't see any evidence.  But just because you didn't see it 
didn't necessarily mean that it wasn't there.  And just because I saw 
what appeared to be such evidence, doesn't necessarily mean that I 
was (or was not) wrong.

But the fact that I came to what we now understand to be an erroneous 
conclusion does not let you off the hook for the manner in which you 

  I do not know what there is offensive and no offense was intended.

Your private reply was considerably more offensive than the public 
one, but I certainly felt what I believed to be a pretty strong 
current of intentionally implied offense.

Of course, we all know about the vagaries of human communications, 
and how 99% of that is lost via mechanisms such as e-mail.  And 
that's a sword that cuts both ways.

  I generally try to be precise and succinct.

I think you and I may suffer the same disease here.  We both seem to 
appreciate precision and brevity, but I believe we both have a 
tendency to verbosity.  And through verbosity, I think we may both 
have a tendency to be less clear to others than we would like, or 
than we appear to ourselves.

We both need editors.  Strong ones.  The kind of editor that Tom 
Clancy used to have, before he became really famous -- and rich.  The 
kind of editor that would force us to fight to the death for each and 
every word, and only let us win the battles that we really should win.

I'm not convinced that either of us is a particularly good 
self-editor, at least not all the time.  And that may sometimes have 
certain negative consequences, as we have seen.

   If one clicks one of the
  buttons mentioned, one sees a URL something like
  (for the i386 architecture) which I thought was uglier than mentioning
  the button to click at the URL I gave.

I did that.  And I didn't see anywhere on that page. 
I'm sure that if I went through the complete list of fifty-plus 
pages, or had seen the all files link, and then done a find 
within the page, then I would have found the module in question.  But 
that didn't happen.

Since you obviously did find the file in question, and therefore you 
obviously had the URL to the page where that could be found, and you 
recognized that the URL in question was long and unwieldy, you could 
easily have short-circuited the whole mess by putting that through a 
facility like

In fact, this whole business could have been stopped dead in it's 
tracks, by a simple response to the effect of:

Uh, sorry -- I have to disagree.  I don't mean to offend anyone,
but Debian does provide pipermail as a standard part of the
package, such as shown at, then do
a find within the page for pipermail.

Hope that helps.

And you could shorten that down even further.

  If you had bothered to click on one of the list of files buttons you
  would have (for the i386 archetecture) seen the file as
  the 19th of 3438 files.

As I said, I did that.  And I did a find within 

Re: [Mailman-Users] Mailman archive messages(not rm, but install!)

2006-12-09 Thread Brad Knowles
At 3:16 PM +0900 12/9/06, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:

The mailman package did install a
  complete Mailman on several Debian systems where I use Mailman.

Understood.  At least, now I do.

The problem is that the conversation I had with Alan up to that point 
had lead me to believe that we were talking about a standard Mailman 
installation as provided in package format by Debian, and yet Alan's 
configuration clearly lacked what I consider to be a pretty important 
core component.

There's a disconnect there, but I wasn't seeing it.  And the way John 
approached the situation in his response was ... not appreciated.

  This policy will occasionally result in the kind of problem we see
  here.  It's a tradeoff.  You don't like it as it manifests on
  Mailman-Users, and you shouldn't---all we're ever going to see here is
  the bugs.  But all you need to say is the Mailman project distributes
  Mailman with the pipermail archiver included.  If you don't have it,
  it is a packaging issue.  Your vendor Debian needs to know about it,
  and you need to get support from them.

Actually, when all is said and done, I think John did have a valid 
point, and we need to modify this slightly.

We need to go further and tell them that this *may* be a packaging 
issue, and that they need to consult with their administrator or 
their vendor, or whomever actually installed the software or is 
responsible for administering the software and/or hardware, to 
confirm whether or not this actually is a standard version installed 
from a package somewhere, or if this has been customized by someone. 
If the former, then they would need to contact the vendor who created 
the package, otherwise they need to contact whomever did the 

But someone needs to find a simpler way to explain this.

  In sum, I think you are doing the Mailman project a disservice by
  denigrating Debian.  If they're really doing their users such a
  disservice, you (or somebody from Mailman who understands the issues)
  should report it as a bug.  In my experience the various distros,
  including Debian, are responsive to upstream maintainers.

I still don't feel that we should be responsible for reporting bugs 
to all the hundreds or thousands of distributions, open source OSes, 
commercial OSes, etc  I don't think that is a goal that would 
should even attempt to chase, because I don't believe that we could 
possibly have the resources necessary to begin to try to achieve it.

We are not the user of the Debian software in question.  We should 
not be required to report what we consider to be bugs through their 
tracking system.

Yes, there should be improved communication between our group and the 
respective parties at the various OS vendors and distributors, but 
that's also a two-way street -- if they're taking our code and making 
any modifications to it, then they should be feeding those back to us.

The real irony here is that I just remembered that at least one 
person responsible for maintaining the Mailman package for Debian has 
subscribed to the mailman-developers list and has started feeding 
back some changes into our system, based on things they've done.


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Re: [Mailman-Users] Mailman archive messages(not rm, but install!)

2006-12-09 Thread Mark Sapiro
Brad Knowles wrote:

The problem is that the conversation I had with Alan up to that point 
had lead me to believe that we were talking about a standard Mailman 
installation as provided in package format by Debian, and yet Alan's 
configuration clearly lacked what I consider to be a pretty important 
core component.

As I tried to indicate in another post, there are possibilities other
than a defect/lack in the Debian package that can cause what Alan

To elaborate a bit on,
there are settings that can affect archiving in a particular

disables archiving completely

disables pipermail leaving only .mbox archiving

sets archive to No as the default for a new list, which setting might
be overlooked by an inexperienced list owner.

There are other settings that could cause pipermail archiving to fail
or be bypassed for a particular installation.

Mark Sapiro [EMAIL PROTECTED]   The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, Californiabetter use your sense - B. Dylan

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Mailman archive messages(not rm, but install!)

2006-12-09 Thread Alan McConnell
On Thu, Dec 07, 2006 at 06:04:55PM -0500, Barry Warsaw wrote:
 Hash: SHA1
 On Dec 7, 2006, at 5:22 PM, Paul Tomblin wrote:
  I've just spent two days manipulating a bunch of mbox files into  
  Let me tell you how it goes:
 [Screams of pain omitted]
 Have I mentioned recently how long I've been looking for a volunteer  
 to help make all this not suck?  ;}  Pipermail is just one of those  
 things that people either live with or ditch.
Neither of you gentlemen is cheering me up!

The horrible news:  the mailman that I admin is run on my ISP.  The
chance that the PatriotNet people will reboot to get my archive in
order is . . .  not great, to say the least.

The less bad news: there are no archives existing on this list.
PatriotNet has just installed mailman(actually about two months ago)
and only one person(me) is AFAIK yelling for archives.

Alan, hoping for cheerier information

Alan McConnell :
The intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy.
Impeachment proceedings should be started immediately.
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Mailman archive messages(not rm, but install!)

2006-12-08 Thread Alan McConnell
On Thu, Dec 07, 2006 at 06:23:40PM -0600, Brad Knowles wrote:
 At 4:57 PM -0500 12/7/06, Alan McConnell wrote:
  Meanwhile, I am adminning(sp?), through my ISP, a new but quite active
  E-list.  But their mailman install is incomplete; they haven't put in
  Pipermail(about which I know _nothing_).
 Uh, what version of Mailman is that?  I thought that Mailman had 
 fully integrated Pipermail along with the base code, for many years 
 now?  Are they running Mailman 1.x or something?
mm 2.1.5 .  But under Debian, so it has experienced/endured the
Debian security upgrade procedures.

  and massage these messages and then ship them off to the new very
  skilful tech staff that my ISP is allegedly hiring, and they will
  be able to slip this collection adroitly into place.  And it will
  be as if archiving was always in place . . .
 So long as you save the messages in mbox format, and you have access 
 to the command-line, you can always use the arch tool to import the 
 old messages into the new archives.  The instructions for doing this 
 kind of stuff are in the FAQ.
 But if you don't have direct command-line access to the server, then 
 you'll be dependant on the staff that do.  And from what you've 
 described, that's really the crux of the problem you're already faced 
You are exactly right.  It is, like so many other thingsg, a
political problem.  PatriotNet is a small ISP; its founder died,
the widow sold to another, totally incompetent, company . . . but
now it has passed to yet another company, which is known to have
Linux/Unix competent people, and which makes good noises in re
tech support.

Since you say mbox format and since my MUA is mutt, set up to use mbox,
I think/hope/believe I am OK . . .  but time will tell.

Many thanks to you and to the others who have chimed in.  This E-list is
wonderful; run the way a help list should be IMHO.

Best wishes,


Alan McConnell :
There are many good Impeachment sites; one of the best is:
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Mailman archive messages(not rm, but install!)

2006-12-08 Thread Brad Knowles
At 7:52 AM -0500 12/8/06, Alan McConnell quoted me:

  Uh, what version of Mailman is that?  I thought that Mailman had
  fully integrated Pipermail along with the base code, for many years
  now?  Are they running Mailman 1.x or something?

   mm 2.1.5 .  But under Debian, so it has experienced/endured the
   Debian security upgrade procedures.

Okay, now that is one of the most bizarre things I've heard of in a 
very long time.  I cannot comprehend how they could possibly ship a 
version of Mailman 2.1.x that does not automatically include the 
bundled Pipermail component.

Congratulations -- I've been in this business long enough that I 
don't get too many surprises like this anymore.  Yet, Mailman has 
recently provided me these kinds of surprises twice in the last 
couple of weeks or so.

There should definitely be some sort of prize that you win as a 
result of your experience.

   You are exactly right.  It is, like so many other thingsg, a
   political problem.  PatriotNet is a small ISP; its founder died,
   the widow sold to another, totally incompetent, company . . . but
   now it has passed to yet another company, which is known to have
   Linux/Unix competent people, and which makes good noises in re
   tech support.

Ahh.  PatriotNet.  I had heard good things about them years ago, but 
it's been a while since I've seen that name.

Interesting to see what has since happened to that company.

  Since you say mbox format and since my MUA is mutt, set up to use mbox,
  I think/hope/believe I am OK . . .  but time will tell.

In terms of the mbox format itself, you should be fine.

I'm seriously thinking of switching back to mutt myself (after being 
away for so many years), because Qualcomm/Eudora have decided to kill 
the product as a separate program and the next major version is going 
to be based on the Thunderbird platform.  Of course, if I wanted 
Thunderbird, I'd be using Thunderbird.  I have over 6GB of archives 
in Eudora's slightly modified version of mbox archives, and I'm not 
looking forward to what I'm going to have to do in order to move to a 
different program.  I may take a look at what happens with Eudora 
after the change, I might go ahead and switch to real Thunderbird, 
or I might switch to a different program altogether -- which would 
almost certainly be mutt.  I haven't decided yet.

But regardless of what happens to me, you should definitely be fine with mutt.

I think your issue is going to be the level of support that you get 
from the people who have yet to be brought in to help manage the 
systems, and whether or not they have the level of clue and talent 
required to be able to properly import your mailboxes for the 

As far as that goes, about all I can do is to wish you luck, and then 
we all wait to see what happens.

  Many thanks to you and to the others who have chimed in.  This E-list is
  wonderful; run the way a help list should be IMHO.

I'm pretty much always glad to help, if I can -- as permitted by time 
and available resources.


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mail forwarding service as of 15 November 2006.  If you have an old
e-mail account for me at this domain, please make sure you correct that
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Mailman archive messages(not rm, but install!)

2006-12-08 Thread Christopher X. Candreva
On Thu, 7 Dec 2006, Barry Warsaw wrote:

 Have I mentioned recently how long I've been looking for a volunteer  
 to help make all this not suck?  ;}  Pipermail is just one of those  
 things that people either live with or ditch.

I've used Hypermail for probably a decade to archive Majordomo lists.
It makes web archives from mbox files natively.

Chris Candreva  -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- (914) 967-7816
WestNet Internet Services of Westchester
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Mailman archive messages(not rm, but install!)

2006-12-08 Thread Todd Zullinger
Mark Sapiro wrote:
 Paul Tomblin wrote:
Quoting Barry Warsaw ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 It already does escape From lines in the body of the message.  It
 does this by way of the email package's Generator class, which is
 instantiated with mangle_from_=True.

Must be a newer version than the one in Debian stable.   I grepped
for mangle in /var/lib/mailman/Mailman/*, and didn't find it.  The
parameter does appear in /usr/lib/python2.3/email/, but
since I don't know python I don't know how to pass it to it.  I'm
guessing it has something to do with changing the g =
Generator(fp) and g = Generator(outfp) lines in
Mailman/ or more likely the g = Generator(self.fp)
line in Mailman/  Is it as simple as changing that last
one to g = Generator(self.fp,mangle_from_=True)?
 Yes it is.
 And I think Barry may have misspoken as I don't think that change is
 in the SVN trunk or Release_2_1-maint branch.

According to the docs for email.Generator, mangle_from defaults to
True and has since at least python 2.3.  So setting it shouldn't be
needed AFAICS.

In that case, shouldn't any message that reaches mailman with an
unescaped From_ line in the body already be handled properly?  It
seems like something else must be borked.  That or all of the messages
in a list mbox that contain unescaped From_ lines got there from
really old versions of Mailman/python.

ToddOpenPGP - KeyID: 0xBEAF0CE3 | URL:
You know an odd feeling?  Sitting on the toilet eating a chocolate
candy bar.
-- George Carlin, Napalm  Silly Putty

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Mailman archive messages(not rm, but install!)

2006-12-08 Thread Paul Tomblin
Quoting Todd Zullinger ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 Mark Sapiro wrote:
  Paul Tomblin wrote:
 Quoting Barry Warsaw ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
  It already does escape From lines in the body of the message.  It
  does this by way of the email package's Generator class, which is
  instantiated with mangle_from_=True.
 According to the docs for email.Generator, mangle_from defaults to
 True and has since at least python 2.3.  So setting it shouldn't be
 needed AFAICS.

Oh right, now I get it.  I told you I didn't know Python, but I should have
been able to figure that 
def __init__(self, outfp, mangle_from_=True, maxheaderlen=78):
meant that it defaulted to True in so didn't need to be
changed in Mailman.

 In that case, shouldn't any message that reaches mailman with an
 unescaped From_ line in the body already be handled properly?  It
 seems like something else must be borked.  That or all of the messages
 in a list mbox that contain unescaped From_ lines got there from
 really old versions of Mailman/python.

That is distinctly possible.  The archives in question go back to 1998.  I
didn't keep track of when the *last* unescaped From_ line was put in the

It could have been raining flaming bulldozers, and those idiots would have
been standing out there smoking, going 'hey, look at that John Deere burn!'
  -- Texan AMD security guard
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Mailman archive messages(not rm, but install!)

2006-12-08 Thread John A. Martin
 Brad == Brad Knowles
 Re: [Mailman-Users] Mailman archive messages(not rm, but install!)
  Fri, 8 Dec 2006 08:52:26 -0600

Brad At 7:52 AM -0500 12/8/06, Alan McConnell quoted me:
 Uh, what version of Mailman is that?  I thought that Mailman
 had fully integrated Pipermail along with the base code, for
 many years now?  Are they running Mailman 1.x or something?

 mm 2.1.5 .  But under Debian, so it has experienced/endured the
 Debian security upgrade procedures.

Brad Okay, now that is one of the most bizarre things I've heard
Brad of in a very long time.  I cannot comprehend how they could
Brad possibly ship a version of Mailman 2.1.x that does not
Brad automatically include the bundled Pipermail component.

Brad Congratulations -- I've been in this business long enough
Brad that I don't get too many surprises like this anymore.  Yet,
Brad Mailman has recently provided me these kinds of surprises
Brad twice in the last couple of weeks or so.

Brad There should definitely be some sort of prize that you win
Brad as a result of your experience.

See for a
description of the Debian Mailman package that integrates
... archiving   Further down that page under the heading
Download mailman click on one of the list of files buttons and see
among other things: usr/lib/mailman/Mailman/Archiver/


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Re: [Mailman-Users] Mailman archive messages(not rm, but install!)

2006-12-08 Thread Todd Zullinger
Paul Tomblin wrote:
 Oh right, now I get it.  I told you I didn't know Python, but I
 should have been able to figure that
 def __init__(self, outfp, mangle_from_=True, maxheaderlen=78):
 meant that it defaulted to True in so didn't need to be
 changed in Mailman.


I actually trusted the docs (which I probably shouldn't do).  But
you're right, the __init__ line confirms the default setting for

 In that case, shouldn't any message that reaches mailman with an
 unescaped From_ line in the body already be handled properly?  It
 seems like something else must be borked.  That or all of the
 messages in a list mbox that contain unescaped From_ lines got
 there from really old versions of Mailman/python.
 That is distinctly possible.  The archives in question go back to
 1998.  I didn't keep track of when the *last* unescaped From_ line
 was put in the archives.

It still sucks that you have to muck around with the mboxes to get
pipermail to archive them properly.  I feel your pain.  I am currently
trying to get another lists archives into better shape and have run
into the same issue.

I'm seriously lacking in the skill to fix pipermail or I'd take Barry
up on trying to fix it.

ToddOpenPGP - KeyID: 0xBEAF0CE3 | URL:
An idea is not responsible for the people who believe in it.
-- Anonymous

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Mailman archive messages(not rm, but install!)

2006-12-08 Thread Barry Warsaw
Hash: SHA1

On Dec 8, 2006, at 11:10 AM, Paul Tomblin wrote:

 In that case, shouldn't any message that reaches mailman with an
 unescaped From_ line in the body already be handled properly?  It
 seems like something else must be borked.  That or all of the  
 in a list mbox that contain unescaped From_ lines got there from
 really old versions of Mailman/python.

 That is distinctly possible.  The archives in question go back to  
 1998.  I
 didn't keep track of when the *last* unescaped From_ line was put  
 in the

Sorry, I should have been clearer that the /default/ behavior of the  
generator is to mangle From_ lines.  So it's true that nothing in  
Mailman should need to be changed.

However, it's also true that in the distant past, there were some  
bugs in the mbox implementation which would cause broken mbox files  
to be written.  A quick scan through the svn logs jogs my memory:  
r6341 on 2003-04-17 was added to fix a message separation bug.  I  
don't know how long that bug was lurking, but the fix puts it just  
before the 2.1.2 release according to the NEWS file.  I'll bet that  
it existed from 2.1 final (Dec 2002) until 2.1.2 (Apr 2003), the  
latter which was probably released specifically to fix this problem!

Note that this bug had no effect on the archiving of new messages on  
the fly.  Those always got archived correctly.  But the message was  
appended to the mbox file incorrectly which meant that if you  
regenerated your archives, you'd be screwed.  This was what bin/ 
cleanarch was intended to fix.

BTW, one less ambitious way to participate here to help fix things  
would be to improve bin/cleanarch.  At the very least, you should be  
able to run that script and get an mbox file that bin/arch can use to  
DTRT.  It would also be nice if bin/arch was able to compensate for  
running out of memory, possibly by changing it to fork a sub-process  
to do the actual archiving with the parent process pre-chunking the  
workload for the child.

Anyway, I'm cc'ing mailman-developers.  Further discussion of how to  
improve matters should be conducted on that list (and mailman-users  
should be removed).

- -Barry

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Mailman archive messages(not rm, but install!)

2006-12-08 Thread Mark Sapiro
Brad Knowles wrote:

At 7:52 AM -0500 12/8/06, Alan McConnell quoted me:

  Uh, what version of Mailman is that?  I thought that Mailman had
  fully integrated Pipermail along with the base code, for many years
  now?  Are they running Mailman 1.x or something?

  mm 2.1.5 .  But under Debian, so it has experienced/endured the
  Debian security upgrade procedures.

Okay, now that is one of the most bizarre things I've heard of in a 
very long time.  I cannot comprehend how they could possibly ship a 
version of Mailman 2.1.x that does not automatically include the 
bundled Pipermail component.

But the hosting service could set


in to disable pipermail archiving and archive only to the
.mbox file.

Mark Sapiro [EMAIL PROTECTED]   The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, Californiabetter use your sense - B. Dylan

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Mailman archive messages(not rm, but install!)

2006-12-08 Thread Brad Knowles
At 11:43 AM -0500 12/8/06, John A. Martin wrote:

  See for a
  description of the Debian Mailman package that integrates
   archiving   Further down that page under the heading
  Download mailman click on one of the list of files buttons and see
  among other things: usr/lib/mailman/Mailman/Archiver/

I've never claimed to be a Debian expert, and if they're mucking 
about with packages that include certain features by default in order 
to remove those features, then there's not much I can do to help the 
poor souls that are stuck with that kind of stuff.

However, no amount of your expecting me to do fact-checking with 
the way that Debian is building their highly modified packaged 
versions of our software is going to change that.  It's physically 
impossible to keep up with how every single vendor is choosing to 
ship our software.

As far as I'm concerned, Debian is now further in the doghouse with 
me with regards to Mailman than most any other vendor, with the 
possible exception of cPanel.  Even Apple ships a relatively 
plain-jane version of Mailman 2.1.5 with their MacOS X Server 
platform, even if they do have their own proprietary management 
system that they tack on.

Now, if you want to side with the Debian folks on this, you're 
welcome to do that.  But no one in that camp is going to be getting 
any sympathy from me.


Trend Micro has announced that they will cancel the
mail forwarding service as of 15 November 2006.  If you have an old
e-mail account for me at this domain, please make sure you correct that
with the current address.
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Mailman archive messages(not rm, but install!)

2006-12-08 Thread Paul Tomblin
Quoting Brad Knowles ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 At 11:43 AM -0500 12/8/06, John A. Martin wrote:
   See for a
   description of the Debian Mailman package that integrates
    archiving   Further down that page under the heading
   Download mailman click on one of the list of files buttons and see
   among other things: usr/lib/mailman/Mailman/Archiver/
 I've never claimed to be a Debian expert, and if they're mucking 
 about with packages that include certain features by default in order 
 to remove those features, then there's not much I can do to help the 
 poor souls that are stuck with that kind of stuff.

I don't know what John is experiencing, but I'm using Mailman installed
from Debian Stable, and have been for a couple of years, and it's always
had pipermail.

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Mailman archive messages(not rm, but install!)

2006-12-08 Thread John A. Martin
 Paul == Paul Tomblin
 Re: [Mailman-Users] Mailman archive messages(not rm, but install!)
  Fri, 8 Dec 2006 20:04:51 -0500

 Alan == Alan McConnell
 Re: [Mailman-Users] Mailman archive messages(not rm, but install!)
  Fri, 8 Dec 2006 07:52:33 -0500

Paul Quoting Brad Knowles ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 At 11:43 AM -0500 12/8/06, John A. Martin wrote:
   See for a
   description of the Debian Mailman package that integrates
    archiving   Further down that page under the
   heading Download mailman click on one of the list of
   files buttons and see among other things:

 I've never claimed to be a Debian expert, and if they're
 mucking about with packages that include certain features by
 default in order to remove those features,

What makes you, Brad, think that Debian removes pipermail when shown
where it can be seen by anybody that it is included!  What mucking
about or other removal of features are you, or someone else, referring

 then there's not much I can do to help the poor souls that are
 stuck with that kind of stuff.

The first recourse when having trouble with a Debian package should
not be to the upstream but to the Debian maintainers, usually via a
Debian Bug report.

Paul I don't know what John is experiencing, 

I am experiencing dismay at the innuendo followed by disinformation
with respect to the Debian Mailman package.

Paul but I'm using Mailman installed from Debian Stable, and have
Paul been for a couple of years, and it's always had pipermail.

Yes.  AFICT the absence of pipermail from the Debian Mailman is a
fantasy held only by Brad Knowles as the explanation for difficulties
experienced by a user who remarked as follows:

Alan   mm 2.1.5 .  But under Debian, so it has
Alan   experienced/endured the Debian security upgrade
Alan   procedures.


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Re: [Mailman-Users] Mailman archive messages(not rm, but install!)

2006-12-08 Thread Brad Knowles
At 10:17 PM -0500 12/8/06, John A. Martin wrote:

  I've never claimed to be a Debian expert, and if they're
  mucking about with packages that include certain features by
  default in order to remove those features,

  What makes you, Brad, think that Debian removes pipermail when shown
  where it can be seen by anybody that it is included!  What mucking
  about or other removal of features are you, or someone else, referring

I didn't say that Debian did.  Alan McConnell said that Mailman had 
been installed without pipermail:

Meanwhile, I am adminning(sp?), through my ISP, a new but
quite active E-list.  But their mailman install is
incomplete; they haven't put in Pipermail (about which
I know _nothing_).

When asked what kind of whacked-out version of Mailman they were 
running that didn't include the built-in version of pipermail, he 

mm 2.1.5 .  But under Debian, so it has experienced/endured the
Debian security upgrade procedures.

To which my reply was:

Okay, now that is one of the most bizarre things I've heard of
in a very long time.  I cannot comprehend how they could
possibly ship a version of Mailman 2.1.x that does not
automatically include the bundled Pipermail component.

This lead to your mildly offensive reply, where you publicly said:

for a description of the Debian Mailman package that
integrates  archiving   Further down that page
under the heading Download mailman click on one of the
list of files buttons and see among other things:

Yet nowhere on that page do I find any reference to pipermail.  If 
you had wanted to provide proof that Debian provides pipermail as 
part of the package, you should have been much less obtuse and 
offensive with your language, and much more explicit in the URL you 

Based on what I saw on that page, and the rude behaviour I was seeing 
from you, I concluded that Debian had actually done precisely what I 
had previously commented on to Alan, and led to my response:

I've never claimed to be a Debian expert, and if they're
mucking about with packages that include certain features
by default in order to remove those features, then there's
not much I can do to help the poor souls that are stuck
with that kind of stuff.

However, no amount of your expecting me to do fact-checking
with the way that Debian is building their highly modified
packaged versions of our software is going to change that.
It's physically impossible to keep up with how every single
vendor is choosing to ship our software.

Note that I do not, at any time, make an outright claim that Debian 
was stripping pipermail from the Mailman package that they were 
providing -- I said ... if they're mucking about with packages that 
include certain features by default to remove those features

Obviously the subtle difference in this statement was completely lost on you.

  The first recourse when having trouble with a Debian package should
  not be to the upstream but to the Debian maintainers, usually via a
  Debian Bug report.

I don't think it's appropriate for us to be filing bug reports on 
these sorts of things with package maintainers of a given platform. 
If the users of those packages wish to file bug reports, I would 
fully support that.  If the package maintainers wish to come back to 
us and file bug reports against our code in our bug tracking system, 
I welcome that.

But no one here has the time to go tracking down every single bloody 
bizarre behaviour that may or may not be a result of something 
strange that a package maintainer decided to do, and then to track 
them down and sit on them until they fix their bug.

That is, unless you're volunteering to do that, of course.  If so, 
then please just go ahead and do so, and quit making worse a 
situation that is already pretty bad to begin with.

 Paul I don't know what John is experiencing,

  I am experiencing dismay at the innuendo followed by disinformation
  with respect to the Debian Mailman package.

If you want clarity in a discussion, it would really help if you 
would actually provide some measure of clarity in your own postings.

If I've made a mistake, and that fact is pointed out to me in a 
reasonably neutral and constructive way, I generally accept and even 
welcome the correction and genuinely work towards a good resolution 
to the problem.

However, if your first reaction is obtuse and offensive bluster with 
baseball bats, then you damn well better be prepared for the kind of 
reaction you're going to receive.

 Paul but I'm using Mailman installed from Debian Stable, and have
 Paul been for a couple of years, and it's always had pipermail.


Re: [Mailman-Users] Mailman archive messages(not rm, but install!)

2006-12-08 Thread Stephen J. Turnbull
Brad Knowles writes:

  I've never claimed to be a Debian expert, and if they're mucking 
  about with packages that include certain features by default in order 
  to remove those features, then there's not much I can do to help the 
  poor souls that are stuck with that kind of stuff.

That's not what they do.  Debian splits packages into components for
ease of maintenance of the package infrastructure.  Users are expected
to select virtual packages that cause a collection of components to
be installed.  By design, the package named mailman is either a
complete virtual package, or a single package that contains all of
Mailman.  A package named after the upstream package is intended to
install all of it.  It works.  The mailman package did install a
complete Mailman on several Debian systems where I use Mailman.

This is not the same as cPanel, which *does* deliberately inhibit
capabilities that Mailman admins need.  This is a situation where the
user misjudges what the bug is, and reports to the wrong channel.
It's not terribly nice of Debian to risk your time on their ability to
create robust, non-buggy virtual packages, but it is the result of
providing a service that the Mailman project does not, and should not.

This policy will occasionally result in the kind of problem we see
here.  It's a tradeoff.  You don't like it as it manifests on
Mailman-Users, and you shouldn't---all we're ever going to see here is
the bugs.  But all you need to say is the Mailman project distributes
Mailman with the pipermail archiver included.  If you don't have it,
it is a packaging issue.  Your vendor Debian needs to know about it,
and you need to get support from them.

In sum, I think you are doing the Mailman project a disservice by
denigrating Debian.  If they're really doing their users such a
disservice, you (or somebody from Mailman who understands the issues)
should report it as a bug.  In my experience the various distros,
including Debian, are responsive to upstream maintainers.


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Re: [Mailman-Users] Mailman archive messages(not rm, but install!)

2006-12-08 Thread John A. Martin
 Brad == Brad Knowles
 Re: [Mailman-Users] Mailman archive messages(not rm, but install!)
  Fri, 8 Dec 2006 22:28:19 -0600

Brad At 10:17 PM -0500 12/8/06, John A. Martin wrote:
  I've never claimed to be a Debian expert, and if they're
  mucking about with packages that include certain features by
  default in order to remove those features,

 What makes you, Brad, think that Debian removes pipermail when
 shown where it can be seen by anybody that it is included!
 What mucking about or other removal of features are you, or
 someone else, referring to?

Oops.  The first sentence of mine above was intended to end with a
question mark rather than an exclamation mark.  Maybe that would have
sounded better.

Brad I didn't say that Debian did.  Alan McConnell said that
Brad Mailman had been installed without pipermail:

Does that mean that the Debian Package does not carry pipermail?

Brad   Meanwhile, I am adminning(sp?), through my ISP, a new
Brad   but quite active E-list.  But their mailman install is
Brad   incomplete; they haven't put in Pipermail (about which
Brad   I know _nothing_).

Brad When asked what kind of whacked-out version of Mailman they
Brad were running that didn't include the built-in version of
Brad pipermail, he said:

Brad   mm 2.1.5 .  But under Debian, so it has
Brad   experienced/endured the Debian security upgrade
Brad   procedures.

Does that mean that the Debian Package does not carry pipermail?

Brad To which my reply was:

Brad   Okay, now that is one of the most bizarre things I've
Brad   heard of in a very long time.  I cannot comprehend how
Brad   they could possibly ship a version of Mailman 2.1.x
Brad   that does not automatically include the bundled
Brad   Pipermail component.

Between you and Alan you suggest something that is not true.  You are
an authority on this list (and elsewhere).  Beginners will conclude
From your statement that they should avoid using the Debian package.
Whether that is good advice or not it is not justified by the line of
evidence above.

Excuse me if I have a tendency based upon the above to suspect a
readiness to assume that Debian does bizarre things when there is no
evidence supporting that assumption.

Brad This lead to your mildly offensive reply, where you publicly
Brad said:

Brad   See
Brad   for a description of the Debian Mailman package that
Brad   integrates  archiving   Further down that
Brad   page under the heading Download mailman click on one
Brad   of the list of files buttons and see among other
Brad   things:
Brad   usr/lib/mailman/Mailman/Archiver/

I do not know what there is offensive and no offense was intended.  I
generally try to be precise and succinct.  If one clicks one of the
buttons mentioned, one sees a URL something like
(for the i386 architecture) which I thought was uglier than mentioning
the button to click at the URL I gave.

Brad Yet nowhere on that page do I find any reference to
Brad pipermail.  If you had wanted to provide proof that Debian
Brad provides pipermail as part of the package, you should have
Brad been much less obtuse and offensive with your language, and
Brad much more explicit in the URL you provided.

If you had bothered to click on one of the list of files buttons you
would have (for the i386 archetecture) seen the file as
the 19th of 3438 files.

 The first recourse when having trouble with a Debian package
 should not be to the upstream but to the Debian maintainers,
 usually via a Debian Bug report.

Brad I don't think it's appropriate for us to be filing bug
Brad reports on these sorts of things with package maintainers of
Brad a given platform.  If the users of those packages wish to
Brad file bug reports, I would fully support that.  If the
Brad package maintainers wish to come back to us and file bug
Brad reports against our code in our bug tracking system, I
Brad welcome that.

I agree with what you say in the paragraph above and would have
thought that went without saying.  However when packaging issues arise
I think it would be good to suggest that users of various
distributions should consult whatever support the distribution offers.
For the Debian Mailman package, which does not have a related Debian
mailing list, the Debian user should usually file a Debian Bug report.

Presumably the one having trouble with a Debian package is a Debian
user not the us which I take to mean you and the Mailman community
as a whole.

I've said enough.  My enthusiasm is well restrained when it is
necessary to craft each sentence

Re: [Mailman-Users] Mailman archive messages

2006-12-07 Thread Mark Sapiro
Kory Wheatley wrote:

I'm running Mailman 2.1.6 is there a script you can run to automatically 
remove all archive messages from a list?

I'm not sure what you mean by automatically.

You can remove all messages from a list's pipermail archive by

bin/arch --wipe listname /dev/null

Mark Sapiro [EMAIL PROTECTED]   The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, Californiabetter use your sense - B. Dylan

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Mailman archive messages

2006-12-07 Thread Paul Tomblin
Quoting Mark Sapiro ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 Kory Wheatley wrote:
 I'm running Mailman 2.1.6 is there a script you can run to automatically 
 remove all archive messages from a list?
 I'm not sure what you mean by automatically.
 You can remove all messages from a list's pipermail archive by
 bin/arch --wipe listname /dev/null

What, rm -rf not good enough for you?

10 ways to stop users mistaking you for a normal person (4): When booting
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Mailman archive messages

2006-12-07 Thread Todd Zullinger
Paul Tomblin wrote:
 Quoting Mark Sapiro ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 You can remove all messages from a list's pipermail archive by
 bin/arch --wipe listname /dev/null
 What, rm -rf not good enough for you?


You do have to know the location of the list archives with rm whereas
with bin/arch you don't.  And if you put a typo into bin/arch it can
at worst wipe out the archives of the wrong list, not large chunks of
your file system.

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Mailman archive messages

2006-12-07 Thread Brad Knowles
At 3:37 PM -0500 12/7/06, Todd Zullinger wrote:

  You do have to know the location of the list archives with rm whereas
  with bin/arch you don't.  And if you put a typo into bin/arch it can
  at worst wipe out the archives of the wrong list, not large chunks of
  your file system.

Everyone raise your hand if you have accidentally done the command:

# rm -rf / path/to/file/structure/you/really/want/to/delete

Or, managed to do the right command on the wrong machine (where 
you've connected to one system, then from there to another, etc...).

/me raises both hands

There's lots of other stupid sysadmin tricks.  Trust me, I've learned 
the hard way.

Tools like bin/arch are much safer, albeit also slower.


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Re: [Mailman-Users] Mailman archive messages

2006-12-07 Thread Paul Tomblin
Quoting Brad Knowles ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 Tools like bin/arch are much safer, albeit also slower.

I've lost more files to badly written programs than to PEBKAC errors.  So
I'd be more inclined to trust rm than arch.

This also tells they understand our language. They are just not willing to
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Mailman archive messages

2006-12-07 Thread Mark Sapiro
Brad Knowles wrote:

Everyone raise your hand if you have accidentally done the command:

   # rm -rf / path/to/file/structure/you/really/want/to/delete

   rm -rf /path/to/somethingstar
and typed it
   rm -rf /path/to/something star

Those pesky spaces - always raising havoc...

And that darned command shell - tell it something so obviously wrong
and it goes ahead and does it anyway, every time.

Mark Sapiro [EMAIL PROTECTED]   The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, Californiabetter use your sense - B. Dylan

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Mailman archive messages

2006-12-07 Thread Mark Sapiro
Paul Tomblin wrote:

I've lost more files to badly written programs than to PEBKAC errors.  So
I'd be more inclined to trust rm than arch.

This thread is fun, but just to be clear, I responded the way I did to
the OP because the OP was not at all clear about what was wanted, so I
gave an answer that would not remove the list.mbox file in case it was
still wanted and would not remove structure that might be required to
continue archiving new posts.

Mark Sapiro [EMAIL PROTECTED]   The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, Californiabetter use your sense - B. Dylan

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Mailman archive messages(not rm, but install!)

2006-12-07 Thread Alan McConnell
On Thu, Dec 07, 2006 at 03:37:41PM -0500, Todd Zullinger wrote:

  What, rm -rf not good enough for you?
G  Yeah, yeah.

Meanwhile, I am adminning(sp?), through my ISP, a new but quite active
E-list.  But their mailman install is incomplete; they haven't put in
Pipermail(about which I know _nothing_).  I'm saving all the messages --
mbox format -- and have the hope that when the Pipermail archiving
program is installed, I will be able to collect, collate, shuffle,
and massage these messages and then ship them off to the new very
skilful tech staff that my ISP is allegedly hiring, and they will
be able to slip this collection adroitly into place.  And it will
be as if archiving was always in place . . .

Can this be done?  or am I dreaming wild dreams?

Best wishes,


Alan McConnell :
The intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy.
Impeachment proceedings should be started immediately.
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Mailman archive messages(not rm, but install!)

2006-12-07 Thread Paul Tomblin
I just checked my blog, and found I message a step:

Quoting Paul Tomblin ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 I've just spent two days manipulating a bunch of mbox files into archives.
 Let me tell you how it goes:
 1. Blow away the html archives.  You may prefer to use that arch command
 we were just discussing, but I used rm -rf
 2. Stop mailman's qrunners using /etc/init.d/mailman stop
 3. Run bin/arch on the huge mbox file.

3a. Discover that bin/arch is dying on lines in the mbox where somebody's
broken MUA was putting in a Content-Type: header with a charset of
.chrsc.  Use sed to change that to us-ascii.  Delete the html archives
again and start bin/arch again.

 4. Discover that bin/arch is consuming all the memory and swap on the
 system, and your system has ground to a halt.

I fly because it releases my mind from the tyranny of petty things.
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Mailman archive messages(not rm, but install!)

2006-12-07 Thread Barry Warsaw
Hash: SHA1

On Dec 7, 2006, at 5:22 PM, Paul Tomblin wrote:

 I've just spent two days manipulating a bunch of mbox files into  
 Let me tell you how it goes:

[Screams of pain omitted]

Have I mentioned recently how long I've been looking for a volunteer  
to help make all this not suck?  ;}  Pipermail is just one of those  
things that people either live with or ditch.

- -Barry

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Mailman archive messages(not rm, but install!)

2006-12-07 Thread Paul Tomblin
Quoting Paul Tomblin ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 8. Discover that the mbox file had a bunch of un-escaped From  lines
 that confused bin/arch and so you have a bunch of half-articles in today's
 archive page that shouldn't be there.  Run bin/cleanarch to fix them, blow
 away the html archives, and then resplit the mbox file and run bin/arch on
 the splits.

Speaking of which, is there any way to modify Mailman so that when it puts
a mail message in the mbox, it pre-escapes the ^From  lines in the
message?  Mailman knows the message boundaries at that point, so it would
be nice if it were to put it in a format that bin/arch can handle.

Every fleeting thought you've ever had in your life, no matter how bizarre,
is someone's lifelong obsession.  And he has a website.
  -- Skif's Internet Theorem
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Mailman archive messages(not rm, but install!)

2006-12-07 Thread Paul Tomblin
Quoting Barry Warsaw ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 [Screams of pain omitted]
 Have I mentioned recently how long I've been looking for a volunteer  
 to help make all this not suck?  ;}  Pipermail is just one of those  
 things that people either live with or ditch.

I suppose it would be a good excuse to learn python.  But on the other
hand, I've been seriously considering moving to mhonarc.

Man in the tower, this is the man in the bird, I'm ready to go, so give me
the word.  Man in the bird, this is the man in the tower, you sound funny,
delay's an hour. - Rod Machado
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Mailman archive messages(not rm, but install!)

2006-12-07 Thread Barry Warsaw
Hash: SHA1

On Dec 7, 2006, at 6:35 PM, Paul Tomblin wrote:

 Quoting Paul Tomblin ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 8. Discover that the mbox file had a bunch of un-escaped From   
 that confused bin/arch and so you have a bunch of half-articles in  
 archive page that shouldn't be there.  Run bin/cleanarch to fix  
 them, blow
 away the html archives, and then resplit the mbox file and run bin/ 
 arch on
 the splits.

 Speaking of which, is there any way to modify Mailman so that when  
 it puts
 a mail message in the mbox, it pre-escapes the ^From  lines in the
 message?  Mailman knows the message boundaries at that point, so it  
 be nice if it were to put it in a format that bin/arch can handle.

It already does escape From lines in the body of the message.  It  
does this by way of the email package's Generator class, which is  
instantiated with mangle_from_=True.

- -Barry

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Mailman archive messages(not rm, but install!)

2006-12-07 Thread Barry Warsaw
Hash: SHA1

On Dec 7, 2006, at 6:37 PM, Paul Tomblin wrote:

 Quoting Barry Warsaw ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 [Screams of pain omitted]

 Have I mentioned recently how long I've been looking for a volunteer
 to help make all this not suck?  ;}  Pipermail is just one of those
 things that people either live with or ditch.

 I suppose it would be a good excuse to learn python.  But on the other
 hand, I've been seriously considering moving to mhonarc.

And now you see why Pipermail never gets much better.  ;)

I'm not blaming you personally of course, it's just that I think when  
people feel enough pain from Pipermail, rather than try to scratch  
that itch, they'd rather spend the time integrating a better archiver.

I've always said that Pipermail is bundled solely to make it easy for  
people to have a complete solution out of the box.  I don't have much  
interest in bundling some other (non-Python) archiver with the source  
distro, although I'd have no problems with downstream packagers doing  
that if they wanted to.

- -Barry

Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (Darwin)

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Mailman archive messages(not rm, but install!)

2006-12-07 Thread Brad Knowles
At 4:57 PM -0500 12/7/06, Alan McConnell wrote:

  Meanwhile, I am adminning(sp?), through my ISP, a new but quite active
  E-list.  But their mailman install is incomplete; they haven't put in
  Pipermail(about which I know _nothing_).

Uh, what version of Mailman is that?  I thought that Mailman had 
fully integrated Pipermail along with the base code, for many years 
now?  Are they running Mailman 1.x or something?

  I'm saving all the messages --
  mbox format -- and have the hope that when the Pipermail archiving
  program is installed, I will be able to collect, collate, shuffle,
  and massage these messages and then ship them off to the new very
  skilful tech staff that my ISP is allegedly hiring, and they will
  be able to slip this collection adroitly into place.  And it will
  be as if archiving was always in place . . .

So long as you save the messages in mbox format, and you have access 
to the command-line, you can always use the arch tool to import the 
old messages into the new archives.  The instructions for doing this 
kind of stuff are in the FAQ.

But if you don't have direct command-line access to the server, then 
you'll be dependant on the staff that do.  And from what you've 
described, that's really the crux of the problem you're already faced 


Trend Micro has announced that they will cancel the
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Mailman archive messages(not rm, but install!)

2006-12-07 Thread Brad Knowles
At 5:22 PM -0500 12/7/06, Paul Tomblin wrote:

  6. Discover an awk script in the mailman archives that will split the mbox
  archive into managable chunks.  Fix it so that it splits them into 500
  message chunks instead of the 80 message chunks it defaults to.

There's also the formmail tool from the procmail package.  That's 
probably more robust than the awk script you mention, takes up less 
memory, is faster, etc  Of course, it also requires that you 
download and install at least that part of procmail, so it requires 
more work.

  7. Run bin/arch on all the chunks one at a time.

Yeah, you want to run that tool on the chunks in order, otherwise I 
think that the message number generation scheme will at least get 
ugly, if not confused.


Trend Micro has announced that they will cancel the
mail forwarding service as of 15 November 2006.  If you have an old
e-mail account for me at this domain, please make sure you correct that
with the current address.
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Mailman archive messages(not rm, but install!)

2006-12-07 Thread Paul Tomblin
Quoting Barry Warsaw ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 On Dec 7, 2006, at 6:35 PM, Paul Tomblin wrote:
 Speaking of which, is there any way to modify Mailman so that when  it
 puts a mail message in the mbox, it pre-escapes the ^From  lines in
 the message?  Mailman knows the message boundaries at that point, so it
 would be nice if it were to put it in a format that bin/arch can
 It already does escape From lines in the body of the message.  It  
 does this by way of the email package's Generator class, which is  
 instantiated with mangle_from_=True.

Must be a newer version than the one in Debian stable.   I grepped for
mangle in /var/lib/mailman/Mailman/*, and didn't find it.  The parameter
does appear in /usr/lib/python2.3/email/, but since I don't
know python I don't know how to pass it to it.  I'm guessing it has
something to do with changing the g = Generator(fp) and g =
Generator(outfp) lines in Mailman/ or more likely the g =
Generator(self.fp) line in Mailman/  Is it as simple as
changing that last one to g = Generator(self.fp,mangle_from_=True)?

Do you have a point, or are you saving it for a special occasion?
  -- David P. Murphy
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Mailman archive messages(not rm, but install!)

2006-12-07 Thread Mark Sapiro
Paul Tomblin wrote:

Quoting Barry Warsaw ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 It already does escape From lines in the body of the message.  It  
 does this by way of the email package's Generator class, which is  
 instantiated with mangle_from_=True.

Must be a newer version than the one in Debian stable.   I grepped for
mangle in /var/lib/mailman/Mailman/*, and didn't find it.  The parameter
does appear in /usr/lib/python2.3/email/, but since I don't
know python I don't know how to pass it to it.  I'm guessing it has
something to do with changing the g = Generator(fp) and g =
Generator(outfp) lines in Mailman/ or more likely the g =
Generator(self.fp) line in Mailman/  Is it as simple as
changing that last one to g = Generator(self.fp,mangle_from_=True)?

Yes it is.

And I think Barry may have misspoken as I don't think that change is in
the SVN trunk or Release_2_1-maint branch.

Mark Sapiro [EMAIL PROTECTED]   The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, Californiabetter use your sense - B. Dylan

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