[mailop] Offer for Mailop *Only*: Waiving Application Fee for Email Reputation Certification

2020-03-20 Thread Anne P. Mitchell, Esq. via mailop

As more and more businesses are having to shut down their offices, and rely 
nearly completely on doing business online, making sure that business email 
gets to the inbox is becoming more important than ever to these businesses.

While we of course are also a business, we don't want to profit from the 
current situation.  We want to help.  So I have made the decision to waive the 
application fee for SuretyMail email reputation certification for my 
colleagues.  I want to be clear:  our application fee (which is $500) doesn't 
actually even fully cover our processing of an application, and we still need 
to pay our folks who process these applications, so this is coming out of our 
pocket.  But it's something that we can do, and I've made the decision that we 
should do it.

Please don't share this outside of this group (I am making the same offer to my 
colleagues in a couple of other groups I am in, but it is for me to decide to 
whom we extend this offer).

Also to that end, if you would like to take advantage of this, contact me 
directly, and offlist, and I will make the introduction to our customer service 
manager, Shannon, so that she knows to process your application without payment.

Be safe out there.


Anne P. Mitchell, Attorney at Law
Dean of Cyberlaw & Cybersecurity, Lincoln Law School
CEO/President, SuretyMail Email Reputation Certification
Policy Drafting and Review for Businesses
Author: Section 6 of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (the Federal anti-spam law)
Legislative Consultant, GDPR, CCPA (CA) & CCDPA (CO) Compliance Consultant

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[mailop] Friday Review .. Great time to clean up those old mailing lists

2020-03-20 Thread Michael Peddemors via mailop
Amazing times, streets are near empty in Vancouver, but that's a good 
thing.  It means we are working together.  And while our offices are 
virtually empty, work goes on..

One thing we see out of this, is of course an increase in mailings from 
all companies, advising their customers of the situations.  Goes to show 
the importance of email.

But it would be a shame if important email didn't get delivered at a 
time like this.  We notice that the increase of mailings show there are 
a lot of 'stale' email addresses in  people lists and databases, so this 
might be a good time to work harder on cleaning those out, to ensure 
higher delivery rates.

Levi, Sears, Key, Norton, Ikea, Canon, are some of the notable call outs..

And of course, it is important to let government emails get to 
customers.  In spite of the large increase in government email 
compromises (oh, and that is so dangerous, governments should enforce 
2FA for all employees) I know that our spam auditing team is going more 
lenient on those cases, and suggest that we all do in this time of need.

Maybe we need less blocking of them for now, and offering them more help 
where we can.

And of course, as more people start holding their meetings on line, 
expect more 'phishing' and 'spear phishing'.

Companies have to do better with their mailings *cough* (SendGrid) 
because the last thing we need is trusted senders letting the bad guys 
use their infrastructure.

Ever notice that a 'Webex' invite doesn't have an 'unsubscribe' link, or 
a link to say 'I don't know this person'?

Everyone be careful about those invites to join a conversation by 
clicking a link..

Let's all do our part, lets keep the email eco-system clean, and this is 
also a call out to the 'too big to blocks'.  In this dangerous time, 
terrible that the first few 'Corona Virus' based scams/spams came from 
the big three.

Criminals LOVE when no one is at home to stop them. "When the cats away, 
the mouse will play"


Everyone, no matter where you are working from, even if you can't get 
out this weekend, reach out to friends and loved ones, communication is 
very important right now.  Thank your first responders, and health 
workers on the front lines, and remember we are all in this together.

Times like this remind us that there is more to life than money and 
work, and to stop thinking 'MeMeMe'.  Let's get back to working together 
as a society.  Take the time alone to REALLY think about what you can do 
to make the world a better place

-- Michael --

"Catch the Magic of Linux..."

Michael Peddemors, President/CEO LinuxMagic Inc.
Visit us at http://www.linuxmagic.com @linuxmagic
A Wizard IT Company - For More Info http://www.wizard.ca
"LinuxMagic" a Registered TradeMark of Wizard Tower TechnoServices Ltd.

604-682-0300 Beautiful British Columbia, Canada

This email and any electronic data contained are confidential and intended
solely for the use of the individual or entity to which they are addressed.
Please note that any views or opinions presented in this email are solely
those of the author and are not intended to represent those of the company.

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Re: [mailop] Who runs the mailspike BL and why are they blocking Yahoo?

2020-03-20 Thread Joel M Snyder via mailop
Mailspike is the worst RBL that we test (out of 33).

They have the lowest catch rate (last month: 41.9%) and a high false
positive rate.  Even ReturnPath and SORBS do better.  It's hardly worth
using them, unless you're slightly adjusting your spam score based on
their opinion, rather than just refusing the message.  And that seems to
defeat the main beauty of a RBL being the "we R not going to accept that
message Right now thank you here's 400 for your trouble" part.

The best no-cost RBL right now is Barracuda's, although the commercial
ones (Cisco, Trend, Spamhaus, Proofpoint) are all better.

Not that this helps with your problem with Mailspike & Yahoo!, but I
figured that putting it on the record might be useful when people start
researching whether to continue to use Mailspike or not.

Joel M Snyder, 1404 East Lind Road, Tucson, AZ, 85719
Senior Partner, Opus One   Phone: +1 520 324 0494

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