Re: MI Business Objects

2000-07-25 Thread Alex Eshed

Greetings, Flavio and List.

Here at Digi-Tek we have developed a prototype interface between 
Business Objects and MapInfo.

Essentially - a Business Objects Report is converted to a MI table 
where it is joined with the relevant map layer. This is done by 
hitting a new control on the Business Objects Report screen. The 
only condition - the first field must have the unique ID in it 
(character). The map appears as a child window to Business 

The other way works, too. Select a bunch of objects on the map, 
return to Business Objects, and those objects are filtered into a 
new Report.

This was prepared for the benefit of several Israeli customers, and 
according to their comments the interface may be modified. But in 
principle it is very straightforward. Once the layer is in MapInfo, all 
of MI Pro functionality is available.

More details on request.

On 24 Jul 00, at 11:04, Flavio Hendry wrote:

 Does somebody have any experience integrating the product
 "BusinessObjects" with MapInfo.

Best regards,
Alex Eshed
Digi-Tek Ltd.
12, Homa St., Rishon LeZion, 75655, Israel
Tel: +972-3-961-5840
Fax: +972-3-961-5877
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MI Update of gridmaker GridWinE

2000-07-13 Thread Alex Eshed

Greetings, List.

My version of the utility GridWinE (for creating grids on Earth 
maps), that I posted on DirectionsMag, was faulty. This was 
pointed out to me by Guy Matters in Australia - thanks, Guy.

In my infinite ignorance I had neglected to take into account the 
existence of a hemisphere South of the equator.

The program was corrected, my apologies attached, the new 
version tested and confirmed in Australia, and now updated on 


Best regards,
Alex Eshed
Digi-Tek Ltd.
12, Homa St., Rishon LeZion, 75655, Israel
Tel: +972-3-961-5840
Fax: +972-3-961-5877
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MI New utility on Directionsmag - GridWinE

2000-06-21 Thread Alex Eshed

Greetings, List.

GridWinE creates a grid of squares between a lower left pointing
and an upper right pointing. The size of the square is  user-

GridWinE works on Earth maps exactly like GridWin works on
NonEarth maps.

Source code included.

Comments always welcome.

Best regards,
Alex Eshed
Digi-Tek Ltd.
12, Homa St., Rishon LeZion, 75655, Israel
Tel: +972-3-961-5840
Fax: +972-3-961-5877
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MI Arrange a meeting

2000-06-21 Thread Alex Eshed

Greetings, List.

I am attempting to set up meetings in the USA for a customer.

Mr. Shai Kna'ani, the Director of the Division for School Planning 
and Zoning in the Israeli Ministry of Education, will be visiting the 
USA in the last week of September. 

His division are intensive MapInfo users. He would like to meet with 
colleagues in the area of school planning and zoning and discuss 
common issues.

Contact can be made either through me, or directly to Mr. Kna'ani 


TIA to all responders.

Best regards,
Alex Eshed
Digi-Tek Ltd.
12, Homa St., Rishon LeZion, 75655, Israel
Tel: +972-3-961-5840
Fax: +972-3-961-5877
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MI vs MapGuide

2000-04-04 Thread Alex Eshed

Greetings, List.

Can anyone provide a comparison between the MapInfo web 
offerings (MapXtreme NT, MapXtreme Java) and AutoDesk's 
MapGuide? Particularly - why would a potential MapGuide 
customer prefer MapInfo (or would s/he)?

I will summarize and post whatever responses I get.

TIA to all responders.

Best regards,
Alex Eshed
Digi-Tek Ltd.
12, Homa St., Rishon LeZion, 75655, Israel
Tel: +972-3-961-5840
Fax: +972-3-961-5877
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MI Business Objects Interface

2000-03-20 Thread Alex Eshed

Greetings, List.

A few months ago I asked the list if anyone had any information on 
the subject. Here is the summary of the results: Nothing.

So we developed it here at Digi-Tek.

Nothing fancy, and not yet packaged for distribution (depends on 
the interest displayed by potential users) - but it works.

Essentially - a BO Report is converted to a MI table where it is 
joined with the relevant map layer. This is done by hitting a new 
control on the BO Report screen. The only condition - the first field 
must have the unique ID in it (character).

The other way works, too. Select a bunch of objects on the map, 
return to BO, and those objects are filtered into a new Report.

This was prepared for the benefit of several Israeli customers, and 
according to their comments the interface may be modified. But in 
principle it is very straightforward. Once the layer is in MapInfo, all 
of MI Pro functionality is available.

More details on request.

I'm announcing this now to find out if there's any interest in this 
topic today. If not, I'll refrain from posting any future developments 
on BO interfacing.

Best regards,
Alex Eshed
Digi-Tek Ltd.
12, Homa St., Rishon LeZion, 75655, Israel
Tel: +972-3-961-5840
Fax: +972-3-961-5877
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MI Vehicle Scheduling with MI

2000-02-21 Thread Alex Eshed

Greetings, Listers.

Does anyone know of an application for scheduling vehicles for 
bussing of schoolchildren, bussing of employees, deliveries,  etc.
Using MapInfo, of course.

TIA to all responders.

Best regards,
Alex Eshed
Digi-Tek Ltd.
12, Homa St., Rishon LeZion, 75655, Israel
Tel: +972-3-961-5840
Fax: +972-3-961-5877
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MI Postal Delivery Software

2000-02-21 Thread Alex Eshed

Greetings, Listers.

Does anyone know of usage of MapInfo in Postal Delivery Planning 
and Management?

TIA to all responders.

Best regards,
Alex Eshed
Digi-Tek Ltd.
12, Homa St., Rishon LeZion, 75655, Israel
Tel: +972-3-961-5840
Fax: +972-3-961-5877
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MI Tweaking the registry

2000-01-27 Thread Alex Eshed

Greetings, Listers.

Andy Dressel replied to a query as follows:
 You can turn off the border created during Save Window As with a registry
 setting: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\MapInfo\MapInfo\Common\ExportBorder 0
 indicates no border; non-zero indicates that a border should be exported.
 This only works for the Map Window and the Cartographic Legend windows.
 You need to restart MapInfo Pro for a change to this registry setting to
 take effect.

From time to time we see that a solution to a problem lies in 
"tweaking" the registry. Is the following documented anywhere? 

A. The complete reference - a list of keys, the possible values in 
them, and what each value signifies.

B. The "cookbook" - solutions of the form "if you want to do X, go 
to the registry and change Y" (like Andy's solution above).

If this documentation does not exist perhaps someone could 
undertake to do so. I'm sure I won't be the only one to welcome it.

Best regards,
Alex Eshed
Digi-Tek Ltd.
12, Homa St., Rishon LeZion, 75655, Israel
Tel: +972-3-961-5840
Fax: +972-3-961-5877
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MI Files on Most Recently Used-list

2000-01-11 Thread Alex Eshed

Hello Andreas,

You have an entry in your Menu Definition (under File) which 
causes the MRU files to display - ($

The regular MapInfo Menu has the following line in it:

  "($",   '*  MRU list; appears as separator, if filenames follow.

I suppose that if you remove this entry you will no longer be 
bothered with any MRU files.

As for default workspaces - under Options - Preferences - 
Restart you can control whether or not MapInfo saves and/or loads 
default workspaces. I don't think you need this for MapBasic - 
workspaces will not save or load unless you specifically use code 
to do so.

   1.) My MB application opens a workspace, which causes MapInfo to
   workspace file on the Most Recently Used (MRU) list in the File menu.
   Additionally, this filename is used as the default workspace filename
   next time the user wants to save a workspace.
   Is there a way to suppress this, as I don't want the user to see the
   filename or overwrite this file? (I basically don't want the user to
   notice of this file.)

Good luck.

Best regards,
Alex Eshed
Digi-Tek Ltd.
12, Homa St., Rishon LeZion, 75655, Israel
Tel: +972-3-961-5840
Fax: +972-3-961-5877
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MI and Vantive

2000-01-06 Thread Alex Eshed

Greetings, List.

Has anyone successfully linked MapInfo to Vantive?

Does anyone have information about Vantive applications that are 
currently using MapInfo to add maps in an application?

TIA to all responders.

Best regards,
Alex Eshed
Digi-Tek Ltd.
12, Homa St., Rishon LeZion, 75655, Israel
Tel: +972-3-961-5840
Fax: +972-3-961-5877
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MI Responses to Mysterious coordinate system

1999-12-27 Thread Alex Eshed

Greetings, List.

I would like to thank Ole Gregor, Richard Herrington and Cliff 
Mugnier for their detailed explanations to my question.

In my judgment the combined answers would be too long to post 
on the list - but if anyone else is interested I'd be glad to email 
these responses directly.

Keep the Y2K bug at bay, and a Happy New Millenium to all. (Uhh -
has anyone a definitive answer to the question - does the new 
millennium begin on 1.1.2000 or 1.1.2001?).

Best regards,
Alex Eshed
Digi-Tek Ltd.
12, Homa St., Rishon LeZion, 75655, Israel
Tel: +972-3-961-5840
Fax: +972-3-961-5877
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MI Interface with Business Objects

1999-12-23 Thread Alex Eshed

Greetings, List.

Season's greeting to you all.

Does anyone know of an interface between MapInfo and Business 

(I checked the Archives. There was one identical, unanswered 
query from January 99. Maybe something has changed since then?)

TIA to all responders.

Best regards,
Alex Eshed
Digi-Tek Ltd.
12, Homa St., Rishon LeZion, 75655, Israel
Tel: +972-3-961-5840
Fax: +972-3-961-5877
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MI Mysterious coordinate system

1999-12-23 Thread Alex Eshed

Season's Greetings, List.

Here in Israel the use of WGS 84, Zone 36 Northern Hemisphere, 
is pretty common. Digitized maps (from paper maps) show a high 
level of accuracy compared to ground surveying data in this 
projection. However, GPS (differential) readings are off by a few 
dozen meters.

But... when using a projection called UTM ED 50 the GPS readings 
are far more accurate. 

Can anyone explain to me what's happening? And what is UTM ED 
50 anyway?

TIA to all responders.

Best regards,
Alex Eshed
Digi-Tek Ltd.
12, Homa St., Rishon LeZion, 75655, Israel
Tel: +972-3-961-5840
Fax: +972-3-961-5877
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MI Runtime Single Application

1999-12-08 Thread Alex Eshed

Greetings, List.

Does anyone know how I could force MI RunTime to open only one, 
particular MapBasic application (something along the lines of 
ProViewer) and no other?

TIA to all responders.

Best regards,
Alex Eshed
Digi-Tek Ltd.
12, Homa St., Rishon LeZion, 75655, Israel
Tel: +972-3-961-5840
Fax: +972-3-961-5877
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Re: MI Palestinian/Israelian projection system

1999-12-01 Thread Alex Eshed

Hello Jean-Paul,

Chances are that the following will work.

CoordSys Earth Projection 8,33,"km",35.2120805,31.7340969,1.0, 

Let me know if there are any problems.

 Hello everybody,
 I have coordinates of Palestinian places in "Old British Palestinian
 Coordinate System (1922)". This system also covered Jordan. These
 coordinates seem to be rather similar to the ones of recent Israelian
 Grid. Does anybody know the "Mapinfo coordsys clause" for these
 projections systems?
 Many thanks in advance,
 Jean-Paul Hubert
 Institut de recherche sur les transports et leur securite

Best regards,
Alex Eshed
Digi-Tek Ltd.
12, Homa St., Rishon LeZion, 75655, Israel
Tel: +972-3-961-5840
Fax: +972-3-961-5877
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MI Generic VB MapX-database SQL interface

1999-11-28 Thread Alex Eshed

Greetings, List.

I hope that the rather cumbersome title will be clear after reading 

Using MapX we need to produce the following: for a pre-determined 
table in a database present a dialog to the user allowing him to 
select any field, with any operator, and use And and Or for 
combining up to N fields (N usually = 3 or 4).

Perhaps something like the MI Pro SQL query dialog (simplified). 
Or the ODBC Open Step 3 panel.

It seems to me that this could easily be generic code in VB. Input 
would be the table name, and output would be the SQL string.

Before we sink our teeth into this, I was wondering if anyone had 
already "invented this wheel." And was prepared to share it, of 

TIA to all responders.

Best regards,
Alex Eshed
Digi-Tek Ltd.
12, Homa St., Rishon LeZion, 75655, Israel
Tel: +972-3-961-5840
Fax: +972-3-961-5877
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MI AutoCad Map Interfacing

1999-11-25 Thread Alex Eshed

Greetings, List.

Can anyone inform me please whether AutoCad Map can interface 
with MapInfo via the normal DXF files? Are there any restrictions or 
limitations involved? How about DWG files (I have yet to see the UT 
work with on these)?

TIA to all responders.

Best regards,
Alex Eshed
Digi-Tek Ltd.
12, Homa St., Rishon LeZion, 75655, Israel
Tel: +972-3-961-5840
Fax: +972-3-961-5877
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MI More DTMs and Raster maps

1999-11-01 Thread Alex Eshed

Greetings, List.

I was somewhat surprised that I got NO response to my request 
last week for maps of Singapore. I suppose that I'm kind of relying 
on the list to have answers for practically everything. Well, maybe 
my expectations will still be fulfilled - or maybe I'm asking for 
something really impossible.

So I'll repeat my request here, and add onto it.

Can anyone point me to a source of maps of Singapore: raster and 
DTM only. MapInfo compatiblity and prices are also requested.

And in the same vein, I am also looking for the same kind of maps 
for parts of Africa: Somalia, Sudan, Ethiopia and Kenya.

TIA to all responders.
Best regards,
Alex Eshed
Digi-Tek Ltd.
12, Homa St., Rishon LeZion, 75655, Israel
Tel: +972-3-961-5840
Fax: +972-3-961-5877
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MI Singapore maps

1999-10-27 Thread Alex Eshed

Greetings, List

Can anyone point me to a source of maps of Singapore: raster and 
DTM only. MapInfo compatiblity and prices are also requested.

TIA to all responders.

Best regards,
Alex Eshed
Digi-Tek Ltd.
12, Homa St., Rishon LeZion, 75655, Israel
Tel: +972-3-961-5840
Fax: +972-3-961-5877
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MI Singapore maps

1999-10-27 Thread Alex Eshed

Greetings, List

My apologies if this message appears more than once - the first 
time I got "Undelivered" to some address in Ontario.

Can anyone point me to a source of maps of Singapore: raster and 
DTM only. MapInfo compatiblity and prices are also requested.

TIA to all responders.

Best regards,
Alex Eshed
Digi-Tek Ltd.
12, Homa St., Rishon LeZion, 75655, Israel
Tel: +972-3-961-5840
Fax: +972-3-961-5877
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MI Styles from E00 files

1999-07-18 Thread Alex Eshed

Greetings, List.

Tech Support informs me that when translating ESRI E00 files to 

"we try to keep the same styles but this may not be possible since 
ESRI and MapInfo define styles differently.  We normally just use the
default style."

Does anyone have a solution (or software) that can reliably keep the 
following attributes when translating into MapInfo:

Symbols (with shape ,size and color)
Line types (with colour, style and thickness)
Polygon fills (with pattern, color, background, etc.).

TIA to all responders.

Best regards,
Alex Eshed
Digi-Tek Ltd.
12, Homa St., Rishon LeZion, 75655, Israel
Tel: +972-3-961-5840
Fax: +972-3-961-5877
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MI and Intergraph GRD files

1999-07-15 Thread Alex Eshed

Greetings, list.

Does anyone know if (and how) Intergraph GRD files can be displayed 
in MapInfo?

I understand that in MI 5.5 there is a possibility to specify such a 
Grid Handler (Options  Preferences  Map Window) which today 
supports only MapInfo Grid. 

How are these Grid Handlers supposed to be developed and/or obtained? 
How are they "packaged" for distribution? Does anyone know of 
offerings in the market on this issue?

TIA to all responders.
Best regards,
Alex Eshed
Digi-Tek Ltd.
12, Homa St., Rishon LeZion, 75655, Israel
Tel: +972-3-961-5840
Fax: +972-3-961-5877
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