MI trouble combining complex polygons

1999-08-19 Thread Humphrey, Ben

I have been attempting to combine complex polygons of telecommunications
coverages using MapInfo 5.5 on a Win NT machine with 128 Mb RAM.  The
results of the combination procedures I have been trying (which usually take
1-2) hours are just a copy of one of the coverages I tried to combine.  The
methods I have been trying are:

Combining from two separate layers-
1.Select the polygon in one layer, set as editable and as a target
2.Select the polygon in the other layer as click Objects>Combine

Combining from one layer-
1.Copy polygons from both coverages to the cosmetic layer
2.Query>Select All from Cosmetic Layer

To reiterate, the result is not the intended combination, but merely a copy
of one of the two layers i tried to combine.

Any suggestions?

Ben Humphrey
VoiceStream Wireless
Tel 425-653-4605

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RE: MI Workspace descriptions

1999-08-20 Thread Humphrey, Ben


I'm not sure how ER mapper appends comments, but at the very least if you
wanted to append comments to your MI workspace you could open up the .WOR
file in a text editor and use the apostrophe character ('), which is used in
MapBasic to signify the beginning of a comment.  Then you can comment to
your hearts content.  Just be sure you add the comments AFTER the initial
workspace information that is preceded by exclamation marks (!)


!Version 550
!Charset WindowsLatin1

'this is a comment
'you can type all you want to describe your workspace here

Open Table "C:\Mapping\Database\AllSites" As AllSites
etc.etc. etc.

> -Original Message-
> From: Fraser Gardiner [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, August 20, 1999 3:20 AM
> Subject:  MI Workspace descriptions
> Is there any way that I can append comments and descriptions to my
> workspaces so that I / other users can see what they are all about? You
> can
> do this with ER Mapper algorithms and something similar for Mapinfo would
> be
> good.
> Cheers,
> Fraser Gardiner
> Navan, Bulgaria
> 87 James Boucher St, Sofia, Bulgaria
> Telephone: +359 2 962 4526/5586
> Facsimile:+359 2 962 5316
> --
> To unsubscribe from this list, send e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and put
> "unsubscribe MAPINFO-L" in the message body, or contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To unsubscribe from this list, send e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and put
"unsubscribe MAPINFO-L" in the message body, or contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

MI creating back buttons with mapbasic

1999-08-31 Thread Humphrey, Ben

Hello all-

I am currently building a small tool that:

brings up a dialog with a popupmenu containing all open tables
You select your table and press "OK"

Pressing OK calls a subprocedure which brings up another dialog that shows
all column names within that table.

I want to create a "back button" (for the user who hypothetically says
"whoops! I chose the wrong table...) on the second dialog so that it is
removed and the dialog with the popupmenu allows them to choose a different

So far I can call the procedure again which spawns a new window with the
popup dialog, but does not remove the dialog with the column names.  So if I
kept pressing back on the windows that pop up it is essentially a recursive

Any ideas?

Ben Humphrey
VoiceStream Wireless
Tel  425-653-4605
PCS 206-226-0019

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"unsubscribe MAPINFO-L" in the message body, or contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

MI selecting using mapbasic

1999-09-03 Thread Humphrey, Ben

Howdy all-

Big fustrating thing happening with creating a select statement within

select * from t_name where GSM_OPERATOR = search_list(k) into array_string

The above works producing a table with the search string contained
in search_list

select * from t_name where c_name = search_list(k) into array_string

In this statement, when c_name is a string from an array containing
GSM_OPERATOR, I end up with an empty table.

Anybody have this experience before? 
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Re: MI selecting using mapbasic

1999-09-07 Thread Humphrey, Ben

Hello all, here are the working results from 2 questions I have posted in
recent weeks (in case anyone is interested)

1.  With regards to CREATING BACK BUTTONS, the suggestions provided by
numerous individuals to simply put multiple selection boxes within one
dialog looked very slick and works much better.  Thanks!

2.  Regarding selections within mapbasic, I received two suggestions.  One
was to construct a Run command statement and the other was to use the alias
variable.  I found that using the alias variable for my column names solved
all of my problems.  While I am sure that the Run Command statement is
useful in other applications, mine was specific to using the alias variable.

Cheers to all who helped, because I had just about quit on this one!

Ben Humphrey
VoiceStream Wireless
Tel  425-653-4605
PCS 206-226-0019

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"unsubscribe MAPINFO-L" in the message body, or contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

MI Overflow error on custom select tool

1999-09-16 Thread Humphrey, Ben


I am getting an Overflow error withing mapinfo when I use my tool at this

t_name = TableInfo(win_id,TAB_INFO_NAME)

The point is to be able to click anywhere on the active window, have the
event handler select the polygon underneath the layer and then select all
polygons which intersect that polygon.  Suggestions, remedies?

Thanks in advance to the code crackers out there


Here's the code:

Include "mapbasic.def"
Include "icons.def"

Declare Sub Main
Declare Sub Neighbor

Sub Main
Alter ButtonPad "Tools"
Add Separator
Add ToolButton
HelpMsg "Thematically shade all region neighbors"
Calling Neighbor
End Sub

Sub Neighbor

Dim win_id As Integer
Dim  fx, fy As Float
Dim t_name As String

win_id = FrontWindow()
t_name = TableInfo(win_id,TAB_INFO_NAME)
fx = CommandInfo(CMD_INFO_X)
fy = CommandInfo(CMD_INFO_Y)

Select * From t_name
Where obj Contains CreatePoint(fx, fy) into selection

Select * from t_name where obj intersects any (select obj from selection)

End Sub

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MI automatic thematic shading

1999-09-16 Thread Humphrey, Ben

Another message from me, after I solve this one I'll pose the whole
solution, thanks in advance to Yannick Leduc who set me on the right track
RE: my MI Overflow error on custom select tool posting.

I have successfully created a tool which selects all polygons bordering a
polygon selected by the tool.  I want it to shade each polygon with an
individual value.  From what it seems I need to specify a brush setting for
every single polygon by hand so it would be hard to automate using mapbasic.
Anybody have any experience with this?

Here's the line of code I've been working with, if I replace the ? with
"Default" it works (IE no error message), but nothing gets shaded.

Shade window win_id selection with Sector_Name values 


Ben Humphrey
VoiceStream Wireless
Tel  425-653-4605
PCS 206-226-0019

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MI SUM: Overflow error on custom select, automatic thematic shading

1999-09-17 Thread Humphrey, Ben

Things couldn't have worked better on both of these questions.  Thanks to
all who responded to each, only one person had a suggestion for thematic
shading but it was enough to lead me in the right direction.


Indeed the problem was that the FrontWindow() command returns a large
integer value that has nothing to do with how many tables are open.  So I
was really just using the wrong numbers.  I was able to circumnavigate this
problem by using the SearchPoint and SearchInfo commands.  The improved code
is listed below:

Sub Neighbor

Dim win_id As Integer
Dim foundobj, objtype, i, j, numlayers, numthemes As SmallInt
Dim  x, y As Float
Dim t_name, cstring, commandstring As String

win_id = FrontWindow()

If WindowInfo(win_id, WIN_INFO_TYPE) <> WIN_MAPPER Then
Note "This tool only works on Map windows."
Exit Sub
End If

x = CommandInfo(CMD_INFO_X) 'x coordinate of users click
y = CommandInfo(CMD_INFO_Y) 'y coordinate of users click

foundobj = SearchPoint(win_id, x, y)

If foundobj = 0 Then
exit sub
End If

t_name = SearchInfo(foundObj, SEARCH_INFO_TABLE)

The select was rather straightforward with an obj within type statement


This was a little trickier, but since nobody really suggested many things
I'll just paste the code in case anybody is interested.  Per John
Schlosser's suggestion, I used the unique values within one of the table
columns to give the shade command an idea of how to shade the map.  I ran a
for...next loop to create a long string containing all the individual values
in the column and then utilized Run Command to convert the string into a
shade command.

fetch first from neighbors  
cstring =  + neighbors.Sector_name + ""","
for i = 1 to tableinfo(neighbors, TAB_INFO_NROWS)-2
fetch next from neighbors
cstring = cstring +  + Neighbors.Sector_name + ""","
fetch next from neighbors
cstring = cstring +  + Neighbors.Sector_name + 

Run Command "Shade window " +win_id+ " selection with Sector_Name values " +

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RE: MI batching register

1999-09-21 Thread Humphrey, Ben

I agree, I have been having A LOT of difficulty with people submitting maps
with only 3 registration points and have had abysmal results.  They don't
seem to understand when I ask for more.  I would even suggest a minimum of
5.  One for each corner and one smack dab in the middle.  One guy I
mentioned this to submitted a map with 12!  It was a bit of extra work but
it registered like a dream.  Well, at least as dreamy as image registration
can get.


> -Original Message-
> From: Mats Elfström [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, September 20, 1999 11:24 PM
> To:   Dyan Catamaran
> Subject:  Re: MI batching register
> Dyan Catamaran wrote:
> > I would like to register several (200) images on a base map. The base
> map
> > can be one map or two hundred maps. There are three GPS control points
> > per image. The manual process seems to be lengthy and costly. I wonder
> > if you know any automatic process to register images. I foresee a kind
> of
> > application where the image and base map filenames can associated by a
> > common link and a routine / batch would be able to do the job. Any
> ideas?
> Hi Dyan!
> Assuming that you have all image file names and their corresponding
> control points (pixel values/coordinates) in a computer readable list,
> you can do like this:
> 1 Register one image manually
> 2 Check the syntas in the resulting TAB file
> 3 Write a program that writes such TAB files for all of the images,
> reading data from the list
> Another thing is the highly questionable value of a georeference with
> only 3 points.
> You must realize that three points is the absolute minimum for
> georeferencing, and that you will always get a 0 pixel error, no matter
> what errors may exist in the control points.
> I would say that 4 points is the minimum number of control points.
> (Unless we are talking about ortho photos in which case the provider
> ought to have provided the necessary TAB files in the first place.)
> Regards, Mats.E
> -- 
> :::
> :Email/ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ#9517386   :
> :-:
> :Mail/ GISKRAFT, Mats Elfstroem, Vaepplingv 21, SE-227 38 LUND, SWEDEN:
> :Phones: +46 46 145959, +46 70 595 3935   :
> :::
> --
> To unsubscribe from this list, send e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and put
> "unsubscribe MAPINFO-L" in the message body, or contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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RE: MI Save Up To 50% on International Calling

1999-09-21 Thread Humphrey, Ben

Okay, I'm getting kind of miffed at all of the spamming lately.  Is there
any way we can filter out these stupid advertisements?  Although, h,
.13/min to NZ sounds pretty sweet!  On second thought  No really, I
think its a nuisance

> -Original Message-
> Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 1999 12:46 AM
> Subject:  MI Save Up To 50% on International Calling
>   Save Up To 50% on International Calling
> ..for residents inside AND outside the USA
> Here is a sample of some of our rates FROM the USA To:
> Rates(US$)COUNTRY 
> 0.14/min.  Australia 
> 0.23/min.  Brazil - Sao Paolo 
> 0.12/min.  Canada 
> 0.52/min.  China 
> 0.14/min.  France 
> 0.12/min.  Germany 
> 0.10/min.  Hong Kong
> 0.78/min.  India
> 0.21/min.  Israel
> 0.14/min.  Japan - Tokyo
> 0.13/min.  New Zealand
> 0.40/min.  Russia
> 0.23/min.  South Korea
> 0.12/min.  UK 
> - Rates apply 24 hrs/day, 7 days per week
> - NO sign-up fees, NO monthly fees, and NO surcharges
> - You DO NOT have to SWITCH your current provider
> - Ideal for Home and Business
> - For residents OUTSIDE the USA, we have INT'L CALLBACK
> Contact us for more information 
> and complete rate table at:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Please type "info" in the subject line.
> Thank You!
> --
> To unsubscribe from this list, send e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and put
> "unsubscribe MAPINFO-L" in the message body, or contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To unsubscribe from this list, send e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and put
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RE: MI Spammer redux

1999-09-21 Thread Humphrey, Ben

What we need is "Black Flag" for the internet.

> -Original Message-
> From: Bill Thoen [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 1999 1:41 PM
> Subject:  MI Spammer redux
> "Humphrey, Ben" wrote:
> > 
> > Okay, I'm getting kind of miffed at all of the spamming lately.  Is
> there
> > any way we can filter out these stupid advertisements?  Although, h,
> > .13/min to NZ sounds pretty sweet!  On second thought  No really, I
> > think its a nuisance
> Stop spammers? I'm open to ideas...
> But one thing I suggest you NEVER do, is respond to them with a
> cc (that tells them they have a live one), and re-echo their
> annoying message all over the list again.
> I once lived in a student ghetto where for some reason I could
> never understand, we had cockroaches. I thought that if we killed
> a couple and stuck them on pins behind the stove it would serve
> as an example to the others. Nope. They just ate their dead and
> left the pins. 
> A few weeks later, we had been experimenting with alternate
> realities and came up with another plan. One of my house mates
> was studying art, so we took out his box of paint and captured
> roaches in various rooms, and painted their back different colors
> depending on what room they had been found in. I think we hoped
> to start a roach race riot, and have them kill off each other. It
> didn't work, of course, but it made them more interesting.
> Spammers are just human cockroaches, and there's always more
> where the others came from. You can't pass laws against them, and
> you can't threaten them. They just don't care. 
> Anyone want to volunteer to censor the list?
> - Bill Thoen
> --
> To unsubscribe from this list, send e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and put
> "unsubscribe MAPINFO-L" in the message body, or contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To unsubscribe from this list, send e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and put
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RE: MI Spammer redux

1999-09-22 Thread Humphrey, Ben

So Far we have:

1.  Paint their backs to start a race war
2.  Automatically filter the list so that only messages from subscribers can
get through
3.  Put them on our mailing list so they get bombarded back.

Are any of these feasible? (point 2 seems the most civil)

> -Original Message-
> Sent: Wednesday, September 22, 1999 7:58 AM
> Subject:  Re: MI Spammer redux
> In a message dated 9/22/99 9:13:04 AM EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> << why don't we add the spammer to our list, like 100 times, then they
> will 
> get
>  100 times our daily mail.  >>
> I like it and would give it a yes vote.
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RE: MI Save Up To 50% on International Calling

1999-09-22 Thread Humphrey, Ben

I like that idea

> -Original Message-
> From: Thomas Brix Lyng [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 1999 11:07 PM
> To:   'Humphrey, Ben'
> Subject:  RE: MI Save Up To 50% on International Calling
> Hi
> I doubt that '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' is a member of the MapInfoL
> so
> how about deleting all posting from non members on the server before
> sending
> it to all 1200 members. I know that the spammers probably will join the
> list
> just before mailing and then unsubscribe but just it could be that they
> decided that it was not worth the effort?
> Just a thought
> Regards 
> Thomas
> > --
> > Fra:Humphrey, Ben[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sendt:  21. september 1999 18:24
> > Emne:   RE: MI Save Up To 50% on International Calling
> > 
> > Okay, I'm getting kind of miffed at all of the spamming lately.  Is
> there
> > any way we can filter out these stupid advertisements?  Although, h,
> > .13/min to NZ sounds pretty sweet!  On second thought  No really, I
> > think its a nuisance
> > 
> > > -Original Message-
> > > Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 1999 12:46 AM
> > > Subject:  MI Save Up To 50% on International Calling
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > >   Save Up To 50% on International Calling
> > > 
> > > ..for residents inside AND outside the USA
> > > 
> > > Here is a sample of some of our rates FROM the USA To:
> > > 
> > > Rates(US$)COUNTRY 
> > > 
> > > 0.14/min.  Australia 
> > > 0.23/min.  Brazil - Sao Paolo 
> > > 0.12/min.  Canada 
> > > 0.52/min.  China 
> > > 0.14/min.  France 
> > > 0.12/min.  Germany 
> > > 0.10/min.  Hong Kong
> > > 0.78/min.  India
> > > 0.21/min.  Israel
> > > 0.14/min.  Japan - Tokyo
> > > 0.13/min.  New Zealand
> > > 0.40/min.  Russia
> > > 0.23/min.  South Korea
> > > 0.12/min.  UK 
> > > 
> > > - Rates apply 24 hrs/day, 7 days per week
> > > - NO sign-up fees, NO monthly fees, and NO surcharges
> > > - You DO NOT have to SWITCH your current provider
> > > - Ideal for Home and Business
> > > 
> > > - For residents OUTSIDE the USA, we have INT'L CALLBACK
> > > 
> > > Contact us for more information 
> > > and complete rate table at:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Please type "info" in the subject line.
> > > 
> > > Thank You!
> > > 
> > > --
> > > To unsubscribe from this list, send e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and
> put
> > > "unsubscribe MAPINFO-L" in the message body, or contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > --
> > To unsubscribe from this list, send e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and put
> > "unsubscribe MAPINFO-L" in the message body, or contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > 
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"unsubscribe MAPINFO-L" in the message body, or contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: MI Mapinfo 5.0 Help file

1999-09-23 Thread Humphrey, Ben

This is an interesting subject, as I was once vicitmized through the
purchase of a semi-pirated version of Adobe Photoshop.  Adobe stood behind
me all the way which was very kind of them and sent me a free upgrade to the
software I thought I had been purchasing.  Of course this wasn't a copy I
purchased for 9.99 on CDR that came with no documentation, so it really
depends on the awareness of the purchaser about whether they are buying a
pirated version of the software and if that was their intent.  These days
especially with internet sales and bulk price reductions it is harder to
tell what is legit and what is not.  If the intent of the purchaser was in
good faith, then I would have no problem sending them a help file, as it is
not a core component of the program anyhow (although I must say rather
essential).  I suppose if it ends up being a pirated version, that person
who bought the software would have to contact the vendor and work out some
sort of arrangement.  Each company has its own policy regarding issues like
these and it would be interesting to hear what mapInfo's stance is.  So...
I'm listening!

> -Original Message-
> From: Craig Johnson [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, September 22, 1999 7:36 PM
> To:   Ezra nakornthab; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject:  Re: MI Mapinfo 5.0 Help file
> Ezra,
> Hi, I'm the MD of one of the MapINfo resellers in Thailand.
> Sadly, you might be the victum of PIRATE SOFTWARE---Amazing as it may
>   sound, people in Thailand actually buy PIRATE COPIES of software,
>   and then have problems...Oftimes the PIRATE COPY makers don't include
>   things like the help files
> Oh, and ezra, if you do have a license, you should have NO PROBLEM with
>reloading the help files, right?
> Now, If you would like some help, have your people call my people at
> ViewSiam
>  and we can help you with any legitimate license problems you might
> have---and
>   if you have a problem of PIRATE SOFTWARE, we can receive your
>   penance, and help you with your contrition.
> Oh, Listers, you might want to refrain from sending licensed material from
>MapINfo over the net to requests such as this---you might unknowingly
>be contributing to the support SOFTWARE PIRACY.Not to mention the
>fact you would be breaking the law.
> MapInfo, do you have any comments on this?
> - Original Message -
> From: Ezra nakornthab <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Wednesday, September 22, 1999 1:38 PM
> Subject: MI Mapinfo 5.0 Help file
> > Dear Collegues,
> > I would appreciate if anyone can forward me a mapinfo 5.0 help file.
> > I believe it is MapinfoW.HLP file.  Something must have gone wrong or my
> > installation is incomplete.
> >
> > Thanks in advance.
> > ezra
> > --
> > --
> > To unsubscribe from this list, send e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and put
> > "unsubscribe MAPINFO-L" in the message body, or contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> --
> To unsubscribe from this list, send e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and put
> "unsubscribe MAPINFO-L" in the message body, or contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To unsubscribe from this list, send e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and put
"unsubscribe MAPINFO-L" in the message body, or contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: MI Shame on you .....This is a flame..delete if you wish

1999-09-23 Thread Humphrey, Ben

Cool your jets dude.  You may have had an extensive dialog with this guy in
Thailand that puts you in an enlightened position of knowledge with regards
to the legitimacy of this his software, but others of us (maybe we're all
just naive) are a bit more forgiving when software fails.  I can at least
speak personally to the fact that in the company I work for it would be hell
trying to locate the original install disk for MapInfo and it would in fact
be a million times easier if somebody on the MapInfo list just sent me a
copy.  And I GUARANTEE you that my copy was paid for in full.  I'm just
trying to point out that there are alternatives to the story and to flame
everybody with this "my stuff smells sweeter than yours" tirade is pretty

> -Original Message-
> From: Craig Johnson [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, September 23, 1999 2:41 AM
> Subject:  MI Shame on you .This is a flame..delete if you wish
> Whoever you are..
> There was a note requesting a copy of a MapINfo help file posted this
> morning.
> (the author and I have been communicating
>today, and I will say right here--that he indicated it was not for him,
> or his company,
>but a friend)
> I responded regarding Piracy of software
> I mean, if he has a problem with the help file, reload from the cd right?
> If the cd is broke you get a new one right from the vendor you bought it
> from?
> RIGHT?  is there someone in the audience who is confused by these things?
> For those of you who are ignorant of these things there are stores in
>   Thailand and many asian countries (and rest of world for all I know)
> where
>  Software like AutoCAD, MapInfo, Photoshop, the entire microsoft software
>   products suite are available for $10. Us...sometimes 8.
> Now the only problem is the copies are crummy...they leave things out.
> HEY but with the help of those people out there who DON't Care about
>   whether MapInfo gets their pound of flesh, who don't care about the
> people
>   who have tried to build companies introducing these products to 3rd
> world
>   countries---no skin of your nosesure send the files
> So, you did help a professor who would not spend $300 to buy a full and
> legitimate copy
> of MapInfo 5.0 use his pirate copyfeel better?
> Karmalook it up.
> now go do some community service.
> cj ;)
> --
> To unsubscribe from this list, send e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and put
> "unsubscribe MAPINFO-L" in the message body, or contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To unsubscribe from this list, send e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and put
"unsubscribe MAPINFO-L" in the message body, or contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

MI promoting records

1999-09-27 Thread Humphrey, Ben

Anybody know of a way to promote records in a mapbasic table?  I want to
select a specific row and move it so that it is the first row in a table.

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RE: MI promoting records

1999-09-28 Thread Humphrey, Ben

G you know what I mean...

transtlation of my late day garble:

Anybody know of a way to promote records (like you can in arcview in a
mapinfo table using mapbasic (or any other method for that matter.)

sorry for the confusion.  I banged out the message 2 secs before I went


> -Original Message-
> From: Mats Elfström [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, September 27, 1999 10:46 PM
> To:   Humphrey, Ben
> Subject:  Re: MI promoting records
> "Humphrey, Ben" wrote:
> > 
> > Anybody know of a way to promote records in a mapbasic table?  I want to
> > select a specific row and move it so that it is the first row in a
> table.
> What is a 'mapbasic table'?
> -- 
> :::
> :Email/ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ#9517386   :
> :-:
> :Mail/ GISKRAFT, Mats Elfstroem, Vaepplingv 21, SE-227 38 LUND, SWEDEN:
> :Phones: +46 46 145959, +46 70 595 3935   :
> :::
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RE: MI WAPHGIS: how to kill the Caps Lock key

1999-09-28 Thread Humphrey, Ben

Good thing it was a pen, if it had been some cheap #2 the tip might have
broken off and they all would have been screwed!

> -Original Message-
> From: Jason Adam [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, September 28, 1999 7:05 AM
> Cc:   'MapInfo List'
> Subject:  RE: MI WAPHGIS: how to kill the Caps Lock key
> Just a totally unrelated fast fact-
> When Buzz Aldrin was getting back into the lunar landing module and
> removing
> his suit, he accidentally knocked off a switch on a control panel.  When
> they tried to use the switch and found the toggle missing, he used that
> same
> pen to stick in the resulting hole and activate the control.
> Ironic with the hoopla about costs that it likely saved the lives of two
> men
> on the moon...
> Jason
> ___--
> > Reminds me of one of my favourite stories about technology,
> > 
> > When NASA wanted a pen to write in space, they spent a million dollars
> on
> > developing the pen that wrote upside down 
> > 
> > Whereas the Russians just used a pencil
> > 
> > And in the American sequel, the product was later immortalised in pop
> > culture by Sienfeld - who made more money from the idea than NASA.
> > 
> > 
> > Robert Crossley
> > Trinity Software
> > 10 Trinity Street
> > Parramatta Park
> > CAIRNS   4870
> > 
> > Phone: 61-7-40314877
> > Fax: 61-7-40314810
> > email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > web: www.trinitysoftware.com.au
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > --
> > To unsubscribe from this list, send e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and put
> > "unsubscribe MAPINFO-L" in the message body, or contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> --
> To unsubscribe from this list, send e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and put
> "unsubscribe MAPINFO-L" in the message body, or contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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RE: MI Fwd: AV: General--New guidance for using the ArcView list and an important survey question

1999-09-30 Thread Humphrey, Ben

Everybody keep sending the Friday funnies, it makes me think (jut
for a sec) that I'm not a GIS dork holed up in a cube somewhere in corporate

As for the rest, I do agree with Steve.  It would be nice to not have
everybody post all their replies publicly and I completely agree with the
idea of the person who asked the question posting a summary of all the
answers they got (its the least they could do for all the help they got!).
I keep all summaries because who knows when I may run across something that
has been discussed, but to have to sift through a billion replies instead of
one concise summary is a pain in the derriere.

Okay, I'm finished, go back to your GISing


> -Original Message-
> From: Steve Wallace [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, September 30, 1999 9:13 AM
> Subject:  MI Fwd: AV: General--New guidance for using the ArcView list
> and an important survey question
> Here are some rules of etiquette from the ArcView-L that, I believe, would
> help us very much here.
> It doesn't really bother me that people on MapInfo-L reply publicly, but
> it 
> does when you get 5 people sending their same replies to a person and the 
> list, rather than first checking to see if there was an answer posted.
> For me, I still say those who need a joke fix can join any number of humor
> lists or sites -- and the volume of Friday Humor is growing.
> Steve Wallace
> GIS & Market Information Manager
> Florida Farm Bureau Insurance Companies
> >Dear ArcView list member,
> >
> >Several weeks ago I solicited suggestions for list usage and improvements
> >from all members.  The responses lead to the following clarification of 
> >the ArcView list policy.  Consider saving this message and referring to
> it 
> >before you post something to the list.
> >
> >*   The list's stated purpose is "the ArcView list is for 
> >ArcView-related technical questions and answers."  This purpose is 
> >interpreted very broadly (I think to everyone's benefit) to include 
> >software comparisons, information about software that competes with or 
> >supplements ArcView's capabilities, Q&A about ArcView extensions, and 
> >loosely related ArcView stuff such as Map Objects.  In short, the list is
> >about information useful to people who are using ArcView.
> >
> >*   When posting messages, please prefix the subject line with an 
> >"AV:" to help people filter messages appropriately.
> >
> >*   Please reply directly to the poster of an inquiry rather than to 
> >the list.
> >
> >*   Consequently, posters are expected to summarize ("SUM") the 
> >responses in a timely manner.  This is a convenient way of keeping 
> >everyone informed while cutting down on e-mail traffic.
> >
> >*   As a matter of clarity and etiquette, please (a) restate 
> >succinctly the original question when posting a SUM and (b) acknowledge 
> >explicitly those generous people who provided useful responses to you.
> >
> >*   I repeat: anything you post to the list should be either an 
> >inquiry, a SUM, or a TIP.  Do not post replies!
> >
> >*   Please subdue any inclination you might have to promote a product
> >or service on this list.  There's nothing the matter with mentioning (or 
> >describing, or reviewing, etc.) a product or service that might be of 
> >general interest, but many (if not most) list members do not want the
> list 
> >used for overtly commercial purposes.
> >
> >*   It's OK to cross-post with ArcView-L, but to prevent too much 
> >message duplication consider posting first to one list and then to the 
> >other if your issue is not resolved.  Given that messages to this list
> are 
> >broadcast immediately whereas ArcView-L typically delays messages by a 
> >day, may I suggest that posting to this list first would be in your
> interest?
> --
> To unsubscribe from this list, send e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and put
> "unsubscribe MAPINFO-L" in the message body, or contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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RE: MI SUM Joining tables...

1999-10-01 Thread Humphrey, Ben

Okay try this:

1.  Open the two tables you wish to join in side by side windows in arcview
2.  Select the two common fields in each table with the mouse.
3.  Make sure the table you want the results to be stored in is highlighted
4.  Join the tables

I agree with peter 110%, Joining in Arcview is a *pinch*

> -Original Message-
> From: Mats Elfström [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, September 30, 1999 10:44 PM
> To:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]; MapInfo mailing list
> Subject:  Re: MI SUM Joining tables...
> > The combined suggestion was to use SQL Select dialogue. Place my two
> > tables that I want to join in the FROM section. In my Where category
> > set the two "key fields equal.
> > The result will be a query table. Should you want to keep this, Save
> > Copy As.
> > 
> > I think we would all agree that the ArcView join is much simpler.
> No, we won't.
> At least not until you explain to the list the steps needed to obtain
> the *same* result in ArcView.
> Mats.E
> -- 
> :::
> :Email/ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ#9517386   :
> :-:
> :Mail/ GISKRAFT, Mats Elfstroem, Vaepplingv 21, SE-227 38 LUND, SWEDEN:
> :Phones: +46 46 145959, +46 70 595 3935   :
> :::
> --
> To unsubscribe from this list, send e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and put
> "unsubscribe MAPINFO-L" in the message body, or contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To unsubscribe from this list, send e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and put
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RE: MI MapBasic Shade statement

1999-10-01 Thread Humphrey, Ben

(Okay okay, here you go so everybody can read it! =)

Just to add to the list of suggestions, here's a little snippet of code from
an MBX I wrote to shade a variably sized list of polygons with individual

Table name is "neighbors", but could be any table that was formed from a
prior selection

fetch first from neighbors  'creates a text string of all sector 
'name values in order to
'shade the layer

cstring =  + neighbors.Sector_name + ""","
for i = 1 to tableinfo(neighbors, TAB_INFO_NROWS)-2
fetch next from neighbors
cstring = cstring +  + Neighbors.Sector_name + ""","
fetch next from neighbors
cstring = cstring +  + Neighbors.Sector_name + 

Run Command "Shade window " +win_id+ " selection with Sector_Name values " +
cstring 'shades the layer

Hopefully this sheds a little light.  I posted a question to the list about
how to do this and didn't get exactly the answer I was looking for, but it
was enough to point me exactly where I wanted to go.

good luck,

> -Original Message-
> From: Antoine Gilbert [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, September 30, 1999 11:46 AM
> To:   Susan Yu; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject:  Re: MI MapBasic Shade statement
> use the RUN COMMAND instruction..
> exemple:
> dim tmp as String
> tmp = "Shade .. With ... bla bla bla "
> tmp = tmp + "Values "
> for i=0 to x
> tmp = tmp +  + nameIndividualValue(i) +  + " Brush(" +
> param1(i)
> + "," + param2(i) + "," + param3(i) + "), "
> Next
> Run Command tmp
> PS :  is an insertion of the caracter -> " <- into the string...
> for the string stories, i'm not not sure to understand all you asked..
> ___
> ||//Antoine Gilbert
> ||   //  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ||  //#ICQ 9737371
> ||  \\
> ||   \\Le Groupe KOREM Inc.
> ||\\   http://www.korem.com
> ___
> - Original Message -
> From: Susan Yu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Thursday, September 30, 1999 10:31 AM
> Subject: MI MapBasic Shade statement
> >Hello everyone,
> >
> >I was wondering if anyone can help me with a Map Basic problem I am
> having.
> >I'm trying to automate a thematic map using the "Region, individual
> values,
> >black and white" template.  This map is suppose to result from values
> >extracted from a selection performed prior.
> >
> >The selection results with a list of names - and regions should be shaded
> >according to which name it falls in.  I have managed to just get the
> names
> >and the regions it falls under.  Not the shading part.
> >
> >Then I have to use the "Shade" statement to create the thematic map:
> >
> >Shade 3 With some_column
> >   Values
> >  "x" Brush ...
> >  "yy" Brush ...
> >  "zz" Brush ...
> >   etc
> >
> >My problem is that the list of names can be 3 or 23!  How do I code in
> Map
> >Basic to dynamically list the names and assign a different brush style
> under
> >the Shade statement?
> >
> >Another attempt: I put the names in an array variable.  I tried to list
> the
> >values by putting them all in one variable  'name_list', where names(n)
> is
> >the array variable containing the names:
> >
> >counter = 2
> >name_list = Chr$(34) + names(1) + Chr$(34)
> >do while counter <= newsize
> >   name_list = name_list + "," + Chr$(34) + names(counter) +  Chr$(34)
> >   counter = counter + 1
> >loop
> >
> >The problem with above is that 'name_list' is seen as just one long
> string
> >rather than a list of strings, despite that I have put in double
> quotation
> >marks (Chr$(34)).
> >
> >I also tried putting under 'values' a variable list with: names(1),
> >names(2), names(3), ... to a certain number
> >but if the selection results in a list of names smaller than the listed
> >number of variables, then it doesn't work.  It seem to fail when there is
> no
> >value for the rest of the listed variables.
> >
> >Or is there a way to call an existing MapInfo function and pre-assign all
> >the values to automatically create the thematic map?
> >
> >The answer seem like it can be right under my nose but I can't see it.
> Any
> >help would be appreciated.
> >
> >Thanks,
> >Susan
> >
> >
> >--
> >To unsubscribe from this list, send e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and put
> >"unsubscribe MAPINFO-L" in the message body, or contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> --
> To unsubscribe from this list, send e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and put
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MI square ends on buffers

1999-10-01 Thread Humphrey, Ben

Anybody know of an mbx (or anything else for that matter) that lets the user
create buffers around line objects so that they are not rounded at the ends?

I am trying to buffer individual sections of an MI road file and the buffers
overlap eachother at the end and beginning of each segment.
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MI returning the directory structure leading to an open table

1999-10-07 Thread Humphrey, Ben

And a lovely thursday to all you western hemisphere folks (woo hoo its
friday in New Zealand!).  Just a quick one here:

Is there any way in mapbasic to issue a command that returns the directory
structure leading up to an open table?


Dim tablocation As String
tablocation = PathToOpenTable$("foobar")  'I made up PathToOpenTable$()

if foobar.tab were in c:\temp\ then tablocation would print "c:\temp\"

It seems the closest is truefilename$() but that only prints out the current
directory, which is not the same as the directory from which the file was

Thanks in advance to anybody with the answer to my $20.50 question

Ben Humphrey
VoiceStream Wireless
Tel  425-653-4605
PCS 206-226-0019

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MI deleting a range of rows

1999-10-07 Thread Humphrey, Ben

Another stumper for me today-

Is there a way through mapbasic to specify a range of rows to delete rather
than 1 or all?

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MI SUM: returning the directory structure

1999-10-07 Thread Humphrey, Ben

Kudos to those who helped, I found exactly what I was looking for so for
those who are still curious...

tablocation = PathToDirectory$(TableInfo(mytable, TAB_INFO_TABFILE))

As for the other question I posed today about deleting a range of records,
I'm not going to even touch that one, but thanks to those who responded to
that one as well  (go ahead and have a laugh on me if you want).  I just had
my head backed into a corner I couldn't think of the obvious way to do it
(select * where rowID = yada yada yada) then delete from selection.  Okay so
I guess i got into it a little...

Ben Humphrey
VoiceStream Wireless
Tel  425-653-4605
PCS 206-226-0019

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MI clearing the message window

1999-10-08 Thread Humphrey, Ben

Simple question folks:

what can I type in the mapbasic window to clear all text from the message
window.  It mentions this in the help file but there aint nuthin' there!

This question is worth an extra 50 cents at $21


Ben Humphrey
VoiceStream Wireless
Tel  425-653-4605
PCS 206-226-0019

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MI finding files in a windows directory whose name contain a specific string

1999-10-12 Thread Humphrey, Ben

Baby steps outside the mapinfo environment...

I was wondering if it is at all possible to somehow query the windows
environment about the files contained in a specific directory.  The idea I
had was that I would query a directory where an open table resides for a
file containing a certain string in its name.

For example if I had denver.tab open from a certain directory I would want
to search for any tables in that directory whose name contained the string

Can it be done???

And since it has always been the case in the past, there will be a reward.
This time, seeing that it is a more complex question, my first born child is
up for grabs.

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MI Overflow when appending StreetInfo

1999-10-26 Thread Humphrey, Ben

Anybody experience problems when appending one streetinfo table to another?
I get an overflow error which is baffling me.

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MI RE: Overflow error message

1999-10-26 Thread Humphrey, Ben

I just posted a question along the same lines, with regards to overflow
errors when appending tables.  The error is most definitely happening during
the insert statement, although I'm waiting to hear back too.  My only guess
is that it has something to do with a max number of records you can have in
a table.  That's just a guess though...


> -Original Message-
> From: Andrew Pollock [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 1999 11:41 AM
> Subject:  MI: Overflow error message
> All
> Attached is a snip of code that is causing an overflow error in the
> program.  I've never seen an error of this type, nor is it referenced in
> any of the books or online help.  I've tried rebooting, etc. to no avail.
> Any assistance is appreciated.
> Thanks!
> Drew Pollock
> code snip follows:
> IF data_info = "US" OR data_info = "us"  THEN
> SELECT * FROM land into Land1
> Select * from land where land.obj within buffer_obj into Land1
> Insert Into List_fac Select * from Land1
> A T L A N T A ,  G E O R G I A
> Web: 
> Photography: 
> Family: 
> -- To
> unsubscribe from this list, send e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and put
> "unsubscribe MAPINFO-L" in the message body, or contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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MI lat/long to WGS84 - shouldn't there be a difference!?

1999-11-01 Thread Humphrey, Ben

So there I was saving a table from lat/long into lat/long WGS84 and I
realized upon completion that there was absolutely no difference between the
coordinates before and after the projection.

So my questions are:  Is there a difference?  Shouldn't the coordinates
shift a little between projections?  I've never dealt much with changing
projections so I am at a bit of a loss here.

Thanks to anybody who can provide some enlightening suggestions.

Ben Humphrey
Mapping Specialist
VoiceStream Wireless

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MI wacked out line length calculations

1999-11-16 Thread Humphrey, Ben

Okay, here's something COMPLETELY messed up.

I am conducting some length calculations on some line data for the US
railroad network.  I did a select objects from the railroad table that
intersect another table of polygons.  I save that as a table.  I then do a
select sphericalobjectlen(t_name.obj, "mi") into sometable, calculate
statistics, and get a the sum, for each row in the original table selection
of line lengths.  If I do it that way, I get over 6000 miles (which is way
off if you just look at the selection in a map window.  If I combine all
line objects into one, and then double click on the single object, I get a
line length of only 1000, which seems much more reasonable.  Anybody have
this experience before or am I using the wrong mapinfo commands?

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