Re: MI Help!!! how to translate Arc/Info GRID image to be used in MapInfo

2000-05-25 Thread Tony Elson

+AD4- Hello, there
+AD4- I have a Arc/Info Grid image which is a fold of files and I'd like to be
+AD4- used in MapInfo as either Grid layer or Vector layer. I have tried
+AD4- ArcLink but it seems ArcLink does not support GRID format. It simply
+AD4- skips the GRD section in +ACo-.E00 file where has all raster data.
+AD4- So Is there anyone over there know any solution for that?
+AD4- Thanks in advance.

You could try using ArcView with 3D Analyst if it is available to you.  You
can convert the grid to a shapefile which I think if memory serves me
correctly, will create the cells as polygons.  The Universal Translator
should do the rest for you.

Can you also not try to convert the grid to a vector file from within
ArcInfo itself, than translate the .e00 fiel?

Don't know if this helps.


Tony Elson
GIS Consultant

Geographic Technologies Limited
PO Box 6015
Wellesley Street,
Auckland, New Zealand

Ph: +-64 9 379 2061 x107
Cell:   025 278 4896
Fax:   +-64 9 379 2044

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MI Selecting by Coordinates

2000-05-23 Thread Tony Elson

Is there a way to select a feature using co-ordinates.

Understand that the centroid functions return coordinate values I can use,
but if I insert these values into a variable, is there a command for
selecting a polygon or whatever where a polygon contains those coordinate

E.G. something like select map.obj, map.attribute where map.obj contains x
and y?

I am getting the x and y via the CommandInfo function.

Tony Elson
GIS Consultant

Geographic Technologies Limited
PO Box 6015
Wellesley Street,
Auckland, New Zealand

Ph: +64 9 379 2061 x107
Cell:   025 278 4896
Fax:   +64 9 379 2044

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MI test

2000-02-23 Thread Tony Elson

Tony Elson
GIS Consultant

Geographic Technologies Limited
PO Box 6015
Wellesley Street,
Auckland, New Zealand

Ph: 64 9 379 2061 x107
Fax:64 9 379 2044   
Mobile: 025 278 4896
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Re: MI Crystal Reports

1999-11-11 Thread Tony Elson

"CAD GIS. ESBIC" wrote:
> Hi,
> I am wonering if anyone else has come across this problem and if so if there
> is a solution.
> I have installed Mapinfo 5.5 on a Windows NT4 PC but I cannot generate a new
> report using Crystal reports from within Mapinfo.I can open and use Crystal
> reports external to mapinfo and if I create a report externally I can then
> open that report from within Mapinfo. However once I try to generate a new
> report it gives a an error message on Mapinfow.exe access error Violation
> and closes down Mapinfo. I have tried installing it a number of times using
> both custom and typical installations with the same result.
> In an attempt to find out if it was something to do specifically with NT, I
> then installed it on a Windows 95 PC but the same problems reoccurs. The
> details of the error message here is as follows:
> - Mapinfo caused an invalid page fault in modulle mscrt.dll
> - Mapinfo caused an invalid page fault in modulle kernel32.dll.
> If anyone can help it will be appretiated,
> Regards
> Barry Doyle

Sometimes I get a Dr Watson with Crystal Reports - and THAT may be an NT
thing.  Seems a little flaky at times but on the whole, I have my
reports going OK.  

I am running v5.0 (or 5.01) and by the looks of all of the reports
stemming from those who have upgraded to 5.5, I am staying put.  5.0
seems eminently more stable.

Tony Elson

GIS Analyst

Geographic Technologies Limited
PO Box 6015
Wellesley Street,
Auckland, New Zealand

Ph:  64 9 379 2061 x107
Fax: 64 9 379 2044  
Mobile:  025 278 4896
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Re: MI trouble combining complex polygons

1999-08-19 Thread Tony Elson

Peter Walsh wrote:
> I was impressed with 5.5 when it overlayed 2 complex polygon sets that I
> knew would have failed in previous versions, with the dreaded "regions too
> complex" message. I fairly quickly discovered however that it still has its
> limitations, beyond as certain point it still just fails. It doesn't give
> you an error message, it just doesn't do anything.
> You could try copying them both into a base table, and trying htere, rather
> than in the cosmetic layer. I don't know if this will work, but I have
> noticed the buffering function sometimes seems to be more successful if I
> don't use the cosmetic layer, but rather save the results straight into a
> table.
> The only solution regarding complex datasets for me has been to work in
> grids, and the speed at which Vertical Mapper can create grids, maipulate
> them, and contour them back into vectors is impressive. Inevitably, some
> resolution is lost.
> If you want to work in vectors, it seems the only answer is to buy something
> better than a desktop GIS.

Personally, I have found MI's combine objects function to be a bit of a
dog.  Way to slow (which may have something to do with my underlying
data structure).

It was quicker for me to export the data set(s) via UT and do my
processing in ArcView.  The geo-processing tools in AV are far more
advanced, easy to use and just that much faster.

A personal opinion only, but I would be interested in reading some
others' comments on MI's geo processing because my experience is
admittedly limited, which could therefore cause my vision to be rose


Tony Elson

GIS Analyst

Geographic Technologies Limited
PO Box 6015
Wellesley Street,
Auckland, New Zealand

Ph: 64 9 379 2061 x107
Fax:64 9 379 2044   
Mobile: 025 278 4896

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Re: Importing Arc/Info Data into MI

1999-08-04 Thread Tony Elson

Franck Martin wrote:
> I asked this question a while ago and the only alternative despite having
> ArcInfo to convert the files in E00 format was to use ArcView to read them
> and convert to shapefiles.
> I haven't tried the Arcview path, and I'm not sure if it works.

It does - quite satisfactorily.  MI and AV are quite useful as data

Tony Elson

GIS Analyst

Geographic Technologies Limited
PO Box 6015
Wellesley Street,
Auckland, New Zealand

Ph: 64 9 379 2061 x107
Fax:64 9 379 2044   
Mobile: 025 278 4896

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MI Building new tables on the fly

1999-07-26 Thread Tony Elson

We are using data that is structured around the use of numerous tables.

However, in Mapinfo as opposed to other GIS, building new layers or
tables based on selections that are joined to other tables is laboured -
unless I am not doing something right.

Mapinfo won't allow selections on dynamic joins that are not "base
tables" (i.e the concept of a database view or table definition isn't

The user has to make a copy of the selection (i.e. save copy as) then
build the next stage in the query to create a new table or layer.

This does not seem to me to be particularly efficient.

Does anyone have any ideas on building temporary or permanent tables on
the fly without adding to the existing data sets with an "intermediate"
layer, other than creating a "flat" table.


Tony Elson

GIS Analyst

Geographic Technologies Limited
PO Box 6015
Wellesley Street,
Auckland, New Zealand

Ph: 64 9 379 2061 x107
Fax:64 9 379 2044   
Mobile: 025 278 4896

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MI Building tables on the fly

1999-07-26 Thread Tony Elson

We are using data that is structured around the use of numerous tables.

However, in Mapinfo as opposed to other GIS, building new layers or
tables based on selections that are joined to other tables is laboured -
unless I am not doing something right.

Mapinfo won't allow selections on dynamic joins that are not "base
tables" (i.e the concept of a database view or table definition isn't

The user has to make a copy of the selection (i.e. save copy as) then
build the next stage in the query to create a new table or layer.

This does not seem to me to be particularly efficient.

Does anyone have any ideas on building temporary or permanent tables on
the fly without adding to the existing data sets with an "intermediate"
layer, other than creating a "flat" table.


Tony Elson
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MI Altering Objects in Layouts (Text Objects)

1999-07-21 Thread Tony Elson

Apologise in advance if this has been covered before and I'll admitt
that my experience in MapBasic is limited.

Basically, I have a layout.  I want to automatically update some text in
the layout.

I have been able to identify the text I wish to change via the "fetch"
and "objectinfo()" commands in my
very basic .mbx program.

However, I am having major difficulty trying to use the "Alter Object"

Since (or as I understand it) that the Alter Object statement requires
an object variable (therefore referenceing and object or more
specifically in my case, a text object), I have tried using the create
text into variable command (even though the text is already there)

So, my program looks a little like this:

..create text into variable myobj txt_var . etc 'where txt_var
is a variable of the existing text.

then I go:

Alter Object myobj info OBJ_INFO_TEXTSTRING, "New Text".

Obviously, I have something fundamentally wrong somewhere and I am not
convince that the create text into variable command is the correct way
to go.

Are there other options?

Thanks in advance
Tony Elson

GIS Analyst

Geographic Technologies Limited
PO Box 6015
Wellesley Street,
Auckland, New Zealand

Ph: 64 9 379 2061 x107
Fax:64 9 379 2044   
Mobile: 025 278 4896

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