MI-L Customising Quick Start Dialog Box

2004-11-29 Thread Ian Robertson

Hi Listers,  

I would like to know if I can add some options of my own to the Quick Start 
Dialog Box. If so, is it possible to use Mapbasic to do it?   

Alternatively, I could create my own version. However, I'm not sure how I 
would recall each user's mapinfow.wor and their last used workspace.  

Does anyone have any advice on doing this given that in Win2000 each user 
has their own profile in the Documents & Settings folder?  


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Ian Robertson,
Information Services, 
Regeneration & Culture, 
Leicester City Council, LE1 6ZG, UK. 

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Ian Robertson,
Information Services, 
Regeneration & Culture, 
Leicester City Council, LE1 6ZG, UK. 

T: +44 (0) 116 252 7230
F: +44 (0) 116 222 1091

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Message number: 14277

RE: MI-L Oracle Spatial Objects

2004-12-01 Thread Ian Robertson
Hi  to Pablo, Gilbert & Ake, and Keith, 

See if you can get a copy of "Oracle Spatial User's Guide and Reference Rel 
9.2" (Part A96630-01). 

This gives examples of how to get objects into Oracle Spatial using 9i's SQL 
code. It does support circles, you just cannot load them as such from 

This is the code for a rectangle (sect 2.3.1): 

INSERT INTO table VALUES(  attribute1, attribute2, 

To insert a circle, MDSYS.SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY() needs 3 co-ordinates 
from the circumference. 


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Ian Robertson,
Information Services, 
Regeneration & Culture, 
Leicester City Council, LE1 6ZG, UK. 

T: +44 (0) 116 252 7230
F: +44 (0) 116 222 1091

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Message number: 14319

Re: MI-L MapInfo's Map Quality Gets Panned in the News

2005-03-04 Thread Ian Robertson
Maybe MapInfo's graphic quality hasn't improved much since the days of
MapInfo 3.0. 
Alternatively, maybe "predictive analysts" don't make good
And that wasn't the only criticism: 
"I thought (Predictive Analytics (yet more MapInfo marketing
hyperbole)) would include some modelling, performance predictions and .
. . estimates. " 

>>> Bill Thoen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 04/03/2005 14:40:14 >>>

Good grief! The general public is finding out what we've all known for
quite some time -- MapInfo's graphic quality hasn't improved much
the days of MapInfo 3.0! 

See Hal Reid's article in Direction Magazine, "A Number of Colors" 

We don't want to get pegged as "cartoon cartographers," do we? 

- Bill Thoen

Re: MI-L Georeferencing OSGB map tiles

2005-03-14 Thread Ian Robertson
Hi Russell 
If you have the .tab files from OS, I'd have thought that they were
already georeferenced. 
To check, open the tab files in Notepad and see if they look similar to
!version 300
!charset WindowsLatin1
Definition Table
  File "sk50ne.tif"
  Type "RASTER"
  (455000,31) (0,0) Label "Pt 1",
  (46,31) (7874,0) Label "Pt 2",
  (455000,305000) (0,7874) Label "Pt 3",
  (46,305000) (7874,7874) Label "Pt 4"
  CoordSys Earth Projection 8, 79, "m", -2, 49, 0.9996012717, 40,
  Units "m"

If your selection of tiles are all adjacent to each other the
co-ordinates should match together. 
To view all the tiles together, open their .tab files and use LAYER
CONTROL from the MAP menu command to compile them in a single map window
by using ADD. 
To save repeating this porcess every time, the tiles need to be saved
as a seamless layer. Look in the help system to find out how to do this.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
Dear all,

Help is really appreciated here.
I've got a few Ordnance Survey map tiles, 1:10,000 Rasters, and I want
georeference them and join them up together. I've got the .TAB files
the OS as well. Basically I can open one, but how do I get them all
open and 
referenced to real space?

I'm a real novice user, basically I've looked over someones shoulder a

couple of times and now I'm trying to figure it out. Any help or



2005-04-07 Thread Ian Robertson
Hi Nichola, 
You wrote: 
I'm still relatively new to all this MapBasic code, but i'm creating
some code, when I compile it, it doesn't make an MBX it makes an MBO, I
can't understand why its referring to this. I can't find the line/s of
code which are making the code create this MBO.
Below is a section from the MapBasic User Guide that descibes MBOs (see
page Chapter 3, page 36). 
The section that probably applies to you is in bold. 

Note the extension on the filename; MapBasic object files have the
extension .mbo. MapBasic creates an object file when you compile a
module that is part of a multiple-module project.
Whenever you choose Project > Compile Current File, MapBasic tries to
compile the current file into an executable application file (ending
with .mbx).
However, if the program file contains calls to functions or procedures
that are
not in the file, MapBasic cannot create an .mbx file. In this case,
assumes that the program is part of a larger project. MapBasic then
builds an
object file (.mbo) instead of an executable file (.mbx). MapBasic also
creates an
object file whenever the module that you are compiling does not have a


Re: MI-L string expression

2005-04-11 Thread Ian Robertson
Hi Alistair 
The combination of the functions Mid$(), Len() and Instr() will help
solve your problem. 
For example given 
Mytxt = "2105 ALBANY CREEK"
the statement 
Mid$( Mytxt , Instr(1, Mytxt , " ") +1, Len(Mytxt))
will return 
Instr(1, Mytxt , " ") returns the position of " " in Mytxt starting
with the 1st character. 
Len(Mytxt) returns the number of characters in Mytxt. 
Mid$( Mytxt , Instr(1, Mytxt , " ") +1, Len(Mytxt)) returns the range
of characters defined by the other 2 functions. 
The following statement will then replace the contents of the table. 
Update Mytable Set MyCol = mid$( MyCol, instr(1, MyCol, " ")+1,

MI-L MI-L: Calculating smoothed data values

2005-04-15 Thread Ian Robertson
I have a data set consisting of 900+ polygons each being a square. 
I want to be able to assign a smoothed data value to each one. The
smoothed data value is made up from a weighted average of the target
square itself plus the 8 adjacent to it weighted by one value and the 16
adjacent to the 8 weighted by a another value . 
Selecting the total 25 squares is straight forward SQL, it's selecting
and combining the groups of 1, 8 and 16 in as efficient way as possible
that I'm looking for help on. 

MI-L Register Table

2005-05-20 Thread Ian Robertson
Hi All, 
Is it possible to register a table such that the tab file is in one
location (where I have permission to r/w) and the source file is in
another location (where I don't have permission to r/w)? 

RE: MI-L Selecting only the last three years worth of data

2005-06-21 Thread Ian Robertson
An alternative to Keith's answer could be: 
WHERE DATEFIELD > "Entered Date" - (365 * 3)
This calculates the date 3 years before but ignores leap years. See
Appendix D: Creating Expressions in the MapInfo User Guide for further
details about manipulating date values. 

Re: MI-L Please Help with Gender Distribution Mapping

2005-09-14 Thread Ian Robertson
Hi Pete, 
I would suggest you calculate the ratio of men to women, or vice versa, as is 
your preference. 
Thematically map this derived value setting an inflection point at zero to 
distinguish between which of the two genders are more numerous. 
Ian Robertson,
Information Services, 
Regeneration & Culture, 
Leicester City Council, LE1 6ZG, UK. 
T: +44 (0) 116 252 7230
F: +44 (0) 116 222 1091
Please note new e-mail address: 
>>> "Pete Smyth" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 14/09/2005 03:42:59 >>>

G'day All Listers,

We have been asked to thematically map gender distribution (Percentages of 
Male/Female) from Australian Bureau of Statistics - Census data collection 
areas on the one map.

We have tried the Pie chart Thematic map but it does not allow for labelling 
the pie slices with the percentages.  We have also tried bivariate thematic 
using dots and region ranges,  this was also difficult to interpret.

Have any of you had to do a similar thematic mapping exercise or do you have 
any thought as to how we can accomplish this task(tools, methodologies, etc).  
We are still running MapInfo V7.8.

Your help is always appreciated



Pete Smyth
GIS Support Specialist
GIS Support Services
Brisbane City Council
Tel: +61 7 340 34345
Fax: +61 7 340 39072


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Re: MI-L Please Help with Gender Distribution Mapping

2005-09-14 Thread Ian Robertson
Set inflection point at 1 not 0.

Re: MI-L Selecting a Random Sample from a Table

2005-10-26 Thread Ian Robertson
The code to populate a column with random numbers is: 
Update MyTable Set RandCol = rnd(1) 
where rnd(1) is the function that generates a random number (0 < n < 1). 
You may also need to use the Randomize command: 
"The Randomize statement "seeds" the random number generator so that later 
calls to the Rnd(
) function produce random results. Without this statement before the first call 
to Rnd( ), the
actual series of random numbers will follow a standard list. In other words, 
unless the program
includes a Randomize statement, the sequence of values returned by Rnd( ) will 
follow the
same pattern each time the application is run.
The Randomize statement is only needed once in a program and should occur prior 
to the first
call to the Rnd( ) function.
If you include the With clause, the seed parameter is used as the seed value 
for the pseudorandom
number generator. If you omit the With clause, MapBasic automatically seeds the
pseudo-random number generator using the current system clock. Use the With 
clause if you
need to create repeatable test scenarios, where your program generates 
repeatable sequences of
"random" numbers." MapBasic Manual. 

>>> "John Nott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 26/10/2005 10:37:59 >>>

Hello List,

I have a table of about 5,000 sites. What I would like to do is select a
spatially random distribution of about say10% or so of these. Does
anyone know a way of doing this in MI. I suppose I could add a row ID
and do a random number generation is Excel but it would be useful for
future reference.

Thanks for any help you can offer!!

All the best,


[Mapinfo-l] The former command Send Mail

2005-11-16 Thread Ian Robertson

Hi List, 
Send Mail ceased being a File command when 6.5 came out. However, does this mean that the function has been completely removed?  
I tried putting "Run Menu Command M_SENDMAIL_CURRENTWINDOW" in a MapBasic program but this didn't work as did Jacques Paris with the same result (so much for backwards compatibility). 
John Brosowsky provided a more customised solution for adding attachments using VB. 
Does anyone know of any other workarounds ? 
Mapinfo-l mailing list

MI-L Problem with Save Window As

2003-03-11 Thread Ian Robertson

I'm trying to use the Save Window As command in the MB window 
without much success. 

When I use the menu version there are no problems, the 
dimensions and resolution come out correctly. 

But using the MB command in the MB window the resolution works 
but the dimensions of the image are wrong, they shrink. 

For example if the width is specified as 4.5 units then the 
image comes out with a width of 1.44. 

Is this a known problem for which there is a fix, or is this a 
new one? 


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ian Robertson,
Information Services, E & D Dept
Leicester City Council, LE1 6ZG, UK.

T: +44 (0) 116 252 7230
F: +44 (0) 116 222 1091

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Message number: 5871

MI-L Transforming Bounds with the same Projection

2003-06-16 Thread Ian Robertson

Hi All,

I have 3 versions of a data set all with the same projection but
with different bounds: Mapinfo's default, one optimised for the
GB National Grid and a third based on the extents of a subset of
the data. 

I'm assuming that to make these data sets perfectly aligned with
each other they have to have the same bounds. Is this true? 

If so, 

#   is it possible to transform these to a common set of

#   how can this be done and 

#   what choice is there in which selecting a common bounds?

Thanks in advance for all help and advice.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ian Robertson,
Information Services, E R D Dept
Leicester City Council, LE1 6ZG, UK.

T: +44 (0) 116 252 7230
F: +44 (0) 116 222 1091

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ian Robertson,
Information Services, E R D Dept
Leicester City Council, LE1 6ZG, UK.

T: +44 (0) 116 252 7230
F: +44 (0) 116 222 1091

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Message number: 7304

MI-L MI Job: Gazetteer/GIS Assistant: Leicester City Council, UK

2003-06-25 Thread Ian Robertson
To apply for this post you must submit an application form.  This can be 
obtained from: 


No CVs will be accepted. 

Below is a copy of the advert. 

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

Leicester City Council is forging ahead with its plans for E-Govt. 
Instrumental to this is its land and property gazetteer. This is a database 
of addresses and descriptions of other premises to which have been added 
boundaries. This combined data set is currently integral to the Council's 
intranet mapping system. 

There also exists a substantial work programme to integrate the gazetteer 
into several mainstream operational IT systems (land charges, electoral 
registration, etc.) 

This new post is within the Information Services Team and will be responsible 
for maintaining the gazetteer data (i.e. keeping it up to date and as 
comprehensive as possible), as well as developing and promoting the gazetteer 
itself and the systems associated with it. 

It is essential that you have: 

*   a minimum of one years experience in collating and maintaining information 
about land and property 

*   experience of establishing quality assurance systems and 

*   experience of using the Microsoft Office suite of programs ie. 
Access, Excel, Word and Powerpoint 

*   a minimum of one years experience of using a geographical 
information system 

*   the ability to read and interpret Ordnance Survey maps, 
architect's plans and aerial photographs

It is also desirable if you have: 

*   experience of using MapInfo 

*   a minimum of one years experience of using a computer aided design package 

*   experience of using AUTOCAD or Autodesk Map 

*   cartographic skills 

*   a diploma/degree in appropriate subject (e.g. geography, geology, 
surveying, civil engineering), or relevant job related/vocational training

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Message number: 7399

Re: MI-L Seamless Map

2002-01-25 Thread Ian Robertson


I suspect your problem is not with the seamless map but with each of the 
tiles' display settings because the data are a raster images. If you look at 
the zoom layering settings in layer control I suspect you'll find this feature 
switched on and a value for max zoom. 

If this is so, switch it off or change the max value. 


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ian Robertson,
Information Services, E & D Dept
Leicester City Council, LE2 6ZG, UK.

Tel +44 (0) 116 252 7230
Fax +44 (0) 116 255 6385

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put "unsubscribe MapInfo-L" in the message body.

Re: MI-L Bus Routes

2002-07-05 Thread Ian Robertson

Hi Dave, 

Searching for information about bus routes in Leicester & 
Leicestershire led me on a merry dance that got no where. 

I found various people with maps of bus stops or lists of roads 
along which the buses travel, but not maps. 

There are regional initiatives collating bus timetables to 
improve customer service, but these only have plans to map 

I've resorted to using one of the lists I've come across and 
using SQL Select to create a join with OSCAR. Its messy though,  
with lots of excess links. 

If you come along to the User Group meeting on Monday, I can 
introduce you a colleague who knows a lot more about what is 
going on with buses up and down the country. 

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ian Robertson,
Information Services, E & D Dept
Leicester City Council, LE2 6ZG, UK.

Tel +44 (0) 116 252 7230
Fax +44 (0) 116 255 6385

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Re: MI-L Kernel Analysis using Vertical Mapper

2002-09-11 Thread Ian Robertson


I presume you're referring to V3 of VM? I'm still on 2.6 so 
can't comment. 

As for alternatives, in addition to Crimestat, there's: 


but this costs real money. 


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ian Robertson,
Information Services, E & D Dept
Leicester City Council, LE2 6ZG, UK.

Tel +44 (0) 116 252 7230
Fax +44 (0) 116 255 6385

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Message number: 2966

Re: MI-L Text problem black rectangle instead of text

2002-11-12 Thread Ian Robertson
Hi All, 

We have discovered, at long last, that Abode Type Manager has 
been the cause of our printer problems when producing layouts. 

The solution has been to upgrade to 4.1. 


Information Services, E, R & D Dept
Leicester City Council, LE2 6ZG, UK.

Tel +44 (0) 116 252 7230
Fax +44 (0) 116 255 6385

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Message number: 4034

MI-L tab2tfw.mbx and tab_tfw.mbx

2001-01-19 Thread Ian Robertson

Recent discussion about creating TFW header files from Tab files led me to
try to use tab_tfw and tab2tfw under MI professional 5.0. It appears that
both of these need (at least?) ver. 5.5 to run. Can anyone tell me where I
might find the code for these applications, so that I could try to compile
versions that would run on my machine? Thanks very much for any advice on

Ian Robertson
Dept. of Anthropology
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ, 85287-2402

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MI-L Using Create View

2001-02-02 Thread Ian Robertson

To MapInfo Listers, 

Has anyone out there explored the scope of the undocumented Create
View command?

I was wondering whether anyone had successfully incorporated any
other mapinfo commands into the tab file. 

I've tried adding further conditions to the WHERE clause, but this
did not work. 

For the uninitiated, the code below shows how to use *Create View*
in a table file to form one table from two. This is mainly used to
produce street files. 

!Version 400
Open Table "tab1" Hide
Open Table "tab2" Hide

Create View tab3 As
Select * From tab1, tab2 Where tab1.id=tab2.id 


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ian Robertson,
Information Services, E & D Dept
Leicester City Council, UK. 

Tel +44 (0) 116 252 7230
Fax +44 (0) 116 255 6385

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put "unsubscribe MapInfo-L" in the message body.

Re: MI-L Mapinfo tool for segmenting a polyline

2001-04-12 Thread Ian Robertson

Matthew Schultz asked:

> Does anyone know of any tool that I could get my hands on
> where if I have a polyline , I could segment the polyline at a
> specified distance to create new line segments along the original
> polyline. Is there any mapbasic programs out there that may help?

There is a free utility (cutpline.mbx) from Jacques Paris
([EMAIL PROTECTED] and www.total.net/~rparis/gisproducts.htm) that
segments polylines at preselected nodes. You can download it from :


However, I've failed to find a free utility that does exactly as you 
describe. It seems you'll have to pay for that level of 

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ian Robertson,
Information Services, E & D Dept
Leicester City Council, UK. 

Tel +44 (0) 116 252 7230
Fax +44 (0) 116 255 6385

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put "unsubscribe MapInfo-L" in the message body.

MI-L: MB On the subtleties of using blanks in table names

2001-05-25 Thread Ian Robertson

Dear Listers, 

I'm writing some code to generate file and table names which 
include blanks. When the program runs it happily reads the file 
name but stops at the table name. 

Normally, MapInfo substitutes blanks with underscores itself but 
what rules should be followed in creating a Mapbasic (Version 5) 
program to create the same effect? 

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ian Robertson,
Information Services, E & D Dept
Leicester City Council, UK. 

Tel +44 (0) 116 252 7230
Fax +44 (0) 116 255 6385

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put "unsubscribe MapInfo-L" in the message body.

MI-L: Deriving a logical flag to indicate object intersection(s)

2001-06-12 Thread Ian Robertson

Hi List, 

I attempting to create a table that indicates 
whether a point object in one table intersects 
one or more polygons in another table. The 
result being:

Poly1   Poly2   Poly3  
Pnt11   0  
 0   0
Pnt20   1  
 1   0
Pnt30   0  
 0   1

Can this be achieved in one or more sql 
statements in MapInfo? Or will I have to resort 
to using MapBasic. 

Thanks in advance. 


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ian Robertson,
Information Services, E & D Dept
Leicester City Council, UK. 

Tel +44 (0) 116 252 7230
Fax +44 (0) 116 255 6385

List hosting provided by Directions Magazine | www.directionsmag.com |
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put "unsubscribe MapInfo-L" in the message body.

RE: MI-L mover centroides

2001-06-26 Thread Ian Robertson

Que tal Eduardo,
Disculpe la manera en que escribo el espa~ol, pero has tratado de exportar
tus poligonos, en la forma del archivo .mif, y luego importarlos de nuevo?
Estoy casi seguro que este procedimiento va a cambiar la ubicacion de los
centroides al centro geometrico.

Ian Robertson
Dept. of Anthropology
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ, 85287-2402

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Eduardo
Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2001 12:32 PM
Subject: MI-L mover centroides

hola a todos,

Tengo un problema que no he podido solucionar.
he creado una rutina en mapbasic que genera una serie de poligonos
utilizando la sentencia "alter object add node", sin embargo el
centroide de cada uno de estos poligonos me quedo ubicado en uno de los
vertices de cada poligono, lo que es muy molesto al momento de etiquetarlos.

mi pregunta es:

 ¿existe una manera para mover los centroides al centro geometrico de cada

les agradeceria cualquier ayuda.

  Eduardo Nunez Aguilera


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MI-L MapInfo improvements and MapInfo 6.5 - A Reprise.

2001-07-05 Thread Ian Robertson

MapInfo listers, 

News from the end of May:

* Marconi, a global provider of advanced communications solutions, today 
announced that its Wireless Division has purchased Northwood Technologies 
Inc. *

Top news in the UK today:{HYPERLINK "/hi/english/business/newsid_1423000/1423341.stm"}

* Marconi shares slump as it axes jobs. More than £3bn is wiped off the value 
of the UK telecoms firm. It has been hit by a severe downturn in the global 
market for telecoms equipment. *

Now that the telecoms bubble seems to have burst, how will MapInfo react ? 

A better service for its long serving, patient and valued customers perhaps ?

Interesting, we shall have to wait and see.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ian Robertson,
Information Services, E & D Dept
Leicester City Council, UK. 

Tel +44 (0) 116 252 7230
Fax +44 (0) 116 255 6385

List hosting provided by Directions Magazine | www.directionsmag.com |
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put "unsubscribe MapInfo-L" in the message body.

MI-L Adjacency matrix

2001-07-25 Thread Ian Robertson


A basic adjacency matrix can be created using a sequence of sql 
commands to update columns in a table. However, there is a limit of 
250 columns which may not be enough for all the divisions in Wales. 

The table would need to contain a logical column for each division. 
The following code shows how to update that column: 

create a counter variable
dim i as smallint
create an alias variable to refer to the table's columns
dim colref as alias
create an object variable to use in the sql below
dim adjobj as object
set initial value of counter and first ( logical ) column, eg zon1
i = 1 
colref = zon+i

Start loop

select region
select * from WelshDivisions where rowid  = i into target
assign selected table object to variable object
adjobj = target.obj
Select regions adjacent to variable object but excluding itself
select * from WelshDivisions where rowid <> i and obj intersects 
adjobj into adjzons
For selected adjacent regions set logical column to true
Update adjzons Set colref = 1
Update variables
i = i + 1
colref = zon+i

Repeat loop

If you have more than 250 regions then  you'll have to use a file 
rather than a table to record the adjacency flag. 


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ian Robertson,
Information Services, E & D Dept
Leicester City Council, UK. 

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MI-L: Problem with workspaces in MI 5.5

2001-08-21 Thread Ian Robertson

To MI-Listers, 

I've just had an existing copy of MI 5.5 installed on a new laptop 
(Dell Latitude with NT4.SP6). 

The problem that has started to happen occurs on opening a 
workspace in which the path string has a space in it eg 
\social atlas\something.wor  

I get the following message: 

Try opening file "social" from within the application. 

Has anyone come across this before and does anyone have an idea 
as to what's causing it?


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ian Robertson,
Information Services, E & D Dept
Leicester City Council, LE2 6ZG, UK.

Tel +44 (0) 116 252 7230
Fax +44 (0) 116 255 6385

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Re: [MI-L] frequency distribution histograms

2005-12-19 Thread Ian Robertson
Hi Nick, 
>>> I guess a work around would be using SQL to create a new table of frequency
counts within specified intervals, then use a "column" graph to plot the
results - but the SQL to do that is well beyond me!

The SQL to create binned data isn't too difficult. The following query creates 
a table with ranges 0-<10, 10-<20, 20-<30 etc based on column ColN: 
Select ColN \ 10 * 10 "Binned_data", Count(*) 
from My_Source_Table 
group by "Binned_data" 
order by "Binned_data" 
into "My_Binned_Table"
"Binned_data" is a derived variable used for grouping and sorting based on 
MapInfo's integer division operator "\", a shorter version of int(ColN / 10) * 

>>> "Nick McWilliam (APU)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 29/11/2005 17:10:14 >>>

To plot frequency distribution graphs, I'm using: MapInfo 8.0 > Window > New
Graph Window > Histogram 

>From the reference manual: "Histograms show frequency distribution. This
graph type groups your values into ranges based on value. It measures the
number of data values that fall within each range. The ranges are displayed
as bars."

The question is - how do I determine the _ranges_ that are used for counting
frequencies? I can't find any clue as to how MapInfo does this. The
reference manual (above) isn't exactly specific, "ranges [are] based on
value". Ideally, I'd like to be able to specifiy the ranges (bins) that are
used (in the same way as you can specify the ranges for a "Ranges" thematic
map in MI).

I guess a work around would be using SQL to create a new table of frequency
counts within specified intervals, then use a "column" graph to plot the
results - but the SQL to do that is well beyond me!

Thanks in advance for any help - 


MapInfo-L mailing list

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Re: [MI-L] SQL Queries

2006-01-17 Thread Ian Robertson
There's 2 options both requiring the addition of a new column (as float) to 
your table that is then updated. 
Version 1 is to update the new column with the rowid number thus: 
Update Mytable Set Mycol = rowid 
and then 
Select * from Mytable where Mycol mod N into randsampl
where N is based on the number of records you want. 

Version 2 is to update the new column with a random number thus: 
Update Mytable Set Mycol = rnd(1)*79000
and then 
Select * from Mytable where Mycol < 7900 into randsampl
for an approx 10% sample


>>> "Andrew Tracey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 17/01/2006 08:15:56 >>>

I currently have a table with 79000 points in it. Does anyone have a query or 
know how to pick out a random sample of the data (say every 100 or every 1000 

Thanks in advance

Andrew Tracey
Information Support Officer
Corporate Information
Corporate Development
South Tyneside Council
Westoe Road
South Shields
NE33 2RL

Tel: 0191 4247561

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Re: [MI-L] Parse then CONCATENATE with Sql query or update column

2006-03-07 Thread Ian Robertson

Hi Scott, 
If you need to select a specific reference to the Path you can use the LIKE operator thus: 
select * from mytable where mycol like "%path1%" into path1tab
This can then be updated as follows: 
update table path1tab set mycol = "path3\" + 
where  would be right$(mycol, 10) if the actual filename was p00432.jpg
If path1\, path2\ or  were of variable length then you'll need to use a more sophisticated _expression_. 
>>> I have a table that has about 4300 records and one field is for a hotlink toa photo.  The problem is I have path1\ and path2\ in thecolumn and I need to have path3\.  Is update column or sql selectable to parse path1 and path2 then concatenate path3?
MapInfo-L mailing list


2006-03-10 Thread Ian Robertson

Hi Peter, 
I've started doing exactly the same thing. I'm basing my strategy on a model proposed by the Intra-governmental Group on Geographic Information here in the UK. 
Its one of the PDFs on this page: http://www.iggi.gov.uk/publications/
Hope you find it helpful. 
>>> One of the tasks I have set myself is to develop a GIS STRATEGIC PLAN for our council . where are we now? ... where are we heading?  where / how does GIS fit in relation to our organisation / external authorities, performance management etc.    I'm sure there are many of you who have written such a document and may be willing to send me a copy or provide advice as to the approach to compile a gis strategic plan.
MapInfo-L mailing list

Re: [MI-L] Appending multiple tables to a table

2006-03-23 Thread Ian Robertson

If you go to: 
you can search the archive of messages and you will find several references on how to this. 
MapInfo-L mailing list

Re: [MI-L] Strangely Visible Outlines.

2006-04-04 Thread Ian Robertson

I've experienced this and if I've interpreted your question correctly, you will be using version 8? 
The solution is described below and was sent to me by MapInfo support Europe. 
" In version 8.0 of MapInfo Professional we enhanced our support for bivariate thematic maps and introduced the option to 'Replace Layer Styles'. When this option is selected the layer(s) under the thematic map are not drawn, if this option is checked the underlying layer is drawn regardless of whether it is set to visible or not in the Layer Control.
Therefore to get your layer to display correctly, go to Options > Preferences > Map Window and check the option to 'Draw layers under themes'. This will then ensure that the 'Replace layer styles' option in the thematic options is unselected. Therefore when you turn off your base layer only your thematic map is displayed." Ian
>>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 03/04/2006 16:20:57 >>>
ListersI have create a thematic map of Japan using a grid of 387,000 1km squaresjoined to 65,000 records in an Access database.  I checked the 'ignorezeroes etc' and have made the original grid layer invisible.  For eachrange in the thematic, I have removed the outline but I can still see thegrids with no data with an outline (even though I have changed the originalto no outline).  Any ideas?  If indeed you can understand what I am goingon about.ThanksAndyDisclosure of Material FactsEvery Proposer or Insured / Reinsured when seeking new insurance / reinsurance or renewing an existing Policy must disclose any information which might influence the Insurer / Reinsurer in deciding whether or not to accept the risk, what the terms should be, or what premiums to charge.  Failure to do so may render the insurance / reinsurance voidable from inception and enable the Insurer / Reinsurer to repudiate liability.This email, together with any attachments, is for the exclusive and confidential use of the addressee(s) and may contain legally privileged information.  Any other distribution, use or reproduction without the sender's prior consent is unauthorised and strictly prohibited.  If you have received this message in error, please notify the sender by email immediately and delete the message from your computer without making any copies.  While attachments are virus checked, the recipient should check this email and any attachments for the presence of viruses.  We accept no liability for any damage caused by any virus transmitted by this email.Email transmission cannot be guaranteed to be secure or error-free as information could be intercepted, corrupted, lost, destroyed, arrive late or incomplete, or contain viruses.Aon LimitedRegistered Office: 8 Devonshire Square, London EC2M 4PLRegistered in London No. 210725 . VAT Registration No. 480 8401 48Aon Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority in respect of insurance mediation activities only.___MapInfo-L mailing listMapInfo-L@lists.directionsmag.comhttp://www.directionsmag.com/mailman/listinfo/mapinfo-l
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Re: [MI-L] File Types

2006-05-03 Thread Ian Robertson

I think that the CRV extension is used by Cities Revealed (formerly GeoInformation) in the supply of their aerial imagery. The data is actually in SID format. Change the extension of a file to *.sid and MapInfo will recognise it. 
The CRV version is needed for their free viewing software. 
I suspect that the SDW files provide georeferencing information in the same way that JGW does for JPG images. 
Do you not have any documentation on the subject? If not have a look at:
>>> "Andrew Tracey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 03/05/2006 10:53:09 >>>
Dear AllI have been provided with some Aerial photos in a crv format, is there any easy way of registering these i n mapinfo v8?With the data was a series of .sdw files which seem to contain the coordinate information, is there any way of converting these into a MapInfo format.Thanks in advanceAndrew TraceyInformation Support OfficerInformation TeamChief Executive OfficeSouth Tyneside CouncilWestoe RoadSouth ShieldsNE33 2RLTel: 0191 4247561E-Mail : [EMAIL PROTECTED]Please do not print this e-mail if you can help it - and help protect the environment.This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the named recipient.  If you have received this e-mail in error, please immediately notify the sender by e-mail and delete from your system, you are not permitted to disseminate, store, disclose or copy.  E-mail transmission cannot be guaranteed to be secure or error-free as they could be intercepted, corrupted, lost, destroyed, arrive late or incomplete, or contain viruses and therefore the Council accept no liability for any such errors or omissions.  Views or opinions expressed in this email are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the Council.South Tyneside Council, Town Hall & Civic Offices, Westoe Road, South Shields, Tyne & Wear, NE33 2RL, Tel: 0191 427 1717, Website: www.southtyneside.info  The Council's web site address is www.southtyneside.info ___MapInfo-L mailing listMapInfo-L@lists.directionsmag.comhttp://www.directionsmag.com/mailman/listinfo/mapinfo-l
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Re: [MI-L] Coordinate Display or Extraction Tool

2006-05-05 Thread Ian Robertson
Title: Coordinate Display or Extraction Tool

Your description of the problem is a little ambiguous so I may not have the correct solution. However, one way in which drawing objects could be in a workspace, rather than in a table, would be if the person creating them did so in the cosmetic layer. 
If this is the case then you will find the co-ordinates by opening the workspace file in Notepad or a similar editor. They should look some like this: 

Set Map Layer 0 Editable    - Layer 0 identifies the cosmetic layerCreate Pline 7                    - This indicates the type of object and its parameters(437459.72,277528.62)        - These are the co-ordinates(437602.84,277579.53)(437660.64,277642.83)(437719.81,277693.75)(437909.71,277802.47)(437956.5,24.95)(438066.59,277693.75)
Are you also aware that the cursor location can be displayed in the far left hand side of the Status Bar. Click in this panel where you normally see the Zoom: window width and this can be changed to cursor location or map scale. 
Good luck, 
>>> "Frank Aaron (TX/EUS)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 04/05/2006 23:55:05 >>>

Hi All, 
I was wondering if anyone might know of a tool (mbx) or a method to determine the coordinates on a MapInfo workspace as one moves the cursor around? I have a number of poly-lines and regions that someone "created" by hand within the workspace and for which we would like to export the associated coordinates. I attempted to perform an export but it came up with an empty file that has the two following columns and entries:
"Float" "String" 0   "Unknown" 
Any guidance or help would be greatly appreciated - should note that I performed a cursory search on the MapInfo-L list and directionsmag.com site and did not find any references. BR, 
Frank Aaron, MSc. Physics, MSEE Staff Wireless Systems Engineer, RF Engineering Services Ericsson USA Service & Solutions Operations, NA Tel:  (972) 583-0112 Fax: (972) 583-2273 Mobile: (972) 679-9291 mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
MapInfo-L mailing list

Re: [MI-L] Drawing some parallel lines for bus routes

2006-07-12 Thread Ian Robertson

One option is the offset command which creates parallel lines, but when used on a polyline they can switch sides depending on its alignment. 
An alternative would be to create a buffer around the route, convert it into a polyline and then use polyline split. 
Other than that try MAPCAD from http://www.geoas.de/index.htm 
>>> "Hamann, Christopher - Environment & Economy,Transport Planning" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 11/07/2006 15:06:21 >>>
I am trying to find a way that allows me to draw some parallel lines for bus routes in and around the small town tidily with points for bus stops on the MapInfo Professional Version 8.0, without lines overlapping each other.  The principle of that case is quite similar to the design of London Underground map, but on the top of road map.  Does anyone have any idea of how?
Many thanks for your time in suggesting,
HamannTransport Planning Assistant--Environment and Economy DirectorateOxfordshire County Council[EMAIL PROTECTED] www.oxfordshire.gov.uk 
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[MI-L] Problem with parameters in Sub

2006-07-19 Thread Ian Robertson

I'm having some difficulty passing parameters in a Sub procedure. 
The MapBasic help gives the following as a example of using a sub procedure. It includes a value "2" as a parameter. 

Declare Sub Cube(ByVal original As Float, cubed As Float)
Call Cube( 2,  result) 
I've adapted this to pass some text values for a table name and some column titles: 

Declare Sub Table_to_Array( byval sTabname as string, sCol_1 as string, sCol_2 as string, sType as string) 
Call Table_to_Array("T_Usrn", "street_text", "street_reference_number", "Streets") 
The outcome is an error on compilation stating:

Found [street_text] while searching for [An identifier]
Where am I going wrong? 
MapInfo-L mailing list

RE: [MI-L] area calculation discrepancies

2006-08-25 Thread Ian Robertson

Cathy & Vick, 
I have come across this problem too and it seems to re-occur from time to time. 
Having discussed this with a my surveying colleague we'd offer the following observations: 
MapInfo doesn't calculate the area of a circle, it converts it to an inscribed polygon with 101 sides which produces a underestimate as Vick points out. We got a figure of 3,139,566.7
There are also problems with rectangles. Again MapInfo will not calculate the area of a rectangle object it has to be converted to a polygon, but this is less problematic. Nevertheless, even with a non-earth projection MapInfo returns a value of 4,000,000.5 sq m for a square of side 2000m. My colleague tells me a similar problem can occur with AutoCAD and suggests the cause of the error is due to the method of triangulation. IF MapInfo uses triangulation with isosceles triangles then there would be small excess slithers at either end causing an overestimation this time. This method is popular because the area of the triangles can be easily calculated with 0.5 * base * height. 
Hope this sheds a little more light on the subject. 
Hello Cathy,I'll bow to Clifford's extensive knowledge on this subject, but in terms ofusing MapInfo Pro, there are a few things to be aware off.The British national grid system is indeed a Transverse Mercator projectionwhich give a Cartesian coordinate space to work with. That is to say, it'sjust a simple grid with parallels lines in x/y, or Eastings/Northings, andperpendicular axis. Assuming you're happy to accept the errors associatedwith this projection (which is a 2D simplification of the 3D earth), thendistances and areas can just be calculated using high/secondary school levelgeometry. For a couple of major releases now (I forget exactly when),MapInfo Pro has distance and area functions which are explicitly Cartesian. As an experiment, I made a new table in British NG with a "MyArea" integerfield, set MapInfo Pro to Cartesian (Map > Options...), added a 1km radiuscircle and then did a Table > Update Column with CartesianArea(obj, "sq m").Now, the results should be 3141592 sq m(rounded down) from pi * 1000^2, butI get 3139553. This is closer that you got - presumably because you did notuse Cartesian areas, but is still about 0.65% off. I've noted a few problemsin Pro's calculations over the years (especially with very large polygons),but there doesn't seem to be any reason why simple geometry in Cartesianspace should be wrong.If I recall correctly, didn't some MI-L/MapInfo user in Sweden(?) end up incourt a few years ago to explain why an area calculation (pre-Cartesiansupport) from Pro was wrong?Regards,Warren VickEuropa Technologies Ltd., U.K.http://www.europa-tech.com-Original Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED][mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Clifford JMugnierSent: 24 August 2006 17:23To: COLDREY, Cathy (Bristol)Cc: mapinfo-l@lists.directionsmag.comSubject: Re: [MI-L] area calculation discrepanciesDear Cathy:What you are experiencing is the distortion present in a conformalcoordinate system.  The British National Grid is based on thefully-conformal Gauss-Krueger Transverse Mercator projection.  That type ofprojection preserves shapes and angles, but not areas.  There are twosources of systematic error associated with a conformal projection such asthe Transverse Mercator.  Those two errors are the "convergence angle"correction needed to tranform between Grid Azimuth and True Azimuth and the"scale factor" correction to tranform between Grid Distances and TrueDistances.Your current problem is related to the latter of the two systematic errorsthat involves the scale factor at a point correction factor.  This is solvedthrough an analytic function, and I do not know if such a facility isavailable in the MapInfo package.  It certainly is in the online as well asthe downloadable free software available directly from the Ordnance Survey.Recalling that Area = Length X Width, note that the scale factor you obtainfor say, a point near the center of your area of interest needs to bedivided by the length as well as the width of your area.  Since it iscircular, then just divide the Grid Area by the SQUARE OF THE SCALE FACTOR.That will yield a "true" area as close as possible to theoretical withoutcomputing the whole process on the surface of the ellipsoid of revolution -a most difficult process.This sort of correction process is a daily chore for a Chartered Surveyor inthe UK.  It's also why I insist that GIS students under my guidance takeseveral courses in surveying ... it helps one over the "humps" inprofessional practice.Professor Johathan Iliffe, University College, London, has a marvellous bookentitled, "Datums and Map Projections," Whittles Publishing, ISBN1-870325-28-1 (UK).  It is a required text for my Advanced Surveyingstudents here at LSU, and it should be on the bookshelf of every GISpractitioner that can read English.  I recommend that you get a personalcopy and

Re: [MI-L] Copy - Paste in MapBasic

2006-08-29 Thread Ian Robertson

To copy, set up a procedure containing the command 
To paste do likewise with RUN MENU COMMAND M_EDIT_PASTE or 204
Associate these procedures with your buttons and that should be it. 
For other actions that work like this look at the MENU.DEF file. 
>>> "Tom Halbrook" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 29/08/2006 14:00:37 >>>

I am still learning Map Basic and trying to write a program to copy a record in a row in one table and paste it into a row in another table.
Here’s my scenario. Each week I update changes in a telephone customer database. I get a file from my Service Center that has all the moves, disconnects, and adds that have occurred in the previous week. I convert the file into a MapInfo table and update my MapInfo Customer Locator program.  
Example: On a number change I presently select the telephone in the new table, hit ctrl C, and then select the telephone number field in the old table and hit ctrl V.
(A lot of repetitive key strokes) 
The procedure I am striving for would be; 1. Select the record in the first table, click on a pushbutton (to copy the selection) Then 2. Select the record in the second table, click on another pushbutton (to paste the copied record into the second table)
I can build the program to create the button pads etc. But I can’t seem to find any MapBasic command that is equivalent to “Copy & Paste” 
Can anyone give me the Map Basic Commands or Statements that would be equivalent to “Copy and Paste” action in MapInfo?
Thanks, Tom Halbrook
MapInfo-L mailing list

Re: [MI-L] Customising Info Tool

2006-09-14 Thread Ian Robertson

You can partially control what is displayed in the Info Tool window using Layer Control. If you disable the Selection option against the tables/layers for which you don't want data, then they'll not appear in the Info Tool Window. 
>>> "Lee Morris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 14/09/2006 09:54:58 >>>
Could anyone tell me whether it is possible to customise the Info Toolto show only the relevent data required?There are to many tables involved to adjust and edit the tablesthemselves.ThanksLee MorrisMouchel ParkmanCunard BuildingWater StreetLiverpoolL3 1ESTel 0151 242  ext.358 Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]The information in this e-mail is confidential and intended to be solely for the use of the addressee(s) and may contain copyright and/or legally privileged information.  If you are not the addressee (or responsible for delivery of the message to the addressee) please e-mail us at [EMAIL PROTECTED] and delete the message from your computer; copying, distribution, use or disclosure of its contents is strictly prohibited.As Internet communications are capable of data corruption no responsibility is accepted for changes made to this message after it was sent. For this reason it may be inappropriate to rely on advice contained in any e-mail without obtaining written confirmation of it.In addition, no liability or responsibility is accepted for viruses and it is your responsibility to scan attachments (if any).Please note that for business purposes, outgoing and incoming emails from and to the company may be monitored and recorded.Mouchel Parkman Services Ltd, Registered in England at West Hall, Parvis Road, West Byfleet, Surrey UK KT14 6EZ Registered No : 1686040___MapInfo-L mailing listMapInfo-L@lists.directionsmag.comhttp://www.directionsmag.com/mailman/listinfo/mapinfo-l
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Re: [MI-L] New Zealand WMS question

2006-10-04 Thread Ian Robertson

Having tried it out with 3 datasets I had the same result. 
I've solved the problem with one of them by editing the XML that goes with the tab file. 
For the DEM 500 data set the line starting 
However, I can't get the other two to work, NZMG Grid and residential areas. 
>>> Karl K <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 04/10/2006 00:41:56 >>>

Hi.  Has anyone used the WMS from the New Zealand gov?  When I try, I just get a white screen.  I can see all the layers listed, but I get nothing in my map window.  The weblink to the wms info is here:
Any help is greatly appreciated.
KarlMcElhanney Consulting Services Ltd.100 - 780 Beatty Street Vancouver, BC Canada V6B 2M1 Tel (604) 683-8521 www.MapsByAir.com

Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2¢/min or less.
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Re: [MI-L] Mapinfo capabilities

2006-10-17 Thread Ian Robertson

MapInfo UK has invested in this area of work. They acquired a company called Southbank Systems and rebadged their products as "Confirm Infrastructure Asset Management". 
See http://www.mapinfo.co.uk/location/integration?txtTopNav=2094f363ace55010vcmprd0034021dc7&txtLeftNav=6bfe6b0919956010vcmprd0034021dc7
If this link fails, look under "Products & Services" in http://www.mapinfo.co.uk. 
Here's a summary: 

Rationalise, streamline and improve the management of all your assets and the data associated with them. Confirm is a proven infrastructure management solution that enables the management of:


Bridges & Structures 


Parks and Play Areas 


Refuse Collection and Waste Management 

Street Lights

NRSWA Notices for Street Works (NRSWA = New Roads and Street Works Act)
It is based on the services managed by English local government, you may therefore find it a little limited in scope. 
Ian Robertson  
CityStreAtZ - Web Mapping System Highly Commended in the NLPG Exemplar Awarsd 2006. http://www.nlpg.org.uk/documents/IA_Exemplar_Awards_Winners_FIN.pdf
~~~Information Services, Regeneration & Culture, Leicester City Council, LE1 6ZG, UK. 
T: +44 (0) 116 252 7230F: +44 (0) 116 222 1091~~~
>>> Eric Gagnon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 12/10/2006 18:24:26 >>>
Hi,We see other companies bringing different GIS packages to infrastructure / utility  mapping.Esri has solutions for this.So does Intergraph and Autocad.I keep seing marketing strategies offered by mapinfo but more going towards business location. (marketing, banking, insurance, etc..).I wonder if there's something, a MI add-on or a application that gives more attention to industrial / municipal / infrastructure GIS.I hope that somebody can shed some light on this.Eric-- Eric Gagnon, B.Sc.Mapticawww.maptica.com___MapInfo-L mailing listMapInfo-L@lists.directionsmag.comhttp://www.directionsmag.com/mailman/listinfo/mapinfo-l
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