MI-L label with layer/table name?

2004-07-07 Thread Simmonds, Ashley (DTUP)
i have hundreds of tables (bus routes) that i really couldn't be bothered
going through to add their name to a field.
just wondering if anyone knows if i can use the name of the layer/table in
the label expression.

RE: MI-L label with layer/table name?

2004-07-08 Thread Simmonds, Ashley (DTUP)
thanks, but the point is if i have to go through each layer and input the
name of the layer/table, then i might as well put that into a field and
label from that.

-Original Message-
From: Terry McDonnell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, 8 July 2004 6:39 PM
Subject: RE: MI-L label with layer/table name?


Presumably your table names are those of the routes?
Right-click the map - layer control - choose the table - click the
"label" button - from the "label with" combo choose "expression" - type
in your table name (or whatever - choose the stop no., say, if you have
it, instead of an expression).

If you have open your MapBasic window (from options menu), you will see
the code generated by your actions.  Copy and paste it into your
startup.wor (or whatever .wor you use) and your bus stops will have
their labels.  Include the code in a loop for all your different tables,
substituting the table name, of course.


Terry McDonnell

-----Original Message-
From: Simmonds, Ashley (DTUP) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 08 July 2004 04:59
To: 'Mapinfo List (E-mail) ' (E-mail)
Subject: MI-L label with layer/table name?

i have hundreds of tables (bus routes) that i really couldn't be
going through to add their name to a field.
just wondering if anyone knows if i can use the name of the layer/table
the label expression.

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Message number: 12528

RE: MI-L label with layer/table name?

2004-07-08 Thread Simmonds, Ashley (DTUP)
here's a cut-down version of the code tim sent me:

For lyr = 1 to MapperInfo(MapID, MAPPER_INFO_LAYERS)
SetMapString = "Set Map Layer " + lyr + 
" Label With " + Chr$(34) + LayerInfo(MapID, lyr,
Run Command SetMapString

this will probably do once i have all my layers in place and am looking to
finalize the werkspace.  however, does this mean there's no way of
identifying the CURRENT layer?  surely the system that tells the map to
display a label for this layer KNOWS what layer this is.

hmmm.  might just get one of my monkeys to go through and add route names to
the browser data.

cheers anywho.

-Original Message-
From: Tim.Nuteson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, 8 July 2004 11:02 PM
To: Simmonds, Ashley (DTUP)
Subject: RE: MI-L label with layer/table name?


I couldn't get it to do it through the UI, but here's MB code that sets
the "label with" to layername for all layers in the map window.


Tim Nuteson

-Original Message-
From: Simmonds, Ashley (DTUP) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2004 10:59 PM
To: 'Mapinfo List (E-mail) ' (E-mail)
Subject: MI-L label with layer/table name?

i have hundreds of tables (bus routes) that i really couldn't be
bothered going through to add their name to a field.
just wondering if anyone knows if i can use the name of the layer/table
in the label expression.

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Message number: 12529

RE: MI-L posting

2004-07-15 Thread Simmonds, Ashley (DTUP)

now i would like to reply.

-Original Message-
From: Alan Gunn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, 16 July 2004 1:56 AM
Subject: MI-L posting

I would like to post to the list. 

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Message number: 12637

RE: MI-L New Mapinfo product Exponare?

2004-07-22 Thread Simmonds, Ashley (DTUP)
yeah, i saw it demo'd a few months back.

it's effectively a tool that can be used by the semi-GIS aware folk
(middle-management) to do some general analysis and reporting, and by the
looks of it holds a lot in store for the GIS professional without the
cumbersome interface.  there's more to it of course, that's just my fuzzy
recollection (they were handing out red wine too :) ).

dunno yet, not my pint of beer but i can see it being useful for some.

-Original Message-
From: Vaillancourt, Luc [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, 23 July 2004 4:10 AM
Subject: RE: MI-L New Mapinfo product Exponare? 

Exponare is a new product from MapInfo Corporation developped by MapInfo
Australia to replace their local offering called The Encounter (based on
MapXtreme Java).
It is a RAD (Rapid Application Development) tool that sits on top of
MapXtreme 2004 but as today, out-of-the-box, the solution is perfect for
local governement applications...
The first two modules of the Exponare suite are "Enquiry" and "Public".
For more info, go to :

Our product, also a RAD Tool, on the market since 1999, sits on top of
MapXtreme Java...


So now, in the large MapInfo offering you have :


- Pure API for desktop and Web development = MapXtreme 2004 (formelly MapX
and MapXtreme Windows)

- Pure API for Web development in JAVA = MapXtreme Java

- RAD Tool for local governement = EXPONARE (for MapXtreme 2004)

- RAD Tool in JAVA = Push'n'See (for MapXtreme Java)

- Location Platform Development = ENVINSA (Web services approach using all
the JAVA technologies and Data of MapInfo)


Hope this clarify the MapInfo offering ...


Kind regards,



Luc Vaillancourt

Co-founder & Vice President, Business Development






MapInfo Québec, operated by KOREM Inc.




680, Charest East Blvd., suite 120

Québec (Québec)  G1K 3J4


Tel: (418) 647-1555

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Toll free: 1 888 440-1MAP

Office Locator: Québec



RE: MI-L New Mapinfo product Exponare?   
Author: John Williams
Date:   07-22-2004 09:09


Firstly, I have no answers. 

We are a reseller based in the UK that focus on PDA applications 
(www.handygis.com) but have customers that are asking the same questions 
of the 'enterprise' type solutions. Like yourselves they have 
considerable investment which to date they are happy with, but are 
somewhat confused on what the future holds. 

I personally would be grateful if you could summarise your responses in 
case some come to you direct and bypass the list. This is an area that 
will prove crucial to Users, Partners and MapInfo alike, so I'm not the 
only one looking forward to the feedback. 


-Original Message- 
From: Rod Ellis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 22 July 2004 16:38 
Subject: MI-L New Mapinfo product Exponare? 

Hi everyone, 

Can anyone enlighten me on the Exponare software which seems to be a 
relatively new product listed on the Mapinfo website? I am just 
wondering if anyone has bought into it yet or is considering it's 

We have bought into PlanWeb and PlanAccess (web GIS) which are both 
MapXtreme 3.0 based products from GDC (UK) Ltd who are Mapinfo resellers 
and partners in the UK. I should add that we are very happy with both 
thus far. Much of what Exponare appears to offer seems functionally 
similar to PlanWeb. So I am a little confused as to where this new 
product sits in the marketplace and who it is targeted at. 

Any comments anyone? 

PS it's raining and the UK summer seems to be stalled as usual! 

Rod Ellis 
GIS Coordinator 
Cyngor Sir Ceredigion County Council 

Ffon /tel. 01970 633221 

Safle ar y we / url: http://www.ceredigion.gov.uk 

RHYBUDD: Mae'r wybodaeth sydd yn y neges E-Bost yma yn gyfrinachol ac 
mae'n bosib y bydd yn gyfreithiol freintiedig. Os nad y sawl a fydd yn 
darllen y neges yma yw'r sawl y bwriadwyd yr e-bost ar ei gyfer, fe'ch 
hysbysir drwy hyn y gwaherddir defnyddio'r neges, ei rhannu, ei 
dosbarthu neu ei hatgynhyrchu gennych chi eich hun neu ar

RE: MI-L 3D maps

2004-07-22 Thread Simmonds, Ashley (DTUP)
not entirely sure how the data breaks down, and i haven't done a great deal
of 3D gear, but consider using a default "not zero" value for grid cells
that don't have a value, and the other values which DO exist are relative to
your "not zero" value.

as for the other part, there's nothing you can do, Alaska just looks weird.

-Original Message-
From: Joanne Turner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, 23 July 2004 7:47 AM
Subject: MI-L 3D maps

I am new to MapInfo.  I have a table of points with $ values associated to
them for across the US.  I would like to create a map (preferrably 3D) where
I can show areas of high dollar values versus low dollar values.  I tried a
grid which works okay and then created a 3D map of the results.  The problem
is that the 3D map does not show any of the layers for areas of the US where
there are no grid values.  These areas show up as the same color as whatever
I pick for my background color.  Half of the state outlines are not
there...and Alaska just looks weird.  If I have a layer on top of my
thematic grid how can I get all of it to show up on my 3D map and not just
areas where there are grid cells?

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Message number: 12705

RE: MI-L The Fool's World Map

2004-07-22 Thread Simmonds, Ashley (DTUP)
tee hee, MY world has been updated.


where the heck are you yanks anywho? :)

-Original Message-
From: Gilbert Haché [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, 14 May 2004 9:50 PM
Subject: RE: MI-L The Fool's World Map

A funny comment about the map...

After having a look at it, I mentionned some of the elements to a friend
like "do you know where they put the Pisa tower on this map?" and he answer
"you are talking about the one in France?" which is exactly one of the error
shown on the map! 

I remember reading an article, wrote by someone I believe to be the
president of the American Geographic association, complaining that so many
people don't know where thing are and that even many prestigious American
University don't have a geographic department... One of the lowest rate of
Geographer among the industrial countries. 

I also remember a tv show where a known journalist went on a counttry wide
crusade, asking people questions, but not anybody, like asking a senator who
is the "president" of Canada and gave a wrong answer, asking a Univsity
professors of Geography (I think it was Harvard?. Not sure... I  think that
one doesn't have a geography department) his opinion on the Calgary seal
hunt. And gave it!!! He might as well ask him how he like Cuban snow

Is it funny or sad?...


-Original Message-
From: Simmonds, Ashley (OPT) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: May 13, 2004 20:42
To: 'Ian Tidy'; MapInfo-L
Subject: RE: MI-L The Fool's World Map

hey, the only reason i have to believe that the countries look the way they
do is because that's how they're shown in atlas's and on tv weather reports.
i can't confirm unequivocally what the shape of any place really is, so
maybe it's all lies anywho, just some big-ass prank.  i don't _feel_ like
i'm upside-down.  :)

in the (paraphrased) werds of a friend abroad:
"i got on the plane, they shook it about some, then put some clouds and
stuff in the way for about a day while they changed the scenery.  then they
let me off the plane and said 'welcome to Scotland'."

-Original Message-
From: Ian Tidy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, 14 May 2004 10:04 AM
To: Simmonds, Ashley (OPT); MapInfo-L
Subject: Re: MI-L The Fool's World Map


Did you notice Australia, oops I mean Atlantis has sunk... ;)

Cheers Ian

Simmonds, Ashley (OPT) wrote:
> friday here you backward people.  :)
> that map seems about right to me.  i like some of the maplogs: 011. 
> Mongolia has vanished. 012. Mongolia has been replaced by Gandhara.
> 013. The right side of USA became New York.
> heh.  i have no idea what the point is, but sometimes it's cool to 
> just snicker at stuff that's strange for the sake of it.  mmm, sake.
> i've seen the future, and i'm already constructing algorithm's to
> with my garmin which will realign NMEA coordinates based on where 
> someone _thinks_ they are.
> -Original Message-
> From: B. Thoen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, 14 May 2004 1:00 AM
> To: MapInfo-L
> Subject: MI-L The Fool's World Map
> I know it's not quite Friday, but if you need relief now, check this 
> out:
> The Fool's World Map
> http://www.zen-style.com/
> This is a map of the world as seen through many people's geographic 
> misconceptions. (The graphics aren't bad, either.)

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RE: MI-L MB: Save Window command

2004-07-27 Thread Simmonds, Ashley (DTUP)
it's to do with your DPI settings.

it's been a long time since i learnt all that stuff, but basically DPI is
irrelevant for images for a display screen, all that matters is the number
of pixels.  i think MI tries to fudge the figgers based on old-school
thinking, but in the end leave your settings at the default 96 DPI and
change stuff based on how big you want the image.

check out the following page for more info: 

-Original Message-
From: Jaromir Svasta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, 27 July 2004 8:26 PM
Subject: MI-L MB: Save Window command

I saved a mapper window into BMP using Save Window command. I specified  
the width and height (9.03661 X 5.90332 inch, 100 DPI). Why the dimensions  
of the resulting bitmap are different (9.14 X 5.97 inch)? Is it a bug or  
am I missing something?

The command used:

Save  Window  iWinID
  As  sImagePath
  Type  "BMP"
  Width fWidth Units "in"
  Height fHeight Units "in"
  Resolution iDPI

Jaromir SVASTA
Geological Survey of Slovak Republic
Mlynska dolina 1
917 04 Bratislava
Slovak Republic

Tel: +421 2 59375326
Fax: +421 2 54771940

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Message number: 12741

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Message number: 12756

RE: MI-L RGB and styleattr problem

2004-07-27 Thread Simmonds, Ashley (DTUP)
oh gawd.  i remember futzing with maintaining colour consistency across
multiple packages (VB/office, web, MI...) ages ago.  i can't remember
everything i did, but if you're using SVG then you might be best off
converting the colours to HEX.

the colour numbers don't properly correspond between VB and MI, sometimes
they're close, sometimes opposite ends of the spectrum.

here's something i use in VB/VBA to convert MS colours to HEX, it might be a
starting point:
Function VBColourToHTML(KullaNumba As Long) As String
Dim HexKulla As String

HexKulla = right$("00" & Hex$(KullaNumba), 6)
HexKulla = right$(HexKulla, 2) & _
  Mid$(HexKulla, 3, 2) & _
  left$(HexKulla, 2)

VBColourToHTML = HexKulla

End Function

-Original Message-
From: Ben Crane [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, 27 July 2004 9:05 PM
Subject: MI-L RGB and styleattr problem

Hi all,

I am using ObjectInfo() and StyleAttr to return the
foreground colours of a grid. Each grid is a different
colour and I want individual RGB values for EACH grid.

I get an RGB value such as 16777215 (supposed to be
white) and 255 (red) but when I code it into SVG for
display purposes it doesn't work out (I get a
universal red colouring)

What am I missing, each grid value comes back with a
unique RGD number...but when I use the RGB value for
coluring a grid in SVG, it doesn't appear as I want it
to. My SVG is solid, I'm wondering whether the value
from MI is wrong...anyone had any experience with


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Message number: 12742

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Message number: 12757

RE: MI-L drawing specific circles

2004-07-27 Thread Simmonds, Ashley (DTUP)
here's what i do to effectively display a catchment area based on an X/Y and
a radius:

insert into YourTable (obj) values (CreateCircle( locX , locY , Distance ) )

-Original Message-
From: Peter Horsbøll Møller [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, 27 July 2004 11:58 PM
Subject: RE: MI-L drawing specific circles

Maybe you are looking for the Buffer function

If you have your table (SCANNING) with coordinates and radius in 3 columns,
let's call them X, Y and RADIUS, and you have made your table mappable in
the same projection as your coordinates are stored in, you can use this:

1. Open the MapBasic window
2. Enter this line followed by hitting the ENTER button
Set CoordSys Table SCANNING
3. Now we'll create buffer in your table simply by buffering points in the
specified location. Enter this line followed by hitting the ENTER button
Update SCANNING Set OBJ = Buffer(CreatePoint(X, Y), 24, RADIUS, "m")

Note that the Buffer function reads the buffer width from the RADIUS column
and that it uses the distance unit "m" for meters, You could also specify
"mi" for miles etc.
24 specifies how many line segments should be used to describe a circle, can
be from 
Also note that the CreatePoint() function creates a point at the specified
location read from the X and Y columns.
And finally note that the objects in your table, if any did exist, are now
overwritten by these buffer objects.

Peter Horsbøll Møller
GIS Developer
Geographical Information & IT
Odensevej 95
DK-5260 Odense S.
Tel +45 6311 4900
Direct  +45 6311 4908
Mob +45 5156 1045
Fax +45 6311 4949

Sidste frist for tilmelding til MapInfo Konferencen er den 6. august 2004.
Tilmelding samt yderligere information kan ses på: http://www.cowi.dk/GIS

-Original Message-
From: Rena Jones [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 27, 2004 4:14 PM
Subject: MI-L drawing specific circles

I feel as if I've seen this before but I'm not finding what I'm looking for
in the list archives. 
I'm doing some cluster mapping. I have X,Y coordinates and a radius which
defines a circular scanning window for each cluster. 

Isn't there a tool in MapInfo to draw a circle using X,Y and radius? Simply
drawing using the Ellipse tool around a point is not what I am looking for
becuase I need them to be exact.

Thanks for your help,

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Message number: 12758

RE: MI-L Selecting Bus Stops in Stopping order

2004-07-27 Thread Simmonds, Ashley (DTUP)
was any reasonably easy to implement resolution to this ever done?

prior to now, i've had my system setup so that it just dumps all of the
user's selected bus stops into a route description, and then it's left up to
the user to sort them.

however, if i'm able to do this with a clicking order, that would be far

the option i'm likely to embark on is a manual process whereby the user
selects a stop, then clicks a button on a form to put the selected stop into
a buffer, then at the end of the process those stops will be added to the

-Original Message-
Sent: Tuesday, 15 June 2004 8:44 PM
Subject: RE: MI-L Selecting Bus Stops in Stopping order

Two things you could do - one is set a global logical when the system
realises you are carrying out this information - and refer to this logical
before creating a new cursor. (oops, sorry, just looked at your code and you
ARE). The other - probably better - route is to use a custom tool and have
your mouse clicks call the tools handler routine. This gives a you a
'route ordering' tool with no problems about the SelChangedHandler() getting
called unexpectedly - bear in mind too that it will be called whenever the
selection changes wherever and whenever and this could slow up your app. 
The MapBasic user guide and ref wil help - pretty sure that the second at
least is a free download.

-Original Message- 
From: Terry McDonnell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tue 15/06/2004 11:41 
Subject: MI-L Selecting Bus Stops in Stopping order

Hello again, List

I've still got this problem of clicking on Stops along a Route and
storing them, in the order in which they're clicked on, as the
order. What I've done is:

Set a counter to be incremented with each stop clicked on.
Then. holding down the Shift button, as each stop is clicked on, the
SelChangedHandler() event essentially stores the Stop No. and its
in a cursor (csrStopOrder).  This cursor is later used to update the
Route-Stops table (RZSTOP).
I also have taken care of the fact that the user may click on a stop
again (say if wrongly selected) to deselect it, remove it from my
and decrement the counter.

Trouble is:  I discovered that it would get so far then a certain
no. would be repeated, ad nauseum, in the order cursor.  The culprit
that after each time coming out of the handler, the damn selection
has spawned another query (1, 2, 3 etc.), each having a successively
row added to it, with the new Stop no.  So when I get the stop no,
Selection.Stop_no, it refers back to the original selection, and not

This wasn't happening  before I used the handler, before I realised
the selection table does not store each new row in the order in
was  created (such as a VFP table would).

How can I get round this problem?  Essentially I want to keep just
one selection table.  Your help would be greatly appreciated as I'm
the end of my expertise.  TIA

I've sent my code snippet in a separate message as the message is
large for the system if I include it.

Terry McDonnell

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Message number: 12759

RE: MI-L MB: Save Window command

2004-07-28 Thread Simmonds, Ashley (DTUP)
ah yes, the relative dimensions of the output image will be based on the
size of the map window.

one way to get it exact is to keep altering the size of the map window and
using the save window as command to see what size it currently is, and
messing around until it's the size you want.  i don't believe there's a
command to change the size of the window itself.

that said, i fergot this is an issue as my app with integrated mapping (in
access) has a pixel-perfect resize command, so before saving a window i can
specify exact sizes for the map... so far i've tried up to around 4000
pixels without a major hassle.

i'm not sure that this functionality is transferable to MI due to MI being
within a strictly controlled placeholder on an access form.

does anyone know of a method of exactly sizing a map window?

-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, 28 July 2004 5:46 PM
To: 'Jaromir Svasta'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: MI-L MB: Save Window command

Sorry, that should be ".. the W is as expected (10 inches x 96 dots per
inch) but the H should be 750 pixels, not 720.

Seems like a MI bug.

> -Original Message-
> Sent: Wednesday, 28 July 2004 4:10 PM
> To: 'Jaromir Svasta'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: RE: MI-L MB: Save Window command
> Jaromir
> I've just tried this with the MapBasic window using the following
> statement
> -
> Save  Window  FrontWindow() As  "C:\test.bmp"
> Type  "BMP"
> Width 10 Units "in"
> Height 7.5 Units "in"
> .. without the clause "Resolution 80" because it gave me an error:
> "unrecognized command: resolution" - maybe because my MI version is 6.5
> But the resulting BMP file when opened with Irfanview, shows that it is
> indeed 96dpi x 96dpi and of size 960 x 720 pixels - the H is as expected
> (10
> inches x 96 dots per inch) but the W should be 750 pixels, not 720.
> I confirm that it is the same for a JPEG filetype.
> Ian Thomas
> GeoSciSoft - Perth, Australia
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Jaromir Svasta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Wednesday, 28 July 2004 2:48 PM
> > Subject: Re: MI-L MB: Save Window command
> >
> > Thanks, Ashley, but I am still unable to save a bitmap at the size I
> want.
> > I changed DPI to 96 as you suggested, with no help. What units of
> measure
> > should I use in the Save Window command when saving a map? I tried to
> use
> > "pt" thinking that "points" are the same as "dots", but wrong again...
> How
> > to save an image at exact size of, let's say, 600X400 pixels?
> >
> > Thank you!
> >
> > Jaromir
> >
> > On Wed, 28 Jul 2004 10:49:01 +0930, Simmonds, Ashley (DTUP)
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > > it's to do with your DPI settings.
> > >
> > > it's been a long time since i learnt all that stuff, but basically DPI
> > is
> > > irrelevant for images for a display screen, all that matters is the
> > > number
> > > of pixels.  i think MI tries to fudge the figgers based on old-school
> > > thinking, but in the end leave your settings at the default 96 DPI and
> > > change stuff based on how big you want the image.
> > >
> > > check out the following page for more info:
> > > http://www.nicholsonprints.com/Articles/dpi.htm
> > >
> > > -Original Message-
> > > From: Jaromir Svasta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > Sent: Tuesday, 27 July 2004 8:26 PM
> > > Subject: MI-L MB: Save Window command
> > >
> > >
> > > I saved a mapper window into BMP using Save Window command. I
> specified
> > > the width and height (9.03661 X 5.90332 inch, 100 DPI). Why the
> > > dimensions
> > > of the resulting bitmap are different (9.14 X 5.97 inch)? Is it a bug
> or
> > > am I missing something?
> > >
> > > The command used:
> > >
> > > Save  Window  iWinID
> > >   As  sImagePath
> > >   Type  "BMP"
> > >   Width fWidth Units "in"
> > >   Height fHeight Units "in"
> > >   Resolution iDPI
> > >
> >
> >
> > -
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RE: MI-L MB: Save Window command

2004-07-28 Thread Simmonds, Ashley (DTUP)
just had a thought which may be werth pursuing if you're desperate for exact
relative dimensions in MI.

there are API's available which will control the size of an application.  if
you figger out how much of the application window a maximized map takes up,
you can use the API to modify the size of the MI application to suit... with
some system metrics and twips-per-pixel calculations.

anywho, just a brainfart.

-Original Message-----
From: Simmonds, Ashley (DTUP) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, 29 July 2004 12:38 PM
Subject: RE: MI-L MB: Save Window command

ah yes, the relative dimensions of the output image will be based on the
size of the map window.

one way to get it exact is to keep altering the size of the map window and
using the save window as command to see what size it currently is, and
messing around until it's the size you want.  i don't believe there's a
command to change the size of the window itself.

that said, i fergot this is an issue as my app with integrated mapping (in
access) has a pixel-perfect resize command, so before saving a window i can
specify exact sizes for the map... so far i've tried up to around 4000
pixels without a major hassle.

i'm not sure that this functionality is transferable to MI due to MI being
within a strictly controlled placeholder on an access form.

does anyone know of a method of exactly sizing a map window?

-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, 28 July 2004 5:46 PM
To: 'Jaromir Svasta'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: MI-L MB: Save Window command

Sorry, that should be ".. the W is as expected (10 inches x 96 dots per
inch) but the H should be 750 pixels, not 720.

Seems like a MI bug.

> -Original Message-
> Sent: Wednesday, 28 July 2004 4:10 PM
> To: 'Jaromir Svasta'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: RE: MI-L MB: Save Window command
> Jaromir
> I've just tried this with the MapBasic window using the following
> statement
> -
> Save  Window  FrontWindow() As  "C:\test.bmp"
> Type  "BMP"
> Width 10 Units "in"
> Height 7.5 Units "in"
> .. without the clause "Resolution 80" because it gave me an error:
> "unrecognized command: resolution" - maybe because my MI version is 6.5
> But the resulting BMP file when opened with Irfanview, shows that it is
> indeed 96dpi x 96dpi and of size 960 x 720 pixels - the H is as expected
> (10
> inches x 96 dots per inch) but the W should be 750 pixels, not 720.
> I confirm that it is the same for a JPEG filetype.
> Ian Thomas
> GeoSciSoft - Perth, Australia
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Jaromir Svasta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Wednesday, 28 July 2004 2:48 PM
> > Subject: Re: MI-L MB: Save Window command
> >
> > Thanks, Ashley, but I am still unable to save a bitmap at the size I
> want.
> > I changed DPI to 96 as you suggested, with no help. What units of
> measure
> > should I use in the Save Window command when saving a map? I tried to
> use
> > "pt" thinking that "points" are the same as "dots", but wrong again...
> How
> > to save an image at exact size of, let's say, 600X400 pixels?
> >
> > Thank you!
> >
> > Jaromir
> >
> > On Wed, 28 Jul 2004 10:49:01 +0930, Simmonds, Ashley (DTUP)
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > > it's to do with your DPI settings.
> > >
> > > it's been a long time since i learnt all that stuff, but basically DPI
> > is
> > > irrelevant for images for a display screen, all that matters is the
> > > number
> > > of pixels.  i think MI tries to fudge the figgers based on old-school
> > > thinking, but in the end leave your settings at the default 96 DPI and
> > > change stuff based on how big you want the image.
> > >
> > > check out the following page for more info:
> > > http://www.nicholsonprints.com/Articles/dpi.htm
> > >
> > > -Original Message-
> > > From: Jaromir Svasta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > Sent: Tuesday, 27 July 2004 8:26 PM
> > > Subject: MI-L MB: Save Window command
> > >
> > >
> > > I saved a mapper window into BMP using Save Window command. I
> specified
> > > the width and height (9.03661 X 5.90332 inch, 100 DPI). Why the
> > > dimensions
> > > of the resulting bitmap are different (9.14 X 5.97 inch)? Is it a bug
> or
> > > am 

RE: MI-L RE: Ashley Simmonds - MI-L Selecting Bus Stops in Stoppi ng order

2004-07-28 Thread Simmonds, Ashley (DTUP)
cool.  i'll likely be looking at this in more depth next week if i get time.
i've got about 7000 bus stops and over 1000 routes (including stupid
variations), 99% of it is linked and done, but i'm not happy with the
quality of the data and want to re-do it before my project becomes too big
and in the public eye.

i'll have more questions then, then.

-Original Message-
From: Terry McDonnell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, 28 July 2004 6:20 PM
Subject: MI-L RE: Ashley Simmonds - MI-L Selecting Bus Stops in Stopping


Yes it was solved and with not too much difficulty.  One possible
difference from your scenario, though, is that my stops already exist as
a map layer, which I bring to the fore, and, as the user clicks on each,
it's recorded in a temp. cursor, with a global running order
(incremented with each stop clicked on).  When saved, the stop IDs,
their ORDER, and the composite key of the parent Route are stored in the
m-to-m link table (as any stop can appear in any route, and vice-versa).

So I don't know if my stuff would be of any use to you but I'm happy to
share any of it with you.

Let me know


-Original Message-
From: Simmonds, Ashley (DTUP) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 28 July 2004 03:26
Subject: RE: MI-L Selecting Bus Stops in Stopping order

was any reasonably easy to implement resolution to this ever done?

prior to now, i've had my system setup so that it just dumps all of the
user's selected bus stops into a route description, and then it's left
up to
the user to sort them.

however, if i'm able to do this with a clicking order, that would be far

the option i'm likely to embark on is a manual process whereby the user
selects a stop, then clicks a button on a form to put the selected stop
a buffer, then at the end of the process those stops will be added to

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Message number: 12771

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Message number: 12788

RE: MI-L GPS Tracking over Internet

2004-08-05 Thread Simmonds, Ashley (DTUP)
i can't help right now, but hopefully in 2-4 weeks i'll have an interesting
demonstration set up for you to check out, and i'll include details on
set-up costs, functionality and maintainability for whoever's interested.
my initial guess is you can get set up for $500-1000, and then any custom
requirements will just cost development time.

can't go into much more detail at the moment though...

-Original Message-
From: Soporte [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, 6 August 2004 4:30 AM
To: MapInfo-L
Subject: MI-L GPS Tracking over Internet

Hi List

We are looking for a mapping software to do real-time GPS tracking using a

We know we can use MapXtreme but it's expensive for the budget we have.

Anyone knows another possibility and has experience using it ?

The application will have only 30 concurrent users and the technology can be
.NET or another.

I will appreciate a lot any help !

Thank you !

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Message number: 12857

RE: MI-L Mapping monitor

2004-09-03 Thread Simmonds, Ashley (DTUP)
an LCD monitor should be sharp in it's native resolution.  if it's blurry at
all it's because you've got it setup incorrectly.  they are designed with a
specific number of pixels which means they will only look good at THAT
resolution.  anything else is just emulated.

-Original Message-
From: Alan Gunn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, 4 September 2004 2:24 AM
Subject: RE: MI-L Mapping monitor

I really appreciate everyone's responses and thoughts. The list never
fails to provide some insight to what I need to know. 
I have been leaning toward the LCD's. I have been using dual CRT's for a
week now, and the fuzzy one found a new home. More than likely I will
use a 17" LCD for my primary and this viewsonic 19" CRT as a secondary.
That kind of eliminates the small footprint advantage, but a better
display is just that. 
Anyone have any experience with this guy:
Don't know if the uppers will go for it, but it seems to have a good
value/performance. Great reviews too. 

-Original Message-
From: David Baker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, September 03, 2004 11:37 AM
Subject: RE: MI-L Mapping monitor

On 3 Sep 2004 at 9:07, Mcinnis, Michael <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I have a ViewSonic 17" LCD and it has widely varied display quality.
> As I type this Outlook is using a courier font and I can see an offset
> of the blue color. And if you look very closely in some applications
you can
> distinctly see a blue offset to the right and a red offset to the

What is your Windows resolution set to & what is your monitor native

Or maybe you have some sort of font smoothing feature turned on? I
remember seeing 
such a feature in an Electronic Book application, but I forget the name
of the technology 
they used.

> I'm hoping this isn't going to cause me visual problems but it is hard
> notice unless your very close to the screen.

I work on my computers about 15 hours/day. When I had the 2 CRT monitors
I had 
terrible eye & headache problems. A thing of the past now that I have
the LCD 


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Message number: 13207

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Message number: 13210

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Message number: 13214

RE: MI-L MI What is "rasterstyle" ?

2004-09-08 Thread Simmonds, Ashley (DTUP)
i think it's where you wear a cool hat and listen to reggae, mun.

-Original Message-
From: Pat Macleod [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, 8 September 2004 10:48 PM
Subject: MI-L MI What is "rasterstyle" ?

I have not found any documentation of RasterStyle, but from some simple 
tests in Mapinfo Pro, we have deduced that the settings in the .tab file 
work as follows...

RasterStyle 1 12  ---Brightness - % (as shown in the display 
override settings in Mapinfo Pro layer control - 12 %)
RasterStyle 2 68  ---Contrast - % (as shown in the display 
override settings in Mapinfo Pro layer control - 69 %)
RasterStyle 3 1   ---Translucent - 1=Yes
RasterStyle 8 128 ---Translucency - % "not" translucent - see 
calculation below

Translucency calculation.

RasterStyle 8 n  =  100 - ((n/255) * 100) = % translucency (as shown in 
the display override settings in Mapinfo Pro layer control)

eg RasterStyle 8 155 = 100 - ((155/255) * 100) =  100 - 61 = 39% 
translucency (as shown in the display override settings in Mapinfo Pro 
layer control)

Pat MacLeod
IT Architect, IBM UK Ltd
Office: 0117 929 5740
Mobile: 07739 875672 or 264974

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Message number: 13259

RE: MI-L The Fool's World Map

2004-09-23 Thread Simmonds, Ashley (DTUP)
it's been updated again...


i quite like this: "Since Uzbekistran, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan,
Afghanistan, and Pakistan at South Central Asia are indistinguishable, they
are gatherd as Stan."

-Original Message-
From: Simmonds, Ashley (DTUP) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, 23 July 2004 8:07 AM
Subject: RE: MI-L The Fool's World Map

tee hee, MY world has been updated.


where the heck are you yanks anywho? :)

-Original Message-
From: Gilbert Haché [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, 14 May 2004 9:50 PM
Subject: RE: MI-L The Fool's World Map

A funny comment about the map...

After having a look at it, I mentionned some of the elements to a friend
like "do you know where they put the Pisa tower on this map?" and he answer
"you are talking about the one in France?" which is exactly one of the error
shown on the map! 

I remember reading an article, wrote by someone I believe to be the
president of the American Geographic association, complaining that so many
people don't know where thing are and that even many prestigious American
University don't have a geographic department... One of the lowest rate of
Geographer among the industrial countries. 

I also remember a tv show where a known journalist went on a counttry wide
crusade, asking people questions, but not anybody, like asking a senator who
is the "president" of Canada and gave a wrong answer, asking a Univsity
professors of Geography (I think it was Harvard?. Not sure... I  think that
one doesn't have a geography department) his opinion on the Calgary seal
hunt. And gave it!!! He might as well ask him how he like Cuban snow

Is it funny or sad?...


-Original Message-
From: Simmonds, Ashley (OPT) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: May 13, 2004 20:42
To: 'Ian Tidy'; MapInfo-L
Subject: RE: MI-L The Fool's World Map

hey, the only reason i have to believe that the countries look the way they
do is because that's how they're shown in atlas's and on tv weather reports.
i can't confirm unequivocally what the shape of any place really is, so
maybe it's all lies anywho, just some big-ass prank.  i don't _feel_ like
i'm upside-down.  :)

in the (paraphrased) werds of a friend abroad:
"i got on the plane, they shook it about some, then put some clouds and
stuff in the way for about a day while they changed the scenery.  then they
let me off the plane and said 'welcome to Scotland'."

-Original Message-
From: Ian Tidy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, 14 May 2004 10:04 AM
To: Simmonds, Ashley (OPT); MapInfo-L
Subject: Re: MI-L The Fool's World Map


Did you notice Australia, oops I mean Atlantis has sunk... ;)

Cheers Ian

Simmonds, Ashley (OPT) wrote:
> friday here you backward people.  :)
> that map seems about right to me.  i like some of the maplogs: 011. 
> Mongolia has vanished. 012. Mongolia has been replaced by Gandhara.
> 013. The right side of USA became New York.
> heh.  i have no idea what the point is, but sometimes it's cool to 
> just snicker at stuff that's strange for the sake of it.  mmm, sake.
> i've seen the future, and i'm already constructing algorithm's to
> with my garmin which will realign NMEA coordinates based on where 
> someone _thinks_ they are.
> -Original Message-
> From: B. Thoen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, 14 May 2004 1:00 AM
> To: MapInfo-L
> Subject: MI-L The Fool's World Map
> I know it's not quite Friday, but if you need relief now, check this 
> out:
> The Fool's World Map
> http://www.zen-style.com/
> This is a map of the world as seen through many people's geographic 
> misconceptions. (The graphics aren't bad, either.)

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RE: MI-L mapbasic - save window as...

2004-11-07 Thread Simmonds, Ashley (DTUP)
are you sure you need to change the DPI or do you just want a larger image?

anywho, the following search may help as it's come up a few times recently:

-Original Message-
From: paul quinlan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, 5 November 2004 10:07 PM
Subject: MI-L mapbasic - save window as...


I have a program that loops through a number of layouts and saves them as 
jpegs. However, no matter what i set the resolution to it allways seems to 
save it at the default for the papersize, in this case 96dpi. This is the 
line of code im using:

strmsg = "save window frontwindow() as """ + picpath + """ type  ""JPEG""  
resolution 400"
run command strmsg

Any ideas? Thanks for any suggestions.

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Message number: 13940

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Message number: 13955

MI-L default werkspace save location

2004-11-15 Thread Simmonds, Ashley (DTUP)
hey, i'm getting really annoyed at this.

prior to now, most of my stuff has been defined in code, so werkspaces were
just a convenient package to start with.

now, i need to keep opening, modifying and saving werkspaces on several
different systems/logins.

every time i make a change somewhere and go to save, the default save
directory is either C:\ or the My Documents area, which is a total pain in
the arse considering we have a daft netwerk directory tree where to get
anywhere useful requires going through about 7 levels of directories, among
hundreds of siblings.

i'd never noticed this issue as i'd never needed to save a werkspace more
than once every few months, but now doing it dozens of times a day is a real

can MI be set to have it's save dialog automatically at the location where
the CURRENT werkspace file already resides?  if not, why not?  also consider
that i am doing this on multiple systems/logons, so a command WITHIN the
werkspace would be preferable...


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Message number: 14044

RE: MI-L Launching Mapinfo from Access2K and getting it to go dir ect to a Parcel of land

2004-11-15 Thread Simmonds, Ashley (DTUP)
need a bit of clarification...

launching:  do you mean "shelling" an instance of MI, or an integrated
instance of MI, or integrated AND reparented (appears on an A2k form)?

going somewhere: do you know the location beforehand?  is it static or do
you supply it?

if you're new to integrated mapping, there's no "easy" way to learn it,
otherwise if you've got that licked going to a specified location is easy,
just a matter of a couple custom functions that are called whenever you need

-Original Message-
From: Adam Staunton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, 16 November 2004 3:56 PM
Subject: MI-L Launching Mapinfo from Access2K and getting it to go
direct to a Parcel of land 

Hi all,

has any of you done this or know of an easy way to do it. 


Adam Staunton
IT Systems Supervisor
Laidley Shire Council 
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Message number: 14048

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Message number: 14049

RE: MI-L SUM: default werkspace save location

2004-11-16 Thread Simmonds, Ashley (DTUP)
thanks to all who replied, but unfortunately it's not a matter of default
directories and stuff, which i've already got setup.

all i wanted was for any file i opened to automatically have it's default
save location as the file's actual location, though it appears this only
happens if you open it from the FILE/OPEN dialog, as opposed to say
double-clicking it in explorer or shelling it somehow.

that's cool, was just really bugging me to go and find the place i just went
and found already in order to save it.


-Original Message-----
From: Simmonds, Ashley (DTUP) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, 16 November 2004 1:24 PM
To: MapInfo-L
Subject: MI-L default werkspace save location

hey, i'm getting really annoyed at this.

prior to now, most of my stuff has been defined in code, so werkspaces were
just a convenient package to start with.

now, i need to keep opening, modifying and saving werkspaces on several
different systems/logins.

every time i make a change somewhere and go to save, the default save
directory is either C:\ or the My Documents area, which is a total pain in
the arse considering we have a daft netwerk directory tree where to get
anywhere useful requires going through about 7 levels of directories, among
hundreds of siblings.

i'd never noticed this issue as i'd never needed to save a werkspace more
than once every few months, but now doing it dozens of times a day is a real

can MI be set to have it's save dialog automatically at the location where
the CURRENT werkspace file already resides?  if not, why not?  also consider
that i am doing this on multiple systems/logons, so a command WITHIN the
werkspace would be preferable...


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Message number: 14044

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Message number: 14078

MI-L map data on a public site... legal issues...?

2004-11-16 Thread Simmonds, Ashley (DTUP)
hey all, with regards to the map data we use, what - if any - legal issues
exist for effectively publishing this data?
i would have thought that purchasing the dataset allows you to do what you
wish with it, publishing wise.  obviously i can't distribute the original
data, but for displaying pretty maps and stuff in management reports nobody
ever questioned the legality as that's what we got the data for.
however now that i've made a system where the maps can be viewed online,
some people are getting nervous...
our base data comes from Streetworks, so what's the deal?

RE: MI-L map data on a public site... legal issues...?

2004-11-16 Thread Simmonds, Ashley (DTUP)
yeah, i managed to dig up the "Shrinkwrap License" now and have had a bit of
a read.  i don't know what actual license version we have, will be
clarifying that later today i hope, but i doubt from scanning the FC that it
extends to what we want to do.

so in the end we may yet again be forking out through the nose bucketloads
for stuff that is only a distant periphery to our applications and general
functionality but still something essential "just in case".  last time we
had an issue like this the portion of the software that required this sort
of attention made up perhaps 5% of the overall application, yet the costs
involved were 200-300% of the development of the rest of it.

perhaps we may find a basic data source for public use which doesn't need
such detail, dunno.

i'm in the wrong racket, sigh

-Original Message-
From: Bill Thoen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, 17 November 2004 12:44 PM
To: Simmonds, Ashley (DTUP)
Cc: 'Mapinfo List (E-mail) ' (E-mail)
Subject: Re: MI-L map data on a public site... legal issues...?

On Wed, 17 Nov 2004, Simmonds, Ashley (DTUP) wrote:

> i would have thought that purchasing the dataset allows you to do what you
> wish with it, publishing wise.  obviously i can't distribute the original
> data, but for displaying pretty maps and stuff in management reports
> ever questioned the legality as that's what we got the data for.
> however now that i've made a system where the maps can be viewed online,
> some people are getting nervous...

I think if your maps are static (i.e. pre-built) and distributed as
images, that there will be no problem. However, if they are built on the
fly by user request (i.e. the source data is accessed by a process invoked
by a user request to build a custom map) then you are simply a dead man
walking, in the legal sense.

You just have to read the license that came with the data. Most big
companies with lawyers to water and feed are very picky about how their
data are used and Internet access is sort of a new frontier. OTOH, the
Worldwide CVGMAP data set we sell
(http://www.gisnet.com/catalog/cvgmap/index.html) has a more generous
license. With CVGMAP you *can* make maps on the fly with that data.  
There's just an additional charge based on the volume you want to serve.

It really comes down to the truth that you (or your company's legal
expert) need to RTFC (Read The Funny Contract.) It might have big words
like "estopple" and "tumescence of writ" in it, but if you don't read it,
or understand it, you could turn your company into a lawsuit revenue
stream for a data vendor.

IMHO, and IANAL, of course...

- Bill Thoen

-Original Message-
From: Martin Higham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, 17 November 2004 12:26 PM
To: Simmonds, Ashley (DTUP)
Subject: RE: MI-L map data on a public site... legal issues...?

When you purchase data, you receive a licence agreement with it.  Typically
this allows for use of the data on a fixed number of workstations, or acess
from a fixed number of users via an intranet, or access to unlimited numbers
via the internet.

Check your licence or check with your data vendor, but its unlikely that
you've bought data with no usage restrictions at all.

Hope this helps.

Best Regards,

Martin Higham
Avantra Geosystems

ph (61 3) 8504 0428   0425-730-428
fx (61 3) 9596 7997

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Message number: 14083

RE: MI-L map data on a public site... legal issues...?

2004-11-17 Thread Simmonds, Ashley (DTUP)
yeah, good info dudes.  cheers.

in short, we're not making a profit, we're providing a service.  this is a
govt agency who provides public transport information, so we don't re-sell
anything or make any money from the people who will be using our services.

as far as accuracy required for the display of the data, that is actually a
low priority.  sure, we want it to be correct, but we're not mapping
manholes or anything here, it's just public transport which is of a larger
scale and so just a basic street data set and some general periphery data is
all i'm interested in showing the public, the rest of the stuff we create
ourselves (and then provide to others on a quid-pro-quo basis).

so anyhoo, we'll be looking at this issue in more depth in the coming weeks.
as it turns out there may indeed be some usable datasets already defined for
the public sector that we can effectively piggyback off of, unsure as yet
but i'll be checking out this avenue.  however for internal usage and
applications we'll still utilize high quality stuff.  


-Original Message-
From: Neil Havermale [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, 18 November 2004 7:34 AM
To: Fletcher James; 'Simmonds, Ashley (DTUP)'
Cc: MapInfo ListServe Questions
Subject: RE: MI-L map data on a public site... legal issues...?

I'll second Fletcher's observations. Up-to-date street information makes
sense for certain usages. Keeping data-up-to-date is not trivial. Its one
thing to use Tigre data but totally different to the effort and investment
to insure the streets and addresses are clean and accurate. Make certain the
utility of timeliness is well understood... its far easier to extend the
rules over older stuff that is better time-scaled to your users' needs.

I can personally confirm that if you are upfront with the data folks at
MapInfo that they have in my experience always made room for our needs.  But
be aware.  Its one thing for the sales group to approve but another for the
contracts side of the outfit to actually get the work out.  Be polite and
you'll likely get what you need.


-Original Message-
From: Fletcher James [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2004 12:49 AM
To: 'Simmonds, Ashley (DTUP)'
Cc: MapInfo ListServe Questions
Subject: RE: MI-L map data on a public site... legal issues...?

One of my clients had a similar situation.  The informal answer is this:
The people who own the data really have two concerns.

1.  They want to make sure that you are not creating a situation in which
people who would otherwise buy data from them, are getting it from you,
without compensation.  That's why there are all of those restrictions to
make sure that nobody can extract latlongs, etc., and also to make sure that
you cannot dynamically generate maps, or sell maps.

2.  They also want the opportunity to charge more if you are making piles of
money using their data.  That's another reason for the restrictions on
internal use, etc.

The standard data license is written with highly restrictive language, which
precludes anything even vaguely resembling an infringement on what the
vendors consider to be their rights.  So, you've got two different red lines
-- one where you are in technical violation of the license, and another,
much further out, where you're actually doing something which the vendors
don't want done.  The lawyers write the licenses this way, so that anybody
who really misuses the data cannot claim that they only had their little toe
over the line, or that the line is unclear.

I think for many people, the intended use falls between the two lines.  

There is a clause in the license, after all the limitations, which says
something like "unless otherwise agreed in writing".  The solution is to
speak with MI or the licensor of the data, describe what you wish to do with
it, and get their agreement.  If you do wish to be selling products or
services which include large amounts of their data, they would probably be
very happy to have you do so -- for a percentage.  After all, that's why
they're in the business.

Fletcher James
Levit & James, Inc.

-Original Message-
From: Simmonds, Ashley (DTUP) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 16, 2004 8:25 PM
To: 'Mapinfo List (E-mail) ' (E-mail)
Subject: MI-L map data on a public site... legal issues...?

hey all, with regards to the map data we use, what - if any - legal issues
exist for effectively publishing this data?
i would have thought that purchasing the dataset allows you to do what you
wish with it, publishing wise.  obviously i can't distribute the original
data, but for displaying pretty maps and stuff in management reports nobody
ever questioned the legality as that's what we got the data for.
however now 

RE: MI-L Friday Fun

2004-12-12 Thread Simmonds, Ashley (DTUP)
i got 10%.

i can't believe i know where Nepal is. :)

-Original Message-
Sent: Saturday, 11 December 2004 2:12 AM
Subject: RE: MI-L Friday Fun

Here were my scores for the 3 rounds

20% (screwed up b/c I hit check score after 3 countries)

Where they really could have gotten me though is all the Soviet block
countries.  Thankfully I didn't get those!

Brian Van Druten
Forestry Technician
Alligator River NWR
Manteo, NC

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Message number: 14511

RE: MI-L Friday Fun

2004-12-12 Thread Simmonds, Ashley (DTUP)
it's always puzzled me as to what's more satisfying:  victory through
excellence or success in sabotage...

definitely werth exploring. :)

-Original Message-
Sent: Monday, 13 December 2004 1:50 PM
Subject: MI-L Friday Fun

Even getting scores of 90% I was only raising Australia's standing by 
.002%. A much better tactic is to sign on as one of those pesky smart-arse 
countries like Romania and get the answers ALL WRONG. Then you can drag 
their average down to more realistic levels.

Patrick Miller
Heritage Victoria
Department of Sustainability and Environment
Level 22 Nauru House
80 Collins Street
+61 3 9655 9746 phone
   9655 9720 fax

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Message number: 14515

RE: MI-L Dot NET and the Future of MapInfo Applications

2004-12-15 Thread Simmonds, Ashley (DTUP)
the best thing i have to say about dotnet so far is that more of my time is
spent doing the algorithmy stuff that IS programming.  so much of the
interface messing about and API hacks and whatnot are now very well managed,
so now i can put my smarts to actually figgering out solutions to do with
the overall system, rather than the niggly bits i normally spend 3/4's of my
time futzing with.

so when the MI.net thing goes ahead, i'll be sure to see if i can nudge our
dept into making the transition.

-Original Message-
From: Bill Thoen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, 16 December 2004 1:28 PM
To: MapInfo-L
Subject: MI-L Dot NET and the Future of MapInfo Applications

In an effort to see where MapInfo is going with this dot-NET thing, I have
been fooling around with Microsoft's Visual Studio C# IDE and MapInfo's 
MapXtreme 2004 free trial package. So far, all I have to say is that this 
development environment really rocks!

I had a few misconceptions about MapXtreme too. Turns out that your MX
applications run just fine on the desktop just like any normal local
Windows executables (because that's exactly what they are.) I thought you
had to do everything via a web server, like it or not. You don't. However,
if you DO like building distributed Internet applications, you can run
your application over the web too. The core functions are designed to work
in either environment.

It supports normal *.TAB files, with all the attributes you want (unlike
MapX which can't build a TAB file with more than one attribute.) Of
course, you also have access to the entire ADO.NET suite of class
functions too, so you might want to think about going beyond the old *.TAB

I wasn't sure of this, but it seems to be true. You don't actually need
Visual Studio to build applications. Just to see, I tried writing a little
scrapplication to create a mappable Tab file of city locations with
varying point styles in the ancient edlin line editor (a minimalist's
programming environment, for sure!) The .NET SDK Framework from Microsoft
is free, and that supplies the csc.exe compiler. I just compiled my app in
a DOS window, with references to the MapInfo MapXtreme dlls, and it
worked!  But even though you CAN build .NET MapXtreme applications this
way, I now think that Microsoft's Visual Studio IDE is maybe worth the
outrageous thousand-clam price. Visual Studio's IDE is probably the most
convenient programming tool I've ever used.

However, if all you know is MapBasic, the learning curve is pretty steep.  
I have some Visual Basic and C background, but very little C++, so
learning C# is a bit of a stretch. However, after a couple of weeks, it
seems to be coming together. MapInfo's PDF documentation and Help files
(while full of stupid little errors that will plague the greenhorn) are
not too bad, and the MapXtreme 2004 online forum is very responsive. If
you're thinking of going the .NET route with MapInfo, I don't think the
transition is going to be all that horrible. It'll take effort, but it's
not quite as hard as I thought it would be.

But I'm curious about what others think. What warts does this Brave New
World have? How will the licensing affect your businesses?  For those who
have tried it so far, what do you think?

- Bill Thoen

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Message number: 14572

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Message number: 14573

RE: MI-L Cracking .NET Assemblies (was Dot NET and the Future of MapInfo Applications)

2004-12-19 Thread Simmonds, Ashley (DTUP)
i guess i was an innovator before my time.

my code is about as easy to read as dante's inferno.

-Original Message-
From: Bill Thoen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, 18 December 2004 3:11 AM
To: MapInfo-L
Subject: MI-L Cracking .NET Assemblies (was Dot NET and the Future of
MapInfo Applications)

On Fri, 17 Dec 2004, Canfield, Andrew wrote:

> ... .Net is going to thoroughly screw the private mid-level developer.
> Because the minute they port their code to .Net anyone can decompile or
> crack it even if it's obfuscated.

Hmm... Now there's a sour note. Then I found this: 
http://aspnet.4guysfromrolla.com/articles/080404-1.aspx in which they tell 
you how to do it.

So I guess we'll soon be able to open up Microsoft and MapInfo's code like
a can of beans and see what's inside?

- Bill Thoen

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Message number: 14608

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Message number: 14627

RE: MI-L Cracking .NET Assemblies (was Dot NET and the Future of MapInfo App...

2004-12-19 Thread Simmonds, Ashley (DTUP)
the best way i was able to explain the ease-of-use factor of .net to a
colleague coming from ASP is that it's very much like using Access and VBA.
i've been WRITING forms and controls in notepad for ages in ASP, but in
Access i'd be a nutbag to do that.

granted it's more involved than that, but from an ASP perspective a lot of
my personal time is free'd up by not having to futz about writing controls
and forms.

frankly, more beer drinking time is always a bonus.

-Original Message-
Sent: Monday, 20 December 2004 2:27 PM
Subject: RE: MI-L Cracking .NET Assemblies (was Dot NET and the Future
of MapInfo App...


I think when it comes to the actual doing of it, you'll wonder why you never
jumped into .NET or the yet-to-be-seen "MapBasicNET language" long before
you did. It's a pleasure to use (much nicer than FoxPro, BTW). 

This/these .NETtish threads have been amusing pre-holiday reading, from
everyone. Ignorance is bliss, they say. 

Sure, decompiling .NET "code" with Lutz Roeder's Reflector is easy - but so
is using the dotObfuscator (Community Edition, supplied with VS or
downloadable for free), if you want to / need to obscure what you have
written. As someone pointed out, MB decompilers are available (I don't know
where, but it's a reasonable guess that they would be). 

It's all good fun.

Ian Thomas
GeoSciSoft - Perth, Australia

> -Original Message-
> Sent: Monday, 20 December 2004 11:36 AM
> Subject: Re: MI-L Cracking .NET Assemblies (was Dot NET and the Future of
> MapInfo App...
> I don't see why anyone would want to by an Obfuscation package when they
> can
> hire me.
> I can't even read my own code.
> On a more serious note, everyone knows there is big money in security,
> whether it be Homeland or Software, or even Social. When it comes to the
> software
> side there are going to be a lot of people scrambling with DOT NET to
> make it
> secure and to protect their intellectual properties.
> I had read somewhere (Maximum PC) that DOT NET and C# was more secure than
> C++.
> It stated there were fewer weaknesses with the code and compiler, however
> it
> seems that the converse is true if you are using the MSIL.
> The Managed and Unmanaged Extensions using C++ seems to be a real pain in
> the Nether Regions. (My apologies to the Dutch). I am not real sure if I
> truly
> like any of the solutions being offered.
> I have written Mapbasic code for a long time, and while I have created
> anything earthshaking.
> (Well actually I have, since I write code for the Geophysical Exploration
> Industry)
> I have made a decent living with Mapinfo/Mapbasic
> The DOT NET coding scheme in Visual Basic and Visual C# will create many
> more lines of code than what we are accustomed to with Mapbasic.
> I have written some Visual Basic Script for another GIS package and
> compared
> it to what I have written in Mapbasic for the same functionality. I  found
> the Visual Basic Script to be substantially larger, more commands,
> declarations, words what have you.
> And while the Drag and Drop programming of Visual Studio DOT NET can be
> very
> appealing
> I for one prefer to do my own typing.
> I also come from a Visual Foxpro background and have found it to be very
> easy to code in.
> Creating forms etc is very simple, and creating the code behind those
> forms
> and the buttons, listboxes and other events is very straightforward. You
> don't
>  see all of the surrounding code as you do in Visual Studio which takes
> you
> to  the entry point for the event on the form.
> Maybe I am a dinosaur, but sometimes over-simplification leads to
> confusion.
> In the good old days the programs we wrote and ran were procedural, and we
> needed more capability than that. Then Event driven programs with a user
> interface were introduced and it was a good thing. The problem is that
> procedures
> are being ignored as well as methodology.
> I write code that is full of holes, but I know where they are and how to
> deal with them and fortunately I haven't been kicked off the planet for
> some of
> the things that I have written.
> With the new development environments (Studio's) more people are going
> create even sloppier code than I do and then when something goes wrong
> they  won't
> know where to look because they bought an Obfuscator to protect their
> intellectual property.
> This whole thing just gave me a Migraine.
> Sorry for the rant, well actually I am not sorry.
> Fellow Listers,
> Have a Happy Holidays
> Jon Gramm

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Message number: 14629


RE: MI-L 'opened exclusively' problem with Access 2003

2005-02-21 Thread Simmonds, Ashley (DTUP)
heya chris,  just checked mine and we have version 7.0 here now, but I can't
even seem to find an ODBC drivery thing anywhere, however I can select MDB
as a file type directly from the file-open dialog.  I guess 7.0 supports
access natively through OLEDB or something.  dunno.

anyhoo, are you able to open multiple instances of MI pointing at the db?

one of the other annoying things I've come across with access (not related
to MI) is that when logged in as someone else, it sets the "owner" of the
mdb file to the last person who closed it.  something about the
meta-information of the file is then saved in that user's TEMP directory,
meaning anyone else who logs on and tries to open the file gets the dreaded
"database can't be found" deal to it.

what I'm getting at is that if MI is opened through a different user/account
to the user opening access, that temp data will not be readable by them.  to
get around this I had our I.T. section set a common and openly
readable/writable %TEMP% directory so it didn't matter who was playing in

may not be relevant to your stuff, but it's an annoying problem that took me
years to figger out.


-Original Message-
From: Chris Prescott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, 22 February 2005 10:41 AM
To: MapInfo-L@lists.directionsmag.com
Subject: MI-L 'opened exclusively' problem with Access 2003

I open some tables from an Access 2003 database in MapInfo (6.5) without any

If I then go and try to start my Access 2003 application I get the following
"Microsoft Office Access can't open the database because it is
missing, or opened exclusively by another user."

The only other user is MapInfo.  The ODBC driver being used does not have
the 'Exclusive' option checked and the default open mode in the database is
set to shared.  I also get this message if I open a table from Access using
'File > Open Table' and selecting MS Access as the file type.

Any clues as to how I can operate both applications at the same time.
Closing MapInfo and then opening the Access database is not an option.

Thanks in advance for any help.

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Message number: 15370

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Message number: 15371

RE: MI-L 'opened exclusively' problem with Access 2003

2005-02-23 Thread Simmonds, Ashley (DTUP)
I haven't futzed much with DBMS/ODBC connections and whatnot through MI
much, but it sounds like it is indeed opening it exclusively.  when you
re-open the connection after access has opened the database, the MI
connection attempt is forced to re-open in shared mode.

are you able to supply a connection string within the MBX app or does it
have to be done explicitly through the MI dialogs?

given that we use MI 7.0 here now which I can't seem to find any database
related stuff in, I can't find a way to try and replicate it exactly, but
similar problems will occur when attempting to connect two instances of
access to the same JET back-end if you don't have the connections setup

-Original Message-
From: Chris Prescott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, 22 February 2005 12:40 PM
To: MapInfo-L@lists.directionsmag.com
Subject: RE: MI-L 'opened exclusively' problem with Access 2003

Christopher Prescott

Thanks Ash,

I can open as many instances of MI (with my Access table open) as like
without any problems but when I then try to open Access I get locked out.

This is what I'm trying to do.  In my MapBasic app. I have several Access
tables open retrieving data from the Access db.  My MB app. lets me select a
MapInfo object and then(using it's ID) it starts up the Access application,
opens a particular form and goes to the relevant record.  This part is
failing since I get locked out of Access.

HOWEVER, in saying this I may have found a work around. If I issue a 'Server
Disconnect' statement before my app. sarts Access it works correctly -
except for one problem.  For some reason that I am yet to figure out, the
buttons on my custom buttonpad all become disadbled - and I cannot enable
them.  This also occurs if I use the 'File > Close DBMD Connection..'
option.  If I open a new DBMS connection my button pad comes active again.
I don't know what the link is. 


-Original Message-
From: Simmonds, Ashley (DTUP) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, 22 February 2005 11:58 AM
To: MapInfo-L@lists.directionsmag.com
Subject: RE: MI-L 'opened exclusively' problem with Access 2003

heya chris,  just checked mine and we have version 7.0 here now, but I can't
even seem to find an ODBC drivery thing anywhere, however I can select MDB
as a file type directly from the file-open dialog.  I guess 7.0 supports
access natively through OLEDB or something.  dunno.

anyhoo, are you able to open multiple instances of MI pointing at the db?

one of the other annoying things I've come across with access (not related
to MI) is that when logged in as someone else, it sets the "owner" of the
mdb file to the last person who closed it.  something about the
meta-information of the file is then saved in that user's TEMP directory,
meaning anyone else who logs on and tries to open the file gets the dreaded
"database can't be found" deal to it.

what I'm getting at is that if MI is opened through a different user/account
to the user opening access, that temp data will not be readable by them.  to
get around this I had our I.T. section set a common and openly
readable/writable %TEMP% directory so it didn't matter who was playing in

may not be relevant to your stuff, but it's an annoying problem that took me
years to figger out.


-Original Message-
From: Chris Prescott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, 22 February 2005 10:41 AM
To: MapInfo-L@lists.directionsmag.com
Subject: MI-L 'opened exclusively' problem with Access 2003

I open some tables from an Access 2003 database in MapInfo (6.5) without any

If I then go and try to start my Access 2003 application I get the following
"Microsoft Office Access can't open the database because it is
missing, or opened exclusively by another user."

The only other user is MapInfo.  The ODBC driver being used does not have
the 'Exclusive' option checked and the default open mode in the database is
set to shared.  I also get this message if I open a table from Access using
'File > Open Table' and selecting MS Access as the file type.

Any clues as to how I can operate both applications at the same time.
Closing MapInfo and then opening the Access database is not an option.

Thanks in advance for any help.

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Message number: 15370

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