Re: let's get this established, one way or the other, once and for all

2011-12-04 Thread Seumas Mac Uilleachan
First off, I did not trot out a one-line post to put you in check. I 
subscribed to this list to keep up-to-date on the world of markdown. 
Like David, I too find the discussions about markdown parsers 
interesting. Unfortunately I usually have little to add to them because 
I am not a programmer. Your post however was a rambling soliloquy on the 
advantages of using blank lines for markup because it apparently doesn't 
confuse the users. That type of markup  is very prevalent in your z.e.n. 
system (yes, I have looked at it), but is limited in markdown. So I was 
confused about what the relevance to markdown was. You continually do go 
on about this using blank lines but that is not something that will be 
incorporated into markdown as you envision it. Thus, as a user, I was 
confused, which you claim to want to avoid.

Since you don't seem to want to enlighten me on the relevance of this to 
markdown I guess I will just remain confused, and since of late the 
majority of the discussions on this list seem to be centered around 
either your ramblings on using blank lines or on the state of affairs 
for markdown on the app store (presumably that has something to do with 
the Mac), neither of which interests me, I will just resign from the 
list and let you win. Yay you.

On 12/04/2011 04:50 PM, wrote:

seumas said:
   What confuses me is what
   this all has to do with markdown.

david said:
   I find discussion of techniques for
   building Markdown parsers very interesting.

i can justify myself.  indeed, it's a good exercise every so often,
just to ensure that your position and directionality are focused.

but it's not right, or fair, that every month, someone regularly
trots out a one-line post essentially trying to put me in check...

so let's get this established, one way or the other, once and for all.

the two sides are sufficiently clear, i think, from the quotes above.

so register your vote on the issue, either with seumas or with david,
along with a sentence or two summarizing your position, if needed.
(or write an essay, if you want, it's all the same to me; but do vote.)

we'll leave the polls open through wednesday, unless a clear winner
hasn't emerged by then, in which case we'll extend it through friday.


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Re: and life goes on

2011-10-14 Thread Seumas Mac Uilleachan
Unfortunately this is apparently becoming the norm here. There's 
off-topic stuff, fits and starts of conversations about 
forking/rewriting/expanding/standardizing markdown, and very occasional 
questions about usage or edge case problems.

Fortunately (for me anyway) markdown just works.

On 10/14/2011 06:02 PM, Christian Sciberras wrote:
I'm starting to think I subscribed to the wrong mailing list. Either 
that, or someone else did.

Then again, I know I'll be well-informed about deaths of (someone's) 
heroes... *sigh*

On Fri, Oct 14, 2011 at 11:45 PM, wrote:

they say that deaths come in threes...

for me, it was these:
1.  scott wannberg, los angeles poet, one of my favorite performers
2.  michael hart, founder of project gutenberg, icon and iconoclast
3.  steve jobs, seemingly the only guy who made stuff work correctly

i'm sure that for others, dennis ritchie is on their list, for his
own trio:
1.  c
2.  kr
3.  unix

godspeed to all of these people, who are heroes just as much as
any firefighter or soldier, heroes of creativity and the imagination.

and a hearty chill out to anyone who thinks this is off-topic...


meanwhile, life goes on...

it seems that fletcher finally received his app-store blessing, so
we can hope that we will see multimarkdown composer soon...

which means i can come out with my little tool as well.  :+)

my editor uses z.m.l. (zen markup language), not markdown, but
it's close enough that you might want to take a look at it anyway.

if anyone wants to alpha-test it, just let me know backchannel...
it's cross-platform to the mac (even very old ones), p.c., and linux.


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Re: Metadata syntax (was Universal syntax for Markdown)

2011-09-22 Thread Seumas Mac Uilleachan

Oh My God I actually agree with Big Bird here.

This whole discussion is getting far beyond what I think of as a 
lightweight markup system. Personally I think metadata should be 
processed separately from markdown data. Keep it unixy - one tool, one 

On 09/20/2011 01:03 PM, wrote:

sherwood said:
   Well if your dogs are like mine,
   they will eat practically anything.
   Lately in addition to their kibble they've
   been catching pocket gophers and mice.
   A border collie is much less lovable with
   'mouse breath'

gophers and mice taste _great_ to a dog --
a dietary delicacy for many millennia now...

it's your kibble they don't really care for.
its redeeming feature is that it's so _easy_.
but i bet there are several brands of kibble
which your dogs still turn up their noses at.

as the ad man replied, when asked why his
costly campaign hadn't moved more units
of the client's dogfood: dogs hate its taste.

people are the same way.  they'll eat a _lot_
of things, including some that you consider
to taste _dreadful_ (e.g., ms-word), but that
does not mean that they will eat _anything_.


anyway, this conversation sounds confused...
aside from questions of philosophy, it seems
to me that there is confusion about just what
sort of metadata we're all talking about, and
how it's used, by whom, for what purposes...
and so on and so forth, and hmm baby swing.

but maybe i'm the only one confused...:+)

you all seem like bright competent fellows,
so i'm sure you'll get it all worked out, so
i'm gonna go back to my sandbox and play.

have a nice day...


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Re: uniform type indicator

2011-08-05 Thread Seumas Mac Uilleachan

On 08/05/2011 05:55 PM, Dan Katri wrote:
I don't think you can blame him for saying this on his blog where it 
will reach millions.  I'm pretty sure everyone on this mailing list 
reads daring fireball.

Well, ALMOST everyone. Frankly there are NO blogs that I read, only ones 
that I find searching for a specific topic. Then I read that specific 
entry. I also can't be bothered with twitter ...

On 5 Aug 2011, at 20:32, Andy Lee wrote:

As Bowerbird pointed out in an earlier message, there has been a rise 
recently in Markdown apps. I would guess the people asking have been 
among the developers of those apps, and I would guess they have 
included developers prominent enough to get his attention.

I saw the following exchange on Twitter recently between Gruber and 
the developer Gus Mueller. I don't have any more context than this:

ccgus: @gruber UTI.  Markdown.  UTI.

Hint, hint.

UTI. []
gruber: @ccgus Shit, forgot about that. Will do tomorrow or tonight. 


As for Gruber not posting here, my gut feeling is that he has no 
interest in contributing to Markdown (or any other project) in any 
technical way, even to set direction or endorse a successor.

The nearest thing you'll get to a public feedback mechanism is to 
mention @gruber on Twitter or to use (Safari only).


On Aug 5, 2011, at 2:56 PM, Alan J. Hogan wrote:

Anyone know what or who prompted this?


On Aug 5, 2011, at 11:36 AM, wrote:

this is fascinating:

i don't know (and don't care about) any possible significance of
such a pronouncement on a uniform type indicator, but i think
that it's interesting that gruber has decided to make _any_ type
of statement on markdown, with the big moves now underfoot,
and doubly so when he chooses to communicate it via his blog
-- which is public, but has zero public feedback mechanism --
and not also here, where markdown developers hold discussions.

this is not a judgment -- of any type -- merely an observation...

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Re: markdown conversions

2011-06-26 Thread Seumas Mac Uilleachan

On 06/26/2011 02:36 PM, wrote:

   If we were only worried about markup we'd
   just use html, or maybe restructured text, or

but if you were unconcerned about markup,
you'd just use plain-text, without markdown.
I didn't say unconcerned - markup conveys meaning as much as the words 
but needs to be secondary to readability if reading the source text is 
important. If reading the source isn't important then it doesn't matter 
if the markup gets in the way.

   Which is one of the goals of zml but not markdown.

ok...  then again, i was _talking_ about z.m.l.,
and the general issue of auto-assigning an i.d.,
as well as markdown-extra and multimarkdown,
and pandoc too, in terms of that general issue,
one that's ignored completely in gruber's version.
all in all, i think it was an encompassing overview,
one doing justice to the issue and its complications.

different use-cases are gonna have differing values,
but that's a good thing because it broadens our view.

   I don't really see an advantage to unique headers

did you look at the examples i gave, from the manual
for multimarkdown?  i think the case is fairly obvious.

i think for any specific instances you examine, you'll
find it often helps to go unique, rarely (if ever) hurts.

i'd say i see non-advantages to non-unique headers...

Maybe my needs are too simple.

   That's something that can be handled
   as a post-process

in my workflow, there is no post-process.  and still,
why put off until post-process what you can do now?
Why think about it so much if a post-process can do it for you? And 
generally, where markdown is used a post-process is available. Anyway, 
we seem to have gotten off-topic here which was, I believe, concerning 
which markdown extension version you shoud be concentrating on for a 
conversion process from z.m.l. And i think that depends entirely on your 
intentions forthe converted text. If you are seeking general 
markdown-compatibility you need to stick to the base Gruber perl 
version, which is in general followed by all the offshoots. If you are 
aiming at a specific offshoot then there's your answer (pandoc, 
multimarkdown, what have you).

   I got distracted with all the multiple blank lines

whoa!  seumus!  you got distracted by blank lines?
that's getting tripped by the absence of your shadow!
you are obviously more zen than i am...  :+)

What is the sound of one bracket clapping?

   I agree that too much markup gums up the editing
   - and especially the composing. Less is more.

right.  writing and rewriting.  that's what editing is, to me...
everything that happens from blank page to polished product.

and angle-brackets are a terrible distraction.

   In general light markup is cool because it allows
   cool writing and editing without using html for those
   who can't be bothered.

this is where we agree, yes.

.html is tedium that can be auto-applied after the editing.
(or any midpoint within the process of doing the editing.)

   It's not why I use markdown and
   I don't really care if it's cool or not.
   I don't have a blog that I use a light markup for.
   I don't have a public website that I keep updated
   using a light markup for content. I just
   organize my own personal offline information using it.

interesting.  i don't think that you are the typical use-case,
but i would love to hear exactly how your system works and
how markdown adds value to what sounds like a text-base.

Well, I use headers a lot to separate sections of data. Usually just




which allows me to easily locate the sections in the text. The other 
styles of header do not stand out so much as these and I tend to avoid.

I also use lists a lot for outlining, sometimes up to 3 or 4 deep. 
Mostly unordered but occasionally ordered if making note of a process 
for my reference and listing the steps to take. I also usually ensure 
that they all line up neatly to distinguish the levels clearly (kinda 
ocd maybe).

I add links (which are, naturally, only useful in the rendered version) 
to create a hyperlinked mess out of it all, kinda like a mind map.

If I know what I'm looking for I just open the source from a file 
browser (like looking up a favourite recipe or recalling a computer 
admin task process steps), if not I boot up the web browser and peruse 
the rendered version following the links to find what I want.

I also cut and paste a lot, for which markdown is passable - there is 
always some cleanup required if it's to be rendered ok. Lists copy fine, 
songs and poetry not so much.

It's a hybrid text-based hyperlinked-based mind dump system. I also can 
add references to online info and images as required (for instance 
sample weld symbols for drawings - I have a lot of reference material in 
this for my job). They of course, like the links, work better in the 
rendered version. It works for me, probably not for anyone else. And I 
have found that 

Re: markdown conversions

2011-06-25 Thread Seumas Mac Uilleachan

On 06/25/2011 03:10 PM, wrote:

richard said:
   This seems like a bad idea to me.

it still seems like a great idea to me, richard...  ;+)

Well, it was your idea :b

(i'm responding just for the sake of discussion,
not because i consider any of this to be vital.
so understand that this is all very lighthearted.)

Same reason I'm responding

   in the mission of Markdown

i was talking about my own system,
which doesn't give a stinky fart about
the mission of markdown, thank you.  :+)

   that the content comes first and
   it should never be dictated or
   impacted by the markup.

except the markup is the whole purpose of markdown.

how can the purpose and the mission be inconsistent?

(that's a rhetorical question.  just for the discussion.)
Umm, no. The purpose of markdown is intuitive markup that does not get 
in the way when you write but still allows simple html elements to be 
added to enhance the text. If we were only worried about markup we'd 
just use html, or maybe restuctured text, or (if truly masochistic) 
docbook. Or wikitext with '5 single quotes all over the place'

   Requiring unique headers is much more intrusive
   than somewhat ugly markup.

maybe, but the unique headers allow anyone at all
-- even someone looking at a printout -- to know
what the unique i.d. for a given header _will_ be...

with certainty.

i think that's worth it.

besides, forcing headers to be unique gives the reader
better navigational aid when they're inside the e-book.
(and remember that e-books are the focus of my work.)
a repeated header just causes confusion about location.
it's better to elaborate on the header so it gets specific.

so, in the long run, this isn't just about links at all...
it's about making a book with a transparent structure.
Which is one of the goals of zml but not markdown. I don't really see an 
advantage to unique headers myself. That's something that can be handled 
as a post-process for generating tables of content or whatever.

   Markdown extra makes a common mistake among
   extensions - it sacrifices readability of the plain text
   to ensure a unique element and simplify parsing.

it's clear that duplicated text in the file just junks it up.
so, in the abstract, i agree...  plus z.m.l.'s readability is
far better than markdown's. 
Personally I got distracted with all the multiple blank lines so I'd 
have to disagree there.

but, again for discussion,
i say readability of the plain text is highly over-rated.

simply because nobody's gonna read the markdown file.

I do all the time, that's why I use markdown. Probably the main reason.

the only reason you added the markdown cruft is so that
the content can be turned into .html.  so read that .html.
why should the reader imagine big bold headers when
s/he can view rendered headers that _are_ big and bold?
Not the ONLY reason, no. It also provides visual clues to the source 
when read. I can easily distinguish headers and lists in the source 
text. If I was only reading the rendered pages I wouldn't be so worried 
about the readability of the source.

the reason light-markup is cool is not better readability,
but better _edit-ability_.  markup of any kind is obtrusive.
and intrusive.  it's an obstacle, one that gums up editing.
put the focus where it belongs -- on editing, not reading.
I agree that too much markup gums up the editing - and especially the 
composing. Less is more. In general light markup is cool because it 
allows cool writing and editing without using html for those who can't 
be bothered. It's not why I use markdown and I don't really care if it's 
cool or not. I don't have a blog that I use a light markup for. I don't 
have a public website that I keep updated using a light markup for 
content. I just organize my own personal offline information using it. 
And in general, except for tables I find vanilla markdown just right.
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: markdown conversions

2011-06-23 Thread Seumas Mac Uilleachan

On 06/23/2011 05:29 PM, wrote:

alan said:
   I think I am in agreement,
   if by isn't necessary you mean to say that
   simply providing more features to Markdown
   doesn't force end users to use them,
   or even really know they exist.

except that wasn't what i meant.

i mean that it's not necessary to trade simplicity
in order to get the power of additional features...

indeed, i believe that -- in the purview of a system
whose chief asset is its simplicity -- that would be
a bad trade.  and, as i've read gruber, so would he;
he is an admirer of the grace apple brings to bear.

   I know I am firmly on the side of this stuff --
   footnotes, DLLs, fenced code, attributes on headers,
   automatic TOC -- is useful, and sensibly implemented
   in the Markdown plain-text spirit, and thus good, myself.

i am all in favor of all of those more-powerful features.

i just don't believe it's necessary to give up _simplicity_
in order to get them.  you might have to sacrifice some
_customizability_, but that's an acceptable trade, for me.

at one point, i was ready to discuss a range of stuff that
could reduce the complexity of markdown variants, but
nobody else seemed interested in having that discussion.
so the moment passed.  and i'm not inclined to do it now.

but, just as one for-instance, markdown extra lets you
assign an i.d. attribute to a header, by adding it like this:
   ## Header 2 ##{#header2}

the extra power that this gives users is undeniable, and
much-needed.  but that convention is just an ugly hack.
it's extra work, and it's error-prone, plus it looks awful.
why wouldn't/shouldn't an i.d. be assigned automatically?

so other variants, such as multimarkdown, do just that.
but, even in its own user-manual, it gets itself confused,
with multiple headers being auto-assigned the same i.d.:


pandoc checks for such duplicates, and appends a suffix
(-1, -2, etc.) to assure that each one has a unique value...
that's an ok solution, except that it makes it difficult to
know what the i.d. is for any specific header because you
have no idea whether it required an appendage, or not...

i myself, with z.m.l., simply require that each header be
unique to begin with, thus avoiding that potential glitch.
and i assign an i.d. to each paragraph, because... why not?

that's how you give the user more power _without_ adding
more complexity.  (or gumming up the file with any crap.)


Fascinating --- I read this list and I see feature requests and 
discussions going nowhere because nobody gets beyond the fact the bdfl 
of markdown has gone awol. Thus the base markdown is Gruber's perl 
markdown implementation. Anything that others add are above and beyond 
the base (even if they fix edge cases). Thus markdown-_extra_ for tables 
and such.

Yet here we are discussing a zen-to-markdown converter and want to know 
which above and beyond version it should adhere to. Sorry but, in 
light of the very real inability of anyone else to take over as bdfl and 
point the way, if you want to convert to markdown you currently need to 
use the base perl markdown as the reference. Otherwise you're converting 
to a superset of markdown.

You could create a converter zml-to-pandoc, or zml-to-multimarkdown, but 
they won't be zml-to-markdown. And really, the choice depends on your 
target audience and what they are going to do with it.
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Data loss issue: Adjacent List Types

2011-06-06 Thread Seumas Mac Uilleachan

On 06/06/11 02:26 PM, Alan Hogan wrote:

Quoth _Lasar:

while I agree that this is technically an issue, I don't think it
is an often seen issue in actual human-written text. Markdown is
plain text formatted by and for humans. I don't think there are
many cases where you would want to put two lists after each other
without an introduction of sorts.
I must of course agree that it is not an exceedingly common case, or a 
terribly sensible decision to make.

That said:

* Consider a student quickly taking notes, or a liveblogger
  publishing quickly. They may not have time to write an intro for
  each list, or realize that they skipped it…
* I personally have experienced this issue, so it does happen.
* Even if a small fraction of users run into this issue — half a
  percent, say — if I am providing a service to two hundred
  thousand of users (and I do), that’s a thousand people affected.

I have also come across this on occasion (certainly enough to be annoyed 
by it). I solve by adding an extra blank line but always after the fact 
as  never remember this when writing.

And on a side note: Gruber notes in the markdown spec that the
actual numbers used in a numbered list are ignored. So data loss
is already occuring here.

Now that is true.


* Existing data loss doesn’t mean we should be okay with more data
* The numbers couldn’t really be always matched in output given
  how HTML works, anyway…
* I personally made a mistake by starting a paragraph with “1999.”
  today, so this too can cause problems. (At least it’s part of
  the Markdown spec though.)
* I am personally disappointed that the `start` attribute (?)
  isn’t used, based off the first number in the list; this would
  also help catch mistakes.

Given that I still struggle to see a downside to making my proposed 
change, I’m really hoping we can achieve a rough consensus here.
The data loss is only the list numbers, NOT the entire ordered list 
structure itself. It is not so much data loss as data replacement. The 
expectation is that no matter what number you use to start your ordered 
list it will when rendered start with 1.

Therefore, mark me as +1 for this as well.

I also remember copy-pasting some info from the web that had a sentence 
starting with 1999. (or similar) as there was a hard return in the line 
before it. It took me ages to figure out where that list was coming from 
in the middle of the paragraph. Eventually found the hard return and 
deleted it.
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Proposed table specification (long!)

2011-05-20 Thread Seumas Mac Uilleachan
I thought the topic was a proposed table specification? Like it says in 
the subject line? Somehow it ALL got off-topic.

On 05/20/2011 04:05 AM, Christian Sciberras wrote:

Yeah, let's all get back on topic, 'coz bowerbird said so.

What was the topic again? Oh, trolling on how everyone want to make 
his own personal markdown spec.

I've nothing to add than that it's their own decision.


On Fri, May 20, 2011 at 9:56 AM, wrote:

i said:
   if anyone wants to get back on-topic, i'm game.

and now i add that if your posts are not on-topic
(i'm looking at you, christian), i am _not_ game...

so don't bother trying to play me.


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Re: An Observation

2011-05-17 Thread Seumas Mac Uilleachan
I was commenting on the Gruber comment, not making a real-world 
observation. I have used a few different implementations and the results 
are consistent except for the edge cases. However, there ARE edge cases 
where results are not consistent with common expectations (typically 
from users who do understand the rules), and are indeed discussed in 
great detail on this list. Most users here would prefer that the 
expectations took precedence. Gruber's comment indicates otherwise.

The compalints about Mr Gruber seem to me to be more along the lines 
of users wanting extra features (like tables, footnotes, etc) or wanting 
edge cases made more consistent, with Mr Gruber being quite content with 
the status quo and not even bothering to comment on the feature requests 
or edge cases. Since he is deemed to be the BDFL of markdown nothing 
therefore changes. Implementers then have the conuntrum of either 
literally following what Gruber's markdown does or following what common 
expecations want. Added features become individual enhancements with no 
central authority. In essence, each implementation becomes a fork of 
markdown. Forks tend to diverge, making interoperability problematic.

Personally, I am quite content with the current feature set of markdown, 
which probably explains why I have a very low posting rate here. I don't 
use tables or footnotes very often so I don't miss them but I can 
understand the need for them.

On 16/05/11 11:16 PM, David Parsons wrote:

On May 16, 2011, at 7:42 PM, Seumas Mac Uilleachan wrote:

On 16/05/11 10:18 PM, Dr. Drang wrote:

A bit of Kremlinology: [...]


A) The rules produce inconsistent results.

In rare edge conditions, yes.  But the operative word here is
*rare*;  if they happened all the time, people would be screaming
much more loudly that they are now (and, really, it seems that a
lot of the complaints about Mr. Gruber not continually futzing with
the language is coming from the obnoxious open source belief that
if people aren't continually tweaking the code it's dead.)

As an implementer, I'm *very* happy that the language has become
stable; this means I get to spend my coding time fixing bugs instead
of chasing the latest I got bored, so I rewrote everything release.
(something I can't say for some of the extensions I try to support,
which have silently morphed since I copied them.)

-david parsons
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Re: Proposed table specification (long!)

2011-05-16 Thread Seumas Mac Uilleachan

On 15/05/11 01:17 PM, wrote:


i'm not sure persistence will do you much good.
nobody seems to have a desire to work together.
which is likely why there are 39 implementations.

Isn't the existence of 39 implementations due to each implementer having 
their own favourite programming/scripting lamguage? And don't most (if 
not all) strive to follow the canonical Gruber perl markdown 
implementation? The inability to work together as you put it is due 
more th the percieved apathy of the originators of markdown in the last 
few years and the lack of an appointed/accepted successor.

an appeal on behalf of readers seems misguided,
since very few people are reading markdown text.

In my case I use markdown for a personal info management system and I 
read the text as often as the rendered html. But then it is my own text 
and I already know how I intended it to be interpreted.

but a more potent case can be made for _re-use_.
the more easily content can be remixed, the better.

for my contender in the light-markup derby --
zen markup language (zml) -- to facilitate re-use,
my goal is that users can round-trip the text...

so if they copy the text out of the .pdf and use it
to create _another_ .pdf, the two will be identical.

likewise, if they copy the text from a web-browser,
it will match the .zml file which created that .html.

or copy the text out of one version (.html or .pdf)
and use it to create the other version, just like that.

i am coming very close in both cases.  it'll certainly
be the case that some global changes will always be
required to restore the original .zml, but if i get it
down to just a few, that will be an accomplishment.


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Re: An Observation

2011-05-16 Thread Seumas Mac Uilleachan

On 16/05/11 10:18 PM, Dr. Drang wrote:

A bit of Kremlinology:

About a month ago, I tweeted that I was still hoping—perhaps in
vain—for some sign from inscrutable Mr. Gruber.!/drdrang/status/56175149489205248

He replied with this!/gruber/status/56399420446609408

Dr. Drang
Markdown-Discuss mailing list


A) The rules produce inconsistent results.

B) That's because you don't understand the rules.

A) But when I apply the rules in certain cases I get nonsensical results.

B) That's because you don't understand how to apply the rules. When you 
become one with the rules there is no inconsistency. When all the world 
knows _emphasis_ as _emphasis_, only then is there **bold**.

Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: What does Markdown do with HTML comments? Recommendation on Markdown file extension?

2011-05-06 Thread Seumas Mac Uilleachan
On 05/06/2011 06:00 PM, Aristotle Pagaltzis wrote:
 * Waylan Limberg [2011-05-05 03:25]:
 However, most projects I'm aware of use '.md' or '.markdown'.
 `.mkd` and `.mkdn` are also popular. I’ve seen `.mdwn` also,
 and I think even `.mdn` though I’m not sure about that one.

I also recall seeing .mdown somewhere. I think the point is that the
extension really shoudn't matter. Use what you want. Let the metadata
take care of the rest. Similar to a #! in shell scripts to specify
language interpreter. Don't matter what the extension is there either.

I have also over the years seen .txt, .text, .doc, .note, .asc, .ascii,
and no extension at all for text files. Also
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Markdown development

2010-03-25 Thread Seumas Mac Uilleachan

On 25/03/10 10:08 AM, Aristotle Pagaltzis wrote:

* Seumas Mac  [2010-03-24 01:30]:

Elastic tabstops would certainly make my pseudo-table much
cleaner. Would make creating such a table a breeze without
requiring special markup. Is this idea actually catching on

Yeah, elastic tabstops solve this problem in a fundamental way.
The problem is they’re a boil-the-ocean solution, they require
support in almost all tools that will touch the document in
question. That’s a very high activation energy barrier… you’ll
need a catalyst to get them adopted, eg. a new OS/platform that
fully supports them from the get-go – essentially you need an
Apple to throw their weight behind it.


like Sony Beta - a better solution that no one will buy into?

Myth. Betamax was inferior to VHS in significant ways, even if
it had an obvious advantage in picture quality and cassette size.
The market decided that people prefer VHS’ mix of good and bad to
Betamax’ mix of good and bad. End of story.

It’s like saying webmail is inferior to desktop mail clients.

Beta was inferior to VHS in market penetration because VHS was licensed 
for free and Beta wasn't. Much like the PC vs Mac early on. In both 
cases the Beta and Mac were technologically superior but cost more.

Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Markdown development

2010-03-24 Thread Seumas Mac Uilleachan

On 24/03/10 01:49 PM, wrote:

sherwood said:
   I don't understand.

what's to understand?  :+)

   Are you saying that MD should recognize elastic tab stops
   in a file and convert that to a html table?

yes, that's what i'm saying, or at least part of it.

   This is certainly a possible route, but given
   the number of editors that don't recognize
   elastic tab stops, this is daunting.

at some point, you have to free yourself from the constraints
that low-quality software imposes on your workflow, yes sir...

but, you know, all it takes is for one brave leader to _lead_,
and a number of non-cowardly followers to _follow_, and
-- before you know it -- a new capability is taken for granted.

   It also means that MD needs to recognize
   at least two ways to do tables -- ets and markup.

well, if you want to keep a horse around in addition to
your new horseless carriage, by all means, feel free... ;+)

   Are you saying that browsers should all be smart enough
   to recognize elastic tab stops?

yes.  every text-editing environment should have the capability.

because -- if you've programmed it, like i have -- you'll know
that it's really not all that difficult to code.  indeed, it's easy...

and although i don't remember this in the work-up on them
(because i conceived them long before that, independently),
this functionality should include a feature that will convert
multiple spaces to a tab character (the easy part) as well as
convert a tab to the correct number of multiple spaces...
(e.g., so the table displays correctly in a monospaced font).
i'd think the default save-format would be multiple-spaces,
just to accommodate the non-tab-aware software out there.

there's nothing magical about this functionality.  it's just
a straightforward implementation of old-fashioned tabs,
with the new wrinkle that the columns are self-adjusting
to the size they need to be.  which is something we could
have reasonably expected our computers to do all along...
(indeed, isn't this capability already in most spreadsheets?)

   While an admirable goal, I won't hold my breath for the day
   that 95% of browsing is done with ETS capable browsers.

i'm not holding my breath for 95% of browsers being _capable_,
in _any_ sense of the word, not as long as we have a microsoft...

but in cost-benefit terms, cost being low, benefits being high,
this particular feature is one that has a good cost-benefit ratio.

all it will take is for somebody out front to just do it...

this is _not_ a betamax/vhs situation.  vhs was good enough.
nobody says our current table functionality is good enough.


You're not really talking tables here though, you're talking 
self-aligning columns of text. That is not the same thing as an html 
table, even though that is what tables are often used for.

Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Markdown development

2010-03-24 Thread Seumas Mac Uilleachan

On 24/03/10 02:20 PM, Sherwood Botsford wrote:
Given the paucity of ETS editors, viewers, enabled browsers  however, 
I'm afraid that I will insist on keeping my horse, at least until 
there is more than two roads in town.  My horse will eat hay.  And who 
knows where the next gas station is.

The bowerbird is half right.  Elastic tab stops are worthy of 
implementing.  But to keep the transition cost minimal the older way 
has to be supported also.

I can see merit in having MD understand elastic tab stops as part of 
it's goal toward minimalist markup.

It certainly would make simple tables easy to do.


Sherwood of Sherwood's Forests

Sherwood Botsford
Sherwood's Forests --
50042 Range Rd 31
Warburg, Alberta T0C 2T0

If I understand the concept correctly, Markdown wouldn't really have to 
know anything about ets. Their implementation would be up to the 
browser-editor-ide-etc. All MD would have to worry about is tabs. If 
there's a tab in the middle of three lines of text, adjust the text 
after each tab to line up. If there's a tab in front of three lines of 
text line up the three lines. If there's two tabs, indent it more. The 
actual lining up is not MD's problem. Currently MD has the tab at the 
beginning of the line stuff. A tab in the middle of a line shouldn't 
affect MD at all, should it?

The actual implementation would depend on whether the font was 
monospaced or proportional, again something MD doesn't care about.

On Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 12:11 PM, david parsons wrote:

In article, wrote:

Content-Type: multipart/alternative;

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

sherwood said:
I don't understand.

what's to understand?   :+)

Are you saying that MD should recognize elastic tab stops
in a file and convert that to a html table?

yes, that's what i'm saying, or at least part of it.

   And this would convert markdown from a general-purpose writers tool
   into some sort of boutique plugin.   I can't really see that this
   would count as an advantage to _anyone_ who currently uses

   -david parsons
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Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Markdown development

2010-03-23 Thread Seumas Mac Uilleachan

On 23/03/10 02:11 AM, Albert Skye wrote:

It depends on what you are trying to do. If you want a simple
multi-column list of corresponding text such as:

Position  Team  P  GD  PTS
1 Man Utd 31 46  67
2 Arsenal  31 40   67
3 Chelsea  29 42  64
4 Tottenham 30 26  55
5 Liverpool   31 19   52
6 Man City28 17   50
7 Aston Villa 29 17   50
8 Everton  30  6   45
9 Birmingham   30 -3   44
10   Fulham   29  0   38
11   Stoke  30 -6   36
12   Sunderland30 -6   34
13   Blackburn  29 -17 34
14   Bolton 31 -20 32
15   Wigan 31 -30 31
16   Wolves30 -24 28
17   West Ham   30 -14 27
18   Burnley   31 -33 24
19   Hull 30 -35 24
20   Portsmouth30 -25 13


FWIW, that's pretty illegible at whatever tab width my MUA uses.



Markdown-Discuss mailing list


FWIW it isn't an html-formatted table. I just copied it from a
football website. It doesn't look very nice in mine either. The
spacings got all messed up in copying but I wasn't going to take the
time to fix it.

It's certainly legible in Georgia.


And another problem is fixed vs variable fonts. I tend to use a
variable font in my MUA (and elsewhere). That makes aligning text
with tabs virtually impossible.

Eventually, the character column will no longer be taken for granted. The 
sooner the better, for me. Syntax for tables (and anything else) which depends 
on fixed-width font formatting seems innately brittle and shorter of life than 
syntax which does not have that dependency.

Elastic tabstops.

Elastic tabstops would certainly make my pseudo-table much cleaner. 
Would make creating such a table a breeze without requiring special 
markup. Is this idea actually catching on or is it like Sony Beta - a 
better solution that no one will buy into?

Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Markdown development

2010-03-22 Thread Seumas Mac Uilleachan

On 21/03/10 08:28 PM, David E. Wheeler wrote:

On Mar 21, 2010, at 11:03 AM, Seumas Mac Uilleachan wrote:


It depends on what you are trying to do. If you want a simple multi-column list 
of corresponding text such as:

Position  Team  P  GD  PTS
1 Man Utd 31 46  67
2 Arsenal  31 40   67
3 Chelsea  29 42  64
4 Tottenham 30 26  55
5 Liverpool   31 19   52
6 Man City28 17   50
7 Aston Villa 29 17   50
8 Everton  30  6   45
9 Birmingham   30 -3   44
10   Fulham   29  0   38
11   Stoke  30 -6   36
12   Sunderland30 -6   34
13   Blackburn  29 -17 34
14   Bolton 31 -20 32
15   Wigan 31 -30 31
16   Wolves30 -24 28
17   West Ham   30 -14 27
18   Burnley   31 -33 24
19   Hull 30 -35 24
20   Portsmouth30 -25 13

FWIW, that's pretty illegible at whatever tab width my MUA uses.



Markdown-Discuss mailing list

FWIW it isn't an html-formatted table. I just copied it from a football 
website. It doesn't look very nice in mine either. The spacings got all 
messed up in copying but I wasn't going to take the time to fix it.

The point was that this is a commonly-used table type that there should 
be some standard mechanism for Markdown to deal with (and make it 
legible). There is such a mechanism in PHP Markdown Extra. There is in 
Multimarkdown (similar but different). There probably are in others as 
well (again similar but different). In vanilla Markdown there's html. 
Html as plain text is pretty illegible, much more so than this quick 
mashup table above.

And another problem is fixed vs variable fonts. I tend to use a variable 
font in my MUA (and elsewhere). That makes aligning text with tabs 
virtually impossible.

Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Markdown development

2010-03-20 Thread Seumas Mac Uilleachan

On 20/03/10 04:02 PM, Aristotle Pagaltzis wrote:

* Lou  [2010-03-20 00:55]:

Markdown's dead? Absurd.

Obviously. That’s why no one said that.

Markdown *development* is dead.

(Straw men are easy to clobber.)


Markdown's huge, and in the form of PHP Markdown Extra is
basically done. Done != dead, done == problem solved.

Fact: the latest Gruber release is a beta.
And has been for how many years now? The original markdown has not 
changed in years. That may be a good thing if it is stable, has no bugs 
or edge cases, does exactly what it advertises every time, etc etc.

But it does not, witness the constant threads on this mailing list about 
edge cases, missing features, etc etc.

Which leads me at least to presume that it is an orphaned software. It 
would certainly not be alone.

I hear constantly about needing Gruber's blessing for any overhaul or 
changes to Markdown. Why? It seems obvious to me that he has lost 
interest in further development. Markdown was developed to meet a 
requirement he had and I guess the current state is good enough for him. 
That is absolutely fine and I have no problem with that. If it isn't 
good enough for everyone else (or at least those who are active on this 
list) then carry on with development, call it MD2.0 or Webtext Lite or 
whatever you like and just run with it.

Fact: the latest official Gruber release is missing features
that Gruber himself uses.

You can argue about whether this means “done” – I see “scratches
my itch so I lost interest” –, but you cannot argue the facts.

Personally I think Markdown is still missing a lot of fit and
polish that could make it much (subtly) nicer still. (Eg. I’m
tired of using `!-- --` lines as a crutch to force consecutive,
separate blockquotes and lists to be recognised as such.)

What it’s not missing is big constructs. (I believe tables and
definition lists can only be done badly, and so should not be
done at all.)
The goal of markdown is readability. There is no such thing as a 
readable html table. I would argue that tables are a useful enough 
feature to include. Whether it is done badly or well is often 
subjective. At the minimum a simple table format would be important to 
me (not requiring spanning cells or complex table layouts). Tables are 
the easiest way to list corresponding values or data that they really 
should be somehow included.

I do like the way PHP Markdown Extra does tables. Unfortunately I don't 
use PHP anymore.


Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: md2html.awk and a question

2009-07-16 Thread Seumas Mac Uilleachan
Hi, if I read your example right, the bullet markup should take priority 
over anything else in that line. So the #h1 ##h2 ###h3 etc should not be 
headers since they are part of a bulleted list. Also the # is not the 
first character of the line.

As for the indented #an h1, should that be a header? I would think not 
myself. If it's indented it's intended to be something else to my thinking.

As for the

- btw, this an h1, not a list item

that is so ambiguous it could be either. I suppose the  and  headers, since they span multiple lines, probably take priority over everything. 

Then again, it may depend on your markdown version (perl, php, python, haskell, 

yy wrote:


I have just subscribed to this list. I will introduce myself: For some
time, I have kept a markdown implementation in awk for personal use,
different from other implementations. Now, I'm in the process of
rewriting it and I'm trying to do it as compatible as possible.

There are many questions I have, I know some test suites and am trying
to pass those tests. When I don't know how to handle a corner case I
use to check with Dingus. I would really appreciate if somebody could
explain me the output of this text:

this paragraph is outside of list blocks

* #this is not a h1
* ##this is not a h2
* ###and this is not a h3
* but the next one is

  #an h1!
  inside a list item, ok, but...

* ###wtf is this?

bad, bad, bad...

- btw, this an h1, not a list item

- but indenting...

that's better

I would also like to know what is the best source for markdown syntax,
any suggestion is welcomed. For example, I see some talk about tables
(older versions of md2html.awk supported tables, and I hope to add
them again). I'm slowly digging in the archives, but a reference would
save me some time. Thanks in advance.

If you are interested, you can have a look at the development process
of md2html.awk and download the last version at


Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Desktop app for viewing Markdown files

2009-02-28 Thread Seumas Mac Uilleachan

Is there anything like that available for other OS'es (Linux, *BSD)?

Tom Humiston wrote:
MarsEdit. It's for writing blog posts. One can enter text in Markdown 
format and see a live preview in another panel, showing how it will 
look in a browser. Even if you don't actually publish to a blog.

From the [vendor's website][1]:

Perfect Previews
Build a template to match your blog, then
let MarsEdit's live preview show you how
your posts will look before you publish them.

Use Your Favorite Editor
Combine the power of MarsEdit with your
favorite editor. Integrates cleanly with
BBEdit, SubEthaEdit, TextMate, or

   Nearly every word I write for Daring
Fireball is published through MarsEdit.
-- John Gruber, Daring Fireball

Tom Humiston
Website Designer  Psychic Healer
Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA


On 26 Feb 2009, at 9:35 AM, Jan Erik Moström wrote:

Is there a file/document browser that render and display Markdown 
files? (for the Mac)


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Re: A Modest Definition List Proposal (David E. Wheeler)

2009-02-25 Thread Seumas Mac Uilleachan

David E. Wheeler wrote:

On Feb 25, 2009, at 6:57 AM, Sherwood Botsford wrote:

One minor change.  You don't need pipes in the horizontal separator 
lines.  E.g:

   id |  name   |  description |  more info

They could be optional; I prefer them.

Tables are critters where formatting is tangled with content.  And
with proportional type, a text only system requires agreement on tab
spacing at minimum to get anything to look right. (I'm not a fan of
monospace, so all these examples are wonky.)

I think you might be using the wrong markup language, then. The use of 
monospace fonts is an expectation for reading Markdown. Really, it's 
the whole point.

Wait, what? Monospace is an expectation?!? I have never used monospace 
in my e-mail programs. Isn't THAT the main expectation of Markdown? That 
it approximates e-mail writing?

I think the only time I actually use monospace fonts is with Alt-F1 (or 

Admittedly it is easier to create legible text documents with lots of 
bullets and tables and definition lists if you are using a monospace 
font but in my experience monospace fonts are generally just harder to 
read. The beauty of markdown is that you can approximate the spacing of 
monospace by varying the whitespace. Or just let it be wonky. (Of 
course what looks beautiful in one proportional font will be wonky in 
another anyway)

Add to this, the need for centering, the need for column spans.

Allignment could be done with your horizontal separators.

|---|  Means use your default alignment. (Same as cell above)
|| Means left alignment.  The  can appear anywhere between 
the |'s

|--| Means right alignment.
|-=| means center alignment.

I dislike these. I have other ideas for alignment, but I need to do 
some more thinking and drafting before I have a proposal to submit.

Column spans could be done by replacing the pipe with an underscore.
|This is a cell that spans two|
columns, and is centred.
|Column 1  |Column 2|

I'm working in a proportional font, so the above example is sure to 
be wonky.

Yes, and basically illegible.

Note that these two ideas are contradictory.

To merge, them (makes reading slightly harder, but writing slightly 

| Default alignment |
| Left Alignment |
| Right Alignment |
|= Centered alignment =|

The alignment tags don't have to be paired, but can be for eye candy 

|| Spans two columns of the stuff below |
|  Column 1 | Column 1 |

IMHO, any formatting should be invisible in Markdown. That is, it 
should be implicit. The use of all these extra characters to show 
alignment and whatnot makes for ugly text-only tables.



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Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: forking

2008-03-15 Thread Seumas Mac Uilleachan

LOL that was actually funny :) (No the number is still 42)

Seriously, it is easy to get up in arms when your creation ends up 
becoming bastardised, whatever the form that may take (for better or for 
worse). To be honest, I have not really seen for myself that 
MultiMarkdown has a whole lot to  offer, but that's just my opinion. Of 
course perl tends to give me a headache  so I really can't be all that 
objective (I really tend to understand PHP better). I really like the 
fundamentals of Markdown, that what you type is basically what you will 
more or less see in a browser viewing the text...

However, if you (JG) are willing to let this beautiful creation of yours 
stagnate, then you should not take offense when others take up the plate 
(however tarnished) and take a couple baby steps forward...

Joseph Lorenzo Hall wrote:

On Sat, Mar 15, 2008 at 7:25 PM, Joseph Lorenzo Hall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

good stuff... gruber's an asshole, as far as I can tell. best, Joe

Damn.  Well, I didn't intend for that to go out to the entire list.  I
apologize, but I also found the recent response to be harsh.  I'll be
more careful with my `To:` lines in the future.  best, Joe
Markdown-Discuss mailing list


Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: on the philosophical aspects of a specification

2008-03-06 Thread Seumas Mac Uilleachan

Aristotle Pagaltzis wrote:

* Michel Fortin [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2008-03-05 05:10]:

A better question is what to do with this:

*hello **dear* boy**

That’s a very good question. Here’s a counterquestion: what does
a human reader see in that text? Based on the visual apperance I
think I would make it translate to this:

emhello strongdear/strong boy/em


See, now that's not at all what I inferred from this case. If we infer 
different meanings here then there are undoubtedly many cases we can't 
even think of that would be inferred differently. How is the spec 
supposed to handle all this? Admittedly we can just go back and make 
changes if the result doesn't match our expectations but which was the 
real error in that case? The result or the expectation?

BTW I inferred

emhello strongdear/em boy/strong

which maybe for strict XHTML should be

emhello strongdear/strong/emstrong boy/strong
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: on the philosophical aspects of a specification

2008-03-06 Thread Seumas Mac Uilleachan

Waylan Limberg wrote:

On Thu, Mar 6, 2008 at 9:39 AM, Seumas Mac Uilleachan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Aristotle Pagaltzis wrote:
  * Michel Fortin [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2008-03-05 05:10]:
  A better question is what to do with this:
  *hello **dear* boy**
  That's a very good question. Here's a counterquestion: what does
  a human reader see in that text? Based on the visual apperance I
  think I would make it translate to this:
  emhello strongdear/strong boy/em

Ah, so your assuming the parser should automatically close unclosed
tags much as a browser in quirks mode does. Sure, you and I understand
how that works, but should we expect authors who are unfamiliar with
html to get that? I doubt it. I also suspect that it's those same
authors that will most likely purposely write a document containing
text formatted like that. I agree with Seumas that such people would


 emhello strongdear/em boy/strong

Yeah, we could give them output that displays as they expect and fix
it under the hood by doing:


 emhello strongdear/strong/emstrong boy/strong

But, the output **I** would expect is one of:

emhello /ememdear/em boy**

emhello **dear/em boy**

*hello strongdear* boy/strong

Yeah, I think we should force authors to close any tags they open. If
they don't, then the text is assumed to be literal, not markup. Maybe
that's too restrictive for some peoples taste. But that's what I see
when I look at that text. In my mind I keep going back and forth
between the three and can never decide which the author intended.
Finally, I cringe as I realize they probably intended what Seumas

If we want to throw valid markup to the wind, then sure, Seumans first
suggestion (and how currently works) is the answer.
Otherwise, any one of my suggestions could be the anwser. This tells
the author (who hopefully is previewing anyway) that they have an
error in their markup and need to make a change. With Aristotle's
suggested output, those unfamiliar with html will, IMO, not be able to
easily discern why the output doesn't match their expectations.
However, by leaving some of the markup literal, they have some clues
to work with.

To me, that is an important factor that seems to be ignored by some
here. Sometimes, IMO, the best thing to do is to pass the markup
through as literal text and give the author a clue that his formatting
is unclear!

Many users (especially where markdown is being used as a plugin for a 
blogsite etc) will not even be aware of valid/invalid markup and closing 
tags properly or not. Turning *hello **dear* boy** into

emhello strongdear/strong boy/em
makes assumptions about the trailing asterisks and errors in formatting 
that are possibly different from the user's intent (like mixing up ** 
and * to close the tags), and implies an error-checking mechanism built 
into markdown to catch such cases.

Maybe what is needed is some kind of syntax checker to run the source 
through to point out to users where there are errors and/or confusing 
markup. This could be a separate function from markdown itself, like 
markdown-lint, or a separate output option of markdown. A separate 
function would keep the markdown parser smaller. A syntax checker would 
also help users identify what the problem is when they get unexpected 

Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: on the philosophical aspects of a specification

2008-03-05 Thread Seumas Mac Uilleachan

Michel Fortin wrote:

Le 2008-03-04 à 21:47, Seumas Mac Uilleachan a écrit :

david parsons wrote:

  And how about _cut here_ ?

This is a problem. Anything more than 4 _ per side does not render 
but with 4 it does (in PHP) if you have cut here are you 
expecting it to be converted to emstrongemcut 
here/em/strong/em ?

Well, that's already much better than what you get from 
:-) But I agree it could still benefit from some improvement.


And speaking of ambiguous

* List
* List
* List
 * List
*  List
*   List
*  List
 * List

Yeah, the list implementation in and PHP Markdown doesn't 
follow the at all the little of a spec we have now. I've been thinking 
about rewriting the list parser in PHP Markdown, but I'm wondering 
what to do to not suddenly change a myriad of documents which may 
depends on some part of this behaviour, such as:

* item
  * subitem
  * subitem
* item
  * subitem

(Here, no item is indented by four space, should this be a flat list?)
We have to decide what the intent is - if indents are two spaces or more 
that indicates sublists, where one space indicates a mistake in typing? 
What if the mistake results in your sublist item becoming an upper list 
item (space one instead of two)? Lists in general need to be more 
precisely defined. I for one would like to see the ability for arbitrary 
starting points in numbered lists added. Then again, how many existing 
documents will that break?

I know people have written lists like the above in their document. 
They did it because it produce what they expect in their Markdown 
implementation, because the thing is readable and make sense, and 
because didn't bother to read the spec.

What was the intent here? I would suggest more like

  * List
  * List
  * List
o List
  * List
  * List
  * List  o List

Since only the 4th and 8th are indented 4 spaces.

Eh, I don't see a four space indent anywhere in your example. But, 
assuming your output got screwed up while editing and that the last 
list element belongs on a separate line, I agree with you that it's 
probably the best possible output to represent the author's intent.

Um, looks like first space got chopped off all the lines. Indents were 
3,2,3,4,3,2,3,4. I was trying to show what happens if you aren't exactly 
precise on your spacing. I personally always start my lists with zero 
spaces when typing but when cutting and pasting lists I can end up with 
1,2,3, as much as six spaces in front (obviously with six I do need to 
revise but otherwise I just leave as is). If someone habitually uses two 
but at one point mistakenly types one or three instead - the intent was 
two but how should Markdown handle that? Currently (which is strange) 
the first line in my example has three spaces and is a first level list. 
The next line has only two but becomes a **second level** list.

Michel Fortin

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Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: on the philosophical aspects of a specification

2008-03-04 Thread Seumas Mac Uilleachan

david parsons wrote:

Seumas Mac Uilleachan wrote:

david parsons wrote:

In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], wrote:


however, implementers can reach agreement easily,
by leaving users out in the cold, brushing them off
with a you will need to follow the spec which seems
-- if i understand markdown's cornerstone correctly --
to be outside gruber's comfort range for his creation...


If a user says I want paragraphs to start with an explicit
paragraph symbol and all newlines to force a br/ , I *will* brush
them off with a you will need to follow the spec because that's not
how Markdown works.I can't imagine any other way to actually write
the language.

[...] What we care about is that the original intent of our written 
source is maintained.

   I'm not surprised when

1986.  What a great season.

   generates a list item, because the existing spec tells me that

   ``[...]a _number-period-space_ sequence at the beginning of a line[...]''

   will trigger an ordered list.

   But what's the intent of ***hello*, sailor**   ?

The stated spec says text wrapped in one * is emphasis, two ** is strong.

   Should it produce 
1. strongemhello/em, sailor/strong

2. strong*hello*, sailor/strong
3. *stronghello*, sailor/strong
4. ***helloem, sailorstrong
5. ***hello*, sailor**
6. emstronghello/strong/emstrong, sailor/strong
7. emstronghello/em, sailor/strong (which makes baby XML cry) ?
Item 4 only makes sense if the source is taken out of context (a 
snippet), and then how do we know? Items 2-5 all assume some *'s are 
literal which doesn't follow the spec if the text is wrapped. Items 1,6, 
and 7 all render the same in the browser and the choice of which is up 
to the implementation (following the syntax spec).

   How about **Hello, sailor ?
Is this a snippet? if not, then the text is not wrapped and the syntax 
does not apply.

   Is it strongHello, sailor, **Hello, sailor, or em/emHello, sailor?

   And how about _cut here_ ?
This is a problem. Anything more than 4 _ per side does not render but 
with 4 it does (in PHP) if you have cut here are you expecting 
it to be converted to emstrongemcut here/em/strong/em ?

   Formal specifications are written to avoid surprises in the
   implementations;As a user (and there's no way I'd have written an
   implementation if I wasn't a user) of the language I'd like to avoid
   surprises when I go between the markdown documents on my website,
   posts on my weblog, or posts on someone else's wiki and/or weblog.
I did not say that a formal spec was a bad idea. A formal **syntax** 
specification that is clear and unambiguous is where we need to start, 
without losing sight of the great usability that Markdown has right now. 
The biggest problem is that the syntax is ambiguous. The biggest 
strength is that the syntax is flexible (0,1,2 or three spaces at the 
start of a list).

And speaking of ambiguous

 * List
* List
 * List
  * List
 *  List
*   List
 *  List
  * List

converts to:








which shows up as:

   * List
 o List
   * List
 o List
   * List
 o List
   * List
 o List

What was the intent here? I would suggest more like

   * List
   * List
   * List
 o List
   * List
   * List
   * List 
 o List

Since only the 4th and 8th are indented 4 spaces.
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: spaces and newlines before list markers (was: evolving the spec)

2008-03-02 Thread Seumas Mac Uilleachan

Joseph Lorenzo Hall wrote:

Sounds like there are quite a few people who write intuitively by
placing a space or two before a list marker.  Next question: what if
we only allowed a fixed number of whitespaces before a list marker?
For example, what if the spec said 0-1 whitespace characters before a
list marker?

Is that too rigid?

This would accommodate those of us that write with a space before a
list marker, but wouldn't capture my edge case (with the 2008.
indented three spaces on a newline). best, Joe

What's needed is a way to distinguish your edge case from the general 
case where it would be a list. Do you use two white spaces to preserve 
the line breaks? Perhaps that could be the trigger in this case - a line 
ending in two white spaces prevents the next line from being formatted 
as a new list.

I just tested this edge case in PHP Markdown Extra and it does the same 
thing (both with and without the two white spaces for newlines).

Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: evolving the spec (was: forking

2008-02-29 Thread Seumas Mac Uilleachan

I wholeheartedly agree. The main attractions of Markdown to me are:

1.  It is easy to read

   I use Markdown for personal info and stuff, then convert and read in 
a browser. But for me it is ALSO important to be able to easily read the 
original source. That is where Markdown excels over the other 
text-to-HTML conversion tools. I have tried other methods (generally 
wiki's) but find their markups generally nonintuitive or hard to read in 
source (especially the use of apostrophe 'ugh')

2.  It is fault-tolerant

   The rules are loose enough that if I don't use the exact number of 
spaces I still get what I intended rather than what I actually entered. 
Or if I add a space or two in front of the bullets (often by cutting and 
pasting) it still works. Actually that is a good point too - cutting and 
pasting with Markdown requires less after-the-fact cleanup than the 
other systems I've tried.

We need to keep these point in mind when discussing the future of 
Markdown. I do use PHP Markdown Extra, but ONLY for the tables feature 
('cause HTML tables are tedious and I'm lazy). Other than that I stick 
pretty much to the original and just use HTML if something extra is needed.

Less is more when it comes to Markdown's syntax. Markdown is intended to 
make text writing easier and more legible than is currently possible 
with HTML. The least (and most flexible) syntax rules required for that 
should be the goal.

Waylan Limberg wrote:

With all this discussion about evolving the spec, I think we want to
remember the philosophy behind Markdown to begin with. Go re-read the
Overview[1] of the syntax rules.


As the very first line says:


Markdown is intended to be as easy-to-read and easy-to-write as is feasible.

Personally, some of the holes in the current syntax rules are
actually the features that makes this statement true. As
implementors, we want a strict spec because it's easier to implement,
but that does not always result in easier to read and/or write.

Take the discussion a short time ago on this list regarding whitespace
allowed at the start of a list item. A quick read of the rules would
indicate the the `*` or number should be the first item on that line.
In practice, allows up to 3 spaces at the start of a list
item. While J.G. agreed (IIRC) that that probably is a bug that should
be fixed, we learned through the course of that conversation that a
number of people actually are relying on that bug as a feature,
and in fact, if the bug was fixed, their documents would break.
Admittedly, why those three spaces were allowed to begin with is
beyond me, but when we consider the philosophy behind Markdown, we
realize that it is *easy* for a writer to inadvertently add a space to
the beginning of a line of text, but *hard* for that same writer (or
future editor) to find that space to remove it later. Therefore, as
crazy as is sounds, this bug is a feature when the philosophy is
taken into consideration. My guess is that this is also why J.G.
doesn't give a rip about a spec. A spec doesn't fit his
understanding of the philosophy behind Markdown (which he wrote).

Now, before you all write me off as insane, this is actually why I
think Markdown 2.0 is a good idea. By moving to 2.0, we don't have to
worry about backward compatibility (Markdown 2.0 should not allow
those 3 spaces). There have been various situations (some edge cases,
some not) that are not addressed in the current rules, and AFAIK those
rules have never been updated to address them. A new set of rules
would open the doors for all kinds of possibilities. However, in
writing those rules, I think we need to keep that philosophy at the

For example, many people will propose various additional syntax to
accomplish different things. In general I would be opposed to nearly
every one when considering this excerpt from the current rules:


Markdown is not a replacement for HTML, or even close to it. Its syntax is
very small, corresponding only to a very small subset of HTML tags. The
idea is not to create a syntax that makes it easier to insert HTML tags.
In my opinion, HTML tags are already easy to insert. The idea for
Markdown is to make it easy to read, write, and edit prose.

That's not to say that there are no valid arguments to add additional
syntax, but the arguments for those new rules would need to be very
convincing. After all, that's what attracted me to Markdown in the
first place. I hate editing HTML. Don't get me wrong, I know my way
around an html document, but even standards compliant, well structured
html can start to look like tag-soup the more you stare at it. On the
other hand, I can send a Markdown document to someone that has never
seen html and they **should** be able to read and understand most, if
not all, of the markup immediately. Lets keep it that way!

If you notice, I never suggest that Markdown 

Re: spelling with g?

2008-02-27 Thread Seumas Mac Uilleachan

Yuri Takhteyev wrote:

I am with Waylan on this one. :)

Our approach has been to give the user the choice of three options:
we'll remove HTML-like tags, or escape them, or leave them.  Trying to
sort them into HTML and non-HTML tags would be too error-prone and
limiting (for the reasons Waylan mentioned).

That said, there is no reason why markdown libraries couldn't accept
an explicit list of valid tags as a parameter:

html = markdown.markdown(text, extensions, options,
allowed_tags=['a', 'i', 'b', 'img'])

I suppose we could even set a few constants for you, so you could do
something like:

html = markdown.markdown(text, extensions, options,

In general, perhaps we should think more in terms of what options
markdown libraries should support rather than in terms of what
Markdown does by default.

 - yuri

In a not-exactly-related problem, I have been using a personal wiki to 
manage my personal info. I use PHP Markdown Extra (for the tables) for 
the markup. Part of that info is e-mail addresses. I paste the address 
and then surround with  ...  to make it a link. Unfortunately, if the 
e-mail address is [EMAIL PROTECTED], the link becomes a html hard return 
instead. If I add the mailto: in front then it becomes a link.

Interestingly, if I look at the page source the hard return shows up as 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]. I would think that anything with an @ should be, if 
valid, converted to an e-mail address.

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