Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Hey

2010-11-01 Thread Thomas Krumbein
Hey Drew,

Am 01.11.2010 12:16, schrieb Drew Jensen:
> On Mon, 2010-11-01 at 11:22 +0100, Florian Effenberger wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Drew Jensen wrote on 2010-11-01 11.21:
>>> Where can I find the financial disclosure for the legal entity known as
>>> Deutschland e.V ?
>> why would you need that?
> Well, for a month now you have in reality been collecting donations in
> and spending money in, my name.

Well, I have made in regular intervals a report about foundings and cost
- last one was send Oct, 16, 2010 to the ooofuture list.

I add the content below.

Next report will follow soon (I will make monthly reports in future -
starting november :-) )

So - dont worry, everything is transparent.

Best regards
Thomas Krumbein


Betreff: [ooofuture] missing business concept / first overview figures
Datum: Sat, 16 Oct 2010 12:11:15 +0200
Von: Thomas Krumbein 
Antwort an:

Hey all,

as you know, the OOoDeV temporaly take over the cost and founds for the
upcoming TDF.

So I will give you now a first overview about those figures:

Since Sep, 28 we recieved a lot of small to very small amounts of money
mainly via PayPal - so PayPal charge some fees of each recieved amount.
The sums are:
recieved from Sep, 28 to Sep., 30 :939,76 EUR
recieves form Oct, 01 to Oct, 15  :709,36 EUR
additional recieved via bank account:  201,00 EUR
Founds summery:  1.850,03 EUR

Costs since starting up the Foundation:
Mainly hardware (Server) cost and domain-registration, up to now:
467,07 EUR
Fees for trademark "LibreOffice" and "The Document Foundation":
 1.800,00 EUR
Costs for the layer (not payed jet) appr.
 2.000,- EUR.
Sum costs:   4.267,07 EUR

That means, up to now we do have a deficit of appr. 2.400,- EUR.

OK, what I missed: we got lot of small ammount donations (10 US$, 5 EUR,
20 CAD, ...), but there is no ammount higher then 100 EUR. All donations
we recieved from privat persons - I did not see a company transfer.

We do have a lot of "support statements" on our webside - but those
words did not follow any actions...

Looking forward to set up the foundation it is not done with "nice
words", we need money. We need a typical business-plan, which figure
out, how many money is needed and where we will get it. I haven´t see
anything like this?

Looking forward to the foundation: the foundation will need money - as a
found stock (should be as high as possible) and for "daily work" - so
ervery oranisation has costs during the year - means government fees,
tax, account fees, founding fees, server costs and so on.
This costs could not be covered with those small donations as recieved

So, any idears? Is someone working on this?

best regards


## Marketing deutschsprachiges Projekt
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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Re: Can we put marketing titles under our names?

2010-11-02 Thread Thomas Krumbein

I agree with James, structures should be settle up very soon! And we
should show this - in public!

> My real point is, we cannot afford to stagnate, and cannot take 3-4 months
> to really get the foundation set up, it needs to happen soon, or we will
> fade away.
> We also cannot promote LibreOffice to people if the infrastructure is not in
> place, including the by-laws of the foundation.  

Well, I believe, this is another point, the by-laws of the foundation.
It is not nessassary, that his goes "hand by hand", by-laws of the
foundation will take more time and ( I believe) even more discussion,
but this can be done independent of the structure and a "Fondation
Committee". This should be start working immediatly - and local
homepages should be settle up include all names of people, who are
responsible for local activities.

Best regards

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[libreoffice-marketing] actual figures TDF - end of Oct 2010

2010-11-05 Thread Thomas Krumbein

as you know, the OOoDeV temporaly take over the cost and founds for the
upcoming TDF.

So I will give in monthly intervals a short report about those figures:

Since Sep, 28 we recieved a lot of small to very small amounts of money
mainly via PayPal - so PayPal charge some fees of each recieved amount.
The sums are:
recieved from Sep, 28 to Sep., 30 :939,76 EUR
recieves form Oct, 01 to Oct, 15  :709,36 EUR
recieves from Oct, 16 to Oct, 31  :545,11 EUR
additional recieved via bank account:  231,00 EUR

Founds summery:  2.425,23 EUR

Costs since starting up the Foundation:
Mainly hardware (Server) cost and domain-registration, up to now:
   667,66 EUR
Fees for trademark "LibreOffice" and "The Document Foundation":
 1.800,- EUR
Costs for the layer: 1.092,- EUR

Sum costs:   3.559,66 EUR

That means, up to now we do have a deficit of appr. 1.135,- EUR.

Best regards
Thomas Krumbein

## Marketing deutschsprachiges Projekt
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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Re: actual figures TDF - end of Oct 2010

2010-11-06 Thread Thomas Krumbein
Hey Marc,

Am 05.11.2010 19:35, schrieb Marc Paré:
> Thanks Thomas helping us with the collection and accounting of the 
> TDF/LibO funds. I was just wondering about the deficit. Who or how is 
> the deficit being funded? Do we have an overdraft or are we being 
> supported by any organisation?

Yes, we (the Deutschland e.V. - ) support
the foundation - and we took over all the costs and the legal stuff -
temporaly :-)

Otherwise we will not have any server, trademark or something like this :-)

Best regards

## Marketing deutschsprachiges Projekt
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[libreoffice-marketing] [ooofuture] actual figures TDF - end of Nov 2010

2010-12-02 Thread Thomas Krumbein

as you know, the OOoDeV temporaly take over the cost and founds for the
upcoming TDF.

So I will give in monthly intervals a short report about those figures:

Since Sep, 28 we recieved a lot of small to very small amounts of money
mainly via PayPal - so PayPal charge some fees of each recieved amount.
The sums are:
recieved from Sep, 28 to Sep., 30 :939,76 EUR
recieves form Oct, 01 to Oct, 15  :709,36 EUR
recieves from Oct, 16 to Oct, 31  :545,11 EUR
recieves fro, Nov, 01 to Nov, 30  :  2.172,05 EUR
additional recieved via bank account:  491,00 EUR

Founds summery:  4.857,28 EUR

Costs since starting up the Foundation:
Mainly hardware (Server) cost and domain-registration, up to now:
 1.036,98 EUR
Fees for trademark "LibreOffice" and "The Document Foundation":
 1.800,- EUR
Costs for the layer: 1.092,- EUR

Sum costs:   3.928,98 EUR

That means, up to now we do have a surplus of  928,30 EUR.

Best regards
Thomas Krumbein

## Marketing deutschsprachiges Projekt
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[libreoffice-marketing] actual figures TDF - end of Dec 2010/ Year 2010

2011-01-03 Thread Thomas Krumbein

as you know, the OOoDeV temporaly take over the cost and founds for the
upcoming TDF.

So I will give in monthly intervals a short report about those figures:

Since Sep, 28 we recieved a lot of small to very small amounts of money
mainly via PayPal - so PayPal charge some fees of each recieved amount.
The sums are:
recieved from Sep, 28 to Sep., 30 :939,76 EUR
recieves form Oct, 01 to Oct, 31  :  1.254,47 EUR
recieves from Nov, 01 to Nov, 30  :  2.172,05 EUR
recieves from Dec, 01 to Dec, 31  :966,07 EUR
additional recieved via bank account:  840,31 EUR
(timesummery Sep to Dec 2010)

Founds summery:  6.172,66 EUR

Additional found binded to Foundcapital Foundation:
 1.000,-  EUR

Costs since starting up the Foundation:
Mainly hardware (Server) cost and domain-registration, up to now:
 1.227,56 EUR
Fees for trademark "LibreOffice" and "The Document Foundation":
 1.800,- EUR
Costs for the lawyer:1.092,- EUR

Sum costs:   4.119,56 EUR

That means, up to now we do have a surplus of  2.053,10 EUR
 + 1.000, EUR Found-Startcapital

Best regards
Thomas Krumbein

## Marketing deutschsprachiges Projekt
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[libreoffice-marketing] branding colors - missmatch

2011-01-16 Thread Thomas Krumbein

I try to create some marketing-material for LibO, unfortunatly I have
some mismatch in colors:

Following the branding guidlines the main color for "Libre" is "Green
1", Hex 18A303, RGB 24 163 3, CMYK 85 0 98 36
When I use the cmyk values (for printing), color seems to be really
"darker" then the LibO Color (as seen in Web).

I am using Adobe CS4 - Illustrator.
When I try to open the svg-logo-file, I got an error.
When I open the png file, I can pick up the color of the "Libre" word:
Hex 25A22D, RGB 37 162 45, CMYK 79,0,100,0

Well, this values are really different!

So, what to do?

Best regards

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[libreoffice-marketing] Lets go public - CeBIT 2011

2011-01-16 Thread Thomas Krumbein

In March (01. to 05.) the CeBIT show will be in Hannover, Germany.
"CeBIT is the digital industry's biggest, most international event" -

We will have a booth there and we (the german community) will exhibit
LibreOffice on three demo-points, so we will have all platforms (Linux,
Windows, Mac OS). The booth is paid by Deutschland e.V.

If someone wants to share - or just visit us - please contact me or
someone else from the german community.

I believe, this is a very good point to go public with LibO. We will
have some marketing-material, which is prepared now, and wie will have a
DVD. So, we just need a final version ;-)
I hope, it will be finished latest first week of Feb - otherwise it is
too late for producing DVDs.

We will produce German marketing material, but it may be a good idea to
have even some english infos. So feel free to spend ideas.

I will publish links to German material here as soon as we will have
first layouts.

At this point I think about some "slogans" for getting startet. I will
share my ideas:

What is really new? Well, we have some nice improvements, but are the
really spectacular? I don`t think so. It is jsut another office-suite
and when we start again with "free", "OfficeSuite", "undependent", "odf"
and all this technical stuff, who really wants to read this?
So, I believe, we have to be emotional. Just for this start. Bring
people to look at us, to try our software.

Let`s go back: What is really new (in comparison to OOo)? I found one
point: the color :-)   From blue to green.

So I created a very easy slogan for a small flyer:

"neu ... grün ... sympatisch"  - this is German, in translation it will
sounds like:  "new ... green ... sympathetic"

In Germany the combination between "green" and "sympathetic" is not
really new, but still positiv used.

So - we will create a postcard flyer - in front just these three word on
a green field, backsides some short information about LibreOffice and an
invitation to visit our booth.

That`s a first idea.

What do you think?

Best regards

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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Lets go public - CeBIT 2011

2011-01-16 Thread Thomas Krumbein

please, don´t missunderstand me. "It´s green" will not be a main
marketing point even not a small one - it is just an "appetizer" -
something to get in discussion to people. It is just a easy visible
point, that has changed - and will just follow the row:
new -- green -- sympathetic  - just to get interest :-)
So, looking at this row, "sympathetic" is, what I want to implement in
peoples mind.
When we attent the CeBIT - we are the same people as we promote OOo last
year - same date, same place, same product, but now it´s called LibO.
So I need something "funny" as an "entry point" - as Anthony wrote - but
I want this "sympathetic" feeling :-)

Here you can see my first Ideas:

Feel free to comment :-)

Best regards

Am 16.01.2011 17:08, schrieb Anthony Papillion:
> Good point Tom,
> I guess I'm still in the "wonder if corporate type in vast office
> buildings will accept it". They won't. But you're right: generating
> interest in the average consumer is important and "it's green" might
> be a good entry point. I'm still not totally sold on "it's green" but
> I can see your point :)
> Anthony
> On 1/16/11, Tom Davies  wrote:
>> Hi :)
>> I think there are many positive things that can be said about LibreOffice.
>> Many
>> of those things are shared with MS Office and OpenOffice, some are only
>> shared
>> by OpenOffice and some are unique to LibreOffice but unlikely to be
>> appreciated
>> by mainstream and particularly by corporate types in their vast office
>> buildings.
>> Saying "it's green" does show that it's a bit different.  It's a humorous
>> statement that might lead to people asking what else is good about it?  How
>> else
>> is it different?  What else is good about it?  Can i change the colour to
>> something else?
>> Also, unlike another suggestion that people often make in here  it does not
>> seem
>> likely to create blockers/barriers for other markets.
>> Regards from
>> Tom :)
>> From: Anthony Papillion 
>> To:
>> Sent: Sun, 16 January, 2011 15:48:56
>> Subject: Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Lets go public - CeBIT 2011
>> I just wanted to send a huge "WhooHoo" to everyone who's done such
>> hard work to bring LibO to market and CeBIT is going to be another
>> huge step in the right direction. Due to illness, I've not bee n able
>> to participate as I would have liked (that will change soon - getting
>> better every day), but the team has been amazing.
>> One thing I'm concerned about though is the green thing. As Thomas
>> said in his email below, there's nothing technically spectacular that
>> sets LibO apart from OOo yet and I believe that could be a problem.
>> Don't get me wrong, I think the separation itself is a technical
>> achievement as it will allow some amazing opportunities in the future,
>> but right now, admittedly, nothing is spectacular.
>> I'm a bit concerned about pushing the "it's green" aspect. I mean, so
>> what? I don't think people care what their office suite looks like
>> aside from being usably well designed and how that impacts UI design.
>> Saying "it's green" doesn't impact the user experience, doesn't affect
>> their work flow, doesn't make using thing easier. It's a ho-hum "we're
>> kinda reaching" kind of statement.
>> Now I know some of you are thinking "Look what Microsoft did with the
>> damn ribbon" and that's true. the ribbon *isnt* a technical
>> achievement but rather an asthetic one. But Microsoft's own UI studies
>> show that the organization of the ribbon makes workflow a bit easier
>> in addition to some aesthetic niceness. So really they aren't just
>> saying "it looks good" but focusing on how it can help you work
>> better.
>> Shouldn't usability be the focus of LibO marketing; how it makes the
>> user life easier and faster? I fear that focusing on the colour aspect
>> really is the wrong thing to focus on. If there are no technical
>> achievements, what about focusing on the freedom and "what's to come"
>> because of that freedom?

Re: [libreoffice-marketing] branding colors - missmatch

2011-01-16 Thread Thomas Krumbein
Hey Christoph,

Am 16.01.2011 19:13, schrieb Christoph Noack:
>> Following the branding guidlines the main color for "Libre" is "Green
>> 1", Hex 18A303, RGB 24 163 3, CMYK 85 0 98 36
>> When I use the cmyk values (for printing), color seems to be really
>> "darker" then the LibO Color (as seen in Web).
> Hhm, when I made up the values, I relied on what Inkscape provides - no
> there is no color space specific calculation of the CMYK values (to be
> honest, it is a very simple transformation).

The calculations between RGB and CMYK is ok, it is the same as in CS.

But the ground-Color are really different. See example here:

Well, Inkscape is unfortunatly not a referenz-programm for printing
(real printing, not "Consumer printing" ;-) ) - so it may be not helpful
for color-adjustment.

> Concerning the printing, do you print that on a "consumer grade" printer
> - then I can check as well ...

You cannot check it on "consumer grade" printer ;-)  I didn´t made a
print jet, even I do not have a referenz.

>> I am using Adobe CS4 - Illustrator.
>> When I try to open the svg-logo-file, I got an error.
>> When I open the png file, I can pick up the color of the "Libre" word:
>> Hex 25A22D, RGB 37 162 45, CMYK 79,0,100,0
> Sorry for the inconvenience, did anybody else consider this problem (I
> know that some of you do also use AI). The source can be found here:
>> Well, this values are really different!
> When I "pick" the colors, everything is fine (Hex / RBG value in Gnome).
> Do you use a color calibrated display for that - sometimes that alters
> the color values picked "on" screen?

No, I do not have a real calibrated display, it is "near" calibrated,
but what is the referenz?

There is still another problem. You desided to use a "Vegur"-font as a
standard font. Unfortunatly this font does not have all nessessary
characters (f.e. no "ä", "ü", "ö", "ß") - so it is not possible to use
this font for text.
This was not a very good idea 

> Another question - if I look at the logo, the distances between TDF
> Symbol and LibreOffice text seems to be different. Did you use the
> version from the branding wiki page?

Yes. Or better no. I do have a EPS-Version, I believe it was send from
Bernhard to me some month ago, because I cannot open the svg-file. This
is a inkscape-spezific svg file, adobe is not able to open it
But: Comparing the distance in relation to the png file it is the same.
Have you ever seen your work on a Windows PC? You know, that there is a
differnz between Linux and Windows Pixel-Width?

Best regards

## Marketing deutschsprachiges Projekt
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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] branding colors - missmatch

2011-01-16 Thread Thomas Krumbein
Sorry, wrong link. Should have been:


Am 16.01.2011 20:12, schrieb Thomas Krumbein:
> Hey Christoph,
> Am 16.01.2011 19:13, schrieb Christoph Noack:
> [..]
>>> Following the branding guidlines the main color for "Libre" is "Green
>>> 1", Hex 18A303, RGB 24 163 3, CMYK 85 0 98 36
>>> When I use the cmyk values (for printing), color seems to be really
>>> "darker" then the LibO Color (as seen in Web).
>> Hhm, when I made up the values, I relied on what Inkscape provides - no
>> there is no color space specific calculation of the CMYK values (to be
>> honest, it is a very simple transformation).
> The calculations between RGB and CMYK is ok, it is the same as in CS.
> But the ground-Color are really different. See example here:
> Well, Inkscape is unfortunatly not a referenz-programm for printing
> (real printing, not "Consumer printing" ;-) ) - so it may be not helpful
> for color-adjustment.
>> Concerning the printing, do you print that on a "consumer grade" printer
>> - then I can check as well ...
> You cannot check it on "consumer grade" printer ;-)  I didn´t made a
> print jet, even I do not have a referenz.
>>> I am using Adobe CS4 - Illustrator.
>>> When I try to open the svg-logo-file, I got an error.
>>> When I open the png file, I can pick up the color of the "Libre" word:
>>> Hex 25A22D, RGB 37 162 45, CMYK 79,0,100,0
>> Sorry for the inconvenience, did anybody else consider this problem (I
>> know that some of you do also use AI). The source can be found here:
>>> Well, this values are really different!
>> When I "pick" the colors, everything is fine (Hex / RBG value in Gnome).
>> Do you use a color calibrated display for that - sometimes that alters
>> the color values picked "on" screen?
> No, I do not have a real calibrated display, it is "near" calibrated,
> but what is the referenz?
> There is still another problem. You desided to use a "Vegur"-font as a
> standard font. Unfortunatly this font does not have all nessessary
> characters (f.e. no "ä", "ü", "ö", "ß") - so it is not possible to use
> this font for text.
> This was not a very good idea 
>> Another question - if I look at the logo, the distances between TDF
>> Symbol and LibreOffice text seems to be different. Did you use the
>> version from the branding wiki page?
> Yes. Or better no. I do have a EPS-Version, I believe it was send from
> Bernhard to me some month ago, because I cannot open the svg-file. This
> is a inkscape-spezific svg file, adobe is not able to open it
> But: Comparing the distance in relation to the png file it is the same.
> Have you ever seen your work on a Windows PC? You know, that there is a
> differnz between Linux and Windows Pixel-Width?
> Best regards
> Thomas

## Marketing deutschsprachiges Projekt
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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] branding colors - missmatch

2011-01-26 Thread Thomas Krumbein
Hey folks,

it´s me again - I still do not have an real answer regarding colors.

We now have to do the pinting for CeBIT 2011 - and I like to get an
clear answer from all those people, who have made the color "branding

Unles I do not get an clear answer here, I will decide the colors for
myself - and than I will use CMYK 79, 0, 100, 0.

Again the link for comparing colors:

Best regarsds

Am 16.01.2011 13:46, schrieb Thomas Krumbein:
> Hey,
> I try to create some marketing-material for LibO, unfortunatly I have
> some mismatch in colors:
> Following the branding guidlines the main color for "Libre" is "Green
> 1", Hex 18A303, RGB 24 163 3, CMYK 85 0 98 36
> When I use the cmyk values (for printing), color seems to be really
> "darker" then the LibO Color (as seen in Web).
> I am using Adobe CS4 - Illustrator.
> When I try to open the svg-logo-file, I got an error.
> When I open the png file, I can pick up the color of the "Libre" word:
> Hex 25A22D, RGB 37 162 45, CMYK 79,0,100,0
> Well, this values are really different!
> So, what to do?
> Best regards
> Thomas

## Marketing deutschsprachiges Projekt
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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] branding colors - missmatch

2011-01-26 Thread Thomas Krumbein
Hey Bernhard,

not shure, if you really understood the problem:

It is not the color RGB (24,136,3) - this is the same value in Adobe CS
by opening Logo-File (png, jpg or svg).

But again, RGB is not for printing! Real world uses CMYK Colors.
So, when I change to the RGB Color to CMYK, value is: 79,0,100,0 in
Adobe CS.
Your branding-color table calls CMYK (85,0,98,36), which is real darker
then the RGB color!

You understand the missmatch? I can use your CMYK (85,0,98,36) or I can
use your RGB, which is CMYK (79,0,100,0). Both are different!

My personal opinion: I will use CMYK (79,0,100,0), which appears nearer
to the green in Web :-)

Best regards

Am 27.01.2011 02:09, schrieb Bernhard Dippold:
> Hi Thomas, all,
> CC'ing the design list as I think this topic should be discussed there.
> Thomas Krumbein schrieb:
>> Hey folks,
>> it´s me again - I still do not have an real answer regarding colors.
> Sorry - but as I don't possess Adobe CS4, I can't reproduce your problem.
>> We now have to do the printing for CeBIT 2011 - and I like to get an
>> clear answer from all those people, who have made the color "branding
>> guidelines".
> Christoph Noack is the one who provided these colors - based on some 
> thoughts from the design team.
>> Unles I do not get an clear answer here, I will decide the colors for
>> myself - and than I will use CMYK 79, 0, 100, 0.
> I don't understand what's the problem with the values written on the 
> wiki site. As they will be printed on "real" material, they will look 
> different from their representation on the web.
>> Again the link for comparing colors:
> This file shows really dark green tones - and imported in Inkscape it 
> reads #007c37 for the darker and #1cb24b for the lighter green.
> None of them is #18a303 what it should be.
> I could send you a screenshot (or the SVG file), but I assume that this 
> result is based on several conversions between applications, file 
> formats and color models, so it would probably not help.
> As we can't avoid conversion problems with different applications, we 
> should stay with the color codes as far as possible. Even with the same 
> color codes they will look different when presented on different 
> monitors or printed by different printers.
> (I remember a strange color problem with Adobe conversion to CMYK back 
> in 2006  on the OOo-Art list, where only Illustrator showed different 
> colors or converted to other values while all the other applications 
> showed the same color. Can't search the archive at the moment, but it 
> was related to the Art Style guide we created then - and perhaps a 
> comment made it in the guide too)
> So please use
> HEX 18a303
> RGB (24,136,3)
> CMYK (85,0,98,36)
> some more comments below...
>> Best regarsds
>> Thomas
>> Am 16.01.2011 13:46, schrieb Thomas Krumbein:
>>> Hey,
>>> I try to create some marketing-material for LibO, unfortunatly I have
>>> some mismatch in colors:
>>> Following the branding guidlines the main color for "Libre" is "Green
>>> 1", Hex 18A303, RGB 24 163 3, CMYK 85 0 98 36
>>> When I use the cmyk values (for printing), color seems to be really
>>> "darker" then the LibO Color (as seen in Web).
>>> I am using Adobe CS4 - Illustrator.
>>> When I try to open the svg-logo-file, I got an error.
> I'll send you a file converted to "plain SVG" offlist. Perhaps you can 
> open this one.
>>> When I open the png file, I can pick up the color of the "Libre" word:
>>> Hex 25A22D, RGB 37 162 45, CMYK 79,0,100,0
> I don't know enough about color definition in PNG. But the logo has been 
> exported from Inkscape with the right color, so it might be possible to 
> find out, how the color values are stored.
> Did you have a look at the file with a different application than 
> Illustrator? Does the color differ?
>>> Well, this values are really different!
> Yes indeed.
>>> So, what to do?
> Ii just tried to save a SVG file containing a green rectangle and open 
> it in an editor. It reads:
> style="color:#00;fill:#18a303;fill-opacity:1 ...
> The exported PNG file doesn't show any readable values because it is 
> compressed, I suggest.
> But as well in Inkscape as in GIMP the color stays #18a303. so I don't 
> know if there is a problem with the .png file you got or with the color 
> rendering at yours or somewhere in-between.
> Perhaps the SVG file can be opened...
> Best regards
> Bernhard

## Marketing deutschsprachiges Projekt
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[libreoffice-marketing] actual figures TDF - end of Januar

2011-02-05 Thread Thomas Krumbein

as you know, the OOoDeV temporaly take over the cost and founds for the
upcoming TDF.

So I will give in monthly intervals a short report about those figures:

Sum founds from 2010:2.053,10 EUR
Found-Startcapital:  1.000,00 EUR
Start-capital 2011:  3.053,10 EUR

Since Jan, 01 we recieved a lot of small to very small amounts of money
mainly via PayPal - so PayPal charge some fees of each recieved amount.
The found sums are:
recieved from Jan, 01 to Jan. 31 :   1.059,52 EUR
recieves from Feb, 01 to Feb, 28 :EUR
recieves from Mar, 01 to Mar, 31  :   EUR

Founds summery:  1.059,52 EUR

Costs of the the Foundation 2011:
Mainly hardware (Server) cost and domain-registration:
recieved from Jan, 01 to Jan. 31 : 314,69 EUR
recieves from Feb, 01 to Feb, 28 :EUR
recieves from Mar, 01 to Mar, 31  :   EUR

Fees for trademark "LibreOffice" and "The Document Foundation":
Costs for the lawyer: EUR

Sum costs: 314,69 EUR

That means, up to now we do have a surplus of  744,83 EUR in 2011

All over sum capital 31.01.2011:  3.767,79  EUR

Best regards
Thomas Krumbein

## Marketing deutschsprachiges Projekt
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## Vorstand Deutschland e.V.
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[libreoffice-marketing] short information about marketing material in Germany

2011-02-11 Thread Thomas Krumbein

this is a short information about available marketing-material regarding
LibO, which we realized for upcoming show CeBIT2011 in Hannover:

Die folgenden Marketing-Materialien sind für die CeBIT verfügbar:

First: we will have DVD :-)  They will come in black slimline boxes:

Then we have a printed flyer:

two marketing-cards (postcards):

one sticker:

one call for founds:

one poster (A1):

additional we do have some flags and banners "LibO" and pins (TDF).
Then we will have hats (baseball-caps with LibO Logo) and the t-shirts
form FOSDEM.

So I believe, we will have a nice public appearance :-)

Best regards,

## Marketing deutschsprachiges Projekt
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## Vorstand Deutschland e.V.
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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Re: short information about marketing material in Germany

2011-02-11 Thread Thomas Krumbein
Hey Marc,

Am 11.02.2011 17:07, schrieb Marc Paré:
> Hi Thomas
> I took a closer look at all that you have organised. Looks great! Would 
> you consider sending the marketing group here the source .odt; .odg etc 
> files for us to translate into English? We could also make it available 
> on the LibreOffice Marketing wiki page[1] for other teams to use. 
> Alternatively, are these available on the OOoDev site?

I am sorry. All these files are createt in Adobe Creative Suite 4,
because files where printed.
So, I do not have any OpenDocument source-files.

The orginal Adobe files are really large (around 30 MB per file) and
pictures(fonts) are not included.

It is possible to make them availiable on the LibO Marketing wiki page
if you really want this - but - as I mentioned - we have to export the
hole project per file, this is more than one file!

Best regards

## Marketing deutschsprachiges Projekt
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## Vorstand Deutschland e.V.
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[libreoffice-marketing] Article: Use of Table-Grid Controls in Basic-Dialogs - How To

2013-12-23 Thread Thomas Krumbein

I have published an article about the use of a table-grid control in
(Basic-) Dialogs - for all macro-programmers using basic language.

The "How-To" is in German language but I am shure, interested people can
understand it. Even the example-file (code) ist easy to read and hopful
usable for application programmers.

You will find the article here:

Download example-file at teh end of the article.

Fell free to share it.

Best regards


## Unterstützung der freien Office Suite
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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] USB 'card' draft content for CeBIT

2014-01-23 Thread Thomas Krumbein
Hi Bjoern,

Am 23.01.2014 13:25, schrieb Bjoern Michaelsen:
> Hi,
> About the frontside: Im not a native english speaker, so please find one to
> check the wording. FWIW I think I would drop the "World's" part and would not
> do the germanish looking capitals. 

Capitals was the idea of Marc, so this should be decide from original
speaking people. I do not have any preference.

Only: I would leave "World's" in :)

As for branding, the usual branding
> guidelines apply[1] -- as is they seem good to me, but _if_ e.g. the backside
> would refer to non-TDF products or services in a later print, it would be
> better to drop the "The Document Foundation" subline.

It is still an official USB-Stick and the non-TDF product is only part
of the german stick - TDF do not have a Fan-article shop and frodev is
not so far from TDF (it is still the founder;));)
So to secure same design of international/german sticks leave it as it
is :)



## Unterstützung der freien Office Suite
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[libreoffice-marketing] Need help - native speaker - CeBIT 2014

2014-02-16 Thread Thomas Krumbein
Hey all,

as you might know, we are designing a special event for CeBIT 2014 - we
called it "USB-Tankstelle" in german, which is 1:1 translated like "USB
Filling station".
I am not sure, if this is a real native expression - so please give us
some helping hands:)

What it means: We use a touchscreen where visitors can choose there
favourite programm (Windows, Linux etc) and than push a button to fill
there USB Sticks.

So - what is the real expression in English??

Best regards

## Unterstützung der freien Office Suite
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## Vorstand Freies Office Deutschland e.V.
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