Re: Fallback / Classic Mode

2011-03-21 Thread Dave Neary

Allan Day wrote:
 Brian Cameron wrote:
 I can imagine some situations where a user would want to choose
 'fallback' mode.  For example, when accessing a remote machine via
 XDMCP or Xvnc, users would likely find that 'fallback' GNOME performs
 better - especially if latency is high.  If my home directory is shared
 between the remote and local machine, I might want to use GNOME 3 on my
 local machine, but use fallback GNOME when I log into remote machines.

 I get your point that for the average or typical user, it probably
 does not make sense to expose the fallback/classic mode.  However, there
 will likely always be particular configurations or setups where it makes
 sense for people to use it.  Unless GNOME is evolving to simply just not
 support these sorts of use cases anymore.
 In terms of marketing, I'm not sure it makes sense to be targeting these
 kinds of users right now. In the longer term, it would be useful to see
 wider discussion about GNOME's approach to these kinds of technical

I buy that, but I think it's important that we have a who is GNOME 3
*not* for (yet) which covers audiences for whom GNOME 3 is not
appropriate. And we need to have a story for them - such as we
recommend you stick with GNOME 2.32 for another 6 months, or whatever.


Dave Neary
GNOME Foundation member
marketing-list mailing list

Re: Fallback / Classic Mode

2011-03-21 Thread Dave Neary

Jason D. Clinton wrote:
 On Mon, Mar 21, 2011 at 07:15, Dave Neary wrote:
 I buy that, but I think it's important that we have a who is GNOME 3
 *not* for (yet) which covers audiences for whom GNOME 3 is not
 appropriate. And we need to have a story for them - such as we
 recommend you stick with GNOME 2.32 for another 6 months, or whatever.
 There are no Enterprise distributions due out until at least the GNOME
 3.4 time frame so please let's focus on what we actually need to focus
 on right now: the 3.0 launch.

shrug Not my call - I guess Allan  Sumana, in collaboration with the
board, are fixing priorities for the next 2-3 weeks.

The whole fall-back messaging  in particular the absence of a short
list of places where this is known not to be appropriate seems to me to
be setting us up for an entirely avoidable post-release shit-storm...
but like I said, it's not my call.


Dave Neary
GNOME Foundation member
marketing-list mailing list

Re: Fallback / Classic Mode

2011-03-21 Thread Dave Neary

Jason D. Clinton wrote:
 What does the Board have to do with the Marketing Team? Allan and
 Sumana, as members of the Marketing Team, are certainly good decision
 makers but the Board should not be doing any top-down management and I
 certainly hope that the Board is not putting Allan and Sumana in the
 difficult position of having to choose between what they know is the
 right thing to do and what their contract provider is asking that they
 do. I think that they are both qualified enough to stand on their own
 without being micromanaged. Further, I hope that any such discussions
 are transparent and exclusively on this mailing list.

It appears you're happy telling people what to concentrate on, all I'm
saying is that I'm not. But I bet that this will be an issue, and it's
one we can handle easily with a tiny bit of foresight.

 The whole fall-back messaging  in particular the absence of a short
 list of places where this is known not to be appropriate seems to me to
 be setting us up for an entirely avoidable post-release shit-storm...
 but like I said, it's not my call.
 What do you mean, Not to be appropriate?

GNOME 3 is not appropriate, apparently, over VNC, and over thin clients
(at least, this is what I've taken away from this thread). So we need to
say GNOME 3 won't work well in these situations, and since the GNOME
3 fall-back is not a full-featured GNOME desktop, you might want to
stick with GNOME 2.32 if you're in this situation.

 Fallback will work
 everywhere that GNOME 2.x has worked and any sysadmin crazy enough to
 deploy an enterprise desktop roll-out of a non-Enterprise distribution
 already has the tools they need to force Fallback Mode if they are so
 inclined. I don't see why it's even remotely relevant to the release
 of 3.0.

Do you think no-one will bring this up?


Dave Neary
GNOME Foundation member
marketing-list mailing list

Re: Fallback / Classic Mode

2011-03-22 Thread Dave Neary

Jason D. Clinton wrote:
 On Mon, Mar 21, 2011 at 13:16, Dave Neary wrote:
 It appears you're happy telling people what to concentrate on, all I'm
 saying is that I'm not.
 I would appreciate it if you would avoid ascribing me to certain
 positions that I am not taking.

I shouldn't have reacted provocatively. I took your initial response to
mean don't waste your time on this. Which, obviously, is telling me
what I should spend time on.

 But I bet that this will be an issue, and it's
 one we can handle easily with a tiny bit of foresight.
 There is no issue because we planned for a Fallback Mode in 3.0 from
 the beginning and it is implemented (modulo some bugs that need to be
 squashed before release.)

Surely you can accept that there is an image formed in the mind of
people about GNOME 3, and we need to handle the expectations people have
about the release?

 GNOME 3 is *not* GNOME Shell. I'm disheartened that you are this
 misinformed as a regular reader of this mailing list and a blogger on
 Planet GNOME. Frankly, I don't know what else we could have done to
 better inform you but if you have a suggestion as to how it is that
 you came to be so misguided and what we could have done to reach out
 to you earlier, that would certainly help this marketing process.

Thank you for the lesson. As a misinformed, misguided contributor,
I'm trying hard not to get too upset with your reaction. I hope you will
react differentlyt post-release with misinformed  misguided users  press.

In the minds of a lot of people (press and GNOME hackers, and by proxy,
future users), GNOME 3 is very much the user experience defined by GNOME
Shell. And, while I don't have any data to back this up, I'd bet that
people are expecting GNOME 3 fall-back mode to be more or less
equivalent to GNOME 2.

So since (a) in some situations using GNOME 3 in normal mode (with
GNOME Shell) is not appropriate, and (b) GNOME fall-back does not
provide the same user experience as GNOME 2, we risk disappointing some
people doubly, if we do not prepare ourselves to manage these expectations.

That means, IMHO, figuring out some situations when it's inappropriate
to run GNOME Shell, documenting how to manually switch to fall-back mode
if, for example, your card is detected as being Shell capable, but runs
slowly (I had this experience on one SiS chipset on a netbook), and also
managing people's expectations about GNOME Fallback's feature set.

I hope I've managed to clear up any confusion about my position, and my
interests in holding that position.

The sad thing is that we've spent longer arguing about this than it
would have taken to document the few situations where using Shell is not
appropriate, and making recommendations to users as to what we suggest
they do in these situations.


Dave Neary
GNOME Foundation member
marketing-list mailing list

Re: Next GNOME User Day (31 March) needs 2 more co-hosts

2011-03-23 Thread Dave Neary
Hi Allan,

Allan Day wrote:
 Great! This is how the programme looks at the moment:
 Session 1 (07:00-08:00): Participate in the GNOME 3.0 hackfest
  * Allan, Fred P, Andre
 Session 2 (15:00-16:00): the 3.0 platform
  * Diego and Luis
 Session 3 (20:00-21:00): GNOME Shell Q  A
  * Florian and Marina

Just wondering, did you get a chance to add these to the GNOME community

I took the liberty of adding you to the (long!) list of people who can
add events  other editors while I was at it :)


Dave Neary
GNOME Foundation member
marketing-list mailing list

Re: GNOME: numbers of users, patches/revisions

2011-03-25 Thread Dave Neary

Sumana Harihareswara wrote:
 I'm working on the press release and I'm finding it hard to figure out:
 About how many users can I claim GNOME has?  (To simplify: the desktop,
 not the platform.)

I was previously asked this question  did a back of the envelope
calculation based on guesstimates.

The bottom line was working from Ubuntu's market share  their announced
user numbers, extrapolating across distributions that include GNOME by
default, I got to somewhere in the region of 12 to 15 million users,
back in 2008.

Basically, Canonical announced 8 million users a few years back, and
with Ubuntu market share (guessed from various Linux user surveys, which
is not a random population), that translated into over 12 million GNOME

Somehow I agree with John, calling out our user base is in some sense
setting up market share as the way we keep score, when clearly it isn't.

 GNOME 3 will reach [number] of users around the world.  What's a
 reasonable number to predict?

Ah, now we're getting into whether GNOME apps  platform + Unity = GNOME
3. Touchy subject...

 How many patches/code changes have been committed since the 2.0 release
 9 years ago?  (Tried viewing the repos, can't figure out how to get a
 total like this.)

You can make a list of the modules you're counting, do a git log -M for
each of them, concatenate the results, and then run gitdm on the result.


Dave Neary
GNOME Foundation member
marketing-list mailing list

Re: GNOME: numbers of users, patches/revisions

2011-03-25 Thread Dave Neary


Sumana Harihareswara wrote:
 John: How would you feel about an approximation along the lines of
 hundreds of thousands of users (or whatever a verifiably correct order
 of magnitude is)?

Millions or tens of millions is better. Canonical updated their user
count to 12 million last year:

And Jos recently pointed out that OpenSuse counts between 7 and 8
million users:

So combine OpenSuse's measured numbers and Ubuntu's approximate market
share, and 12 million looks like a serious underestimate - 20 million
would be more accurate, perhaps.

Dave Neary
GNOME Foundation member
marketing-list mailing list

[Fwd: Re: Upcoming t-shirt contest announcement]

2011-04-19 Thread Dave Neary

Would it be possible to get the news of the t-shirt contest published on also, please? Perhaps on the foundation blog and


Dave Neary
GNOME Foundation member
On Thursday 14 April 2011 11:18:24 Chris Kühl wrote:
 I propose we announce this at the beginning of next week as Friday
 ain't a good day for it and I'm assuming we'll be finalizing it today.

contest published today:


Ds-team mailing list

---End Message---
marketing-list mailing list

Re: Some feedback on presentation..

2011-04-27 Thread Dave Neary
Hi Sri,

Sriram Ramkrishna wrote:
 I've written most of the presentation, but I would like some suggestions
 to improve it.  I'll be presenting it at Northwest Linuxfest this Saturday.

Thanks! Keep us posted how it goes.

First impressions are that the content is great, but needs to be more
graphic  less wordy.

I'd spread the whole thing out. Slides 3  4 are too wordy to me, and
could potentially be split over 10 slides:

(Slide #: text: image)
3: 2008 hackfest: photo maybe? for example
4: Design  user experience: Early mock-up(s) from wiki/pencil drawings
ideal - one candidate:
Another source:
5: Release: Screenshot/video from
6: Design principles: Something designy from Google Images (like
Charles de Gaulle airport maybe?
7: Clutter/distraction free: Screenshot of shell
8: Task focussed: Workspace switch screenshot (talk about Hamster
workspace to task feature!)
9: Document centric: Some kind of screenshot to show what this means -
perhaps something from Federico's 2008 GUADEC presentation
10: Revamp platform: No good ideas for an image here. Talk about
API/ABI, GTK+ revamp  GObject introspection, fewer dependencies,
consistent interfaces, etc.

You can then take the audience through a slideshow of screenshots
pointing out key features - I'd point to the revamped control center
too, even though it's still in progress (worth pointing out too).

And finally I'd replace slide 9 with some screenshots of core apps that
are ported to GNOME 3 or have been included as featured apps -
Shotwell, Totem, Rhythmbox, Simple Scan:

This is also the opportunity to explain the revamping of the release sets.

Hope this is the kind of feedback you were hoping for!


Dave Neary
GNOME Foundation member
marketing-list mailing list

Re: Brand Guidelines Update

2011-04-28 Thread Dave Neary
Hi Allan,

Allan Day wrote:
 I wasn't aware that the brand guidelines are official or legal
 documents. They are guidelines. Maybe the foundation should bless them
 with officialdom... I'm not sure what that would achieve though.

It's to do with sucky trademark laws. If you trademark something, you
have to police its use. Branding guidelines outline things that are OK
and not OK to do with your brand. Therefore, they have the potential to
weaken your ability to defend the mark later, thus, legal issue. Thus,
lawyers typically get to look at branding guidelines. Their clients,
however, are free to ignore that advice in the name of effective graphic


Dave Neary
GNOME Foundation member
marketing-list mailing list

Re: Fedora 15 Release

2011-05-06 Thread Dave Neary

Allan Day wrote:
 We need to remind people of what's cool about GNOME 3. Do people have
 ideas for how we should do that? I'm sure we can use our microblogging
 feeds. Could we also produce some new GNOME 3 marketing materials? A
 features leaflet could be nice, for instance.

For a start, I'm sure the Fedora guys would love to highlight GNOME 3
with our help. Re-running  pointing to GNOME 3 materials from Fedora
articles will be a great start.

The best people to contact about Fedora promotion are Robyn Bergeron
(current marketing team lead), and Paul Frields (because he's been
around for so long, he knows all the people involved).

Ensuring that GNOME 3 is presented in a positive light in Fedora release
materials will go a long way.

I agree that a features leaflet would be nice. Which features would you
like to highlight?

 I'm sure there are other things we could do to help users though. What
 about online events such as user days? Any other ideas?

I think the key, given that it's a Fedora release, is to ensure that
we're fitting into the way Fedora does releases.

In addition, something like user days to help educate new GNOME 3 users
who get it through Fedora would be useful.


Dave Neary
GNOME Foundation member
marketing-list mailing list

Desktop Summit t-shirt design contest - closing date coming up!

2011-05-12 Thread Dave Neary
Hi all,

I haven't heard much about the DS t-shirt contest in recent weeks - it's
been open for a while now, and there are only a few days left to get a
design in:

At this point, we have 0 (yes, 0) t-shirt design proposals from GNOME
community members. Overall, we have not got a huge number of proposals,
and the quality really isn't great.

So please please please! Pass on the word, and if you are a talented
artist/designer who knows their curves, consider submitting a t-shirt
design for the desktop summit. All the cool kids will be wearing them!


Dave Neary
GNOME Foundation member
marketing-list mailing list

Re: Q1 report update

2011-05-30 Thread Dave Neary


Please drop GNOME Mobile as a section. It is time to face up to reality 
- it's been 2 years since we talked about GNOME Mobile in any useful 
sense. It is still possible to talk about mobile-related enws  the 
GNOME platform, but it should just be in the GNOME platform section.

It would be good to get a status update from the Igalia guys working on 
the Hildon stuff.


On 05/25/11 11:17, Emily Chen wrote:

Hi all,

The Q1 (Jan - Mar) updates are due and we had a bunch of news over the
last 3 months, with GNOME 3.0 hackfest, GNOME 3.0  release, GNOME Users
Group growing, WOP etc.

Would every section owner like to help and write the update for Q1 at :

We need to have the Q1 report finished by *June 15*, 2011.

Thanks a lot for the help!

Dave Neary
GNOME Foundation member
marketing-list mailing list

Can we document how to do GNOME announcements, please?

2011-06-08 Thread Dave Neary
Hi all,

I've been trying to figure out what the best place for GNOME project
related news  announcements is recently, and it's *really* hard. This
is in the context of announcing deadlines for attendee rates for Desktop
Summit accommodation. We've also had the call for papers, announcement
of the schedule, we have keynote interviews, etc. The DS has been
generating quite a bit of news, and yet, you wouldn't be able to tell
from looking at or

We have:

* No news posted to

* - aggregating personal blogs, definitely not a news site
* - aggregates announcement mailing lists, project blogs
 the foundation blog - also not a news site

* - infrequently updated, more about
foundation news than project news
* - press releases (not really news)

* - monthly, higher editorial standards, no way to
publish something on a day or two's notice

Not on web pages:
* gnome-announce mailing list (aggregated to
* gnome Twitter feed
* Facebook group

Basically, someone not familiar with GNOME comes along  can't find out
our news  announcements, someone inside GNOME wants to make people
withing  around the community aware of something, they have their
personal blog aggregated on Planet as basically the only way to do that.

By way of comparison, The Dot, KDE's news site, rations out the news
over the week so that there's something almost every day, and they have
some more worked articles every week.

They have posted the following Desktop Summit articles so far:

20 May: Desktop Summit team unveils exciting program of talks
19 April: Desktop Summit T-shirt Design Competition
28 February: Desktop Summit CFP and Registration open
6 October: Desktop Summit 2011 to be held from 6 to 12 August in Berlin

On the Desktop Summit site, we have just Desktop Summit schedule
announced and a second article not aggregated on the front page for the
t-shirt competition.

We are getting left behind at this point, for lack of a good forum.

So - after all that doom  gloom, here's what I'd like us to do:

1. Either:
  - Make a Wordpress blog and document who can add
news items to it
  - Turn into something more like lwn, with regular
small updates, and more irregular, polished articles
: and use the one we choose as the GNOME news  announcements site

2. Document who is maintaining the planet aggregator (is
it the same team as Planet GNOME?) - what we could do is move this
aggregator to or something like that, since it
really isn't a news feed, it's an announcements feed.

3. Find out who can post to the foundation blog and potentially use that
as a way to publish news items when appropriate.

4. Add a News link to the front page of which will point to
whatever we figure out in 1.

How does this sound as a plan of action? First, the easy stuff, anyone
know who's maintaining, and who can point to the
foundation blog?  For the harder stuff, what would be involved in
creating a news blog on, and redirecting to point to it? Do we have a wordpress theme we
can use for it?


Dave Neary
GNOME Foundation member
marketing-list mailing list

Re: Can we document how to do GNOME announcements, please?

2011-06-08 Thread Dave Neary

Allan Day wrote:
 Thanks for kicking off this discussion. It's something I've meant to do
 myself at various points in the past (I think I even started writing up
 an analysis at one point...)


 I've been keeping the front page of going as best I can. There
 are some short articles there about the GNOME Foundation elections,
 feature proposals, etc.

Wow! Sorry Allan! I totally missed - it was below
the fold when I checked the front page, and I basically just didn't
think to scroll down. So yes, this would be a good place to do a news
feed - better than, I think.

What's involved in posting news there?

 I have often found myself having to link to emails on when
 advertising announcements made by the release team. This looks terrible.
 GNOME announcements should be GNOME branded and they shouldn't look like
 they are from the 90s.

I agree. In general linking to would be slightly better
than gmane :)

 We really need to get a proper process going for granting posting
 permissions to I started putting this together on the wiki
 [2] and posted to the web hackers list about it [3], but I never got a

I'm not on web-hackers - honestly I wasn't aware it existed.

 That's more or less where we stand right now. If we want to do a more
 fundamental restructuring of our news platforms (which I think we
 should), we should discuss goals and strategy before getting into
 specifics. What are the different groups of people we want to provide
 news for? What kinds of news do they want (and are there any overlaps)?

Sounds good to me. In the short term, I have a couple of news items for which it'd be cool to get up.


Dave Neary
GNOME Foundation member
marketing-list mailing list

Re: Can we document how to do GNOME announcements, please?

2011-06-08 Thread Dave Neary

Vincent Untz wrote:
 Le mercredi 08 juin 2011, à 09:44 -0600, Stormy Peters a écrit :
 On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 3:57 AM, Dave Neary wrote:
 1. Either:
  - Make a Wordpress blog and document who can add
 news items to it
 And remove the other feeds? Or just have a way to publish news too?
 I'd actually simply make redirect to
 and find a better place for the other feeds on the current

Me too. That depends on how official we want to keep,
personally I think aggregating articles about GNOME occasionally is
good, as long as the original content stays around 30% - 50% of the total.


Dave Neary
GNOME Foundation member
marketing-list mailing list

Re: Can we document how to do GNOME announcements, please?

2011-06-09 Thread Dave Neary

Olav Vitters wrote:
 On Wed, Jun 08, 2011 at 06:38:39PM +0200, Vincent Untz wrote:
 I'd actually simply make redirect to
 and find a better place for the other feeds on the current
 What to do about the existing content on Rename it to


Dave Neary
GNOME Foundation member
marketing-list mailing list

Re: Can we document how to do GNOME announcements, please?

2011-06-09 Thread Dave Neary

Olav Vitters wrote:
 So redirect to
 but show existing content?

I don't think it should redirect - it should be: and Aliases for same thing (no R in

Both point to via a link: Follow project
announcements, which will be what we currently have in

 Wouldn't that be a bit confusing?

I don't think so.


Dave Neary
GNOME Foundation member
marketing-list mailing list

Syndicating to

2011-06-22 Thread Dave Neary

Could we get syndicated to straight away,
please? Regardless of other changes we might make, I think this is a
good idea.


Dave Neary
GNOME Foundation member
marketing-list mailing list

Re: Syndicating to

2011-06-22 Thread Dave Neary

Olav Vitters wrote:
 On Wed, Jun 22, 2011 at 11:38:31AM +0200, Dave Neary wrote:
 Weird. The feed title is Comments on: News in Google Reader. ?

I guess that works too. Only contains 5 items (compared to 10 on


Dave Neary
GNOME Foundation member
marketing-list mailing list

[Fwd: Fwd: Tuesday announcement of Desktop Summit sponsors]

2011-07-19 Thread Dave Neary
Hi all,

I'm afraid that I won't have any time to do this.

Is there anyone who can ensure that this announcement gets published on, please?

I'm not convinced it's newsworthy enough, but we should be giving
exposure to our sponsors somehow - any other ideas for publication are


Dave Neary
GNOME Foundation member


Can you please ensure something goes out on the GNOME News site tomorrow from 
the attached announcements? I won't be able to do anything as I'll be on my 
way to Paris :D


--  Forwarded Message  --

Subject: Tuesday announcement of Desktop Summit sponsors
Date: Friday 15 July 2011, 16:27:16
From: Jos Poortvliet
To: Capdevielle@jospoortvliet, JocelynX\, 
Christian Fredrik Kalager Schaller\,,,, ds-, Allan Day, marketing-list, Amie Johnson, Dave Neary

Hi all,

Attached the announcements for the Desktop Summit Sponsorship. As you know, 
Intel, Collabora and SUSE will be the main (Platinum and Gold) sponsors, hence 
we'd like to let you know that these announcements will go out on the Desktop 
Summit press channels on Tuesday, 15:00 UTC.

We'd appreciate it if you would either issue your own or echo these 

Any input or suggestions are of course welcome.

Jos Poortvliet
 The Desktop Summit Team

pWe are pleased to announce that the Desktop Summit 2011 in Berlin will be 
supported by Intel as Platinum sponsor. The event also welcomes Collabora and 
SUSE as Gold partners. The organization is delighted with the community spirit 
of these generous corporate partners. Mirko Boehm, Lead organizer of the 
Desktop Summit, said: emTheir support is essential for the Desktop Summit's 
efforts to bring together Free Software developers from all around the world to 
work in a collaborative spirit on the next generation desktop 

pDawn Foster, MeeGo Community Manager stated: emIntel is happy to sponsor 
the Desktop Summit as a way to support the many projects that we use and 
contribute to on a regular basis. It's important to us to work closely with 
open source projects - and this is one way to do that./em/p

pChristian Schaller, Marketing Manager at Collabora told us: emAt 
Collabora we are excited to support the Desktop Summit as we feel it is one of 
the core events in terms of moving the open source ecosystem forward. A lot of 
open source innovation happens on the desktop first before being widely 
deployed on all kinds of systems and devices. As the leader in the fields of 
multimedia and real time communications Collabora are very much a part of that 
effort. We look forward to meeting up with and engaging with the everyone at 
the Desktop Summit./em/p

pemSUSE is proud to be a Gold Sponsor of the Desktop Summit 2011,/em 
said Michael Miller, vice president of Global Alliances and Marketing at 
SUSE.em ?Cross 
project collaboration is a core value at SUSE and we are committed to wide 
interoperability and open communication. Our support of openSUSE at the Desktop 
Summit demonstrates our continued commitment to a strong Free and Open Source 

pAside from the Platinum and Gold sponsors, we are happy to welcome the 
following Silver sponsors for this event:
liThe Linux Foundation/li
liRed Hat/li

pThe following are our Bronze level sponsors:

pTheir support is greatly appreciated/p

pOur media partners for the Desktop Summit will be and Linux 

pThe organizing team would like to thank our sponsors on behalf of the GNOME 
and KDE communities! We are still looking for more sponsors, please contact us 
if you are interested (details below)./p

h2About the Desktop Summit/h2

pGUADEC (GNOME Users And Developers European Conference) and Akademy (KDE 
annual world summit) are the world's largest gatherings of people involved in 
Free Desktop and mobile user interfaces. Over a thousand participants are 
expected at the Desktop Summit this year, covering both the GNOME and KDE 
projects as well as related technologies. Organizers welcome developers, 
artists, translators, community organizers, users and representatives from 
government, education, businesses. Anyone who shares an interest in a Free 
Desktop is encouraged to participate./p

pGNOME and KDE are Free Software communities that drive the user interfaces 
of many Linux-powered devices--smartphones, laptops, desktops, personal media 
centers. 2011 is the second summit organized collaboratively by the two 

pContact information

Re: draft for Friends of GNOME campaign

2011-11-28 Thread Dave Neary

Hi Karen,

On 11/28/2011 08:04 PM, Karen Sandler wrote:

jjmarin and I are working on this text to promote the FoG campaign we hope
to launch next week. How can we improve it? Also, do you like Make 2012
the year of accessibility for GNOME as a short tagline?

I hate to say it, but I'm not sure if Accessibility as an abstract 
concept will sell.

Do we have some examples of GNOME users whose lives were made measurably 
better because of the a11y work we've done? Show-cases work wonders.

With your help we can start tackling those goals. Let's kickstart 2012 as
the Year of Accessibility at GNOME and make the most usable desktop
environment the most accessible desktop environment!

Do we have any specific improvements (and the reasons why they're 
important - or the people for whom they're important) to point to?


Dave Neary
GNOME Foundation member
marketing-list mailing list

Re: GNOME Press Team: usage of gnome-press-team list

2011-12-07 Thread Dave Neary


On 12/06/2011 09:34 PM, Stormy Peters wrote:

I've never understood the difference between marketing private and press
... I think I'd stick with the press alias over the marketing private
though as it makes more sense for people trying to contact us.

gnome-press-contact is simply an alias for marketing-private - mail to 
the former gets relayed to the latter transparently. marketing-private 
is the real name of the mailing list.

And indeed, we've moved away from doing things like drafting press 
releases in private in recent years, and I think that's fine.

The only thing we need to avoid is a proliferation of unused lists - I 
think we should get rid of one of marketing-private, marketing-list and 
gnome-press-team, and better define the scope of each of them.


Dave Neary
GNOME Foundation member
marketing-list mailing list

Re: marketing mini meeting at FOSDEM

2012-01-07 Thread Dave Neary


I'll be there. If there's no conflict I'm happy to tag along.


On 01/04/2012 11:01 PM, Karen Sandler wrote:

I know that Allan, Emily G. and I are planning to attend FOSDEM. Is anyone
else? I'd love to schedule a time for us to meet up.


Dave Neary
GNOME Foundation member
marketing-list mailing list


2012-01-29 Thread Dave Neary


On 01/29/2012 02:16 AM, Sri Ramkrishna wrote:

I manned the GNOME booth at OSCON for 3 years.  It just seems that the
participants there are not really interested in Linux desktops in
general.  They are all cloud/web apps type of people.

The best booths are the ones that engage people passing by.

I had a few ideas but they may be way out there... could be cool for 
OSCON, though.

1. Croud-source something we need that isn't getting done
 - The classic example was last year, there's a project aiming to 
create audio learning materials to go along with words and images. They 
have English down pretty well, but could use others. I can't remember 
the name, unfortunately... I suggested that they could set up a 
recording booth, and take advantage of the international make-up of the 
audience to get recordings of different languages. It becomes a demo of 
their tools, and an opportunity to get contributions at the same time.

OpenStreetMap does something similar, hosting mapping parties in the 
evening after conferences in places where they have booths.

Do we have something where we could engage the public and get material 
we could use later? Translations? Mallard docs? Something where we can 
show a checklist and see everything going to green as people do the work 
during the conference would be cool!

2. Interactive demo booths
 - Something like a coding competition, where on Day 1, you pair people 
off to write a Shell extension to do the same thing as a bake-off, the 
winners do something else on day 2, and on day 3 you have the final. I 
haven't thought this through fully, but the fact that you can write 
shell extensions in JS should appeal to the web  cloud crowd, no?

3. Some way to follow through
 - My experience of GNOME booths is that we rarely have a call to 
action for after the conference. We don't collect email addresses for a 
newsletter, or ask people to do anything in particular. It'd be nice if 
we used contact with a highly technical audience as an opportunity to 
get some new contributors. What might that be? Signing up Friends of 
GNOME might be a start, but also having some way to sign people up for 
an announce mailing list (not paper  pen! No-one ever types all that in 
again - either a form that stores contact details in a Mailman 
compatible batch subscription format, or a proper connection to the 
announce mailing list, and a follow-up afterwards with a call to engage)

The booth would have to be focused on applications or integration with
cloud, a11y, or online services to get traction IMHO.  A booth for the
sake of just showing a GNOME desktop is not very inspiring or useful.

Web APIs and cloud/online services sounds like a great focus!


Dave Neary
GNOME Foundation member
marketing-list mailing list


2012-02-09 Thread Dave Neary


On 02/09/2012 01:40 PM, Emily Gonyer wrote:

The cloth GNOME 3 banner we had that was held up by tape on
the window kept falling down and I've been trying to think of
alternative ways to do it ever since.

Yes - we should definitely put things like a ball of string, blu-tack 
and strong sellotape into the box.

As I recall it had grommets so
maybe we could throw a couple of suction cups w/ hooks on them in the
box to stick to windows if that should occur again, or at least some
stronger tape (duck/masking/etc).

What's a grommet?

More 'stuff' in
general - both free  to sell would be good - what about different
shirts, hats (winter hats with '' on the
back and a foot logo on the front probably would have sold like mad, for

I had hoped that the posters I brought would have a bigger impact - I 
think they are gorgeous and thought we might be able to have a give-away 
with them - especially since they were quite expensive to print!

What did people think of them? Is printing posters something we should 
look into for future conferences? If we do, we definitely will need to 
take better care of them!


Dave Neary
GNOME Foundation member
marketing-list mailing list

Re: Gnumeric still available?

2012-02-13 Thread Dave Neary


(list only, CCing marketing-list, setting follow-up there)

On 02/13/2012 10:48 AM, Andre Klapper wrote:

On Sun, 2012-02-12 at 16:22 -0800, Steve Talley wrote:

  I just went to your website, and it wasn't clear to me how to
download Gnome, which I did some months ago, and which provided
Gnumeric and many other free applications.

If you go to there is a Find out how to
get GNOME 3 link at the bottom leading to which includes a Distributions

If you would just like to download Gnumeric I would recommend as a start.

This raises an interesting point about the GNOME web page - we don't 
currently provide an easy way to find/find out about GNOME applications 
(hosted on which aren't part of the GNOME desktop, outside of 
the few applications we promote on gives an index, looking through the list, 
some interesting apps we could promote are Abiword, Balsa, Banshee, Déjà 
Dup, Dia, F-Spot, GIMP, Gnumeric, GNU Cash, Hamster (although I think 
this is included in GNOME now?), Inkscape, Nanny, PDF Mod, Planner, 
Rhythmbox, Tasque, X-Chat...

Some of these are not hosted on - Banshee, GIMP, GNU Cash, 
Inkscape, X-Chat all have their own websites, and for good reason. Some 
of them are on Launchpad (Déjà Dup, for example). And several excellent 
GNOME applications (like Shotwell, SimpleScan, Sound Juicer, for 
example) don't get a mention on the progects.g.o page at all.

It'd be nice if we could help these projects with their SEO and get them 
more visibility as the headline GNOME applications - those we know 
make users happy and have great integration and a decent degree of 
functionality and maturity. On that score, I would exclude Dia and 
GNUCash because they haven't kept up with the platform, but the others 
are all excellent GNOME apps.

Perhaps is the place for us to promote these 
applications? How can we do so in a sustainable and SEO-friendly way? We 
already promote some GNOME applications there - including apps like 
Cheese which are included in the desktop but which benefit from people 
knowing what they are.


Dave Neary
GNOME Foundation member
marketing-list mailing list

Re: Fwd: Idea on article on a11y

2012-02-22 Thread Dave Neary

Hi Sri,

It's a risky strategy - from what I can tell our accessibility story has 
regressed since 2.32. Do we have an action plan to get back to where we 
were before? I have been getting the impression that accessibility 
wasn't a top priority for some of the teams driving GNOME 3.

If we really do have a good accessibility story, and legitimate gripes 
with the story, then it sounds like it's worth a shot.


On 02/22/2012 07:36 PM, Sriram Ramkrishna wrote:

I sent this to Karen, and I would like to get a wider feedback on this
course of action.

When dealing with the press there is always a bit of a risk especially
if you're trying to manipulate them :)


-- Forwarded message --
From: *Sriram Ramkrishna*
Date: Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 1:49 PM
Subject: Idea on article on a11y
To: Karen Sandler
Cc: Juanjo Marín

I was talking with Juanjo today and came up with an idea.  I'm wondering
if this is something you would support:

Create a rebuttal article to the article which bemoans the
lack of good a11y.  By stating in fact that we are in fact have great
a11y support thanks to the efforts of the GNOME foundation and
contributors.  We can either make it another article or we
could generate our own or
something.  The idea is to create a conversation of viewpoints.  But
more importantly, to try to attract third party media who love these
kind of controversies.  We get several benefits,'s gets a higher media exposure and as well we do.  We
would hopefully create an effect of having media focus on a11y
technologies in Linux or maybe in general.

Basically, create a meme with some media manipulation.

What do you think?


Dave Neary
GNOME Foundation member
marketing-list mailing list

Re: Fwd: Idea on article on a11y

2012-02-24 Thread Dave Neary


On 02/22/2012 07:36 PM, Sriram Ramkrishna wrote:

When dealing with the press there is always a bit of a risk especially
if you're trying to manipulate them :)

You know this is a publicly archived mailing list, yes? :) Several 
members of the press are members of this list too, you know...

Create a rebuttal article to the article which bemoans the
lack of good a11y.   By stating in fact that we are in fact have great
a11y support thanks to the efforts of the GNOME foundation and

Having read Carla's article, I can't find fault with a single thing she 
says. Juanjo said the exact same thing in this thread. GNOME 3 has 
regressed some from GNOME 2 with the deprecation of Bonobo and Orca 
didn't work well with GNOME 3.0 at all.

So - what exactly is there to rebut? Let's celebrate successes instead 
of trying tactics to gain notoriety (and, since she's exactly right, you 
end up risking a GNOME 3 not accessible article coming right back at 
you that you could spend years trying to overcome).


Dave Neary
GNOME Foundation member
marketing-list mailing list

Re: Annual Report Status?

2012-02-27 Thread Dave Neary

IMHO, it's better not to have homework articles - if a team doesn't have 
anything compelling to write about, they shouldn't be in the report. So I'd 
love to see us come up with a table of contents and each section should have an 
editor or author at this point. 


Emily Gonyer wrote:

Cool, aside from the wiki, does anyone have a list of who's in charge
of/volunteered to do other articles? Are the respective teams working
their sections or should I just do for each of the remaining sections
as I
did with the Accessibility/a11y report?


On Mon, Feb 27, 2012 at 11:49 AM, Christy Eller

 And I'm planning to work on the thank you pants article today!


 On Mon, Feb 27, 2012 at 6:15 AM, Dave Neary wrote:

 Thanks Emily,

 This is a timely reminder that I have to put the Marina interview
 together for the report. I'll get to it this week.


 On 02/25/2012 01:33 PM, Emily Gonyer wrote:

 Hi all! I've been looking over the wiki for the Annual Report and
 wondering how things are going for everyone on their respective
 projects? Does anyone need help with something specific?

 I did a paragraph for each of the 'big international' events listed
 the wiki yesterday
 I'm not sure how much information we were looking for on each of
 if thats it or if we'd like a fuller article. If thats the case
 let me know, and I'll start working on fleshing them out.
Otherwise, I'm
 planning on working on a page re: Outreach Program for Women next.

 Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has
 power and magic in it. -  Goethe

 Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't
 and those who matter don't mind. - Dr.Seuss

 Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that
 counts can be counted. - Albert Einstein

 Dave Neary
 GNOME Foundation member

 marketing-list mailing list

 marketing-list mailing list

Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius,
and magic in it. -  Goethe

Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't
and those who matter don't mind. - Dr.Seuss

Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that
can be counted. - Albert Einstein

Sent from my Android phone with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
marketing-list mailing list

Re: Annual Report Status?

2012-02-28 Thread Dave Neary


On 02/28/2012 10:19 AM, Dave Neary wrote:

What I would like to have is an editor who either (a) asks what's been
happening that's cool, or (b) looks through blog posts and articles and
figures out what would be compelling, and then either ask people to
write something specifically about that, or (as Emily has been doing)
writing something short about it, and asking people to review and edit.

And specifically, around the platform, there aren't many of the 
GTK+/platform developers who are active bloggers. Those that come to 
mind, who might be interested in writing about how easy bindings are 
with GNOME 3's platform, for example are: Johan Dahlin, Danni Madeley 
and Tomeu Vizoso (who have written about it before), and attendees at 
the GObject introspection hackfest:

By the way, to figure out who's blogged about a subject in the past, topic works pretty well. Not ideal, since not 
all GNOME hackers are on Google Blogs Search returns 
more hits, but also many more irrelevant links too.


Dave Neary
marketing-list mailing list

Re: Annual Report Status?

2012-02-28 Thread Dave Neary


On 02/28/2012 03:08 AM, Brian Cameron wrote:

We should consider, though, how we could better harmonize our marketing
efforts to gain sponsors and to better simplify things. I think the
brochures are good, but we benefit more by harmonizing them.

Many advisory board members have told us that they would prefer being
approached just once in the year and asked for a single amount. They
have told us they do not like being approached separately for each
event, as we have tended to do in the past. So do two brochures make

I hope I understand you correctly - are you suggesting that the annual 
report is somehow a brochure we use for sponsor  AB recruitment?

While I think it is useful for that, because it's showing the value of 
the foundation, I don't think that's its primary purpose. I see it as 
our annual magazine, an opportunity to spread news about GNOME far  
wide. I think that adding a donation form targeting individuals might be 
a good idea, but I don't think that mixing advisory board budgets with 
the annual report is appropriate. In fact, advisory board budgeting is 
necessarily very high-touch, hand-holding, and I wouldn't expect a 
brochure to impact that budgeting decision at all. I see the GUADEC 
brochure as being aimed at potential sponsors not on the advisory board, 
or as an infoirmational document for advisory board members.

Also, I'm not sure we're in a position now to have a one-off what's our 
budget next year conversation with most advisory board members. That's 
a conversation to have in August and September, when the annual budget 
is being finalised, not in March. So the GUADEC brochure may well end up 
being a useful tool for advisory board members too.


Dave Neary
GNOME Foundation member
marketing-list mailing list

Re: GNOME News - Progress and Plans

2012-03-01 Thread Dave Neary


On 03/01/2012 11:26 AM, Allan Day wrote:


Thanks for the update! Looks like things are coming along nicely. Any 
feedback from the Journal authors  editors? Are they involved in the 
news rework at this point?

To be an effective news site, we will need to be very selective about 
the content we agrgegate - I don't want, for example, an announce 
mailing list RSS stream sent straight to the site - and see half of the 
front page with fixed-width font that doesn't fit with the rest of the 
site. And we definitely need editorial control on what gets promoted 
to/included on the main news site to keep people coming back.

However, there are some outstanding questions that still need answering:

* Should we have a comments system on the new site?

Yes, definitely.

* Where should official announcements, such as press releases, be
made? Do they have to be hosted on in order to look
official, or could they go on, for example?

I'd keep proper press releases somewhere else - the news site 
shouldn't just be a regurgitated press release, it should be a less 
formal, potentially more informative, commentary on the press release.

* What does this mean for the role of GNOME Journal, if anything?

I'd like to see this *be* the GNOME Journal. What I'd like to see is 
have people sign up to a newsletter if they want, and have a monthly 
Best of GNOME News newsletter sent out, with links to the original 
articles  top stories of the month.


Dave Neary
GNOME Foundation member
marketing-list mailing list

Re: GNOME News - Progress and Plans

2012-03-01 Thread Dave Neary


On 03/01/2012 02:22 PM, Olav Vitters wrote:

On Thu, Mar 01, 2012 at 10:26:03AM +, Allan Day wrote:

1. Aggregate news feeds just like the current news site does

So all existing feeds would be preserved? Currently it has various
mailing lists as source. The resulting post is not that great, but it is
pretty nice to just be able to send an email announcement and have be updated automatically.

It might be nice for the sender, but as you say, it's not that nice for 
the reader. I would discourage that practice. I'd much prefer that 
interesting announcements get a news article which can point to the 
announce email (like on LWN).


Dave Neary
GNOME Foundation member
marketing-list mailing list

Re: Marketing Meeting next week.

2012-03-16 Thread Dave Neary


On 03/16/2012 06:26 PM, Bryen M Yunashko wrote:

I've been quite happy with the inclusion of a meetbot during IRC
meetings.  It totally automates the minutes, action items, info points
and logging in a way I can't see video conferencing achieve.

Personally I think meetbot minutes can't hold a candle to human 
written/typed minutes. Most meetbot minutes look like this to me:

Meeting started by nick1 at 16:00:46 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary:

* Topic 1 (nick1, 16:05:03)
 *  url (nick2, 16:23:22)
 *  ACTION: Update proposal (nick1, 16:35:19)

* Topic 2 (nick1, 16:38:01)
 * ACTION: Request comments on mailing list (nick2, 16:58:12)

Meeting ended at 16:59:30 UTC (full logs).

Basically useless - and you need to read the full logs to get any 
information. MeetBot automates nothing - it requires someone responsible 
for minutes during the meeting.

Also, meetings that aren't linear, but where someone wants to add 
something at the end of a meeting related to something earlier, are a 
mess in meetbot. Unstacking actions, or changing stuff that is already 
minuted, is really hard. But we do this with written minutes all the time.


Dave Neary
GNOME Foundation member
marketing-list mailing list

Re: 3.4 Press Release

2012-03-20 Thread Dave Neary
Excellent, thanks Eleanor!

When do you think you'll have time for a first draft?


Eleanor Chen wrote:

Please allow me to write a draft.


On Tuesday, March 20, 2012, Allan Day wrote:
 On Thu, Mar 15, 2012 at 09:12:28AM +, Allan Day wrote:
 We should already be making progress with the press release for
 3.4 release. Is anyone willing to take it on?

 Ping. We're going to be in real trouble if someone doesn't get
 with this (we might already be).

 IRC:  aday on
 marketing-list mailing list

It is the time you have spent for your rose that makes your rose so
marketing-list mailing list

Sent from my Android phone with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
marketing-list mailing list

Re: 3.4 press coverage

2012-03-29 Thread Dave Neary


In the past I have used delicious with the tag gnome224 for 2.24 (for 

This approach is easy, and easy to distribute.

Maybe Pinboard would be more appropriate now? In any case, I favour this 
kind of approach - after the release rush we can revisit to sort wheat 
from chaff, or just leave the raw list there for reference, linked from 
the wiki.


On 03/29/2012 11:43 AM, Andre Klapper wrote:

Anybody knows if we have a central place on the wiki where to list press
coverage for the latest and future GNOME releases?
Or does this make no sense?

As a start:


Dave Neary
GNOME Foundation member
marketing-list mailing list

Re: Getting GNOME page on

2012-04-02 Thread Dave Neary

Hi Olav,

On 04/02/2012 03:02 PM, Olav Vitters wrote:

On Mon, Apr 02, 2012 at 01:57:29PM +0100, Allan Day wrote:

GNOME 3. It is also a nice place to illustrate the communities and
values associated with GNOME, of course, and this page can do a bit of
that, but this shouldn't detract from its primary focus. Having a less
prominent secondary list of distros which include GNOME 3, but maybe
aren't as easy to get started with, seems like a good compromise to
me. How we select that list of distros is a little tricky, of course.
(But I do think we should have some criteria for this.)

I want Mageia to be removed from this list the way it is now. You're not
getting GNOME 3 with the stated instructions. As such, I don't want it
in there.

I'm sure that wasn't your intention, but you're coming across as rude  
demanding here. The image of my son shouting I don't want to take a 
bath comes to mind.

There may be good reasons to include or exclude Mageia from the list - 
and I'm sure that we can all work through those reasons without being 
too demanding.


Dave Neary
GNOME Foundation member
marketing-list mailing list

Re: [Fwd: Question about the trademark policy and usage of the GNOME logo]

2012-04-17 Thread Dave Neary


On 04/17/2012 05:43 AM, Karen Sandler wrote:

This says Powered by GNOME and I know that some folks wanted us to shy
away from using terms like that or GNOME Technologies, though I think
it's also necessary to provide ways for folks to say that there are GNOME
components involved in their products to help people understand how useful

Personally I have no issues with Powered by GNOME - the stickers are 
destined to be stuck to a laptop after all, not a GNOME derivative.


Dave Neary
GNOME Foundation member
marketing-list mailing list

Re: [Fwd: Question about the trademark policy and usage of the GNOME logo]

2012-04-17 Thread Dave Neary


On 04/17/2012 06:17 PM, Bryen M Yunashko wrote:

Just out of curiosity, why do some people have issues with powered by
GNOME phrase?

To put it in perspective; I considered that we were missing an 
opportunity by not putting Mint on the list of GNOME distributions - 
Cinnamon is GNOME 3 based, and I thought it would be good to associate 
the GNOME brand with it. Allan, as I recall, believed that doing so 
diluted the brand, since Cinnamon is such a heavily modified GNOME 3 

So not in the context of stickers.


Dave Neary
GNOME Foundation member
marketing-list mailing list

I suck

2012-05-29 Thread Dave Neary

Hi all,

Yes, I suck.

Way back in (so long ago I don't even remember which month) I 
interviewedd Marina about herself, her history in GNOME, her plans for 
WSOP and more. It was a great interview, and she put lots of time and 
effort into answering my questions, we did an IRC follow-up that added 
lots of colour to it, and my plan was to take all that material and do a 
really nice magazine-feature type interview, rather than just QA.

Unfortunately, I never got around to it.

So, to prevent myself from being a road-block to having the interview 
published in the annual report, I will remove myself from the process. 
We have a few options:
* Print the QA which Marina answered in December and January as they 
are (with grammar checks and what not)
* I can hand over QA and IRC logs, and let someone else have a go at 
doing the nice magazine-feature style interview-article.

I believe I have previously sent everything in with a note just in case 
I don't get around to it, but I don't recall to whom I sent the interview.

So - option A or option B? Emily, are you still guiding the Journal 
through its difficult birthing? Would you care to choose for me?

Thanks! And sorry.

Dave Neary
GNOME Foundation member
marketing-list mailing list

Re: I suck

2012-05-30 Thread Dave Neary

Hi Emily,

This was for teh annual report - it went on the ideas page, at least, 
and I claimed it, so I believe it should still be in the annual report plan.

I'll happily forward everything on.


On 05/30/2012 03:21 AM, Emily Gonyer wrote:

Hey Dave,

Before we choose, why don't we go over what you have, and decide which
would be better/more practical at this point. I'd suggest either
publishing what you have on the wiki or putting it in a google doc. Or
you can simply send me what you have - whichever you prefer - and I/we
can sort through it and see what we think would be best. If it ends up
being too much work to do the magazine type feature you imagined for the
annual report, perhaps another option would be to publish it as a
special feature on

GNOME Journal has unfortunately floundered once again - I'm not entirely
sure if it was ever updated to wordpress on gnome's servers, and I've
never received any articles for it from anyone else :( At this point,
I'm not sure a separate journal is practical, and lean more towards
simply publishing material on as it becomes
available, then saving it in an archive by month/yr. Though I am
certainly open to other suggestions.


On Tue, May 29, 2012 at 5:02 PM, Dave Neary wrote:

Hi all,

Yes, I suck.

Way back in (so long ago I don't even remember which month) I
interviewedd Marina about herself, her history in GNOME, her plans
for WSOP and more. It was a great interview, and she put lots of
time and effort into answering my questions, we did an IRC follow-up
that added lots of colour to it, and my plan was to take all that
material and do a really nice magazine-feature type interview,
rather than just QA.

Unfortunately, I never got around to it.

So, to prevent myself from being a road-block to having the
interview published in the annual report, I will remove myself from
the process. We have a few options:
* Print the QA which Marina answered in December and January as
they are (with grammar checks and what not)
* I can hand over QA and IRC logs, and let someone else have a go
at doing the nice magazine-feature style interview-article.

I believe I have previously sent everything in with a note just in
case I don't get around to it, but I don't recall to whom I sent
the interview.

So - option A or option B? Emily, are you still guiding the Journal
through its difficult birthing? Would you care to choose for me?

Thanks! And sorry.

Dave Neary
GNOME Foundation member
marketing-list mailing list

Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius,
power and magic in it. -  Goethe

Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter
and those who matter don't mind. - Dr.Seuss

Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that
counts can be counted. - Albert Einstein

Dave Neary
GNOME Foundation member
marketing-list mailing list

Fwd: Re: Annual report - can I interview you?

2012-05-30 Thread Dave Neary

Hi all,

Email 1 of 3 re Marina interview for the annual report.


 Original Message 
Subject: Re: Annual report - can I interview you?
Date: Fri, 09 Dec 2011 01:06:27 -0500 (EST)
From: Marina Zhurakhinskaya
To: Dave Neary
CC: Juanjo Marin, Emily Gonyer,

Hi Dave,

I wrote a few answers, but will need more time tomorrow. I really like 
to have a chance to think through these answers well. We can then 
shorten them and add in more things from the IRC conversation. How about 
we talk on IRC on Saturday, Sunday, or Monday instead of tomorrow?

Here are my responses to the first 2 questions.

Q. Marina, you've co-ordinated the GNOME Outreach Program for Women for
the past two years. Can you tell us how you got involved in GNOME yourself?

I joined Red Hat six years ago to work on a social networking product 
after seeing a posting from the team's manager on LinkedIn. I had used 
Linux through my college years and at my previous job, but I didn't have 
any experience contributing to free software. In fact, I remember 
puzzling over why there was a choice between two options - GNOME and KDE 
- at the login screen of my Red Hat Enterprise Linux workstation at my 
previous job, and wondering how was I supposed to know which one to pick.

Four years ago my original team was merged into the desktop team and I 
started working on GNOME. With many great GNOME contributors out there, 
it's uncommon for the desktop team to hire someone who is not an 
established contributor, so the fact that I ended up working on GNOME is 
a happy coincidence.

Q. How did you end up co-ordinating the Outreach Program for Women?

In August 2009, I received an e-mail from Diego Escalante Urrelo, on 
behalf of the GNOME Board of Directors, asking me to organize the 
outreach effort. Having just come from the Gran Canaria Desktop Summit, 
it was very evident to me and others how few women there were in the 
GNOME community. There are just 4 women in this[1] GNOME group picture 
of about 160. Two other women are Stormy Peters and Rosanna Yuen, who 
worked for the GNOME Foundation. The third woman is Alia Merali, who 
joined her husband it attending several GUADECs and helped with 
organizing GUADEC in Barcelona in 2006. It was very exciting to me to 
have the mandate and the support of the GNOME Foundation to involve more 
women in the GNOME community.

[1] (we 
can probably find a better picture)

(To complete my answer for this question I'll talk about what we did to 
start out the outreach effort and that there were 15 and 23 women 
respectively at the GNOME women's dinners at GUADEC in the subsequent 


- Original Message -
From: Dave Neary
To: Marina Zhurakhinskaya
Cc: Juanjo Marin, Emily Gonyer,

Sent: Tuesday, December 6, 2011 3:52:11 AM
Subject: Re: Annual report - can I interview you?


On 12/05/2011 07:14 PM, Marina Zhurakhinskaya wrote:

Thanks for making plans to cover mentorship in the annual report! I'll be happy 
to do an interview and help with any materials about mentorship for the report.

How about we start it out as a written QA, and then you can follow up with 
more questions via e-mail or on IRC based on my answers if you'd like? That way 
I'll get a bit more time to think about the answers to the core questions, but then 
we can incorporate questions based on the answers I provide and introduce an 
element of a discussion into the interview. I'm generally around this week and next.

Sure! I was thinking that a half an hour IRC chat which we could edit
afterwards might come across more as a conversation than a QA - but I'd
be happy to send you a few questions to allow you to organise your
thoughts. We can either publish these, or do the conversation format
afterwards, whichever you prefer. Thanks!

Q. Marina, you've co-ordinated the GNOME Outreach Program for Women for
the past two years. Can you tell us how you got involved in GNOME yourself?

Q. How did you end up co-ordinating the Outreach Program for Women?

Q. Has it been easy to convince people to mentor projects? What
proportion of the mentors are male?

Q. Do you think we're doing a good job as mentors in the GNOME
community? What could we be doing better?

Q. What do you think are the main issues that we need to work on as a
community to see more women getting involved in GNOME?

Q. Given the success of the first two editions of the Outreach Program
for Women, do you anticipate the program continuing in future years?

Thanks for your help!


Dave Neary
GNOME Foundation member

marketing-list mailing list

(3/3) Fwd: Re: Annual report - can I interview you?

2012-05-30 Thread Dave Neary

Hi again,

Email 3/3 re interview with Marina for the annual report. This is the 
log of an IRC discussion, plus some follow-on answers from Marina.


 Original Message 
Subject: Re: Annual report - can I interview you?
Date: Sun, 18 Dec 2011 01:10:12 -0500 (EST)
From: Marina Zhurakhinskaya
To: Dave Neary
CC: Juanjo Marin, Emily Gonyer,

Hi Dave et al,

Thanks for conducting a great interview! It was fun :)!

Here are the answers to the questions I skipped over while trying to get 
to some other questions :).


dneary Do you think that there's a need for a mentorship and outreach 
team? You mentioned that you want to get people informally mentoring, 
labelling some bugs easy-fix and committing to helping people fix them.

Formalizing the mentorship and outreach team is a good idea and we have 
already created to steer the effort. At the same 
time, everyone in GNOME should consider informally mentoring newcomers, 
marking bugs that they can help a newcomer fix with the gnome-love 
keyword, signing up for the mailing list, and 
hanging out in the #gnome-love IRC channel.

Recently, we used the list of mentors we already had for the Outreach 
Program for Women to start a more general list of GNOME mentors who are 
willing to informally mentor any newcomer any time throughout the year. 
We encourage everyone to add their projects and themselves to that list!

dneary So is mentorship something that every GNOME developer should be 
doing? Or do you think it's a skill that we need to develop among a team 
of people?

I absolutely think every established GNOME developer should act as a 
mentor. By established GNOME developer, I mean anyone who has Git commit 
rights. People are usually very helpful on IRC when specific questions 
are asked related to the task someone is trying to accomplish, but we 
should also be helpful by directing newcomers in what bug to fix first 
and what resources to read. This is what mentoring is about and anyone 
can do this within the project area they are knowledgeable about.

dneary How about every-day activities? Is there a need to spread the 
load around? Who keeps watch to make sure we're not dropping the pace?

Having many GNOME contributors act as mentors on the every day basis 
will spread the load around. In addition to being able to ask mentors 
from the list on the GNOME Love wiki page for help, newcomers can ask 
for help in being connected to mentors on the 
mailing list and #gnome-love IRC channel. There are people on the 
mailing list and in the channel who ensure that all newcomers know what 
steps to take next.

- Original Message -
From: Dave Neary
To: Marina Zhurakhinskaya
Cc: Juanjo Marin, Emily Gonyer,

Sent: Friday, December 16, 2011 2:20:45 PM
Subject: Re: Annual report - can I interview you?

Hi Marina et al,

Here's a straight transcript of our follow-up IRC chat - I'm hoping to
get time to edit all this into a nice article before flying to Ireland
on Monday, if not, then either someone else CCed might be able to help?
Or it'll have to wait until I get back from holidays.

Thanks for all your time and effort!


dneary So - Hi Marina!
  You mentioned that you joined Red Hat in 2006. Did you find it tricky,
as a woman, to join an Open Source company?
marina Hi Dave!
dneary Hi
marina Not at all. I was in the computer science club since 8th grade,
got a Computer Science degree at MIT, and have been working as a
software engineer since, so I am used to working with mostly men.
Everyone at Red Hat and in the GNOME community has been very
professional, so I didn't run in into any issues.
dneary How about when you joined the GNOME team?
marina GNOME is a very mature and friendly community, so there were no
issues their either. My main challenge has been feeling that I don't
know things that are obvious to other people. For example, upstream
has been a mystery word to me for many years, which I kept trying to
parse out from the context.
dneary Interesting!
  So - what issues did you want to address when running the Women's
Outreach Program?
  Do you know why Diego asked you to lead it?
marina I wanted to reach more women with information about how
exciting and valuable work on GNOME and other free software projects is.
dneary Has it been a good experience running it?
marina We just came from the Gran Canaria Desktop Summit, which took
place in July 2009, and it was evident to me and others how few women
there were in the GNOME community. I could count 4, including myself, on
a group picture of about 160 GNOME attendees. Perhaps Diego and other
people on the board

(2/3) Fwd: Re: Annual report - can I interview you?

2012-05-30 Thread Dave Neary

Hi all,

Email 2 of 3 re Marina interview for annual report.


 Original Message 
Subject: Re: Annual report - can I interview you?
Date: Tue, 13 Dec 2011 01:18:46 -0500 (EST)
From: Marina Zhurakhinskaya
To: Dave Neary
CC: Juanjo Marin, Emily Gonyer,

Hi Dave,

Sorry about being a bit late with these. Let me know what time you would 
like to talk on IRC tomorrow (Tuesday) or any other day. Any time after 
11am EST tomorrow should work for me.


Q. Marina, you've co-ordinated the GNOME Outreach Program for Women for
the past two years. Can you tell us how you got involved in GNOME yourself?

I joined Red Hat six years ago to work on a social networking product 
after seeing a posting from the team's manager on LinkedIn. I had used 
Linux through my college years and at my previous job, but I didn't have 
any experience contributing to free software. In fact, I remember 
puzzling over why there was a choice between two options - GNOME and KDE 
- at the login screen of my Red Hat Enterprise Linux workstation at my 
previous job, and wondering how was I supposed to know which one to pick.

Four years ago my original team was merged into the desktop team and I 
started working on GNOME. With many great GNOME contributors out there, 
it's uncommon for the desktop team to hire someone who is not an 
established contributor, so the fact that I ended up working on GNOME is 
a happy coincidence.

Q. How did you end up co-ordinating the Outreach Program for Women?

In August 2009, I received an e-mail from Diego Escalante Urrelo, on 
behalf of the GNOME Board of Directors, asking me to organize the 
outreach effort. Having just come from the Gran Canaria Desktop Summit, 
it was very evident to me and others how few women there were in the 
GNOME community. There are just 4 women in this[1] GNOME group picture 
of about 160. Two other women are Stormy Peters and Rosanna Yuen, who 
worked for the GNOME Foundation. The third woman is Alia Merali, who 
joined her husband in attending several GUADECs and helped with 
organizing GUADEC in Barcelona in 2006. It was very exciting to me to 
have the mandate and the support of the GNOME Foundation to involve more 
women in the GNOME community.

We started out by doing a round of introductions on the gnome-women-list, putting together a page with mentors who can help women 
start contributing to GNOME, working with the FSF on creating resources 
and recommendations for encouraging women to get involved in free 
software, creating an issue of the GNOME Journal with articles by women, 
discussing the 2006 Women's Summer Outreach Program with its organizers 
Hanna Wallach and Chris Ball, following up with that program's 
participants, and encouraging women to apply for Google Summer of Code 
and connecting them with mentors. When we only ended up having one 
female participant in Google Summer of Code that year, we decided to 
create the dedicated internship opportunities for women.

There were 15 and 23 women respectively at the GNOME women's dinners at 
GUADEC in 2010 and the Desktop Summit in 2011. So the outreach effort 
has definitely worked.


Q. Has it been easy to convince people to mentor projects? What
proportion of the mentors are male?

People who were involved in organizing the program were the original 
mentors and provided the initial participants with a reasonable choice 
of projects to contribute to. We have been encouraging people in the 
GNOME community to sign up as mentors throughout, but seeing the work of 
the initial participants was likely the most effective encouragement 
that got people to add themselves to the list. Because pairing up 
participants with mentors is one of the key components of the program, I 
occasionally had to ask people about mentoring specific projects. They 
were usually happy to help.

For the first round, we started out with 8 projects and 9 mentors, out 
of these 3 were women. For the latest, third round, we had 18 project 
and 27 mentors, with 7 women among them. So about 70% of mentors are 
men, which is expected, since we need the help of everyone in the 
community in mentoring the participants. Two of the women who 
participated in the program as interns, Luciana Fujii Pontello and 
Ekaterina Gerasimova, have now become mentors.

Q. Do you think we're doing a good job as mentors in the GNOME
community? What could we be doing better?

We have a lot of resources for someone who wants to start contributing 
to GNOME and people are generally happy to help, but we need to have 
more people taking an active role in informally mentoring newcomers. 
It'd be great if there were more people hanging out on #gnome-love and 
answering questions there.

It'd also be great if people suggested

Re: (2/3) Fwd: Re: Annual report - can I interview you?

2012-05-30 Thread Dave Neary


If you think so, I'm delighted to concur! I thought that some editing 
and a little narrative would make for a better article, but I'm happy to 
bow to your superior availability ;-)

Thank you!

On 05/30/2012 04:41 PM, Emily Gonyer wrote:

Hi again, honestly, I think it'd be fine in the annual report as a
simple Q  A - theres a ton of great info here already, and aside from
adding more info directly related to the OPW I'm not sure what would be
needed. If its all right with you, I'll work on getting it edited for
grammar/spelling/etc and stuck on the wiki as such in the next day or two.


On Wed, May 30, 2012 at 6:26 AM, Dave Neary wrote:

Hi all,

Email 2 of 3 re Marina interview for annual report.


 Original Message 
Subject: Re: Annual report - can I interview you?
Date: Tue, 13 Dec 2011 01:18:46 -0500 (EST)
From: Marina Zhurakhinskaya
To: Dave Neary
CC: Juanjo Marin, Emily Gonyer,

Hi Dave,

Sorry about being a bit late with these. Let me know what time you
would like to talk on IRC tomorrow (Tuesday) or any other day. Any
time after 11am EST tomorrow should work for me.


Q. Marina, you've co-ordinated the GNOME Outreach Program for Women for
the past two years. Can you tell us how you got involved in GNOME

I joined Red Hat six years ago to work on a social networking
product after seeing a posting from the team's manager on LinkedIn.
I had used Linux through my college years and at my previous job,
but I didn't have any experience contributing to free software. In
fact, I remember puzzling over why there was a choice between two
options - GNOME and KDE - at the login screen of my Red Hat
Enterprise Linux workstation at my previous job, and wondering how
was I supposed to know which one to pick.

Four years ago my original team was merged into the desktop team and
I started working on GNOME. With many great GNOME contributors out
there, it's uncommon for the desktop team to hire someone who is not
an established contributor, so the fact that I ended up working on
GNOME is a happy coincidence.

Q. How did you end up co-ordinating the Outreach Program for Women?

In August 2009, I received an e-mail from Diego Escalante Urrelo, on
behalf of the GNOME Board of Directors, asking me to organize the
outreach effort. Having just come from the Gran Canaria Desktop
Summit, it was very evident to me and others how few women there
were in the GNOME community. There are just 4 women in this[1] GNOME
group picture of about 160. Two other women are Stormy Peters and
Rosanna Yuen, who worked for the GNOME Foundation. The third woman
is Alia Merali, who joined her husband in attending several GUADECs
and helped with organizing GUADEC in Barcelona in 2006. It was very
exciting to me to have the mandate and the support of the GNOME
Foundation to involve more women in the GNOME community.

We started out by doing a round of introductions on the
gnome-women-list, putting together a
page with mentors who can help women start contributing to GNOME,
working with the FSF on creating resources and recommendations for
encouraging women to get involved in free software, creating an
issue of the GNOME Journal with articles by women, discussing the
2006 Women's Summer Outreach Program with its organizers Hanna
Wallach and Chris Ball, following up with that program's
participants, and encouraging women to apply for Google Summer of
Code and connecting them with mentors. When we only ended up having
one female participant in Google Summer of Code that year, we
decided to create the dedicated internship opportunities for women.

There were 15 and 23 women respectively at the GNOME women's dinners
at GUADEC in 2010 and the Desktop Summit in 2011. So the outreach
effort has definitely worked.


Q. Has it been easy to convince people to mentor projects? What
proportion of the mentors are male?

People who were involved in organizing the program were the original
mentors and provided the initial participants with a reasonable
choice of projects to contribute to. We have been encouraging people
in the GNOME community to sign up as mentors throughout, but seeing
the work of the initial participants was likely the most effective
encouragement that got people to add themselves to the list. Because
pairing up


2012-06-04 Thread Dave Neary

Hi Bryen,

On 06/02/2012 11:15 PM, Bryen M Yunashko wrote:

I'll be at SELF, but working the openSUSE booth.  And FYI, KDE will also
have a booth there.   I assumed, wrongly, that GNOME was going to have a
booth there.  :-/

This is, I think, part of the problem. Every conference I've been to has 
had a decent number of GNOME people there manning stands - the OpenSUSE 
stand, the Ubuntu stand, the Fedora stand, the Mozilla stand, the 
Collabora stand... When Sri says that we don't have many people in the 
Sounth West, I may be wrong, but I'm betting he's thinking of corporate 

Somehow, GNOME users  developers self-identify more strongly with other 
groups than with GNOME now. Or at least, it seems that way to me. Is 
that a legacy of having more paid developers, and the unpaid 
contributors not feeling the ownership/authority to represent the brand?

I don't know if my analysis is correct, and if it is, I don't know how 
to help fix it.

All I can say is, there are a *lot* of GNOME people in the South East. 
Especially in North Carolina (there is a Red Hat office in Raleigh). But 
I don't know many of them. I know Ken Van Dine ived in that part of the 
world though - perhaps he knows more people specifically?


PS. In Europe, it is the local chapters who request stand space for 
GNOME - and the GNOME Foundation is often unaware of either the 
conference or the stand. Is it a requirement to be effective that these 
requests come through us centrally? I know I've regretted that we don't 
have regional GNOME groups in the US in the past.

Dave Neary
GNOME Foundation member
marketing-list mailing list

Re: GNOME Commit-Digest

2012-06-04 Thread Dave Neary

Hi Alex,

git log module with the appropriate arguments (date, include diffs, 
etc) will give you all the information you need. Something like gitdm 
will parse and summarise the information for you, but if you want to do 
a week-by-week or month-by-month summary, you'll either need to script 
your git logs, or do some hacking to extract the relevant bits from the 


On 06/04/2012 03:56 PM, alex diavatis wrote:


I was wondering how can extract the commits data from gnome git  similar
the way that does, in order to make
some html5 pies charts, just to compare the development per

I prefer some json or xml so I can take it online at real time.

Thank you!

Dave Neary
GNOME Foundation member
marketing-list mailing list

Re: Interviews please? :)

2012-06-07 Thread Dave Neary


On 06/07/2012 10:14 AM, alex diavatis wrote:

On Thu, Jun 7, 2012 at 10:27 AM, Dave Neary wrote:
Perhaps not the board, but I think the idea of short blog-sized
interviews going out weekly is a great idea. We need a list of
interviewees and volunteer interviewers, and someone watching out
for people we can add to the list/bump to the top as current news

There is no need to complicate things :) We would like to have
interviews with developers from specific projects: gtk/clutter porting
to wayland, mutter/shell, epiphany, boxes, online accounts -as priority.
I asked also BoD because, it would be nice if someone could talk about
the marketing goals of GNOME. But in general yes we want in a weekly
base people from GNOME to talk on public.

It's not - but you still need a list.

gtk/clutter to Wayland: Emmanuele Bassi maybe?
mutter/shell: Owen Taylor, Jon McCann, Jasper St. Pierre, Florian Muellner?
Epiphany: Xan Lopez, Claudio Saavedra
Boxes: Zeeshan Ali
Online accounts: No idea.

BoD (outgoing): Brian Cameron, Emmanuele Bassi, Bastien Nocera, Ryan 
Lortie, Stormy Peters, Shaun McCance, German Poo Caamano

Executive director: Karen Sandler

I'm afraid not! That list was put together originally in 2006,
partially updated in 2008, and as Juanjo said, he updated details on
1 or 2 deployments this year. But we're lacking a good way to find
out about reference deployments of GNOME because a lot of them are
Red Hat Enterprise deployments or Suse Linux. We've actually had
more success getting references from Suse and Ubuntu than from Red
Hat for some reason. Not sure why that is.

Maybe the guys from RH could give us some info about the deployments
they do, or it is secret? :)

You put a smiley, but yes, it often is. Clients have to give permission 
to Red Hat before they can talk about them. I can dig around now I'm 
inside and see if I can come up with some good GNOME-related interviews 
 case studies we may use.

I don't think we've ever had stickers to sell, but we often print
out sticker sheets for conferences. Perhaps someone from gnome-fr or
GNOME can send you some, if we have an address.

At some point a GNOME online store wouldn't be bad idea, not for the
profit but everyone has one :) I will ask Greek GNOME ambassador for it

May I ask who we is?

Hmm? I am referring to wogue blog if is that what you asking

Yes - I meant are you saying we as in gnome marketing with weekly 
interviews for the GNOME News blog, or we as in some external site. 
Seems to be the latter. Thanks for clearing that up.


Dave Neary
GNOME Foundation member
marketing-list mailing list

Re: Interviews please? :)

2012-06-07 Thread Dave Neary


On 06/07/2012 11:09 AM, alex diavatis wrote:

Yes - I meant are you saying we as in gnome marketing with weekly
interviews for the GNOME News blog, or we as in some external
site. Seems to be the latter. Thanks for clearing that up.

Yes I was talking about wogue, but that doesn't mean that won't be nice
if you do it for the GNOME page. But for some unknown to me reason you
don't keep an active blog.
That's why we begin wogue. We don't do great, but we ll do better in a
while :)

I was hoping that you meant we as in GNOME. I think interviews for the 
GNOME news page is an excellent idea, for example, as is refreshing the 
testimonials  references page. Your we want to run a bug opening 
contest threw me off though.

May I suggest that if you want to take on the interviews that you do 
them for and reprint to wogue?


Dave Neary
GNOME Foundation member
marketing-list mailing list

Re: GNOME Quarterly Report Q2/2012

2012-07-01 Thread Dave Neary


On 06/30/2012 08:22 PM, Andre Klapper wrote:

it's time again for a quarterly GNOME report to let community and
companies know what has been going on between April and June 2012.

Please update your section for Q2/2012 here:

The list of potential teams and writers:


Just to turn this on its head for a second, can we come at this from 
another angle? Instead of identifying teams who should report, how about 
we think about what's happened that might be newsworthy, and then figure 
out who's best placed to report on it?

The stuff that comes to mind for me is:
 * Board elections + review of last board year
 * GUADEC 2013 call for hosts out (and, related, no Desktop Summit in 2013)
 * GUADEC 2012 keynotes to be announced
 * Half-way point in Women's Outreach Program
 * GNOME in Google Summer of Code

Anything else? I haven't been following too closely this quarter.


Dave Neary
GNOME Foundation member

marketing-list mailing list

Re: Interviews and Gnomers

2012-07-06 Thread Dave Neary


On 07/06/2012 04:34 PM, alex diavatis wrote:

Do yo want me to wait till you print them these on Gnome org, and then I
will re-print in Wogue

This sounds great!

Further more, can I somehow get faces thumbs of all regular contributor
of Gnome in last year (excluding the guys they do docs coz that would be
impossible) together with some info like their name, location,
age(maybe) and other?

You can get face thumbs for most prominent GNOME contributors from 
Planet GNOME. Other than that, I suggest that you email the individuals 


Dave Neary
GNOME Foundation member

marketing-list mailing list

Re: Interviews and Gnomers

2012-07-07 Thread Dave Neary
Hi Alex,

Allan Day can tell us who is an editor for GNOME News. I'll not apologise for 
not answering you quickly on a Friday evening!


alex diavatis wrote:


As I haven't an answer back yet, is it ok to publish Elena's interview
you can collect it when you're ready on
Do you want me to signed it as This interview is made for Gnome
Foundation or something?

- alex

On Sat, Jul 7, 2012 at 11:42 AM, Andreas Nilsson

 On 07/07/2012 12:12 AM, alex diavatis wrote:

 I just posted (private) Elena's interview at**petrevska-about-new-gnomeweb-**interview/
 p: elena-gnome

 If you want to use it in Gnome before we publish it!

 Hi Alex!
 I found two small spelling errors in the article. -
 Andreas Nillson -  Andreas Nilsson
 - Andreas

 marketing-list mailing list**mailman/listinfo/marketing-**list

marketing-list mailing list

Sent from my Android phone with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
marketing-list mailing list

Re: Interviews and Gnomers

2012-07-09 Thread Dave Neary

Hi Allan,

I asked Alex whether he'd be prepared to be an author on GNOME News, so 
these are being submitted for publication on - do you not 
think that's a good idea? I thought we were actively looking for authors 
for original material for the news site.


On 07/09/2012 07:37 PM, Allan Day wrote:

Hey Alex,

alex diavatis wrote:

As I haven't an answer back yet, is it ok to publish Elena's interview and
you can collect it when you're ready on
Do you want me to signed it as This interview is made for Gnome Foundation
or something?

My advice would be to publish when you're ready. If we want to
publicise the interview, we can post something on with a
link to your site.

You don't need to attribute to the GNOME Foundation or anything -
you've done the work; it's your interview.

Thanks for your work!

IRC:  aday on

Dave Neary
GNOME Foundation member

marketing-list mailing list

Re: GNOME News

2012-07-18 Thread Dave Neary


On 07/18/2012 10:17 AM, Sriram Ramkrishna wrote:

On Wed, Jul 18, 2012 at 3:18 AM, Allan Day wrote:
A key goal here needs to be keeping any system we have a simple and
lightweight as possible, while still ensuring a regular stream of
engaging and high-quality posts. Some ideas:

  * We aim to have about three posts a week, including a mix of
short and long posts on different subjects

I'm not sure if that is sustainable.  We will need a larger pool of
volunteers to do this I think.  (which is good for me, because I think
we have bought in a bunch of people, but we lose them because there is
no work to be done)

It depends on what you are posting - 3 detailed blog posts a week, I'd 
agree. But if you have one longer piece (like 600-1200 words) and two 
shorter call-outs to either interesting GNOME community blogs, or 
mailing lists threads, or 3rd party articles, with a couple of sentences 
of context and commentary, it is not a lot of work. And if we really do 
manage to spread the load (say, shifts of 2-3 people who own shorter 
posts for a week, with different people each week, and someone gently 
reminding the weekly editors) I think it could work.


Dave Neary
GNOME Foundation member

marketing-list mailing list

Re: push back on negative articles

2012-08-22 Thread Dave Neary


On 08/21/2012 09:43 PM, Bruce Byfield wrote:

One more thing I forgot to mention: if your marketing team wants to some
media training, I'd be happy to set something up. I've participated in
some very successful ones via IRC, with one channel for the main
discussion and another for comments and questions. I could probably
enlist one or two other FOSS journalists, too.

My suggestion for a format: 10-15 minutes of opening statements by
journalists and/or media experts, followed by the answering of
questions. It would also be useful to have someone who does nothing but

Any interest?

I bet there would be.

I previously put together with Jennifer Cloer a media training session 
at the Linux Foundation collaboration summit (Zonker came in and gave 
some tips from the press side, Jennifer talked a little bit more about 
putting together a communications strategy, and the pitfalls to avoid - 
things like calling journalists trolls ;-) ) - and discussed with Stormy 
whether we should do one at GUADEC too - there was some interest, but it 
didn't happen during the Desktop Summit in Berlin.

I'd personally love to see something a bit longer (like a full day), 
with, for example, some mock interviews, with a group preparing for the 
interview beforehand, then giving it, and then commenting afterwards on 
the success of the spokesperson re staying on message, preparing press 
talking points, and putting together a press pack, how to generally 
gather a list of journalists, build relationships with them, and stay on 
top of media mentions, etc.



Dave Neary
GNOME Foundation member
marketing-list mailing list

Re: push back on negative articles

2012-08-23 Thread Dave Neary


On 08/23/2012 01:46 AM, Bruce Byfield wrote:
You think far more amibitiously than me. The reason I suggested an 
online session was to take advantage of an immediate interest. But 
with a few months to set up, I think a really successful seminar could 
be put together.

If anyone in GNOME is interested in planning the seminar, I could help 
by enlisting journalists and PR specialists and assisting with a schedule.

Oh - I didn't realise you were thinking about an online session. Yes, 
that makes a great deal of sense.

marketing-list mailing list

Re: Publishing in Linux Format

2012-09-17 Thread Dave Neary


On 09/17/2012 01:18 AM, Emily Gonyer wrote:

Whats the deadline?

The deadline for October is last Friday (but perhaps we can still get in 
if we send something today or tomorrow - would need to ask Graham to be 

After that, it's a deadline every 4 weeks (they do 13 issues per year). 
We can of course ask for the next deadline every month.

What format (PDF, ODT, etc) do they want/need

I imagine text or html would be fine - they will be laying out the 
magazine afterwards, so something they can copy  paste from is likely 
to be best.

articles to be in? 550 words isn't that many, and certainly sounds
do-able. Highlighting one application or event a month (ie, Boston
Summit for October), with screenshots and/or event photos. Perhaps
if/when we did an application we could also do a short interview with
one of the developers of it.

Yeah, that's what I thought.

Perhaps we could rotate - developer profile, GNOME application/shell 
extension of the month, news, announcement or event if it's appropriate.

If we're asking for ideas to seed the application list, I'd suggest:

GNOME Extensions:
* Dash to Dock
* Battery time remaining
* Alternative Status Menu
* Task Bar
* Axe Menu

GNOME applications:
* GNOME Boxes
* Pinta
* MyPaint
* Pinpoint
* SimpleScan
* Geary
* BlueFish
* OpenShot

Also, I thought Sri had a couple of articles held back that we'd
talked about using for getting the GNOME Journal going again a couple
months ago, though I'm not sure what ever became of them.

Wasn't the plan to regularly publish original content to GNOME News?

I'm confused about the Journal  News. We have this conversation every 
so often, and it seems like different people draw different conclusions 
every time. Can someone give me the Ladybird version of their current 
understanding of our plans for GNOME News, please?


Dave Neary, Lyon, France
marketing-list mailing list

Re: 2012 Annual Report

2012-11-05 Thread Dave Neary


I hate to be a broken record...

What do we have to talk about this year? What do we want to get people 
excited about for next year?

Start with that, the contents of the report and the best people to write 
the articles may fall out easily.


On 11/05/2012 05:12 PM, Karen Sandler wrote:

On Mon, November 5, 2012 8:59 am, Emily Gonyer wrote:

We're coming up on the end of 2012 which means we need to start
thinking about the 2012 Annual Report.

Good thinking! :)

How should we start? Last time we established a committee to run it, but
maybe this time we should come up with key areas (or articles) to cover as
a group and then ask for volunteers to own them and coordinate working
with other contributors on it?

What do you think?

Dave Neary, Lyon, France
marketing-list mailing list

Re: community managers

2012-11-13 Thread Dave Neary

Hi Sri,

On 11/13/2012 12:17 AM, Sriram Ramkrishna wrote:

But I am looking for some good people who can fill the role of community
manager.  Clearly, we have a problem relating to our user base and some
of the decisions have become more controversial than it needs to be.

Just for the sake of clarity, it sounds like you're suggesting an unpaid 
volunteer position to co-ordinate the promotion, website maintenance and 
welcome committee for the GNOME project. Is that correct?

I like the idea of having some people who give more time to marketing 
and the other tasks. Not sure it would be called a community manager in 
the context of GNOME, and certainly I don't think that a GNOME community 
manager would be quite so invested with authority as Dawn Foster was for 
MeeGo and Tizen, for example.

Let me know if you are interested.  I will make a similar note on
foundation list.

Perhaps this kind of marketing role is something which could be 
fulfilled by the GNOME Foundation? We've paid for interns before, but a 
longer term full-time position under the ED would allow for us to 
structure our efforts, take care of all those no-one is giving it time 
and love stuff we all agree needs to get done... it is only a 
question of money, I think.

I don't know if we'll have success finding one individual to take on all 
that responsibility as a part-time unpaid volunteer. Perhaps a group 
working together could do it... Or a paid individual.


Dave Neary, Lyon, France
marketing-list mailing list

Re: community managers

2012-11-14 Thread Dave Neary


On 11/13/2012 06:53 PM, Sriram Ramkrishna wrote:

As a project, we are having trouble communicating our vision because
everything gets lost in a sea of vitriol due to past actions or
perceived actions.  For instance, removing fallback is seen as yet again
the GNOME project is removing a feature instead of an act of maintenance
and sustainability.

I think that as a project, we have had trouble communicating our vision, 
because as a project we are not sure what it is. There is a part of the 
project that has a very clear idea of their vision, but that vision has 
either not been clearly expressed, or what has been expressed has not 
got clear support from the community of contributors in the project. For 
instance, the insistence that theming will damage our brand, or that 
Cinnamon is not GNOME 3, has led to missed opportunities for the GNOME 
project, and has not got grass roots support among the GNOME community 
(and I'm not talking about users here, I'm talking about contributors - 
developers, translators, user group co-ordinators, and marketers).

After all, GNOME design doesn't have any authority but is able to
convince maintainers that doing their approach is best for their

I disagree with your analogy.

I'm envisioning a team of 10 volunteers.  10 volunteers who start out as
community managers and then hopefully will be interested in doing other
things within the project.

I currently have four as of right now.  Need to recruit six more!

Sounds like a plan, and we certainly need to do something to stop the rot.


Dave Neary, Lyon, France
marketing-list mailing list

Re: 2012 Annual Report

2012-11-16 Thread Dave Neary

On 11/06/2012 02:57 PM, Emily Gonyer wrote:

Dave, good points! Off the top of my head, I can think of several
things we have to talk about this year:

GNOME's 15th birthday
Hackfests/Conferences (FOSDEM, CeBIT, GUADEC, LinuxTag, GNOME.Asia,
Boston Summit, OLF and a multitude of hackfests)
FOG Accessibility Campaign

The usual bug fixes, foundaiton member stats, etc.

I offer to do an article on the Travelling GNOME:

That little guy sure has some stories to tell.


Dave Neary, Lyon, France
marketing-list mailing list

Re: community managers

2012-11-16 Thread Dave Neary

Hi Jon,

On 11/15/2012 09:12 PM, William Jon McCann wrote:

On Wed, Nov 14, 2012 at 6:38 AM, Dave Neary wrote:

I think that as a project, we have had trouble communicating our
vision, because as a project we are not sure what it is.

I think this is the main thing I wanted to say. I have been involved in 
the GNOME project, albeit not as a core developer or module maintainer, 
since 2004. And I do not understand our vision. What is the dream that 
we're selling, and why should I be excited about it?

For instance, the insistence that
theming will damage our brand, or that Cinnamon is not GNOME 3, has
led to missed opportunities for the GNOME project, and has not got
grass roots support among the GNOME community (and I'm not talking
about users here, I'm talking about contributors - developers,
translators, user group co-ordinators, and marketers).

Let's be clear then. Cinnamon is not GNOME 3.

I understand that is your position. And I understand that as the 
maintainer and primary designer of GNOME Shell, you have a lot of weight 
in holding that position.

I think it's a shame that Cinnamon users don't realise, for the most 
part, that they are using GNOME Shell, and the rest of the GNOME 3 
stack. I think that it's a shame that we have apparently gone out of our 
way to put a barrier between ourselves and the Cinnamon/Mint guys by 
saying you're not GNOME 3. The message we're sending is, your help is 
not wanted, we don't like what you're doing.

Personally, I think that it'd be cool to have our community be the 
community of people who can go wild on the platform - let a thousand 
flowers bloom. That the core GNOME project is solid and useful, but 
that we encourage experimentation, respins, freedom for our users. That 
seems inconsistent with the current GNOME messaging.

The discussion of brand
was in relation to the stability of extensions and the impact on the
user experience - and was taken out of context. Neither of these have
led to missed opportunities. Continuing to misrepresent or misunderstand
what we are trying to do and trying to say doesn't help us communicate
our vision, does it?

I certainly misunderstand what you are trying to do. I don't think I 
know what the GNOME 3 vision is. Would you mind helping me understand 


Dave Neary, Lyon, France
marketing-list mailing list

2012-11-23 Thread Dave Neary

Hi, is currently showing the GUADEC welcome page - 
could it redirect to instead, please?


Dave Neary, Lyon, France
Email: / Jabber:
Ph: +33 950 71 55 62 / Cell: +33 6 77 01 92 13
marketing-list mailing list

Re: Marketing Meeting - Wednesday November 28, 2012 at 20:00 UTC

2012-11-27 Thread Dave Neary

Hi Allan,

On 11/28/2012 12:20 AM, Allan Day wrote:

Karen Sandler wrote:

Here's dial-in information:
   PSTN: +1-718-247-9666
   PIN: 2592

For those of us outside of the US: is there a way to dial in without
having to make an international call?

Twinkle is pretty good if you have a headset:

If you have an Android phone, sipdroid will let you make SIP calls with it.

I got an IP phone from work as a remote employee, and French ISPs have 
been including unlimited calls to the US in the subscription for several 
years now, so I don't really worry about things like that any more... 
sorry :-)


Dave Neary, Lyon, France
marketing-list mailing list

GNOME in the press

2012-11-28 Thread Dave Neary


I may only do this once, but I've added it to my calendar as a weekly 
thing. Let's see how it goes... (in general, we're taking some knocks, 
so this is going to be hard sometimes - if people don't like to see this 
let me know, but I think it's better to at least be aware of who's 
writing about us, and what they're saying).

Here's a summary of GNOME in the news for the last few days (courtesy of 
Google News Alerts). It covers a week, and so does not include Bruce's 
article, but does include SJVN's:

The H: GNOME Foundation announces the next two GUADEC venues

PCWorld: GNOME: The traditional Linux desktop is coming back

ZDNet: GNOME: Can this Linux desktop be saved?

PCWorld: With 'Cinnarch,' Arch Linux gets a sprinkle of Cinnamon:

Ars Technica: F18 beta releases with GNOME 2 fork MATE (kinda):

ZDNet: F18 Beta finally released:

ITWire: GNOME finally pays some attention to users (Sam Varchese 
picking up on Bruce Byfield  SJVN's articles):

The H: Second beta of GNOME 3.8 brings global search configuration:


Dave Neary, Lyon, France
Email: / Jabber:
Ph: +33 950 71 55 62 / Cell: +33 6 77 01 92 13
marketing-list mailing list

Re: Marketing Meeting Minutes

2012-11-30 Thread Dave Neary


On 11/30/2012 12:20 PM, Allan Day wrote:

- Tentative agreement for Karen to reach out to the Tor Project
( and others for a campaign related to
Privacy and Security.

I've had a bit of a think about Tor integration from a design point of
view, and have filed a bug [1] against Settings. It could make sense,
but it will need more research before we can make a decision.

I assume everyone has heard about this by now?

Tor will be a big battleground over the next year - with all sorts of 
repercussions for Net Neutrality, privacy on the net and the ability to 
avoid tracking, versus law enforcement and facilitation of illegal activity.

I would be very happy to see GNOME take a strong stance in defence of 
personal liberty and freedom from tracking - I think there's a huge 
opportunity for us to team up with groups like Mozilla and EFF, who are 
thinking a lot about the issue of tracking on the web, and make a group 
effort to defend projects like Tor against persecution by law 
enforcement, with the end result of a practical erosion of our freedoms.

The frame is being set - if you're for Tor you're for child pornography. 
We cannot allow the message to be set in this way, we need to tell 
another story, one of Big Brother and protecting our children from 
predators on the internet with projects like ghostery and collusion:

Who's with me? Should we reach out to Gary Kovacs and others at Mozilla 
and EFF to see if we can't help create an Alliance for Personal Internet 


Dave Neary, Lyon, France
marketing-list mailing list

Re: FOSDEM 2013 - GNOME Stand

2012-11-30 Thread Dave Neary


On 11/24/2012 02:47 AM, Tobias Mueller wrote:

Could anyone register GNOME for a stand? It's seems to be quite simple:

We could also try to have some prominent GNOME talks placed: Does anybody have an
idea for a great speaker?

It'd be cool, if you could use the wiki page over here this year:

Will anyone organise a GNOME Beer Event?

This comes up every year, and every year someone mentions that GNOME-fr 
has taken care of reserving a GNOME stand for the past X years. 
Christophe, Fred, do either of you know if we already have a stand 
request in?

Perhaps it might be an idea to hand off organisation of the stand to the 
foundation - but as the local group has taken care of it up to now, 
perhaps it's OK just to co-ordinate with them about what we want to do?


Dave Neary, Lyon, France
marketing-list mailing list

GNOME in the press - 2012-12-05

2012-12-05 Thread Dave Neary

Hi all,

Here's the second weekly round up of news articles on the internet about 

The H: Fedora 18 Beta adds MATE and Cinnamon desktops:

Linux Magazine Online: Why I prefer KDE Return of the King: GNOME 2 Is Making Its Way Back:

DataMation: GNOME's Next Step:

Dave Neary, Lyon, France
Email: / Jabber:
Ph: +33 950 71 55 62 / Cell: +33 6 77 01 92 13
marketing-list mailing list

Re: GNOME in the press - 2012-12-05

2012-12-05 Thread Dave Neary

On 12/05/2012 11:05 AM, Olav Vitters wrote:

On Wed, Dec 05, 2012 at 09:01:57AM +0100, Dave Neary wrote: Return of the King: GNOME 2 Is Making Its Way

WTF. An article consisting of opinions of people on slashdot and sites
such as Linux Rant as well as random people on Google+?

This aside from getting the basics wrong. It was not about getting
GNOME 2 back.

I just copy  paste links from Google Alerts which are not about garden 
gnomes (actually, garden gnome articles outnumber GNOME articles by 
about 2 to 1).

Perhaps we should blame the journalist for not doing his research - 
he'll know better next time.


Dave Neary, Lyon, France
marketing-list mailing list

Re: marketing meeting next week!

2012-12-08 Thread Dave Neary


On 12/08/2012 03:29 AM, Sriram Ramkrishna wrote:

It shows that we can't seem to get a decent experience using VOIP.  Gosh
if we only had some telepathy people who can help out in this. :-)

You know, I bet there are a bunch of them hanging out on a different 
mailing list :-)

Maybe would be a 
good place to ask?


Dave Neary, Lyon, France
marketing-list mailing list

GNOME in the press - 12/12/12

2012-12-12 Thread Dave Neary

Anti-ambiguity date!

Slow news week for GNOME this week... tail end of F18 ships with MATE 
news. Also, bonus article on an adopt-a-gnome scheme!


ZDNet: MATE (Gnome 2) on the way to Fedora 18:

Waterloo Cedar Falls Courier: Adopt-a-Gnome program to raise funds for 

Dave Neary, Lyon, France
Email: / Jabber:
Ph: +33 950 71 55 62 / Cell: +33 6 77 01 92 13
marketing-list mailing list

Re: Marketing Minutes December 13, 2012

2012-12-14 Thread Dave Neary


Sorry I couldn't attend - a sick son  bedtime meant that 8pm yesterday 
was rush hour in the Neary household.

On 12/14/2012 03:24 PM, Emily Gonyer wrote:

Sri: Theres a common wisdom that GNOME will throw out features and are
unfriendly. We've let others tell our story for us. As a result, most
of the press we receive is negative, focusing on GNOME 3's failures
and shortcomings.

Andreas: Whats the biggest drawback of this perception?

I would say that the biggest draw-back of this perception is that we are 
not growing as a developer community, because we're seen as a 
conservative project where code is as likely to be rejected as accepted 
once the work is done, it's not clear how to get pre-approval before 
developing something that it'll be accepted.

We have also had a couple of examples of new applications being built 
which compete with existing apps, and the process for choosing has been 
unclear - Photos  Shotwell comes to mind, as do Files and Zeitgeist. I 
think this is also hurting the GNOME ISV community (such as it is).

In addition, the reputation of GNOME as a conservative project is worse 
in the platform, with the result that we have few developers working on 
the foundations of the project at this point.

I don't have any good answers to how to turn this around, but it seems 
to me that these are the biggest costs of the reputation - because if we 
don't figure out how to grow our developer community, the rest doesn't 


Dave Neary, Lyon, France
marketing-list mailing list

Re: Marketing Minutes December 13, 2012

2012-12-14 Thread Dave Neary

On 12/14/2012 07:29 PM, Seif Lotfy wrote:

I would like to correct something here. Zeitgeist is not a file
browser and has no UI anymore. It is just a History storage for the
user. What you are talking about is the Activity Journal, which is now
not needed and thus dead.

Indeed. I was, more specifically, thinking of the Finding  reminding 
work which you  Federico did together.


Dave Neary, Lyon, France
marketing-list mailing list

Slow news week

2012-12-21 Thread Dave Neary


I didn't send the GNOME in the News review this week - for the simple 
reason that (unless I'm mistaken) I did not see one news item going by 
about us this week. Emily, did you see anything I missed?

Whether that is bad or good, I will leave to the appreciation of others :-)


Dave Neary, Lyon, France
Email: / Jabber:
Ph: +33 950 71 55 62 / Cell: +33 6 77 01 92 13
marketing-list mailing list

Re: moving marketing meeting to Tuesdays instead of Wednesday

2013-01-11 Thread Dave Neary

On 01/11/2013 12:12 PM, Allan Day wrote:

Sriram Ramkrishna wrote:

Does anybody have a problem with attendance if we move the marketing meeting
from Wednesday to Tuesday at 20:00 UTC?

That would actually work better for me. Although, since it's an
evening it is hard for me to commit to always making it.

Idem for me. It's better, but not perfect :) At least there's a chance I 
could make it once on a Tuesday.


Dave Neary, Lyon, France
marketing-list mailing list

Re: moving marketing meeting to Tuesdays instead of Wednesday

2013-01-11 Thread Dave Neary

Hi Emily,

Speaking only for myself, the time-slot will always be problematic - on 
Wednesdays I will never be available, on other nights, it is possible, 
but kids need to be put to bed, stories need to be told, etc. 8pm is 
rush hour in the Neary household. 7pm would be better (with the 
exception of Wednesday).


On 01/11/2013 02:05 PM, Emily Gonyer wrote:

Dave, Allan, would any evening be better for you two? Would even an
hour or two earlier be helpful?


On Fri, Jan 11, 2013 at 6:14 AM, Dave Neary wrote:

On 01/11/2013 12:12 PM, Allan Day wrote:

Sriram Ramkrishna wrote:

Does anybody have a problem with attendance if we move the marketing
from Wednesday to Tuesday at 20:00 UTC?

That would actually work better for me. Although, since it's an
evening it is hard for me to commit to always making it.

Idem for me. It's better, but not perfect :) At least there's a chance I
could make it once on a Tuesday.


Dave Neary, Lyon, France

marketing-list mailing list

Dave Neary, Lyon, France
marketing-list mailing list

Re: Revisiting rewards for the FoG campaigns

2013-02-11 Thread Dave Neary


On 02/11/2013 08:56 PM, Andreas Nilsson wrote:

On 2013-02-11 19:19, Rosanna Yuen wrote:

but it was decided that that was too many options, especially when we
added the subscription format.  Also, considering the postage, the price
points were too low.

What is our lowest price point before we make a loss?

While it's goog to be aware of this, I think it's important to underline 
that people aren't buying a t-shirt - not even a special edition t-shirt 
they can't get anywhere else. They're helping the foundation, and we set 
the price points not to make a margin of 10% or 20% or whatever, we set 
the price points to raise money for the foundation.

Incidentally, typical margin for garments on the internet is somewhere 
between 100% and 150% of cost. Excl. delivery costs.


Dave Neary, Lyon, France
marketing-list mailing list

Re: Revisiting rewards for the FoG campaigns

2013-02-12 Thread Dave Neary


On 02/12/2013 04:02 AM, Karen Sandler wrote:

And here we go:

I love this - if others agree, I'll work on some of that short and zippy
copy for the top. (probably taking from some of the recent stuff
eloquently written by Allan)

Might I suggest emphasising that it's not any old t-shirt, that the 
shirt is a beautiful and sexy limited edition shirt available only to 
friends of GNOME?

I don't know if that's the case, but it should be :-)


Dave Neary, Lyon, France
marketing-list mailing list

Re: 2012 Annual Report

2013-02-14 Thread Dave Neary


I think the annual report should be as timely as possible - so covering 
FOSDEM 2013 is great!


On 02/14/2013 02:25 PM, Juanjo Marin wrote:

On 14/02/13 13:01, Fabiana Simões wrote:

Hi everyone,

On 14 February 2013 02:51, Karen Sandler wrote:

Maybe everyone could add links to content on that wiki page? It's a
easy way to contribute in a small way. I went ahead and linked some easy
ones, like the GUADEC photo pool. But there's a lot of great stuff
Whoever takes on the article will appreciate having the links already

Added links there to as much content as I could find.
One question: The FOSDEM links there are for the 2013 event instead of
2012 one. Is that correct?

I think is just a mistake. We should cover FOSDEM 2012 for this issue of
the annual report.


-- Juanjo Marin

Dave Neary, Lyon, France
marketing-list mailing list

Re: annual report deadline is here!

2013-03-05 Thread Dave Neary


I re-pinged Daniel Siegel to ask that lazy wanderling the travelling 
GNOME to answer my questions - I'll keep you posted!


On 03/04/2013 09:17 PM, Karen Sandler wrote:

Hi all!

We're coming up on the first deadline for the annual report tomorrow.
Please upload as much content as you have so we can so we can assess where
we are!

I've got 2 that I'm responsible for (one that will wait until after I read
all of yours!)

Shaun, where we on the financial section? Do we need to extend the
deadline? Of all of the sections, I don't think we can go ahead without
this one.

Tobi, do you think you can put some membership stats together for us? I'm
sorry, I didn't realize that there was no owner for that really important


Dave Neary, Lyon, France
marketing-list mailing list

Fwd: Re: Travelling GNOME

2013-03-06 Thread Dave Neary

Hi all,

I think this is great - it's an interview with Daniel Siegel on the 
Travelling GNOME - we should add one or two photos (sourced in the 
links) and a bio for the gnome.

I think this stuff is great (esp. the allusion to the Swedish conspiracy 
linking two GNOME memes).

Does this need any copy editing? I think it's almost good to go already.


 Original Message 
Subject: Re: Travelling GNOME
Date: Wed, 06 Mar 2013 01:25:11 +0100
From: daniel g. siegel
To: Dave Neary

hey dave!

sorry for the late response. i added additional links to the answers,
feel free to expand or remove them! also, please feel free to use any
text of several blog posts i wrote!

On Tue, 2013-02-12 at 12:30 +0100, Dave Neary wrote:

Hi Daniel,

I would like to do a biography of the travelling GNOME for the annual
report this year. I hear you know him better than anyone! I wonder if
you could help me with some background information?

well, around the time of gnome 2.22 while preparing release notes for
cheese i felt the gnome community had seen my handsome face on cheese
screenshots often enough. so i asked around and while getting some more
or less useful hints, i had an unexpected guest visiting me in my

sources: [1], [2]

Where was the Travelling GNOME born?

unfortunately little is known about that.

When did you discover his love of travelling?

he always seemed to be very adventurous and ultimately isn't
travelling his name?

Which side is the front, and which is the back?

as you can tell from the many photos on [3] he seems to be fine showing
both sides. but to be honest, he is tells more joke and is funnier on
his green side.

The GNOME disappeared for several months (years?) at one point. Has he
ever told you what happened in that time? Was he kidnapped, or did he
just need some space?

all i got was a short note with the following:

we got him, give us lots of ice cream or you will regret it.
  - love, the swedish conspiracy

  (comment: you can link that to

fortunately eric [6] discovered his hideout and they spent some lovely
days in san francisco [7].

sources: [4], [5], [6], [7]

What's the most interesting place he's been so far?

well, he has been to several continents so far, but why don't you have
a look for yourself?

but if you ask me, he met a very special girl in florence, italy...

How does the GNOME decide the next place he wants to go?

he seems to prefer the company of awesome gnome hackers and he usually
does not visit the same hacker twice. then there is a ruleset he brings
along on how to take care of the travelling gnome:

  - add a photo of the travelling gnome and yourself to
  - get a present and put it into a box along with the travelling gnome 
and the instructions

  - send it to your favourite gnome hacker

Thanks Daniel! I have tried but it bounced - I
don't think he ever asked for his foundation membership (we should
change that!)

i don't think this is a valid mail address, so far we only have that
wiki page ;) but yeah, he is definitely a good candidate for foundation
membership. i even would vouch for him!


some additional links, photos etc:




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Re: list of photos needed for annual report

2013-04-25 Thread Dave Neary
Hi Andreas,

For the travelling GNOME story, I thought you might like to do a montage of
the photos from

 On 25 Apr 2013 19:12, Andreas Nilsson wrote:

 Here is the list of photos (and their sizes in parenthesis) needed for the
 annual report:
 Page 3: Letter from the Executive Director. (small size)
 Page 10: Friends of GNOME (full page)
 Page 11: Pants awards (half page)
 Page 13: Bugsquad data or photo of some sorts (half page)
 Page 14: Any kind of picture (full page size)
 Page 16: The traveling GNOME (half page)

 - Andreas
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Re: list of photos needed for annual report

2013-04-25 Thread Dave Neary

Would you mind reading through for typos too? I wasn't expecting the
interview to be reproduced verbatim and wasn't rigorous with my
proofreading - I see a Wwe at the start already and should probably include @ and . to ensure ppl
understand it's an email address. I didn't read the rest too closely, would
be good to give it a once over with fresh eyes.

 On 25 Apr 2013 19:16, Andreas Nilsson wrote:

 And this is how it will all be laid out.**design-team/gnome-marketing/**
 Sorry for the spam.
 - Andreas
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