[Marxism] Socialist Alliamce: Colombia must release Perez Bocerra! (a good example for needed defense effort)Colombia must free Joaquin Perez Becerra

2011-05-15 Thread Fred Feldman
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Colombia must free Joaquin Perez Becerra
A statement from the Socialist Alliance in Australia
May 14, 2011

The Socialist Alliance calls on the Colombian government to immediately
release independent media activist Joaquin Perez Becerra, who is now facing
charges of terrorism.

Perez Becerra, a refugee from Colombia, is a Swedish citizen. We also call
on the Swedish government to do its upmost to defend the rights of one of
its citizens. 

Under Article 33(1) of the Geneva Convention, no refugee shall be returned
in any manner whatsoever to the frontiers of territories where his life or
freedom would be threatened on account of his race, religion, nationality,
membership of a particular social group or political opinion.

We also call on the Venezuelan government, which complied with Colombia's
request to deport Perez Becerra to Colombia, to demand that Colombia respect
the rights due to Perez Becerra under international conventions.

Perez Becerra, a strong voice in defence of human rights in Colombia, was
forced to leave Colombia in 1993 following the murder of his wife and
constant death threats against him due to his membership in the Union
Patriotica (UP).

As a member of this democratic and legally registered party, Perez Becerra
was elected city councillor in Corinto, Valle del Cauca. However, a state
sponsored campaign of violence and terror against the UP resulted in the
assassination of more than 4000 UP members.

Seeking refuge in Sweden, Perez Becerra became a citizen in 2000 and
renounced his Colombian citizenship. In Sweden, he helped to establish and
became the director of the New Colombia News Agency (ANNCOL). With 800,000
daily visits, it was Colombia's fourth most widely read website until it was
shut down days after his arrest. 

ANNCOL published statements and information sourced from numerous
organisations in Colombia, including the Revolutionary Armed Forces of
Colombia (FARC), exposing and denouncing human rights violations by the
Colombian state and paramilitary organisations. 

For this work, the Colombian government has accused Perez Becerra of being
the FARC's ambassador in Europe and conspiring in and helping finance

Perez Becerra has repeatedly denied ever being a member of the FARC or any
illegal organisation in Colombia or elsewhere. After fleeing to Sweden he
never returned to Colombia.

Colombia's former president, Alvaro Uribe, has charged that Perez Becerra
and other human rights activists in exile aid terrorism. Uribe has said:
Those criminals . and other bandits, who are Colombian professionals living
over there in Sweden and other countries . all of them have to be finished

These public accusations and threats are ominous indications that there is
more at stake here than Perez Becerra's right to a fair trial.

We also note that these recent events are part of an ongoing campaign to
criminalise solidarity with Colombia's social movements. The Colombian
government is internationally renowned for locking up and torturing
political prisoners. 

There are more than 7500 political prisoners in Colombia, many of them
denied the right to a fair trial and due process.

We also note that many Venezuela solidarity organisations within Venezuela
and internationally have expressed concern over the April 23 decision by
Venezuelan authorities to arrest and deport Perez Becerra.

Perez Becerra's deportation was the result of a request made directly by
President Juan Manuel Santos of Colombia to his Venezuelan counterpart Hugo
Chavez, following the issuing by Interpol in Bogota of a red alert for
Perez Becerra's arrest. The request was made while Perez Becerra was aloft
on a flight from Frankfurt to Caracas. 

Reports indicate that during the flight Santos was informed of every move
made by Perez Becerra, even to the exact seat he was in, due to the presence
of Colombian intelligence officers aboard the same plane.

In response to Swedish authorities' questions as to why the Venezuelan
government did not notify them about the arrest and deportation of one of
Sweden's own citizens, Venezuela has asked why, if he was the subject of an
Interpol warrant, Perez Becerra was not detained in Sweden, or Germany while
he was travelling to Venezuela.

Ramiro Orejuela, a lawyer acting for the Swedish government, has suggested
that the red alert may have been issued only after Perez Becerra had boarded
the plane in Frankfurt to Caracas, possibly as part of a plan to create a
delicate diplomatic situation for Venezuelan officials.

These and many other mysteries surrounding Perez Becerra's case strengthen
Chavez's argument, made at the May Day march in Caracas, that they set a
trap for him in order to get at me.

All of this has to be placed in the context of 

[Marxism] Arab reactionaries hire Blackwater chief to build private armies

2011-05-15 Thread Louis Proyect

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NY Times May 14, 2011
Secret Desert Force Set Up by Blackwater’s Founder

ABU DHABI, United Arab Emirates — Late one night last November, a plane 
carrying dozens of Colombian men touched down in this glittering seaside 
capital. Whisked through customs by an Emirati intelligence officer, the 
group boarded an unmarked bus and drove roughly 20 miles to a windswept 
military complex in the desert sand.

The Colombians had entered the United Arab Emirates posing as 
construction workers. In fact, they were soldiers for a secret 
American-led mercenary army being built by Erik Prince, the billionaire 
founder of Blackwater Worldwide, with $529 million from the oil-soaked 

Mr. Prince, who resettled here last year after his security business 
faced mounting legal problems in the United States, was hired by the 
crown prince of Abu Dhabi to put together an 800-member battalion of 
foreign troops for the U.A.E., according to former employees on the 
project, American officials and corporate documents obtained by The New 
York Times.

The force is intended to conduct special operations missions inside and 
outside the country, defend oil pipelines and skyscrapers from terrorist 
attacks and put down internal revolts, the documents show. Such troops 
could be deployed if the Emirates faced unrest or were challenged by 
pro-democracy demonstrations in its crowded labor camps or democracy 
protests like those sweeping the Arab world this year.

The U.A.E.’s rulers, viewing their own military as inadequate, also hope 
that the troops could blunt the regional aggression of Iran, the 
country’s biggest foe, the former employees said. The training camp, 
located on a sprawling Emirati base called Zayed Military City, is 
hidden behind concrete walls laced with barbed wire. Photographs show 
rows of identical yellow temporary buildings, used for barracks and mess 
halls, and a motor pool, which houses Humvees and fuel trucks. The 
Colombians, along with South African and other foreign troops, are 
trained by retired American soldiers and veterans of the German and 
British special operations units and the French Foreign Legion, 
according to the former employees and American officials.

In outsourcing critical parts of their defense to mercenaries — the 
soldiers of choice for medieval kings, Italian Renaissance dukes and 
African dictators — the Emiratis have begun a new era in the boom in 
wartime contracting that began after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. And by 
relying on a force largely created by Americans, they have introduced a 
volatile element in an already combustible region where the United 
States is widely viewed with suspicion.

The United Arab Emirates — an autocracy with the sheen of a progressive, 
modern state — are closely allied with the United States, and American 
officials indicated that the battalion program had some support in 

“The gulf countries, and the U.A.E. in particular, don’t have a lot of 
military experience. It would make sense if they looked outside their 
borders for help,” said one Obama administration official who knew of 
the operation. “They might want to show that they are not to be messed 

Still, it is not clear whether the project has the United States’ 
official blessing. Legal experts and government officials said some of 
those involved with the battalion might be breaking federal laws that 
prohibit American citizens from training foreign troops if they did not 
secure a license from the State Department.

Mark C. Toner, a spokesman for the department, would not confirm whether 
Mr. Prince’s company had obtained such a license, but he said the 
department was investigating to see if the training effort was in 
violation of American laws. Mr. Toner pointed out that Blackwater (which 
renamed itself Xe Services ) paid $42 million in fines last year for 
training foreign troops in Jordan and other countries over the years.

The U.A.E.’s ambassador to Washington, Yousef al-Otaiba, declined to 
comment for this article. A spokesman for Mr. Prince also did not comment.

For Mr. Prince, the foreign battalion is a bold attempt at reinvention. 
He is hoping to build an empire in the desert, far from the trial 
lawyers, Congressional investigators and Justice Department officials he 
is convinced worked in league to portray Blackwater as reckless. He sold 
the company last year, but in April, a federal appeals court reopened 
the case against four Blackwater guards accused of killing 17 Iraqi 
civilians in Baghdad in 2007.

To help fulfill his ambitions, Mr. Prince’s new company, Reflex 
Responses, obtained another multimillion-dollar contract to protect a 
string of planned nuclear power 

[Marxism] Leftist, Communist, Anarchist Bookstores in Madrid

2011-05-15 Thread Angelus Novus
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Can anyone recommend some?  I would like to obtain the official Spanish 
language versions of Marx's Capital, various historical works on the Spanish 
workers movement and/or anarcho-syndicalism, as well as copies of the journal 
Viento Sur and Spanish-language books published by the local affiliate(s) of 
the United Secretariat of the Fourth International.

Is there any single bookstore to satisfy these wants, or a few where each can 
be satisfied?

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[Marxism] 9 Killed as Israel Clashes With Palestinians on Four Borders

2011-05-15 Thread Louis Proyect

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NY Times May 15, 2011
9 Killed as Israel Clashes With Palestinians on Four Borders

JERUSALEM — Israel’s borders erupted into deadly clashes on Sunday as 
thousands of Palestinians — marching from Syria, Lebanon, Gaza and the 
West Bank — confronted Israeli troops to mark the anniversary when Arabs 
mourn Israel’s creation. As many as nine Palestinians were reported 
killed and scores injured in the unprecedented wave of coordinated protests.

The biggest confrontation took place on the Golan Heights when hundreds 
of Palestinians living in Syria breached a border fence and crowded into 
the village of Majdal Shams, waving Palestinian flags. Troops fired on 
the crowd, killing four of them.

At the Lebanese border Israeli troops shot at hundreds of Palestinians 
trying to cross, killing four protesters and wounding dozens more, 
according to Lebanese officials.

Every year in mid-May many Palestinians mark what they call Nakba, or 
the catastrophe, the anniversary of Israel’s declaration of independence 
in 1948 and the start of a war in which thousands of Palestinians lost 
their homes through expulsion and flight.

But this is the first year that Palestinian refugees in Syria and 
Lebanon tried to breach the Israeli military border in marches inspired 
by recent popular protests around the Arab world. Here too, word about 
the rallies was spread on social media sites.

“The Palestinians are not less rebellious than other Arab peoples,” said 
Ali Baraka, a Hamas representative in Lebanon.

Officials and analysts have argued that with peace talks broken down and 
plans for a request of the United Nations to declare Palestinian 
statehood in September, violence could return to define this conflict, 
which has been relatively quiet for the past two years.

“This is war, we’re defending our country,” asserted Amjad Abu Taha, a 
16-year-old from Bethlehem as he took part along with thousands in the 
West Bank city of Ramallah near the main military checkpoint to Israel. 
He held a cigarette in one hand and a rock in the other. Hundreds of 
Israeli troops using stun guns and tear gas roamed the area.

In Gaza, a march toward Israel also resulted in Israeli troops shooting 
into the crowd and wounding dozens. The Hamas police stopped buses 
carrying protesters near the main crossing into Israel, but dozens of 
demonstrators walked on foot and reached a point closer to the Israeli 
border than they had reached in years.

Later, in a separate incident, an 18-year-old Gazan near another part of 
the border fence was shot and killed by Israeli troops when, the Israeli 
military says, he was trying to plant an explosive.

The chief Israeli military spokesman, Brig. Gen. Yoav Mordechai, said on 
Israel radio that he saw Iran’s fingerprints in the coordinated 
confrontations although he offered no evidence. Syria has a close 
alliance with Iran, as does Hezbollah, which controls southern Lebanon, 
and Hamas, which rules in Gaza.

Yoni Ben-Menachem, Israel Radio’s chief Arab affairs analyst, said it 
seemed likely that President Bashar al-Assad of Syria was seeking to 
divert attention from his troubles caused by popular uprisings there in 
recent weeks by allowing confrontations on the Golan Heights for the 
first time in decades.

“This way Syria makes its contribution to the Nakba day cause and Assad 
wins points by deflecting the media’s attention from what is happening 
inside Syria,” he added.

Last week, in an interview with The New York Times, a top Syrian 
businessman and cousin of the president said, “If there is no stability 
here, there’s no way there will be stability in Israel.” He urged the 
West to reduce pressure on the Syrian government.

An Israeli military spokesman, Captain Barak Raz, said that Israeli 
troops at the Syrian border fired only at those infiltrators trying to 
damage the security barrier and equipment there. Some 13 Israeli 
soldiers were lightly wounded from thrown rocks.

The day’s troubles began when an Israeli Arab truck driver rammed his 
truck into cars, a bus and pedestrians in Tel Aviv, killing one man and 
injuring more than a dozen others in what police described as a 
terrorist attack.

Later, hundreds of Lebanese joined by Palestinians from more than nine 
refugee camps in Lebanon headed toward the border, around the town of 
Maroun al-Ras, Lebanon, scene of some of the worst fighting in the 2006 
war between Israel and Hezbollah.

They passed posters that had gone up the past week on highways in 
Lebanon. “People want to return to Palestine,” they read, in a play on 
the slogan made famous in Egypt and Tunisia, “People want the fall of 
the regime.”

Though the Lebanese army tried to block them from arriving at the 

[Marxism] Racism in Libya

2011-05-15 Thread Suresh
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Libya's black refugees
Caught in the middle
The plight of black Africans trying to flee from Libya is dire—and worsening 
May 5th 2011  | SALLOUM  | from the print edition 

COLD by night and blisteringly hot under the midday sun, the  border crossing 
between Libya and Egypt at Salloum has become a bleak  stopping point for 
Western journalists seeking a way to eastern Libya’s  rebel stronghold of 
Benghazi, six hours’ drive to the west. But for  refugees going the other way, 
Salloum is another even gloomier barrier  on a long and often deadly flight 
These migrants, almost all of them black Africans who found refuge  from such 
places as Chad, Eritrea and Sudan’s ravaged Darfur region in  Colonel Muammar 
Qaddafi’s Libya, say they are targets of rebels in the  east, where they have 
all too often been mistaken for mercenaries in the  pay of the colonel. 

Their journey to Libya’s border is perilous. Many say they have  witnessed 
massacres of other black Africans. Even the wounded are not  welcome. Ahmed 
Muhammad Zakaria, a 20-year-old Chadian living in  Benghazi, was shot in the 
by rebels, but says people in the local  hospital, rather than treat him, told 
him to go to Egypt. A ten-year-old  boy infected with HIV from a blood 
transfusion in Libya was told that  he and his family were no longer welcome in 
the rebel-held east. “Burn  them all,” said one Benghazi native of the blacks 
fleeing Libya...
Link: http://www.economist.com/node/18652159?story_id=18652159

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[Marxism] Statements on Greece

2011-05-15 Thread Louis Proyect

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Dear comrades and friends,

During the General Strike on 11th May 2011 the Communist Party of 
Greece(marxist-leninist), Class March and the Militant Movement of 
Students had been the main (but not only) target of the police brutal 
attack along with another two political groups (EEK Trotskyites and 
OKDE), two grassroots workers unions (cooks  waiters union and 
grassroots union of motorbike workers (couriers etc)), an anarchist 
group and some grassroots groups that are active in specific 
neighborhoods and areas concerned with mainly local issues.

I have attached a statement of the Communist Party of 
Greece(marxist-leninist) along with statements of three of the militants 
injured during the brutal police attack. Their photographs where the 
signs of brutality are very visible can be found at: 

Christos Mais

(Marxmail does not allow attachments. They are, however, included as 
text below)

State terrorism will not prevail!
The people’s struggle will win!

Without any provocation or pretext the PASOK government attacked and 
bloodied the huge demonstration of May the 11th  2011 during the general 
strike in Athens. The government, scared of the “enemy people’s” rise, 
initiated an orgy of state violence and terrorism using its praetors, 
the riot police, against the demonstrators.
Our block, as well as several other blocks, received an unprovoked and 
maniacal attack by the riot police, who surrounded the demonstration in 
order to dissolve it, and went on with relentless use of tear gas and 
savage beatings against workers, unemployed, young people and women. The 
result was that dozens of demonstrators were transferred to hospital 
with head injuries. One of them is in Intensive Care fighting for his 
life after being operated in the head.
	The message was clear. The government and their masters, the 
imperialists of the IMF and the EU, want to stop any popular resistance 
against the austerity measures. The people must stay in its corner 
terrified. We “must not” demonstrate, “must not” strike, “must not” 
fight back. We “must” accept with fatalism the butchering of our rights, 
our future, our lives and that of our children.
	But they cannot rule out the people’s struggle! The cruel reality that 
the people are forced to live urges them to the road of resistance. The 
only way to combat state terrorism and repression is to continue more 
resolutely and massively our resistance against the barbaric policy of 
an exploitative and unjust system.


May 12, 2011

Communist Party of Greece (marxist-leninist)

“They wanted dead…”

In one of the most peaceful marches of the last years I was “fortunate” 
to accept the special “protection” of the riot police, alongside dozens 
of other demonstrators, young men and women as well as senior citizens, 
who were protesting against the politics of poverty and misery.
	I participate at least 25 years in the popular movement. I have never 
seen such rage against us by the repressive forces. The strikes were 
aimed at our heads clearly wanting dead among us! These were their 
orders. This is democracy at our times of the PASOK government and the 
EU-IMF-ECB Memorandum. Everybody is entitled to his opinion provided he 
does not express it. Anyone expressing his opinion will be “protected” 
like me. It is clear that this government is in the service of our 
foreign “protectors” and so is unscrupulous and dangerous to the people.

Sotiris Legas
Pharmacist – Tradeunionist
Former chairman of Ikaria Hospital Trade Union

The demonstration in which I participated yesterday was met by brutal 
and murderous force by the riot police. There was at first a huge amount 
of tear gas and then the attack. We were lucky we didn’t have dead among us.
This was a show of force against the people who are resisting against 
the austerity measures. They cannot terrorize us! We will continue on 
the path of struggle, the only way open for our people! Resistance in 
order to overthrow the austerity measures!

Roula Sakka
Chairman of 7th Athens IKA Hospital Trade Union

I was marching with the Class March block chanting slogans against the 
antipopular politics of the government and its new austerity measures 
when on Panepistimiou Street we were surrounded on all sides by riot 
police and attacked without provocation with tear gas and truncheons 
aimed at our heads. In the ensuing chaos and the stampede I was hit on 
the head by a policeman. I sensed the blood running on my face. I 

Re: [Marxism] Racism in Libya

2011-05-15 Thread Vladimiro Giacche'
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A very interesting insight into the behaviour of our beloved fighters for 

Il giorno 15/mag/2011, alle ore 20.26, Suresh ha scritto:

 Libya's black refugees
 Caught in the middle
 The plight of black Africans trying to flee from Libya is dire—and worsening 
 May 5th 2011  | SALLOUM  | from the print edition 
 These migrants, almost all of them black Africans who found refuge  from such 
 places as Chad, Eritrea and Sudan’s ravaged Darfur region in  Colonel Muammar 
 Qaddafi’s Libya, say they are targets of rebels in the  east, where they have 
 all too often been mistaken for mercenaries in the  pay of the colonel. 
 Their journey to Libya’s border is perilous. Many say they have  witnessed 
 massacres of other black Africans. Even the wounded are not  welcome. Ahmed 
 Muhammad Zakaria, a 20-year-old Chadian living in  Benghazi, was shot in the 
 by rebels, but says people in the local  hospital, rather than treat him, 
 him to go to Egypt. A ten-year-old  boy infected with HIV from a blood 
 transfusion in Libya was told that  he and his family were no longer welcome 
 the rebel-held east. “Burn  them all,” said one Benghazi native of the blacks 
 fleeing Libya...
 Link: http://www.economist.com/node/18652159?story_id=18652159

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[Marxism] Venezuela and Colombia

2011-05-15 Thread Anthony Boynton
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A few pennies worth.

I don't have much time to follow debates on this list, although i try. I
still have twenty unread digests in my mailbox which I will slog through, or
skim through as I accumulate more. So, I will not address anything anyone
has said directly.

Since Hugo Chavez came to power in Venezuela he has balanced on a tightrope
in the winds of the poorly organized plebian masses of Caracas, and the
entrenched interests of the very corrupt military from which he rose, and
the very small and reactionary Venezuelan upper petty bourgeoisie and
bourgeoisie. The Venezuelan revolution did not bring the working class to
power, it did not bring the peasantry to power, and it did not bring the
plebians int he cities to power. It brought Hugo Chavez to power.

Although many on this list will howl, scream and gnash their teeth when I
say this, Chavez is a left nationalist Bonapartist, and the Venezuelan
revolution was a democratic popular revoluiont, like the February Revolution
in 1917 in Russia, and not a proletarian socialist revolution like the one
that occurred in october of 1917 in Russia.

I have critically supported Chavez, and still do against the United States
and other imperialist attacks, but not when Chavez attacks the left, or the
mass movement, and not when Chavez acts to strengthen imperialism or its

Chavez's plicies towards Colombia have always vaciilated. When Alvaro Uribe
came to power, Chavez and Uribe's honeymoon was painful to watch. They
signed all sorts of trade deals, especially in the fields of natural gas and
pipelines. Uribe, not Chavez, broke off the romance because he belieived
that Chavez was having an affair with the FARC, too. Uribe was willing to
provoke a war with Venezuela over the issue, and had the support of
important players in the USA and in the Colombian ruling class. Ultimately,
the business instincts of the biggest Colombian players, starting witht he
family of the current President, got the better of the situation and the
drums of war were silenced.

Current President Juan Manuel Santos is interested in doing business.
Period. He is the Calvin Coolidge of Colombia. What is good for business is
good for the Santos family. And what is good for the Santos family, is good
for Colombia.

He has been conducting a non-stop friendship offensive with Venezuela and
Ecuador since he announced his candidacy for President. What he is offering
them is electricity to voercome shortages like those experienced last year
during El Niño, which caused the largest rise in political opposition
expereicned by Chavez since the failed coup. And he is offering natural gas,
which will be shipped to Venezuela while pipelines are beingin constructed
there. Once venezuela is able to ship its own natural gas to Caracas,
Venezuelan natural gas will flow through Colombia to the newLNG teminals now
being planned. From there it can be exported to anywhere int he Pacific.
Guess where.

Chavez has recently being catching ELN membes, FARC members, and recently
the editor of ANCOL to send to Santos as oferrings of love.

To be fair to Chavez, you have to look at the FARC and its relations with
the Latin American left. While the FARC and ELN are not Sendero Luminoso,
they both have a record of killing each other, and using violence or the
threat of vilence against others in the Colombian left. Chavez tried to
convince the FARC to come in from the cold and transform itself into an
electoral political vehicle. The FARc was not convinced, no doubt their
previous effort in the Union Patroitica and the answer to that by the
Colombian bourgeoisie of assasinating thousands of UP leaders an dmilitants,
helpee make up the FARC's mind. However, they may also have been influenced
by the fact that they have become a big player int he drug business, from
which they still dervie very subtstantial income. Coming in fromt he cold
would certainly endanger the profits they now make.

In any case, when the FARC blew off Chavez, Chavez may have felt he no
longer had any obligation to protect them from the ruthless offensive of the
United States and the Colombian military. In fact, FARC and ELN  presence,
real or imagined, were the primary excuses used by Uribe and his allies to
bring the coutntires to the brink of war. if Chavez wants to avoid a repeat,
he may very well want to get any freinds or representatives of these
organizations out of his country.

More later, Anthony

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[Marxism] Video: Julian Assange speaking before the Cambridge Union Society, March 2011

2011-05-15 Thread Ralph Johansen

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Julian Assange 
http://cus.org/connect/speaker-events/2011/julian-assange. CUS 
Connect. 19 April 2011. Retrieved 9 May 2011.

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Re: [Marxism] Leftist, Communist, Anarchist Bookstores in Madrid

2011-05-15 Thread Kerimcan YILDIRIM
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You can try the traficantes de sueños for most of the below.  
It is located at Embajadores 35, Local 6 Barrio Lavapiés, not very far from the 
Atocha railway station.
Opening times and other info you will find at their website 
I am not very sure about the official Capital versions though.


Angelus Novus wrote:

Can anyone recommend some?  I would like to obtain the official Spanish 
language versions of Marx's Capital, various historical works on the Spanish 
workers movement and/or anarcho-syndicalism, as well as copies of the journal 
Viento Sur and Spanish-language books published by the local affiliate(s) of 
the United Secretariat of the Fourth International.

Is there any single bookstore to satisfy these wants, or a few where each can 
be satisfied?

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[Marxism] Racism in Libya,

2011-05-15 Thread Suresh
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I just posted an article dealing with anti-black racial supremacism in Libya. 
Please note I did not demonize the Libyan rebels. In fact, the bigotry they 
express is found throughout the Arab world. At the same time, it's obvious that 
Qadaffi's use of mercenaries, and his perceived aid to black Africans both 
internally and diplomatically, makes blacks anathema to many on the rebel side 
in Libya. It wouldn't be the first time that a tyrannical regime's relatively 
progressive features became a source of opposition every bit as much as it's 
more numerous regressive aspects. We saw this in the Iraqi civil war as well, 
when Palestinian refugees were assaulted in bloody pogroms in the country. 
There's no point in making excuses about it. 

For some reason Einde, instead of dealing with the facts in the article, 
to post a quote by Lenin. Personally, I'd rather deal with the concrete issues 
of nation, class, and anti-imperialism in Libya than seek recourse to the same 
old revolutionary catechisms. 

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Re: [Marxism] Racism in Libya

2011-05-15 Thread Gary MacLennan
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Of course I am with Einde on this one.  Frankly Comrade Suresh et al are
locked into finding everything bad they can about the rebels in Libya.  This
is to justify their support for Qadhdhafi.  I am reminded somewhat here of
Oscar Wilde's famous description of fox-hunting as the unspeakable in
pursuit of the uneatable.

Meanwhile the pro-revolt section of the list frankly have moved on.  We
condemn Western military intervention and acknowledge the right wing nature
of the politics of those who appear to have come to the fore in the Benghazi
camp. Again I recommend the approach here of comrades Proyect on this list,
Richard Seymour at Lenin's tomb and As'ad Abu Khalil at the Angry Arab

None of the terrible stuff that has emerged about the Benghazi leadership
gainsays the truth that the infamous Qadhdhafi family by fighting tooth and
nail for their privileges have enshrined the efficacy of the slaughter of
unarmed protesters. Qadhdhafi's example has been followed eagerly by Bashar
Assad in Syria and Saleh in the Yemen.  Comrade Suresh would condemn Saleh I
am sure but would reserve criticism of Assad, I suspect.  Certainly MRzine

Now Israel has come to the feast once more and murdered unarmed
demonstrators.  World condemnation would always have been muted but it is
allowed to be even more so by the action of the Arab butchers in Syria,
Libya, the Yemen, Oman and Bahrain.

Meanwhile today's Guardian reports that Assad's cousin has begged the West
to go easy on Assad regime in recognition of Syria's contribution to
stability i.e. the Imperialist cause. MRzine will remain silent on this
piece of evidence, just as they have maintained a discreet silence on the
CIA's endorsement of the Qadhdhafi and Assad as people they could do
business with.

Meanwhile the Arab people who can think outside crude categories such as
Our tyrant versus their tryrant can see that the Syria army which refuses
to face up to the Israeli Army is quite prepared to shoot down unarmed
civilians.  That is the kind of filth that Comrade Suresh and MRzine are
supporting because of an undialectical approach to the struggle against

comradely regards


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Re: [Marxism] Racism in Libya,

2011-05-15 Thread Louis Proyect

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On 5/15/11 7:16 PM, Suresh wrote:

For some reason Einde, instead of dealing with the facts in the article, decided
to post a quote by Lenin. Personally, I'd rather deal with the concrete issues
of nation, class, and anti-imperialism in Libya than seek recourse to the same
old revolutionary catechisms.

Well, what you posted was old news. Within a week after the Benghazi 
revolt, there were copious reports in the bourgeois press and 
uber-copious reports on the MRZine, Chossudovsky, Marcyite wing of the 
left about all this.

It was in line with all the reports about the CIA connections, the 
monarchist flags, et al.

If posting all this stuff was supposed to motivate opposing imperialist 
intervention, that was the equivalent of breaking down an open door--at 
least as far as this mailing list is concerned. Nobody supported western 
intervention even though I and others were slandered to this effect.

Let's leave it at this. The Qaddafi dynasty looks like it is on its last 
legs. NATO bombing, rebel resilience and its own internal rot conspires 
to bring this to a conclusion.

I should add those that who equated Qaddafi's militias to the Cuban 
efforts at the Bay of Pigs should probably have their heads examined.

The New York Times
May 14, 2011 Saturday
Late Edition - Final

Captive Soldiers Tell of Discord In Libyan Army


MISURATA, Libya -- The army and militias of Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi, who 
for more than two months have fought rebels seeking to overthrow the 
Libyan leader, are undermined by self-serving officers, strained 
logistics and units hastily reinforced with untrained cadets, according 
to captured soldiers from their ranks.

In interviews this week in a rebel-run detention center where more than 
100 prisoners from the Libyan military are housed, the prisoners 
consistently described hardships in the field and officers who deceived 
or failed them. They spoke bitterly of their lot.

While some showed signs of mistreatment or of making statements to 
ingratiate themselves with their captors, the accounts of their 
logistical and tactical problems portrayed a Libyan force suffering from 
growing problems in a war that began as a mismatch, settled into 
stalemate and has recently shown signs of rebel advance.

On one hand, Libyan military units and militias went to war with clear 
material and organizational advantages, equipped with tanks, armored 
personnel carriers, artillery, rockets and vast stores of munitions. 
They arrived to battle with trained snipers and mortar, rocket and 
artillery crews.

On the other, the Libyan Defense Ministry thickened the ranks with 
veterans recalled to duty in poor physical condition and cadets with 
almost no combat training or experience.

Then, after facing weeks of airstrikes and a growing rebel force, some 
of these units were cut off, prisoners said, and officers betrayed the 
rank and file.

''The commanders told us, 'Stay here and we will be back with more 
ammunition,' '' said a cadet who claimed to have been pressed into 
service as an untrained infantryman last month, and was assigned to the 
fight for this city's center. ''But they did not come back, and the 
rebels surrounded us and we had to put down our weapons and quit.''

The prisoners' identities, which were provided by the interviewees, have 
been withheld to protect them and their families from retaliation.

The cadet, who had a shaved head and slender hands protruding from a 
long black robe, described many forms of disappointment in the Qaddafi 
military. At the start of the war, he said, he was a second-year cadet, 
and was told by his instructors that he must go serve.

His and his classmates' first mission, he said, was to search vehicles 
and check identification cards at one of the country's myriad 
checkpoints. There were 11 cadets at the gate of the town where he was 
assigned, he said.

''After a while they came and said 11 at the gate is too much,'' he 
said. ''And they took six of us and gave us Kalashnikovs and took us 
into Misurata.''

That was in April, when Misurata was the center of Libya's most pitched 
fight, a block-by-block contest that cost the lives of hundreds of men 
on both sides.

Inside the city, he said, he found he was in an unknown neighborhood, 
hidden with others in an apartment building as rebel fighters pressed 
near and the Libyan Army's lines of logistics were slowly but 
persistently severed behind them.

Other prisoners described constant deception by their officers.

One prisoner, a member of the 32 Reinforced Brigade of Armed People, a 
unit often called elite and which is led by Khamis Qaddafi, one of 
Colonel Qaddafi's sons, said he was the third contingent of the brigade 
to be sent from 

Re: [Marxism] Racism in Libya,

2011-05-15 Thread Einde O'Callaghan

Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

On 16.05.2011 01:16, Suresh wrote:


For some reason Einde, instead of dealing with the facts in the article, decided
to post a quote by Lenin. Personally, I'd rather deal with the concrete issues
of nation, class, and anti-imperialism in Libya than seek recourse to the same
old revolutionary catechisms.

I was responding to Vladimiro Giacche's one-liner, not to your post - 
which isn't exactly new news.

Lenin's insight in to the nature of nationalist upheavals is relevant in 
this context. And equally relevant is his remark in the next paragraph: 
Whoever expects a “pure” social revolution will *never* live to see it. 
Such a person pays lip-service to revolution without understanding what 
revolution is.

Einde O'Callaghan

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[Marxism] Racism in Libya

2011-05-15 Thread Suresh
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

Einde and Lou Proyect:

...which isn't exactly new news. 

Suresh: This article is what, less than two weeks old, and it's old news? Give 
me a break. 

I'm not impressed by quotations from Lenin about the Irish from almost a 
years ago. Let me repeat that: that quote is nearly a century old. I'm 
that Lenin would laugh at the notion that what he said at that time and place 
gospel in the early 21st century. What was excusable for the proletariat then 
not excusable now. Sorry.

There was some historical explanation for backward prejudices amongst workers 
and peasants at the turn of the 20th century, perhaps. In 2011? There's none. 
I'm sorry, but I won't subordinate the rights of blacks in North Africa to the 
Arab (chauvinist) revolution. The fact is there is deep-seated racism against 
blacks and South Asians in the Arab world. And the rebellion in Libya, far from 
challenging this, is actually strengthening Arab supremacy. Which isn't 
surprising considering there's no progressive, let alone revolutionary, content 
in their uprising whatsoever. And nobody has provided any significant evidence 
to support the contrary.

And dealing with what Louis said in particular...

Louis Proyect: Let's leave it at this. The Qaddafi dynasty looks like it is on 
its last  legs. NATO bombing, rebel resilience and its own internal rot 
conspires  to bring this to a conclusion. 

Suresh: Here's the problem. If the government in Tripoli falls now, when it is 
suffering from NATO bombing, it will embolden the U.S. and it's British and 
French allies to launch new aggressions against Africa and the Middle East in 
the near future. Of course, the transitional regime in Benghazi couldn't care 
less if workers in Somalia or Iraq are sanctioned, bombed, and occupied 
because they encouraged the efflorescence of American imperialism. All they 
about is taking power and enriching themselves. They've made that abundantly 
clear by constantly prostrating themselves before Washington, London, and 
Guess what? Hardly anybody except Proyect's nemesis Yoshi Furuhashi thinks 
Qaddafi is progressive. We just don't fool ourselves into thinking there's some 
sort of social revolution going on here. There isn't. And six months, a year, 
and five years from now, the evidence will only accumulate to support that 
We have one newly neo-liberal regime being replaced by another neo-liberal 
regime. Except the latter is coming in the wake of American, British, and 

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[Marxism] West is going downhill and East is going uphill?

2011-05-15 Thread fesen joon
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