[Marxism] Malaysia: Rohingya refugees left with nowhere to go

2013-07-01 Thread Stuart Munckton
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Jani Alam, a 25-year-old, is walking slow and painfully. Having slightly
swollen feet, this “exercise” is the only treatment available from
60-year-old traditional doctor, Guramia Saiyid.

Both Alam and Saiyad are stateless refugees from the Rohingya ethnic
minority from Arakan state in western Burma. They now live in Malaysia.

Saiyad has lived in the country for 11 years, while Alam has arrived four
months ago.

“In the past months, dozens of refugees arrived almost every day,” said
41-year-old Jamar Udin, a neighbor and also a Rohingya.

Udin said many of the newly arrived have difficulty walking due to a lack
of exercise.
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Re: [Marxism] Gettysburg

2013-07-01 Thread Mark Lause
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Yep.  Me, too, for a while.

Printers organized unions from the late 18th century in the US and
estalbished one of the first national unions in the 1830s, though it was
short-lived.  The National Typographical Union formed from a series of
conventions starting in 1850.  It became the Internaitonal Typographical
Union after the Civil War with the addition of some Canadian locals.
Radical land reform and Fourierist currents had a real influence in the
early days, and the old Brotherhood of the Union (one of the main
forerunners of the Knights of Labor) had so many printers that some
chapters essentially took over the printers union entirely.  The emergence
of new radical currents and the socialists after the 1880s made getting rid
of these secret societies essential, and what resulted was an internal
political party system within the ITU.  The socialist-led Progressives won
and debarred the brotherhood from controling the union's function in the
early 1910s, but the party system stuck.


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Re: [Marxism] Gettysburg

2013-07-01 Thread Andrew Pollack
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I read the wiki entry on Honey Springs, interesting stuff. That's also
interesting re the ex-Brownites.

Now re printers: we're talking the trade that the International
Typographical Union represented, right? That's the union whose unusually
healthy structure and practices Seymour Lipset explored in "Union
Democracy" -- and which, IIRR, was Jean Tussey's union (an old SWPer from
their healthy days now passed on).

On Mon, Jul 1, 2013 at 11:29 PM, Mark Lause  wrote:

> ==
> Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> ==
> Thanks, Andy.  Grant was a local commander at Vicksburg at this time and
> had nothing to do with Honey Springs, which fought all the way over in the
> Indian Territory by a racially mixed army (including integrated regiments)
> under the general command of people who had fougfht with John Brown before
> the war,
> And, yes, Horace Greeley called the print shot "the poor man's college."
> There was a wonderful scene in _Sahara_, the original piece of WWII
> propaganda in which the collection of allied soliders of different nations
> are holding an oasis against the Germans.  In the night, one of the
> soldiers, was talking about how much water it would take to irrigate the
> area.  He was a typesetter who had worked on a book about the subject.
> They were like that right up into our day and probably still are in
> places.
> Since the union controled the job, you could get yourself a traveling card
> and work your way across the country, and every shop of any size had one or
> two "tramp printers" passing throuigh.
> And, of course, it helped to be multi-lingual, and in that age, this was a
> lot more usual among some groups of skilled workers than among college
> students today.
> ML
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Re: [Marxism] Gettysburg

2013-07-01 Thread Mark Lause
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Thanks, Andy.  Grant was a local commander at Vicksburg at this time and
had nothing to do with Honey Springs, which fought all the way over in the
Indian Territory by a racially mixed army (including integrated regiments)
under the general command of people who had fougfht with John Brown before
the war,

And, yes, Horace Greeley called the print shot "the poor man's college."
There was a wonderful scene in _Sahara_, the original piece of WWII
propaganda in which the collection of allied soliders of different nations
are holding an oasis against the Germans.  In the night, one of the
soldiers, was talking about how much water it would take to irrigate the
area.  He was a typesetter who had worked on a book about the subject.
They were like that right up into our day and probably still are in

Since the union controled the job, you could get yourself a traveling card
and work your way across the country, and every shop of any size had one or
two "tramp printers" passing throuigh.

And, of course, it helped to be multi-lingual, and in that age, this was a
lot more usual among some groups of skilled workers than among college
students today.


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Re: [Marxism] Gettysburg

2013-07-01 Thread Michael Smith
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On Mon, 1 Jul 2013 17:55:15 -0700
michael perelman  wrote:
> Isn't it true that printers tended to be very (self) educated?

Those were the days. Now, they only speak PCL. 


Leur sçavoir n’estoyt que besterye, et leur sapience n’estoyt 
que moufles, abastardisant les bons et nobles esperitz, et 
corrumpent toute fleur de ieunesse. 

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Re: [Marxism] Gettysburg

2013-07-01 Thread michael perelman
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Isn't it true that printers tended to be very (self) educated?

Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA

530 898 5321
fax 530 898 5901

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Re: [Marxism] Guess who is a Jew

2013-07-01 Thread Marv Gandall
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On 2013-07-01, at 6:31 PM, Einde O'Callaghan wrote:

> On 01.07.2013 20:12, Louis Proyect wrote:
>> Anti-Semitism poses absolutely no danger anywhere in the world to Jews.
> I'm sorry to contradict you, Louis. the reports coming out of Hungary are 
> quite worrying. People are being beaten up in the streets for participating 
> in protests against desecrations of Jewish graves. While it's true that in 
> most of Western and Central Europe anti-Muslim politics and activities are a 
> greater threat the traditional fascist anti-Semitism is still a living force. 
> And even though most attacks by Golden Dawn in Greece are directed against 
> Muslim refugees and immigrants they also indulge in old-fashioned 
> anti-semitism too. I wouldn't be so sure that traditional anti-Semitism is a 
> spent force. Here in Germany the desecration of Jewish cemeteries and 
> buildings is at least as common as desecrations aimed at Muslim institutions 
> and buildings. Here in Chemnitz, where I live, a popular Jewsih restaurant 
> was forced to close because it became increasingly difficult to get insurance 
> coverage because it was damaged so regularly by drunken (and not so drunken) 
> Nazis. An Arab restau
 rant in the same street had far fewer problems.

As Daniel Rocha has already noted, to the degree that there is a backlash of 
sorts against discussion of anti-semitism among those whose anti-racist 
credentials are beyond doubt, including on this list, it stems from the 
disproportionate attention to the subject generated by the Holocaust industry 
which has shamefully exploited it to build support for Zionism and Israel and 
to  indiscriminately smear critics of oppressive Israeli policies as 
"anti-semites".  The effect of such propaganda has been to obscure and devalue 
the immense human tragedy which befell oppressed European Jews, Romas, gays, 
and the disabled, and to have given rise to renewed anti-semitic sentiments 
based on the perception that "the Jews" own the means of communication and are 
using the media and entertainment industries to pursue their own narrow 

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Re: [Marxism] Forbes posted this for the Gettysburg anniversary

2013-07-01 Thread Jim Farmelant
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There is a measure of truth to that in that protective tariffs were long a bone 
of contention between the North, which looked to tariffs to help stimulate 
industrialization there and the South, which, having an economy oriented to 
plantation agriculture (based on slave labor) found tariffs to be harmful to 
their own interests. In the US, Alexander Hamilton famously advanced his 
"infant industries" arguments on behalf of protective tariffs in his Report on 
Manufactures in 1791 (http://www.constitution.org/ah/rpt_manufactures.pdf).  
Hamilton's arguments were embraced by the Federalists.  Later on, similar 
economic policies would be advocated by the Whig politician, Henry Clay, who 
rebranded these policies as the American System.  Clay's ideas were also 
embraced by a young Whig politician, known as Abraham Lincoln.  Years later, 
Lincoln as president would implement many of these ideas.  

While the Forbes article is correct in pointing out that protective tariffs 
were an issue of sharp contention between the North and South.  It's deceptive 
to claim that it was tariffs rather than slavery that the basis of antagonism 
between the North and the South, since it was slavery which was the underlying 
basis for the South's plantation economy which was harmed by tariffs.

Jim Farmelant
Learn or Review Basic Math

-- Original Message --
From: Mark Lause 
Subject: [Marxism] Forbes posted this for the Gettysburg anniversary
Date: Mon, 1 Jul 2013 18:44:45 -0400

A former student found this piece originally on the Forbes site.


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Re: [Marxism] Guess who is a Jew

2013-07-01 Thread Michael Smith
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On Mon, 1 Jul 2013 18:47:58 -0400
Sheldon Ranz  wrote:

> As long as systems of oppression require a scapegoat to sustain
> themselves in times of crisis, appeals to anti-Semitism will come in
> handy.  

Really? How surprising then that there's so little of it. 

Anti-Semitism is at best a mere fringe phenomenon these days, 
but anti-anti-Semitism is perennial. I suspect it's because
nobody wants to give up the moral fringe benefits of being 
an oppressed people -- especially if these can be enjoyed 
without the inconvenience of actually being oppressed.  

Leur sçavoir n’estoyt que besterye, et leur sapience n’estoyt 
que moufles, abastardisant les bons et nobles esperitz, et 
corrumpent toute fleur de ieunesse. 

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Re: [Marxism] Guess who is a Jew

2013-07-01 Thread Daniel Rocha
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

The worst part of antisemitism, and the holocaust, nowadays is, by far, its
use as a tool for Israel to make itself a victim and oppress the
Palestinians as well to support governments that oppress the working class.

2013/7/1 Sheldon Ranz 

> ==
> Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> ==
> As long as systems of oppression require a scapegoat to sustain themselves
> in times of crisis, appeals to anti-Semitism will come in handy. Old habits
> die hard.
> On Mon, Jul 1, 2013 at 6:31 PM, Einde O'Callaghan  >wrote:
> >
> ==**==**==
> > Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> >
> ==**==**==
> >
> >
> > On 01.07.2013 20:12, Louis Proyect wrote:
> >
> >>
> >> Anti-Semitism poses absolutely no danger anywhere in the world to Jews.
> >>
> >
> > I'm sorry to contradict you, Louis. the reports coming out of Hungary are
> > quite worrying. People are being beaten up in the streets for
> participating
> > in protests against desecrations of Jewish graves. While it's true that
> in
> > most of Western and Central Europe anti-Muslim politics and activities
> are
> > a greater threat the traditional fascist anti-Semitism is still a living
> > force. And even though most attacks by Golden Dawn in Greece are directed
> > against Muslim refugees and immigrants they also indulge in old-fashioned
> > anti-semitism too. I wouldn't be so sure that traditional anti-Semitism
> is
> > a spent force.
> >
> > Here in Germany the desecration of Jewish cemeteries and buildings is at
> > least as common as desecrations aimed at Muslim institutions and
> buildings.
> > Here in Chemnitz, where I live, a popular Jewsih restaurant was forced to
> > close because it became increasingly difficult to get insurance coverage
> > because it was damaged so regularly by drunken (and not so drunken)
> Nazis.
> > An Arab restaurant in the same street had far fewer problems.
> >
> > Einde O'Callaghan
> >
> >
> > __**__
> > Send list submissions to: Marxism@greenhouse.economics.**utah.edu<
> Marxism@greenhouse.economics.utah.edu>
> > Set your options at: http://greenhouse.economics.**
> > utah.edu/mailman/options/**marxism/sranz18%40gmail.com<
> http://greenhouse.economics.utah.edu/mailman/options/marxism/sranz18%40gmail.com
> >
> >
> Send list submissions to: Marxism@greenhouse.economics.utah.edu
> Set your options at:
> http://greenhouse.economics.utah.edu/mailman/options/marxism/danieldiniz%40gmail.com

Daniel Rocha - RJ

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Re: [Marxism] Guess who is a Jew

2013-07-01 Thread Sheldon Ranz
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

As long as systems of oppression require a scapegoat to sustain themselves
in times of crisis, appeals to anti-Semitism will come in handy. Old habits
die hard.

On Mon, Jul 1, 2013 at 6:31 PM, Einde O'Callaghan wrote:

> ==**==**==
> Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> ==**==**==
> On 01.07.2013 20:12, Louis Proyect wrote:
>> Anti-Semitism poses absolutely no danger anywhere in the world to Jews.
> I'm sorry to contradict you, Louis. the reports coming out of Hungary are
> quite worrying. People are being beaten up in the streets for participating
> in protests against desecrations of Jewish graves. While it's true that in
> most of Western and Central Europe anti-Muslim politics and activities are
> a greater threat the traditional fascist anti-Semitism is still a living
> force. And even though most attacks by Golden Dawn in Greece are directed
> against Muslim refugees and immigrants they also indulge in old-fashioned
> anti-semitism too. I wouldn't be so sure that traditional anti-Semitism is
> a spent force.
> Here in Germany the desecration of Jewish cemeteries and buildings is at
> least as common as desecrations aimed at Muslim institutions and buildings.
> Here in Chemnitz, where I live, a popular Jewsih restaurant was forced to
> close because it became increasingly difficult to get insurance coverage
> because it was damaged so regularly by drunken (and not so drunken) Nazis.
> An Arab restaurant in the same street had far fewer problems.
> Einde O'Callaghan
> __**__
> Send list submissions to: 
> Marxism@greenhouse.economics.**utah.edu
> Set your options at: http://greenhouse.economics.**
> utah.edu/mailman/options/**marxism/sranz18%40gmail.com

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[Marxism] Forbes posted this for the Gettysburg anniversary

2013-07-01 Thread Mark Lause
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

A former student found this piece originally on the Forbes site.


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Re: [Marxism] Guess who is a Jew

2013-07-01 Thread Einde O'Callaghan

Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

On 01.07.2013 20:12, Louis Proyect wrote:

Anti-Semitism poses absolutely no danger anywhere in the world to Jews.

I'm sorry to contradict you, Louis. the reports coming out of Hungary 
are quite worrying. People are being beaten up in the streets for 
participating in protests against desecrations of Jewish graves. While 
it's true that in most of Western and Central Europe anti-Muslim 
politics and activities are a greater threat the traditional fascist 
anti-Semitism is still a living force. And even though most attacks by 
Golden Dawn in Greece are directed against Muslim refugees and 
immigrants they also indulge in old-fashioned anti-semitism too. I 
wouldn't be so sure that traditional anti-Semitism is a spent force.

Here in Germany the desecration of Jewish cemeteries and buildings is at 
least as common as desecrations aimed at Muslim institutions and 
buildings. Here in Chemnitz, where I live, a popular Jewsih restaurant 
was forced to close because it became increasingly difficult to get 
insurance coverage because it was damaged so regularly by drunken (and 
not so drunken) Nazis. An Arab restaurant in the same street had far 
fewer problems.

Einde O'Callaghan

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[Marxism] Egyptian army exploits unrest to mount a coup

2013-07-01 Thread Louis Proyect

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NY Times July 1, 2013
Egypt’s Army Issues Ultimatum to Morsi

CAIRO — Egypt’s top generals on Monday gave President Mohamed Morsi 48 
hours to respond to a wave of mass protests demanding his ouster, 
declaring that if he did not, then the military leaders themselves would 
impose their own “road map” to resolve the political crisis.

Their statement, in the form a communiqué read over state television, 
plunged the military back to the center of political life just 10 months 
after they handed full power to Mr. Morsi as Egypt’s first 
democratically elected leader.

The communiqué was issued following an increasingly violent weekend of 
protests by millions of Egyptians angry with Mr. Morsi and his Muslim 
Brotherhood backers. It came hours after protesters destroyed the 
Brotherhood’s headquarters in Cairo.

In tone and delivery, the communiqué echoed the announcement the Supreme 
Council of the Armed Forces issued 28 months ago to oust President Hosni 
Mubarak and seize full control of the state. But the scope and duration 
of the military’s latest threat of political intervention — and its 
consequences for Egypt’s halting transition to democracy — were not 
immediately clear, in part because the generals took pains to emphasize 
their reluctance to take over and the inclusion of civilians in any next 

For Mr. Morsi and his Islamist allies in the Muslim Brotherhood, 
however, a military intervention would be an epic defeat. It would deny 
them the chance to govern Egypt that the Brotherhood had struggled 80 
years to finally win, in democratic elections, only to see their prize 
snatched away after less than a year.

“We understand it as a military coup,” one adviser to Mr. Morsi said, 
speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss confidential 
deliberations. “What form that will take remains to be seen.”

The military’s ultimatum seemed to leave Mr. Morsi few choices: cut 
short his term as president with a resignation or early elections; share 
significant power with a political opponent in a role such as prime 
minister; or attempt to rally his Islamist supporters to fight back for 
power in the streets.

Mr. Morsi’s adviser said the military should not assume that the 
Brotherhood would accept its ouster without an all-out battle to defend 
his democratic victories. The Brotherhood may not “take this lying 
down,” the adviser said.

Citing “the historic circumstance,” the military council said in its 
statement that “if the demands of the people have not been met” within 
48 hours then the armed forces would be forced by patriotic duty “to 
announce a road map of measures enforced under the military’s 
supervision” for the political factions to settle the crisis.

Just what would meet “the demands of the people,” the military did not 
specify. The rallying cry of the protests that precipitated the 
announcement was the demand for Mr. Morsi’s immediate departure.

It remained possible, though, that many might accept a less drastic 
power-sharing measure until the election of a new Parliament expected 
later this year, especially under military oversight.

But the military council also emphasized its reluctance to resume 
political power. It has made the same disclaimer at its seizure of power 
in 2011, but reiterated more vigorously on Monday.

“The armed forces will not be party to the circle of politics or ruling, 
and the military refuses to deviate from its assigned role in the 
original democratic vision that flows from the will of the people,” the 
statement said.

But it also noted that the “political forces” had failed to “reach 
consensus and resolve the crisis” on their own by a deadline set last 
week in a statement from the defense minister, Gen. Abdul Fattah el-Sisi.

“The wasting of more time will only create more division and conflict,” 
the statement continued, pledging that the armed forces’ own “road map” 
would include “the participation of all the sincere national factions 
and trends.” The general added a special mention for inclusion of “the 
youth,” who the generals called “the exploders of their glorious 

Many of the demonstrators now calling for Mr. Morsi’s ouster spent 
months last year marching to demand that the military give up its hold 
on power. And at a continuing demonstration outside the presidential 
palace to call for Mr. Morsi’s exit, marchers had been chanting against 
both “Brotherhood rule and military rule” when the announcement came out.

But different cheers broke out immediately. “The army and the people are 
one hand!” protesters chanted, recalling the heady days immediately 
after the overthrow of Mr. Mubarak when the military was first hailed as 
a s

Re: [Marxism] Guess who is a Jew

2013-07-01 Thread Louis Proyect

Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

Anti-Semitism poses absolutely no danger anywhere in the world to Jews. 
I only pointed out Putin's stupidity and that of the Iranian media to 
demonstrate how unfortunate it is for segments of the left to fawn over 
them as "anti-imperialist" allies. Of course, the real danger they pose 
is not to Jews, despite their rhetoric, but to socialists. Putin's 
knuckle-dragging comments about the Bolshie Jews was the perfect symbol 
of his stupidity, just as was Bashar al-Assad's overture to the BNP and 
the European right.

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Re: [Marxism] Guess who is a Jew

2013-07-01 Thread mjs
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> When we denounce anti-Semitism today, we are part of a proud tradition.

Or possibly beating a dead horse.

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Re: [Marxism] Gettysburg

2013-07-01 Thread Andrew Pollack
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

Great stuff, Mark! If you have no objection I'll share it on Facebook
tonight -- along with links to Amazon ads for some of your previous books.

PS re Honey Springs: I see the wiki entry mentioning the racial
composition. Can I assume though that the forces at Vicksburg -- who
achieved victory the day after Gettysburg's conclusion and were equally
important in many ways -- were all-white (was Honey Springs separate from
Grant's command?)?

On Mon, Jul 1, 2013 at 1:46 PM, Mark Lause  wrote:

> ==
> Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> ==
> I've been working on a draft of a book on the labor movement in the Civil
> War years.  One part of a chapter uses Gettysburg as an exercise to
> demonstrate the ubiquitous participation of union members, though it's only
> easily done for the printers, whose membership was actually published.
> A few stories are worth passing on . . . .
> Those who've not seen the movie should do so, particularly for the
> touch-and-go nature of those first few hours of July 1, which really
> allowed a few small Union regiments to hold the strong defensive positions
> on which the Confederate army broke itself over the next two days.
> Commanding one wing of the Eighth Illinois Cavalry was Major William H.
> Medill, a memberr of the Chicago Typographical Union and the brother of the
> editor of the Chicago Tribune.
> Amont the first infantry that literally ran onto the field was that
> black-hatted Midwestern "Iron Brigade," including the 24th Michigan, which
> included so many members of the printers union that the losses must have
> made Gettysburg the worst day in Detroit labor history for years to do.
> The local supplied several of the officers, three sergeants and a cluster
> of enlisted men.  Among those wounded was Second Lieutenants Michael
> Dempsey, the vice president of the printers local, and Captain Malachi J.
> O’Donnell killed.  Last seen at the regiment's final barricade by the
> Seminary, O'Donnel was rallying the men with the sword presented him by his
> fellow workers at the Detroit Free Press.Arriving later and to the
> north of town, the 16th Maine included among its officers First Lieutenant
> George A. Deering, the former leader of the firefighters’ strike at Saco,
> who was wounded and spent the next year and a half a prisoner of war.
> All in all, its possible to identify about a hundred members of the
> Typographical Union at one place or another at Gettysburg . . . .
> And there were dozens of unions at the time just as big, and more likely to
> have members there than the printers.
> A few days later, Medill was killed in one of the rear guard actions,
> chasing the Confederates south.  So was the carpenter Benjamin F. Price, a
> captain in the 70th New York and then the national secretary of those
> "Agrarian National Reformers" Marx and Engels mentioned in the Communist
> Manifesto.
> A note on race ., . . while the Union Army of the Potomac remained
> officially lilly white at Gettyburg, the armies along the Mississippi
> already had large numbers of black soldiers.  Still further west--and a few
> days after Gettysburg--that wonderful little tri-racial army of Indians,
> blacks and whites won an important victory at Honey Springs.
> One worthwhile anecdote worth passing on was the experience of Sergeant
> George W. Beidelman of the Philadelphia Typographical Union.  He was from a
> small town in the Pennsylvania backcountry, proper Jacksonian Democrats and
> racists to the core.  At Gettysburg, he was shot through both legs and left
> to convalesce in a camp where he encountered some of the new black recruits
> joining the army.  As with many working class whites from the North, it
> seems to have been his first real contact with African Americans, and he
> sent letters appreciative of them home to his father.  By the end, he
> wrote, “Thank God, the inhuman and hell-begotten prejudices, which would
> deprive these people of the dearest privileges of men and citizens, are
> fast disappearing; and a new order of things will no doubt attend the
> results of this great rebellion and the cleaning out of the Augean stables
> of our political system.”  Beidelman died March 1864 of the wounds he got
> at Gettysburg..
> Within weeks, those black troops entering the eastern armies entered the
> field in Virginia.  One of their commanders was Alonzo G. Draper, who had
> led the largest strike in American history before the war, that of the New
> England shoemakers in 1860.  Draper's former mentor had been William B.
> Greene, the West Pointer at Brook Farm w

Re: [Marxism] Gettysburg

2013-07-01 Thread Mark Lause
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

I've been working on a draft of a book on the labor movement in the Civil
War years.  One part of a chapter uses Gettysburg as an exercise to
demonstrate the ubiquitous participation of union members, though it's only
easily done for the printers, whose membership was actually published.

A few stories are worth passing on . . . .

Those who've not seen the movie should do so, particularly for the
touch-and-go nature of those first few hours of July 1, which really
allowed a few small Union regiments to hold the strong defensive positions
on which the Confederate army broke itself over the next two days.
Commanding one wing of the Eighth Illinois Cavalry was Major William H.
Medill, a memberr of the Chicago Typographical Union and the brother of the
editor of the Chicago Tribune.

Amont the first infantry that literally ran onto the field was that
black-hatted Midwestern "Iron Brigade," including the 24th Michigan, which
included so many members of the printers union that the losses must have
made Gettysburg the worst day in Detroit labor history for years to do.
The local supplied several of the officers, three sergeants and a cluster
of enlisted men.  Among those wounded was Second Lieutenants Michael
Dempsey, the vice president of the printers local, and Captain Malachi J.
O’Donnell killed.  Last seen at the regiment's final barricade by the
Seminary, O'Donnel was rallying the men with the sword presented him by his
fellow workers at the Detroit Free Press.Arriving later and to the
north of town, the 16th Maine included among its officers First Lieutenant
George A. Deering, the former leader of the firefighters’ strike at Saco,
who was wounded and spent the next year and a half a prisoner of war.

All in all, its possible to identify about a hundred members of the
Typographical Union at one place or another at Gettysburg . . . .

And there were dozens of unions at the time just as big, and more likely to
have members there than the printers.

A few days later, Medill was killed in one of the rear guard actions,
chasing the Confederates south.  So was the carpenter Benjamin F. Price, a
captain in the 70th New York and then the national secretary of those
"Agrarian National Reformers" Marx and Engels mentioned in the Communist

A note on race ., . . while the Union Army of the Potomac remained
officially lilly white at Gettyburg, the armies along the Mississippi
already had large numbers of black soldiers.  Still further west--and a few
days after Gettysburg--that wonderful little tri-racial army of Indians,
blacks and whites won an important victory at Honey Springs.

One worthwhile anecdote worth passing on was the experience of Sergeant
George W. Beidelman of the Philadelphia Typographical Union.  He was from a
small town in the Pennsylvania backcountry, proper Jacksonian Democrats and
racists to the core.  At Gettysburg, he was shot through both legs and left
to convalesce in a camp where he encountered some of the new black recruits
joining the army.  As with many working class whites from the North, it
seems to have been his first real contact with African Americans, and he
sent letters appreciative of them home to his father.  By the end, he
wrote, “Thank God, the inhuman and hell-begotten prejudices, which would
deprive these people of the dearest privileges of men and citizens, are
fast disappearing; and a new order of things will no doubt attend the
results of this great rebellion and the cleaning out of the Augean stables
of our political system.”  Beidelman died March 1864 of the wounds he got
at Gettysburg..

Within weeks, those black troops entering the eastern armies entered the
field in Virginia.  One of their commanders was Alonzo G. Draper, who had
led the largest strike in American history before the war, that of the New
England shoemakers in 1860.  Draper's former mentor had been William B.
Greene, the West Pointer at Brook Farm who had rushed back at the war's
start from France, where he had been working with Proudhon.  Greene, btw,
was also the uncle of Robert G. Shaw, the Federal commander of the 54th
Massachusetts, which was about to storm Fort Wagner in July 1863.

Mark L.

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[Marxism] Jacobin Book Club: The Making of Global Capitalism | Jacobin

2013-07-01 Thread Louis Proyect

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[Marxism] More Evidence That US Middle Class is Sliding Toward the Third World | Common Dreams

2013-07-01 Thread Louis Proyect

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America's middle class is sliding out of the developed world and toward 
third-world status. Column 9 makes it clear. Among all the nations of 
the world with at least a quarter-million adults, only Russia, Ukraine, 
and Lebanon are more unequal in their wealth distribution. Most of the 
third world countries are, sad to say and hard to believe, fairer to 
their middle classes than we are.

full: http://www.commondreams.org/view/2013/07/01-1

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[Marxism] WikiLeaks’ Assange: Snowden ‘marooned in Russia’ - The Washington Post

2013-07-01 Thread Louis Proyect

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Behind 'The Terminal,' a true story

By Ethan Gilsdorf, Contributor to The Christian Science Monitor / June 
21, 2004


As far as Steven Spielberg's new blockbuster, "The Terminal," is 
concerned, the experience of being trapped inside an airport for a year 
can lead to friendship, comic high jinks, and even romance.

Related stories

But it's hard to see the life of Mehran Karimi Nasseri through 
Spielberg-colored glasses. Mr. Nasseri is the inspiration for the movie 
- a real-life Iranian refugee who arrived at Paris's Charles de Gaulle 
Airport in 1988 without a passport and without papers to enter another 
country. He's been stuck in Terminal One ever since. Like a lost and 
battered suitcase, he has been claimed by no one.

"The Terminal," which opened Friday in the United States, recounts the 
hardships of Viktor Navorski (Tom Hanks), a fictitious Balkan traveler 
stranded at New York's JFK Airport. His homeland erupts into civil war 
and his passport becomes void. He can't officially enter the US, but 
neither can he return to Eastern Europe. So he lives for months in the 
hermetically sealed microcosm of an airport concourse.

Some of Navorski's survival tactics are similar to Nasseri's, like 
bathing in the washroom, setting up a living area on a bench, and 
accepting food vouchers from airport workers. But where the movie has 
embellished the story with madcap adventures and a fling with a flight 
attendant played by Catherine Zeta-Jones, Nasseri's life consists mostly 
of reading. His most recent book is Hillary Clinton's autobiography. 
"Maybe I don't do it like Tom Hanks does it," he says. "My day is just 
like inside a library. Silence."


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[Marxism] Khaled Diab: Syria's Sunni vs. Shia Myth

2013-07-01 Thread Louis Proyect

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[Marxism] Swans Commentary: Tony Judt, Edward Snowden, And "The Excluded", by Manuel García, Jr. - mgarci66

2013-07-01 Thread Louis Proyect

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[Marxism] Egypt: the masses arise

2013-07-01 Thread En Passant with John Passant
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But if we can't know precisely how things will unfold in Egypt in the next few 
days, one thing is certain writes Tom Bramble in Socialist Alternative. Two and 
a half years after the first call went out on 25 January, the Egyptian 
revolution is alive and kicking. Every attempt to crush the revolutionary 
movement, to extinguish the beacon of hope that has been an inspiration to 
millions across the entire region, will be resisted. 


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2013-07-01 Thread Hunter Gray
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JULY 1 2013

Forever?  Well, one can't help but wonder.

I was not surprised to learn early this morning of the death of the 19 
firefighters in north/central Arizona.  It's a massive tragedy on lands I 
personally know and involving brave and committed younger people of the type 
with whom I grew up.  But given the increasingly savage and, at least by human 
ken, wildly unpredictable weather, I am surprised that the mortality rate has 
been as relatively low as it has -- with each fire season surpassing its 
predecessor in pure Horror.

In times now well past, I did a great deal of forest fire fighting in the 
Southwest -- including fire lookout work.  My first fire was in June, 1950, 
near my home town of Flagstaff.  The shadow of another fire tragedy the 
preceding year -- the Mann Gulch Fire in Montana -- was much on our minds.  As 
I've written on our now very large forest fire webpage:

Cowboying and coal mining -- and mining in general -- are all innately and 
extremely dangerous.  Anyone with any savvy at all about brush and forest fire 
control will put that 'way up high with those.  When I started in 1950, at 
sixteen [ostensibly eighteen], the horror of the 1949 Mann Gulch Fire in the 
Helena National Forest, Montana, hovered over the entire Mountain West.  There, 
thirteen young men died -- essentially close together.  Norman Maclean, a fine 
writer and a great Westerner, wrote a hell of a good book about that colossal 
tragedy, "Young Men and Fire."  My son, John, gave it to me on my birthday, 
1993.  Strongly recommended.  H.

In the summer of 1956, I fought two large forest fires in Northern Arizona,  
Here, again via our webpage, is what almost happened to me on one of them.  
Unlike the guys who died yesterday -- well trained -- and the equally savvy 
fighters of the long ago Mann Gulch burn, I was on a fire crew that had mostly 
"tenderfeet" types:

In situations like this, people are often hired off the streets to fight fire.  
Some do it well and some don't.  In the summer of 1956, I was on a very large 
fire in yellow pine timber, a "burn" of about 9,000 acres as it turned out, in 
the Sitgreaves National Forest of Northern Arizona.  I was working building 
fire line with a Pulaski -- axe/hoe combo -- and had a gallon canteen of water 
for personal drinking.  Most of the 20 guys on my crew were "greenhorns" from 
the streets of Winslow.  Suddenly as I worked along, with a huge approaching 
wall of fire coming fast upon us, I looked around and realized my crew mates 
had all deserted, leaving me totally alone.  Spot fires -- from windblown 
sparks -- were developing all about me.  I had heavy logging boots, Levi pants 
and shirt, and my trusty Stetson hat, and, somewhat singed for sure, I barely 
escaped with my life and my Pulaski and canteen. When I saw some of the 
deserters on a far back logging road, several accusatory terms came to 
 mind, but I settled on calling them all "jelly beans" -- an especially vile 
term in rural Arizona.  Most of them left the fire but I continued with another 
crew that was rushed in pronto -- and eventually we all stopped the inferno.

The second fire I fought in that summer of '56, was on the Prescott National 
Forest -- about a hundred miles west of Flagstaff.  And that was right in the 
general vicinity where the colossal tragedy of yesterday took place.  The turf 
is incredibly rough -- rocky, steep.  While there are some Yellow Pines 
(Ponderosa) and Cedars, there is massive brush -- Blackjack (scrub oak) and 
huge clusters of thorny Manzanita.  I've always remembered it as the toughest 
fire fighting turf I was ever on.  (It was also on this fire that a Forest 
Service official tried to make some of us wear metal safety helmets rather than 
our Stetsons.  We refused on the grounds that the "safety helmets" were 
encumbering and lacked the effective sweat bands which were supposed to keep 
sweat from our eyes.  Our Stetsons worked just fine and the official quickly 
backed down.  But today's fire fighters seem to me to be heavily -- and perhaps 
dangerously -- burdened  by too much official "protective" stuff.)

Finally, I wrote this yesterday on our situation here in Southeastern Idaho:

It's very hot here, 90s and sometimes 100 down in Pocatello -- but not 
exceptionally so as it is in regions further south and southwest. (Up where we 
live, it's always a little cooler, often with breezes.)  It's been a few days 
over a year since 66 homes burned up not far from us but, as yet, Idaho has had 
no serious fires.  That could change with thunderstorms (a big one here last 
night) replete with rain and myriads of lightning strikes.  The other day, fire 
control people were up here in our far corner for an hour or so scouting the 
turf and

Re: [Marxism] A possible deal for Snowden to return to US?

2013-07-01 Thread Marv Gandall
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On 2013-06-30, at 8:10 PM, Jeff wrote:
> At 13:27 30-06-13 -0400, Marv Gandall wrote:
>> By holding open the possibility of asylum, the Russians, Ecuadorians, and 
>> Snowdens may be working in tandem to secure the most favourable conditions 
>> possible for a public trial of the American whistleblower. But that would 
>> likely prove further damaging to the Obama administration, 
> I think convicting him (plus Manning, Assange if they can nab him, etc.) is
> exactly what their intention is: to set an example. But regardless, I can't
> believe that Snowden or someone in his situation would possibly want to
> return to the US to face trial or worse! I understand a high profile trial
> like the Chicago 8 would be damn worth it, though I suspect nowadays it
> would be closer to Bradley Manning's treatment.

He'd be convicted, but I'm not so sure a jury would want to make an example of 
him. Though a majority of Americans polled believe he ought to be tried because 
he "broke the law", many of them, including those who would send him to jail, 
also think he performed a public service. Still, I agree the likeliest outcome 
will see him in Ecuador because the alternative of going to prison, even with a 
lesser sentence, is demanding an awful lot of heroism of someone, and would 
also take the Obama administration and the national security apparatus off the 
hook of a public trial and further unwelcome revelations of their activities. 
If Snowden did give himself up, I'd be surprised if they could get away with 
persecuting him like they've persecuted Bradley Manning.

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[Marxism] The French National Front and the future of the eurozone

2013-07-01 Thread Marv Gandall
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The stunning victory of France's National Front in a recent by-election in a 
traditional Socialist Party stronghold point to it becoming the party of the 
white working class. It was already tied in the opinion polls with the 
Socialists and the Gaullists, and could well form the next French government. 
If the NF gains power, it could spell the end of the eurozone. Front leader 
Marine Le Pen promises to call a referendum to unilaterally withdraw from the 
currency union if she is not able to persuade Germany and the other eurozone 
states to agree on an orderly breakup within a year of taking office. 

Le Pen projects a more sophisticated moderate image than her father, the former 
openly racist NF leader Jean Le Pen, and has shrewdly focused her attacks on 
the Hollande government's capitulation to French capitalist and EU demands for 
austerity. This has drawn white French workers, who are experiencing the pain 
of "internal devaluation" and feel threatened by immigration from Muslim and 
other countries, away from their traditional allegiance to the Communist Party 
and alternatives to it like Melanchon's Left Party. Her program, in fact, owes 
much to the work of Jacques Sapir and other left-wing economists who argue that 
France, Spain, Italy and the smaller debtor countries would do better by 
leaving the euro and returning to their former (devalued) currencies in order 
to restore their labour competitiveness other than by brutally crushing their 
working classes.

The continuing financial and economic crisis, and corresponding rise of the 
European right-wing parties which have exploited it, have increased the 
pressure on the traditional governing parties to ease up on austerity, or to 
effect an even more complete Keynesian turn, to preempt their opponents on the 
right as well as Syriza in Greece, the sole left-wing party vying for power. 
Such pressure will likely intensify after the German election is out of the way 
in September, but it may already be too late to keep the euro bloc intact. 

*   *   *

France's triumphant 'Joan of Arc' vows to bring back franc and destroy euro
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
The Telegraph 
June 30 2013

Marine Le Pen is spoiling for a fight. The leader of France's Front National 
vows to smash the existing order of Europe and force the break-up of monetary 
union, if she wins the next election.

It is no longer an implausible prospect. "We cannot be seduced," she said, 
brimming with confidence after her party secured 46pc of the vote in a 
by-election earthquake a week ago. Her candidate trounced the ruling Socialists 
in their own bastion of Villeneuve-sur-Lot.

"The euro ceases to exist the moment that France leaves, and that is our 
incredible strength. What are they going to do, send in tanks?" she told the 
Daily Telegraph at the Front National's headquarters, an unmarked building 
tucked away in the Paris suburb of Nanterre. Her office is small and workaday, 
almost austere.

"Europe is just a great bluff. One side there is the immense power of sovereign 
peoples, and on the other side are a few technocrats," she said.

For the first time, the Front National is running level with the two governing 
parties of post-War France, Socialists and Gaullistes. All are near 21pc in 
national polls, though the Front alone has the wind in its sails.

Yet it is the detail in the Villeneuve vote that has shocked the political 
class. The Front scored highest in the most Socialist cantons, a sign that it 
may be breaking out of its Right-wing enclaves to become the mass movement of 
the white working class.

Commentators have begun to talk of "Left-LePenism" as she outflanks the 
Socialists with attacks on banks and cross-border capitalism. Anna Rosso-Roig, 
a candidate for the Communist Party in the 2012 elections, has just defected to 
the Le Pen camp.

The Socialists had thought the rising star of Marine Le Pen would work to their 
advantage, splitting the Right. Now they discern a deadly threat. Industry 
minister Arnaud Montebourg lashed out last week, blaming Brussels for playing 
into the hands of the Front National by running roughshod over democracies and 
pushing austerity a l'outrance.

Mrs Le Pen said her first order of business on setting foot in the Elysee 
Palace will be to announce a referendum on EU membership, "rendez vous" one 
year later. "I will negotiate over the points on which there can be no 
compromise. If the result is inadequate, I will call for withdrawal," she said.

The four sticking points are the currency, border control, the primacy of 
French law, and what she calls "economic patriotism", the power for France to 
pursue "intelligent protectionism" and safeguard it social model. "I cannot 
imagine running economic p

[Marxism] Ecuador offers US aiod package for 'human rights training'

2013-07-01 Thread Stuart Munckton
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And just in case there were any doubts of what Ecuador was telling the
Obama Administration, the nation’s Communications Secretary, Fernando
Alvarado, announced $23 million in Ecuadoran aid to the United States to
provide “human rights training” to combat torture, illegal executions and
“attacks on peoples’ privacy.” - See more at:

“Disobedience, in the eyes of anyone who has read history, is humanity’s
original virtue. It is through disobedience that progress has been made,
through disobedience and through rebellion.” — Oscar Wilde, Soul of Man
Under Socialism

“The free market is perfectly natural... do you think I am some kind of
dummy?” — Jarvis Cocker

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[Marxism] More vultures, less swallows thanks to climate change

2013-07-01 Thread Stuart Munckton
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“Disobedience, in the eyes of anyone who has read history, is humanity’s
original virtue. It is through disobedience that progress has been made,
through disobedience and through rebellion.” — Oscar Wilde, Soul of Man
Under Socialism

“The free market is perfectly natural... do you think I am some kind of
dummy?” — Jarvis Cocker

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