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As long as systems of oppression require a scapegoat to sustain themselves
in times of crisis, appeals to anti-Semitism will come in handy. Old habits
die hard.

On Mon, Jul 1, 2013 at 6:31 PM, Einde O'Callaghan <eind...@freenet.de>wrote:

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> On 01.07.2013 20:12, Louis Proyect wrote:
>> Anti-Semitism poses absolutely no danger anywhere in the world to Jews.
> I'm sorry to contradict you, Louis. the reports coming out of Hungary are
> quite worrying. People are being beaten up in the streets for participating
> in protests against desecrations of Jewish graves. While it's true that in
> most of Western and Central Europe anti-Muslim politics and activities are
> a greater threat the traditional fascist anti-Semitism is still a living
> force. And even though most attacks by Golden Dawn in Greece are directed
> against Muslim refugees and immigrants they also indulge in old-fashioned
> anti-semitism too. I wouldn't be so sure that traditional anti-Semitism is
> a spent force.
> Here in Germany the desecration of Jewish cemeteries and buildings is at
> least as common as desecrations aimed at Muslim institutions and buildings.
> Here in Chemnitz, where I live, a popular Jewsih restaurant was forced to
> close because it became increasingly difficult to get insurance coverage
> because it was damaged so regularly by drunken (and not so drunken) Nazis.
> An Arab restaurant in the same street had far fewer problems.
> Einde O'Callaghan
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