Re: [Marxism] From Marxism to Neoliberalism: Ronnie Kasrils on How Mandela & ANC Shifted Economic Views | Democracy Now!

2013-12-16 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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PatrickPlease send it directly to me.ThanksIs

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Re: [Marxism] BRICS-watch: Immanuel Wallerstein's ambivalent

2013-05-01 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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In haste, I agree with the conclusions, but not quite with the argument. 

Roughly, without much thinking or significant research My sense is that the 
BRICS will try to expand. I know, for instance, that Indonesia and Nigeria have 
made representation for inclusion. Doing so may diffuse power across quite a 
territorially vast span of countries. We should not under-estimate regional 
priorities. Anyway, if this dispersion does occur, the BRICS may  to lose 
power, coherence and stability as some kind of hegemon - to the extent that 
global/historical orders require hegemonic stability. 

Given the systemic crisis underway at the moment, and my sense is that its full 
(historical, philosophical and social) impact has not yet run its course 
(global-systemically), I can't see how the BRICS would 

a) resuscitate the global capitalism (as a functional totality)
b) revitalise the institutions of global capitalism 
c) keep US militarism in check, and 
d) generally re-introduce confidence in the system. 

These are some of the cornerstone projects for global capitalist stability and 
coherence and/or putative next hegemonic period

It is important to note that when China joined the WTO they presented an 
important message to the world: they opted into the existing structures, and 
did not want to replace it. My sense is that BRICS countries will, likewise, 
want to retain global capitalist institutions, organisations and structures and 
herein lies a potential crisis. 

So, where am I going... not sure, I guess, what I am saying is that it's too 
soon to tell (i don't like predictions). If i were to read the piece 
critically, i would, as a Critical Realist, start with some questions about 
ontology. One of the first would be to define imperialism/sub-imperialism. 
Second I would raise the level of analysis away from sub-national/national to 
global/historical/systemic. Across the long view, the rise and decline of 
growth within BRICS countries may well be irrelevant - which brings us to 
Wallerstein's conclusions...

A good piece, nonetheless. Thanks, Patrick.

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[Marxism] Paper Request

2013-02-25 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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Would someone mind retrieving a paper for me, please? It's a short one!


Of Arms and the Man: A Response to Christopher Coker's "The Unhappy Warrior"
Michael Evans
From: Historically Speaking 
Volume 7, Number 4, March/April 2006 
pp. 40-42 | 10.1353/hsp.2006.0061

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[Marxism] My Last Post

2013-02-06 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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apologies for all the typos in the previous post (on accents) i just read it 

Ismail Lagardien

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[Marxism] Acquisition on Accents

2013-02-06 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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Hi Everyone

Does anyone know of a good paper or source - I have search online and will 
continue to do so - that helps explain how we acquire foreign accents during 

Very brief background and an observation that I think people might enjoy. Since 
all my university education was abroad, in the UK, and because I spent many 
years in North America, I have a "strange" accent. I want to write a blog post 
related to this.  During the 1980s, when I listened to Radio Moscow, I always 
found it amusing that most of the radio hosts and newscasters spoke English 
with a North American accent.

Anyway, please let me know if there are any sociological or anthropological 
explanations for this. I know that one picks up languages earlier in life, but 
not necessarily accepts. In my case, the first formal English I learned was 
North American and British... So


Ismail Lagardien

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[Marxism] New Left Review Article

2013-01-29 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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Hi Everyone

If anyone has access to the NLR, would you care to download and share this 
article, please.

New Left Review 78, November-December 2012

Roberto rossellini (1906–77) spent the last fourteen years of his career making 
what he called pedagogical films, principally for television. In his view, 
these works constituted a major break with existing cinema; they were a new 
form, neither art nor entertainment, and the director himself now wanted to be 
considered as an educator, not an artist. [1] They included multi-part series 
on human historical development—the 5-hour The Iron Age (1964) and 12-hour 
Man’s Struggle for Survival (1967–69)—as well as portraits of innovators in the 
fields of politics—Cosimo de Medici, Louis XIV—and ideas: Socrates, Augustine, 
Descartes, Pascal. Rossellini’s account ofMan’s Struggle for Survival, in a 
1972 letter to the historian of American slavery, Peter Wood, gives a sense of 
the project’s ambitions:



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[Marxism] New Yorker Article Received. Ignore request. Thanks!

2013-01-19 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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[Marxism] Anyone with a New Yorker subscription?

2013-01-19 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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Would anyone care to send me a pdf, or raw text or anything of this story in 
the New Yorker, please?

Appreciations in advance


Ismail Lagardien

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Re: [Marxism] An intriguing comment

2013-01-11 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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Could you send me a link to your original piece, please?

" My grandfather grew up in the same small town as Jesse..."

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[Marxism] The Ideas of Nikolai Bukharin

2012-10-29 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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Does anyone have an electronic copy of The Ideas of Nikolai Bukharin to share, 


Ismail Lagardien

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Re: [Marxism] Tutu: Try Blair and Bush for war crimes

2012-09-04 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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Sorry, should have clipped extraneous text in previous reply :(
Don't unsubscribe me, pretty please

Ismail Lagardien

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Re: [Marxism] Tutu: Try Blair and Bush for war crimes

2012-09-04 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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Tutu is misguided. The only Huntington's "Others" and dark-skinned people 
commit war crimes.

Ismail Lagardien

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- Original Message -
From: Stuart Munckton 
To: Ismail Lagardien 
Sent: Tuesday, 4 September 2012, 2:28
Subject: [Marxism] Tutu: Try Blair and Bush for war crimes

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“Disobedience, in the eyes of anyone who has read history, is humanity’s
original virtue. It is through disobedience that progress has been made,
through disobedience and through rebellion.” — Oscar Wilde, Soul of Man
Under Socialism

“The free market is perfectly natural... do you think I am some kind of
dummy?” — Jarvis Cocker

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[Marxism] Trotsky's Grandson Recalls Murder

2012-08-28 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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It's 75 years since Trotsky, already expelled from the Soviet Communist Party 
and exiled, went to start a new life in Mexico. But he was hunted down in 
Mexico City by Stalinist assassins, as his grandson, who was living with him 
when he died, recalls.

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[Marxism] Arrogance Does Not Begin To Describe This - Oprah!

2012-07-23 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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You still eat with your hands? Oprah’s magical mystery tour of India

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Re: [Marxism] Query on bourgeois economists beginning to convert to Marxian analysis

2012-07-16 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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Jeffrey Sachs has said that Marx was right, that capitalism was bloody. I used 
the reference in my doctoral dissertation.

Ismail Lagardien

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[Marxism] Finland Education Source

2012-06-28 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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I clean out my inbox way to often. Does anyone have the original posting of 
education in Finland? The one about private/public education.



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[Marxism] [UCE] Photographs of Workers

2012-06-26 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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I would like to hear people's views on these technically marvelous photographs. 
There is a great worker angle here. 


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[Marxism] Fw: Geopolitics with Robert D. Kaplan: Is Greece European?

2012-06-07 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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 Kaplan is truly one of the vilest writers on world affairs... He spends so 
much of his time othering Huntington's others, it's quite shameful.

By Robert D. Kaplan | June 6, 2012 
Greece is where the West both begins and ends. The West -- as a humanist ideal 
-- began in ancient Athens where compassion for the individual began to replace 
the crushing brutality of the nearby civilizations of Egypt and Mesopotamia. 
The war that Herodotus chronicles between Greece and Persia in the 5th century 
B.C. established a contrast between West and East that has persisted for 
millennia. Greece is Christian, but it is also Eastern Orthodox, as spiritually 
close to Russia as it is to the West, and geographically equidistant between 
Brussels and Moscow. Greece may have invented the West with the democratic 
innovations of the Age of Pericles, but for more than a thousand years it was a 
child of Byzantine and Turkish despotism. And while Greece was the northwestern 
bastion of the anciently civilized Near East, ever since history moved north 
into colder climates following the collapse of Rome, the inhabitants of 
Peninsular Greece have found themselves
 at the poor, southeastern extremity of Europe. 
. Read More »

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[Marxism] A Brief Note on Method

2012-05-31 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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Pardon the pretentious subject ...

Just thought I should mention the standard Twitter rule :^;

Retweeting is not endorsement. I am not now, or never have been a fan of Dan 
Quayle. Sometimes I read stuff and wonder what everyone else on the two lists 


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[Marxism] Not Sure How I Feel About This: "Dan Quayle was Right"

2012-05-31 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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Twenty Years Later, It Turns Out Dan Quayle Was Right About Murphy Brown and 
Unmarried Moms

On May 19, 1992, as the presidential campaign season was heating up, Vice 
President Dan Quayle delivered a family-values speech that came to define him 
nearly as much as his spelling talents. Speaking at the Commonwealth Club of 
California, he chided Murphy Brown—the fictional 40-something, divorced news 
anchor played by Candice Bergen on a CBS sitcom—for her decision to have a 
child outside of marriage. 

“Bearing babies irresponsibly is simply wrong,” the vice president said. 
“Failing to support children one has fathered is wrong. We must be unequivocal 
about this. It doesn’t help matters when prime-time TV has Murphy Brown, a 
character who supposedly epitomizes today’s intelligent, highly paid 
professional woman, mocking the importance of fathers by bearing a child alone 
and calling it just another lifestyle choice.”

Ismail Lagardien

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[Marxism] Tweeters, Twitterers and Twats

2012-05-30 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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if you tweet, please follow me - mainly so i can follow you



(apologies in advance if it is considered uncool to make requests like this)

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Re: [Marxism] Quote by Trotsky

2012-05-29 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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Apologies for not sending full details and source of Trotsky quote.

Ismail Lagardien

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 From: Andrew Pollack 
To: Ismail Lagardien  
Sent: Tuesday, 29 May 2012, 16:29
Subject: Re: [Marxism] Quote by Trotsky

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[Marxism] Quote by Trotsky

2012-05-29 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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 Not sure if anyone has seen this prescient quote by Trotsky:

"It is possible to imagine without difficulty what awaits the Jews at the mere 
outbreak of the future world war. But even without war the next development of 
world reaction signifies with certainty the physical extermination of the Jews."

Ismail Lagardien

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Re: [Marxism] End of Ideology

2012-05-16 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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I should explain a bit further. I am especially interested in the 
Fukuyama/liberal capitalist triumphalism age; Where ANY questioning or 
criticism of Neo-Classical Orthodoxy or liberal capitalism is dismissed as 
"ideological". I see this dovetailing with the argument, detailed in Lawson's 
Economics and Reality, by Neo-Classicists and orthodox economists, "don't think 
just do" and their fixation with ahistorical and crude empiricist 

I am writing a short piece about how this is becoming quite pervasive (again) 
in South Africa, and how it is linked to some people's deep (lingering) 
fascination with "the American model" that has been exported to Africa through 
the Bank-Fund - notwithstanding the collapse of this model.
I can probably string it together myself, but I am always wary of thinking that 
I have original ideas when I have a very short memory.

Ismail Lagardien

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[Marxism] End of Ideology

2012-05-16 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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Does anyone have any good references (URLs or actual essays, commentaries) on 
the "end of ideology" rubbish that stemmed from Fukuyama's "end of history" 

I need a good take down of the "end of ideology" rubbish, especially the 
assertions that ideology, inertia and some other "I" is the cause of all the 
world's problems.



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[Marxism] Switching Sides

2012-04-22 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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Hi Everyone

We often hear about almost Damascene conversion of people like David Mamet - 
and David Horowitz, much, much earlier - from the Left to the Right. Are there 
any accounts of people moving the other way? I know that Chris Hedges has come 
out as some kind of leftie in recent years. Maybe he always was. I'm not sure. 
It also seems to me that Cindy Sheehan has moved to the left; from supporting 
her son to join the US military to becoming somewhat of an anti-war activist. 
Any thoughts?



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[Marxism] Breivik Talk - Sound Familiar?

2012-04-17 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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Breivik calls for acquittal in Norway massacre trial

Anders Behring Breivik has said that he does not recognise the court. The man 
accused of killing 77 people in bomb and gun attacks in Norway last July has 
boasted of his actions in a statement at his trial in Oslo.

“Breivik said that he acted to defend Norway against immigration
and multi-culturalism” ... and that he was vehement critic of “liberalism and


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[Marxism] Paper on Intellectuals Received - Thanks!

2012-04-13 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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[Marxism] Journal Article on Intellectuals

2012-04-12 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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Hi Everyone

Ehm, would someone help me with the following essay, please.

Ron Eyerman, 2011. Intellectuals and cultural trauma. European Journal
of Social Theory November 2011 vol. 14 no. 4 453-467

Much obliged



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[Marxism] Article Request

2012-04-10 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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Could someone send me this article, please.

Photography and Memory: Rethinking May '68 
Philosophy of Photography,  Volume 2, Number 1, 20 September 2011
, pp. 83-96(14)
Much appreciations, as always.


Ismail Lagardien

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[Marxism] Journal Article

2012-04-03 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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Hi Everyone

If anyone has electronic access to this article, The Grand Optimists: Hope in 
the Thought of J.P. Sartre and E.H. Erikson, by Arnold Kruger, would you care 
to send it to me please.

This is the 

Someone (Lou Proyect) kindly offered to scan and send it but (please note), it 
is not that important. It's for my bed time reading, and not for any serious 

Thanks again for your help!


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[Marxism] Journal Article Received (within five minutes -Thanks Lou!)

2012-04-03 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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[Marxism] Journal Article Request (Please)

2012-04-03 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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 Hi Everyone

Could someone help to get me a copy of this article, please
Sartre and the Collective Neurosis of Our Time
Douglas Kirsner
Yale French Studies
No. 68, Sartre after Sartre (1985), pp. 206-225



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[Marxism] Political Economy of Public Procurement

2012-04-03 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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Hi Everyone

Does anyone know of a good Political Economist (from the heterodox/radical 
tradition) who specialises/has an interest in public procurement? I would like 
to be in touch with someone who is more radical and knows AND works with the 
understanding that there is a difference between Neo-Classical or Public 
Economics text-book theories, and policy-making in a complex and highly 
stratified society.

Any advice would be appreciated, thanks.



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[Marxism] Racial Spectacles: Explorations in Media, Race, and Justice

2012-03-15 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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 Jonathan Markovitz.  Racial Spectacles: Explorations in Media, Race,and 
Justice.  New York  Routledge, 2011.  240 pp.  $125.00 (cloth),
ISBN 978-0-415-88345-0; $39.95 (paper), ISBN 978-0-415-88383-2; ISBN

Reviewed by Jonathan Anuik (University of Alberta)
Published on H-Memory (March, 2012)
Commissioned by Linda Levitt

Last summer, I happened upon an advertisement for Calvin Klein underwear in a 
subway station in downtown Toronto. Notably, the male model was black. The 
billboard did not come out of a vacuum, emerging
as a single ad to capture the attention of consumers with disposable income 
going home from work. Instead, it is part of a longer history of North American 
obsession with black male sexuality. The advertisement is a racial spectacle, 
according to Jonathan Markovitz.
He argues that "collective memories ... help to structure contemporary social 
identities and determine how various constituencies make sense of racial 
spectacles as they unfold on a national or international stage" (p. 3). Thus, 
the national and international contours of race
relations inevitably affect my response to the ad. Gender and class shape race 
as spectacles occur in news media, in fictional and nonfictional depictions of 
race in movies and on television, and in novels. Markovitz sets out to examine 
ways in which state actors and social movements have constructed narratives of 
the past" through the use of spectacles and "enlisted these narratives in 
political struggles," locally, nationally, and internationally. People have 
deployed spectacles, "mobilized around
them," and made them matter, and through all of this, spectacles 
have influenced "racial formation" and racialization in the United States and 
internationally (p. 3). However, not all spectacles endure, and Markovitz wants 
to know why. 

Ismail Lagardien

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[Marxism] Journal Article Received - THANKS!

2012-03-10 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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[Marxism] Journal Article Request

2012-03-10 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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Hi Everyone

Can someone help me get this paper, please. I am not sure whether there is a 
"part 1" . Any/all help will, as usual, be much appreciated

Daly, Chris. "The Historiography of Journalism History: Part 2: 'Toward a New 
Theory,'" American Journalism, Winter 2009, Vol. 26 Issue 1, pp 148–155 


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[Marxism] On a Social History of the Restaurant

2012-03-10 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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Hi Everyone

I wrote this piece several months ago and never quite discussed it with anyone. 
While the piece is light and silly in places, I make some assertions about 
capitalism towards the end. Let me know what you think, and what "additions" i 
should make to the post. If you want to leave a comment, please do so. I will 
gladly add all your comments and suggestions. And please I have nothing to 
gain from "self-promotion". I keep my personal blog space quite private, and 
have no desire to "monetise" drive viewers to the site or get more "hits"... So 
I am not looking for"hits" or "traffic". Maybe someday, but right now I am 
concentrating on other writing

"The Russian Bolsheviks placed an emphasis on the communal kitchen and dining 
room as an essential of universal equality. At the time, Marxist, more 
appropriately, Soviet idealism infused true believers “with a delight in 
communal cooking and state-run cafeterias at the same time that it shamed the 
private diner”. Restaurants were denounced as “a waste of resources catering to 
the elite at the expense of the poor” and “the best way to manage equipment, 
food, fuel, and labour was to cook large amounts at once to serve many people,” 
Snodgrass explained. 


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[Marxism] Knowledge in the Global Political Economy

2012-03-04 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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I am writing a short essay for a journal/magazine, on "knowledge" in the global 
political economy. It's not for peer review, but a fairly respected journal.

My basic argument is that we make a big mistake to think of "knowledge in the 
global economy" as that which is relevant to, useful for or helps shore up 
liberal capitalist orthodoxy. In other words the only knowledge that is 
necessary is that which promotes and protects global corporate/capitalist 

Any ideas?

Ismail Lagardien

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[Marxism] Is the Era of White Privilege Nearing an End?

2012-02-29 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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Truthout recently published a piece, "Is the Era of White Privilege Nearing an 
My immediate thought was that it reminded me of the canard that computers were 
more intelligent than humans, to which my response has always been: "Maybe 
someday when a computer can, unprogrammed by human beings, make a human 
being..." Not terribly scientific, I know.

My response to the Truth-out piece would be this: "Maybe when we publish 
articles like these in a world where 'non-whites' control the means of 
production, capital, and cultural production - among other."

That ain't gonna happen anytime soon. As a Critical Realist I would ask the 
ontological questions first. What is white? What is black? Are these categories 
ontologically stable? What is meant by privilege?

My thought for the day

Ismail Lagardien

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Re: [Marxism] The Entropy of Capitalism

2012-02-26 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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I would love to read that. I should reciprocate in some way.

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[Marxism] Soviet Scholar on Trotsky

2012-02-20 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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"An interpretation for the 21st century," says the blurb. My first reaction was 
to wonder whether the 21st century needs a new interpretation of Trotsky, or 
even whether Trotsky needs a new biography. We already have the three-volume 
classic by Isaac Deutscher, a Russian (former Soviet) perspective from Dmitri 
Volkogonov, and, just a couple of years ago, a book on his murder by Bertrand 
Patenaude and Robert Service's biography, a bit mean-spirited, perhaps, but 
well-researched and twice as large as this new one by Rubenstein. 


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Re: [Marxism] e-Books and (especially) e-Readers

2012-02-14 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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Of course I will be exploring. It just seems like a shame that I can't share 

I could be wrong, though.

Still "exploring"



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[Marxism] e-Books and (especially) e-Readers

2012-02-14 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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I have caved in and now own an e-reader. I bought a subscription to a 
magazine, sent a few books to my Kindle account and now, it appears, I am set 
to rebuild library of several thousand books i had until last year - well not 
all the same ones, but you know what i mean... Then it occurred to me that I 
used to pass on old copies of Harper's magazine to friends - mainly I just kept 
them - and shared some, not too many, books with friends and students. But now 
that I accepted what I call the "acquiesced monopoly" that is Apple, I may no 
longer be able to share books and magazines. Not cool.

PS. Full Disclosure: Whatever replies/responses are submitted will be used 
(anonymously, of course) in a blog post I'm about to write about this. That way 
I will look clever.


Ismail Lagardien

Nihil humani a me alienum puto

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[Marxism] The Entropy of Capitalism

2012-02-14 Thread Ismail Lagardien
rm”, but precisely in
virtue of that cribs and contains them rather than allowing them scope
to develop their full, enormous potential. Because spontaneously
evolving complex systems are far more creative than hierarchically
controlled ones, “disorganized capitalism” easily defeated central planned 
actually existing socialism, but
in so doing it released forces that may assist in its own demise. Today 
needs to be overthrown not because it is a restriction on central
planning but because it is a restriction on networking and grassroots
capacity” which, if given free rein, are entirely capable of producing a
postcapitalist future where “small local cells of society and economy .
create higher-level order, knowledge and innovation through networking
and emergence”.

Biel argues that the current drive to a non-Eurocentric
re-orientation of the capitalist world system, in which the capitalist
epicentre moves to Asia, does not present a viable alternative. Any move
to a non-Eurocentric world would involve the displacement of capitalism
itself, ultimately because of the ecological constraints on capitalism's
inexorable drive to growth. Meanwhile, globalization has been
accompanied by new and pervasive approaches to organized collective
military domination abroad, and repression and social control at home,
on the part of the Eurocentric (Antlantocentric) ruling order. This “blocks”
the drive to a non-Eurocentric capitalism, while also contributing
mightily to the autophagous “hollowing out” of the core. With the
growing struggles in the South against its status as a “sink” for the
entropy of the North, the real possibility comes into view of a “great
reversal” as the banner of emancipatory social change continues to
migrate, involving a switch to ecologically sustainable democratically
self-organizing local economies and communities, for which there is no real 
alternative over the longer run,
first in the South and then generalizing.

The overriding moral of the book is that we need
to learn to regard the multicrisis as an opportunity for effecting
sustainable emancipatory solutions rather than as a source of great
danger. Messiness and “disordered phase transitions will be a part of
*any* social development, and are nothing to be afraid of, quite the
contrary”. It is the master-classes who fear change, which in reality is
an essential aspect of human social being and sooner or later spells an end to 
any exploitative social system.


Ismail Lagardien

Nihil humani a me alienum puto

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[Marxism] Critical International Political Economy: Journal Access

2012-02-13 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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Hope I am not pushing my luck, here, but can someone help with this special 
edition of a journal, please. I have copied and pasted the whole message I 
received in case people on this list are interested... 

See link to journal in body of text

Thanks in advance.



Dear All,

I (Claes Belfrage) and Owen Worth have the pleasure of announcing the 
publication of a special issue on 'Critical International Political 
Economy: Renewing Critique and Ontologies' in International Politics: 
Volume 49, Issue 2 (March 2012). 

The special issue contains contributions by Owen Worth, Claes Belfrage, Ian 
Bruff, Jill Steans & Daniela Tepe, 
Phoebe Moore, Nana Rodaki, Kyle Murray and David M. Berry. 

It endeavours to renew critique in IPE by engaging with the work of Rosa 
Luxemburg (Worth) and the notion of aesthetics and Frankfurt School theory 
(Belfrage). It seeks to highlight the relevance of Nicos Poulantzas for 
contemporary debates on 'the international' (Bruff), the significance 
of the global and gendered dimensions of citizenship, community and 
'cohesion' (Steans & Tepe), and the relative absence of the study of 
'work' in critical IPE (Moore). It attempts to renew the tradition by 
considering 'the city' (Rodaki), the role of Christian 
'renewalism' in the production of global free market hegemony (Murray), 
and the relevance of understanding code to international political economy 


We hope you engage with the special issue and that it will serve the purpose of 
renewing critique and ontologies in Critical IPE in particular and IPE as a 
whole more generally.

All the best,

Claes and Owen

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[Marxism] Blog Post on Soviet Union - Found it. Apologies.

2012-02-10 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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This was what I was searching for: 


Ismail Lagardien

Nihil humani a me alienum puto

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[Marxism] Blog on Soviet Union

2012-02-10 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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Hi Everyone

This is embarrassing... I recently "bookmarked" a blog post on life in the 
Soviet Union that came through one of my feeds. I can NOT, for the life of me, 
find the damn link/bookmark.

Can anyone recall such a piece, by one of our comrades and friends recently. It 
explained the enormous benefits of the Soviet/Communist era to ordinary working 
people and how the current order is failing the poor. I specifically tagged it 
"to-be-read-later"... I think it was a response to Vaclav Havel's death.

Help, please! I need to read this weekend.


Ismail Lagardien

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[Marxism] State Funded Research

2012-02-08 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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Does anyone have access to data and success stories of state-funded research 
and innovation, please. The obvious one is, of course, NASA in the USA. 



Ismail Lagardien

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[Marxism] Journal Article Received - Thanks

2012-02-07 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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Hi Everyone

I receive the Journal article requested earlier, today.

Much appreciations


Ismail Lagardien

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[Marxism] Journal Article Request

2012-02-06 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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Hi Everyone

If anyone has access to academic journals, would you care to retrieve this and 
forward it to me, please (much appreciations, in advance)

Vilém Flusser (Translation and Introduction by Nancy Ann Roth) The Gesture of 
Photographing Journal of Visual Culture December 

2011 10 pp 279-293,

Ismail Lagardien

Nihil humani a me alienum puto

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[Marxism] Journal Article Request: Received, thanks!

2012-01-31 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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Thanks for the quick responses

I got the article


Ismail Lagardien

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[Marxism] Journal Article Request Number 2

2012-01-31 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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Hi Everyone

This is not urgent... but if any academic has access to J-Store, would you care 
to retrieve this for me, please. It's published by Sage.

`So These Folks are Aggressive': An Orientalist Reading of `Afghan Warlords'
Security Dialogue February 2009 40: 73-94,



Ismail Lagardien

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[Marxism] Fear/Scare Mongering Economic Analysis?

2012-01-31 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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I can't make up my mind if this is conspiracy-theory writing, fear/scare 
mongering, people believing their own powers of prediction or if the analysis 
should be taken seriously. I mean, the most elementary of Marxist understanding 
of capitalist economy would insist that there will be another crisis. This just 
seems terribly opportunistic

‘Aftershock’ Book Predicts Economic Disaster Amid Controversy

Robert Wiedemer’s new book, “Aftershock: Protect Yourself and Profit in the 
Next Global Financial Meltdown,” quickly is becoming the survival guide for the 
21st century. And Newsmax’s eye-opening Aftershock Survival Summit video, with 
exclusive interviews and prophetic predictions, already has affected millions 
around the world — but not without ruffling a few feathers.

Read more on ‘Aftershock’ Book Predicts Economic Disaster Amid 


Ismail Lagardien

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[Marxism] Apple Users - Some Advice, Please.

2012-01-25 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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Heyta Everyone

Apple has made some strides towards making the iPad more useful for textbooks 
and academic things I have fought against buying Apple products (not that I 
don't think that they are great, technologically), but I suspect that I may 
lose this battle. As a one-time photojournalist, I like their graphics and 
generally like the interface, so I think they are good for photography. I have 
a blog post on this somewhere which I should publish. Anyway, long story 
short: How easy is it to get "stuff" for iPads and Apple computers. I should 
explain: I am not going to state it outright, lest I get into trouble.
I have "acquired" software (Photoshop CS4, Dreamweaver, music, film editing 
stuff etc etc etc) for Windows with relative ease. There are, even, ways to get 
books for Kindle (I BOUGHT books from them! I support most writers and artists) 
 but given the "lockdown" that Apple insist upon, and the fact that one has to 
purchase sooo much through itunes, can Apple users on these lists tell me how 
easy/difficult it ease to swap books or software among friends and acquired 

Sorry to bug you with things unimportant.


Ismail Lagardien

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[Marxism] On "Non-totalizing Collectivity"

2012-01-18 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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What views on this, please?


This article argues that within the cultural field of American event-based art 
practices during the 1960s, artists were modeling forms of contingent 
non-hierarchical collectivity. I read West Coast artist Anna Halprin’s 
experiments in “Mutual Creation” through the anarchist lens of Hakim Bey’s 
Temporary Autonomous Zone in order to demonstrate that her participatory events 
reconnected embodied experience to social experience and, in this way, exposed 
the violent nature of authoritarian collectivism.

Access to pdf: 

Ismail Lagardien

Nihil humani a me alienum puto

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[Marxism] Sons of the Fathers

2012-01-17 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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For too many African Americans, prison is a legacy passed from father to son

According to Jeffrey Gamble, the luckiest day of his life was when his car hit 
the kerb at the corner of Jefferson and National in Los Angeles while he was 
drunk-driving. It flew over a fence, falling 80ft into a creek below, leaving 
him with a broken neck and paralysed. "If I hadn't had that accident, I would 
be dead – or in jail for the rest of my life, just like my brothers," says 
Gamble, 47. Prison, for the Gambles, is as common a destination as university 
might be for a middle-class family. His two brothers are both in jail. Ricky, 
who was convicted for burglary and assault with a firearm under the three 
strikes law, is in for 110 years to life. Mike got life without parole for the 
murder of a local councillor. His father was in jail for a series of 
alcohol-related offences. His son, Khalif, has also been in jail for dealing 
drugs and possession 

Ismail Lagardien

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[Marxism] eBooks: Eric Wolf's book

2012-01-16 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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Hi everyone

I've downloaded several economics textbooks over the past several months. I 
actually went in search of a pdf of Economics and Reality; my print copy is 
somewhere in the Western hemisphere - long story. I found several others and 

Question: Does anyone have a scanned or pdf copy of Eric Wolf's Europe and 
People Without History, please. That one, too, ended up somewhere.

If anyone wants a copy of books like Badiou's Communist Hypothesis - I have it 
as pdf and will gladly send it. It's what we do, in the global south, when 
books are hard to come by or expensive to buy.



Ismail Lagardien

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[Marxism] Socialism in One Dynasty

2012-01-12 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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'It sounds like a satire worthy of The Onion. But really, you can't make this 
stuff up. The Workers World Party (WWP) sent condolences to Kim Jong-il's party 
on the death of its leader. The Party of Socialism and Liberation 
(PSL) declared that the elevation of Kim's son, Kim Jong-un, represented a 
"well-developed succession plan." The Freedom Road Socialist Organization 
(FRSO-Fight Back) summed up Kim Jong-il's reign as a case of Korea "standing 


Ismail Lagardien

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[Marxism] Historical antecedents of Uprising. Was: The Zapatistas triggered it all

2012-01-04 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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Thanks, Julio, for this

Or so claim González Casanova y De Sousa Santos.  They may have a point, just a 
bit overstated perhaps. 

I wrote something similar to this about a year ago, immediately after the 
Tunisian uprising. Although my piece is not written very well, my initial 
response to the Tunisian uprising, written largely as a reaction to Stephen 
Walt's dismissal of the revolt draws similar allusions 

I should develop it further. If anyone has ideas, please share.


Ismail Lagardien

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Re: [Marxism] Academic publishers - suicide bombers against the academy

2011-12-30 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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Just looked at David X's piece.

Will place a link in the comments section of my post.

I need some support, this might help

There are some dudes who are DEEPLY entrenched in their positions in this 
country and are seriously opposed to any/all social change and transformation


Ismail Lagardien

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Re: [Marxism] Serves me right to bitch and moan

2011-12-30 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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Lou, I have not read David X's post


This thing has been sitting with me for a couple of years.

Ismail Lagardien

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[Marxism] Serves me right to bitch and moan

2011-12-30 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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Good grief, this is not EXACTLY on topic, but some dude, ProAcademica, has just 
ripped me the proverbial new one. See the comment section

I write intermittently on this space; the comments sometimes drive me nuts. I 
try to be provocative sometimes, but can't believe that people can be so 
malicious. Maybe I am just naive.

Feel free to comment. 

There is something terribly wrong about peer-reviewed scholarship and about 
academic publishing in general. It resembles an exclusive club of knowledge 
production where new knowledge is circulated among an elite group of scholars 
who confirm each other’s prejudices and biases and then pat each other on the 
back. In some ways, once new knowledge is produced it tends to be withheld from 
the general public. 


Ismail Lagardien

Nihil humani a me alienum puto

 From: howard engelskirchen 
To: 'Continuation of the Spoon Bhaskar List' 
Sent: Thursday, 29 December 2011, 22:45
Subject: [Critical-Realism] Occupy JSTOR!
Friends will send an occasional article, but no doubt they are an unlikely
resource for sustained research. Anyway this is still the precariat begging
for favors from an institutionally established elite.

Proposals for policies folks can mobilize around are required; policies that
build solidarity among employed, underemployed, and unemployed thinkers and
artists are required. 

Full access for scholars to scholarly journals is a political issue right

It is not something to anticipate once we've managed a revolution.  It is
not something disposed of by TINA because just now profit makes the world go


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of
Ismail Lagardien
Sent: Thursday, December 29, 2011 3:16 PM
To: Continuation of the Spoon Bhaskar List
Subject: Re: [Critical-Realism] Journal Access

I guess one thing we can do is encourage people in places (like South
Africa, where I am) who are unemployed/underemployed (like me) and battling
to get research and writing down while trying to earn a living doing
anything possible (...) to send requests to friends and colleagues who can
simply download papers through legal channels - jstor or sage or any other
direct source - and send them to us.


Ismail Lagardien

Nihil humani a me alienum puto

Critical-Realism mailing list

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[Marxism] Journal Access

2011-12-29 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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Excellent discussion underway on my Critical Realism discussion list (yeah, 
yeah, I'm a Critical Realist), about open access to academic journals. The 
following article was circulated.

In case anyone hasn't come across this article yet, it's worth a read:

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[Marxism] Article Received - Thanks

2011-12-28 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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Hi Everyone

I the article I ask for was found, quite quickly, it seems. Thank you.

It sucks not being affiliated with a University, and it double-sucks that we 
have capped and very slow internet access here in Africa's deep south.

All the best for the New Year to everyone. 


Ismail Lagardien

Nihil humani a me alienum puto

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[Marxism] Journal Access

2011-12-28 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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I am desperately trying to gain access to scholarly magazines It sucks to 
be out of the system. If anyone in North America or Europe has access to the 
following article, would you care to download and send it to me as an 
attachment, please?

Howard S. Becker Categories and Comparisons: How We Find Meaning in 
Photographs Visual Anthropology Review, Volume 14. Issue 2. September 1998 
(Pages 3 - 10) 


Ismail Lagardien

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[Marxism] Find Use for them!

2011-12-22 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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I suppose you have to find work for all those troops that are coming home...

If terrorists ever target Fargo, N.D., the local police will be ready. In 
recent years, they have bought bomb-detection robots, digital communications 
equipment and Kevlar helmets, like those used by soldiers in foreign wars. For 
local siege situations requiring real firepower, police there can use a new 
$256,643 armored truck, complete with a rotating turret. Until that day, 
however, the menacing truck is mostly used for training runs and appearances at 
the annual Fargo picnic, where it’s been displayed near a children’s bounce 


Ismail Lagardien

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[Marxism] Link for Post on Conservatism and Racism

2011-12-21 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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I just accidentally hit "send" ... the post was on the relationship between US 
Conservatism and Racism. This is the link 


Ismail Lagardien

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[Marxism] Conservatism in the USA and its Umbilical Relationship with Racism

2011-12-21 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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 In this book I systematically demonstrate the inescapable racism inherent in 
American conservatism.  The argument unfolds in layers.
First, I show that ideological conservatism is everywhere and always the 
conscious and reflective defense of established institutions and ways of life.
In the United States this has meant a defense of racism and white supremacy.  
The first conscious conservative movement in America emerged in the South 
partly as a reaction to the movement to abolish slavery, and the modern 
conservative movement in America is rooted partly in opposition to the Civil 
Rights Movement.
Second, the substantive ideals of American conservatism—limited government, 
states’ rights, individualism, property rights, and the prioritizing of liberty 
over equality—when applied consistently inevitably result in racism.
Third, I show that the ascendancy of the conservative movement to national 
power with the election of Ronald Reagan was partly based on the Republican 
Party’s “Southern Strategy” of exploiting racist and white supremacist 
sentiments in the electorate beginning with the election of 1964.
I am acutely aware that the argument will strike many Americans—and not just 
conservatives—as outrageous.  Therefore, I approached the analysis and writing 
with unusual care.  I spend the entire first chapter defining the terms of the 
discourse—conservatism, racism and white supremacy.  The remaining chapters are 
thoroughly referenced and documented.  By design, the book combines philosophy, 
history and political science.

Ismail Lagardien

Nihil humani a me alienum puto

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[Marxism] Hatred

2011-12-18 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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"A young Israeli man by the name of Yisrael Yehudai (lit: Israel Judean) has 
decided to express his hatred for Arabs not by a sticker, and not by actually 
attacking anyone (to my knowledge), but by carving the words “Death to Arabs” 
into his own arm"

Ismail Lagardien

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[Marxism] Vaclav Have Dead

2011-12-18 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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This observation, by Havel, resonates really well with the situation in the 
world, today.

 “a monstrous, ramshackle, stinking machine” whose worst legacy was not 
economic failure but a “spoiled moral environment.”

Ismail Lagardien

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[Marxism] [UCE] The right stuff deployed on the wrong basis?

2011-12-13 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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The brand-new Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art in the small northwest 
Arkansas city of Bentonville is the creation of Alice Walton, the daughter of 
the late Sam Walton, who founded Wal-Mart Stores Inc. (WMT), the largest 
retailer in the world.
Alice Walton, who is worth about $21 billion, has achieved her dream of 
building a top-tier museum that unabashedly celebrates American art in the 
American heartland. Crystal Bridges, in many ways, is an aesthetic success.
It’s also a moral tragedy, very much like the corporation that provided Walton 
with the money to build a billion-dollar art museum during a terrifying 
recession. The museum is a compelling symbol of the chasm between the richest 
Americans and everyone else. In 2007, according to the labor economist Sylvia 
Allegretto, the six Walton family members on the Forbes 400 had a net worth 
equal to the bottom 30 percent of all Americans. The Waltons are now 
collectively worth about $93 billion,according to Forbes.


Ismail Lagardien

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[Marxism] Discussion & The Matrix, as Philosophical Work

2011-12-13 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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 It's either really tragic, or a sign of the times (or both), that the best 
"conversations" I am part of on a regular basis, are on the LBO and Marxism 
lists. Cest la vie

Has anyone seen this documentary on the Matrix? It coves the many philosophical 
concepts that inspired and are presented in the three movies.

Ismail Lagardien

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[Marxism] Old Note from PSN list

2011-11-02 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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Hi Everyone

I found an old message about a paper, "Colonialism and Post-Colonialism: The 
Global Expansion of Racism," on the PSN list of 1995. The paper is by Joe 
Feagin. Does anyone know where I can get a copy of the paper, please? I think 
it is, today, part of a book. I can't seem to find a copy of it online... 

Ismail Lagardien 

Nihil humani a me alienum puto

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Re: [Marxism] recommend books on global financial system

2011-10-06 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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I agree with the books and suggestions by Angelus Novus. I bought a book a year 
ago and started reading it last week. 

This time is different: Eight Centuries of Financial Folly, written by two VERY 
mainstream Economists. 
Reinhart and Rogoff.

For my International Political Economy course I often used the book Globalising 
Finance, by Barry Eichengreen. They are bother very mainstream.  

Ismail Lagardien

Nihil humani a me alienum puto

From: Angelus Novus 
To: Ismail Lagardien 
Sent: Thursday, 6 October 2011, 15:33
Subject: Re: [Marxism] recommend books on global financial system

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[Marxism] Mathematics and Formalism in Economics

2011-08-21 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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Hi everyone

This is from my secret life as a Critical Realist. I should provide an 
explanation, but the people on these lists are pretty savvy. Suffice to say, It 
has to do with the role and place (and actual/perceived necessity) of 
mathematics and formalism in economics. This was, actually, the philosophical 
basis of my doctorate. I would love to hear everyone's views.


Ismail Lagardien

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[Marxism] "In Defence of Aid"

2011-08-20 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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An INDIVIDUAL story of the possibilities of aid to the poor


Ismail Lagardien

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[Marxism] "the omens look bad for a world that hasn't learned from history"

2011-08-19 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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What a financial tailspin may mean for you and me

By Ann Pettifor

"This crisis is already sharpening the divide between left and right in both 
the EU and the United States. Studying a precedent – the implosion of the 1920s 
credit bubble in 1929 – we note that four years after that crisis erupted, the 
political divide sharpened decisively. The United States and Britain moved to 
the left. Germany chose a different path. After 1930, Germany's Centre party 
under Chancellor Brüning adopted austerity policies that resulted in cuts in 
welfare benefits and wages, while credit was tightened. At the same time the 
German government engaged in wildly excessive borrowing from the liberalised 
international capital markets. The ground was laid for the rise of fascism."

Ismail Lagardien

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[Marxism] Apropos the Gorbachev Discussion

2011-08-18 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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Somewhere in the exchanges on the topic, I picked up references to the 
anticipated/imminent collapse of the Soviet Union at some point in the 
mid-1980s I hope that I am not mis-representing the point. This is, 
actually, not (specifically) the point I want to discuss. 

I have been wondering (for a LONG time) how bourgeois economists, especially 
The Sloth (apologies, that's my personal name for Brad De Long), and Paul 
Krugman would insist that communism failed based on the Soviet 
experiment/example, when, it has cost considerable amounts of money, 
significant measures of coercion and consent (my Gramscian tendencies are 
showing), and extremely high human costs to keep capitalism, the post-war US 
liberal international economic order (my training in International Political 
Economy is showing), going. I have always wanted to write a good paper doing a 
comparison on the two. The basic proposition, I guess, is that the bourgeois 
economist won the propaganda war.

This does, of course, not explain the collapse and disintegration of the Soviet 
Union which, I would argue, had more to do with its quasi imperial reach and 
insufficient effort to extend power and influence to the Soviet (republics), 
increased militarism and isolationism - none of which have anything uniquely to 
do with communism. 

If we "tested" the communist hypothesis, to borrow a phrase, and compared it to 
the (empirical) crisis in the Soviet Union, then contrasted and compared it 
with recurrent crises in the capitalist world (my training in comparative 
political economy is showing), especially the recurrence of financial (banking 
and currency) and general political economic downturns, recessions, depressions 
since the 1970s, for which there is A LOT of data, might it not be that the 
communist system between, say, 1920 - 1985, was more stable and durable? I 
would like to know, for instance, how much the former Soviet Union spent on its 
military over seven decades and how much the US spent, and the impact that 
these expenditures have had. My guess, just a guess, is that the US has 
probably spent more time and money saving or rescuing the post-war liberal 
international economic order, than the Soviet Union did on saving communism. 
Maybe that is a non-sequitur, h

Anyway, this is a thought that has been floating around in my head for a number 
of years...



Ismail Lagardien

Nihil humani a me alienum puto

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[Marxism] Gorbachev: I Should Have Left the Communist Party Earlier

2011-08-17 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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"Asked to name the things he most regretted, he replied without hesitation: 
"The fact that I went on too long in trying to reform the Communist party." He 
should have resigned in April 1991, he said, and formed a democratic party of 
reform since the Communists were putting the brakes on all the necessary 


Ismail Lagardien

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[Marxism] The West's violence problem - War

2011-07-29 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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I recently wrote something about the pervasiveness of war in the US. An 
anthropologist read the piece,

and sent me this link of his 

My original headline was "war is hell cupcake and hell is other people"

Please let me know what you think. The systemic and structural violence of the 
European world is one of the areas I am especially interested in. In his 
long-term study of capitalist economic development Angus Maddison made (a 
single) reference to the enormous violence and bloodshed that Europeans spread 
as part of their passage to "greatness". The British Historian, JM Roberts, a 
rather conservative fellow, European capitalist/empire expansion as Europe's 
"assault on the world".

Once I settle down in a job (without having to worry about the next pay cheque) 
I may get the book on post-war paralels and continuities with the pre-war 
European world's violence agains Africans, Asians and indigenous people of the 


Ismail Lagardien

Nihil humani a me alienum puto

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[Marxism] The Crisis: Reliable Explanation?

2011-07-29 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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Hi Everyone

I have been traveling and need to catch up with some of the more critical 
(historically moored) analyses of the US debt crisis. I have a general sense 
and, in the context of my bread and butter scholarly stuff on globalising 
finance, I have been asked to write a "think piece" for my old newspaper in 
South Africa. So, can anyone send me some links, please.

Apologies if you're exasperated by this stuff, already.


Ismail Lagardien

Nihil humani a me alienum puto

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[Marxism] What an unbelievably stupid man

2011-07-26 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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Glenn Beck likens Norwegian dead to Hitler youth


Ismail Lagardien

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Re: [Marxism] Sting support oil workers in Kazakhstan

2011-07-06 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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Whenever, over the past 10 years or so, people have gushed over Bono, I 
reminded them of the time that he (Bono) was the single most ill-informed of 
the performers during the Amnesty and anti-apartheid tours of the 1980s, while 
Peter Gabriel and Sting were among the more committed. Then again, Phil 
Collins, a hard-nosed Thatcherite was also one of the committed ones.

We had many a good laugh over Bono's idiocy and, at the time, deeply (almost 
fundamentalist) christian values. He may have changed THAT, since then. Always 
respected Sting and Gabriel; worked with them on a few projects in sub-Saharan 
Africa and south America.

Ismail Lagardien

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[Marxism] Infographic on Obama's "promises kept"

2011-06-23 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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Ismail Lagardien

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[Marxism] Libyan Rebels to Recognise Israel?

2011-06-02 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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Libya’s rebel National Transitional Council (NTC) is ready to recognise Israel, 
according to French philosopher Bernard-Henri Lévy, who says he has passed the 
message on to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.


Ismail Lagardien

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[Marxism] Sitcoms

2011-06-01 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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Hi Everyone

As some of you may know, I am in-between jobs. For some reason I have been 
watching a bit of TV between 5-7, while I am cooking or eating dinner. 

I have been watching the TV sitcom King of Queens. While I am sometimes 
embarrassed on the part of one of the protagonists, Doug (he is so 
horrifyingly, stupifyingly "manly") the couple seem to be situated in deep 
working class conditions. As I write, Doug and his colleagues are in the midst 
of organised labour bargaining, a line of dialogue of which has been "I'm on 
the picket line six hours a day"...

One other show, Everybody Loves Raymond seems more petite bourgeois (as opposed 
to the apparently lumpenproletariat King of Queens) and is more uglier, as it 

I'm sorry to waste your time on silly things like this, but does anyone have 
any views on these?


Ismail Lagardien

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[Marxism] Ethics in International Affairs

2011-05-19 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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Hi Everyone

I will be teaching Ethics in international affairs in August as part of my new 
position (University of Guyana). The last good texts on the subject were kinda 
liberal, Terry Nardin and Mervyn Frost. Now that I will design and teach my own 
course, I would like to take a more Critical approach.

This is not self-promotion as I have nothing to gain from your visiting the 
I created. I really created it mainly for my family who are befuddled about why 
I am moving from the US to one of the poorest countries in the 
world... I am thrilled, they are confused, 

I am fairly comprehensive in my teaching, and there is a lot of literature 
produced by liberal internationalists and liberals like the Carnegie Council on 
Ethics and International Affairs. However, I would like to find more Critical 
sources. I am not a post-modernist, and share some solidarities with 
post-colonial theorists (and as the saying goes, Marx never did write anything 
on "International Relations" - but Marxists have! - I am open to anything to 
left of liberal internationalism. While I have taught IR theory courses and 
political theory courses - my training is mainly in political economy, 
especially International Political Economy - this will be the first time, since 
my first degree that I will read/write or do anything on International 
Ethics/Ethics in International Affairs.

I leave the US on 28 June and would like to get hold of a couple of good books 
before I leave. Have you any suggestions?


Ismail Lagardien
Department of Politics and Public Administration

Elon University
Elon, NC

Tel: +1(612) 227-5037 (Personal)

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[Marxism] The Soviet Union Versus Socialism - Noam Chomsky

2011-04-30 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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Apologies if this is "old news" Always interested in what people on the two 
lists (Marxism & LBO) think about some of the things I am reading.

In this article, which was written close to the end of the cold war, Noam 
Chomsky argues against the association of socialism with Bolshevism. 

"When the world’s two great propaganda systems agree on some doctrine, it 
requires some intellectual effort to escape its shackles. One such doctrine is 
that the society created by Lenin and Trotsky and molded further by Stalin and 
his successors has some relation to socialism in some meaningful or 
accurate sense of this concept. In fact, if there is a relation, it is the 
relation of contradiction."



Ismail Lagardien
Department of Politics and Public Administration

Elon University
Elon, NC

Tel: +1(612) 227-5037 (Personal)

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Re: [Marxism] Facebook political purges

2011-04-30 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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Thanks for the socialist unity link, Lou!

Ismail Lagardien
Department of Politics and Public Administration

Elon University
Elon, NC

Tel: +1(612) 227-5037 (Personal)

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Re: [Marxism] Facebook friend requests

2011-04-29 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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Here, somewhat appropriately, I dare say, I wish there was a "like" button.

"In fact I translated one of your articles on abstract expressionism in to 
malayalam. I am from kerala,India."

Who would have ever imagined in 1968 or so that we would be operating in such 

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[Marxism] "Natural Capitalism"

2011-04-29 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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I was invited to a meeting to launch this book, today. Would like to know what 
people think of this. The invitation came with a copy of a 1999 essay, "Roadmap 
for Natural Capitalism" published in the Harvard Business Review, if anyone is 
interested. Not sure if I could/should attach it.

Natural Capitalism: Creating the Next Industrial Revolution
by Paul Hawken, Amory B. Lovins, and L. Hunter Lovins
Natural capital refers to the earth’s natural resources and the ecological 
systems that provide vital life-support services to society and all living 
things. These services are of immense economic value; some are literally 
priceless, since they have no known substitutes. Yet current business practices 
typically fail to take into account the value of these assets—which is rising 
with their scarcity.
As a result, natural capital is being degraded and liquidated by the very 
wasteful use of resources such as energy, materials, water, fiber, and topsoil.
The next industrial revolution, like the previous ones, will be a response to 
changing patterns of scarcity. It will create upheaval, but more importantly, 
will create opportunities.

Natural capitalism is a new business model that enables companies to fully 
realize these opportunities. The journey to natural capitalism involves four 
major shifts in business practices, all vitally interlinked:

*  Radically increase the productivity of natural resources. Through 
fundamental changes in both production design and technology, farsighted 
companies are developing ways to make natural resources—energy, minerals, 
forests—stretch 5, 10, even 100 times further than they do today. The resulting 
savings in operational costs, capital investment, and time can help natural 
capitalists implement the other three principles.
* Shift to biologically inspired production models and materials. 
capitalism seeks not merely to reduce waste but to eliminate the very concept 
waste. In closed-loop production systems, modeled on nature’s designs, every 
output either is returned harmlessly to the ecosystem as a nutrient, like 
compost, or becomes an input for another manufacturing process. Industrial 
processes that emulate the benign chemistry of nature reduce dependence on 
nonrenewable inputs, make possible often phenomenally more efficient 
and can result in elegantly simple products that rival anything man-made.
* Move to a “service-and-flow” business model. The business model of 
traditional manufacturing rests on the sale of goods. In the new model, value 
instead delivered as a continuous flow of services - such as providing 
illumination rather than selling light bulbs. This aligns the interests of 
providers and customers in ways that reward them for resource productivity.
* Reinvest in natural capital. Capital begets more capital; a company 
depletes its own capital is eroding the basis of its future prosperity. 
Pressures on business to restore, sustain, and expand natural capital are 
mounting as human needs expand, the costs of deteriorating ecosystems rise, and 
the environmental awareness of consumers increases. Fortunately, these 
all create business opportunity. 

Ismail Lagardien
Department of Politics and Public Administration

Elon University
Elon, NC

Tel: +1(612) 227-5037 (Personal)

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Re: [Marxism] Passage by Marx

2011-04-21 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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Ismail Lagardien
Department of Politics and Public Administration

Elon University
Elon, NC

Tel: +1(612) 227-5037 (Personal)

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[Marxism] Passage by Marx

2011-04-21 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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Can anyone help with a reference, please. I have searched by can't find it... 
>From memory I remember, somewhere in his work, Marx saying something like 
ask anyone about themselves he will always give a biased response.

It's not terribly important, but...

Ismail Lagardien
Department of Politics and Public Administration

Elon University
Elon, NC

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[Marxism] Communist Parties: Sharing info

2011-04-05 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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For sharing...

While preparing my lecture on Marxism, today, I did a quick internet search to 
see how many communist/socialist parties there were in the world. I counted 
about 188.

Ismail Lagardien
Department of Politics and Public Administration

Elon University
Elon, NC

Tel: +1(612) 227-5037 (Personal)

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[Marxism] The Yakuza Responds to the Japanese Crisis

2011-03-21 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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The worst of times sometimes brings out the best in people, even in Japan’s 
“losers” a.k.a. the Japanese mafia, the yakuza. Hours after the first shock 
waves hit, two of the largest crime groups went into action, opening their 
offices to those stranded in Tokyo, and shipping food, water, and blankets to 
the devastated areas in two-ton trucks and whatever vehicles they could get 
moving. The day after the earthquake the Inagawa-kai(the third largest 
crime group in Japan which was founded in 1948) sent twenty-five four-ton 
filled with paper diapers, instant ramen, batteries, flashlights, drinks, and 
the essentials of daily life to the Tohoku region. An executive 
the second-largest crime group, even offered refuge to members of the foreign 
community—something unheard of in a still slightly xenophobic nation, 
amongst the right-wing yakuza. The Yamaguchi-gumi, Japan’s largest crime group, 
under the leadership of Tadashi Irie, has also opened its offices across the 
country to the public and been sending truckloads of supplies, but very quietly 
and without any fanfare.


Ismail Lagardien
Department of Politics and Public Administration

Elon University
Elon, NC

Tel: +1(612) 227-5037 (Personal)


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[Marxism] Eagleton Reviews Hobsbawm

2011-03-16 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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In 1976, a good many people in the West thought that Marxism had a reasonable 
case to argue. By 1986, most of them no longer felt that way. What had happened 
in the meanwhile? Were these people now buried under a pile of toddlers? Had 
Marxism been unmasked as bogus by some world-shaking new research? Had someone 
stumbled on a lost manuscript by Marx confessing that it was all a joke?

We are speaking, note, about 1986, a few years before the Soviet bloc crumbled. 
As Eric Hobsbawm points out in this collection of essays, that wasn’t what 
caused so many erstwhile believers to bin their Guevara posters. Marxism was 
already in dire straits some years before the Berlin Wall came down

Ismail Lagardien
Department of Politics and Public Administration

Elon University
Elon, NC

Tel: +1(612) 227-5037 (Personal)


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[Marxism] Michigan Calling

2011-03-15 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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Appreciations to Nick Woomer-Deters for drawing my attention to this. Apologies 
if people know about this.

Michigan CEO: Soul-Crushing Sprawl Killing Business

We’d like to stay in Michigan, but we have a problem. It’s not taxes or
regulations. There’s lots of talk about these issues but they have no
impact on our business. We spend more on copiers and toner than we do
on state taxes.
Our problem is access to talent. We have high-paying positions open for
patent attorneys in the software and semiconductor space. Even though
it is one of the best hiring environments for IP firms in 40 years, we
cannot fill these positions. Most qualified candidates live out of state
and simply will not move here, even though they are willing to relocate
to other cities. Our recruiters are very blunt. They say it is almost
impossible to recruit to Michigan without paying big premiums above
competitive salaries on the coasts.
It’s nearly a certainty that we will have to relocate (or at a minimum
expand ) our business out of Michigan if we want to grow.
People – particularly affluent and educated people – just don’t want to
live here.


Ismail Lagardien
Department of Politics and Public Administration

Elon University
Elon, NC

Tel: +1(612) 227-5037 (Personal)


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[Marxism] Audio Clip - Reagan Shooting

2011-03-11 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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This came through my Tumblr Feed (from some cat in Brooklyn)

The U.S. Secret Service has released its audio recording from the moments 
John Hinckley Jr. fired his revolver at the president to the frantic arrival of 
first lady Nancy Reagan at George Washington University Medical Center, where 
her husband was undergoing emergency surgery.


Ismail Lagardien
Department of Politics and Public Administration

Elon University
Elon, NC

Tel: +1(612) 227-5037 (Personal)


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[Marxism] A little Aside on Sachs "Praising" Marx

2011-02-15 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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A little detail. The method chapter (basically setting out the Marxist 
orientation) of my doctoral thesis, casts the concept of Global Public Goods, 
the framework submitted by the UNDP for 21st century liberal capitalist global 
governance, in Marxist perspective ... and "beyond the 'bloody' triumph' of 
capitalism"... a reference to a Jeffrey Sachs speech at Yale in which he said 
that Marx was right, capitalism would triumph, and that triumph was "bloody".

...lecture by Jeffrey Sachs, ‘Globalisation and the Rule of Law’ delivered at 
the Yale Law School, on 16 October 1998. Electronic copy available at: 
Accessed on 26 October 2006. 

Ismail Lagardien
Department of Politics and Public Administration

Elon University
Elon, NC

Tel: +1(612) 227-5037 (Personal)


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