Re: [Marxism] The Merchants of Shame » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

2013-06-01 Thread X Y
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just lurking here, but figured that as an uninvolved 3rd party observer, i
could offer a less emotionally charged opinion.  i find the fixation, which
exists on both sides, but particularly by CP defenders, on the singular
issue of the word "tits", quite a distraction.  i think adam's reminder
below has been missing from much of the "debate":

on Fri, 31 May 2013 18:48:47 -0700 Adam Turl  wrote:
> Add into this the way the article was promoted (as if it was promoted by
a frat house) and one should be able to understand the response.
- - - - - -

in case people forgot, adam is referencing the CP email newsletter (which i
don't subscribe to), where fowler's original piece was promoted as
"snapping jolie's bra". i cannott for the life of me see HOW this somehow
ISN'T easily seen as a sexist and misogynist joke - one that is readily
distinguishable from just the use (regardless of context) of the word

for the record, i think ISO has taken it a bit too far in terms of its
party-line-style diktat of wholesale (or as adam described, "existential")
condemnation of CP as just a bunch of old misogynist pigs.  but on the
other hand CP defenders really do come off - to this lurker at least, and
to a large number of my female comrades in particular (who, like me, are at
least half the average age or younger than the regular contributors of this
list, and have been debating this on facebook) - as being defensive in
PRECISELY the way most men do when challenged for a transgression of male
privilege.  ie, by way of bluster, dismissive bravado/machismo and of
course, rhetorical circumvention.

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Re: [Marxism] Serbo-croatian (China? Again?)

2013-01-08 Thread X Y
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On Tue, 08 Jan 2013  wrote:
> The situation is very different from the one that prevails in China. In the 
> former Yugolsvia, the SAME LANGUAGE is transcribed using two different 
> alphabets, meaning Croats and Serbs understand each other perfectly.

Still curious why China is getting brought up again.  It is neither in
parallel nor is it in contradistinction, as I tried to point out in my
previous post.

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Re: [Marxism] Written Chinese (was: Schoolmarm grammar)

2013-01-06 Thread X Y
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On Fri, 4 Jan 2013 19:36:08 DW wrote:
>So one language, two different ways of writing the exact same spoken
>word. Just the opposite in China where it's same written word in
>Cantonese and Mandarin but two distinct spoken languages.

This is not actually true.  The written standard, known as "Baihua" is
based on Mandarin (and the more formal the register, the more
Classical or Literary Chinese is interspersed within).  Cantonese (and
other non-Mandarin) speakers must in essence learn Mandarin to read
and write in this standardized form.  Written Cantonese (or other
non-Mandarin varieties of Chinese) is lexically and grammatically
different from the written Baihua standard.  My highly-literate
parents, who were educated in Taiwan using Mandarin (which is in turn
different from their native "dialects" - but that's another story), do
not speak or understand Cantonese, and when they read the "life" and
"entertainment" sections of Hong Kong newspapers, or Cantonese-based
subtitles in movies, they are often completely baffled.  Whereas the
political, economic and "hard news" sections of the newspaper are in
the standard Baihua, which they can read without problems.
(also note the slightly modified usage of the word "vernacular" in this context)

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Re: [Marxism] The real truth about Thomas Jefferson

2012-10-17 Thread X Y
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On Tue, 16 Oct 2012 14:10:56, Mark wrote:
>No surprise with Washington, Jefferson or TR. I don't think there's
>any dirt undug about Lincoln, partly because you had all the most
>objectionable people with any clout doing their best to find it.

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Re: [Marxism] Dollar no longer primary oil currency as China begins to sell oil using Yuan

2012-09-20 Thread X Y
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On Thu, 20 Sep 2012 23:50 Shane wrote:
> Total nonsense. China is a big *importer* of petroleum and pays for it in 
> dollars. Chinese oil sales are trivial at best.

my apologies, i should have stated the question more clearly.  what i
mean is the theory that US wars are foreign policy are conducted
because of petrodollar hegemony (distinct from the more general
phenomenon of dollar hegemony).  ie, the US acted the way it has
because: saddam hussein was about to sell oil for euros instead of
dollars, libya was about to create an "african dinar" for its oil
sales, and iran is considering something along these lines as well.
etc. etc.

forget about china.  my question should be: is the fact that oil is
denominated in USD really all that pivotal?

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[Marxism] Dollar no longer primary oil currency as China begins to sell oil using Yuan

2012-09-20 Thread X Y
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can comrades well-versed in finance capital and/or currency
speculation please comment on this?  i used to believe in the
"petrodollar" theories, but am now a big skeptic since so many
"doomsday" scenarios have not played out as predicted.  still seems to
have some following amongst many leftists though.  would like to see a
fuller critique, or even a full debunking, if it exists.  thanks.


Dollar no longer primary oil currency as China begins to sell oil using Yuan

On Sept. 11, Pastor Lindsey Williams, former minister to the global
oil companies during the building of the Alaskan pipeline, announced
the most significant event to affect the U.S. dollar since its
inception as a currency. For the first time since the 1970's, when
Henry Kissenger forged a trade agreement with the Royal house of Saud
to sell oil using only U.S. dollars, China announced its intention to
bypass the dollar for global oil customers and began selling the
commodity using their own currency.

Lindsey Williams: "The most significant day in the history of the
American dollar, since its inception, happened on Thursday, Sept. 6.
On that day, something took place that is going to affect your life,
your family, your dinner table more than you can possibly imagine."

"On Thursday, Sept. 6... just a few days ago, China made the
official announcement. China said on that day, our banking system is
ready, all of our communication systems are ready, all of the transfer
systems are ready, and as of that day, Thursday, Sept. 6, any nation
in the world that wishes from this point on, to buy, sell, or trade
crude oil, can do using the Chinese currency, not the American dollar.
- Interview with Natty Bumpo on the Just Measures Radio network, Sept.

This announcement by China is one of the most significant sea changes
in the global economic and monetary systems, but was barely reported
on due to its announcement taking place during the Democratic
convention last week. The ramifications of this new action are vast,
and could very well be the catalyst that brings down the dollar as the
global reserve currency, and change the entire landscape of how the
world purchases energy.

Ironically, since Sept. 6, the U.S. dollar has fallen from 81.467 on
the index to today's price of 79.73. While analysts will focus on
actions taking place in the Eurozone, and expected easing signals from
the Federal Reserve on Thursday regarding the fall of the dollar, it
is not coincidence that the dollar began to lose strength on the very
day of China's announcement.


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Re: [Marxism] Ward Churchill, Kathleen Cleaver & Natsu T Saito - Distorting Richard Aoki's Legacy

2012-09-10 Thread X Y
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On Mon, 10 Sep 2012 22:41 Mark wrote:
>I don't get the purpose of this. The article seems to be charging
>that the government has framed Aoki by releasing the documents to
>support the story he was an informant.

The "why?" question is being discussed on Kasama more thoroughly than
it is here.  I would encourage participation over there - if only
because plain ol' email listservs are s 20th century...

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[Marxism] Ward Churchill, Kathleen Cleaver & Natsu T Saito - Distorting Richard Aoki's Legacy

2012-09-10 Thread X Y
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Distorting the legacy of Richard Aoki
September 9, 2012
by Ward Churchill, Kathleen Cleaver and Natsu Taylor Saito

Former San Francisco Chronicle reporter Seth Rosenfeld reveals in his
newly-released book, “Subversives: The FBI’s War on Student Radicals,
and Reagan’s Rise to Power,” that the late Richard Aoki, an
extraordinary Asian American activist, was a long-term FBI informer.
>From there, Rosenfeld goes on to assert that Aoki was not only a paid
snitch but an agent provocateur as well, having provided “the Black
Panthers some of their first guns and weapons training, encouraging
them on a course that would contribute to shootouts with the police
and the organization’s demise.”

This is a classic example of how truth is mixed with falsehood to
rewrite history and promote a more sweeping agenda. The goal is to
discredit the movements of the 1960s and ‘70s and key activists of
that era who might serve as role models for coming generations. The
failed prosecution of former Black Panthers in the well-known case of
the “San Francisco 8” is just one of many recent examples.

Anyone familiar with the party’s history will recognize that
Rosenfeld’s depiction of Aoki as “the man who armed the Black
Panthers” is decisively at odds both with reality and the sources he
cites to support this assertion. This is equally true with respect to
Rosenfeld’s conclusion that “by any reckoning” Aoki’s provision of an
M-1 carbine and a 9mm. handgun to Party founders Huey P. Newton and
Bobby Seale, at their request, “brought violence, legal trouble, and
discredit to the Panthers” and thus may have been designed to “set
them up.”

To arrive at his conclusion, Rosenfeld simply disregards inconvenient
facts. He ignores the endemic pattern of police violence against
Oakland’s Black community that had existed for over two decades before
Newton and Seale founded the party in 1966; that Newton and Seale
adopted a posture of armed self-defense against the police from the
outset, in direct response to the preexisting level of official
violence; and that they drew explicitly upon the concepts of Malcolm X
and Frantz Fanon, as well as the concrete examples of Robert F.
Williams in North Carolina, the Deacons for Defense and Justice in
Louisiana, and the Lowndes County Freedom Organization in Alabama.

Similarly unremarked is the fact that the Black Panthers’ armed street
patrols dramatically reduced the level of violence visited by
Oakland’s white cops upon the city’s Black residents. Far from
bringing “discredit to the Panthers,” as Rosenfeld contends, a poll
conducted by the Wall Street Journal in 1969 revealed that the
Panthers’ willingness to pick up the gun under such circumstances had
earned them the admiration of an astonishing 62 percent of inner city
Blacks and was being emulated by organizations emerging among other
peoples of color, as well as certain sectors of the white left.

Although Rosenfeld does concede that “carrying unconcealed weapons was
legal [in California] at the time,” he nonetheless claims “there is
little doubt that their presence contributed to confrontations between
Panthers and police.” He never acknowledges anything untoward about
the police responding violently to Blacks “guilty” of exercising their
rights, or that the police made no comparable response to the Ku Klux
Klan, the Secret Army Organization and other rightwing organizations
comprised of armed and demonstrably violence-prone whites.

In sum, Rosenfeld’s portrayal of the Panthers, including Richard
Aoki’s role in the organization, is grossly inaccurate. His analysis
of the violence surrounding the party’s challenge to racial inequality
and injustice is simplistic and racist, a regurgitation of the
shopworn liberal apologia advanced by those comfortable with the
status quo.

The way Rosenfeld presents radicalism in the 1960s is clearly intended
to influence young activists today. This generation has been exposed
to the horrors of war, as well as officially sanctioned torture,
extraordinary rendition, targeted killing, and economic and
environmental devastation.

As young people begin challenging these realities, they look to the
history of movements that inspired previous generations. Those
committed to preserving the status quo devise means of discrediting
such movements and their leaders. A government considering itself at
war with dissent will inevitably empower its security and intelligence
apparatus to use psychological as well as physical means of

A key weapon in their arsenal is the spreading of false and derogatory
information – “disinformation,” in the counterintelligence vernacular
– to “disrupt, destabilize, discredit, and destroy” radical activi

[Marxism] (Kasama) Fred Ho: Seth Rosenfeld’s FBI files on Richard Aoki

2012-09-08 Thread X Y
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Kasama received the following contribution from veteran revolutionary
and jazz musician Fred Ho, who also authored a previous essay on this


Seth Rosenfeld’s FBI files on Richard Aoki

by Fred Ho

I read each page of the mostly redacted 221 pages of the files that
the FBI released to Seth Rosenfeld on the subject of Richard Aoki (and
many multiple names with varying versions of first, middle and
surnames, including the supposed code name Richard Ford).

The only thing that I believe can be confirmed by these heavily
redacted files is that the FBI believed it had an informant. The files
begin in the early 1960s and go to the fall of 1977. No files seem to
exist after 1977, so any allegation or intimation of on-going contact
with the FBI is non-existent.

Let’s for the sake of argument assume that the FBI “had their man” (as
Rosenfeld concludes) in one Richard Aoki. In their vetting of Aoki
they do a background check including the possibility that Aoki might
even be a “plant” (the FBI word for an infiltrator into the FBI!).
There is no conclusion or methodology revealed as to how they vetted
that question of Aoki possibly being such a “plant.” We read on as get
page after page of repetitive bureaucratic corroboration that Aoki is
indeed a quality informant.

Full text:

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Re: [Marxism] Rosenfeld Returns on Aoki

2012-09-07 Thread X Y
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On Fri, 07 Sep 2012 14:33 Louis wrote:
> And maybe next time you won't be so god-damned sure yourself.

For the record, I have always tried to be open to the possibility, and
if I ever strayed from that on this list or elsewhere, it was perhaps
emotion and for which I apologize,   Even in my recent reply to Jeff,
I stated that it was possible for Aoki to be an informant.
Rosenfeld's presentation was and remains problematic, which even you
still maintain (and which I agree with, despite the current release
documents seeming to vindicate some of his claims).  The fact is that
the skepticism directed at Rosenfeld has apparently made him backtrack
somewhat (in his "slippery" way) from his initial implication of
deliberate sabotage.

In any case, the documents may seem damning indeed, but I remain
guarded in the same way that Mike Ely has delineated in his recent
comments at Kasama:

(Not an endorsement of Kasama; I am not a member, nor have any
intention to join in the near future, as I have my own disagreements
with them and Ely on several other matters.)

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Re: [Marxism] Rosenfeld Returns on Aoki

2012-09-07 Thread X Y
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As Louis said, the main problem that remains is blurring the lines
between informant and provacateur.  Supposedly during a radio
interview today, Rosenfeld has been distancing himself from earlier
his earlier implications that Aoki "set up" the Panthers and other
activists.  However Rosenfeld's article published today still seems to
make such implications, again using the "slippery" language that Louis
picked up on.

For those in the Bay Area, there is in an upcoming event of interest
this Sunday:

Richard Aoki - Black Panther & Asian American Activist

Cointelpro Attacks & Reclaiming the Legacy

Sunday, September 9th 4-6 pm

EastSide Cultural Center
2277 International Blvd

with Diane Fujino, Emory Douglas, Tarika Lewis & Bobby Seale

Cosponsored By EastSide Arts Alliance and the Freedom Archives
for more information call: 510-533-6629 or 415 863-9977

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Re: [Marxism] Richard Aoki reconsidered

2012-09-05 Thread X Y
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On Wed, 05 Sep 2012 23:56 Jeff wrote:
> No. Only after he had had a chance to think about it. I can't imagine
someone being asked if they had ever worked for the FBI and not denying it
right away. The relevant portion of the phone conversation starts at 3:10
on the following video. The part where he finally denies it (and not in
very strong terms) is at 9:40 on the tape.
> Again, I don't have a stake one way or the other in this matter. But
assuming that the recording is genuine, then I would reach the conclusion I
have stated. Others can listen and judge for themselves. All I can add, is
that if it is true that he was an informer and later switched sides, that
it's unfortunate that he didn't ever acknowledge that so that there
wouldn't be a lingering suspicion that he remained an FBI informant for
years and years.

And now you are simply bordering on the moronic.  The reconstructed
recording and transcripts on the Kasama page I previously linked to
shows that Rosenfeld manipulated the words.  Is it definitive either
way?  NO.  Is it within the realm of human possibility that Aoki had
been an active informant, no matter how far-fetched?  YES.  But the
burden of proof isn't there.  EVERYTHING PRESENTED SO FAR IS
CIRCUMSTANTIAL EVIDENCE.  For you, even less seems to be needed, as
apparently all that is necessary are your fantastical boasts of a
TELEPATHIC and OMNISCIENT capability to know how every other person
would react to such a serious and possibly outlandish accusation.
Louis is far more sane than you, and in fact much like myself, hopes
that Rosenfeld either shows his cards in full or MOVES THE FUCK ON,
lest the value of all his other research is diminished.

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Re: [Marxism] Richard Aoki reconsidered

2012-09-05 Thread X Y
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On Wed, 05 Sep 2012 20:44 Jeff wrote:
> For my part, I cannot believe that based on the recorded phone call Rosenfeld 
> made to him. A person who had never been an informant at all would have 
> denied that right away if asked by a journalist interviewing him, rather than 
> stumbling for words as Aoki did.

Now you are just being obtuse.  He DID deny it.  Rosenfeld rearranged
the wording and left out the pauses, sighs and laughs.  Aoki also
never said "people change" on the tape - that was ADDED by Rosenfeld
and FALSELY attributed to Aoki.  Again, see the below deconstruction
by Kasama:

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[Marxism] Scholars Challenge Author's Assertion That 1960s Activist Worked for FBI

2012-09-02 Thread X Y
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Here is The Chronicle of Higher Education.  Includes statements from
historians Donna Jean Murch and Yohuru R. Williams, in addition to
Diane C. Fujino and Scott Kurashige.  The full article is behind the
Chronicle's paywall.

August 31, 2012

Scholars Challenge Author's Assertion That 1960s Activist Worked for FBI

By Peter Monaghan

"If you're going to make that a central claim of a book, you're going
to be held to a high standard of proof," says Donna Jean Murch, author
of Living for the City: Migration, Education, and the Rise of the
Black Panther Party in Oakland, California (University of North
Carolina Press, 2010).

Historians like Ms. Murch, an associate professor of history at
Rutgers University, say Mr. Rosenfeld's claim is unsubstantiated and
warrants a more rigorous investigation than he gave it.

His allegation came to public attention in August when the San
Francisco Chronicle published his article on the subject, timed to the
release of his book; Mr. Rosenfeld also released a video report on the
Web site of the Center for Investigative Reporting. The charges
against Mr. Aoki account for only about 10 pages of the more than 700
in his book, which examines FBI activities concerning the University
of California at Berkeley during the cold war. The evidence it relies
on includes some 300,000 pages of FBI records released as a result of
Mr. Rosenfeld's Freedom of Information Act lawsuits.

But Mr. Rosenfeld's critics say that his accusations against Mr. Aoki
rely on one former FBI agent, now deceased, who said he was Mr. Aoki's
handler in the years before his political activism, and one FBI
document, redacted and, critics say, ambiguous.


While Mr. Aoki might conceivably have had entanglements with
law-enforcement figures early in his adult life, and been singled out
as a possible informant by FBI agents, his actions, over all, hardly
seem consistent with expectations of how an FBI informant would
behave, says Diane C. Fujino, a scholar of Asian-American studies at
the University of California at Santa Barbara. Her biography of Mr.
Aoki, Samurai Among Panthers: Richard Aoki on Race, Resistance, and a
Paradoxical Life has just been published by the University of
Minnesota Press. "Anything is possible, and so I'm open to the truth,"
she says. "But I'd need to see substantial evidence."


In response, Mr. Rosenfeld says he makes no assertion that Mr. Aoki
helped the FBI disrupt political movements. (In an e-mail to The
Chronicle, he said would not have time before this article went to
print to respond to the specific criticisms that researchers have made
about his allegations.) But his book does include such statements as:
"Did Aoki help the Panthers fight for justice, or did he set them up?
During the same period Aoki was arming the Panthers, he was informing
for the FBI," and "he had given the Black Panthers some of their first
guns and weapons training, encouraging them on a course that would
contribute to shootouts with police and the organization's demise."

The evidence Mr. Rosenfeld presents dates from the period in which Mr.
Aoki attended activists' meetings but before the Black Panther Party
was even formed. A key consideration, says Yohuru R. Williams, an
associate professor of African-American history at Fairfield
University, would be to assess what kind of information he might have
provided authorities, and under what circumstances. Mr. Williams, who
has written extensively about the Black Panthers, says that Mr.
Rosenfeld appears to draw a conclusion based on slight evidence, then
projects it forward as a surmise about Mr. Aoki's role in key events
in Panther history.

Mr. Williams, like Scott Kurashige, a professor of American culture
and history at the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor who specializes
in the history of Asian-American political and social activism,
criticizes Mr. Rosenfeld for apparently relying on one FBI document,
and on his interviews with one former FBI agent, Burney Threadgill
Jr., who died in 2005. While Mr. Rosenfeld writes that the FBI
document—which has recently circulated among scholars, including Mr.
Williams and Mr. Kurashige—identifies Mr. Aoki as an informant, it is
in reality far more ambiguous, say the critics.

That Mr. Aoki may have given some information to the FBI is
"plausible," says Mr. Williams, because "anyone who had dealings with
any of the organizations that were on the FBI radar, there's a very
good chance you were visited, or that agents would have made contact."

But the FBI, even this late after the events of that era, almost
always conceals the identity of its informants, Mr. Williams says, and
the appearance of Mr. Aok

Re: [Marxism] Kasama on Aoki - Rosenfeld tape. How a smear is made.

2012-08-29 Thread X Y
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I have been a list "lurker" for many years, but I admit being
personally invested in the topic.  I only met Aoki once in passing,
but I do know Fujino, Ho and Kurashige more closely.   I became
politicized first through ethnic studies and being inspired by Black
and Puerto Rican nationalism and the Asian-American movement, which is
the community I'm from.  I long since "progressed" to a more socialist
or Marxist-influenced outlook, learning from still-active veterans of
NCM successor groups to the Panthers and I Wor Kuen, such as the LRS.
While I find the debates and postings here occasionally of interest,
it was never enough to participate.  I admit to being caught up in the
sensationalism of the original report that Rosenfeld put out, since it
relates to groups and figures I was nurtured by.(directly or
indirectly).  In hindsight, I should have stuck with my better
judgement and avoided posting the Rosenfeld article here so hastily.
But since I did, I figured it was only fair that I posted the
rebuttals as well.

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[Marxism] Kasama on Aoki - Rosenfeld tape. How a smear is made.

2012-08-29 Thread X Y
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Black Panther Aoki admitted being an agent? How a smear is made

Posted by kasama on August 27, 2012

“Layer upon layer…”

Watch the Aoki charges closely, and how they rippled through the
culture (and through the left!) Some people read the claims (in the
mainstream articles) that Richard Aoki admitted being an agent to
author Seth Rosenfeld.

Here is Seth Rosenfeld’s account which gave rise to headlines about
Aoki=Agent  throughout the mainstream press (which we reprinted, with
caution warnings, here on Kasama):

“In 2007, two years before he committed suicide, Aoki was asked in a
tape-recorded interview for the book if he had been an FBI informant.
Aoki’s first response was a long silence. He then replied, ” ‘Oh,’ is
all I can say.”

“Later during the same interview, Aoki contended the information wasn’t true.

“Asked if this reporter was mistaken that Aoki had been an informant,
Aoki said, “I think you are,” but added: ‘People change. It is
complex. Layer upon layer.’”

This was presented as an admission from Aoki and a coup for Seth
Rosenfeld (his accuser). And some people believed what they read, and
assumed it was true, and have been repeating it.

If you heard anyone say:

“The evidence seems convincing to me, including after Aoki’s comments
to Rosenfeld”…

Well, just listen to this recording a few times, and drop them a note.

If we draw any lesson from this (and there are several!), it should be
careful and deliberate suspicion about claims in the press. They lie.
And they particularly lie about revolutionaries. And disinformation
about revolutionaries is not just accidental, and not merely for
selfish, mercenary (book-promoting) reasons, but it has been (in the
U.S.) an organized covert activity of powerful government forces.

Shawnt wrote about this recording:

“Aoki clearly denied that he was an informant. He never said “its
complex layer upon layer” in the same sentence. It was Rosenfeld’s
article that misrepresented what was said.

“Aoki was responding to Rosenfeld’s accusations. Also, the Center for
Investigative Reporting added something Aoki did not say. Aoki did not
say “people change” anywhere on the recording that was played in the

Here’s the recording:

Here is the highly revealing transcript:

(It has Aoki’s little laughs and Rosenfeld’s sighs added)

Rosenfeld: Yeah. (pause) So, would you say it’s untrue that you ever
worked with the FBI or got paid by the FBI?

Aoki: I would say it.

Rosenfeld: (huge sigh) (pause) And I’m trying to understand the
complexities about it and I and I think…

Aoki: It IS complex. (very slight laugh)

Rosenfeld: I believe it is and…

Aoki: Layer upon layer.
Deconstructing the lie

Shawnt writes:

Aoki thinks Rosenfeld is an idiot for believing that line of bullshit.
“it IS complex” can be more accurately interpreted as sarcasm and
“layer upon layer” can be interpreted as “layers of bullshit stacked
upon another”. Pay attention to Aoki’s little laughs when you listen
to the recording. It’s not even close to being an admission of guilt.

And Seth Rosenfeld’s own article claims that Aoki said

“people change, its complex layer upon layer”:

2 things wrong with that. Aoki never said “people change” It’s not on
the tape anywhere. The other problem is a lack of context when
Rosenfeld leaves out what he said. All this comes from an award
winning reporter who worked for the SF Examiner and SF Chronicle.
Rosenfeld knows how to write and he knows what he is doing. The only
evidence that’s apparent is Rosenfeld’s embellishment and twisting the
facts to suit his faulty thesis. Combine that with Swearingen’s
dubious past and the only reasonable conclusion is that Aoki is being
snitchjacketed as part of a latter day COINTELPRO operation.

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[Marxism] Ultraleft Numbskulls

2012-08-27 Thread X Y
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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Aoki

2012-08-26 Thread X Y
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On Sun, 26 Aug 2012 09:02 Louis wrote:
> I scanned the pages from Rosenfeld's book with the intro that "comrades can 
> draw their own conclusions"

People can come to a misinformed or misled conclusion too, Louis.  The
first part of my previous response was to show that one also needs
additional information to draw a more complete picture.  Rosenfeld's
sources are NOT SOLID.

Believe it or not, I actually agree with much of your perspective
towards adventurism or "ultra-left" errors, past and present.
(Although I don't go about shouting "idiots" and "they're insane" like
the get-off-my-lawn fogey you are.)  But the fact is that the charges
against Aoki are based on inconclusive evidence, and for the sake of
scholarly integrity, should for now remain a separate discussion from
the use of violence.

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Aoki

2012-08-25 Thread X Y
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On Sat, 25 Aug 2012 20:11 Louis wrote:
> The only now-deceased FBI agent I know about is Burney Threadgill who states 
> that he was Aoki's handler and directed him to join the CPUSA and then the 
> SWP afterwards.
>Here's the relevant passage from Rosenfeld's book. Comrades can judge for 

I offer this commentary after having now skimmed significant portions
of the book via the Amazon preview features, with the relevant chapter
28 "At Bayonet Point" in the most detail.

Louis has conveniently left out the ONLY citation on Aoki where any
DOCUMENTARY evidence that is supposedly connected with the allegation
is EVER provided by Rosenthal:

from page 640, in the Notes section:

418 - "But one of... radical organizations."  The author's conclusion
that Aoki was an FBI informer has several bases.  First, the former
FBI agent Burney Threadgill Jr., discussed Aoki's work as an informer
in interviews with the author; second, Aoki's own suggestive
statements to the author; third he is named as an "informant" with the
temporary code number "T-2" in 105-165706-22, a November 16, 1967 FBI
report on the Black Panthers; fourth, this conclusion is consistent
with other FBI records concerning Aoki.  It is also based on the
declaration of former FBI agent M. Wesley Swearingen, Seth Rosenfeld
v. Federal Bureau of Investigation and U.S. Department of Justice, C
11-92131MEJ, U.S. District Court, Northern District of California,
2011; author interview with M. Wesley Swearingen.

The ONLY hard, documentary evidence is therefore claimed to exist
within the "T-2" form, to which Fujino also had access for her
biography of Aoki (as she declared in her interview on Democracy Now).
 Fujino states in her recent article from the SF Chronicle (link
below) that the document is AMBIGUOUS in its redacted form:

First, Rosenfeld cites only one FBI document, a Nov. 16, 1967, report.
It states: "A supplementary T symbol (SF T-2) was designated for" -
but the name was deleted. Following the now-blank space was the name
Richard Matsui Aoki in parenthesis, and then the phrase "for the
limited purpose of describing his connections with the organization
and characterizing [Aoki]."

In the FBI pages released to me, only brief background material on
Aoki is linked to T-2. Moreover, T symbols are used to refer to
informants or technical sources of information (microphones,
wiretaps). So was Aoki the informer or the one being observed?

To claim in the endnote citation that on the "T-2" document that
"[Aoki] is named as an informant" - with an incorrect middle name - is
misguided at best.  Therefore I and other detractors charge that
Rosenfeld's interview with the now-deceased Threadgill is the sole
origin of the allegation, and that it is LACKING in HARD, DOCUMENTED
corroborating evidence that UNAMBIGUOUSLY names Aoki as an informant.
We must somehow take the now-deceased Threadgill at his word.  All the
other "sources" cited in this endnote are based on Rosenfeld's and
Swearingen's SUBJECTIVE INTERPRETATIONS in pursuit of this primrose
path.  Every piece of information - or lack thereof - that they
subsequently encounter (including other FBI documents that describe or
mention Aoki but never claim any collaboration, or any FBI refusal to
release additional documents) is now somehow "proof" of their theory.
The entire allegation is propped up by nothing more than their
confirmation biases.

Louis has repeatedly claimed, both here or in other forums (such as
his blog or in the comments section of Kasama and North Star), that
"it shouldn't matter" if Aoki was an FBI asset or not, since his
"ultraleft numbskullery" (Louis' words) was so destructive.  And yet
despite such claimed irrelevancy, he persists in posting Rosenfeld's
allegations, presented as incontrovertible fact.  Notice Rosenfeld's
language - the use of conclusive statements instead of conditioning
them as allegations, just as Louis does in his blog entry by writing,
"I should mention that the FBI directed Aoki to join the CP and the
SWP before he ever got involved with the Panthers."

Hindsight certainly allows us to judge past actions/beliefs as
mistakes or errors.  In light of the aftermath wrought on the Panthers
and affiliated groups, it would certainly seem that they were courting
disaster.  What seems to be ignored by Louis and others however, is
that these groups (or their survivors) and ex-members didn't just
disappear into thin air.  Most of them continued organizing, and many
thereafter evolved or merged into the various formations within what
is sometimes collectively referred to as Third World Marxism or se

[Marxism] My comrade, Richard Aoki - By Elbert "Big Man" Howard

2012-08-25 Thread X Y
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My comrade, Richard Aoki
August 24, 2012

by Elbert “Big Man” Howard

At almost 75 years of age, there are very few things in life that
surprise me anymore. However, I can say I was not only surprised by
the allegations made against my comrade Richard Aoki, I was sickened.
I should not have been surprised because I know that this government
still has unfinished business with us, we Panthers, and being dead
doesn’t free us from their need to persecute us and create chaos and
mistrust among those of us who remain.

full text at:

Elbert “Big Man” Howard is one of the original six founding members of
the Black Panther Party; he served as the first editor of the Black
Panther newspaper and as party spokesperson. He is also, more
recently, a founding member of the Police Accountability Clinic and
Helpline (PACH). An activist, author and lecturer, he resides in
Sonoma County and can be reached at

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Aoki

2012-08-25 Thread X Y
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On Sat, 25 Aug 2012 22:59 Jeff wrote:
> Oh please! There IS NO legal issue involved under US law in him saying such
things which we all agree are not true (or at least not known to be true).
Otherwise I could sue a number of people on this list who have said much
more outrageous things.

Since I am not a lawyer, I meant this more in the rhetorical sense
that Rosenfeld can plausibly deny making the explicit accusation.  You
apparently take personal offense at actual legal ramifications (or
lack thereof), judging by your bombastic indignation.  Nothing I can
do about that.

> Geez, you are the only one who accepts that insinuation. Naming Aoki as the
one "who armed the panthers" was clearly for the purpose of pointing out
that this was an important figure. Just saying that they found some guy who
had been an informer among the Panthers would otherwise have hardly raised
an eyebrow (there surely were many!).

No sir, I am obviously not the only one.  It is all over the internet
now, but perhaps you have been hiding under a rock.  As I stated
before, the well has been poisoned.

The allegation of Aoki being an FBI informant is still just an
ALLEGATION.  It is based entirely on the claims of a now-deceased FBI
agent, who was commenting on heavily-redacted documents that DO NOT
SPECIFICALLY STATE AOKI AS AN ASSET, at least in their redacted form.
This was then extrapolated via Rosenfeld's interpretation of Aoki's
militancy (or ultraleft adventurism, however one desires to view it),
and further "reinforced" by the SPECULATIONS of Swearingen, based on
the same ambiguously redacted documents, who in turn also put forward
the CRACKPOT theory that a high-ranking Japanese-American in a Black
organization was somehow a perfect cover identity.

> But since you called the evidence insufficient, I'd be interested if you could
give me an example of an informer that was uncovered where there was
demonstrably stronger evidence. Thanks in advance, I'm waiting...

What should be required is documentary evidence that specifically
names a person as an informant.  This is not the case with Aoki.  In
fact, as Louis pointed out, Swearingen has provided much helpful
documentation and research on FBI activities in political groups.  But
in the case of Aoki, Swearingen is merely speculating.

> Otherwise I don't understand why Aoki answering the charge by saying
that "It is complex. Layer upon layer" doesn't count as an admission.

An alternative explanation has been offered by Fred Ho and Diane
Fujino, of humored condenscension towards Rosenfeld.  I offer this not
necessarily because it is more valid (although it arguably should be,
since unlike Rosenfeld or Swearingen, both Ho and Fujino knew and
worked with Aoki personally for years), but because it is equally
speculative/interpretive, just as you are doing right now.  Aoki does
in fact explicitly deny the charge (with a solid "No") in the
interview, but since those of you (including Rosenfeld and Swearingen)
who never knew Aoki have already formed your own conclusions, decide
to interpret it as a lie.

PS - As an aside to Erik Toren, yes, Fujino had access to the same
files as Rosenfeld for her biography.  In her judgement, as stated in
the Democracy Now interview, the very same "T-2" document was too
ambiguous to reach any conclusion about whether it names Aoki as an
asset or as a target.

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Aoki

2012-08-25 Thread X Y
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Red Arnie, believe it or not, I actually agree with you that Ethnic
Studies has been "co-opted", but as you yourself concede - this should
be expected under capitalism.  The problem is that today Ethnic
Studies, despite its myriad flaws, is under direct attack by the right
wing, which for better or worse also sometimes uses the accusation of
"identity politics".  (Teabaggers will of course tend to say "reverse
racism" or even "Black/Latin@/Asian supremacy".)

No, you are not a "self-hating Asian", but you are certainly
approaching this in an ineffective manner.  The many potential allies
and "converts" within the field (I speak more of the students than the
faculty) to a more socialist or anti-capitalist analysis will not be
swayed by your condemnatory language.  Many people of color, because
of the nature of white supremacy, come to political consciousness more
through racial identity than through class/economic conditions alone.
In the USA, this is especially the case since the mainstream discourse
obfuscates the class struggle moreso than in perhaps any other

As for Rosenfeld "never implying" that Aoki supplied the BPP under
direct FBI orders - he certainly covered his ass in a legal sense, in
that he never *directly* says that (and in fact denies it in the
Democracy Now interview).  But the fact that his articles and Youtube
video are headlined with statements like, "Man who Armed BPP was FBI
Informant", there is no need for him to make the explicit allegation.
It is insinuated, and the well is now already poisoned.

There is no "conspiracy theory against Rosenfeld".  Those who are
refuting him are showing that the evidence presented is simply not
sufficient, at best circumstantial, and is mostly based on speculation
and subjective interpretation.

On Sat, 25 Aug 2012 04:23 Red Arnie wrote:
> I am Japanese American and participated as a non-student community member in 
> the demos and Asian student group meetings at SF State and UC Berkeley to 
> fight for ethnic studies beginning in 1969. I worked along side Richard Aoki. 
> I arranged a panel discussion at the 40th anniversary of the founding of the 
> College of Ethnic Studies at SF State entitled Liberation Studies: Beyond 
> Identity Politics that included Harvey Dong, the executor of Aoki's estate 
> and currently a staunch defender of Aoki. The point of my panel was to show 
> how much of ethnic studies has been changed from the conception of many of 
> its [founders] as a vehicle for liberation studies to a narrow, safe and 
> sterile field for the study of history of immigration and comparative 
> sociology. (I was invited to arrange this panel as a returning outside 
> community agitator.) My good friend Harvey Dong who teaches in the Dept. of 
> Ethnic Studies at UC Berkeley and who is a socialist agreed to be on the 
> panel because he agreed with my view on the "co-optation" of academic ethnic 
> studies. (I use quotes because that is what should be expected to happen in 
> our capitalist educational system.)
> (I suppose the insightful X,Y who accused me of white chauvinist thinking 
> will now accuse me of self-hate for trying to get my community to move beyond 
> identity politics and cultural nationalism to building a socialist mass 
> movement.)
> In her 441 page hagiography of Aoki, Fujino describes Aoki's frustration with 
> that change at UC Berkeley and gives it as his reason for leaving the faculty 
> of the Department of Asian American Studies at Cal to teach at a community 
> college.
> Rosenfeld never said nor implied that Aoki supplied weapons to the BPP on the 
> orders of the FBI. He only said Aoki was an FBI informant during the same 
> time he was supplying weapons. Rosenfeld doesn't know or say whether Aoki 
> told the FBI that he, Aoki, was supplying arms. The conspiracy theories 
> against Rosenfeld to dismiss his work are useless, time wasting and tiresome 
> speculations.
> Can we direct our attention to the issues in this disclosure of FBI 
> information that will be useful for building a socialist movement instead?

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Re: [Marxism] The Richard Aoki imbroglio

2012-08-24 Thread X Y
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(Not meant to be a full response to Louis' entire article, just
calling attention to a single point of information/dispute.)

Louis states: "I should mention that the FBI directed Aoki to join the
CP and the SWP before he ever got involved with the Panthers."

Here Louis is presenting an allegation as fact.  The only "evidence"
of this is the word of a now-deceased FBI agent.  All subsequent
conclusions about Aoki's alleged status, including the FBI document
with the "T-2" designation, are speculative interpretations of
non-definitive, highly-redacted materials.


(As for Erik Toren's inquiry, I am awaiting word from individuals who
possess a copy of Fujino's book, which I skimmed early on when it was
published but do not myself own.)

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Re: [Marxism] Rosenthal's ex-FBI source is JFK conspiracist (re: Richard Aoki)

2012-08-24 Thread X Y
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but "who killed JFK?" isn't all that important either.  i don't
believe the word of the government on this, just like most other
people with critical thinking skills.  but we will likely never know
the full truth.  pursuing this question will almost certainly only
lead to more conspiracism.

On Fri, 24 Aug 2012 22:36 Mark wrote:
> I have no opinion on Aoki. It's not important.
>But the official version of the JFK assassination (or King's or
Malcolm's or RFK) have never been persuasive. I suggest that those
who are dismiss those versions as "conspiracist" should give serious
consideration into investing a fine old nineteenth-century bit of
transit history crossing over into Brooklyn.
>They might be able to find funding by a reliable online Nigerian prince.

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Re: [Marxism] Police infiltrators and provocateurs

2012-08-24 Thread X Y
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On Fri, 24 Aug 2012 20:26 Jeff wrote:
> He just happened to run across a shocking fact, and has reported it citing 
> the exact evidence he had (and releasing the audio of the phone call to Aoki 
> which I find extremely compelling) so that readers can judge for themselves. 
> But it was just a detail in his book.

It is still an allegation, not a "fact".  The only HARD "facts"
include: 1) there is an FBI document that names Aoki, but (possibly
due to redactions) it is NOT DEFINITIVE that he is in fact an
informant or simply another target of investigation. 2) a now-deceased
FBI agent's CLAIM that Aoki (with an incorrect middle name) was his
informant up until 1965.

Both Profs. Kurashige and Fujino have read Rosenthal, whose thesis is:

(pp. 34-35 on ibooks): ""Each of these men [Reagan,
Berkeley president Clark Kerr, and Mario Savio] had a transforming
vision of America and exerted extraordinary and lasting influence on
the nation. By tracing the bureau's involvement with these iconic
figures, this book reveals a secret history of America in the sixties.
It shows how the FBI's dirty tricks at Berkeley helped fuel the
student movement, damage the Democratic Party, launch Ronald Reagan's
political career, and exacerbate the nation's continuing cultural

Kurashige proceeds:

So we know that he chose to advance excerpt the Aoki narrative
not because it's central to his book but because it was the most
sensational sound bite he could use to draw attention to himself ahead
of the book release (standard marketing practice of course). The
thesis stated is entirely consistent with the liberal narrative of the
60s that I discussed earlier. Savio--the white free speech activist
from the early 60s--is "brilliant"; Reagan--the right winger--makes a
pact with the devil (Hoover) to advance politically; Kerr is the
reasonable, underappreciated liberal who was trying to be a
responsible steward but was a casualty of the new social polarization.
Three white male protagonists represent the 60s and the transformation
of America--think that will hold up in 2042?

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Re: [Marxism] Rosenthal's ex-FBI source is JFK conspiracist (re: Richard Aoki)

2012-08-24 Thread X Y
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I am in fact aware.  Kurashige also acknowledges Swearingen's
contributions in exonerating Geronimo Pratt.  What is at question here
is the reliability of the speculative conclusion Swearingen reaches
(and which Rosenthal relies upon for Aoki's post-1967 activity) that
Aoki's ancestry was somehow a "perfect cover" for infiltration of the
Panthers.  Swearingen is to be lauded for the HARD EVIDENCE he has
provided as an ex-FBI agent.  But his analytical capacities seem to be
less reliable and tainted by conspiracism.

On Fri, 24 Aug 2012 18:19 Louis wrote:
> Apparently comrade x,y is not aware that Swearingen is one of the FBI's most 
> important whistle-blowers of the past half-century. He wrote a book on FBI 
> misdeeds for South End Press, a radical publisher, with an introduction by 
> Ward Churchill whose book on Cointelpro is a classic. He also testified 
> against the FBI for the SWP side in our $35 million suit.

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Re: [Marxism] Richard Aoki, evidence, informants

2012-08-24 Thread X Y
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On Fri, 24 Aug 2012 14:46 Red Arnie wrote:
>This is understandable because Fujino is not a socialist and in her role as a 
>professor of Asian American Studies at UC Santa Barbara, she
is as an advocate of identity politics rather than socialist change.
> What we need instead is a candid assessment of the strengths and weaknesses 
> of the Asian American and African American political movements during Aoki's 
> adult life.  The reason this candor is not forthcoming is because many are 
> not willing to admit that the weaknesses came from not combining a demand for 
> socialism with the fight against racism.

The characterization of ethnic studies as merely "identity politics"
is a common charge by white leftists.  People of color must somehow
wait for socialism in order for racism to be defeated.  This
subordinates their fight against white supremacy to the class

Frankly, this calls into question Red Arnie's familiarity with and
understanding of the Black Panthers, Young Lords and related groups,
many of which merged or evolved into organizations affiliated with the
New Communist Movement.

One might as well use the racist language of Wes Swearingen
(Rosenthal's ex-FBI source), who accuses Johnnie Cochran of playing
the vaunted "Race Card". [designation as a proper noun requiring
capital letters was done by Swearingen.]

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[Marxism] Rosenthal's ex-FBI source is JFK conspiracist (re: Richard Aoki)

2012-08-24 Thread X Y
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Wesley Swearingen is Rosenthal's ex-FBI source who ludicrously claimed
that Aoki's Japanese ancestry was a perfect cover to infiltrate the
Black Panthers.  Swearingen is Rosenthal's solitary FBI source
alleging that Aoki was still an informant into 1968 and beyond.  Here
is Swearingen's website, largely focused on conspiracies behind the
JFK assassination :


Lee Harvey Oswald
J. Edgar Hoover ordained Oswald to be the lone assassin without first
conducting any investigation into JFK’s death. Why is that?

Hoover told his Chief Inspector, James H. Gale, that Oswald should
have been on the FBI’s Top Secret Security Index, (SI) but he wasn’t.
Why is that? One reason is that FBI informants do not appear on the
Security Index.

Richard Cain, Chicago’s most notorious gangster trained various groups
at a secret CIA camp in Florida to assassinate Cuban Dictator Fidel

Richard Cain is alleged to have taken part in Kennedy’s assassination.

FBI agent William F. Roemer, Jr. admits in his book that Richard Cain
was the FBI’s Top Echelon Mob informant and that Cain had been
anointed the position of FBI Special Agent. Why would Hoover and Gale
ever permit such an act?

If it is true that Cain was at the Dealey Plaza the day JFK was
murdered then it is obvious why Hoover wanted Oswald named as the lone

Naming Oswald as the lone assassin to protect Cain is much like Hoover
and Gale protecting the notorious “Whitey” Bulger who was finally
arrested in Santa Monica, California in 2011.

Since the printing of Swearingen’s book TO KILL A PRESIDENT, Ex-FBI
agent Don Adams, who served in Dallas, Texas, has come forward
claiming the FBI knew Lee Harvey Oswald was not in the sniper's nest
when JFK was shot.

James Hosty, who claims he interviewed Oswald for the first time after
Kennedy was shot, is the agent who was rumored to have thrown Oswald’s
FBI informant file in the toilet of the Dallas FBI office, on orders
of Hoover, the day after JFK was killed.

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Re: [Marxism] (no subject)

2012-08-24 Thread X Y
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seems to me that this is all related.  the effort to discredit
radicalism in the 60's as "FBI plots", is tied to the attempt to
"stave off the growth of radicalism generated by occupy [et al]".
rosenthal and his ilk want to lionize the "civilized" moderates and
"good liberals", and channel people back into "reforming" the
democratic party.

On Fri, 24 Aug 2012 08:48 Louis wrote:
>My bigger concern is this sort of thing:
>Lastly, what is to be gained by this accusation of Aoki as FBI informant, a 
>day before Rosenfeld’s book hits the bookstores?.. this is simply the tip of 
>an iceberg building to stave off the growth of radicalism generated by the 
>Occupy, eco-socialist and anti-globalization movements both in the U.S. and 
>across the planet.

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[Marxism] (no subject)

2012-08-23 Thread X Y
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On Thu, 23 Aug 2012 22:54 Louis wrote:
>On 8/23/12 10:40 PM, X Y wrote:
>> I have not read the book or any significant excerpts.
>I kind have figured as much.

Oh, hahaha!!! How cleverly snarky.of you!

So your answer is that you don't want to engage the points that
Kurashige and Fujino, who HAVE read Rosenfeld, brought up.  Nice.

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[Marxism] (no subject)

2012-08-23 Thread X Y
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On Thu, 23 Aug 2012 22:14 Louis wrote:
>Could you be more specific? I keep hearing this and plan to deal with this 
>charge in some depth but what exactly did Rosenfeld say that led you to this 
>For example, this is a long article by Rosenfeld but it makes no judgement 
>about a "good" politics different from the Black Panthers.

Mostly from the book itself - the 95% of which does not deal with
Aoki. I have not read the book or any significant excerpts.  Diane
Fujino and Scott Kurashige have.

>From my third posting of Kurashige's commentary:

Here's the thesis (pp. 34-35 on ibooks): ""Each of these men [Reagan,
Berkeley president Clark Kerr, and Mario Savio] had a transforming
vision of America and exerted extraordinary and lasting influence on
the nation. By tracing the bureau's involvement with these iconic
figures, this book reveals a secret history of America in the sixties.
It shows how the FBI's dirty tricks at Berkeley helped fuel the
student movement, damage the Democratic Party, launch Ronald Reagan's
political career, and exacerbate the nation's continuing cultural
wars." So we know that he chose to advance excerpt the Aoki narrative
not because it's central to his book but because it was the most
sensational sound bite he could use to draw attention to himself ahead
of the book release (standard marketing practice of course). The
thesis stated is entirely consistent with the liberal narrative of the
60s that I discussed earlier. Savio--the white free speech activist
from the early 60s--is "brilliant"; Reagan--the right winger--makes a
pact with the devil (Hoover) to advance politically; Kerr is the
reasonable, underappreciated liberal who was trying to be a
responsible steward but was a casualty of the new social polarization.
Three white male protagonists represent the 60s and the transformation
of America--think that will hold up in 2042?
[/end excerpt]


>From the concluding paragraphs of Fujino's SF Chronicle piece (posted
in the root of this thread):

I was surprised that Aoki became the centerpiece of the chapter in
Rosenfeld's book on the 1969 Third World strike. While Aoki was an
important activist, he was largely unknown. Aoki and others agree that
the Third World strike promoted collective leadership. They believed,
as did African American civil rights activist Ella Baker, that the
charismatic leadership model encouraged hero worship, reinforced
individualism and narcissism, and diminished ordinary people's belief
in their own power to effect change. Rosenfeld elevates Aoki to "one
of the Bay Area's most prominent radical activists of the era," a
point that amplifies the drama of his own discovery.

Rosenfeld is particularly critical of activists' use of violence
without placing this violence in a larger context. He implies that
Aoki's guns, given to the Black Panther Party, triggered the police's,
FBI's and government's backlash. Yet he ignores the police brutality
that inspired the Black Panther's police patrols, and the violence of
racism and poverty that inspired the Panther's free breakfast
programs. Instead, Aoki used the symbolic power of violence to stop
the greater violence of the government's failing to actively counter
poverty and institutionalized racism at home and in imposing war in

In my book on Aoki, I write that instead of being the trigger, Aoki
acted as the "safety on the gun." He was careful to teach gun safety.
Neither the Panthers nor Aoki expected to win a military battle with
the government. Firing the gun wasn't their intended goal. Instead,
Aoki used the symbolic power of violence to stop the greater violence
of the state.

So why did Rosenfeld magnify Aoki when his book focuses more on Mario
Savio, Clark Kerr and the Free Speech Movement? What responsibility
does an author have to provide evidence beyond reasonable doubt before
broadcasting disparaging accusations? Rosenfeld's article, video and
book raise many questions, but fail to meet the burden of proof.
[/end excerpt]

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Re: [Marxism] Richard Aoki's Biographer: Where's the evidence Aoki was FBI informant? (SF Chronicle)

2012-08-23 Thread X Y
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I do not agree with Ely's allusions to possible FBI document
tampering.  Nor do I believe Fred Ho, Scott Kurashige or Diane Fujino
lean that way either, though of course it can't be ruled out 100%.
What I and all of the latter are instead emphasizing is that most of
the allegations against Aoki are based on speculative interpretations
and at best circumstantial evidence.  Furthermore, that Rosenfeld
and/or his publishers have cynically highlighted this sensational
accusation against Aoki, made only the DAY BEFORE publication of his
new book.  All this despite the fact that Aoki features in only PART
of the ONLY chapter having anything to do with him, out of a whole
other TWENTY-SEVEN chapters of over 700 pages.  The entire thesis of
the book couldn't deal less with Aoki and is about the supposed
relationship between Hoover and Reagan.  Rosenfeld generally aims to
condemn the radicalization of the "bad", late 1960's - as opposed to
the "good", "liberal/moderate" early 1960's.  The implication is that
such radicalization could somehow only have happened with FBI
meddling, instead of organically arising out of genuine frustration,
anger and resistance in oppressed communities and sectors of society.

At Thu, 23 Aug 2012 17:56 Louis Proyect wrote:
>I plan to write about this tomorrow but it is a mistake to think that FBI 
>agents are hell-bent on disruption. Ed Heisler was revealed to be an agent in 
>the SWP during the party's suit against the FBI but he was also a member of 
>the party's national committee for years, mostly on the strength of his work 
>in the railroad workers union. At some point he claimed that in the course of 
>infiltrating the SWP, he became convinced of its ideas. Who knows?
I> doubt if we'll ever know the full truth about Richard Aoki but I
seriously doubt that the FBI went through the trouble to make up a
story about him in order to isolate the "radicals" in the Occupy
movement as Mike Ely claims. That is mostly what I am interested in

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[Marxism] Richard Aoki's Biographer: Where's the evidence Aoki was FBI informant? (SF Chronicle)

2012-08-23 Thread X Y
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Seth Rosenfeld's dramatic announcement that Richard Aoki was an FBI
informant provoked an enormous response from Chronicle readers. Could
it be true? Or was this a "snitch-jacketing," a classic FBI tactic
used to cast suspicion on a legitimate activist by spreading rumors
and manufacturing evidence?

As a scholar, I insist on seeing evidence before concluding any
"truth." But as I read Rosenfeld's work and cross-checked sources from
my biography on Aoki, I realized Rosenfeld had not met the burden of
proof. He made definitive conclusions based on inconclusive evidence.

If Aoki was an informant, when was he informing? How did he help the
FBI disrupt political movements? What were his motivations?

I also questioned Rosenfeld's motives. Rosenfeld's piece, published
the day before the release of his own book, gained him widespread
media and public attention that surely will augment sales.

Rosenfeld offers four pieces of evidence against Aoki.

First, Rosenfeld cites only one FBI document, a Nov. 16, 1967, report.
It states: "A supplementary T symbol (SF T-2) was designated for" -
but the name was deleted. Following the now-blank space was the name
Richard Matsui Aoki in parenthesis, and then the phrase "for the
limited purpose of describing his connections with the organization
and characterizing [Aoki]."

In the FBI pages released to me, only brief background material on
Aoki is linked to T-2. Moreover, T symbols are used to refer to
informants or technical sources of information (microphones,
wiretaps). So was Aoki the informer or the one being observed?

Second, FBI agent Burney Threadgill Jr. said he recruited Aoki in the
late 1950s, but we have no substantial evidence other than Rosenfeld's
reports, and Threadgill has since died.

Third, FBI agent M. Wesley Swearingen's statement, as quoted by
Rosenfeld, is hardly compelling: "Someone like Aoki is perfect to be
in a Black Panther Party, because I understand he is Japanese. Hey,
nobody is going to guess - he's in the Black Panther Party; nobody is
going to guess that he might be an informant." But more logically,
Aoki's racial difference made him stand out and aroused suspicion. Are
we asked to simply trust authority figures?

Fourth, Aoki's remarks, as seen in the video, are open to multiple
interpretations, and Aoki denies the allegation. Anyone familiar with
Aoki knows that he spoke with wit, humor, allusion and caution.
Where's the conclusive evidence?

FBI reports notoriously get things wrong, unintentionally
(misinformation, typos) and intentionally ("snitch-jacketing"). The
FBI in its Cointelpro program created false letters and cartoons to
foment conflict between the Black Panthers and another black
nationalist organization, resulting in the 1969 murders of two
Panthers at UCLA.

I have an FBI report, dated July 30, 1971, 105-189989-38, stating that
Aoki had been "invited to become Minister of Defense of the Red Guard"
and served as "the liaison link between the Red Guard and the Black
Panther Party." But this seems wrong, based on archival documents and
my interviews with Aoki and Red Guard leader Alex Hing.

Simply put, because of the FBI's political motives, FBI reports must
be carefully cross-checked with non-FBI sources. But the entirety of
Rosenfeld's evidence relies on FBI sources.

I was surprised that Aoki became the centerpiece of the chapter in
Rosenfeld's book on the 1969 Third World strike. While Aoki was an
important activist, he was largely unknown. Aoki and others agree that
the Third World strike promoted collective leadership. They believed,
as did African American civil rights activist Ella Baker, that the
charismatic leadership model encouraged hero worship, reinforced
individualism and narcissism, and diminished ordinary people's belief
in their own power to effect change. Rosenfeld elevates Aoki to "one
of the Bay Area's most prominent radical activists of the era," a
point that amplifies the drama of his own discovery.

Rosenfeld is particularly critical of activists' use of violence
without placing this violence in a larger context. He implies that
Aoki's guns, given to the Black Panther Party, triggered the police's,
FBI's and government's backlash. Yet he ignores the police brutality
that inspired the Black Panther's police patrols, and the violence of
racism and poverty that inspired the Panther's free breakfast
programs. Instead, Aoki used the symbolic power of violence to stop
the greater violence of the government's failing to actively counter
poverty and institutionalized racism at home and in imposing war in

In my book on Aoki, I write that instead of being the trigger, Aoki
acted as the "safety on the gun." He was careful to teach gun safety.
Neither the Panthers nor Aoki expected to win a mi

Re: [Marxism] First and Very Partial Read of Seth Rosenfeld's "Subversives" (Re: Richard Aoki)

2012-08-21 Thread X Y
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On Wed, 22 Aug 2012 01:49 Jeff wrote:
>All that Rosenfeld claims is that Aoki started working as an informant in 1957 
>which continued through the 60's during which time he "infiltrated" the CP, 
>SWP, and BPP.

that may well be all that rosenfeld "explicitly" claims (in legal
terms), but the book has 27 chapters, mostly concerning reagan and
hoover.  ONLY ONE chapter has content concerning aoki, and even then
he's not the focus.  meanwhile the promotional articles released the
day before the book release were only about this connection, along
with the headline, "Man who supplied BPP with guns was FBI informant".
 this is cynically manipulative and misleading at best, and is
obviously meant for full shock value, and meant to generate
sensationalist publicity for the book's release today (tuesday 8/21).

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Re: [Marxism] First and Very Partial Read of Seth Rosenfeld's "Subversives" (Re: Richard Aoki)

2012-08-21 Thread X Y
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just for clarification, those words are by prof. kurashige, not me.

On Tue, 21 Aug 2012 17:50 Louis wrote:
>On 8/21/12 5:40 PM, X Y wrote:
>> And just to reiterate, anyone who thinks my goal is to preserve Aoki
>> as an icon is misguided.

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[Marxism] First and Very Partial Read of Seth Rosenfeld's "Subversives" (Re: Richard Aoki)

2012-08-21 Thread X Y
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again, currently only available on kurashige's facebook page


First and Very Partial Read of Seth Rosenfeld's "Subversives"
by Scott Kurashige on Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Ok, through Amazon and Google previews (you need both cause they
provide different pages) I just read almost the entire chapter of Seth
Rosenfeld's book dealing with Aoki. Can't say anything conclusive yet
but we do have much more to work with. Normally I'd say we should all
wait for the full publication to be released before criticizing a
book--but this is a different case. When an author makes sensational
claims in a short excerpt (just like Amy Chua did) we need to respond
with what we have to work with right now.

First let's be clear--the whole chapter is not about Aoki and that's
the only one out of 27 that deals with Aoki.  Almost the entire book
is about the FBI messing with UC Berkeley student activism in the 60s.
Here's the thesis (pp. 34-35 on ibooks): "Each of these men [Reagan,
Berkeley president Clark Kerr, and Mario Savio] had a transforming
vision of America and exerted extraordinary and lasting influence on
the nation. By tracing the bureau's involvement with these iconic
figures, this book reveals a secret history of America in the sixties.
It shows how the FBI's dirty tricks at Berkeley helped fuel the
student movement, damage the Democratic Party, launch Ronald Reagan's
political career, and exacerbate the nation's continuing cultural
wars." So we know that he chose to advance excerpt the Aoki narrative
not because it's central to his book but because it was the most
sensational sound bite he could use to draw attention to himself ahead
of the book release (standard marketing practice of course). The
thesis stated is entirely consistent with the liberal narrative of the
60s that I discussed earlier. Savio--the white free speech activist
from the early 60s--is "brilliant"; Reagan--the right winger--makes a
pact with the devil (Hoover) to advance politically; Kerr is the
reasonable, underappreciated liberal who was trying to be a
responsible steward but was a casualty of the new social polarization.
Three white male protagonists represent the 60s and the transformation
of America--think that will hold up in 2042?

Second, there is very little about Aoki's relationship to the BPP even
in this one chapter and almost of all of this material is already
reported in the CIR (long version--not the short version on sfgate)
article by Rosenfeld and the accompanying video. The only new
information is that Rosenfeld says the (November) 1967 report posted
in the CIR article (and the only one that Rosenfeld provides to
substantiate his claim that Aoki was an informer) also states that
Aoki reported to the FBI in May 1967 that he had joined the BPP and
was "minister of education." That may be very significant, but I also
don't think you're going to get any more from Rosenfeld than that.
There's nothing that says Aoki was ordered by the FBI to do any
actions within the BPP.

Third, Rosenfeld and Swearingen are contending that the FBI is
withholding further documentation on Aoki--and they most certainly are
right because the FBI withholds as much as it can from everyone.
Rosenfeld says this is circumstantial evidence that Aoki played a
major role for the FBI. Maybe. However, this is speculation. It's also
possible that the FBI doesn't want to release records on Aoki because
his files are part of a general body of documents that embarrasses the

Finally and most interesting, most of the discussion about Aoki in the
book involves the TWLF at Berkeley. Here, Rosenfeld has no evidence
that Aoki was working for the FBI--all the argument is based on
circumstantial evidence. It goes like this: Mario Savio and the Free
Speech Movement were good, wholesome examples of (white) radical
activism in the early 60s. Reagan and Hoover investigated and attacked
Savio and FSM but it was all without merit--every claim that Savio was
a Communist or a subversive was dubious because Savio was just a
brilliant, articulate proponent of freedom and democracy. However, the
TWLF--even though it had some justified claims--was violent and turned
off many white students. More than that, for the author's thesis, the
violent TWLF made Reagan (and Nixon and Hoover) look justified in
their repressive calls for law and order. And since the book's big
claim is that it's exposing a conspiracy (mostly by Reagan and
Hoover--again, Aoki is a small player), Rosenfeld strongly suggests
that the TWLF's "violent" turn was sparked by Aoki working on behalf
of the FBI. Here is what he says Aoki did: a) rejected compromise and
always pushed for more militant actions, including the use of violence
(certainly Aoki was no Gandhi but there's no

[Marxism] Richard Aoki and the Black Panthers in the Mainstream Media (follow-up to "My Initial Reaction...")

2012-08-21 Thread X Y
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NOTE: This is currently only available via Prof. Kurashige's Facebook page.


by Scott Kurashige

Movement activists: you’ve heard the reports that Richard Aoki was an
FBI informant and you’re wondering if this is a huge expose of a
movement icon. We’ll need to discuss this further. In the meantime,
you should realize that this is not at all why the story is
circulating in the mainstream media, which never heard of Aoki before
and doesn’t care about him as an individual. The story is circulating
because of the specific (and largely negative) role the image of the
“Black Panthers” plays in mainstream America.

Whenever you hear the “Black Panthers” discussed in the mainstream
media, you should be suspicious right away. The Panthers are a
fascinating, complex, and contradictory historical entity. But in the
mainstream media and mainstream politics, they are almost always a
simplified symbol of Black Power—and to most white middle-class people
(liberal and conservative) Black Power recalls a terrible time of
urban rebellions, when black militants were burning down cities and
forcing whites to flee to the suburbs.

Of course, this is all white racist history—the reality is that whites
were fleeing cities for decades, even when they held urban political
power, because capitalists were moving jobs to the suburbs and it was
easier to recreate all-white neighborhoods in newly established
suburban tracts. Then, of course, urban rebellions and Black Power
militancy only erupted after years of nonviolent resistance and
legislative lobbying proved inadequate to overcome white hostility,
capitalist maneuvering, and liberal arrogance in the quest for
equality.  The rebellions, as James and Grace Lee Boggs have argued,
were a necessary breaking of the threads of order by people who viewed
the police as an occupying army. The rebellions did not
in-and-of-themselves constitute revolution (nor does any uprising or
armed struggle), but we’ll leave this point for another time.

Whenever Americans want to revel in their backwardness and ignorance,
they bring to mind the bogeyman of Black Power to remind themselves
that they need brutally racist cops, racial segregation, and gated
communities to maintain law and order. And just like movement
organizers use history to expose patterns of oppression, so do these
white populists who cling to a sense of white victimhood. They remind
us that America was seriously threatened by “Black Panthers” and that
this legacy is still with us. (The whole bogus debate on affirmative
action is another variation on a white victimhood narrative.)

You know that Mumia was a Panther. But really, his connection to the
Panthers was tangential—let’s just say Wikipedia is right and he was
in the BPP for 17 months—compared to the rest of his activism,
especially connected with MOVE. The mainstream has never heard of
MOVE. Many folks in Philly know MOVE, but even there most folks know
it as the group that was bombed by the police, causing a major
disaster in West Philly. So it’s just so much easier to call Mumia a
former Panther. And of course, the idea that a “Black Panther” killed
a white cop and deserves to be put to death just makes so much sense
to mainstream America.

Now what about Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin, the former H. Rap Brown? Well
you may have heard that he too was a “Black Panther” even if you never
studied the very short and failed attempt to merge the Panthers with
SNCC.  It was probably when he was arrested for shooting at a cop—a
shooting he claimed was in self-defense. Now of course, lots of
movement folks are inclined to believe that a black man is highly
justified to feel he needed to defend himself from the cops, but the
mainstream rarely sees it that way. Especially when you have CNN to
tell us “Ex-Black Panther convicted of murder”—because calling him the
“ex-leader of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee”—even if
that’s what he’s most historically known for—just isn’t as catchy a

We could go on and on. Angela Davis has been associated with so many
different causes and movements but to many she’ll always be identified
solely as a “Black Panther” (and maybe and with more justification a
“Communist”). And the big thing is that the Panther bogeyman never
goes away. The Tea Party is up in arms today about Eric Holder because
they say he won’t prosecute bogus charges of voter intimidation in
2008 by—you guessed it—the Black Panther Party. Yes, folks, the
Panthers swung the 2008 election to make sure we have an evil Muslim
as president. That’s why we need Voter ID laws to disenfranchise poor
people and people of color—riiig

[Marxism] My Initial Thoughts on the Richard Aoki Controversy

2012-08-21 Thread X Y
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My Initial Thoughts on the Richard Aoki Controversy by Scott Kurashige

The story of Richard Aoki being an FBI informant is all over the web.
The published stories are drawing simple conclusions that need to be
questioned and scrutinized. The stories are based on an article for
the Center for Investigative Reporting by Seth Rosenfeld, who has just
released a 720-page book on FBI efforts to disrupt radical activism.

I’m not afraid to learn new things. As a historian, I want to get to
the truth, and I won’t evade contradictions. I want to see the records
and the draw the best possible conclusions. However, there is clearly
more to this story than what’s out there right now.

Here’s what we ALREADY knew: 1) In the aftermath of WWII, young
Japanese Americans were a bundle of contradictions—still facing
intense racism but also being embraced as a model minority. Richard
embodied this contradiction—he was a stellar student but also got into
fights and trouble with the law. He joined the army in the 1950s ready
to be a gung-ho soldier but left soon after and later was a part of
many radical groups in the 1960s. 2) The FBI infiltrated and disrupted
many civil rights, Black Power and left wing groups in the era of J.
Edgar Hoover. One tactic used was to have agent provocateurs spur
radical groups to violence to justify the state using repression
against it. Although Hoover’s COINTELPRO was ended, the FBI and police
are still spying on and trying to undermine activist groups today. 3)
Richard Aoki supplied the Panthers with guns. The Panthers advocated
armed self-defense in the age of intense police brutality and a time
when most in the black community saw the cops as an occupying army.
The Panthers inspired wide support from the community for their
militant opposition to white supremacy AND their survival programs.
The Panthers were heavily infiltrated and got into many violent
clashes with the state that devastated their ranks and led to
increased internal dissension.

So what exactly is NEW about this story: 1) Rosenfeld says he dug up
records saying that Aoki—around the time he graduated from high school
in the 1950s--was commissioned by an FBI agent named Burney Threadgill
to give reports on the Communist Party and the Socialist Workers
Party. This was at a time when Aoki does not claim to have any radical
political consciousness and had been put in a compromised position by
getting into trouble with law enforcement. Let’s accept this for now
and accept that this is historically significant. But let’s keep it in
context. It’s the height of the Cold War and both the CP and SWP would
have been viewed by the public as fringe groups—moreover, they had
little mass appeal to young people of color at this time. We know from
here that Richard went on to join the army. 2) Rosenfeld has one
document from 1967 that identifies Aoki as an FBI informant. It spells
his middle name wrong. It does not say whether he is still actively on
the FBI payroll. It doesn’t specify that Aoki did anything to aid the
FBI’s work against the Panthers. Note that Hoover has yet to declare
war on the Panthers at this time and is more concerned about SNCC and
MLK. And to keep things in perspective, Geronimo Pratt will be
fighting for the US military in Vietnam winning two Purple Hearts
until 1968. 3) That’s it—at least all that’s on the internet right
now. Everything else is speculation based on connecting dots that we
already knew existed.


Again, we can’t draw definitive conclusions, yet. What we can saw is
that Rosenfeld has not provided any evidence that Aoki was actively
working to undermine the Panthers on behalf of the FBI.

What Rosenfeld says is that Aoki supplied the Panthers with guns and
that the Panthers were undermined by violent clashes with the state.
But these are things we ALREADY knew. All this story is doing is
tapping into the simplistic white liberal narrative of the 1960s. The
story goes like this: all the activism in the early 1960s was
wholesome, nonviolent, and integrated but then the late 1960s was
dominated by urban rebellions, violent militants, and black
separatists who undermined all the achievements of the early 1960s and
provoked a white middle-class backlash that led to Nixon, Reagan, and
now the Tea Party. In the minds of white conservatives and liberals,
the Panthers have always symbolized the turn toward the so-called bad
activism of the late 60s (and of course conservatives never embraced
the "good" early 60s and many liberals were slow to embrace them). The
only twist to the story is that Rosenfeld wants to use Aoki to say the
FBI was the source of the violent turn—and n

[Marxism] Richard Aoki: Snitch Jacketing 2.0?

2012-08-21 Thread X Y
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Kasama is urging a discussion of a New Cointelpro — the use of police
agents to gather information and create divisions among radical
sections of the left.

Posting the following essay does not represent endorsement of all of
its arguments. We are sharing it because there is value in
understanding (and debating) what SKS raises.

by SKS

So we wake up on Monday, August 20 2012, to find out Richard Aoki is
alleged to have been a long time informant of the FBI. A serious
allegation, needless to say. Aoki's military training, access to
weapons, ethnic origin, and charisma, were critical components in the
development of the practice of the Black Panther Party for
Self-Defense, its views on internationalism,  its views on armed
struggle, and its approach to ethnic groups other than Black

To cast him in the light of a snitch shakes the very foundations of
one of the most important, successful, and tragic examples of
revolutionary organizing in the second half of the 20th century in the
United States of America. It opens wounds of anti-Asian bigotry among
Black revolutionaries, questions the internationalist instincts of the
BPP, and in general pushes the ever present question of a security
culture to the forefront. It also forces us to revisit COINTELPRO, and
its current incantations as an existing force, rather than a painful
memory of a long-gone era.

While there is much to be said, my intent in this brief note is to put
forward some rather incomplete initial thoughts - while approaching
what I feel and view as the most critical areas to evaluate.

Snitch Jacketing 2.0

"Snitch Jacketing" is a classic counter-intelligence practice, in
which people who are not informants are named as informants either via
"leaks" or via other actual informants, in order to de-stabilize the
targetted individual or the targetted group. It is historically
extremely effective, and hence has been used time and time again.

Perhaps one of the most famous examples in the western world was the
Provisional Irish Republican Army Supergrass Affairs, where a number
of lesser figures were accused and sometimes even executed of being
informants, while the actual informants remained free. It was an
terribly effective tactic: it paralyzed entire units of the PIRA and
other groups, while leading to large scale arrests of dozens of
activists and Volunteers.

Snitch jacketing, however, has been losing effectiveness because of
the information society and also because it generated a culture within
certain corners of the revolutionary movement in which the fear of
informants is such, that the State has no need to deploy it: then
groups themselves perpetuate a paranoid style of politics that
neutralizes them.

The contemporary State hence has modified the age-old technique into
something we can call Snitch Jackecting 2.0. It utilizes the existing
history to create a panoptical paranoia on the target, and this needs
to be fed from time to time with fresh kills, to keep the tree of fear
and uncertainty watered.

Sure, there is a need for a security culture - but those who make an
unaccountable claim to posses this truth are in fact playing into the
Snitch Jacketing 2.0 game: the idea is to envelop and paralyze
movements, and this is best done when movements are much more
preocuppied about security than politics.

The reality is, we do not know if Richard Aoki was an informant. And
the timing for this information to emerge now is highly suspect in the
context of a global uprising, and the events in Anaheim. I can see a
thread of critique from the right and from the State of what Aoki in
the positive sense was a symbol of: uncompromising anti-imperialist
internationalism. That is, a political line that remains as valid now
as it was then, and remains equally dangerous to those in the State -
and in the right and in the left - to whom anti-imperialism and
internationalism are bad ideas. On the right, the defense of white
supremacy and empire is of importance, and in the left, the
identitarian self-ghettoization and the pacifist liberalism find an
advantage in the pushing of this myth. Even on the left that is not
identitarian or pacifist there are already sectarian rumbles, full of
the wounds of another era, that take advatange of the uncertainty to
promote sectarian explanations for Aoki's move from Trotskyism to a
form of Third Worldism.

We do not know it to be true. That is the main point to make at this
point. Those who give credence to this information to further
political points, or those who assume a superficial agnosticism to do
the same are playing precisely into this game. In a sense, so am I -
but I will claim that thise self-conciousness becomes a

[Marxism] Former Black Panther Richard Aoki Named an FBI Informant

2012-08-20 Thread X Y
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YouTube video: The Man Who Armed the Panthers

The man who armed the Black Panthers turns out to have been an FBI informant.

FBI files, uncovered by journalist Seth Rosenfeld, reveal that Richard
Aoki, a prominent activist in the 1960s who was the first to supply
the Black Panthers with guns and weapons training, was also an
undercover FBI source.

The Center for Investigative Reporting has more details


Aoki’s work for the FBI, which has never been reported, was
uncovered and verified during research for the book, “Subversives: The
FBI’s War on Student Radicals, and Reagan’s Rise to Power.” The book,
based on research spanning three decades, will be published tomorrow
by Farrar, Straus and Giroux.

In a tape-recorded interview for the book in 2007, two years
before he committed suicide, Aoki was asked if he had been an FBI
informant. Aoki’s first response was a long silence. He then replied,
” ‘Oh,’ is all I can say.”

Later during the same interview, Aoki contended the information wasn’t true.

Asked if this reporter was mistaken that Aoki had been an
informant, Aoki said, “I think you are,” but added: “People change. It
is complex. Layer upon layer.”

A Nov. 16, 1967, intelligence report on the Black Panthers obtained
through a Freedom of Information Act request lists Aoki as an
“informant” with the code number “T-2.”

Visit the Center for Investigative Reporting
 to view their
interactive timeline that illustrates how Aoki became an informant.

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