Re: [Marxism] This list, (was To V. C.)

2013-05-01 Thread Richard Menec
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

At risk of echoing the below sentiment, I want to say that marxmail is my
daily bread, so to speak, and is shared amongst friends and comrades not
only here in Winnipeg, but around the world.

in struggle,
Richard Menec

Happy May Day Lou, and keep your chin up. You and this list are an important
Internet resource, and that includes your commentary. 


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Re: [Marxism] This list, (was To V. C.)

2013-05-01 Thread Gulf Mann
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

Happy May Day Lou, and keep your chin up. You and this list are an
important Internet resource, and that includes your commentary. As Ken and
others have already written, the circulation and impact of Marxmail goes
far beyond those who subscribe to it. Every day I forward multiple items to
some or all of the 20+ people in my mini-network, including 3 who worked
with you here in Houston. Although I know you would rather walk on hot
coals for eternity, if you ever ventured back to Houston, you wouldn't have
to pay for lodging. You and Les deserve more than a medal, and have the
respect and admiration of many. ~Gulfmann

On Mon, Apr 29, 2013 at 3:46 PM, Ken Hiebert  wrote:

> :
> Even though there are only 1,500 subscribers I expect that certain items
> get a broader circulation.  Every once in a while there is an item that i
> forward to other lists.
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Re: [Marxism] This list, (was To V. C.)

2013-04-30 Thread Stephen Harvey

Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

I have been a subscriber to this list for a long time - though I can 
count on the fingers of one hand the number of times I have posted 
anything.  For me, this list is an extremely valuable resource and I 
thank Louis for his efforts. Of course there are aspects which don't 
appeal to me: my eyes sometimes glaze over with the minutiae of various 
arguments, others are simply beyond my knowledge - but I either skim 
these or pass them by. Having said that, even in some of these 
circumstances I often gain knowledge.  And, as Ken Hiebert has said, I 
often pass things on to others.
Yes, sometimes the vehemence of  Louis' reaction to things sets me 
back on my heels a little bit  buteven my closest friends provoke the 
same reaction sometimes.
  If I've learned anything over the course of my nearly 60 years on the 
planet, it's to judge things on the preponderance of evidence: you know 
more good than bad and so forth.
In this light, I will continue to regard the Marxism Digest as an 
indispensable part of my morning reading and say thank you Louis and 
happy 15th anniversary to Marxmail.

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[Marxism] This list, (was To V. C.)

2013-04-29 Thread Ken Hiebert
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

Louis Proyect said:
It has been of real use because I spend at least 2 hours a day pouring through 
at least 25 websites aggregating items of interest to Marxists along the lines 
of Omnivore on Bookforum or Arts and Letters Daily, for which the late Denis 
Dutton received one million dollars from Chronicle of Higher Education. I 
consider the service I provide to nearly 1500 subscribers to be on a par with 
those websites even though I don't get a red cent for my time. In fact I think 
from time to time that it would be a good idea to throw this mailing list 
overboard because I understand that well over 30 percent of the subscribers 
have "violent fantasies" about me as one of my stalkers put it. That would free 
me up to work on writing projects that I barely have time for now, even though 
I am retired. 

Marxmail is approaching its 15th anniversary the day after tomorrow. I am not 
sure how much longer it will last after that. But you can bet that if I pull 
the plug on it, nothing will come along that is an improvement. I have seen 
fitful attempts to create a Proyect-less Marxism list and they have not gone 
very far. When I started this list in 1998, I did it with great reluctance 
because I was deeply aware of my own flaws--my sarcasm and my hair-trigger 
temper. But despite this, I think that you all are getting some very real 
benefits. So let's see what happens... 

Ken Hiebert replies:
Even though there are only 1,500 subscribers I expect that certain items get a 
broader circulation.  Every once in a while there is an item that i forward to 
other lists.

Is the glass 70% full or 30% empty?  If 30% of subscribers have violent 
fantasies about you, that leaves about 70% of subscribers who are not having 
violent fantasies about you.  I don't know how that compares with other lists, 
but I do take some comfort from that.

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