[Marxism] Fwd: Hipsters for charter schools: The big lie “Togetherness” tells about race and education - Salon.com

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HBO series developed by the Duplasse brothers (mumblecore filmmakers 
like Lena Dunham originally) make the case for charter schools.

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[Marxism] Why Not Utopia?

2015-03-23 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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(Bittman, a food editor, cites Karl Marx and Gar Alpervowitz favorably.)

NY Times Op-Ed, Mar. 22 2015
Why Not Utopia?
by Mark Bittman

SOME quake in terror as we approach the Terminator scenario, in which 
clever machines take over the world. After all, it isn’t sci-fi when 
Stephen Hawking says things like, “The development of full artificial 
intelligence could spell the end of the human race.”

But before the robots replace us, we face the challenge of decreasing 
real wages resulting, among other factors, from automation and 
outsourcing, which will itself be automated before long. Inequality (you 
don’t need more statistics on this, do you?) is the biggest social 
challenge facing us. (Let’s call climate change, which has the potential 
to be apocalyptic rather than just awful, a scientific challenge.) And 
since wealthy people don’t spend nearly as high a percentage of their 
incomes as poor people do, much wealth is sitting around not doing its job.

The result is that we’re looking at fewer jobs that pay the equivalent 
of what an autoworker or a teacher made in the ’60s and ’70s. All but a 
lucky few will either have the kind of service jobs that are now paying 
around $9 an hour, or be worse off.

And if robots can think, be creative, teach themselves, beat humans at 
chess and even Jeopardy, flip burgers, take care of your aging parent, 
plant, tend and harvest lettuce, drive cars, deliver packages, build 
iPhones and run warehouses — Amazon’s “Kiva” robots can carry 3,000 
pounds, stock shelves and select and ship packages — it’s hard to 
imagine what these jobs might be.

Welcome to the Brave New World, one featuring even fewer haves and more 
have-nots than the current one. The winners and losers are the same, but 
the polarity is even more extreme.

And although this is morally detestable, as Robert B. Reich, the former 
secretary of labor and current professor at the University of 
California, Berkeley, told me a couple of weeks ago, it’s also “a crass 
economic issue. Because as you have more and more people who are getting 
paid relatively little, the question in most economic heads is, where is 
the aggregate demand going to come from?” If no one can buy, there’s 
very little to sell; again, relative to their income, rich people don’t 
buy much. (A hundred million people with $100 each spend a lot more than 
one person with $10 billion.)

In other words, almost everyone agrees that income inequality stinks, 
but what’s to stop it from getting worse? (Certainly not this week’s 
proposed budget!) Defeatism will only guarantee defeat, but there are 
short-term solutions that can come from both top and bottom. The 
government’s role should be to stop corporate handouts, accept that 
rising tides do not lift all boats and prioritize a decent life for all 
citizens through a desperately needed enormous public works program, one 
that would create at least some dignified and well-paying jobs.

Those unable to get those jobs — and, given that one in six Americans 
qualifies for food stamps, it’s clear that there isn’t enough good work 
to go around — can survive only if income distribution is addressed. One 
way to do this is through the earned-income tax credit, a kind of 
reverse income tax, similar to Milton Friedman’s proposal and therefore 
acceptable to many Republicans.

But this assumes that people have work that pays a taxable income, and 
that’s not a safe assumption. Better is the Guaranteed Basic Income, 
which is not universally despised (it’s at least as old as Thomas Paine, 
was endorsed by the economist Friedrich Hayek and was recently 
considered by Switzerland), because it would simplify matters and help 
keep the economy moving. How all of this would be financed is of course 
a question; we could make the income tax look like it did 60 years ago, 
when the top rate was 91 percent (and, by the way, the economy was just 
fine), or we could institute a 100 percent tax on wealth over $1 
billion, or ... well, there’s no dearth of ideas. The way to address 
income distribution is to redistribute income.

A combination of public works and guaranteed welfare (not, by the way, a 
dirty word) is the best top-down solution for the short term. But the 
bottom-up situation has even more potential for a more equitable 
economic system. What we’re seeing, on a small but growing scale, is a 
world where energy and even power may become increasingly decentralized, 
and communities are building more on local and regional levels, creating 
organizations that benefit more of their members. Worker ownership — 
which, for obvious reasons, combats income inequality directly 

[Marxism] Fwd: To move beyond boom and bust, we need a new theory of capitalism | Comment is free | The Guardian

2015-03-23 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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This is the year that economics might, if we are lucky, turn a corner. 
There’s a deluge of calls for change in the way it is taught in 
universities. There’s a global conference at the Organisation for 
Economic Co-operation and Development in Paris, where the giants of 
radical economics – including Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis – 
will get their biggest ever mainstream platform. And there’s a film 
where a star of Monty Python talks to a puppet of Hyman Minsky.

Terry Jones’s documentary film Boom Bust Boom hits the cinemas this 
month. Using puppetry and talking heads (including mine), Jones is 
trying to popularise the work of Minsky, a US economist who died in 1996 
but whose name has become for ever associated with the Lehman Brothers 
crash. Terrified analysts labelled it the “Minsky moment”


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[Marxism] Fwd: California megadrought: It's already begun.

2015-03-23 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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“California has no contingency plan for a persistent drought like this 
one (let alone a 20-plus-year mega-drought), except, apparently, staying 
in emergency mode and praying for rain,” wrote NASA water scientist and 
University of California-Irvine professor Jay Famiglietti. A better 
plan, he said, was for “immediate mandatory water rationing” across the 
state. Famiglietti’s work has focused on the shocking recent declines in 
groundwater across the West, where excessive pumping has caused the 
ground to sink at rates up to a foot per year and a measurable rise in 
global sea levels.


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[Marxism] Fwd: Chris Hedges: Journalism as Subversion - Chris Hedges - Truthdig

2015-03-23 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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As the mass media, now uniformly in the hands of large corporations, 
turn news into the ridiculous chronicling of pseudo-events and 
pseudo-controversy we become ever more invisible as individuals. Any 
reporting of the truth—the truth about what the powerful are doing to us 
and how we are struggling to endure and retain our dignity and 
self-respect—would fracture and divide a global population that must be 
molded into compliant consumers and obedient corporate subjects. This 
has made journalism, real journalism, subversive. And it has made P. 
Sainath—who has spent more than two decades making his way from rural 
Indian village to rural Indian village to make sure the voices of the 
country’s poor are heard, recorded and honored—one of the most 
subversive journalists on the subcontinent. He doggedly documented the 
some 300,000 suicides of desperate Indian farmers—happening for the last 
19 years at the rate of one every half hour—in his book “Everybody Loves 
a Good Drought: Stories From India’s Poorest Districts.” And in 
December, after leaving The Hindu newspaper, where he was the rural 
affairs editor, he created the People’s Archive of Rural India. He works 
for no pay. He relies on a small army of volunteers. He says his archive 
deals with “the everyday lives of everyday people.” And, because it is a 
platform for mixed media, encompassing print, still photographs, audio 
and film, as well as an online research library, it is a model for those 
who seek to tell the stories that global capitalism attempts to blot out.

full: http://www.truthdig.com/report/item/journalism_as_subversion_20150322
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[Marxism] Fwd: Chris Borland Says He's Giving Back 3/4 Of His Signing Bonus After Retiring Due To Health Concerns

2015-03-23 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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The takeaway quote in this fascinating interview: You are not a 
commodity, you are a person.

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Beyond Chron | Disability Rights Leader Kitty Cone Dies at 70

2015-03-23 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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See transcript of interview with her at:
Includes her discussions with Hugo Blanco, her time in the SWP, involvement
in many movements

On Mon, Mar 23, 2015 at 10:48 AM, Louis Proyect via Marxism 
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[Marxism] Frank Marshall Davis: Obama’s ‘Communist mentor’?

2015-03-23 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Washington Post, Mar. 23 2015
Frank Marshall Davis: Obama’s ‘Communist mentor’?
By Michelle Ye Hee Lee

Rudolph Giuliani: Well, that I don’t feel it. I don’t feel it. I don’t 
feel this love of America. I think this man (Obama) was — when I talked 
about his background, I’m talking about a man who grew up under the 
influence of Frank Marshall Davis, who was a member of the Communist 
Party who he refers to over and over in his book, who was a tremendous 
critic of the United States.

Kelly: But when you say he wasn’t raised to love America, I mean, he was 
raised in part by his grandparents, his – his grandfather served in 
World War II, his grandmother worked in a munitions plant to help the 
nation during World War II. I mean, to suggest he was raised by people 
who don’t love America, who don’t — didn’t help him learn to love America.

Giuliani: Well, his — his grandfather introduced him to Frank Marshall 
Davis, who was a Communist.

–Former New York mayor Rudolph Giuliani, Fox News interview with Megyn 
Kelly, Feb. 20, 2015

President Obama met Frank Marshall Davis four decades ago and saw Davis 
10 to 15 times as a teenager. Yet the Obama-Davis relationship continues 
to be a concern among some politicians, as portrayed most recently by 
Giuliani during his Tour de President Obama Doesn’t Love America. 
Readers of The Fact Checker wanted to know if Giuliani’s comments were 

So we reached out to Cliff Kincaid, president of America’s Survival, a 
group that seeks to expose Communist and Marxist influences. It is 
research from Kincaid and a few others that has shaped the opinion of 
critics who believe Obama adopted radical, socialist ideologies under 
Davis’s mentorship. Davis was a journalist and activist who was 
associated with the Communist Party in the 1930s and 1940s.

We interviewed Kincaid at the Conservative Political Action Conference. 
When The Fact Checker arrived, Kincaid had been waiting with four of his 
peers, stacks of documents and a video camera pointed at an empty seat 
saved for us.

“The Frank in Obama’s book, ‘Dreams from My Father,’ is Frank Marshall 
Davis,” Kincaid said. “You don’t dispute that.”

“It has been admitted,” he continued, “except that here we are, to be 
honest with you, seven years after we broke this story. … The Washington 
Post has not reported the facts about Obama’s relationship with Frank 
Marshall Davis. That’s why I wanted to take advantage of this 
opportunity so you can hear directly from us and see the material we have.”

He and his peers do not outwardly label Obama a Communist, but believe 
Communist influences have been played down by the media. Obama has shown 
to be an ineffective Communist, if he were one. He has failed to unravel 
the capitalist system over the past six years that he has held the most 
powerful position in the world — though, as Obama says, “interesting 
things happen in the fourth quarter.”

So we decided to take a definitive look at Davis’s Communist Party 
activities and his relationship with Obama, based on competing research 
by those who have spent years trying to posthumously vindicate or indict 

What was Frank Marshall Davis’s Communist influence on Obama?

The Facts: The Case Against Davis

Davis was born in Kansas in 1905. His encounters with racism and poverty 
throughout childhood inspired his life-long quest for racial and 
economic equality. He lived and worked in Chicago for most of his early 
adulthood, then moved to Hawaii, where he died in 1987.

He was a prolific poet and political columnist. He associated with other 
black-rights activists and labor unions and decried Jim Crow segregation 
laws in his columns.

His writings caught the attention of the FBI, which began tracking him 
in the 1930s, according to FBI records that Kincaid obtained under the 
Freedom of Information Act. The FBI was concerned with his role as 
executive editor of the Associated Negro Press, through which agents 
believed he was spreading Communist propaganda to the outlet’s members.

Informants told the FBI that Davis was a member of the party and 
organized its marches. The FBI record of Davis contains what is 
purported to be his Communist Party identification number: #47544. (The 
number was obtained from a “highly confidential source,” the files 
show.) The House Committee on Un-American Activities was well aware of 
Davis by the late 1940s. Davis’s last identification as a Communist 
Party member was in 1952, and he stopped being active with the Hawaii 
Civil Rights Congress in 1956, the file says. When Davis took the Fifth 
Amendment in front of the Senate Internal Security 

[Marxism] Fwd: Racists, Neo-Nazis, Far Right Flock to Russia for Joint Conference - BuzzFeed News

2015-03-23 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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ST. PETERSBURG — A Scottish anti-abortion campaigner named Jim Dowson 
was railing against “Nazi fascists in the EU” in a hotel conference room 
when an image of a bare-chested Vladimir Putin riding a bear galloping 
through the Siberian wilderness appeared behind him.
“The salvation of my generation is the great Russian people, because 
Vladimir Putin understands that the rights of the majority should be put 
before the whims and perversions of the minority,” Dowson said. “Obama 
and America — they’re like females! They’re feminized men. You have been 
blessed by a man who is a man! And we envy that.”


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[Marxism] In Greece, Syriza Struggles to Deliver Promises as Money Runs Out

2015-03-23 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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NY Times, Mar. 23 2015
In Greece, Syriza Struggles to Deliver Promises as Money Runs Out

ATHENS — Glowering with disdain, Evangelos Venizelos stepped into the 
well of the Greek Parliament and ridiculed members of the country’s new 
leftist government. They had vowed to roll back unpopular austerity 
measures that Mr. Venizelos and the prior government had pushed through. 
They had promised that Greece would stop kneeling to European creditors.

Mr. Venizelos, once a powerful minister given the task of defending 
austerity, offered a disgusted opinion: Who are you kidding?

“You were grossly unprepared and naïve,” Mr. Venizelos boomed during 
last Friday’s debate over a government amnesty program to collect unpaid 
taxes. He added: “The government is fooling itself by using double talk. 
They are saying one thing in the country and another thing to the lenders.”

Having promised an anti-austerity revolution, Prime Minister Alexis 
Tsipras and his Syriza party are now having a taste of comeuppance. Even 
as Syriza leaders say their program remains on track, the party is 
struggling to transition from rebel outsiders plotting to wrest Greek’s 
economic sovereignty back from Berlin and Brussels to running a 
government that is rapidly running out of money.

Infighting is worsening as hard-core leftist factions grow frustrated by 
some of the compromises made by Mr. Tsipras in his continuing 
negotiations with creditors. Critics on the left and right are 
questioning whether the government has a viable plan to restart economic 
growth. And still unresolved is whether the government can strike a deal 
with Europe to keep the country afloat, an issue that will be front and 
center on Monday, when Mr. Tsipras meets in Berlin with Chancellor 
Angela Merkel of Germany.

Greece’s finances have deteriorated as postelection anxiety over 
uncertainty about the bailout spurred a spike in bank withdrawals. Tax 
collections also plunged, raising questions about whether the government 
would be able to pay state workers and meet other obligations.

On Feb. 20, Greek leaders signed a four-month bailout extension with its 
three main creditors — the International Monetary Fund, the European 
Central Bank and the European Commission. Yet creditors have refused to 
release a critical 7.2-billion-euro, or about $7.8 billion, loan payment 
(money that Syriza had once vowed not to accept but that is now badly 
needed) until the government provides a list of acceptable structural 
reforms to replace pension cuts and other austerity measures that had 
been under consideration by the previous government.

Having held office for only two months, Mr. Tsipras’s government might 
seem to be facing grossly unrealistic expectations, yet they are largely 
self-imposed. During the campaign, Mr. Tsipras told buoyant crowds that 
Syriza would repeal punitive austerity laws — practically on Day 1 — 
rehire fired public workers, stop privatizations of state-owned assets, 
force creditors to write down the national debt and tackle the corrupt 
oligarchical business elites that dominate the economy.

As yet, none of that has happened, and the contentious talks with 
European creditors have created a sense of parallel realities, as Mr. 
Tsipras and his outspoken finance minister, Yanis Varoufakis, continue 
to declare that Greece, not the lenders, are winning the standoff, even 
as they have already retreated from some campaign promises.

On the streets of Athens, Syriza remains popular even as many people say 
they are waiting for action. Antigovernment protests had mostly 
dissipated in the weeks after Syriza’s election. Yet on Friday, a youth 
wing of the Communist Party staged a demonstration outside a Finance 
Ministry building as it revived demands for the reinstatement of slashed 
university funds.

Syriza leaders reject any suggestion that European creditors are forcing 
them to walk the same line as their predecessors. Syriza had denounced 
the past government, a coalition led by the center-right New Democracy 
party, for allowing bureaucrats from creditor institutions to wield veto 
power on legislation.

“These bills will be written here, because we will not continue the 
practice of having technocrats writing our bills,” Mr. Tsipras said last 
week as the government introduced its first major piece of legislation, 
named the humanitarian bill, to provide relief to the poor.

Even as some European leaders have criticized Mr. Tsipras and Mr. 
Varoufakis for their confrontational approach to debt negotiations — and 
have accused them of stoking nationalist anger — the Greek public seems 

[Marxism] Fwd: Beyond Chron | Disability Rights Leader Kitty Cone Dies at 70

2015-03-23 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] The degradation of work and life

2015-03-23 Thread michael yates via Marxism
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An article I wrote.  
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Re: [Marxism] What is 'Grace?

2015-03-23 Thread Gary MacLennan via Marxism
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Yes, the videos were available.  Extraordinary especially the snake dance
one. I was interested in the presence of the male gaze as well of course in
the dnance.  the latter brought to mind these lines from Yeats

Labour is blossoming or dancing where
The body is not bruised to pleasure soul.
Nor beauty born out of its own despair,
Nor blear-eyed wisdom out of midnight oil.
O chestnut-tree, great-rooted blossomer,
Are you the leaf, the blossom or the bole?
O body swayed to music, O brightening glance,
How can we know the dancer from the dance?

The lines have always been obscure to me, until I once watched a dance
workshop performed by the Bangarra Aboriginal Dance troupe.  The dancers
were working with Indigenous adolescent boys and girls and where they
succeeded  most you could not tell the dancer from the dance. Perfect art
seems effortless or as you might say born out of grace.



On Sun, Mar 22, 2015 at 12:26 AM, Marla Vijaya kumar via Marxism 
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 Sometime back, on a lazy evening my childhood friend asked me What is
 grace?I said it has nothing to do with beauty, but the way a person
 conducts himself/herself in daily life. I could recall so many people who
 had that quality. Here is one song from an old Urdu film, Anupama.
 Sharmila Tagore, the leading lady of the film exudes natural grace.Kuchh
 Dil Ne Kaha - Dharmendra - Sharmila Tagore - Anupama - Lata - Evergreen
 Hindi Songs

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 | Kuchh Dil Ne Kaha - Dharmendra - Sharmila Tagore - An... |
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 | View on www.youtube.com | Preview by Yahoo |
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 There is another video, from the 1965 film, Dev Anand's 'The Guide', in
 which there is a traditional snake dance. Waheeda Rehaman, the heroine,
 effortlessly shows how the character in the film is seeking perfection in
 dance, her life's passion.Snake Dance - Waheeda Rehman - Dev Anand - Guide
 - S.D. Burman - Bollywood Dances

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 | Snake Dance - Waheeda Rehman - Dev Anand - Guide - S.D... |
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 | View on www.youtube.com | Preview by Yahoo |
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 May be it is diversion after months of debate on Greece.Vijaya Kumar M

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[Marxism] Adam Hanieh: power, wealth and inequality in the Arab world

2015-03-23 Thread Michael Karadjis via Marxism

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Fundamental rifts: power, wealth and inequality in the Arab world

By  Dr Adam Hanieh, monthly guest write, Middle East Monitor, March 2015


Dr Adam Hanieh is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Development 
Studies, SOAS, University of London

Over four years since mass uprisings ousted sclerotic regimes in Tunisia 
and Egypt it can seem that the initial hopes represented by these 
movements lie in tatters. Libya, Syria, Yemen and Iraq remain mired in 
bloody armed conflicts that have led to the deaths of hundreds of 
thousands and displaced millions more within and across borders. In the 
pivotal case of Egypt, military rule has returned through the violent 
crushing of protests, the arrests of an estimated 40,000 people and the 
rebuilding of the repressive structures of the Mubarak era. Elsewhere, 
autocratic governments look more secure in their rule today than they 
have for many years.

In assessing the current moment, though, we need to look beyond the 
headline coverage of war, displacement and sectarianism. The Arab 
uprisings were not simply struggles against authoritarian rule; they 
were ineluctably wrapped up with a decades-long stagnation in living 
conditions and profound inequalities in wealth and power. Without 
addressing these socio-economic roots of the region’s malaise, there is 
no way out of the current impasse.

Even prior to the 2008-9 global economic crisis, the Arab world ranked 
near the bottom of the world in numerous development indicators. Average 
unemployment rates for Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Syria and 
Tunisia were higher than any other region in the world, while labour 
force participation rates were the lowest (less than half of the 
population).[1] For the Arab world as a whole, youth and female 
participation rates also ranked at the bottom of the globe.[2] In 
addition, those actually in employment tended to be in precarious, 
low-paid informal jobs; the countries of North Africa, for example, had 
one of the fastest-growing informal sectors anywhere on the planet.[3] 
There are many other statistics like these that could be recounted for 
poverty, malnutrition, illiteracy and other measures of social 
conditions; these are trends that have remained virtually unchanged for 
over two decades.

Key to explaining these outcomes are the IMF and World Bank-sponsored 
economic policies pursued by Arab governments since the 1980s. Of course 
there were important variations in pace and scale, but virtually all 
Arab states moved to implement the standard menu of neoliberal policies: 
cutbacks to social spending, privatisation of land and other state 
assets, labour market deregulation, financial and trade liberalisation, 
and so forth. These policies were focused upon the promotion of 
private-sector growth, while shifting more and more people into a 
reliance on the market and simultaneously eroding forms of collective 
social support. Western states applauded and drove these moves; indeed, 
the poster-child of Arab neoliberalism, Mubarak’s Egypt, was anointed 
the world’s “top reformer” by the World Bank in 2008.[4]

Not everyone, however, lost from these policies. Indeed, for several key 
countries, growing poverty levels occurred in tandem with high economic 
growth rates, demonstrating that wealth was flowing towards some and 
away from others. In Morocco, Egypt, Tunisia and Jordan, for example, 
real GDP per capita rose consistently from 2003 up to the onset of the 
global crisis in 2008, while stock markets boomed.[5] With reference to 
Egypt, the United Nations has puzzled recently over the co-existence of 
these two trends – growing wealth on one side and growing poverty on the 
other – claiming that this constitutes a “paradox” and an unexpected 
outcome of standard economic models.[6]

The supposed paradox, however, disappears once we reject positive-sum, 
mutually-beneficial assumptions about how markets operate. As social and 
economic life become more deeply embedded in market relations, those who 
hold the most power in those markets tend to benefit. The result is 
polarisation and inequality, not a uniform downward spiral (or, indeed, 
a steady upward climb) felt alike by all. In this regard, the neoliberal 
experience in the Arab world has been completely unexceptional; the same 
pattern can be seen replicated across the globe.

This polarisation of wealth and power is critical to unpacking the 
social roots of autocracy in the Middle East. As the handmaidens of 
neoliberal reform, autocratic rulers not only enriched themselves and 

Re: [Marxism] The degradation of work and life

2015-03-23 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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Great story. Love the demands and organizing approach at the end. Maybe we
could get endorsers for a project to promote discussion of them?

ps: Michael were your electrons tingling this morning? A Chinese comrade
posted proudly on Facebook a picture of one of your books which he had
picked up in Taiwan (along with one by Mandel).

On Mon, Mar 23, 2015 at 11:57 AM, michael yates via Marxism 
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 An article I wrote.
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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Racists, Neo-Nazis, Far Right Flock to Russia for Joint Conference - BuzzFeed News

2015-03-23 Thread ioannis aposperites via Marxism

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On 23/03/2015 04:28 μμ, Louis Proyect via Marxism wrote:

“The salvation of my generation is the great Russian people, because
Vladimir Putin understands that the rights of the majority should be put
before the whims and perversions of the minority,” Dowson said. “Obama
and America — they’re like females! They’re feminized men. You have been
blessed by a man who is a man! And we envy that.”


In these milieus the Third Rome myth has a functional role linked with 
conspiracy theories, the apocalyptic anti-Christ, panslavism and of 
course great-Russian imperialism. The later is apparently the myth's 
real name.

Comparing to them on this subject, the orthodox patriarch of Istanbul 
(entitled patriarch of Constantinople and New Rome himself) looks like a 
radical of the left when, defending his own reactionary ecclesiastical 
authority of course, refers to, as nationalist/racist heresy!

An applied example of the Muscovite 3rd Rome myth is a Russian TV 
documentary film criticized by Irina Papkova:

The “Third Rome” myth is simply stated: After the collapse of the 
Orthodox Byzantine Empire, the Russian Muscovite tsardom supposedly took 
over the mantle of the spiritual and political center of Orthodox 
Christianity, a burden which was seamlessly passed on to the Russian 
Empire, the Soviet Union and subsequently to the Russian Federation.



PS: One must read 1443 as 1453

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Re: [Marxism] Scary conference in Russia

2015-03-23 Thread John Lane via Marxism
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So, the National Front won big in French municipal elections, (with Russian
assistance) Poles are forming right-wing militias, (I haven't heard that
one yet, but I don't follow Poland very closely so a reference or two would
be very much appreciated) ceasefires have been violated by the Ukrainian
government, (and by your tone here *only* by the Ukrainian government,
which I find hard to believe) NATO is doing what NATO was *designed* to do,
(even someone in opposition to NATO should hardly be surprised) and there
was a conference in London having something to do with NATO and the
Ukraine. (again, a reference or two would be appreciated)

Maybe instead of complaining about other people not posting about such
events you could attempt to enlighten us to their occurrence and
significance. Even a link to the report you mentioned from Russia Insider
would be appreciated, instead of assuming that subscribers would find the
report on their own. If all of this is so crucial to understanding events
in Europe it might be worthwhile to make the information as easy to find as
On Mar 23, 2015 2:23 PM, Roger Annis via Marxism 
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu wrote:

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 The National Front received 25 per cent of the vote in France's municipal
 election. Thousands of Poles are enrolling in paramilitary militias,
 following the lead of the extreme-right in Ukraine in making ready for war
 with Russia. The ceasefire in eastern Ukraine is routinely violated by the
 Kyiv regime and will inevitably fail so long as the neo-conservative
 government remains in power. NATO's military buildup continues apace in
 eastern Europe. Meanwhile, an important public forum took place in London
 UK on March 19 on 'NATO and the crisis in Ukraine'.

 Did you read about any of this on the Marxism list? No, but you can read
 an oh-so scary report about a one-day conference in St. Petersburg of the
 European right. Russia Insider has published a marvellous send-up of the
 hypocritical reporting by the New York Times of that conference.

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Re: [Marxism] Scary conference in Russia

2015-03-23 Thread A.R. G via Marxism
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Hi Roger,

I would actually like to hear more about those things.

I think obv. Louis and some others post about Russia because they disagree
with the take that much of the left has about Russia, Syria, and Iran as a
sort of resistance axis, and much of that criticism against creeping
Stalinism is warranted.

But obviously that doesn't mean we have to endorse the enemy of the enemy
in any place. I actually kind of agree with you that a handful of topics
have been dominating the list (Greece, Ukraine) and I think if you have
analysis you can offer about some of these developments in other parts of
Europe (or perhaps the rest of the world) you should post it instead of
maligning the anti-Putin line.

- Amith

On Mon, Mar 23, 2015 at 2:21 PM, Roger Annis via Marxism 
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu wrote:

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 #3 Subscribe and post under an alias if #2 is a concern.

 The National Front received 25 per cent of the vote in France's municipal
 election. Thousands of Poles are enrolling in paramilitary militias,
 following the lead of the extreme-right in Ukraine in making ready for war
 with Russia. The ceasefire in eastern Ukraine is routinely violated by the
 Kyiv regime and will inevitably fail so long as the neo-conservative
 government remains in power. NATO's military buildup continues apace in
 eastern Europe. Meanwhile, an important public forum took place in London
 UK on March 19 on 'NATO and the crisis in Ukraine'.

 Did you read about any of this on the Marxism list? No, but you can read
 an oh-so scary report about a one-day conference in St. Petersburg of the
 European right. Russia Insider has published a marvellous send-up of the
 hypocritical reporting by the New York Times of that conference.

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Racists, Neo-Nazis, Far Right Flock to Russia for Joint Conference - BuzzFeed News

2015-03-23 Thread Joseph Catron via Marxism
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It's kind of awesome that they gathered in St. Petersburg's Holiday Inn.

Hige sceal þe heardra, heorte þe cenre, mod sceal þe mare, þe ure mægen
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[Marxism] Aboriginal community closures in Western Australia are ‘an attempt to destroy our culture’

2015-03-23 Thread John Passant via Marxism

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Meriki Onus, protest organiser from the youth group Warriors of the 
Aboriginal Resistance, spoke to Solidarity about the need to resist 
these community closures in Western Australia and the broader agenda of 


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Re: [Marxism] [Pen-l] Fwd: The assassination of Matiullah Khan | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2015-03-23 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 3/23/15 6:10 PM, Louis Proyect wrote:

By an eerie coincidence, the very day I was writing my review of Anand
Gopal’s “No Good Men Among the Living”, the N.Y. Times reported on his
assassination. The Times might be good at reporting the facts but they
tend to be disjointed. The article below quotes Anand on why Matiullah
was killed but fails to place him into the broader context of Afghan
politics. The passage from “No Good Men Among the Living” that follows
the NY Times article will give you a better idea of how people “succeed”
in Afghanistan, which is the same way that Tony Soprano succeeded but
with the added complication of overlapping with some progressive steps
forward, including his support for Heela’s candidacy as the first female
senator in Afghanistan. If you’ve read my CounterPunch review of “No
Good Men Among the Living”, you’ll recall that she was a courageous
woman who defied paternalistic oppression—thus antagonizing both the
Taliban and the miserable warlords like Matiullah Khan who they sought
to overthrow.


A horrible typo. It was not Anand who got assassinated but one of the 
warlords he wrote about. Sorry!

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[Marxism] Gaza protest declares: Venezuela, Palestine is with you!

2015-03-23 Thread Joseph Catron via Marxism
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The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine in the Gaza Strip
organized a rally in solidarity with Venezuela, in defense of Venezuela
against the U.S. imperialist targeting of Venezuela's Bolivarian project,
in particular a recent decree by the U.S. administration imposing new
economic sanctions on Venezuela and labeling the country a 'national
security threat' to the United States, a move that is a clear threat of
escalated U.S. intervention against Venezuela and its elected government


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[Marxism] The Trotskyists and Lars Lih

2015-03-23 Thread Philip Ferguson via Marxism
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Lars Lih's work on Lenin has certainly presented a few headaches to various
Trotskyist groups.

Below is Ben Lewis of the CPGB, who are very keen on Lih, looking at Peter
Taaffe (patrriarch of SPEW - the mothership of the CWI):


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[Marxism] Fwd: The assassination of Matiullah Khan | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2015-03-23 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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By an eerie coincidence, the very day I was writing my review of Anand 
Gopal’s “No Good Men Among the Living”, the N.Y. Times reported on his 
assassination. The Times might be good at reporting the facts but they 
tend to be disjointed. The article below quotes Anand on why Matiullah 
was killed but fails to place him into the broader context of Afghan 
politics. The passage from “No Good Men Among the Living” that follows 
the NY Times article will give you a better idea of how people “succeed” 
in Afghanistan, which is the same way that Tony Soprano succeeded but 
with the added complication of overlapping with some progressive steps 
forward, including his support for Heela’s candidacy as the first female 
senator in Afghanistan. If you’ve read my CounterPunch review of “No 
Good Men Among the Living”, you’ll recall that she was a courageous 
woman who defied paternalistic oppression—thus antagonizing both the 
Taliban and the miserable warlords like Matiullah Khan who they sought 
to overthrow.


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[Marxism] Greece - fascists at the gate

2015-03-23 Thread Dennis Brasky via Marxism
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Re: [Marxism] Scary conference in Russia

2015-03-23 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 3/23/15 2:21 PM, Roger Annis via Marxism wrote:

Did you read about any of this on the Marxism list?

No, but you can in:

The Nation Magazine
Consortium News
Global Research
and many others.

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[Marxism] Scary conference in Russia

2015-03-23 Thread Roger Annis via Marxism
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The National Front received 25 per cent of the vote in France's municipal 
election. Thousands of Poles are enrolling in paramilitary militias, following 
the lead of the extreme-right in Ukraine in making ready for war with Russia. 
The ceasefire in eastern Ukraine is routinely violated by the Kyiv regime and 
will inevitably fail so long as the neo-conservative government remains in 
power. NATO's military buildup continues apace in eastern Europe. Meanwhile, an 
important public forum took place in London UK on March 19 on 'NATO and the 
crisis in Ukraine'. 

Did you read about any of this on the Marxism list? No, but you can read an 
oh-so scary report about a one-day conference in St. Petersburg of the European 
right. Russia Insider has published a marvellous send-up of the hypocritical 
reporting by the New York Times of that conference. 

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Re: [Marxism] Scary conference in Russia

2015-03-23 Thread Ken Hiebert via Marxism
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Roger Annis said:
The National Front received 25 per cent of the vote in France's municipal 
election. Thousands of Poles are enrolling in paramilitary militias, following 
the lead of the extreme-right in Ukraine in making ready for war with Russia. 
The ceasefire in eastern Ukraine is routinely violated by the Kyiv regime and 
will inevitably fail so long as the neo-conservative government remains in 
power. NATO's military buildup continues apace in eastern Europe. Meanwhile, an 
important public forum took place in London UK on March 19 on 'NATO and the 
crisis in Ukraine'. 

Did you read about any of this on the Marxism list? No, but you can read an 
oh-so scary report about a one-day conference in St. Petersburg of the European 
right. Russia Insider has published a marvellous send-up of the hypocritical 
reporting by the New York Times of that conference. 

Ken Hiebert replies:
Roger says, The National Front received 25 per cent of the vote in France's 
municipal election.  It is not clear to me what Roger intends us to conclude 
from this.  Should we be more alarmed than we were before?  Less alarmed?  
Should we reconcile ourselves to Russian support for the National Front?
According to the BuzzFeed article A Russian bank gave France’s Front National 
— whose leader, Marine le Pen, is an open admirer of Putin’s — an $11.7 million 
loan last year.  Does Roger believe this is true?  False?  If he believes it 
is true, how does he think we should react?

Roger says, No, but you can read an oh-so scary report about a one-day 
conference in St. Petersburg of the European right.
Roger, if these same forces held a conference in Vancouver, how would you 
react?  Would you demonstrate against them?  Would your assessment of the 
conference change if you learned that it was only for one day?
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[Marxism] Greece/Syriza: Time Isn’t on Our Side by Stathis Kouvelakis

2015-03-23 Thread Dayne Goodwin via Marxism
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Time Isn’t on Our Side
For Syriza, there is an alternative to “strategic retreat.”

by Stathis Kouvelakis
Jacobin magazine, March 23

. . .
An Alternate Strategy

The plan — or rather, the range of strategies — currently being
considered by the Europeans can be summed up as follows: either
trigger in the short term the collapse of the Syriza government, or,
and this appears to be the prevailing option, drag it into a new
strategic retreat in April, which will prepare the ground for a final
capitulation in June.

This approach seems to have been demonstrated by the Eurogroup’s
decisions in earlier this month when, in a particularly tense
atmosphere and with express procedures, the Greek side was forced to
accept two important demands of the Eurogroup. Firstly, a very strict
confirmation of “the commitments of no unilateral actions and no
rolling-back on measures previously agreed needed to be respected at
all times.” Secondly, the return to Athens of the “technical” teams of
the troika.

Beyond the symbolism, this move has a highly practical significance:
it is on the basis of the collected data — which is expected to
confirm the negative trends of public revenues, budgetary targets, and
of the economy in general — that these teams will draft proposals for
a new package of austerity measures. This package will eventually be
presented by the lenders as the terms of a new “bailout”, to be
“negotiated,” in reality imposed to the Greek government in the
summer, when Greece has to deal with more than €10 billion in debt

It is by now absolutely clear that remaining stuck in this deadly trap
can only lead to the utter rout of the Syriza government and,
moreover, to a collapse of the political and social forces that
constitute its base, with direct and devastating consequences at the
European and international levels. In that respect, the relative
decline in support for Podemos in recent polls should already raise
some concerns, even if it has also domestic causes.

An escape from the current deadlock, however, has some prerequisites.
The first is a break with the climate of complacency — in other words,
breaking with the idea that, with appropriate media spin, every
meeting with the European officials can be presented as a success and
that the signed agreements can be tweaked at will.

The sincerity and sober assessment required by the situation were best
conveyed by Interior Minister Nikos Voutsis, who stressed before
parliament this month that “the country is at war, a social and a
class war with the lenders” and that in this war “we will not go like
cheerful scouts willing to continue the policies of the memorandum.”
This is the kind of language that international supporters of Syriza
need to hear, and not the language of facile optimism that creates
illusions and causes confusion that tomorrow may prove costly.

In order for this battle to be won — and it should be emphasized that
despite the setbacks and the losses, the outcome of the battle remains
undecided — there needs to be proper preparation. Unfortunately, the
February retreat turned out to be necessary inasmuch as it had to be
proven, in real terms, that even with the most sincere intentions, the
insistence on the strategy of staying within the euro whatever the
cost can only lead to defeat.

There is, of course, a range of unilateral measures that are necessary
weapons in this battle and which logically come before the option of a
Grexit. These include two measures that are longstanding components of
Syriza’s program: capital controls, which also require strict public
control of the banking system, and defaulting on debt payments.

It should be clear, however, that these moves would bring about a
dynamic that would breach fundamental constraints of the monetary
union and would inevitably lead to the exit from it. In any case, the
ECB’s relentless blackmail with its provision of liquidity places onto
the agenda every day the issue of regaining sovereignty over monetary

From this point of view, the most reasonable proposal is a negotiated
exit from the euro, which would be combined with a writing-off of the
major part of the debt, and would free both sides from the negative
effects of a forced Grexit and from the endless preoccupation with an
unsustainable Greek debt.

It is true that, given Syriza’s mandate on the issue of the euro, such
a proposal would need to be validated by popular consultation. The
possibility of a referendum in the case of an impasse in negotiations
is currently under discussion by the government, as demonstrated 

Re: [Marxism] Frank Marshall Davis: Obama’s ‘Communist mentor’?

2015-03-23 Thread Marla Vijaya kumar via Marxism
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Louis,  It was really amusing to see this level of paranoia in today's 
America about Communists. I thought the McCarthy mindset had gradually withered 
away as time passed. How can somebody believing in Marxist ideology be 
automatically labelled as involved in un-American activities. The Indian 
Communists may not be successful politically, but no one dares to call them 
Anti-India, except some hard core Hindu Fascists, who are on the fringe, though 
their party is in power now. People here in general are open minded about 
various ideologies.Vijaya Kumar Marla 

 On Monday, March 23, 2015 9:00 PM, Louis Proyect via Marxism 
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu wrote:

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Washington Post, Mar. 23 2015
Frank Marshall Davis: Obama’s ‘Communist mentor’?
By Michelle Ye Hee Lee

Rudolph Giuliani: Well, that I don’t feel it. I don’t feel it. I don’t 
feel this love of America. I think this man (Obama) was — when I talked 
about his background, I’m talking about a man who grew up under the 
influence of Frank Marshall Davis, who was a member of the Communist 
Party who he refers to over and over in his book, who was a tremendous 
critic of the United States.

Kelly: But when you say he wasn’t raised to love America, I mean, he was 
raised in part by his grandparents, his – his grandfather served in 
World War II, his grandmother worked in a munitions plant to help the 
nation during World War II. I mean, to suggest he was raised by people 
who don’t love America, who don’t — didn’t help him learn to love America.

Giuliani: Well, his — his grandfather introduced him to Frank Marshall 
Davis, who was a Communist.

–Former New York mayor Rudolph Giuliani, Fox News interview with Megyn 
Kelly, Feb. 20, 2015

President Obama met Frank Marshall Davis four decades ago and saw Davis 
10 to 15 times as a teenager. Yet the Obama-Davis relationship continues 
to be a concern among some politicians, as portrayed most recently by 
Giuliani during his Tour de President Obama Doesn’t Love America. 
Readers of The Fact Checker wanted to know if Giuliani’s comments were 

So we reached out to Cliff Kincaid, president of America’s Survival, a 
group that seeks to expose Communist and Marxist influences. It is 
research from Kincaid and a few others that has shaped the opinion of 
critics who believe Obama adopted radical, socialist ideologies under 
Davis’s mentorship. Davis was a journalist and activist who was 
associated with the Communist Party in the 1930s and 1940s.

We interviewed Kincaid at the Conservative Political Action Conference. 
When The Fact Checker arrived, Kincaid had been waiting with four of his 
peers, stacks of documents and a video camera pointed at an empty seat 
saved for us.

“The Frank in Obama’s book, ‘Dreams from My Father,’ is Frank Marshall 
Davis,” Kincaid said. “You don’t dispute that.”

“It has been admitted,” he continued, “except that here we are, to be 
honest with you, seven years after we broke this story. … The Washington 
Post has not reported the facts about Obama’s relationship with Frank 
Marshall Davis. That’s why I wanted to take advantage of this 
opportunity so you can hear directly from us and see the material we have.”

He and his peers do not outwardly label Obama a Communist, but believe 
Communist influences have been played down by the media. Obama has shown 
to be an ineffective Communist, if he were one. He has failed to unravel 
the capitalist system over the past six years that he has held the most 
powerful position in the world — though, as Obama says, “interesting 
things happen in the fourth quarter.”

So we decided to take a definitive look at Davis’s Communist Party 
activities and his relationship with Obama, based on competing research 
by those who have spent years trying to posthumously vindicate or indict 

What was Frank Marshall Davis’s Communist influence on Obama?

The Facts: The Case Against Davis

Davis was born in Kansas in 1905. His encounters with racism and poverty 
throughout childhood inspired his life-long quest for racial and 
economic equality. He lived and worked in Chicago for most of his early 
adulthood, then moved to Hawaii, where he died in 1987.

He was a prolific poet and political columnist. He associated with other 
black-rights activists and labor unions and decried Jim Crow 

Re: [Marxism] What is 'Grace?

2015-03-23 Thread Marla Vijaya kumar via Marxism
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Gary,    In November last year,  I addresed a Leftist Youth Festival in 
South India's Hindu Holy City of Tirupathi. A mathematics Professor, Com. 
Nagaraju and his students had presented a balle on exploitation in the name of 
God. It was very impressive. I was thinking about it for a long time. Recently, 
when I went back to Tirupathi City, I asked Com. Nagaraju to compose a balle, 
based on Gorky's story, Danko's Heart. Are you aware of any videos of a balle 
or animation based on this story. It will be helpful for them.Vijaya Kumar Marla
 On Monday, March 23, 2015 11:51 AM, Gary MacLennan 
gary.maclenn...@gmail.com wrote:

 Yes, the videos were available.  Extraordinary especially the snake dance one. 
I was interested in the presence of the male gaze as well of course in the 
dnance.  the latter brought to mind these lines from Yeats

 Labour is blossoming or dancing where
 The body is not bruised to pleasure soul.
 Nor beauty born out of its own despair,
 Nor blear-eyed wisdom out of midnight oil.
 O chestnut-tree, great-rooted blossomer,
 Are you the leaf, the blossom or the bole?
 O body swayed to music, O brightening glance,
 How can we know the dancer from the dance?

The lines have always been obscure to me, until I once watched a dance workshop 
performed by the Bangarra Aboriginal Dance troupe.  The dancers were working 
with Indigenous adolescent boys and girls and where they succeeded  most you 
could not tell the dancer from the dance. Perfect art seems effortless or as 
you might say born out of grace.
On Sun, Mar 22, 2015 at 12:26 AM, Marla Vijaya kumar via Marxism 
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu wrote:

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Sometime back, on a lazy evening my childhood friend asked me What is grace?I 
said it has nothing to do with beauty, but the way a person conducts 
himself/herself in daily life. I could recall so many people who had that 
quality. Here is one song from an old Urdu film, Anupama. Sharmila Tagore, 
the leading lady of the film exudes natural grace.Kuchh Dil Ne Kaha - 
Dharmendra - Sharmila Tagore - Anupama - Lata - Evergreen Hindi Songs

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| Kuchh Dil Ne Kaha - Dharmendra - Sharmila Tagore - An... |
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There is another video, from the 1965 film, Dev Anand's 'The Guide', in which 
there is a traditional snake dance. Waheeda Rehaman, the heroine, effortlessly 
shows how the character in the film is seeking perfection in dance, her life's 
passion.Snake Dance - Waheeda Rehman - Dev Anand - Guide - S.D. Burman - 
Bollywood Dances

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| Snake Dance - Waheeda Rehman - Dev Anand - Guide - S.D... |
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| View on www.youtube.com | Preview by Yahoo |
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May be it is diversion after months of debate on Greece.Vijaya Kumar M

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Re: [Marxism] What is 'Grace?

2015-03-23 Thread Carl G. Estabrook via Marxism
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Yeats seem to be thinking of individual action vs. action for a group: “...the 
leaf, the blossom or the bole?”

 On Monday, March 23, 2015 11:51 AM, Gary MacLennan 
 gary.maclenn...@gmail.com wrote:
 Yes, the videos were available.  Extraordinary especially the snake dance 
 one. I was interested in the presence of the male gaze as well of course in 
 the dnance.  the latter brought to mind these lines from Yeats
 Labour is blossoming or dancing where
 The body is not bruised to pleasure soul.
 Nor beauty born out of its own despair,
 Nor blear-eyed wisdom out of midnight oil.
 O chestnut-tree, great-rooted blossomer,
 Are you the leaf, the blossom or the bole?
 O body swayed to music, O brightening glance,
 How can we know the dancer from the dance?
 The lines have always been obscure to me, until I once watched a dance 
 workshop performed by the Bangarra Aboriginal Dance troupe.  The dancers were 
 working with Indigenous adolescent boys and girls and where they succeeded  
 most you could not tell the dancer from the dance. Perfect art seems 
 effortless or as you might say born out of grace.

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[Marxism] Merkel and Tsipras meet; no resolution

2015-03-23 Thread Dayne Goodwin via Marxism
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Merkel and Tsipras ease tension but do not find political solution

Katherimini, Athens
late night, March 23

German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras
struck a conciliatory tone after their first bilateral meeting in
Berlin on Monday but the Greek leader’s host insisted that she is not
in a position to ease Greece’s liquidity problems on her own.

The two leaders held a news conference after talks at the Chancellery
that lasted more than an hour and before they were due to hold a
working dinner. Both politicians sought to ease the tension that has
built up between the two countries over the last few weeks,
particularly due to comments from their finance ministers.

Merkel and Tsipras insisted that their talks had been productive
despite differences on a number of issues.

“I did not come here to ask for financial aid,” Tsipras said. “I came
for an exchange of our thoughts and opinions, to see where there is
common ground and where there is disagreement.”

Merkel said that she sensed an “appetite for cooperation” during the
talks but insisted that she could not intervene to ease Greece’s
liquidity concerns. She said it was paramount for Athens to present
its list of reforms to its lenders, thereby paving the way for the
disbursement of the 7.2 billion euros remaining in bailout loans.

“Reforms have to be discussed with the institutions, not with
Germany,” she emphasized.
. . .

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