Re: [Marxism] Eating Shit and Liking IT: USA--The Case against Ground Beef and Chicken

2015-08-28 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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[Marxism] Eating Shit and Liking IT: USA--The Case against Ground Beef and Chicken

2015-08-28 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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Consumer Reports recently issued a warning on ground beef:

Putting beef to the test

Given those concerns about the safety of ground beef, *Consumer
Reports *decided
to test for the prevalence and types of bacteria in ground beef. We
purchased 300 packages—a total of 458 pounds (the equivalent of 1,832
quarter-pounders)—from 103 grocery, big-box, and natural food stores in 26
cities across the country. We bought all types of ground beef:
conventional—the most common type of beef sold, in which cattle are
typically fattened up with grain and soy in feedlots and fed antibiotics
and other drugs to promote growth and prevent disease—as well as beef that
was raised in more sustainable ways, which have important implications for
food safety and animal welfare. At a minimum, sustainably produced beef was
raised without antibiotics. Even better are organic and grass-fed methods.
Organic cattle are not given antibiotics or other drugs, and they are fed
organic feed. Grass-fed cattle usually don’t get antibiotics, and they
spend their lives on pasture, not feedlots.

We analyzed the samples for five common types of bacteria found on
beef—clostridium perfringens, E. coli (including O157 and six other
toxin-producing strains), enterococcus, salmonella, and staphylococcus

The results were sobering. All 458 pounds of beef we examined contained
bacteria that signified fecal contamination (enterococcus and/or
nontoxin-producing E. coli), which can cause blood or urinary tract
infections. Almost 20 percent contained C. perfringens, a bacteria that
causes almost 1 million cases of food poisoning annually. Ten percent of
the samples had a strain of S. aureus bacteria that can produce a toxin
that can make you sick. That toxin can’t be destroyed—even with proper

Just 1 percent of our samples contained salmonella. That may not sound
worrisome, but, says Rangan, “extrapolate that to the billions of pounds of
ground beef we eat every year, and that’s a lot of burgers with the
potential to make you sick.” Indeed, salmonella causes an estimated 1.2
million illnesses and 450 deaths in the U.S. each year.
One of the most significant findings of our research is that beef from
conventionally raised cows was more likely to have bacteria overall, as
well as bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics, than beef from
sustainably raised cows. We found a type of antibiotic-resistant S. aureus
bacteria called MRSA (methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus), which
kills about 11,000 people in the U.S. every year, on three conventional
samples (and none on sustainable samples). And 18 percent of conventional
beef samples were contaminated with superbugs—the dangerous bacteria that
are resistant to three or more classes of antibiotics—compared with just 9
percent of beef from samples that were sustainably produced. “We know that
sustainable methods are better for the environment and more humane to
animals. But our tests also show that these methods can produce ground beef
that poses fewer public health risks,” Rangan says.


*Poultry Slaughter Procedures*, a USDA training video recently obtained by
the Physicians Committee through the Freedom of Information Act, reveals
that the chicken slaughtering process ends with carcasses soaking in cold
water—“fecal soup”—for up to one hour before being packaged for consumers.2

Large chicken processing plants, such as Tyson and Perdue, can slaughter as
many as 30,000 chickens an hour.2 During processing, chicken carcasses are
mechanically disemboweled and later soaked in a chill tank before being
packaged and sent to distributors.

A federal inspector said, “We often see birds going down the line with
intestines still attached, which are full of fecal contamination. If there
is no fecal contamination on the bird’s skin, however, we can do nothing to
stop that bird from going down that line. It is more than reasonable to
assume that once the bird gets into the chill tank, that contamination will
enter the water and contaminate all of the other carcasses in the chiller.
That’s why it is sometimes called ‘fecal soup.’”

In 2012, the Physicians Committee tested chicken products sold by 15
grocery store chains in 10 U.S. cities for the presence of fecal bacteria.
48 percent of chicken samples tested positive.4

Applying high cooking heat to poultry products does not remove the feces,
it merely cooks it along with the muscle tissue.
In March 2013, the Physicians Committee submitted a legal petition
requesting that 

[Marxism] Jeremy Corbyn is cheating by pushing policies that are actually popular

2015-08-28 Thread Stuart Munckton via Marxism
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Many on the left in Australia are watching with interest and some jealousy.
After all, our Labor Party is so hollowed out, there is more chance of a
Corbyn-like figure falling into our parliament from the moon than emerging
from the ALP.

“Disobedience, in the eyes of anyone who has read history, is humanity’s
original virtue. It is through disobedience that progress has been made,
through disobedience and through rebellion.” — Oscar Wilde, Soul of Man
Under Socialism

“The free market is perfectly natural... do you think I am some kind of
dummy?” — Jarvis Cocker
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[Marxism] Fwd: The War on Syria | Jacobin

2015-08-28 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Jacobin continues publishing pro-Assad propaganda.
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[Marxism] How Brazil’s China-Driven Commodities Boom Went Bust

2015-08-28 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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WSJ, August 28 2015
How Brazil’s China-Driven Commodities Boom Went Bust
Developing nation’s big bet on China turns sour as China’s appetite for

SÃO PAULO—Not long ago, Brazil stood as the leading example of how a 
developing nation could rise toward global prominence on the force of a 
China-driven commodity boom.

As its economy surged, Brazil stormed the world stage—hosting a World 
Cup, demanding more say at the United Nations and blocking a U.S. 
free-trade plan for the Americas.

Now Brazil is looking like a symbol of something else: resource-rich 
nations’ habit of ending their booms with spectacular busts.

Brazil’s stock market is down 22% in the past year. Its currency has 
lost a third of its value against the dollar. And on Friday, Brazil is 
expected to report that in the second quarter, its economy shrank at a 
pace of about 1.7%. Economists are voicing fears of prolonged stagnation.

China has caused turmoil in many places, but none more so than in this 
prime supplier of commodities to a country whose once-voracious appetite 
for them has dimmed. Brazil’s pain from China’s slowdown isn’t largely 
confined to the financial markets, as in some countries, but goes to the 
heart of its real economy.

“We went from Brazil mania to Brazil nausea,” said Marcos Troyjo, a 
former Brazilian diplomat who leads a Columbia University center 
studying emerging markets. “We are looking at a lost decade, where 
growth stagnates, inflation is high, and, most sadly, a decade where 
you’ve learned nothing.”

For Brazilians who believed, as their leaders were saying, that the 
country would climb to first-world status during the resources boom, the 
downturn has come as a profound disappointment. Big antigovernment 
demonstrations are now regular events: Protesters decry the corruption 
that a sweeping investigation is uncovering, and many call for President 
Dilma Rousseff’s ouster. As inflation nears double-digits and as 
unemployment and interest rates rise, middle-class households are 
starting to miss car payments and the poor are eating less meat.

“Beef is the first to go!” said Janeide Ferreira, a 54-year-old cleaner 
in Rio de Janeiro who must take a sweaty two-hour bus ride to work each 
day from the slum where she lives. “Things were so much better five 
years ago.”

Brazil is in danger of losing its investment-grade rating, to judge by 
the negative views of credit-rating firms, potentially sparking a 
disorderly currency decline.

Some wealthy Brazilians aren’t sticking around to find out. Rich 
Brazilians are snapping up homes from South Florida to Scarsdale, N.Y., 
often with the long-term plan of raising families there. A cover story 
on the phenomenon in the weekly magazine Istoé this month is titled: 
“Bye-Bye Brazil.”

Poised to Benefit

Looking back, it is easy to understand the frenzy of optimism. If the 
biggest economic story this century was China’s rise, Brazil was 
uniquely poised to benefit from it.

Rich in iron ore, soybeans and beef, not to mention oil, Brazil was 
positioned as a supplier of many things China needed. Its annual trade 
with China, only around $2 billion in 2000, soared to $83 billion in 
2013. China supplanted the U.S. as Brazil’s largest trading partner.

China’s rise helped spur global investors to pour more than $1 trillion 
a year into emerging markets by 2011, a fivefold increase in a decade. 
Brazil was a leading destination. Because its securities markets were 
more transparent than China’s, some investors bought Brazil as way to 
play China.

In the midst of this, Brazil’s state-controlled oil company made a huge 
deep-water discovery, at a time when oil analysts were focused on tight 
supply and prices were rising. Voters in this nation of deep economic 
inequality had elected a president who rose from poverty, Luiz Inácio 
Lula da Silva. He positioned himself as a voice for millions being 
lifted in the commodities boom, clinching Rio de Janeiro’s right to host 
the 2016 Olympics in a stirring speech saying the games would be a gift 
to the poor.

But Brazil had boomed several times in past decades, only to go bust. A 
1966-1973 expansion was dubbed the “Brazilian Miracle.” What followed it 
in the 1980s was a tumultuous decade of hyperinflation, debt crises and 
falling living standards.

This time was supposed to be different. In digging out from the 1980s 
mess, Brazil had cut spending, stabilized its currency and tamed the 
four-digit inflation. A combination of fiscal rectitude and increasingly 
competent government was meant to allow Latin America’s biggest economy 
to converge with 

[Marxism] Fwd: Verita$: Harvard's Hidden History

2015-08-28 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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A critical examination of Harvard’s monumental but disconcerting global 
influence and power, this book examines aspects of Harvard’s history not 
generally known. The “hidden history” announced in the book’s title 
begins with analysis of Harvard’s involvement in the Salem witch trials 
and the trial of Sacco and Vanzetti. Similarly disquieting, Harvard 
provided students as strikebreakers in both the 1912 Bread and Roses 
textile workers strike and the 1919 Boston police strike. Harvard 
administrators and scientists promoted eugenics in the early twentieth 
century and had a deep impact on Nazi Germany’s race theories. Its 
contemporary ties to U.S. foreign policy and neoliberalism are also 
profound. Harvard’s management of Russian economic reform left 
nightmarish memories, and the university was compelled to pay more than 
$26 million after the U.S. government sued it. The book also examines 
Harvard’s investment policy for its massive endowment, its restrictive 
labor polices, and its devastation of the adjoining Allston-Brighton 
neighborhood into which it is expanding.
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[Marxism] Guatemala President Faces Arrest as Business Interests and U.S. Scramble to Contain Uprising

2015-08-28 Thread Dennis Brasky via Marxism
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[Marxism] Fwd: Recalling their own war, Belgraders embrace Syrian refugees - Business Insider

2015-08-28 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Re: [Marxism] Marxmailer, a character in a movie

2015-08-28 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Freitag, 28. August 2015 at 19:22, Louis Proyect via Marxism wrote:

 Last night I told Gibney in the QA that Rod was a comrade and that all
 the crap that Jobs did, depicted in full detail in the film, Rod had the
 highest regard for him.

  Somewhere in the second part of that sentence some word is missing to make it 

Lüko Willms

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Steve Jobs | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2015-08-28 Thread Gary MacLennan via Marxism
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I don't know enough to comment on Jobs and I came to the computer thing so
late, that it doesn't have the romance for me that is has for so many
others. I am also a reductionist when it comes to business folk.   But the
concept of the bourgeois hero does interest me and Jobs would seem to fit
that, just as Princess Diana represented the bourgeois suffering.

In any case a great blog and so informative and full of that insider



On Sat, Aug 29, 2015 at 7:15 AM, Louis Proyect via Marxism wrote:

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 Last night I attended a press screening for Alex Gibney’s documentary
 “Steve Jobs: The Man in the Machine” that opens in theaters and on VOD on
 Friday, September 4th. The film is a brilliant analysis of both the man and
 the company he built. Since Gibney’s last documentary was on Scientology,
 it was natural to wonder whether he decided to take on another cult. When
 Jobs died, Gibney was struck by the mass grief that poured out for the CEO
 after the fashion of Princess Di. What explained such devotion? Since
 Gibney owned and treasured his IPhone, this was a question that provoked
 him into making this film. As someone who likes but does not exactly love
 his Macbook, and who spent 44 years working as a systems analyst and a
 programmer, the question of Apple’s place in the American economy and
 society is also of great interest to me.

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[Marxism] Kenan Mailk on Free speech in the age of identity politics

2015-08-28 Thread Philip Ferguson via Marxism
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It is truly an honour and pleasure to be able to deliver this lecture, and
to be able to follow the speakers who have gone before me; speakers such as
Walter Sisulu, Wole Soyinke, Edward Said and Noam Chomsky. It is an honour,
too, to be the fiftieth speaker in this great series. But being the
fiftieth speaker raises an interesting question: Is there anything left to
say about academic freedom that the 49 before me have not already said?

To appreciate why the debate about academic freedom is not yet exhausted,
and probably never will be exhausted, we need to understand two points.
First. . . .

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[Marxism] United Electrical Workers endorse BDS, call for a peace settlement on the basis of self-determination for Palestinians and the right to return

2015-08-28 Thread Joseph Catron via Marxism
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Delegates upheld the UE tradition of taking courageous stands on foreign
policy issues when they adopted the resolution on Palestine and Israel. It
points to Israel's long history of violating the human rights of the
Palestinians, starting with the ethnic cleansing of 750,000 Palestinians in
1947-48 that turned most of Palestine into the State of Israel. It calls
for cutting off U.S. aid to Israel, U.S. support for a peace settlement on
the basis of self-determination for Palestinians and the right to return.
The resolution also endorses the worldwide BDS movement – Boycott,
Divestment, Sanctions – to pressure Israel to end its apartheid over the
Palestinians just as similar tactics helped to end South African apartheid
in the 1980s. UE is now the first U.S. national union to endorse BDS ...

The resolution text is here:

The source of the conflict goes back to the origins of the State of Israel.
The population was overwhelmingly Palestinian Arab (Muslim and Christian)
before 1947-48, when well-armed Zionist militias seized most of the
territory of Palestine and expelled 750,000 people from their cities,
villages and farms. They executed much of the Palestinian leadership and
declared the founding of the State of Israel. As a result millions of
Palestinians are refugees both in the occupied territories and in other
countries. Israel prohibits their return to their homes ...

Hige sceal þe heardra, heorte þe cenre, mod sceal þe mare, þe ure mægen
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[Marxism] Marxmailer, a character in a movie

2015-08-28 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Saw Alex Gibney's documentary last night on Jobs. A new narrative film 
on him will be shown at the Lincoln Center Film Festival next month 
directed by Danny Boyle that I plan to see.

But right now I am watching the one that starred Austin Kutcher as Jobs. 
In a scene showing the birth of the Apple II, Rod Holt drives up on a 
motorcycle looking like Peter Fonda in Easy Rider. His job is to 
design a power supply that does not need a fan.

Last night I told Gibney in the QA that Rod was a comrade and that all 
the crap that Jobs did, depicted in full detail in the film, Rod had the 
highest regard for him.

More in my review this afternoon.
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[Marxism] Fwd: Steve Jobs | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2015-08-28 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Last night I attended a press screening for Alex Gibney’s documentary 
“Steve Jobs: The Man in the Machine” that opens in theaters and on VOD 
on Friday, September 4th. The film is a brilliant analysis of both the 
man and the company he built. Since Gibney’s last documentary was on 
Scientology, it was natural to wonder whether he decided to take on 
another cult. When Jobs died, Gibney was struck by the mass grief that 
poured out for the CEO after the fashion of Princess Di. What explained 
such devotion? Since Gibney owned and treasured his IPhone, this was a 
question that provoked him into making this film. As someone who likes 
but does not exactly love his Macbook, and who spent 44 years working as 
a systems analyst and a programmer, the question of Apple’s place in the 
American economy and society is also of great interest to me.

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[Marxism] 'Buen vivir' and the dilemmas of the left governments in Latin America - I

2015-08-28 Thread Richard Fidler via Marxism
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Argentine Marxist scholar Atilio Boron’s book, “Latin America in the
Geopolitics of Imperialism” — América Latina en la geopolítica del
imperialismo — was awarded Venezuela’s coveted Libertador Prize in Critical
Thinking in 2012. 

Published in several editions throughout Latin America, the book has
attracted much attention, and some debate, for its detailed analysis of
Latin America’s strategic importance to the United States and the challenge
this poses to the continent’s left governments and progressive social

Of particular interest to ecosocialists are two chapters — ch. 6, on “Common
goods in Latin America: The debate between ‘pachamamismo’ and
‘extractivismo’,” and ch. 7, on “Buen vivir (sumak kawsay) and the dilemmas
of the left governments in Latin America.” 

The following is my translation of most of chapter 7. Because of its length,
I have divided it into three separate parts. This is Part I. The others are:

II – Two crucial questions 

III – A new development model? 

They are all available at

– Richard Fidler


Part II:

Part III:

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