[Marxism] new album/profile of Shirley Collins, ignored for role in Lomax work

2016-11-08 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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Re: [Marxism] Clay Claiborne on Syria and Jill Stein, responding to Louis on muftah.org

2016-11-08 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 11/8/16 9:38 AM, DW via Marxism wrote:

It is absolutely historically GROTESQUE to compare voting for Abraham
Lincoln to Hillary Clinton. Are you stark raving mad, Thomas?

Maybe I am missing something but Thomas cited an entirely different 
article by Marx that strictly opposed voting for bourgeois candidates:

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Re: [Marxism] Clay Claiborne on Syria and Jill Stein, responding to Louis on muftah.org

2016-11-08 Thread DW via Marxism
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Marx (and his US supporters in the Communist League) supported the
Republicans because they represented a *revolutionary democratic* solution
to slavery. This was in a period when Marx considered capitalism
"progressive" against the slavocracy which represented a wholly different
political economy.

It is absolutely historically GROTESQUE to compare voting for Abraham
Lincoln to Hillary Clinton. Are you stark raving mad, Thomas?

David Walters
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[Marxism] Election coverage in Canada

2016-11-08 Thread Ken Hiebert via Marxism
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The US election is big news here.  The first 20 minutes on CBC NewsWorld at 
9:00 am EST was on the election.  (The next item was on Prince Harry and the UK 
press.  Or was that on CTV?)
If you want to follow the election from outside the US, here are two sites.
ken h


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[Marxism] Should the left try to take over the Democratic Party?/Why are People Still Living in East Aleppo?/Absolutely Final Thoughts

2016-11-08 Thread Michael Yates via Marxism
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Louis's article in North Star is excellent. When I read the rubbish Ben Kunkel 
and Bhaskar Sunkara have written, making arguments that have been made for 
decades, and are even more foolish now than they were then, I want to just give 
up. What hope is there for radical change in the United States. Not much. 
Jacobin just posted an essay wondering what we can do to make sure that the 
choices we face in the 2036 election won't be as bleak as the ones we face 
today. By 2036, most of the Brooklyn intellectuals around Jacobin will have 
long since moved to the right, so the question will be be moot.

Louis also posted an article from the BBC, asking why people are still living 
in East Aleppo. All of the Assad supporters (some open, some de facto) seem 
absolutely callous to the death and misery rained down on Syrians by Assad and 
Putin. It really does make you sick to contemplate this.

Gary has written a fine screed on the stupidity of the lesser evil argument. We 
are either radicals or we are not. And as ee cummings had olaf say in his poem, 
there is some shit i will not eat.
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Re: [Marxism] Should the left try to take over the Democratic Party?/Why are People Still Living in East Aleppo?/Absolutely Final Thoughts

2016-11-08 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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Great points, Michael.
The BBC article is just full of horrifying, touching, inspiring quotes.
None of which the "left" Assadists care about or believe.
This inhumane approach of course is intimately connected to the lesser
evilism which is the main point of this thread, and has the same roots in
the search for a condescending savior in the general absence of large,
vibrant, diverse labor and other movements.
Bless those rare but crucial exceptions...
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Re: [Marxism] Should the left try to take over the Democratic Party?/Why are People Still Living in East Aleppo?/Absolutely Final Thoughts

2016-11-08 Thread Ralph Johansen via Marxism

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Michael Yates wrote

   What hope is there for radical change in the United States. Not
   much. Jacobin just posted an essay wondering what we can do to make
   sure that the choices we face in the 2036 election won't be as bleak
   as the ones we face today. By 2036, most of the Brooklyn
   intellectuals around Jacobin will have long since moved to the
   right, so the question will be be moot.

On this sodden election day here in the US, I'm reminded of this, which 
pretty much puts it in a nutshell. If we look beyond the dismal punditry 
out there about causes, consequences and the possibilities for change, I 
see this as one of the more profound, explicit statements of the problem 
and solution by John Smith in the final chapter of his fine book 
Imperialism in the 21st Century published by your invaluable MR Press, 
Michael. This passage is vibrant with possibilities, both terrifying and 
hopeful. Among other things, Smith accounts in his book for the 
prolonged hiatus in western radicalism by the "vast global shift of 
production to low-wage countries, with the result that profits, 
prosperity, and social peace in imperialist countries have become 
qualitatively more dependent upon the proceeds of super-exploitation of 
living labor in countries like Vietnam, Mexico, Bangladesh, and China. 
It follows that this is not just a financial crisis, and it is not just 
another crisis of capitalism. It is a crisis of imperialism." That plus 
capital's very successful prevention of labor mobility so far, despite 
which millions are at extreme peril managing each year to migrate.

   Along with a huge expansion of domestic, corporate, and sovereign
   debt, the global shift of production gave the outmoded and
   destructive capitalist system a respite that lasted for barely
   twenty-five years. The “financial crisis” that brought this to an
   end is a secondary infection, a sickness caused by the medicine
   imbibed to relieve a deeper malaise, one for which capitalism has no
   alternative remedies. Exponentially increasing indebtedness
   succeeded in containing the overproduction crisis, but it has
   brought the global financial system to the point of collapse.
   Outsourcing has boosted profits of firms across the imperialist
   world and sustained the living standards of its inhabitants, but
   this has led to deindustrialization, has intensified capitalism’s
   imperialist and parasitic tendencies, and has piled up global
   imbalances that threaten to plunge the world into destructive trade
   wars. All of the factors that produced this crisis—increasing debt,
   asset bubbles, global imbalances—are being amplified by the effects
   of the emergency measures designed to contain it. The irony of
   zero–interest rate policy and quantitative easing is that their
   greatest success—preserving the value of financial assets and thus
   the wealth of those who own these financial assets—blocks the only
   possible capitalist solution to the crisis, namely a massive
   cancelation and reassignment of claims on social wealth asset
   values. QE and ZIRP—Zero Interest Rate Policy, or “crack cocaine for
   the financial markets,” in a memorable phrase uttered by a Goldman
   Sachs banker —are therefore means of postponing the inevitable, of
   kicking the can down the road while waiting and hoping for the
   growth engine to restart. Although the global crisis first
   manifested itself in the sphere of finance and banking, what’s now
   engulfing the world is far more than a financial crisis, it is the
   inevitable and now unpostponable outcome of the contradictions of
   capitalist production itself. In just three decades, capitalist
   production and its inherent contradictions have been utterly
   transformed by the vast global shift of production to low-wage
   countries, with the result that profits, prosperity, and social
   peace in imperialist countries have become qualitatively more
   dependent upon the proceeds of super-exploitation of living labor in
   countries like Vietnam, Mexico, Bangladesh, and China. It follows
   that this is not just a financial crisis, and it is not just another
   crisis of capitalism. It is a crisis of imperialism. (pp313-314)

   The interaction between living labor and nature is the source of all
   wealth. Capitalism’s frenzied exploitation of both has resulted not
   only in a grave social and economic crisis, but also in a spreading
   ecological catastrophe. Rising concentrations of CO2 in the
   atmosphere, along with the rest of the filth generated by capitalist

[Marxism] market, shmarket

2016-11-08 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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This is so tiresome.

Here for the 100th time is someone who's ecstatic at having found the
"solution" to the socialist calculation problem (although it's clear from
his article he hasn't followed that problem very closely): all we need is
the help of the market, for both big issues (climate change) and small!

Frase sets up a straw man by critiquing the admittedly clunky "parecon"
system. But he says nothing about such concepts as "articulated
self-management" (Mandel) in which decisions are made at the lowest level
possible, and at every level are the subject of debate in a
democratically-elected council.

And most irritatingly, he says nothing about the technology available to
facilitate such planning, for instance computers used by logistics
behemoths like Wa-Mart to PLAN in a non-market fashion restocking shelves,
warehouse storage, distribution costs, etc., data which then is available
to production bodies (see Joe Allen's articles on that). Nor does he say
anything about the consumption choices made every day by millions of people
on Amazon and similar sites -- all of which are potential inputs for a
nonmarket, democratic planned analysis.

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[Marxism] Two years of the ‘Irish slaves’ myth: racism, reductionism and the tradition of diminishing the transatlantic slave trade | openDemocracy

2016-11-08 Thread Andrew Stewart via Marxism
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Best regards,
Andrew Stewart 
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[Marxism] Fwd: What will happen to the "political revolution"? | SocialistWorker.org

2016-11-08 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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You can't call for a "political revolution," then back the mainstream 
candidate representing everything you called for a revolution against, 
and then expect to summon the original sentiment back into existence 
once it's "safe" to do so.

If anything, what the Sanders moment showed was that the left-wing 
sentiment in this country needs to be organized in order to deepen its 
roots and forge a new path. independent of the two-party system and its 
artificially narrow range of choices.

That sentiment hasn't gone away. But politics abhors a vacuum, and right 
now, the vacuum is being filled by the right. Whether Trump wins or 
loses, the far right has exploited this moment to project its voices and 
rally its forces. By contrast, our side has, by and large, remained 
hamstrung by the refusal to speak and act independently of the Democrats.


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Re: [Marxism] Two years of the ‘Irish slaves’ myth: racism, reductionism and the tradition of diminishing the transatlantic slave trade | openDemocracy

2016-11-08 Thread Dennis Brasky via Marxism
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Excellent post - thanks!

On Tue, Nov 8, 2016 at 12:21 PM, Andrew Stewart via Marxism <
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:

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> *
> https://opendemocracy.net/beyondslavery/liam-hogan/two-
> years-of-irish-slaves-myth-racism-reductionism-and-tradition-of-diminis
> Best regards,
> Andrew Stewart
> _
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[Marxism] Mikheil Saakashvili Resigns Post in Ukraine, Citing Corruption

2016-11-08 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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NY Times, Nov. 8 2016
Mikheil Saakashvili Resigns Post in Ukraine, Citing Corruption

MOSCOW — Mikheil Saakashvili, a former president of Georgia who was 
brought into the Ukraine government to set an example of transparency 
and clean government, resigned on Monday and accused Ukraine’s president 
of supporting corruption.

Mr. Saakashvili, who was appointed governor of the Black Sea region of 
Odessa by President Petro O. Poroshenko in May 2015, said he was leaving 
because of the central government’s unrelenting obstruction of his 
efforts to root out graft.

“The president personally supports two clans,” Mr. Saakashvili told a 
group of journalists. “Odessa can only develop once Kiev will be freed 
from these bribe takers, who directly patronize organized crime and 

In a terse statement, Mr. Poroshenko’s office said it would accept Mr. 
Saakashvili’s resignation once it had been submitted by the cabinet.

In Odessa, Mr. Saakashvili and a team of young reformists tried to 
tackle the acceptance of bribes in the corruption-plagued customs 
service and to make government services more responsive and transparent.

Yet, government officials in Kiev thwarted those efforts, Mr. 
Saakashvili said, because they interfered with the various enrichment 
schemes that allowed many of them to amass fortunes.

Mr. Saakashvili said his plan to open a new customs service center in 
Odessa was undone when the money allocated for its refurbishment was stolen.

He noted that some top-level government figures listed millions of 
dollars in savings in cash and other assets in financial disclosures 
that were mandated by the International Monetary Fund. One minister 
declared bottles of wine worth thousands of dollars each.

Mr. Saakashvili, a bitter opponent of Russia and its president, Vladimir 
V. Putin, was one of several foreign politicians and specialists who 
were brought to Ukraine after the 2014 pro-Western revolution to start a 
broad modernization of the country.

But there was always deep skepticism about whether Ukraine was capable 
of such a transformation, and many of those figures have since become 
disillusioned and resigned. In February, the economy minister, Aivaras 
Abromavicius stepped down, saying that he did not want to act as a 
“smoke screen” for corruption. The American-born finance minister, 
Natalie A. Jaresko, left the Ukrainian government in April.

Taming corruption was widely seen as crucial for proving the legitimacy 
of Ukraine’s pro-Western leadership, especially in contrast with Mr. 
Putin’s Russia.

In October, Mr. Saakashvili’s political party in Georgia suffered a 
painful defeat in parliamentary elections, ending the prospect of his 
return to that country, where he faces multiple charges that he says are 
politically motivated.

Standing in front of Odessa’s seaport, Mr. Saakashvili signaled that he 
would continue to be involved in Ukrainian politics. One of his allies, 
Ukraine’s former deputy prosecutor David Sakvarelidze, recently started 
a new political party that cites Mr. Saakashvili as its “ideologist.

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[Marxism] New theory of gravity might explain dark matter

2016-11-08 Thread Fred Murphy via Marxism
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Re: [Marxism] Should the left try to take over the Democratic Party?/Why are People Still Living in East Aleppo?/Absolutely Final Thoughts

2016-11-08 Thread Michael Yates via Marxism
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Ralph Johansen wrote:

"On this sodden election day here in the US, I'm reminded of this, which pretty 
much puts it in a nutshell. If we look beyond the dismal punditry out there 
about causes, consequences and the possibilities for change, I see this as one 
of the more profound, explicit statements of the problem and solution by John 
Smith in the final chapter of his fine book Imperialism in the 21st Century 
published by your invaluable MR Press, Michael."

Thanks for the kind words, Ralph. John Smith's book is path-breaking I think. I 
kept after him for several years to make sure the book got done. John is a 
truly gracious and humble man, and a fine and rigorous scholar. It was an honor 
to work with him. He has another book in the works, which I am confident that 
we will publish.

Solidarity, Michael
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[Marxism] Fwd: Birobidzhan | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2016-11-08 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Thirteen years ago I had the good fortune to review a documentary titled 
“L’Chayim, Comrade Stalin” by Klezmer musician Yale Strom that served as 
an introduction to the Jewish Autonomous Region of the USSR that Stalin 
declared in 1934. My review began:

When he was a young boy, Yale Strom noticed two “sidukah” (charity) 
boxes in his father’s shop. One was the omnipresent blue Jewish National 
Fund box intended for Israel that my own father kept in his fruit store. 
The other was targeted for Birobidzhan, the Jewish Autonomous Region 
that Stalin decreed in 1932. His curiosity about the lesser-known Jewish 
homeland became the seed for his documentary “L’Chayim Comrade Stalin,” 
now showing at the Quad Cinema in NYC.

 Based on interviews with current and past residents and archival 
material, including a altogether charming Soviet feature film of the 
period promoting settlement, the film not only sheds light on an 
under-documented aspect of Stalinist rule, it also inspires a variety of 
reactions to the “Jewish Question.” (Strom utilizes a graphic of these 
two words writ large in red repeatedly through the film as a kind of 

 Most of the older veterans of Birobidzhan make clear that the project 
tapped into youthful idealism. Combining a belief in communism with a 
desire to create a cultural homeland for the Jews, they came to the 
Siberian hinterland with great hopes. Despite the fact that 
anti-Semitism prompted Stalin to create the settlement in a 
geographically remote area, the settlers did not necessarily view this 
as a kind of internal exile. Stephen F. Cohen points out eloquently in 
his biography of Bukharin that Stalin’s despotic “revolution from above” 
did not preclude a kind of egalitarian zeal from bubbling to the 
surface. Despite repression, many people felt that they were on a great 
adventure to build a new society, including the Jews who came to 

Clearly, Birobidzhan continues to grip the imagination of filmmakers, 
artists and scholars based on recent works I have had a chance to examine.

full: https://louisproyect.org/2016/11/08/birobidzhan/
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[Marxism] Fwd: Don’t Vote Strategically | thecurrentmoment

2016-11-08 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] https://www.greenleft.org.au/content/us-elections-868-fewer-polling-stations-purged-rolls-and-armed-intimidation-squads

2016-11-08 Thread Stuart Munckton via Marxism
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[Marxism] Today’s populism is a fusion of resentments

2016-11-08 Thread Ken Hiebert via Marxism
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Ian Buruma is Professor of Democracy, Human Rights, and Journalism at Bard 
College, and the author of Year Zero: A History of 1945.

 The Tea Party in the United States would have been relatively marginal without 
powerful backers and demagogues. And these are often newly rich men who share 
their followers’ bitterness.
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[Marxism] Current New York Times projections . . . .

2016-11-08 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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Clinton likely to wind up a few percentage points ahead in the popular
vote, but Trump likely to win in the Electoral College (79% chance of
winning at this moment).

So we might wind up with an American Brexit vote.

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[Marxism] that election

2016-11-08 Thread Gary MacLennan via Marxism
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Mark wrote:

So we might wind up with an American Brexit vote.

But it will be the difference between the cold and pneumonia.  For the US
to have a Brexit moment is surely qualitatively different from the UK event.


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[Marxism] interim thoughts

2016-11-08 Thread Ralph Johansen via Marxism

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The message from voters appears to be that inequality and gigantic 
business and government are recognized pretty much for what they are - 
anti-little guy. And with both Trump and Sanders getting out the message 
that Hillary was the big business candidate, and inequality getting much 
press over the past few years, those messages have probably been 
dominant, won't go away and, while many states are not yet decided 
Hillary has a fight on her hands, And we don't discount that Donald 
Trump, to the surprise of almost everyone and for most pundits still 
unaccountably, won the Republican nomination, hands down, going away. 
Misunderestimated, as GWB had it.

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[Marxism] the coming times

2016-11-08 Thread Gary MacLennan via Marxism
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I can see it all now.  The tide of sycophancy is about to be loosed.
President Trump will be the man with the common touch; the man who calls a
spade a nr; the down to earth bloke who gets things (and people) done.
All the tropes of reality TV will be enacted in reality.  Humanity is about
to be told "You're fired".


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Re: [Marxism] [pen-l] Is It Time to Abandon GDP?

2016-11-08 Thread Joseph Green via Marxism
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An excerpt from "Is It Time to Abandon GDP?"
by Edoardo Campanella

> Rather than dismissing GDP, it would be wiser to refine it and combine
> the information it contains with other socioeconomic indicators,
> including GNH. Statisticians should focus on placing a monetary value on
> environmental depletion and free digital services, collecting better
> household data for disposable income, giving more weight to quality
> changes, and building so-called satellite accounts to measure non-market
> activities.

This won't solve the problem; it's an attempted neo-liberal solution to one 
of the problems of neo-liberalism.  Campanella would collect information on a 
variety of issue, but he would still aggregate them into a single index. But 
any single index would have most of the problems of the GDP. No single 
numerical index can provide an appropriate measure of the economy.  An 
approximate useful natural measure of the economy would require keeping 
several indices distinct, and not aggregating them into a corrected GDP. 
Trying to run things according to a corrected GDP is like trying to eliminate 
exploitation by having monetary prices reflect the "true value" of things. 

Campanella connects the idea of a corrected GDP to putting a monetary value 
on environmental depletion. This is a common idea among various would-be 
ecosocialists and the Green Party who hold that carbon pricing (such as the 
carbon tax) can be one of the main effective tools to deal with global 
warming. This is a neo-liberal solution, also advocated by the World Bank and 
the IMF; they are fond of such things as the  carbon tax and cap and trade. 
It is a feature of our time that would-be socialists, who regard themselves 
as the most fierce opponents of the Washington Consensus and neo-liberalism,  
advocate the favorite environmental solution, carbon pricing, of the World 
Bank and IMF.

Marx advocated that the basic problem of capitalism wasn't that it didn't 
trade things at their proper value; on the contrary, the capitalist evils 
resulted from such trading. To try to overcome capitalism and evils by 
replacing value by true or corrected value was like trying to overcome
religion by elevating the true Pope. The law of value was the law of 
exploitation, not the law of overcoming exploitation. And it is also the law 
of destroying the environment.

I wrote a three-part series in 2000-2001 debunking the idea of there being a 
single natural unit for economic planning, whether the dollar, the labor 
content, or any single unit.

Part one of the series concentrates on whether the  labor content (as 
specified by the labor theory of value) is the natural unit of economic 
calculcation, and is available at


Part Three deals in part with various passages from Marx and Engels, and 
corrects some fashionable misinterpretations of what they are saying. See 

-- Joseph Green
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[Marxism] The Green Party vote

2016-11-08 Thread Ken Hiebert via Marxism
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Based on the TV coverage at this moment, we are looking at a Trump victory.

It may turn out that the Green Party vote was irrelevant in the outcome.  That 
doesn't mean that the discussion we had was pointless.  
But perhaps the bigger discussion is why Trump could win.  The left has failed 
to build a substantive alternative.  Union struggles are at a low ebb. 
And, speaking as an outsider, it seems that the bigger part of the black 
leadership is tied to the Democratic Party.  

The struggle continues.

ken h
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