[Marxism] Trump acts

2017-04-06 Thread Gary MacLennan via Marxism
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I have just been on the phone to an old friend and he informed me of the
Trump air strike. It is early to try and work out what that is all about.
I personally think that it was primarily aimed at China and Trump's
deteriorating domestic situation.  I always feared that Trump would get a
9/11 to bail him out of trouble.  That has nto happened yet, but he may
have invented his own crisis.

I suspect the Chinese are frightened by Trump - frightened by his
irrationality.  His corruption of course would be welcome to the Chinese
oligarchy and they would be very comfortable with it.  But they are dealing
with a creature whose grip on sanity never mind power is very unstable.
Trump could miscalculate.  He could make a mistake & then we would all be
in trouble.


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Re: [Marxism] Sanders: 'Make Democrats a party of the working class, not liberal elite'

2017-04-06 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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If you see us getting "a bourgeois imperialist labor party" out of the
Democratic party somehow, you're welcome to it.  I can't even pretend to
know what it is without guessing, but I don't see us with another century
to conjure the Bernsteins and Kautskys.

And--stinking cynicial aside--working class politics haven't made a
revolution here, but--when history permits it enough purchase--it has
changed things.  So it's not at all like electing Democrats. Or we could
talk about the physics of all this.  The massive gravity of Jupiter draws
in comets and we've never really seen it spit them out.

But here I am wasting time trying to talk sense.  Of what use are such
things to socialism in the age of Trump?  Sure, maybe comets levitate right
out of Jupiter when we're not looking.  Maybe all that chanting to levitate
the Pentagon worked but the Pentagon only decided to levitate in the middle
of the night when nobody was around.

So, based on the idea that anything might happen,let's rationalizing doing
the one thing that we know has never ever worked.

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Re: [Marxism] Sanders: 'Make Democrats a party of the working class, not liberal elite'

2017-04-06 Thread Joaquin Bustelo via Marxism

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On 4/5/2017 2:09 PM, Mark Lause via Marxism wrote

If experience matters at all, we should not encourage people to do what 
has never worked well for us to see if it might be different this time.

*  *  *

1. Trying to do and finally achieving what had never been done before 
... isn't that not entirely unknown in the history of the human race. 
The wheel and fire come to mind.

2. If experience should guide us, why waste our time with working class 
politics in the United States? Past experiences have not been happy ones.

OK, those are wise-ass answers. But I just wrote a reply to Fred that 
explains in painful detail my point of view: it is not *at all* about 
trying to reform the Democratic Party (which I believe is impossible) or 
splitting this layer away  (which i hope will be the end result) but 
about relating to the evolution of motion towards class consciousness 
among tens of millions of people. It is about the protagonists, not the 

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Re: [Marxism] Sanders: 'Make Democrats a party of the working class, not liberal elite'

2017-04-06 Thread Joaquin Bustelo via Marxism

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On 4/5/2017 3:33 PM, Fred Murphy via Marxism wrote

Thought experiment: Let's say Sanders and Warren succeed beyond their
wildest dreams and either rout the neoliberal wing of the DP altogether or
break with the DP and successfully organize a new formation - in either
case, would it then be a working-class party? What else would have to
happen to make it so? While I see a lot of broadly reformist,
quasi-social-democratic ("progressive") programmatic points on the Our
Revolution website, I see nothing to indicate any aspiration to be a
working-class or social-democratic party.  And Google searches on "trade
unions" and "labor movement" on that site come up effectively empty.

* * *

I think this response to me is based on our experience in the U.S. 
Socialist Workers Party (that both Fred and I belonged to). The SWP had 
a schema that a working class party is either:

a) Programmatically proletarian, in other words, the SWP,
b) Based on the unions, or
c) One of the traditional currents in the workers movement, like 
Stalinism and Social Democracy.

Yet in the Communist Manifesto and other writings, Marx and Engels very 
clearly reference one party as the first worker's party, the English 
Chartists of the end of the 1830s and 1840s, even though it is on 
another planet from the criteria. And they were intimately familiar with 
it, especially Engels.

I'm going to go over this in a little bit of detail because I think many 
people haven't thought through that a workers party is not mainly an 
organization but a social phenomenon arising from a class movement.

The first thing to understand is that the Chartists weren't a 
centralized, structured political organization.

Then there's the program, which was strictly limited to electoralist 
bourgeois-democratic reforms, like universal male suffrage and 
parliamentary districts of equal population.

And the Chartist supporters included not just clubs organized by 
working-class activists but quite prominently also a wing of the middle 
class (bourgeois) radicals, including several members of parliament.

In what sense were the Chartists a "party" then?

First political parties were just being invented back then, and other 
meanings of "party" were all meshed together with it. In this context, 
it means, first and foremost, a side to a dispute (like a "party" in a 
lawsuit) and in this sense a self-and-other recognized "interest group," 
so to speak, not necessarily organization.

In this sense, Occupy was the embryo of a worker's party, a movement 
conscious of what it represented ("the 99%") fighting a recognized enemy 
("the 1%") that controlled the economy, the government and the media. 
And, yes, because of its origins with a bunch of weirdo anarchists and 
then everyone copying Wall Street, it was a very strange movement.

Marx and Engels called the chartists a worker's party for many reasons, 
including that the London Workingmen's Association played a key role in 
starting it, the composition of the couple of national assemblies they 
held, reflecting the composition of their base, the tactics they used or 
were associated with even if not officially "Chartist" actions 
(including mass petitions, rallies, marches and strikes), and that the 
central leaders and the newspaper they started spoke as representatives 
of the workers in defense of the interests of the working people.

Marx and Engels were very much for getting involved in this kind of thing.

In criticizing the attitude of the German Marxists in the United States 
in the 1880s in relation to the labor-sponsored Henry George candidacy 
for NY City mayor, Engels wrote:

   Our theory is not a dogma but the exposition of a process of
   evolution, and that process involves successive phases. To expect
   that the Americans will start with the full consciousness of the
   theory worked out in older industrial countries is to expect the
   impossible. What the Germans ought to do is to act up to their own
   theory --if they understand it, as we did in 1845 and 1848--to go in
   for any real general working-class movement, accept its faktische
   starting points as such and work it gradually up to the theoretical
   level by pointing out how every mistake made, every reverse
   suffered, was a necessary consequence of mistaken theoretical views
   in the original programme; they ought, in the words of The Communist
   Manifesto, to represent the movement of the future in the movement
   of the present. But above all give the movement time to consolidate,
   do not make the inevitable confusion of the first start worse
   confounded by forcing down people's throats 

[Marxism] Fwd: A Syrian in the U.S. Responds to the Chemical Massacre—and to the Apologists - Progressive.org

2017-04-06 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] On the 150th anniversary of publication of 1st vol of ''Capital"

2017-04-06 Thread Philip Ferguson via Marxism
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Some interesting articles:

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[Marxism] Fwd: LIES of the Russian-Syrian regime story on Sarin gas debunked | We Write What We Like

2017-04-06 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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A devastating take-down of the "false flag" bullshit.

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[Marxism] Fwd: Correspondence with Noam Chomsky | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2017-04-06 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Re: [Marxism] class war in ancient Athens

2017-04-06 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Class War
Peter Green

Democracy’s Slaves: A Political History of Ancient Greece by Paulin 
Ismard, translated by Jane Marie Todd

Harvard, 188 pp, £25.95, January, ISBN 978 0 674 66007 6

At first sight – and indeed after careful investigation – ancient Athens 
looks anything but an ideal spot for the incubation and development of 
democracy, whether direct, representative, or the uneasy compromise that 
eventually emerged. Athens prided itself on having been the sole city 
not to fall to invaders during the general collapse of Mycenaean 
dynasties in Greece c.1200 BCE; and even if this claim, like that to 
autochthony, is questionable, it indicates, at least in the upper crust, 
a stubborn adherence to, and preference for, the type of rule that was 
vanishing: that of local royal aristocracies obsessed with blood and 
lineage, hunting, horsemanship, and the peculiar sense of honour 
contingent on successful warfare and the code of the warrior. To this 
culture both the gold funeral masks of Mycenae, with their terrifying 
impression of inbred contemptuous power, and the surviving traditions of 
that world in Homer’s Iliad – hugely popular in a society from which it 
could hardly have been more different – bear eloquent witness.

The tradition thus preserved became an extraordinarily persistent and 
pervasive legacy. It embodied all the social prejudices associated with 
a class of blue-blooded landowners, in particular their ingrained 
hierarchical outlook, rooted in agriculture and warfare, that nursed a 
withering contempt for those who soiled their hands with any kind of 
trade or commerce, not least when such people began to threaten their 
previously undisputed position of authority. Their ideal was a 
self-sufficient landed estate, with flocks, cattle and arable land, 
farmed by nameless workers who got protection in time of war as a quid 
pro quo. But from the seventh century BCE onwards, colonialism, with the 
consequent expansion of trade and horizons, led to new, competitive ways 
of making a good living. Among upper-class conservatives this was seen, 
rightly, as a threat to their unquestioned pre-eminence. Thersites, the 
Iliad’s one real radical, is an early symptom of coming change: but he 
is whipped for his presumption by Odysseus, and the rank and file 
applaud this as a fine joke.

When, in the early sixth century, a real effort to deal with Athenian 
economic distress is made, by the aristocratic politician Solon, it was 
almost entirely devoted to relieving the hardships incurred by unlucky 
small farmers. His seisachtheia, or ‘shaking off of burdens’, involved 
the cancellation of defaulted agricultural debts (a common result of bad 
harvests) and the abolition of enslavement for such defaults. Details 
are not clear, but the possible redistribution of land was a fiercely 
contested issue: it seems that the victims leased the land they were 
working, and failed to deliver a proportion of their crops to those who, 
in whatever sense, were financing them.

Solon reorganised Athenian citizens into four property classes, each 
determined, in theory, by the minimum amount of produce their land was 
held to yield annually. His categories, ranging from 500 to less than 
200 medimnoi (a medimnos is somewhat more than a bushel), only minimally 
extended traditional social status in the face of economic change, and 
caused resentment at all levels. Small farmers thought the classes 
inadequate; the nobility objected to their very existence. Solon’s 
institutions made little real difference. Major offices of state could 
be held only by the two top categories, and minor ones by the third; 
members of the lowest group could attend the assembly but were 
ineligible for public office.

In Solonian Athens, in other words, as in so many later societies, a 
prime requirement for voting rights was the ownership of land, the 
possession of a physical stake in the community. Solon’s bottom category 
didn’t include those with no property at all. The large and various body 
of the landless, the plethos, was socially disregarded, and its members 
objects of particular contempt when they bettered themselves by way of 
commerce – as became increasingly possible from about 650 BCE onwards. 
The surprising requirement of a city like Thebes that such men remove 
themselves from trade for up to ten years before becoming eligible for 
public office is far more understandable if the first use they made of 
their acquired wealth was to buy the real estate that would admit them 
to the franchise. Solon made occasional grants of citizenship to 
immigrant technical specialists. These are generally 

[Marxism] Fwd: Russia explanation for Syria chemical weapons attack - Business Insider

2017-04-06 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] class war in ancient Athens

2017-04-06 Thread Dennis Brasky via Marxism
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The article is only for subscribers. If there are any here, I'd appreciate
a copy.


At first sight – and indeed after careful investigation – ancient Athens
looks anything but an ideal spot for the incubation and development of
democracy, whether direct, representative, or the uneasy compromise that
eventually emerged. Athens prided itself on having been the sole city not
to fall to invaders during the general collapse of Mycenaean dynasties in
Greece *c*.1200 BCE; and even if this claim, like that to autochthony, is
questionable, it indicates, at least in the upper crust, a stubborn
adherence to, and preference for, the type of rule that was vanishing: that
of local royal aristocracies obsessed with blood and lineage, hunting,
horsemanship, and the peculiar sense of honour contingent on successful
warfare and the code of the warrior. To this culture both the gold funeral
masks of Mycenae, with their terrifying impression of inbred contemptuous
power, and the surviving traditions of that world in Homer’s *Iliad* –
hugely popular in a society from which it could hardly have been more
different – bear eloquent witness.

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[Marxism] What Tillerson actually said

2017-04-06 Thread Tristan Sloughter via Marxism
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I'm seeing a lot of people online claiming Tillerson has said they are
going to forcefully remove Assad. His actual statement was much the same
policy we've been hearing for years:

1) Defeat ISIS
2) Stabilize Syria
3) Political transition from Assad -- which doesn't necessarily even
clash with Tillerson's statement days ago and John Kerry's response to
Syrians telling them they'll have to vote out Assad.


  Tristan Sloughter
  "I am not a crackpot" - Abe Simpson
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[Marxism] Fwd: How Syria is still using chemical weapons in 2017 | Popular Science

2017-04-06 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Are we seeing the beginning of the end for Trump?

2017-04-06 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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The latest approval rating has fallen to 34%, which is 5% shy of where
Nixon was when he had to leave office.  And there are several crises
brewing that could well take down this president as well.

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Re: [Marxism] Hayeks Road to Serfdom destroys a straw man

2017-04-06 Thread David McMullen via Marxism

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Thanks for that. I have downloaded your article and will read it tomorrow.

Here is a link to a paper I wrote a few years ago.

"Re-Opening the Debates on Economic Calculation and Motivation under 

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: "The Assad Regime is a Moral Disgrace": Noam Chomsky on Ongoing Syrian War | Democracy Now!

2017-04-06 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 4/6/17 9:56 AM, Michael Karadjis via Marxism wrote:

So once I began reading the article, I came across the nonsense of
Russia offering to remove Assad in 2012

I just wrote Chomsky on this:

Noam, I understand that you are busy addressing many different topics 
but your knowledge of Syrian politics is superficial at best.

Yes, in 2015 the Guardian reported on the claim made by former president 
of Finland Martti Ahtisaari that when Vitaly Churkin proposed a deal in 
2012 that would have resulted in Assad stepping down in exchange for 
peace, the USA, Britain and France said no.

I was not surprised to see the Islamophobic left taking this at face 
value 2 years ago.

Writing for CounterPunch, Peter Lee considered this “an instance of 
neoliberal ass-covering, as if the Western allies were just waiting for 
Assad ‘to fall’” while Information Clearing House, a reliably pro-Assad 
website, reposted the Guardian article with the obvious intention of 
showing how Putin stood for peace and the West for war. Then there is 
David Swanson of Lets Try Democracy who concludes: “peace has been 
carefully avoided at every turn.” (http://davidswanson.org/node/4914)

The only problem is that Churkin was not the ultimate authority on such 
matters. Much closer to Putin and certainly speaking for him, Foreign 
Minister Sergey Lavrov stated just four months later: “We will not 
support and cannot support any interference from outside or any 
imposition of recipes. This also concerns the fate of Bashar al-Assad.”

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: "The Assad Regime is a Moral Disgrace": Noam Chomsky on Ongoing Syrian War | Democracy Now!

2017-04-06 Thread Michael Karadjis via Marxism

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I mostly agree with David here. Nick says Chomsky is saying pretty much 
the same as he always said. I agree, but for opposite reasons to Nick. 
Nick is right that Chomsky has often called the regime "monstrous" and 
so on. In fact, early on, back around 2012 or so, I'd say Chomsky had a 
pretty good position on Syria. But once he began relying on Cockburn's 
atrocious and ill-informed stuff, Chomsky showed that, far from a 
brilliant thinker on Syria, he was just a regurgitator of someone's 
views that fitted a tired old narrative that he was used to from decades 
ago that was irrelevant to current reality. Nothing wrong with Chomsky 
having no expertise whatsoever on Syria; one cannot be an expert on 
everything. The problem is that some feel they have to pretend to me, 
due to their stature among the left.

So once I began reading the article, I came across the nonsense of 
Russia offering to remove Assad in 2012 but the US, UK and France 
resisting. While I agree with David's reasoning as to why they would 
resist (they've never wanted Assad gone, I agree), the simple fact of 
the matter is that no such even ever occurred. Russia never offered such 
a thing for the US to reject. Chomsky still repeats it, despite it being 
shown to be fantasy when first raised by Churkin in 2015. Chomsky must 
be aware of this, maybe we can cut him a little slack given his age, 
maybe he doesn't have time and energy to read everything, but if you 
make yourself a spokesperson you have a certain responsibility to check 
facts. The reason Chomsky likes to repeat this non-fact is because it 
fits the simplistic, non-Marxist narrative he likes: that the US is 
always the most responsible for everything that happens anywhere. The 
war continues not because Assad's genocide-regime and Russian 
imperialism continue it, but because the US wants it to continue and so 
rejects any reasonable offer. Now matter how at odds all that is with 
the *actual* US intervention of the last 2.5 years.

Here is Brian Slocock taking the assertion apart when it was first 
raised in 2015: 

-Original Message- 
From: David McDonald via Marxism

Sent: Thursday, April 6, 2017 11:36 PM
To: Michael Karadjis
Subject: Re: [Marxism] Fwd: "The Assad Regime is a Moral Disgrace": Noam 
Chomsky on Ongoing Syrian War | Democracy Now!

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[Marxism] Fwd: Darwin's Early Adopters | Public Books

2017-04-06 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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This debate was not confined to the airy theories of academics. Of the 
various abolitionists Fuller features, the breakout star is Franklin 
Sanborn, one of Darwin’s earliest American acolytes. Sanborn was a young 
man in 1860, only 28 years old, but he was already making a name for 
himself in Concord; in his later years he would be known as the “Last 
Transcendentalist.” (He would also gain local infamy for “fertilizing 
his garden with his own sewage.”) Sanborn had offered financial 
assistance to John Brown, and for thus aiding and abetting a convicted 
traitor to the United States he became a suspect in a federal 
investigation. Accordingly, he several times fled to Canada to escape 
arrest. Fuller’s most exciting chapter vividly describes a moment in 
April when Sanborn, returned to Massachusetts, is surprised and accosted 
by US Marshals, dragged kicking and screaming toward a carriage in the 
middle of the night. Alarmed by the ruckus, his neighbors rush out and 
join the melee, obstructing the Marshals’ designs long enough for a 
local judge to hastily scribble out a writ of habeas corpus—thus 
effectively saving Sanborn from the scaffold. The scene has little to do 
with Darwin; like many of Fuller’s anecdotes, it pertains more 
specifically to the New England intellectual climate of 1860 than to the 
American reception of the Origin of Species. But it was certainly a 
significant episode for the first wave of Darwin’s avid American readers.

full: http://www.publicbooks.org/darwins-early-adopters/
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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: "The Assad Regime is a Moral Disgrace": Noam Chomsky on Ongoing Syrian War | Democracy Now!

2017-04-06 Thread David McDonald via Marxism
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Louis says Chomsky must have awakened. Nick Fredman says Chomsky is saying
more or less what he's said before.

I don't think Chomsky has awakened; I think he had to pee in the middle of
the night and stumbled to the bathroom and while there had a little twingy
thought about being on the wrong side and then went back to his coma.

You will note that Chomsky still gives the Syrian people no agency. He's
sorry they're dying so horribly but has no thought about what they might do
about that.

He casts a glance back restlessly to 2012, when, he says, there was a
chance to negotiate an end to the regime based on a Russian proposal but it
fell apart because no one in the West would go along with it, not the US,
not the Brits, not the French. But he doesn't say why.

Why is because the entire West fears the revolution more than it fears
Assad; because there is no, and has been no, straightforward way to rid
Syria of Assad without unleashing the forces of the revolution.

Now a lot of people think this is bullshit, that if there ever was a
revolution it has long since disappeared. But look at what happens when the
regime allows a cease-fire: people take to the streets in numbers and
demand the end of the regime.

This is a book closed with seven seals to Chomsky. Everybody's a jihadi to
him. Are we to be thankful that Chomsky, like Trump, thinks that Assad is
terrible? Frankly this is exactly the same sort of moralism devoid of any
politics that Chomsky has been serving up for 50 years.
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Re: [Marxism] Out of the MIddle East!!

2017-04-06 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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And now Phyllis Bennis joins the chem-weapon truther squad:

On Thu, Apr 6, 2017 at 8:58 AM, Andrew Pollack  wrote:

> re Louis's "I suspect that the conspiracists will have a lot less traction
> today,"
>  I'm not so sure. Over on the UFPJ list such "antiwar" "leaders" as Kevin
> Zeese, Joe Lombardo et al. are referring to Ghouta as a long-ago proven
> false-flag operation.
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Re: [Marxism] Out of the MIddle East!!

2017-04-06 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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re Louis's "I suspect that the conspiracists will have a lot less traction
 I'm not so sure. Over on the UFPJ list such "antiwar" "leaders" as Kevin
Zeese, Joe Lombardo et al. are referring to Ghouta as a long-ago proven
false-flag operation.
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[Marxism] Fwd: Bill Gates and 4bn in poverty | Michael Roberts Blog

2017-04-06 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Re: [Marxism] Out of the MIddle East!!

2017-04-06 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 4/6/17 8:41 AM, Ron Jacobs wrote:

Joshua Frank is actually the author of this pieceI just reposted it

Ah, I see. He actually told me that he was going to write something like 
this. Well, kudos to you anyhow for crossposting it. Unlike the sarin 
gas attack on East Ghouta in August 2013, I suspect that the 
conspiracists will have a lot less traction today.

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Re: [Marxism] Hayeks Road to Serfdom destroys a straw man

2017-04-06 Thread Jim Farmelant via Marxism
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I would add that Hayek's big piece on the socialist calculation debate was his 
essay, "The Use of Knowledge in Society." That's available online at:


Concerning his book, The Road to Serfdom, in the 1945 British general election, 
which came right after the end of the Second World War in Europe, the 
Conservative Party had thousands of copies of that book printed up and 
distributed in the course of that election campaign. Sir Winston Churchill 
himself made free use of Hayek's rhetoric in his campaign speeches. All this 
was so effective that the Labour Party, under Clement Atlee, won the election 
in a landslide.

Jim Farmelant
Learn or Review Basic Math

-- Original Message --
From: Jim Farmelant via Marxism 
To: Jim Farmelant 
Subject: Re: [Marxism] Hayeks Road to Serfdom destroys a straw man
Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2017 11:10:24 GMT

A few years back, I co-authored an article on Friedrich Hayek. This article 
includes an appendix on the socialist calculation debates, including both the 
well known between Hayek and Oskar Lange, as well as the less well known 
between Hayek and Otto Neurath. BTW the socialist calculation debates were 
triggered in the first place when Hayek's mentor, Ludwig von Mises, wrote his 
1920 essay, "Economic calculation in the socialist commonwealth" in response to 
Neurath's writings in defense of socialist economic planning.

Here is a a link to the article by Mark Lindley and myself:

And here is a link to Mises's 1920 essay:

Jim Farmelant
Learn or Review Basic Math

-- Original Message --
From: David McMullen via Marxism 
Subject: [Marxism] Hayeks Road to Serfdom destroys a straw man
Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2017 13:30:26 +1000

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Hayeks Road to Serfdom destroys a straw man

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Re: [Marxism] Out of the MIddle East!!

2017-04-06 Thread Ron Jacobs via Marxism
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IJoshua Frank is actually the author of this pieceI just reposted it

On Thu, Apr 6, 2017 at 8:33 AM, Louis Proyect  wrote:

> On 4/6/17 7:36 AM, Ron Jacobs via Marxism wrote:
>> http://www.counterpunch.org/2017/04/06/on-that-gas-attack-we
>> -dont-need-conspiracies-to-oppose-us-war-in-syria/
> Kudos to Ron for citing Kaszeta. In terms of Trump taking action against
> Assad, I will repeat what I said yesterday:
> "Trump said that he will take some action against Assad--sort of. I think
> he will take care of this after he finishes creating bullet train
> infrastructure, new airports, finishing the 2nd Avenue subway in NY and
> bringing back auto jobs to Detroit paying $40 per hour."

Check out my newest books ,* Capitalism
, Daydream
Sunset:60s Counterculture in the 70s
 and Can We Escape the Eternal Flame?
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Re: [Marxism] Out of the MIddle East!!

2017-04-06 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 4/6/17 7:36 AM, Ron Jacobs via Marxism wrote:


Kudos to Ron for citing Kaszeta. In terms of Trump taking action against 
Assad, I will repeat what I said yesterday:

"Trump said that he will take some action against Assad--sort of. I 
think he will take care of this after he finishes creating bullet train 
infrastructure, new airports, finishing the 2nd Avenue subway in NY and 
bringing back auto jobs to Detroit paying $40 per hour."

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[Marxism] Vijay Prashad: Is Trump Going to Commit the Next Great American Catastrophe in Syria? | Alternet

2017-04-06 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Russia and the Syrian government now suggest that there was perhaps a 
stockpile of such weapons in Khan Shaykhun, which combusted perhaps by a 
Syrian Air Force strike. There is no confirmed evidence of any such 
warehouse, although the Russian Defense Ministry says that this 
information is "fully objective and verified." Whether aerial 
bombardment can have this effect on gas housed in a warehouse will need 
to be investigated.


Like many people, Vijay imagines sarin gas housed in a warehouse along 
the lines of what you might see in Home Depot with 10 gallon bottles of 
industrial strength floor cleaner stacked on a pallet.

If you are going to write about such matters, you really need to have a 
better grasp of the chemistry like Dan Kaszeta who writes for Elliot 
Higgins's bellingcat and is is the managing director of Strongpoint 
Security Ltd with 24 years experience in 
Chemical-Biological-Radiological-Nuclear response (CBRN).

I posted a link to his article on the chemical and technical aspects of 
this incident yesterday. I will now post the entire article that 
illustrates how absurd the Home Depot analogy is.


The Chemical Realities of Russia’s Khan Sheikhoun Chemical Warehouse 
Attack Claims


In response to allegations of a chemical attack in Khan Sheikhoun on 
April 4th 2017 the Russian Ministry of Defence made a statement where it 
claimed a warehouse containing chemical agents was hit in the same town 
as the attacks were reported to have occurred:

	The Syrian Air Force has destroyed a warehouse in Idlib province where 
chemical weapons were being produced and stockpiled before being shipped 
to Iraq, Russia’s Defense Ministry spokesman said.
The strike, which was launched midday Tuesday, targeted a major rebel 
ammunition depot east of the town of Khan Sheikhoun, Russian Defense 
Ministry spokesman Major-General Igor Konashenkov said in a statement.

The warehouse was used to both produce and store shells containing toxic 
gas, Konashenkov said. The shells were delivered to Iraq and repeatedly 
used there, he added, pointing out that both Iraq and international 
organizations have confirmed the use of such weapons by militants.

From a technical chemical weapons perspective, it seems unlikely that 
the Russian “warehouse/depot” narrative is plausible as the source of 
the chemical exposure seen on April 4th.  To date, all of the nerve 
agents used in the Syrian conflict have been binary chemical warfare 
agents, so-named because they are mixed from several different 
components within a few days of use.  For example, binary Sarin is made 
by combining isopropyl alcohol with methylphosphonyl difluoride, usually 
with some kind of additive to deal with the residual acid produced.  The 
nerve agent Soman can also be produced through a binary process.  The 
nerve agent VX has a similar binary process, although it proved to be a 
more complicated process than merely mixing the materials.

There are several reasons why the Assad regime would use binary nerve 
agents. Binary nerve agents were developed by the US military in order 
to improve safety of storage and handling, so that the logistical chain 
would not have to actually handle nerve agents.  The US had developed 
some weapon systems that mixed the materials in flight after firing. 
These particular weapon systems were the M687 155mm binary Sarin 
artillery shell, the XM736 8 inch binary VX artillery shell, and the 
Bigeye binary VX air-dropped bomb.  All were the product of lengthy 
research and development efforts, and none of them worked terribly well 
in practice, particularly the VX weapons.  There is no evidence that the 
Assad regime has ever made or  fielded “mix-in-flight” binary weapons. 
OPCW inspections after Syria’s accession to the CWC in 2013 revealed a 
variety of fixed and mobile mixing apparatus for making binary nerve agents.

The other key reason for binary Sarin is that only a few countries 
really ever cracked the technology for making “unitary” Sarin that had 
any kind of useful shelf-life. The main chemical reaction that produces 
Sarin creates 1 molecule of hydrogen fluoride (HF), a potent and 
dangerous acid, for every molecule of Sarin.  This residual HF destroys 
nearly anything the Sarin is stored in, and quickly degrades the Sarin. 
The US and USSR had devoted a huge effort to finding a way out of this 
problem.  They found different ways to refine the HF out 

[Marxism] FYI - A Browser Add-On That Searches For Open Access Versions Of Paywall Articles

2017-04-06 Thread William Quimby via Marxism

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"When an Unpaywall user lands on the page of a research article, the 
software scours thousands
of institutional repositories, preprint servers, and websites like 
PubMed Central to see if an
open-access copy of the article is available. If it is, users can click 
a small green tab on the side

of the screen to view a PDF"

I know that it works on Firefox and Chrome - unsure about any other browser.

- Bill

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Re: [Marxism] Hayeks Road to Serfdom destroys a straw man

2017-04-06 Thread Jim Farmelant via Marxism
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Jim Farmelant
Learn or Review Basic Math

-- Original Message --
From: Jim Farmelant via Marxism 
To: Jim Farmelant 
Subject: Re: [Marxism] Hayeks Road to Serfdom destroys a straw man
Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2017 11:10:24 GMT

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A few years back, I co-authored an article on Friedrich Hayek. This article 
includes an appendix on the socialist calculation debates, including both the 
well known between Hayek and Oskar Lange, as well as the less well known 
between Hayek and Otto Neurath. BTW the socialist calculation debates were 
triggered in the first place when Hayek's mentor, Ludwig von Mises, wrote his 
1920 essay, "Economic calculation in the socialist commonwealth" in response to 
Neurath's writings in defense of socialist economic planning.

Here is a a link to the article by Mark Lindley and myself:

And here is a link to Mises's 1920 essay:

Jim Farmelant
Learn or Review Basic Math

-- Original Message --
From: David McMullen via Marxism 
Subject: [Marxism] Hayeks Road to Serfdom destroys a straw man
Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2017 13:30:26 +1000

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Hayeks Road to Serfdom destroys a straw man

Stop Fighting The Symptoms Of Skin Issues, Fight The Problem
Gundry MD

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[Marxism] Out of the MIddle East!!

2017-04-06 Thread Ron Jacobs via Marxism
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Re: [Marxism] Hayek�s Road to Serfdom destroys a straw man

2017-04-06 Thread Jim Farmelant via Marxism
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A few years back, I co-authored an article on Friedrich Hayek. This article 
includes an appendix on the socialist calculation debates, including both the 
well known between Hayek and Oskar Lange, as well as the less well known 
between Hayek and Otto Neurath. BTW the socialist calculation debates were 
triggered in the first place when Hayek's mentor, Ludwig von Mises, wrote his 
1920 essay, "Economic calculation in the socialist commonwealth" in response to 
Neurath's writings in defense of socialist economic planning.

Here is a a link to the article by Mark Lindley and myself:

And here is a link to Mises's 1920 essay:

Jim Farmelant
Learn or Review Basic Math

-- Original Message --
From: David McMullen via Marxism 
Subject: [Marxism] Hayek’s Road to Serfdom destroys a straw man
Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2017 13:30:26 +1000

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Hayek’s Road to Serfdom destroys a straw man

Stop Fighting The Symptoms Of Skin Issues, Fight The Problem
Gundry MD

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[Marxism] Call to Protest against Chemical Weapons Massacre by Assad Regime

2017-04-06 Thread RKOB via Marxism

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[Marxism] Uno School of Japanese Marxism

2017-04-06 Thread Red arnie via Marxism
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A new edition of The Uno Newsletter: Rejuvenating Marxian Economics through Uno 
Theory (Vol. II, No. 19) 20 March 2017 is available in English at: 

In solidarity,
Red Arnie

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