Re: [Marxism] The essential and the expendable: Class, race, and xenophobia during the pandemic – International Socialism Project

2020-04-13 Thread Saman Sepehri via Marxism
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 Well I guess Sharon Smith and ex-ISO zombie old guard are following the motto: 
"Write about what you know". 
Essential and Expendable is exactly how they for years treated the 
membership--- Essential to be on every paper sale, spend your every minute on 
"building the ISO", your every penny was essential in dues..
And you were immediately Expendable as soon as you questioned too much...Or 
couldn't stomach abuse and cover ups anymore.

On Monday, April 13, 2020, 11:47:16 AM CDT, Louis Proyect via Marxism 
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Re: [Marxism] Noel Ignatiev has died

2019-11-09 Thread Saman Sepehri via Marxism
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 So So sorry to hear that. STO and hence Noel was the first group I worked 
alongside,when I first came here from Iran. We are losing people who are part 
of a history of the left, and had a few brain cell to rub together.

On Saturday, November 9, 2019, 04:37:20 PM CST, Louis Proyect via Marxism 
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Noel was a friend.

I will be posting some remembrances soon.
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Re: [Marxism] The New York City DSA's infantile, sectarian criticism of Alexandria Ocasio Cortez

2018-10-07 Thread Saman Sepehri via Marxism
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 From the blog:

"A party, a genuine party represents a class, section of a class or some other 
social force. In the case of parties based on working people, ideally it is 
defined by its base, not what it says on some paper, but what its adherents 
believe and want. You can tell the DSA is the beginning of a party from the way 
people are joining – on pure class instinct and identification.

A faction is defined by its ideas. It’s borders are not set by class interest 
but by agreement with a whole litany of positions. No matter how big it is, a 
faction that sets itself up as a separate, independent organization with a 
position on everything under the sun that you have to accept is not a party but 
a sect."

And representing a class, working class that is, and its interests , requires a 
break with the Democratic party and its hacks and henchmen like Cuomo.
Moreover, as you say, "Alexandria was entirely within her rights to speak as 
she spoke. Even if the organization had adopted a position to not vote for "all 
Democratic nominees," an anti-endorsement, so to speak, she would still have 
been entirely within her rights to express her own views."
And so are every member of NY DSA who said what she said about rallying behind 
Cuomo was rubbish.
This is the reality of a real debate, argument, and organization...Leninist or 
not. It is not factional. All the best,

On Sunday, October 7, 2018, 7:12:39 PM CDT, Joaquin Bustelo via Marxism 
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 From my blog:

The most troubling thing is that this statement reeks of factionalism, 
of people being lined up in some private little group built around an 
important “principle” like we must “name our enemy,” or that DSA members 
“who seek to speak on behalf of working people” must defend X, Y, or Z 
position. And it is a very transparent attempt to drive AOC out of the 

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Re: [Marxism] Query

2018-09-14 Thread Saman Sepehri via Marxism
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Gilbert Achcar (ditto SOAS) is a good resource to tap.  Saeed Rahnema ( York U. 
Canada)Hamid Dabashi (though in NYC) can also be a resource.
On Friday, September 14, 2018, 9:36:05 AM CDT, A.R. G via Marxism 
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Had some friends with good experiences at SOAS in the UK.

Absolutely sick that intelligent people like this are barred from joining
American universities while we have a complete moron in office.

Amith R. Gupta

On Fri, Sep 14, 2018 at 8:51 AM, Louis Proyect via Marxism <> wrote:

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> *
> An Iranian leftist got in touch with me a few days ago:
> My proposal for PhD is going to be around either the cultural ideology of
> Neoliberalism, or a critical historical inquiry of the roots of
> Americanization. Is there any specific institution you may recommend to
> me (without the United States, because as you now, your Russian
> president has banned us from that sacred soil!) or a particular
> professor with a strong critical attitude, with which I can pursue my
> education?
> ---
> Since I don't have much familiarity with European universities, I'd
> appreciate getting recommendations from British comrades or those from
> other countries where there are universities with classes given in English.
> Email me:
> _
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Re: [Marxism] Grappling With the Racism of the DSA?s Founders

2018-09-10 Thread Saman Sepehri via Marxism
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 What in the hell does this have anything to do with any serious discussion of 
DSA today--for or against (cis-gendered man  having sex with etc.etc jussy 
gossip about  Irwing Howe sodomizing Harrington...)? 
This from your previous comment says it all:
"First, I have to admit that I find it deeply satisfying to see that I
garnered such a reaction, it means I struck a nerve. Either way one looks
at it, my ego profits mightily from this exercise. Way cool!"

Please stop trolling on this list. No matter what you think you are doing.
Don't need this filth presented as debate on DSA, any more than I need 
"grabbing Pussy" on part of Trump as legitimate discussion.

On Monday, September 10, 2018, 9:14:34 PM CDT, Andrew Stewart via Marxism 
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a) There is nothing bizarre or even radical in describing Bayard Rustin as
a cis-gendered man, which he was. He did not present himself as trans in
public and I have not encountered anything saying otherwise. He was cis, he
was a man who had sex with men (MSM), and he was Black. Ergo "*they all are
cis men and, except for Rustin, white heterosexuals*" is the proper
description. What, is there some juicy gossip about Harrington sodomizing
Howe that I missed out on? ;)

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Re: [Marxism] Antifa Activists Are Freaking Out About a Proposed 'Unmasking' Law - VICE

2018-07-11 Thread Saman Sepehri via Marxism
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 From the Article Louis posted:

In August 2017, an Arizona lawmaker said he wanted to use unmasking laws to go 
after Antifa protestors by explicitly comparing them to the KKK.

"The thugs wearing masks and throwing things at police officers and breaking 
windows and robbing and pillaging while wearing masks and hoods are the 
equivalent of the Ku Klux Klan," state representative Jay Lawrence told the 
Arizona Capitol Times. “Now, there are no hangings of white people, yet.”
from Louis:

Maybe these idiots will finally realize that their tactics are 

Louis, seriously... this is what you are focusing on? Rather than this is a 
right wing attack, comparing anti-fascists to the KKK?

On Wednesday, July 11, 2018, 6:35:33 PM CDT, Louis Proyect via Marxism 
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Maybe these idiots will finally realize that their tactics are 
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Re: [Marxism] Building for a Socialist Brexit

2018-07-11 Thread Saman Sepehri via Marxism
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 The main point is that the main point is NOT whether you are for or against 
Brexit. It is a disctration at the moment by all who emphasize it--including 
those on the left.  The main point is that the Tory government is on the verge 
of collapsing. Any one and everyone should be focusing on bringing them down, ( 
the Anti-Trump protest are part of that) not the abstraction of whether Brexit 
was or is good or bad, in our class interest, etc
If the Trump administration was about to collapse on any issue (be it on 
Tarifff orTrade policy or not) I would not be debating the good or bad of 
tariffs, but focus on bringing them down, since all of their policies ( of both 
factions of ruling class) are rubbish and against our class interest. Their 
downfall however, and their weakening is a victory and in our class interest.
Just a couple of thoughts.

On Wednesday, July 11, 2018, 6:19:48 PM CDT, John Reimann via Marxism 
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I may be mistaken, but I do believe that Marx died well before the EU came
into existence.

Of course, this is a snarky way of saying that he was writing about an
entirely different period in the development of capitalism. The EU is a
symptom of the problem; it's not the problem itself.

Maybe Carl would like to respond to the main points of my comments instead
of citing an article from "Dissent" (from what?) magazine.

John Reimann

On Wed, Jul 11, 2018 at 2:06 PM, Carl G. Estabrook 

> A weel-known socialist might disagree with you. Marx might think it
> worthwhile to be free of EU ‘constitutionalism’:
> —CGE
> On Jul 11, 2018, at 3:57 PM, John Reimann via Marxism <
>> wrote:
> "What we now need is a socialist Brexit." Yes, and what the jumper from the
> Golden Gate Bridge needed was the suspension of the laws of gravity.
> Unfortunately for both the jumper and the "Lexiteers", I'm not sure which
> is less likely.
> A lot of things can be said and a lot denied about the Brexit vote. One
> thing that cannot be denied with any degree of truth is that it was a right
> wing, anti-immigrant vote. Sure, some - maybe most - of the workers who
> voted for Brexit may not have been chauvinists, but every single interview
> I saw of Brexit voters, including some pro-Brexit interviews, showed the
> workers as saying that first and foremost the reason they voted for Brexit
> was immigration.
> The entire Brexit vote was predicated on the idea that workers would be
> better off under the rule of British capitalism vs. European capitalism.
> This means that British workers should ally themselves with with the
> British capitalist class. Inevitably, this means at the cost of allying
> itself with the European working class.
> Unfortunately, the anti-Brexit campaign limited itself in this sense: It
> wasn't enough to campaign *against *Brexit; it was and is necessary to link
> that with a campaign *for* something. That "something" was and is
> pan-European working class unity and a pan-European campaign for a
> region-wide minimum wage, region-wide minimum social safety net, etc. The
> Brexit vote makes that all the more difficult.
> As far as the issue of the EU enforcing austerity: We should remember
> Marx's comment that law represents established fact. So do the EU mandates,
> and the established fact is that EU mandates or not, global capitalism
> requires national austerity. Show me one single capitalist government - EU
> member or not - that is not enforcing this sort of austerity.
> The "left" can comfort itself with "Lexit" all it likes. It remains nothing
> but a nice fairy tale which was and is preordained to come into existence
> as much as is the tale of Cinderella.
> John Reimann
> _
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*“In politics, abstract terms conceal treachery.” *from "The Black
Jacobins" by C. L. R. James
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Re: [Marxism] Punching Nazis Revisited

2018-03-13 Thread Saman Sepehri via Marxism
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Good for you Dan. Keep up the good work. One on one encounters only bring risk 
to you. You did not do that. You organized what you could. Thank you no 
matter what others on this list may lecture you about. I do not want to wait 
for some "Mass Action" to fall out of the sky.  Mass action is organized by 
smaller collective actions that over time emboldens our side, sets an example 
and shows success.  
Punching a Nazi is a red herring. Who cares if you punch one. The point is,  
individual versus more collective action, and whether it  builds our side 
or just nmakes us feel good.  Lecturing others about what not to do can be just 
as irrelevent to building anything, and can be a feel good moment as punching 
  From: Dan Michniewicz via Marxism 
 To: Saman Sepehri  
 Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2018 11:37 AM
 Subject: [Marxism] Punching Nazis Revisited
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The issue of using physical force to intimidate fascists and deter them
from organizing has come up on this list in the past. One week ago Richard
Spencer spoke at Michigan State University. A few hundred antifascist
counter protesters including myself gathered outside the venue in an
attempt to block Spencer and attendees from entering the building. About
150 tickets were sold, and only a couple dozen Spencer fans made it into
the venue. Many turned away after seeing our numbers. Some, including a
contingent of about 30 featuring Matt Heimbach and his Neo-Nazi Traditional
Workers Party, were turned away only after physical confrontation. Many of
those who did make it into the venue had to be escorted one at a time by
six or so cops through our crowds. This was undoubtedly an unpleasant
experience for them. Some were bloodied and some had horse shit thrown on

Since then, Spencer announced via a youtube video that he would no longer
be making planned public speaking appearances


It's important to note that a diversity of tactics besides physical
intimidation were employed both on the day of his appearance and the days
leading up to it. Notably, the locations and businesses where the fascists
hoped to meet and socialize were made public, and businesses cancelled
their reservations.

My point here though is that physical confrontation--and yes, punching
nazis in the face--played a central role in deplatforming and driving the
figurehead of the Alt-right out of public spaces. Spencer and the TWP have
represented the core of this explicitly fascist movement, and I expect that
the young white men who it has been attracting will be looking elsewhere
going forward to seek refuge from their economic and cultural atomization.
There's more violent options including Atomwaffen and alternatively the
"alt-light" featuring voices like Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson.

Many of us had been spending considerable amounts of time over the past
months organizing teach-ins and doing other work centered around Spencer's
visit to MSU and also a planned visit to the University of Michigan. Now
that he's no longer making public appearances, these lefties are now freed
up and can hopefully focus on less "defensive" measures.  Myself and other
locals are emboldened. Are we wrong to feel this way?
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Re: [Marxism] Gun regulation?

2018-02-24 Thread Saman Sepehri via Marxism
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DRUM's take on Panthers is interesting.  That said...History of when and where 
(Slavery/ radical reconstruction etc.) is really not relevant. Where we are 
today, the concrete shape the call (against NRA , Trump's Tone deaf 
attitude,and Rubio being put on the spot by a student about whether he will 
pledge not to take a penny from NRA) is more relevent. Concrete matters. 
History is good to shed light on it. But history  is not the determinent. The 
concerete---i.e the PRESENT is the determinant.

  From: Louis Proyect via Marxism 
 To: Saman Sepehri  
 Sent: Saturday, February 24, 2018 3:10 PM
 Subject: Re: [Marxism] Gun regulation?
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On 2/24/18 3:31 PM, DW via Marxism wrote:
> The Black Panthers*ended*  police harassment in Oakland before the NRA
> supported Mulford Act was passed banning such practices (which resulted
> immediately in the OPD harassing young Black men again in the largely Black
> neighborhoods of Oakland).

It was also their fetishizing of weapons that helped lead to their demise.
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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Hundreds Face Conspiracy Charges For Actions Of A Few During Inauguration Day Protests

2017-10-26 Thread Saman Sepehri via Marxism
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Louis, I am no fan of childish tactics. And I have kept silent over this... but 
Louis, this won't do.   It is the state bringing the action for 70years  not 
the Black Block. Back in the sixties and seventies (or 1981 post revolution 
Iran) we never mistook the adventurist tactics of certain completely unwise ( 
to put it mildly) guerrilla groups which gave the state opening to attack the 
rest of the left, with the actual STATE being who was attacking the left.
You have developed too much of an allergy to this. Please put the blame where 
it belongs. Even if you (and I) may find certain actions detrimental to 
building a broader and therefore more robust and effective opposition.
In Solidarity,

  From: Louis Proyect via Marxism 
 To: Saman Sepehri  
 Sent: Thursday, October 26, 2017 1:15 PM
 Subject: Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Hundreds Face Conspiracy Charges For Actions Of A 
Few During Inauguration Day Protests
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On 10/26/17 2:08 PM, Ron Jacobs via Marxism wrote:
> Louis wrote:
> The victims of black bloc adventurism.
> NO!  These arrestees are the victims of the police state tactics put in
> place during the inauguration, not the victims of black bloc adventurists.

Come on, Ron. Do you think people would be facing felony charges of up 
to 70 years if they had an old-style peaceful and legal march? This 
fucking ritual of breaking windows gives cops the opening they need to 
victimize people. Until the anarchists learn to behave themselves, this 
kind of collateral damage will continue. Enough is enough.
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Re: [Marxism] Charlie Hebdo’s refugee cartoon

2016-01-16 Thread Saman Sepehri via Marxism
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 Ken Wrote:

"Maybe I am living in the past, still seeing Charlie Hebdo as coming out of the 
radicalization of '68."

So did Christopher Hitchens. But he became an apologist for Imperialism and 
Bush's invasion of Iraq- A pro-imperialist hack.
These are not stupid things.  They have become (and have been for a while) 
racist Islamophobic apologists for France's supposed superior Republican ideas 
under the guise of being against "religion".
Better question is why does anyone on the left keep apologizing for them?
Just my opinion.

Why does Charlie Hebdo do such stupid things?  I don't believe the editors are 
stupid and I don't think they have some great character flaw.  I think they do 
not understand the national question.  And I think they have an entirely 
mistaken conception of how we can challenge the hold of religious belief.

                    ken h
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Re: [Marxism] Thoughts triggered by the passing of Paul Bley | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2016-01-07 Thread Saman Sepehri via Marxism
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Thanks Louis for the piece. We lost Charlie Haden a year and half ago- 
beginning of summer, 2014. Charlie and the Liberation Music Orchestra. Bley, 
Haden, Motiana generation which time is letting slip through its fingers.
Thanks for remembering.

  From: Vladimiro Giacche' via Marxism 
 To: Saman Sepehri  
 Sent: Thursday, January 7, 2016 5:15 PM
 Subject: Re: [Marxism] Thoughts triggered by the passing of Paul Bley | Louis 
Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist
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Sad news, but very interesting thoughts, Thanks, 
> An avant-garde jazz pianist.
> _

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Re: [Marxism] Libya - the rule of the militias

2015-12-22 Thread Saman Sepehri via Marxism
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"People did this with the shah of Iran and what came after was worse - and
certainly far more effective at annihilating the left"

What came after the Shah was worse? What kind of a statement is this? So would 
it be better not to have had the 1979 Revolution? 
Let's not mix up the shortcomings of the left at a historical juncture 
(ideologically, politically, organizationally, etc...) which did not allow it 
to take advantage of a monumental historical opportunity; with dismissing the 
revolution itself. This is so un-Marxist.  We did not like the result of the 
revolution, so we just write it off. Forget that history does not bend to our 
desires and whims- damn that materialism.
Even with what came (Islamic republic) the society was completely transformed 
in a way that the Islamic republic Guardians cannot contain its development.
I still think the revolution was a huge step forward for the development of the 
material conditions and the possibility of a socialist future- despite the 
Islamic regime (not because of it).
Unfortunately too many Iranians, even some of them part of the left, repeat the 
same thing "Shah was better". This effectively puts you in a 
counter-revolutionary posture.
And some of the same people who incorrectly called Shah Fascist in 1970's (as 
it was in vogue a la Maoist parlance of the time) now call Islamic regime 
Fascist (wrong again).
Name-calling and "who was worse" sloganeering is not a good substitute for 
actual analysis.
All the Best,


  From: Philip Ferguson via Marxism 
 To: Saman Sepehri  
Cc: Activists and scholars in Marxist tradition 
 Sent: Tuesday, December 22, 2015 4:20 PM
 Subject: Re: [Marxism] Libya - the rule of the militias
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Qaddafi was a brutal dictator, the article doesn't suggest otherwise.

But the point of getting rid of people like him is to have *something
better* - not something worse.

On the one had we have the people who dress up corrupt repressive dictators
as 'anti-imperialists' and prettify them.  But the alternative is not to
adopt an Anybody But Qaddafi (or whatever dictator) and not worry about the

People did this with the shah of Iran and what came after was worse - and
certainly far more effective at annihilating the left.


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Re: [Marxism] Monthly Review editor's note on the Middle East

2015-11-23 Thread Saman Sepehri via Marxism
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A comradely note:
While I wholeheartedly agree with your drawing attention to what MR used to 
produce, and what it puts out a la Yoshie Furuhashi's defense of the 
indefensible Ahmadinejad/Khamenei soft-coup in Iran and repression of the 2009 
Green movement and activism it spurned, I would caution about going over-board 
with a statement  like:
"that there's little difference between Iran and Saudi Arabia when it comes 
to religious authoritarianism"
This is simply not true, and opens one to unnecessary attacks.  It is doing 
what you were suggesting one should not do- making an amalgam, in this case 
Iran and Saudi Arabia- Two countries which have very different paths of 
development, demographics and hence tolerance (forced onto the regime by the 
level of development) of religious or moral dissent or "religious 
authoritarianism.  This is just about being factually wrong.It is about having 
a clear sense of the dynamics in those countries, and understanding that Iran 
is much more open society (to the chagrin of much of and forced onto the most 
backward reactionary religious elements) than Saudi Arabia.
We can hopefully discuss this in more detail, but the level of development Pre- 
and Post revolution (in Iran) which shapes the material conditions, numbers of 
indigenous working Class, educated youth, integration of women in the society 
(despite all the religious obstacles put in the way by the regime) are all part 
of the reason why Iran has had 2 major movements - the student movement circa 
1998-2000 and then again the massive 2009 movement- in the past 15 years, while 
Saudi Arabia has not produced anything of the sort or scale.

Iranian regime no matter how repressive it may be, cannot be nearly as 
"religiously authoritarian" as the Saudis. It does not speak to their 
enlightenment or progressiveness, but the hard facts of how material conditions 
and development force, shape and limit the regime.
(Witness Iranian  women's Million Signature movement, women lawyers like 
Sotoudeh, number of Iranian women in graduate school , engineering, science 
etc., Iranian cinema, youth music, etc. which have bravely faced the regime's 
limitations and wrath) 
Simply put Taliban or Daesh could never have come to power in Iran- because it 
is too developed whereas Afghanistan was fertile ground for Taliban. And 
conversely it took the destruction of Iraq and Syria and setting it back 
decades which then allowed the fertile ground (conditions of barbarism) for the 
development of historical throw backs like of ISIS to come onto the scene- 
Conditions which but the U.S. in Iraq and Assad Klan in Syria have helped 
As for Saudi Arabia, the one dimensional development via oil through Klan 
relations (state and klan have been one and the same- after all the country is 
named after the Family- Arabia of the Saud's) create very different material 
conditions which not only DO allow them to be highly "religiously authoritrian" 
but generally more regressive in all aspects of societal life.
Not at all the same as Iran.
Hope this is taken as a friendly suggestion and discussion, since it is about 
understanding the real conditions in Iran (and KSA) with an eye on how to best 
help change  there. 
Saman  From: Louis Proyect via Marxism 
 To: Saman Sepehri  
 Sent: Sunday, November 22, 2015 9:10 PM
 Subject: Re: [Marxism] Monthly Review editor's note on the Middle East
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On 11/22/15 10:00 PM, Shalva Eliava wrote:
> Maybe you should e-mail MR and ask them to publish a short debate on this 
> issue.

They don't like to respond to critics. When 50 or so Iranian leftists 
living in the West wrote an open letter to MR over Yoshie's crap, they 
didn't even bother responding. If they ignore some political science 
professor at Yale, you think they are going to respond to me?

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[Marxism] Arrested head of Tehran teachers' union faces new charges

2015-08-15 Thread Saman Sepehri via Marxism
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08/15/15 Head of Tehran teachers' group faces new chargesSource: Radio Zamaneh
The General Secretary of the Tehran Teachers' Association is now facing new 
charges: Conspiracy to disrupt national security and propaganda against the 

The Teachers and Workers Rights website reports that on Tuesday August 11, 46 
days after his arrest, Esmail Abdi informed his wife in a telephone 
conversation that he has been indicted on these charges by a Revolutionary 
office of interrogations and forwarded to court.
Abdi had been charged with propaganda activities against the regime in an 
earlier file and was given a 10-year suspended sentence.
Abdi's trial will take place in the next 15 to 20 days, and so far there has 
been no news of his possible release on bail.
Abdi was arrested following the wave of teacher protests that began last March 
and spread across the country to demand better pay and conditions.
Esmail Abdi's passport was confiscated at the airport on June 21, as he 
prepared to leave on a trip to Armenia. On Saturday June 27 he was summoned to 
Evin Prison and arrested after hours of interrogation.
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[Marxism] White militiamen roam Ferguson with rifles while black men falsely arrested

2015-08-11 Thread Saman Sepehri via Marxism
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White militiamen roam Ferguson with rifles while black men falsely arrested

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| White militiamen roam Ferguson with rifles while black m...Oath Keepers group 
say police allowed their weapons at protests, while group of young black men 
found to be unarmed after arrest on suspicion of carrying guns |
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[Marxism] Labor Leaders Detained in Iran as International Workers' Day Approaches

2015-05-01 Thread Saman Sepehri via Marxism
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Another short report:

Labor Leaders Detained in Iran as International Workers' Day ApproachesSource: 
International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran
April 29, 2015-On the eve of International Workers’ Day on May 1, Iranian 
authorities have arrested at least five labor leaders. The arrests have taken 
place in the context of intensifying labor protests, strikes, and arrests of 
individuals organizing or participating in labor protests.

Hundreds of workers protesting in front of the Iranian Parliament on January 7, 
2015“The Government views any labor mobilization as a national security 
threat,” said Hadi Ghaemi, Executive Director of the Campaign. “Workers should 
be allowed to peacefully defend their common interests, without risking years 
behind bars.”
“Rouhani needs to turn his attention to the people of Iran. Workers are 
suffering and their demands need to be heard,” added Ghaemi.
Tehran Security Police arrested two members of the Union of Workers of the 
Tehran and Suburbs Bus Company, Ebrahim Maddadi and Davood Razavi, in their 
homes on April 29, and two other labor activists, Mahmoud Salehi and Osman 
Ismaili, were arrested in the city of Saqez in the Kurdistan Province on April 
28. On April 25, plainclothes security agents in Sanandaj, Kurdistan, arrested 
the labor activist Reza Amjadi.
On April 20, four days after thousands of teachers protested against low wages, 
Alireza Hashemi, head of the Iran Teachers Organization, was detained and 
transferred to Evin Prison to serve a five-year sentence originally handed out 
to him in 2013.

cartoon by Mana Neyestani, Iran WireIndependent labor unions are banned in 
Iran, strikers are often fired and risk being detained, and labor leaders face 
long prison sentences on trumped up national security charges.
Despite this, a growing wave of strikes and worker protests have roiled many 
sectors in Iran over the past year, as a combination of international sanctions 
and economic mismanagement has taken a heavy toll on the economy, with workers 
bearing the brunt of the economic pain.
Some 70% of workers’ wages are now under the official poverty line in Iran, and 
approximately 90% of all contracts are temporary, affording workers no 
insurance or protections.
Over the past year, workers in dozens of factories have experienced more than 6 
months of unpaid wages. For example, 900 workers in the Ahvaz City Metro 
Construction project haven’t received their wages for more than four months.
From March 2014 to March 2015, there were at least 233 protests throughout the 
country, with strikes occurring in the automotive industry, petrochemicals, 
mining, cement production, and other sectors.
Protests by teachers, who are paid at rates well below the official poverty 
line in Iran, have been particularly widespread. On April 16, 2015, teachers 
gathered in silent protests over their wages in 37 cities nationwide.
Punishment for any kind of organized labor protest is swift and severe. 
Instances of workers being fired after their participation in protests are 
numerous. For example, nearly 1000 workers at the Safa Rolling company in Saveh 
were fired in February 2015, and as the protests over unpaid wages continued, 
others who joined the strikers were fired as well.
Summons to court frequently follow as well. For example, eleven workers at the 
Agh Dareh gold mine, who had protested the suspension of 350 of their 
co-workers, were forced to appear in court.
At least 230 people were arrested in peaceful labor protests during the March 
2014 to March 2015 period, and a number of leading labor activists are serving 
lengthy sentences in Iranian prisons.
The teacher Rasoul Bodaghi sits in Rajaee Shahr Prison, serving a five-year 
sentence for “propaganda against the state,” and “assembly and collusion with 
the intent to disrupt national security.”
The labor activist Reza Shahabi is serving six years in Rajaee Shahr Prison for 
“propaganda against the state,” and collusion with the intent to act against 
national security.”
Shahrokh Zamani, also a labor activist, is serving ten years at Rajaee Shahr 
Prison for “forming an illegal anti-state organization,” “participating in 
propaganda against the state,” “assembly and collusion for committing crime 
against national security,” and “insulting the Supreme Leader.”
Mahmoud Bagheri, a board member of the Teachers Union, is serving 
nine-and-a-half years for “assembly and collusion,” and “propaganda against the 
state” at Evin Prison.
The International Labor Organization (ILO), of which Iran is a member, mandates 
the right of workers to 

[Marxism] Iran: 2 short reports-Teachers Protest and Head of Teachers Union Hashemi jailed

2015-04-21 Thread Saman Sepehri via Marxism
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Re: [Marxism] The rivalries that are tearing the Middle East apart

2015-04-03 Thread Saman Sepehri via Marxism
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Slight problem-- While the article is facing the reality of the difficulties in 
the region, because of the weakness of left/revolutionary forces; rather that 
promoting the up and up celebration of revolt en vogue for a while (in SW and 
elsewhere), I think there is a problem in passage below.
1)There is a problem with putting US and its allies (i.e.Saudi Arabia) on the 
same plane as Iran; a regional player- one with its ambitions-but hardly on the 
same plane as U.S. which is still the biggest imperialist power (however 
weakened) in the world, and which has been forcing sanctions on Iran:

However the nuclear negotiations end up, it's not too early to say this: The 
U.S. and Iran are both allies and rivals, and in these unprecedented times, 
every player appears prepared to place big bets--despite the risks--in the 
hopes of a quick victory, but they are more likely to produce violence and 
humanitarian disaster on a horrific scale.What's more, with the relative 
decline of U.S. military and diplomatic influence in the region--the 
consequence of earlier imperialist failures and the unpredictable currents 
unleashed by the Arab revolutions--the region is passing into a more unstable 
war of all against all, as every power tries to position itself to fill 
whatever parts of the vacuum it can.With revolutionary forces on the defensive, 
the dominant logic--at least so far--of the conflict is a terrifying spiral of 
sectarian violence and the specter of a Sunni-Shia civil war that could upend 
the entire region. It has already created millions of refugees, and there could 
be millions more before it's over.
It may be my misread but doesn't this put U.S.(and allies) and Iran on the same 
plane as likely producers of violence and humanitarian disaster on a horrific 

2) On a more minor note, what may be adding to this is the idea that The U.S. 
and Iran are both allies and rivals.  It think this is an inaccurate way of 
describing the relationship.  Iran And the U.S. are not allies; they are just 
rivals. They may be on the same side of the fight in Iraq  (vs. ISIS now), but 
that does not make them allies. It makes them rivals on the same side of the 
fight with a common enemy, each trying to jokey for position to minimize the  
other's influence and carve out more space for themselves. They each are trying 
to use their tactical and strategic advantages to gain a stronger position  at 
the expense of the other- Iran having the advantage of influence and boots on 
the ground, U.S. having the advantage of superior air and fire power, money, 
regional allies, world stature, etc. pretty much everything else. And U.S. 
will be happy to let Iranian side and their supporters  take the ground 
casualties and then swoop in. It may even give intelligence support to Iran 
vis-a-vis ISIS and promote relations behind the scenes with certain individuals 
in Iranian forces for future use, but they are not allies.
Calling the relationship an alliance of sorts risks putting Iran and 
relationship with Iran on same plane as real regional allies like Israel and 



 From: John Passant via Marxism
 To: Saman Sepehri 
 Sent: Friday, April 3, 2015 4:44 AM
 Subject: [Marxism] The rivalries that are tearing the Middle East apart
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Eric Ruder in Socialist Worker US untangles the crisscrossing web of 
antagonisms in the Middle East and argues that 'the latest military 
escalations by the U.S. and Saudi Arabia threaten to further destabilize 
a Middle East in which open hostilities and humanitarian disasters have 
multiplied, from Libya to Yemen, and Syria to Iraq.'

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Re: [Marxism] Showing support for SYRIZA from the USA?

2015-01-29 Thread Saman Sepehri via Marxism
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As thing unfold and if there is pressure on Syriza/Greece from Germany, other 
EU countries or financial institutions, we could consider protests at those 
institutions, or even German consulate and diplomatic offices here in US in 
solidarity with Syriza.  These have to be carefully organized so as to not be 
anti-German of course but anti-German government/ ruling class policies. As for 
the banks etc. the protests against  IMF a few years back can easily be a model.
And we can always see what roll the U.S. plays-- It is never a good one, is it, 
when it comes to challenges to capitalism's status quo.
This can also help build something here maybe even small steps to something 

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| eMERGESix years after the financial crash of 2008, and three years after 
Occupy, there is still no viable socialist pole of attraction in the United 
States.  Our goal is ... |
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  From: Louis Proyect via Marxism
 To: Saman Sepehri 
 Sent: Thursday, January 29, 2015 11:02 AM
 Subject: Re: [Marxism] Showing support for SYRIZA from the USA?
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On 1/29/15 11:49 AM, Ken Hiebert via Marxism wrote:
 A party that has millions of supporters in Greece should not need financial 
 support from a small group of leftists in the US (or Canada in my case).  
 Perhaps there will be some grass roots organization or campaign that would 
 benefit from a solidarity campaign.
 One thing is for sure.  There will be more people who want to talk with us 
 about the far left and its prospects.

I think that Einde's comrades in Die Linke have a major responsibility 
in helping to undermine the German ruling class. Let's hope they can 
move swiftly and powerfully.

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[Marxism] World Cup: Why I support Bosnia

2014-06-15 Thread Saman Sepehri via Marxism
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Why I support Bosnia!

I  was born and raised
in Tehran Iran,, I grew up on football (soccer or whatever  you yankees want to 
call it)  I played it every day at school at recess and
every day in our alley way in front of our house- 3 on  3, 2 on 2,  1on 1 just 
shooting the plastic ( non  regulation) ball around, after I got home from 
school...Until it got
I never  really played
again since I came to the US.
But I followed “soccer” or whatever you call it here –
Football to me; on and off.
Loved it when the Iranian team beat US 2-1 in the 98 World cup
– Hubris destroyed- The world power succumbs to counter attack twice of a much
smaller force.And US finishes last ranked in the world cup.

Now – today Iran is in the same World Cup Group as (football err soccer for you 
Yankees) world
power Argentina and smaller nations Bosnia,
Nigeria’s Super Eagles :  Eh…. I am neither here or there about them- Oil 
Nation (like mine) – I have
always liked African Nations to do well against the colonial powers but  when 
the French side is mostly African and
North African (Evra,  Pogba, Sissoko, Sakho,  Varane, Sagna, Remy, Mavuba, 
Matuidi,… And
Thank you Ben zema with the beautiful goals against Ecuador) then one has to 
question borders in this world ( we always have socialists have always 
done so,  but it seems that the world fits this now);
then one has to say f*** you the French National Front, and question what their
national (Front) team would look like (the Vichy National team, that is).

Back to Bosnia…They are in the same group as Iran and I like
Iran to do well …..But when Bosnia is in midst of all the political activity
and strikes...
When  the flood hits
and Edin Zdeko of Bosnian team organizes a twitter campaign to help… But not 
help Bosnia but also Serbia (Eddzecko: #HelpBosnia  BUT also #Help Serbia) 
after all that has
happened, the war, the ethnic cleansing. How can one not be moved by the sense
of solidarity???
If there is a salvation for us then sometimes events like
the World Cup can shed a light, provide an opportunity to let politics shine
through… whether through the strikes of transit workers or others on a much 
scale, or on a much smaller scale as an individual.
 When in 2009 the
Green movement in Iran was vibrant we could have used every bit of support- some
provided that; some failed for whatever reason. But a number of Iranian National
Team players in 2009 wore the Green wristbands in support and paid for it.
Today if the our Bosnian brothers on the World Cup are
calling for help not just for themselves but to help their Serbian Brothers and
sisters then count me in--- As an Iranian I support Bosnia-Herzegovina.

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