[Marxism] Cuba approves first lung cancer therapeutic vaccine

2009-08-25 Thread Stuart Munckton

Cuba approves first therapeutic vaccine for lung cancer ** Jun 26 2008 07:46

Cuba has approved what is believed to be the world's first registered lung
cancer vaccine and is offering it to Cuban and foreign patients in its

 The therapeutic vaccine, CimaVax EGF, extends life with few side effects,
and is another step in Cuba's expertise in biotechnology. It was unveiled on
Monday at Havana's centre of molecular immunology.

It has been shown to boost survival rates by an average of four to five
months, and in some cases much longer. It does not prevent lung cancer.
Unlike chemotherapy, CimaVax EGF is said to have few side effects because it
is a modified protein that attacks only cancer cells.

It's the first such vaccine registered in the world, said Gisela González,
who headed the project begun in 1992. The drug is in various clinical
trials, some in Canada and Britain, and is expected to be approved next in

Several companies had been licensed to market the vaccine, but it will be
made in Cuba, said González. It has been approved for trial in the United
States but use there is at least two years away, she added.

The vaccine triggers an immune response which, in addition to extending
life, can ease symptoms such as difficulty breathing and lack of appetite.
The idea was to maintain or consolidate the effects of chemotherapy and

Tania Crombet, the centre's director of clinical investigations, said
foreigners were welcome for treatment, though its cost had not yet been set.
It's possible to provide this vaccine to any patient. Because it's
available in Cuba, it's approved by the Cuban drug agency, so we can receive
patients from outside.

As well as helping the health services of other countries with its abundance
of doctors, Cuba has used its clinics to draw thousands of overseas patients
each year. Its scientists are respected by foreign peers as producing good
results on tiny budgets. Fidel Castro championed biotechnology in the 1980s;
by the 1990s Cuba had produced and marketed vaccines for meningitis B and
hepatitis B. -- © Guardian Newspapers Limited 2008

The free market is perfectly natural... do you think I am some kind of
dummy? — Jarvis Cocker

The basis of optimism is sheer terror — Oscar Wilde

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[Marxism] The myth of the Obama movement

2009-08-25 Thread Louis Proyect
The Myth of the Obama Movement

By Ken Silverstein

“Grass-Roots Battle Tests The Obama Movement,” ran a headline in the 
Washington Post yesterday atop an article that looked at why health care 
reform has bogged down. The story examined the work of activist Jeremy 
Bird, who “became one of the people most responsible for validating 
Obama’s campaign ethos: that grass-roots support can power government 
and shape legislation.”

Wake up, people. There never was an Obama movement. There was merely a 
rhetorically gifted candidate who inspired a lot of people who should 
have known better (admittedly, it was easy to believe given the 
alternatives) and who foisted on to Obama their fondest hopes and 
desires, which were largely delusional. Now, Obama is disappointing them 
just as thoroughly as did Bill Clinton, the last candidate liberals 
stupidly fell in love with, and not just on healthcare but pretty much 
across the board.

Yes, Obama was the best candidate and yes, he may even accomplish 
something decent here and there over the next four years. But let’s not 
talk about an Obama movement, because that’s a fantasy.

What’s sad is how many liberal Obama supporters continue to believe and 
insist that he’s the real thing. One even hears progressives saying that 
health care reform would have worked out differently if only Tom Daschle 
had been confirmed as secretary of health and human services. Yes, Tom 
Daschle, the Democratic hack, industry advocate and tax cheat would have 
been able to get through health care reform, maybe even a single payer 

And you thought the Republicans lived in fantasyland.

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[Marxism] Hugo Chavez and the private media

2009-08-25 Thread Louis Proyect

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[Marxism] [Spa] The poor also cry

2009-08-25 Thread Nestor Gorojovsky
[I don´t have the time for a translation. But those who want to know 
what does primitive accumulation mean will find an example in the 
lines below.]

 Mensaje original 
Asunto: [alai-amlatina] Los pobres también lloran
Fecha: Mon, 24 Aug 2009 11:36:52 -0500
De: ALAI-AmLatina alai-amlat...@alai.info
Responder a: i...@alainet.org
Para: alai-amlat...@listas.alainet.org

- - - Servicio Informativo Alai-amlatina - - -

Los pobres también lloran

Jorge Majfud

ALAI AMLATINA, 24/08/2009.- San Sebastián Nopalera, un pequeño pueblo de
la Sierra de Oaxaca, sur de México, tiene cinco mil habitantes
registrados pero allí sólo viven la mitad. Las tierras que antes daban
café ahora a duras penas dan maíz y no hay brazos para sacarles más. Sus
habitantes, casi todos mujeres y niños, sobreviven de la ayuda que
envían sus hombres de las plantaciones de Estados Unidos.

Como en una guerra entre dos países, cada año cien o doscientos
migrantes vuelvan a Oaxaca en cofres funerarios. Los trabajos para los
cuales están destinados son casi tan mortales como el cruce de la frontera.

Pero no son mujeres todas las que se quedan ni son hombres todos los que
se van. Como su hermano, un día María Isabel Vásquez Jiménez decidió
irse al otro lado con la promesa de ayudar a su madre viuda y volver en
tres años con el capital suficiente para iniciar un pequeño negocio.

El 11 de febrero de 2009 la joven de 17 años salió de su pueblo y
contactó un coyote en Putla de Guerrero que la ayudó a cruzar la
frontera norte. Tres meses después, el 11 de mayo, encontró trabajo en
un viñedo de la West Coast Grape Farming Company, cerca de Modesto,

Como María, los indígenas mexicanos que casi no hablan español en
California son los hispanos que se dedican a la pizca, a pizcar,
palabras que, como tantas otras miles del spanglish, fueron creadas con
el material sustantivo del inglés —pick up, recoger— y moldeadas por la
conjugación del castellano.

Quizás nunca podamos imaginar los miedos de María al dejar su pueblo con
tan pocos años y tan poco conocimiento del mundo exterior, sus nervios
al llegar a Putla para contactar a un coyote, el vértigo y el cansancio
de su paso por la ilegalidad. Quizás fue feliz alguno de los tres días
que trabajó en la pizca. Casi sin dudas debió ser feliz descansando al
lado de su novio, Florentino Bautista, otro inmigrante sin papeles con
quien vivía y planeaba casarse antes de regresar a México en tres años.

Pero algo salió mal. El 14 de mayo el termómetro marcó casi cuarenta
grados centígrados a la sombra. Después de nueve horas bajo el sol
despiojando retoños de las vides, María se sintió mareada.
Tambaleándose, caminó hacia su novio y antes de llegar se desplomó.

Florentino pidió ayuda y trató de reanimarla. El encargado le dijo que
no se preocupara. Esos desmayos eran algo normal.

—Aplícale un poco de alcohol y se le pasa—, le dijo

Pero María seguía inconsciente.

La pusieron en la camioneta que llevaba a la cuadrilla a sus casas y
esperaron la hora de salida.
Los paños de agua fría y las fricciones de alcohol no dieron resultado y
el conductor de la camioneta decidió llevarla a un médico. María hervía
de fiebre en los brazos asustados de su compañero. En el camino,
Florentino recibió la llamada del encargado del viñedo, Raúl Martínez,
recordándole que su novia era menor de edad, por lo cual en su
declaración debía decir que se había desmayado haciendo ejercicio para
mantenerse en forma.

Llegaron a la clínica a las 5:15. Cuando los médicos contactaron que
María tenía más temperatura de la que puede soportar un ser humano, la
derivaron de urgencia al Lodi Memorial Hospital.

Dos días después, María y su hijo de dos meses en el vientre murieron de
insolación. El informe médico menciona un paro cardíaco.

Su novio, Florentino, no ha vuelto a trabajar. Tampoco ha recibido
ninguna llamada en su celular. Pero el fiscal de distrito, James
Willett, ha acusado a María De Los Ángeles Colunga, propietaria de la
compañía de trabajo, a Elías Armenta, director de seguridad y al
supervisor Raúl Martínez por no haber provisto a los trabajadores de
sombra y agua, por no poseer asistencia en caso de insolación y por
mentir en el proceso.

El gobierno de México, como es su costumbre, manifestó su preocupación
por las injustas condiciones en que trabajan los mexicanos en Estados
Unidos. También el gobernador de California, Arnold Schwarzenegger,
lamentó la muerte de María.

Al igual que María, alguna vez en su juventud Schwarzenegger fue un
inmigrante ilegal, aunque su esfuerzo y sudor lo dejó en un gimnasio de
Santa Monica, no en los campos de producción agrícola. El mundo lo
conoce como el actor que en 1984 dio vida al cyborg The Terminator, el
hombre-máquina enviado por las máquinas inteligentes del 2029 al año
1984 con el objetivo de terminar con la resistencia de los humanos
eliminando al futuro líder guerrillero antes de nacer. En su remake
hollywoodense de Herodes, la casi invencible máquina es 

Re: [Marxism] K2 study guide

2009-08-25 Thread Tom Cod

Reminds me of the cover of Fortune a few years back showing a raging storm and 
wave poised to hit shore with the article's theme being how capitalism always 
fluctuates and is inherently unstable with the fortunes of any particular 
company never being secure or predictable.  I don't know that insight is unique 
to Marxism in any sense.

 Date: Mon, 24 Aug 2009 19:45:58 -0700
 From: bhand...@berkeley.edu
 Subject: [Marxism] K2 study guide
 To: t...@hotmail.com
 Grossman offered a profound disequilibrium interpretation of volume II, 
 as Steve Palmer knows quite well (and please accept my profound thanks 
 for your mighty contributions to the archive). By the way, J.R. Hicks 
 came to a similar understanding of the special liabilities suffered by 
 the capital goods industry due to fluctuating demand.

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[Marxism] Lockerbie issue moves Obama to extradite Posada to Venezuela

2009-08-25 Thread Pat Costello
Well, shut my mouth and burn my britches!

Lockerbie outrage moves Obama to extradite long-wanted CIA-terrorist Luis 
Posada Carriles to Venezuela...

Anti-War (Thomas Harrington): In a dramatic announcement made yesterday shortly 
after the President's arrival on Martha's Vineyard, the administration declared 
its intention to hand over Luis Posada Carriles, the widely acknowledged 
mastermind of the bombing of Cubana Airlines Flight 455 that killed 73 people 
in 1976, to the Venezuelan government for prosecution.

According to White House spokesman Robert Gibbs, Obama's change of heart on the 
long-requested extradition of Posada, who was a citizen of Venezuela when he 
allegedly planned the crime, came after watching Abdel Baset al-Megrahi, the 
convicted planner of the Pan Am Flight 103 bombing in 1988, return home to a 
hero's welcome in Libya.

The President was sickened to see this man who bears responsibility for ending 
the lives of hundreds of completely innocent people, and forever altering those 
of the many thousands that loved them, walk free. Feeling their pain made him 
acutely aware of just how unfair it was to continue to let Mr. Posada, who in 
addition to the Cubana bombing has been implicated in numerous assassinations 
and as many as 41 other terrorist bombings throughout the Caribbean and Central 
America, get up each day in Miami and sip his morning coffee in complete 

Since the declaration of the War on Terror in late 2001, the avowed goal of 
the US government has been to prosecute terrorists wherever they might be in 
the world. As former President George W. Bush put it in a speech before a joint 
session of Congress on September 20 of that year, It will not end until every 
terrorist group of global reach has been found, stopped, and defeated.

Apparently, however, there was a large loophole in this policy for Posada and 
the many others like him assigned to use terrorist tactics on behalf of the US 
government or organizations backed by what is often termed the US intelligence 

A brief examination of Posada's career demonstrates just how large this 
loophole is. In addition to his role in planning the Cubana bombing in 1976, 
Posada worked for the Reagan White House supplying US-backed irregulars in 
Nicaragua and the armies of the Salvadoran and Honduran dictatorships with the 
arms they used to kill thousands of innocent civilians in the late 1980s. In 
the late 1990s, Posada directed a series of terrorist bombings in Cuba designed 
to cripple the growth of that nation's burgeoning tourist industry, attacks he 
took full credit for in a wide-ranging interview with the New York Times.

Yet, despite his public admission of guilt in this and numerous other cases of 
terrorism, Posada lived a relatively unfettered life in the US. He did so, 
moreover, despite having been caught entering the country illegally, under an 
assumed name, sometime prior to 2005.

   In recent years judges have regularly deported Muslim immigrants for the 
slightest procedural infractions, but Posada was freed on bail by an 
immigration judge in Texas and allowed to return to Florida under house arrest 
in April 2007.

A month later, US District Judge Kathleen Cardone in Miami dismissed all seven 
immigration charges against Posada. Though a grand jury in El Paso, Texas, 
recently issued a new set of indictments against Posada in relationship to the 
Cuban bombings and his entry into the US on a fraudulent passport, Posada 
remained a free man until President Obama's stunning announcement yesterday.

Gibbs concluded his announcement with the following remarks. In the wake of 
September 11, it was frequently asked 'Why do they hate us?.' 

Many concluded that it was because they are jealous of our freedoms. We now 
know, however, that it is really because of the way we selectively condemn in 
others the types of murderous activities that we regularly license ourselves 
and our close allies to carry out with impunity.

We believe that the extradition of Mr. Posada will be seen as a valuable first 
step in closing our enormous credibility gap around the issue of terror.



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Re: [Marxism] Reasons to Read the Grundrisse (was to read)

2009-08-25 Thread Shane Mage

On Aug 25, 2009, at 11:50 AM, turb...@aol.com wrote:
 Shane Mage wrote:
 The Grundrisse, as the last word in its title--Rohentwurf--
 declares, is not meant to be read at all.  It is just the rough
 draft of Das Kapital...

 ...Any text that expresses a significant part of a
 thinker's thought processes is important to understanding his/her  

Of course it is.  Which is why we need a properly annotated edition of  
Das Kapital in which the Grundrisse material would find its place in  
the footnotes and appendices.

Shane Mage

 This cosmos did none of gods or men make, but it
 always was and is and shall be: an everlasting fire,
 kindling in measures and going out in measures.

 Herakleitos of Ephesos

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Re: [Marxism] Lockerbie issue moves Obama to extradite Posada to Venezuela

2009-08-25 Thread Louis Proyect
Pat Costello wrote:
 Well, shut my mouth and burn my britches!
 Lockerbie outrage moves Obama to extradite long-wanted CIA-terrorist Luis 
 Posada Carriles to Venezuela...

Did Carl Davidson get invited up to Martha's Vineyard? Hmmm.

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[Marxism] Any joke about Zardari is an offence in Pakistan

2009-08-25 Thread Nasir Khan
This following letter is now illegal in Pakistan

From Tanveer Ansari | London Review of Books, Vol. 31, No. 15, August 6, 2009

Tariq Ali’s Diary notwithstanding, Asif Ali Zardari’s misdemeanours
can no longer be satirised (LRB, 23 July). Helpless citizens who have
been exchanging anti-Zardari jokes in which he is referred to as a
dacoit, Mr Ten Per Cent, Mr Thirty Per Cent, as a US drone, a thief, a
liar, a womaniser, a murderer, are to be deprived of this liberty.
Rehman Malik, Zardari’s business associate, whose day job is to act as
the country’s interior minister, has pushed through a new law that
makes the circulation and transmission of ‘ill-motivated and concocted
stories against the civilian leadership’ illegal; the authors of such
stories will be ‘punished’.

It is a truly atrocious law and a serious blow to what few civil
liberties and modes of expression we have left. It is unbelievable
that it should have been passed so quietly, without any opposition in
the National Assembly. Spoofing, spamming, and having an email address
registered to a name other than the one on your passport are also
punishable with jail sentences. The real joke is that these measures
will increase the circulation of satirical jokes a hundredfold: they
will travel by word of mouth, as they did in the days before mobile
phones and the internet. Those who have been texting Zardari directly
will, sadly, now have to search for other means to communicate with
their leader. This letter is now illegal. Whether articles such as
Ali’s are also proscribed has yet to be determined.

Meanwhile Muhammad Aslam, Benazir Bhutto’s former protocol officer and
himself a lawyer, who was on guard duty on her jeep’s running board
the day she was murdered, has publicly accused Rehman Malik, among
others, of being a prime suspect in the case. Aslam has demanded that
the police register a case against the interior minister. The worms
are crawling out of the can, which might help explain the rush to
introduce the new law.

Tanveer Ansari

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[Marxism] James Petras strikes again :-(

2009-08-25 Thread Jeff
At 21:00 24/08/09 +0200, Nasir Khan wrote:
[see  [Marxism] The US War against Iraq: The Destruction of a Civilization]
[full text: http://dissidentvoice.org/2009/08/the-us-war-against-iraq/]

by James Petras, Dissident Voice, August 21, 2009

The US seven-year war and occupation of Iraq is driven by several
major political forces 

[including] the following (in order of

Unfortunately the quote ends there so you do not get Petras' list of
political forces behind the Iraq war unless you go to the full article as I
did. What you will find is exactly TWO items on his list (of why the US
went to war in Iraq), which are, in order of importance:

1) What he calls The Zionist Power Configuration (ZPC), essentially
referring to JEWS in the US government whose top priority was to advance
Israel’s agenda.

and (of less importance):
2) Civilian militarists (like Donald Rumsfeld and Vice President Cheney)
who are NOT JEWISH.

I'm sorry to boil it down to this, but that is just about what he says; I
don't think that I misread it! My revulsion isn't just that his analysis
is wrong, as most people reading this will recognize (but I'm not putting
it beyond debate). I'm worried about the EFFECT of framing the issue in
such terms which go beyond analysis and into ethnic identification of the
enemy. That has a miseducational effect on the left (the majority of those
who would be reading this) and misrepresents the legitimate positions of
the left which oppose western imperialism without requiring (in the first
instance) a distinction between the interests of the US and the Israeli
ruling classes, let alone identifying the ethnicity of US government leaders.

I don't want to be dogmatic and certainly an in-depth analysis of
individuals/ideologues involved in government decisions can discuss all
aspects of their background. But it is clearly troubling when one's
analysis of a imperialist nation going to war requires an ethnic
identification of the leaders who are considered responsible, especially
when it is further stated that they are acting in the interests of a
foreign power. Petras essentially says that, but being a leftist doesn't
go so far as to call them disloyal or acting against the interests of the
US as is openly charged by right-wing antiwar forces such as Paul Craig
Roberts and Jeff Gates, whose columns have also been forwarded to this list
by Nasir Khan, with equal disregard.

BTW my objections here are not directed to Nasir Khan, the poster, who
apparently doesn't read what's posted to the list (or if he does, he has
essentially never reacted to what someone else has written). I assume he
isn't reading this (but if you are, please prove me wrong!). I am worried
about this form of discourse infecting the left, or even being seen as
acceptable. There does exist, especially in the US, a right-wing antiwar
movement (antiwar.com, Pat Buchanan, etc.) and they never fail to direct
their anger against Israel. Indeed most of what they say about either the
US government or Israel and their filthy wars is not unlike our own
propaganda. But you can look a little deeper and they generally betray
their identification of Zionism with Jews and an international link which
is tantamount to the International Jewish Conspiracy theories of yesteryear.

Unfortunately Petras seems to be walking the same ground. I say
unfortunately because unlike the above listed individuals, I can see that
Petras IS an actual leftist, so I consider this also a matter of
embarrassment rather than just denouncing someone as an antisemite (as I
will happily do with those right-wingers I mentioned). And there is a
possibly legitimate debate about whether Israel led the US into the Iraq
war as these right-wingers like to claim, but is also erroneously believed
by some leftists. There was a debate over the role of the importance of the
Israel lobby in determining US policy between Petras and Norman Finkelstein
which is transcribed at:

The spectrum on this issue is described by the moderator as spanning views
from Walt/Merscheimer to those of Noam Chomsky. While Petras is in the
former camp, Finkelstein places himself in the middle of this spectrum
(but I doubt Petras would give him any credit relative to Chomsky!). I
think Finkelstein wins the debate (my own prejudice, perhaps) but in the
course of the discussion, Petras even laments Finkelstein's blind spot,
which is understandable given his ethnicity! I suppose that would also
disqualify reasonable discussion of these issues by many members of this
list. :-(

Petras makes the extent of his views rather clear in this excerpt:

I think it is impossible to deny this and say 'Well, you can't deduce policy 
from ethnic affiliations. Yes, you can! When that ethnic group puts forward 
a position that puts the primacy of a foreign government at the center of 
their foreign policy and prejudices the lives of thousands of Americans

Re: [Marxism] James Petras strikes again :-(

2009-08-25 Thread Louis Proyect
Jeff wrote:
 At 21:00 24/08/09 +0200, Nasir Khan wrote:
 [see  [Marxism] The US War against Iraq: The Destruction of a Civilization]
 [full text: http://dissidentvoice.org/2009/08/the-us-war-against-iraq/]
 by James Petras, Dissident Voice, August 21, 2009

 The US seven-year war and occupation of Iraq is driven by several
 major political forces 

 [including] the following (in order of
 Unfortunately the quote ends there so you do not get Petras' list of
 political forces behind the Iraq war unless you go to the full article as I
 did. What you will find is exactly TWO items on his list (of why the US
 went to war in Iraq), which are, in order of importance:
 1) What he calls The Zionist Power Configuration (ZPC), essentially
 referring to JEWS in the US government whose top priority was to advance
 Israel’s agenda.
 and (of less importance):
 2) Civilian militarists (like Donald Rumsfeld and Vice President Cheney)
 who are NOT JEWISH.

Petras is a total idiot.

I think the big problem with him, Cockburn and any number of leftist 
personalities is that they are not challenged when they write this crap. 
Counterpunch does not have a place for comments and Petras has never 
been in a debate as far as I can tell. He issues his screeds from high 
on top of Mount Professor Emeritus and if you don't like what he is 
saying, tough. Counterpunch has something new, a Facebook for its 
readers. I don't plan to participate because I still hold Jeff St. Clair 
in some regard, even though he is like a battered wife to Cockburn.

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Re: [Marxism] Reasons to Read the Grundrisse (was to read)

2009-08-25 Thread S. Artesian
Oh come on, Shane.  You sound like a cranky alter-cocker.  We read the 
Grundrisse for the same reason we read the economic-philosophic manuscripts, 
the Theories of Surplus Value, the German Ideology, the 18th Brumaire, 
etc.-- for the same reason we read Beethoven's sketchbooks; because it gives 
us insight into the development of the totality of the work.

- Original Message - 
From: Shane Mage shm...@pipeline.com
To: David Schanoes sartes...@earthlink.net
Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2009 1:00 PM
Subject: Re: [Marxism] Reasons to Read the Grundrisse (was to read)

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Re: [Marxism] K2 study guide

2009-08-25 Thread Tom Cod

meaning? how does this differ from financial and cost accounting?

 Date: Tue, 25 Aug 2009 14:51:28 -0400
 From: theguavat...@gmail.com
 Subject: Re: [Marxism] K2 study guide
 To: t...@hotmail.com
 On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 12:41 PM, S. Artesian sartes...@earthlink.netwrote:
   In fact capitalism doesn't reproduce ships  or on the
  basis of ships at all.  Capitalism reproduces on the basis of value, for
  which the ship is the carrier, the transport, the mule.
 a point that one would grasp all the more if one has read chapter 6 of
 volume 2 of Capital: The Costs of Circulation and part three of this The
 costs of transportation, which I think is debated in that Marx says that
 transportation of goods does not add to their value. I think Harvey takes
 issue with this is limits to capital as do others, looking at the MIA
 study questions for volume 2
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Re: [Marxism] K2 study guide

2009-08-25 Thread Tom Cod

Ya know, this whole discussion to me is yet another reflection of the ossified 
in-group Talmudic view of certain Marxists who conceit themselves with the 
notion that nobody but them knows anything about economics and therefore the 
sine quo non is studying the works of a grand old man of the 19th Century, or 
that anyone who doesn't subscribe to and study the (schematic ironically) of 
dialectical materialism is mired in hidebound formalism.  Actually a lot of 
people in society, whether through intuition or not, don't start from formal 
logic and have developed a fairly nuanced decision making process that starts 
from their own material interests: certainly the bosses have.
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Re: [Marxism] G.Zyuganov: Stop distorting the prewar history of the USSR!

2009-08-25 Thread Shane Mage

On Aug 25, 2009, at 2:52 PM, lara crete wrote:
 ...the  subject  of the Molotov-Ribbentrop treaty...

Molotov-Ribbentrop treaty??
Everyone knows that the Hitler-Stalin pact, which Ribbentrop and  
Molotov had no more to do with than did the pens with which their  
hands were teleguided to sign it, provided Hitler the complicit  
Russian neutrality without which the Wehrmacht High Command could  
never have been persuaded to invade Poland and automatically set off  
the Anglo-French guarantee.

Shane Mage

 This cosmos did none of gods or men make, but it
 always was and is and shall be: an everlasting fire,
 kindling in measures and going out in measures.

 Herakleitos of Ephesos

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Re: [Marxism] K2 study guide

2009-08-25 Thread Shane Mage

On Aug 25, 2009, at 3:28 PM, guava tree wrote:

 and in this chapter of volume 2 you can find this paragraph:

 The productive capital invested in this industry imparts value to the
 transported products, partly by transferring value from the means of
 transportation, partly by adding value through the labour performed in
 transport. This last-named increment of value consists, as it does  
 in all
 capitalist production, of a replacement of wages and of surplus- 


Shane Mage

 This cosmos did none of gods or men make, but it
 always was and is and shall be: an everlasting fire,
 kindling in measures and going out in measures.

 Herakleitos of Ephesos

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Re: [Marxism] K2 study guide

2009-08-25 Thread Michael Perelman
David knows this better than I do.  The railroad promoters got rich; 
the investors got burned. Railroads were bankrupt with regularity.
Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA 95929

Tel. 530-898-5321
E-Mail michael at ecst.csuchico.edu

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Re: [Marxism] K2 study guide

2009-08-25 Thread Waistline2
In a message dated 8/25/2009 12:42:14 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
sartes...@earthlink.net writes:

 Equilibrium is accidental, not necessary, and as such is not  an 
characteristic, either in its presence or absence, to the  success or 
of capitalism.

We can look at Rakesh ship example,  and see, IMO, the problem.  A 
hypothetical community is composed  requiring a number of ships with last 
average 20 years-- so simple  reproduction required 50 ships would have to 
reproduced each year.. and  then the difficulties start.

But this is not how capitalism  reproduces.  It does not reproduce, either 
successfully in expansion or  unsuccessfully in contraction based on 
replacement rates.  In fact  capitalism doesn't reproduce ships  or on the 
basis of ships at  all.  Capitalism reproduces on the basis of value, for 
which the ship  is the carrier, the transport, the mule.
There are times when you are quite brilliant, which might be understood as  
dogmatic in insisting upon sticking to the point. Reproduction of an 
expanding  value - on the basis of reproducing the bourgeois relations, took me 
while to  understand as the unwavering point of departure for Marxists. 
Agreed.   Equilibrium is accidental, not necessary, and as such is  not an 
characteristic,   . . . . or practically  possible. Equilibrium is a point 
of intersection only visible to the minds  eye. Trying to convert a theory 
construction into a direct practical application  and meaning is in itself 
fraught with danger. 

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Re: [Marxism] K2 study guide

2009-08-25 Thread Tom Cod

Railroads in their inception and throughout their 
consolidation give us an early object lesson in the uses of fictitious 
capital.-sartesianAn entertaining take on this history, worthy of HBO's 
Deadwood are some recent biographies of Jay Gould and The Commodore 
Vanderbilt.  Below is a review I wrote of a bio of Gould, Dark Genius of Wall 
Street, the Misunderstood [!] Life of Jay Gould, King of the Robber Barons:

Helluva Guy [3 Stars]This entertaining volume reminds me of a book my mother 
bought decades ago by a descendant of Count Dracula that sought to rehabilitate 
his ancestor's reputation while cashing in on his notoriety. Thus in this work, 
Gould who was denounced in his day by even spokesmen of the conservative 
business community, to say nothing of labor activists, as an unscrupulous 
rogue, cutthroat, financial vampire and pirate is depicted as a 
misunderstood entreprenuer who did nothing that his rivals would not stoop to. 
While there may be more than a kernel of truth to that assertion, Gould's 
historical reputation as one of the most infamous incarnations of his day is 
backed by more than substantial evidence. 

Gould was a highly skilled financial operator who rose from humble roots in 
upstate New York, where after starting out as a surveyor's apprentice, he began 
his business career in the thuggish intrigues of the tanning industry. 
Thereafter, at the outset of the Civil War, he moved to the City where he 
quickly rose to take on some of the titans of business like Commodore 
Vanderbilt, who detested him. Unlike Vanderbilt, Carnegie, Rockefeller and even 
Morgan, however, Gould dealt almost exclusively in stock and financial 
manipulations to build his fortunes with little regard for building up industry 
and the means of production. Thus he would acquire properties, like the Erie 
Railroad, and run them into the ground and dump them after they had been milked 
dry as cash cows. Needless to say, the interests of the rank and file workers 
of these enterprises meant little to him, commenting once during a labor 
dispute he was embroiled in with them, that he could hire half the working 
class to kill off the other half. 

In his financial and stock dealings he was known as the most skilled and 
unscrupulous operator of his day, the top dog of Wall Street, that even those 
who considered themselves his closest colleagues needed to watch their backs 
around. In that regard he would have made the Transylvanian noble blush; and 
no, he was not, as widely believed, Jewish, although he made a point of not 
gainsaying his Hebraic roots as he felt this added to the aura of mystery and 
fear around him that he found useful to his purposes. Most notable of his 
escapades was his attempt to corner the gold market in 1869 which almost 
collapsed the entire U.S. economy. 

Jay Gould was a predatory speculative capitalist who rightly makes latter day 
embodiments of this type like Boesky, Millken and Skilling seem like bumbling 
amateurs. Like them, he did from time to time face legal troubles, but unlike 
these financial pirates of today, he was usually able to, sometimes quite 
brazenly, in a way that is fortunately no longer tolerated, bribe judges and 
politicians to escape any significant consequence, although on one occasion he 
was forced to temoporarily decamp to New Jersey with much of his wealth in 
carpet bags after Vanderbilt and his rivals had outmaneuvered him in this game 
of graft in the New York courts.

Get back to school stuff for them and cashback for you.

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Re: [Marxism] K2 study guide

2009-08-25 Thread Michael Perelman
I might take the opportunity to plug my book, Railroading Economics 
(Monthly Review).  Also, a cheap price.
Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA 95929

Tel. 530-898-5321
E-Mail michael at ecst.csuchico.edu

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[Marxism] K2 study guide

2009-08-25 Thread Rakesh Bhandari
Yet, sartesian, ships are not discarded simply to maintain the value 
proportions between the departments (they may of course be discarded due 
to moral or value depreciation as a result of competitive technological 
change, but that is another point). As viable technical means of 
production or use values, they are not scrapped simply so that the value 
of the output of Department I can be realized. Such a claim would be 
idealist to the extent that the physical properties of the means of 
production are ignored in economic theorizing. This is Marx's point: the 
accumulation process has both value and use value dimensions. Use value 
and the physical dimensions of production play an important role in 
Marx's theorizing. He emphasized this in his Critique of the Gotha 
Programme. Grossman brings this out in his dynamics book that Steve 
Palmer has heroically put in the MIA archive.
As for the Grundrisse, the part that we call the Formen (the sections on 
precapitalist modes of production) need to be read critically in light 
of modern knowledge. As Maurice Bloch shows, German romantic nationalist 
assumptions creep into the discussions of the Germanic and Slavoic modes 
of production; and orientalist assumptions infect the theorization of 
the Asiatic Mode of Production. The Ethnological Notebooks are a better 
place to start.

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Re: [Marxism] to read?

2009-08-25 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara
Because the bourgeosie has granted the masses Google.
On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 5:19 PM, Jeffrey Thomas Piercy mqd...@mqduck.netwrote:

 Ralph Johansen wrote:
  David Harvey, who conducts a most helpful 13-class video course online
  on Capital volume 1

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Re: [Marxism] K2 study guide

2009-08-25 Thread S. Artesian
I guess that means I better read the book.  OK, give me a few days.

- Original Message - 
From: Michael Perelman mich...@ecst.csuchico.edu
To: David Schanoes sartes...@earthlink.net
Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2009 9:09 PM
Subject: Re: [Marxism] K2 study guide

 On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 09:16:01PM +, Tom Cod wrote:

 It'd be interesting to hear what the retired railroad workers here think 
 of it.

 I would also be interested.

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Re: [Marxism] Israel organ theft story gets legs

2009-08-25 Thread Mike Krebs
On Monday August 24 Pat Costello wrote:

 (In order to condemn it, they must at least aknowledge it. Since every insult 
 to Isreal gets the same hysterical accusation of anti-semitism people must 
 certainly become inured. Let's hope so, anyway.) 

Here's a different take on the ramifications of Bolstrom's organ theft
article, which appeared yesterday on the Electronic Intifada website:

Baseless organ theft accusations will not bring Israel to justice

Matthew Cassel, The Electronic Intifada, 24 August 2009
On Friday I was invited to appear on Press TV (Iran's international
English-language satellite channel) alongside Donald Bostrom, a
Swedish journalist who authored the recent article about the Israeli
army stealing the organs of young Palestinian men it had killed in
1992 during the first Palestinian intifada. I surprised the producers
at Press TV who I don't think invited me to argue the article's
legitimacy, but instead reaffirm its claims.

After the show, a producer in Tehran thanked me and told me that it
was nice to get someone from the other side. But I had to make it
clear, that I was not from the other side as she meant it. I support
uncovering human rights violations and war crimes wherever they occur,
especially in Palestine, where I have worked for many years. I do
believe Bostrom's intentions were to do much the same but that his
process was highly irresponsible. The problem is not that he is
accusing the State of Israel of wrongdoing, but that he is making
accusations of what would amount to extremely serious war crimes while
providing absolutely no evidence to support his claims. Rather than
advancing the cause of Palestinian human rights, such behavior hurts
the many organizations, journalists, activists and others working
tirelessly to expose and document Israel's numerous violations of
international law committed against Palestinians and people of other
Arab nations in recent decades.

For the rest of the story:

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[Marxism] Food imports by Mexico

2009-08-25 Thread Terry Burke
I don't really know if this book has what you need S., I read it a few years
ago... but the author might be someone who would know.

The book is called Corn and Capitalism, by Arturo Warman, translated by
Nancy L. Westrate, published by University of North Carolina Press in 2003



 Message: 20
 Date: Tue, 25 Aug 2009 16:30:25 -0400
 From: S. Artesian sartes...@earthlink.net
 Subject: Re: [Marxism] K2 study guide
 Only one problem, can't find the data on food imports by Mexico.  Anybody
 have any suggestions on where to look?  Would appreciate it.


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