Re: [Marxism] Moderator's Note

2009-12-12 Thread Rajesh Roy
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Is there a struggle for self-determination in Kashmir? Yes.. 

Does Kashmir belong to Pakistan? No..

Has there been organised infiltration into Kashmir by the Pakistani ISI (funded 
and supported for long by the US) ? Yes..

So is the Indian state the sole problem with regard to Kashmir? No..

Are both the Indian and Pakistani states and US imperialism the problem? Yes..

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Re: [Marxism] Moderator's Note

2009-12-12 Thread Nasir Khan
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The question of ethnic nationalism  needs to be put in its  historical
and political context while discussing the Indo-Pakistan relations,
especially,  when they are related to the Kashmir issue.

While leaving aside some other  geopolitical factors, the main
stumbling  block that has stood in normalizing  the  India-Pakistan
relations has been the Unresolved Issue of Kashmir.

But India, 'the greatest democracy in the world', has used its
military  force to crush the aspirations of the people of Indian-held
Kashmir for self-determination  for more than  sixty years. That is,
rejecting U.N. resolutions and  efforts to that end.

 More than  700,000  Indian soldiers as an occupation force in Kashmir
 have  done what they could to crush and terrorize  Kashmiri people
(Muslims) and their  resistance against the Indian rule. More than
100,000 Kashmiris (mostly Muslims) thus far  have fallen victim to
the  bullets and the  terror of the  Indian  army. However, I  am not
going to say anything  here on the  crimes against  humanity committed
by the Indian State and its army in the Kashmir Valley.

It is quite true to say that  the Mumbai attacks did not help. Perhaps
some readers  may find my views  relevant in such a  connection when I
 discuss the  major cause of the  Indo-Pakistan conflict in one of  my
articles, entitled, ''The Kashmir issue and violence in the Indian
subcontinent'  ( )

The Mumbai terrorist attack or any such misguided acts by some
individuals or organizations to liberate Kashmir from the clutches of
India were doomed to failure. There are  substantial reasons for that.

 If anyone says that  ordinary people under occupation  and foreign
oppression (Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, etc.) have  no chance
against  the great powers then such an assertion can be  shown to be
faulty.  The people of Vietnam had  defeated the U.S. imperialism.
The same can happen once again in Afghanistan.

The human spirit that aspires to liberation lives and  refuses to give in.

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[Marxism] Sarah Palin To Speak At A Fundraiser For A Socialist Canadian Hospital

2009-12-12 Thread David Thorstad
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Go to the link

to see what liberal pro-Democrat Party yuppies they are who run this 
site. These putzes probably think they are knocking out both Palin and 
socialized medicine with their article. Around 80% of Americans, when 
asked (as they almost never are) say they favor single-payer health, 
which is a step toward the only system that really works well: 
socialized medicine, unlike our capitalist ripoff system, which has 
utterly failed to do anything except line the pockets of the insurance 
and pharmaceutical industries.

Sarah Palin To Speak At A Fundraiser For A Socialist Canadian Hospital
By Lee Fang on Dec 11th, 2009 at 11:03 am

According to the Hamilton Spectator, Sarah Palin has been contracted to
speak at a fundraiser for the Juravinski Cancer Centre and St. Peter's
Hospital in Canada. "This is quite the coup," said Gabe Macaluso, an
organizer for the event.

Palin might be surprised to learn that the hospital she is fundraising for
runs counter to her professed beliefs:

   - St. Peter's Hospital is a public hospital within the national
Canadian healthcare system. In Palin's worldview, universal,
government-insured health care is "socialism."

   - St. Peter's Hospital performs abortions. Palin, a staunch
anti-choice zealot, has protested outside of abortion clinics and has
refused to denounce abortion clinic bombers as terrorists.

   - St. Peter's Hospital, through its Centre for Studies in Aging,
offers "advanced directives." Palin tried to derail health reform
earlier this year by falsely labeling advanced directive reimbursements as
"death panels."

Last month, Canadian comedian Mary Walsh asked Palin if she had "any
words of encouragement for the Canadian conservatives who have worked so
hard to try to diminish that kind of socialized medicine we have up
there." Palin, clearly duped by the performance, responded that Canadians
should rid themselves of their public health care system and take a
privatized approach:

   PALIN: Well, my answer was too keep the faith. My answer was to keep
the faith. Cause that common sense conservatism can be plugged-in there in
Canada too. In fact, Canada needs to reform its health care system and let
the private sector take over some of what the government has absorbed. So
thank you, keep the faith.

Watch it:

Will Palin chastise her socialized medicine hosts for having
government-insured health care?

In any case, the Spectator reports that Palin is being paid "around the
ballpark" of $200,000 for the speech, the going rate for a Palin
appearance. Organizers hope to sell 1,000 tickets at $200 a plate, but
raise more from selling photos with her.

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Re: [Marxism] Meddling in Cuba continues under Obama

2009-12-12 Thread Eli Stephens
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I love the way it's not until paragraph 11, well after detours into a 
discussion of the sainted Yoani Sanchez, mentions of "hardline tactics" and 
"draconian laws," do we finally learn that the contractor in question entered 
Cuba on a tourist visa without proper documents. 

Five Cubans have already been in prison in the U.S. for more than 11 years, 
with the prospect of many more, for no more serious a violation than that.

Eli Stephens
 Left I on the News

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[Marxism] History Channel venue for Howard Zinn

2009-12-12 Thread Louis Proyect
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NY Times, December 12, 2009
New Boss, Same as the Old Boss: Howard Zinn Traces Social Change

In Howard Zinn’s new documentary, “The People Speak,” the actress Marisa
Tomei is shown reading aloud an essay by a worker at a 19th-century
textile mill in Lowell, Mass., who led other women to protest wage
reductions and demand better working conditions.

In the woman’s description of oppression at the hands of a company, Mr.
Zinn, the left-wing historian, hears both past and present tense. “She
says the same thing of the 1830s that we hear today — that you are at the
mercy of your employer,” Mr. Zinn said in an interview.

So much of Mr. Zinn’s career, reflected in his “People’s History of the
United States” book, has been about the struggle for social change. With
“The People Speak,” which has its premiere on the History Channel on
Sunday (at 8 p.m., Eastern and Pacific times; 7, Central time), he is
having a raft of celebrities recount that effort through the words of
people who were there. “It’s the people’s point of view of history,” said
the actor Josh Brolin, an executive producer of the film.

Onstage and on camera, Benjamin Bratt reads a farmer’s grievances during
Shays’s Rebellion. Matt Damon reads from “The Grapes of Wrath.” Morgan
Freeman reads from “The Meaning of July Fourth for the Negro,” a speech by
Frederick Douglass.

“Once you get the actors reading these things, it really brings the
history alive,” Mr. Damon said in an interview last month, amid a college
tour to promote the film.

Some of the readings, like Ms. Tomei’s, are especially resonant now, given
the perceptible anger in the country about banks and bailouts. “That’s by
design,” Mr. Damon said. “What they were up against oftentimes are exactly
the same things we’re up against now.”

One scene in the two-hour film tells the story of an organizer who
encouraged tenants to protest evictions during the Great Depression.
Similarly, in the current economic downturn, “We’ve seen examples of
people rebelling,” Mr. Zinn, 87, said. “We’ve seen tenants rebelling
against foreclosures. This is the kind of thing that happened in a much
larger scale in the 1930s.”

He added, “If this spreads — the idea of fighting foreclosures, the idea
of workers going on strike — it’s possible this can lead into a larger
movement for economic justice.”

The film most closely correlates with Mr. Zinn’s “Voices of a People’s
History of the United States,” a five-year-old compilation of
primary-source material. The readings were selected from the book and
recorded at sites across the country.

At the performances “there were a lot of readings that really struck a
chord because of the way that people are feeling right now,” Mr. Damon

Other contributors included Viggo Mortensen, Sean Penn and Kerry
Washington. Between readings, Bob Dylan, Bruce Springsteen, John Legend
and other artists performed historical songs.

The project appealed to the History Channel partly because “primary
sources are a real driving force for us right now,” said Nancy Dubuc, the
channel’s president and general manager.

For History, “People Speak” is part of a big-event series strategy to
increase viewership. In 2008 the channel’s eyewitness recounting of the
Sept. 11 attacks, “102 Minutes That Changed America,” set ratings records
for it. More recently, History showed the 10-hour “WWII in HD” on five
consecutive nights and drew an average of 2.4 million viewers per night.

Next year History plans a 12-hour series called “America: The Story of
Us,” which is intended to “tell the entire history” of the country, Ms.
Dubuc said.

“The People Speak” is more intimate. For the filmmakers it is about the
fight for equality; Chris Moore, a producer, said the film embodies the
phrase “democracy is not a spectator sport.” The filmmakers are developing
school curriculum materials for the film and releasing an extended version
on DVD.

“I’m a big believer that history is not the story of millions, but that
history is a million stories,” Ms. Dubuc said. “This illustrates that
better than anything we’ve ever done.”

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[Marxism] Meddling in Cuba continues under Obama

2009-12-12 Thread Louis Proyect
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NY Times, December 12, 2009
Cuba Detains a U.S. Contractor

HAVANA — A United States government contract worker, who was distributing
cellphones, laptops and other communications equipment in Cuba on behalf
of the Obama administration, has been detained by the authorities here,
American officials said Friday.

The officials said the contractor, who works for a company based in the
Washington suburbs, was detained Dec. 5. They said the United States
Interests Section in Havana was awaiting Cuba’s response to a request for
consular access to the man, who was not identified.

The detention and the mysterious circumstances surrounding it threaten to
reignite tensions between the countries at a time when both had promised
to open new channels of engagement. American officials said they were
encouraged that the Cubans had not publicized the detention, and they said
they were hopeful that he might be quietly released.

Cuba has allowed more citizens than ever to buy cellphones and computers,
but even the limited access to digital technology that is available has
created problems for the government. Cuban officials have shown particular
concern about Yoani Sánchez, a prominent government critic who keeps in
touch with thousands of followers with a blog and a Twitter account.

Recently, the Cuban government denied Ms. Sánchez a visa to accept a
prestigious journalism award in New York. President Obama has also made a
guest appearance on her blog, sending written answers to questions she
submitted to him.

American programs to promote democracy in Cuba have also been the focus of
intense debate in the United States. A 2006 report by the Government
Accountability Office found that nearly all of the $74 million that the
United States Agency for International Development spent on contracts to
foster democracy in Cuba over the previous decade had been distributed,
without competitive bidding or oversight, to Cuban-exile organizations in
Miami rather than groups in Cuba itself.

Groups financed by the program, the G.A.O. found, made questionable
purchases, including cashmere sweaters and Godiva chocolates.

In 2008, the Bush administration sought to overhaul the program, promising
to award contracts to groups beyond those in Florida and to devote most of
the budget to buying communications equipment to help expand Cubans’
access to information.

The detention of the unidentified American contractor, some Cuba experts
said, demonstrated that President Raúl Castro of Cuba had not abandoned
the hard-line tactics used for years by his older brother, Fidel, to
stifle dissent.

“Under Cuba’s draconian laws,” said José Miguel Vivanco of Human Rights
Watch, “even the act of handing out cellphones to government critics can
be considered a crime.”

Still, Mr. Vivanco and others said that the contractor’s covert conduct —
which included entering Cuba on a tourist visa without proper documents —
also raised questions about whether Mr. Obama would fulfill his promise to
break with the confrontational tactics that Washington has employed toward
Havana for five decades.

“President Obama’s been different in some areas,” said Phil Peters, a Cuba
expert and a vice president of the Lexington Institute, a nonpartisan
think tank. “But most of his policy remains the Bush policy, and this is
just another example of that.”

The detainee, officials said, was employed by Development Alternatives
Inc., which had at least $391,000 in government contracts last year. Based
in Bethesda, Md., the company is a kind of do-it-all development company
that provides services to the United States government in countries around
the world.

Company officials did not respond Friday to requests for comment. On its
Web site, the company describes the breadth of its activities, saying, “We
help hillside farmers raise their incomes in Haiti, strengthen the credit
system for Moroccan entrepreneurs, harmonize natural resource use in the
Philippines, mitigate conflict in Liberia, and foster responsive local
governments in Serbia.”

It was unclear exactly what the company’s employee was doing at the time
he was detained.

Cellphones and computers are available for sale in Cuba, prompting some to
question why Cuba decided to crack down on an activity that has long been
treated as more of an annoyance than a crime. When it comes to satellite
phones, however, the Cubans have taken a far harder line.

Mr. Obama had promised a more open relationship with Cuba, announcing not
long after taking office that he would lift restrictions on travel to Cuba
for Americans with relatives on the island. He has expanded cultural and
academic exchanges between the United States and Cuba. And he began
high-level talks on migration, drug traffic

Re: [Marxism] Moderator's Note

2009-12-12 Thread Louis Proyect
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> The India v. Pakistan rivalry, with its concomitant ethnic
> nationalism, fosters strong emotions on both sides.  Thus the lashing
> out . I imagine the attacks on Mumbai did not help. But still
> G.

Rakesh was born and raised in Silicon Valley and has about little
identification with Indian nationalism as I've seen from someone with that
ethnic background. His positions on Afghanistan may have something to do
with this, but the larger problem is his seeming loss of a class
perspective--particularly with respect to imperial power.

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Re: [Marxism] Moderator's Note

2009-12-12 Thread Greg McDonald
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L.P. wrote:

It rather presents itself
as the behavior of an intellectually unstable personality.

The India v. Pakistan rivalry, with its concomitant ethnic
nationalism, fosters strong emotions on both sides.  Thus the lashing
out . I imagine the attacks on Mumbai did not help. But still


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Re: [Marxism] Accepting peace prize, Obama makes case for unending war

2009-12-12 Thread Eli Stephens
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My additional ruminations on the speech here and here:
 Obama on "Total War":
 Obama justifying civilian deaths:

As far as Kissinger, I think this summary from the Facebook Group "Rescind 
Obama's Peace Prize" is worth noting:

The Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded to numerous warmongers and war
criminals in the past, with Henry Kissinger perhaps the most notorious.
But never before will the prize literally be handed to someone who is
at that very moment escalating at least one (Afghanistan) and quite
possibly two (Pakistan) wars he is responsible for, not to mention also
occupying another country (Iraq) and providing vigorous support for the
occupation of another (Palestine), and not to mention carrying out
active economic warfare (blockades) against at least four countries
(Cuba, Iran, Gaza, North Korea), one of which (Gaza) is perhaps the
only country in history to be simultaneously occupied and blockaded.

Eli Stephens
 Left I on the News

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Re: [Marxism] Accepting peace prize, Obama makes case for unending war

2009-12-12 Thread Mark Lause
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Someone over the past few days pointed out that Obama really had no choice
but to say something like what he did... The president could hardly have
accepted the award and remained silence about the escalation he had just
ordered.  And he wasn't going to discuss the specifics of that justification
because they hold no water.

So, Obama entered into the whispy realms of generalizations  Human
nature is such some circumstances, force...duty to defend my
country...etc., etc., etc.

This, combined with the pontifications about peace and nonviolence made for
a very strange presentation.


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Re: [Marxism] Accepting peace prize, Obama makes case for unending war

2009-12-12 Thread S. Artesian
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Hey, if Henry Kissinger can get a Nobel Peace Prize, anybody can get a Peace 
Prize and say anything.

Next, Drs. Mengele and Kevorkian share the prize for medicine.

- Original Message - 
From: "Nasir Khan"  

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Re: [Marxism] Moderator's note

2009-12-12 Thread Louis Proyect
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> Mr  Bhandari had  shown himself to be an apologist and defender of
> American imperialism's  war of  aggression and genocide  in
> Afghanistan.
>  Neither could anyone be fooled by his anti-Pakistan propaganda, which
>  was  more in the spirit of  Hindutva fascists'  anti-Muslim crusade
> in India.
> It is somewhat strange that was on  Marxism list.

I have been on the same mailing lists with Rakesh going back to the early
1990s when he was a graduate student much enamored of the "left" communist
current that included Paul Mattick.

He has the bad habit of adopting "sock puppet" persona on listserv's, most
recently as "Abu Hartal", the diehard Obama supporter. He was unsubbed
from Doug Henwood's list for using multiple identities, something Doug
strongly objects to. I unsubbed Hartal/Bhandari from Marxmail after he
became increasingly nasty.

That left Bhandari with his sole identity, namely as himself. Quite
honestly, I was not prepared for this latest bout of pro-imperialist
statements, something that was not part of his track record.

But somewhere along the line, he morphed into a liberal. I did not see it
coming, except through his Hartal identity. Frankly, there's something
about all this that defies a political analysis. It rather presents itself
as the behavior of an intellectually unstable personality.

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[Marxism] Accepting peace prize, Obama makes case for unending war

2009-12-12 Thread Nasir Khan
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In the most bellicose Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech within
living memory, President Barack Obama made an argument Thursday in
Oslo for ever-widening war and neo-colonial occupation, putting the
world on notice that the American ruling elite intends to push ahead
with its drive for global domination.

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Re: [Marxism] Moderator's note

2009-12-12 Thread Nasir Khan
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Mr  Bhandari had  shown himself to be an apologist and defender of
American imperialism's  war of  aggression and genocide  in

 Neither could anyone be fooled by his anti-Pakistan propaganda, which
 was  more in the spirit of  Hindutva fascists'  anti-Muslim crusade
in India.

It is somewhat strange that was on  Marxism list.

On Sat, Dec 12, 2009 at 1:48 PM, Louis Proyect  wrote:
> ==
> Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> ==
> I have removed Rakesh Bhandari from the list. His liberalism is clearly at
> odds with our mission here.
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Re: [Marxism] FROP again,

2009-12-12 Thread S. Artesian
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

Leaving aside the question of aesthetics, [although some may be partial to 
collective farm # 147's cover of Prince with their version of "Little Red 
Harvester"], a tractor is not a THING at all when produced under capitalism. 
A tractor is produced, exists, functions in capitalism as a commodity, as a 
useful article and a value.  And as a commodity it exists only to 
facilitate, enhance the aggrandizement of surplus value, to achieve expanded 
reproduction of capital.

It is the tractor's social existence that makes mechanization's impact on 
Southern agriculture, on the existing relations of land tenure, so 
explosive. We agree that introduction of any individual machine is not the 
transformative factor.  Any tractor might have, could have, and was in 
isolation deployed in Southern agriculture-- on a small scale, without 
disrupting the relations of land tenure.  But the introduction of tractors 
on a mass scale, in order to reproduce, capture, expand the value contained 
in the production of the tractor cannot be sustained, supported, afforded, 
within those relations.  It is precisely the conflict between the means of 
production and the relations of production that disrupts the reconstituted 
plantation relations, tenant farming, share-cropping, debt-peonage, of the 
South as the necessity of reproducing the value of the tractor cannot be 
satisfied within those relations.

The tractor as a "good thing" independent of its commodity form simply does 
not exist under capitalism.  As Marx remarks, the utiltiy of any object 
under capitalism is determined by the labor time necessary for its 
reproduction and with the abolition of capitalism, that relationship will be 
reversed, transcended, placed on its feet, where the determination of the 
social utility, of need, will drive the labor time expended on reproduction.

  The usefulness of the tractor does not exist independently of the 
production of the fuel necessary for its operation; of the production of the 
replacement parts necessary for its maintenance, and of the organization of 
labor required to operate the tractor, all of which are produced, and 
produced only, to expand upon the value already realized in their existence 
as commodities.  When the mechanization of agriculture is introduced into 
the South, that organization is capital; that organization of labor is 
wage-labor.  Consequently, the previous relations of land tenure are 
disrupted, damaged,  more or less destroyed.

Now the peculiarity of capitalism is, as Marx analyzed, wrote, time and time 
again, that capital does the same thing to itself-- it undermines its own 
social relation of production in the reproduction of itself as more capital. 
It does not undermine itself by the production of "good things," "beautiful 
things,"  "wonderful things."  Capitalism undermines itself through the 
accumulation of capital, through expanded reproduction, through amplifying 
the productivity of labor in order to aggrandize relatively greater portions 
of surplus labor.

Like I said at the getgo-- it's all about the commodity-- all about the 
conflict between usefulness and exchange.  If you get that-- that first part 
of Capital-- if you get it from the first chapter and through the intended 
but unpublished 6th chapter-- you get it all, or at least, you can get it 
all.  You can construct and reconstruct Marx's entire work from there.  If 
you don't get it-- then you don't get it.

- Original Message - 
To: "David Schanoes" 
Sent: Saturday, December 12, 2009 2:31 AM
Subject: Re: [Marxism] FROP again,

> ==
> Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> ==
> The tractor was a beautiful thing, setting into motion a complex series of
> other events. The tractor - as mechanization, inaugurated the destruction
> of a  specific boundary of development of the organization of agricultural
> production.  Its importance is historical and well beyond reproduction of
> value. Likewise the  semi-conductor and clusters of new technology are 
> going to
> change the world in a  way never before possible: society will be freed 
> from
> laboring as we have known  it throughout all of human history.
> The tractor expressed a new material power injected into agricultural
> production. The organization of agricultural production, as it has existed 
> was
> disrupted and further expansion of the system of sharecropping came to an
> end.  Agricultural production would expand and developed based on the
> quantitative  additions of a new material power. The same applies to 
> chemical
> fertilizers,  however t

[Marxism] Cuban blogger's tale of mistreatment a lie

2009-12-12 Thread Louis Proyect
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[Marxism] Moderator's note

2009-12-12 Thread Louis Proyect
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I have removed Rakesh Bhandari from the list. His liberalism is clearly at
odds with our mission here.

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