[Marxism] A hearty welcome to Cuba's Socialist Renewal

2011-01-08 Thread Fred Feldman
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Welcome to the Cuba's Socialist Renewal website and Merce Cameron, the
creator and primaey translater. This is a big addition to the sources of
information we have on Cuba.


The website is attractively designed and eye-catching and the print style
and contrast with the background are very kind to my aging eyes.


But the thing I like best about CSR is its name and the bold public support
to the direction being taken President Raul Castro and others. The clearest
explanation and defense of these changes so far was Merce's translation of
Raul's December 18 speech, available at the website,OTSKYO to the National
Assembly and three segments that did not appear in the official version.


My guess is that the great majority of US leftists see these changes,
necessary or not, as steps backward toward capitalism and not, as I have
come to do, as another piece of socialism of the 21st century.


What Cuba should do will not be decided in the United States or any other
country but Cuba. But more clarity and information are good things. The
Cuba's Socialist Renewal website is already providing more of that. It will
have a distinctive and important role to play.



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[Marxism] Obama irks Robert Reich

2011-01-08 Thread Louis Proyect
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NY Times January 7, 2011
Obama the Centrist Irks a Liberal Lion

BERKELEY, Calif. — So how would he grade President Obama’s economic
policies, and the new team put in place this week?

Though Robert B. Reich, the former labor secretary, endorsed Mr. Obama
and has traveled to the White House to provide economic counsel, he
offers a smile that looks unmistakably pained.

“We have a remarkably anemic recovery; it’s paper-thin,” Mr. Reich
says. “In the narrowest, tactical terms, in sheer dollars committed to
programs, Obama’s done pretty well, and his favorability ratings are
better than those of the Democratic Party.”

Then he sweeps his hands far apart in his sun-filled warren of an
office at the University of California, Berkeley.

“If you widen the lens, the public is being sold a big lie — that our
problems owe to unions and the size of government and not to fraud and
deregulation and vast concentration of wealth. Obama’s failure is that
he won’t challenge this Republican narrative, and give people a story
that helps them connect the dots and understand where we’re going.”

Mr. Reich, 64, is one of several prominent liberal economists who
despair of what they say is this president’s political caution, and
his unwillingness to duel with an emboldened Republican Party.

Faced with a Republican majority in the House, Mr. Obama this week
appointed Gene Sperling, a former adviser to President Bill Clinton,
as director of his National Economic Council, and William M. Daley, a
centrist politician turned banking executive, as his chief of staff.
Mr. Daley was a member of the Third Way, a group that counsels deficit
reduction, more tax cuts and perhaps trimming Social Security.

Mr. Reich is not pleased by the president’s message of late.

“By freezing federal salaries, by talking about deficits, by extending
the Bush tax cuts, he’s legitimizing a Republican narrative,” Mr.
Reich says.

“Why won’t he tell the alternative story? For three decades we’ve cut
taxes on the wealthy while real wages stood still.”

Mr. Obama’s liberal economics critics include Nobel Prize winners,
Paul R. Krugman, the Princeton professor and columnist for The New
York Times, and Joseph E. Stiglitz, the Columbia professor who served
as chairman of Mr. Clinton’s Council of Economic Advisors.

Simon Johnson, former chief economist at the International Monetary
Fund and a professor at M.I.T., once advised liberals to stop blaming
Mr. Obama’s advisers for pushing policies too friendly to Wall Street
— the president makes those decisions.

Mr. Reich served as labor secretary for President Clinton, and in his
latest book “Aftershock: The Next Economy and America’s Future” he
applauds Mr. Obama for deft work in preventing the economy from
toppling into a Depression.

But the president demanded too little of the bankers he saved, Mr.
Reich says, and he conflated a rising stock market and soaring
corporate profits with an improving economy.

The majority of Americans, who derive much of their wealth from their
homes rather than the stock market, are falling far behind the top 1
percent, who took in 23 percent of the nation’s income in 2007. That
inequality, he says, is at the heart of America’s malaise.

“Obama had a chance to reboot the bailout,” he says. “He could have
said to the bankers, ‘If you want more, you’ve got to put a cap on
salaries, you’ve got to agree to modify X number of mortgages.’ ”

Mr. Reich sees a parallel with his former boss, Mr. Clinton, and draws
no comfort from the comparison. Confronted with a muscular Republican
majority in the House in 1994, Mr. Clinton mastered triangulation,
which is to say he sailed into a sea neither Republican nor
Democratic. It was a strategic masterstroke, but he threw overboard
some liberal founding stones.

“I found myself truly impressed by how quickly Clinton moved to the
putative center,” says Mr. Reich, a touch archly.

Mr. Reich sees President Obama taking a similar tack. This argument
drives the president and his advisers to distraction.

To survive in a Washington where Republicans and Democrats are on
nearly permanent war footing with one another, the president’s
advisers say, requires an agility little understood by those on the
outside. They point to health care and financial reform, to extended
unemployment benefits and to the stimulus bills (which liberal
economists criticized as too small) that let city and state
governments avoid tens of thousands of layoffs. They will put their
accounting up against that of their critics.

(Congressional Republicans are split between those who have described
Mr. Obama as a liberal, or a dangerous radical, or, more exotically, a
Kenyan-style socialist).

Mr. Reich says he knows careful compromise is the daily bread 

Re: [Marxism] Bee killing

2011-01-08 Thread MARGARET WYLES
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On Fri, Jan 7, 2011 at 12:37 PM, c b cb31...@gmail.com wrote:

 Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

 Excellent article.  Here's the part that is really upsetting.  And of
 course, no one will be held accountable.

The November 2nd memo, leaked to a Colorado beekeeper, indicates that the
EPA was well-aware that the pesticide Clothianidin posed some serious risks
to honey bees. *There have been concerns about this chemical from as far
back as 2003*, and it's already been banned in Germany, France, Italy and
Slovenia because of its toxicity. But the EPA chose to sweep all that under
the rug to keep the pesticide on the market.

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[Marxism] Commentaries on Israeli society

2011-01-08 Thread Marv Gandall
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1. A biting satire on the ubiquitous charge of anti-semitism:


2. Women's rights under attack

An Israeli activist who defied orthodox Jewish custom by leading a group of 
women in open prayer at Jerusalem's Wailing Wall has been told to expect years 
in prison for breaching the peace.


There are now over 100 state bus routes, many of them in Jerusalem, that offer 
segregated services requiring women to sit in the back. Israel's High Court 
yesterday ruled that the practice could continue. Many offices in the city also 
keep the sexes apart while a growing number of clinics require men and women to 
book appointments on different days.


As they broke into song at a recent gathering, the men's section grew more 
restive as resentment started to stir. A bearded man, his black cloak marking 
him as ultra-orthodox, shook a fist at the women and yelled: Burn in hell, you 


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[Marxism] Innocent Palestinian murdered in his bed

2011-01-08 Thread Louis Proyect
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NY Times January 7, 2011
Israeli Soldiers Kill Palestinian, 65, in His Bedroom

HEBRON, West Bank — Israeli soldiers shot and killed an unarmed
65-year-old Palestinian man in his bedroom in this tense city early
Friday, in what appeared to be a case of mistaken identity.

The man’s wife said he was sleeping and she was praying when soldiers
burst into the apartment before dawn, entered the bedroom and
immediately opened fire. Afterward they asked her for his identity
card. She gave her account a few hours later, standing next to the
bed, whose mattress, sheets and pillows were soaked in blood. The
headboard, an adjacent wardrobe and the ceiling were also spattered
with blood and bits of what appeared to be brain matter.

The Israeli military expressed regret but offered no explanation
beyond saying that it had been carrying out an arrest operation. It
said the West Bank division commander had been ordered to carry out a
speedy investigation, with conclusions to be presented as early as
next week.

The soldiers were apparently looking for the dead man’s nephew, a
Hamas militant who was one of six released from a Palestinian
Authority prison on Thursday. He was staying in an apartment on the
floor below the slain man’s and was rearrested by the Israeli military
soon after the killing. Four of the other released militants were
arrested by the Israelis overnight as well.

Friday’s killing was the third death in the West Bank in a week for
which the Palestinians blamed the Israelis. Coming after a period of
relative calm, the deaths have added to fears of an escalation at a
time when Israeli-Palestinian peace talks are stalled. After noon
prayers on Friday, the alleyways around the man’s home seethed as
hundreds escorted the body from a nearby mosque for burial, chanting,
“In blood and spirit, we will redeem you, O martyr!”

Initial reports on Israeli radio suggested that the slain man, Omar
al-Qawasmeh, may have run at the soldiers, but the blood soaking the
bed and dotting the walls seemed to belie that. His wife, Subhiya Awad
al-Qawasmeh, said that the soldiers fired at her husband’s head and
upper body. She said they thought he was the nephew, Wael Bitar.

“They came to kill Wael,” she said.

The killing also heightened tensions between the authority, which the
West backs, and Hamas, its militant Islamist rival. Hamas accused the
Palestinian Authority of collaborating with Israel in the case and
bearing joint responsibility for the man’s death. The authority has
been reining in Hamas activists and militants in the West Bank since
the Islamist group, which won Palestinian parliamentary elections in
2006, seized full control of Gaza a year later. There, Hamas has
detained loyalists of Fatah, the dominant party of the authority.

In this case, the authority had just released Mr. Bitar and five
others who had been on a hunger strike. The Israeli military said that
Mr. Bitar was the assistant of the man who planned a suicide bombing
in the southern Israeli town of Dimona in February 2008, in which an
Israeli woman was killed. The military also said that Mr. Bitar
planned several other suicide attacks that were thwarted, and that he
had been arrested by Palestinian forces in September 2008. Mr. Bitar’s
wife, Sanaa, said he had been on a hunger strike for 43 days to
protest his continued detention without charge or trial. She said that
a Palestinian Authority court had ordered his release a while ago.
She, too, blamed the Palestinian Authority for Mr. Qawasmeh’s death.

Palestinian officials in the West Bank said such statements only
served to remove responsibility from Israel, and suggested that the
six had been kept in Palestinian custody for their own safety. Gen.
Adnan Damiri, a spokesman for the Palestinian security forces, said
that the authority had made it clear before their release that Hamas
would have to bear responsibility for protecting them from Israeli
forces, according to the official Palestinian news agency, Wafa.

The other recent deaths include the case of a Palestinian woman, 36,
who died last Saturday after inhaling tear gas on the sidelines of a
protest the day before in the West Bank, according to her family and
Palestinian medical officials.

Initially, Israeli military officials anonymously raised questions
about whether those accounts were fabricated; Friday brought the first
official comment. The army commander in the West Bank, Brig. Gen.
Nitzan Alon, was quoted by Haaretz as saying the woman probably died
not from tear gas but from other medical “complications, combined with
problems in the medical care she received at the Palestinian

On Sunday, Israeli soldiers shot and killed a Palestinian man as he
approached a checkpoint in the northern 

[Marxism] Bob Herbert tells it like it is

2011-01-08 Thread Louis Proyect
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NY Times Op-Ed January 7, 2011
Misery With Plenty of Company

Consider the extremes. President Obama is redesigning his
administration to make it even friendlier toward big business and the
megabanks, which is to say the rich, who flourish no matter what is
going on with the economy in this country. (They flourish even when
they’re hard at work destroying the economy.) Meanwhile, we hear not a
word — not so much as a peep — about the poor, whose ranks are
spreading like a wildfire in a drought.

The politicians and the media behave as if the poor don’t exist. But
with jobs still absurdly scarce and the bottom falling out of the
middle class, the poor are becoming an ever more significant and
increasingly desperate segment of the population.

How do you imagine a family of four would live if its annual income
was $11,000 or less?

During a conversation I had this week with Peter Edelman, a professor
at Georgetown University Law Center and a longtime expert on issues
related to poverty, he pointed out that the number of people in that
tragically dismal category has grown to more than 17 million. These
are the folks trying to make it on incomes below half of the official
poverty line, which is $22,000 annually for a family of four.

No one talks about these families and individuals living in extreme
poverty. Certainly not the Republicans who were having a dandy time
this week deliberately misreading the Constitution and promising
budget cuts and other initiatives that will hurt the poor even more.

If you’re still having trouble deciding whose side the Republicans are
on, just keep in mind that the House G.O.P. bigwig Darrell Issa sent a
letter to 150 businesses, trade groups and think tanks asking them to
spell out which federal regulations they dislike the most. These are
lifeguards on the side of the sharks.

Scared to death of being outdone, President Obama and his sidekicks
climbed into their spiffy new G.O.P. costumes and promised in
humiliatingly abject tones to shower the business world with whatever
government largess they could lay their hands on. The first order of
business (pun intended) was the announcement that William Daley, the
Chicago wheeler-dealer and former Clinton administration official who
landed a fat gig at JPMorgan Chase, would become the president’s chief
of staff. Mr. Daley was a loud critic of recent financial regulatory
reforms and has been obsessed with getting Democrats to be more
subservient to business.

The poor, who have been hurt more than anyone else in this recession,
don’t stand a heartbeat’s chance in this political environment. The
movers and shakers in government don’t even give a thought to being on
the side of the angels anymore — they’re on the side of the
millionaires and billionaires.

Nearly 44 million people were living in poverty in 2009, which was
more than 14 percent of the American population and a jump of four
million from the previous year. Anyone who thinks things are much
better now is delirious. More than 15 million children are poor — one
of every five kids in the United States. More than a quarter of all
blacks and a similar percentage of Hispanics are poor.

Are we doing anything about this? No. Our government officials, from
the president on down, are too busy kissing the bejeweled fingers of
the megarich.

Professor Edelman broke the poor into two categories: the new poor,
who have lost jobs and homes and otherwise been clobbered by the
recession; and the old poor, who in many cases had previously been
working, sometimes sporadically or part time, at jobs that didn’t pay
much. Many of those low-paying jobs have since vanished and the old
poor have just been crushed.

“There is this astonishing number of people all the way down there at
the bottom that we just don’t talk about,” Mr. Edelman said, “and
they’re in very big trouble.”

Welfare, even for the poorest of the poor, is not much help. More than
17 million people may be living in extreme poverty, but welfare, for
most of the people who need it, was “reformed” right out of existence.
TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families), which is what welfare
is called now, helps far fewer people than welfare used to, even
though the poor have been laid low by the worst economy since the

Hardly anyone cares. Hardly anyone even notices.

With the tax cuts for the rich saved and William Daley coming on
board, the atmosphere is being readied for Obama  Co. to tap the fat
cats for the zillions necessary for next year’s re-election run. And
that, of course, is the only thing that really matters.

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Re: [Marxism] Bob Herbert tells it like it is

2011-01-08 Thread Jay Moore
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The readers' comments on Herbert's op-ed piece are also excellent.  Lots 
of bitterness directed at Obama for betraying his election rhetoric 
about change you can believe in and his lack of empathy for anybody 
besides the big bankers and Wall Street tycoons and trying to figure out 
what the fuck.  So how do we Marxists and other anti-capitalist radicals 
capitalize?  That's the 64 hundred dollar question which we need to be 


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[Marxism] Defend Korean workers

2011-01-08 Thread Louis Proyect
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So if you are on any listservs, please post.  Thanks

Urgent Appeal: Eight South Korean Labor Activists Face 4-7 Years in Prison

On Dec. 3 of last year, the prosecutor in the Seoul Central District Court
demanded prison terms of 5-7 years for Oh sei-chull and other members (Yang
Hyo-seok, Yang Joon-seok, Choi Young-ik, Park Joon-seon, Jeong Won-hyung,
and Oh Min-gyu) of the Socialist Workers’ Alliance of Korea (SWLK), a
revolutionary socialist group. These activists in the Korean working-class
movement were indicted under South Korea’s notorious National Security Law
(passed in 1948 and theoretically still stipulating the death penalty for
“pro-North” activities). The eight militants of the SWLK, who as
internationalists advocate working-class revolution in both Koreas, were
accused of no specific crime except being socialists, but in reality the
indictment resulted from their intervention in several strikes and movements
going back to 2007. This is the first instance of such harsh repression
under the National Security Law in many years. It occurs in the larger
context of the hard-right turn (such as the smashing of the Ssangyong Motor
Co. strike of 2009) of South Korean President Lee Myong Bak’s government
since he took office in early 2008. (In fact, leaflets of the SWLK
distributed during the Ssangyong strike were key evidence in the trial.)

Prosecutors have attempted to indict members of the SWLK several times since
2008, and prior to December, the prosecutors’ case was thrown out of court
each time. It is not impossible that a barrage of e-mail protests to Judge
Hyung Doo Kim of the Seoul Central District Court will help reduce or
obviate the pending sentences altogether, when final sentencing will take
place on Jan. 27.

Let Judge Kim know your feelings in your own words about this crackdown on
“thought crime” by writing to


The e-mails must be received by 06:00 AM on Monday January 17th 2011 (Seoul
time), so that the SWLK’s lawyer can forward them to Judge Kim prior to

Please distribute this appeal as widely as possible. Messages in languages
other than English are welcome.

Loren Goldner

For further details on this case, contact me at lrgold...@gmail.com

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[Marxism] Arizona congresswoman assassinated

2011-01-08 Thread Jim Farmelant
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Congresswoman killed, others injured in shooting: report

TUCSON, Arizona (Reuters) – Representative Gabrielle Giffords was fatally
shot during a public appearance on Saturday, National Public Radio said.
NPR said a gunman ran up to Giffords, 40, a Democrat, and opened fire.

The suspect was taken into custody, NPR said.

Media reports said about a dozen other people also were shot.
(Writing by Bill Trott, editing by Anthony Boadle)

Jim Farmelant
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[Marxism] Some readers' comments on Bob Herbert's op-ed piece

2011-01-08 Thread Louis Proyect
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“… Darrell Issa sent a letter to 150 businesses, trade groups and
think tanks asking them to spell out which federal regulations they
dislike the most. These are lifeguards on the side of the sharks.”

No matter which party grasps the power, the working majority remain
powerless while the capitalist minority rules the world. It is of no
use to blame one party on the misfortune and misery of the people and
hope the other party would come to people’s help. No any party will do
any good. They are as corrupt as any henchman of the capital can be.

Even if the Democrats had taken power of the Capital’s House, nothing
would have changed as far as the political corruption, economic
monopoly and social regression are concerned. The question is how to
convince capital itself that the current mainstream and orthodox
political economic policy is not only wrong and detrimental to the
working majority but also harmful to the dictatorship of the bourgeois

Capital has taken it for granted that even though the economic crisis
could be worse than the Great Depression in the 1930s, recovery has
never been far away, time is on their side and patience will pay off.
Its trusting to luck ideas keep a blear-eye in front of the danger
ahead. Ever since China surrendered three decades, the Soviet Union
folded two decades ago, and all-out confrontation ceased, capital
started its barefaced onslaught on the working people of the world
with candid exploitation and oppression as though there would be no
tomorrow. Representative Democracy and profit sharing have died.
Global discontentment among the working majority is never higher
because of unemployment, bankruptcy, foreclosure, poverty and
austerity. Capital as a hegemony is about to slip downward from its
power peak.

Global overproduction relative to working people’s affordable demand
has been the real cause of the economic crisis. Overproduction comes
about from fierce competitions and cost reduction. Automation has made
matter worse than better through reducing work force or
underemployment or both. The 21th century Innovation is all
cost-saving enterprise, especially on human capital. Global
accumulation of capital, on the other hand, reaches it new high and
entraps into the mire of over-accumulation that overproduction
engendered over the past three decades. The profitable investment
outlets other than the speculative financial bubble-prone money ports
like housing and stock markets become so much rare that lack of
outlets has forced capital to invest overseas en mass leading to
deindustrialization on a global scale. A permanent global unemployment
calamity has arrived and it has been hardly fleeting at all. For some
similar viewpoints, see http://endnotes.org.uk/articles/1

Now as though that were not enough, overseas low-cost investment
outlets in China, India, Brazil and elsewhere face either inflation or
over-investment and unemployment as well. Capital, which looked as
invincible as only yesterday, has been on tenterhooks almost daily by
crises. Overseas investments may do down the drain if China’s economy

Due to housing overproduction, housing crisis rivals the Great
Depression. Housing price in 2010 dropped $1.7 trillion over last year
when it shed $1 trillion or at a falling rate of 63% and a total drop
of $9 trillion since 2006. “The U.S. housing market is now down around
25 percent from its peak in 2006. (During the Great Depression, home
prices fell 25.9 percent in five years.) Housing bubbles are now
bursting in China, France, Spain, Ireland, the United Kingdom, Eastern
Europe, and many other regions.” (December 29, 2010, “Underneath the
Happy Talk, Is This As Bad as the Great Depression?”)

Due to over-accumulation of capital, “Indeed, top economists such as
Anna Schwartz, James Galbraith, Nouriel Roubini and others have
pointed out that while banks faced a liquidity crisis during the Great
Depression, today they are wholly insolvent. Insolvency is much more
severe than a shortage of liquidity.”

“So many Americans have been jobless for so long that the government
is changing how it records long-term unemployment.

‘Citing what it calls an unprecedented rise in long-term
unemployment, the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), beginning
Saturday, will raise from two years to five years the upper limit on
how long someone can be listed as having been jobless.’ “The two-year
limit has been used for 33 years.” (See the above URL)

Darrell Issa, William Daley, Barak Obama and their ilk - the
right-wingers - now put on their tax cut hawk facemasks, shift the
financial burden of tax cut on social programs and scoop more lucre
for their masters and themselves. The strategic plan of their class

[Marxism] Cathie Black and the Demise of Public Education

2011-01-08 Thread Dennis Brasky
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Cathie Black and the Demise of Public Education

Saturday 08 January 2011

by: Christopher Lawrence, t r u t h o u t | News Analysis

clip -

The appointment of Cathie Black - the Hearst magazine executive with zero
education experience - as New York City schools chancellor is further
evidence of the complete collapse of the 20th century model of liberal
public education in the US. The cynical compromise between Mayor Bloomberg
and his liberal opponents to appoint an educator as deputy chancellor only
serves to highlight the obvious message: education is a business that is too
lucrative in these difficult times to leave to teachers and communities. It
now seems inevitable that we will move to a dual education system not seen
since the days of legal segregation, with minorities and the poor shuttled
through a system of for-profit institutions emphasizing standardized
testing, uniform lessons and rote learning.

It is remarkable how quickly the liberals caved. Maybe this is because of
the way pro-business education reformers co-opted the traditional liberal
discourse of equality and civil rights. Or maybe it's the money. It is
heart-warming to see the captains of industry, hedge fund managers and
politicians across the political spectrum lining up to bankroll an attempt
to level the playing field for the poor. This equalization is a noble cause,
and one that is difficult to criticize. Unfortunately, it is also a scam.
Once again, the rich are preying on the hopes of the poor in order to
further their monopoly on wealth and power. The education reforms enshrined
in the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB), like charter schools, increased
testing and subcontracted tutoring and provided a huge opening for private
education entrepreneurs, even as public school budgets are repeatedly
slashed. If anyone had any doubts about the true intentions of these
corporate conquistadores, the announced departure of current New York City
schools chancellor Joel Klein to Murdoch's News Corp in order to pursue
opportunities in the education marketplace makes clear their objectives.

School reformers focus on the racial achievement gap as a source of social
inequality. This is naive at best and a red herring at worst, distracting us
from the real causes and remedies of inequality. Education, in itself, is
neither a cause nor a solution to the systemic problems of racism and
poverty in the US. The promise to prepare all students for college seems
admirable, until one realizes that the colleges where most students are to
be sent are for-profit diploma mills where students graduate, if at all,
with high debts and few prospects of a well-paying job. As for charter
schools, a recent
that more fail than succeed. Those that do are invariably the
beneficiaries of generous private grants that guarantee funding at much
higher levels than those of regular public schools. No matter. The
attraction of charters continues as poor people, accustomed to the indignity
of lining up for lottery tickets, continue to hope for that lucky break.
When reformers promise us that every child can succeed, they are
trafficking in cheap platitudes. True success would involve a redistribution
of wealth, the creation of decent jobs and a commitment to real equality.

But to think of these reforms in terms of education misses the point. Their
real goals are cutting costs and increasing profits. Education reforms have
been marketed by demonizing public school teachers and their unions. As
systemic inequality and unemployment grow, teachers have become the
scapegoats for an economic system in crisis. Demands are growing for an end
to job security and other benefits and the firing of teachers based on poor
student test scores, despite the fact that the most relevant variable in
test scores is poverty, not teaching. In charter schools, these problems
have been addressed through increased productivity (such as longer teacher
hours for less pay) and the elimination of job security and benefits. Many
charters do not even offer teachers a pension.
full --

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Re: [Marxism] Arizona congresswoman assassinated

2011-01-08 Thread Jay Moore
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The assassin seems to be a Tea-Party lunatic type.  See his farewell 
YouTube message: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nHoaZaLbqB4  
Congresswoman Giffords was one of 20 Dem. candidates identified by Sarah 
Palin during the last election singled out to be defeated. I believe 
there was election propaganda circulated showing them with gun-sight 
targets over their heads.  Giffords narrowly beat the Tea-Party candidate.

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Re: [Marxism] Arizona congresswoman assassinated

2011-01-08 Thread Intense Red
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  Palin during the last election singled out to be defeated. I believe
  there was election propaganda circulated showing them with gun-sight
  targets over their heads. 

   It's the typical thing fascists do; use incendiary words and evocative 
images, and then claim innocence when some whack job takes the words or 
images literally as they were intended. It's common in the anti-abortion 

   You can see some of the graphics here: 

In California in 2004, there were 360 people serving life sentences for 
shoplifting. -- Journalists Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett

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Re: [Marxism] Arizona congresswoman assassinated

2011-01-08 Thread sobuadhaigh
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Jay wrote:

The assassin seems to be a Tea-Party lunatic type.

I don't now what this guys connection to right
wing politics is but I have noted You tube is 
lousy with not so veiled threats. For example

Tribute to the Patriot Weapon of Choice

has a soft rock soundtrack with images 
of the latest tricked out Armalites. 
Here are some of the lyrics:

“Who stood before me was my enemy
He’s come to take my liberties
I’d rather die than be a slave to thee
Don’t treat me this way
I’d rather die than be your slave
I will survive can you feel my rage
It’s not a question of being brave
It didn’t matter who shot first that day…
We hit them hard we made them pay that day
We hung the traitors from the highest tree
No mercy from me…this is the price we pay for 

The use of the term traitor is common these
videos and I wrote to couple of the creators
and asked them just who were the traitors.
Several of them responded with the names
of prominent Democrats - Nancy Pelosi and Harry
Reid were the most often mentioned. For anyone
who cares to wade through the Turner Diaries,
the right wing revolt sparked by the bombing 
of a Federal Building is marked by the public
hanging of liberal legislators.

This isn't the Weimar Republic, but this
is a country in economic decline with an
increasingly hostile polarization of politics.
Among the legions of wack job tea baggers, 
there are some moving beyond simply howling 
at the moon.

They are, of course, not the only ones
with their weapons of choice.

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Re: [Marxism] Arizona congresswoman assassinated

2011-01-08 Thread Louis Proyect
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 The assassin seems to be a Tea-Party lunatic type.  See his farewell
 YouTube message: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nHoaZaLbqB4
 Congresswoman Giffords was one of 20 Dem. candidates identified by Sarah
 Palin during the last election singled out to be defeated. I believe
 there was election propaganda circulated showing them with gun-sight
 targets over their heads.  Giffords narrowly beat the Tea-Party candidate.

We really don't know about the provenance of this.

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Re: [Marxism] Arizona congresswoman assassinated

2011-01-08 Thread MARGARET WYLES
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On Sat, Jan 8, 2011 at 11:27 AM, Jim Farmelant farmela...@juno.com wrote:

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 Congresswoman killed, others injured in shooting: report

 TUCSON, Arizona (Reuters) – Representative Gabrielle Giffords was fatally
 shot during a public appearance on Saturday, National Public Radio said.
 NPR said a gunman ran up to Giffords, 40, a Democrat, and opened fire.

 The suspect was taken into custody, NPR said.

 Media reports said about a dozen other people also were shot.
 (Writing by Bill Trott, editing by Anthony Boadle)

 Funny, I just pulled up the story and it looks like she was only wounded
and doctors are optimistic about a recovery.  Where did you get the idea she
was killed?

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[Marxism] Richard Falk - Israel is gearing up for another major offensive into Gaza

2011-01-08 Thread Dennis Brasky
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 Israel is gearing up for another major offensive into Gaza, yet the world
 community still remains bafflingly silent.

 Richard Falk: Hopes of Gaza Cast in Lead

 It is mainly through civil society acts of defiance, like the Mavi Marmara
 and the Freedom Flotilla, that offer the appropriate responses to the
 injustices occurring in Gaza [EPA] It is dismaying that during this dark
 anniversary period two years after the launch of the deadly attacks on the
 people of Gaza - code-named Operation Cast Lead by the Israelis - that there
 should be warnings of a new massive attack on the beleaguered people of
 Gaza. The influential Israeli journalist, Ron Ren-Yishai, writes on December
 29, 2010, of the likely prospect of a new major IDF attack, quoting senior
 Israeli military officers as saying It's not a question of if, but rather
 of when, a view that that is shared, according to Ren-Yishai, by
 government ministers, Knesset members and municipal heads in the Gaza


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[Marxism] Translation: The question of the century

2011-01-08 Thread Marce Cameron
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From new Cuba blog Cuba's Socialist Renewal
To sign up as a follower or to receive email updates click on link above

[Thanks to Fred Feldman for his kind words of encouragement. I should
point out that the translation of Raul's December National Assembly
speech that Fred attributes to me is actually an official Cuban
translation. I translated some of Raul's additional comments.]

The most significant economic reforms to date are taking place in
agriculture, the Achilles heel of Cuba's post-capitalist economy. A
key initiative of the government led by Raul Castro is the leasing of
idle state farmland to individuals, peasant cooperatives and state
farms in an effort to boost production, reduce costly food imports
(US$1.6 billion in 2011) and lower prices. More than 100,000 people
have benefited from these land grants.

Damage to crops from the ferocious 2008 hurricanes, the global
economic crisis, administrative red tape and delays in the
commercialisation of farm supplies and equipment — together with
losses in the distribution chain from farm to market — saw an overall
decline in agricultural output in 2010, but this year may see a
turnaround as new farms become established and teething problems are
ironed out.

The return to the countryside has spawned a new social movement in
which peasants are sharing their knowledge with those who have opted
to try their hand at farming. The rural revival is being complemented
by the establishment or expansion of green belts around provincial
cities and towns, with an emphasis on ecological sustainability and
energy efficiency. Cuba's communist youth organisation, the UJC, is
encouraging young Cubans to join in this effort. Thousands have
responded with enthusiasm.

Not everyone agrees that expanding the scope of peasant agriculture
and cooperatives — which may hire wage labour to assist with planting,
harvests and the like — can make a positive contribution to Cuba's
socialist development in the new economic model that is emerging.
Here Ricardo Ronquillo Bello, a regular columnist for Juventud
Rebelde, takes up the debate in favour of cooperatives. He notes that
Vladimir Lenin was an enthusiastic supporter of cooperatives if, as in
revolutionary Cuba, state power is in the hands of the working people.
Those who are interested may like to read what Lenin had to say here:

Link to translation:

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Re: [Marxism] Arizona congresswoman assassinated

2011-01-08 Thread Jim Farmelant
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On Sat, 8 Jan 2011 16:20:42 -0800 MARGARET WYLES kaliy...@wildblue.net

 On Sat, Jan 8, 2011 at 11:27 AM, Jim Farmelant farmela...@juno.com 

  Congresswoman killed, others injured in shooting: report
  TUCSON, Arizona (Reuters) – Representative Gabrielle Giffords was 
  shot during a public appearance on Saturday, National Public Radio 
  NPR said a gunman ran up to Giffords, 40, a Democrat, and opened 
  The suspect was taken into custody, NPR said.
  Media reports said about a dozen other people also were shot.
  (Writing by Bill Trott, editing by Anthony Boadle)
  Funny, I just pulled up the story and it looks like she was only 
 and doctors are optimistic about a recovery.  Where did you get the 
 idea she
 was killed?

I posted from what were the initial reports which
at the time were declaring that she had died from
the attack.  Those reports turn out to have been error,
but a Federal judge did die in the attack, and many other
people were wounded.

Jim Farmelant
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[Marxism] Black Agenda responds to Ishmael Reed

2011-01-08 Thread Louis Proyect
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My own take:


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[Marxism] Rep. Gifford not dead, doctor optimistic, Palin sends good wishes

2011-01-08 Thread Fred Feldman
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I kind of assume that this is not a deeply political event, or more
correctly, I think that it is political only in a very deep sense.

As for Palin, she has been sending her message to people like the killer for
quite a while: Don't apologize. Reload!  She's not referring to moose,
although apologies to them would be appropriate.
Fred Feldman

Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords in critical condition after being shot,
9-year-old and Judge dead
BY Michael Mcauliff and James Gordon Meek In Washington and Larry Mcshane 

Originally Published:Saturday, January 8th 2011, 1:46 PM
Updated: Saturday, January 8th 2011, 7:53 PM

APPeople outside the Safeway in Tucson were shocked by the shooting of the
Popat/APJared Loughner is believed to be the shooter who fired on Giffords.

Gabrielle Giffords (CLICK TO SEE MORE PHOTOS OF THE SHOOTING.) Take our 

  This was the act of one nut, civility will prevail. 
 Americans have a lot of anger toward politicians, this could happen again.
 I don't know. 

 Related NewsRep. Gabrielle Giffords was a target of Sarah Palin, but is a
moderate, gun-owning DemocratLupica: Palin shows she lacks real
couragePalin: Every state should have immigration law like ArizonaPalin
blames Obama for Arizona's anti-illegal immigration lawSarah Palin blasts
Arizona boycotters; Austin, Tex., City Council approves ban of their
ownSearch is on for 5 suspected illegal immigrants in Arizona deputy
Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords miraculously survived a point-blank gunshot
to the head as a lone gunman killed six people Saturday during a routine
voter meet-and-greet.

Giffords and another 11 people were caught in the fatal fusillade after the
cold-blooded killer opened fire without warning outside a Tucson grocery
store on a sunny weekend morning.

A 9-year-old girl was killed, while a federal judge and a Giffords staffer
were also reported among the dead in a shooting that shook the nation.

This is more than a tragedy for those involved, said President Obama. It
is a tragedy for Arizona and a tragedy for our entire country.

The shooter - identified as Jared Laughner, 22 - marched up to Giffords
around 10 a.m. local time as she spoke to a local couple, aimed his handgun
and fired from just a few feet away.

Giffords, 40, had a bullet pass completely through her skull before she
collapsed before horrified constituents. Witnesses said the shooter squeezed
off as many as 20 shots before the carnage ended.

She is in critical condition, said Peter Rhee, emergency director of
trauma and emergency care surgery at University Medical Center in Tucson,
after neurosurgeons worked on the three-term representative.

I'm optimistic about her recovery, Rhee said. We cannot tell what kind of
recovery, but I'm about as optimistic as you can get in this situation.

Hospital officials said five people were in critical condition, while
another five remained in surgery hours after the gory attack.

Arizona Federal Court Judge John Roll and an unidentified aide to the
Congresswoman were killed. Several other aides were apparently wounded as
the gunman sprayed bullets across the L-shaped shopping center.

Laughner was tackled by one of the attendees at the Congress at Your
Corner event.

He's in custody, said a federal law enforcement official in Washington.
We don't have any motive right now.

Giffords had promoted the scheduled public event on her Twitter account
shortly before the gunfire started.

My 1st Congress on Your Corner starts now, she advised local voters.
Please stop by to let me know what is on your mind.

The President labeled the attack an unspeakable tragedy, and offered his
prayers for Giffords and her family.

Gabby Giffords is a friend of mine, the President said, adding he would
provide full federal cooperation to get to the bottom of the attack.

Obama made a personal call to her astronaut husband.

Giffords, a lifelong resident of Arizona, was targeted during her
re-election campaign last year by Sarah Palin, the Tea Party and opponents
of health care reform.

Palin, in identifying 20 vulnerable Democrats, actually created a map
illustrating the targets with a gun sight on each district.

The front door of Giffords' district office was also smashed last March,
apparently over her support of health care.

Rep. Steve Israel, D-L.I., made the connection between the shootings and the
nation's oft-ugly political divide.

This is both a personal tragedy and a tragic reminder that we cannot remain
silent when political rhetoric turns violent, Israel said.

Palin was among a plethora of politicians condemning the attack and sending
condolences to the Giffords.

My sincere condolences are offered to the family of Rep. Gabrielle 

[Marxism] IRELAND: Building the United Left Alliance:

2011-01-08 Thread Ratbag Media
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Building the United Left Alliance: reflections on the past and
proposals for the future


Brendan Young. People Before Profit and the Campaign for an Independent Left.

It is just over a month since the ULA was launched and the paucity of
organised resistance to the deepening economic crisis has made the
alternative offered by the ULA all the more urgent. So the formation
of the ULA is very welcome. Also welcome is the public commitment to
the ULA by PBP, the Socialist Party, the Socialist Workers’ Party and
the Tipperary Unemployed and Workers’ Action Group. Such co-operation
amongst the Irish left is a very big step forward and every effort
should be made to ensure that it is a success, up to and after the
coming election.

At present the ULA is an electoral alliance – based upon a limited
program of resistance to the European Union – International Monetary
Fund austerity / deflation / mass unemployment program of the Fianna
Fáil-Green Party government (which a FG-Labour coalition will also
implement). The formation of this electoral alliance is, in itself,
very positive. But the success of the ULA launch, the recognition
across the Irish Left of the political significance of agreement
amongst socialists on an electoral slate / platform, and the desire
amongst the many who will not join the SP or SWP but who want to be
part of a serious alternative to Labour and SF, mean that discussion
on what the ULA could become is also urgent.

This paper is a contribution to the discussion on how the ULA can
evolve, and looks at three issues:

can the ULA be the beginnings of something new;
can it evolve into something more than an electoral alliance;
and can those who support and campaign for ULA candidates, but who are
not in the organisations mentioned above, join the ULA and have a role
in its decision-making?

Historical opportunity

The decline of working class support for FF combined with the explicit
pro-capitalist commitments of Labour, in a context of the deepest
economic crisis in living memory, present Irish socialists with a
historical opportunity. A new political space is opening to the left
of Labour. We should however, adopt a comradely attitude to Labour
supporters, many of whom will become disillusioned with Labour in
coalition with FG. The possibility of six ULA-sponsored TDs (Teachtaí
Dála, members of Dáil Éireann, the irish Parliament) being elected,
and acting as a pole of attraction for those who oppose the austerity
drive, will create the conditions for a new political formation: a new
workers party with a small mass base (by this I mean a party with over
a thousand active members and the ability to mobilise three to four
times that number.)

To realise this historic potential, those involved in the ULA and the
other socialist / activists interested in a new formation must make a
commitment to building it. And we must try to avoid the errors of the
past. There is much politically on which the Left agrees. But there
have also been hostilities in the past, flowing from a desire to
recruit based on points of difference. The ULA is the beginning of a
break from that past. If we are to move forward, we must try to work
together as much as possible; to seek consensus as much as possible;
and to be open to debate and be able to disagree without hostility –
while continuing to work together.

At this stage an evolving political formation should be based on a
program of struggle and resistance – which is what the current
electoral platform of the ULA represents. More broadly, a future
workers party should take the side of the working class and the
oppressed in any conflict with the bosses and the state. The logic of
such an approach is a challenge to capitalism, but we cannot simply
drop a revolutionary (eco) socialist program onto a new formation:
that is a recipe for recruitment to the existing revolutionary
socialist groups and little more.

Thus a new workers party would accumulate its political program out of
real debate and struggles, rather than adopting a ready-made program
with little depth of understanding. The role of experienced socialists
would be to help develop transitional demands which raise the level of
struggle to challenge the foundations of capitalism and bourgeois
rule. (The alternative is to accept the logic of capitalism – an
acceptance that has brought the Labour Party to its current sorry
state). This transitional approach is necessary due to the existing
level of consciousness and the dominance of reformist ideas in the
social / workers movement: that capitalism / private property is an
acceptable socio-economic system – if only we could have a ‘fairer’

Re: [Marxism] Arizona congresswoman assassinated

2011-01-08 Thread MARGARET WYLES
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

I clicked on the link you provided in support of your post.  So either you
misread the post or they replaced the story with another one.  Is that
common practice?  Is it also common practice in the media to declare someone
dead without definitve proof?  Seems the height of irresponsibility,
especially when it involves a public official.  Can we be sure now of the
facts that they've subsequently provided or will that be updated without

On Sat, Jan 8, 2011 at 5:07 PM, Jim Farmelant farmela...@juno.com wrote:

 Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

 On Sat, 8 Jan 2011 16:20:42 -0800 MARGARET WYLES kaliy...@wildblue.net
  On Sat, Jan 8, 2011 at 11:27 AM, Jim Farmelant farmela...@juno.com

   Congresswoman killed, others injured in shooting: report
   TUCSON, Arizona (Reuters) – Representative Gabrielle Giffords was
   shot during a public appearance on Saturday, National Public Radio
   NPR said a gunman ran up to Giffords, 40, a Democrat, and opened
   The suspect was taken into custody, NPR said.
   Media reports said about a dozen other people also were shot.
   (Writing by Bill Trott, editing by Anthony Boadle)
   Funny, I just pulled up the story and it looks like she was only
  and doctors are optimistic about a recovery.  Where did you get the
  idea she
  was killed?

 I posted from what were the initial reports which
 at the time were declaring that she had died from
 the attack.  Those reports turn out to have been error,
 but a Federal judge did die in the attack, and many other
 people were wounded.

 Jim Farmelant
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Re: [Marxism] Arizona congresswoman assassinated

2011-01-08 Thread Mark Lause
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The media didn't declare her dead.  These were rumors circulating after the
shooting and they reported the rumors.

What else do they do?


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Re: [Marxism] Arizona congresswoman assassinated

2011-01-08 Thread MARGARET WYLES
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On Sat, Jan 8, 2011 at 6:54 PM, Mark Lause markala...@gmail.com wrote:

 Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

 The media didn't declare her dead.  These were rumors circulating after the
 shooting and they reported the rumors.

 What else do they do?

Are you saying the media merely reported the rumors?

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[Marxism] Algerian riots resume over food prices:

2011-01-08 Thread Dennis Brasky
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Police deployed around mosques and football matches suspended amid protests
over food prices and unemployment

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Re: [Marxism] Arizona congresswoman assassinated

2011-01-08 Thread Jim Farmelant
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

On Sat, 8 Jan 2011 18:21:22 -0800 MARGARET WYLES kaliy...@wildblue.net

 I clicked on the link you provided in support of your post.  So 
 either you
 misread the post or they replaced the story with another one. 

What I posted, was the text of the story as it existed on
YahooNews at that time.  So, yes, they replaced their
original story with an update one later on, under the
same URL.

 common practice?  

Do you really have to ask?  The answer, of course, is yes.

 Is it also common practice in the media to declare 
 dead without definitve proof?  

It's hardly the first time that they have done something
like that.  I am sure it won't be the last either.

 Seems the height of 
 especially when it involves a public official.  Can we be sure now 
 of the
 facts that they've subsequently provided or will that be updated 

I wouldn't at all be surprised if that if that should turn out to
be the case.

Jim Farmelant
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Re: [Marxism] Arizona congresswoman assassinated

2011-01-08 Thread Jim Farmelant
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On Sat, 8 Jan 2011 21:54:31 -0500 Mark Lause markala...@gmail.com
 Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a 
 The media didn't declare her dead.  

In fact, some of the media were indeed
reporting her dead.

 These were rumors circulating 
 after the
 shooting and they reported the rumors.

Which some major outlets were indeed
reporting them as fact.

 What else do they do?

Well, they have often done much
worse. This is really one of their
lesser snafus, as compared to
their reporting on, say, the Iraq
War for instance.

Jim Farmelant
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[Marxism-Thaxis] John O'Neill Thomas Ubel on Otto Neurath

2011-01-08 Thread Jim Farmelant

Analyse  Kritik 30/2008 ( Lucius  Lucius, Stuttgart) p. 379–398
John O’Neill/Thomas Uebel

Logical Empiricism as Critical Theory?
The Debate Continues

Abstract: Is logical empiricism incompatible with a critical social
The longstanding assumption that it is incompatible has been prominent 
in recent debates about welfare economics. Sen’s development of a 
critical and descriptively rich welfare economics is taken by writers
such as 
Putnam, Walsh and Sen to involve the excising of the in?uence of logical 
empiricism on neo-classical economics. However, this view stands
in contrast to the descriptively rich contributions to political economy
of members of
the left Vienna Circle, such as Otto Neurath. This paper considers the
of the meta-theoretical commitments of Neurath and others in the logical
tradition with this ?rst-order critical political economy.


Jim Farmelant
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