Re: [Marxism] Thoughts on King Day: 2011

2011-01-17 Thread Walter Lippmann
 but to deeper confusion.

 Los Angeles, California
 Editor-in-Chief, CubaNews
 Cuba - Un Paraíso bajo el bloqueo

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Re: [Marxism] Arizona congresswoman assassinated

2011-01-09 Thread Walter Lippmann
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Here are a few thoughts from Fidel Castro on this horrific event:

Reflections by Comrade Fidel


Sad news was broadcast this afternoon from the United States:
Gabrielle Giffords, Democratic congresswoman for Arizona, was the
victim of a criminal attempt while taking part at a political meeting
at her electoral district in Tucson. On the other side of the border
lies Mexico, the Latin American country to which that territory used
to belong when, in an unjust war, more than one half of its area was
seized from it.

Along its arid surface, many of those who emigrate from Mexico,
Central America and other Latin American countries try to escape
hunger, poverty and the underdevelopment to which those countries
have been led by the United States. Money and goods can freely cross
the border; human beings cannot. Without mentioning the drugs and
weapons that cross that line in either direction.

Hundreds of thousands of Latin Americans who work in that country
doing the toughest and worst paid jobs are captured each year and
sent back to their points of departure, many times separated from
their closest kin. They were hoping that the new administration would
correct that criminal and inhuman policy.

According to just-arrived news, 18 people were shot and six died,
among them a 9-year-old girl and Federal Judge John Roll.

The congresswoman was seriously wounded by a bullet in the head.
Doctors were fighting to save her life.

She is married to NASA astronaut Mark Kelly. She was first elected to
Congress in 2006 at the age of 36. “She is a supporter of migrant
reform, stem cell research and alternative energy”, measures that are
hated by the far right.

She was re-elected as the Democratic representative in the past

When her father was asked whether she had any enemies, he replied:
The entire Tea Party”.

It is known that the former US vice-presidential candidate in the
2008 elections and Tea Party leader, Sarah Palin, published on her
website, as the aim for supporters of her party, a map of the
congressional districts of 20 of the representatives who had backed
President Obama's proposed health reform bill and she had them marked
with the viewfinder of a rifle.

Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords' political opponent was a former
Marine who appeared in the electoral campaign with an M-16 in a
message which apparently stated: Help get rid of Gabrielle
Giffords...shoot the entire ammo chamber of an M-16 with Jesse

In March 2010, Gabrielle's district office was attacked. She stated
that when people do that they were going to have to be aware of the
consequences; political leaders should get together and set limits.

Any sensible person could well wonder whether such an act happened in
Afghanistan or in an electoral district in Arizona.

Obama stated: “…an unspeakable tragedy, a number of Americans were

“And while we are continuing to receive information, we know that
some have passed away, and that Representative Giffords is gravely

“We do not yet have all the answers. What we do know is that such a
senseless and terrible act of violence has no place in a free

“ I ask all Americans to join me and Michelle in keeping
Representative Giffords, the victims of this tragedy, and their
families in our prayers.”

His appeal is quite dramatic and very sad. Even those of us who don’t
share his political or philosophical ideas in the least sincerely
hope that no children, judges, congressmen or any US citizen should
die in such an absurd and unjustifiable way.

It is sad to remember that in the world every year many millions of
people are dying as the consequence of absurd wars, poverty, growing
famines and the deterioration of the environment promoted by the
wealthiest and most developed nations on the planet.

We would like Obama and the United States Congress to share those
concerns with all the other peoples.

Fidel Castro Ruz

January 8, 2011

9:11 p.m.

 Los Angeles, California
 Editor-in-Chief, CubaNews
 Cuba - Un Paraíso bajo el bloqueo

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Re: [Marxism] Translation (Cuba): By one and all

2011-01-07 Thread Walter Lippmann
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Marce Cameron's Cuba Socialist Renewal blog
is performing an exceptionally valuable 
service to all of us whose first language 
is English by bringing commentaries from
the Cuban media out in English translation.

Luis Sexto's articles from JUVENTUD REBELDE
have been published for years in such sites
as PROGRESO WEEKLY which is based in Miami,
Karen Lee Wald's Cuba Inside Out, CubaNews 
and others.

Many of these can be found at this location:

 Los Angeles, California
 Editor-in-Chief, CubaNews
 Cuba - Un Paraíso bajo el bloqueo

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Re: [Marxism] Cuban medics in Haiti put world to shame

2010-12-31 Thread Walter Lippmann
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Manuel Barrera seems to convinced Cuba is led by something of an
incompetent group. He fails to see why they fail to see how his
ideas on the world revolution have not convinced the leadership in
Cuba to go ahead and call a meeting. After all, he wrote them an
e-mail and the leadership of the Cuban revolution did not respond!

He writes easily of the possibility the Cuban state might exist
as no more than a memory, and similarly easily of his own death. 
This to me reflects somewhat inflated sense of his importance.

It's unknown how old Manuel Barrera is, if he's ever been to Cuba,
and what practical activity defending Cuba he has ever engaged in. 
Why Cuba should respond to his entreaties remains thus unclear. 

Have a nice day.

Walter Lippmann
Los Angeles, California

Manuel Barrera affirmed:
I will defend the Cuban people and the state that they have
constructed until it no longer exists and until I die if it 
is but a memory when that event should occur. FULL:

 Los Angeles, California
 Editor-in-Chief, CubaNews
 Cuba - Un Paraíso bajo el bloqueo

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Re: [Marxism] Sins of South Beach

2010-12-30 Thread Walter Lippmann
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Good luck, Louis. You might try to look up a man named
Jim DeFede who used to work at the MIAMI HERALD whom
they canned after he recorded the words of a politican
named Arthur Teele who shortly thereafter committed
suicide. DeFede'd written marvelous columns about the
Cuban exile world - and NOT as a leftist - and he had
made his reputation mostly as a muckracker regarding
the Miami universe. I'm sure you'd get an earful from
Jim DeFede. Now he works on some local TV news show.

 Los Angeles, California
 Editor-in-Chief, CubaNews
 Cuba - Un Paraíso bajo el bloqueo

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Re: [Marxism] Cuban medics in Haiti put world to shame

2010-12-27 Thread Walter Lippmann
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Responding to Manuel Barrera's declaration that:

I am simply Done with the Cuban Revolution Serving ONLY 
as an example. The dictates of the class struggle today 
require immensely more Leadership than simply providing 
doctors, nurses and educators
Changes in US-Cuban relations are taking place daily now.
And yet the changes can be hard to comprehend. I know I'm
finding it hard to keep up with all of these changes.

Several different changes are detailed in this posting.
Please read all the way through to the end of this one.

Who cannot feel a sense of terrible frustration about the
slow pace of political radicalization in the United States,
above all in the working class, at a time when social and
political decay is stronger and more obvious (to ourselves)
than at any time? The accomplishment of the Obama regime,
and indeed the reason Obama and his team were hoisted to
their positions, has been to reduce active opposition to
the wars and austerity being expanded and deepened in the
United States of America. 

As someone who travels to Cuba often and spends a good deal
of time there, I often think if only they would do this or
that differently, it would be so much better. But unlike
some of Cuba's leftist critics, I don't go out on the
World Wide Web and try to tell the Cubans what they need
to do, and how they need to do it. I really that's rather
presumptuous, and all the more so from people living here
in the heartland of Cuba's principal antagonist.

Disappointed foreigners complaining that Cuba hasn't lived
up to their hopes and expectations aren't new. Some people
seem to think that Cuba should do for them what they can't
do for themselves. This thought-process has been dissected
very well by Harvard's Richard Levins in his magnificent

Cuba provides at once an example of how much can be done
in a blockaded country, but not a model to be duplicated
in other places. Cuba doesn't claim to be a model anyway, 
and shouldn't be looked to as a model to be duplicated. 

Radicals who think of themselves as supporters of the Cuban
revolution have been deeply critical of the island's plans
to restructure important elements of the Cuban economy now.
These are being discussed on the island in the lead-up to
the April 2011 congress of the Cuban Communist Party.

Students of Cuba who haven't read it may find it useful to
take a careful look at the Draft Guidelines which are the
basis for discussion in Cuba now, and is available both 
in Spanish and in an English translation you can read here:

Today's Wall Street Journal has a big attack on Cuba's
health care system by their Cuba-Basher-in-Chief:

Mary Anastasia O'Grady: A Cuban Fairy Tale From PBS

Another hot development today is the sharp rise in money
now being legally send to Cuba from the US:

Remittances skyrocket after U.S. allows peso transfer

Finally, there's an exceptionally significant new item
from the WikiLeaks files related to Cuba, and you are
encouraged to read every single line of the text:

Simon McGuinness in Ireland writes: 
Very significant cable about a visit by a US official delegation to Cuba in 
September 2009 which may hold the origin of the recent move by Cuba to remove 
taxes on remittances, I presume in return for the USA allowing cash to be 
received in CUC (Cuban Convertible Peso) via Western Union.  

This appears to have been as a result of a request by a US student at ELAM that 
money from her family could be transferred more easily which the US official 
agreed to take up.

Evidence, perhaps, of a gesture and a reciprocating gesture?  - SmcG.


Walter Lippmann
Los Angeles, California

 Los Angeles, California
 Editor-in-Chief, CubaNews
 Cuba - Un Paraíso bajo el bloqueo

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