[Marxism] Facebook CubaDebate protest page

2011-01-13 Thread Joaquín Bustelo
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The demand is: Restore CubaDebate!

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[Marxism] Facebook, capitalism, and geek entitlement

2010-10-04 Thread Dan DiMaggio
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A brilliant anti-capitalist, feminist take on the new Facebook movie:


Some excerpts:

"The Machiavellian machinations of modern capitalism become a lot
clearer when one realises that much of it is built, owned and run by
people who couldn't get a girlfriend in college. The Social Network,
David Fincher's new film about the founding of Facebook, is an elegant
psychodrama of contemporary economics: flash, fast moving and entirely
founded on the principle of treating other human beings as hostile

"The Social Network is an expertly-crafted and exhaustively modern
film, and one of its more pertinent flashpoints is the reminder that a
resource that re-defined the human interactions of five hundred
million people across the globe was germinated in an act of vengeful
misogyny. Woman-hating is the background noise of this story. Aaron
Sorkin's dazzlingly scripted showdown between awkward, ambitious young
men desperate for wealth and respect phrases women and girls as
glorified sexual extras, lovely assistants in the grand trick whose
reveal is the future of human business and communication."

"The tragedy of The Social Network is also the intimate tragedy of an
age whose self-alienation has nothing to do with social networking.
The paranoid atomisation of modern social relations has, in fact, very
little to do with the internet at all. It has everything to do with a
global economic machine that trains human beings to understand one
another as manipulable objects or faceless consumers. That,
unfortunately, is a trend that did not start on Facebook."

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[Marxism] Facebook trolls

2010-09-07 Thread Jon Louis Mann
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Thanks Erik and Mark.  Evidently there is no way I could find out to block the 
trolls, because they beat me to it.  My only option as far as I know is to 
change my settings so only my friends can read my posts. It was set to friends 
of friends so there wouldn't be any gaps.  It a shame because that's almost the 
same as letting the trolls drive me off the page...  It was a really 
interesting page.
Jon Mann


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[Marxism] Facebook Shuts Down Palestinian Solidarity Group

2010-06-26 Thread johnedmundson
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Below is the text of a press release responding to the shutting down of the PFLP
Supporters' page on Facebook. It was set up as part of the PFLP Solidarity
Campaign we've been running in New Zealand to raise "no strings attached" funds
for the PFLP. Taking our cue from the Danes, we've done this by selling PFLP
support t-shirts and sending all the profit to the PFLP. If anyone is interested
in seeing what the campaign is producing, they can visit:

The design of one of the shirts is on the front page. It features the
Palestinian flag and the "Resistance is not Terrorism" slogan. The other design
features a picture of Comrade Leila Khaled, signed by her. (It should be visible
on the site too so I'll chase that up.) We recently conducted an interview (in
English) with Leila over a (not very good) Skype call and that interview will be
uploaded along with subtitles to cover the poorer sound quality bits, and with
appropriate video in place of the poorer quality Skype video.

We have the advantage here that the PFLP is not on the NZ government's terror
list, whereas it is on the US and EU lists. One of the key points emphasised by
Leila in our interview with her is the importance of challenging the PFLP's
classification as terrorists. When we started planing the campaign, we intended
to do it on the assumption that they were on the NZ list, but the fact that they
are not does have the advantage of giving us the ability to produce the
fundraising materials and campaign openly here in support of the PFLP. People
from overseas countries, where they are on the list, have been able to support
them via our work.

The Facebook page lasted maybe a couple of weeks before it was suddenly closed
with no warning. The administrators permanently lost their Facebook profiles and
Facebook have informed them that they have no right of appeal. Anyway, here is
the text of our media release.

"The US-based social networking site Facebook has shut down a New Zealand
based PFLP Solidarity group, as well as permanently closing the accounts of all
four group administrators with no right of appeal. The group, which had
approximately 500 members, was established after the recent Flotilla attacks to
show solidarity with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP),
and raise awareness of the solidarity campaign led by the Workers Party of New
Zealand, who are fundraising for the PFLP.

None of the administrators of the PFLP Solidarity group were given any
notice from Facebook that they had violated terms or conditions, and were
given no direct reason as to why they had had their accounts disabled.

“They did not even send an email to me explaining why my account was
disabled”, said one of the group’s administrators.

Marika Pratley, PFLP Solidarity Campaign coordinator and group
administrator in Wellington said, “This was clearly a political attack against
the PFLP and an attempt by Facebook to censor and shut down the solidarity

The PFLP advocates a single secular state in all of Palestine, with equal
rights for all, regardless of race or religion, and is the second largest
group in the PLO. Facebook have deemed that support for the PFLP violates its
terms and conditions while allowing many blatantly racist anti-Palestinian
groups to continue to exist without such censorship.

The Workers Party believes that all political ideas and discussion should
be free of censorship on the internet, but wishes to expose this hypocrisy,
which often surrounds debate of the Palestine issue. Palestinian groups are
frequently censored and branded as terrorists while supporters of the racist
state of  Israel are not.

The PFLP Solidarity Campaign is determined to continue on, despite
Facebook's censorship. “We have already raised over $1000 through selling T 

Deleting a Facebook group is not going to stop us showing solidarity with
Palestine or the PFLP”, said Christchurch administrator Mike Walker."

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Re: [Marxism] Facebook

2010-05-10 Thread Brett Murphy
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I think that Facebook is good.

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Re: [Marxism] Facebook

2010-02-19 Thread sobuadhaigh
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Mark wrote:
>These things are tools not "communities."
>The same's true of this email list.

I think of 'this' as the International Marxmail Tendency 
(IMMT) well deserving of its own logo and t-shirt.

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Re: [Marxism] Facebook

2010-02-16 Thread Mark Lause
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The problem isn't Facebook any more than it's email.

The problem is using any of these things as a substitute for engaging real
people in the real world.  Anything that can be a tool for that can also be
misused as a substitute for not doing that.


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Re: [Marxism] Facebook

2010-02-16 Thread Einde O'Callaghan
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Mark Lause wrote:
> These things are tools not "communities."
> The same's true of this email list.
I agree - we found Facebook very useful in the preparation for our 
blockades of the Nazis in Dresden last Saturday. When the state 
prosecutor tried to criminalise the movement ordering police raids of 
coordinating offices and bullying the Internet provider to shut down our 
organising website, we were able to use Facebook to keep one another 
informed and to organise resistance to this criminalisation process. We 
were also able to resp0ond quickly to developments.

On teh day, of course, Facebook wasn't so useful. But it was possible to 
keep demonstrators informed using the new technology - mainly for me the 
WAP-ticker that kept us informed of what was happening at the other 
blockades and enabled people to avoid running into groups of fascist 
thugs by warning where they were. Other people were using Twitter, but I 
can't comment on that as I wasn't using it.

Of course, using the technology was only a tool. Success depended on a 
lot of old-fashioned mobilising and networking, organising buses etc. An 
Internet campaign alone wouldn't have mobilised teh forces we needed.

Einde O'Callaghan

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Re: [Marxism] Facebook

2010-02-15 Thread Mark Lause
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Facebook is how the Campus Antiwar Network communicates in this area, so I
joined it.  Other people have connected since and that's fine.

The problem is what people expect from these things.

But it's a tool.  That's all.


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Re: [Marxism] Facebook

2010-02-15 Thread Mark Lause
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These things are tools not "communities."

The same's true of this email list.


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Re: [Marxism] Facebook

2010-02-15 Thread Les Schaffer
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On 2/15/2010 6:28 PM, Louis Proyect wrote:
> I don't know, comrades. I am beginning to wonder if this thing has been
> oversold.

Facebook is a great way to keep up with the teenagers and 
twenty-somethings i know in town. its a nice way to see who is doing 
what on a given day, what did they pull out of the oven, etc. what was 
their trip like.

anything above and beyond that is icing. i also dont like all the 
invitation things. i like it better when someone posts a status message 
and if its something interesting, i'll go take a look.


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Re: [Marxism] Facebook

2010-02-15 Thread Einde O'Callaghan
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Louis Proyect wrote:

> I also learned that "Einde O'Callaghan commented on John Mullen's 
> status". That makes my day, knowing that.
Glad to know that I'm helping to make you happy. ;-)


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Re: [Marxism] Facebook

2010-02-15 Thread nada
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I was having fun, of course, with this, but there are real issues with 
facebook *as a medium*. Facebook has been used, albeit more with 
Twitter, in organizing some of the big protests and strikes at UC 
Berkeley this winter. I recognize it's importance as a tool, but not as 
a lifestyle and I've seen very active leftists involved in this struggle 
get sucked down by existential experiences on Facebook. Not good. The 
problem is that students, etc, take it too seriously, I think.

I don't think it will 'outlive' us. Not even me in my old age. I've seen 
to many of these things die as fads often do. Two years ago it was 
Myspace. Not it's totally uncool to be on Myspace. Go figure? Social 
media in general will outlive us. I suepect as vid-phoning gets more 
faster, large bandwidth, it'll be a "Youtube Nation" and "posting" will 
be a thing of the past.


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Re: [Marxism] Facebook

2010-02-15 Thread sandia
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Facebook can be what you make it. I block the news feeds from people
who's status updates annoy me, or just clog up space. I mainly use it
to stay connected to friends who I wouldn't normally call or see, and
to read news articles that people post which I would otherwise not
find (it kind of serves one of the functions of marxmail, in that
sense). When I get these requests to be a "fan" of XYZ or whatever, I
usually just delete them, though sometimes I click the button if it
seems cool. Whatever. Some of the Facebook crap is annoying, but it
goes with the good stuff. If Facebook is sucking up time, it probably
has more to do with larger difficulties in avoiding easy, impulsive
distractions (I say this as someone who constantly falls victim to
this). This is my personal experience -- I'm open to arguments that
Facebook and Twitter might represent larger setbacks, especially
because so many of my students seems to be completely shaped by them.
But I can't tell if it's Facebook and Twitter that's eroding their
attention spans and helping them stay in a bubble, or if it's other
stuff. I suspect that if the shit hits the fan, these social
networking things will not matter, except that they will facilitate
both resistance and repression.

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[Marxism] Facebook

2010-02-15 Thread Christopher Hutchinson
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Way to miss out on the youth!

I disagree, amidst all the muck there is a layer of young students and
who are sifting through the debris of left wing parties to find the best and
We may have to roll up our pants and walk through shit every now and again
even if I find one of my peers and turn them on to revolutionary politics,
well, then it
is worth it.

If you don't want to build and politik with other youth, I certainly will.

in solidarity,


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Re: [Marxism] Facebook

2010-02-15 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara
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There's high levels of narcissism and voyeurism involved with Facebook, but
as far as activism goes it's an invaluable tool for bringing out college
students to protests and events on campus. Bombard 150 people with an event
invitation, get 40 RSVPs and expect a 20 or show to actually show-up.  It's
not a bad complement to actual flyering.  As far as The Activist.  You
should fan us.  700 people or so have done it already and it would be nice
to get a 1000. It's not bad to show support for an anti-capitalist youth
blog connected to a growing student organization, despite any political
disagreements, right?  Facebook fan pages are decent forums for readership
interaction and advertising.

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[Marxism] Facebook

2010-02-15 Thread nada
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Facebook sucks. I hate it. I do have an account but NOT under my own 
name. Fuck that. It's insane. I don't want to be your fkng "friend". 
Facebook IS what it's critics say it is: a great big black hole that 
sucks your time in. I HAD a face book account once under my real name. 
HUGE mistake. My sister wrote me about why my view on Israel had changed 
to creating radioactive seal eating Chavistas. Really. I hope Facebook dies.


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