Re: [Marxism] Doug Henwood debates rightwing asshole on the crisis

2010-10-21 Thread Louis Proyect
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On 10/21/2010 1:28 AM, johnaimani wrote:

> A social-democrat versus an Adam Smith libertarian.  This last named
> because, in addition to his "invisible Hand" pronouncements, at two
> points (21:25 and 25:40) Schiff makes Smith's (Ricardo's, Marx's) case
> that labor is the source of all value (esp profits).
> Was disappointed that Henwood only made the the Keynesian/Roosevelt case
> for public works jobs.  Further he conceded that small manufacturing
> won't come back to the US.  Why not?  The advantage that emerging
> nations have in this capacity is not a natural comparative one, it is
> the result of the fact that labor rates are 1/10 or so that of the US.
> There is no reason that we should not manufacture televisions, toasters,
> computers, etc here and put our workers back to work.  Why should they
> be manufactured elsewhere when that implicits the added, and
> unnecessary, burden of transportation costs?
> Where was the argument for communism?  Full employment.  Living wages
> (until scarcity been overcome by the rise in productivity of an
> unchained workforce).  Capitalist Keynesianism, no matter how well
> intentioned, if successful only recreates the conditions of our
> wage-slavery.  And then, only at a cost of a down-the-road and
> exacerbated crisis, certain to follow, as the fiscal policies enacted
> come into conflict with the internal dynamics of a system bent on its
> own destruction.  On this last see Grossman-The Law of the
> Accumulation..." or Marx-"Capital Vol3"  Chap XV, Sec 3.

Doug responds:

When you're in a debate like that, you have to tune your rhetoric 
to the audience. The audience for the Real News includes a lot of 
fairly mainstream people. If I started talking like a Red, they 
would have stopped listening. I realize it may be offensive to 
revolutionary purists to do this, but don't forget: 1) even my 
social democratic agenda is way out of the realm of the possible 
in this crazy country, and 2) my interlocutor already thought I 
was a Bolshevik anyway (I'm not kidding).

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Re: [Marxism] Doug Henwood debates rightwing asshole on the crisis

2010-10-20 Thread johnaimani
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  On 11:59 AM, Louis Proyect wrote:

A social-democrat versus an Adam Smith libertarian.  This last named 
because, in addition to his "invisible Hand" pronouncements, at two 
points (21:25 and 25:40) Schiff makes Smith's (Ricardo's, Marx's) case 
that labor is the source of all value (esp profits).

Was disappointed that Henwood only made the the Keynesian/Roosevelt case 
for public works jobs.  Further he conceded that small manufacturing 
won't come back to the US.  Why not?  The advantage that emerging 
nations have in this capacity is not a natural comparative one, it is 
the result of the fact that labor rates are 1/10 or so that of the US.  
There is no reason that we should not manufacture televisions, toasters, 
computers, etc here and put our workers back to work.  Why should they 
be manufactured elsewhere when that implicits the added, and 
unnecessary, burden of transportation costs?

Where was the argument for communism?  Full employment.  Living wages 
(until scarcity been overcome by the rise in productivity of an 
unchained workforce).  Capitalist Keynesianism, no matter how well 
intentioned, if successful only recreates the conditions of our 
wage-slavery.  And then, only at a cost of a down-the-road and 
exacerbated crisis, certain to follow, as the fiscal policies enacted 
come into conflict with the internal dynamics of a system bent on its 
own destruction.  On this last see Grossman-The Law of the 
Accumulation..." or Marx-"Capital Vol3"  Chap XV, Sec 3.


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Re: [Marxism] Doug Henwood debates rightwing asshole on the crisis

2010-10-20 Thread Gary MacLennan
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I made myself watch this.  Schiff is exactly as you describe him: a
horrible human.  I did though enjoy the hatred that flickered out ever
so often from Doug's eyes at the more outrageous claims that Schiff
made.  The latter's recycling of the myth that people won't work
because there is a dole provoked some of Doug's most penetrating
stares.  But Schiff is just blithely heading on over the cliff while a
true moderate like Doug is trying to persuade him and his fellow
capitalists to be more responsible for all our sakes.

Seems a wasted endeavour.






On 10/21/10, Louis Proyect  wrote:
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