[Marxism-Thaxis] Fw: Discussing Sudan #1

2004-08-01 Thread Jim Farmelant

republican regime and supported politically by the congressional black
caucus, trans-africa, and most black american reactionary racialists.


Discussing Sudan #1

by Lil Joe


In an article posted simultaneously on [EMAIL PROTECTED],
and [EMAIL PROTECTED] Aduku Addea intimated the necessity
for scientific economic and political analysis of the wars in Sudan.
Aduku's article is presented in the body of this Essay, and his -- along
with Connie White's, Roy Walker's and Gail Daggs' data and analysis are
embedded throughout the Essay.


The hypocritical sentimentalism of British, American, and Israeli
politicians and so-called NGOs is dismissed. It is interesting that the
ideologists and politicians that denounce impoverished Black governments
in neocolonial Africa for demanding foreign aid, and African-America in
America as dependent on 'big government', and in each case chide them to
do for self, are the very ones who are dismissing inferior Sudan and
the African Union's effort to solve the Sudan crisis.


The myth is that Africans are incapable of doing for self, thus these
African and African-American ideologists and politicians in their
function as Fifth Columnists function for imperialism by calling on the
White man (Western imperialism) to invade and save Africans from
Africans! Whining and begging, these ideologists and politicians are
calling on the White man to solve the Sudanese crisis by imposing UN
sanctions and/or British-American invasions-occupation. Thus, instead of
allowing Africans to fess up to their history of internal tribal wars
being played out in the present, these ideological agents of
Anglo-American imperialism are blaming the Arabs for the present
problems in Sudan.


Mealy mouthing demagogic rhetoric about Arab colonialism in Sudan, the
Africans and American African-Americans calling for British
re-colonization conveniently forget that it was the British imperialists
colonialism that created modern Sudan and its problems. Rejecting the
ability of Sudanese, and or the African Union to do for self -- i.e.
solve their own problem -- and instead calling for U.S./U.N. economic
sanctions followed by Anglo-American invasion and occupation, these
ideologists of re-colonization by Anglo-American imperialism even
regurgitate the U.S-British rhetoric of calling European and American
occupation forces peace keepers although it was/is U.S. and Israeli
arming, training and funding the Christian militias and local tribal
bands to initiate and continue in wars against the Sudanese government.


These are the issues we will be discussing in this Essay.


It is ironic at the outset, that though the African Sudanese are Muslims,
they are Black descendents of Nubians and indigenous to the geography.
The outsiders engendering the perpetual wars in Sudan, the European
Israelis and the Americans the politicians and media has Americans
including African Americans believing that the Sudanese of northern Sudan
are Arabs -- invaders -- on one hand, and that the Christian militias
in the south are indigenous Africans targets of 'genocide' on the


In actuality, the proxy relationship of the Israeli government and
military to the Christian militias in Sudan is the same as the Israeli
government and military had with the Christian militia in Lebanon, the


The geopolitical function of the Phalange Christian militia as an agency
of murder and destruction in Lebanon -- in alliance with if not quisling
of Israel, and therefore U.S. imperialism:


 Hundreds of Palestinian refugees and other poor 

 people were killed in the slaughter by the Phalange

 militia, which was aligned with Israel during 

 its 1982 invasion of Lebanon.


 The militiamen were let in by the surrounding 

 Israeli forces, who did not intervene as the 

 killing continued. The actual number slaughtered 

 is unknown but amounted to at least several hundred.



 The Phalange attracted Christian youths from the 

 mountains northeast of Beirut as well Christian 

 students in Beirut. The politics of the Phalange 

 party was pro-Western, and they opposed any 



 1982: The Phalangists cooperates with Israel, in 

 planning an attack on Lebanon.

 — June 6: Israel invades Lebanon from its southern 

 border, and its forces start advancing north, 

 reaching Beirut in short time.

 — September: The Phalangists have become the 

 strongest party in Lebanon, thanks to the aid 

 of Israel.

 — September 13: Bashir Gemayel is killed few days 

 before he is to be sworn in as president of Lebanon.

 — September 16: As a way of retaliating the killing 


Re:[Marxism-Thaxis] Fw: Discussing Sudan #1

2004-08-01 Thread Ralph Dumain
It is always worthwhile to look beneath the surface and investigate the 
facts, but I don't trust Lil Joe's rhetoric.  There's something sectarian 
and dishonest about this.  Do you have any better sources that would help 
people unravel the situation?

At 06:34 PM 8/1/2004 -0400, Jim Farmelant wrote:
republican regime and supported politically by the congressional black
caucus, trans-africa, and most black american reactionary racialists.

Discussing Sudan #1
by Lil Joe

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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Fw: Discussing Sudan #1

2004-08-01 Thread Jim Farmelant

On Sun, 01 Aug 2004 18:51:44 -0400 Ralph Dumain [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 It is always worthwhile to look beneath the surface and investigate 
 facts, but I don't trust Lil Joe's rhetoric.  There's something 
 and dishonest about this.  Do you have any better sources that would 
 people unravel the situation?

Well Lil Joe had originally sent that piece directly to this
list but for various reasons it bounced to me as moderator
so I then forwarded it to the list. (BTW I found this political
biography of Lil Joe at  http://www.nathanielturner.com/liljoebio.htm.

Well over at Uncle Lou's Marxmail list, there has been some
discussion of Sudan, starting with the following piece
that was posted by Uncle Lou, himself.

NY Press, July 28-Aug 3, 2004
Why the Republican Party suddenly cares about Sudan—or at least pretends 

By Christopher Lord

Of all the unlikely places for America to be getting involved in another 
war, western Sudan has particularly little going for it. Unless you 
count a few million potential candidates for the Christian missionary 
business, there's little to interest outside entrepreneurs. What the 
country has in extraordinary abundance is problems. And thanks to a 
surprising chain of events, it looks as though some of these problems 
now belong to the United States, too.

America's reasons for getting involved are complicated, and there are so 
many highly charged factors—slavery, religious persecution, 
fundamentalism (both Christian and Muslim), dictatorship, murder, ethnic 
strife, rape and famine—that it's difficult to see through the tangle of 
complications. This has led to a drastically simplified view of what is 
actually happening.

The first oversimplification, dating back to Bill Clinton's presidency, 
is that Sudan means slavery. Though not the only serious human rights 
offender in the world, Sudan—not Brazil, not Egypt—caught the attention 
of human-trafficking activists. They, in turn, passed the fever on to 
congregations in African-American churches. From the churches, the issue 
spread into wider black political circles.

My ancestors were slaves. African-Americans can relate to slavery more 
intimately, politically, socially and spiritually, than they can 
anything else, said talk-radio host Joe Madison in 2001.

It is this connection that first made Sudan an American political issue.

During the Clinton years, the political path led to the Democratic 
Congressional Black Caucus, Rev. Al Sharpton and what you could loosely 
call a liberal idea. But the antislavery idea was not quite enough to 
reach mainstream white churchgoers, key members of the Bush II voter 
base. Hence, oversimplification number two: The war in Sudan was 
essentially about the persecution of Christians by Muslims.

This de-blacked message made white evangelicals and Republican 
politicians comfortable, so on March 22, 2001, Republican Dick Armey, at 
that time House Majority Leader and ally of the evangelicals, said of 
Sudan: It is the only place in the world in which religious genocide is 
taking place. People are being tortured, mutilated and killed solely 
because of their Christian faith.

The religion-driven interest in Africa led directly to the bizarre 
spectacle in Kampala last year, when mystified Ugandans listened to 
George W. tell them that God sent him there. In fact, he wasn't talking 
to them at all, but to Christian voters back home. Church groups, in 
this case white church groups, had also begun organizing around the 
issue of an abstinence-based AIDS policy in Africa. Without this link to 
his fundamentalist base, Bush would be unlikely to ever mention the 

But like slavery, the persecution of Christians is a side issue in 
Sudan, where some estimates put Christians as outnumbered two- or 
three-to-one by those with traditional beliefs in spirits and magic, and 
people now counted as Christians are recent converts, the targets of 
European and American missionary campaigns (and in many cases still 
believers in traditional spirituality). Even by evangelical standards, 
there are some weird versions of Christianity on offer. The notoriously 
brutal Lord's Resistance Army, for instance, a Ugandan group also 
operating in southern Sudan, claims to want a society based on the Ten 
Commandments—and abducts children to be soldiers.

The Muslim/anti-Muslim explanation falls apart further when you consider 
that there are Christians in the south, and Muslims in the north. Many 
American activists are attracted to the fact that the Sudan People's 
Liberation Movement are Christians. While this group is the main 
opponent of the government in the south of the country, in Darfur the 
Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) is avowedly Muslim, and the other 
main opposition group, the Sudan Liberation Movement/Army (SLM/A) has a 
message of equality of religions under the law.

Fact is, the issue of self-determination for 

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Fw: Discussing Sudan #1

2004-08-01 Thread Ralph Dumain
Said web site is very depressing.  Aside from the personal biography, the 
site seems to be a mixture of Afrocentrism and extreme left sectarianism. 
Some of it is literate, and some of it is stupid.  The article by tow other 
folks labeling Michael Moore as a white nationalist is enough to condemn 
the whole web site.  If I want to be subjected to this stupid shit, I might 
as well sit back and listen to Pacifica radio.

At 09:01 PM 8/1/2004 -0400, Jim Farmelant wrote:
Well Lil Joe had originally sent that piece directly to this
list but for various reasons it bounced to me as moderator
so I then forwarded it to the list. (BTW I found this political
biography of Lil Joe at  http://www.nathanielturner.com/liljoebio.htm.
Well over at Uncle Lou's Marxmail list, there has been some
discussion of Sudan, starting with the following piece
that was posted by Uncle Lou, himself.

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