Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Did the Soviet state whither away ?

2009-02-23 Thread Waistline2
Phil Walden: It was a bourgeois state because it  was part of a world system
of bourgeois relations - all states extracting a  surplus from their
populations.  Thus the Soviet Union could not have  been some form of workers
state.  But it wasn't capitalist because the  surplus extracted in the Soviet
Union was not surplus value.

CB: Why  use the term "bourgeois" if it wasn't 
form of capitalism ?  

Here in a nutshell is the political and ideological divergence. Anyone  
"truly revolutionary" self appointed task is organize the workers to  overthrow 
bourgeois state. Since the Soviet state was an organization of  violence in 
the hands of the bourgeoisie, it was the task of those who viewed  the Soviet 
State as bourgeois, to overthrow it. 
Therefore, the functionaries making manifest the organization of the  
proletarian state;
that did not think it was the organization of violence protecting the value  
relationship and anarchy of production, 
hunted down those who sought to overthrow the state and restore . . .  
exactly what?
Such is how the functionaries of the state - not the state as such,  thought 
things out.  
I do agree that the Soviet state was not a worker state. The workers state  
is an abstraction, according to Lenin. I would prefer Lenin's language on this  
It was a proletarian state, "learning on the peasants."  The  worker-peasant 
alliance. ("Leaning on the peasants" is Trotsky precise  formulation).  
The task of the proletarian state as state is to protect the proletarian  
property relations. The role of the government which sits upon the proletarian  
state - as a superstructure, is to implement the economic and political agenda  
in conformity with the property relations. And in the Soviet Union this 
included  hunting down the counterrevolution, whose stated aim was the 
overthrow of 
the  state, rather than changing the government. . 
Post S. 
Extracting a surplus does not define the property relations in as much as  
every society on earth, outside of the initial communist organization of  
society, extracts a surplus. 
What was the surplus extracted in the Soviet Union? 
What was this surplus material physical appearance?  
Surplus product? 
If by change some of these "things" that are the "surplus,"  . . . was  food 
stuff,  . . . . then this "thing"  . . .had a use-value and  exchange-value, 
or a commodity form; 
because of the nature of small scale agricultural production, and the  law of 
commodity exchange. Wheat was sold as a commodity in the Soviet  Union. 
However, commodity production predates capitalism, which is to say, all  
production does not = capitalist commodity production. 
The surplus extracted was perhaps a  . . . . surplus product? Money? 
That is to say one runs backwards into the theory of value. 
The bourgeoisie appropriates the SURPLUS PRODUCT, which CONTAINS the  value 
manifestation, over and above, the value equivalent in wages, paid to the  
total laborers. That is to say, the workers create a total mass of commodities  
and the bourgeoisie pays them a value well below the value in the total  
commodities they  create. 
Hence surplus value. 
There is no other way to extract surplus value outside the surplus product,  
(that I am aware of)  as the act of bourgeoisie production, distribution  and 
circulation of commodities. 
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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Did the Soviet state whither away ?

2009-02-23 Thread Charles Brown

--- On Mon, 2/23/09, Phil Walden 
> Date: Monday, February 23, 2009, 7:26 PM
> Phil Walden: It was a bourgeois state because it was part of
> a world system
> of bourgeois relations - all states extracting a surplus
> from their
> populations.  Thus the Soviet Union could not have been
> some form of workers
> state.  But it wasn't capitalist because the surplus
> extracted in the Soviet
> Union was not surplus value.

CB: Extracting surplus use-values ? I don't
know if you are analyzing this based on
the Marxist classics, but I believe
that they contemplate that there are
still surpluses generated during socialism,
but that these are used to provide for
social welfare funds for the eldersly,
children, childcare, sick,intellectual
workers, soldiers, etc.


> CB: Why use the term "bourgeois" if it wasn't
> form of capitalism ?
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On
> Behalf Of Charles
> Brown
> Sent: 23 February 2009 14:06
> To:
> Subject: [Marxism-Thaxis] Did the Soviet state whither away
> ?
> Phil Walden 
> I would agree with Jim F that present day Russia is some
> form of state
> capitalism.
> On the nature of the former Soviet Union I think it was
> none of the
> alternatives offered by Jim (and by Trotskyism in the
> post-war period). It
> was a bureaucratic bourgeois state in which a surplus was
> extracted from the
> peasantry and workers but not surplus value (so it could
> not have been a
> form of capitalism). 
> It ceased to be a degenerated workers state when the
> possibility of a democratic opposition to Stalin within the
> CPSU based on
> Trotskyists/Bukharinists expired (1930).
> I had been thinking of doing work on globalisation since
> the 1970s because
> none of the Trotskyist groups seems to understand what has
> happened or its
> significance. But then I realized that I have to go even
> further back to the
> Cold War, because post-war Trotskyism tried to impose its
> own schemas onto
> it and unfortunately no group built a developed
> understanding of the Cold
> however a good start,
> despite faults.
> Phil Walden
> ___
> Marxism-Thaxis mailing list
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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Did the Soviet state whither away ?

2009-02-23 Thread Waistline2
Sorry CB, I was just jesting.


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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Did the Soviet state whither away ?

2009-02-23 Thread Phil Walden
Phil Walden: It was a bourgeois state because it was part of a world system
of bourgeois relations - all states extracting a surplus from their
populations.  Thus the Soviet Union could not have been some form of workers
state.  But it wasn't capitalist because the surplus extracted in the Soviet
Union was not surplus value.

CB: Why use the term "bourgeois" if it wasn't 
form of capitalism ?

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Charles
Sent: 23 February 2009 14:06
Subject: [Marxism-Thaxis] Did the Soviet state whither away ?

Phil Walden 
I would agree with Jim F that present day Russia is some form of state

On the nature of the former Soviet Union I think it was none of the
alternatives offered by Jim (and by Trotskyism in the post-war period). It
was a bureaucratic bourgeois state in which a surplus was extracted from the
peasantry and workers but not surplus value (so it could not have been a
form of capitalism). 

It ceased to be a degenerated workers state when the
possibility of a democratic opposition to Stalin within the CPSU based on
Trotskyists/Bukharinists expired (1930).

I had been thinking of doing work on globalisation since the 1970s because
none of the Trotskyist groups seems to understand what has happened or its
significance. But then I realized that I have to go even further back to the
Cold War, because post-war Trotskyism tried to impose its own schemas onto
it and unfortunately no group built a developed understanding of the Cold
War. Adam Westoby's COMMUNISM SINCE WORLD WAR TWO is however a good start,
despite faults.

Phil Walden

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[Marxism-Thaxis] Did the Soviet state whither away ?

2009-02-23 Thread Charles Brown
CB, you a damn lawyer, why do I have to write this and continuously explain  
the most elementary understanding of the Marxist approach to the state!!!

Waistline, I'm willing to discuss this with you
but , you know, _on the surface_ at least, your
discussion doesn't have the appearance of 
a clear understanding of what you are
"explaining". I'm willing to give you
the benefit of a doubt , that you have
some significant understanding from
your many years of study and direct
experience with capitalism from the
standpoint of a socialist conscious proletarian.
But you've got to give some consideration to my
many years of experience as a predominantly
mental laborer, writer, etc. Yea, I am
a lawyer, and a long time student of
materialism, so that means I got some
good understanding of the state from
Marx, Engels and Lenin's point of view.
Lenin's fundamental discussion of the state
relies especially upon Engels' anthropological
book _The Origin of the Family, Private Property
and the State_. I'm a lawyer, and
a student of anthropology and Marxist political
economy and materialism. 
It was _The State
and Revolution_ that was important in bringing me to Marxism.
Lenin was a lawyer, etc., etc.

So, what is it that you want to
explain to me about the state ?
And remember. You better come

Perhaps we should serialize _The State
and Revolution_. 

Actually, I'm thinking
these days the issues Lenin emphasizes in
that book, non-electoral path to socialism
are significantly turned into their 
opposite in our concrete circumstance.
We might study _The State and Revolution_
to negate its thesis.
The Dictatorship of the Proletariat 
is not the path for the U.S.
It is _Imperialism_ and _Leftwing Communism_
that are most pertinent to our "right here,
right now" The US state is too loaded for
bear, including nukes, and the US population
is too stupified with anti-Communism from
the Cold War travesty/tragedy to build toward
insurrection or a direct "assault" to
take the state power. The US cannot be confronted
into socialism. It will take a backdoor , 
bourgeois self-negating route. The capitalists will
have to be allowed (as if we had a choice, and
can stop them , smile) to take capitalism to
such an extreme such that it turns into
its opposite, on its own. In other words,
the super dictatorship of the bourgeoisie/finance capitalists
( and it is important always to discuss the
dictatorship of the bourgeoisie when discussing
the dictatorship of the proletariat)
will self-negate, turn into its opposite.
Rather than the capitalists selling us
the rope with which we hang them, we "give"
them enough rope to hand themselves.
We are seeing that now, as super imperialism
is "imploding". Amazingly, it is bourgeois
and capitalist journalists , economist
intellectuals and high bureaucrats
 who see "we are all socialists
now", want nationalization of the financial
monopolies, see Marx as rising from the
dead and call on him to save themselves
from themselves, redbait themselves, almost
begging for socialism. 
The bourgeois bureaucracy is in a mood
for suicide, expropriating itself.

Marx in "The Historical Tendency of the
Capitalist Mode of Production" chapter
of _Capital_ , and _Imperialism_ note
how the monopoly-centralization-one capitalist
kills many of capitalism is preparation for

Emphaisis on discussion of the government function of the
state is part of the anti-thesis of
that of _The State and Revolution_. Rather
than elections only being a measure of the
maturity of the working class, they are
where its at for, including going into
the Democratic Party, that most despised
proposition on the childish Left. That's
a main lesson of the Obama tactic.

More later

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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Did the Soviet state whither away ?

2009-02-23 Thread Waistline2
CB: Why use the term "bourgeois" if it wasn't 
form of capitalism  ?

It ceased to be a degenerated workers state when the
possibility of  a democratic opposition to Stalin within the CPSU based  on
Trotskyists/Bukharinists expired (1930).

Sometime around 1976, I purchased my first Collected  Works of Lenin, all 45 
volumes. I gave several Collected Works away to comrades  with low wages. At 
any rate this afforded me to read Lenin as a totality and  after a few years 
the history of the Russian - Soviet, Revolution played in my  mind like a major 
motion picture. 

The point is that Lenin wrote  voluminously on why one should not confuse 
a). the form of democracy and 
b). the existence of opposition groups in 
c). the party system  . . . existing vertically and horizontally  within the 
d). framework of the dictatorship of the proletariat . . . as systematic  
function and essence of 
e). the state. 

I never fear looking at reality for what it is  and most certainly not Soviet 
History and the role of Stalin the individual and  then the Stalin Regime. 
Comrade allow themselves to be guided by ideology and  their most private 
individualized conception of democracy and refuse confronting  things as simple 
the difference between government and the state. The Stalin  era evokes animal 
passions in some comrades, who if asked what is bureaucracy  become confused 
and abandon Marxism all together, by first jettisoning the  materialist 
conception of history. 

The above means "democratic  opposition . . .(as) possibility (transform) 
workers state." 

That  is to say one can effect a qualitative change in the class essence of 
the state  by changing its form of Constitutional rights. What this in reality 
means is  that the property relations of a society can be changed by changing 
the form of  Constitutional Rights but this explanation is far to generous, 
because the above  does not ascend to the level of Constitutional regimes. 

Rather the  above says that changing the rules governing the essence of 
opposition group  WITHIN THE PARTY  . . . . NOT THE STATE, changes the property 
relations,  the law of value and the planning mechanism that blocks the law of 
anarchy of  production: the hallmark of private capital.  The Soviet state 
stopped  being a worker state with bureaucratic distortion = degenerate, 
party  rules were changed. 

I do not mean to ever talk down to anyone and  have struggled over the years 
to evolve a flat writing style that compresses  complex concepts. What I am 
saying is that it is impossible to effect a  qualitative change in any process 
without altering - injecting quantitatively, a  NEW qualitative ingredient into 
that which is fundamental to the entire process.  Then . . .  then! 
everything dependent as interactivity, on that which is  fundamental to the 
must in turn change. Not all at one time, but  incrementally and change it 

Because democracy is not a  defining trait of class essence IT IS NOT 
POSSIBLE to change democracy and  change the state qualitatively with "the 
qualitative" being defined as the  fundamentality being property form and its 
meaning in 
the daily life of  everyone. 

Stated another way, the POLITICAL FORM of democracy . .  .;-)  defines the 
Constitutional regime. Even this is not saying enough  because England and the 
US are both bourgeois democratic regimes with huge  differences, that in the 
last instance boil down to the role of "common law" in  England and its absence 
in America. This is due to the absence of feudal  relations. That is no 
concept of "noble obligation" which was legalized as  mediator of social 
between ruled and rulers.

CB, you a  damn lawyer, why do I have to write this and continuously explain 
the most  elementary understanding of the Marxist approach to the state!!!  

(QUESTION:  Is the US Constitution, as the law of the land, +  the Senate and 
the House of Representative the government? No! It is the  constitutional 

The party is not the meaning of the  Constitutional regime. The Supreme 
Soviet . . . what's the use.  

Why not read what Lenin says in addition to Trotsky?  

Straight off the block I can recall several articles where Lenin  deal with 
this exact issue exhaustingly. Lenin and Rosa Luxemburg diverged on  the exact 
same question a decade before the October Revolution. There is of  course a 
reason why Lenin won and his name is attached to a highly evolved  political 

I thought we would at least get a chance to  describe the formation of the 
gulag; the extra legal terrorists organization of  the DOP; the role of Beria . 
. ..



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[Marxism-Thaxis] Forward from Rosa Lichtenstein

2009-02-23 Thread Charles Brown

Interesting that Rosa should mention 
Lamarckianism in this context, as
I have argued that culture and
language give humans a Lamarckian-like
adaptive mechanism. Culture and language
, symboling, allow inheritance of 
acquired, extra-somatic , characteristics.


The 'Lamarckian' Origin Of Speech


On a related topic, despite the fact that most of what Parrington and Holborow 
say undermines the role that language plays in communication -- reinforcing the 
view that language serves to 'represent' things to us in our heads (even if 
this process is filtered through our own idiosyncrasies, social situations, 
prevailing ideologies, etc., etc.) --, they appear to believe that human beings 
developed language because of a "need to communicate". This is how Holborow 
puts it:


"The genesis of language is in human labour…. Communication is not therefore 
just one of the functions of language; on the contrary, language presupposes 
both logically and de facto the interaction among people. Language only arises 
from the need to communicate with other humans. It is quintessentially social." 
[Holborow (1999), p.20.]


Parrington clearly concurs:


"Crucially labour…developed within a co-operative and social context. It was 
this that led, through the need to communicate while engaging in co-operative 
labour, to the rise of the second specifically human attribute -- language." 
[Parrington (1997), p.122.]88


While I do not wish to question the role that co-operative labour has played in 
the development of language and thought (quite the opposite, in fact), several 
other aspects of the above quotations seem highly dubious, especially the idea 
that human beings invented language because of a "need to communicate". To be 
sure, we use language to communicate, but the claim that this arose because of 
a specific need to do so is highly questionable -- except, that is, for 


Of course, the word "need" is ambiguous itself. We use it in a variety of 
different ways. Consider just a few of these:


N1: That cake needs more sugar.


N2: This strike needs widening.


N3: Car owners need to put oil in their engines.


N4: We need a pay rise.


N5: The giraffe needs a long neck to browse tall trees.


N6: That drunk needs to go home.


N7: Plants need water.


N8: The state needs to be smashed and the ruling class needs overthrowing.


N9: Tony Blair and George W Bush need prosecuting as war criminals.


N10: Comrades need to shout louder on paper sales.89


Precisely which of the above senses of "need" these two comrades were using is 
unclear -- several of them relate to what can only be called felt needs, or 
conscious needs (e.g., N4, and possibly N2), expressed perhaps as part of an 
agent's aims, goals or intentions. Others refer to the causal concomitants or 
prerequisites of a flourishing organism, successful revolution, strike, 
comeuppance for Bush and Blair, paper sales or well-run engines -- all of which 
are largely, if not totally, unfelt. Some of course, cannot be felt.


Nevertheless, it is patently obvious that human beings could not have invented 
language as a result of a felt "need to communicate" (unless, that is, we 
assume they could think before they had developed language -- which would 
naturally imply that thought is not a social phenomenon, dependent on 
collective labour), since such a need would presuppose the very thing it was 
aimed at explaining. The idea that this type of necessity mothered that sort of 
invention would imply that the first human beings to talk had earlier formed 
the thought: "I/We need to communicate" (or something equivalent in their 
proto-language). Clearly, such a felt need to communicate could only be 
expressed if language already existed. On the other hand, if the thought (or 
its equivalent) that supposedly  motivated the "need to communicate" was not in 
fact linguistic, then little content can be given to the notion that human 
beings once possessed such a need without being able to
 give voice to it. Indeed, how would it be possible to form the thought "We 
need to communicate" if the individual or individuals concerned had no idea 
(yet) what communication was. That would be like saying that we can (now) form 
the thought "We need to schmunicate" when none of has a clue what "schmunicate" 
means. [In fact, it is worse, since we are already sophisticated language 


It could be objected to this that such a need could be a biological one 
(analogous to that expressed, say, in N5). However, there are two problems with 
this response. First, reference to the biological needs of organisms to explain 
the origin of adaptation is Lamarckian, not Darwinian. Secondly, and far worse, 
this alternative in fact completely undermines the view that language is a 
social phenomenon.89a

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[Marxism-Thaxis] Did the Soviet state whither away ?

2009-02-23 Thread Charles Brown

Ralph Dumain  

Total idiocy, delusional nonsense, senseless gibberish, from first 
word to last.

CB: This is wishful  and lazy "thinking"
a childish , whining "critique", because
you can't make a good argument. You are
stumped, trumped and checkmated. Pitiful 
really. You should be embarassed.


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[Marxism-Thaxis] Did the Soviet state whither away ?

2009-02-23 Thread Charles Brown

Phil Walden 
I would agree with Jim F that present day Russia is some form of state

On the nature of the former Soviet Union I think it was none of the
alternatives offered by Jim (and by Trotskyism in the post-war period). It
was a bureaucratic bourgeois state in which a surplus was extracted from the
peasantry and workers but not surplus value (so it could not have been a
form of capitalism). 

CB: Why use the term "bourgeois" if it wasn't 
form of capitalism ?


It ceased to be a degenerated workers state when the
possibility of a democratic opposition to Stalin within the CPSU based on
Trotskyists/Bukharinists expired (1930).

I had been thinking of doing work on globalisation since the 1970s because
none of the Trotskyist groups seems to understand what has happened or its
significance. But then I realized that I have to go even further back to the
Cold War, because post-war Trotskyism tried to impose its own schemas onto
it and unfortunately no group built a developed understanding of the Cold
War. Adam Westoby's COMMUNISM SINCE WORLD WAR TWO is however a good start,
despite faults.

Phil Walden

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[Marxism-Thaxis] Forward from Rosa Lichtenstein

2009-02-23 Thread


Essay Thirteen Part Three has finally been published -- 
on 'Mind', Language and 'Cognition'. It has been delayed 
many months since it is exceedingly long.

Apart from Essay Twelve Part One, it is 
my most Wittgensteinian essay. 
Among other things, it debunks Voloshinov and Marcuse.



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[Marxism-Thaxis] Forward from Erwin Marquit

2009-02-23 Thread

You already list several articles of mine on your web site. As a physicist, my 
primary field is conceptual foundations of physics so that I have put on my 
university web site a collection of some of my published articles on 
dialectical materialism and the philosophy of the nature sciences most of  
which you probably do not have. You may wish to cross list them.  The URL is


Erwin Marquit

Professor Emeritus of Physics

University of Minnesota

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