[Marxism-Thaxis] Why Did Engels Write Anti-Dühri ng?

2010-01-04 Thread c b
Why Did Engels Write Anti-Dühring?
Thomas Riggins


In the 1870s the German professor Eugen Dühring joined the German
Social Democratic Party. He made a lot of friends and began
interpreting socialism along lines that were new and different and
which he thought were more in accord with modern science. Engels'
German comrades asked him for clarification on some of these new views
as Dühring was starting to collect a following. Engels, however, was
busy doing other things. But after three years of requests he decided
SCIENCE. This book became one of the most important of the so-called
Marxist classics and is a basic foundational document for the
understanding of DIAMAT (Dialectical Materialism).

In this article I will make some comments on the prefaces to the work
(there are three for the three German editions made in Engels
lifetime) before going on to review the First Part of the work, that
devoted to philosophy, to try and situate it in our time at the
beginning of the 21st century.

Engels' tells us that Anti-Dühring is an extension of the world view
first developed by Marx in his book THE POVERTY OF PHILOSOPHY, then
extended by the COMMUNIST MANIFESTO and DAS KAPITAL. To make sure that
this solo flight would properly represent their joint philosophy,
Engels read aloud the whole manuscript to Marx and the latter even
wrote a chapter for the book (chapter ten of part two). I note this
because many people today try to divorce the thought of Marx from that
of Engels and maintain that Anti-Dühring is a deviation from Marx's
philosophical views which were more sophisticated than those of

In order to write the book, Engels first took eight years to review
the math and natural sciences of his day. The reason he did this was
to convince himself that the laws of the materialist dialectic of
motion which he and Marx had detected at work in history and in the
evolution of human consciousness, were equally at work in Nature.
These laws were first developed by the German philosopher G.W.F. HEGEL
but, Engels says, in a mystic form. Once stripped of this form, Marx
and Engels were able to apply the dialectical method to both the
natural and historical sciences.

Engels was aware that the charge might be made that the dialectic was
being forced upon Nature from the outside and that the facts were
being forced into the straight jacket of the theory. This serious
charge is still made today by the bourgeois opponents of Marxism.
Engels however says that he did all he could to avoid this: to me
there could be no question of building the laws of dialectic into
nature, but of discovering them in it and evolving them from it.

Engels lived in a time of rapid scientific advance towards the end of
the 19th century. Only a few years before he wrote the second preface
to his book, he says, the LAW OF THE CONSERVATION ENERGY was
propounded (the great basic law of motion) but it was put forth NOT
qualitatively but only quantitatively as the indestructibility and
uncreatabilty of

But now (1885-- the time of the second preface) Engels sees a more
dialectical approach as scientists are beginning to discuss THE
TRANSFORMATION OF ENERGY which when fully understood will remove the
last vestige of an extra mundane creator. A mere ten years after
Engel's death (1895) Einstein published his famous equation E=mc2.

Engels says we still see rigid barriers in Nature-- the wave vs
particle theory of light had not yet bloomed into quantum physics--
but had he lived I don't think Engels would have been thrown off by
such seeming contradictions. Contradiction is the essence of
dialectics. He writes that: The recognition that these antagonisms
and distinctions, though to be found in nature, are only of relative
validity, and that on the other hand their imagined rigidity and
absolute validity have been introduced into nature only by our
reflective minds-- this recognition is the kernel of the dialectical
conception of nature.

So, the purpose of the book is to reaffirm the scientific nature of
Diamat, to exclude the erroneous accretions of Herr Dühring, and to
demonstrate that modern science, including Diamat, is the result of a
long tradition of philosophical development whose two poles (as we
shall see) include Aristotle and Hegel.

Engels thinks that science must assimilate the results of the
development of philosophy during the past two and half thousand years
to avoid basing itself on some bogus world view [as the Nazi movement
later did] and to also get rid of its metaphysical (i.e., mechanistic
and non-dialectical) baggage) which is its inheritance from English

In the next article I will look at the two part introduction to Anti-Dühring.
[Anti-Düring I]

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[Marxism-Thaxis] Howard Fast: Two Memoirs, One Life

2010-01-04 Thread c b
Howard Fast: Two Memoirs, One Life
By Gerald Meyer


Political Affairs Magazine

Being Red (New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1990), Howard Fast’s account of
his association with the Communist Party USA, of which he was a member
from 1943 until 1956, is a valuable addition to the growing list of
memoirs and historical studies about the CPUSA. Unfortunately, in
Being Red Fast was unable to separate his profession as a novelist
from his less familiar role as memoirist. The tendentiousness of Being
Red is made clear once its content is compared with The Naked God: The
Writer and the Communist Party (New York: Praeger, 1957), a memoir
that covers much of the same material, but from a very different
perspective and for a very different purpose.

Fast was an exceptionally prolific writer: He published more than 80
books, including 50 novels, ten plays, and 20 nonfiction books.
Worldwide sales of his novels have exceeded 80 million. His writings
have been translated into 82 languages and many observers—including
Fast—have insisted that he may be the most widely read writer of the
20th century.

In Being Red, Fast presents vivid and often touching descriptions of
his early life, a life which could logically lead a thinking person
toward the Communist movement. He ascribed his “sense of identity with
the poor and oppressed of all the earth” to his working-class father,
a Jewish immigrant from the Ukraine. Howard and his brothers grew up
in extreme poverty; they sensed they could only overcome this
disadvantage through their own cooperative efforts. This likely led
him to believe in the possibilities of collaboration among the

While still a member, the CPUSA and indeed the world Communist
movement lionized Fast. The protagonists of his popular historical
novels – a radical craftsman, in Citizen Tom Paine; a progressive
political leader of immigrant origins, in The American; the common
foot soldiers at Valley Forge, in The Unvanquished; newly freed
slaves, in Freedom Road; Native Americans, in The Last Frontier; and
rebellious gladiators from the oppressed classes, in Spartacus –
dramatized the class struggle, which with all its tragic setbacks
somehow foreshadowing ultimate victory. He is remembered as the writer
who refitted the genre of the historical novel to the requirements of
Popular Front culture. The themes of his works – the accomplishment
and destruction of Radical Reconstruction (Freedom Road); the
steadfast support of the common people for the American Revolution
(The Unvanquished); the neglected giant of the American Revolution
(Citizen Tom Paine); Governor John Peter Altgeld’s issuing of writs of
clemency for the three Haymarket Martyrs (The American) – encapsulated
the Party’s General Secretary Earl Browder’s understanding that if
Communism was to become twentieth-century Americanism it had to have
historical antecedents. Fast was a major figure in the Party’s
remarkable enterprise of encouraging the creation of a complex and
almost complete popular “progressive” American culture. It was during
this period that the vast circulation of Fast’s books occurred.

As a result of Fast’s celebrity and his ability to translate the
Party’s general outlook into literature, the Party enshrined him,
along with Paul Robeson and W.E.B. Du Bois, on the highest pedestal in
its pantheon of intellectuals. Fast’s Communist Party status also
entailed international recognition. In December 1949, when he traveled
to the World Peace Conference in Paris, Fast remembered entering “a
world where Communists were honored, not hunted down and imprisoned.”
Concretely this meant: Fast sat on the stage next to Louis Aragon;
Pablo Picasso kissed him on the mouth and offered him any painting he
chose; later, Pablo Neruda would write a poem to him. In 1954, Fast
received the Stalin Peace Prize.

It would be entirely unfair, however, to portray Howard Fast as a Red
Mandarin. In 1949, Fast emceed a Paul Robeson concert at a campground
near Peekskill, New York, sponsored by the Civil Rights Congress. In
what Fast would later describe as “the opening shot of American
fascism,” mobs of rock-hurling youths screaming “Kill a Commie for
Christ” prevented the event from happening. One week later, 15,000
Leftists attended the rescheduled concert, protected by 3,000 Red
trade unionists, many of whom had fought in Spain and in larger
numbers in World War II. After a memorably successful concert, many of
the concert-goers incurred severe injuries when mobs (mobilized by
veterans’ and Catholic groups) attacked their cars and buses, which
had been routed by police through narrow back roads. While
interviewing an elderly woman who had been present at the ill-fated
concert, I mentioned that I was writing this review. With great
vehemence she said: “Don’t you go and say anything bad about Howard
Fast. I saw 

[Marxism-Thaxis] Wall Street's 10 Greatest Lies of 2009

2010-01-04 Thread c b
Wall Street's 10 Greatest Lies of 2009

By Nomi Prins, AlterNet. Posted December 28, 2009


Lies that justify screwing over Main Street.

On December 13, President Obama declared that he was
not elected to help the fat cats. But the cats got
another version of that memo. A day later, 10 of them
were supposed to partake in some White House face-time
to talk about their responsibilities to the rest of the
country, but only seven could make it. No-shows for the
very serious discussion -- due to inclement New York
weather or being too busy with internal bonus
discussions to bother with the President -- were
Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein, Morgan Stanley CEO
John Mack and Citigroup Chairman Richard Parsons.

Yes, Obama inherited a big financial mess from the Bush
administration - which inherited its set-up from the
Clinton administration (financial recklessness, it
turns out, is non-partisan) -- but he and his
appointees have spent the year talking about fighting
risk and excess on Wall Street, while both have grown.

Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner patted himself on the
back for making the difficult and necessary decisions
of fronting Wall Street boatloads of money to cover its
losses and capital crunch last fall. Federal Reserve
Chairman Ben Bernanke (a Bush-Obama favorite) was named
Time Magazine's Person of the Year for saving the free
world as we know it. And Congress is talking sweeping
reform about a bill that leaves the banking landscape
intact, save for some minor alterations. For starters,
it doesn't resurrect the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933,
which separated risk-taking (once
non-government-backed) investment banks from consumer
oriented (government-supported) commercial banks.

Meanwhile, Wall Street is restructuring (the financial
equivalent of re-gifting) old toxic assets into new
ones, finding fresh ways to profit from credit
derivatives trading, and paying itself record bonuses
-- on our dime. Despite recent TARP payback enthusiasm,
the industry still floats on trillions of dollars of
non-TARP subsidies and certain players wouldn't even
exist today without our help.

Wall Street's return to robustness and Main Street's
continued deterioration are the main takeaways for 2009
that stemmed from the 2008 choices to flush the
financial system with capital and leave the real
economy to fend for itself. Lies that exacerbate this
divide only perpetuate its growth. With that, here is
my top 10 list of lies. Please consider adding your
own, and let's all hope for a more honest New Year.

1) The economy has improved.

Earlier this month, Bernanke declared, Having faced
the most serious financial crisis and the worst
recession since the Great Depression, our economy has
made important progress during the past year. Although
the economic stress faced by many families and
businesses remains intense, with job openings scarce
and credit still hard to come by, the financial system
and the economy have moved back from the brink of

Sure, the economy is better -- if you work at Goldman
Sachs or had an affair with Tiger Woods. But while
Bernanke, former Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson and
Geithner turned the Federal Reserve into a national
hedge fund (cheap money backing toxic assets in
secrecy), and the Treasury Department into a bank
insurance policy, the rest of the real economy took hit
after hit -- starting with jobs.

The national unemployment rate remains at double
digits. Despite Washington's bizarre euphoria about
unemployment rates last month being better (they edged
down in November to 10 percent from 10.2 percent in
October), the number of Americans filing for initial
unemployment insurance rose during the second week of
December. After all the temporary holiday hires, that
number will probably increase again. Plus, unemployment
rates in 372 metropolitan areas are higher than they
were last year.

2) If you give banks capital, they will lend it out.

On Jan. 13, 2009 Bernanke concluded that More capital
injections and guarantees may become necessary to
ensure stability and the normalization of credit
markets. He said that Our economic system is
critically dependent on the free flow of credit. He
was referring to the big banks. Not the little people.

Ten months later, though, he admitted that, Access to
credit remains strained for borrowers who are
particularly dependent on banks, such as households and
small businesses and that bank lending has contracted
sharply this year.

In other words, big banks don't share their good
fortunes. Shocking. And as a result, bankruptcies are
rapidly rising for businesses and individuals - a
direct result of lack of credit coupled with other
economic hardships like job losses.

Total bankruptcy filings for the first nine months of
2009 were up 35 percent to 1,100,035 vs. the same
period in 2008. The number of business bankruptcies
during the first three quarters of 

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Barack Obama Worked For The CIA - John Pilger

2010-01-04 Thread yves coleman
Living in France, I have some problems with this debate. What does it change
for you, once Clinton and Obama are head of the American State and so in a
position to give orders to  the CIA, to prove that they had previous
contacts with the CIA under a direct or undirect form ? What does it prove ?
That the CIA or the Secret services manipulate all word politics ? A kind of
Left wing version of Tom Clancy's novels ?
Tom Clancy always tries to justify in his books (I'm obliged to read them
for my proofreading job in France, so this is why I take this example, and
also because it symbolises for me a form of  international popular culture
as it is translated in so many languages and adapted in films) that Secret
Services are essential for the defence of world's democracy. Most of the
time his political examples are just hilarious, for anyone who tries to
understand the complexity of world politics. But it has one advantage: his
vision of the world is quite simple to understand. The USA and Israel
through their very efficient secret services save the world and fight the
Evil : communism, islamism, terrorism, the KGB/GPU/NKVD/MVD which will never
die, Russia, China and Iran, etc.
He even pushes his fascination for Secret Services to the extreme: his
Presidential hero is a former leader of a  kind of private Secret Service.

So all the importance of all this discussion and pseudo information and
pseudo proofs of Pilger and Co. about Obama and Clinton's links with the
CIA look very strange to me.

Apart from a left conspirationist point of view (which does not seem to be
this list's point of view but which could coincide with Clancy's simplistic
view of world politics, with the only difference that everything Clancy
praises, left conspirationists despise it) what is the political interest
for you of these kind of uncheckable information ?

Is there in the United States a significant portion of the population which
is naive enough to believe that Clinton and Obama were elected AGAINST the
will of the majority of the ruling class, of the ruling circles of the
State, of the Secret Services, of the Armed forces, etc. ?

So why all this fuss about the CIA ?

Le 4/01/10 21:03, « c b » cb31...@gmail.com a écrit :

 CeJ jannuzi
 Actually the youtube title is sensationalistic because in this little
 clip you will see Pilger do more analysis of Bushwa and Obama than you
 will see watching a year of Wolf Blitzer on CNN--starting with
 'class', which is a term Marxists are familiar with.
 I would be wary of the 'WMR' material that is out there in blogdom,
 but Pilger is as always credible and to the point.
 CB: I think he might be a double agent, 'cause he was also the Mau Mau
 Candidate ( like the Manchurian Candidate)
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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Barack Obama Worked For The CIA - John Pilger

2010-01-04 Thread c b
On 1/4/10, yves coleman yvescole...@wanadoo.fr wrote:
 Living in France, I have some problems with this debate. What does it change
 for you, once Clinton and Obama are head of the American State and so in a
 position to give orders to  the CIA, to prove that they had previous
 contacts with the CIA under a direct or undirect form ? What does it prove ?
 That the CIA or the Secret services manipulate all word politics ? A kind of
 Left wing version of Tom Clancy's novels ?
 Tom Clancy always tries to justify in his books (I'm obliged to read them
 for my proofreading job in France, so this is why I take this example, and
 also because it symbolises for me a form of  international popular culture
 as it is translated in so many languages and adapted in films) that Secret
 Services are essential for the defence of world's democracy. Most of the
 time his political examples are just hilarious, for anyone who tries to
 understand the complexity of world politics. But it has one advantage: his
 vision of the world is quite simple to understand. The USA and Israel
 through their very efficient secret services save the world and fight the
 Evil : communism, islamism, terrorism, the KGB/GPU/NKVD/MVD which will never
 die, Russia, China and Iran, etc.
 He even pushes his fascination for Secret Services to the extreme: his
 Presidential hero is a former leader of a  kind of private Secret Service.

 So all the importance of all this discussion and pseudo information and
 pseudo proofs of Pilger and Co. about Obama and Clinton's links with the
 CIA look very strange to me.

 Apart from a left conspirationist point of view (which does not seem to be
 this list's point of view but which could coincide with Clancy's simplistic
 view of world politics, with the only difference that everything Clancy
 praises, left conspirationists despise it) what is the political interest
 for you of these kind of uncheckable information ?

 Is there in the United States a significant portion of the population which
 is naive enough to believe that Clinton and Obama were elected AGAINST the
 will of the majority of the ruling class, of the ruling circles of the
 State, of the Secret Services, of the Armed forces, etc. ?

 So why all this fuss about the CIA ?

CB: My comment is a ( 1960's)  joke (smile)




 Le 4/01/10 21:03, « c b » cb31...@gmail.com a écrit :

  CeJ jannuzi
  Actually the youtube title is sensationalistic because in this little
  clip you will see Pilger do more analysis of Bushwa and Obama than you
  will see watching a year of Wolf Blitzer on CNN--starting with
  'class', which is a term Marxists are familiar with.
  I would be wary of the 'WMR' material that is out there in blogdom,
  but Pilger is as always credible and to the point.
  CB: I think he might be a double agent, 'cause he was also the Mau Mau
  Candidate ( like the Manchurian Candidate)
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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Barack Obama Worked For The CIA - John Pilger

2010-01-04 Thread Doug Henwood

On Jan 4, 2010, at 4:13 PM, c b wrote:

 In the US , there is not a significant portion of the population
 that has the concept ruling class nor thinks in terms of it
 concerning politics.

Not in those words, but people use colloquialisms like city  
hall (which you can't fight), elites, the high and mighty, the powers  
that be, etc., in daily speech. They know that some people are more  
powerful than others, though they're mostly resigned to the fact.


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[Marxism-Thaxis] Speaking of Mau Mau's

2010-01-04 Thread c b
Monday, January 4, 2010
Podcast #112: Interview with Gerald Horne about his latest book, Mau
Mau in Harlem?

Political Affairs #112 - The US and Kenya: Interview with Historian Gerald Horne

Gerald Horne is the author of numerous books including Race War!:
White Supremacy and the Japanese attack on the British Empire, Cold
War in a Hot Zone, The White Pacific, Fire This Time, Blows Against
the Empire, and The Deepest South. His most recent is a study of the
impact of the Mau Mau uprising in Kenya on US foreign and domestic

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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Barack Obama Worked For The CIA - John Pilger

2010-01-04 Thread CeJ
YC writes:

Is there in the United States a significant portion of the population which
is naive enough to believe that Clinton and Obama were elected AGAINST the
will of the majority of the ruling class, of the ruling circles of the
State, of the Secret Services, of the Armed forces, etc. ?

So why all this fuss about the CIA ?

First could I ask a question? Why do educated 'Europeans' know so
little about America? I would guess it's because you are largely
politically speaking children on the world stage, 1945-2010--France
being an exception--and fail to realize just what an old power the US
actually is and how much continuity there is to the federal system
constitutionally established in the late 18th century.

Second, I believe you have misidentified where the 'fuss' is. It's not
for the most part on the hard left of the US--the 10% of the
population or less who would leave the Democratic Party in a heartbeat
if they had a viable peace candidate and certainly not in the much
smaller percentage of self-identified Marxists, anarchists,
Chomsky-like 'democratic socialists' etc.

The fuss is with the people who thought there was something
transcendental about the yellow color of Obama's skin, that in that
container of flesh there was somehow a metaphysical liberation from
white guilt and the failing imperium. Guess what, there isn't!

The people kicking up a fuss though are either the usual right-wing
demagogues (who openly support complete CIA insiders like the warpig
family of Bushes everytime one gets to the federal level). Or the very
'populist' segment I already identified, the ones who withheld their
love from Gore and Kerry but gave it to Obama. They really thought the
guy was going to somehow save the imperium while making it look like
it wasn't an imperium. He would I guess usher in a new Disney America,
like in the movies.

All we are saying on the left is what we said about Carter--Obama
simply represents a different faction of the federal national security
state apparatuses.

And as I've said before, in popular and populist terms, a 'successful'
president, at least as remembered say his first ten years after
office, is one who manages to surpass the narrow factional base that
financed his way to the top office. Bush didn't do that, so he is
reviled. Clinton didn't do that, so he is reviled. Poppy Bush didn't
do that, so he is reviled. Reagan did that, so he is revered--but that
might also be because out of sheer luck. The guy was senile for the
last 6 years in power, so the national security state more or less
brought in a consortium of people, who often clashed among themselves,
and more than a narrow faction got well served.
At any rate, Carter never surpassed the narrow faction that got him
elected, and he more than displeased the nationalist populist types
who voted for him. It looks like Obama is set to do the same. That
doesn't mean he might not get re-elected for a second term. It means
that when they sit down to write the history books it will in terms of
his failures.


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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Barack Obama Worked For The CIA - John Pilger

2010-01-04 Thread CeJ
A somewhat conspiratorial view of power politics is actually
explanatory. For example, most likely Americans think that the whole
key to understanding the complexities of French politics would be to
keep the left out of the highest offices. The reality is more like
infiltrate the left and neutralize it. Globalist Americans in power
then identify where the real other threats are--such as nationalist
interests that have clear-cut limits to accomodating American power.
They are a far bigger thorn in the side of the Americans in most
developed countries than the 'left'. It's the case in Japan, Korea,
New Zealand, Malaysia, Indonesia, etc. etc. It's the case in France,
too, apparently.

So while I do not necessarily swallow everything asserted in this
article, it does help to explain why a piece of shit like Sarkozy gets
into power, and what sort of difference this particular piece of shit
makes to the Americans as they struggle to keep their control of
Europe going as a 'linchpin' of the imperium.


The final act

Way before the Iraqi crisis, Frank Wisner Jr. and his colleagues at
the CIA plan the destruction of the Gaullist current and the coming to
power of Nicolas Sarkozy. They move in three phases: first, the
elimination of the leadership of the Gaullist party and the take over
of the party apparatus, then the elimination of his main right wing
rival and the securing the nomination to the presidential election for
the Gaullist party; finally, the elimination of any serious challenger
on the left to make sure that Nicolas would win the presidential

During years, posthumous revelations by a real estate dealer kept the
media on their toes. Before dying from a terminal disease, for reasons
which remain unknown, he decided to video tape his confessions and for
reasons which are even more obscure, the “cassette” landed in the
hands of a Socialist party leader, Dominique Strauss Kahn, who
addressed it indirectly to the media.

While the confessions of the real estate dealer did not lead to any
juridical sanctions, they opened up the Pandora’s Box. The main victim
of the series of scandals was Prime Minister Alain Juppé. To protect
Chirac, he assumed alone all the penal sanctions. The removal of Juppé
from the front lodges opened the way for the take by Sarkozy of the
leadership of the Gaullist party.

Sarkozy exploited then his position to force Jacques Chirac to take
him into the government once again, in spite of their reciprocal
hatred. In the end, he became Interior Minister. Mistake ! This post
gave him control over the prefects and the internal intelligence
apparatus which he used to gain positions of power over the large

He dealt also with Corsican affairs. Prefect Claude Érignac was
murdered. Even though nobody claimed it, the murder was immediately
interpreted as a challenge by the independentists to the Republic.
Following a long hunt, the police managed to arrest a fleeing suspect,
Yvan Colonna, son of a Socialist deputy. Caring little about the
presumption of innocence, Nicolas Sarkozy announced the arrest,
accusing the suspect of being the assassin. The news is too important,
a mere two days away from the referendum the minister has organized in
Corsica to modify the status of the island. Be as it may, the electors
reject the Sarkozy project, who, according to some, favoured mafia
interests. While Yvan Colonna was ultimately declared guilty, he
always claimed his innocence and no material proof was ever found
against him. Strangely, the man preferred to remain totally silent
rather than reveal what he actually knew. We reveal here that prefect
Érignac was not directly killed by the nationalists, but by a paid
killer, immediately exfiltrated towards Angola where he was hired to
the security of the Elf group. The mobile of the crime was precisely
connected to the previous functions of Érignac, responsible for the
African networks at Pasqua’s cooperation ministry. As for Yvan
Colonna, he is a personal friend of Nicolas Sarkozy since decades and
their children have entertained social relations.

A new scandal broke out then: phoney computer listings were
circulating falsely accusing several personalities of hiding bank
accounts in Luxembourg, at Clearstream. Among the defamed
personalities: Nicolas Sarkozy, who filed a suit insinuating that he
suspected his right wing rival to the presidency, Dominique de
Villepin, to have organized this machination. Sarkozy didn’t hide his
intention either to throw him in jail. In reality, the false listings
were put in circulation by members of the French American Foundation,
of which John Negroponte was the president and Frank Wisner Jr, the
administrator. What the judges ignored and which we reveal here is
that the listings were fabricated in London by a common office of the
CIA and of MI6, Hakluyt and co, of which Frank Wisner is also an

Villepin denied the 

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Barack Obama Worked For The CIA - John Pilger

2010-01-04 Thread CeJ
One more reply to this:

Is there in the United States a significant portion of the population which
is naive enough to believe that Clinton and Obama were elected AGAINST the
will of the majority of the ruling class, of the ruling circles of the
State, of the Secret Services, of the Armed forces, etc. ?
So why all this fuss about the CIA ?

I would also point out that this analysis might be wrong. At least
since the time of Andrew Jackson, and most likely before it, yes
indeed, someone could get to the highest office WITHOUT the support of
the MAJORITY of the 'ruling class(es)'. I'm not sure that means it
violated any 'collective will', but...

Obama seemed to get overwhelming support from the 'ruling class in
crisis' as well as a populist upswell. Two entirely different things.
The original factions supporting Obama would appear to be close to
those supporting Kerry in the previous election. They sensed that Bush
and Co. were taking the imperium into dangerous areas in terms of
fiscal, monetary, trade and foreign policies.

One, they were alarmed at the deficits. Two, they were alarmed at the
lack of control the Fed had over monetary policies and the larger
economy. Three, they were alarmed that many allies expressed doubts
about the Bush war policies--and did so very openly, even as they sent
troops and materiel support to the US through NATO or, as with Japan
and S. Korea, through their own militaries which are closely linked to
the US's. Four, some were uneasy over the lack of any social policy,
such as the total inability to deal with Katrina clean up and
reconstruction (remembering the LA riots that helped end Poppy Bush's

When Paulson and Bernanke were more or less running the government in
the waning days of the Bushwa presidency, there was a real sense of
drift and crisis, which most definitely sealed McCain's fate and got
the ruling class consensus a 'majority' president likes to have.

Clinton most likely got to power on fairly narrow 'ruling class'
minority support. Some of the military men under Powell , at least in
rhetoric, mutinied. Powell, a holdover from the Poppy Bush
administration, put them down, which won him no friends with the
hardright Republicans, who wanted to stir up trouble for Clinton right
from the start. Why were the Clinton years so troubled by all the
other politicians? Because they never accepted his minority rule--look
how far they were willing to take it with their bogus impeachment.

The irony of the Clinton presidency is he first got into office with a
ruling class minority and a popular minority in the votes as well.

Usually, a 'majority' is forced onto the nation through the
institution of the Electoral College, which is by its nature skewed
rightward and conservative --or reactionary --because of the way it
divides up geographically, over-representing under-populated swathes
of the country (though no where near as skewed as the institution of
the Senate does). This failed in the case of the Gore-Bush election
though. So Bush, Bushwa the Younger, most likely had the majority
ruling class backing and a popular minority. If Gore had contested the
northern counties in Florida (where Republican mail-in ballots were
often fraudulent multiple votes), he might have plunged the system
into a real crisis--but you can also see the Supreme Court stepping in
and asserting its will and this was accepted by the 'ruling class'.

Barry is a different horse altogether. He has lost his shine with the
rightwing and 'centrist' populists. He hasn't lost his majority
support from the ruling class apparently. If he gets Bernanke removed
and Geithner gets the boot, that will be signs that trouble is
stirring in the halls of power.


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