[MCN-L] ARCS Update Issue 3 OnContract Live

2016-02-29 Thread ARCS ARCS
A quick reminder that registration for ARCS Photo Synthesis: What You Need 
to Know About Photographs closes March 10, 2016 or you will miss the 
opportunity to learn from and meet Katrina Dumas from the Avedon 
Foundation, Gawain Weaver, photo conservator, Jared Bark, frame designer, 
Debby Lepp  Associate Registrar, Getty Museum, Nathan Kerr, Digital 
Resources at the Oakland Museum.  

For more information: 


Are you a consultant, a contract registrar, or a freelance collection 
manager?  Participating in OnContract can be beneficial in securing a 
project job for you.

Anyone, whether an ARCS member or not, seeking a contractor in the field 
may search our database without charge.  This feature is similar to “find 
an appraiser” or “find a conservator” on the respective websites of those 

ARCS is about to send out our first general announcement on all our social 
media resources (FaceBook, LinkedIn, Twitter, RC-AAM listserv, Museum-L, 
MCN-L, etc.) letting the broader field know that OnContract at ARCSinfo.org 
is an available resource.

If you would like to be listed (for a nominal annual fee) click the 
OnContract button on the top menu bar at ARCSinfo.org or if you have yet to 
renew your membership the 2016 calendar year, click the Membership Renewal 
button at the top right of your home page after you sign in.

You must upload a copy of your resume in PDF format in order to participate 
in this service.* 

If you have trouble signing up for OnContract, please let us know by email 
at arcs4...@gmail.com, using the subject line OnContract. If the directions 
aren’t clear, please let us know that, too.

*A resume is required because ARCS does not have an accreditation process 
for individuals who choose to offer their services.  The resume or CV 
provides the potential employer a means by which to match experience and 
qualifications with job requirements. 

-ARCS Board of Directors___
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[MCN-L] ARCS Update Issue 4 ARCS T-shirts and Aprons

2016-03-14 Thread ARCS ARCS
Did you miss your chance to purchase an ARCS T-shirt or apron at the 
Conference last November? If so, you're in luck. They are now available on 
our website!
With a $35 donation to ARCS, ($30 if you are an ARCS member) you will 
receive an ARCS T-shirt "Archived & Acid-Free since 2012" or an ARCS Apron 
"Exhibition in Progress". T-shirts come in size small to XXXL and are 100% 
cotton American Apparel shirts. Aprons are adjustable and have pockets 
large enough to hold all your supplies, even an iPad.
Quantities are limited so act quickly. Go to 
https://www.arcsinfo.org/support-arcs/donate to choose your gift today!___
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[MCN-L] ARCS Update Issue 5 Join the #ARCSchat on Twitter

2016-03-28 Thread ARCS ARCS
Starting April 5th, ARCS will launch a new digital professional development
initiative called #ARCSchat.

Twitter-based, these real-time, monthly chats will focus on registrarial
and collections management topics and allow you and your fellow collection
specialists to engage in conversations about the topics that impact your
daily professional life.

Chats will take place the 1st Tuesday of each month, 8-9 pm EST.

To participate, simply log on to Twitter at the time of the chat and type
#ARCSchat into the search window.

The topic for our first chat is Registrars on Twitter. What do you share?
What don’t you share? How do you set an example for other staff?

Follow along as the conversation develops and chime in when you have an
opinion to share. Remember to use the hashtag #ARCSchat

After each chat, we will create a Storify post
annotated, edited archive of the tweets) to share widely so the
conversation lives on and remains a relevant resource for future reference.

Future topics will include Get to know your Registrar, So you want to be a
Registrar, Freelance Registrars, and Courier advice and experiences.  Topic
specialists will be involved in the chats - a great opportunity to ask
those questions and network!

Mark April 5th 8 pm EST in your calendar and join us at

Questions? Email us at arcs4...@gmail.com with subject heading #ARCSchat.
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[MCN-L] ARCS Update Issue 8 ARCS 2015 Conference Sessions Online!

2016-05-09 Thread ARCS ARCS
Did you miss the ARCS 2015 conference?  Selected sessions are now online as
Powerpoints and sound files for ARCS members. Login and check them out here

Anyone can still enjoy and learn from The 2013 ARCS conference sessions.
They’re also available online as Powerpoints here (

Many thanks to Robin Kilgo for putting together this wonderful resource.
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[MCN-L] ARCS Update Issue 9 Academic Registrars Forum on ARCS Webpage

2016-05-23 Thread ARCS ARCS
Most people think of a registrar at a college or university as the one who
registers the students. But if you’re the registrar or collections
specialist who deals with art and artifacts, you’ll want to check out the
newest section of the ARCS forum.

Called Academic Registrars, it has been set up as a place for you to share
your specialized knowledge and ask for advice for your particular
quandaries.  You can also check out the survey conducted by ARCS founding
board member Beverley Sutley, about the display of academic collections.

You can find a link to the forum page on the ARCS home page-
http://www.arcsinfo.org/. ARCS member? Log in.  Not a member? There will be
a prompt to register as a guest — then the forum is available.   Join the
conversation, or start a new one.
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[MCN-L] ARCS Update Issue 10 ARCS Conference 2017 Save the Date!

2016-06-06 Thread ARCS ARCS
Save the Date!

We’re pleased to announce that the next ARCS biennial conference will be
held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in beautiful Vancouver, British Columbia,
Canada, November 1 - 5, 2017.  Stay tuned for more details.

ERC Vienna

ARCS Board members Tamara Johnston and Michele Leopold will be in Vienna
this week for the European Registrar’s Conference. If any ARCS members are
there and would like to have an “ARCS at ERC” get together Thursday June
9th after the sessions, please email Tamara at tamarakjohns...@gmail.com.

Twitter Chat

A reminder that the 3rd ARCS Twitter Chat happens tonight, June 7 from 8 –
9 pm EST.  Tonight’s topic is good/bad museum documentation, with guest
co-moderator Tracey Berg-Fulton (@BergFulton), Collections Database
Associate and Provenance Researcher at the Carnegie Museum of Art.  You can
participate and follow along by using the hashtag  #ARCSchat.  If you need
more information on how to participate, please check out the link here:

If you missed the first 2 Twitter chats, annotated and edited Storify posts
have been created.  Chat #1, “Being a Registrar Who Tweets”, can be found
here: https://storify.com/Arcs4All/arcschat-05-april-2016

Chat #2, “Rights and Reproduction Issues for Museums”, can be found here:
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[MCN-L] Association of Registrars and Collections Specialists (ARCS) Special Update on Socials

2016-06-08 Thread ARCS ARCS
Since the summer of 2013 ARCS has been organizing Socials!  These get
togethers, sponsored through the largesse of our vendor friends, are a
wonderful way for you to get to know other registrars and collections
specialists in your area.  They are casual, (no sales pitches!) and fun.
And bring your business card, because at every ARCS Social there is a draw
for a free one-year ARCS membership!

June 22, 2016- Melbourne, Australia
6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Melbourne, Australia
Location:  Shebeen
36 Manchester Lane
Melbourne, VC  3000
Sponsored by IAS Fine Art Logistics
For more info, and to RSVP (by June 17, 2016):

The Australasian Registrars Committee (ARC) will also be extending this
invitation to their membership, so it will be a fantastic opportunity to
meet plenty of like-minded colleagues. Hope to see you there!

June 24, 2016- Philadelphia, PA
6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Location:  London Grill
2301 Fairmont Ave.
Philadelphia PA 19130
Sponsored by Atelier Art Services
For more info, and to RSVP (by June 15, 2016):

July 31, 2016 - Hudson Valley, NY
12:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Location:  Reinstitute
1395 Boston Corners Road
Millerton, NY  12546
Sponsored by UOVO
For more info, and to RSVP (by July 22, 2016):

ARCS invites you to Art Hudson/Farm to Frame day trip to the ReInstitute in
New York’s Hudson Valley.  Our visit will start at 12:00 PM with a
farm-to-table lunch of local ingredients including Sky Farm Greens that
come directly from the grounds of ReInstitute!  Following the lunch we will
see the current exhibition that brings three artists together:  Michael
Davidson, Joshua Rosenblatt and Gregory Klassen.  Each brings a different
perspective on nature. Each looks closely at the process of seeing and the
processes of nature at work.  Following lunch there will be an informal Q &
A with the artists and an opportunity to hear from Joshua Rosenblatt what
it’s like to be an art handler at the Whitney, as well as a practicing

This event is limited to 30 ARCS members.
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[MCN-L] ARCS Update Issue 11 Books by ARCS Members & Socials Reminder

2016-06-20 Thread ARCS ARCS
*Books by ARCS Members*

If you haven’t already picked up these books from ARCS members, now is the

Brent Powell’s  Collection Care: An Illustrated Handbook for the Care and
Handling of Cultural Objects provides a solid overview of basic collection
care procedures and policies.  It’s available in both hard copy and E-book

Visit the publisher’s website
and use the promo code 4F15CCBP20 to save 20% off list price.  This
discounts is only available until June 30, 2016 so act now.  For more
information, please contact Brent at brent.pow...@ymail.com.

Angela Kipp’s book Managing Previously Unmanaged Collections – A Practical
Guide for Museums is also available in hard copy and E-book format and is a
step-by-step guide to managing previously unmanaged collections, as well as
a tool for those who have to tackle backlog, accession a large collection
or make sense of chaotic collection management practices inherited from a

Visit the publisher’s website
and use the promo codeRLFANDF30 to save 30% off the list price until
December 31, 2016.  *This discount is only available to US customers.

*Reminder – ARCS Socials*

A quick reminder of the ARCS Socials coming up, in Philadelphia on June
24th and in the Hudson Valley on July 31st.


ARCS Philadelphia Social -
ARCS Hudson Valley Social -

And remember to choose the event you wish to attend from the drop down menu
at the bottom of the RSVP page.
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[MCN-L] ARCS Update Issue 12 USFW New Rules on African Ivory & Twitter Chat

2016-07-04 Thread ARCS ARCS
New US Fish & Wildlife Rules on African Ivory

The US Fish and Wildlife Service has revised their rule regarding African
elephant ivory. This revision takes effect on July 6.  If you think this
may affect your collection, you can find more information and a handy chart
Scroll down to the third page page for the chart.

Twitter Chat on Storify

June’s twitter chat, on the topic of good and bad museum documentation, is
now available on Storify:


Take a look and share the link via your favorite social media platform.
LinkedIn is a great place to share this work-related content.

Don't forget to join tonights #ARCSchat! Tues 05 July 8-9pm EST. Our topic:
Registrar EMPs (emerging museum professionals) with @Doodleology.
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[MCN-L] ARCS Special Update on Detroit, MI Social 7/19/16

2016-07-12 Thread ARCS ARCS
Since the summer of 2013 ARCS has been organizing Socials!  These get
togethers, sponsored through the largesse of our vendor friends, are a
wonderful way for you to get to know other registrars and collections
specialists in your area.  They are casual, (no sales pitches!) and fun.
And bring your business card, because at every ARCS Social there is a draw
for a free one-year ARCS membership!

July 19, 2016  6:00 PM – 7:30 PM
Detroit, Michigain
Location: HopCat
4265 Woodward Avenue
Detroit, MI 48201
Sponsored by Artpack Services, Inc. & A.I.R.

For more info, and to RSVP (by July 15, 2016):
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[MCN-L] ARCS Update Issue 13 ARCS by the Numbers

2016-07-18 Thread ARCS ARCS
Did you know that ARCS currently boasts a membership count of 1,342? That’s
an increase of 20% from last year, and we keep growing.  Members come from
35 different countries, everywhere from New Zealand to Qatar, from Brazil
to Thailand.

69 people have signed up for our OnContract feature.  Go here
http://www.arcsinfo.org/on-contract to add your profile to this wonderful

Social Media
We’re on many social media platforms, all of which are a great place to
find news items, links to job opportunities, and conversations relating to
collections management.

Our ARCS group page on LinkedIn has 1,578 members:
Our Facebook page has 1,320 likes: https://www.facebook.com/arcs4all/)
We have 655 Twitter followers @arcs4all: https://twitter.com/arcs4all

The first Tuesday of every month sees a lively discussion using the hashtag
#ARCSChat on Twitter. Every month has seen an increase in tweets and a
large reach among Twitter users.  If you missed any of these conversations
edited and annotated versions can be found on our Storify page:

If you haven’t already liked, linked or tweeted to us, please do!

T-Shirts and Aprons
A reminder that ARCS t-shirts and aprons are still available with a minimum
donation of $30 for members and $35 for non-members.  Your donation helps
produce programming to benefit ARCS members and the community at large.
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[MCN-L] ARCS Update Issue 14 New Webpage Features and More

2016-08-01 Thread ARCS ARCS
New ARCS Webpage Search Feature

Members are now able to search the ARCS membership directory (
http://www.arcsinfo.org/membership/directory) by region once they log into
their ARCSInfo.org account.

And anyone (member and non-member) accessing the OnContract directory (
http://www.arcsinfo.org/on-contract) can search by geographic region as

Twitter Chat

A reminder that tonight’s (August 2) monthly ARCS Twitter chat starts at 8
pm EST. The topic is Registrar / Educator collaborations and the
co-moderator is Claudia Ocello of Museum Partners Consulting LLC.  Remember
to use the hashtag #ARCSchat to follow along.

If you missed July’s Twitter chat, here's the link to the summary of the
lively discussion about Registrar EMPs (Emerging Museum Professionals):


Western Museum Association Annual Meeting

The Western Museums Association’s 2016 Annual Meeting, in partnership with
the Museum Association of Arizona (MAA), will be held in Phoenix, AZ
September 25 – 28th.   The meeting will focus on the shifting museum
landscape and how the field can adapt to rise anew. There are sessions and
workshops of particular interest to registrars, as well as invaluable
networking opportunities.   You can find more information and register here
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[MCN-L] ARCS Update Issue 15 Mentoring Program

2016-08-15 Thread ARCS ARCS
New Mentoring Program
The Registrar’s Committee of the American Alliance of Museums (RCAAM) and
the Association of Registrars and Collections Specialists (ARCS) invite you
to participate in the RCS Mentoring Program (Mentoring for the Future).
This is a special opportunity that brings together RC-AAM and ARCS in an
effort to mentor emerging museum professionals who have dedicated
themselves to a career in registration and collections work.

If you’re an emerging or mid-career professional and would like assistance
navigating the field, or would like to expand your knowledge base and
receive helpful advice about loans, exhibitions or anything registration
related, then consider applying for a mentor to help guide you.

If you are an established professional, with experience you are willing to
share, or want to connect with a new generation of registrars and
collections specialists, then consider applying to be a mentor.

The RCS Mentoring Program committee will work to match mentors to mentees.
Relationships will be established using three criteria: museum discipline
(art, science, history, etc.); need (career advice, loans, database, etc.),
and geographic location. While not all mentorships will be in the same
city, we will do our best to connect people who are close.

Once connected, mentees are invited to reach out to their mentor and
solicit the advice they need. The Committee will check in occasionally to
ensure a connection has been made, but the level of communication is on the
participants to determine. While the mentor-mentee relationship is expected
to last one year, we encourage long-term connections.

Application forms can be found here:  http://www.arcsinfo.org/

If you have questions about the program, please do not hesitate to contact
Thank you.
Sebastian Encina (RC-AAM) & Jeanne Benas (ARCS)
Mentoring Co-Chairs

Saving the Now.
Our sister institution, the International Institute for Conservation (IIC)
is holding its 2016 World Congress in Los Angeles.  Saving the Now:
Crossing Boundaries to Conserve Contemporary Works, September 12th to the
16th, is an event of interest to all those involved in collecting and
managing contemporary art collections.  For more info go to
crossing-boundaries-to-conserve-contemporary-works or
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[MCN-L] ARCS Update 16 ARCS Round Up

2016-08-29 Thread ARCS ARCS
The next ARCS Twitter Chat is scheduled for Tuesday Sept. 6 at 8 pm EST.
We have a “back to school” theme - So You Want to be a Registrar…  Use the
hashtag #ARCSChat to join in.

If you missed any of our previous conversations, edited and annotated
versions can be found on our Storify page: https://storify.com/Arcs4All/

2017 ARCS Conference
We’re pleased to announce that the next ARCS biennial conference will be
held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in beautiful Vancouver, British Columbia,
Canada, November 1 - 5, 2017.  Stay tuned for more details.

Powerpoints and handouts from the 2013 conference are available to all (
 2015 conference handouts and powerpoints are available to members (

Mentoring program
Interested in being a mentor or mentee to your colleagues?  Apply for the
Registrars and Collections Specialists Mentoring Program (

Academic Registrars Forum
This spring we added a new section to our Forum page, dedicated to Academic
Registrars.  You can find a link to the forum page on –
http://www.arcsinfo.org/forum/.  ARCS member?  Log in.  Not a member? There
will be a prompt to register as a guest – then the forum is available.

Aprons and T-shirts Still Available
A reminder that ARCS T-shirts and aprons are still available with a minimum
donation of $30 for members and $35 for non-members.  Your donation helps
produce programming to benefit ARCS members and the community at large.


Webpage Search Features
Members are able to search the ARCS membership directory by region once
they log into their ARCSInfo.org account.


And anyone (member and non-member) accessing the OnContract directory can
search by geographic region as well.


And finally, a heartfelt thanks to all our supporters, we couldn’t do it
without you!
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[MCN-L] ARCS Update Issue 17 Socials

2016-09-12 Thread ARCS ARCS
ARCS Socials are a wonderful way to get to know other registrars and
collections specialists in your area.  They’re casual, fun, and you can win
a free one year ARCS membership!

Summer 2016 was another successful social season.  Philadelphia’s social
was sponsored by Atelier Art Services and saw Jobi Zink win the one year
membership. Detroit’s social was sponsored by Artpack Services Inc. &
A.I.R.  Davin Brainard of the Detroit Institute of Art Museum was the lucky
winner there.

July 31st’s social featured a day trip to ReInstitute (
http://thereinstitute.com) in New York’s Hudson Valley for Art Hudson/Farm
to Frame’s (
farm-to-table lunch, a visit to an exhibition, followed by an informal
lecture and Q and A session with the artists. Artist Joshua Rosenblatt is
also an art handler at the Whitney and he spoke about being both an art
handler and a practicing artist.

Besides sponsoring the event, Uovo Fine Art Storage also made a donation to
ARCS, and provided a raffle gift of $500 worth of services to lucky winner
Angela Liporaee, Registration Assistant at the Clark Art Institute. Winner
of the ARCS membership draw was Diane Hart of Williams College Museum of
Art.  Please visit Uovo’s blog for a very interesting post on the event:

Photos from the events can be found on ARCS Flickr site (

The next ARCS Social (
http://www.arcsinfo.org/programs/socials/upcoming-socials) is planned for
October 6th, 2016 in Vancouver, Canada.  Stay tuned for more details.
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[MCN-L] ARCS Update Issue 18 ARCS Fall Socials

2016-09-26 Thread ARCS ARCS
ARCS Fall Socials
ARCS is pleased to announce our Fall Social schedule!  These get togethers,
sponsored through the largesse of our vendor friends, are a wonderful way
for you to get to know other registrars and collections specialists in your
area. They are casual, (no sales pitches!) and fun.

AND bring your business card, because at every ARCS Social there is a draw
for a free one-year ARCS membership!

October 6th, 2016 – Vancouver, BC
October 9th, 2016 – Charlotte, NC
October 12th, 2016 – Dallas, TX

October 6th, 2016  6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Location:  Yaletown Brewing Company
 Mainland St.
Vancouver, BC V6B 2T9

For more information and to RSVP:

October 9th, 2016  6:00 PM – 9:30 PM
Location:  317 S Church St.
Charlotte, NC  28202
Sponsored by Masterpiece International

For more information and to RSVP:

October 12th, 2016  6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Location:  Resto Gastro Bistro
Trinity Groves, 3011 Gulden Ln
Dallas, TX 75212
Sponsored by Displays Fine Arts Services

For more information and to RSVP:


The next ARCS Twitter Chat is scheduled for Tuesday October 4th at 8 pm
EST.   The topic is “Courier Advice, Expectations and Experiences”. If
you’ve been a courier, use couriers, or just want to know more about the
courier process, this is the chat for you!  To participate, simply log on
to Twitter at the time of the chat and type #ARCSchat into the search

Follow along as the conversation develops and chime in when you have an
opinion to share. Remember to use the hashtag #ARCSchat

If you missed any of our previous conversations, edited and annotated
versions can be found on our Storify page: https://storify.com/Arcs4All/

Membership Renewal

Our membership year is January – December. So starting October 1, members
who have logged into ARCSInfo.org, will see the button in the upper right
hand corner — a renewal link — beside their name. If you are a current
member, clicking that link will take you to the page where you can easily
renew your ARCS membership in your current category.

If you are a member, while logged in, please take a few minutes to review
your profile: make sure all information is correct and the right items are
selected for inclusion in the online searchable directory; add or update
your background information, and attach a photo!

For members who wish to be included in the OnContact Directory, October 1
is also a good time to pay that little bit extra (and upload your resume)
to be included indicating your availability for contract work.
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[MCN-L] ARCS Update Issue 18 ARCS Charlotte, NC Social-Correction!

2016-09-28 Thread ARCS ARCS
ARCS Social-October 9th, 2016 Charlotte, NC

October 9th, 2016  *7:30 PM – 9:30 PM*
Location:  Valhalla Pub and Eatery
317 S Church St.
Charlotte, NC  28202
Sponsored by Masterpiece International

For more info, and to RSVP:  http://www.arcsinfo.org/news-
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Network (http://www.mcn.edu)

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[MCN-L] ARCS Update Issue 19 ...On Being Social

2016-10-10 Thread ARCS ARCS
 When ARCS was still a gleam in our eyes, we knew an internet presence was
an important part of growing our membership beyond the 12 of us. Thanks to
our outreach we’ve grown 100 fold, to well over 1200 members worldwide.

 We created a site map full of wishful thinking, wrote an RFP, and looked
at the websites of other not-for-profit groups affiliated with the arts,
sciences and history.  We sent our RFP and sitemap over the transom to 4
companies whose sites we rather liked and then carefully reviewed their
responses.  At the same time, an internal team looked for a designer to
create a brand for us – a logo, a color scheme, a typeface.

 Webitects (http://www.webitects.com/), a great group of people with
offices in Chicago, built our website.  During our fledging years they’ve
been responsive to our requests for additions and changes and made helpful
suggestions when we didn’t quite get the programming possibilities.  We
just learned that those who have been supporting us at Webitects are
joining a new company and they’re taking us with them – we thank Todd and
Christine and the rest of their team for the past, and look forward to
continue working with them under the new name of Spinutech (

Between our first web presence and now, we have added buttons on the site
leading to our Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/arcs4all/), to our
Linkedin page (https://www.linkedin.com/groups/4554515), to Twitter (
https://twitter.com/arcs4all), to Storify (https://storify.com/Arcs4All/),
to Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/arcs4all/), to Flickr (
https://www.flickr.com/photos/arcs4all/). We can now register people for
conferences and workshops. We can take RSVPs for our Socials.  We’ve added
great videos in several categories, and we have a service for finding
contract assistance, “OnContract”. And if you haven’t checked out the Forum
– it’s becoming a great resource!  We even have a section devoted to
exchanges by and for Academic Registrars.

But it isn’t all website!  We knew we needed a social media manager,
someone who could really pull together the bells and whistles of outreach.
We were lucky to have hired Robin Bauer Kilgo.  Robin keeps things moving
forward - aggregating from news sources, adding content, creating reports,
and she has talents we haven’t even tapped yet!

And now, ARCS member Lisa Tillotson has been assembling content, editing,
scheduling, and otherwise preparing our bi-weekly ARCS Update which she
sends on to Robin who does her magic before sending it out to our members
and beyond.

Try out some of the links here and let us know what else you might like to
see by sending an e-mail to arcs4...@gmail.com.
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[MCN-L] ARCS Update Issue 20 #ARCSConf 2017 - Vancouver Update

2016-10-24 Thread ARCS ARCS
Vancouver 2017 Conference Team
We are pleased to announce the team that will be organizing the 2017 ARCS
conference in Vancouver BC:

Chair: Toni M. Kiser
Assistant Director for Collections Management
The National WWII Museum, New Orleans, LA

Treasurer: Tamara Johnston
Collections Manager/Registrar
NEH Preservation Grant Project Manager, AGSL
Adjunct Professor, MIAD, Milwaukee, WI

Marketing: Andrea Wood
Andrea Wood Art Management
New York, NY

Development: Michele Leopold
Chief Registrar
The Mint Museum, Charlotte, NC

ARCS Board Member: Jeanne Benas
Retired from National Museum of American History
Hyattsville,  MD

ARCS Member: Bev Sutley
Palmer Museum of Art, University Park, PA

ARCS Member: Lisa Tillotson
Nickle Galleries, Calgary, AB

Local ARCS Committee Member: Jenny Wilson
Registrar, Exhibitions and Loans
Vancouver Art Gallery, Vancouver BC

Local ARCS Committee Member: Teresa Sudeyko
Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery, Vancouver, BC

Local ARCS Committee Member: Anna Wall
Vancouver, BC

Watch for the call for papers, panels and PechaKucha coming soon on the
ARCS website!

Vancouver Social Recap
The first ARCS Social in Canada was held Oct. 6, 2016 in Vancouver, BC.
The 13 attendees had a great time, and there was plenty of enthusiasm for
the ARCS conference being held in the city in 2017. The winner of the ARCS
membership was Jenny Wilson, Vancouver Art Gallery.

The t-shirt/apron winner was Chris Kukura from Denbigh Fine Art Services.

#ARCSchat on Twitter
The next #ARCSchat is scheduled for Tuesday November 1 from 8 - 9 pm EST.
We’ll be discussing “Freelance Registrars”. If you are one, use one, or
want to be one, we hope you’ll join us and share your insights. You can
find our Twitter page here (https://twitter.com/Arcs4All). Use the hashtag
#ARCSchat to follow along and contribute.

Visual Resource Association Survey
In 2015 ARCS helped distribute the Visual Resource Association Professional
Status Survey. The VRA has now released the 2015-2016 Report on
Professional Status, which can be found here (
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[MCN-L] ARCS Update Issue 21 PACCIN Update

2016-11-07 Thread ARCS ARCS
 PACCIN Update 2016

The ‘Preparation Art Handling and Collections Care Information Network’
(PACCIN) will have a new membership program coming out soon!

PACCIN is expanding its programming and publications to provide more ways
to support the collections care community. Membership is available to both
individuals and institutions and benefits include program discounts,
research and networking opportunities, and professional growth.

The PACCIN website [www.paccin.org] continues to provide featured articles,
an active forum, and an archive of valuable material covering a variety of
topics related to art handling, collections care and more. Two new features
have been added: A video library providing a variety of instructional
topics and documentary highlights, as well the Member Profile section,
which contains interviews with PACCIN members who represent the many
professions involved in collections care.

The next PACCIN Preparators Conference with be held April 7-8, 2017 at the
Modern Art Museum in Ft Worth, Texas. A full program covering both
technical information and professional development will be presented. Save
the date and stay tuned for more detailed information coming soon on the
PACCIN website and Listserv.

Get out to Vote

Will you stand up for the best choice to help preserve and present our
shared cultural heritage? If you are a US citizen, today you must exercise
your right and duty to vote!
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[MCN-L] ARCS Update Issue 23 ARCS 2017 Vancouver Conference Details and Deadlines

2016-12-05 Thread ARCS ARCS
ARCS 2017 Vancouver Conference Details and Deadlines
The ARCS 2017 Conference Planning Committee is pleased to open the call for
conference proposals for our 2017 Biennial Conference, taking place in
Vancouver, BC, Canada, November 3 – 5, 2017. Session proposal guidelines
and proposal form-
be found on our website.

Important dates to note:
February 27, 2017: Deadline for submitting session proposals.
March 20, 2017: Online Registration will open.
March 20, 2017: Attendees may begin to make hotel reservations.
March 20, 2017:  Travel Award Stipend applications will be available on our
May 12, 2017: Travel Award Stipend applications due.
September 4, 2017: Deadline for requesting VISA letters from ARCS. More
information will be posted in early June 2017.
October 2, 2017: Registration closes.

Please remember to check that your passport is up to date and valid for
travel to Canada through November of 2017.  For more information on travel
requirements to Canada, please visit the Government of Canada’s travel
website - http://www.cic.gc.ca/English/Visit/index.asp

Questions about the ARCS 2017 Conference?
E-mail arcs4...@gmail.com and use subject line "ARCS 2017 Conference".

Twitter Chat
Join us tonight at 8 pm ET for the final #ARCSchat of 2016. Our theme: “The
Office of No!” (or, how to cope with *unusual* holiday requests at your
museum)”. Remember to use #ARCSchat to follow along and participate in this
fun and informative discussion.
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[MCN-L] ARCS Update Issue 24 Happy Holidays ARCS Members!

2016-12-19 Thread ARCS ARCS
With the year coming to an end the ARCS Board of Directors want to wish you
and your families a happy and safe holiday season.

2017 promises to be a very active year of programming for ARCS.  Some
highlights to watch for:

-“Photo Synthesis: What You Need to Know About Photographs” workshop will
take place in New York on April 25, 2017. More information will be
announced in early January.

-Our #ARCSchat on Twitter will continue on the first Tuesday of each
month.  Catch up on any 2016 chats you may have missed (

-We’re very excited for a special event scheduled for Mexico City in May
2017.  Further details to come in February.

-Our biennial conference will take place November 3 – 5, 2017 in Vancouver,
BC, Canada.  Check our website (
http://www.arcsinfo.org/programs/2017-vancouver-conference) for important

We will keep the membership updated on other programing as information
becomes available.

And just a reminder, you must be a current ARCS member to register for the
biennial conference, so if you haven’t already done so, make sure your 2017
membership dues are up to date. (http://www.arcsinfo.org/members/Login)
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[MCN-L] ARCS Update 2017 Update 1 East Coast Workshop Photo Synthesis: What You Need to Know About Photographs

2017-01-02 Thread ARCS ARCS
ARCS is pleased to announce the East Coast iteration of the ARCS Workshop:
Photo Synthesis: What You Need to Know About Photographs

This one-day workshop, designed to address concerns of staff who care for
various types of photography collections, will cover identification and
description of photographs, copyright, framing and mounting, display,
storage, installation and packing.  Attend this workshop to strengthen your
knowledge of photographic registration and preventive conservation. A
buffet lunch is included.

Jed Bark, Bark Frame Works
John ffrench, Director of Visual Resources, Yale University Art Gallery
Nora Kennedy, Sherman Fairchild Conservator in Charge, Photography
Conservation, Metropolitan Museum of Art
Peter Mustardo, Director/Co-Founder, The Better Image
Wyatt Nash, Chief Preparator, International Center for Photography

Tuesday, April 25th, 2017, 9:00 am – 5:pm

Museum of the Moving Image
36-01 35 Ave
Astoria, NY 11106

Members:   $125
Non members:  $150

Early registration is now open on the ARCS website (
https://www.arcsinfo.org/programs/2017-photography-workshop).  Program
schedule, accommodation suggestions and directions will be announced

News Flash from a Member
We are pleased to let everyone know that the White House has announced
President Obama’s intent to appoint ARCS member Dorit Straus to a key
administration post as a Member of the Cultural Property Advisory
Committee. One of seven appointees to various Boards and Committees, Dorit
is an Art and Insurance Advisor for Art and Insurance Advisory Services
Inc., a position she has held since 2013.

She was previously Vice President Worldwide Specialty Fine Art Manager for
Chubb & Son, where she held various management positions from 1982 to
2013.  She has been a Visiting Lecturer at the Association for Research
into Crimes Against Art since 2009 and was an Art Culture and Entertainment
Manager at ACE USA from 1998 to 2000.  She has also worked as a Curatorial
Researcher at the Jewish Museum from 1981 to 1982, an Assistant Collection
Manager at the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnography at Harvard
University from 1978 to 1981, and an Assistant Registrar at the Museum of
Contemporary Crafts from 1976 to 1978.  She serves on the Board of
Directors of AXA Art Americas Corporation, and the International Foundation
for Art Research.  Ms. Straus received a B.A. from The City University of
New York.

For more information, please see the White House press release:

Congratulations Dorit!
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[MCN-L] ARCS Update Vol 2 Issue 2 Socials & Important Dates

2017-01-16 Thread ARCS ARCS
Upcoming ARCS Networking Socials

ARCS is pleased to announce locations for our 2017 networking socials.
These get togethers, sponsored through the largesse of our vendor friends,
are a wonderful way for you to get to know other registrars and collections
specialists in your area.  They are casual, (no sales pitches!) and fun.

February 23: London, England
March: Nashville, TN
April 25: New York, NY
June 23: Vancouver, Canada

Further details will be available soon, stay tuned!

Important Dates
-February 7, 2017 next #ARCSchat on Twitter. The theme: Working, Teaching
and Other Useable Types of Collections. For more information:
-February 27, 2017 deadline for submitting session proposals for ARCS 2017
conference (
-April 18, 2017 deadline to register for ARCS Photosynthesis Workshop (
-January is a great time to renew your ARCS membership (
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[MCN-L] ARCS Update Vol 2 Issue 3 Workshop Hotel, Change in Guidelines, & Important Dates

2017-01-30 Thread ARCS ARCS
Hotel Discount for PhotoSynthesis Workshop
If you’re planning on attending the ARCS PhotoSynthesis Workshop (
http://www.arcsinfo.org/programs/2017-photography-workshop) April 25th,
2017, we have secured a 15% discount at the Paper Factory Hotel (
http://www.paperfactoryhotel.com/) close to the Museum of the Moving Image.

Please use the code MOMI in the Promo/Corporate field when making your

37-06 36th Street
Long Island City
New York 11101 USA
(718) 392-7200

Program details will be announced soon.

Recent Change to Guidelines for Immunity from Judicial Seizure Applications
There has been a change to the guidelines posted on the US State Department
website with regard to the recommended lead time required for applications
for Immunity from Judicial Seizure applications.

>From the website:
"Please note: Due to ongoing developments that have been lengthening the
process for publishing Federal Register notices, the Office requests that
applications be submitted a minimum of eight (8) weeks prior to the date of
importation. If you are requesting an early publication date (see
Application Checklist Item No. 1 below), the Office requests that your
application be submitted a minimum of eight (8) weeks prior to that date."

The previous recommendation was for six weeks lead time.  Please visit the
State Department website (https://www.state.gov/s/l/3196.htm) for more

Important Dates
-February 7, 2017 next #ARCSchat on Twitter. The theme: Working, Teaching
and Other Useable Types of Collections. More information:
-February 27, 2017 deadline for submitting session proposals for ARCS 2017
conference (
-April 18, 2017 deadline to register for ARCS Photosynthesis Workshop (
-January is a great time to renew your ARCS membership (
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[MCN-L] ARCS Update Vol 2 Issue 4 Call for ARCS Board Member Nominations

2017-02-13 Thread ARCS ARCS
Call for ARCS Board Member Nominations
The terms of service for five members of the ARCS Board of Directors end in
June.  Three are first-term directors who have agreed to stand for a second
term: our thanks go to Danielle Bennett, Michele Leopold, and Mark Ryan for
their continuing service to ARCS.  Two places must be filled from among
members-in-good-standing of ARCS. We extend recognition and thanks to Lynne
Addison and Mark Schlemmer for their contributions to ARCS over the past
three years and look forward to their ongoing participation in ARCS.

The ARCS Board is a working board with a strong educational component.
Please take this opportunity to recommend for nomination someone you
believe would be an energetic, knowledgeable, engaged part of this active
professional association.  Self-recommendations are accepted.  Please send
contact information and a resumé for the proposed nominee to:
arcs4...@gmail.com, using the subject line ARCS BOARD NOMINATION.  Please
indicate whether the suggested nominee has agreed to be nominated for board
service.  Deadline for recommendations is February 21, 2017. Please visit
https://www.arcsinfo.org/about/board-of-directors for more information on
the Board.

Deadline for ARCS Conference Session proposals
Don’t wait, time is running out to share the benefit of your good ideas,
insights and experience with your colleagues.  February 27, 2017 is the
last day to submit your session proposal for the ARCS 2017 conference-

Photography Workshop Program Announced
ARCS is pleased to announce the program for the Photography Workshop on
April 25th, 2017 at the Museum of the Moving Image in Astoria, NY.  Our
group of experts will cover topics such as identification, storage and
display, copyright and open access, and installation and transport. Please
visit https://www.arcsinfo.org/programs/2017-photography-workshop/program
for more information.

Sponsorship Opportunities
ARCS has begun our 2017-2018 Campaign for Sponsorship! All financial
contributions provided to ARCS for the 2017-2018 Campaign will fund future
workshops, webinars, conferences, and general operating needs in support of
ARCS’ mission. If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, please go to:
or email arcs4...@gmail.com to get in touch with a member of the ARCS
Development team.

Important Dates
-February 21, 2017 last day to submit nominations for ARCS Board
-February 27, 2017 deadline for submitting session proposals for ARCS 2017
conference (
-March 7, 2017 next #ARCSchat on Twitter. More information
-April 18, 2017 deadline to register for ARCS Photosynthesis Workshop (
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[MCN-L] ARCS Update Vol 2 Issue 5 #ARCSConf Session Proposal Deadline Extended!

2017-02-27 Thread ARCS ARCS
Conference Session Proposal Deadline Extended

If you’ve been thinking about submitting a session proposal for the 2017
ARCS Conference in Vancouver B.C Nov. 3 – 5th, 2017, it’s not too late!
The deadline has been extended to 5 pm PST March 13, 2017.   The ARCS Board
is looking for lively, substantive sessions on any aspect of your work. You
can find proposal guidelines and the online submission form here:

Membership Renewal Reminder
If you haven’t already done so, please renew your ARCS membership (
https://www.arcsinfo.org/membership). By keeping your membership with ARCS
current, you are not only maintaining an active and growing international
network of fellow collections professionals and vendors, but have access to
job postings, webinars and member-only resources and programs occurring
throughout the year.

And if you’re an independent professional, please join our OnContract
Directory (https://www.arcsinfo.org/on-contract).  Now anyone may search
the OnContract Directory to find ARCS members available for projects on a
short- or long-term contract basis.

Important Dates
-March 7, 2017 next #ARCSchat on Twitter, 8-9 pm EST.
-March 13, 2017 5 pm PST. deadline for submitting session proposals for
ARCS 2017 conferenceNov. 3-5, 2017. https://www.arcsinfo.org/
-April 18, 2017 deadline to register for ARCS Photosynthesis Workshop (
-April 25, 2017 ARCS Photosynthesis Workshop in Astoria, NY(
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[MCN-L] ARCS Update Vol 2 Issue 6 Important #ARCSConf 2017 Biennial Conference Information

2017-03-13 Thread ARCS ARCS
Important ARCS 2017 Biennial Conference Information
Mark March 20, 2017 on your calendars! Starting on this date, you can
register for the 2017 ARCS Biennial Conference, book your hotel room, and
apply for a travel stipend. This year's conference will be held Nov. 3 – 5,
2017 in Vancouver, BC, Canada.

Conference Registration
Registration opens March 20, 2017, and is capped at 600, so don't delay.
For more information: http://www.arcsinfo.org/programs/2017-vancouver-

Conference Hotel
This year's conference will be held at the Hyatt Regency Vancouver, located
in the heart of downtown. Registration for rooms will open March 20, 2017.
For more information check here: http://www.arcsinfo.org/

Important Dates
April 4, 2017 next #ARCSchat on Twitter, 8-9 pm EST.
April 18, 2017 deadline to register for ARCS Photosynthesis Workshop -
April 25, 2017 ARCS Photosynthesis Workshop in Astoria, NY
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[MCN-L] ARCS Update Vol 2 Issue 7 Photography Workshop, Socials, & #ARCSConf Travel Stipends

2017-03-27 Thread ARCS ARCS
Photography Workshop
Don’t wait!  The deadline is fast approaching to sign up for the ARCS Photo
Workshop “PhotoSynthesis: What You Need to Know About Photographs” in
Astoria, Queens (a borough of New York City for those unfamiliar).  5
experts will lead a full program covering identification and description of
photographs, copyright, framing and mounting, display, storage,
installation and packing.  You will learn things about photography related
care that you didn’t know that you didn't know!

The modest registration fee includes lunch and full access to the fabulous
venue, the Museum of the Moving Image (http://www.movingimage.us/).
Between permanent and temporary exhibitions and exciting interactive
experiences, it’s a must-see!

Register by April 18, 2017:

and the day will be capped by an ARCS Social at PS1, MoMA’s venue for
cutting edge work. Collections specialists and registrars, ARCS members and
non-members are all invited whether attending the workshop or not. See more

Upcoming ARCS Socials
2 Spring Socials have been planned! These get togethers, sponsored through
the largesse of our vendor friends, are a wonderful way for you to get to
know other registrars and collections specialists in your area. They are
casual, (no sales pitches!) and fun. AND bring your business card, because
at every ARCS Social there is a draw for a free one-year ARCS membership!

April 4th, 2017  5:30 PM – 7:30 PM
Location:  Yazoo Brewing Co.
910 Division St.
Nashville, TN 37203
Sponsored by 1220 Exhibits Inc.
For more information and to RSVP:

April 25, 2017   6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Location:  MoMA PS1
22 – 25 Jackson Ave. at the intersection of 46th Ave.
Long Island City, NY  11101
This is a special post-workshop Social. If you can't make it to the
PhotoSynthesis workshop, come and join everyone at this Social. Bring your
cameras and post to our social media!
Sponsored by RBA and Crozier Fine Arts
For more information and to RSVP:

ARCS 2017 Conference Travel Stipends
Starting today, ARCS members are able to apply for our Conference Travel

ARCS offers travel stipends to assist registrars and/or collections
specialists -- including students or retirees in the field -- to attend the
ARCS Biennial Meeting in November.  We endeavor to fund representatives
from organizations of different sizes and disciplines, in different
locations throughout the world.  Travel stipdends are generously supported
by ARCS and Berkley Asset Protection, Underwriting Managers (a W.R.Berkley

Applicants for this stipend must be current, individual members of ARCS.
Selection of the recipients will be based upon demonstrated merit,
dedication to their work as registrars or collections specialists, and
financial need.  To learn more about the stipends, and to apply, please
Application materials must be received by May 12, 2017.

Legal Issues Webinar Series
ARCS and Connecting to Collections Care (C2CC) are pleased to offer a
series of webinars focused on legal and ethical aspects of managing

April 12, 2017, 2:00 – 3:30 PM EST – An Introduction to Legal Issues in
Collections Management
April 19, 2017, 2:00 – 3:30 PM EST – Ethical Issues in Collections
May 17, 2017, 2:00 – 3:30 PM EST – Why Do We Need This? Insights and
Hindsights from Deaccessioning

Please visit http://www.arcsinfo.org/news-events/professional-development
page for more information and registration links.

Important Dates
April 4, 2017 next #ARCSchat on Twitter, 8-9 pm EST-
April 4, 2017 Nashville Social-
April 18, 2017 Deadline to register for ARCS PhotoSynthesis Workshop-
April 25, 2017 ARCS PhotoSynthesis Workshop-
April 25, 2017 NY Social-
May 12, 2017  Deadline for Conference Travel Stipend Applications-
September 4, 2017 Deadline for requesting VISA letters from ARCS. For more
info please see our ‘Getting There’ page-
October 2, 2017 Conference Registration closes-
November 3-5, 2017 ARCS Conference, Vancouver, Canada-
You are currently subscribe

[MCN-L] ARCS Update Vol 2 Issue 8 Last Chance to Register! Photography Workshop & #ARCSConf Les Bénévoles Volunteer Event

2017-04-10 Thread ARCS ARCS
Photography Workshop - don't miss it!

Just a week left to register! “PhotoSynthesis: What You Need to Know About
Photographs” takes place at the Museum of the Moving Image in Astoria,
Queens on April 25, 2017.

Learn what you didn't know that you didn't know at this one-day workshop
designed to address your concerns if you care for photographic works.
Topics include: identification and description, copyright, framing and
mounting, display, storage, packing and challenging installations.  Buffet
lunch is included.

To register:
by April 18th, 2017.

AND, the day will be capped by an ARCS Social at PS1, MoMA’s venue for
cutting edge work. Collections specialists and registrars, ARCS members and
non-members are all invited whether attending the workshop or not.  RSVP

Les Bénévoles

As part of the ARCS biennial conference, Thursday, November 2 will be a day
of volunteerism for local museums.  The name of this project, Les
Bénévoles, translates to “The Volunteers”.

We encourage professional registrars and collections specialists to
volunteer for the day to help catch up on projects such as accessioning,
condition reporting, rehousing objects -- actually, any project that may
benefit by having help from trained professionals.  Take a look at our
Flicker page to see pictures of past volunteer projects-

If you would like to volunteer to join Les Bénévoles, you can when you
register for the conference!  Click the volunteer box on the registration
form (
At the close of conference registration, you will be sent a confirmation
and further details.  If you have already registered and want to
participate, please send an email to arcs4...@gmail.com with subject
heading, “I want to volunteer”.

Important Dates
April 18, 2017  Deadline to register for ARCS PhotoSynthesis Workshop:
April 25, 2017  ARCS PhotoSynthesis Workshop:
https://www.arcsinfo.org/programs/2017-photography-workshop in Astoria, NY.
April 25, 2017  NY Social:
May 3, 2017  Next #ARCSchat on Twitter, 8-9 pm EST. Topic is
Registrar/Conservator collaborations: https://twitter.com/arcs4all
May 12, 2017  Deadline for #ARCSConf-Conference Travel Stipend
September 4, 2017  Deadline for requesting VISA letters from ARCS. For more
info please see our ‘Getting There’ page:
October 2, 2017  #ARCSConf-Conference Registration closes:
November 3-5, 2017  ARCS Conference, Vancouver, Canada:
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[MCN-L] ARCS Special Update - Final Day to Register for 2017 Photo Synthesis: What You Need to Know About Photographs Workshop-April 25, 2017-Astoria, NY

2017-04-18 Thread ARCS ARCS
Today, April 18, is the last day to register for the ARCS Photography
workshop in New York. Register for PhotoSynthesis:

And don't forget about the ARCS Social at PS1, MoMA’s venue for cutting
edge work. Collections specialists and registrars, ARCS members and
non-members are all invited whether attending the workshop or not. To RSVP:
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[MCN-L] ARCS Special Update - April 25, 2017 NY Social Reminder

2017-04-20 Thread ARCS ARCS
It's not too late to RSVP for the ARCS New York Social event of the spring!
Join us at PS1 on Tuesday, April 25th from 6pm to 8pm for drinks & snacks,
a free raffle and invaluable networking. Generously sponsored by RBA and
Crozier Fine Arts. For both ARCS members and soon-to-be members.


Where: Moma PS1
22-25 Jackson Ave, Long Island City, NY

When: April 25, 2017
6pm to 8pm
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[MCN-L] ARCS Update Vol 2 Issue 9 ARCS Socials, New Board Members, & Important Dates!

2017-04-24 Thread ARCS ARCS
Live Tweeting Photography #ARCSWorkshop!
Watch for live tweeting using #ARCSWorkshop from the ARCS workshop, "Photo
Synthesis: What You Need to Know About Photographs", held at the Museum of
the Moving Image in Astoria, NY on April 25, 2017 from 9:30 to 5 eastern

Reminder - ARCS NY Social Tonight
A reminder that there’s an ARCS Social tonight in NY, NY from 6:00 PM –
8:00 PM

Location:  MoMA PS1
22 – 25 Jackson Ave. at the intersection of 46th Ave.
Long Island City, NY  11101

Sponsored by RBA and Crozier Fine Arts
For more information and to RSVP: http://www.arcsinfo.org/news-

Meet Your New Board Members
The ARCS Board is pleased to welcome new members of the Board, John
Robinette, Manager of Storage and Installation at Colección Patricia Phelps
de Cisneros, and Jenny Wilson, Registrar, Exhibitions at Vancouver Art
Gallery.  Their terms will begin after the June 2017 Board meeting.

John Robinette, Manager of Storage and Installation at Colección Patricia
Phelps de Cisneros
As the Manager of Storage and Installation, John oversees all storage
facilities and locales where the family maintain their collection and
handles most of the logistics for their extensive international loan
program. John also sits on the planning committee for the ARCS introductory
symposium in Mexico City – the first in Latin America.

Jenny Wilson, Registrar, Exhibitions at Vancouver Art Gallery
Jenny has worked in museums for over 25 years. She now works on
logistics--from loan agreements and insurance to unpacking and
installation-- of incoming loans for a very busy exhibition schedule and
oversees the logistics of outgoing touring exhibitions.  She has had the
opportunity to work with many contemporary artists and has gained much
experience in shipping artwork of all shapes and sizes via air, ocean and

Congreso ARCS
ARCS is pleased to announce its first event in Latin America, in beautiful
Mexico City! This two day event will take place at the Museo Nacional de
Arte on October 9 and 10, 2017. The first day will include an introduction
to ARCS for local museum professionals, a lecture on social media and
professional development, and a sample of conference type sessions on
topics such as mount making, shipping, and collaboration projects between
USA museums and Mexican cultural institutions. The second day will consist
of behind the scene tours of the Museo Jumex (Fundación Jumex Arte
Contemporáneo) and the Museo Soumaya (Fundación Carlos Slim, A.C.)

This event will be open to local Mexican museum professionals and ARCS
members only. Registration opens July 10, 2017 through the ARCS website.

Important Dates
-April 25, 2017  ARCS PhotoSynthesis Workshop workshop in Astoria, NY-
-April 25, 2017  NY Social- http://www.arcsinfo.org/news-
-May 3, 2017  Next #ARCSchat on Twitter, 8-9 pm EST. Topic is
Registrar/Conservator collaborations-https://twitter.com/arcs4all
-May 12, 2017  Deadline for #ARCSConf-Conference Travel Stipend
Applications- http://www.arcsinfo.org/programs/2017-vancouver-
-May 17, 2017 Connecting to Collections Care Webinar – Why Do We Need This?
Insights and Hindsights from Deaccessioning-http://www.
-July 10, 2017  Registration opens for Congreso ARCS in Mexico City.
-September 4, 2017  Deadline for requesting VISA letters from ARCS. For
more info please see our ‘Getting There’ page. - http://www.arcsinfo.org/
-October 2, 2017  #ARCSConf-Conference Registration closes.-
-October 9 – 10, 2017  Congreso ARCS in Mexico City
-November 3-5, 2017  ARCS Conference, Vancouver, Canada
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[MCN-L] ARCS Update Vol 2 Issue 10 Legal & Ethical Webinars, RCS Mentorship Program Update, & #ARCS Conf Travel Stipends

2017-05-08 Thread ARCS ARCS
Legal and Ethical Issues Webinars
In case you missed the ARCS and Connections to Collections Care webinars on
Legal and Ethical Issues in Collections Management they are both in the
Connecting to Collections Care Archives.

-Ethical Issues in Collections Management
-Introduction to Legal Issues in Collections Management

The last webinar in the series, “Why do we need this? Insights and
Hindsights from Deaccessioning” is schedule for May 17th at 2 pm EDT, and
will also be in the archive a few days after it airs. For more info:

RCS Mentorship Program Update
The Registrars and Collections Specialists Mentorship Program has had a
change in leadership as Jeanne Benas has stepped down and Erin McKeen has
now assumed the role of ARCS Co-Chair.  We thank Jeanne for her hard work
and support for this valuable resource.   If you are looking for a mentor,
or would like to be a mentor, you can find out more about the program here:

#ARCSConf 2017 Travel Stipends
This Friday, May 12th, is the deadline to apply for a travel stipend for
the next ARCS Conference.  These travel stipends assist registrars or
collections specialists, including students or retirees in the field, to
attend the ARCS Biennial Meeting November 3 to 5, 2017, in Vancouver,
British Columbia, CANADA.  For more information and to apply for a stipend:

Important Dates
-May 12, 2017  Deadline for #ARCSConf-Conference Travel Stipend Applications
-May 17, 2017 Connecting to Collections Care Webinar – Why Do We Need This?
Insights and Hindsights from Deaccessioning
-June 6, 2017  Next #ARCSchat on Twitter, 8-9 pm EST.
-July 10, 2017  Registration opens for Congreso ARCS in Mexico City.
-September 4, 2017  Deadline for requesting VISA letters from ARCS. For
more info please see our ‘Getting There’ page.
-October 2, 2017  #ARCSConf-Conference Registration closes.
-October 9-10, 2017  Congreso ARCS in Mexico City
-November 3-5, 2017 ARCS Conference, Vancouver, Canada
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[MCN-L] ARCS Update Vol 2 Issue 11 #ARCSConf Session Announced & Renewal Reminders

2017-05-22 Thread ARCS ARCS
Sessions Announced for #ARCSConf 2017
ARCS is pleased to announce the list of sessions for our upcoming biennial
conference in Vancouver, BC, Canada November 3 – 5, 2017. From foreign
indemnity to collections access, shipping tales to the acquisition of
digital art, this year’s program definitely has something for everyone.
You can find a list of all sessions on our conference webpage:

The final program schedule will be released in late June.

Now’s the time to register if you haven’t already done so.

And if you’re looking for a conference roommate, please check the thread on
the ARCS forum page. http://www.arcsinfo.org/forum/.

Membership Renewal Reminder
Time is almost up, please don’t miss out on [renewing your ARCS membership.

Unpaid memberships will be cancelled effective July 1st.

By keeping your membership with ARCS current, you are not only maintaining
an active and growing international network of fellow collections
professionals and vendors, but have access to job postings, webinars and
member-only resources and programs occurring throughout the year.

Sign up, renew, get engaged, meet-up, get involved!

Important Dates
-June 6, 2017  Next #ARCSchat on Twitter, 8-9 pm EST.
-July 10, 2017  Registration opens for Congreso ARCS in Mexico City.
-September 4, 2017  Deadline for requesting VISA letters from ARCS. For
more info please see our ‘Getting There’ page. -
-October 2, 2017  #ARCSConf-Conference Registration closes.-
-October 9 – 10, 2017  Congreso ARCS in Mexico City
-November 3-5, 2017  ARCS Conference, Vancouver, Canada
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[MCN-L] ARCS Update Vol 2 Issue 12 Photosynthesis Workshop Material Now Online & ARCS Social-Vancouver, BC

2017-06-05 Thread ARCS ARCS
Photosynthesis Workshop Material Now Online
Did you miss the 2016 and 2017 ARCS Photography workshops?  Members can now
access the presentations and handouts on the ARCS webpage. With topics
including copyright, storage, transportation and much more, these resources
are invaluable for anyone working with photography collections. Sign in and
download today.



Upcoming ARCS Social – Vancouver BC, Canada
ARCS is pleased to announce our next networking social. These get-togethers
are a wonderful way for you to get to know other registrars and collections
specialists in your area. They are casual, (no sales pitches!) and fun. AND
bring your business card, because at every ARCS Social there is a draw for
a free one-year ARCS membership!

June 23rd, 2017  6 PM – 8 PM
Location:  Yaletown Brewing Company
 Mainland St.
Vancouver, BC  V6B 2T9
For more information and to RSVP:

Membership Renewal Reminder
A reminder that unpaid memberships will be cancelled effective July
1st.??Don't miss out on your access to job postings, webinars and
member-only resources and programs occurring throughout the year.

Important Dates
-June 6, 2017  Next #ARCSchat on Twitter, 8-9 pm EST.
-July 10, 2017  Registration opens for Congreso ARCS in Mexico City.
-September 4, 2017  Deadline for requesting VISA letters from ARCS. For
more info please see our ‘Getting There’ page. - http://www.arcsinfo.org/
-October 2, 2017  #ARCSConf-Conference Registration closes.-
-October 9 – 10, 2017  Congreso ARCS in Mexico City
-November 3-5, 2017  ARCS Conference, Vancouver, Canada
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[MCN-L] ARCS Update Vol 2 Issue 13 Board Meeting, #ARCSConf Roommates, & Vancouver, BC Social

2017-06-19 Thread ARCS ARCS
Upcoming ARCS Board Meeting
The ARCS Board will be meeting this week in Vancouver, BC to plan for the
next year of programming and outreach, and we want to hear from you!   We
encourage all our members to reach out to the Board with any ideas,
questions, or concerns you may have.  We’re committed to providing our
members with the resources, training and networking opportunities they most
want and need.  So don’t be shy, say hello and help us make ARCS even

ARCS Board of Directors-https://www.arcsinfo.org/about/board-of-directors

#ARCSConf – Looking for a Roommate?
Are you attending the ARCS conference in November and want a roommate to
help share the cost of a room?  ARCS has you covered – check out our forum
page (https://www.arcsinfo.org/forum/) to connect with others looking for
the same.

Upcoming ARCS Social – Vancouver BC, Canada
If you’re in the Vancouver area, please join us at the ARCS Social this
week.  It’s a great way to network with your fellow collections
specialists, and Board members will be in attendance, a perfect opportunity
to say hello!

June 23rd, 2017  6 PM – 8 PM
Location:  Yaletown Brewing Company
 Mainland St.
Vancouver, BC  V6B 2T9
For more information and to RSVP:

Important Dates
-June 23, 2017  ARCS Social in Vancouver, BC Canada-
-July 10, 2017  Registration opens for Congreso ARCS in Mexico City.
-September 4, 2017  Deadline for requesting VISA letters from ARCS. For
more info please see our ‘Getting There’ page. -
-October 2, 2017  #ARCSConf-Conference Registration closes.-
-October 9 – 10, 2017  Congreso ARCS in Mexico City
-November 3-5, 2017  ARCS Conference, Vancouver, Canada http://www.arcsinfo.
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[MCN-L] ARCS Update Vol 2 Issue 15 Message from the President, Position Statement, & #ARCSChat Summer Hiatus

2017-07-17 Thread ARCS ARCS
**Message from the President**
I am very humbled to serve as the new president of ARCS, and I am excited
about continuing the great work we have started.
Already we have many successes to celebrate:
-Our conferences - Chicago in 2013, and New Orleans in 2015 - featured
in-depth sessions and networking opportunities.
-Two workshops on the care of photography in 2016 and 2017, and our first
workshop in 2014 with PACCIN tackled packing and crating.
-This last year we have worked with Connecting to Collections Care to
co-host webinars on Legal and Ethical Issues and Deaccessioning.
-We have partnered with the Collections Stewardship Professional Network of
the American Alliance of Museum since 2016 to create a joint mentorship
-We continue to host networking socials around the world.
At five years old we are still a young organization, and we will continue
to work on building recognition for our field, and providing rich
professional development opportunities and resources to you.

And we need your support. Consider becoming an ARCS volunteer. By serving
with ARCS, you will have the opportunity to lead the sector and contribute
to learning opportunities that will benefit the entire field. To explore
volunteering with ARCS, click here: http://www.arcsinfo.org/

As we move forward together we welcome your ideas and suggestions - please
connect with us, or email at arcs4...@gmail.com.

And don’t forget to register for the ARCS biannual conference in Vancouver,
November 3-5, 2017. Only a limited number of spaces remain!
-Registration: https://www.arcsinfo.org/programs/2017-vancouver-
-Hotel: https://www.arcsinfo.org/programs/2017-vancouver-conference/acc
We look forward to seeing you in Vancouver!
Thank you for support of ARCS.
Danielle Hall Bennett
President, ARCS

**ARCS Position Statement**
Per the ARCS policy on position statements (on the ARCS website -> About ->
Bylaws-http://www.arcsinfo.org/about/association-bylaws) the ARCS Board
posted a draft letter (see under Forum -> Best Practices-
http://www.arcsinfo.org/forum/forum5-best-practices.aspx) for comment as to
whether or not we as an organization should sign on to the letter proposed
by AAM.

Recognizing the importance of the US federal programs and agencies that
help museums and the members of organizations such as ours to serve their
communities,  ARCS is happy to sign on to the AAM-drafted, field-wide
letter to Congress offering our support for the continued funding of those
vital agencies and programs. The full text of the letter can be found here:

The letter is addressed to Majority Leader McConnell, Minority Leader
Schumer, Speaker Ryan, and Minority Leader Pelosi,

The crux of the letter is in the last line:
As you make decisions about the Fiscal Year 2018 budget, we urge you to
support agencies and programs that help museums make a difference in their

This letter will be sent to each senator with a copy to the AAM, signed by

**#ARCSChat Summer Hiatus**
#ARCSchat is the 1st Tuesday of every month, 8-9pm EST. However, we're
taking the summer off.  We'll be back in September with new themes. In the
meantime you can see the ARCS chats captured at our Storify link here-

Note: at the bottom of each page of the ARCS website we have direct links
to all our social media accounts -- Storify, Twitter, Flickr, etc.

**Important Dates**
-July 18, 2017   Networking Social Amsterdam-http://www.arcsinfo.
-September 4, 2017  Deadline for requesting VISA letters from ARCS. For
more info please see our ‘Getting There’ page. -
-October 2, 2017  #ARCSConf-Conference Registration closes.-
-October 9 – 10, 2017  Congreso ARCS in Mexico City
-November 3-5, 2017  ARCS Conference, Vancouver, Canada
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[MCN-L] ARCS Update Vol 2 Issue 7 ARCS Conference in Mexico City, #ARCSConf Travel Stipends for Students, & CCAHA Workshop Discounts

2017-08-14 Thread ARCS ARCS
**ARCS Conference in Mexico City**
ARCS is pleased to be hosting our first event in beautiful and historic
Mexico City. Unexplored Territories: The Challenges of a Contemporary
Collections Registrar will take place October 9-10, 2017 at Salón de
Recepciones, Museo Nacional de Arte, Mexico City, Mexico.  Admission is
free with registration.

Included are two full days of commentary, discussion, and debate by top
Mexican and international collections specialists about the contemporary
challenges that confront registrars of cultural assets, primarily works of
art. To conclude the event, a guided tour of the Anri Sala exhibition will
precede a cocktail party at the Tamayo Museum.

The event will be open to local museum professionals and ARCS members only
and will be conducted in Spanish. Register here-http://www.arcsinfo.org/

Conferencia ARCS, Ciudad de México
ARCS se complace en presentar su primer evento en la bella e histórica
Ciudad de México. Territorios inexplorados: Retos en el registro
contemporáneo de colecciones tendrá lugar en el Salón de Recepciones del
Museo Nacional de Arte los días 9 y 10 de octubre. Entrada libre con previo

La conferencia incluye dos días de presentaciones, conversaciones y debates
entre destacados especialistas en colecciones, tanto mexicanos como
extranjeros, para reflexionar sobre los retos contemporáneos del registro
de bienes culturales, con especial énfasis en acervos de obras de artes.
Para el cierre del evento, habrá una visita guiada por la exposición Anri
Sala en el Museo Tamayo, seguida de un coctel.

El evento está abierto a especialistas en el registro de colecciones y las
presentaciones serán en español. Inscripciones aquí-http://www.arcsinfo.org/

**#ARCSConf Travel Stipends for Students**
ARCS provides resources and programs for all persons who work with and
support collections, whether in a museum or in a private or corporate
collection.  We are offering an inaugural travel stipend to assist two
museum science/studies students to attend the ARCS Biennial Conference
November 2-5, 2017 in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

Two students will receive $1,000 each to help defray the costs of attending
this conference.  In return, the recipient agrees to write a two- page
review of a session. The specific session will be mutually agreed upon and
coordinated by an Awards Committee member prior to the conference and the
report will be due to ARCS by December 1, 2017.

Applicants for this inaugural student fellowship must be current members of
ARCS.  Selection of the recipients will be based upon demonstrated merit,
dedication to the field, and financial need.

To apply for the award, send:
a cover letter, explaining specifics of demonstrated merit, dedication, and
a current resume; and
one letter of recommendation, preferably from your current supervisor or
Application materials must be received by September 1, 2017.  Please submit
Electronic documents to arcs4...@gmail.com with the subject line "Student
Travel Stipend".

**Workshop Discounts for ARCS Members**
The Conservation Center for Art and Historic Artifacts (CCAHA)is pleased to
offer a $50 discount to ARCS members for the following two workshops:
Into the Vault: Library and Archive Storage Strategies, August 25-26, in
Austin, TX; http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?oeidk=
Behind the Scenes: Exploring Museum Collections Storage, November 8-9, in
Philadelphia, PA. http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/
Please email arcs4...@gmail.com for the discount code.

**Important Dates**
-August 17, 2017   ARCS Networking Social in New Haven CT-
-September 4, 2017  Deadline for requesting VISA letters from ARCS. For
more info please see our ‘Getting There’ page. - http://www.arcsinfo.org/
-September 5, 2017  #ARCSchat returns to Twitter.  Participate and follow
here. https://twitter.com/arcs4all
-October 2, 2017  #ARCSConf-Conference Registration closes.-
-October 9 – 10, 2017  ARCS Conference in Mexico City-
-November 3-5, 2017  ARCS Conference, Vancouver, Canada
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[MCN-L] ARCS Update Vol 2 Issue 8 #ARCSChat Returns, #ARCSConf 2017 Sessions/Registration/Travel Requirements/Stipend News

2017-08-28 Thread ARCS ARCS
**#ARCSChat Resumes Sept. 5, 2017**
Join Chair John Robinette (@CargaLatina) and Moderator Robin Kilgo
(@arcs4all) on Twitter on the first Tuesday of every month from 8 – 9pm ET
for a lively chat on a variety of collection related topics. Use the
hashtag #ARCSchat to participate and follow the conversation.  September’s
topic is "Back to School: Get the Most out of Interns and Internships.”  On
October 3rd our topic will be "Tales of Terror: Share your Collections
Horror Stories".

**#ARCSConf 2017 Sessions are Online**
Sessions and daily schedules for the upcoming #ARCSConf 2017 in Vancouver,
Canada are now online. The program truly has something for everyone:
-Discuss collection access, and what it can mean from research,
conservation and community outreach points of view;
-Stay on the cutting edge of emerging technology with sessions on social
media in museums, LED lighting, 3D mount-making and the latest condition
reporting apps;
-Learn about the care and management of ‘unusual’ objects, from zoo animals
to complicated multimedia art installations to osteological collections;
-Navigate international shipping and complicated loan issues;
-Hear what your colleagues in Egypt, Australia, Thailand and elsewhere have
been doing.

**#ARCSConf Registration Now Closed**
ARCS 2017 Vancouver registration now closed as we have reached capacity. If
you wish to be put on a waiting list please email us at arcsi...@gmail.com
with subject heading "ARCS Conference 2017 - Waitlist". Please include full
contact information.

**Travel Document Requirements for #ARCSConf 2017**
All non-Canadian conference participants need to determine what kind of
passport and visa they need to enter and exit Canada. Visit the Government
of Canada’s "Visit Canada" (
http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/visit/index.asp)page and our “"Getting There" (
for more information and relevant links.  It’s important to note that even
if you don’t require a visa to visit Canada, you are required to have an
Electronic Travel Authorization (ETA) before leaving your home country
(exceptions are U.S. citizens and travellers with a valid Canadian visa).

**#ARCSConf Student Travel Stipend Applications Due**
A reminder that applications for a $1,000 travel stipend for Museum Studies
/ Science students to attend our conference this year are due by Friday
September 1st. For more information:

**Important Dates**
-September 4, 2017  Deadline for requesting VISA letters from ARCS. For
more info please see our ‘Getting There’ page-
-September 5, 2017  #ARCSchat returns to Twitter-
-October 9 – 10, 2017  Seminar in Mexico City-
-November 3-5, 2017  ARCS Conference, Vancouver, BC Canada
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[MCN-L] ARCS Update Vol 2 Issue 9 Seminar in Mexico

2017-09-11 Thread ARCS ARCS
2017 Seminar in Mexico City / Seminario en la Ciudad de México
ARCS and the Secretary of Culture of Mexico present the seminar “Unexplored
Territorries: The Challenges of a Contemporary Collections Registrar”,
which will take place in the Salón de Recepciones of the Museo Nacional de
Arte in Mexico City, on October 9 and 10th. Admission is free with

Included are two full days of commentary, discussion, and debate by top
Mexican and international collections specialists about the contemporary
challenges that confront registrars of cultural assets, primarily works of
art.  To conclude the event, a guided tour of the Anri Sala exhibition will
precede a cocktail party at the Tamayo Museum.

The event will be open to local museum professionals and ARCS members only.
Spanish will be the predominant language for the event.  Register here by
September 29th-http://www.arcsinfo.org/programs/2017-seminar-in-mexico-city

La ARCS y la Secretaría de Cultura de México, organizan el encuentro
Territorios inexplorados: retos en el registro contemporáneo de
colecciones, que tendrá lugar en el Salón de Recepciones del Museo Nacional
de Arte, los días 9 y 10 de octubre. La entrada será libre con previo

El encuentro incluye dos días de conferencias, conversaciones y debates
entre destacados profesionales en colecciones, mexicanos y extranjeros,
para reflexionar sobre los retos contemporáneos del registro de bienes
culturales, con especial énfasis en acervos de obra artística. Para el
cierre del evento, habrá una visita guiada por la exposición Anri Sala en
el Museo Tamayo, seguida de un coctel.

El evento está abierto únicamente a profesionales de museos en México y
miembros de la ARCS.  Español será el idioma predominante para el evento
Regístrese aquí antes del 29 de septiembre-

Important Dates
-September 29, 2017  Registration for ARCS Seminar in Mexico City closes-
-October 3, 2017  #ARCSchat on Twitter.  Participate and follow here-
-October 9 – 10, 2017  ARCS Seminar in Mexico City
-November 3-5, 2017  ARCS Conference, Vancouver, BC Canada-
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[MCN-L] ARCS Update Vol 2 Issue 10 #ARCSConf Les Bénévoles, Conference App, Natural Disasters Resources, RCS Mentor Program, and PACCIN Social

2017-09-25 Thread ARCS ARCS
**Les Bénévoles-Day of Volunteerism**
#ARCSConf 2017 is fast approaching, and with it our Les Bénévoles day of
volunteerism for local museums. Please visit our website (
https://www.arcsinfo.org/programs/2017-vancouver-conference/les-bnvoles) to
see descriptions of the participating museums and their projects.  If you
haven’t already signed up, we still have a few spots left. Please send an
email to arcs4...@gmail.com with subject heading, “I want to volunteer”.

**Conference App is Here!**
If you’re attending the ARCS conference in Vancouver BC this year you’ll
definitely want to download our conference app.  The app includes a
schedule of events, list of speakers and sponsors, an interactive map of
the venue and a map of Vancouver.  You can find other conference attendees
and send them messages, write notes, link to Twitter, and set reminders for
the sessions you plan to attend.  Use the term “2017 ARCS Conference
Vancouver” to search for it in the Apple or Android App stores.

**Resources for Natural Disasters**
As our colleagues start to deal with assessment and recovery efforts in the
wake of hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria, and the earthquakes in Mexico,
 ARCS has compiled a non-comprehensive clearinghouse of information for
those affected on our website.

**RCS Mentor Program**
The RCS Mentoring Program (a joint collaboration between ARCS and the
Collections Stewardship professional network of AAM) is seeking experienced
professionals who are willing to serve as mentors to emerging and
mid-career colleagues for a 6 month time period.  The mentoring
relationship is a mutually rewarding experience that offers opportunities
for professional growth and development throughout all career stages.  For
more information, please go to
or https://www.collectionsstewardship.org/mentoring

**PACCIN Social**
Preparation, Art Handling, Collections Care Information Network (PACCIN)
will be having its first social event in the NYC area on October 18, 2017
between 5-8 PM, a great opportunity to socialize with other art handlers
and collections care people. For more information and to RSVP, please visit
their website: PACCIN - PACCIN Social Event in NYC.

**Important Dates**
-September 29, 2017  Registration for ARCS Seminar in Mexico City closes.
-October 3, 2017  #ARCSchat on Twitter.  Participate and follow here.
-October 9 – 10, 2017  ARCS Seminar in Mexico City
-November 3-5, 2017  ARCS Conference, Vancouver, BC Canada
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[MCN-L] ARCS Update Vol 2 Issue 11 #ARCSConf 2017 Travel Trips, App, Storify, Mexico Seminar #TerritoriosInexplorado, & C2CCare Webinar

2017-10-09 Thread ARCS ARCS
**#ARCSConf 2017 Travel Tips**
If you’re attending the ARCS conference in Vancouver Nov. 3 – 5, 2017, be
sure to visit our “Getting There” page for information on travel
requirements to visit Canada, links to travel options to Vancouver, and
maps to and from the airport and conference hotel.

**#ARCSConf 2017 App**
Don’t forget to download our conference app. Available in the Apple and
Android app stores, it includes a schedule of events, list of speakers and
sponsors, an interactive map of the venue, a map of Vancouver, and much

**ARCS Storify Account**
Missed one of our monthly live Twitter chats but still want to follow the
conversation?  Can’t make it to one of our workshops, or our biennial
#ARCSConf?  Visit the official ARCS Storify page frequently for edited and
annotated reviews of our monthly #ARCSchat, as well as tweets from
workshops and conferences.  You will find a link at the bottom of our
webpage, just look  for the Storify symbol. https://storify.com/Arcs4All/

**Livetweeting for Mexico Seminar**
If you’re attending the Oct 9-10 seminar in Mexico City use
#TerritoriosInexplorados to stay up to date with the proceedings about
contemporary registrar challenges. The seminar is being co-hosted by ARCS
and El Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes  and is being held at the
National Museum of Art.

Actualizarse de las últimas novedades del Seminario "Territorios
Inexplorados: retas en el registro contemporáneo de colecciones" en la
Ciudad de México el 9-10 de octubre usando #TerritoriosInexplorados. El
evento se presenta por ARCS y el Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes en el
Museo Nacional de Arte.

**Connecting to Collections Care Webinar**
ARCS and Connecting to Collections Care (C2CC) are pleased to offer the
webinar “What is This? Solving Problems Found in Collection” on October 17,
2017, 2 – 3 pm EDT.  Go here to register and read more about the webinar
topic.  And if you missed any past webinars, they’re all archived on the
C2CC webpage.

**Important Dates**
-October 9 – 10, 2017  ARCS Seminar in Mexico City
-October 17, 2017  Connecting to Collections Care Webinar
-November 3-5, 2017  ARCS Conference, Vancouver, BC Canada
-November 7, 2017  next #ARCSchat on Twitter 8-9 pm EST
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[MCN-L] ARCS Update Vol 2 Issue 12 Mexico Seminar #TerritoriosInexplorado Recap, #ARCSConf 2017 Reminders, & WMA Request for Proposals

2017-10-23 Thread ARCS ARCS
**Mexico Seminar #TerritoriosInexplorado Recap**
On October 9 – 10th, ARCS and the National Institute of Fine Art (INBA) of
Mexico hosted Territorios Inexplorados (Unexplored Territories), the first
seminar for registrars and collections specialists in Latin America at the
National Museum of Art in Mexico City. INBA oversees cultural programming
in all areas of the arts including 11 museums throughout Mexico. With over
100 attendees and 20 speakers, the seminar encompassed a wide array of
themes from social media, cataloging new media and contemporary art, to
documenting cultural patrimony.

The head of INBA, Lydia Camacho, officially inaugurated the event and the
director of visual arts, Magdalena Zavala, oversaw the sessions each day.
>From ARCS, co-founder and president emeritus, Jacqueline Cabrera and new
board member John Thomas Robinette III represented the ARCS.

Despite the recent devastating earthquakes that struck the country
attendance remained high, demonstrating a strong desire for the
organization of this professional community in Mexico. Some speakers, in
their roles as conservators or registrars, had to immediately return after
their talk to their work restoring or inspecting public monuments and
collections damaged as a result of the natural disaster.  Still, others
spoke of their roles in mitigating the effects of the earthquake on their

The seminar ended with ARCS and INBA committed to working together again in
the future to further galvanize the professional museum community in the

**#ARCSConf 2017 Reminders**

#ARCSConf 2017 is fast approaching and we hope you’re as excited about it
as we are!

If you’re traveling to Vancouver from outside Canada, don’t forget your
valid passport. Visit our “Getting There” page for information on travel
requirements to visit Canada.

Our conference app is available in the Apple and Android app stores.
Including a schedule of events, list of speakers and sponsors, an
interactive map of the venue, a map of Vancouver, and a messaging function,
it will make keeping up with everything that much easier.

You can now also access the digital version of the program by visiting the
2017 Online Program Page.

If you’re on Twitter, join us in live tweeting from the conference
sessions.  Use the hashtag #ARCSConf in your tweets.

Request for Proposals
The Western Museums Association is requesting proposals for their next
conference, being held in Tacoma, Washington October 21-24, 2018. With the
theme of INSPIRE, The WMA is requesting session proposals that address how
museums can inspire their staff, community, and the world to take action,
work towards change, and promote unity.  Deadline is November 17, 2017. For
more information: Western Museum Association RFP http://www.westmuse.org/RFP

**Important Dates**
-November 3-5, 2017  ARCS Conference, Vancouver, BC Canada
-November 7, 2017  next #ARCSchat on Twitter 8-9 pm EST
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[MCN-L] ARCS Update Vol 2 Issue 14 #ARCSConf Travel Stipend Recipients & 2015 & 2013 #ARCSConf Materials Available to the Public

2017-11-20 Thread ARCS ARCS
**Travel Stipend Recipients**
ARCS offers travel stipends to persons who work with and support
collections in order to attend our biennial conference.  We are pleased to
announce the recipients of the #ARCSConf 2017 stipends, including the
inaugural student stipend award winners.  Recipients must write a review of
a session; watch ARCSInfo.org for links to their reviews.

-Helen Merrett, Horniman Museum and Gardens, London UK
Old Loans: Out of Sight, Out of Mind
-Gina Irish, Christchurch Art Gallery Te Puna O Waiwhetu, Christchurch NZ
A Tale of Two Museums: Documenting "The Refusal of Time"
-Rebecca Romere, Marino Marini Foundation, Pistoia, Italy
Technology: 3-D Scanning on Loans for Your Incoming Exhibition Loans

-Cory Gooch, Frye Art Museum, Seattle, WA
Separating the Wheat from the Chaff: Collection Priorities at Christchurch
Art Gallery Te Puna o Waiwhetu
-Barbara Campisi, Campisi Art Collections Management, Brooklyn NY
A Registrar, a Broker and an Underwriter Walk into a Bar...: Advanced
Topics in Insurance
-Caitlin R. Rumery, Denver Art Museum /Independent, Denver CO
Complicated Loan Negotiations: Informal Study of Various Industry
Requirements and Solutions
-Jobi Zink, The Rosenbach of the Free Library of Philadelphia, Philadelphia
Balancing Act: Providing Access While Preserving Historic Spaces and
-Rebecca L. Dankert, McNany Art Museum, San Antonio TX
Lighten Up: Enhancing the Visitor Experience

-Vanessa Delnavaz, University of Kansas, Lawrence KS
Straight from the Source: Providing Collections Access for Object Based
-Sterling Warren, Morgan State University, Baltimore MD
To Tweet or not to Tweet' and other Social Media from the Collections Point
of View

**2015 and 2013 Conference Materials Available to the Public**
Presentations and recordings from the 2015 ARCS conference in New Orleans
and the 2013 ARCS conference in Chicago are now available to everyone.
Access to presentations from the 2017 conference will be available soon to
ARCS members.

**Important Dates**
Dec. 5, 2017  #ARCSchat on Twitter. https://twitter.com/arcs4all
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[MCN-L] ARCS Update Vol 2 Issue 15 #ARCSConf 2017 Materials Now Online, #ARCSChat Tonight & Newsflash from a Member

2017-12-04 Thread ARCS ARCS
**#ARCSConf 2017 Materials Now Online**
ARCS members can now access materials and presentations released by
speakers from last month’s conference in Vancouver.  Make sure you’re
signed in to your ARCS account and find them here:

Video recordings will be available soon.

And a reminder that materials from the Chicago and New Orleans conferences
are available to everyone on our Programs page.

**#ARCSchat Tonight!**
The next edition of #ARCSchat, tonight at 8pm EST will question how much
you really know about the Certificates of Insurance (COIs) we often
mindlessly accept with our loan contracts.  This session will be
co-moderated by Mary Pontillo of Dewitt Stern Insurance and Risk Advisory
who will expand upon topics she presented at the conference in Vancouver.
Be prepared to share your experiences on what to look for in a COI, how to
read between the lines, what to ask for in disaster-prone areas, and
terrorism coverage. In addition, Mary will answer questions regarding your
own unique situations. Prepare to come away from the session with links to
visit and actionable items to implement immediately.

And if you missed last month’s #ARCSchat you can find it on Storify.

**Newsflash from a Member**
Are you an ARCS member who has recently won an award, published a book,
participated in something unique and out of the ordinary as part of your
professional life?  We want to hear from you!  Send an email to
arcs4...@gmail.com with the subject line “Newsflash from a Member” and we
may include you in our biweekly updates.

**Important Dates**
Dec. 5, 2017  #ARCSchat on Twitter. Participate and follow here:
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Network (http://www.mcn.edu)

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[MCN-L] ARCS Update Vol 2 Issue 16 Renew your Membership, #ARCSConf 2017 Stipend Recipient Reviews, 2017 Videos Now Online, Courier Training Toolkit and more!

2017-12-18 Thread ARCS ARCS
**Renew Your ARCS Membership**
Is your ARCS membership about to expire at the end of the year?  If so, be
sure to renew it to continue to enjoy the many benefits of membership, such
as access to workshops and seminars, networking opportunities, online
forums, resources behind the members firewall, and much more. Visit our
Membership page for more details and to access to our secure online renewal

**#ARCSConf 2017 Stipend Recipient Reviews**
The first 4 reviews of conference sessions from our travel stipend
recipients are now available on our website.

-Rebecca L. Dankert, McNany Art Museum: Lighten Up: Enhancing the Visitor
-Vanessa Delnavaz, Kansas University:  Straight from the Source: Providing
Collections Access for Object Based Research
-Cory Gooch, Fry Art Museum: Separating the Wheat from the Chaff:
Collection Priorities at Christchurch Art Gallery
-Helen Merritt, Horniman Museum and Gardens:  Old Loans: Out of Sight, Out
of Mind

**#ARCSConf 2017 Videos Now Online**
ARCS members can now access the video recordings released by speakers from
last month’s conference in Vancouver.  Make sure you’re signed in to your
ARCS account and find them here: ARCSConf 2017 Presentations.
And a reminder that materials from the Chicago and New Orleans conferences
are available to everyone on our Programs page.

**Courier Training Toolkit**
The Dutch Registrar’s Group has developed a toolkit for couriers, in both
English and Dutch.  Including a training framework, templates, scenario
examples, and a courier questionnaire, this is an invaluable resource for
anyone either working as a courier or managing couriers in their
institution.  Find it under the Information tab on their website.

**#ARCSchat on Storify**
If you missed December’s #ARCSchat on Certificates of Insurance you can
find it on Storify here.

**Important Dates**
Jan. 2, 2018  #ARCSchat on Twitter. Participate and follow here
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[MCN-L] ARCS Update Vol 3 Issue 1 President’s 2018 Message & #ARCSChat Jan 2, 2018

2018-01-01 Thread ARCS ARCS
**President’s 2018 message**

Dear valued members and friends of ARCS,

Thank you so much for a wonderful 2017. Through your support we were able
to have our best year yet, and we hope you found value in our conference in
Vancouver. Our biennial conference had a record number of attendees, with
over 770 professionals in attendance - and session materials, including
videos, are available to members on the ARCS website.

Additional highlights from 2017 include:
-Care of Photography Workshop in New York, a one-day program for staff
charged with the care of photography collections. Check out the workshop
highlights online. http://www.arcsinfo.org/programs/2017-photography-
-“Territorios inexplorados: Retos en el rigistro contemporáneo de
colecciones” in Mexico City, a two-day seminar on contemporary collections
in Mexico. http://www.arcsinfo.org/programs/2017-seminar-in-mexico-city
-Monthly #ARCSChats on the first Tuesday of each month.
-Networking Socials in New York, Nashville, Vancouver, and Amsterdam.
-In partnership with Connecting to Collections Care, hosted the webinars
“Ethical Issues in Collections Management”, “Why do we need this? Insights
and Hindsights from Deaccessioning” and “What is this? Solving Problems
Found in Collection”. https://www.connectingtocollections.org/
-And we also joined forces with AAM-Collections Stewardship on a mentorship
program - find out more on our website. http://www.arcsinfo.org/

Thank you also to our 2017-2018 sponsors, whose financial support is
invaluable in making the work of ARCS possible. http://www.arcsinfo.org/

ARCS Commitees are  actively working on 2018 and 2019 programming, and more
information will be available online soon.

In 2018, ARCS will focus on two major initiatives:
-Updating our website, to better deliver resources and information to you
-Creating a long-range strategic plan, to develop further learning
opportunities and services to ARCS members

Please keep an eye out for surveys and other ways that you as a member can
contribute to these projects. Your input is vital in ensuring that the work
of ARCS is successful.

We hope to hear from all of you in 2018. Please feel free to send me an
email with your thoughts, ideas, and suggestions at arcs4...@gmail.com.

Danielle Hall Bennett
ARCS President

**#ARCSchat Tonight!**

Preparing for disasters haunts the minds of many registrars and collections
specialists these days in light of the recent hurricanes that struck
Houston, Florida, and the Caribbean in addition to the two catastrophic
earthquakes in Mexico. Chakira Santiago, Chief Registrar at the Museum of
History, Anthropology, and Art at the Río Piedras campus of the University
of Puerto Rico (@chatere) will join us tonight at 8 pm EST to discuss
disaster preparedness and share her experiences managing her collection
through Hurricane Maria. Plan to come away with actionable advice on how to
galvanize your collections' safety in the face of catastrophe.

**Correction - Courier Training Toolkit**

We would like to make a correction to a previous story about the Courier
Training Toolkit.  This invaluable resource was developed through a
collaboration of The Dutch Registrar’s Group, the Nordic Registrar’s Group
and the UK Registrar’s Group. You can find it here. http://
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[MCN-L] ARCS Update Vol 3 Issue 2 Meet Your ARCS Board Members, Board Election Alert, & #ARCSConf 2017 Stipend Recipient Reviews

2018-01-15 Thread ARCS ARCS
**Meet Your ARCS Board Members**
We’re pleased to start a new feature in our updates, introducing you to
ARCS Board members.  This month we start with Founding Board Member Andrea

“I've been a registrar for 25 years. As an art history major at Edinboro
University, I distinctly remember the professor teaching a Museum & Gallery
Management course that said "The registrar is the most important position
in a museum." And, as he explained what this position was responsible for
and why, I knew that was what I wanted to be. Who wouldn't want to be the
most important in their chosen field?

Two events in my career stand out as particularly defining moments for me.
The first, and undoubtedly the most significant, was my boss dying on my
first ever courier trip. It was essentially a baptism by fire... everything
you need to master in an international round-the-world, month long courier
trip, manifesting itself as literal worst-case-scenarios. It made me a
stronger person, and plunged me into another level of understanding of what
this career entails. I usually end up retelling the story over drinks at
ARCS conferences, as my friends well know.

The second, and much less dramatic, was a two and a half year US State
Department tour with a Warhol exhibition throughout post-Soviet countries
at the turn of the millennium. Bringing original art to countries that had
never seen a 'contemporary' exhibition like that was significant to
understand the big picture of why I do what I do. It was an unbelievably
stressful and complicated tour in every sense, but thinking about how that
show might impact the creative output of a previously sheltered region is
absolutely mind-blowing to me.

This career has unlimited daily challenges, but the rewards are, in my
experience, well worth it.”

**ARCS Board Election Alert**
A call will be sent in the next week for candidates to fill an opening on
the ARCS Board of Directors. Please think about the competent, involved,
committed registrars and collections specialists of your acquaintance who
would make a good addition to the board and be prepared to respond to the
call when it arrives. Watch your email inbox!

**#ARCSConf 2017 Stipend Recipient Reviews**
Reviews of conference sessions from our travel stipend recipients are now
available on our website.  Today we would like to highlight the following:

-Barbara Campisi, Campisi Art Collections Management, Brooklyn NY: A
Registrar, a Broker and an Underwriter Walk into a Bar… : Advanced Topics
in Insurance

-Cory Gooch, Frye Art Museum, Seattle WA: Separating the Wheat from the
Chaff: Collection Priorities at Christchurch Art Gallery

Feel free to further the discussion, add comments, clarify points, etc. at
the ARCS Forum page set up for this purpose here. -

**Important Dates**
February 6, 2018  8 PM EST #ARCSchat on Twitter. Participate and follow here
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Network (http://www.mcn.edu)

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[MCN-L] ARCS Update Vol 3 Issue 3 How to Select a Museum Studies Program, ARCS Bylaw Changes, Call for Nominations, & #ARCSConf 2017 Stipend Recipient Reviews

2018-01-29 Thread ARCS ARCS
**New ARCS Resource - How to Select a Museum Studies Program**
ARCS is pleased to offer a publication that will help you when deciding to
pursue a Museum Studies program. What preparation do you need? Are
residential or online courses a better fit? Our resource will guide you to
ask the right questions. It also includes links to the best places to find
Museum Studies programs. Look for this document in the Education -
Publications section of our Programs tab.

**Reminder - Call for ARCS Board Nominations**
Please take this opportunity to recommend for nomination someone who you
believe would be an energetic, knowledgeable, engaged part of this active
professional association. We have particular need at this time for a board
member with interest and skills in the area of development and
fund-raising. Self-recommendations are accepted. Please send contact
information and resume for the proposed nominee to: arcs4...@gmail.com,
using the subject line ARCS BOARD NOMINATION. Please indicate whether the
suggested nominee has agreed to be nominated for Board service.  Deadline
for recommendations is February 6, 2018.

**#ARCSConf 2017 Stipend Recipient Reviews **
Reviews of conference sessions from our travel stipend recipients are now
available on our website.  Today we would like to highlight the following:

-Sterling Warren, Morgan State University, Baltimore MD: Tweets,
Representation and the Veil of Diversity (thoughts on the panel - To Tweet
or Not to Tweet: Social Media from a Collections Point of View

-Jobi Zink, The Rosenbach of the Free Library of Philadelphia, Philadelphia
PA: Balancing Act: Providing Access While Preserving Historic Spaces and

Feel free to further the discussion, add comments, clarify points, etc. at
the ARCS Forum page set up for this purpose here. -

**Newsflash From a Member**
Are you an ARCS member who has recently won an award, published a book,
participated in something unique and out of the ordinary as part of your
professional life?  We want to hear from you!  Send an email to
arcs4...@gmail.com with the subject line "Newsflash from a Member" and we
may include you in our biweekly updates.

**Important Dates**
February 6, 2018  8 PM EST #ARCSchat "Diversifying the Registrar
Profession" on Twitter. Participate and follow at
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[MCN-L] ARCS Update Vol 3 Issue 4 Meet Your ARCS Board Members, #ARCSConf 2019 Update, #ARCSConf 2017 Stipend Recipient Reviews, & More

2018-02-12 Thread ARCS ARCS
**Meet Your ARCS Board Members**
We're pleased to start a new feature in our updates, introducing you to
ARCS Board members.  This month we would like to introduce you to Board
Member and ARCS Vice-President Toni M. Kiser.

"I am the Assistant Director for Collections Management at The National
WWII Museum in New Orleans, LA. I have been at the museum for 10 years and
have seen us go through a tremendous amount of growth. We recently more
than doubled our artifact storage area which has allowed us to take a fresh
look at our storage practices. We are embarking on several re-housing and
inventory projects as part of our move out, and then back in, to our
storage areas."

**#ARCSConf2019 Update**
ARCS is already busy planning the 2019 Biennial Conference. We are
currently exploring potential cities and hotels, and hope to announce both
in the Spring. Are you interested in helping with the 2019 Conference? You
can volunteer here-http://www.arcsinfo.org/support-arcs/volunteering.

**#ARCSConf 2017 Stipend Recipient Reviews**
Reviews of conference sessions from our travel stipend recipients are now
available on our website.  Today we would like to highlight the following:

-Gina Irish, Christchurch Art Gallery Te Puna O Waiwhetu, Christchurch NZ:
A Tale of Two Museums: Documenting "The Refusal of Time"

-Rebecca Romere, Marino Marini Foundation, Pistoia, Italy:  Technology: 3-D
Scanning on Loans for Your Incoming Exhibition Loans

-Caitlin R. Rumery, Denver Art Museum /Independent, Denver CO:  Complicated
Loan Negotiations: Informal Study of Various Industry Requirements and

Feel free to further the discussion, add comments, clarify points, etc. at
the ARCS Forum page set up for this purpose here. -

**Learning Opportunities with the Conservation Center for Art and Historic
The Conservation Center for Art and Historic Artifacts is pleased to offer
two 2-day workshops addressing the continually evolving challenges of
caring for modern and contemporary collections. The 20th and 21st centuries
presented a vast array of new materials which have left collections staff
in uncharted territory as they address unprecedented preservation problems.
Colors change and fade, structures lose their integrity, and material
components become obsolete. Libraries, museums, archives, and other
collecting institutions must understand the long-term preservation needs of
these items in order to determine appropriate priorities for conservation,
storage, exhibition, documentation, and digitization. These two-day
conferences will explore ways to anticipate, plan for, and address
preservation concerns in modern and contemporary collections.  This program
is intended for collections care staff responsible for modern and
contemporary materials in museums, libraries, and archives.  More
information can be found here-http://conta.cc/2GRuHly

**American Society of Appraisers Online Webinar**
ARCS members can get discounted rates on the webinar Valuation and Legal
Aspects of Charitable Contributions being held March 21, 2018.  This online
webinar will present the most up-to-date information for appraisers who
currently or will work with charitable contributions. Participants will
learn about IRS rulings and requirements for Fair Market Value deductions
for non-cash charitable contributions. The sessions will also cover other
topics related to appraisals, gifts and more. For more information visit
the ASA website-http://www.appraisers.org/Education/View-Class?ClassID=3845.
Please email arcs4...@gmail.com to get your discount code.

**Important Dates**
March 6, 2018  8 PM EST #ARCSchat on Twitter. Participate and follow here-
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Network (http://www.mcn.edu)

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[MCN-L] ARCS Update Vol 3 Issue 5 Meet Your ARCS Board Members, ByLaw Changes & #ARCSChat March 6

2018-02-26 Thread ARCS ARCS
**Meet Your ARCS Board Members**
We’re pleased to start a new feature in our updates, introducing you to
ARCS Board members.  This month we would like to introduce you to Board
Member Jacqueline Cabrera.

I have been a registrar for over 25 years. After all this time I cannot
imagine having pursued any other career. As a registrar I have had the
opportunity to work on many interesting projects, from collection moves to
building renovations, collection rehousing projects and exhibitions. These
projects have introduced me to museum colleagues from all over the world,
many of whom I still keep in touch with on a personal level even after our
projects have concluded. I’ve traveled to many beautiful parts of the world
such as Egypt, Tunisia, and Greece just to name a few. I think the greatest
opportunity my career has allowed me is the ability to contribute to the
the creation of ARCS. I look forward to continue contributing to our
profession for many years to come and to keep traveling around the world
meeting many more museum colleagues.

**ARCS Bylaw Changes**
The ARCS board has updated our bylaws, creating the Treasurer Designate
position to allow for a smoother transition of the Treasurer position.
Michele Leopold is ARCS’ first Treasurer Designate and will become
treasurer at the June board meeting.  Updated bylaws can be found here-

**#ARCSChat March 6th @ 8pm EST**
In continuation last month’s discussions (https://twitter.com/i/
moments/962001358542069760) addressing the lack of diversity in the
collections management field, our next #ARCSChat will investigate gender
diversity as well as look at how we can reach out to underrepresented
communities with education and job opportunities. Again, we aim to empower
collections management communities to do what they can to address the
problem and to lobby institutional leadership for the resources to create a
more diverse staff.

To add another point of view to the conversation, This chat will be
co-moderated by Claire Kovacs, the director of the Augustana Teaching
Museum of Art at Augustana College and co-host of The Gallery Gap Podcast
@TheGalleryGap on NPR.

**Newsflash From A Member**
Are you an ARCS member who has recently won an award, published a book,
participated in something unique and out of the ordinary as part of your
professional life?  We want to hear from you!  Send an email to
arcs4...@gmail.com with the subject line “Newsflash from a Member” and we
may include you in our biweekly updates.

**Important Dates**
March 6, 2018  8 PM EST #ARCSChat on Twitter. Participate and follow here-
You are currently subscribed to mcn-l, the listserv of the Museum Computer 
Network (http://www.mcn.edu)

To post to this list, send messages to: mcn-l@mcn.edu

To unsubscribe or change mcn-l delivery options visit:

The MCN-L archives can be found at:

[MCN-L] ARCS Update Vol 3 Issue 6 Meet Your ARCS Board Members & European Registrars Conference Announcement

2018-03-12 Thread ARCS ARCS
**Meet Your ARCS Board Members**
This month we would like to introduce you to Board Member Jenny Wilson.

I have worked in museums for over 25 years and most of my career has
focused on the logistics of packing and shipping artworks and exhibitions.
 I originally wanted a job where I could travel a lot and studied
archaeology.  Throughout my studies and even beginning in high school, I
worked or volunteered in museums.  Then realized I could get a degree in
museum studies.  I was fortunate to get my first job at the University of
Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, starting as an intern
and eventually becoming coordinator for the travelling exhibitions program
and overseeing the logistics of the exhibitions that toured from the
collection.  So yes, I did get to travel lots!

My love of the outdoors called me to the West Coast and I took the job of
Registrar of Exhibitions at the Vancouver Art Gallery in 2002.  Now I work
on all the logistics of the incoming loans for a very busy exhibition
schedule and oversee the logistics of the touring exhibitions we lend.  So
I only travel occasionally, but it is still one of my favourite parts of
the job.  Over the years I have had the opportunity to work with many
contemporary artists and have gained much experience in shipping artwork of
all shapes and sizes via air, ocean and ground.

**European Registrars Conference Announcement**
The European Registrars Conference 2018 has officially gone live! Bringing
together registrars, collection and exhibition managers, and international
colleagues to exchange ideas and knowledge from across the sector, the key
themes for this year’s programme are Evolve, Refresh and Collaborate.
Lectures and conference sessions will reflect each of these areas of our

ERC 2018 provides the perfect central meeting point to network with
colleagues while taking in the city's outstanding landmark museums and
galleries. With a vibrant programme promised, save the date for this
fantastic conference: 17 - 19 November 2018 at the QEII Centre in
Westminster, London. For more information and to register, please visit
their website-http://www.erc2018.org/

**Important Dates**
April 3, 2018  8 PM ET #ARCSchat on Twitter. Participate and follow here-
You are currently subscribed to mcn-l, the listserv of the Museum Computer 
Network (http://www.mcn.edu)

To post to this list, send messages to: mcn-l@mcn.edu

To unsubscribe or change mcn-l delivery options visit:

The MCN-L archives can be found at:

[MCN-L] ARCS Update Vol 3 Issue 8 ARCS Social in Houston, Meet Your ARCS Board Members, #ARCSChat, & New NY State Law on Deaccessioning

2018-04-09 Thread ARCS ARCS
**ARCS Social in Houston**
ARCS is pleased to announce our next networking social for both ARCS
members and soon-to-be members!

April 19, 2018
5 PM – 7 PM

Holman Draft Hall
820 Holman Street
Houston, TX, 77002

Hosts:  Julie Bakke and Kathleen Crain, with assistance from John Obsta,
Elspeth Patient

These get-togethers are a wonderful way for you to get to know other
registrars and collections specialists in your area. They are casual, (no
sales pitches!) and fun.
AND bring your business card, because at every ARCS Social there is a
drawing for a free one-year ARCS membership!

Generously sponsored by Tyart.

RSVP here-

**Meet Your ARCS Board Members**
This month we would like to introduce you to Board Member Irene Taurins.

I am one of the founding board members of ARCS and Registration is my
passion and identity. I have been at the Philadelphia Museum of Art for 40
years, so clearly I love what I do. My devotion to the preservation and
sharing of great art goes back to childhood – my father was a small but
avid collector. I love solving problems and working out logistics. I even
like fine arts insurance! Part of the job of a registrar is to safeguard
art when it moves, and traveling to exotic places for our worthy work is a
welcome side benefit. I just returned from a trip to Denmark, a first for
me. I have traveled around the world on a courier trip from Philadelphia to
Taiwan to Paris and back to Philadelphia in a week. The Registration
community has always been giving, open and sharing and I treasure being a
member of it. I am finding it hard to think of retiring as I find
registration so fulfilling. But even retirement from my day job won’t stop
me from our ARCS mission.

**Catch Up on #ARCSchat**
Did you miss part 1 of the #ARCSchat on Diversifying the Registrar
Profession?  You can easily follow the conversation on Twitter Moments-

**New NY State Law on Deaccessioning**
The NY State Board of Regents have unanimously approved a permanent
amendment to Regents Rule 3.27, relating to museum collections management
policies. The new rules, effective June 8, will govern deaccession
practices of all museums and historical societies chartered by the
Regents.  If your museum falls under this jurisdiction, you can find more
information here (
here (

**Important Dates**
April 19, 2018 ARCS Social in Houston. RSVP here-
May 1, 2018  8 PM ET #ARCSchat on Twitter. Participate and follow here-
You are currently subscribed to mcn-l, the listserv of the Museum Computer 
Network (http://www.mcn.edu)

To post to this list, send messages to: mcn-l@mcn.edu

To unsubscribe or change mcn-l delivery options visit:

The MCN-L archives can be found at:

[MCN-L] ARCS Update Vol 3 Issue 9 #ARCSSocial Los Angeles, Meet Your ARCS Board Member, Mentorship Program, & ERC 18 Abstract Submission Deadline

2018-04-23 Thread ARCS ARCS
**ARCS Social in Los Angeles**
ARCS is pleased to announce our next networking social for both ARCS
members and soon-to-be members!

May 3, 2018
6:00 PM–8:00 PM

Arts District Brewing Company
828 Traction Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90013

These get-togethers are a wonderful way for you to get to know other
registrars and collections specialists in your area. They are casual, (no
sales pitches!) and fun. And bring your business card, because at every
ARCS Social there is a drawing for a free one-year ARCS membership!


Thanks to our sponsor!
Cooke's Crating

**Meet Your ARCS Board Member**
This week we would like to introduce you to Board member John Robinette.

I attended the University of Texas at Austin and received a degree in art
history with a minor in business.  I spent 3 years at the Blanton Museum of
Art as a researcher in the Latin American department as well as an art
handler with the installation crew. I later spent time vagabonding around
the world in a band whilst installing artwork in galleries and residences
throughout New York. When it came time to put down my drumsticks, I settled
into my current position at the Colección Patricia Phelps de Cisneros in
2010. As the Manager of Storage and Installation, I oversee all storage
facilities and locales where the family maintain their collection and
handle most of the logistics for their extensive international loan
program. Besides my work on the ARCS Board, I also head the Marketing
Committee and co-host the monthly #ARCSchat on Twitter.

**Mentorship Program**
The RCS Mentoring Program (a joint collaboration between ARCS and the
Collections Stewardship professional network of AAM) is accepting
applications for both Mentors and Mentees to be matched in Summer 2018 for
a 6 month time period.  The mentoring relationship is a mutually rewarding
experience that offer opportunities for professional growth and development
throughout all career stages.  For more information, please go to
or https://www.collectionsstewardship.org/mentoring/

**ERC 18 Abstract Submission Deadline**
The deadline for submitting abstracts for the 2018 European Registrars
Conference is tomorrow, April 25, 2018. More information and links for
submitting and registering can be found on their website:

**Catch Up on #ARCSchat**
Did you miss part 2 of the #ARCSchat on Diversifying the Registrar
Profession? You can easily follow the conversation on Twitter Moments-

**Important Dates**
May 1, 2018 8 PM ET #ARCSchat on Twitter. Participate and follow here-
May 8, 2018  ARCS Social in Los Angeles. RSVP here-
You are currently subscribed to mcn-l, the listserv of the Museum Computer 
Network (http://www.mcn.edu)

To post to this list, send messages to: mcn-l@mcn.edu

To unsubscribe or change mcn-l delivery options visit:

The MCN-L archives can be found at:

[MCN-L] ARCS Update Vol 3 Issue 10 ARCS Board Election Results, #ARCSSocial Miami, Registrars and Collections Specialists Mentoring, and more!

2018-05-07 Thread ARCS ARCS
**ARCS Board Election Results**
ARCS is pleased to welcome Samantha Forsko to the Board. Congratulations,
Samantha! We look forward to the start of your service at the Board’s
annual meeting in June.

**ARCS Social in Miami**
ARCS is pleased to announce our next networking social for both ARCS
members and soon-to-be members!

May 16, 2018
5 PM - 7 PM

Boxelder Craft Beer Market
2817 NW 2nd Ave.  Miami, FL  33127

These get-togethers are a wonderful way for you to get to know other
registrars and collections specialists in your area. They are casual, (no
sales pitches!) and fun. AND bring your business card, because at every
ARCS Social there is a drawing for a free one-year ARCS membership!

Generously sponsored by Artex.


**Registrars and Collections Specialists Mentoring Program**
Have you been wondering whether the RCS Mentoring Program would benefit
you?  Jennifer Reifsneider, Registrar at the Missoula Art Museum, shares
her experience with the program:

The ARCS mentorship program has been a valuable resource for me. In
Montana, colleagues are far-flung and professional development
opportunities are rare. It’s easy to be pulled in too many directions, but
after just a couple of conversations with my mentor, I felt empowered to
reset my focus on the collection. Danielle’s perspectives helped me to
better organize my workload, identify solutions to nagging problems, and
make my co-workers more aware of best practices. I recommend the program to
anyone looking for fresh connections and inspiration.

You can find more information about the program and apply here:

**Catch Up on #ARCSchat**
Did you miss the #ARCSchat on Crime and Cultural Heritage?  You can easily
follow the conversation on Twitter Moments:

**Meet Your ARCS Board Members**
This month we would like to introduce you to Board Member Jean Gilmore.

“I retired from the Brandywine River Museum in late 2013, after 31+ years
as Museum Registrar.  Over those decades I accessioned thousands of works
of art; made loan, transportation, insurance, and photography arrangements
for works included in hundreds of exhibitions; initiated and maintained a
computerized database of collections and loans; supervised the accessioning
and cataloguing of thousands of objects in two historic artist studios and
a historic house; participated in two building expansion projects; and had
the once-in-a-lifetime experience of couriering an exhibition to and from
nine locations around the world, including to Leningrad and Moscow when
they were still part of the Soviet Union.  With my good friend and partner,
Rebecca Buck, I co-edited the 4th and 5th editions of Museum Registration
Methods and co-authored On the Road Again and Collection Conundrums.

Since retirement, I have continued work in registration through Buck &
Gilmore, LLC, our museum consulting business, and through my work with
ARCS.  I am a Founding Board Member of ARCS and served two terms as
vice-president.  I have been chair of the Governance Committee since 2015
and contributed to the work of other committees, such as Editorial Review
and Website.  My service on the ARCS Board will end in June 2019.  While I
will continue to support ARCS and promote the profession of Registrar, I
expect to have a bit more time to pursue my other passions: knitting,
playing with my two dogs and one cat, attending opera and theater
performances, learning Italian, and writing poetry.  Oh yes, and enjoying
my husband!

**Important Dates**
-May 16, 2018 ARCS Social in Miami. RSVP:
-June 5, 2018  8 PM ET #ARCSChat on Twitter. Participate and follow here:
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Network (http://www.mcn.edu)

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To unsubscribe or change mcn-l delivery options visit:

The MCN-L archives can be found at:

[MCN-L] Announcement! ARCS: Association of Registrars and Collections Specialists

2012-01-20 Thread ARCS
*We are pleased to announce the formation of ARCS. *

The Association of Registrars and Collections Specialists will be a focused
professional membership organization to support and further registration
and collection professions. After many years of discussions and
encouragement by our professional colleagues throughout the field, plans
are underway to incorporate as a 501(c)3. It is our expectation that we
will maintain collegial ties with other professional organizations.

*Why are doing this? *

We recognize the need for an autonomous professional organization with
administrative, programming and financial independence and control.

*What will ARCS do? *

It will provide educational and networking opportunities for our members
through conferences, workshops, website, listservs, etc. As we work on our
articles of incorporation, our by-laws and our membership structure we will
keep you informed.  Stay tuned for the development of our website, calls
for assistance, and notice of a membership meeting.

Kristi Alexander
Jeanne Benas

Rebecca Buck
Jean Allman Gilmore
Tamara Johnston
Suzanne Quigley
Beverly Balger Sutley
Irene Taurins
Gabriela Truly
Devon Pyle-Vowles
Andrea Wood

+ 1 other

[MCN-L] ARCS website launch!

2013-08-22 Thread ARCS

ARCS, the Association of Registrars and Collections Specialists, is pleased
to announce the August 20th launch of its new web site.  Designed to serve
the varied needs of its membership, the web site ?
ARCSinfo.org<http://www.arcsinfo.org/>? has many exciting features.

   - The site includes valuable resources, such as videos, links to helpful
   sites on the internet, and a growing bibliography.
   - Users can sign up for or renew memberships, create profiles to
   introduce themselves to their colleagues, and locate colleagues by a member
   - Visitors to the site can keep up with news and events from across the
   country and around the world and learn about upcoming educational and
   professional development opportunities.
   - Both members and non-members will be able to connect with one another
   via an on-line forum.
   - Members will be able to list and to consult job opportunities in the
   - The site will enable easy access to the active ARCS Facebook page and
   the ARCS LinkedIn group, as well.

Although you will not be able to register here for the ARCS Inaugural
Conference to be held in Chicago this fall, please proceed from the ARCS
main web site to the conference web site ?
arcsconference2013.org<http://www.arcsconference2013.org/> ?
to sign up.  Early bird registration ends August 26th and registration
closes September 16th!

The web site provides an essential tool by which ARCS fulfills its mission
to represent and promote Registrars and Collections Specialists, nationally
and internationally, to educate them in the professional best practices of
registration and collections care, and to facilitate communication and
networking.  Future additions to the web site will include web seminars,
summaries of conference sessions, publication of articles, and much more.
We will continue building upon our ARCS mission with our new site.


[MCN-L] ARCS Web News

2014-03-21 Thread ARCS
 ARCS 2013 in Chicago was a great success!   3 days, 60 presenters at 24
sessions, 530 attendees from 28 countries!  Plenty of accolades came to us
via email and tweets. Full text of the Conference Program is now online for
all to see.  In the same vein, ARCS announces that it has fulfilled its
promise to members to upload the 2013 Conference PowerPoints, session
handouts, and session reviews to the website (ARCSinfo.org). These
documents can be found under Programs > 2013 Chicago Conference

We are also happy to announce two new sections, one of special interest to
students.  We are now soliciting and posting internships.  You can find
them under Programs > Educational Opportunities > Internship Opportunities.

And, especially for armchair ARCS supporters, members can find ways to
participate from the comfort of their laptops.  Find out how at Membership
> Help Wanted!  Of course, we continue to list open
positions under Membership > Career Center.

 We encourage you to Renew or Join now to get the benefit of the annual
membership period (January - December). Touch the button in the upper right
corner of the Home page to join or renew.

On any issue you can contact us at arcs4all at gmail.com -- or leave a post
in the Forum.  Enjoy a productive Spring!

The ARCS Board

*Please excuse the cross posting!*

[MCN-L] Laissez le bon temps rouler!

2014-06-10 Thread ARCS
ARCS is happy to announce the dates and place for our biennial conference
in November 2015. For more information - go to ARCSinfo.org.  Join us in
New Orleans!  Save the dates now!  More info at ARCSinfo.org.

[MCN-L] ARCS Conference Proposal Deadline 3/29/15

2015-03-16 Thread ARCS
Registrars Tell All in New Orleans!
Collections Managers Reveal Darkest Secrets!
Conference Committee Searches for the Truth!

If you have exposed answers to collection enigmas, share them at the
ARCS conference in New Orleans, Louisiana this coming November 13–15,
2015. Broadcast your ideas to the world! Session proposals
(http://www.arcsinfo.org/programs/2015-conference/proposals) will be
accepted until March 29.
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[MCN-L] ARCS Conference Proposals Due 3/39

2015-03-23 Thread ARCS
We are already reeling in some good proposals for the ARCS conference
in New Orleans.  If you have a good hook, be sure you put it in the
water.   We aren’t exactly fishing, but we are angling for a good
catch of proposals.   So send in your proposal
(http://www.arcsinfo.org/programs/2015-conference/proposals) now -
"no fish is too small for a good story.”  Fishing season is over in
one week - on March 29!
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[MCN-L] ARCS 2015 Conference Registration Now Open!

2015-04-02 Thread ARCS
Join us in New Orleans for the ARCS 2015 Conference
~Registration is now open!~

We are glad to announce that you can now register for the Conference
(http://www.arcsinfo.org/programs/2015-conference/registration) and
you can book your hotel
(http://www.arcsinfo.org/programs/2015-conference/accom) on the ARCS

If you would like to volunteer to join Les Bénévoles
(http://www.arcsinfo.org/programs/2015-conference/les-bnvoles), you
can when you register!

Nov 12 registration, Les Bénévoles event, opening reception
Nov 13-14 sessions
Nov 15 sessions or post-conference workshop

As we are a membership organization, if you are not currently a member
– you will be required to join before you can register.

Follow the conversation on social media!
Use #ARCSConf on Twitter and Facebook!
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Network (http://www.mcn.edu)

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To unsubscribe or change mcn-l delivery options visit:

The MCN-L archives can be found at:

[MCN-L] ARCS 2015 Biennial Conference - Travel Stipend Announcement

2015-05-01 Thread ARCS
The Association of Registrars and Collections Specialists (ARCS)
provides resources and programs for all persons who work with and
support collections, whether in a museum or in a private or corporate
collection.  ARCS, with the generous assistance of COOKE'S CRATING &
FINE ART TRANSPORTATION, INC., offers travel stipends to assist eight
(8) registrars or collections specialists, including students or
retirees in the field, to attend the ARCS Biennial Meeting which will
take place November 12 to 15, 2015, in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
We will try to fund representatives from organizations of different
sizes and disciplines, in different locations throughout the world.

The Biennial Meeting offers general sessions for all attendees as well
as breakout sessions focused on collections care topics and provides
opportunities to meet and network with other professionals in the
field or in related support services.

Five awardees from North or Central America will receive $1,000 each
awardees from other parts of the world will receive $2,000 each from
ARCS to help defray the costs of attending this conference.   In
return, the recipient agrees to write a two- page review of a session.
The specific session will be mutually agreed upon and coordinated by
an Awards Committee member prior to the conference and the report will
be due to ARCS by December 1, 2015.

Applicants for this fellowship must be current voting members of ARCS
in good standing. Selection of the recipients will be based upon
demonstrated merit, dedication to their work as registrars or
collections specialists, and financial need.

To apply for the award, send:

1.  a cover letter, explaining specifics of demonstrated merit,
dedication, and need;

2.  a current resume; and

3.  one letter of recommendation, preferably from your current
supervisor, if applicable--if not, please explain in cover letter.

Application materials must be received by July 15, 2015.  Please
submit Electronic documents, and send original documents as well to:

Irene Taurins
Director of Registration
Philadelphia Museum of Art
P. O. Box 7646
Philadelphia, PA 19101

Facsimile  215-235-0048
Electronic mail  itaur...@philamuseum.org

Follow the conversation on social media!
Use #ARCSConf on Twitter and Facebook!
You are currently subscribed to mcn-l, the listserv of the Museum Computer 
Network (http://www.mcn.edu)

To post to this list, send messages to: mcn-l@mcn.edu

To unsubscribe or change mcn-l delivery options visit:

The MCN-L archives can be found at:

[MCN-L] ARCS Social in New Orleans - June 5, 2015

2015-05-29 Thread ARCS
ARCS invites you to an evening of social networking in New Orleans

ARCS is holding their annual board meeting in New Orleans this year.

Come meet your Board and the 2015 Conference Planning Committee Members!

(Full bar and Hour d’oeuvres)

Date: Friday, June 5, 2015

Time: 6:00pm – 7:30pm

Location: The Bourbon House at the Crown Plaza Hotel


Please RSVP to the following email address by June 4:

Toni Kiser - toni.ki...@nationalww2museum.org

Bring your business cards and enter a drawing for a free membership to ARCS!
You are currently subscribed to mcn-l, the listserv of the Museum Computer 
Network (http://www.mcn.edu)

To post to this list, send messages to: mcn-l@mcn.edu

To unsubscribe or change mcn-l delivery options visit:

The MCN-L archives can be found at:

[MCN-L] ARCS Conference Travel Stipend-Deadline 7/15/15

2015-07-01 Thread ARCS
Reminder! Two weeks left to apply for one of eight travel stipends!

The Association of Registrars and Collections Specialists (ARCS) is
pleased, along with the generous assistance of COOKE'S CRATING & FINE ART
TRANSPORTATION, INC., to offer travel stipends to assist eight (8)
registrars or collections specialists, including students or retirees in
the field, to attend the ARCS Biennial Meeting which will take place
November 12 to 15, 2015, in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.

Five awardees from North or Central America will receive $1,000 each from
other parts of the world will receive $2,000 each from ARCS to help defray
the costs of attending this conference.   In return, the recipient agrees
to write a two- page review of a session. The specific session will be
mutually agreed upon and coordinated by an Awards Committee member prior to
the conference and the report will be due to ARCS by December 1, 2015.

Applicants for this fellowship must be current voting members of ARCS in
good standing.  Selection of the recipients will be based upon demonstrated
merit, dedication to their work as registrars or collections specialists,
and financial need.

To apply for the award, send:

1.  a cover letter, explaining specifics of demonstrated merit, dedication,
and need;
2.  a current resume; and
3.  one letter of recommendation, preferably from your current supervisor,
if applicable--if not, please explain in cover letter.

Application materials must be received by July 15, 2015.  Please submit
Electronic documents, and send original documents as well to:

Irene Taurins
Director of Registration
Philadelphia Museum of Art
P. O. Box 7646
Philadelphia, PA 19101

Facsimile: 215-235-0048
Electronic mail: itaur...@philamuseum.org

Follow the conversation on social media!
Use #ARCSConf on Twitter and Facebook!
You are currently subscribed to mcn-l, the listserv of the Museum Computer 
Network (http://www.mcn.edu)

To post to this list, send messages to: mcn-l@mcn.edu

To unsubscribe or change mcn-l delivery options visit:

The MCN-L archives can be found at:

[MCN-L] ARCS Social Networking Event Atlanta, Georgia 8/14/15

2015-08-10 Thread ARCS
ARCS invites you to an evening of social networking in Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Date: Friday, August 14, 2015
Time: 6:00pm – 8:00pm
Location: Manuel’s Tavern
602 North Highland Avenue Northeast
Atlanta, GA 30307
T: (404) 525-3447

Please RSVP to following email address by August 13
Athena Smith - athenasm...@puppet.org

Bring your business cards and enter a drawing for free membership!

You are currently subscribed to mcn-l, the listserv of the Museum Computer 
Network (http://www.mcn.edu)

To post to this list, send messages to: mcn-l@mcn.edu

To unsubscribe or change mcn-l delivery options visit:

The MCN-L archives can be found at:

[MCN-L] ARCS Social - Washington DC - 8/19/15

2015-08-12 Thread ARCS
ARCS invites you to an evening of social networking in Washington, DC

Date: Wednesday, August 19, 2015
Time: 5:30pm – 7:30pm
Location: District of Pi Pizzeria
910 F Street
Washington, DC 2004

Please RSVP to following email address arcssocials4...@gmail.com and in the
subject line put “ARCS Social, Washington DC, 8/19/15” by August 17.

Bring your business cards and enter a drawing for free membership!

You are currently subscribed to mcn-l, the listserv of the Museum Computer 
Network (http://www.mcn.edu)

To post to this list, send messages to: mcn-l@mcn.edu

To unsubscribe or change mcn-l delivery options visit:

The MCN-L archives can be found at:

[MCN-L] ARCS Social Invitation - Los Angeles - 8/27/15

2015-08-17 Thread ARCS
ARCS invites you to an evening of social networking in Los Angeles

Date: Thursday, August 27, 2015
Time: 6:00pm – 9:00pm
Location: Seasons 52 @ Century City Mall
10250 Santa Monica Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90067

Please RSVP to artregistr...@gmail.com by August 23.

Bring your business cards and enter a drawing for free membership!

You are currently subscribed to mcn-l, the listserv of the Museum Computer 
Network (http://www.mcn.edu)

To post to this list, send messages to: mcn-l@mcn.edu

To unsubscribe or change mcn-l delivery options visit:

The MCN-L archives can be found at:

[MCN-L] ARCS Social Invitation - Baltimore, MD, 9/2/15

2015-08-20 Thread ARCS
ARCS invites you to an evening of social networking in Baltimore, MD

Date: Wednesday, September 2, 2015
Time: 5:30pm – 7:30pm
Location: B & O American Brasserie
2 North Charles Street
Baltimore, MD 21201

Please RSVP to arcssocials4...@gmail.com and in the subject line put “ARCS
Social, Baltimore, 9/2/15” by August 28.

Bring your business cards and enter a drawing for free membership!

You are currently subscribed to mcn-l, the listserv of the Museum Computer 
Network (http://www.mcn.edu)

To post to this list, send messages to: mcn-l@mcn.edu

To unsubscribe or change mcn-l delivery options visit:

The MCN-L archives can be found at:

[MCN-L] ARCS Social - Milwaukee, Wisconsin - 9/9/15

2015-08-24 Thread ARCS
ARCS invites you to an evening of social networking in Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Date: Wednesday, September 9, 2015
Time: 5:30pm – 7:30pm
Location: Transfer Pizzeria Cafe
101 W. Mitchell St.
Milwaukee, WI 53204
T: 414.763.0438


Please RSVP to the following email address by September 2
Lydelle Abbott – lydelle.abb...@mam.org

Bring your business cards and enter a drawing for free membership!

You are currently subscribed to mcn-l, the listserv of the Museum Computer 
Network (http://www.mcn.edu)

To post to this list, send messages to: mcn-l@mcn.edu

To unsubscribe or change mcn-l delivery options visit:

The MCN-L archives can be found at:

[MCN-L] Association of Registrars and Collections Specialists (ARCS) Social Invitation- San Francisco, CA - 10/8/15

2015-09-11 Thread ARCS
ARCS invites you to an evening of social networking in San Francisco,

Date: Thursday, October 8, 2015
Time: 5:30pm – 7:30pm
Location: Le Colonial
20 Cosmo Place
San Francisco, CA 94109


Please RSVP to following email address by October 1

Bring your business cards and enter a drawing for free membership!

You are currently subscribed to mcn-l, the listserv of the Museum Computer 
Network (http://www.mcn.edu)

To post to this list, send messages to: mcn-l@mcn.edu

To unsubscribe or change mcn-l delivery options visit:

The MCN-L archives can be found at:

[MCN-L] Association of Registrars and Collections Specialists (ARCS) Social Invitation- Dallas, TX - 10/21/15

2015-10-07 Thread ARCS
ARCS invites you to an evening of social networking in Dallas, Texas

Date: Thursday, October 21, 2015
Time: 5:30pm – 7:30pm
Location: On Premise
2711 Elm St, Deep Ellum
Dallas, TX 75226

Please RSVP to following email address by October 14

Bring your business cards and enter a drawing for free membership!

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[MCN-L] Date Correction-Association of Registrars and Collections Specialists (ARCS) Social Invitation- Dallas, TX - Wed 10/21/15

2015-10-07 Thread ARCS
ARCS invites you to an evening of social networking in Dallas, Texas

Date: Wednesday, October 21, 2015
Time: 5:30pm – 7:30pm
Location: On Premise
2711 Elm St, Deep Ellum
Dallas, TX 75226

Please RSVP to following email address by October 14

Bring your business cards and enter a drawing for free membership!

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Network (http://www.mcn.edu)

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To unsubscribe or change mcn-l delivery options visit:

The MCN-L archives can be found at:

[MCN-L] Call for Association of Registrar and Collections Specialists (ARCS) Board Member Nominations

2016-02-01 Thread ARCS
Terms of service of five members of the ARCS Board of Directors end in
June.  Four are founding directors who have agreed to stand for a second
term.  One place must be filled from among the members of ARCS.

The ARCS Board is a working board with a strong educational component.
Please take this opportunity to recommend for nomination someone you
believe would be an energetic, knowledgeable, engaged part of this active
professional association.  Self-recommendations are accepted.  Please send
contact information and resume for the proposed nominee to:
arcs4...@gmail.com, using the subject line ARCS BOARD NOMINATION.  Deadline
for recommendations is February 8, 2016.

The Mission of ARCS is to represent and promote Registrars and Collections
Specialists, nationally and internationally, to educate them in the best
practices of registration and collections care, and to facilitate
communication and networking.

Board members:
• Must be current members of ARCS in good standing
• May be anyone who shares the ARCS mission (with exception of ARCS
• Serve three year terms
• May serve two consecutive terms before rotating off the board.
• A former board member may return to the board after a one year rest
• Participates in all meetings and chairs and/or serves on one or more

• Monthly by phone
• One in-person meeting each calendar year, currently occurring in June
• In-person meeting at biennial conference

• Education

o Conference Planning
o Workshop Planning
o Webinar Production
o Mentor Program
o Publications

• Communications

o Web Site Task Force
o Newsletter
o Editorial Review

• Marketing

o ARCS Socials

• Finance

o Membership
o Development and Fundraising
o Awards and Recognition

• Governance

o Nominations
o Strategic Planning
o Operations Manual
o Archivist/Historian

ARCS Board of Directors
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[MCN-L] Association of Registration and Collections Specialists Photography Workshop - Registration Open!

2016-02-03 Thread ARCS
Photo Synthesis: What You Need to Know About Photographs

This workshop is for staff who care for various types of photography
collections will cover identification and description of photographs,
acquisition, copyright, framing and mounting, display, storage, and
transportation. Attend this workshop to strengthen your knowledge of
photographic registration and preventive conservation!

Location: Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA)
Date: March 18, 2016
Registration Closes: March 10, 2016

For workshop information and registration: ARCS 2016 Workshop Information (
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[MCN-L] Registration is Open! Association of Registrars and Collections Specialists (ARCS) Photography Workshop

2016-02-08 Thread ARCS
2016 Photography Workshop
Photo Synthesis: What You Need to Know About Photographs

This workshop is for staff who care for various types of photography
collections. It will cover identification and description of photographs,
acquisition, copyright, framing and mounting, display, storage, and
transportation. Attend this workshop to strengthen your knowledge of
photographic registration and preventive conservation!

Date: March 18, 2016
Registration Closes: March 10, 2016
Where:  Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA)
For more information and registration:
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Network (http://www.mcn.edu)

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[MCN-L] ARCS Update Issue 2 Photo Synthesis: What You Need to Know About Photographs

2016-02-16 Thread ARCS
Join ARCS at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art for an in-depth, one-day
workshop on how to best manage your photographic collection. The workshop
is geared towards all collections care professionals at all experience
levels. It will cover identification, copyright issues, photographic
registration, practical solutions for display, storage and transportation,
and provide you with invaluable networking opportunities:

We are pleased to announce our expert speakers:

Gawain Weaver, Gawain Weaver Art Conservation
Jed Bark, Bark Frameworks
Katrina Dumas, Richard Avedon Foundation
Debby Lepp, J. Paul Getty Museum
Nathan Kerr, Oakland Museum of California
Space is limited - register online now!


Location: Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA)
Date: March 18, 2016
Registration Closes: March 10, 2016

Questions? Please contact us at arcs4...@gmail.com with subject heading

ARCS Board of Directors
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[MCN-L] ARCS Update Issue 17 Socials - Addendum!

2016-09-13 Thread ARCS
Two ARCS memberships were raffled off at the Philadelphia Social, sponsored
by Atelier Art Services, this past summer! In addition to Jobi Zink,
congratulations to Amanda Shields, Associate Registrar at the Brandywine
River Museum of Art! Congratulations to both of our winners!

And don't forget! The next ARCS Social is planned for October 6th, 2016 in
Vancouver, Canada. (
Stay tuned for more details.
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[MCN-L] Upcoming ARCS Social

2017-03-21 Thread ARCS
ARCS is pleased to tell you about a spring Social on April 4 in Nashville!
If you are in the area please join your colleagues at the Yazoo Brewing
Company.  Generously sponsored by 1220 Exhibits!
RSVP here:
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[MCN-L] ARCS Update Vol 2 Issue 13 #ARCSChat Nov 7, Introducing the Time-based Media Forum & Reminder – Conference Evaluation Edit Subject

2017-11-06 Thread ARCS
**#ARCSChat Tuesday Nov 7**
#ARCSChat returns tonight to continue the compelling conversations begun
this past weekend at the ARCS Conference in Vancouver.  Come prepared to
discuss your favorite sessions, the most underrated talks, the inspiring
people you met, topics you wish had been covered, and actions you plan to
take as a result of the conference. See you there at 8pm EST Tuesday,
November 7. Remember to use #ARCSChat in your tweets or when following the

**Introducing the Time-based Media Forum**
Launched at the ARCS conference in Vancouver, the Time-based Media Forum on
the ARCS website is intended to be an online resource for museums,
galleries, freelancers, etc., to ask questions and share information and
experiences with the goal of standardizing practices on exhibiting,
collecting and caring for new media art.  As with all the forums on the
ARCS website you can opt to be notified of responses to any given thread.
If you are not a current member of ARCS, you may sign in as a guest to use
the Forum.


**Reminder – Conference Evaluation**

Just a reminder, if you attended the recent #ARCSConf 2017 in Vancouver,
please fill out the conference evaluation that was sent in a separate
email. You can also complete the evaluation on our conference app. By doing
so, you help us with future planning and bringing the best conference
experience to you!

*Note: If you haven't received the email or have difficulties accessing
evaluation please contact arcs4...@gmail.com.

Robin Bauer Kilgo
ARCS, Social Media/Membership Manager
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[MCN-L] ARCS Update Vol 3 Issue 7 Update from the ARCS Board, #ARCSChat April 3rd, & Board Elections

2018-03-26 Thread ARCS
**Update from the ARCS Board**
To enhance our offerings and service to the sector, ARCS is reviewing
proposals from membership association consultants to help us create our
first strategic plan. We will share further information on how ARCS will
focus its resources and services, and how you can help shape the strategy.

We are currently working on providing you with the best possible
professional development and education opportunities for 2018 and beyond.
Keep an eye out for these and other events:
-Upcoming Socials for 2018 and 2019, featuring Baltimore, Houston, Miami
and LA.
-Our host city for the biennial ARCS conference will be chosen soon!
Details on the venue will follow shortly.

**#ARCSChat April 3rd, 2018**
As Registrars we do a lot to mitigate crime with respect to our
collections: courier trips, secure installations, and demanding insurance
policies just to name a few.  Is this enough? What else can we do? To
discuss the topic of crime and cultural heritage, Ariane Moser
(@ARTIVEinc), COO of Artive, a digital archive for stolen art and cultural
property, will join us for the next #ARCSchat on Tuesday, April 3 and help
us keep our collections off of their lost and stolen property database.

**ARCS Board Elections**
Ballots for the upcoming ARCS Board election will be emailed soon, keep
your eyes open!
Important Dates**
April 3, 2018  8 PM ET #ARCSchat on Twitter. Participate and follow here
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[MCN-L] ARCS Update Vol 3 Issue 11 #ARCSChat Summer Break, #ARCSSocial Baltimore, Save the Date - Vibration Webinar, & more!

2018-05-22 Thread ARCS
**#ARCSChat Summer Break**
#ARCSChat will be taking a break over the summer, but we have one last chat
you won’t want to miss, on June 5, 2018, 6-8 PM ET.  Anne Young
(@AYoungRandR)  from the Indianapolis Museum of Art will join us to talk
about legal issues in museum administration.

**ARCS Social in Baltimore**
ARCS is pleased to announce our next networking social for both ARCS
members and soon-to-be members!

June 28, 2018
6 - 8 PM

Pen and Quill
1701 N. Charles Street
Baltimore, MD 21202

These get-togethers are a wonderful way for you to get to know other
registrars and collections specialists in your area. They are casual, (no
sales pitches!) and fun. AND bring your business card, because at every
ARCS Social there is a drawing for a free one-year ARCS membership!

Generously sponsored by Bonsai Fine Arts and Ely Inc.

RSVP Here-http://www.arcsinfo.org/news-events/event/1260/0/arcs-

**Catch Up on #ARCSChat**
Did you miss the May #ARCSchat on Preventative Conservation?  You can
easily follow the conversation on Twitter Moments-https://twitter.com/i/

**Save the Date – Upcoming Webinar July 31, 2018**
ARCS is pleased to partner with Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, INC. for
on online webinar on Implementation of Vibration Control During Museum
Construction Projects.  Keep an eye out for more info!

**Reminder: European Registrars Conference Registration Now Open**
Registration is open for the European Registrar’s Conference, being held in
London, England from 17 - 19 November 2018. Focusing on the themes Evolve,
Refresh, and Collaborate, the conference will be sure to provide a
fantastic forum to meet, network, and exchange ideas and knowledge.  For
more information please visit their webpage-http://erc2018.org/

**Important Dates**
-June 5, 2018  8 PM ET #ARCSchat on Twitter. Participate and follow here.-
-June 28, 2018 ARCS Social in Baltimore-http://www.arcsinfo.
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[MCN-L] ARCS Update Vol 3 Issue 18 ARCS New Forum 2.0, #ARCSChat Returns, & Meet your Board Member

2018-08-27 Thread ARCS
**New Forum on ARCS Website**
We are happy to announce a newly updated feature on our website, the much
more user friendly Forum! https://www.arcsinfo.org/forum

Available to ARCS members only, the forum facilitates knowledge and
document sharing between ARCS members. Post and tag content, ask and answer
questions, and share documents. The more you participate, the more valuable
this resource will become!

It is organized into sections:  Everything, Q&A, Events, Documents, and
Update. You can post to any of these sections by clicking on one of the
links located on the bottom right side the screen.

When posting to the forum please tag your post by the topic ("loan
agreements", "conservation", "couriers", etc.) so that members can search
the forum by topic.  You can also sign up to receive daily or weekly
updates on forum activity by clicking on "Get email updates" also located
on the right-hand side of the screen.

Watch the video ARCS Forum 2.0 - How to Login and Get Email Updates to
learn more! https://vimeo.com/286797325

**#ARCSChat Returns September 4th**
Join us at 8 PM ET on Twitter for a discussion on "The Collections Manager
as Thought Leader". Do we collections managers lack the vision to become
the leaders of our institutions or did someone forget to ask us? We will
examine what it takes to climb the museum ladder and consider if indeed we
want to climb it at all. Use the #ARCSChat hashtag to participate and
follow along in what promises to be a very interesting conversation.

**Meet Your Board Member**
This week we would like to introduce you to Board President Danielle Hall
Bennett.  Danielle is Head of Collections Management at the Freer Gallery
of Art and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery where she manages all aspects of
collections management, registration, and the archives. Previously she
worked at the Walters Art Museum in the Collections Management/Registrars
department. Danielle became President of ARCS in 2017, and she has served
as chair of the ARCS Workshop and Electronic Professional Development
Committees. Danielle joined the Connecting to Collections Care Webinar
Committee in 2015, and currently serves as chair.

As ARCS President, Danielle is excited to be leading ARCS through its first
strategic planning process and continuing to strengthen ARCS as an
organization dedicated to its members. And she hopes to see you all at the
ARCS 2019 biennial conference in Philadelphia!

**Important Dates**
September 4, 2018.  8 PM ET #ARCSchat on Twitter. Participate and follow
November 14-15, 2018. Integrated Pest Management for Cultural Institutions
Conference. Register here-
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[MCN-L] Helping National Museum of Brazil, Philly Must-sees, and ARCS Social Mexico City-Read more in ARCS Update Vol 3 | Update 19

2018-09-10 Thread ARCS
***How You Can Help Brazil’s National Museum***
The devastating fire at Brazil’s Museu Nacional has touched all of us who
are dedicated to our collections. Although the millions of artifacts lost
cannot be physically replaced, there are initiatives to try to build
digital archives of the museum and its collections.

Wikipedia is encouraging people to upload pictures from the museum to its
Wikimedia Commons repository. Instructions on how to do so can be found

And students at the Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro have
also started a crowdsourcing effort, asking people to send any images they
may have to one of 3 email addresses:  thg.mu...@gmail.com,
lusantosmu...@gmail.com and isabeladfrrei...@gmail.com.

Events like this remind us of the importance of being prepared with our own
disaster and recovery plans. ARCS has a list of resources in the Programs
section of our webpage that you may find useful in disaster planning, or
for your own recovery efforts-

**Fun in Philly**
Find out what people recommend to see in Philly at the next ARCS conference
in the new forum at arcsinfo.org/forum. Join the conversation and add your

**ARCS Social – October 4, 2018 in Mexico City**
ARCS is pleased to announce our next networking social for both ARCS
members and soon-to-be members.

October 4, 2018, 6 – 8 PM

Gob. Rafael Rebollar 94
Col. San Miguel Chapultepec
11850 Mexico City, Mexico

These get-togethers are a wonderful way for you to get to know other
registrars and collections specialists in your area. They are casual, (no
sales pitches!) and fun. AND bring your business card, because at every
ARCS Social there is a draw for a free one-year ARCS membership!

Thanks to our sponsor Cordova Plaza.
RSVP Here-http://www.arcsinfo.org/forms/3/arcs-social-rsvp

**Meet Your Board Member**
This week we would like to introduce you to Board member Erin McKeen. Erin
is the Collections Manager and Registrar at the Barack Obama Presidential
Library where she oversees the collections management and registration
functions for the collections.  Before relocation to Chicagoland as part of
her current position with the National Archives and Records Administration,
Erin lived and worked in Washington, DC for multiple federally managed
collections and museums including the Smithsonian Institution National
Museum of American History, the Interior Museum at the U.S. Department of
the Interior, and with the Fine Arts Program in the U.S. General Services
Administration.  Erin has served on the ARCS Board since 2016 and is the
Chair of the Education Committee and is Co-chair of the RCS Mentoring
Program.  In her free time, Erin enjoys travel, cooking, reading, hiking,
visiting museums, going to happy hour, and spending time with her husband
and 2 daughters.

**Register Now! Integrated Pest Management for Cultural Institutions**
Integrated Pest Management Plans are an integral, and oftentimes
overlooked, core collection policy. The Association of Registrars and
Collections Specialists (ARCS) and the Conservation Center for Art &
Historic Artifacts (CCAHA) are pleased to offer a day and a half conference
of presentations and practical exercises, where speakers will discuss the
elements of an integrated pest management plan, present tools for
identifying common pests and the best monitoring strategies, introduce
types of treatments appropriate for collections objects, and summarize
common hazards staff may come in contact with when dealing with pests in
their collection.

November 14 – 15, 2018
Michael C. Carlos Museum
Atlanta, GA

Registration Fees:
$150 non-members
$125 ARCS and CCAHA members
Registration deadline: October 25, 2018

For more information and to register-

**Vibration Webinar Now Online**
Did you miss the webinar on Successful Implementation of Vibration Control
During Museum Construction Projects?  Click here to view the recording-

**Important Dates**
October 2, 2018  6 PM ET #ARCSchat on Twitter. Participate and follow here-
October 4, 2018  ARCS Social in Mexico City. RSVP here-
November 14-15, 2018. Integrated Pest Management for Cultural Institutions
Conference. Register here-
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[MCN-L] Workshop Registration Now Open!! ARCS/CCAHA Integrated Pest Management Workshop-Nov 14 &15, 2018-Atlanta, GA | ARCS Special Update

2018-09-19 Thread ARCS
***ARCS/CCAHA Integrated Pest Management Workshop Registration Now Open!***
Integrated Pest Management Plans are an integral, and oftentimes
overlooked, core collections policy. In this day and a half workshop of
presentations and practical exercises, speakers will discuss the elements
of an integrated pest management plan, present tools for identification of
common pests and the best monitoring strategies, introduce types of
treatments appropriate for collections objects, and summarize common
hazards staff may come in contact with when dealing with pests in their

Date: November 14 & 15, 2018
9:00 am – 12:00 pm

Location: Michael C. Carlos Museum
571 South Kilgo Cir NE
Atlanta, GA

-Laura Fedynyszyn, Andrew W. Mellon Conservation Fellow, University of
Miami Libraries
-Chelle Hartzer, Orkin Technical Services Manager, Rollins Inc.
-Rosa Lowinger, Principal and Chief Conservator, RLAConservation of Art and
-Elise LeCompte, Registrar and Coordinator of Museum Health & Safety,
Florida Museum of Natural History

Click on the link to view draft agenda and register!
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[MCN-L] Courier Conundrums, Forum How-to's, and Tell Us What You Want! ARCS Update Vol 3 | Update 20

2018-09-24 Thread ARCS
***Strategic Planning Survey***
Tell us what you want, what you really, really want!  ARCS members should
have received an email last week and a reminder this week with a link to a
10-minute survey. By participating, you’ll help ARCS understand the trends
impacting the profession and your career, and allow us to become more
effective at developing, connecting, and delivering value to you. If you
have any questions, problems with the survey, or need the link re-sent to
you, please email us at i...@arcsinfo.org.

***#ARCSChat October 2nd***
The delicate subject of courier demands regularly resurfaces like the sun
rises in the east, so let's address it both passively and aggressively.
What does your training look like? What are reasonable demands? Why not
share? Can't we have a similar standard amongst institutions? If you have
something you'd like us to ask, write us in the thread on the forum at
www.arcsinfo.org and, otherwise, plan to air your grievances on Twitter
during the next #ARCSChat while nursing warm nuts and a 2008 Bordeaux in
the first class lounge on October 2 at 8pm EST-https://twitter.com/Arcs4All

***Meet Your Board Member***
This week we would like to introduce you to Board member Michele Leopold.

Michele has over 25 years experience working in registration, collections,
exhibitions and risk management. Her career has seen a diverse range of
projects, many from the ground up or expansion construction projects.

Michele was one of the original staff members of the United States
Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington DC and was fortunate to see the
museum and collection develop from inception to the inaugural opening and
beyond. She has worked at the Atlanta History Center, the Ringling Museum
of Art and the NASCAR Hall of Fame.

In her current role as Director of Collections and Exhibitions of The Mint
Museum of Art, Michele works with a team of trained museum professionals to
oversee an active exhibition program at two distinct museums.

When she is not working, she can be found supporting the local craft beer
scene, knitting and traveling. Michele is currently making a pilgrimage to
the largest beer festival in the world and kicking up her heels to those
wild polkas.

***New Forum Feature on ARCS Website***
We hope you’ve had a chance to explore the new and improved ARCS Forum. If
you’re still unsure how it works, we’ve created 3 videos to guide you:
creating a post, navigating the forum and how to log in and get email
updates. They can be found on the Forum Introduction page.  The more people
participate, the better the resource, so log in, watch and join the
conversation! https://www.arcsinfo.org/forum/about-the-forum

***Important Dates***
-October 2, 2018  8 PM ET #ARCSchat on Twitter. Participate and follow here-
-October 4, 2018  6 PM ARCS Social in Mexico City. RSVP here-
-November 14-15, 2018. Integrated Pest Management for Cultural Institutions
Workshop. Register here-
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[MCN-L] Giving Thanks, Getting Social, and Making Plans ARCS Update Vol 3 | Update 21

2018-10-08 Thread ARCS
**Thank You!**
We would like to thank everyone who participated in our recent strategic
planning survey.  We had a great response from our membership, and you let
us know what you need and want, which helps us become better at delivering
value to you! Stay tuned for the results in a future update.

**ARCS Social – October 16, 2018 in Boston MA**
ARCS is pleased to announce our next networking social for both ARCS
members and soon-to-be members.

October 16, 2018 6 -8 PM

Bostonia Public House
131 State St, Boston, MA 02109

These get-togethers are a wonderful way for you to get to know other
registrars and collections specialists in your area. They are casual, (no
sales pitches!) and fun. AND bring your business card, because at every
ARCS Social there is a draw for a free one-year ARCS membership!

Generously sponsored by U.S. Art

RSVP Here for Boston Social-

**It’s Not Too Late! Register by October 25th for Integrated Pest
Management for Cultural Institutions**
Integrated Pest Management Plans are an integral, and oftentimes
overlooked, core collection policy. The Association of Registrars and
Collections Specialists (ARCS) and the Conservation Center for Art &
Historic Artifacts (CCAHA) are pleased to offer a day and a half conference
of presentations and practical exercises, where speakers will discuss the
elements of an integrated pest management plan, present tools for
identifying common pests and the best monitoring strategies, introduce
types of treatments appropriate for collections objects, and summarize
common hazards staff may come in contact with when dealing with pests in
their collection.

November 14 – 15, 2018
Michael C. Carlos Museum
Atlanta, GA

Registration Fees:
$150 non-members
$125 ARCS and CCAHA members
Registration deadline: October 25, 2018

For more information and to register, please click here-

**Important Dates**
-October 16, 2018  6 PM ARCS Social in Boston. RSVP here-
-November 6, 2018  8 PM ET #ARCSchat on Twitter. Participate and follow
-November 14-15, 2018. Integrated Pest Management for Cultural Institutions
Conference. Register here-
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[MCN-L] **There is still time to Register!!** ARCS/CCAHA Integrated Pest Management Workshop-Nov 14 &15, 2018-Atlanta, GA | ARCS Special Update

2018-10-21 Thread ARCS
***View our updated agenda and speaker list below!**
Integrated Pest Management Plans are an integral, and oftentimes
overlooked, core collections policy. In this day and a half workshop of
presentations and practical exercises, speakers will discuss the elements
of an integrated pest management plan, present tools for identification of
common pests and the best monitoring strategies, introduce types of
treatments appropriate for collections objects, and summarize common
hazards staff may come in contact with when dealing with pests in their

Date: November 14 & 15, 2018
9:00 am – 12:00 pm

Location: Michael C. Carlos Museum
Emory University
571 South Kilgo Cir NE
Atlanta, GA

-Laura Fedynyszyn, Andrew W. Mellon Conservation Fellow, University of
Miami Libraries
-Chelle Hartzer, Orkin Technical Services Manager, Rollins Inc.
-Sarah Giffin, Conservator, RLAConservation of Art and Architecture
-Elise LeCompte, Registrar and Coordinator of Museum Health & Safety,
Florida Museum of Natural History

$150 - Integrated Pest Management in Cultural Institutions - Non-members
$125 - Integrated Pest Management in Cultural Institutions - ARCS or CCAHA

See link to view draft agenda and register!
You are currently subscribed to mcn-l, the listserv of the Museum Computer 
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[MCN-L] Breakfast Conversations, Political Ramifications and Forum Highlights ARCS Update Vol 3 | Update 22

2018-10-22 Thread ARCS
***Breakfast Conversations***
POWarts’ popular breakfast series Colleagues and Friends returns Wednesday,
October 24th. Independent Registrar and Art Management Consultant, Andrea
Wood will be joined by Raina Mehler, Registrar at Pace Gallery, and John
Thomas Robinette III, Manager of Storage and Installation at Coleccion
Patricia Phelps de Cisneros, for a conversation about their career paths,
the role of registrars in institutional settings, and diversity in the

When: October 24th, 8:30 – 10 am
Where: Emigrant Savings Bank
6 East 43rd Street
New York, NY

This edition of Colleagues and Friends is produced in partnership with
ARCS. We are pleased to offer ARCS members the POWarts member ticket price.
Members:  $5 / Non-Members: $15

Get tickets here-

The Colleagues and Friends breakfast series invites established women in
the art world to have conversations about their current positions, career
paths, and professional relationships. The program is generously hosted by
Emigrant Bank Fine Art Finance, a subsidiary of Emigrant Bank (Member FDIC,
founded 1850) and its subsidiary, Fine Art Asset Management (Member APAA,
AAA). Emigrant Bank Fine Art Finance is a leading provider of loans secured
by paintings, drawings, sculpture, wine, classic cars, stringed
instruments, and other passion assets. Fine Art Asset Management provides
independent, conflict-free, expert art advisory services, and USPAP
compliant appraisals.

**#ARCSChat November 6**
When governmental budgetary constraints prohibited proper maintenance of
the facilities in Brazil's national museum in Rio de Janeiro, politics
collided with collections management in a very real way to disastrous
effect. In November 6th’s #ARCSChat, which will take place on Election Day
in the United States, we'll discuss this precarious intersection, identify
the problems, and discuss ways to manage our situations so that more
disasters can be avoided. Join us at 8 PM ET on Twitter-

**ARCS Forum Highlights**
Did you know that you can share an event on the ARCS Forum?  Simply go to
the Forum page, and on the right there is a link with an easy-to-use
template to add your event.  You can also search the Forum specifically for
events. It’s a great way to share your museum or groups’ activities with a
wider audience, and to find collections-related learning and networking
opportunities. https://www.arcsinfo.org/forum

**Meet Your Board Member**
This week we would like to introduce you to Board member Mark Ryan. Mark
has over twenty years of experience working in the registration and
collections management profession in art, historical and natural history
institutions.  He has been the Assistant Director for Collections &
Exhibitions at the Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum since 2016 where he is
responsible for the care and management of the museum’s collections and
exhibitions program as well as overseeing the security and facilities
departments while also currently guiding the museum through a major
expansion project. Prior to his current position Mark was the Director of
Collections & Operations at the Plains Art Museum in Fargo, ND where he had
similar responsibilities.

His formal education includes a B.S in Biology and a B.A. in History from
the University of Wyoming and an M.A. in Museum Science from Texas Tech

He is an active participant, leader and advocate for collections care
through a number of current and past organizations and associated
activities.  In addition to his role as Recording Secretary for the
Association of Registrars and Collections Specialists (ARCS), Mark has
served multiple terms on the boards of the Midwest Art Conservation Center
(including a current term) and the Registrar’s Committee of the Mountain
Plains Museums Association and has served as a reviewer for both IMLS and

When not at the museum, Mark can be found motorcycle touring, hiking,
cycling and generally just trying to keep up with his three young sons.

**Newsflash >From a Member**
On October 29th, ARCS Founding Board Member Suzanne Quigley, along with
ARCS Member Maura Kehoe Collins, will be doing a session titled “10,000
Hours? Collections Management and the Art Appraiser” at the Appraisers
Associations’ 2018 National Conference, Of Value.


**Important Dates**
-October 24, 2018  8:30 – 10 AM POWarts’ breakfast series Colleagues and
Friends. Tickets here-
-November 6, 2018  8 PM ET #ARCSchat on Twitter. Participate and follow
-November 14-15, 2018. Integrated Pest Management for Cultural Institutions
Conference. Register here-

[MCN-L] Politics, Pests and Podcasts ARCS Update Vol 3 | Update 23

2018-11-05 Thread ARCS
**#ARCSChat Tonight!**
When governmental budgetary constraints prohibited proper maintenance of
the facilities in Brazil's national museum in Rio de Janeiro, politics
collided with collections management in a very real way to disastrous
effect. In tonight’s #ARCSchat, we'll discuss this precarious intersection,
identify the problems, and discuss ways to manage our situations so that
more disasters can be avoided. Join us at 8 PM ET on Twitter-

**Registration Extended Until Nov. 7th for Integrated Pest Management for
Cultural Institutions**
Integrated Pest Management Plans are an integral, and oftentimes
overlooked, core collection
policy. The Association of Registrars and Collections Specialists (ARCS)
and the Conservation
Center for Art & Historic Artifacts (CCAHA) are pleased to offer a day and
a half conference of presentations and practical exercises, where speakers
will discuss the elements of an integrated pest management plan, present
tools for identifying common pests and the best monitoring strategies,
introduce types of treatments appropriate for collections objects, and
summarize common hazards staff may come in contact with when dealing with
pests in their collection.

November 14 – 15, 2018
Michael C. Carlos Museum
Atlanta, GA

Registration Fees:
$150 non-members
$125 ARCS and CCAHA members
Registration deadline: November 7, 2018

For more information and to register, please click here-

**ARCS Forum Highlights**
Today we want to highlight one of the great conversations taking place on
the ARCS Forums-https://www.arcsinfo.org/forum

Do you follow any museum or collections-related podcasts? Or maybe you need
some suggestions for something to listen to on your commute.  Join the
podcast conversation in the ARCS Forum, available to ARCS members only.
 And don’t forget to sign up to get daily or weekly email updates of the
forum conversations so you don’t miss anything!

**Important Dates**
-November 6, 2018  8 PM ET #ARCSchat on Twitter. Participate and follow
-November 14-15, 2018. Integrated Pest Management for Cultural Institutions
Workshop. Register here-
-November 14, 2018 6-8 PM ARCS Social - New York City, New York. RSVP here-
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Network (http://www.mcn.edu)

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[MCN-L] Board Report and Meet your Board! ARCS Update Vol 3 | Update 24

2018-11-19 Thread ARCS
**Report From Your ARCS Board**

It's been a busy month! We hope you were able to join us for the #ARCSChat
on November 6th, an IPM workshop in Atlanta with CCAHA, and a social at the
Museum of Sex in New York.

The board would like to thank you for your helpful thoughts and suggestions
in our survey; based on your feedback, we are continuing to develop ARCS'
strategic plan. On November 2nd and 3rd the board met with our strategic
plan facilitator, Tecker International, to focus and further develop our
plan. We had many productive conversations that were greatly informed by
your responses. We are excited about defining ARCS' priorities for the next
five years.

We are moving full speed ahead on the 2019 conference in Philadelphia, and
creating programs and educational opportunities for you in 2019.

As always, please do let me know if you have any questions or suggestions
about the future of ARCS. You can email me at presid...@arcsinfo.org. And
thank you for your support of our field.

Danielle Bennett
President, ARCS

**Meet Your Board Member**
This week we would like to introduce you to Board member Cherie Summers

“I have been in the museum profession for a really long time!  My first job
in the field after arriving from New Mexico was at the Guggenheim Museum,
followed by the Museum of Modern Art, the Santa Barbara Museum of Art, and
most recently, after retiring, at the Santa Barbara Historical Museum,
working part time on a totally different collection with new learning

I knew from the get-go that the creation of ARCS was a dream come true for
our profession. Networking with members and vendors from all over the world
every other year for two full days is priceless!  I’m thrilled to be on the
ARCS Board, where I experience continued growth keeping up with our
ever-changing world of technology, while keeping our standards and
practical needs firmly in focus.   I’m proud that my committee recently
completed the ARCS Code of Ethics and I continue to work on our Operations
Manual along with other projects. I’m also the ARCS Corresponding Secretary
on the Executive Committee.

I recently became a grandmother and feel so fortunate to have my family, as
well as my museum family, in my life. Juggling is what Registrars do best,
and yes, we can do it all…with planning and patience!”

**Important Dates**
December 4, 2018 8 pm ET. #ARCSchat on Twitter. Participate and follow here-
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Network (http://www.mcn.edu)

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The MCN-L archives can be found at:

[MCN-L] #ARCSConf 2019 Call for Proposals, #ARCSChat Tonight, and much more! ARCS Update Vol 3 | Update 25

2018-12-03 Thread ARCS
***Call for Proposals for #ARCSConf 2019***
The ARCS Board invites you to submit proposals for lively, thoughtful, and
substantive sessions for our 2019 conference November 7-9th, 2019 in
Philadelphia, PA. Sessions may address any aspect of your work.

The proposal should ideally provide a 150-word or less description of the
session – the number of words corresponds to the text we will include in a
program, so the committee relies on your ability to clearly,
enthusiastically, and efficiently describe the point of your session. The
description should include:

-A clear and concise session title
-The focus of the session and the goals to be achieved
-Complete contact information for all presenters

Your proposal must include a session chair and an initial list of speakers.
If you haven’t identified all of your speakers, or need assistance
identifying an expert in the subject, send an email to
confere...@arcsinfo.org  and we will work with you to find qualified

Proposals must be submitted no later than 5:00 pm, Central Standard Time,
January 31, 2019. The material must be prepared and submitted to our
Program Committee in a timely manner for review, thus late proposals cannot
be accepted.Proposals can be submitted via the online form located at

***#ARCSChat Tonight!***
It's no secret that the gender gap between collections managers and their
vendors is highly polarized and thus ripe for gender bias. On the next
#ARCSchat, we address the nature of this bias, where it comes from, and how
to address it.  Joan Baldwin and Anne Ackerson of Leadership Matters,
@NFPLeadership, who carried out an important survey on gender equity in the
museum workplace this year (
https://leadershipmatters1213.wordpress.com/women-museums/), will lead the
talk and provide important insight based on their findings and experiences.
Join us for this important discussion at 8pm EST on Twitter.

If you missed the November #ARCSchat “When Collections Care and Politics
Collide: Lessons From Brazil”you can find it on Twitter Moments-

***Report from the ARCS / CCAHA Integrated Pest Management Workshop***
On November 14 & 15, 2018 ARCS and CCAHA co-hosted an Integrated Pest
Management for Cultural Institutions workshop at the Michael C. Carlos
Museum at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia. 43 attendees from across
the United States participated in the program, led by Robin Bauer Kilgo,
Communications & Member Services Manager, ARCS/Contract Registrar and
Samantha Forsko, Preservation Specialist, CCAHA/ARCS Board Member. The day
and a half workshop included speakers specializing in pest identification,
treatment, hazards, and monitoring methods. On the second day, workshop
participants had the chance to participate in a practical activity by
identifying pests, the ways they would handle pest infestations, and
appropriate treatments using methods they learned the previous day. Once
the workshop was completed participants were offered a behind the scenes
tour of some of the storage areas at the museum. Thanks again to CCAHA for
co-hosting the workshop as well as the Michael C. Carlos Museum for being
such gracious hosts.

***Reminder: Call for ARCS Board Member Nominations ***
Just a reminder that ARCS is looking for nominations of energetic,
knowledgeable, engaged professionals to join the Board. Please send contact
information and a resume for the proposed nominee (self-nominations are
accepted) to: presid...@arcsinfo.org, using the subject line ARCS BOARD
NOMINATION. Please indicate whether the suggested nominee has agreed to be
nominated for board service.  Deadline for recommendations is December 7,

***Important Dates***
-December 4, 2018 8 pm ET. #ARCSchat on Twitter. Participate and follow
-December 7, 2018. Deadline for ARCS Board Recommendations.
-January 31, 2019. Submission deadline for ARCSConf 2019 proposals. More
information here-
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Network (http://www.mcn.edu)

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[MCN-L] Membership, Mentorship, & News from the ERC! ARCS Update Vol 3 | Update 26

2018-12-17 Thread ARCS
***Renew Your ARCS Membership***
Have you renewed your ARCS membership for 2019? If not, be sure to log into
your account and click the renewal button in the upper right hand corner to
continue enjoying the many benefits of membership, such as the ability to
register for the biennial conference in Philadelphia, networking
opportunities, online educational resources, and much more. Don’t delay,
visit the ARCS webpage and renew today! https://www.arcsinfo.org/membership

***Is Mentoring for You?***
The RCS Mentoring Program (a joint collaboration between ARCS and the
Collections Stewardship professional network of AAM) is accepting
applications for both Mentors and Mentees to be matched in early 2019 for a
6 month time period.  The mentoring relationship is a mutually rewarding
experience that offer opportunities for professional growth and development
throughout all career stages.  During Fall 2018, 12 Mentees were matched
with Mentors based on areas of interest and professional needs.  For more
information and to see if the program may be right for you, please go to
or www.collectionsstweardship.org

***Report from the European Registrars Conference***
Becky Bacheller, Collections Technician at Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum
and member of ARCS Communications Committee, attended the European
Registrars Conference in London, England from  17 – 19 November, 2018. She
is happy to file the following report:

For three days in November, hundreds of registrars, collections staff, and
shippers from around the world descended on London for the 2018 European
Registrars Conference.

It was an excellent opportunity to network with international colleagues
during receptions at the Victoria & Albert Museum and Tate Britain, on top
of the opportunities to expand our knowledge at the countless panels and
demonstrations in a beautiful conference center next to Westminster Abbey.

London was a particularly relevant location this year as multiple panels
and discussions focused on Brexit and how that could impact the museum
field. The main takeaway was that there is still so much uncertainty, so
plan for the worst, nominate your agents sooner, and allow extra time in
any schedules, since Customs declarations are expected to increase from 50
to 250 million per year.  Great advice for all museum professionals!

Visit ERC’s website to learn more about the conference and sign up for
information on ERC 2020! http://www.erc2018.org/

***Happy New Year!***
ARCS would like to wish our members a very Happy New Year. We will return
on January 15th, 2019 with more exciting updates, training opportunities,
Twitter chats, and more!

***Important Dates***
-January 31, 2019. Submission deadline for ARCSConf 2019 proposals. More
information here-
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Network (http://www.mcn.edu)

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[MCN-L] Renew, Submit and Socialize in 2019 ARCS Update Vol 4 | Update 1

2019-01-14 Thread ARCS
***First Social of 2019!***
Association of Registrars and Collections Specialists, George Washington
University Museum Studies, and Collection Care Network Invite you to an
evening of networking and fun with colleagues from the DC metro area!

When: Wednesday, February 6th, 2019
5:30 - 7:30 pm, Remarks begin at 6pm

Where:The “bridge” (mezzanine above the atrium, accessed via main stairwell)
Corcoran School of the Arts & Design
500 17th St NW
Washington, DC 20006
Parking: Metered street parking or parking garage at 1957 E Street, NW
(access on 19th Street near E Street)

Socials are a wonderful way for you to build relationships with fellow
registrars and collections specialists in your area. They are casual, (no
sales pitches!) and fun.  AND bring your business card, because at every
ARCS Social there is a drawing for a free one-year ARCS membership!

Along with our gracious sponsor for the evening, Masterpiece International,
we hope to see you there!


**Meet Your Board Member***
This week we would like to introduce you to Board member Tamara Johnson.

I have been working in the museum field for 30 years, specializing in
collections care education, collection management, project management
(including all aspects of registration), policy development, and data
management. I have a master’s degree in Museum Studies from the George
Washington University and a baccalaureate in Art History and Philosophy
from the University of Wisconsin (UW). I was one of twelve women who dared
to jump the AAM ship and begin the Association of Registrars and
Collections Specialists. It has been my honor and privilege to serve as the
first treasurer of ARCS and as I turn in my calculator and roll off the
Board, I am happy to say that I leave ARCS a fiscally healthy and thriving
organization. I have devoted so much of my time to ARCS over the past six
years that I will have a gaping hole in my schedule next July for some
much-needed paid work. I look forward to spending time with my eldest child
before he heads off to college and revamping my gardens in the Spring. I
also hope to continue collaborations with my museum family to educate,
support and train the next generation of ARCS.


***Reminder: Submit Your Conference Proposals***
The deadline is fast approaching to submit your proposal for ARCSConf
2019!  We invite you to submit proposals for lively, thoughtful, and
substantive sessions for our 2019 conference. Sessions may address any
aspect of your work. See our website for information regarding proposal
guidelines and the online submission form. Any questions regarding the
proposals can be submitted to confere...@arcsinfo.org.

Note: The proposals must completed no later than 5:00 pm, Central Standard
Time, January 31, 2019. The material must be prepared and submitted to our
Program Committee in a timely manner for review, thus late proposals cannot
be accepted.

***Reminder: Renew Your Membership***
If you haven’t already done so, now’s the time to renew your ARCS
membership. And if you aren’t yet a member, come join us!  With benefits
like the ability to register for workshops and our biennial conference,
exclusive access to educational material and publications, our Member
Directory and forums, a host of networking opportunities and so much more,
it’s worth it!

To renew your membership, log into your account at www.ARCSInfo.org and
click the renewal button in the upper right hand corner, next to your name.
If you have any questions about membership benefits or would like to
suggest a benefit for the Membership Committee to consider, please e-mail
us at i...@arcsinfo.org.

***New Policy for Job Postings***
ARCS supports wage transparency and only accepts job postings for our
website which have a stated salary range.

***Important Dates***
-January 31, 2019. Submission deadline for ARCSConf 2019 proposals. More
information here-
-February 5, 2019. #ARCSchat on Twitter. Participate and follow here-
-February 6, 2019.  Washington DC Social. RSVP here-
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[MCN-L] Sponsorship, #ARCSChat, and DC Social Reminder ARCS Update Vol 4 | Update 2

2019-01-28 Thread ARCS
***Become an ARCS Sponsor***
ARCS sponsorship campaigns for 2019-2020 are underway. Your support will
help fund our 2019 Conference in Philadelphia, as well as future workshops,
webinars and publications. For more information, please see the flyer
below, and check out our website:

These sponsorship opportunities are limited, so please don't wait to
contact us at developmenta...@gmail.com.

***#ARCSChat  February 5th :  Decolonizing the Museum and the Future of
Collections Stewardship***
Museums have long been revered as prominent spaces of knowledge,
scholarship, and privilege. But in recent years, institutions have been
working to remove unnecessary barriers and engage in a meaningful way with
their communities. In an ever-growing, global world, how will the
management of institutional collections develop to support these changes?
In this month's #ARCSchat, we'll discuss how the decolonization of the
museum stands to impact current and future practices of collections
stewardship. Join us on February 5 at 8 PM ET on Twitter:

***Join Us!***
Association of Registrars and Collections Specialists, George Washington
University Museum Studies, and Collection Care Network Invite you to an
evening of networking and fun with colleagues from the DC metro area!

When: Wednesday, February 6th, 2019
5:30 - 7:30 pm, Remarks begin at 6pm

Where: Corcoran School of the Arts & Design
500 17th St NW
Washington, DC 20006
The “bridge” (mezzanine above the atrium, accessed via main stairwell)
 Parking: Metered street parking or parking garage at 1957 E St. NW (access
on 19th St. near E St.)

Socials are a wonderful way for you to build relationships with fellow
registrars and collections specialists in your area. They are casual, (no
sales pitches!) and fun.  One AIC student membership and two ARCS
memberships will be raffled off, one for a student and one for an
individual, so bring your business card. Index cards will be available for
anyone who does not have a business card to contribute.

Along with our gracious sponsor for the evening, Masterpiece International,
we hope to see you there!

RSVP Here-

***Reminder: Submit Your Conference Proposals***
The deadline is fast approaching to submit your proposal for #ARCSConf
2019!  We invite you to submit proposals for lively, thoughtful, and
substantive sessions for our 2019 conference. Sessions may address any
aspect of your work. See our website for information regarding proposal
guidelines and the online submission form. Any questions regarding the
proposals can be submitted to confere...@arcsinfo.org.


Note: The proposals must completed no later than 5:00 pm, Central Standard
Time, January 31, 2019. The material must be prepared and submitted to our
Program Committee in a timely manner for review, thus late proposals cannot
be accepted.

***Reminder: Renew Your ARCS Membership***
If you haven’t already done so, now’s the time to renew your ARCS
membership. And if you aren’t yet a member, come join us!  With benefits
like the ability to register for workshops and our biennial conference,
exclusive access to educational material and publications, our Member
Directory and forums, a host of networking opportunities and so much more,
it’s worth it!

To renew your membership, log into your account at www.ARCSInfo.org and
click the renewal button in the upper right hand corner, next to your name.
If you have any questions about membership benefits or would like to
suggest a benefit for the Membership Committee to consider, please e-mail
us at i...@arcsinfo.org.

In our last update we spelled Board member Tamara Johnston’s last name
incorrectly.   We apologize for this oversight.

***Important Dates***
-January 31, 2019. Submission deadline for ARCSConf 2019 proposals. More
information here:
-February 5, 2019. #ARCSchat on Twitter. Participate and follow here:
-February 6, 2019.  Washington DC Social. RSVP here:
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[MCN-L] ARCS Special Update #ARCSConf 2019 Proposal Submissions Due Today - January 31!

2019-01-31 Thread ARCS
Today is the final day to submit your proposal for #ARCSConf 2019!

We invite you to submit proposals for lively, thoughtful, and substantive
sessions for our 2019 conference. Sessions may address any aspect of your
work. See our website for information regarding proposal guidelines and the
online submission form. Any questions regarding the proposals can be
submitted to confere...@arcsinfo.org.

To submit your proposal:

Note: The proposals must completed no later than 5:00 pm, Central Standard
Time, January 31, 2019. The material must be prepared and submitted to our
Program Committee in a timely manner for review, thus late proposals cannot
be accepted.
You are currently subscribed to mcn-l, the listserv of the Museum Computer 
Network (http://www.mcn.edu)

To post to this list, send messages to: mcn-l@mcn.edu

To unsubscribe or change mcn-l delivery options visit:

The MCN-L archives can be found at:

[MCN-L] Forum Spotlight, NAGPRA Survey, & Member News ARCS Update Vol 4 | Update 3

2019-02-11 Thread ARCS
***ARCS Forum Spotlight***
Have you ever catalogued temporary or ephemeral artifacts? How about had an
artist use spray paint in your gallery? If so, get on over to the ARCS
Forum and share your expertise with colleagues!

None of us have time to re-invent the wheel, and that’s why our forum is a
such a great resource – find people who have already dealt with what you’re
dealing with, or share your solutions and save a colleague some time!
Besides being a place to ask and answer questions, you can also share
documents and events.

And don’t forget, you can sign up for a daily or weekly email that tracks
Forum activity, so you can easily keep up with all the questions, answers
and documents. Find out more on our Forum Preferences page-

***Survey on the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act***
The Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) was
enacted in 1990, almost 30 years ago. This fall, the University of Denver
Museum of Anthropology received a grant from the Institute of Museum and
Library Services (IMLS, MG-70-18-0050-18) to develop a network of
practitioners to support NAGPRA implementation. To that end, they are
conducting a nation-wide survey of museum professionals and NAGPRA
representatives of tribes, Native Hawaiian organizations, and federal and
state agencies.  The goal is to develop a picture of NAGPRA implementation
30 years in and to identify opportunities for the future.

Please take a moment to lend your voice to the conversation! The survey is
anonymous and will take about 10 minutes. Please answer the questions as
completely and honestly as possible. Your feedback will be used to inform
the scope and direction of this community of practice.

The hope is to talk to as many people as possible, so please forward the
survey link (https://udenver.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9shmcoehFpXncAR) to
colleagues and organizations engaged in this work.

***Newsflash from a Member***
Board member John E. Simmons is teaching  Connecting to Collections Care’s
online course, Collections Management for Smaller Cultural Institutions,
running February 12 – March 5, 2019.

Important Dates***
-March 5, 2019. #ARCSchat on Twitter. Participate and follow here-
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Network (http://www.mcn.edu)

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The MCN-L archives can be found at:

[MCN-L] 2019 Conference Hotel & #ARCSChats ARCS Update Vol 4 | Update 4

2019-02-25 Thread ARCS
***#ARCSConf 2019 Hotel Announcement***
We hope you will be joining us November 7 – 9th for the 2019 ARCS Biennial
Conference at the Philadelphia Downtown Marriott. Stay tuned this spring
for an announcement on how to reserve your room at special conference


***#ARCSChat March 5th***
Join us March 5th at 8 pm ET for our next #ARCSChat: Everything You Know is
Wrong: Re-examining How We Work.  As collections managers, our job
description involves the ambivalent alchemy of creating project gold out of
resource coal. However, when, if ever, do we actually re-examine the most
basic aspects of our job to make ourselves more efficient and produce
better results? For March's #ARCSChat we ask what fundamental processes you
feel could use updating, what job hacks have you come across that might
benefit colleagues, and what protocols you feel could be made more


***Catch up on #ARCSChat***
Did you miss the February #ARCSChat on Decolonizing the Museum and the
Future of Collections Stewardship? You can easily follow the conversation
with the handy Twitter Moments feature, that captures the conversation in
one easy to follow place.


***Important Dates***
March 5, 2019. #ARCSChat on Twitter. Participate and follow here-
You are currently subscribed to mcn-l, the listserv of the Museum Computer 
Network (http://www.mcn.edu)

To post to this list, send messages to: mcn-l@mcn.edu

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[MCN-L] Looking for some help? OnContract is here! & #ARCSConf 2019 Fees ARCS Update Vol 4 | Update 5

2019-03-11 Thread ARCS
***OnContract Directory***
Are you looking for professional and experienced assistance for projects?
ARCS is pleased to offer OnContract, a search service to the field.
Anyone, whether an ARCS member or not, seeking a contractor in the field
may search our database without charge.

And if you’re a contract registrar or a freelance collection manager,
registering with OnContract just might secure your next project. Listing
with OnContract is one of the many benefits available exclusively to ARCS

To search the directory, or learn more about this service, please visit our
website: https://www.arcsinfo.org/on-contract

***ARCS Membership Cancellations***
As of March 1st, any unpaid memberships were cancelled.  If you wish to
continue to receive all the benefits of being an ARCS member, please make
sure visit our membership page and renew today:

***#ARCSConf Registration Fees Announced***
Registration will open soon for the 2019 ARCS biennial conference, being
held in Philadelphia, PA November 7-9, 2019.  We are pleased to announce
the following fees for attending:

-Individual  $295.00
-Students and Retirees $210.00
-Vendors $1,200.00

From the two and a half days of lively, informative sessions covering a
myriad of topics, to the fun social events where you can connect with old
friends and new, to the opportunity to participate in our popular Les
Bénévoles events and network with colleagues and vendors, we think these
prices are a steal!

***Newsflash from a Member***
ARCS member Lori Benson is teaching an online course, Moving Museum
Collections, through museumstudy.com.  Anyone who has faced a move knows
how daunting they can be. The course will help you define the scope of your
project, develop a work plan and schedule, prepare a communication scheme,
define proposals for vendors, choose equipment, estimate costs, identify
hazards, organize staffing and establish packing techniques and standards.

For more information, or to register, please visit their website here:

***Important Dates***
April 2, 2019. #ARCSchat on Twitter. Participate and follow here:
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Network (http://www.mcn.edu)

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