Re: [MCN-L] Volunteer Management Software (Elizabeth Bollwerk)

2016-07-25 Thread Jim Salmons
Hi Elizabeth! :-) :-) (Timlynn says "Hey!") You were so nice to me and Timlynn 
for our first MCN conference in 2014, TY so much.  As I have said in the past, 
IANAMIP - I Am Not A Museum Informatics Professional - however, as a serial 
entrepreneur on both sides of the private/public sectors over many years, I 
have depended on the power and flexibility of the PHP/MySQL-based Drupal CMS 
platform for more creative web environments than you can shake a stick at.   
While I believe that the best strategy for Drupal-based design is to take the 
latest version and a collection of "best of breed" modules to craft exactly 
what you want/need, there are some impressive 3rd-party distributions that take 
the base Drupal platform to a higher level in the scope of their design 
missions.   With that in mind, as an outsider/non-domain-expert, I would 
encourage you and others to take a look at CiviCRM, the CMS -- Constituent (not 
Content) Mgt. System -- built on the Drupal platform, I 
am sure that the core design focused on constituents, volunteers, donors, etc. 
is a generalization of the things that cultural heritage organizations deal 
with plus all the additional flexibility that any missing features you need can 
surely be covered by adding best of bred 3rd party modules if you need/want 
them.  Having spent decades as a hard-core Smalltalk software 
designer/developer, I can assure you that the modular architecture of Drupal 
and its incredibly active developer community mean that you will only write the 
most minimal code that you need, if any, to create the design of your 
most-demanding requirements.  Let us know if you need/want more information 
along these lines as you pursue your development agenda.  Happy-Healthy Vibes,  
-: Jim Salmons :- P.S. TY MCN for the 
"emerging professional" scholarship for 2014! I am doing my best as a 
post-cancer 65-year-old indie #CitizenScientist to be worthy of this honor and 
encouragement. Here is a copy of my FIRST academic/scholarly research paper 
submitted for #DATeCH2017 that is an extension of the project design/mission I 
presented at #MCN2014: (PDF on my OneDrive in the cloud). 
I am working on a companion paper that shows the value of developing a Pattern 
Design Language within the scope the the Issuing Rule model element of the 
#cidocCRM/#FRBRoo/#PRESSoo ontology "stack." Would love to hear from anyone 
working on or interested in this conceptual space.

---Sent from Boxer |

Dear Elizabeth,

We use Volgistics here at the Florida Museum and our volunteer coordinator is 
very happy with it, and with their support team.  If you'd like to communicate 
with her directly to discuss, I'll be glad to share her contact details with 

All best,


Beverly Sensbach

Associate Director

Florida Museum of Natural History

University of Florida


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[MCN-L] Quick follow-up: Interested in folks using/thinking-of-using #cidocCRM, #FRBRoo, and especially #PRESSoo

2016-07-04 Thread Jim Salmons
Howdy Late Nite MCNers,

Sorry about the funky extra lines and strange line-breaks, etc. in my prior
note. Apparently the listserv is a bit quirky with HTML-formatted "plain
text." So I have specifically set this one as actual plain text and expect a
better result... :-/

In my prior update note, I mentioned a complementary follow-up paper I have
in development. By way of foreshadowing its content, I am specifically
working on a corpus/data-set of Softalk magazine TOC (table of contents),
mastheads, and Advertiser Index pages as found here:

I am working with PRImA to help shift the OCR/layout-recognition folks from
a bottom-up page-focused approach (Rainman-type thinking) to a top-down
whole-issue and complete serial publication perspective (Sherlock-type

Specifically, I will be using #PRESSoo's Z12 Issuing Rule and Z5 Issuing
Rule Change classes as entity "containers" for a fine-grained pattern
language describing the complex document structure of the commercial
magazine. The ISSN SIG authors have a rather pedestrian assumption about the
potential use of this model element. (See But I
believe Issuing Rules are a perfect way to bring a top-down serial
publication strategy to text- and layout-recognition strategy within the
digitization pipeline.

If anyone is currently using #PRESSoo or has plans to use it, please feel
free to contact me so we can exchange ideas and explore potential

BTW, the ICOM #CIDOC2016 conference is going on right now in Milan where the
#cidocCRM and its derivatives are front and center. I am a member of the
ICOM CIDOC and a member of the #cidocCRM SIG although I am not at the
conference. I am doing my best to communicate my interest remotely. If you,
too, are interested in this important museum informatics event, you can
"listen in" as well as participate via the #CIDOC2016 hashtag.  

Happy-Healthy Vibes,
-: Jim :-

Jim Salmons and Timlynn Babitsky
Twitter: @Jim_Salmons, @TimlynnBabitsky, @FactMiners, @Softalk_Apple (Our #CitizenScience project) (Our #DigitalHistory project)

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[MCN-L] Happy July 4th, I need an endorser for #arXiv cs.DL and an update on my research

2016-07-04 Thread Jim Salmons
Hello MCNers,


Happy 4th of July. I trust everyone is having a happy-healthy and energizing
holiday weekend.


Sorry for the length of this post, but it contains an update on my activity
as well as the request for an #arXiv endorsement.


As you may recall, I was lucky to earn an "emerging professional"
scholarship that allowed me to attend and present at #MCN2014. My panel
presentation was my first substantive public description of my
#CitizenScience/#DigitalHistory activity that I am engaged in as a big part
of my post-cancer #PayItForward Bonus Rounds. #MCN2014 was an exciting event
because my fellow cancer survivor wife/project-partner Timlynn Babitsky was
able to attend the conference with me, as she enlisted as a Volunteer and we
had a blast.


Well, I am happy to say that we are still doing well (despite new rounds of
cancer for Timlynn and a heart attack for me). But these "bumps" have helped
increase our appreciation for each day we have together and to enjoy our
ability to advance our projects, FactMiners and The Softalk Apple Project.
As a 25th wedding anniversary present to ourselves, we funded the
digitization of the full 48-issue collection of Softalk magazine into the
Internet Archive: 


We became DPLA Community Volunteers and were invited to attend the Library
Leaders Forum at the Internet Archive this past Fall. 


Because my applied research is focused on an innovative application of the
#cidocCRM/#FRBRoo/#PRESSoo ontological "stack", I have much greater interest
and support for my research in the UK and Europe. Most exciting of these
collaborations is with the PRImA Research Lab at the University of Salford
( Through this work, I was invited onto the
Program Committee for the upcoming #DATeCH conference (delayed from this
October until this coming Spring due to multi-conference scheduling issues).


The most exciting part of these developments is that, at age 65, I am
submitting my first academic research paper! Bucket-List, check!!! :D (As a
serial entrepreneur and corporate consultant, everything I did during my
career for proprietary.)


This first paper describes my collaboration with PRImA where FactMiners is
proposing the MAGAZINE format as a superset of PRImA's PAGE GTS
(#GroundTruthStorage) format. Here is a link to a PDF of my submission
available from my OneDrive cloud storage: 


Since #DATeCH has been delayed until Spring - and I already have a second
submission in development which is going to be an excellent complement to
this current paper, I would like to begin submitting my work to the #arXiv
repository at Cornell University ( I intend to submit
this paper and the next into the cs.DL - Computer Science, Digital Libraries
- section of the repository. 


Unfortunately, as an independent unaffiliated researcher, I need to be
endorsed by an #arXiv-qualified member in order to make these submissions. 


PLEASE, if there is anyone in MCN who is a qualified submitter to #arXiv who
is willing to endorse me, please reply by private message or here on the
list. I can send you the boilerplate endorsement email that has the URL and
code to make the endorsement that will enable my submissions. Since the
cs.DL category has relatively few submissions so far, the list of
alternative Computer Science categories that can endorse for this category
is a virtual mile long and includes: cs.AI, cs.AR, cs.CC, cs.CE, cs.CG,
cs.CL, cs.CR, cs.CV, cs.CY, cs.DB, cs.DC, cs.DL, cs.DM, cs.DS, cs.ET, cs.FL,
cs.GL, cs.GR, cs.GT, cs.HC, cs.IR, cs.IT, cs.LG, cs.LO, cs.MA, cs.MM, cs.MS,
cs.NA, cs.NE, cs.NI, cs.OH, cs.OS, cs.PF, cs.PL, cs.RO, cs.SC, cs.SD, cs.SE,
cs.SI or cs.SY. So if you haven't submitted to cs.DL, no problem. You likely
are qualified under one of these alternative sections. Also note,
multi-author submissions are often only "owned" by the main submitter. There
is an easy process to have yourself added to papers you may be a co-author
on but have not been recognized with this author-permission.


Again, sorry for such a long note but I wanted to give my MCN friends this
update while making my request for #arXiv endorsement.


Thank you again for the "emerging professional" scholarship. I will do my
best to keep emerging! :D


BTW, I have been writing a bunch of stuff that is #DigitalHumanities and
#TextSoup2SmartData related via Medium and available here: 


    Happy-Healthy Vibes,

-: Jim :-


Jim Salmons and Timlynn Babitsky

Twitter: @Jim_Salmons, @TimlynnBabitsky, @FactMiners, @Softalk_Apple (Our #CitizenScience project) (Our #DigitalHistory project) 

Direct/cell Jim USA: 319-431-0981



Re: [MCN-L] publishing audio

2016-04-29 Thread Jim Salmons

With so little information to go on here other than what you have shared, I 
would first recommend that you contact Alexis Rossi (Twitter: @alexisrossi) at 
the Internet Archive. She is a long-time Archive veteran staffer and currently 
the Director of Media & Access including all manner of audio content, etc.

I am an independent #CitizenScientist and #eResearcher, and I am lucky to be a 
member of the Archive's Library Leaders Forum. My wife and project partner 
Timlynn Babitsky and I had a lot of positive interaction with Alexis last Fall 
when we visited the Archive's San Francisco HQ for the 10th anniversary gala 
and Forum events.

She is the smartest and most trustworthy person I know that could give you the 
best answer for what you are asking... even if it turns out that your best 
choice is somewhere other than the Archive. 

But if what you are doing can be put in the Archive proper, I think the Greater 
Good is better served by your museum's material being in the Internet Archive 
or its Europeana equivalent for digital audio cultural heritage preservation.

Good luck with your project.

Happy-Healthy Vibes,
-: Jim :-

    Jim Salmons and Timlynn Babitsky
Twitter: @Jim_Salmons, @TimlynnBabitsky
Internet Archive: (Our #CitizenScience project) (Our #DigitalHistory project)

> -Original Message-
> From: [] On
> Behalf Of Desi Gonzalez
> Sent: Friday, April 29, 2016 3:39 PM
> To: Museum Computer Network Listserv <>
> Subject: [MCN-L] publishing audio
> Hi all,
> What platforms do you use for publishing museum audio, such as podcasts or
> audio stops, and do you actively maintain a presence on them? What are the
> pros and cons of each? I'm considering SoundCloud and iTunes podcasts at
> the moment.
> Happy Friday!
> --
> Desi Gonzalez
> * <>*
> @desigonz <!/desigonz>

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Re: [MCN-L] OCR Software

2015-11-19 Thread Jim Salmons

Mia is "spot on" about ABBYY being the 900-lb player in the room on the 
commercial software side of things. And the Transkribus project is an 
interesting choice when moving your requirements more into the handwriting 
recognition/transcription area.

The first helpful thing is to understand that despite their similarity; OCR of 
print documents and handwritten documents (and the systems that handle them) 
are very different. So an important thing to know to better answer your 
question is how "massive" is massive? And given that total, what is the 
breakdown between typewritten and handwritten source material.

You may find that thinking about and processing your collections will be best 
served by keeping these workflows separate in both the technical and human 
process that you develop.

For OCR of typewritten source material, even if your project will be scanning 
thousands of documents, a good question to ask is how many human scanners will 
you have working at any one time? If the actual number of scanners is low and 
you just want to "get it done" and move on, you can't beat the "prosumer" ABBYY 
product, FineReader. It is available in both Mac and Windows version. 

The biggest gotcha using ABBYY's excellent FineReader product is that it does 
not generate the abbyy.xml file that is provided by the ABBYY OCR Engine (an 
separate "enterprise"/developers product). This file is essential if you need 
to derive any metadata from the information generated by the process of OCRing. 
But if the lack of this "hardcore" OCR metadata is no problem, you may find 
that FineReader is a good choice.

While automated handwriting recognition is possible and getting better all the 
time, systems to digitize handwritten source material is almost exclusively the 
domain of human transcription workflow, like Transkribus.

The closest thing I have found to a "sweet spot" of a tool to handle both print 
and handwritten workflows is PRImA's desktop Aletheia (and its WebAletheia 

As you research your options, you may find some of my recent writing useful:

* a 5-part series on Transkribus culminates with a piece that looks at the 
Transkribus Recognition Platform as a Social Machine and envisions "raising the 
bar" on crowdsourcing Citizen Science ( - each article has 
a set of links to the other parts)

* these three "Ground Truth &..." articles are about PRImA and Aletheia: 
"Ground Truth & Softalk Magazine" ( and "Ground Truth & 
the Internet Archive" ( and "Ground Truth & the Knight 
Prototype Fund" (

The third of the Ground Truth articles is about our current FactMiners 
collaboration with PRImA and eMOP (the Early Modern OCR Project out of Texas 
A's IDHMC). For "going to the source" of what is doable with regard to the 
intersection of OCR and document transcription, you will want to scour both 
their websites at: and

Hope this helps.

Happy-Healthy Vibes,
-: Jim :-

Jim Salmons
Twitter: @Jim_Salmons, @FactMiners, @Softalk_Apple 

> -Original Message-
> From: [] On Behalf
> Of Mia
> Sent: Thursday, November 19, 2015 9:51 AM
> To: Museum Computer Network Listserv <>
> Subject: Re: [MCN-L] OCR Software
> Abbyy ( seems to be the market leader for OCR. I'm
> sure others will have examples of training OCR packages on their material and
> building OCR into their digitisation workflow. Platforms like the Internet
> Archive also produce OCR texts from uploaded files, and other tools are listed
> at
> We've been experimenting with Transkribus (
> for handwritten text recognition.
> Best regards,
> Mia
> Dr Mia Ridge
> Digital Curator, British Library
> Check out my book!
> <>
> I mostly use this address for list mail; my address is checked 
> daily
> On 18 November 2015 at 17:53, Locker, Mark <> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > We are beginning a massive digitization project in which we will be
> > scanning thousands of documents. Most will probably be typewritten but
> > definitely will have handwritten documents as well. Anyone out there
> > using OCR softwar

[MCN-L] Our FactMiners/PRImA entry -- Turn Text Soup into Smart Data -- in the Knight News Challenge

2015-10-16 Thread Jim Salmons
Hello MCNers!

We are very pleased to point you to our entry in the current challenge:
"Turn Text Soup into Smart Data in Newspaper & Magazine Archives"

As two post-cancer #PayItForward Citizen Scientists in Cedar Rapids, Iowa,
we are very pleased to be collaborating with Apostolos Antonacopoulos and
Christian Clausner, two world-class research scientists at the PRImA
Research Center of the U. of Salford, Manchester, UK. Our innovative project
that is the focus of our Knight News Challenge entry will open the newspaper
and magazine collections of the Internet Archive to new levels of Open Data
access and utility.

The current Knight News Challenge is focused on Data. In particular, the
Knight Foundation is interested in innovative ideas for making Open Data
more accessible and useful to Individuals and Communities. All entries,
including ours, are currently in "feedback" (and "applause") mode before
final evaluation by the Knight Review folks.

If you have a few minutes, please drop by and check out our entry. You'll
find prominent links to four short "silent Ignite Talk" video slideshows to
quickly get you familiar with our project. After visiting our entry, please
feel free to sample from among the over 1,000 entries that showcase the
range of ideas folks have about making data more accessible and useful.

Happy-Healthy Vibes,
-: Jim & Timlynn :-

Jim Salmons and Timlynn Babitsky
Twitter: @Jim_Salmons, @TimlynnBabitsky, @FactMiners, @Softalk_Apple (Open Source #Play2Learn game community) (first FactMiners museum/archive project)

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The MCN-L archives can be found at:

Re: [MCN-L] Workshop on Semantic Data Representation

2015-06-19 Thread Jim Salmons
Fellow MCNers,
NOTE: This awesome seminar is FREE and limited to 20 attendees. So if you are 
interested, don't hesitate to register soon.
Dominic, this is FANTASTIC! I have registered both myself and Timlynn as we'll 
attend as part of our Softrek2 - In Search of Digital Life in America project 
-- that's our #CitizenJournalism project with a focus on #DigitalHumanities, 
#CitizenScience, #CitizenHistory, and #CitizenScholarship (a niche within 

For any North American museum tech developers (not just the ontologist folks) 
with an interest in the #cidocCRM, this is an UNPARALLELED opportunity to have 
a deep learning session with folks who truly know the #cidocCRM to the core -- 
not just for descriptive metadata purposes, but with the perspective of 
designing #cidocCRM-compliant software systems. 

For my part -- on behalf of applied research interests -- we're 
working on the use of #cidocCRM as an executable metamodel (a construction set 
of model elements and guidelines for how they can be put together) -- that is, 
to develop agent-based actor/role microservice frameworks that self-document 
cultural heritage preservation and eResearch activity. In our case, this 
microservice framework will be used in the FactMiners' LAM-based social game 
platform, but there is no domain-specific limit to gaming for this software 
design architecture.

Complementing the #cidocCRM microservice workflow, we're using the #cidocCRM as 
our primary Reference Model in a #SmartData architecture based on a metamodel 
subgraph design pattern within the FactMiners' Fact Cloud (dynamically accessed 
via a Neo4j graph database and statically archived as a collection of #TEI P5 
page segment files). IOW, the self-descriptive data in a FactMiners' Fact 
Cloud will (at a minimum) be descended as a DSL (domain-specific 
language/extension) of the #cidocCRM -- with mappings to other Reference Models 
as needed.

If the things I'm describing here interest you, please try to be among the 20 
folks who attend this FREE in-depth seminar. ITMT, if you would like to know 
more about FactMiners' #cidocCRM activity, please see my CODE|WORDS article 
here: or the Neo4j GraphGist Edition of my #MCN2014 
presentation here: plus links to #cidocCRM-related 
FactMiners' articles here: 

To Dominic -- who I'm proud to say was the first member of my #cidocCRM/#TEI 
Personal Learning Network ( -- Timlynn and I are so 
looking forward to meeting you and Maria Theodoridou face-to-face at this 
session! :D :D I am sure we will be able to advance our mutual interests 
through this wonderful opportunity.

Happy-Healthy Vibes,
-: Jim :- and Timlynn, too

Jim Salmons and Timlynn Babitsky
Twitter: @Jim_Salmons, @TimlynnBabitsky, @FactMiners, @Softalk_Apple

---current focus--- (Open Source #Play2Learn game community) (first FactMiners museum/archive project)

 -Original Message-
 From: [] On Behalf
 Of Dominic Oldman
 Sent: Friday, June 19, 2015 8:50 AM
 Subject: [MCN-L] Workshop on Semantic Data Representation
 Just to note that a workshop has been organised at Yale University for people
 interested in mapping data semantically using knowledge representation (core
 CIDOC CRM). Designed for cultural heritage information experts (curators,
 documentation, archivists, and cultural heritage technologists, etc) who are
 looking to do a practical mapping of cultural heritage data and understand 
 CIDOC CRM concepts and strategy. No technical experience required. August
 10 to 12th. Registration is available at the link below. See ResearchSpace
 Workshops: Mapping Culture Semantically - ResearchSpace - a Digital
 Wunderkammer for the Cultural Heritage Knowledge Graph
 |   |
 |   |  |   |   |   |   |   |
 | ResearchSpace Workshops: Mapping Culture Semantically...ResearchSpace
 | - A Semantic Collaborative research platform for cultural heritage and
 | arts research. Principal Investigator - Dominic Oldman |  | View on
 | | Preview by Yahoo |  |
 |   |

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Re: [MCN-L] Workshop on Semantic Data Representation

2015-06-19 Thread Jim Salmons
Fellow MCNers,

Oops, I don't want to give the impression that the @ResearchSpace seminar at
Yale is an advanced deep weeds event. ResearchSpace and the Yale Center
for British Art are working together to expand the community of #cidocCRM
users. And this seminar is part of their outreach/support efforts to
expand the user base in North America.

So yes, Dominic and Maria Theodoridou are SUPER #cidocCRM experts. But this
session is also intended to be a get to know the #cidocCRM event for folks
interested in this powerful Conceptual Reference Model but having a tough
time finding a place to start or a path forward. 

All the other info I passed along about my interests and
activity still applies... I just don't want my interests/enthusiasm to color
the impression of what this event is and who should attend. :-)

Happy-Healthy Vibes,
-: Jim :-

Jim Salmons and Timlynn Babitsky
Twitter: @Jim_Salmons, @TimlynnBabitsky, @FactMiners, @Softalk_Apple

 -Original Message-
 From: [] On Behalf
 Of Jim Salmons
 Sent: Friday, June 19, 2015 11:11 AM
 To: 'Dominic Oldman'; 'Museum Computer Network Listserv'
 Subject: Re: [MCN-L] Workshop on Semantic Data Representation
 Fellow MCNers,
 NOTE: This awesome seminar is FREE and limited to 20 attendees. So if you
 interested, don't hesitate to register soon.
 Dominic, this is FANTASTIC! I have registered both myself and Timlynn as
 attend as part of our Softrek2 - In Search of Digital Life in America
project --
 that's our #CitizenJournalism project with a focus on #DigitalHumanities,
 #CitizenScience, #CitizenHistory, and #CitizenScholarship (a niche within
 For any North American museum tech developers (not just the ontologist
 with an interest in the #cidocCRM, this is an UNPARALLELED opportunity to
 have a deep learning session with folks who truly know the #cidocCRM to
 core -- not just for descriptive metadata purposes, but with the
perspective of
 designing #cidocCRM-compliant software systems.
 For my part -- on behalf of applied research interests --
 working on the use of #cidocCRM as an executable metamodel (a construction
 set of model elements and guidelines for how they can be put together) --
 is, to develop agent-based actor/role microservice frameworks that self-
 document cultural heritage preservation and eResearch activity. In our
 this microservice framework will be used in the FactMiners' LAM-based
 game platform, but there is no domain-specific limit to gaming for this
 software design architecture.
 Complementing the #cidocCRM microservice workflow, we're using the
 #cidocCRM as our primary Reference Model in a #SmartData architecture
 based on a metamodel subgraph design pattern within the FactMiners' Fact
 Cloud (dynamically accessed via a Neo4j graph database and statically
 as a collection of #TEI P5 page segment files). IOW, the
self-descriptive data
 in a FactMiners' Fact Cloud will (at a minimum) be descended as a DSL
 (domain-specific language/extension) of the #cidocCRM -- with mappings to
 other Reference Models as needed.
 If the things I'm describing here interest you, please try to be among the
 folks who attend this FREE in-depth seminar. ITMT, if you would like to
 more about FactMiners' #cidocCRM activity, please see my CODE|WORDS
 article here: or the Neo4j GraphGist Edition of my
 #MCN2014 presentation here: plus links to #cidocCRM-
 related FactMiners' articles here:
 To Dominic -- who I'm proud to say was the first member of my
 #cidocCRM/#TEI Personal Learning Network ( --
 and I are so looking forward to meeting you and Maria Theodoridou face-to-
 face at this session! :D :D I am sure we will be able to advance our
 interests through this wonderful opportunity.
 Happy-Healthy Vibes,
 -: Jim :- and Timlynn, too
 Jim Salmons and Timlynn Babitsky
 Twitter: @Jim_Salmons, @TimlynnBabitsky, @FactMiners, @Softalk_Apple
 ---current focus--- (Open Source #Play2Learn game community) (first FactMiners museum/archive project)
  -Original Message-
  From: [] On Behalf
  Of Dominic Oldman
  Sent: Friday, June 19, 2015 8:50 AM
  Subject: [MCN-L] Workshop on Semantic Data Representation
  Just to note that a workshop has been organised at Yale University for
  people interested in mapping data semantically using knowledge
  representation (core CIDOC CRM). Designed for cultural heritage
  information experts (curators, documentation, archivists, and cultural
  heritage technologists, etc) who are looking to do a practical mapping
  of cultural heritage data and understand core CIDOC CRM concepts

Re: [MCN-L] SUBMISSION TIPS -- Tic-toc-tic-toc... MCN2015 CfP deadline!

2015-04-28 Thread Jim Salmons
MCNers Considering a #MCN2015 Submission,

Please note that the Ungerboeck Software underlying the #MCN2015 CFP submission 
form is woefully lacking in web usability even when judged by 1990s standards. 
(I hope MCN is getting this service pro bono because the submission form is so 
poorly implemented that it does not suggest that the rest of the system is any 
better. If Ungerboeck folk are listening, please fix these glaring errors.)

Here's a couple quick tips if you are pressed for time and trying to do an 
#MCN2015 submission:

* DO NOT write your submission directly in the submission form. Yes, it is a 
WYSIWYG editor with dynamic word counter and all. It appears to be an on-line 
editor for drafting and submitting your abstract, but BEWARE. There is a 
short-lived session object on the form that times-out WITHOUT WARNING!!! If 
your session times out and you hit Continue you will get a Gotcha dialog 
explaining that your session had timed out and inviting you to return to the 
application AT THE BEGINNING!? That's right, not going back, no interim save... 
go back to GO! And start over. You have to KNOW HOW DEMORALIZING AND DEPRESSING 
THIS CAN BE... first you are angry as Hell at the designer and then you blame 
yourself for not anticipating their stupidity! :-(

* Okay, so to overcome the session time out you do your editing in a 
client-side editor and paste it into the form... better but also BEWARE:

* The best way to get formatted copy in and out of the Abstract 
Submission form is to toggle the WYSIWYG editor to 'Source' mode and use and 
HTML editor on your copy.

* While the Abstract description has a textarea widget with a dynamic 
Abstract Word Count: 0/2000 message, when you submit the form it will enforce 
a 4,000 CHARACTER limit on the description NOT a 2,000 WORD limit.

* AND, the 4,000 CHARACTER limit is based on the characters of a 
tag-stripped copy of your text, not the ACTUAL characters in your submission. 
(For example, my Ignite Talk submission is on the order of 650 or so WORDS but 
over 4,000 CHARACTERS. To get the form to accept my submission, I snipped a bit 
here and there until it accepted it and here is the result: 

Number of letters and digits: 3,743
Number of printable characters: 4,171
Total number of characters: 4,835

Honestly, this webform should be an embarrassment to Ungerboeck and I hope they 
fix its rookie mistakes. But even more than a heads-up to Ungerboeck, I do hope 
that this experience report helps others under the gun of the submission 
deadline to not waste their time and energy rewriting a submission.

Happy-Healthy Vibes,
-: Jim :-

Jim Salmons and Timlynn Babitsky
Twitter: @Jim_Salmons, @TimlynnBabitsky, @FactMiners, @Softalk_Apple (Open Source #Play2Learn game community) (first FactMiners museum/archive project)

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf Of Eric 
Sent: Tuesday, April 28, 2015 10:52 AM
Subject: [MCN-L] Tic-toc-tic-toc... MCN2015 CfP deadline!

Hurry... only 2 days left to submit proposals for MCN2015...

Here are some ideas to get you inspired:

   - Advancing digital #strategy at your museum?
   - Bridging the online/onsite museum visitor experience?
   - Great collaborations  agile approaches at your museum?
   - Incorporating technology into your area of museum practice?
   - Groundbreaking new digital initiative at your museum?
   - Have great evaluation  analytics stories to tell?
   - What's your approach to digital storytelling?
   - Have you solved the riddle of indoor positioning at a museum?
   - Are you leading change at your cultural organization?
   - Are you bringing #museumed  digital tools together in awesome ways?
   - Is your cultural organization embracing technology?
   - New ideas  approaches to social media engagement?
   - Impressive data to share re: museum visitors  digital initiatives?
   - Making your museum more accessible  inclusive via technology?

*Proposals due by April 30, 2015 at 11:59pm EST!*

Submit here:

Eric Longo
Executive Director
Museum Computer Network
O: +1-888-211-1477 x801
M: +1-917-740-6631

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Re: [MCN-L] Announcing Mirador 2.0 and

2015-04-14 Thread Jim Salmons

Congratulations on a major and impressive release of Mirador. The live demo
is most wonderful on a desktop. It will be interesting to see how it looks
on various mobile devices.

I am a new Community Rep for the DPLA with an interest in both grassroots
Citizen Science/History projects, in general, and technical interests
related to the intersection of cognitive computing and the Digital

Most specifically, as I will be attending #DPLAfest later this week, it is
easy to see what a GREAT resource Mirador would be for use in DPLA
hackathons and related community-coding projects.

Are you already supporting the DPLA API?
( If not, is it planned? 

If DPLA API support is something that interests you but hasn't hit the
priority list, #DPLAfest would be a great place to find Kindred Spirits to
help make that happen.

And just to put a bee in your Thinking Cap -- as that is more productive
than wasting it on your bonnet -- with just basic DPLA API support you could
do a Proof-Of-Concept version of your live demo of Mirador exploring DPLA
collections. That sure sounds like a demo that DPLA would happily feature in
the For Developers section of the DPLA website.

Add to that basic demo a how-to article with sample code and you open a
pipeline to new Mirador community members/users AND the DPLA Developers
Community gets a great resource for grassroots/indie projects. That would
sure be a win-win-win for all parties.

Will you or any Stanford colleagues be at #DPLAfest? If not, my wife Timlynn
Babitsky and I -- we're project partners and both new DPLA Community Reps --
will be there and will happily provide a slice of cycles to keep an eye
and ear out for opportunities to connect you with Kindred Spirits.

Again, congratulations on your major release. Mirador is certainly a
significant Pay It Forward chit in your Karmic Scorecard! :D 

Happy-Healthy Vibes,
-: Jim :-


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf Of
Stuart Snydman
Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2015 11:53 AM
To: Museum Computer Network Listserv
Subject: [MCN-L] Announcing Mirador 2.0 and

We are excited to (officially) announce the release of Mirador version 2.0.
Please visit our new project website at Here you
will find a live demo, a four minute screencast demonstrating Mirador 2.0's
features, and links to the code repository and documentation

The 2.0 release of Mirador builds and improves upon the first release with
major user interface improvements and a rich feature set. These include:
Deep zoom and pan using OpenSeadragon
Multiple viewing modes, including single image, two-page, horizontal scroll
and thumbnail gallery Synchronized navigation of multi-image objects by
filmstrip or table of contents (when available) Metadata view Comparison of
multiple images in a fully configurable workspace State saving and
bookmarking for sharing a workspace Embeddable in blogs and third-party web
apps Annotation Notably, Mirador now supports viewing and creation of
annotations on regions of images. The annotation functionality is fully
compatible with the OpenAnnotation specification
(, and of course Mirador 2.0 is fully
compliant with the IIIF Image and Presentation API's ( 

A variety of features are in the backlog for the next version, and you can
view the updated roadmap at 

Mirador 2.0 is the result of a gratifying global collaboration. Many thanks
and congratulations to the lead development team, which consists of Drew
Winget from Stanford University and Rashmi Singhal from Harvard University.
Mirador 2.0 would not have been possible without contributions of code,
advice, testing and support by many others at Harvard, Stanford and the IIIF
community. See a full list of acknowledgements on the project website. 

As we look forward to subsequent releases, improvements and extensions to
Mirador, we invite contributions of issues, bug fixes, and new features by
others. If you are interested, please sign up for the list, and head to Github to read the
contributor guidelines and get started.  

-Stu Snydman

Stuart Snydman
Associate Director for Digital Strategy
Stanford University Libraries

ps - pardon the cross-posts!

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Re: [MCN-L] CIDOC CRM extension for SPECTRUM announced -- Congrats Call to #cidocCRMdev Kindred Spirits

2015-02-04 Thread Jim Salmons
Congratulations Dominic and CES Ore... and by extension to the other members of 
my #cidocCRM PLN (Personal Learning Network, Oyvind, Arianna, and Barry -- 
some/most of whom may be MCN members),

Congratulations from FactMiners and The Softalk Apple Project to the members of 
the CIDOC-CRM Special Interest Group developing and maintaining this 
most-interesting community resource, the Conceptual Reference Model. The 
Collections Trust collaboration is especially note-worthy when taken together 
with release of version 6.0 of the model definition and major updates to 
domain-specific extensions as bullet listed and linked here: 

The #cidocCRM SPECTRUM extension is especially encouraging as it foreshadows a 
widening interest in the sausage-making aspect of #cidocCRM adoption; and 
that is using the Conceptual Reference Model in metamodel-driven software 
design and development.

We did our best at #MCN2014 to find Kindred Spirits interested in the 
sausage-making of #cidocCRMdev. What we found, as you would expect, were many 
folks seriously interested in the resulting sausage (e.g., the ability to 
incorporate a FactMiners' Fact Cloud companion resource into their on-line 
digital collection, or the ability to do Rainman/Sherlock metamodel-guided 
cognitive computing explorations of their text corpora) rather than those 
interested in the making activity of #cidocCRM metamodel-driven software 
design and development.

The SPECTRUM collaboration and Version 6.0 release have given the museum 
informatics community an opportunity to spawn a group of Kindred Spirits -- 
maybe an MCN SIG or BOF, not sure, your suggestions welcome -- as we informally 
make 2015 the Year of #cidocCRM Development. 

For our part, FactMiners and The Softalk Apple Project are launching our 'Year 
of the #cidocCRM Full-Graph Deep Dive':

While I've outlined FactMiners' goals and activity plans for the year ahead, on 
a more general point I want to recommend to Kindred Spirits interested in 
#cidocCRM software development and/or a 'full graph' interpretation of the 
#cidocCRM that we use the hashtags #cidocCRMdev and #cidocCRMgraph, 
respectively for our Tweets, posts, and relevant communication.

BTW and speaking from time-consuming experience, Tweets with #CIDOC-CRM are not 
only 'shouty', they draw you into a web of interactions related to the 
'900-pound gorilla in the memestream' of CRM having to do with customers and 
relationships, etc. So for 'conversational' CRM tweeting/tagging, I find 
#cidocCRM works great.

To the #cidocCRMdev and #cidocCRMgraph Year Ahead!

Happy-Healthy Vibes,
-: Jim :-

Twitter: @Jim_Salmons, @FactMiners, @Softalk_Apple

---current focus--- (Open Source #Play2Learn game community) (first FactMiners museum/archive project) 
Direct/cell Jim USA: 319-431-0981

===see also (mostly dated, pre-cancer treatment)=== (Services) (RD)

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf Of Dominic 
Sent: Tuesday, February 3, 2015 11:00 AM
Subject: [MCN-L] CIDOC CRM extension for SPECTRUM announced

The UK Collections Trust and the CIDOC (Documentation Committee of the 
International Council for Museums) CRM Special Interest Group have agreed plans 
to create an extension of the CIDOC CRM for SPECTRUM collection management 
procedures and formally align SPECTRUM’s ‘units of information’.
Press Release at

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[MCN-L] My #WHENIM64 Message to MCNers

2015-01-28 Thread Jim Salmons
To My MCN Colleagues in search of a reading diversion today, especially those 
snowbound in the U.S. northeast…

If you are of a certain generation and cultural experience, #WHENIM64 is an 
obvious time for personal reflection thanks to the soundtrack and permanent 
#TODO etched in our brains thanks to The Beatles. The two pieces I want to 
share with you were among the things I was pleased to reflect upon as I 
experienced this uniquely Beatles Generation Rite of Passage on Sunday. The 
fact that these pieces were written, and the activity they reflect, are all 
part of the first year of my post-cancer battle Bonus Round activity made my 
Sunday night reflections all the sweeter (#NOTYETREAPER):

* FactMiners and The Softalk Apple Project starring in…'Where Facts Live': 
Exploring the Metamodel Subgraph of a FactMiners Fact Cloud - This is the GraphGist Edition (kind of like a 
Director's cut) of my #MCN2014 presentation. An enhanced version of the MCN 
talking slide video is wrapped in a Neo4j-based graph database live 
document (AKA a GraphGist) to let you play with the metamodel subgraph 
described in my talk. No software is installed on your computer. You only need 
a browser and curiosity to delve into this one. This one is definitely museum 
tech stuff.

* Owed to Odell - Lexington Virginia, the 70's,  Old-Time Music — How Lil’ 
Dobson Got to Swim with The Duhks - This is my first publication and the first non-technical/non-computer creative 
writing that I have done since I can't remember when. To give this a museum 
informatics context so you can justify reading it on the job, I'll describe 
this piece in #cidocCRM terms as a gripping tale written as E10 Transfer of 
Custody provenance data about a delightful E24 Physical Man-Made Thing -- Lil' 
Dobson, a rare 1880's banjo -- and its travels through E2 Temporal Entities of 
E5 Events and E7 Activities during an E4 Period in my life before the E63 
Beginning of Existence of my E4 Period career in computers. (If you even 
chuckled at this last bit, please see as visual #cidocCRM 
humor is in relatively short supply.)

I especially will appreciate your reading my piece as its writing 
has emboldened my inner Storytelling Self. I plan to let him out on parole from 
his locked closet in the basement during year two of my Bonus Round activities. 
I have a corker of a short tale brewing, Mata and the Methodist -- Moonshine, 
Psychedelics, and Banjos: How I Learned the Awesome Power of Alka-Seltzer at an 
Old-Time Fiddlers' Convention. If you follow me on, you'll be sure 
to know when that one hits a browser or app near you! :-)

And I would be remiss to not offer a big Thank you! to Robert Stein and all 
the talented contributors to CODE|WORDS whose brilliant writing introduced me 
to the potential of as a possible venue on which to unleash my 
Storytelling parolee.

Regardless of your need for reading material, a belated Happy New Year! And, 
again, a heartfelt “Thank you!” to MCN -- and to my scholarship's corporate 
sponsor PICTION -- for the Emerging Professional scholarship that made it 
possible for me and my soulmate/wife Timlynn Babitsky to attend #MCN2014. We 
look forward to growing our new Kindred Spirit network through our involvement 
in MCN.

Happy-Healthy Vibes,
-: Jim :- and Timlynn, too

Jim Salmons and Timlynn Babitsky
Twitter: @Jim_Salmons, @TimlynnBabitsky, @FactMiners, @Softalk_Apple

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[MCN-L] #MCN2014 -- Presenter slides, equip, tips... #cidocCRM Kindred Spirits?

2014-11-10 Thread Jim Salmons
MCN folk,

Timlynn and I will be attending our first MCN conference this month thanks to 
the generous award of an Emerging Professional scholarship by the Good Folks of 
this community. Thank you.

We have a demo and a Saturday afternoon panel presentation. And we have a very 
old cheap laptop, an aging iPad, a droid tablet and phone, etc.

QUESTION: (I haven't been able to re-find this conference-related info on the 
new website... ) For a panel, what is the best, easiest way to present with 
slides? In particular, can/will a wireless iPad connection for PowerPoint work? 
Are slides best formatted to 16:9 aspect ratio? Other tips, etc.

BTW, I grabbed a copy of AnyFont for $2 at the Apple app store and it is 
AWESOME! You bundle the non-iPad fonts you want in a zip (or do them one at a 
time), toss them in Dropbox, OneDrive or whatever service you use that supports 
Open from... and select AnyFont. Follow your proverbial nose and make a few 
clicks and this app will generate an updated iPad Profile and load it to 
install the new fonts. Head back to your PowerPoint or other font-using apps 
and WHAM-O! No more font substitution of fonts in your slides. Very much worth 
two bucks.

Thanks in advance for any pointers to helpful info or other advice.

BTW, we are especially interested in meeting other MCNers with an interest in 
CIDOC CRM-compatible _software design and development_. Sure, we're interested 
in meeting anyone using or interested in using the CIDOC CRM, with the more 
typical uses being focused on the ontological perspective and exercises in LOD 
harmonization. But we're especially interested in meeting folks doing, or 
interested in doing, design and development of software systems based on the 
(nearly) executable metamodel provided by the #cidocCRM (I use this as a 
less-shouty hashtag). (Here are a couple recent blog posts on the topic: and

Thanks again, MCN, for the scholarship... we coming to Dallas! :D :D

Happy-Healthy Vibes,
-: Jim :- and Timlynn, too

Jim Salmons and Timlynn Babitsky
Twitter: @Jim_Salmons, @TimlynnBabitsky, @FactMiners, @Softalk_Apple

---current focus--- (Open Source #Play2Learn game community) (first FactMiners museum/archive project) 
Direct/cell Jim USA: 319-431-0981

===see also (mostly dated, pre-cancer treatment)=== (Services) (RD)

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Re: [MCN-L] Crowdfunding at MCN 2014

2014-11-10 Thread Jim Salmons
Hello Len,

I am looking forward to your presentation and to meeting you at my first MCN

There is a relatively recent successful Kickstarter that might interest you.
I am not affiliated with this project but I did have an unofficial hand in
seeing it make it over the top. That is the's The Docent
Educator On-line campaign which can be found here:

The group who posted the campaign did virtually no marketing
as far as I can tell, other than a mention or two within their membership.
And their Kickstarter was heading for non-funding. My wife and
project-partner, Timlynn Babitsky, noticed this and thought it would be a
loss if this didn't get funded.

We were thinking that we would like to do a Kickstarter someday to fund our
own independent Citizen Science/History projects, so we saw this as an
opportunity to practice our craft. We wanted to see what it would take to
get folks to pledge to The Docent Educator On-line campaign as its campaign
funding clock ticked down.

Over several days during the waning days of the campaign, we did an
unusually large number of Docent Educator On-line funding promotion
tweets. Perhaps folks on this list will remember the barrage we sent to the
MCN's @MuseumCN Twitter account. We used photo-tweets with a countdown clock
and rising dollar pledge amount to help grab folks attention. (Here's a

We felt very uncomfortable about being obnoxious with so many similar-themed
tweets and, yes, we did lose some not-too-tightly-connected followers
because of it. But the more we worried about bothering folks with our
tweets, the more the numbers climbed until funding success was in sight.
And, like us, others saw it too and picked up the pace and, WHAMO! The magic
number was hit, the campaign was funded, and we could relax.

So we now know what it feels like to be an NPR Pledge Week announcer, and we
appreciate what Jerry Lewis does during his legendary Muscular Dystrophy
Association Telethons. While we may not feel comfortable doing it,
persistent reminder messages chip away at the natural tendency of potential
backers to just let something slide with an eye toward doing it later.

We never heard a word from the folks. Hopefully we'll meet
somebody at the #MCN2014 conference who can tell us how it is going. When
The Docent Educator archive is on-line, has pledged to do a
Fact Cloud companion for it once our LAM-based social game platform is

Happy-Healthy Vibes,
-: Jim :-

Jim Salmons and Timlynn Babitsky
Twitter: @Jim_Salmons, @TimlynnBabitsky, @FactMiners, @Softalk_Apple

---current focus--- (Open Source #Play2Learn game community) (first FactMiners museum/archive project) 
Direct/cell Jim USA: 319-431-0981

===see also (mostly dated, pre-cancer treatment)=== (Services) (RD)

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf Of
Leonard Steinbach
Sent: Monday, November 10, 2014 1:38 PM
To: Museum Computer Network Listserv
Subject: [MCN-L] Crowdfunding at MCN 2014

Hello all,

I will presenting:

Big, Small, Create--Maybe It's Even More Fun if It's Crowd-funded (Thurs

at the MCN 2014 Conference next Thursday afternoon.  I look forward to
discussing many aspects of museum crowd-funding, and presenting many

I would really like to highlight (give a shout out to), briefly, examples
from museums which will be present at the conference, or those who are
present on this list and would like to be acknowledged for their.

If interested, please just respond to this list or email me at and if you have some comment or something you learned
that you would like to share, let me know that, too (full acknowledgment or
anonymity, as preferred promised if I cite your contribution).

Finally, let me know if you are planning to attend the session, so that I
can reach out to engage you in the conversation.



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[MCN-L] Fwd:Crowdsourcing Consortium for Libraries and Archives

2014-08-27 Thread Jim Salmons
Ari, no fair posting to the list with such a provocative subject and then an 
apparently empty message body! :-) 

Either my spam filter has started doing selective editing or the message you 
intended to forward was not included. If that is the case, I'm certainly among 
the members interested in this group.


-Original Message-
From: mcn-l-bounces at [] On Behalf Of Ari 
Sent: Wednesday, August 27, 2014 12:42 PM
To: Museum Computer Network Listserv
Subject: [MCN-L] Fwd:Crowdsourcing Consortium for Libraries and Archives

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[MCN-L] Heritage Museum shows and conferences 2015

2014-07-21 Thread Jim Salmons
Hi Krista,

First, IANAMIP -- I Am Not a Museums Informatics Professional -- so I'll let
actually working professionals address your good and thoughtful questions.
(For what it is worth, I enjoyed #MW2014 and we'll be attending/presenting
at #MCN2014. Both are our firsts for any LAM professional conferences.)

I will, however, provide a counterpoint bug in your ear that may be
comparable to the pool-side conversation that Dustin Hoffman had in The
Graduate when a well-meaning family member whispered, Plastics into his
ear in hope of bringing an opportunity to his new-grad attention.

My words would be Citizen Science/History and I will point you to Mia
Ridge's identification of what she's calling the Participatory Commons or
Participatory History Commons as an emerging phenomena that will either
disrupt and energize or just energize your professional domain in the years
to come. (See Mia Ridge's companion post to her keynote at the 'Sharing is
Caring' conference:

While attending professional conferences is a good and important activity
for the emerging professional, so too is seeking out collaborative
opportunities to just do it between those times when you get to go to
those exciting professional conferences that are so good at pumping you up
with new knowledge and new network connections to further your career.

I believe that the na?ve new kid on the block aspect of grassroots Citizen
Science/History projects -- like The Softalk Apple Project
( and its 'pay it forward' spawn, the Open Source developers community -- are part of a Grand
Petri Dish Incubator of museum research and education innovation as the
#LODLAM World emerges. 

I think Citizen Scientists will be a source of LAM research innovation
because -- while we don't know what we don't know -- many of us also have
years, maybe decades, or a life dedicated to developing some skills and
knowledge that brings fresh eyes -- to ask new and different questions --
along with fresh insights about conceptual or technical solutions to
problems that vex those who continue to look at a problem from the point of
view of a museum person.

So while I will be the first to encourage you to listen to the wise counsel
of those who actually know what they are talking about, I would be remiss if
I didn't mosey up near you and whisper, Citizen Science/History in your
emerging professional's ear. :-)

BTW, if you are looking for a super-innovative project to sink your post-doc
teeth into, check out The Softalk Apple Project and :-) :-)

Happy-Healthy Vibes to All,
--Jim Salmons-- (and Timlynn Babitsky, too)

Twitter: @Jim_Salmons, @TimlynnBabitsky, @FactMiners, @Softalk_Apple

-Original Message-
From: mcn-l-bounces at [] On Behalf Of
Godfrey, Krista (2013)
Sent: Monday, July 21, 2014 12:34 PM
To: mcn-l at
Subject: [MCN-L] Heritage  Museum shows and conferences 2015

I wonder if the people on here could recommend to me the best shows to visit
during 2015 relating to museums and heritage?  As a postgraduate researcher,
I am particularly interested in innovations around social media and
crowdsourcing that this community are investigating or actively involved
with so would welcome any suggestions for appropriate shows or conferences
to attend as part of my research.

Many thanks for your valuable help.


Postgraduate Research Student

Royal Holloway, University of London

[MCN-L] Museums... So What? Say what? Thank you, 130 Backer Heroes! :-) :-)

2014-07-15 Thread Jim Salmons
CONGRATULATIONS Kris Wetterlund and Museum-Ed! Your Kickstarter got

The Docent Educator is going ONLINE thanks to the generous support of 130
backers who put funding over the top in the final hours of the campaign. 

Thank you, especially, to the many MCNers who stepped up after putting up
with an incessant flood of 'reminders' throughout the day. Timlynn and I now
know what it feels like to be NPR fundraisers! :-/ :-/

And thanks to your support, is pleased to commit to
delivering our unofficial In-kind Match by working with Museum-Ed to
create a #LODLAM-friendly FactMiners Fact Cloud companion database to
complement the full archive of The Docent Educator Online. :D :D

Thank you Kris and Museum-Ed for taking the lead to bring this important
project to the Participatory Commons. 

Docents blazed the trail for an growing tribe of virtual docents as
Citizen Scientists/Historians and their projects -- like FactMiners and The
Softalk Apple Project -- take a seat at the Digital Humanities Movable
Feast! :D

Happy-Healthy Vibes,
Jim Salmons and Timlynn Babitsky

Twitter: @FactMiners @Softalk_Apple

[MCN-L] Museums...So What? 16 hours to go... The Docent Educator Online

2014-07-14 Thread Jim Salmons
MCN folk,


I just don't get it. Rob Stein writes this powerful piece, Museums...So
What? (


He brings our attention to the challenge of justifying why we should
preserve culture while so many are poor, unhealthy, and dying needlessly.


We all holler, Here, here!... Forthwith we will pay more attention to
putting our best feet forward. to show how we change lives and contribute to
a better world.


Then all but a relative handful of us sit by -- rather, leave our wallets
closed -- when we're given an opportunity to create the best selfie we
could want to add to this vital conversation.


Put aside the fact that The Docent Educator is a timeless, invaluable
training resource for museum educators. Its very existence online will add a
powerful voice to the chorus in response to those who ask Museums... So


Just hours to go and three thousand dollars short of their Kickstarter goal:


The Docent Educator Online Kickstarter campaign needs you and your
colleagues to step up and say, Museums... Here's What!


Here's how we change lives, face-to-face, one docent at a time.


And remember... this Kickstarter project gets funded and
will match your gift by creating a #LODLAM (Linked Open Data for LAMs)
Fact Cloud companion database to enhance the educational and research
value of The Docent Educator Online archive.


Happy-Healthy Vibes,

--Jim Salmons and Timlynn Babitsky-

Virtual Docents in a Virtual Museum

FactMiners and The Softalk Apple Project


Twitter: @FactMiners, @Softalk_Apple (Open Source #Play2Learn game community) (first FactMiners museum/archive project)


[MCN-L] The Docent Educator Online Kickstarter Needs YOU NOW... :-)

2014-07-14 Thread Jim Salmons

We've made a bit of progress today in these closing hours, but The Docent
Educator Online Kickstarter campaign is still short of its funding goal.

About 11 hours remain with less than $3,000 to go to make their funding

When you were a youngster, did a docent?s kindness and intelligence help
spark your interest in your career? You can honor that volunteer's gift by
making one of your own.

Timlynn and I are not even museum professionals. We're living on a limited
fixed income after our cancer battles. But we knew we just had to help back
this important project. Can?t you join us? Have one less beer after work, or
eat in for a meal rather than go out. Is that too much to ask so you can
budget a few extra dollars to help put The Docent Educator online?

Or are we just na?ve, silly old fools wasting our money and time trying to
help Kris and Museum-Ed do something that folks don?t feel is worth
supporting? After time runs out, it's too late to say, Gee, I should have
found a moment to back that campaign...

And remember
 If The Docent Educator Online project is funded on
Kickstarter, will in-kind match your contribution by
creating a #LODLAM (Linked Open Data) FactMiners Fact Cloud companion
database for this timeless, valuable museum educators? resource.

The Docent Educator Online needs your support now... Thank you.

Happy-Healthy Vibes,
--Jim and Timlynn--

Jim Salmons and Timlynn Babitsky
Twitter: @FactMiners, @Softalk_Apple

[MCN-L] YOU'RE DOING IT! The Final Big Push for The Docent Educator Online

2014-07-14 Thread Jim Salmons
Hey MCNers.

YOUR'RE DOING IT! :D :D You and your colleagues are stepping up to help make
sure that The Docent Educator Online project is getting funded on

WE'RE NOT THERE YET... but the gap is closing. We're up to 107 backers at
$10,199 with 8 hours to go!

JUST $1,200 TO GO to make sure that this valuable museum educator resource
will be preserved and made available to ALL MUSEUMS who benefit from the
FABULOUS VOLUNTEERS who serve on the front lines of sharing our cultural

We're so close... if you know a non-financially challenged patron of the
arts, give them a call and help them be a Museum Hero of the Day! :-)

We can do it... if you've given, help spread the word. If you aren't yet a
Kickstarter crowdfunder, this is a PERFECT TIME TO START.

Happy-Healthy Vibes,
--Jim and Timlynn--

Jim Salmons and Timlynn Babitsky
Twitter: @FactMiners, @Softalk_Apple

[MCN-L] Kickstarter Home Stretch: Less then $1, 700 to goal - The Docent Educator Online

2014-07-14 Thread Jim Salmons

Oh, man. you folks are stepping up! We can do it if we keep up the pace
through the home stretch.

We're at 113 backers for $10,384 toward a goal of $12,000 with 6 hours to

LESS THAN $1,700 TO GO. We DON'T want to have to go back to square one and
try all over again.

We're so close.

Remember how you felt when you read Rob Stein's Museums. So What? 

Of course we serve a useful purpose! you thought, Of course we change

So, let's get a two-fer here... Make sure we fund The Docent Educator Online
project as a timeless museum educator resource AND by its publication put a
powerful selfie portrait online in response to those who doubt the value
of investing in cultural preservation. 

Don't we have to show that we're willing to open our wallets and work a bit
ourselves to preserve OUR OWN PROFESSION'S CULTURE if we expect others to
make such donations to our institutions and programs?

YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE. Six hours... The Docent Educator will go on-line
forever, or we slide back to just thinking about what a good idea it would
be to do it... someday.

Happy-Healthy Vibes,

Jim Salmons
Twitter: @FactMiners, @Softalk_Apple

[MCN-L] YOU CAN DO IT! :-) $941 to go, 3 hours left... The Docent Educator Online Kickstarter

2014-07-14 Thread Jim Salmons

You are doing a GREAT JOB in the CLOSING HOURS of the Kickstarter campaign
to put The Docent Educator Online! 

We're at 124 BACKERS, $11,059 with 3 hours remaining! So close. we don't
want to back to square one. we can do it.

Docents are on the front lines putting a learner-friendly face on our
cultural institutions every day. Show them we have their backs! :-)

We will be SO HAPPY to create a FactMiners Fact Cloud database companion for
The Docent Educator Online once you've help put us over the goal.

Happy-Healthy Vibes,
--Jim and Timlynn--

Jim Salmons and Timlynn Babitsky
Twitter: @FactMiners, @Softalk_Apple (Open Source #Play2Learn game community) (first FactMiners museum/archive project)

[MCN-L] It's a New Fiscal Year and Our Last Chance to Save the Docent Educator Journal

2014-07-11 Thread Jim Salmons
MCN folk,

Unfunded, unaffiliated Citizen Science/History projects -- The Softalk Apple
Project and developer community -- have stepped up as bakers
to the Docent Educator Online Kickstarter campaign. (Our
congratulatory/encouragement comment on Kickstarter explains more:

The Docent Educator will be a valuable resource for projects like ours. It
sure would be a big help to us new kids on the block if existing museum
tech and museum ed professionals would join us as backers to ensure that
your own professional heritage is preserved and made available for
generations to come. Folks like us need you to share your knowledge and this
is a prime example.

Thanks, especially if you go here and become a backer:
:-) :-)

--Jim Salmons and Timlynn Babitsky-- 

-Original Message-
From: mcn-l-bounces at [] On Behalf Of
Scott Sayre
Sent: Thursday, July 10, 2014 8:38 PM
To: mcn-l at
Subject: [MCN-L] It's a New Fiscal Year and Our Last Chance to Save the
Docent Educator Journal

The Museum-Ed Kickstarter campaign to digitize, preserve and share 12 years
of issues of the now defunct Docent Educator Journal only has 4 days left
and we remain a little under $5,000 short of the $12,000 goal to fund the
project.  This is likely to be the last chance we have as a community to
preserve this valuable resource and you and your museum's support is
critical in making this happen.  Our campaign offers a wide range of rewards
from credits to eBook versions and a bound compendium of all issues.  Any
contribution will be helpful and the quickest way to reach our goal is for
your museum's library to pledge $250 for a bound set.  

This is the final opportunity to contribute to this important campaign.
Please click to contribute now.

Many thanks in advance,
Scott Sayre
Editor, Museum-Ed

[MCN-L] Gift Shop Point of Sales Solutions (Blackwell, Katherine)

2014-07-10 Thread Jim Salmons
It has been a while since I've built any commerce systems, and none specific to 
the LAM domain. But speaking as an entrepreneurial technical businessperson, 
I'd put PCI compliance/exposure at the top of the list whether you do an 
in-house solution or off-load it to a 3rd party payment processing service. 
(I'm not speaking to the interactive POS aspect of your system choice, but to 
the 'back-end' of payment processing and data security.)

It is my experience and belief that This wasn't my fault, and I couldn't have 
prevented this from happening do not cut it as getting you off the hook in the 
event of identity theft or financial loss due to lack of PCI compliance (the 
credit card industry's security compliance standard).

So as long as you are 100% sure you know your PCI-compliance related exposure 
and have mitigated it to your acceptable level, then whatever solution you pick 
should be a good one.

BTW, like buying cars... if you educate yourself about PCI compliance and have 
some good no bull questions to ask, you will quickly be able to tell if a 
product or service vendor takes PCI seriously.  

Note, too, PCI standards are not just technical (i.e. software) security 
requirements. There are business policy, physical access/security dimensions as 
well. Here in the U.S. the Target stores physical breach of POS terminals is a 
case in point.

What you and everybody else did a few years back, doesn't matter. You have to 
keep current on PCI standards and keep in compliance. Failure to do so can be 
VERY expensive and consume VAST amounts of your time and energy defending and 
fixing if/when a breach occurs. 

This is why, I believe, we're seeing a real power curve in the marketplace as 
a few big name mainstream brand payment processes become the primary service 
providers. They have the technical and financial means to meet PCI security 
standards and make using their services affordable and increasingly easy to 

Hope this helps without making your too scared... :-) (I just want you to be 
appropriately scared.)

--Jim Salmons--

-Original Message-
From: mcn-l-bounces at [] On Behalf Of Glen 
Sent: Thursday, July 10, 2014 5:16 PM
To: mcn-l at
Subject: Re: [MCN-L] Gift Shop Point of Sales Solutions (Blackwell, Katherine)

I would have to put a plug in for fellow kiwi company VendHQ who are making 
waves worldwide with their cloud based POS system -
The main thing I have seen feedback on is that whatever you choose you need to 
make sure you set it up properly to start with - Make sure the accounting 
department is on board, you hook it in with existing systems, etc.

One of the key strengths of a cloud based POS system is cost - You can get up 
and running at a fraction of the cost of traditional POS systems. The data is 
also available across multiple sites so you can just pick up an iPad and use 
the same POS system at an offsite event or separate venue.


 I'm investigating point-of-sales systems for use in a gift shop 
 environment. I noticed some discussion in the archives about Retail 
 Pro, Gateway and Counterpoint.  I'm curious what other solutions  
 people are using.

 If you are using a gift shop POS system, I would love to know:

 1.   How well the system has been received at your institution by key
 stakeholders (end users, IT, finance).

 2.   What key strengths and weaknesses have been observed.

 3.   What the hosting model is. Has anyone used a cloud solution?

 Your insights are much appreciated. Thanks!


 mcn-l mailing list
 mcn-l at

 End of mcn-l Digest, Vol 107, Issue 6

[MCN-L] Walking Tours via mobile web

2014-05-27 Thread Jim Salmons (
Robin and Scott,

While this is not the same as designing and creating a dedicated app like
Scott shows (awesome BTW! congrats), I'd like to point you to a new free
service that will be ideal for situations like this.

The service is a free iOS/Android app that essentially
does Streetview for the Rest of Us by providing an easy-to-use free app to
capture images that are then contributed, in effect as Open Data streetview
lite images to (The really cool and important thing
here is that a Mapillarian can go places with a smartphone in hand -- like
on a MusTech walking tour, for example -- where a Google-powered Streetview
car does not. So something like a walking tour app is a natural for

Once you capture images, you can curate them, etc. to get what you want as
good as can be, and then they fly off your smartphone or tablet and become
part of this growing Open Data repository.

Now, the cool thing as far as we MusTech folk are concerned, is there is a
simple API for developers:

So, in effect, you can off-load to Mapillary all the complexity of capturing
and serving geo-based images within your walking tour app.

This is a brilliant Malmo Sweden-based startup. The backend is an insanely
sophisticated computer-vision and graph database (Neo4j) platform that
powers the whole thing.

The main developer support contact is the wonderful Peter Neubauer (via
Twitter @peterneubauer or @mapillary) who is also a co-founding exec at

Whatever the API may not provide at the moment would likely be no problem.
The Mapillary folks are very interested in working with developers who have
specific use cases for using this amazing service they are creating. (We
know this because've got a handful of exciting Mapillary-based #Play2Learn
games in early design and development.)

Hope this info is useful to you and others.

BTW, I'll point Peter to this conversation and he may want to contribute
additional information or solicit collaboration with MusTech folks
interested in exploring GLAM applications, etc. 

EVEN BETTER of interest to our community, I don't have the details but have
heard talk of Mapillary supporting history pics -- that is, old photos
(hopefully paired with current ones shot from the same POV) that have become
part of the geo-location based repository of Open Street Map images. A
feature like this -- especially if coupled with fine-grained API access --
would be especially useful for historical walking tours, etc.

Happy-Healthy Vibes,
--Jim Salmons--

 -Original Message-
 From: mcn-l-bounces at [mailto:mcn-l-bounces at] On Behalf Of
 Scott Guerin
 Sent: Tuesday, May 27, 2014 12:34 PM
 To: 'Museum Computer Network Listserv'
 Subject: Re: [MCN-L] Walking Tours via mobile web
 We just finished A walking tour in Cold Spring New
 for IOS and Droid phones.
 GPS positioning, binaural audio, YouTube video,  etc.
 Broadly speaking it is an HTML5 app.
 See for some
 Scott Guerin
 wsguerin at
 845 443 3131
 4274 Design Workshop, Inc.
 Germantown and Brooklyn
 -Original Message-
 From: mcn-l-bounces at [mailto:mcn-l-bounces at] On Behalf Of
 Robin White Owen
 Sent: Tuesday, May 27, 2014 1:22 PM
 To: mcn-l at
 Subject: [MCN-L] Walking Tours via mobile web
 Hi MCNers,
 We've been asked to help develop a walking tour that would be available
 a mobile web app, that relates to a museum exhibition here in NYC. I'm
 to know from your experience which platforms you've found were the most
 suited for similar types of projects.
 Any recommendations and reasons why would be most appreciated.
 Robin White Owen
 M: 917/407-7641
 T: 646/472-5145
 robin at
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