Re: MD: topic still!

2000-07-29 Thread Shawn R. Lin

las wrote:
 I guess the best way to put it is that the majority of people who use Napster
 aren't doing so solley for the purpose of getting totally free music.  They
 would be will to pay a modest fee.  Don't forget that these downloads are going
 to be of varied quality:  CD quality since they are compresssed.  So I don't
 think that they are worth paying an excessive amount for.

As an occasional Napster user whose friends are also Napster users, I
We do it soley for the purpose of getting totally free music.
I would not be willing to pay a modest fee.  My girlfriend has stated
that she wouldn't either.  I can't vouch for my friends, but I doubt
they would be willing to pay a modest fee either.

I agree with Dan, Napster is primarily for "stealing" music.  That's
what I and everyone I know uses it for.  I know that's probably what
99.9% of all Napster users used it for as well.

I don't feel bad about it, because it doesn't really FEEL like
stealing.  When I get an MP3, I DUPLICATED it.  I didn't actually TAKE
it.  The original is still there, right where I left it.  Only now I
have a duplicate of it on my machine.  I know in the official
definition, the duplication of an intellectual medium is equal to
stealing, but it's difficult for me to associate the words "stealing"
and "theft" with something as intangible like recordable sound.  Another
reason I don't feel bad?  Obviously I didn't like the rest of the band's
music well enough to buy the CD... perhaps they are a "one hit wonder",
or perhaps they only have one song that is a hit with ME.  I'm not going
to waste my money on a $13-15 CD if I only like 4 minutes of it, so I
download it for free.  How can I do this guilt-free?  Because I was NOT
going to purchase the CD no matter what.  I had no intention of ever
purchasing it.  Even if MP3's didn't exist, I was not going to buy the
CD anyway.  I would have either a) recorded it off the radio, b)
recorded it off a friend's CD, or c) lived without it.  So my
downloading one of the band's MP3's doesn't mean they lost ANY potential
profit.  Another reason - Digital Audio Tax.  I record my MP3's to MD,
and with every blank MD I buy, I've paid a percentage to the Digital
Audio Tax.  This tax supposedly goes to the recording industry, so in a
way, I feel like I've ALREADY paid for the right to fill my 74-minute MD
full of any tunes I choose, to the very last minute.  Lastly, my number
one reason I can download MP3's guilt-free - most people are downloading
MP3's that are from popular bands (or once popular bands).  At least
that's the case with my friends and myself.  Most of the time, I'm
downloading Top 40 stuff.  When these people can drive around in
$645,000 turbo Bentley's, live in multi-million dollar luxury mansions,
and blow money like it grows on trees, I really don't feel like I'm
taking food out of their mouths when I download the one or two hits that
I actually like.  IMO, the entertainment industry is big and bloated as
it is.  People who save lives don't make as much money in their lifetime
compared to some of the most popular "artists" and big shots in the
music industry.  Take a look at some of the music bigshots today...
Britney Spears, Backstreet Boys, N-sync... do you see any of them
starving because of Napster?  Hell no!  They're making more money than
ever.  I'll bet they make more money individually than what goes into
heart disease and cancer research... and which would be more beneficial
to mankind?  H.  Chances are, the music bigshots make more money in
a day than any one of the Napster users will make in his/her lifetime. 
These popular groups are obviously doing well despite the fact that
millions of computer users have downloaded their songs and probably will
till Napster shuts down for good.

Actually, I hardly ever use Napster as I don't really care for a lot of
the Top 40 stuff out there.  However, my friends use Napster religously,
and I have absolutely no problem with it.
Everyone is putting in their 2 cents, so this was just my honest
opinion.  Feel free to flame away!

Shawn Lin - Free the Web
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RE: MD: Napster

2000-07-29 Thread Tony Antoniou

This is about all I'm going to say about it because sometimes, you just get
tired of punching the information into someone more than once  if you
get my drift 3#-)


---  TAMA - The Strongest Name in Drums  ---

 -Original Message-
From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]  On Behalf
Of Dan Frakes
Sent:   Saturday, 29 July 2000 4:36
To: MDList
Subject:RE: MD: Napster

And that stuff fits in the 1% of stuff that you can't get at most stores.
The fact remains that in terms of content, the vast, vast, vast majority
of stuff available through Napster is easily available commercially. And
that fact is completely logical -- *everything* available through Napster
is stuff that someone bought at some point, and then allows other people
to download. You do get a few files here and there that are out of print,
or that are only available overseas, but most files are easily available
because that's how they made their way onto Napster.

P.S. Just because they are out of print doesn't give you the right to
have them... ;-)

But what else are we expected to do if we can't source them from anywhere
else? Let's not forget that the hard to find stuff is usually not
copyrighted to begin with anyway. In fact, the hard to find stuff comes from
bands who seek the recognition by releasing mp3's of themselves.

You're absolutely correct. The difference is a) It's the RIAA, not the
SPA ;-) and b) the volume of content transferred via Napster is enormous.
With IRC, you basically get the hardcore warez traffickers. Napster is
easily used by anyone. I have newbie friends who can barely use their
computer who have used Napster.

a) It's still the same argument from the 2 parties - piracy
b) And there are plenty of users who are new to PC's yet have found IRC just
as easy to use as well. Granted, they can't perform a search like you can
with Napster, but you can still find what you need, with a little patience,
and get it down. It's still the same principle, only in different packaging.

But the *service* is encouraging pirating of music. And logistically,
there is absolutely no way at this point in time to only bar certain
users, or even to identify who those users are/were, as they can simply
sign back on with another ID.

And our MD recorders encourage the piracy of music too. Do you find it
realistic to take action against those things as well? It's a bit of a case
of the pot calling the kettle black. Anything with a record or copy button
encourages piracy. So as I once said before, what's good for the goose is
good for the gander. There are many technologies released out there, with
legitimate intentions, and all of which are used with the most illegal
intentions, but they're the side effects. Sony were taken to court by
Universal many years ago when they released Betamax, because it too
encouraged the infringement of copyright. You didn't see them ban that now,
did you? Think logically dude, just try.

Hell, while we're at it, let's shut down the entire
telecommunications system for also providing people with an interface
to exchange stuff that they shouldn't be. When an obscene phone
caller starts to misappropriate the use of the telephone system for
his own illegal doings, do you see the police demanding that the
telephone exchanges be shutdown and removed? No! So when someone
"misappropriates" the use of Napster, it shouldn't be shut down
either. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

Telecommuncation lines are used for a myriad of things. Napster is used
for one thing -- exchange of copyrighted music. The fact that a tiny
minority of those exchanges is legal is simply a facade for the company
to hide behind. It was designed, and is primarily used, as a way for
people to get copies of music they don't own.

Prove it. If a fair justice system is based on being innocent until proven
guilty, prove to me that it was designed purely for piracy. Never mind the
primary use, because that's the sole responsibility of the people who use
and abuse the service. But prove to me that it was designed purely for
piracy. Because some lawyer allegedly found emails from Napster's executives
allegedly stating that they expected piracy to be rampant and that even they
had illegal MP3's on their PC's in their offices, that constitutes evidence?
Who is to say that those emails weren't concocted by an outsider who had
nothing to do with Napster?

Whether such legitimate exchanges are set up for a façade or not is not the
issue at all, and you damn well know it. Because if that's the case, why not
spare a thought for the millions of people copying that Metallica CD to CD
(or MD) for a friend? Or for those who are making copies of their favourite
video, Bambi? Anything with a record or copy button can be abused, and to
single out one technology when all are just as susceptible, and all are
available to the masses, and all can be afforded by the masses, is clearly

Re: MD: topic still!

2000-07-29 Thread Graham Baker

You raise some good points Shawn.
Here's another angle on why I also don't see that I am 'stealing' by using
I don't download any of the recent/popular stuff as IMHO most of it is not
worth listening to and I certainly wouldn't be buying it.
My main use of Napster is to source old long lost 45's and other vinyl
that in some cases has never been released on CD and probably never
Some of it is available on compilation CD's but again I wouldn't buy the
CD just for one or two tracks that I like. Also the record companies
constantly re-release this sort of stuff and don't often vary the mix or
content, just change the cover and hope that the suckers will buy
So many tracks never get released whilst many of them are re-released to
death... depending on the whim of the record execs and on their opinion on
if it will make a buck or not.
IMHO, the record companies do not cater to the customer or their clients,
just to themselves.
Napster has changed all that - here is a source of thousands of long lost
tracks that the record companies are not even interested in releasing.

Just a minor point of disagreement - if I had to pay (someone, preferably
the artist) a *small fee* to copy the master tape recording (rather than a
poor quality free version)  I would be happy to do so

If only the music distributors would get behind this new distribution
technology, they could offer a service at a reasonable fee that might keep
everybody happy - IMHO it would be worth paying for access to the complete
catalogue of EMI or the BBC record library.


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RE: MD: Napigator : How does it work ?

2000-07-29 Thread Tony Antoniou

Napigator just hooks you up to servers like Napster itself does.

As for the intimate details, you've heard my argument. That's all I have to


---  TAMA - The Strongest Name in Drums  ---

 -Original Message-
From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]  On Behalf
Of Dan Frakes
Sent:   Saturday, 29 July 2000 1:25
To: MDList
Subject:RE: MD: Napigator : How does it work ?

"Tony Antoniou" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
All the answers to your questions are on Napigator's website. And
yes, of course it is legal!

How so? duck
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RE: MD: topic still!

2000-07-29 Thread Tony Antoniou

Couldn't we then consider the mp3's as being part of that marketing machine?
Giving people a taste of what's out there and to go out shopping?


---  TAMA - The Strongest Name in Drums  ---

 -Original Message-
From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]  On Behalf
Of Dan Frakes
Sent:   Saturday, 29 July 2000 1:21
To: MDList
Subject:Re: MD: topic still!

But, that said, remember that the majority of bands that have "made it"
did so not because their music has been so much better than other music
that fans flocked to them, but because a good portion of record company
profits went towards massive advertising, playlist stuffing, promotional
efforts, etc. Without that extra money, we'd most likely see a levelling
of the playing field on the one hand, but also a lot of good bands will
get lost in the quagmire, IMHO.

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RE: MD: Napster viewpoint

2000-07-29 Thread Tony Antoniou

However, the device with which you are recording those time shifted programs
is also capable of recording from any CD without permission, and without
paying for it.

The differences are indistinguishable because recording devices are just as
prolific as is the effect of Napster on mp3 distribution.


---  TAMA - The Strongest Name in Drums  ---

 -Original Message-
From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]  On Behalf
Of Dan Frakes
Sent:   Saturday, 29 July 2000 1:22
To: MDList
Subject:Re: MD: Napster viewpoint

Technically, the difference is that the record companies have granted a
limited, exclusive license to certain radio stations to broadcast certain
songs off of certain albums. You have the right to "time shift" those
broadcasts -- that is, record them and listen to them when it is more
convenient for you. The record companies often also get some degree of
royalties and revenues from radio airplay. The basic purpose for such
broadcasting is to get you to buy CDs.

Napster, on the other hand, allows you to download any song from any CD
without permission, and without paying for it. By using Napster, users
are taking control of the broadcast and distribution medium and, in turn,
the music itself.

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RE: MD: Napigator : How does it work ?

2000-07-29 Thread Tony Antoniou

You do not need to use Unix. All you need to use is IE

And don't forget, it wasn't clear for me either when I first fired it up. I
consider it to be self-intuitive. I'm sure you'll find if you just muck
around with it some more.

Sorry dude, but I just don't have any patience to educate. I like to just
get out there and do it, so forgive my impatience 3#-)


---  TAMA - The Strongest Name in Drums  ---

 -Original Message-
From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]  On Behalf
Of Peter Forest
Sent:   Saturday, 29 July 2000 1:13
Subject:RE: MD: Napigator : How does it work ?

Justly... I read the website, and it was not so clear for me...

Don't forget that I'm not so familiar wit all this...

Is it ok if I use Internet Explorer ? I don't know nothing about UNIX...


-Original Message-
Behalf Of Tony Antoniou
Sent: Friday, July 28, 2000 10:30 AM
Subject: RE: MD: Napigator : How does it work ?

All the answers to your questions are on Napigator's website. And yes, of
course it is legal!


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MD: FS(UK): Two MD-P1 personal MD players

2000-07-29 Thread Mark


I have two MD-P1 personal MD players (made by Grundig) for sale.

 - LCD backlit remote control (has standard 3.5mm phone jack, so you can use
   your own headphones instead of the supplied in-ear set if you want)
 - 40 second anti-shock feature
 - bass boost feature
 - Compact silver-coloured casing
 - takes single AA-size NiMH rechargeable (supplied) or alkaline battery
 - comes with AC adapter/charger
 - "new" in box (see below for explanation)

The MD-P1 is a current model, selling for 80 pounds; see for
a picture (browse the personal MD players page or search for MDP1). For
convenience, I have also uploaded the picture to
The units I have do not have the "Venturer" logo shown in that picture.

I'm not quite sure what the story with these units is. I bought three at an
auction. They are all boxed, and appear to be unused. However only one came
with a user manual. I am keeping that one and selling the other two.

I have unwrapped one to confirm that it works (installed battery, charged it
up). The other that I am selling is currently still wrapped.

60 pounds each, including postage within the UK. For cost of photocopying I
can provide a copy of the user manual. Or you could order a new original
manual for 6 pounds from the Partmaster service.

For references, check my feedback rating on the eBay auction site (username
mark_k). I also have one Grundig DA600 personal CD player for sale. Contact
me by email if interested.

-- Mark

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MD: Sony JE700 deck

2000-07-29 Thread Keith Whitfield

Any one got the technical info on the Sony MDS-JE700 it's quite an old
unit 1997 i think.

thanks in advance

The MDS JB940 is due out in the UK mid to end of august.
So my local sony shop tell me price £299.
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2000-07-29 Thread DoctorWu51

Has anyone tried one of the SONY ZS-M35 boomboxes, yet?  Any opinions on the 
sound, etc.?  There are supposed to be capable of recording CD to MD at high 

Chris Callahan
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MD: Sony 940

2000-07-29 Thread Jim Gray

So far no one has spoken up: does ANYONE own a Sony 940 deck?
I wanted to know if it will still record at mono, and here's another
question: if you record on the new, long play lower-bitrate speed, can
that disc be played on other models, or only on new equipment with the
long play feature?

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Re: MD: Sony 940

2000-07-29 Thread David W. Tamkin

Jim Gray asked,

| So far no one has spoken up: does ANYONE own a Sony 940 deck?

Last I heard, none had left Japan for distributors yet.  I'm on the waiting
list for one at Video Direct and very eager to get it, less for the longer
playback than for Scale Factor Edit.

| I wanted to know if it will still record at mono,

So do I.  I hope it will.  I'd rather record 160 minutes of monaural material
as one copy at full rate than as two identical channels at half-rate, or 320
minutes of mono material as one copy at half-rate than as two redundant chan-
nels at quarter-rate.

| ... and here's another
| question: if you record on the new, long play lower-bitrate speed, can
| that disc be played on other models, or only on new equipment with the
| long play feature?

Word is that it will not play on models that don't support the slower speeds;
more likely, I think it will play back incorrectly.  Apparently one can mix
tracks of different bit rates on a single disc and a full-rate only unit can
play the full-rate tracks.  Further rumor is that there are portable players
coming out soon that will support the slower speeds, but I can't remember
where I heard that.

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Re: MD: Sony 940

2000-07-29 Thread Richard Wright

At 14:41 29/07/2000 -0400, you wrote:

So far no one has spoken up: does ANYONE own a Sony 940 deck?
I wanted to know if it will still record at mono, and here's another
question: if you record on the new, long play lower-bitrate speed, can
that disc be played on other models, or only on new equipment with the
long play feature?

940 is not released yet AFAIK. says the '40 series is gonna 
be released in August, but there's nowt on Sony website apparently...

I wouldn't have thought older models will play lower bitrate stuff. They 
might try to but it'll probably just come out all garbled.



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Re: MD: Sony 940

2000-07-29 Thread Keith Whitfield

if you record on the new, long play lower-bitrate speed yoc can't play
it on players that don't support it that much i do no.
I'm still trying to find info on this deck.


On 29-Jul-00, you wrote:

 So far no one has spoken up: does ANYONE own a Sony 940 deck?
 I wanted to know if it will still record at mono, and here's another
 question: if you record on the new, long play lower-bitrate speed, can
 that disc be played on other models, or only on new equipment with the
 long play feature?
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MD: Headphones

2000-07-29 Thread Andras Simon

Hi all,

A few days ago I've bought a JVC XMR70 portable. The
supplied headphones' quality is (IMHO) closer to
'crap' than anything I've heard before. The volume
level is also very low. I guess the low volume is
not (entirely) JVC's fault, since I tried the headphones
with a Sharp MDX60 system, and I assume the Sharp
definitely has the power to drive the headphones, the
volume was pretty low, as well. So it's the headphones'
fault, after all.
I read some user somments about the JVC, that is the
first thing after purchase is to buy a pair of decent
headphones. OK, I'm committed to do so, but I have no
idea which model/brand should I choose.

Any ideas, suggestions ?


Andras Simon   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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RE: MD: Headphones

2000-07-29 Thread Nathan White

Get Sony MDR-E888's... They are amazing!!

Nathan White

-Original Message-
Andras Simon
Sent: Saturday, July 29, 2000 4:17 PM
Subject: MD: Headphones

Hi all,

A few days ago I've bought a JVC XMR70 portable. The
supplied headphones' quality is (IMHO) closer to
'crap' than anything I've heard before. The volume
level is also very low. I guess the low volume is
not (entirely) JVC's fault, since I tried the headphones
with a Sharp MDX60 system, and I assume the Sharp
definitely has the power to drive the headphones, the
volume was pretty low, as well. So it's the headphones'
fault, after all.
I read some user somments about the JVC, that is the
first thing after purchase is to buy a pair of decent
headphones. OK, I'm committed to do so, but I have no
idea which model/brand should I choose.

Any ideas, suggestions ?


Andras Simon   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: MD: md-l-digest V2 #701

2000-07-29 Thread Link :-7

Hi List,

I'm sorry, I know this isn't pretty.

Date: Thu, 27 Jul 2000 23:27:36 -0700
From: Dan Frakes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: MD: Napster and my venting

"Link :-7" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What has the recording industry done for me? They've saturated the
 Media with sh|t music... Brittany Spears, BackStreet Boys, Eminem,
 Limp Bizkit (I don't care how PRO-Napster they are, they still suck),
 oh, I forgot about the whole Latin Explosion too, nothing against it,
 but I guess Ska was two summers ago and last summer was Brian Setzer
 and Swing... Whatever they want to market. The only radio I listen to
 is oldies, and that's if I'm too lazy to hook up my minidisc to take
 a quick drive across town.

Of course that's all your opinion, and has nothing to do with whether or 
not Napster is involved in copyright infringement...

No, it has everything to do with it.  The issue is that the RIAA is losing 
money.   Metallica is going after the wrong people.  When Pearl Jam was 
upset about the rediculous price of concerts tickets (and rightfully so, 
again, my opinion) they didn't go after the fans buying those tickets, they 
went to the source of the problem.

The source of this problem is the RIAA, the band makes pocket change on a CD 
sale while the RIAA is putting paper bills in their pocket.

 oh yeah, some entertainment:
 Or goto:
 Click Napster Bad!  It's funny, and it is the truth about Metallica.

For those that don't want to waste the bandwidth (and their time), the
gist of the above cartoon is this: "Metallica fans who spend hundreds of
dollars buying Metallica CDs, concert tickets, t-shirts, etc. are great
unless they download Metallica MP3's, in which case the band wants them
to go to jail." (That, and some really stupid caricatures of the band
members.) Nice idea except for one fact: the people downloading the songs
aren't the people who have been buying all the CDs, concert tickets, etc.

To quote you my friend (using that lightly) Of course that's all your 
opinion, and has nothing to do with whether or not Napster is involved in 
copyright infringement...


Date: Thu, 27 Jul 2000 23:38:38 -0700
From: Dan Frakes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: MD: Napster

las [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What is the matter with the record companies?? Half of the music that
 is on Napster can't even be found anywhere!! It's not like you can go
 to Tower records and buy the CD.

I'd be willing to bet all the money to my name that 99% of the songs on
Napster are available at Tower, Virgin, or an online CD store.

That's pretty funny because I just started using Napster a week ago.  Not 
that I've ever had anything against it, but I buy a lot of music, on Indy 
labels.   I didn't put any complete album on Napster, I don't feel "right" 
doing that.  However I did put up some MP3s that I downloaded from Courtney 
Love's Hole Website:
Funny thing is those songs are free on her site, but about %50 of my hits 
were for those songs...  The other "hits" I received were for all the Indy 
bands that I listed because I couldn't find them when I did a search.  One 
was Southern Lord Records new Release by Mondo Generator called "Cocaine 
Rodeo" got some hits as well as some Phish songs from "The White Tape".  My 
live Smashing Pumpkins material also received a lot of hits, as well as some 
rare Wellwater Conspiracy...   Try finding any of this at Virgin or Tower 
records... No way in hell chief.  I'm just one case, but people definetly 
knew what they were looking for, and I'm personally glad I could provide 
that!  Napster didn't infringe on any copyrights, I did, I put those songs 
there, I let people download them.  I'll take full responsibility for my 
actions,  please RIAA, lock me up!  I could list a post in some newsgroups, 
and have people download the songs from my at, I didn't 
have to put these songs on Napster.

 The record industry has to realize that the whole world is changing.
 Hell, all someone has to do is make arrangements with someone in some
 country that does not honor US or international copyrights and charge
 5 cents a download. I don't see how you can stop someone from doing
 something like this when they are not bound by US law.

There are international copyright laws.

Let me quote the guy who wrote this Sir Disecter:  Hell, all someone has to 
do is make arrangements with someone in some
 country that does not honor US or international copyrights and charge
 5 cents a download.

 Maybe when Metallash!t has to keep canceling concerts because they
 can't sell enough tickets, they'll have a change of heart too!! They
 are got to be lower then pond scum. Even lower then lawyers!!! (if
 you can get that low!!). They are suing their fans This has got
 to be a first.

I don't get this. A band is upset that people are stealing their 


2000-07-29 Thread las


What I don't understand is how Napster can afford to take this to court??  The
site doesn't have advertising and I don't see them making an income from it.
But I must be missing something.


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RE: MD: topic still!

2000-07-29 Thread Dan Frakes

"Tony Antoniou" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Couldn't we then consider the mp3's as being part of that marketing 
machine? Giving people a taste of what's out there and to go out 

Yes, but *only* if it is by the record companies' initiation/permission. 
Without that permission, it's copyright violation.
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MD: 80 Minute Month

2000-07-29 Thread Les

 === The original message was multipart MIME===
 === All non-text parts (attachments) have been removed ===

Thanks Peter!

It is good to have a friendly recommendation from you.  And as I have =
before I would buy from you myself if I were not already in the =
LOL.  Hope Kheopsmindisc is doing well for you.

Have a good one
Musically Yours,

Music Mixers

Very Good Price Les !!!

I hope everybody will be able to take advantage of this great deal !!!

If you need a smaller quantity, we offer the 80mn 5 pack for $12.00 =
each) with Paypal Direct Payment on our website... But we can't beat =
really good price for bigger quantity !

Don't hesitate to trust Les from Music Mixer, he's a great dealer... =
Guaranteed, fast shipping and great Service...

Good Week-End everyone...

Pierre Forest - Kheops Minidisc Owner
Kheops Minidisc - Your One Stop Shop for All Your Minidisc Needs !

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Re: MD: Headphones

2000-07-29 Thread Dan Frakes

Andras Simon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I read some user somments about the JVC, that is the
first thing after purchase is to buy a pair of decent
headphones. OK, I'm committed to do so, but I have no
idea which model/brand should I choose.

Any ideas, suggestions ?

Depends on your budget, and whether you want earbuds, "active" 
(jogging/workout) 'phones, or good hefty headphones.

Earbuds? The best there are are the Etymotics 4P/4S, but they cost $300. 
Sony supposedly makes some decent cheaper ones, and I've heard decent 
comments about the Koss "Plug."

Active phones? Personally, I think the Koss KSC35 is the best there is, 
period. Around $35

"Regular" phones? Again, the Koss Porta-Pros, at around $45 are 
outstanding, and for around $70 you can get the Grado SR-60s which are 
IMHO, the best sub-$100 headphones out there. These two are probably the 
best sub-$100 deals.

Again, my opinions, so no flames, please ;-)

You can also checkout for a retailer that 
specializes in top-quality headphones and accessories.
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Re: MD: md-l-mimedigest V2 #702

2000-07-29 Thread jgvp

You're missing my point. I can record from FM Radio because the RIAA have
struck a deal with the FM stations, so it costs me nothing. Let the RIAA
strike a deal with Napster and it still won't cost me anything. Nor should
it, if FM Radio doesn't. It just means that Napster is using modern day
technology that permits selectivity (choice) instead of FM radio that
bombards you with advertising and a take it or leave it programming. I don't
know about this "taking control" aspect, we've always had the "control" by
choosing whether we listen, whether we purchase radios, cd players, MD
players, you name it. Without us, where are the artists, the record
industry, and the manufacturers of the consumer electronics ? They're all
wasting their time if we choose not to play with their bat and ball. No
flaming intended.  

 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (md-l-mimedigest)
 Date: Sat, 29 Jul 2000 21:45:27 +0100
 Subject: md-l-mimedigest V2 #702
 Napster, on the other hand, allows you to download any song from any CD
 without permission, and without paying for it. By using Napster, users
 are taking control of the broadcast and distribution medium and, in turn,
 the music itself.
 I'm not making any judgements here. Just stating matter-of-factly.

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Re: MD: md-l-digest V2 #701

2000-07-29 Thread Dan Frakes

"Link :-7" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
To quote you my friend (using that lightly)

That's not necessary... just because people disagree, we don't need to 
disparage each other.

Of course that's all your opinion, and has nothing to do with whether 
or not Napster is involved in copyright infringement...

Concession: my rendition of that juvenile and pointless parody that 
really doesn't make any useful commentary on either side of the debate is 
indeed my opinion grin

I'd be willing to bet all the money to my name that 99% of the songs on
Napster are available at Tower, Virgin, or an online CD store.

The other "hits" I received were for all the Indy bands that I listed 
because I couldn't find them when I did a search. One was Southern 
Lord Records new Release by Mondo Generator called "Cocaine Rodeo" 
got some hits as well as some Phish songs from "The White Tape". My 
live Smashing Pumpkins material also received a lot of hits, as well 
as some rare Wellwater Conspiracy... Try finding any of this at 
Virgin or Tower records... No way in hell chief.

1) You are, self-admittedly, one of the minority of people that is really 
into indie bands. That doesn't mean that 99% of the stuff that is out 
there isn't easily available in stores.

2) I'd put money that I could go to Virgin records here in S.F. and 
either find the stuff you mentioned on the racks, or could order them and 
get them within a week.

Napster didn't infringe on any copyrights, I did, I put those songs 
there, I let people download them. I'll take full responsibility for 
my actions, please RIAA, lock me up!

LOL! At least that's understood. (I mean that good-naturedly.)

Why don't they go after the RIAA and make $5 on a CD sale, or try to 
incoroporate a price of $10 per CD WORLDWIDE!  Try to reclaim their 
copyrights with Congress, which are no longer theirs by law, the record 
company owns them because Metallica is a work for hire, just like a computer
programmer or any other musician in the eyes of the law.  They aren't 
artists anymore.

Yep, all true. But using those issues to defend Napster and/or stealing 
music is simply diversionary. They are separate issues. I'm on your side 
when it comes to artists getting ripped off. But the solution isn't to 
rip them off from the other end.

Tell me one record company or one band that wouldn't like me to play 
a CD for a friend, and that friend say, "wow, that was awesome" "I'll 
have to buy me a copy of that."

That statement rests on the assumption that people play MP3s for friends, 
and then the friends go out and buy the CD from which that MP3 was taken. 
We all know that what really happens is that the friend just says "Dude, 
send me that MP3."

Why have CD sales increased?

CD sales have increased because:
1) More people own CD players, and fewer people are buying cassettes.
2) The economy is doing very well.
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Re: MD: Headphones

2000-07-29 Thread las

  = NB: Over 50% of this message is QUOTED, please  =
  = be more selective when quoting text =

If you are looking for a decent, but inexpensive pair of headphones, Radio
Shack has their PRO 35 on sale for $20.00 (not sure when the sale will end).

They regularly sell for $40.  No, they are probably not worth $40.  But for
$20 I think that they are a good buy as an extra decent pair to have for
what ever.  They have a nice built in line volume control.  Sturdy slide

I think that may of the "boost features", like the so called "Groove"
setting on many Sony products are only to compensate for the crappy "Groove"
earbuds that come with the unit.

Dan Fracas wrote:

 Andras Simon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I read some user somments about the JVC, that is the
 first thing after purchase is to buy a pair of decent
 headphones. OK, I'm committed to do so, but I have no
 idea which model/brand should I choose.
 Any ideas, suggestions ?

 Depends on your budget, and whether you want earbuds, "active"
 (jogging/workout) 'phones, or good hefty headphones.

 Earbuds? The best there are are the Etymotics 4P/4S, but they cost $300.
 Sony supposedly makes some decent cheaper ones, and I've heard decent
 comments about the Koss "Plug."

 Active phones? Personally, I think the Koss KSC35 is the best there is,
 period. Around $35

 "Regular" phones? Again, the Koss Porta-Pros, at around $45 are
 outstanding, and for around $70 you can get the Grado SR-60s which are
 IMHO, the best sub-$100 headphones out there. These two are probably the
 best sub-$100 deals.

 Again, my opinions, so no flames, please ;-)

 You can also checkout for a retailer that
 specializes in top-quality headphones and accessories.
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 "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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RE: MD: Napster

2000-07-29 Thread Dan Frakes

"Tony Antoniou" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
P.S. Just because they are out of print doesn't give you the right to
have them... ;-)

But what else are we expected to do if we can't source them from 
anywhere else? Let's not forget that the hard to find stuff is 
usually not copyrighted to begin with anyway.

Under U.S. law, music is automatically copyrighted as soon as it's put 
onto a medium.

In fact, the hard to find stuff comes from bands who seek the 
recognition by releasing mp3's of themselves.

Yes, there are MP3s put out by bands purposely to increase exposure, but 
those files are irrelevant to the issue at hand, which is the wholesale 
copying of copyrighted materials without permission.

And there are plenty of users who are new to PC's yet have found IRC 
just as easy to use as well.

LOL. IRC is still arcane compared to email, Napster, the web.

But the *service* is encouraging pirating of music. And logistically, 
there is absolutely no way at this point in time to only bar certain 
users, or even to identify who those users are/were, as they can 
simply sign back on with another ID.

And our MD recorders encourage the piracy of music too. Do you find 
it realistic to take action against those things as well?

But that's the wrong analogy. MiniDisc is analogous to the MP3 *format,* 
not Napster. Napster is analogous to MiniDisc "trading" forums used by 
people looking to do the same thing as Napster users -- copy music they 
don't own.

Look, I should make this clear. Legally, I think the action taken against 
Napster is a bit questionable under U.S. law. They aren't actually 
*doing* the illegal actions. However, my problem is the self-serving 
"rationales" people continually use to justify the stealing of music. 
People who have this Mary Poppins-like ideal of how Napster is this 
wonderful thing that lets new bands get noticed and where no one really 
steals anything. We all know that's not true. Napster itself knows that's 
not true.

Telecommuncation lines are used for a myriad of things. Napster is 
used for one thing -- exchange of copyrighted music. The fact that a 
tiny minority of those exchanges is legal is simply a facade for the 
company to hide behind. It was designed, and is primarily used, as a 
way for people to get copies of music they don't own.

Prove it. If a fair justice system is based on being innocent until proven
guilty, prove to me that it was designed purely for piracy.

LOL. That's like saying "prove that the car was designed purely as a form 
of transportation ;-) Even the guy who invented Napster has said that's 
what it was created for. The entire system is set up to do one thing: 
find music you want and copy it. And the overwhelming majority of music 
transferred is stuff people don't already own. You know it, I know it, 
people freely admit it.

You, as the judge and all other legal professionals involved in the 
prosecution, are just simply not looking at the big picture. You've 
honed in on one point and just gone all out for it, when you know 
that there is far more to it than you would like to admit.

Sorry, that's not the case.

P.S. Rick, should we stop now, before people start killing each other? ;-)
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Re: MD: md-l-mimedigest V2 #702

2000-07-29 Thread las

jgvp wrote:

 You're missing my point. I can record from FM Radio because the RIAA have
 struck a deal with the FM stations, so it costs me nothing. Let the RIAA
 strike a deal with Napster and it still won't cost me anything. Nor should
 it, if FM Radio doesn't.

There is just one problem, the radio stations have advertising that pays them so
that they can pay the record companies.

I don't see any source of income for Napster.  There are no ads on Napster.

There is one other difference.  Each time a record is played on FM it goes out
to who ever is listening or recording at the time.  You don't have any choice
for the most part as to what and when it will be played.  So it is easy for the
record company to compute a flat charge for each time a song is aired.

But Napster is different.  If it charged money I suppose that you could call it
"Play per View".  You, the recorder, decide what and when a song is going to be
downloaded.  This doesn't mean that some agreement couldn't be worked out.  But
it would not be as simple as the radio station.  You just can't compare the two.

Since the person doing the recording has the say as to what they will record, it
seems to me that they will have to have a certain amount of financial
responsibility for  what they select.  I don't care if the agreement is as low
as a penny a song.  As long as an agreement is set in  place making it legal to
download copyrighted mp3 files.

As far as the person on the list who mentioned not being willing to pay for
compressed music (I apologize for not remembering who said it),  I see your
point.  When you record off of FM you are recording compressed music (the music
is rolled off at 15,000 hz).  But it doesn't cost you anything.  Then again, how
many times does the DJ start talking before the end of the song??  FM is free to
record from because you are getting total crap.  Mp3 on the other had is (in the
words of the great philosopher Sidney Schneps) "a better type of cheap junk".


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Re: MD: md-l-digest V2 #701

2000-07-29 Thread las

Dan Frakes wrote:

I think that you would lose that bet.  If you say the "songs" meaning some
version of the song, maybe 50 to 75%.  Maybe.  But you would probably have to buy
75 to 100 CD just to get 100 individual songs.

But Napster offers something that you have no why of knowing about just by
looking at a CD.  Alternate versions of the song!!   For example, I found at
least 3 different versions of "Green Eyed Lady" (Sugerloaf) [on my list of top
100 songs of all time-just this humble music lover's modest personal opinion].
What are the chances of finding all three versions?  How can you  tell they are
different??  Not all CDs list the time on the outside liner notes, so you can't
used approach (unreliable anyway).

 I'd be willing to bet all the money to my name that 99% of the songs on
 Napster are available at Tower, Virgin, or an online CD store.

 2) I'd put money that I could go to Virgin records here in S.F. and
 either find the stuff you mentioned on the racks, or could order them and
 get them within a week.

Which version??  How many CD's are you going to have to buy to get the 10 songs
that you want?

 My undergraduate degree is in Pharmacy, so I still tend to follow the industry
 news.  I think that the prices drugs companies get is outragous!!  It is bull
 that they have to pay for R and D and testing.  The drug companies give modest
 grants to Universities who conduct the majority of the studies.

But as much unjust enrichment as the drug companies get, at least you don't have
to buy 10 different drugs just to get the one you want!

The 20th Century way of distributing music is not acceptable any more.  With the
options that people have today, many people are no longer will to put up with the
"buy 10 songs to get one" concept any more!  "We're mad as hell and we're not
going to take it anymore" (from the movie Network).

Just my 2 cents,

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MD: Napster... and all this technologies !!!

2000-07-29 Thread Peter Forest

"Technological progress has given humankind great possibilities. This is a
good thing, but all these new facilities and opportunities lead them to
expect everything from outside and to become heedless, thoughtless, and
fickle. We can neglect our health: there are doctors, surgeons, dentists,
chemists, etc. We can waste paper, ruin appliances, break objects, soil and
tear our clothes, throw away food: there is plenty more of everything in the
This is how care and attention, vigilance, and discernment gradually wane.
Why develop these qualities when there are so many people and products
available to repair the damage we have done? Scientists, researchers,
technicians are all there to help people with their inventions. In reality,
however, they help the manufacturers get richer, and make the people
increasingly weak and dependent. I am not saying we should put a halt to
technological progress, but we must also continue to work in the inner
domain in order to cultivate care and attention, prudence, and

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RE: MD: Headphones

2000-07-29 Thread Peter Forest

For me, as my personal choice, the best headphone are from Sony :
MDR-G72LP... Why ?? Simply because they are very comfortable, the sound is
good (very good in fact) and they are very affordable... They are very
useful when you do some sport...

When I'm going to a rollerblade ride, since I most wear an helmet, these
headphone are great since they are behind my neck, not over my head...

That's my personal choice...

Pierre Forest - Kheops Minidisc Owner
Kheops Minidisc - Your one stop shop for all your minidisc needs !

-Original Message-
Behalf Of Dan Frakes
Sent: Saturday, July 29, 2000 6:43 PM
To: MDList
Subject: Re: MD: Headphones

Andras Simon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I read some user somments about the JVC, that is the
first thing after purchase is to buy a pair of decent
headphones. OK, I'm committed to do so, but I have no
idea which model/brand should I choose.

Any ideas, suggestions ?

Depends on your budget, and whether you want earbuds, "active"
(jogging/workout) 'phones, or good hefty headphones.

Earbuds? The best there are are the Etymotics 4P/4S, but they cost $300.
Sony supposedly makes some decent cheaper ones, and I've heard decent
comments about the Koss "Plug."

Active phones? Personally, I think the Koss KSC35 is the best there is,
period. Around $35

"Regular" phones? Again, the Koss Porta-Pros, at around $45 are
outstanding, and for around $70 you can get the Grado SR-60s which are
IMHO, the best sub-$100 headphones out there. These two are probably the
best sub-$100 deals.

Again, my opinions, so no flames, please ;-)

You can also checkout for a retailer that
specializes in top-quality headphones and accessories.
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MD: Suggestion for you...

2000-07-29 Thread Peter Forest

I have a little suggestion for you...

It's not of my business I know, but if I were you, I remove the low shipping
charge on your website and also the quantity left of each products...

Why ?

First, a lot of people will be upset when they will realize that your charge
$2.50 for handling fees... I know that it's legal in a point, but when we
hurt people feeling, they don't come back later to buy from you...

It's better to don't tell the shipping charge.

Personally I have try to raise handling charge but it was not good for my
customers, they were complain about it... So, what I have decided is to
offer :

1- A flat rate shipping by Paypal.
2- A weight base shipping for any more than 1 products order.

When you do a weight shipping, this is the must fair shipping you can

We must not make benifit on shipping, but if we under charge for shipping
and people see that you  over charge on handling the side effect will be
real bad...

For the quantity you have in stock, it's a bad thing to tell...

People will see day after day if you sell or not your products and I don't
think they need to know that you are a small business, a small company...
It's better to appear like a big company, to never let appears that you are

Do what you want with this...

Best Regards,

Pierre Forest.

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MD: 3X posting apol, CD-MD recording royalty?, MD online distribution

2000-07-29 Thread Greg Conquest

Hi all,

First I want to apologize for my triple posting earlier about the idea
for a web page to take donations for bands whose music you "downloaded"
free and liked. I don't know how yahoo mail sent out three copies.

Second, here in Japan I can rent new CD full albums for about three and
a half dollars American (older ones for as little as one dollar). All
of these CD's have a sticker on them saying "Rental CD." Are there
royalties being paid out from these? If so, does anyone know how much
is paid and to whom -- the Record label ?

And finally, regarding mp3's vs. MD. Most of the mp3's traded are
128kbps, I believe. If I encode a CD to 196kbps or more, would the
quality be similar to that of an MD (assuming a good rip, good encoder,
etc.)? Is there NO WAY of sentding and receiving such MD files over the

Thanks much for any feedback.

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MD: volume loss in mono recording from CDs

2000-07-29 Thread David W. Tamkin

I've asked this before without a response; perhaps someone has come up with
an answer since then, or someone new on the list knows.

When I record a CD track to MD in mono mode by digital transfer, the levels
drop noticeably from those on the CD itself (despite a 0.0 gain setting on
the recorder) and from those on the MD recorder's VU meter.  I've noticed
this on several models of Sony MD decks.

Now, if the input were stereophonic I could understand it: the peaks in one
channel might come at the same times as softer amplitudes in the other, and
the mono recording on the MD would have to average them out, so the MD copy
might well peak lower than the CD source did.  But it happens even when the
CD source is monaural.  Recently, for example, a mono CD track that peaked at
0.0 dB (in both channels at the same time, as the track was truly monaural),
copied to MD digitally at 0.0 dB gain, produced a mono MD copy that peaked
around -1.2 dB.  The same CD track, recorded from the same CD player over the
same optical cable to the same MD recorder in stereo mode, yielded a stereo
copy that peaked at 0.0 dB (but of course it took up twice the space).

If I turn the gain up a little, the VU meter goes nuts into the red, yet on
playback the resultant mono copy won't come near 0.0 dB, much less clip. 
Apparently the attenuation is occurring somewhere in the MD recorder after
the signal passes the VU meter display.

Does anyone know what is going on here and how to get proper levels on mono
recordings (short of waiting for the MDS-JB940 to come out and post-process-
ing the track with Scale Factor Edit, assuming Scale Factor Edit works on
mono data)?

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