MD: MD recorder with timer

2000-10-11 Thread mjw


Is there on the market a MD-recorder which could start
recording at a preprogrammed date/time ?

Kind regards
MJ Wiechowski
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MD: Sharp 722 / Mics?

2000-10-11 Thread markaren

Thanks to the help I received here, I purchased the Sharp MS722. ( I'm
the guy recording live audio to accompany my photo slide shows) I still
need to purchase binaural mics. At $950 the Core high end models are out
of the question. How about the middle end Core's etc.? Should I be
looking at other mfgrs models? The loudest sounds I would be
recording..possibly a train passing buy, busy traffic,
thunderstorms, or a jet flying overhead. I need reasonable frequency
response and dynamic range to record this without break-up, but most
loud sounds will be fleeting, unlike a continuous loud concert. I'd say
$300 at the very most I'd be willing to budget. I suppose I'll need the
battery box and use the line input? Any suggestions? Thanks again.
Mark Dottle

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Re: MD: Burmistrzowi - Rola Niemiec w sterowaniu demokracja

2000-10-11 Thread mjw

c A czy teraz nie moze byc "wynajety" przez oscienne mocarstwo?

c pozdrawiam
c piotr

 Moze, patrz Balcerowicz jedzie do Gruzji

Gorzej byloby, gdyby pojechal do Niemiec, Izraela lub Rosji.

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Re: MD: Re: Dac sie wydupcyc dla idei

2000-10-11 Thread mjw

Pyta p. Piotr:

 Niepomny grozby otrzymania wiachy wulgaryzmow pytam:
 Czy chce Pan "odkundlac" go sila?

Mam powiedziec szczerze?

Chcialbym sie ktoregos dnia obudzic i zapomniec, ze jestem
Polakiem. Miec to wszystko z glowy. Zajac sie czyms innym.

 Czy odciecie tluszczy od propagandy np. niemieckiej spowoduje, ze
 stanie sie ona Narodem?

Nie wiem. Wiem jednak, ze obecnosc propagandy niemieckiej
i zydowskiej proces stawania sie narodem znacznie utrudnia.

 Moim zdaniem ludzi nie nalezy odcinac od propagandy, lecz ich
 od niej uodparniac.

Panie Piotrze, ma Pan do dyspozycji 1000 zl na kontrpropagande
wobec przeciwnika, ktory dysponuje dziesiatkami i setkami
milionow. Jakie ma Pan szanse? Takie, jak Lopuszanski przeciwko


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Re: MD: MD recorder with timer

2000-10-11 Thread David Sowa

most of the mini-systems will do this although I think they
mainly have a progammable time only, (not date).  my 
sharp md-x5 has a programmable time for recording 
but since it is time only I have to set it within 24 hours
of the event.

david sowa

- Original Message - 
Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2000 6:04 AM
Subject: MD: MD recorder with timer

 Is there on the market a MD-recorder which could start
 recording at a preprogrammed date/time ?
 Kind regards
 MJ Wiechowski
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Re: MD: MD recorder with timer

2000-10-11 Thread Steve Corey

In the absence of any other solution, I suppose you could get a MD
recorder that has a "synchro-start" feature-- It won't record until it
receives a digital signal.  Then hook it up to your computer with a
digital output, and use the various timer functions on your computer to
start record/playback software.  


 Is there on the market a MD-recorder which could start
 recording at a preprogrammed date/time ?
 Kind regards
 MJ Wiechowski
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Re: MD: Re: MD recorder with timer

2000-10-11 Thread mjw


You are talking about a mini-system. I was interested
in portable MD-recorders (which I failed to mention).
Even a cassette recorder with programmable start of
recording would do...
But thank you anyway.

MJ Wiechowski

--- Reply separator ---

most of the mini-systems will do this although I think they
mainly have a progammable time only, (not date).  my 
sharp md-x5 has a programmable time for recording 
but since it is time only I have to set it within 24 hours
of the event.

david sowa

- Original Message - 
Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2000 6:04 AM
Subject: MD: MD recorder with timer

 Is there on the market a MD-recorder which could start
 recording at a preprogrammed date/time ?
 Kind regards
 MJ Wiechowski
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MD: Digital protection ???

2000-10-11 Thread Keith Whitfield

Hi all
I have been reading about this copy protection  would like to no if I wass
to record a mix off the radio and put the track markers in etc could I then
copy ot to another MD digitally and keep the markers like when you record
from a cd? I know I can't make copys from the copy.

If the above works could I also record from A LP2 md (My unit suports it) to
standard stereo and keep markers etc.


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MD: MDLP Car head units

2000-10-11 Thread Keith Whitfield

Quick question.
When are the mdlp head units from sony due out in the U.K and does anybody
no if there compatible with the old cd multichangers.

Thanks again

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Re: MD: Digital protection ???

2000-10-11 Thread Simon Gardner

I have been reading about this copy protection  would like to no if I wass
to record a mix off the radio and put the track markers in etc could I then
copy ot to another MD digitally and keep the markers like when you record
from a cd? I know I can't make copys from the copy.

If you're recording in analogue, then the MD will be "11" or SCMS 
restricted (ie. you can take a further copy). A subsequent digital copy of 
that MD will be "10" or SCMS prohibited (ie. you can't record another copy 
from it).

Short version: yes, it'll work from MD1 (radio-MD) to MD2 (MD-MD) and 
keep the trackmarks.

If the above works could I also record from A LP2 md (My unit suports it) to
standard stereo and keep markers etc.

Not sure but I'd assume that's the case as the LP players 
wouldn't/shouldn't do SCMS any differently.



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2000-10-11 Thread Keith Whitfield

  = NB: Over 50% of this message is QUOTED, please  =
  = be more selective when quoting text =

Where Do you get the SCMS stripper from or do you build them yourself.
What price are they and are they the sort of thing you can get in
electronic/Audio shops if not wheres a good web site to buy from.

On 05-Sep-00, you wrote:

 Jeanmougin wrote,
 But what will be the SCMS status of this new digital copy (unlimited copy
 or one
 generation allowed?)?
 It might depend on your stripper. Mine makes the new digital copy
 "unlimited copy".
 It is very convenient. Having a SCMS stripper between my deck and my R-90
 has been a real upgrade. Great for re-organizing and consolidating music
 between MD's.
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Re: MD: Funky charging on the R900

2000-10-11 Thread Ed Heckman

At 9/24/00 5:00 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] increased the world's knowledge by 

The model number is BC-7HT.

Thanks for the lead. I bought a charger plus a spare battery from Planet 
Minidisc about 2 weeks ago. This let me use the two rechargeables to 
record all the sessions I was in at a conference last week. It really 
saved my butt.

Don't let the specs fool you, the R900 gets significantly less recording 
time on the rechargeable battery than 8 hours. I say only about 6 hours 
(or so) in LP4 mode. And playback time isn't that much better. (These 
estimates are based on the battery indicator in the display.)

 Ed "What the" Heckman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| In a single day, Samson slew a thousand Philistines with the |
| jawbone of an ass.  Every day, thousands of dreams are killed|
| with the same weapon.|
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Re: MD: MDLP Car head units

2000-10-11 Thread Simon Gardner

Quick question.
When are the mdlp head units from sony due out in the U.K and does anybody
no if there compatible with the old cd multichangers.

As they go in yearly(ish) cycles and the 6500/8500 came out a couple of 
months ago, I'd say next summer at the earliest (have MDLP car units even 
been announced yet?).

With the CD changers, I don't think Sony have altered the multichanger 
connection in a while and have no need to for future ones. The and newsgroups may be a better place to 
check though.


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Re: MD: ATRAC-R (HiFi)

2000-10-11 Thread J. Coon

Steve Corey wrote:
 I was a die-hard uncompressed PCM DAT fan for years.  When MD's first
 came out, they sounded terrible, so I wrote off the format.  Then a
 person, whose ears I trusted, said that I should really check out the
 new MD's.  I was impressed, and now am the proud owner of a Sony
 MZR-90.  I absolutely love it.  Even though it has its share of annoying
 (endearing?) quirks.

Just be careful of the END SEARCH button. Use it even when you don't
need to, 'cause it will erase your Md faster than you can say bread and

 If you're looking for fidelity (faithfulness) I havn't come across a
 situation where MD has not been adequate.  I'm new to MD, however, so
 perhaps I'll stumble across something that will trip it up.  'Till then
 I'll happily continue "taping" with my MD.

There was one incident with a certain French horn solo on a Sharp 702
that was reproducible.  However, it disappeared when another instrument
was added to the mix, or a different sequence of notes was played.  Most
people would have missed the artifact if it hadn't been brought to their

Jim Coon
Not just another pretty mandolin picker.
If Gibson made cars, would they sound so sweet?

My first web page
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Re: MD: Sharp 722 / Mics?

2000-10-11 Thread J. Coon

 the guy recording live audio to accompany my photo slide shows) I still
 need to purchase binaural mics. At $950 the Core high end models are out
 of the question. How about the middle end Core's etc.? 

This one is pretty handy for a portable recorder.  YOu can't beat the

Jim Coon
Not just another pretty mandolin picker.
If Gibson made cars, would they sound so sweet?

My first web page
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Re: MD: Burmistrzowi - Rola Niemiec w sterowaniu demokracja

2000-10-11 Thread J. Coon

Is this about minidisc? 

 c A czy teraz nie moze byc "wynajety" przez oscienne mocarstwo?
 c pozdrawiam
 c piotr
  Moze, patrz Balcerowicz jedzie do Gruzji
 Gorzej byloby, gdyby pojechal do Niemiec, Izraela lub Rosji.
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Jim Coon
Not just another pretty mandolin picker.
If Gibson made cars, would they sound so sweet?

My first web page
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MD: Sony mz-r70 agc...

2000-10-11 Thread Brian

Knowing not much about the functioning of the r70 during digital recording, is
AGC always 'on' when recording from a digital source 
unless the level is manually set? /me shivers with the thought of having to set
the level for every digital recording...

oy it's late, i'm tired, and spruce stinks!

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MD: MDS-JB940 and Planet MiniDisc

2000-10-11 Thread James T. Resinger

I'd been moaning and groaning and grumbling about the seeming
unavailability of the MDS-JB940 since it was supposedly released.
Every day I popped on to the Crutchfield web site only to be greeted
by "out of stock." I read with envy the posts by the Brits who had
acquired *their* 940s, and I wondered whether I'd ever find one of my
own. I seemed to strike out everywhere I went.

Then a mention of Planet MiniDisc on the MD Community Page caused me
to check out their web site. After all, I'd done business with them
back in June of '98 when I bought my Sharp MD-X5. Much to my surprise,
they had the 940 "in stock now," which I confirmed via e-mail. I
phoned in my order, and Adam Heller at Planet MiniDisc assured me they
when they say "in stock," that's exactly what they mean. 

I am now the proud owner of the MDS-JB940, and I urge anyone who
hasn't found one to go to

Jim Resinger

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Re: MD: Digital protection ???

2000-10-11 Thread David W. Tamkin

Simon Gardner wrote,

| If you're recording in analogue, then the MD will be "11" or SCMS 
| restricted (ie. you can take a further copy). A subsequent digital copy of 
| that MD will be "10" or SCMS prohibited (ie. you can't record another copy 
| from it).

Simon, you read the DAT-Heads FAQ, didn't you?

Those numeric designations are for DAT.  MD uses the complements: 00 is
restricted, 01 is prohibited, and 11 and 10 are unrestricted.

CD is different yet: there is only one copy-protection bit per frame, and all
ones mean unrestricted, all zeroes mean prohibited (I may have those two re-
versed), and alternating ones and zeroes mean restricted.

Because the actual bit representations are different for different media,
I prefer the terms "SCMS-unlimited" for the settings that permit repeated
generations of recopying, "SCMS-penultimate" for that which allows only one
further generation, and "SCMS-final" for the uncopyable setting.

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