RE: MD: External battery packs and portable electronics

2001-02-21 Thread Simon Mackay

Hi everyone!

Please bring the thread back on course rather than trashing editors of
magazines. The thread is all about the use of external long-range battery
packs with portable electronic gadgets like MD Walkmans and digital cameras.

With regards,

Simon Mackay

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Re: MD: External battery packs and portable electronics

2001-02-18 Thread Francisco J. Huerta

Every article that I've ever read from Ken Pohlmann always states that the
product "is one of the best he has ever tested" and that it is "a great
value", and that "you should buy it immediately". Every single one. Even for
Bose speakers (which he praises even more than other brands, such as Klipsch
or Mirage).

That, and the fact he hates MD, makes me think he is not an objective
reviewer... close to an a**hole.


- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, February 17, 2001 8:52 PM
Subject: Re: MD: External battery packs and portable electronics

 Don Capps wrote:

  From: "las" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Aside from being an objectivist (bound to offend the golden eared) what
  it exactly that makes Ken Pohlman an asshole and "clueless" about audio?
  Don C.

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Re: MD: External battery packs and portable electronics

2001-02-18 Thread Don Capps

From: "Francisco J. Huerta" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 That, and the fact he hates MD, makes me think he is not an objective
reviewer... close to an a**hole.

Oh well. [shrug] No use continuing this thread.

Don C.

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Re: MD: External battery packs and portable electronics

2001-02-17 Thread Dan Frakes

"Simon Mackay" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Has anyone ever had experience designing their own "long-distance" 
battery pack for their personal high-demand electronic devices? How 
did they go about designing the battery pack, what battery did they 
use as the basis of the pack and how did they connect it to the 
electronic device? Also, how did the device react to the external 
battery pack and was the device's battery meter able to indicate true 
battery strength of the external batteries?

Headroom sells an external battery pack for many CD players, and they 
even include a note that  "We can 4D holders for certain portable CD 
players. Call us for details." I am assuming that they could do the same 
for MD players.

As a side note, the device's battery meter will not indicate the battery 
strength. External battery packs plug into the AC adapter jack, so the 
device actually thinks it is connected to an AC adapter.
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Re: MD: External battery packs and portable electronics

2001-02-17 Thread las

Dan Frakes wrote:

 Headroom sells an external battery pack for many CD players, and they
 even include a note that  "We can 4D holders for certain portable CD
 players.  Call us for details." I am assuming that they could do the same
 for MD players.

Don't mean to hog the site, but you keep mentioning things that bring back
memories.  When I bought my portable CD player, the external (you didn't
actually put batteries into the player back then, they used too much power
and would take up too much space) battery pack was not available yet.

We were going to Hawaii and I wanted to take along my CD player.  So I went
to Radio Shack and bought a C Cell battery holder and made my own "portable".
power supply.  Primitive by today's standards, but it helped make the time on
the long flight pass.  l

I remember lying on the beach listening to Air Supply (don't make fun-this
was a long time ago G) and the Little River Band (I actually still like
TLRB some what.  Admittedly they do not have the staying power of the Eagles
or Moody Blues.  But I used to listen to ABBA [is that how they spelled it?]
once too and have no burning desire to download any of their MP3s).

That was about 15 years ago.  Maybe a little more.  But there was already a
magazine out called Digital something or other.  The editor was a guy whose
last name was Green.  He was not that young even then, but was ahead of his
time.  He also published a magazine devoted to laptop computers.

They had to change there name because one of the other audio magazines said
it was too similar to theirs even though it had the word Digital in it.

BTW that's where the assh0le Ken Pohmann (or whatever the jerks name is) get
his start.  I didn't like him them (he reviewed new CDs and was just as
clueless about music as he is about audio.

I think that he went to the University of Florida for his degree in audio.
No I have not followed present history of that college, but years ago you
could take the diploma they issued and use it for a paper airplane.

All of the brainless athletes used to graduate from there.  Again, that was
along time ago.  It may be a fine college today so don't start sending in the

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Re: MD: External battery packs and portable electronics

2001-02-17 Thread Don Capps


 BTW that's where the assh0le [sic] Ken Pohmann (or whatever the jerks name
is) get his start.  I didn't like him them (he reviewed new CDs and was just
as clueless about music as he is about audio.

Aside from being an objectivist (bound to offend the golden eared) what is
it exactly that makes Ken Pohlman an asshole and "clueless" about audio?

Don C.

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Re: MD: External battery packs and portable electronics

2001-02-17 Thread las

Don Capps wrote:

 From: "las" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Aside from being an objectivist (bound to offend the golden eared) what is
 it exactly that makes Ken Pohlman an asshole and "clueless" about audio?

 Don C.

You are fairly new to the list so you probably didn't see the article that was
posted here a few years ago where he totally trashed MDs claiming they were
inferior to Dolby C cassettes.

All you have to do is read some of his articles and if you know anything, you
start to say to yourself, "how'd this guy ever get a job as an "expert"

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Re: MD: External battery packs and portable electronics

2001-02-17 Thread Don Capps


You are fairly new to the list so you probably didn't see the article that
was posted here a few years ago where he totally trashed MDs claiming they
were inferior to Dolby C cassettes. All you have to do is read some of his
articles and if you know anything, you start to say to yourself, "how'd this
guy ever get a job as
an "expert"

True, I am new to the list. However, I am a LONG time reader of a number of
audio mags, both pro and home oriented. I have been reading Stereo Review
(now Sound  Vision) since the 70's and am VERY familiar with Ken Pohlman's
work. And I fail to see how Ken's having an opinion that differs from yours,
however radically, makes him an asshole.

Don C.

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Re: MD: External battery packs and portable electronics

2001-02-17 Thread las

Don Capps wrote:

 True, I am new to the list. However, I am a LONG time reader of a number of
 audio mags, both pro and home oriented. I have been reading Stereo Review
 (now Sound  Vision) since the 70's and am VERY familiar with Ken Pohlman's
 work. And I fail to see how Ken's having an opinion that differs from yours,
 however radically, makes him an asshole.

There are many people who have opinions that differ from mine yet I still highly
respect them.  Take yourself as an example.  We often have different opinions.
That doesn't stop me from respecting you.  But when a person substitutes their
own ignorant opinion for hard fact, in my book that makes them an asshole.

I didn't like him when he wrote for Digital Audio and really started to hate him
when he began his one man campaign to trash Mini Discs.  Come on.   Dolby better
than the audio quality of a mini disc??  It just ain't so.

Also, the magazine was originally called Hi Fi Review, then Hi Fi Stereo Review
and finally they dropped the Hi Fi altogether.  But If you have been reading
that magazine since the early 70's (you did not specify how early you started)
you would see that the quality of the reviewers and writers that they had back
then make you feel that Kenny must have known someone to get the job.

Anyone his/her states opinions as facts is an asshole in my book.  "Don't piss
on my leg and tell me it's raining".

I think that what it comes down to is that there is a lack of people who have
the technical understanding, insight, love of music and writing skills today in
the field of Hi Fi.  I was born the same year as broadcast TV and slightly
before stereo.  I was about eleven when stereo was introduced.

Back then even though the sound may have actually been poor by today's
standards, people were really into Hi Fi itself.  It was more than just a
hobby.  It was almost a way of life.  There was a passion that people had that
is gone now.

When I got into 8mm movies and then video, I got away from Hi Fi for a while.  I
started reading magazines like "Super Eight" and then "Video" and stopped
reading Hi Fidelity and Stereo Review (I was never too crazy about Audio

It was the advent of Hi Fi VCRs and home theater that started to bring me back
into Hi Fi.  But by that time the scene had changed.  Fisher no longer made
systems that a poor kid from Brooklyn like me could only drool over in
catalogs.  They were making crap.

Suddenly there was Pioneer.  Fisher was started by Fisher and his love for
music.  Marantz was started by Marantz and his love for music.  H/K, Scott etc.
These were not just the names of companies they were the names of music lovers.

Do you think that there is a guy named Pioneer out there who is a music lover?
I'm not claiming that there is anything wrong with solid state from a specs
point of view.  But there is something about those warm glowing tubes.  Even the
smell!  That's why so many bands still insist on using tube amps.

Again, I do not feel that tube amps are superior to solid state as some people
do.  I believe that if properly designed and using quality materials, solid
state offers many advantages over tubes.

Also, my mother warned me to never trust anyone whose name ended with a totally
unnecessary duplicate extra  letter G.

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