Re: MD: md-l-digest V2 #738

2000-09-09 Thread James Jarvie

Back from vacation for over a week, and I am still way
behind in reading the digests. 

 It all depends on  the type of music you are
 listening to.  Blue sure
 makes the blues sound good.  Red is for the the hot
 tunes, and Russian
 .  "Mellow, Yellow,  That's right Slick"  Anyone old
 enough to recognize
 what tune that line is from?  
 Green, Irish.  and the list goes on G

Actually, Jim and Dan, I save my green discs for
Christmas music (I could use red too, but I have alot
of red discs, and not that much Christmas music on MD
- I have tons of it on CD), and my blue discs for
blues and jazz.  Why? why not?

Oh, and I recognized the Donovan text too; but I
always thought the word was "saffron".  Thanks for
setting me straight.  By the way, I hated Donovan back
in the late '60s; but love him now.


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Re: MD: md-l-digest V2 #738

2000-09-09 Thread James Jarvie

 Let someone do to him what happened to expresident
 Reagan's press secretary,
 Brady and watch how fast (just like Brady's)
 political convictions change!  I
 think that everyone who has some strong political
 convection, should be put in
 the possession of a person who is affected by they
 that political decision.

I agree whole-heartedly with you.  I think ever
f--g republican in the great (please read the
previous word in a tone of sarcasm) US of A that has
ever voted against gun control should have a spouse or
child blown away by someone and then see if he can
justify his stance )of course I don't want to see that
happen to anyone - but I'm so pissed off that I have
to say that if it did, things might actually change. 
I hate George W. Bush, but would accept him as
president if someone would assisinate him  and thus
drive the point home (Again, I don't really want to
see anyone else deprived of a loved one by some
deranged gun-toting individual, but sometimes I think
that the only way a god-dd republican will ever
learn would be if it happened to his family).

Also, in many of the movies being released today, the
nudity is the only redeeming quality.

Anyway, I like your idea of a MD being provided to all
at birth; except I think it should be at a slightly
later age, as a rite of passage...say maybe upon
beginning first grade.

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Re: MD: md-l-digest V2 #738

2000-09-09 Thread las

Hi.  I don't know about all of  the following, but I'm the dude who
wrote the thing on gun control.  I really don't know how it ended up on
the MD list??

Doesn't George W. Bush have this scary look on his face?  It's across
between extremely mean and f~cken stupid!!!

I like to think of him as the Dale Quale (SP?-well I'm dyslexic, what's
his excuse?) of presidential nominees.

It not so much that I am really excited about Gore (I think he will
probably do fine-we know he likes having sex with is own wife-he
practically raped her on the podium when he got the nominationlol) and
not someone else's.

The debates will be the key.  We will have to wait and see.  But I have
a feeling that GWB is not a really bright fellow.  I think that Gore is.

I don't think that GWB calling someone an A hole (when he didn't know
the mikes were on) help his chances any.  I think it was a New York
Times reporter.  Not the best person to piss off when you are running
for office.

The most important thing is has either of them ever used a Mini Disc??
I'll take back some of what I said bad about Bush if he did and Gore did
not G.

Lieberman may have.  I don't think Cheney would even know how to insert
it in the unit.


James Jarvie wrote:

  Let someone do to him what happened to expresident
  Reagan's press secretary,
  Brady and watch how fast (just like Brady's)
  political convictions change!  I
  think that everyone who has some strong political
  convection, should be put in
  the possession of a person who is affected by they
  that political decision.

 Also, in many of the movies being released today, the
 nudity is the only redeeming quality.

OK call me a pervert, but I like looking at naked women and even "doing
it".  So I don't have any problem with it in most movies.

 Anyway, I like your idea of a MD being provided to all
 at birth; except I think it should be at a slightly
 later age, as a rite of passage...say maybe upon
 beginning first grade.

 Don't think I wrote that.  But  may have since you have it out of


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