[media-dakwah] Sesama Makmum Masbuk, Bisakah Salah Satunya Menjadi Imam

2006-08-16 Thread Arif N.S

Dari www.syariahonline.com  , mudah2an

Sesama Makmum Masbuk, Bisakah Salah Satunya Menjadi Imam

Assalamu 'alaikum Wr. Wb. Begini Ustadz, apabila ada dua orang atau lebih
menjadi makmum masbuk dan imam telah selesai salam, bolehkah salah satu
makmum tersebut menjadi imam bagi makmum masbuk yang lain untuk melanjutkan
kekurangan rokaatnya?. pertanyaan kedua, manakala ada salah satu jamaah
shalat batal shalatnya lalu keluar dari shaf dan kebetulan kita di dekatnya,
haruskah kita mengisi shaf yang kosong ataukau kita tetap pada shaf kita dan
membiarkan shaf orang yang batal itu kosong. Mohon penjelasannya,
Jazakumullah atas penjelasannya. Wassalamu 'alaikum Wr. Wb. 

2004-01-07 17:48:40


Assalamu `alaikum Wr. Wb. 
Al-Hamdulillahi Rabbil `Alamin, Washshalatu Wassalamu `Alaa Sayyidil
Mursalin, Wa `Alaa `Aalihi Waashabihi Ajma`in, Wa Ba`d 

Peristiwa pindah shalat jamaah dari dari imam pertama yang telah selesai
shalat kepada makmum lain yang mabuq lalu dijadikan imam, sebenarnya tidak
kami dapati dalil yang menguatkannya dalam hukum shalat. Yang ada hanyalah
bahwa sesama masbuq, maka mereka wajib menyelesaikan sendiri-sendiri shalat

Sebenarnya seorang yang tadinya jadi makmum lalu meneruskan sendiri
shalatnya, maka hukumnya kembali lagi menjadi shalat sendiri. Bila saat itu
ada orang lain yang datang dan ingin berimam kepadanya, boleh saja dan tidak
perlu penepuk pundaknya. Karena menepuk pundak walau pun tidak dilarang,
bukan termasuk bentuk aktifitas shalat. Lihat katerangan kami tentang
menepuk pundak. 

Karena para ulama sepakat bahwa tidak harus ada kesamaan niat antara imam
dan makmum dan shalat berjamaah. Sehingga meski imam itu sedang shalat
sunnat sekalipun, teap dibolehkan bermakmuk kepadanya untuk shalat wajib. 

Juga tidak disyaratkan untuk berniat menjadi imam bagi seorang imam yang
diikuti, namun bagi makmum wajib berniat sebelumnya. 

Sedangkan urusan memenuhi shaf yang kosong, memang merupakan anjuran
Rasulullah SAW kepada jamaah shalat. Dan melangkah atau bergeser sedikit
dari posisi semula ke posisi lainnya dalam shalat tidaklah membatalkannya. 

Hadaanallahu Wa Iyyakum Ajma`in, Wallahu A`lam Bish-shawab,
Wassalamu `Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh. 



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[media-dakwah] Posisi Makmum Shalat Berjamaah

2006-08-16 Thread Arif N.S

Dari www.syariahonline.com  , mudah2an

Posisi Makmum Shalat Berjamaah

Assalaamu'alaykum Ustadz,

Ana mo tanya, bagaimana posisi makmum pada saatnya shalat berjamaah yang
benar kalau seandainya jumlah makmum ada 1, 2 dan 3? Shaf baru mulainya
darimana? dari pinggir atau dari tengah? Bagaimana kalau makmumnya hanya 1,
2 dan 3 wanita, imamnya pria ?Trus bagaimana kalau makmumnya 2 pria dan 1

Syukran jazakallah khairan katsiran 

2003-09-04 11:56:06


Assalamu `alaikum Wr. Wb.
Bismillahirrahmanirrahiem. Alhamdulillahi Rabbil `Alamin. Wash-shalatu
Was-Salamu `alaa Sayyidil Mursalin. Wa ba`d, 

Bila jumlah makmum hanya ada satu orang dan mereka sejenis, maksudnya
sama-sama laki-laki atau sama-sama wanita, maka posisi berdirinya makmum
adalah di samping kanan si imam dengan sedikit mundur ke belakang. 

Bila saat itu datang lagi satu orang lain yang ingin menjadi makmum, maka
dia berdiri di samping kiri makmum sebelumnya. Lalu imam bergeser lebih ke
depan. Atau dia datang dan berdiri tepat di belakang imam kemudian makmum
sebelumnya mundur sejajar dengan makmum yang baru. 

Bila datang lagi seorang makmum, maka dia berdiri di sebelah makmum kedua
sehingga posisi para makmum itu menjadi sejajar dan imam berada tepat di
depan makmum yang berdiri di tengah. 

Bila datang lagi satu orang makmum, maka dia berdiri di sebelah makmum yang
paling kanan. Bila datang lagi satu orang makmum, maka dia berdiri di
sebelah kiri makmum yang paling kiri. 

Dan begitu seterusnya, masuk ke kanan lalu masuk ke kiri lalu ke kanan
sehingga posisi imam selalu tepat ada di tengah barisan makmum. 

Sedangkan bila makumumnya hanya wanita sedangkan imamnya pria, maka tidak
ada posisi dimana seorang makmum berdiri di samping kanan imam, tapi sejak
awal sudah di belakang imam. Bila datang lagi satu orang makmum wanita, maka
dia berdiri di sebelah kanan makmum sebelumnya. Bila datang lagi satu orang
makmum wanita, maka dia berdiri di sebelah kirinya dan begitu seterusnya. 

Sedangkan bila sejak awal imamnya adalah wanita, maka posisi imam wanita itu
berdiri sejajar dengan para makmum dengan sedikit lebih maju ke depan. 

Kalau makmumnya dua pria dan satu wanita, maka dua pria ini berdiri di
belakang imam dan makmum wanita berdiri di belakang mereka. 

Dari Ibnu Abbas Ra ia berkata: "Aku menginap di rumah bibiku Maemunah
(isteri Rasulullah SAW) Lalu Rasulullah SAW melaksanakan sholat malam, maka
akau pun ikut sholat bersama beliau dan berdiri di sebelah kirinya, kemudian
Rasulullah SAW memegang kepalaku dan menempatkanku di sebelah kanannya "(HR.
Bukhori 2/161 ) 

Dari Anas bin Malik Ra, sesungguhnya Rasulullah SAW sholat bersamanya
beserta ibunya atau bibinya. Anas berkata: "Maka beliau menempatkanku di
sebelah kanannya dan ibuku berdiri di belakang kami (HR. Muslim 1/No. 660 ) 

Hadaanallahu Wa Iyyakum Ajma`in, Wallahu A`lam Bish-shawab,
Wassalamu `Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh. 



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[media-dakwah] Suara Emas dari Ethiopia

2006-08-16 Thread hisyam

  Bilal bin Rabah: Suara Emas dari Ethiopia Suatu malam, jauh sepeninggal
 Rasulullah, Bilal bin Rabbah, salah seorang sahabat utama, bermimpi dalam
 tidurnya. Dalam mimpinya itu, Bilal bertemu dengan Rasulullah.

  "Bilal, sudah lama kita berpisah, aku rindu sekali kepadamu," demikian
 Rasulullah berkata dalam mimpi Bilal. "Ya, Rasulullah, aku pun sudah teramat
 rindu ingin bertemu dan mencium harum aroma tubuhmu," kata Bilal masih dalam
 mimpin-ya. Setelah itu, mimpi tersebut berakhir begitu saja. Dan Bilal
 bangun dari tidurnya dengan hati yang gulana. Ia dirundung rindu. Keesokan
 harinya, ia menceritakan mimpi tersebut pada salah seorang sahabat lainnya.
 Seperti udara, kisah mimpi Bilal segera memenuhi ruangan kosong di hampir
 seluruh penjuru kota Madinah. Tak menunggu senja, hampir seluruh penduduk
 Madinah tahu, semalam Bilal bermimpi ketemu dengan nabi junjungannya.

  Hari itu, Madinah benar-benar terbungkus rasa haru. Kenangan semasa
 Rasulullah masih bersama mereka kembali hadir, seakan baru kemarin saja
 Rasulullah tiada. Satu persatu dari mereka sibuk sendiri dengan kenangannya
 bersama manusia mulia itu. Dan Bilal sama seperti mereka, diharu biru oleh
 kenangan dengan nabi tercinta.

  Menjelang senja, penduduk Madinah seolah bersepakat meminta Bilal
 mengumandangkan adzan Maghrib jika tiba waktunya. Padahal Bilal sudah cukup
 lama tidak menjadi muadzin sejak Rasulullah tiada. Seolah, penduduk Madinah
 ingin menggenapkan kenangannya hari itu dengan mendengar adzan yang
 dikumandangkan Bilal. Akhirnya, setelah diminta dengan sedikit memaksa,
 Bilal pun menerima dan bersedia menjadi muadzin kali itu. Senjapun datang
 mengantar malam, dan Bilal mengumandangkan adzan. Tatkala, suara Bilal
 terdengar, seketika, Madinah seolah tercekat oleh berjuta memori. Tak terasa
 hampir semua penduduk Madinah meneteskan air mata. "Marhaban ya Rasulullah,"
 bisik salah seorang dari mereka.

  Sebenarnya, ada sebuah kisah yang membuat Bilal menolak untuk
 mengumandangkan adzan setelah Rasulullah wafat. Waktu itu, beber-apa saat
 setelah malaikat maut menjemput kekasih Allah, Muhammad, Bilal
 mengumandangkan adzan. Jenazah Rasulullah, belum dimakam-kan. Satu persatu
 kalimat adzan dikumandangkan sampai pada kalimat, "Asyhadu anna
 Muhammadarrasulullah." Tangis penduduk Madinah yang mengantar jenazah
 Rasulullah pecah. Seperti suara guntur yang hendak membelah langit Madinah.
 Kemudian setelah, Rasulullah telah dimakamkan, Abu Bakar meminta Bilal untuk
 adzan. "Adzanlah wahai Bilal," perintah Abu Bakar. Dan Bilal menjawab
 perintah itu, "Jika engkau dulu membe-baskan demi kepentinganmu, maka aku
 akan mengumandangkan adzan. Tapi jika demi Allah kau dulu membebaskan aku,
 maka biarkan aku menentukan pilihanku." "Hanya demi Allah aku membebaskanmu
 Bilal," kata Abu Bakar. "Maka biarkan aku memilih pilihanku," pinta Bilal.
 "Sungguh, aku tak ingin adzan untuk seorang pun sepeninggal Rasulullah,"
 lanjut Bilal. "Kalau demikian, terserah apa maumu," jawab Abu Bakar.

  Di atas, adalah sepenggal kisah tentang Bilal bin Rabah, salah seorang
 sahabat dekat Rasulullah. Seperti yang kita tahu, Bilal adalah seorang
 keturunan Afrika, Habasyah tepatnya. Kini Habasyah biasa kita sebut dengan

  Seperti penampilan orang Afrika pada umumnya, hitam, tinggi dan besar,
 begitulah Bilal. Pada mulanya, ia adalah budak seorang bangsawan Makkah,
 Umayyah bin Khalaf. Meski Bilal adalah lelaki dengan kulit hitam pekat,
 namun hatinya, insya Allah bak kapas yang tak bernoda. Itulah sebabnya, ia
 sangat mudah menerima hidayah saat Rasulullah berdakwah.

  Meski ia sangat mudah menerima hidayah, ternyata ia menjadi salah seorang
 dari sekian banyak sahabat Rasulullah yang berjuang mempertahankan
 hidayahnya. Antara hidup dan mati, begitu kira-kira gambaran perjuangan
 Bilal bin Rabab.

  Keislamannya, suatu hari diketahui oleh sang majikan. Sebagai ganjarannya,
 Bilal di siksa dengan berbagai cara. Sampai datang padanya Abu Bakar yang
 membebaskannya dengan sejumlah Wang tebusan.

  Bisa dikata, di antara para sahabat, Bilal bin Rabah termasuk orang yang
 pilih tanding dalam mempertahankan agamanya. Zurr bin Hubaisy, suatu ketika
 berkata, orang yang pertama kali menampak-kan keislamannya adalah
 Rasulullah. Kemudian setelah beliau, ada Abu Bakar, Ammar bin Yasir dan
 keluarganya, Shuhaib, Bilal dan Miqdad.

  Selain Allah tentunya, Rasulullah dilindungi oleh paman beliau. Dan Abu
 Bakar dilindungi pula oleh sukunya. Dalam posisi sosial, orang paling lemah
 saat itu adalah Bilal. Ia seorang perantauan, budak belian pula, tak ada
 yang membela. Bilal, hidup sebatang kara. Tapi itu tidak membuatnya merasa
 lemah atau tak berdaya. Bilal telah mengangkat Allah sebagai penolong dan
 walin-ya, itu lebih cukup dari segalanya.

  Derita yang ditanggung Bilal bukan alang kepalang. Umayyah bin Khalaf, sang
 majikan, tak berhenti hanya dengan menyiksa Bilal saja. Setelah puas hatinya
 menyiksa Bilal, Umayyah pun menyer

Mohon maaf - Re: [media-dakwah] Software Pengingat Waktu Shalat

2006-08-16 Thread Indratmoko

mohon maaf, saya dah coba kirim software yg ditawarkan, tapi ternyata nggak
dikirim dari sini.
Insya Allah akan saya kirim dari rumah saja.
Mohon sabar ya.


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[media-dakwah] ALLAHUAKBAR...

2006-08-16 Thread Kali Grindulu
  Nasrullah: "Ini Kemenangan Semua Umat Islam Dunia" [image: Cetak]
E-mail] http://hidayatullah.com/index2.php?option=com_content&task=emailform&id=3473',
15 Agustus 2006 - 09:35:56 WIB  *Sekjen Hizbullah Libanon, Sayid Hasan
Nasrullah, menyatakan bahwa kemenangan yang diperoleh pihaknya dalam
pertempuran melawan Zionis Israel adalah kemenangan seluruh umat Islam*

*Hidayatullah.com--*Sayid Hasan Nasrullah, menyatakan, bahwa kemenangan yang
diperoleh pihaknya dalam pertempuran melawan Zionis Israel adalah kemenangan
yang historis sekaligus strategis. Dalam pernyataan yang ditayangkan oleh
Televisi *Al-Manar *tadi malam, Nasrullah menegaskan, "Kekalahan militer
Israel adalah kemenangan penting bagi Moqawamah Islamiah, Hizbullah,
Libanon, dan semua umat Islam di dunia."

Di bagian lain keterangannya, Nasrullah menyinggung akibat agresi militer
Zionis yang mengakibatkan hancurnya infrastruktur di banyak kawan Libanon.
Menurutnya, hal ini menjadi bukti betapa Zionis adalah rezim yang liar dan

Hancurnya ribuan rumah penduduk, menurut Nasrullah, juga menunjukkan bahwa
Zionis punya dendam kesumat dengan bangsa Libanon, akan tetapi, mereka
terlalu lemah untuk berhadapan di medan perang melawan para pejuang
Hizbullah hingga mengalihkan sasaran dengan menyerang permukiman sipil.

Kekalahan Israel di Libanon juga mendapat tanggapan kalangan kelompok
gerakan Islam Mesir, Ikhwanul Muslimin. Ikhwanul Muslimin menyebut Hizbullah
sebagai kelompok yang patut dicontoh karena dengan gagah berani berdiri
melawan agresor Zionis-Israel.

Dalam wawancara dengan Televisi* Al-Alam*, Mohamad Habib, Wakil Pertama
Pemimpin Umum Ikhwanul Muslimin, menyatakan, Hizbullah Libanon telah
menunjukkan kepada umat Islam dan kaum Arab contoh yang bermartabat,
bagaimana seharusnya berdiri tegak melawan rezim imperialis Israel, hingga
kekalahan telak diderita oleh rezim tersebut.

Habib juga menegaskan bahwa perlawanan Hizbullah telah mematahkan mitos yang
terbangun selama ini bahwa Zionis tidak akan terkalahkan secara militer.

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[media-dakwah] Tayammum, Bagaimana Caranya?

2006-08-16 Thread Arif N.S

Dari www.syariahonline.com  , mudah2an


Tayammum, Bagaimana Caranya?

Assalamu'alaikum wr. Wb.

Saya sering membaca buku tentang tayammum tapi pelaksanaannya saya tidak
mengerti harus bagaimana? Maksudnya harus menggunakan
apa..pasir..tanah..atau debu di tembok. Belum lama ini ada teman saya sakit
tidak bisa turun dari tempat tidur, lantas dia tidak shalat. Saya sarankan
kalau tidak bisa mengambil wudhu' ya tayammum saja, apakah benar saran saya
itu? Tapi waktu dia tanya dengan apa harus bertayammum karena dia pun hanya
berada di tempat tidur, saya tidak mengerti & saya bilang akan cari info
dulu. Tolong penjelasannya pak ustadz, dan maaf atas ketidakmengertian saya
ini, karena tidak pernah melihat contohnya. Terima kasih

Wassalamu'alaikum wr. Wb.

2003-01-01 08:00:00


Assalamu 'alaikum Wr. Wb. 

A. Pengertian: Tayammum secara bahasa artinya al-Qashd (bertujuan).
Sedangkan secara istilah adalah menggunakan tanah untuk diusapkan ke wajah
dan kedua tangan dengan niat untuk membolehkan shalat dan lainnya. 

B. Dalil Pensyariatannya: 1. Dalil Al-quran: "Apabila kamu sakit atau dalam
perjalanan atau datang dari tempat buang hajat atau sehabis berhubungan
dengan istri sedangkan kamu tidak mendapatkan air, maka bertayammumlah
dengan menggunakan tanah yang baik (suci), maka usapkan (dengan tanah itu)
wajah dan kedua tanganmu. Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Pengampun dan Maha Rahim.
(QS. An-Nisa: 43).

2. Dalil dari Sunnah: Dari Umamah ra. Bahwa Rasulullah SAW bersabda,"Terlah
dijadikan bumi ini bagiku dan bagi umatku sebagai masjid dan suci. Dimana
pun umatku mendapatkan waktu shalat, maka dia suci. (HR. Ahmad). 

3. Ijma: Seluruh umat Islam telah sepakat bahwa bertayammum merupakan salah
satu sarana mensucikan diri dari hadats, sebagai ganti dari wudhu dan mandi
janabat dalam kondisi khusus. 

C. Tanah yang digunakan untuk bertayammum: Dibolehkan bertayammum dengan
tanah yang bersih dan semua yang termasuk bagian dari tanah/bumi. Seperti
pasir, batu dan lainnya. Sesuai dengan firman Allah SWT:"Maka bertayammumlah
dengan menggunakan sha'iid". Para ahli bahasa sepakat bahwa yang dimaksud
dengan "sha'iid" disini adalah apa-apa yang termasuk sebagai permukaan bumi,
baik tanah, debu, batu dan lainnya. 

D. Cara/Praktek Tayammum: - Pertama, harus dengan niat untuk bertayammum.
Tidak perlu melafalkan niat, cukup dengan menyengaja dan sadar bahwa anda
sedang melakukan tayammum. - Kedua, disunnahkan membaca bismillah meski
bukan bagian dari rukun. - Ketiga, menepukkan kedua telapak tangan ke tanah
yang bersih. - Keempat, boleh meniup tanah yang menempel di tangan bila
penuh. - Kelima, mengusapkan tanah yang tersisa dan menenmpel di telapan
tangan ke wajah dan kedua tangan hingga pergelangan tangan. - Setelah itu
anda sudah boleh melakukan shalat. 

Wallahu a'lam bis-shawab. Waassalamu 'alaikum Wr. Wb. 



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[media-dakwah] Kisah Rasulullah dan seorang badwi      

2006-08-16 Thread hisyam
Kisah Rasulullah dan seorang badwi                                         
 PADA suatu masa, ketika Nabi Muhammad SAW sedang tawaf di Kaabah, baginda  
 mendengar seseorang di hadapannya bertawaf sambil berzikir: "Ya Karim! Ya  
 Rasulullah SAW meniru zikirnya "Ya Karim! Ya Karim!"                       
 Orang itu berhenti di satu sudut Kaabah dan menyebutnya lagi "Ya Karim! Ya 
 Karim!" Rasulullah yang berada di belakangnya menyebutnya lagi "Ya Karim!  
 Ya Karim!"                                                                 
 Orang ituberasa dirinya di perolok-olokkan, lalu menoleh ke belakang dan   
 di lihatnya seorang lelaki yang sangat tampan dan gagah yang belum pernah  
 di lihatnya.                                                               
 Orang itu berkata, "Wahai orang tampan, apakah engkau sengaja              
 mengejek-ngejekku, kerana aku ini orang badwi? Kalaulah bukan kerana       
 ketampanan dan kegagahanmu akan ku laporkan kepada kekasihku, Muhammad     
 Mendengar kata-kata orang badwi itu, Rasulullah SAW tersenyum lalu         
 berkata: "Tidakkah engkau mengenali Nabimu, wahai orang Arab?"             
 "Belum," jawab orang itu.                                                  
 "Jadi bagaimana kamu beriman kepadanya?" tanya Rasulullah SAW.             
 "Saya percaya dengan mantap atas kenabiannya, sekalipun saya belum pernah  
 melihatnya, dan membenarkan perutusannya walaupun saya belum pernah        
 bertemu dengannya," jawab orang Arab badwi itu.                            
 Rasulullah SAW pun berkata kepadanya: "Wahai orang Arab, ketahuilah aku    
 inilah Nabimu di dunia dan penolongmu nanti di akhirat."                   
 Melihat Nabi di hadapannya, dia tercengang, seperti tidak percaya kepada   
 dirinya lalu berkata, "Tuan ini Nabi Muhammad?" "Ya," jawab Nabi SAW.      
 Dengan segera orang itu tunduk dan mencium kedua-dua kaki Rasulullah SAW.  
 Melihat hal itu Rasulullah SAW menarik tubuh orang Arab badwi itu seraya   
 berkata, "Wahai orang Arab, janganlah berbuat seperti itu. Perbuatan       
 seperti itu biasanya dilakukan oleh seorang hamba sahaya kepada tuannya.   
 Ketahuilah, Allah mengutus aku bukan untuk menjadi seorang yang takbur,    
 yang minta dihormati atau diagungkan, tetapi demi membawa berita gembira   
 bagi orang yang beriman dan membawa berita menakutkan bagi yang            
 Ketika itulah turun Malaikat Jibril untuk membawa berita dari langit, dia  
 berkata, "Ya Muhammad, Tuhan As-Salam menyampaikan salam kepadamu dan      
 berfirman: "Katakan kepada orang Arab itu, agar tidak terpesona dengan     
 belas kasih Allah. Ketahuilah bahawa Allah akan menghisabnya di Hari       
 Mahsyar nanti, akan menimbang semua amalannya, baik yang kecil mahupun     
 yang besar."                                                               
 Setelah menyampaikan berita itu, Jibril kemudian pergi. Orang Arab itu     
 pula berkata, "Demi keagungan serta kemuliaan Tuhan, jika Tuhan akan       
 membuat perhitungan atas amalan hamba, maka hamba pun akan membuat         
 perhitungan denganNya."                                                    
 Orang Arab badwi berkata lagi, "Jika Tuhan akan memperhitungkan dosa-dosa  
 hamba, maka hamba akan memperhitungkan betapa kebesaran magfirahNya. Jika  
 Dia memperhitungkan kemaksiatan hamba, maka hamba akan memperhitungkan     
 betapa luasnya pengampunanNya. Jika Dia memperhitungkan kebakhilan hamb

[media-dakwah] Terror in the Name of US War's Error - Headlines News 21 Rajab 1427 H - 16.8.06

2006-08-16 Thread muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

U.S. Muslims feel Americans' prejudice

Shortly after 9/11, President Bush described and later retracted our fight 
against terrorism as a "crusade." In his first news conference after last 
week's thwarted terrorist plot to blow up several aircrafts the president 
said, " This nation is at war with Islamic fascists."

The use of the phrase "Islamic fascists" has drawn the ire of the American 
Muslim community. As Muslims, we use "Islamic ethics" to mean ethics based 
on Islamic teachings that guide our behavior. Similarly, "Islamic art" 
draws its inspiration from Islamic teachings that discourage certain types 
of art (immodest imagery or certain life forms). When the president uses 
"Islamic fascists," it conveys that fascism is rooted in Islam or fascism 
that is inspired by Islam. This is the way the Muslims will see it, 
regardless of what George W. Bush may claim he really means.


British Muslims Decry Selective Control

London, Aug 15 (Prensa Latina) The British Muslim community rejected the 
intention of the government to submit its members and other ethnic 
minorities to security controls in airports in the country, just as 
informed by British newspaper The Times Tuesday.

Great Britain's Muslim Council spokesman Inayat Bunglawala regarded this 
intention to search those travellers with a determined religious or ethnic 
base or a not too much common route to travel to as an extreme stereotype.


When all else fails, GOP dials 9/11

It's an even-numbered year, and we're getting near Labor Day. So, it was 
predictable that the Bush administration and Republicans would exploit the 
foiled terrorism plot in the United Kingdom to save their political hides.


Number Of Iraqi Civilians Slaughtered In America's War? As Many As 250,000


Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially acknowledged) In 
Bush's War 2597

The War in Iraq Costs 307,017,145,346 - See the cost in your community


Operation "Change of Location"?

Who infiltrated whom, and on what territory did the initial capture of the 
IDF soldiers occur? Differing press accounts stating that the capture 
occurred in Lebanon- not Israel- are now widely known


Captured Prisoners: The Full Story

There is much talk of the current war against Lebanon being triggered by 
Hezbollah's capturing of two Israeli soldiers. Not only is this statement 
inaccurate, its excessive recycling creates the false perception that only 
the two Israelis in Lebanon and the one in Gaza are the prisoners of this 
conflict. If Americans Knew, is a great website that tracks bias in the 
news coverage of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Now it has produced a 
great 15-minute video titled "Captured Prisoners: The Full Story," which 
puts in a perspective the issue of the prisoners of the conflict, 
highlighting the plight of the 9,000 prisoners in Israeli jails, and tens 
of thousands of Palestinians who graduated from them...


America's one-eyed view of war: Stars, stripes, and the Star of David

There are two sides to every conflict - unless you rely on the US media for 
information about the battle in Lebanon. Viewers have been fed a diet of 
partisan coverage which treats Israel as the good guys and their Hizbollah 
enemy as the incarnation of evil.



Is your candidate working for you, or are they the paid servants for a 
foreign government?


The Zionist dream has become a nightmare

If Israel can exist only by destroying the neighborhood, then it's time to 
declare it a failed state. The Zionist dream has turned into a nightmare 
and is not viable. If the future holds more of the same, then the time has 
come to reconsider the whole project. Every state has a duty to defend its 
citizens, but also it has a duty to provide them with security and the two 
are different. The prospects are for more destruction, fanaticism, violence 
and hatred. No unilateral separation can isolate Israel from this, nor can 
the region or the world live with the consequences. This seems to be the 
only choice, and Israel must do itself and others a favor and go away.

[media-dakwah] Terapi Amanah

2006-08-16 Thread agussyafii
Terapi Amanah 

Dalam Bahasa Arab, kalimat amanah dapat diartikan sebagai titipan, 
kewajiban, ketenangan, kepercayaan, kejujuran, dan kesetiaan. Dalam 
al Qur'an amanah disebut dalam beberapa konteks, pertama: sebagai 
tanggung jawab pengelolaan (Q/33:72), sebagai hutang atau janji yang 
harus ditunaikan (Q/2:283), sebagai tanggung jawab keadilan pemegang 
kekuasaan (Q/4:58), sebagai kesetiaan kepada tugas yang diemban 
(Q/8:27), sebagai karakter pribadi yang penuh kejujuran dan 
tanggungjawab (Q/23:8). Dalam hadis pernikahan, amanah disebut dalam 
kontek komitmen suci dalam kontrak perjanjian. Kata dasar amanah 
mempunyai pertalian dengan kata iman dan aman.

Dari pengertian bahasa dan dari pemahaman tematik al Qur'an dan 
hadis, amanah dapat difahami sebagai sikap mental yang didalamnya 
terkandung unsur kepatuhan kepada hukum, tanggung jawab kepada 
tugas, kesetiaan kepada komitmen, keteguhan dalam memegang janji, 
kesucian dalam tekad dan kejujuran kepada diri sendiri. Sikap mental 
amanah harus berdiri diatas pondasi keimanan, dan dengan itu akan 
tumbuh rasa aman, baik bagi yang bersangkutan maupun bagi orang lain.

Budaya amanah adalah perilaku yang bersendikan kepatuhan kepada 
moralitas agama, kepada moralitas hukum, tanggung jawab vertikal dan 
horizontal dan kejujuran kepada diri sendiri, serta kesadaran atas 
implikasi dari suatu keputusan. Kebudayaan adalah nilai-nilai, norma 
dan konsep yang dimiliki masyarakat, yang dijadikan sebagai acuan 
mereka dalam berkehidupan sehari-hari, menyangkut ekonomi, politik, 
sosial dan budaya dari suatu masyarakat. Kebudayaan ada yang dianut 
oleh entitas sosial yang sempit tetapi ada juga kebudayaan yang 
dianut oleh suatu bangsa dan ada yang dianut oleh masyarakat 
international. Sifat amanah harus ada dalam memori setiap warga, 
sehingga tak pernah terlintas fikiran buruk, fikiran menyimpang dari 

Bangsa Indonesia terdiri dari berbagai suku, etnik, bahasa dan 
budaya yang kemudian menyatukan diri dalam ikatan kebangsaan dengan 
tetap menghormati kebudayaan masing-masing, disebut Binneka Tunggal 
Ika. Dalam perjalanan sejarahnya, komitmen Binneka Tunggal Ika tidak 
selalu dihormati. Pada masa Orde Baru misalnya kecenderungan 
Pemerintah untuk menyeragamkan kebudayaan bangsa telah meruntuhkan 
fungsi keragaman budaya sebagai kekuatan persatuan. Akibatnya ketika 
orde baru tumbang, keragaman budaya yang semula menjadi pemersatu 
berubah menjadi ancaman disintegrasi. 

Ketika bangsa mengalami krisis kepemimpinan nasional, ketika 
infrastruktur kebudayaan yang konvensional tidak lagi efektif 
digunakan, ketika semua teori tidak lagi relefan untuk menganalisis 
persoalan, ketika kebuntuan melanda hampir seluruh saluran pemecahan 
masalah, diperlukan satu langkah terobosan yang menyentuh simpul-
simpul yang tepat.

Masyarakat Indonesia, betapapun adalah masyarakat yang religious. 
Telah teruji berkali-kali, setiap kali bangsa berada di tubir 
kehancuran, kesadaran beragama menyeruak ke atas dengan berbagai 
simbolnya. Zaman keterbukaan memberi peluang kepada seluruh lapisan 
masyarakat mengemukakan ekpressi pemikirannya. Situasi ini memberi 
peluang sifat religiousitas masyarakat untuk bertemu dalam titik 
kesamaan dengan tetap menghargai perbedaan. Karakteristik amanah 
adalah satu diantara sedikit hal yang bisa mempersatukan kiblat 
bangsa, karena amanah bersifat universal. Oleh karena itu membangun 
kembali keluarga besar bangsa Indonesia dengan membudayakan amanah 
merupakan gagasan yang sangat relevan.

Proses pembudayaan suatu nilai lazimnya membutuhkan waktu yang 
panjang dan proses yang alami, tetapi dalam keadaan dimana 
masyarakat dalam keadaan bingung dan membutuhkan alternatif, 
pembudayaan suatu nilai dapat dilakukan dengan metode Gerakan.


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[media-dakwah] SUNNI vs BID'AH (jawaban)

2006-08-16 Thread Mas No
Maka pernahkah kamu melihat orang yang menjadikan "hawa nafsu" sebagai

tuhan, dan Allah membiarkan sesat berdasarkan ilmunya, dan Allah telah

mengunci mati pendengaran dan hatinya dan meletakkan tutupan atas

penglihatannya? Maka siapakah yang akan memberinya petunjuk sesudah Allah,

maka mengapa kamu tidak mengambil pelajaran? (QS.al-Jatsiyah:23)


(Tafsir Ibnu Katsir: dia hanya berbuat berdasarkan perintah nafsunya, jika

nafsunya memandang sesuatu sebagai kebaikan (meski bertentangan dengan al-

Quran dan Hadits Shohih/ Hasan), maka dia mengerjakannya. Bila dia melihatnya 

sebagai kejelekan maka dia akan meninggalkannya)


Sesungguhnya setan itu membisikan kepada teman-temannya agar mereka

membantah kamu. Jika kamu menurut mereka, "sesungguhnya kamu benar-benar

orang yang MUSRIK." (QS.6:121)


(Tafsir Ibnu Katsir: Karena kamu "telah berpindah dari perintah Allah" yang

telah diberikan kepadamu ke omongan selain Allah.)



Dari Adi bin Hatim bahwa dia berkata: "ya Rasulullah s.a.w. mereka tidak

menyembah (sujud kepada) ulama dan pendetanya?" Maka Nabi s.a.w. bersabda:

"memang tidak, namun para ulama dan pendeta itu "telah menghalalkan yang

haram, dan mengharamkan yang halal kepada mereka, lalu mereka mengikutinya.

Itulah maksud penyembahan kepada ulama dan pendetanya. (HR. at-Tirmidzi)




Orang-orang yang membuat-buat Syariat (yang Allah/Nabi tidak perintahkan),

oleh Allah disebut sebagai: Menuhankan Diri.

Para pengikutnya disebut sebagai: orang-orang yang musrik.


Jadi orang yang SENGAJA berbuat bid'ah itu Aqidahnya berlawanan dengan

Ahlu Sunnah wal Jamaah (SUNNI vs BID'AH)



Allah tidak melarang kamu untuk berbuat baik dan berbuat adil terhadap orang-

orang yang tiada memerangimu KARENA AGAMA, dan tidak (pula) mengusir

kamu dari negerimu. Sesunguhnya Allah menyukai orang-orang yang berbuat

adil. (QS.60.8)


(Tafsir Ibnu Katsir: berbuat baik kepada orang-orang kafir seperti: kaum wanita,

orang-orang lemah dari mereka kaum kafir)


(kepada yg menanyakan ciri-ciri Ahlu Bid'ah, saya persilahkan saja baca buku-

 bukunya, karena sudah tersebar ditoko-toko buku; terus terang saya tidak punya

waktu utk mengetik setebal itu, orang asing telah menggaji saya, saya tidak 

boleh korupsi waktu)



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[media-dakwah] Seperti melihat Bidadari

2006-08-16 Thread agussyafii
Seperti melihat Bidadari

"Hampir tiap hari saya melihat wajah bidadari" Begitulah ucap
seorang teman. Yang saya tahu dulunya dia beranggapan Hidup ini
adalah penderitaan sedangkan perkawinan adalah lembaga pelanggengan
penderitaan. Dia berfikir dengan perkawinan, penderitaannya menjadi
berakhir. Yang terjadi malah sebaliknya makin hari penderitaanya
bertambah. Mulai dari Istrinya cerewet, banyak nuntut, suka bentak.
Makin menderita deh gue. Katanya.

Pandangan itu berubah Sampai pada suatu ketika dirinya menyaksikan
sepasang kakek nenek sedang ada direstoran yang memesan satu paket
makan dan minum. Dia berniat membelikan satu paket lagi namun
ditolak oleh kakek itu dengan alasan mereka selalu satu untuk
berdua. "bagaimana kakek bisa melewati penderitaan sepanjang hidup
bersama nenek selama itu? Tanyanya. Kakek itu menjawab, "perkawinan
kami indah, seindah kehidupan di surga sehingga kami bisa melewati
semua penderitaan selama 50 tahun dan dia adalah bidadari saya."
Sambil menunjuk sang nenek. Mendengar jawaban sang kakek wajah nenek
keliatan berseri-seri.

Katanya, Sejak itu kalo istri saya sedang ngomel-ngomel, banyak
nuntut, bentak-bentak. Marah-marah. Saya seperti melihat bidadari
sedang mengajak bermain ditaman firdausy. Hasilnya keributan
terhindarkan, solusi ditemukan, masalah terjawab. Kemudian rumah
tangga makin harmonis.

Mendengarnya seolah saya tak percaya, masa sih melihat bidadari? Apa
anda pernah melihat bidadari dirumah?


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[media-dakwah] Pernyat Bersama Memerdekakan Indonesia dari Praktik Kejahatan Bank Dunia dan IMF

2006-08-16 Thread Ardi St. Majoe Endah
terlmapir pernyataan bersama yang disampaikan dalam aksi hr ini. sedianya
aksi akan dilakukan didpn gerbang utama gedung DPR tetapi aparat bersikeras
tidak membolehkan.
namu akhir nya aksi tetap berjalan di bawah jembatan layang pertigaan
senayan sblm gedung DPR RI.
aksi berlangsung dari pukul 10 sampai pukul 12 WIB.

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RE: [media-dakwah] RE: Hm..Hmm kembali fatwa keluar???

2006-08-16 Thread danny kristianto
Assallamualaikum wr. wb.
  Pengikut Syi'ah bertindak keja terhadap pengikut ajaran Sunni sewaktu Saddam 
Hussein berkuasa.
  Irak dan Iran adalah musuh bebuyutan, status hingga saat ini adalah Siaga 
  Iran berdiam diri sewaktu Irak diserang Amerika Serikat.
  Irak yg saat ini berdiam diri ketika Iran akan diembargo Amerika Serikat.
  Arab Saudi, tidak bergeming ketika Afganistan diserbu Amerika Serikat.
  Mesir lebih memilih berdiam diri ketika apapun negara Arab diserbu Amerika 
  Sama2 Sholat 5 waktu dgn aturan yg sama.
  Sama2 membaca doa2 yg sama.
  Tapi darimana Permusuhan itu tiba ?
  Pantesan saja Israel dan Amerika Serikat menguasai Timur Tengah.
  Timur Tengah yang baru menurut George W. Bush adalah Timur Tengah yang 
seperti sekarang ini,.pada ribut satu sama lainnya.
  Yang ditakuti George W. Bush adalah Bangkitnya Eropa yang kemudian mendukung 
negara2 Timur Tengah.
  seperti Perancis dan Rusia yang sudah berani berkata tidak ke USA,
  Mana suara negara2 Islam .
  Perancis dan Rusia menjadi tidak berarti, ketika negara2 Islam lainya 
ternyata tidak berani.
  MANA SUARA MESIR, ARAB SAUDI, KUWAIT, (mereka itu negara2 besar yg besar 
pengaruhnya di ajang lobbying di USA),
  Jadi mengapa dan darimana permusuhan diantara umat Islam itu ada ?
  mohon maaf atas segala kesalahan kata.
"Tampubolon, Mohammad-Riyadi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  yang perang siapa.. yang disuruh maju siapa.. yang nikmati kemenangan siapa..
  lihat kekejaman penganut syi'ah di irak terhadap sunni setelah penudukan 
amerika tidak..
  aaahhh.. tidkk.. saudara-saudara kita ga  boleh dikorbanin..
  minimal, setiap orang harus faham apa yang dilakukan..
  tidak seperti kerbau yang di cucuk hidungnya..
  ditarik ke jurang oleh pengembala tetap ngikut..
  a... tidaaa.. mmpuunnn...
  sedikit kerja keras untuk mendapat pengetahuan...
  belajar.. berpikir.. baru beraksi..
  jangan terbalik..
  bereaksi dulu.. baru berpikir.. dari situ kita blajar kalau ada kesalahan..

  From: danny kristianto [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wed 8/16/2006 10:45 AM
To: Tampubolon, Mohammad-Riyadi; Media-Dakwah
Subject: Re: [media-dakwah] RE: Hm..Hmm kembali fatwa keluar???

Assallamualaikum wr. Wb.
  Apakah sudah keluar fatwa untuk tidak membantu Hizbullah.
  Siapa yang mengeluarkan fatwa itu di Indonesia ?.
  Ya itulah Umat Muslim.
  sebetulnya Israel dan Amerika Serikat bisa dikalahkan.
  Tapi pada akhirnya, musuh terbesar umat Islam adalah :
  Apa jadinya bila kaum Ahmadiyah,
  berani berjihad berperang melawan Israel atau merekalah yang pada akhirnya 
melakukan boikot total kepada produk2 Amerika Serikat ?
  ha ha ha.
  Entah sampai kapan, Umat Islam seperti ini.
  Tentang penangkapan para pejabat Palestina,
  Mohon maaf bila ada salah kata.

"Tampubolon, Mohammad-Riyadi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Bagaimana sech seharus sikap kita saat ada penutupan aktivitas ahmadiyah
di parung? seandainya JIL atau ahmadiyah yang diserang oleh Israel
[walau ga mungkin sech], bagaimana sikap kita seharusnya..? bukankah
mereka juga mengaku muslim dan mengaku bersyahadat? kerusakan mana yang
lebih berbahaya antara 'serangan' yang dilakukan Israel kepada hizbullah
terhadap Islam dengan 'serangan' JIL, ahmadiyah atau syi'ah sendiri
terhadap aqidah Islam..?

mengutip prolog CAP Adian Husaini ke 157:
Bom-bom Zionis menghancurkan wanita dan anak-anak Libanon. Di Indonesia
"Bom pemikiran Yahudi" tak kalah dasyatnya mencabik otak.

Semoga kita semua senantiasa diselamatkan Alloh hingga terhindar dari
jebakan pola pikir dan jalan orang-orang yang dimurkai

From: media-dakwah@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, August 14, 2006 1:30 PM
To: media-dakwah@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Hm..Hmm kembali fatwa keluar (Re: Balasan: RE: [media-dakwah]
Re:Siapa Hizbullah Sebenarnya?)

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Lagi masalah ini kita ributkan.
Lagi sebuah FATWA di keluarkan.
OK.. anggaplah kita tidak membantu HIZBULLAH.

Tapi ketika PALESTINA mulai di kucilkan (PALESTINA == SUNNI == AHLUS 
oleh dunia barat (AS, dan sekutunya) karena kemenangan HAMAS
di dalam pemilu. Kemana suara saudara di sekitar untuk membelanya??

[media-dakwah] Kemana Persatuan Umat Islam ??????????

2006-08-16 Thread danny kristianto
Assallamualaikum wr. wb.
  Mohon maaf sebelumnya.
  Tentang Politisasi di dunia Islam, saya buta banget.
  Tapi dari kasus perang antara NEGARA Israel vs KELOMPOK (bukan negara) 
  dimana Hizbullah mampu melawan dan merepotkan Israel.
  Maka diambil kesimpulan bahwa :
  1. Apalagi bila Israel dilawan oleh Negara !.
  2. Apalagi bila Israel dilawan oleh seluruh negara Islam di kawasan Timur 
  Umat Islam mampu melawan Amerika Serikat dan Israel,

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[media-dakwah] Terror in the Name of US War's Error - Headlines News 22 Rajab 1427 H - 17.8.06

2006-08-16 Thread muslim insuffer
 love the occupiers and looters of their nation! Maybe 
they just hold a grudge for all those lies about weapons of mass destruction.


At 9:30 tonight, Iraq takes longer than WW II

Posted Aug 16, 2006 07:45 AM PST - Category: IRAQ


When 3 Thousand Die in U.S., It's a Horrific Tragedy. When It Happens in 
Iraq, it's Just Another Day in Paradise

How strange double standards can be. When nearly 3,000 people died in New 
York, Washington D.C., and a field in Pennsylvania on September 11th, 2001, 
it was an unspeakable tragedy and one worth launching world wars over and 
committing atrocity after atrocity. But when it happens in just one city in 
just one month in Iraq, it's hardly worth mentioning.


Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Tuesday, 15 August 2006.

* Refugees from sectarian violence, family of four killed in American 
air raid in ar-Ramadi.
* Four US troops reported killed in Resistance rocket attack on Humvee 
in ar-Ramadi midday Tuesday.
* US soldier reported killed by Iraqi Resistance sharpshooter amidst 
spate of Resistance attacks in al-Fallujah.
* Resistance fighters assault US-occupied Immigration Building in 
* Resistance bomb blasts US patrol in ar-Ramadi.
* Western Baghdad’s districts in second day of blockade, facing 
American raids, searches and arrests with no water, electricity, cooking gas.
* Resistance car bomb targets puppet police patrol near Baghdad’s 
Diyala Bridge.
* Resistance bomb blasts US troop transport in al-Ishaqi.
* Puppet “Shock Troops” targeted by Resistance bomb in Samarra’.
*  Ad-Dulu‘iyah. Resistance bomb rips through puppet army transport.
* Resistance fighters pound US headquarters in Kirkuk Airport with 
*  Puppet troops raid, rob houses near Kirkuk Tuesday morning, 
arresting 27 villagers.
* Puppet police patrol in southeastern al-Mawsil.
* Followers of Shi‘i cleric clash with puppet police in Karbala’.



Afghan opium cultivation hits a record

Opium cultivation in Afghanistan has hit record levels ­ up by more than 40 
percent from 2005 ­ despite hundreds of millions in counternarcotics money, 
Western officials told The Associated Press.


Taliban fighters kill four Afghan Police

At least four Afghan policemen were killed in two attacks by Taliban in the 
same region on Tuesday night, and six NATO soldiers were injured, one of 
them seriously, as their base was rocketed in southern Afghanistan


Afghans worth $5625.00 each!: US offers to pay for strike on Afghans

The US military has said it intends to pay $90,000 in compensation to 
families of victims of an air strike in May that killed at least 16 
civilians in the south of Afghanistan, but only when security improves


Somali "Islamists" seize key port

"Islamists" in control of much of southern Somalia have seized a key port 
without any fighting, in a new blow to the country's weak interim government.


Terror charges tied to phones are crumbling

Terror charges against two groups of Arab Americans arrested with hundreds 
of prepaid cell phones teetered in Michigan and collapsed in Ohio on Monday 
as authorities said they lacked evidence that the men intended to use the 
phones for evil.


Terror Charge Dropped in Cell Phone Case

The families of two men originally charged with supporting terrorism after 
buying large numbers of cell phones say they've lost a sense of belonging 
to the country they've long called home.


Accused spy carried cash, secret files, agents say

When Ariel J. Weinmann stepped off an international flight into the Dallas 
airport on March 26, a federal customs agent was waiting for him.


Mexico poll protests turn violent

Mexican riot police fired tear gas and used clubs to break up a protest by 
supporters of left-wing presidential challenger Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador.


Mexican Electoral Fraud Wins Round One

The fraud uncovered so far showed the preliminary vote totals were 
manipulated to allow PAN candidate Felipe Calderon to be the winner.



[media-dakwah] The Modern Myth of the Holocaust

2006-08-16 Thread muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

The Modern Myth of the Holocaust

The myth which I here dispute is not that the Holocaust (so-called with 
capital H) ever happened, but that it was a unique event. Jews, in 
particular modern Isrealis, identify strongly with this event (which did in 
fact happen). Many have felt that they are owed an apology from the 
government of Germany, or from the German people. The wonder of it is that 
I have ever yet to hear, or read, that they have offered least slightest 
apology, or even any hint of remorse for all those other holocausts...you 
know...the ones in the Torah (aka Biblical Old Testament).

Which holocausts are these, you ask? And here I allow for the Bible itself 
to answer: all those previous holocausts where the Israelites (ancient 
Israeli forefathers) committed wholesale wanton rape and murder, utterly 
destroying entire tribes, nations and races of their neighbors. Oh, 
yeah...those holocausts... But do not take just my word for it. Let us read 
how the Bible itself recounts this history...

Note that chapter and verse enumeration varies markedly between 
translations. These I found mostly in the Gideon's Bible during various 
hotel stays (highlighting them in yellow marker). In your copy of the Bible 
these verses may be numbered a bit either side of the verse numbers here 
listed. The will surely be there, though.

Holy War (aka Jihad, Crusade, etc.), Israelite-fashion

Deuteronomy 3:6
And we utterly destroyed them, as we did unto Sihon king of Heshbon, 
utterly destroying the men, women, and children, of every city.

Deuteronomy 2:34
And we took all his cities at that time, and utterly destroyed the men, and 
the women, and the little ones, of every city, we left none to remain.

Numbers 31:17, 18
Now therefor kill every male among the little ones, and kill every women 
that hath known a man by lying with him. But the women-children who hath 
not known a man by lying with him, these you may keep for yourselves.

1 Samuel 15:3
Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare 
them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, 
camel and ass.

Isaiah 13:16
Their children shall be dashed to pieces before their eyes; their houses 
shall be spoiled and their wives ravished.

Hosea 13:16
Samaria shall become desolate: for she hath rebelled against her God: they 
shall fall by the sword: their infants shall be dashed to pieces, and their 
women with child shall be ripped up.

Dispute Resolution, Israelite-style

Exodus 32:27
Thus saith the Lord God of Israel, Put every man his sword by his side, and 
go in and out from gate to gate throughout the camp, and slay every man his 
brother, and every man his companion, and every man his neighbor. And the 
the children of Levi did according to the word or Moses: and there fell of 
the people that day about three thousand men.

Judges 3:20, 21, 22
And Ehud came unto him: and he was sitting in a summer parlour, which he 
had for himself alone. And Ehud said, I have a message from God unto thee. 
And he rose out of his seat. And Ehud put forth his left hand and took the 
dagger from his right thigh, and thrust it into his belly: And the haft 
also went in after the blade; and the fat closed upon the blade, so that 
the could not draw the dagger out of his belly: and the dirt came out.

Judges 4:21
Then Jael Heber's wife took a nail of the tent, and took a hammer in her 
hand, and went softly unto him, and smote the nail into his temples, and 
fastened it into the ground: for he was fast asleep and weary. So he died.

II Kings 2:23
And he turned back, and looked on them, and cursed them in the name of the 
Lord. And there came forth two she bears out of the wood, and tare forty 
and two children of them.

Israelite Family Values

Exodus 21:17
And he that smiteth his father, or his mother, shall be surely put to death.

Leviticus 20:9
For ever one that curseth his father or his mother shall be surely put to 

II Kings 6:29
So we boiled my son, and did eat him: and I sid unto her on the next day, 
Give thy son, that we may eat him: and she hath hid her son.

Closing Remarks:

Ask any Christian minister or Jewish Rabbi to explain these horrors and 
basically your answer will be: That was good because it was our side what 
did it. God was with us. So it was good. I can't quite agree, somehow. Just 
for once, I would like to hear an apology, a hint of remorse. Until such 
can be offered, by the Jews, it seems a bit callous to me that they loudly 
demand it of others. But that, of course, is just my opinion.

I really do not enjoy trashing other folks's beliefs. Hardly would I have 
wasted time in this dull and tiresome research on quite so uninteresting a 
topic were not the U.S. government to endorse this so-called history. We 
now have slogans on our

[media-dakwah] The Geneva Conventions

2006-08-16 Thread muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

The Geneva Conventions

In January 2002, when the Bush administration created the camp at 
Guantánamo Bay for prisoners from the war in Afghanistan, President George 
W. Bush said he would be "adhering to the spirit of the Geneva Convention" 
in handling the detainees. Unfortunately, like many of the things the 
administration said about Guantánamo Bay, this was not true. Bush did not 
intend to follow the Geneva Conventions, and in some vital respects, he 
still doesn't, despite a Supreme Court ruling that the prisoners merit 
those protections.

To everyone's relief, the White House is now working with Congress on one 
major violation of the conventions found by the court - the military 
tribunals Bush invented for Guantánamo Bay. But Bush remains determined to 
have his way on the other big issue - how jailers treat prisoners. He wants 
Congress to make the United States the first country to repudiate the 
language of the Geneva Conventions. The only discernible reason is to allow 
interrogators - intelligence agents and private contractors - to continue 
abusive practices plainly banned by the conventions and to make sure they 
cannot be held accountable.

The Bush administration objects to the clause in Common Article 3 of the 
Geneva Conventions that prohibits "outrages upon personal dignity, in 
particular, humiliating and degrading treatment." This standard has been 
followed for more than a half-century by almost 190 countries, including 
the United States. The War Crimes Act of 1996, passed by a Republican 
Congress, makes it a felony to violate the Geneva Conventions. But the Bush 
administration authorized techniques to handle and interrogate prisoners 
that clearly break the rules - like prolonged exposure to extreme 
temperatures, long periods in stress positions, strapping prisoners to 
metal contraptions and force-feeding them.

Bush wants Americans to believe that the language in Common Article 3 is 
too vague and makes fighting terrorism impossible. In fact, the Geneva 
standard is more specific than the shocks-the-conscience standard. The 
administration's real aim is to keep on using abusive interrogation 
techniques at the secret prisons run by the CIA. And it wants to make 
interrogators - and those who give their orders - immune from prosecution.

Finally, the administration wants Congress to ban the use of the Geneva 
Conventions as the direct or indirect basis for a legal case in American 
courts. This would seal off the route that a prisoner used in the case on 
which the Supreme Court ruled in June.

The Geneva Conventions protect Americans. If the United States changes the 
rules, it's changing the rules for Americans taken prisoner abroad. That is 
far too high a price to pay so this administration can hang on to its 
misbegotten policies.

In January 2002, when the Bush administration created the camp at 
Guantánamo Bay for prisoners from the war in Afghanistan, President George 
W. Bush said he would be "adhering to the spirit of the Geneva Convention" 
in handling the detainees. Unfortunately, like many of the things the 
administration said about Guantánamo Bay, this was not true. Bush did not 
intend to follow the Geneva Conventions, and in some vital respects, he 
still doesn't, despite a Supreme Court ruling that the prisoners merit 
those protections.

To everyone's relief, the White House is now working with Congress on one 
major violation of the conventions found by the court - the military 
tribunals Bush invented for Guantánamo Bay. But Bush remains determined to 
have his way on the other big issue - how jailers treat prisoners. He wants 
Congress to make the United States the first country to repudiate the 
language of the Geneva Conventions. The only discernible reason is to allow 
interrogators - intelligence agents and private contractors - to continue 
abusive practices plainly banned by the conventions and to make sure they 
cannot be held accountable.

The Bush administration objects to the clause in Common Article 3 of the 
Geneva Conventions that prohibits "outrages upon personal dignity, in 
particular, humiliating and degrading treatment." This standard has been 
followed for more than a half-century by almost 190 countries, including 
the United States. The War Crimes Act of 1996, passed by a Republican 
Congress, makes it a felony to violate the Geneva Conventions. But the Bush 
administration authorized techniques to handle and interrogate prisoners 
that clearly break the rules - like prolonged exposure to extreme 
temperatures, long periods in stress positions, strapping prisoners to 
metal contraptions and force-feeding them.

Bush wants Americans to believe that the language in Common Article 3 is 
too vague and makes fighting terrorism impossible. In fact, the Geneva 
standard is more specific than the 

[media-dakwah] What we know and don’t know about 9/11

2006-08-16 Thread muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

What we know and don't know about 9/11

Paul Craig Roberts

08/16/06 "Information Clearing 
House" -- -- I received a number of intelligent responses from readers of 
my August 14 column, 
Americans," The letters deserve a reply. Moreover, some contain important 
points that should be shared with a wider audience. Pundits such as myself 
are not the only people who have interesting things to say. Considering the 
number of letters and the time it would require to respond individually, I 
am replying instead in this column.

Most readers from whom I heard understand the difference between loyalty to 
country and loyalty to a government. They understand that to support a 
political party or a government that is destroying the US Constitution and 
America's reputation in the world is, in fact, an act of treason. 
Therefore, I did not have to read the usual drivel about how doubting "our 
government" is un-American.

Among the issues raised are:

How could the complicity of the US government, or some part of it, in the 
events of 9/11 be kept a secret? For the most part, this question comes 
from Americans who believe the government must have been, to some extent, 
complicit in the attacks on the WTC and the Pentagon.

How can we differentiate between the real facts, the 9/11 Commission's 
reporting of the facts, and "conspiracy theories"?

What about the role of suicide flyers led by M. Atta?

What about the Popular Mechanics article and the TV documentary that debunk 
the skeptics and support the official explanation of 9/11?

What about the role of the US media in propagandizing Americans with the 
official explanation instead of examining the explanation, especially with 
regard to such truncated hatchet-job interviews with 9/11 skeptics such as 
the hatchet jobs presided over by Donny Deutsch on CNBC and by neocon 
Tucker Carlson on MSNBC?

Why are so many Americans hostile to holding the Bush regime accountable 
for its obvious and documented lies, lies that have misled America to war 
and gratuitously slaughtered and maimed tens of thousands of people, 
including our own troops?

I will begin by stating what we know to be a solid incontrovertible 
scientific fact.

We know that it is strictly impossible for any building, much less steel 
columned buildings, to "pancake" at free fall speed. Therefore, it is a 
non-controversial fact that the official explanation of the collapse of the 
WTC buildings is false.

We also know for a fact that the Air Force somehow inexplicably failed to 
intercept the alleged hijacked airliners despite the fact that the Air 
Force can launch jet fighters to 29,000 feet in 2.5 minutes. We also know 
that the two co-chairmen of the 9/11 Commission have just written a book 
that reveals that the US military lied to the Commission about its failure 
to intercept the hijacked airliners.

There are various explanations for this second fact. The military could 
have lied to cover up complicity or to cover-up its incompetence. However, 
no investigation has been made to ascertain the true explanation for the 

This leaves us with the incontrovertible fact that buildings cannot 
"pancake" at free fall speeds.

The only explanation known to science for the free fall collapse of a 
building, especially into its own footprint, is engineered demolition, 
which removes the supports for each floor of the building at split second 
intervals so that the debris from above meets no resistance on its fall. To 
call this explanation a "conspiracy theory" is to display the utmost total 
ignorance. Any physicist or engineer who maintains that buildings can 
"pancake" at free fall speed has obviously been bought and paid for or is a 
total incompetent fool.

The WTC buildings are known to have collapsed at free fall speed into their 
own footprints.

This fact does not tell us who is responsible or what purpose was served.

Since the damning incontrovertible fact has not been investigated, 
speculation and "conspiracy theories" have filled the void. Some of the 
speculation is based on circumstantial evidence and is plausible. Other of 
the speculation is untenable, and it is used to protect the official 
explanation by branding all skeptics "conspiracy theorists." I would not be 
surprised if some of the most far-out "conspiracy theories" consist, in 
fact, of disinformation put out by elements in the government to discredit 
all skeptics. But I do not know this to be the case.

How could government complicity be kept a secret? It can be kept a secret, 
because so many Americans are scientifically ignorant and emotionally weak. 
They are incapable of realizing the contradiction in the government's claim 
that the WTC buildings "pancaked" at 

[media-dakwah] Rasist - Fox News Airs Suggestion for 'Muslim-Only' Airport Line

2006-08-16 Thread muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===


Fox News Airs Suggestion for 'Muslim-Only' Airport Line

Wednesday August 16, 2006 at 09:26 AM

Yesterday on Fox News' "Dayside," conservative radio host Mike Gallagher 
proposed that airports institute a "Muslims only" line for airport 
travelers during a segment Tuesday on racial profiling. Meta, that. From 
who "watch FOX so you don't have to":
"Dayside" co-host Juliet Huddy set up the debate by noting that all 
terrorists have been Muslim extremists, and Jerrick claimed that some 
people oppose racial profiling as "politically incorrect."
"It's not just a matter of political correctness, please," responded 
[constitutional lawyer Michael] Gross. "It's illegal, it's 
unconstitutional, unethical, immoral, it shouldn't be done. We do not in 
this country prejudge a person based upon their race, creed, color, country 
of national origin and it's wrong to do so and it addition it's not 
effective. It doesn't work. It actually perpetuates the problem. That is, 
it separates us."

Gallagher responded that Gross's statements were "absolutely absurd" and 
claimed that the Traffic Safety Administration is aggressively targeting 
uniformed members of the military. "Let's have a Muslim-only line," 
Gallagher said, as Gross started to talk.

Jerrick asked Gallagher to repeat what he said.
"It's time to have a Muslims check-point line in America's airports and 
have Muslims be scrutinized. You better believe it, it's time," Gallagher 
said, garnering tepid audience applause.

According to the Newshounds account, despite Gross' clarification above, 
the debate was framed as a "political correctness" issue rather than one of 

NB: Note the headline in the "Next Entry" field: 
Gives Airtime to a Radical Christian Pastor Trying to Orchestrate 
Armageddon but Doesn't Reveal His Agenda to its Audience"



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[media-dakwah] What Does A Terrorist Preparing To Bomb 10 Airliners Do Beforehand? Buys Cakes

2006-08-16 Thread muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

What Does A Terrorist Preparing To Bomb 10 Airliners Do Beforehand? Buys Cakes

Behavior of liquid bomb suspects mirrors 7/7 patsies - no evidence of 
terror planning

Paul Joseph Watson/Prison 
Planet.com | August 16 2006

The characters and behavior of the few known liquid bomb suspects are 
completely inconsistent with any notion that they were preparing to kill 
themselves in acts of mass terror - mirroring the pre-attack demeanor of 
the 7/7 patsies.

A CCTV image (top) shows one of the suspects, Tayib Rauf, entering a bulk 
order supermarket in Birmingham just two hours before anti-terror police 
swooped in to grab him for his alleged role in a plot to bomb ten 
transatlantic airliners. What were the tools of terror Rauf was acquiring 
before his kamikaze death mission? Knives? Peroxide to make the deadly 
liquid bomb? Cameras to detonate the bombs?

No - he was buying cakes.

"Does this look like the kind of person planning such a plot? He doesn't 
look like he's about to blow himself up," the owner of the store told the 

Rauf chatted with the owner, who said he was more concerned about his 
father's confectionary business than the fact that he was about to aid in 
the mid-air slaughter of 3,000 people.

Any two-bit psychologist can tell you that this individual's behavior 
completely belies the notion that his life is about to come to an end. That 
in itself exposes the alleged plot for the monumental fraud it is.

Former British Ambassador to Uzbekistan Craig Murray has also highlighted 
the limited capabilities and intent of the suspects - proof he says that 
the alert was government propaganda from a cabal that yearns for a "new 9/11."

"None of the alleged terrorists had made a bomb. None had bought a plane 
ticket. Many did not even have passports, which given the efficiency of the 
UK Passport Agency would mean they couldn't be a plane bomber for quite 
some time," 

Again we hear the same story over and over - they had young families, they 
were not political, they were active members of the community, everyone 
liked them whatever race, they loved football, they planned to be doctors, 
they had future prospects.

Is this an inside joke? MI5 can't even find some angry Muslim loners with 
criminal records to at least make it appear as if they would have any 
motive to carry out these attacks? It's such a blatant ruse you wonder if 
they are doing it on purpose to send a message - that everyone should live 
in fear of a dawn raid from the terror cops.

The evidence that the London bombers knew they were about to die was so 
flimsy that 
newspapers and 
even the 
Metropolitan Police concluded that they were unwitting dupes.

"A Metropolitan Police counter terrorist expert told a seminar that the 
four terrorists - Mohammad Sidique Khan, 30, Shehzad Tanweer, 22, Germaine 
Lindsay, 19, and Hasib Hussain, 18, - did not fit the preconceived 
terrorist profile."

bombers purchased return tickets, played cricket, ate Big Macs, and had 
arguments with members of the public in the hours before the attacks took 
place. They left no suicide notes.

"I've seen the CCTV footage of these people. They do not appear to be on 
their way to commit any crime at all. The Russell Square bomber [Hasib 
Hussain] is actually seen going into shops and bumping into people [prior 
to his attack]," the expert said.

The bombers were described by friends as as four "nice lads", "normal kids 
who played basketball and kicked a ball around."

A week after the liquid bomb alert and we still have no motive and no 
evidence that suggests these individuals are anything other than 
unfortunate fall guys for Blair's latest act of psychological warfare 
against the British people.

But it's a battle of information that is increasingly swinging away from 
baseless fearmongering and in favor of the truth. BBC and British newspaper 
website forums have been swamped with people expressing their 
incredulousness about the reality of the latest so-called threat.

A London Guardian journalist in 
an article 
today highlights how he traveled the country and found widespread 
skepticism about the real nature of the alert amongst British citizens - 
with only tourists wholeheartedly trusting the government.

Assertions that the alert is nothing more than political propagand

[media-dakwah] Exploding the 'terrorist' neuron bomb

2006-08-16 Thread muslim insuffer


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Exploding the 'terrorist' neuron bomb
By Ian Williams

What do Nelson Mandela, Michael Collins, Archbishop Makarios, Menachim 
Begin, Yasser Arafat, Yitzhak Shamir, Eamon DeValera and Jomo Kenyatta have 
in common, apart from having being heads of state?

As everybody knows, but few remember, they were all vilified as 
"terrorists" by the British or American authorities.

Ronald Reagan branded Mandela's African National Congress a terrorist 
organization - and to be fair, it did commit some terrorist acts, while the 
ancestors of Likud blew up the King David Hotel, assassinated the highest 
British official in the Middle East during the war against the Nazis, and 
gunned down United Nations representative Count Folke Bernadotte for trying 
to negotiate a peace settlement.

I have been on several Fox and MSNBC shows recently where the hosts 
admitted that Israel is failing in Lebanon, and that it was a mistake to 
begin the invasion, not least because there is no exit strategy. But then 
they will round on me because I will not describe Hezbollah as "terrorist". 
In fact I use the same formula that British diplomats (in the better days 
of a more independent foreign policy) used: "A group that sometimes commits 
terrorist acts." Needless to say, this does not satisfy pro-Israeli 
anchormen - in fact, it gives them an excuse to grandstand their fury.

Their use of the concept illustrates the reason for my refusal. Words like 
"terrorism" and "terrorist" are no longer definitions - they are evasions, 
often deliberate, of vital issues, no more so than in the "war on terror".

This is not merely sloppy use of vocabulary. It is precisely targeted 
phrasing and intended to terrorize dissent. Especially in the binary, 
Manichaean mindset of the US and Likudnik Israel, once a group has been 
labeled "terrorist" it becomes the epitome of evil and to suggest that any 
of their arguments have any justice makes one a terrorist supporter. Using 
these words shuts down the higher cerebral functions of many of the listeners.

Of course, it is difficult to be dispassionate about blood and dismembered 
bodies, but in the interests of preventing more of the same, we should take 
a step backwards.

According to Kofi Annan, who was trying to get governments to agree on a 
definition at the United Nations last year, an act is terrorism "if it is 
intended to cause death or serious bodily harm to civilians or 
non-combatants with the purpose of intimidating a population or compelling 
a government or an international organization to do or abstain from doing 
any act." This was, incidentally, also the phrasing used by the first Chair 
of the Security Council Committee on Terrorism, UK Ambassador Sir Jeremy 

It is concise and precise - and clearly excludes much of what Israel, the 
US and other governments have tried to brand as terrorism.

For years Israelis have called Palestinian leaders terrorists, because they 
did not want to deal with them or indeed with any of the claims of the 
people they represented. In recent weeks, Israeli forces have kidnapped 
some 38 elected Palestinian representatives, because they deemed them 
"terrorists". Hamas and Hezbollah are "terrorists" and no one should talk 
to them, no matter how many Palestinians or Lebanese vote for them and 
support them.

The abuse of the concept has reached its nadir in the amorphous "war on 
terror", which currently covers any military operations that the US, 
Israel, Russia, and anyone else trying to jump on the bloody bandwagon, 
should wish to undertake, not to mention any rolling back of civil 
liberties and international law that it entails. Dead dissidents, or even 
just passers-by, from Chechnya to Xinjiang, from Uzbekistan to Gaza, Abu 
Ghraib to south Lebanon, become posthumous terrorists as soon as their 
killing is reported.
It was under the guise of the "war on terror" that Iraq was invaded. The 
weapons of mass destruction were a legal distraction: for most Americans 
the real justification of the war was the absolute fiction that Saddam 
Hussein was behind the September 11 attacks. And interestingly, under the 
fog of the "war on terror", American troops have now pretty much abandoned 
Afghanistan, the host country of uncaught Osama bin Laden and the one place 
where it was justifiable, and handed over operations to NATO.

Simply labeling groups as "terrorist" and demonizing those who stop to 
think more deeply about it stops odious comparisons that may challenge 
prevailing prejudices.

For example, I was on a radio show some weeks after the indisputably 
terrorist attack on the World Trade Center (WTC), which I had lived close 
to and watched in real time. The host asked about progress at the UN in 
adopting a definition of terrorism. I was explaining the difficulties and 
went out on a limb - "