Re: [MBZ] oil sucker

2006-09-22 Thread Kaleb C. Striplin

Sounds like a good article to post to the site to me.

wilton strickland wrote:

Here's my version.


(This method of oil removal by suction works only if oil dipstick tube goes
to lowest point in oil pan, as in a Mercedes.  Oil below bottom of dipstick
tube can't be removed by this method without sticking an oil evacuation tube
down the dipstick tube to bottom of the oil pan.  Mercedes engines since the
60's have been built with dipstick tubes to lowest point in the pan,
specifically, to expedite removal of oil by suction.  I don't know if
dipstick tubes in other engines go to bottom of the pan.)


1.  Vacuum cleaner (shop or domestic unit) with ITS hose

2.  5 gal plastic joint compound or detergent bucket (or appropriate size
container strong enough not to collapse under vacuum cleaner suction)

3.  ~ 5 feet of 5/8 inch OD plastic tubing with some fabric in the walls to
help it resist collapsing due to suction and heat from the oil


1.  Near the outer edge of the bucket's plastic top, cut a small hole
slightly smaller than the 5/8 inch tube.  Insert end of 5/8 inch tube snugly
into this hole - NOT to the bottom of the bucket - only an inch or so into
the top - enough to stay securely in place.  (If the discharge end of the
evacuation tube is below the oil level in the bucket, much bubbling and
turbulence will occur in the oil when most of the oil has been removed from
the engine, and the sucker sucks air.  The turbulence may cause oil to be
spattered near and drawn into the vac hose.)

2.  Near the opposite edge of the bucket's top from the 5/8 inch tube, cut a
hole slightly smaller than the suction end of the vac cleaner hose.  Insert
suction end of the vac cleaner hose snugly into this hole - NOT way down in
the bucket - just past the top enough to stay securely in place.

3.  Insert other end of 5/8 inch OD plastic tube snugly INTO TOP inch and a
half or so of engine oil dipstick tube.  (If you feel more comfortable by
wrapping a bit of tape around the plastic tube to increase its size and make
it fit more snugly INSIDE the dipstick tube, please do so.)

4.  Attach other end of vac hose to the vac cleaner.


In lieu of plastic joint compound or detergent bucket, use 5 gal. kerosene,
gasoline or other appropriate metal or plastic can with built-in pouring
spout and filler opening.

1.  Insert suction end of vac cleaner hose snugly into the can's pouring

2.  Insert/install end of 5/8 inch oil removal tube in the can's other
opening.  (I used PVC couplings/fittings of appropriate sizes to adapt
filler opening for the 5/8 inch tube.  I also used a short section of 1½
inch dia. PVC, installed with slight downward slope inside the top of the
can to discharge the oil across the can as far as possible from the
suction/vac opening.  The 1½ inch PVC pipe inside the can also causes the
air being removed from the engine after the siphoning action is broken to
slow down enough to "release" small droplets of oil that may be suspended in
Insert suction end of this tube into top of dipstick tube.


1.  Have engine at or near operating temp.

2. Loosen top of oil filter canister & lift it ½ inch or so to allow oil to
run freely out of canister down into oil pan when vac starts.

3.  Turn vac cleaner ON.

4.  Change filter while oil flows into the receiver.  (I can't get mine
changed before the oil removal is finished.)

5.  When satisfied that oil removal is complete/sufficient, lift end of 5/8
inch tube out of dipstick tube.  (Turn end of tube upward and lift it upward
to aid flow of any oil in the tube into the bucket.)

6.  Turn vac cleaner OFF.

7.  Don't forget to replenish oil in the engine!

8.  Clean up - stow equipment.

I have used this type sucker several times with excellent results.  The
difference between a "troubled" oil change and a very clean and quick oil
change is the strength (resistance to collapse) of the oil evacuation tube.
Collapse of this tube can prevent the flow of anything - air, oil,
ANYTHING - into the bucket and can lead to the bucket's collapse if a "weak"
container is used.

My upgraded, first class sucker uses a metal kerosene can as the oil
receiver, but I have used a joint compound bucket as the oil receiver
several times with equal success.  Because of the permanently enclosed top
and pouring spout, the kerosene can makes dumping the oil much cleaner and
easier, though - never have to touch the oil, and don't have the trouble of
removing the top from a plastic container.

Use 5/8 inch OD plastic tubing with some fabric in the walls to help it
resist collapsing due to suction and heat from the oil.  The clear, limber,
plastic tubing is too weak - collapses easily.

Loosen top of oil filter canister & lift it a half inch or so to allow oil
to run freely out of canister down into oil pan when vac starts.

Using the sucker has several advantages for me.  The typic

[MBZ] [Fwd: OM603 injection pump R&R - basket confusion]

2006-09-22 Thread Striplin Admin account

 Original Message 
Subject: OM603 injection pump R&R - basket confusion
Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2006 22:36:39 -0700
From: Aaron Lam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Mercedes Discussion List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello all,

I was fortunate to score a nice looking IP from the local Pick-n-Pull,
and am planning on having it rebuilt and resealed before I install it.
I recently replaced the vacuum pump and because my car is an early
build, needed to use the metal "dam" gasket which requires removal of
the basket in order for it to seat properly. Now, when I reinstall the
rebuilt IP, is it necessary to install the basket when mounting the

87 300D

[MBZ] Syn jet fuel

2006-09-22 Thread wilton strickland
B-52A thru G used J-57 engines.  B-52H uses TF-33's.

BTW, a gas turbine engine will RUN on any combustible fluid or dust.  Don't
forget, gases are also fluids.


Re: [MBZ] For you Chicago area residents

2006-09-22 Thread LarryT

Mayor Daley at his finest.

Larry T (67 MGB, 74 911, 78 240D, 91 300D) for Oil Analysis and Weber Parts
Test Results
Weber Carb Info
Porsche Road Test
- Original Message - 

Sent: Friday, September 22, 2006 4:25 PM
Subject: [MBZ] For you Chicago area residents


As a result of AOPA's complaint, Chicago will pay a $33,000 fine for
illegally tearing up Meigs Field without proper notification. And
the city will have to repay $1 million of airport funds that Mayor
Richard M. Daley illegally diverted from O'Hare and Midway airports
to give to the destruction contractors. And with the more than $550,000
the city has already spent attempting to fight the fine and repayment,
hapless Chicago taxpayers are out close to $1.6 million, and they've
lost a world-class airport that generated $57 million a year in economic
activity for the city. The FAA announced the final settlement with the
city Monday. The city admitted no wrongdoing. "This sends a clear signal
to other cities that the FAA is serious about upholding its regulations
and that AOPA is serious about holding everyone's feet to the fire when
it comes to protecting airports," said AOPA President Phil Boyer. AOPA
filed the original complaints that resulted in the fine and fund 

"Many of us always thought that the civil penalty of $1,100 per day was
'chump change' to a city with the budget of Chicago," said Boyer. "But
whether he admits it or not, it shows that Daley violated FAA regulations
and could have put aircraft at risk." And for the future, it won't be
chump change. That's because after Meigs, AOPA successfully lobbied 

to increase the fine to $10,000 per day, to make it much more painful for
another city to attempt a midnight airport raid. Notice of the proposed
closure must also be published in the "Federal Register."
For new parts see official list sponsor:
For used parts email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition.
Version: 7.1.405 / Virus Database: 268.12.8/455 - Release Date: 9/22/2006

Re: [MBZ] Synthetic jet fuel

2006-09-22 Thread LarryT
Don't know about the tunbes you mention but the controls used at one of the 
fibers plants I worked in used vacuum tubes in the controls.  We had to get 
replacement tubes from Russia.  At least it was cheaper than installing new 

Larry T (67 MGB, 74 911, 78 240D, 91 300D) for Oil Analysis and Weber Parts
Test Results
Weber Carb Info
Porsche Road Test
- Original Message - 
From: "David Brodbeck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "Mercedes Discussion List" 
Sent: Friday, September 22, 2006 4:38 PM
Subject: Re: [MBZ] Synthetic jet fuel

Potter, Tom E wrote:

Ah Yes, the FAA. What an anachronism. They have yet to recognize LORAN
as an acceptable navigation instrument. Last I heard, they still
demanded that you navigate by ADF--like Lindberg.

They seem to have skipped clear over LORAN and gone straight to GPS.
It's just as well; LORAN is a dying technology, at this point.

I heard that a few years ago they wrote specifications for a landing aid 
that required


I'd have to know the situation to know how ridiculous that is.  There
are some transmitter applications where tubes are still more practical
than solid state devices.  The higher the power level the more likely
you are to see tubes, and in the 1 kW and above range you see almost
nothing else.

For new parts see official list sponsor:
For used parts email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition.
Version: 7.1.405 / Virus Database: 268.12.8/455 - Release Date: 9/22/2006

Re: [MBZ] Synthetic jet fuel

2006-09-22 Thread David Brodbeck
Potter, Tom E wrote:
> Ah Yes, the FAA. What an anachronism. They have yet to recognize LORAN
> as an acceptable navigation instrument. Last I heard, they still
> demanded that you navigate by ADF--like Lindberg.

They seem to have skipped clear over LORAN and gone straight to GPS. 
It's just as well; LORAN is a dying technology, at this point.

> I heard that a few years ago they wrote specifications for a landing aid that 
> required
> tubes.

I'd have to know the situation to know how ridiculous that is.  There
are some transmitter applications where tubes are still more practical
than solid state devices.  The higher the power level the more likely
you are to see tubes, and in the 1 kW and above range you see almost
nothing else.

[MBZ] For you Chicago area residents

2006-09-22 Thread RELNGSON

As a result of AOPA's complaint, Chicago will pay a $33,000 fine for
illegally tearing up Meigs Field without proper notification. And
the city will have to repay $1 million of airport funds that Mayor
Richard M. Daley illegally diverted from O'Hare and Midway airports
to give to the destruction contractors. And with the more than $550,000
the city has already spent attempting to fight the fine and repayment,
hapless Chicago taxpayers are out close to $1.6 million, and they've
lost a world-class airport that generated $57 million a year in economic
activity for the city. The FAA announced the final settlement with the
city Monday. The city admitted no wrongdoing. "This sends a clear signal
to other cities that the FAA is serious about upholding its regulations
and that AOPA is serious about holding everyone's feet to the fire when
it comes to protecting airports," said AOPA President Phil Boyer. AOPA
filed the original complaints that resulted in the fine and fund repayment.
"Many of us always thought that the civil penalty of $1,100 per day was
'chump change' to a city with the budget of Chicago," said Boyer. "But
whether he admits it or not, it shows that Daley violated FAA regulations
and could have put aircraft at risk." And for the future, it won't be
chump change. That's because after Meigs, AOPA successfully lobbied Congress
to increase the fine to $10,000 per day, to make it much more painful for
another city to attempt a midnight airport raid. Notice of the proposed
closure must also be published in the "Federal Register."

Re: [MBZ] Oil Filter Change

2006-09-22 Thread andrew strasfogel

Yes problem!  On our 1980 300D, the oil filter canister lid popped off due
to stripped threads on the securing studs following an oil change.  We knew
this because the car created a huge oil slick as it was being driven away
from the shop lift.  The mechanic refilled with new oil and was able to
re-attach the lid with old nuts, and I drove the car for a couple days (very
carefully!) until the new canister could be ordered from the dealer.  I
think this was a result of over-torquing the oil filter canister nuts but
since someone else did the work and it was many years ago, I cannot be
certain...  Too bad Marshall isn't around to let us know how common this
problem is...

On 9/22/06, Chuck Landenberger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


The included "crush washers", one brass, one  white metal, are for
the oil pan bolt..  For the 116, use the brass "crush"
washer...  If you are using an oil sucker, just put the washers
in the extra nut/bolt/washer bottle or whatever.

In my 16 years of owning my '80 300SD, I never used a torque wrench
on the oil filter "cap" nuts...  Just snugged them down.  Never
had a problem.

Take care,

Pnoenix, AZ
On Sep 22, 2006, at 11:18 AM, David Brodbeck wrote:

> David Brodbeck wrote:
>> Thread the cover/stem assembly into the new filter and bolt
>> it down.
> Actually, that was a poor choice of words.  I meant "thread" in the
> sense of "threading a needle," not "thread" in the sense of "twist it
> like a screw."
> ___
> For new parts see official list sponsor:
> For used parts email [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to:

For new parts see official list sponsor:
For used parts email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to:

Re: [MBZ] Stalls in gear checkl

2006-09-22 Thread 72benz250
Thanks Mak,

I beleive starting in 1971 MB replaced the 35/40's with 32/40's I have the idle 
stop valves that you cant buy anymore on mine :(

This problem occured immidiately after the rebuild of the carbs and the head 
was decked. I've taken the carbs apart and made sure the float hight is correct 
and replaced the floats themselfs.

If the air tubes are cloged I should be able to put a pencil eraser over them 
and the RPM should drop. correct?

If it is a vacuum leak would the spark plugs be white? 

-- Original message -- 
From: "M.Afzaal.Khan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> These carbs are Zenith 35/40INAT twins. 
> The best thing to do is adjust everything in the correct sequence including. 
> choke 
> tension and the vaccuam pulldown adjustment screw near the second stage. 
> Stalling on these carbs is invariably due to two things 
> a) the idle air tube gets clogged . spray cleaner into the small hole near 
> the choke flap. works 90 percent. 
> b) the fuel needle valves leak causing a high fuel level in the bowl , 
> symptoms uneven stuttering idle and stalling problems. 
> replace both needle valves if old or clean if new and replace with fresh 1 
> mm 
> washer under each. this sets the level correctly( 23mm) 
> hope it helps 
> mak 
> 111 220s 
> 110 230 
> 109 280sel 
> 126 300se 
> > I'll check the fast idle this weekend. The choke on these carbs, Zenith 
> > INAT 32/40's is electric. so the choke pull off happens on it's own. 
> > 
> > Another interesting thing happened yesterday. After I got home, I 
> > tightened the choke spring and took her for a little spin, filled up the 
> > tank. Ran fine until I hit a red light then when I tried to take off, she 
> > stumbled. I pumped the pedal, still stumbled. I had to lay off all pedals 
> > and she slowly accelerated on her one. 
> > 
> > No problem picking up speed and cruising after that until I came to 
> > another light, then the same thing. Engine was definitely at full 
> > operating temperature at that point. 
> > 
> > I looked at the accelerator pump and I'm getting a good stream. 
> > 
> > Any thoughts on this? 
> > 
> > Thanks again. 
> > 
> > George 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > -- Original message -- 
> > From: "Trampas" 
> > 
> >> George, 
> >> 
> >> I am not sure on your carburettor but most choke systems work by having a 
> >> flap close off the air such that the engine runs richer. When you are 
> >> first 
> >> starting the car the choke flap is fully closed, once started most cars 
> >> have 
> >> a "choke pull off" this is a vacuum actuator which opens the choke flap 
> >> slightly to allow more air in thus leaning out mixture. The way to think 
> >> about it is that you need a really rich mixture to get engine started 
> >> then 
> >> slightly rich mixture while engine is cold, then normal mixture when 
> >> engine 
> >> is warm. 
> >> 
> >> Thus the choke pull off will pull off the choke flap when engine is 
> >> started 
> >> to make the mixture slightly rich but not as rich as if the flap was 
> >> fully 
> >> closed. 
> >> 
> >> Most carburettors have a fast idle cam this is a stepped cam that as the 
> >> choke flap is closed it will open the throttle butterfly. Thus if the 
> >> choke 
> >> pull off pulls the choke flap open too far then what happens is that 
> >> engine 
> >> does not run as rich as needed and it will also cause the fast idle to be 
> >> disabled. The net result is that you put it in gear and it stalls. 
> >> 
> >> So basically you have two basic causes for stalling in gear after start. 
> >> 1 
> >> is that the engine is not running rich enough. 2 is that the fast idle is 
> >> not high enough. Actually I guess there is a 3rd which is a combination 
> >> of 1 
> >> and 2. 
> >> 
> >> Trampas 
> >> 
> >> -Original Message- 
> >> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> >> On Behalf Of [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> >> Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2006 3:29 PM 
> >> To: Mercedes Discussion List 
> >> Subject: Re: [MBZ] Stalls in gear while weather is cool 
> >> 
> >> Trampas, Tom, 
> >> 
> >> Thanks for your help. 
> >> 
> >> Here is where I'm confused, and I will be looking closer at the fast idle 
> >> and choke when I get home tonight, 
> >> 
> >> I did let the car warm up until the thermostat opened, I noticed the temp 
> >> drop. At that point shouldent the chokes be open completely? At that 
> >> point 
> >> the 100C switch will shut off the fast idle circuit. It still occured 
> >> with 
> >> the engine warmed up. 
> >> 
> >> Trampas, you said " choke pull-off is pulling choke off too much". I'm 
> >> not 
> >> sure I understand. Choke is on? 
> >> 
> >> Is it possible the carbs are still a little on the lean side and causing 
> >> the 
> >> stall in gear? 
> >> 
> >> Thanks to everybody for their help. 
> >> 
> >> George 
> >> 
> >> -- Original message -- 
> >> From: "Trampas" 
> >> 
> >> > Could be the fast idle not s

Re: [MBZ] Web pages updated

2006-09-22 Thread Curt Raymond
Maybe, I'd have to check. IIRC the problem wasn't that it wouldn't put files up 
but that it didn't put them in the folder structure I wanted.


Date: Fri, 22 Sep 2006 10:18:58 -0600
From: Lee Einer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [MBZ] Web pages updated
To: Mercedes Discussion List 
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Curt Raymond wrote:
> Marginally. I was using Dreamweaver before I switched to Linux, I'm 
using NVU now. Dreamweaver is to my way of thinking a bit easier to use 
and has a MUCH better site management interface. It also works MUCH 
better with my hosting service for uploading pages. With NVU its easy to 
publish the page and get it in the right place but I've found I need to 
use an FTP utility to upload images or (especially) video. It might be 
that I just haven't figured out how yet in NVU.
> The help for NVU stinks, online resources are better but still scarce 
compared to Dreamweaver.
> -Curt
> NVU has a check box on in the "publish"  dialog box which says 
"publish images
and files referenced by this page." Have you tried that?


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Hmm, I didn't know there was a specification. I've always just gotten them 
tight. Theres a big o-ring so I imagine it'd be hard to make them leak. All the 
castings are relatively beefy so it also seems like you'd have to put alot of 
force on to break anything.
Neverthe less this seems like a great excuse to use the torque wrench...


Date: Fri, 22 Sep 2006 10:48:42 -0600
From: Lee Einer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [MBZ] Oil Filter Change
To: Mercedes Discussion List 
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

The Benz (1980 300CD)is due for an oil change. Happy to see the filter 
accessible from the top of the engine (never done my own change on this 
before.) Plan to use Wilton's $2 supersucker to drain the oil.

The Official CD is not terribly helpful. It indicates that I am to 
tighten the
two fastening nuts on the filter to 20-25 NM. What is that in 
foot-pounds? Also,
the diagram shows a shaft or tube running up through the middle with 
warnings that if I put it back together wrong my doom is immanent. Do I 
need to
fiddle with the shaft thing and the spring on it in order to change the 


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From: Chuck Landenberger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 22 Sep 2006 11:55:42 -0700
To: Mercedes Discussion List 

Re: [MBZ] Synthetic jet fuel

2006-09-22 Thread Potter, Tom E
Ah Yes, the FAA. What an anachronism. They have yet to recognize LORAN
as an acceptable navigation instrument. Last I heard, they still
demanded that you navigate by ADF--like Lindberg. I heard that a few
years ago they wrote specifications for a landing aid that required
tubes. The contractor had to go to China to get the tubes; nobody else
manufactured them.

Tom Potter

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of David Brodbeck
Sent: Friday, September 22, 2006 1:08 PM
To: Mercedes Discussion List
Subject: Re: [MBZ] Synthetic jet fuel

Potter, Tom E wrote:
> Gas turbines are like diesels in that respect, they will burn anything
> you can get into the combustion chamber. I have seen them run on
> everything from gasoline blend to heavy oil. In most industrial
> applications, they use natural gas.

And automotive diesel is a common fuel for jet engines that have been
"repurposed" to power dragsters and the like.  (In aircraft that would
be a serious no-no -- it might gel in the cold air at altitude.)

The real question is a legal one.  If this stuff is substantially
different from normal jet fuel, the engines and fuel system will have to
be recertified for it before the FAA will let airlines use it.  If the
savings are substantial enough, though, someone will pay for the testing
to make that happen.

For new parts see official list sponsor:
For used parts email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to:

Re: [MBZ] Grill Badges

2006-09-22 Thread David Brodbeck
LT Don wrote:
> I am using the version of Perl designed for slower servers like mine -- I
> think it is called Minnie Pearl.

To connect it to a database, do you need a Minnie Driver? ;)

Re: [MBZ] Oil Filter Change

2006-09-22 Thread David Brodbeck
David Brodbeck wrote:
> Thread the cover/stem assembly into the new filter and bolt
> it down.

Actually, that was a poor choice of words.  I meant "thread" in the
sense of "threading a needle," not "thread" in the sense of "twist it
like a screw."

Re: [MBZ] Oil Filter Change

2006-09-22 Thread David Brodbeck
Lee Einer wrote:
> The Official CD is not terribly helpful. It indicates that I am to tighten the
> two fastening nuts on the filter to 20-25 NM. What is that in foot-pounds?

This link will help you out:
I scribbled the ft-lb values in the margins of the manual for future

> Also,
> the diagram shows a shaft or tube running up through the middle with cryptic
> warnings that if I put it back together wrong my doom is immanent. Do I need 
> to
> fiddle with the shaft thing and the spring on it in order to change the 
> filter?

It's not really that complicated.  Lift off the cover, with the stem
attached.  Pull out the filter.  Stuff the new filter in in the same
direction.  Thread the cover/stem assembly into the new filter and bolt
it down.  The new filter will also come with a new O-ring for the cover
and new copper crush washers for the cover nuts.  This is one of the
cleanest oil filters to change I've ever seen, because the filter itself
retains so little oil.  I used to remove the cover and let the filter
drain in the housing while I sucked the oil out of the pan, then put the
new filter in just before I poured the new oil into the engine.

> Lee
> ___
> For new parts see official list sponsor:
> For used parts email [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to:

Re: [MBZ] Synthetic jet fuel

2006-09-22 Thread David Brodbeck
Potter, Tom E wrote:
> Gas turbines are like diesels in that respect, they will burn anything
> you can get into the combustion chamber. I have seen them run on
> everything from gasoline blend to heavy oil. In most industrial
> applications, they use natural gas.

And automotive diesel is a common fuel for jet engines that have been
"repurposed" to power dragsters and the like.  (In aircraft that would
be a serious no-no -- it might gel in the cold air at altitude.)

The real question is a legal one.  If this stuff is substantially
different from normal jet fuel, the engines and fuel system will have to
be recertified for it before the FAA will let airlines use it.  If the
savings are substantial enough, though, someone will pay for the testing
to make that happen.

Re: [MBZ] Oil Filter Change

2006-09-22 Thread Rusty
2 actually. Part number 015 997 94 48.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Potter, Tom E
Sent: Friday, September 22, 2006 1:14 PM
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Mercedes Discussion List
Subject: Re: [MBZ] Oil Filter Change

There is an O-ring around the shaft that you should replace if it has
not been replaced lately.

Tom Potter

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Robert & Tara
Sent: Friday, September 22, 2006 12:01 PM
To: Mercedes Discussion List
Subject: Re: [MBZ] Oil Filter Change

14.75-18.43 ft lbs, or 177-221 in lbs
When you get the lid off, everything will be pretty self explanatory


Lee Einer wrote:
> The Benz (1980 300CD)is due for an oil change. Happy to see the filter
> accessible from the top of the engine (never done my own change on
this beast
> before.) Plan to use Wilton's $2 supersucker to drain the oil.
> The Official CD is not terribly helpful. It indicates that I am to
tighten the
> two fastening nuts on the filter to 20-25 NM. What is that in
foot-pounds? Also,
> the diagram shows a shaft or tube running up through the middle with
> warnings that if I put it back together wrong my doom is immanent. Do
I need to
> fiddle with the shaft thing and the spring on it in order to change
the filter?
> Lee
> ___
> For new parts see official list sponsor:
> For used parts email [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to:

For new parts see official list sponsor:
For used parts email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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For new parts see official list sponsor:
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Re: [MBZ] Oil Filter Change

2006-09-22 Thread Potter, Tom E
There is an O-ring around the shaft that you should replace if it has
not been replaced lately.

Tom Potter

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Robert & Tara
Sent: Friday, September 22, 2006 12:01 PM
To: Mercedes Discussion List
Subject: Re: [MBZ] Oil Filter Change

14.75-18.43 ft lbs, or 177-221 in lbs
When you get the lid off, everything will be pretty self explanatory


Lee Einer wrote:
> The Benz (1980 300CD)is due for an oil change. Happy to see the filter
> accessible from the top of the engine (never done my own change on
this beast
> before.) Plan to use Wilton's $2 supersucker to drain the oil.
> The Official CD is not terribly helpful. It indicates that I am to
tighten the
> two fastening nuts on the filter to 20-25 NM. What is that in
foot-pounds? Also,
> the diagram shows a shaft or tube running up through the middle with
> warnings that if I put it back together wrong my doom is immanent. Do
I need to
> fiddle with the shaft thing and the spring on it in order to change
the filter?
> Lee
> ___
> For new parts see official list sponsor:
> For used parts email [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to:

For new parts see official list sponsor:
For used parts email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [MBZ] Oil Filter Change

2006-09-22 Thread Robert & Tara Ludwick

14.75-18.43 ft lbs, or 177-221 in lbs
When you get the lid off, everything will be pretty self explanatory


Lee Einer wrote:

The Benz (1980 300CD)is due for an oil change. Happy to see the filter is
accessible from the top of the engine (never done my own change on this beast
before.) Plan to use Wilton's $2 supersucker to drain the oil.

The Official CD is not terribly helpful. It indicates that I am to tighten the
two fastening nuts on the filter to 20-25 NM. What is that in foot-pounds? Also,
the diagram shows a shaft or tube running up through the middle with cryptic
warnings that if I put it back together wrong my doom is immanent. Do I need to
fiddle with the shaft thing and the spring on it in order to change the filter?


For new parts see official list sponsor:
For used parts email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[MBZ] Oil Filter Change

2006-09-22 Thread Lee Einer
The Benz (1980 300CD)is due for an oil change. Happy to see the filter is
accessible from the top of the engine (never done my own change on this beast
before.) Plan to use Wilton's $2 supersucker to drain the oil.

The Official CD is not terribly helpful. It indicates that I am to tighten the
two fastening nuts on the filter to 20-25 NM. What is that in foot-pounds? Also,
the diagram shows a shaft or tube running up through the middle with cryptic
warnings that if I put it back together wrong my doom is immanent. Do I need to
fiddle with the shaft thing and the spring on it in order to change the filter?


Re: [MBZ] Web pages updated

2006-09-22 Thread Curt Raymond
Marginally. I was using Dreamweaver before I switched to Linux, I'm using NVU 
now. Dreamweaver is to my way of thinking a bit easier to use and has a MUCH 
better site management interface. It also works MUCH better with my hosting 
service for uploading pages. With NVU its easy to publish the page and get it 
in the right place but I've found I need to use an FTP utility to upload images 
or (especially) video. It might be that I just haven't figured out how yet in 
The help for NVU stinks, online resources are better but still scarce compared 
to Dreamweaver.


Date: Fri, 22 Sep 2006 08:42:10 -0500
Subject: Re: [MBZ] Web pages updated
To: "Mercedes Discussion List" 
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

Is it better than NVU, which is also free?

On 9/22/06, Michael Hall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Want dreamweaver?  It's free, I know you like that...

Proudly marching to the beat of a different kettle of fish.

Do you Yahoo!?
 Get on board. You're invited to try the new Yahoo! Mail.
From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Fri Sep 22 16:19:14 2006
Received: from ([]
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(Vircom SMTPRS 4.2.181) with SMTP id  for
; Fri, 22 Sep 2006 10:19:04 -0600
Date: Fri, 22 Sep 2006 10:18:58 -0600
From: Lee Einer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
User-Agent: Debian Thunderbird 1.0.7 (X11/20051017)
X-Accept-Language: en-us, en
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To: Mercedes Discussion List 
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Subject: Re: [MBZ] Web pages updated
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Curt Raymond wrote:
> Marginally. I was using Dreamweaver before I switched to Linux, I'm using NVU 
> now. Dreamweaver is to my way of thinking a bit easier to use and has a MUCH 
> better site management interface. It also works MUCH better with my hosting 
> service for uploading pages. With NVU its easy to publish the page and get it 
> in the right place but I've found I need to use an FTP utility to upload 
> images or (especially) video. It might be that I just haven't figured out how 
> yet in NVU.
> The help for NVU stinks, online resources are better but still scarce 
> compared to Dreamweaver.
> -Curt
> NVU has a check box on in the "publish"  dialog box which says "publish images
and files referenced by this page." Have you tried that?


Re: [MBZ] somebody should pick this up

2006-09-22 Thread Steve MacSween
Buye hear pay heare moters

(Take a left over the tracks, watch for the handpainted sign.)

Some of those places make more repo-ing their sales, than collecting the
interest on their loans (which, given the interest, is saying something).


on 9/22/06 10:57 AM, andrew strasfogel at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Pretty color but way too old for a car loan so why is it a repo??
> On 9/21/06, Kaleb C. Striplin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Key_W0QQitemZ160033169633QQihZ006QQcategoryZ6783QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
>> --
>> Kaleb C. Striplin/Claremore, OK
>> 91 300D 2.5 Turbo, 90 420SEL, 89 560SEL, 87 420SEL,
>> 87 300SDL, 87 300SDL #2, 86 300SDL, 84 380SE, 84 190D 2.2,
>> 84 190D 2.2 #2, 81 240D, 76 240D, 76 300D, 72 250C, 69 250
>> ___
>> For new parts see official list sponsor:
>> For used parts email [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to:
> ___
> For new parts see official list sponsor:
> For used parts email [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to:

Re: [MBZ] Im fixing to bid on this, so nobody bid against me

2006-09-22 Thread Tom Hargrave
I'll donate a dollar providing the car sells for Kaleb's typical $500.00
purchase price. 

Tom Hargrave

-Original Message-
On Behalf Of andrew strasfogel
Sent: Friday, September 22, 2006 10:05 AM
To: Mercedes Discussion List
Subject: Re: [MBZ] Im fixing to bid on this, so nobody bid against me

Kaleb is angling for us to buy it as a present for his next un-birthday.

On 9/22/06, OK Don <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> That's why he's selling it - to buy a better camera!
> On 9/21/06, Bob Rentfro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > You'd think they could afford a decent camera...looks like they used 
> > a
> cheap
> > cell phone camera.
> >
> --
> OK Don, KD5NRO
> Norman, OK
> "The Americans will always do the right thing... after they've 
> exhausted all the alternatives."
> Sir Winston Churchill
> '90 300D, '87 300SDL, '81 240D, '78 450SLC, '97 Ply Grand Voyager
> ___
> For new parts see official list sponsor: 
> For used parts email [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to:
For new parts see official list sponsor: For used
parts email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [MBZ] Im fixing to bid on this, so nobody bid against me

2006-09-22 Thread andrew strasfogel

Kaleb is angling for us to buy it as a present for his next un-birthday.

On 9/22/06, OK Don <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

That's why he's selling it - to buy a better camera!

On 9/21/06, Bob Rentfro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You'd think they could afford a decent camera...looks like they used a
> cell phone camera.

Norman, OK
"The Americans will always do the right thing... after they've
exhausted all the alternatives."
Sir Winston Churchill
'90 300D, '87 300SDL, '81 240D, '78 450SLC, '97 Ply Grand Voyager

For new parts see official list sponsor:
For used parts email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [MBZ] DIESEL scooter

2006-09-22 Thread andrew strasfogel

I have a turbodiesel badge is anyone needs one.   Will trade for 300TD good
back up lens.

On 9/22/06, redghost <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Gump may need that

On Sep 21, 2006, at 8:38 PM, Craig McCluskey wrote:

> On Thu, 21 Sep 2006 14:09:08 -0400 "wilton strickland"
> wrote:
>> Anybody have a DIESEL trunk badge that I may mount on back of my elec
>> scooter that I recharge with Diesel power in trunk of my 87 300D?  TIA
> Wilton,
> I have the trunk badge from a '72 220D/8 which says, "220 DIESEL," for
> free if you're interested. See picture attached.
> Craig
> ___
> For new parts see official list sponsor:
> For used parts email [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to:

Seattle Bioburner

1972 220D - Gump
1995 E300D - Cleo
1987 300SDL - POS - DOA
The FSM would drive a Diesel Benz

For new parts see official list sponsor:
For used parts email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [MBZ] 2.5 Turbo For Sale

2006-09-22 Thread andrew strasfogel

Bleeah color combo - silver gray/dove gray interior  I want some pizzazz
with my turbodiesel.

On 9/21/06, Alan Duff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Left out the link. Here it is.

Alan Duff
Knoxville, TN

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Re: [MBZ] somebody should pick this up

2006-09-22 Thread andrew strasfogel

Pretty color but way too old for a car loan so why is it a repo??

On 9/21/06, Kaleb C. Striplin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Kaleb C. Striplin/Claremore, OK
91 300D 2.5 Turbo, 90 420SEL, 89 560SEL, 87 420SEL,
87 300SDL, 87 300SDL #2, 86 300SDL, 84 380SE, 84 190D 2.2,
84 190D 2.2 #2, 81 240D, 76 240D, 76 300D, 72 250C, 69 250

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For used parts email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [MBZ] 300 SD 1979 Start Problem with Transmission Shifter

2006-09-22 Thread JFreezn
In a message dated 9/22/2006 2:54:52 A.M. US Mountain Standard Time,  

At  times, car will not start.  Nothing.  
Turn key, glow plug  indicator lights, then goes out, per normal.
Advance key to crank---  silent.
No solenoid click.
I've had the "flat spotted" starter a couple  of times already, and this
doesn’t even energize  the solenoid, so its  not that.

My wife, solved the problem.
She said, "If I shift out of  park then back, it starts right up"
Wow, that saved a ton of diagnostic  time!

Now how to fix?
Obviously a switch when the car is in park  alerting the starter circuit.
But where?  How to fix?  How  much?


You are getting some good advice.  Regarding moving the lever to get a  start:
It could be the shifter rod bushings are so worn that the neutral safety  
switch is not reaching a closed position in park.  fix: replace the two  
It could be that the neutral switch assy is so dirty that the contacts are  
marginal.  fix:  Remove and clean the switch  assembly.  Remove the shift lever 
from the side of the  transmission.  The switch is held to the side of the 
trans by 2 small  cap screws, 10 mm socket I believe.  You will note the holes 
in the switch  are slotted to permit adjusting for wear.  CAUTION:  When 
unplugging  the wire connector, be very gentle with the locking tabs or you 
will end 
up  ty-rapping the connector together.  
Finally. it could be the start/AC relay is hanging up and switching the  
power to it a couple times gets it to work.  fix: remove relay and switch  it 
one of 3 or 4 identical relays found in the drivers side kick  panel.

Jim  Friesen
Phoenix AZ
79 300SD, 262 K miles 
98 ML 320, 146 K  miles

[MBZ] oil sucker

2006-09-22 Thread wilton strickland
Here's my version.


(This method of oil removal by suction works only if oil dipstick tube goes
to lowest point in oil pan, as in a Mercedes.  Oil below bottom of dipstick
tube can't be removed by this method without sticking an oil evacuation tube
down the dipstick tube to bottom of the oil pan.  Mercedes engines since the
60's have been built with dipstick tubes to lowest point in the pan,
specifically, to expedite removal of oil by suction.  I don't know if
dipstick tubes in other engines go to bottom of the pan.)


1.  Vacuum cleaner (shop or domestic unit) with ITS hose

2.  5 gal plastic joint compound or detergent bucket (or appropriate size
container strong enough not to collapse under vacuum cleaner suction)

3.  ~ 5 feet of 5/8 inch OD plastic tubing with some fabric in the walls to
help it resist collapsing due to suction and heat from the oil


1.  Near the outer edge of the bucket's plastic top, cut a small hole
slightly smaller than the 5/8 inch tube.  Insert end of 5/8 inch tube snugly
into this hole - NOT to the bottom of the bucket - only an inch or so into
the top - enough to stay securely in place.  (If the discharge end of the
evacuation tube is below the oil level in the bucket, much bubbling and
turbulence will occur in the oil when most of the oil has been removed from
the engine, and the sucker sucks air.  The turbulence may cause oil to be
spattered near and drawn into the vac hose.)

2.  Near the opposite edge of the bucket's top from the 5/8 inch tube, cut a
hole slightly smaller than the suction end of the vac cleaner hose.  Insert
suction end of the vac cleaner hose snugly into this hole - NOT way down in
the bucket - just past the top enough to stay securely in place.

3.  Insert other end of 5/8 inch OD plastic tube snugly INTO TOP inch and a
half or so of engine oil dipstick tube.  (If you feel more comfortable by
wrapping a bit of tape around the plastic tube to increase its size and make
it fit more snugly INSIDE the dipstick tube, please do so.)

4.  Attach other end of vac hose to the vac cleaner.


In lieu of plastic joint compound or detergent bucket, use 5 gal. kerosene,
gasoline or other appropriate metal or plastic can with built-in pouring
spout and filler opening.

1.  Insert suction end of vac cleaner hose snugly into the can's pouring

2.  Insert/install end of 5/8 inch oil removal tube in the can's other
opening.  (I used PVC couplings/fittings of appropriate sizes to adapt
filler opening for the 5/8 inch tube.  I also used a short section of 1½
inch dia. PVC, installed with slight downward slope inside the top of the
can to discharge the oil across the can as far as possible from the
suction/vac opening.  The 1½ inch PVC pipe inside the can also causes the
air being removed from the engine after the siphoning action is broken to
slow down enough to "release" small droplets of oil that may be suspended in
Insert suction end of this tube into top of dipstick tube.


1.  Have engine at or near operating temp.

2. Loosen top of oil filter canister & lift it ½ inch or so to allow oil to
run freely out of canister down into oil pan when vac starts.

3.  Turn vac cleaner ON.

4.  Change filter while oil flows into the receiver.  (I can't get mine
changed before the oil removal is finished.)

5.  When satisfied that oil removal is complete/sufficient, lift end of 5/8
inch tube out of dipstick tube.  (Turn end of tube upward and lift it upward
to aid flow of any oil in the tube into the bucket.)

6.  Turn vac cleaner OFF.

7.  Don't forget to replenish oil in the engine!

8.  Clean up - stow equipment.

I have used this type sucker several times with excellent results.  The
difference between a "troubled" oil change and a very clean and quick oil
change is the strength (resistance to collapse) of the oil evacuation tube.
Collapse of this tube can prevent the flow of anything - air, oil,
ANYTHING - into the bucket and can lead to the bucket's collapse if a "weak"
container is used.

My upgraded, first class sucker uses a metal kerosene can as the oil
receiver, but I have used a joint compound bucket as the oil receiver
several times with equal success.  Because of the permanently enclosed top
and pouring spout, the kerosene can makes dumping the oil much cleaner and
easier, though - never have to touch the oil, and don't have the trouble of
removing the top from a plastic container.

Use 5/8 inch OD plastic tubing with some fabric in the walls to help it
resist collapsing due to suction and heat from the oil.  The clear, limber,
plastic tubing is too weak - collapses easily.

Loosen top of oil filter canister & lift it a half inch or so to allow oil
to run freely out of canister down into oil pan when vac starts.

Using the sucker has several advantages for me.  The typical ones:  not
having to crawl under the car to get to the pan plug, not having to r

Re: [MBZ] Web pages updated

2006-09-22 Thread Luther

Don't ya just love Micro$#!t Winderze?  My Win2K system at home is due for a
reload.  Currently I'm booting Knoppix Linux live CD to get online since
Winderze is a POS.

Luther   KB5QHU
Alma, Ark
'83 300SD (236 kmi)
'82 300CD (160 kmi)
'82 300D  (74 kmi) needs MAJOR work

Quoting Michael Hall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Thanks for the heads up -

I sync-ed from my laptop to the server and that jacked some stuff up.
Doesn't really matter as they were still in development, but now that my
desktop is FUBAR it may be a while before a real fix is implemented.


Re: [MBZ] Web pages updated

2006-09-22 Thread Craig McCluskey
On Fri, 22 Sep 2006 10:25:57 -0400 "Michael Hall"

> Thanks for the heads up -
> I sync-ed from my laptop to the server and that jacked some stuff up.
> Doesn't really matter as they were still in development, but now that my
> desktop is FUBAR it may be a while before a real fix is implemented.

While you're at it, spell check it, too. says,

  Becuase you can negotiate directly
  with the president of our company 

I didn't look at it all.


Re: [MBZ] Web pages updated

2006-09-22 Thread Michael Hall

Thanks for the heads up -

I sync-ed from my laptop to the server and that jacked some stuff up.
Doesn't really matter as they were still in development, but now that my
desktop is FUBAR it may be a while before a real fix is implemented.


On 9/22/06, Luther <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Check these links.they're dead

  Jarek's Car Service
  The VegOil Page

Luther   KB5QHU
Alma, Ark
'83 300SD (236 kmi)
'82 300CD (160 kmi)
'82 300D  (74 kmi) needs MAJOR work

Quoting Michael Hall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Well normally one would have to pay for dreamweaver, which makes my
offer a
> good one.
> I've never used or heard of NVU.  I did try to use frontpage, and found
> DreamWeaver to be many times more excellent.
> I think most people would agree that
> looks better than
> Although at least now some of his links work, and the link gifs actually
> show up, which is an improvement.
> Mike

For new parts see official list sponsor:
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Re: [MBZ] Web pages updated

2006-09-22 Thread Luther

Check these links.they're dead

 Jarek's Car Service
 The VegOil Page

Luther   KB5QHU
Alma, Ark
'83 300SD (236 kmi)
'82 300CD (160 kmi)
'82 300D  (74 kmi) needs MAJOR work

Quoting Michael Hall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Well normally one would have to pay for dreamweaver, which makes my offer a
good one.

I've never used or heard of NVU.  I did try to use frontpage, and found
DreamWeaver to be many times more excellent.

I think most people would agree that

looks better than

Although at least now some of his links work, and the link gifs actually
show up, which is an improvement.


Re: [MBZ] Web pages updated

2006-09-22 Thread Kaleb C. Striplin


Michael Hall wrote:

Want dreamweaver?  It's free, I know you like that...

Used it to make my webpage and I had 0 HTML knowledge when I started...

Offer is good for anyone (No one tell Macromedia, though) , I'll put it on
my webspace later and send a link if anyone is interested.


On 9/22/06, Kaleb C. Striplin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Im using office xp.  I will probably switch to links or something, but I
 like the buttons better.

Tom Hargrave wrote:

I see you are using an older version of Front Page. I can tell because I
have to click the buttons twice. But the web site looks great.

Tom Hargrave

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:


On Behalf Of Kaleb C. Striplin
Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2006 6:33 PM
To: Banned List; Mercedes Mailing List; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Mercedes-Benz
Veterans List; Linux Discussion List; Biodiesel Discussion List
Subject: [MBZ] Web pages updated

The web pages are updated, still need lots of content though.  Check it


and see what you think.  See the areas where we need contributions.

Kaleb C. Striplin/Claremore, OK
 91 300D 2.5 Turbo, 90 420SEL, 89 560SEL, 87 420SEL,
 87 300SDL, 87 300SDL #2, 86 300SDL, 84 380SE, 84 190D 2.2,
 84 190D 2.2 #2, 81 240D, 76 240D, 76 300D, 72 250C, 69 250

For new parts see official list sponsor: For


parts email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to:

For new parts see official list sponsor:
For used parts email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to:

Kaleb C. Striplin/Claremore, OK
 91 300D 2.5 Turbo, 90 420SEL, 89 560SEL, 87 420SEL,
 87 300SDL, 87 300SDL #2, 86 300SDL, 84 380SE, 84 190D 2.2,
 84 190D 2.2 #2, 81 240D, 76 240D, 76 300D, 72 250C, 69 250

For new parts see official list sponsor:
For used parts email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to:

For new parts see official list sponsor:
For used parts email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to:

Kaleb C. Striplin/Claremore, OK
 91 300D 2.5 Turbo, 90 420SEL, 89 560SEL, 87 420SEL,
 87 300SDL, 87 300SDL #2, 86 300SDL, 84 380SE, 84 190D 2.2,
 84 190D 2.2 #2, 81 240D, 76 240D, 76 300D, 72 250C, 69 250

Re: [MBZ] Web pages updated

2006-09-22 Thread Tom Hargrave

I like FrontPage 2003 and FrontPage is what I used to design my web site. I'm in the process of integrating Miva Merchant.
Soon, I'll have a complete web store with CC processing, not just eBay.

Tom Hargrave

-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Kaleb C. Striplin
Sent: Friday, September 22, 2006 8:15 AM
To: Mercedes Discussion List
Subject: Re: [MBZ] Web pages updated

Im using office xp.  I will probably switch to links or something, but I
  like the buttons better.

Tom Hargrave wrote:

> I see you are using an older version of Front Page. I can tell because 
> I have to click the buttons twice. But the web site looks great.
> Thanks,
> Tom Hargrave
> 256-656-1924
> -Original Message-
> On Behalf Of Kaleb C. Striplin
> Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2006 6:33 PM
> To: Banned List; Mercedes Mailing List; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Mercedes-Benz 
> Veterans List; Linux Discussion List; Biodiesel Discussion List
> Subject: [MBZ] Web pages updated
> The web pages are updated, still need lots of content though.  Check 
> it out and see what you think.  See the areas where we need contributions.
> --
> Kaleb C. Striplin/Claremore, OK
>   91 300D 2.5 Turbo, 90 420SEL, 89 560SEL, 87 420SEL,
>   87 300SDL, 87 300SDL #2, 86 300SDL, 84 380SE, 84 190D 2.2,
>   84 190D 2.2 #2, 81 240D, 76 240D, 76 300D, 72 250C, 69 250 
> ___
> For new parts see official list sponsor: 
> For used parts email [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to:
> ___
> For new parts see official list sponsor: 
> For used parts email [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to:

Kaleb C. Striplin/Claremore, OK
  91 300D 2.5 Turbo, 90 420SEL, 89 560SEL, 87 420SEL,
  87 300SDL, 87 300SDL #2, 86 300SDL, 84 380SE, 84 190D 2.2,
  84 190D 2.2 #2, 81 240D, 76 240D, 76 300D, 72 250C, 69 250

For new parts see official list sponsor: For used
parts email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [MBZ] Web pages updated

2006-09-22 Thread LT Don

NVU is also available for both Windows and Linux.

But I agree, it is a matter of personal preference.

On 9/22/06, Levi Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'd say that's personal preference.  Either one bugs me with the code it
creates sometimes.  I use Quanta in text mode in Linux.
Though personally of the two I'd go with NVU since it is LEGALLY free.  (:


Proudly marching to the beat of a different kettle of fish.

Re: [MBZ] Web pages updated

2006-09-22 Thread Levi Smith

I'd say that's personal preference.  Either one bugs me with the code it
creates sometimes.  I use Quanta in text mode in Linux.
Though personally of the two I'd go with NVU since it is LEGALLY free.  (:


On 9/22/06, LT Don <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Is it better than NVU, which is also free?

On 9/22/06, Michael Hall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Want dreamweaver?  It's free, I know you like that...

Proudly marching to the beat of a different kettle of fish.
For new parts see official list sponsor:
For used parts email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to:

Re: [MBZ] Web pages updated

2006-09-22 Thread Michael Hall

Well normally one would have to pay for dreamweaver, which makes my offer a
good one.

I've never used or heard of NVU.  I did try to use frontpage, and found
DreamWeaver to be many times more excellent.

I think most people would agree that

looks better than

Although at least now some of his links work, and the link gifs actually
show up, which is an improvement.


On 9/22/06, LT Don <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Is it better than NVU, which is also free?

On 9/22/06, Michael Hall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Want dreamweaver?  It's free, I know you like that...

Re: [MBZ] Steering Box/Pump on 83' 300D

2006-09-22 Thread Levi Smith

Well, I'll be darned if some of you weren't right and I do seem to have
developed a leak and the pump was pretty much down to the level where a turn
would probably starve it of fluid.  I filled her up and I'll see how fast
it's leaking, but I'm getting the impression it's only going to get worse.

Now, I looked again at the box, and am I correct that:
-there is a shaft going in with a collar around it to be removed to replace?
-there is an arm for the output that would disconnect at the far end of that
arm to replace?

Is there any way that arm itself could be loose where it attaches to the
box?  Since I'm using that arm's movement as a reference point as to how
tight the box is when adjusting, I'd hate to find out that the arm itself is
loose against the box somehow.

What sort of joint is on the other end of that arm that I need to remove to
swap out the box?

Is the only alignment I need to worry about when swapping basically getting
the steering wheel back to a straight position?


On 9/21/06, Levi Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm under the presumption that I have not overadjusted it since I never
got to the point where turning the input shaft to the box produced an
immediate movement in the output shaft.  Like I said, there was about 6
inches or so of play at the steering wheel when I got the car and
tightening (or loosening as it were) the adjuster as much as possible got it
down to around an inch or so at max adjustment (there was a linear
correlation to the tightening of the adjuster and the reduction in play).
I've had the car for a year or so and have yet to ever see it where "turn
wheel left" equals "car turns left" or at least in an immediate reponse to a
change in direction.  It's not HORRIBLE now...  (I grew up on farm tractors
where steering was always a little loose)  But it's certainly no
comparison to ANY rack and pinion steering on ANY vehicle I have ever
driven.  Maybe someday someone can give me a satisfactory explanation as to
why Ma Benz thinks (or though, I think she changed a couple years ago,
right?) gearboxes are better than rack and pinion?  I don't exactly
understand what's going on in that gearbox, but from my standpoint, there's
a lot of crap in the way with either rack and pinion, or gearbox, and I've
never had a rack and pinion die, let alone ever need adjusting and it always
was of the linear steering motion instead of dead on center like these...

So..  I'm ASSuming that the box was simply pretty much whooped when I got
it and some idiot made it looser at some point, and I have gotten it as
tight as possible, but not to a "tight" spot, but that after adjusting the
bolt out that far, I'm simply putting too much strain on a seal or some such
thing.  I see it looks like I can head over about 30 minutes toward Mike
Canfield's house and pick one up from an 83' 240D for about $58 that is
supposedly an "A" grade.  Suppose I'll try to do that this weekend or


Re: [MBZ] Web pages updated

2006-09-22 Thread LT Don

Is it better than NVU, which is also free?

On 9/22/06, Michael Hall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Want dreamweaver?  It's free, I know you like that...

Proudly marching to the beat of a different kettle of fish.

Re: [MBZ] Web pages updated

2006-09-22 Thread Michael Hall

Want dreamweaver?  It's free, I know you like that...

Used it to make my webpage and I had 0 HTML knowledge when I started...

Offer is good for anyone (No one tell Macromedia, though) , I'll put it on
my webspace later and send a link if anyone is interested.


On 9/22/06, Kaleb C. Striplin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Im using office xp.  I will probably switch to links or something, but I
  like the buttons better.

Tom Hargrave wrote:

> I see you are using an older version of Front Page. I can tell because I
> have to click the buttons twice. But the web site looks great.
> Thanks,
> Tom Hargrave
> 256-656-1924
> -Original Message-
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:
> On Behalf Of Kaleb C. Striplin
> Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2006 6:33 PM
> To: Banned List; Mercedes Mailing List; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Mercedes-Benz
> Veterans List; Linux Discussion List; Biodiesel Discussion List
> Subject: [MBZ] Web pages updated
> The web pages are updated, still need lots of content though.  Check it
> and see what you think.  See the areas where we need contributions.
> --
> Kaleb C. Striplin/Claremore, OK
>   91 300D 2.5 Turbo, 90 420SEL, 89 560SEL, 87 420SEL,
>   87 300SDL, 87 300SDL #2, 86 300SDL, 84 380SE, 84 190D 2.2,
>   84 190D 2.2 #2, 81 240D, 76 240D, 76 300D, 72 250C, 69 250
> ___
> For new parts see official list sponsor: For
> parts email [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to:
> ___
> For new parts see official list sponsor:
> For used parts email [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to:

Kaleb C. Striplin/Claremore, OK
  91 300D 2.5 Turbo, 90 420SEL, 89 560SEL, 87 420SEL,
  87 300SDL, 87 300SDL #2, 86 300SDL, 84 380SE, 84 190D 2.2,
  84 190D 2.2 #2, 81 240D, 76 240D, 76 300D, 72 250C, 69 250

For new parts see official list sponsor:
For used parts email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to:

Re: [MBZ] Web pages updated

2006-09-22 Thread Kaleb C. Striplin
Im using office xp.  I will probably switch to links or something, but I 
 like the buttons better.

Tom Hargrave wrote:

I see you are using an older version of Front Page. I can tell because I
have to click the buttons twice. But the web site looks great. 

Tom Hargrave

-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Kaleb C. Striplin
Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2006 6:33 PM
To: Banned List; Mercedes Mailing List; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Mercedes-Benz
Veterans List; Linux Discussion List; Biodiesel Discussion List
Subject: [MBZ] Web pages updated

The web pages are updated, still need lots of content though.  Check it out
and see what you think.  See the areas where we need contributions.

Kaleb C. Striplin/Claremore, OK
  91 300D 2.5 Turbo, 90 420SEL, 89 560SEL, 87 420SEL,
  87 300SDL, 87 300SDL #2, 86 300SDL, 84 380SE, 84 190D 2.2,
  84 190D 2.2 #2, 81 240D, 76 240D, 76 300D, 72 250C, 69 250

For new parts see official list sponsor: For used
parts email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to:

For new parts see official list sponsor:
For used parts email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to:

Kaleb C. Striplin/Claremore, OK
 91 300D 2.5 Turbo, 90 420SEL, 89 560SEL, 87 420SEL,
 87 300SDL, 87 300SDL #2, 86 300SDL, 84 380SE, 84 190D 2.2,
 84 190D 2.2 #2, 81 240D, 76 240D, 76 300D, 72 250C, 69 250

Re: [MBZ] Used parts specials for 9/21/06

2006-09-22 Thread Kaleb C. Striplin

There should be 20 something items

Zeitgeist wrote:

When I first opened the link, it showed zippo.  Now it shows some sort of
truck badge; that's it.  I want beef.  Where's the beef?

On 9/21/06, Kaleb C. Striplin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

what are you looking for?

Olympia, WA
Biodiesel: "I drive in a persistent vegetative state"
'87 300TD intercooler #22 (218k)
'84 300D (216k)
'89 Vanagon Wolfsburg Edition (187K)
For new parts see official list sponsor:
For used parts email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to:

Kaleb C. Striplin/Claremore, OK
 91 300D 2.5 Turbo, 90 420SEL, 89 560SEL, 87 420SEL,
 87 300SDL, 87 300SDL #2, 86 300SDL, 84 380SE, 84 190D 2.2,
 84 190D 2.2 #2, 81 240D, 76 240D, 76 300D, 72 250C, 69 250

Re: [MBZ] 300 SD 1979 Start Problem with Transmission Shifter

2006-09-22 Thread Jim Cathey
Obviously a switch when the car is in park alerting the starter 
circuit.But where?  How to fix?  How much?

The neutral safety switch is on the side of the transmission, and
is not too hard to replace, nor too expensive.  They fail relatively
often because they live in a harsh environment.

-- Jim

Re: [MBZ] Im fixing to bid on this, so nobody bid against me

2006-09-22 Thread OK Don

That's why he's selling it - to buy a better camera!

On 9/21/06, Bob Rentfro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

You'd think they could afford a decent camera...looks like they used a cheap
cell phone camera.

Norman, OK
"The Americans will always do the right thing... after they've
exhausted all the alternatives."
Sir Winston Churchill
'90 300D, '87 300SDL, '81 240D, '78 450SLC, '97 Ply Grand Voyager

Re: [MBZ] Stalls in gear checkl

2006-09-22 Thread Potter, Tom E
I have some left-over used parts for these carburetors (linkages and
such). If you want them, you can have them for postage. I once had a
1967 230 with a set of Zeniths.

Tom Potter

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of M.Afzaal.Khan
Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2006 12:27 AM
To: Mercedes Discussion List
Subject: Re: [MBZ] Stalls in gear checkl

These carbs are  Zenith  35/40INAT   twins.
The best thing to do is adjust everything in the correct sequence
tension and the vaccuam  pulldown  adjustment screw near the second
Stalling on these carbs is invariably  due to  two things
a)  the idle air tube  gets clogged . spray cleaner into the small hole
the choke flap. works 90 percent.
 b)  the fuel needle valves leak causing  a high fuel level in the bowl
symptoms uneven stuttering idle and  stalling problems.
replace both needle valves if old  or  clean if new and replace with
fresh 1
washer under each. this sets the level correctly( 23mm)
hope it helps

111  220s
110  230
109  280sel
126  300se

> I'll check the fast idle this weekend. The choke on these carbs,
> INAT 32/40's is electric. so the choke pull off happens on it's own.
> Another interesting thing happened yesterday. After I got home, I
> tightened the choke spring and took her for a little spin, filled up
> tank. Ran fine until I hit a red light then when I tried to take off,
> stumbled. I pumped the pedal, still stumbled. I had to lay off all
> and she slowly accelerated on her one.
> No problem picking up speed and cruising after that until I came to
> another light, then the same thing. Engine was definitely at full
> operating temperature at that point.
> I looked at the accelerator pump and I'm  getting a good stream.
> Any thoughts on this?
> Thanks again.
> George
> -- Original message -- 
> From: "Trampas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> George,
>> I am not sure on your carburettor but most choke systems work by
having a
>> flap close off the air such that the engine runs richer. When you are
>> first
>> starting the car the choke flap is fully closed, once started most
>> have
>> a "choke pull off" this is a vacuum actuator which opens the choke
>> slightly to allow more air in thus leaning out mixture. The way to
>> about it is that you need a really rich mixture to get engine started
>> then
>> slightly rich mixture while engine is cold, then normal mixture when
>> engine
>> is warm.
>> Thus the choke pull off will pull off the choke flap when engine is
>> started
>> to make the mixture slightly rich but not as rich as if the flap was
>> fully
>> closed.
>> Most carburettors have a fast idle cam this is a stepped cam that as
>> choke flap is closed it will open the throttle butterfly. Thus if the
>> choke
>> pull off pulls the choke flap open too far then what happens is that
>> engine
>> does not run as rich as needed and it will also cause the fast idle
to be
>> disabled. The net result is that you put it in gear and it stalls.
>> So basically you have two basic causes for stalling in gear after
>> 1
>> is that the engine is not running rich enough. 2 is that the fast
idle is
>> not high enough. Actually I guess there is a 3rd which is a
>> of 1
>> and 2.
>> Trampas
>> -Original Message- 
>> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2006 3:29 PM
>> To: Mercedes Discussion List
>> Subject: Re: [MBZ] Stalls in gear while weather is cool
>> Trampas, Tom,
>> Thanks for your help.
>> Here is where I'm confused, and I will be looking closer at the fast
>> and choke when I get home tonight,
>> I did let the car warm up until the thermostat opened, I noticed the
>> drop. At that point shouldent the chokes be open completely? At that
>> point
>> the 100C switch will shut off the fast idle circuit. It still occured
>> with
>> the engine warmed up.
>> Trampas, you said " choke pull-off is pulling choke off too much".
>> not
>> sure I understand. Choke is on?
>> Is it possible the carbs are still a little on the lean side and
>> the
>> stall in gear?
>> Thanks to everybody for their help.
>> George
>> -- Original message -- 
>> From: "Trampas"
>> > Could be the fast idle not set correctly or choke pull-off is
>> choke
>> > off too much. Ahh the old days of carburetors, been awhile since I
>> even
>> > thought about carburetors, I use to be able to rebuild quadra-Jets
>> > my
>> > sleep.
>> >
>> > Trampas
>> >
>> > -Original Message- 
>> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> > On Behalf Of Potter, Tom E
>> > Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2006 1:53 PM
>> > To: Mercedes Discussion List
>> > Subject: Re: [MBZ] Stalls in gear

Re: [MBZ] Synthetic jet fuel

2006-09-22 Thread Potter, Tom E
Gas turbines are like diesels in that respect, they will burn anything
you can get into the combustion chamber. I have seen them run on
everything from gasoline blend to heavy oil. In most industrial
applications, they use natural gas.

Tom Potter

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Peter Frederick
Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2006 11:30 PM
To: Mercedes Discussion List
Subject: Re: [MBZ] Synthetic jet fuel

A B-52 will fly on just about anything that burns and is liquid -- 
JP-4, kerosene, jet fuel, gasoline/diesel blends, #1 deisel, #2 diesel, 
it's not picky.  Some smoke more that others, some cause power loss, 
but that J-75 in military trim burns most anything.

Modern jet passenger craft may be a steed of a different hue


For new parts see official list sponsor:
For used parts email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [MBZ] OBDII Diagnostic Scanner

2006-09-22 Thread Trampas
I am working on making an open source OBDII scanner. If you are interested
contact me off the list. Currently the device uses a AVR processor and all
code is C using the GCC compiler. I am working on updating my website but
here is my old one.


-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Michael Hall
Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2006 4:16 PM
To: Mercedes Discussion List
Subject: Re: [MBZ] OBDII Diagnostic Scanner

For a Mercedes, it would have to be the DAS system.  Costs 12-20k depending
on source.  But it includes WIS!

Just doing my part to be of as little use as possible...

On 9/21/06, Potter, Tom E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Does anyone have any experience with any of the OBDII Diagnostic Scan
> Tools that are offered for the laptop. I am thinking of buying one, but
> I have no idea which one is best.
For new parts see official list sponsor:
For used parts email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [MBZ] 300 SD 1979 Start Problem with Transmission Shifter

2006-09-22 Thread Mitch Haley
> Now how to fix?
> Obviously a switch when the car is in park alerting the starter circuit.
> But where?  How to fix?  How much?

Crawl under, and check out the bushings in the linkage. If they
are sloppy, don't worry about the switch or wiring until you
replace the (cheap and easy to get at) bushings.

[MBZ] 300 SD 1979 Start Problem with Transmission Shifter

2006-09-22 Thread barnaby
At times, car will not start.  Nothing.  
Turn key, glow plug indicator lights, then goes out, per normal.
Advance key to crank--- silent.
No solenoid click.
I've had the "flat spotted" starter a couple of times already, and this
doesn’t even energize  the solenoid, so its not that.

My wife, solved the problem.
She said, "If I shift out of park then back, it starts right up"
Wow, that saved a ton of diagnostic time!

Now how to fix?
Obviously a switch when the car is in park alerting the starter circuit.
But where?  How to fix?  How much?


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Re: [MBZ] Im fixing to bid on this, so nobody bid against me

2006-09-22 Thread tom savage

OK Don wrote:

Wow - that's cheap!  The dealer in OKC wants a cool million for his ---

That's actually very high for that car.  Even in those bad pictures, the 
engine compartment is pretty messy and lacking all proper decals and 
tags, the coil and ballast resistor are wrong, and the wiper motor 
doesn't actually appear to be connected to anything.  Inside the shift 
boot is missing and the trans tunnel is missing the kick plate next to 
the gas pedal and its edging is two inches too wide.  And the Nardi 
steering wheel and the Talbot mirror and those hubcaps...

Kaleb, don't give this guy a penny over $250k.


Re: [MBZ] Im fixing to bid on this, so nobody bid against me

2006-09-22 Thread Hendrik Riessen

Hang on aren't you on a buying freeze?
So if you win, will you be parting it out? I may be interested in the grille 
to put up on the wall as a display.
Actually now I think about it, perhaps you could cut the nose off for me to 
hang on the wall.

- Original Message - 
From: "Kaleb C. Striplin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Banned List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Mercedes Mailing List" 

Sent: Friday, September 22, 2006 10:20 AM
Subject: [MBZ] Im fixing to bid on this, so nobody bid against me

Re: [MBZ] Synthetic jet fuel

2006-09-22 Thread Peter Frederick
A B-52 will fly on just about anything that burns and is liquid -- 
JP-4, kerosene, jet fuel, gasoline/diesel blends, #1 deisel, #2 diesel, 
it's not picky.  Some smoke more that others, some cause power loss, 
but that J-75 in military trim burns most anything.

Modern jet passenger craft may be a steed of a different hue


Re: [MBZ] MicroShaft

2006-09-22 Thread Luther

Shouldn't he be employed by MicroShaft?  5,000 lines of code and no design,
needs large servers, uses everythingsheesh.

Luther   KB5QHU
Alma, Ark
'83 300SD (236 kmi)
'82 300CD (160 kmi)
'82 300D  (74 kmi) needs MAJOR work

Quoting Craig McCluskey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

On Wed, 20 Sep 2006 16:19:38 -0500 "LT Don" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I am still reloading files after rebuilding the server and reorganizing
the primary page. I'll get around to revising code someday.

See attached cartoons ...

Re: [MBZ] DIESEL scooter

2006-09-22 Thread redghost

Gump may need that

On Sep 21, 2006, at 8:38 PM, Craig McCluskey wrote:

On Thu, 21 Sep 2006 14:09:08 -0400 "wilton strickland" 


Anybody have a DIESEL trunk badge that I may mount on back of my elec
scooter that I recharge with Diesel power in trunk of my 87 300D?  TIA


I have the trunk badge from a '72 220D/8 which says, "220 DIESEL," for
free if you're interested. See picture attached.

For new parts see official list sponsor:
For used parts email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Seattle Bioburner

1972 220D - Gump
1995 E300D - Cleo
1987 300SDL - POS - DOA
The FSM would drive a Diesel Benz

[MBZ] oil sucker

2006-09-22 Thread Luther
Anyone have the link to the $2 oil sucker?  I've got my own, but would like to
show some BioD folks another option.  TIA.
Luther   KB5QHU
Alma, Ark
'83 300SD (236 kmi)
'82 300CD (160 kmi)
'82 300D  (74 kmi) needs MAJOR work

Re: [MBZ] DIESEL scooter

2006-09-22 Thread Craig McCluskey
On Thu, 21 Sep 2006 14:09:08 -0400 "wilton strickland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Anybody have a DIESEL trunk badge that I may mount on back of my elec
> scooter that I recharge with Diesel power in trunk of my 87 300D?  TIA


I have the trunk badge from a '72 220D/8 which says, "220 DIESEL," for
free if you're interested. See picture attached.


Re: [MBZ] 2.5 Turbo For Sale

2006-09-22 Thread Michael Hall

Am I failing to see something here?


On 9/21/06, Alan Duff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I noticed the pictures for both cars were taken at his shop.

Alan Duff
Knoxville, TN

From: "Michael Hall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Well, its Jarek's Car, so it would be Jarek's address.

Re: [MBZ] Im fixing to bid on this, so nobody bid against me

2006-09-22 Thread Michael Hall

More like they're old film pictures than have been scanned it.

On 9/21/06, Bob Rentfro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

You'd think they could afford a decent camera...looks like they used a
cell phone camera.

Bob Rentfro

- Original Message -
From: "Kaleb C. Striplin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Banned List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Mercedes Mailing List"

Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2006 5:50 PM
Subject: [MBZ] Im fixing to bid on this, so nobody bid against me

> --
> Kaleb C. Striplin/Claremore, OK
>  91 300D 2.5 Turbo, 90 420SEL, 89 560SEL, 87 420SEL,
>  87 300SDL, 87 300SDL #2, 86 300SDL, 84 380SE, 84 190D 2.2,
>  84 190D 2.2 #2, 81 240D, 76 240D, 76 300D, 72 250C, 69 250
> ___
> For new parts see official list sponsor:
> For used parts email [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to:

For new parts see official list sponsor:
For used parts email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to:

Re: [MBZ] Im fixing to bid on this, so nobody bid against me

2006-09-22 Thread Tom Hargrave
I don't thing it matters, considering the car. 

Tom Hargrave

-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Bob Rentfro
Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2006 9:48 PM
To: Mercedes Discussion List
Subject: Re: [MBZ] Im fixing to bid on this, so nobody bid against me

You'd think they could afford a decent camera...looks like they used a cheap
cell phone camera.

Bob Rentfro

- Original Message -
From: "Kaleb C. Striplin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Banned List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Mercedes Mailing List" 

Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2006 5:50 PM
Subject: [MBZ] Im fixing to bid on this, so nobody bid against me

> -- 
> Kaleb C. Striplin/Claremore, OK
>  91 300D 2.5 Turbo, 90 420SEL, 89 560SEL, 87 420SEL,
>  87 300SDL, 87 300SDL #2, 86 300SDL, 84 380SE, 84 190D 2.2,
>  84 190D 2.2 #2, 81 240D, 76 240D, 76 300D, 72 250C, 69 250
> ___
> For new parts see official list sponsor:
> For used parts email [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to:

For new parts see official list sponsor:
For used parts email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to:

Re: [MBZ] Im fixing to bid on this, so nobody bid against me

2006-09-22 Thread Bob Rentfro
You'd think they could afford a decent camera...looks like they used a cheap 
cell phone camera.

Bob Rentfro

- Original Message - 
From: "Kaleb C. Striplin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Banned List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Mercedes Mailing List" 

Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2006 5:50 PM
Subject: [MBZ] Im fixing to bid on this, so nobody bid against me

Kaleb C. Striplin/Claremore, OK
 91 300D 2.5 Turbo, 90 420SEL, 89 560SEL, 87 420SEL,
 87 300SDL, 87 300SDL #2, 86 300SDL, 84 380SE, 84 190D 2.2,
 84 190D 2.2 #2, 81 240D, 76 240D, 76 300D, 72 250C, 69 250

For new parts see official list sponsor:
For used parts email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to: 

Re: [MBZ] 2.5 Turbo For Sale

2006-09-22 Thread Alan Duff

I noticed the pictures for both cars were taken at his shop.

Alan Duff
Knoxville, TN

From: "Michael Hall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Well, its Jarek's Car, so it would be Jarek's address.

Re: [MBZ] 2.5 Turbo For Sale

2006-09-22 Thread Michael Hall

Well, its Jarek's Car, so it would be Jarek's address.

On 9/21/06, Alan Duff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

That looks like Jarek's address to me.

Alan Duff
West Knoxville, TNN
- Original Message -
From: "Michael Hall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Mercedes Discussion List" 
Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2006 6:04 PM
Subject: Re: [MBZ] 2.5 Turbo For Sale


For new parts see official list sponsor:
For used parts email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [MBZ] Web pages updated

2006-09-22 Thread LT Don

He should be using Linux and NVU. But this is Kaleb, of course.

On 9/21/06, Tom Hargrave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I see you are using an older version of Front Page. I can tell because I
have to click the buttons twice. But the web site looks great.

Tom Hargrave

-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Kaleb C. Striplin
Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2006 6:33 PM
To: Banned List; Mercedes Mailing List; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Mercedes-Benz
Veterans List; Linux Discussion List; Biodiesel Discussion List
Subject: [MBZ] Web pages updated

The web pages are updated, still need lots of content though.  Check it
and see what you think.  See the areas where we need contributions.

Kaleb C. Striplin/Claremore, OK
  91 300D 2.5 Turbo, 90 420SEL, 89 560SEL, 87 420SEL,
  87 300SDL, 87 300SDL #2, 86 300SDL, 84 380SE, 84 190D 2.2,
  84 190D 2.2 #2, 81 240D, 76 240D, 76 300D, 72 250C, 69 250

For new parts see official list sponsor: For
parts email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to:

For new parts see official list sponsor:
For used parts email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to:

Proudly marching to the beat of a different kettle of fish.

Re: [MBZ] 2.5 Turbo For Sale

2006-09-22 Thread Alan Duff

That looks like Jarek's address to me.

Alan Duff
West Knoxville, TNN
- Original Message - 
From: "Michael Hall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "Mercedes Discussion List" 
Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2006 6:04 PM
Subject: Re: [MBZ] 2.5 Turbo For Sale,-84.006958&spn=0.220753,0.692139&iwloc=A

Re: [MBZ] Web pages updated

2006-09-22 Thread Tom Hargrave
I see you are using an older version of Front Page. I can tell because I
have to click the buttons twice. But the web site looks great. 

Tom Hargrave

-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Kaleb C. Striplin
Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2006 6:33 PM
To: Banned List; Mercedes Mailing List; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Mercedes-Benz
Veterans List; Linux Discussion List; Biodiesel Discussion List
Subject: [MBZ] Web pages updated

The web pages are updated, still need lots of content though.  Check it out
and see what you think.  See the areas where we need contributions.

Kaleb C. Striplin/Claremore, OK
  91 300D 2.5 Turbo, 90 420SEL, 89 560SEL, 87 420SEL,
  87 300SDL, 87 300SDL #2, 86 300SDL, 84 380SE, 84 190D 2.2,
  84 190D 2.2 #2, 81 240D, 76 240D, 76 300D, 72 250C, 69 250

For new parts see official list sponsor: For used
parts email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to:

Re: [MBZ] Synthetic jet fuel

2006-09-22 Thread Jimmie Watkins

Go SYNM go, earlier in the year I bought stock in the company
(Syntronics) that produces this fuel.  They claim to be able to turn $70 of
natural gas into 42 gal of diesel and also $10 of coal into 42 gal.




Tests of a new synthetic aviation fuel in California this week attracted
attention as airlines -- and other oil-guzzling industries -- hoped for a
break from high oil prices. The U.S. Air Force tested the fuel in a B-52
Tuesday morning at Edwards Air Force Base. The bomber flew with two of its
eight jet engines burning a 50-50 blend of conventional JP-8 and a
synthetic fuel
produced from natural gas. An Air Force spokesman said the engines running
the synthetic fuel performed as well as the others, though final test
are pending. The flight was cut short due to a mechanical issue with the
B-52's left wing-tip landing gear, which was unrelated to the fuel test.
aircraft landed safely without incident.
For new parts see official list sponsor:
For used parts email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to:

[MBZ] Synthetic jet fuel

2006-09-22 Thread RELNGSON


Tests of a new synthetic aviation fuel in California this week attracted wide 
attention as airlines -- and other oil-guzzling industries -- hoped for a 
break from high oil prices. The U.S. Air Force tested the fuel in a B-52 bomber 
Tuesday morning at Edwards Air Force Base. The bomber flew with two of its 
eight jet engines burning a 50-50 blend of conventional JP-8 and a synthetic 
produced from natural gas. An Air Force spokesman said the engines running on 
the synthetic fuel performed as well as the others, though final test results 
are pending. The flight was cut short due to a mechanical issue with the 
B-52's left wing-tip landing gear, which was unrelated to the fuel test. The 
aircraft landed safely without incident.

Re: [MBZ] Im fixing to bid on this, so nobody bid against me

2006-09-22 Thread LT Don

Go for it.

On 9/21/06, OK Don <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Wow - that's cheap!  The dealer in OKC wants a cool million for his ---

On 9/21/06, Kaleb C. Striplin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Norman, OK
"The Americans will always do the right thing... after they've
exhausted all the alternatives."
Sir Winston Churchill
'90 300D, '87 300SDL, '81 240D, '78 450SLC, '97 Ply Grand Voyager

For new parts see official list sponsor:
For used parts email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to:

Proudly marching to the beat of a different kettle of fish.

Re: [MBZ] Stalls in gear checkl

2006-09-22 Thread M.Afzaal.Khan

These carbs are  Zenith  35/40INAT   twins.
The best thing to do is adjust everything in the correct sequence including.
tension and the vaccuam  pulldown  adjustment screw near the second stage.
Stalling on these carbs is invariably  due to  two things
a)  the idle air tube  gets clogged . spray cleaner into the small hole near
the choke flap. works 90 percent.
b)  the fuel needle valves leak causing  a high fuel level in the bowl ,
symptoms uneven stuttering idle and  stalling problems.
replace both needle valves if old  or  clean if new and replace with fresh 1
washer under each. this sets the level correctly( 23mm)
hope it helps

111  220s
110  230
109  280sel
126  300se

I'll check the fast idle this weekend. The choke on these carbs, Zenith
INAT 32/40's is electric. so the choke pull off happens on it's own.

Another interesting thing happened yesterday. After I got home, I
tightened the choke spring and took her for a little spin, filled up the
tank. Ran fine until I hit a red light then when I tried to take off, she
stumbled. I pumped the pedal, still stumbled. I had to lay off all pedals
and she slowly accelerated on her one.

No problem picking up speed and cruising after that until I came to
another light, then the same thing. Engine was definitely at full
operating temperature at that point.

I looked at the accelerator pump and I'm  getting a good stream.

Any thoughts on this?

Thanks again.


-- Original message -- 
From: "Trampas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


I am not sure on your carburettor but most choke systems work by having a
flap close off the air such that the engine runs richer. When you are
starting the car the choke flap is fully closed, once started most cars
a "choke pull off" this is a vacuum actuator which opens the choke flap
slightly to allow more air in thus leaning out mixture. The way to think
about it is that you need a really rich mixture to get engine started
slightly rich mixture while engine is cold, then normal mixture when
is warm.

Thus the choke pull off will pull off the choke flap when engine is
to make the mixture slightly rich but not as rich as if the flap was

Most carburettors have a fast idle cam this is a stepped cam that as the
choke flap is closed it will open the throttle butterfly. Thus if the
pull off pulls the choke flap open too far then what happens is that
does not run as rich as needed and it will also cause the fast idle to be
disabled. The net result is that you put it in gear and it stalls.

So basically you have two basic causes for stalling in gear after start.
is that the engine is not running rich enough. 2 is that the fast idle is
not high enough. Actually I guess there is a 3rd which is a combination
of 1
and 2.


-Original Message- 

Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2006 3:29 PM
To: Mercedes Discussion List
Subject: Re: [MBZ] Stalls in gear while weather is cool

Trampas, Tom,

Thanks for your help.

Here is where I'm confused, and I will be looking closer at the fast idle
and choke when I get home tonight,

I did let the car warm up until the thermostat opened, I noticed the temp
drop. At that point shouldent the chokes be open completely? At that
the 100C switch will shut off the fast idle circuit. It still occured
the engine warmed up.

Trampas, you said " choke pull-off is pulling choke off too much". I'm
sure I understand. Choke is on?

Is it possible the carbs are still a little on the lean side and causing
stall in gear?

Thanks to everybody for their help.


-- Original message -- 
From: "Trampas"

> Could be the fast idle not set correctly or choke pull-off is pulling
> off too much. Ahh the old days of carburetors, been awhile since I have
> thought about carburetors, I use to be able to rebuild quadra-Jets in
> my
> sleep.
> Trampas
> -Original Message- 


> On Behalf Of Potter, Tom E
> Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2006 1:53 PM
> To: Mercedes Discussion List
> Subject: Re: [MBZ] Stalls in gear while weather is cool
> It sounds to me like the choke is not working properly.
> -Original Message- 


> Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2006 11:49 AM
> To: Mercedes Discussion List
> Subject: [MBZ] Stalls in gear while weather is cool
> hi all,
> I had the head decked on my 72 250 W114, took a while. I rebuilt the
> carburetor. Fired it up on Sunday, stalled. Tightened the choke plate
> and
> was on the road.
> This morning, weather was a little cool, 65 vs 85 on Sunday, and it
> took a

> lot of coaxing to get her running. When I did, putting her in drive or
> reverse cased her to stall. Let her get to 

Re: [MBZ] Used parts specials for 9/21/06

2006-09-22 Thread Zeitgeist

When I first opened the link, it showed zippo.  Now it shows some sort of
truck badge; that's it.  I want beef.  Where's the beef?

On 9/21/06, Kaleb C. Striplin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

what are you looking for?

Olympia, WA
Biodiesel: "I drive in a persistent vegetative state"
'87 300TD intercooler #22 (218k)
'84 300D (216k)
'89 Vanagon Wolfsburg Edition (187K)

Re: [MBZ] Im fixing to bid on this, so nobody bid against me

2006-09-22 Thread OK Don

Wow - that's cheap!  The dealer in OKC wants a cool million for his ---

On 9/21/06, Kaleb C. Striplin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Norman, OK
"The Americans will always do the right thing... after they've
exhausted all the alternatives."
Sir Winston Churchill
'90 300D, '87 300SDL, '81 240D, '78 450SLC, '97 Ply Grand Voyager

Re: [MBZ] Used parts specials for 9/21/06

2006-09-22 Thread Rick Knoble

Last email didn't format right.

TRUCK badge

Rick Knoble
'85 300 CD
'87 190 DT 

Re: [MBZ] Used parts specials for 9/21/06

2006-09-22 Thread Rick Knoble
 300D truck badge?Rick Knoble'85 300 CD'87 190 DT

Re: [MBZ] Used parts specials for 9/21/06

2006-09-22 Thread Kaleb C. Striplin

what are you looking for?

Zeitgeist wrote:

Slim pickens...where's the beef?

On 9/21/06, Kaleb C. Striplin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Olympia, WA
Biodiesel: "I drive in a persistent vegetative state"
'87 300TD intercooler #22 (218k)
'84 300D (216k)
'89 Vanagon Wolfsburg Edition (187K)
For new parts see official list sponsor:
For used parts email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to:

Kaleb C. Striplin/Claremore, OK
 91 300D 2.5 Turbo, 90 420SEL, 89 560SEL, 87 420SEL,
 87 300SDL, 87 300SDL #2, 86 300SDL, 84 380SE, 84 190D 2.2,
 84 190D 2.2 #2, 81 240D, 76 240D, 76 300D, 72 250C, 69 250

Re: [MBZ] Intake Manifold Install. - 91 300D 2.5 - 602.962

2006-09-22 Thread LarryT

Thanks Don -
I finished replacing the GPs and adjusted the ALDA 3/4 turn CCW - seems to 
run better but will time the 0-60 tomorrow.

Hopefully the mpg's will be better also.  I would have thought MB could have 
engineered the engine a little more user-friendly - not necessarily for 
home-owners - but their mechanics also.  In 2 cases there are bosses on the 
Int Manifold that interfer with getting a good angle with a ratchet 
extansion - moving the boss an inch one way or the other would have made 
life much easier.

But it''s over now - hopefully  these GPs will last a long time.  And 
hopefully the ALDA will not need any more changing.  But it *does* feel like 
it;s running better.  ;-)  of course, it feels better after a car wash too!

But all in all this is turning out to be a pretty nice car - I bought it in 
Feb of this year and my wife puts 110 miles on it per day which I believe 
helps it enormously.  The only rust I've found is on the rear muffler and 
the right rear metal brake line - Rusty is getting new ones from Germany so 
I'll be able to fix the brake hoses and metal lines at one time - with 15 
years on these brake hoses they're due for a change.   So far Construction 
Adhesive is keeping the rust holes closed in the rear muffler so hopefully 
it''ll last until the next inspection gets closer.

Take care ya'll!

Larry T (67 MGB, 74 911, 78 240D, 91 300D) for Oil Analysis and Weber Parts
Test Results
Weber Carb Info
Porsche Road Test
- Original Message - 

To: "Mercedes Discussion List" 
Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2006 8:24 PM
Subject: Re: [MBZ] Intake Manifold Install. - 91 300D 2.5 - 602-962

My rule of thumb is - when in doubt, start in the middle and work out ---

looking to see if there is a preferred

sequence for tightening the int man hold-down bolts.

Often, when attaching such an alum piece to another large piece of a
different metal  they suggest a criss-cross pattern for tightening to
prevent warping.

Norman, OK
"The Americans will always do the right thing... after they've
exhausted all the alternatives."
Sir Winston Churchill
'90 300D, '87 300SDL, '81 240D, '78 450SLC, '97 Ply Grand Voyager

For new parts see official list sponsor:
For used parts email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to:

No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition.
Version: 7.1.405 / Virus Database: 268.12.6/453 - Release Date: 9/20/2006

Re: [MBZ] Used parts specials for 9/21/06

2006-09-22 Thread Zeitgeist

Slim pickens...where's the beef?

On 9/21/06, Kaleb C. Striplin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Olympia, WA
Biodiesel: "I drive in a persistent vegetative state"
'87 300TD intercooler #22 (218k)
'84 300D (216k)
'89 Vanagon Wolfsburg Edition (187K)

[MBZ] Im fixing to bid on this, so nobody bid against me

2006-09-22 Thread Kaleb C. Striplin

Kaleb C. Striplin/Claremore, OK
 91 300D 2.5 Turbo, 90 420SEL, 89 560SEL, 87 420SEL,
 87 300SDL, 87 300SDL #2, 86 300SDL, 84 380SE, 84 190D 2.2,
 84 190D 2.2 #2, 81 240D, 76 240D, 76 300D, 72 250C, 69 250

[MBZ] somebody should pick this up

2006-09-22 Thread Kaleb C. Striplin
Kaleb C. Striplin/Claremore, OK
 91 300D 2.5 Turbo, 90 420SEL, 89 560SEL, 87 420SEL,
 87 300SDL, 87 300SDL #2, 86 300SDL, 84 380SE, 84 190D 2.2,
 84 190D 2.2 #2, 81 240D, 76 240D, 76 300D, 72 250C, 69 250

Re: [MBZ] Intake Manifold Install. - 91 300D 2.5 - 602-962

2006-09-22 Thread OK Don

My rule of thumb is - when in doubt, start in the middle and work out ---

looking to see if there is a preferred

sequence for tightening the int man hold-down bolts.

Often, when attaching such an alum piece to another large piece of a
different metal  they suggest a criss-cross pattern for tightening to
prevent warping.

Norman, OK
"The Americans will always do the right thing... after they've
exhausted all the alternatives."
Sir Winston Churchill
'90 300D, '87 300SDL, '81 240D, '78 450SLC, '97 Ply Grand Voyager

[MBZ] Used parts specials for 9/21/06

2006-09-22 Thread Kaleb C. Striplin

Kaleb C. Striplin/Claremore, OK
 91 300D 2.5 Turbo, 90 420SEL, 89 560SEL, 87 420SEL,
 87 300SDL, 87 300SDL #2, 86 300SDL, 84 380SE, 84 190D 2.2,
 84 190D 2.2 #2, 81 240D, 76 240D, 76 300D, 72 250C, 69 250