Re: [MBZ] W123 Parts

2016-11-22 Thread Curley McLain via Mercedes

Kaleb C. Striplin via Mercedes 
November 22, 2016 at 10:18 PM
Probably not

That is a shame.

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Re: [MBZ] W123 Parts

2016-11-22 Thread Kaleb C. Striplin via Mercedes
Probably not

Sent from my iPhone

> On Nov 22, 2016, at 10:17 PM, Curley McLain via Mercedes 
>  wrote:
> But that was not the question.  Do you have a right taillight you can lay 
> hands on within a couple days?  (and ship by Sat)
>> Kaleb C. Striplin via Mercedes 
>> November 22, 2016 at 8:45 PM
>> I have a shit load of 123 parts, an absolute shit load.
>> Sent from my iPhone
> ___
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Re: [MBZ] W123 Parts

2016-11-22 Thread Curley McLain via Mercedes
But that was not the question.  Do you have a right taillight you can 
lay hands on within a couple days?  (and ship by Sat)

Kaleb C. Striplin via Mercedes 
November 22, 2016 at 8:45 PM
I have a shit load of 123 parts, an absolute shit load.

Sent from my iPhone


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Re: [MBZ] W123 Parts

2016-11-22 Thread Kaleb C. Striplin via Mercedes
I have sold tons of those over the years, not sure if I have any left but if 
you have some local for that price I would just go that route 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Nov 22, 2016, at 9:10 PM, Dan Penoff via Mercedes  
> wrote:
> Got a good right real taillight that’s not cracked or broken?  How much 
> shipped?
> I just looked at and there are at least 7 of them within 10 
> miles of me!  Prices are $50-$75.
> Amazing.  I had no idea there were any knackers around here with old cars - 
> LKQ is the big player and they don’t have spit.
> Dan
>> On Nov 22, 2016, at 9:45 PM, Kaleb C. Striplin via Mercedes 
>>  wrote:
>> I have a shit load of 123 parts, an absolute shit load. 
>> Sent from my iPhone
> ___
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Re: [MBZ] W123 Parts

2016-11-22 Thread Dan Penoff via Mercedes
Got a good right real taillight that’s not cracked or broken?  How much shipped?

I just looked at and there are at least 7 of them within 10 miles 
of me!  Prices are $50-$75.

Amazing.  I had no idea there were any knackers around here with old cars - LKQ 
is the big player and they don’t have spit.


> On Nov 22, 2016, at 9:45 PM, Kaleb C. Striplin via Mercedes 
>  wrote:
> I have a shit load of 123 parts, an absolute shit load. 
> Sent from my iPhone


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Re: [MBZ] W123 Parts

2016-11-22 Thread Kaleb C. Striplin via Mercedes
I have a shit load of 123 parts, an absolute shit load. 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Nov 22, 2016, at 8:27 PM, Dan Penoff via Mercedes  
> wrote:
> Kleb doesn’t have anything that old to the best of my knowledge and I would 
> prefer to be able to get it sometime in this decade as well.  If by some 
> bizarre fluke I can get a new one for $68 shipped, I’ll do it, even if it 
> ends up being a URO brand part.  Short of falling apart in a few years from 
> being cheap Chinee plastic, what’s the worst thing that could happen?
> Speaking of cheap Chinee plastic, I noticed that URO has cornered the market 
> on headlight doors and raised the prices accordingly,  They’re up to about 
> $75/each now.  Fortunately, mine are still in passable shape.
> Dan
>> On Nov 22, 2016, at 9:19 PM, Curley McLain via Mercedes 
>>  wrote:
>> K'leb?
> ___
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Re: [MBZ] W123 Parts

2016-11-22 Thread Dan Penoff via Mercedes
Kleb doesn’t have anything that old to the best of my knowledge and I would 
prefer to be able to get it sometime in this decade as well.  If by some 
bizarre fluke I can get a new one for $68 shipped, I’ll do it, even if it ends 
up being a URO brand part.  Short of falling apart in a few years from being 
cheap Chinee plastic, what’s the worst thing that could happen?

Speaking of cheap Chinee plastic, I noticed that URO has cornered the market on 
headlight doors and raised the prices accordingly,  They’re up to about 
$75/each now.  Fortunately, mine are still in passable shape.


> On Nov 22, 2016, at 9:19 PM, Curley McLain via Mercedes 
>  wrote:
> K'leb?


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Re: [MBZ] OT: Time to join Mao

2016-11-22 Thread Curley McLain via Mercedes
no, it does not take your FookBace account.  It borks your computer and 
demands a ransom to release the files.

Mountain Man via Mercedes 
November 22, 2016 at 6:15 PM

FookBace malware / ransomware - pfft? take my account - there ain't
nutten there anyway.


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Re: [MBZ] W123 Parts

2016-11-22 Thread Curley McLain via Mercedes


Dan Penoff via Mercedes 
November 22, 2016 at 5:38 PM
Anyone have a right rear taillight lens for a W123?

While disassembling my car, I found that the PO tried to “seal” cracks 
in the right rear taillight lens using RTV. And not well, I might add. 
Looks like the lens took a minor hit or push and cracked at the joint 
between the red and yellow sections. I see nothing that would indicate 
any incursion of water so I’m assuming they were aware of the problem 
and were trying to be proactive.

Part number should be 123 820 32 66.

I’ll have to order a seal as well, as they smeared a fair amount of 
RTV on it, too, making it a real mess. Fortunately I was able to clean 
almost all of it off the seal and lens.



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Re: [MBZ] Old School Metal gluing

2016-11-22 Thread Curley McLain via Mercedes
Pretty cool training.  I ran a few 555s back in 75 and 76.  I liked em.  
Unfortunately, most of em were coupled to an Alison slushbox.(640)  The 
392 Frods got the 540 or a 5 speed transmission.

Dan Penoff via Mercedes 
November 22, 2016 at 3:44 PM
The guy I worked for was big in the pipeline and tank building 
industry. He made his money by designing and patenting a system called 
a “Collins PowerPack”. He was a customer of my Dad’s who was the one 
that financed his stuff and managed the leasing to the end users.

They were really pretty cool:

A Cummins “Triple Nickle” (555) V-8 with modified heads that made half 
of the engine an air compressor, coupled to a Marathon alternator 
(generator to you guys), and usually eight Miller 400 amp “buzz boxes” 
in a rack on one end.

The whole thing was skid mounted with a lifting eye and a base (fuel) 
tank in the skid.

The idea was that tank builders and pipeline fabricators could drag 
these things into the field where there wasn’t any power or other 
resources and have electricity, compressed air, and welders. He made a 
bunch of these for people like Panhandle Eastern and a number of 
foreign companies. Our shop was next to a rail spur, where many of 
them were loaded onto rail cars to their final destination.

He had some sort of arrangement with Chicago Bridge & Iron to buy 
welders from them. About every six weeks a flatbed semi loaded to the 
gills with Miller 400 amp buzz boxes and loads of the old Lincoln 
“sausages” would show up and offload them into the back building in 
our shop. My job was to check them out, bang the worst of the dings 
out of the covers, repair/replace whatever they needed, then paint the 
MIllers the standard dark blue. We did enough of these things that we 
even had a stack of new faceplates for the ones that were really 
dinged up. The Lincolns got fired up, checked to see if they would 
produce current and weld, if not, the fields got flashed, check them 
again and move them to the “finished” pile. I don’t ever recall having 
to repair a Lincoln other than flashing the fields on ones that had 
sat for a long time or possibly replacing a broken or open field rheostat.

Most of these he sold on the secondary market. The best of the Millers 
went into the powerpacks.


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Re: [MBZ] 2012 ML dizzel with "issues"

2016-11-22 Thread Curley McLain via Mercedes
Its an easy decision.  Back to the stealer with it for another CPO.  
Then spend your wrench time keeping the 126s and Shovey runnin' good.

Otherwise, you will need  worth of diagnostic s   -hit  special 
tools, tons of hours to learn about all the diagnostic crap, and 
probably still end up taking it to the stealer to make the nannies 
happy.  Then you will find out the stealer guys who knew that 
engine/chassis all quit and the new guys only know how to work  on the 
2018 chassis/engine combos.   You will learn this AFTER they bork the 
electronics/wiring harnesses and 18 of the 25 onboard computers, and 
want you to pay for the repairs for their mistake.

Floyd Thursby via Mercedes 
November 22, 2016 at 3:41 PM
When we bought the ML it was a CPO, like 31kmi, bought the 100kmi/6yr 
warranty, which was not that much, considering, and the interest was 
0.9% and they had some deal with the first maintenances free, which 
are like $1k each.  It has 60k on it now, so I am wondering what to do 
in 2 years with it, roll it over for another CPO (and payments) or try 
to keep it running.  Buy one like this lady's, have it for a spare to 
cannibalize or something, though that would not be particularly 
cheepcheep.  I guess it would not be like swapping bits on a 123 or 
126, the nannies all keep track of each others' identities and such 
which makes it more challenging to keep them happy.

Yes I am already obsessing about this.


Curley McLain 
November 22, 2016 at 3:13 PM
If I had to drive a newish car, and had the $ to do so, it would 
be a cpo lease so somebody else owns the POS.  When the 'lectronic toy 
dies, I want it to be someone else's problemo.

Andrew Strasfogel via Mercedes 
November 22, 2016 at 2:54 PM
My ex spouse had a similar story about her friend's ML with egregious
repair bills. Just drive it to a junk yard and start all over again.

On Tue, Nov 22, 2016 at 3:33 PM, Floyd Thursby via Mercedes <

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Floyd Thursby via Mercedes 
November 22, 2016 at 2:33 PM
I went to the store down the road and an ML Bluey pulled in next to 
me, was almost just like my wife's.  Woman gets out, I get to talking 
to her about it.  Same year as my wife's, 2012, 97kmi, she says she 
has had to make expensive repairs on it.  I ask her like what, and she 
says something about an oil seal keeping fuel from the oil and other 
stuff.  I wasn't sure what that was.  She says she takes it to some 
indy up near where Max lives, I had not heard of them but she says 
they know Benzes and dizzels.  So this guy is probably charging a fair 
amount.  He told her the 2012s were not as good as the 14s and 15s 
with the new engine so of course that got her thinking she needs to 
get one of those.  Her husband works in FL so she is back and forth a 
lot, that is what the miles were about.

She says she is thinking to get rid of it, so I pursue that a bit.  
She asks me what I would offer, I tell her she needs to tell me what 
she would want, given the issues, etc.  She was intrigued, I gave her 
my contact info.  She'll probably ride her husband's ass about it over 
the hol, so maybe I will hear from her.  My bad, doing that to the guy...

Like I need another ML dizzel with issues, but it got me thinking...  
I told her I was part of this old Benz dizzel list, someone might be 
interested, but y'all were a bunch of cheap bast*rds so not to expect 
much from any of you/us/me.

Winston Churchill:
“Never give in--never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, 
large or petty,

never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense.
Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might 
of the enemy.”


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Re: [MBZ] W123 Parts

2016-11-22 Thread Dan Penoff via Mercedes
Thanks for checking, Dwight.  Being the dry season here, it’s not a critical 

I found a new one at for $68.00, which I’m sure is wrong, as dealer 
list is $146.00.  Just for grins I ordered it to see if they would rescind the 
order.  We’ll see in the morning once a live person can check the order.

I’ll buy a new seal as they’re cheap and not something I would take chances 

Again, thanks!


> On Nov 22, 2016, at 7:00 PM, Dwight Giles via Mercedes 
>  wrote:
> Dan,
> I might. I have to check r & L when we get back after thanksgiving. I have
> 3 or 4 but not sure about side. Might have seal.
> Dwight
> Dwight Giles Jr.
> 1982 300CD
> 2005 E320 4 matic
> Wickford RI


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Re: [MBZ] ADD: hijacked Re: Let the...

2016-11-22 Thread Mountain Man via Mercedes
clay wrote:
> We must remember, Gingers have no souls

Ginger root makes decent hot tea, also - and good for ya.


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Re: [MBZ] OT: Time to join Mao

2016-11-22 Thread Mountain Man via Mercedes
Curley wrote:
> Well, it appears now Fakebuch is spreading ransomeware.  Time to be Mao-like
> and stay away from fakebuch.

FookBace malware / ransomware - pfft? take my account - there ain't
nutten there anyway.


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Re: [MBZ] W123 Parts

2016-11-22 Thread Dwight Giles via Mercedes
I might. I have to check r & L when we get back after thanksgiving. I have
3 or 4 but not sure about side. Might have seal.

Dwight Giles Jr.
1982 300CD
2005 E320 4 matic
Wickford RI

On Nov 22, 2016 6:39 PM, "Dan Penoff via Mercedes" 

> Anyone have a right rear taillight lens for a W123?
> While disassembling my car, I found that the PO tried to “seal” cracks in
> the right rear taillight lens using RTV.  And not well, I might add.  Looks
> like the lens took a minor hit or push and cracked at the joint between the
> red and yellow sections.  I see nothing that would indicate any incursion
> of water so I’m assuming they were aware of the problem and were trying to
> be proactive.
> Part number should be 123 820 32 66.
> I’ll have to order a seal as well, as they smeared a fair amount of RTV on
> it, too, making it a real mess.  Fortunately I was able to clean almost all
> of it off the seal and lens.
> Dan
> ___
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Re: [MBZ] Let the Martha'ing Begin!

2016-11-22 Thread Dan Penoff via Mercedes
While running between preparations for Thanksgiving dinner, some family medical 
issues and house cleaning for the upcoming holiday, I was able to get the “red 
berries” installed in the body panels, the side trim strips installed - except 
for the right rear door where the rust repair is - I left that off so I can 
touch it up after I get the paint tomorrow along with the one on the trunk lid 
for the same reason.

Taillights got reinstalled along with the trim pieces below them.  I have the 
front grille sitting on the table ready to be cleaned and polished between 
other stuff.

By tomorrow, if I don't keel over from all of this madness, all I’ll have left 
is to install the bumpers and grille.  And then the other cars can get back 
into the garage, which they’ll be happy about.  Although it was nice to go out 
early this morning, drive the W126 which started right up after a short glow, 
and see that the rear window defroster is working…


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[MBZ] W123 Parts

2016-11-22 Thread Dan Penoff via Mercedes
Anyone have a right rear taillight lens for a W123?

While disassembling my car, I found that the PO tried to “seal” cracks in the 
right rear taillight lens using RTV.  And not well, I might add.  Looks like 
the lens took a minor hit or push and cracked at the joint between the red and 
yellow sections.  I see nothing that would indicate any incursion of water so 
I’m assuming they were aware of the problem and were trying to be proactive.

Part number should be 123 820 32 66.

I’ll have to order a seal as well, as they smeared a fair amount of RTV on it, 
too, making it a real mess.  Fortunately I was able to clean almost all of it 
off the seal and lens.


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Re: [MBZ] Old School Metal gluing

2016-11-22 Thread Dan Penoff via Mercedes
We had a fabricator there named “Butch” who used to win bar bets claiming he 
could weld two piece of aluminum foil together.  I saw him do it on more than 
one occasion using a wire feed welder.

In fairness, it had to be heavy duty foil.


> On Nov 22, 2016, at 5:17 PM, Floyd Thursby via Mercedes 
>  wrote:
> Sounds like a guy to bring along to the zombie apocalypse
> --FT


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Re: [MBZ] Old School Metal gluing

2016-11-22 Thread Floyd Thursby via Mercedes

Sounds like a guy to bring along to the zombie apocalypse


On 11/22/16 4:44 PM, Dan Penoff via Mercedes wrote:

The guy I worked for was big in the pipeline and tank building industry.  He 
made his money by designing and patenting a system called a “Collins 
PowerPack”.  He was a customer of my Dad’s who was the one that financed his 
stuff and managed the leasing to the end users.

They were really pretty cool:

A Cummins “Triple Nickle” (555) V-8 with modified heads that made half of the 
engine an air compressor, coupled to a Marathon alternator (generator to you 
guys), and usually eight Miller 400 amp “buzz boxes” in a rack on one end.

The whole thing was skid mounted with a lifting eye and a base (fuel) tank in 
the skid.

The idea was that tank builders and pipeline fabricators could drag these 
things into the field where there wasn’t any power or other resources and have 
electricity, compressed air, and welders.  He made a bunch of these for people 
like Panhandle Eastern and a number of foreign companies. Our shop was next to 
a rail spur, where many of them were loaded onto rail cars to their final 

He had some sort of arrangement with Chicago Bridge & Iron to buy welders from 
them.  About every six weeks a flatbed semi loaded to the gills with Miller 400 amp 
buzz boxes and loads of the old Lincoln “sausages” would show up and offload them 
into the back building in our shop.  My job was to check them out, bang the worst 
of the dings out of the covers, repair/replace whatever they needed, then paint the 
MIllers the standard dark blue.  We did enough of these things that we even had a 
stack of new faceplates for the ones that were really dinged up.  The Lincolns got 
fired up, checked to see if they would produce current and weld, if not, the fields 
got flashed, check them again and move them to the “finished” pile.  I don’t ever 
recall having to repair a Lincoln other than flashing the fields on ones that had 
sat for a long time or possibly replacing a broken or open field rheostat.

Most of these he sold on the secondary market. The best of the Millers went 
into the powerpacks.

On Nov 22, 2016, at 2:03 PM, Curley McLain via Mercedes  

Yep, a 1500 lb sausage.  and, yes, replace the brushes and they will run another 40 years.  I was 
sad when I saw Ag Mech was getting rid of them.  I guess the powers that be said they needed 
"up to date" equipment.  Same thing happened in the Industrial Technology metals lab.  It 
had a dozen Clausing Lathes that were great,  but no metric thread cutting.   Someone made the 
decision that the lab needed "up to date" lathes.  So they got rid of the good Clausings, 
and put in indian crap that was a bigger footprint, so they lost 4 lathes, and the indian crap was 
continually broken down.  Most of the time there were only 4 or 5 that were working, and they had a 
guy working on them maybe 6-8 hours a week.


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Winston Churchill:
“Never give in--never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or 
never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense.
Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the 


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Re: [MBZ] Old School Metal gluing

2016-11-22 Thread Dan Penoff via Mercedes
The guy I worked for was big in the pipeline and tank building industry.  He 
made his money by designing and patenting a system called a “Collins 
PowerPack”.  He was a customer of my Dad’s who was the one that financed his 
stuff and managed the leasing to the end users.

They were really pretty cool:

A Cummins “Triple Nickle” (555) V-8 with modified heads that made half of the 
engine an air compressor, coupled to a Marathon alternator (generator to you 
guys), and usually eight Miller 400 amp “buzz boxes” in a rack on one end.

The whole thing was skid mounted with a lifting eye and a base (fuel) tank in 
the skid.

The idea was that tank builders and pipeline fabricators could drag these 
things into the field where there wasn’t any power or other resources and have 
electricity, compressed air, and welders.  He made a bunch of these for people 
like Panhandle Eastern and a number of foreign companies. Our shop was next to 
a rail spur, where many of them were loaded onto rail cars to their final 

He had some sort of arrangement with Chicago Bridge & Iron to buy welders from 
them.  About every six weeks a flatbed semi loaded to the gills with Miller 400 
amp buzz boxes and loads of the old Lincoln “sausages” would show up and 
offload them into the back building in our shop.  My job was to check them out, 
bang the worst of the dings out of the covers, repair/replace whatever they 
needed, then paint the MIllers the standard dark blue.  We did enough of these 
things that we even had a stack of new faceplates for the ones that were really 
dinged up.  The Lincolns got fired up, checked to see if they would produce 
current and weld, if not, the fields got flashed, check them again and move 
them to the “finished” pile.  I don’t ever recall having to repair a Lincoln 
other than flashing the fields on ones that had sat for a long time or possibly 
replacing a broken or open field rheostat.

Most of these he sold on the secondary market. The best of the Millers went 
into the powerpacks.

> On Nov 22, 2016, at 2:03 PM, Curley McLain via Mercedes 
>  wrote:
> Yep, a 1500 lb sausage.  and, yes, replace the brushes and they will run 
> another 40 years.  I was sad when I saw Ag Mech was getting rid of them.  I 
> guess the powers that be said they needed "up to date" equipment.  Same thing 
> happened in the Industrial Technology metals lab.  It had a dozen Clausing 
> Lathes that were great,  but no metric thread cutting.   Someone made the 
> decision that the lab needed "up to date" lathes.  So they got rid of the 
> good Clausings, and put in indian crap that was a bigger footprint, so they 
> lost 4 lathes, and the indian crap was continually broken down.  Most of the 
> time there were only 4 or 5 that were working, and they had a guy working on 
> them maybe 6-8 hours a week.


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Re: [MBZ] 2012 ML dizzel with "issues"

2016-11-22 Thread Floyd Thursby via Mercedes
When we bought the ML it was a CPO, like 31kmi, bought the 100kmi/6yr 
warranty, which was not that much, considering, and the interest was 
0.9% and they had some deal with the first maintenances free, which are 
like $1k each.  It has 60k on it now, so I am wondering what to do in 2 
years with it, roll it over for another CPO (and payments) or try to 
keep it running.  Buy one like this lady's, have it for a spare to 
cannibalize or something, though that would not be particularly 
cheepcheep.  I guess it would not be like swapping bits on a 123 or 126, 
the nannies all keep track of each others' identities and such which 
makes it more challenging to keep them happy.

Yes I am already obsessing about this.


On 11/22/16 4:13 PM, Curley McLain via Mercedes wrote:
If I had to drive a newish car, and had the $ to do so, it would 
be a cpo lease so somebody else owns the POS.  When the 'lectronic toy 
dies, I want it to be someone else's problemo.

Andrew Strasfogel via Mercedes 
November 22, 2016 at 2:54 PM
My ex spouse had a similar story about her friend's ML with egregious
repair bills. Just drive it to a junk yard and start all over again.


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Winston Churchill:
“Never give in--never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or 
never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense.
Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the 


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Re: [MBZ] old Mercedes

2016-11-22 Thread Curt Raymond via Mercedes
Imagine that with 90hp, it probably had 10...
I'm thinking a Chevy Tracker 2 door. 31" tires, rear selectable diff locker. 
Maybe a winch, definitely a hi-lift jack. Toyota 5spd transmission, apparently 
the Suzuki unit, even from a v6 can't handle the VW torque.Turn up the power to 
about 120-130hp which will require a chip and injectors. Could go to 150 but I 
don't know if I want to mess with a new turbo...
I've been bench racing the idea for a couple years. No point in rushing ;)

  From: Curley McLain <>
 To: Curt Raymond ; Mercedes Discussion List 
 Sent: Tuesday, November 22, 2016 4:10 PM
 Subject: Re: [MBZ] old Mercedes
Put it in an old snowmobile?

See picture   1960 sno-traveller

   Curt Raymond via Mercedes  November 22, 2016 at 2:39 PM  Two weeks ago at 
hunting camp one of the guys has a new Silverado, quad cab, all the bells and 
whistles. He paid the better part of $40,000. Its a super plush ride but he 
drove everybody crazy using the voice activated foolishness. He'd get back into 
the woods and decide he had to call somebody, he had a cold and it was having a 
hard time understanding him, then he'd finally get it to connect and lose 
service and it would bork.
My Dodge has sat radio but the interface is just like a regular radio, no touch 
screen. Other than that its pretty spartan and I like it that way. I do like 
having electric windows since its half a mile to get to the other door. In my 
Jetta I can just lean over and crank a window down...
The Z1 engine in my Jetta is pretty 240D like if a 240D had an electronic IP 
and turbo and could make 90hp. Apparently theres a Rover IP you can swap in to 
give it completely non-electric operation. I need to replace the car but I'm 
trying to figure where I could stash the engine until I have time to transplant 
it into a little 4wd.


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Re: [MBZ] 2012 ML dizzel with "issues"

2016-11-22 Thread Curley McLain via Mercedes
If I had to drive a newish car, and had the $ to do so, it would be 
a cpo lease so somebody else owns the POS.  When the 'lectronic toy 
dies, I want it to be someone else's problemo.

Andrew Strasfogel via Mercedes 
November 22, 2016 at 2:54 PM
My ex spouse had a similar story about her friend's ML with egregious
repair bills. Just drive it to a junk yard and start all over again.


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Re: [MBZ] 2012 ML dizzel with "issues"

2016-11-22 Thread Andrew Strasfogel via Mercedes
My ex spouse had a similar story about her friend's ML with egregious
repair bills.  Just drive it to a junk yard and start all over again.

On Tue, Nov 22, 2016 at 3:33 PM, Floyd Thursby via Mercedes <> wrote:

> I went to the store down the road and an ML Bluey pulled in next to me,
> was almost just like my wife's.  Woman gets out, I get to talking to her
> about it.  Same year as my wife's, 2012, 97kmi, she says she has had to
> make expensive repairs on it.  I ask her like what, and she says something
> about an oil seal keeping fuel from the oil and other stuff.  I wasn't sure
> what that was.  She says she takes it to some indy up near where Max lives,
> I had not heard of them but she says they know Benzes and dizzels.  So this
> guy is probably charging a fair amount.  He told her the 2012s were not as
> good as the 14s and 15s with the new engine so of course that got her
> thinking she needs to get one of those.  Her husband works in FL so she is
> back and forth a lot, that is what the miles were about.
> She says she is thinking to get rid of it, so I pursue that a bit.  She
> asks me what I would offer, I tell her she needs to tell me what she would
> want, given the issues, etc.  She was intrigued, I gave her my contact
> info.  She'll probably ride her husband's ass about it over the hol, so
> maybe I will hear from her.  My bad, doing that to the guy...
> Like I need another ML dizzel with issues, but it got me thinking...  I
> told her I was part of this old Benz dizzel list, someone might be
> interested, but y'all were a bunch of cheap bast*rds so not to expect much
> from any of you/us/me.
> --FT
> Winston Churchill:
> “Never give in--never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small,
> large or petty,
> never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense.
> Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of
> the enemy.”
> ___
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Re: [MBZ] Car For Floyd

2016-11-22 Thread Andrew Strasfogel via Mercedes
Why?  It's so BORING.  No hatch gate or third seat.  :(

On Tue, Nov 22, 2016 at 3:34 PM, Curley McLain via Mercedes <> wrote:

> I like that!   Wonder if I could get y'all to take up a collection and buy
> it for me?
> Rick Knoble via Mercedes 
>> November 22, 2016 at 2:17 PM
>> Thirsty Thirsbey.
>> Rick
>> Sent from my BlackBerry Z10
> ___
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Re: [MBZ] old Mercedes

2016-11-22 Thread Curt Raymond via Mercedes
Two weeks ago at hunting camp one of the guys has a new Silverado, quad cab, 
all the bells and whistles. He paid the better part of $40,000. Its a super 
plush ride but he drove everybody crazy using the voice activated foolishness. 
He'd get back into the woods and decide he had to call somebody, he had a cold 
and it was having a hard time understanding him, then he'd finally get it to 
connect and lose service and it would bork.
My Dodge has sat radio but the interface is just like a regular radio, no touch 
screen. Other than that its pretty spartan and I like it that way. I do like 
having electric windows since its half a mile to get to the other door. In my 
Jetta I can just lean over and crank a window down...
The Z1 engine in my Jetta is pretty 240D like if a 240D had an electronic IP 
and turbo and could make 90hp. Apparently theres a Rover IP you can swap in to 
give it completely non-electric operation. I need to replace the car but I'm 
trying to figure where I could stash the engine until I have time to transplant 
it into a little 4wd.

  From: Curley McLain via Mercedes 
 To: Mercedes Discussion List  
Cc: Curley McLain <>
 Sent: Tuesday, November 22, 2016 3:30 PM
 Subject: Re: [MBZ] old Mercedes

I still believe there is a market (in Norte Amerika) for  123 240D and 
300D type vehicles, perhaps powered by OM602/603 turbo  I think the 
OM616/617 and 60x engines are still being made under license  in the 
turd world, so it is not out of the realm of possibility.  I wonder what 
models Daimler  makes available in parts of the world outside NA, Yurp, 
Oz and Japan.  I bet there are a few cars that don't need electrons to 
run, just to start.

> Randy Bennell via Mercedes 
> November 22, 2016 at 1:56 PM
> I parked my car for the winter yesterday evening. I have hardly driven 
> it this summer as my summer projects caused my garage to be so tightly 
> packed that I could not easily get it in and out. That and the fact 
> that I had the Civic as an additional vehicle since the beginning of 
> July meant that I really did not feel the need to drive it.
> I drove it a couple of miles from home to my son's new garage 
> yesterday as he offered to store it for the winter. That is good as it 
> will allow me to park inside this winter. His new garage is bigger 
> than mine and he can get my car in cross ways in front of their two 
> vehicles. I got a set of the caster platforms and jacked the car up 
> and slid them under. Not too difficult to move the car on the casters 
> since this is a new and very smooth concrete floor.
> I was struck by how solid my old car feels during my short drive over 
> there. It is 40 years old but really shows no wear in the sense that 
> it is tight and solid. It is a bit underpowered but once moving that 
> is not really a problem. It is hard to believe the changes in vehicles 
> in 40 years but most of the new gadgets are un-necessary. ABS brakes 
> and air bags might be good additions but I really do not need more 
> bells and whistles.
> RB


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Re: [MBZ] Car For Floyd

2016-11-22 Thread Curley McLain via Mercedes
I like that!   Wonder if I could get y'all to take up a collection and 
buy it for me?

Rick Knoble via Mercedes 
November 22, 2016 at 2:17 PM
Thirsty Thirsbey.

Sent from my BlackBerry Z10


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[MBZ] 2012 ML dizzel with "issues"

2016-11-22 Thread Floyd Thursby via Mercedes
I went to the store down the road and an ML Bluey pulled in next to me, 
was almost just like my wife's.  Woman gets out, I get to talking to her 
about it.  Same year as my wife's, 2012, 97kmi, she says she has had to 
make expensive repairs on it.  I ask her like what, and she says 
something about an oil seal keeping fuel from the oil and other stuff.  
I wasn't sure what that was.  She says she takes it to some indy up near 
where Max lives, I had not heard of them but she says they know Benzes 
and dizzels.  So this guy is probably charging a fair amount.  He told 
her the 2012s were not as good as the 14s and 15s with the new engine so 
of course that got her thinking she needs to get one of those.  Her 
husband works in FL so she is back and forth a lot, that is what the 
miles were about.

She says she is thinking to get rid of it, so I pursue that a bit.  She 
asks me what I would offer, I tell her she needs to tell me what she 
would want, given the issues, etc.  She was intrigued, I gave her my 
contact info.  She'll probably ride her husband's ass about it over the 
hol, so maybe I will hear from her.  My bad, doing that to the guy...

Like I need another ML dizzel with issues, but it got me thinking...  I 
told her I was part of this old Benz dizzel list, someone might be 
interested, but y'all were a bunch of cheap bast*rds so not to expect 
much from any of you/us/me.

Winston Churchill:
“Never give in--never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or 
never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense.
Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the 


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Re: [MBZ] old Mercedes

2016-11-22 Thread Curley McLain via Mercedes


I still believe there is a market (in Norte Amerika) for  123 240D and 
300D type vehicles, perhaps powered by OM602/603 turbo  I think the 
OM616/617 and 60x engines are still being made under license  in the 
turd world, so it is not out of the realm of possibility.  I wonder what 
models Daimler  makes available in parts of the world outside NA, Yurp, 
Oz and Japan.   I bet there are a few cars that don't need electrons to 
run, just to start.

Randy Bennell via Mercedes 
November 22, 2016 at 1:56 PM
I parked my car for the winter yesterday evening. I have hardly driven 
it this summer as my summer projects caused my garage to be so tightly 
packed that I could not easily get it in and out. That and the fact 
that I had the Civic as an additional vehicle since the beginning of 
July meant that I really did not feel the need to drive it.

I drove it a couple of miles from home to my son's new garage 
yesterday as he offered to store it for the winter. That is good as it 
will allow me to park inside this winter. His new garage is bigger 
than mine and he can get my car in cross ways in front of their two 
vehicles. I got a set of the caster platforms and jacked the car up 
and slid them under. Not too difficult to move the car on the casters 
since this is a new and very smooth concrete floor.

I was struck by how solid my old car feels during my short drive over 
there. It is 40 years old but really shows no wear in the sense that 
it is tight and solid. It is a bit underpowered but once moving that 
is not really a problem. It is hard to believe the changes in vehicles 
in 40 years but most of the new gadgets are un-necessary. ABS brakes 
and air bags might be good additions but I really do not need more 
bells and whistles.



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Re: [MBZ] Car For Floyd

2016-11-22 Thread Floyd Thursby via Mercedes
Interesting.  I'll have to check it out.  There was one similar to it on 
the Island here back in the summer sitting by the side of the road for 
sale, but not there.  These pictures were taken up the road almost in 
front of a friend of mine's property (that we almost bought, and where 
Max is storing his parts).


On 11/22/16 3:17 PM, Rick Knoble via Mercedes wrote:

Thirsty Thirsbey.

Sent from my BlackBerry Z10

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Winston Churchill:
“Never give in--never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or 
never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense.
Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the 


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[MBZ] Car For Floyd

2016-11-22 Thread Rick Knoble via Mercedes
Thirsty Thirsbey.

Sent from my BlackBerry Z10

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[MBZ] old Mercedes

2016-11-22 Thread Randy Bennell via Mercedes
I parked my car for the winter yesterday evening. I have hardly driven 
it this summer as my summer projects caused my garage to be so tightly 
packed that I could not easily get it in and out. That and the fact that 
I had the Civic as an additional vehicle since the beginning of July 
meant that I really did not feel the need to drive it.

I drove it a couple of miles from home to my son's new garage yesterday 
as he offered to store it for the winter. That is good as it will allow 
me to park inside this winter. His new garage is bigger than mine and he 
can get my car in cross ways in front of their two vehicles. I got a set 
of the caster platforms and jacked the car up and slid them under. Not 
too difficult to move the car on the casters since this is a new and 
very smooth concrete floor.

I was struck by how solid my old car feels during my short drive over 
there. It is 40 years old but really shows no wear in the sense that it 
is tight and solid. It is a bit underpowered but once moving that is not 
really a problem. It is hard to believe the changes in vehicles in 40 
years but most of the new gadgets are un-necessary. ABS brakes and air 
bags might be good additions but I really do not need more bells and 



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Re: [MBZ] '84 300SD on BAT - It even has a car phone!

2016-11-22 Thread Randy Bennell via Mercedes
I would really like that one - notwithstanding the fact that I have more 
vehicles than I can drive at one time and no extra parking available.


On 22/11/2016 12:49 PM, Floyd Thursby via Mercedes wrote:
I have 2 84s, that one looks pretty nice and I like the color. $4k 
might not be a bad price, $3.5k would be better.


On 11/22/16 9:44 AM, Andrew Strasfogel via Mercedes wrote:

What do people think of this? I few exterior scuffs but overall quite
decent.  The auction ends today.  I would expect bidding to peter out
around the $4k mark and I am generally on the mark.  Anyone else?  The
commentary is interesting with one guy expressing preference for the 


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Re: [MBZ] Old School Metal gluing

2016-11-22 Thread Curley McLain via Mercedes
Yep, a 1500 lb sausage.  and, yes, replace the brushes and they will run 
another 40 years.  I was sad when I saw Ag Mech was getting rid of 
them.  I guess the powers that be said they needed "up to date" 
equipment.  Same thing happened in the Industrial Technology metals 
lab.  It had a dozen Clausing Lathes that were great,  but no metric 
thread cutting.   Someone made the decision that the lab needed "up to 
date" lathes.  So they got rid of the good Clausings, and put in indian 
crap that was a bigger footprint, so they lost 4 lathes, and the indian 
crap was continually broken down.  Most of the time there were only 4 or 
5 that were working, and they had a guy working on them maybe 6-8 hours 
a week.

Dan Penoff via Mercedes 
November 22, 2016 at 12:13 PM
Those are Lincoln MG (motor generator) welders. Also known as 
“sausages” due to their distinctive shape. Truly the W123 of the 
welding industry - the cockroach of welders - give it power to spin 
and it will weld.

I repaired and rebuilt (a very loose term, as the only thing on these 
to “rebuild" are brushes and possibly the field rheostat) these for a 
part time job in tech school. Virtually indestructible.



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Curley McLain 
November 22, 2016 at 12:03 PM
You sayin' my (ubiquitous) Lincoln 225 A buzz box is not heirloom 

The nicest arc I ever worked with was from a huge old 3 phase motor 
generator that Ag Mech had for their welding classes.  That made a 
beauteous DC arc.  (6010 forever!)  I think  they were WWII vintage.
Instructor was a WWII Marine DI retread who always reminded me of Sgt. 
Carter on TV.  99% of the students hated him and didn't learn much.  I 
respected the guy and learned a LOT.   I ended the quarter submitting 
a project to Lincoln and won a Arc Welding Award from them.

I saw him maybe 20 years later at Midwest Old Threshers Reunion, and 
he seemed shocked that I remembered him.  To Andy Anderson, Slainte´, 
Prost, or whatever trips your trigger.

G Mann via Mercedes 
November 22, 2016 at 11:28 AM
It's the quality of welder that will ensure your great grandchildren will
have a welder that works..

I have one that was my dads from a little later of that era.. still works
like is was designed to .. In fact.. out welds all the newer welders I own
or have used.. the arc stability is much better, and duty cycle capacity
far better.. All it needs is electricity and it's ready to work...

Looks like it's been well cared for, from the pictures..

On Tue, Nov 22, 2016 at 5:37 AM, Floyd Thursby via Mercedes <

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Floyd Thursby via Mercedes 
November 22, 2016 at 6:37 AM
Its a conversation peace.


Curley McLain 
November 21, 2016 at 11:04 PM
Comes with plenty of Witches and LEEDS!


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Re: [MBZ] Cocaine

2016-11-22 Thread Floyd Thursby via Mercedes


That is a psychosis.


On 11/21/16 10:59 PM, Kaleb C. Striplin via Mercedes wrote:

Mercedes 240D original parts or buy all

via cPro for Craigslist

Sent from my iPhone


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Winston Churchill:
“Never give in--never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or 
never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense.
Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the 


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Re: [MBZ] '84 300SD on BAT - It even has a car phone!

2016-11-22 Thread Floyd Thursby via Mercedes
I have 2 84s, that one looks pretty nice and I like the color. $4k might 
not be a bad price, $3.5k would be better.


On 11/22/16 9:44 AM, Andrew Strasfogel via Mercedes wrote:

What do people think of this? I few exterior scuffs but overall quite
decent.  The auction ends today.  I would expect bidding to peter out
around the $4k mark and I am generally on the mark.  Anyone else?  The
commentary is interesting with one guy expressing preference for the 560.

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Winston Churchill:
“Never give in--never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or 
never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense.
Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the 


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Re: [MBZ] OT: For Rich/Floyd

2016-11-22 Thread Floyd Thursby via Mercedes
That was pursued by my friends at the SC Environmental Law Project and 
CCL.  They are all superstars.  This was an incredibly stupid judgment, 
which also has a lot to do with bears in the (rather wild) area where 
this road is going.  It was never particularly clear why they had to 
build it, or if they did why it could not be done more appropriately.  I 
have not been up there (Horry County, where the abomination Myrtle Beach 
resides) but knowing what I know about the general corruption up there, 
it all makes some sort of sense.

I had lunch the other day with the guy who runs CCL to discuss another 
case of refractory stupidity.  And another one.  It's South Carolina, 
it's just the way things are.  That and willful ignorance.  SCELP had 
their annual event 2 weeks ago so we all discussed a lot of this stuff 
while having lots of fun.  I actually saw another friend this morning 
who is a SCELP board member.

The battle is never over, we never give in...

Thanks for the info.


On 11/22/16 9:31 AM, Andrew Strasfogel via Mercedes wrote:

Is this the local project you were fighting against? I only have a snippet.

SC Road Project To Proceed Amid Enviro Challenge

By *Adam Lidgett
Law360, New York (November 21, 2016, 2:16 PM EST) -- A South Carolina
federal judge recently denied two environmental groups' bid to prevent a
local county from working on a road project, and found the county was not
in contempt of an earlier order temporarily restraining it from related
wetland construction activities.

The Coastal Conservation League and the South Carolina Wildlife Federation
are challenging a permit issued by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and
want Horry County barred from doing further construction on what is known
as the International Drive. The groups argue that the...

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Winston Churchill:
“Never give in--never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or 
never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense.
Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the 


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Re: [MBZ] Old School Metal gluing

2016-11-22 Thread Dan Penoff via Mercedes
Those are Lincoln MG (motor generator) welders.  Also known as “sausages” due 
to their distinctive shape.  Truly the W123 of the welding industry - the 
cockroach of welders - give it power to spin and it will weld.

I repaired and rebuilt (a very loose term, as the only thing on these to 
“rebuild" are brushes and possibly the field rheostat) these for a part time 
job in tech school.  Virtually indestructible.


> On Nov 22, 2016, at 1:03 PM, Curley McLain via Mercedes 
>  wrote:
> You sayin' my (ubiquitous) Lincoln 225 A buzz box is not heirloom quality!? 
> The nicest arc I ever worked with was from a huge old 3 phase motor generator 
> that Ag Mech had for their welding classes.  That made a beauteous DC arc.  
> (6010 forever!)  I think  they were WWII vintage.
> Instructor was a WWII Marine DI retread who always reminded me of Sgt. Carter 
> on TV.  99% of the students hated him and didn't learn much.  I respected the 
> guy and learned a LOT.   I ended the quarter submitting a project to Lincoln 
> and won a Arc Welding Award from them.
> I saw him maybe 20 years later at Midwest Old Threshers Reunion, and he 
> seemed shocked that I remembered him.  To Andy Anderson, Slainte´, Prost, or 
> whatever trips your trigger.
>> G Mann via Mercedes 
>> November 22, 2016 at 11:28 AM
>> It's the quality of welder that will ensure your great grandchildren will
>> have a welder that works..
>> I have one that was my dads from a little later of that era.. still works
>> like is was designed to .. In fact.. out welds all the newer welders I own
>> or have used.. the arc stability is much better, and duty cycle capacity
>> far better.. All it needs is electricity and it's ready to work...
>> Looks like it's been well cared for, from the pictures..
> ___
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Re: [MBZ] Old School Metal gluing

2016-11-22 Thread Curley McLain via Mercedes
You sayin' my (ubiquitous) Lincoln 225 A buzz box is not heirloom 

The nicest arc I ever worked with was from a huge old 3 phase motor 
generator that Ag Mech had for their welding classes.  That made a 
beauteous DC arc.  (6010 forever!)  I think  they were WWII vintage.
Instructor was a WWII Marine DI retread who always reminded me of Sgt. 
Carter on TV.  99% of the students hated him and didn't learn much.  I 
respected the guy and learned a LOT.   I ended the quarter submitting a 
project to Lincoln and won a Arc Welding Award from them.

I saw him maybe 20 years later at Midwest Old Threshers Reunion, and he 
seemed shocked that I remembered him.  To Andy Anderson, Slainte´, 
Prost, or whatever trips your trigger.

G Mann via Mercedes 
November 22, 2016 at 11:28 AM
It's the quality of welder that will ensure your great grandchildren will
have a welder that works..

I have one that was my dads from a little later of that era.. still works
like is was designed to .. In fact.. out welds all the newer welders I own
or have used.. the arc stability is much better, and duty cycle capacity
far better.. All it needs is electricity and it's ready to work...

Looks like it's been well cared for, from the pictures..


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Re: [MBZ] Old School Metal gluing

2016-11-22 Thread G Mann via Mercedes
It's the quality of welder that will ensure your great grandchildren will
have a welder that works..

I have one that was my dads from a little later of that era.. still works
like is was designed to .. In fact.. out welds all the newer welders I own
or have used.. the arc stability is much better, and duty cycle capacity
far better.. All it needs is electricity and it's ready to work...

Looks like it's been well cared for, from the pictures..

On Tue, Nov 22, 2016 at 5:37 AM, Floyd Thursby via Mercedes <> wrote:

> Its a conversation peace.
> --FT
> On 11/22/16 12:04 AM, Curley McLain via Mercedes wrote:
>> Comes with plenty of Witches and LEEDS!
>> clay via Mercedes 
>>> November 21, 2016 at 10:05 PM
>>> It does look like a Silent Running droid, not R2D2
>>> ---
>>> clay
>> ___
>> To search list archives
>> To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to:
> --
> --FT
> Winston Churchill:
> “Never give in--never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small,
> large or petty,
> never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense.
> Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of
> the enemy.”
> ___
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[MBZ] Keyless Entry for W126 - $20!

2016-11-22 Thread Dan Penoff via Mercedes
This is pretty slick:

I’m betting you could do it on earlier models, too.  The best part is that it 
doesn’t require any modification of existing systems, so it’s easily reversed.


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Re: [MBZ] Let the Martha'ing Begin!

2016-11-22 Thread Dan Penoff via Mercedes
I would even do it without the beer, at least not until I was finished with the 


> On Nov 22, 2016, at 10:25 AM, Andrew Strasfogel via Mercedes 
>  wrote:
> You should fly them both in and ply them with local b**r.  They would
> gladly do their work for free.
> On Tue, Nov 22, 2016 at 10:09 AM, Curley McLain via Mercedes <
>> wrote:
>> Wish my 81 240D could get the rust repairs by Dimitri the Great and then
>> have the Martha treatment from Dan the Great!Nice looking 300D so far!
>> ___
>> To search list archives
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> ___
> To search list archives
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Re: [MBZ] Let the Martha'ing Begin!

2016-11-22 Thread Andrew Strasfogel via Mercedes
You should fly them both in and ply them with local b**r.  They would
gladly do their work for free.

On Tue, Nov 22, 2016 at 10:09 AM, Curley McLain via Mercedes <> wrote:

> Wish my 81 240D could get the rust repairs by Dimitri the Great and then
> have the Martha treatment from Dan the Great!Nice looking 300D so far!
> ___
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Re: [MBZ] Let the Martha'ing Begin!

2016-11-22 Thread Curley McLain via Mercedes
Wish my 81 240D could get the rust repairs by Dimitri the Great and then 
have the Martha treatment from Dan the Great!Nice looking 300D so far!


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[MBZ] '84 300SD on BAT - It even has a car phone!

2016-11-22 Thread Andrew Strasfogel via Mercedes
What do people think of this? I few exterior scuffs but overall quite
decent.  The auction ends today.  I would expect bidding to peter out
around the $4k mark and I am generally on the mark.  Anyone else?  The
commentary is interesting with one guy expressing preference for the 560.

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[MBZ] OT: For Rich/Floyd

2016-11-22 Thread Andrew Strasfogel via Mercedes
Is this the local project you were fighting against? I only have a snippet.

SC Road Project To Proceed Amid Enviro Challenge

By *Adam Lidgett
Law360, New York (November 21, 2016, 2:16 PM EST) -- A South Carolina
federal judge recently denied two environmental groups' bid to prevent a
local county from working on a road project, and found the county was not
in contempt of an earlier order temporarily restraining it from related
wetland construction activities.

The Coastal Conservation League and the South Carolina Wildlife Federation
are challenging a permit issued by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and
want Horry County barred from doing further construction on what is known
as the International Drive. The groups argue that the...

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Re: [MBZ] gift guide

2016-11-22 Thread Floyd Thursby via Mercedes

And a gold crown air freshener on the dash.

I have always been partial to the BVM (or Our Lady of Guadalupe) mirror 
hangers though, better than the trees.  You can buy them at the tiendas 
along with your BVM candles.


On 11/21/16 11:53 PM, Curley McLain via Mercedes wrote:

You need 4 of the bead covers and 2 cases of the black ice lil  trees!

Andrew Strasfogel via Mercedes 
November 21, 2016 at 10:13 PM
No sh*t I always wanted to try one of those beaded seat covers. Is 
now the

time or will I get pulled over for being a Muslim/terrorist cab driver?
Are they any good?


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Winston Churchill:
“Never give in--never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or 
never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense.
Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the 


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Re: [MBZ] Old School Metal gluing

2016-11-22 Thread Floyd Thursby via Mercedes

Its a conversation peace.


On 11/22/16 12:04 AM, Curley McLain via Mercedes wrote:

Comes with plenty of Witches and LEEDS!

clay via Mercedes 
November 21, 2016 at 10:05 PM

It does look like a Silent Running droid, not R2D2



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Winston Churchill:
“Never give in--never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large 
or petty,
never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense.
Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the 


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Re: [MBZ] gift guide

2016-11-22 Thread Dan--- via Mercedes
I always heard great things about Mustang seats when I had my Virago. The stock 
seat would give you monkey butt in minutes. I bit the bullet and bought a 
Mustang seat and it was the best thing I ever bought for that bike.


Sent from my iPad

> On Nov 22, 2016, at 12:26 AM, clay via Mercedes  wrote:
> Those things are the BOMB!
> I had the beads and sheep pelt on my BMW bike.   It really made long days in 
> the saddle survivable.  No more dead butt when you got off the bike at the 
> end of the day, let alone at a gas stop.   It allowed the pressure points to 
> change as you adjusted instead of having a static plank.  A corbin saddle 
> would have been nice, but for the cash, the beads did the job
> clay
>> On Nov 21, 2016, at 8:13 PM, Andrew Strasfogel via Mercedes 
>>  wrote:
>> No sh*t I always wanted to try one of those beaded seat covers. Is now the
>> time or will I get pulled over for being a Muslim/terrorist cab driver?
>> Are they any good?
>> On Mon, Nov 21, 2016 at 8:31 PM, Floyd Thursby via Mercedes <
>>> wrote:
>>> with-no-taste-1788671683
>>> --FT
>>> Winston Churchill:
>>> “Never give in--never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small,
>>> large or petty,
>>> never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense.
>>> Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of
>>> the enemy.”
>>> ___
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