[MBZ] OT - First Cars

2015-02-01 Thread David & Kristin Gilmore via Mercedes
 My first car was a 1953 Studebaker coupe I bought in 1958 from a 
used car lot in Chicago.  It had been repainted (yellow) and I suspect 
the odometer rolled back but it was lovely.  I don't think there has 
been a more graceful car made.  Whitewall tires.  Three on the tree with 
overdrive.  Flathead straight 6.  Not very powerful but smooth and it 
handled much better than my folk's Pontiac station wagon.

 In that car I experienced an epiphany.  I was driving across 
Kansas on my way to start a new life in Denver.  Suddenly everything was 
suffused with the classic glow and I felt a sense of well being unknown 
before.  The feeling lasted perhaps five minutes.  I had ingested only 
coffee and scrambled eggs at a truck stop diner not long before.  Just 
youth, I guess.

 The Studebaker got me to Denver but it sure didn't run well.  I 
read the mile high elevation had an effect on internal combustion 
engines.  I found a dial on the carburetor that allowed it to be set 
leaner and that solved the problem.  The next big event was one day on 
my way to work the rear end locked up at about 60 mph.  A seal had gone 
and leaked the lube out.  Not long after that was fixed the foot brake 
went to the floor and I sailed through a stoplight. (This was before the 
day of two chambered brake reservoirs.)  A month or so later the 
transmission began making bad sounds and shifting hard.  By then I was 
earning decent money so I traded it in on a new VW Beetle.  Fortunately 
the dealer didn't test drive the Studebaker.

 Dave Gilmore, Cameron WV



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Re: [MBZ] OT - First Cars

2015-02-02 Thread David & Kristin Gilmore via Mercedes

On 2/1/2015 9:29 PM, Mountain Man via Mercedes wrote:

David wrote:

By then I was earning decent money...

What type of work in Denver did you do?
What part of town?  I started working for a small civil engg firm in
Denver in '78 but pay never got good.  We lived south of DU.

 I was there in '59 and '60 doing various college drop out blue 
collar stuff.  Originally I had intended to go to a gunsmith school, the 
Colorado School of Trades, but that didn't work out.  The decent money 
at the time I bought the VW was a $2.25 per hour union job at a pork 
processing plant.  Lots of overtime so I was rich.  I lived in a rooming 
house in Edgewater that cost $30 a month.  Those were my strong 
back/weak mind days.

 Dave Gilmore, Cameron WV

 A chicken is an egg's way of making another egg.


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Re: [MBZ] OT: Trailer welding followup

2015-02-14 Thread David & Kristin Gilmore via Mercedes

On 2/11/2015 9:50 PM, Kaleb C. Striplin via Mercedes wrote:

I'm probably going to get one of the HF 220 ones I think. That way if I need to 
weld anything bigger I can. Although I have never welded before. I am going to 
tackle welding up the broken strut tower on my 124.

 I'm a bit late here but I thought I would pass on my wisdom about 
learning to weld.  I have a Lincoln 225 AC machine that I bought used 
many years ago.  Included was about 75 lbs of 1/8" 6013 rods which is 
all I have ever used.  With this rig I have welded a lot of farm 
equipment back together, built up worn parts, modified truck beds, and 
so forth.

 In my experience the most important thing is to practice on scrap 
until the bead you  are making is good.  The scrap metal setup should 
duplicate the type, thickness, and most importantly the angles involved 
in your project.  Welding vertically requires a different machine 
setting and technique than welding flat or upside down.   For example, I 
usually weld vertically by going down with the stick pointing up and 
making small, multiple beads on each side of the object to prevent 
warping.  A hand held grinder will be your friend.  The auto darkening 
hoods are a great invention.  But practicing on scrap first is the key.

 Dave Gilmore, Cameron  WV

 Man, an ingenious assembly of portable plumbing.


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Re: [MBZ] Best oil trader says oil prices may plunge some more

2015-02-15 Thread David & Kristin Gilmore via Mercedes

On 2/14/2015 10:55 PM, Curly McLain via Mercedes wrote:
My understanding is that there is an existing pipeline, which is too 
small and not direct.  There is also a lot of oil coming from the 
Bakken (sp?) formation in North Dakota, and most of that oil is 
transported by rail and truck.  That oil is very light and extremely 
volatile, and tends to burn quite nicely in the event of a mishap / 

Max Dillon
Charleston SC
'87 300TD
'95 E300

There is another pipline proposed to run from ND to IL.  It goes 
diagonally across Awa.  It has caused a big uproar about the proposed 
use of eminent domain to enrich a private company.

While there is a national interest, is it proper use of eminent domain 
to tear up the world's most productive land for the enrichment of a 
private company?

 From what I have seen a pipeline coming through enriches 
everybody.  Local contractors get work, landowners get easy money and 
the land is not harmed.  (The topsoil is moved aside and replaced when 
they are done.) Once construction starts it all happens fast - the 
machinery is so expensive they don't let it sit idle if they can help it.

  I agreed with Chesapeake to put 10,000' of a  a 16" shale gas 
gathering line through my place two years ago.  It took the contractor 
just a couple weeks in steep, mostly cut over timberland which required  
removing stumps.  The part that went through my ridge top hay fields 
left them smoother then they were, fertilized and seeded to my 
specifications.  I gave up timber growing in a 50' ROW about 6,000' 
long.  In return I got a firebreak where I needed it and hay fields 
enlarged.  And $240,000.  I understand bigger lines, like the interstate 
lines, pay more.

 Dave Gilmore, Cameron WV

 Strangers have the best candy.


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Re: [MBZ] Best oil trader says oil prices may plunge some more

2015-02-17 Thread David & Kristin Gilmore via Mercedes

On 2/17/2015 11:20 AM, Craig via Mercedes wrote:

On Sun, 15 Feb 2015 09:42:51 -0500 David & Kristin Gilmore via Mercedes

On 2/14/2015 10:55 PM, Curly McLain via Mercedes wrote:

While there is a national interest, is it proper use of eminent
domain to tear up the world's most productive land for the enrichment
of a private company?

   From what I have seen a pipeline coming through enriches
everybody.  Local contractors get work, landowners get easy money and
the land is not harmed.  (The topsoil is moved aside and replaced when
they are done.) Once construction starts it all happens fast - the
machinery is so expensive they don't let it sit idle if they can help

I agreed with Chesapeake to put 10,000' of a  a 16" shale gas
gathering line through my place two years ago.  It took the contractor
just a couple weeks in steep, mostly cut over timberland which
required removing stumps.  The part that went through my ridge top hay
fields left them smoother then they were, fertilized and seeded to my
specifications.  I gave up timber growing in a 50' ROW about 6,000'
long.  In return I got a firebreak where I needed it and hay fields
enlarged.  And $240,000.  I understand bigger lines, like the
interstate lines, pay more.

What you describe, however, is not the use of eminent domain. Your
saying, "I agreed ... ," indicates it was a voluntary transaction with a
private company that compensated you for your losses and troubles.

 Yes, my situation did not involve eminent domain.  I should have 
made that clear.  As I understand it, a gathering pipeline is a local 
intrastate sort of thing, in contrast to the interstate transmission 
pipelines that typically involve eminent domain.

 What I was responding to in Curly's original message was the idea 
of tearing up productive land with the private company the only one 
getting enriched.  The land is restored.  Putting a pipeline through 
just means the farmer misses a crop and is well compensated for that.  
As I see it the issue is that the resulting Right of Way limits  use of 
the land for something else, like putting  buildings on it.  That is 
what you really are being compensated for.  In most cases you can just 
put up the building nearby.

 Dave Gilmore, Cameron WV

 I will attend to the trees and their gracious silence,


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Re: [MBZ] Okie acres fun

2015-02-21 Thread David & Kristin Gilmore via Mercedes

On 2/21/2015 6:36 PM, Kaleb C. Striplin via Mercedes wrote:

Last weekend I was unloading a car in the back 40. On this particular car it 
was to be parked in front of another car so I put the ramps down and hook a 
strap to the read end of the car on the trailer and hook it to the front of the 
car behind then proceed to pull the truck forward to pull the trailer out from 
under the car. Done this method many times. This time the car got hung up on 
the trailer,
I think the Exhaust was having to low.
Long story short the truck is now buried up to the axles. Today I get my 
fathers 4x4 suburban out there it did not even budge it, then got the trailer 
out from behind it and hooked to the suburban and pulled it around front to use 
wench on trailer to pull it out, wench not big enough. Then hooked 4x4 tractor 
and suburban up and the 2 pulling together did not budge it. Guess I'm going to 
have to call the wrecker.

 Couldn't perhaps use the tractor 3PH and a chain to lift on the 
truck's trailer hitch?  Then put something in the pits where the rear 
wheels were stuck?  Getting the rear end up a bit might save damage to 
the exhaust when the truck is pulled out.

 Dave Gilmore, Cameron WV

 And the wave sings because it is moving


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Re: [MBZ] Okie acres fun

2015-02-23 Thread David & Kristin Gilmore via Mercedes

On 2/23/2015 12:17 PM, Randy Bennell via Mercedes wrote:

Do these still have the doodads for stretching barbed wire too?
Kleb is now out there on the ranch and might need to do that.

 You probably mean the tool I grew up calling a come-a-long, which 
I gather is known now as a "cable hoist puller"- a device with a ratchet 
lever that draws in a hook on a cable.

 I have 4 of these.  One, with two 10' chains, is behind the seat 
of my pickup.   The others are hanging in the barn/out buildings where 
last used to lift on and off the sides to my flat bed truck, the wood 
splitter to the tractor loader bucket, etc. They are half the price of a 
high lift jack and more versatile.  The problem with the jack is that it 
has only 4' of travel and a good bit of  that is used in taking up slack 
when you use chains. Come-a-longs have more like 8'/10' travel.  i use 
cheap ones rated at 2 tons.  Since there is almost always a handy tree 
to pull or lift from here in WV the come-a-longs work best  for me. (I 
did knock together an A frame for using a come-a-long to pull a stuck 
pump out of a well that didn't happen to have a tree in the right 
place.)  I have used multiple come-a-longs at once in rescuing over the 
hill machines.

 Since Kleb is out there in the wide open spaces and so much 
involved with vehicles I can see why the high lift jack would be his 
first choice.  But I bet he will need a come-a-long or two eventually, 
if he doesn't already have them.  To my way of thinking the big 
advantage to either the jack or come-a-long is that things happen 
gradually.  You can hear/feel it if something is getting stressed to 
much.  With power equipment things often break before you can stop.

 Dave Gilmore, Cameron WV

 Don't say ain't!  Your mother will faint!
 Your father will fall in a bucket of paint!
 Your sister will cry!  Your brother will die!
 Your dog will call the FBI!


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Re: [MBZ] OT "Global warming" (aka climate change), linked to

2015-02-25 Thread David & Kristin Gilmore via Mercedes

On 2/25/2015 5:09 PM, Rich Thomas via Mercedes wrote:
I have been listening to the inane commentary on NPR about this 
pipeline bidness.  It is quite interesting how the opponents have 
managed to turn the discussion around aspects that are either 1) 
wrong, 2) irrelevant, 3) conflated, 4) partially true, 5) idiotic, 6) 
ignoring certain other factual aspects, 7) all of the above.  And the 
"journalists" let it all slide without making the interviewees be 
rigorous in their arguments.  It is a wonder to behold, I remember now 
why I missed sending in some dinero during the begathon the last 3 
weeks.  Note that this has nothing to do with my opinion on the 
matter, just an observation on how it has all unfolded.  Even one of 
my TEA party-type friends was ecstatic Obama vetoed the bill, and got 
lots of likes from other flaming lib friends on his view.  I tried to 
point out some aspects of his views on the matter that were positively 
wrong but he would not be swayed by facts.

 I have been intrigued by the parallels between the 
climate/environment discussions and religious behavior.  Recently I was 
talking with my brother, a fan of NPR talk shows, who explained many in 
the climate change camp want to eliminate  the use of the word "skeptic" 
by those who don't agree with them.  "Skeptic" is seen as an honorable 
word associated with scientific inquiry. Instead, since the evidence is 
so overwhelming in support of the climate-change-caused-humans model, 
anyone who doesn't buy on should be labelled "denier".

  Really now.  Believers and deniers?  With no room for agnostics?

  I think the problem is that those wishy washy agnostic types 
can't be counted on to take the kind of action the climate zealots want, 
i.e. doing away with big cars, beefsteaks, and so forth.  The idea being 
if our life style spews out so much CO2 why we have no moral grounds for 
trying to hold back all those third world types from the same thing.  
And the world population has grown; more than doubled just during my 
lifetime of 74 years.  Which leads to my favorite solution - less 
people.  We need more incentives for people to have fewer children.
Gold metals, tax breaks, free stuff, permission to go to the head of 
lines, all that kind of thing. World wide!

 Dave Gilmore, Cameron WV

 They've all moved away said the voice of a stranger


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[MBZ] was Update XL: Shirley in a car wreck, now getting old and useless

2015-03-09 Thread David & Kristin Gilmore via Mercedes

On 3/8/2015 1:38 PM, Rich Thomas via Mercedes wrote:
Black socks with sandals!  And don't forget to schedule your haircut, 
doctor visit, bank visit, grocery run, pharmacy run, and other errands 
on different days so you have something to do, just enough to justify 
the nap after the errands.

I told my kids if I ever get to that point they have my permission to 
take me out to the woods and tie me to a tree.  It's in my living will.

//I recommend a farm.  There are tax advantages and you get to wear bib 
overalls, the most comfortable clothing made.  You have minimal hassles 
with neighbors.  You can hunt and fish..  You stay productive while 
doing interesting stuff at your own pace. Just pick a location where the 
wife has an easy commute to her job in town.

 My own solution involves hay in the summer and firewood in the 
winter.  There is always a market for such like.  And with modern 
machinery there are no great physical demands.  Lots of my friends are 
in their 80s.

 Dave Gilmore, Cameron WV

 Adventure is just bad planning.

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2015-03-14 Thread David & Kristin Gilmore via Mercedes

On 3/13/2015 10:52 PM, WILTON via Mercedes wrote:

Yep, another one:


 Wilton, I really enjoy the stories you post.  In my experience 
it's rare for a person with a technical background to write so well.  
And I like the subjects you choose - real work rather than just some 
artsy impressionist stuff.

 I can relate to those old farming ways.  My grandfather's Ozark 
farm had one of the corn shellers you describe  mounted next to the corn 
crib along with a hand operated burr disk apparatus.

 One of the places I bought here in WV came with a barn collapsed 
on a seed grain cleaner the size of a VW beetle.   It blew air via a 
hand cranked paddle wheel across a system of moving screens.  There were 
tongue and groove tight bins for the grain. This was on the second 
floor, above a scale that weighed wagons. Further down the road was a 
threshing machine in its own collapsed shed with an iron wheeled Fordson 
tractor rusting next to it.  When the neighbor who wanted the tractor 
pulled it out only the top two thirds of the wheels were left and he had 
to skid it onto his trailer.  I saved the threshing machine for years 
for a fellow from the Waynesburg PA historical society only to find he 
had died and no one else was interested.  It is pretty much melted away now.

 On another subject, I have an interest you might want to write 
on.  I have heard bomber pilots are a superstitious group.  Not wanting 
their pictures taken and that sort of thing.  Did you B52 guys in 
Vietnam have superstitions?

 Dave Gilmore, Cameron WV

 Not all those who wander are lost.


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[MBZ] Mercedes pickup

2015-03-27 Thread David & Kristin Gilmore via Mercedes

 Here's something to hope comes to the USA.

 Dave Gilmore, Cameron WV

 The fact that there is a highway to hell and only a stairway to 
heaven says a lot about anticipated traffic numbers.


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[MBZ] List mail

2015-05-04 Thread David & Kristin Gilmore via Mercedes

 Just a test.

 Dave Gilmore, Cameron WV

 A man sits as many risks as he runs.


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Re: [MBZ] generator for Craig

2015-05-13 Thread David & Kristin Gilmore via Mercedes

On 5/12/2015 5:22 PM, Curt Raymond via Mercedes wrote:


  Those are 2 stroke engines so I don't run them dry


 Running 2 strokes dry is a problem?  I regularly do this with 
chainsaws - run them until they go dry, fill with fuel, run until dry 
again, etc.  Done it a thousand times with no apparent harm.

 Dave Gilmore, Cameron WV

 How can we be just in a world that needs mercy and merciful in a 
world that needs justice?


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Re: [MBZ] OT: Sacrilege

2014-08-12 Thread David & Kristin Gilmore via Mercedes

On 8/11/2014 9:21 PM, OK Don via Mercedes wrote:


A buddy does have a nice Porsche 944 Turbo for sale that is sorely tempting
me though . . . . .

 Ah these are lovely cars, perfectly balanced.  They have humbled many a 
911.  Lots of mods available and websites run by enthusiasts.

 Dave Gilmore, Cameron WV

 A partisan cannot be an honest man.



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[MBZ] OT - Kubota tractors tier 4 was 1984 500SEL Surrender

2014-08-22 Thread David & Kristin Gilmore via Mercedes

On 8/21/2014 9:27 PM, Kaleb C. Striplin via Mercedes wrote:

I'm fixing to buy a diesel tractor for the ranch. Probably new. Probably Kubota.
 Beware the EPA's tier 4 pollution standard.  Although I understand 
it is not required in final form in off road diesels under 75 hp for a 
few more years, Kubota has been introducing tier 4 in their new tractor 
engines.  I hear the changes include common rail computer controlled 
electronic injectors, a urea tank, a catalytic converter, and a 
particulate filter.  And a price increase of several thousand dollars.  
I would go for an older model.

 I suggest something in the 40-50 hp range, 4WD, front end loader, 
3ph with a quick detach backhoe.  If you plan on haying I urge a cab 

 Around here Kubotas have a reputation for top quality but the 
parts are expensive.

 I bought one of their RTV900's, now with 1500 hours and going 
strong.  I use it every day.  The dog is in love with it.   If you are 
walking anywhere in the direction of where it is parked she will run and 
jump up on the seat and wait for you.

 Dave Gilmore, Cameron WV

 Give sorrow words; the grief that does not speak
 Whispers the o'erfraught heart, and bids it break.



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Re: [MBZ] R-12 versus R-134

2014-10-06 Thread David & Kristin Gilmore via Mercedes

On 10/6/2014 8:17 AM, Dan Penoff via Mercedes wrote:

 In the interest of full disclosure, my oldest son's 300E 2.6 still has 
R12 in it, and I have a can on the shelf. It could probably stand to be 
topped off, but I don't have a manifold gauge set that will do R12.

 It is my understanding that one doesn't need a gauge set in this 
situation.  Aren't there bubbles showing in the sight glass if the 
system is low?  Adding refrigerant (with the compressor running) until 
the bubbles go away restores cooling.  Or at least that is the way I 
always did it.  I think.  It's been a long time.

 I'd go through and tighten all the connections first.

 Dave Gilmore, Cameron WV

Hunters dream of woods and beasts, judges of cases, and runners of 


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Re: [MBZ] OT - Shotguns

2014-10-26 Thread David & Kristin Gilmore via Mercedes
 I second the advice from brother Grant - the best shotgun is one 
that fits.  It will feel good, point naturally, and won't beat you up 
with recoil.

 The recoil thing is very important.  It is easy to develop a 
flinch from recoil that will ruin enjoyment and performance.  Once 
started flinching it is hard to stop.  IMHO the gas-operated 
semiautomactics, like the Remington 1100, are the best choice for the 
novice clay target shooter.  They are not a big investment and this sort 
of gun will allow a person to shoot a lot, which is the way to build 
competence.  Then maybe move to a special purpose heavy and expensive 
over and under if clay shooting turns out to be one's sport of choice.

 Dave Gilmore, Cameron WV

 Freedom is the consciousness of necessity.


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Re: [MBZ] Veterans on the List

2014-11-11 Thread David & Kristin Gilmore via Mercedes

On 11/11/2014 4:39 PM, Craig via Mercedes wrote:

We do have several veterans on the list. As a matter of curiosity, who
are you? In what branch did you serve or are you serving? What dates?

Here is what I know; you will have to edit and add the rest.


Craig   USAF1971-1975
Wilton  USAF

Dave GilmoreArmy  1960-1963


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[MBZ] way OT - Fence charger repair

2014-12-06 Thread David & Kristin Gilmore via Mercedes
 Oh wise list members.  Perhaps one of you can identify an 
electronic component for me.

 The fence charger has failed that protects my vegetable garden 
from deer.  The charger is a Parmak S.E.3 of the 110 volt type.  I found 
one of its two 1 amp fuses bad, as has happened over the years  when 
lightening strikes nearby.  But a new fuse didn't fix it this time.

 Everything looks good inside except, as shown in the attached 
photograph, a small dull red pill apparently overheated.  It is in line 
from the recently blown fuse to a transformer.  It is attached in the 
circuit via a plastic block of four set screws that clamp rather than 
solder the wires together and all was covered by a plastic sheath.  When 
I took out the pill it fell apart.  It is marked R270 and below that, CM 
56.  Does anyone know what this item might be?

 Parmak is one of these outfits that won't publish a schematic: 
they would rather you ship it back to them in Kansas City.  The youth at 
Radio Shack who looked at the red pill could not identify it.  A call to 
a local electronics repair place said they would look at it for a 
minimum $40 fee.  Good Lord.

 A new charger of like power is about $150.  A beer and some fresh 
sweetcorn next year to anyone who can help.  Oh and the deer hunting 
here is good.

 Dave Gilmore, Cameron WV

 The best fun follows a duty done.

-- next part --
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[MBZ] way OT - fence charger repair

2014-12-07 Thread David & Kristin Gilmore via Mercedes
 Gentlemen, thank you for your responses!  You are educating an old 
farmer, which has to be a good thing.

  No, the fuse does not  blow when the mystery part is not 
installed.   It is in series with the the 110 volt hot line to the 

  I tried connecting the line from the fuse straight to the 
transformer - the charger clicked a couple times and then quit. (When 
working right it clicks about every second when it sends a pulse.)  The 
fuse is still good. My meter shows 116 volts going to the transformer.  
So I guess something else is wrong.  No new burned things evident.

 My reading on the farming/fencing sites suggests the five years I 
have got out of this machine is about par.  I think I will just get 
another and keep this one for parts.  I am inclined toward one of the 
Zareba models sold locally by Tractor Supply.  They have a decent 
reputation and will provide schematics and parts to regular people.  
Thanks again.  Y'all are still welcome to beer and sweetcorn next 
summer.  And I almost  forgot to mention ramps!  You need to come by in 
the first two weeks of April for them!  4WD a good idea at that time of 

 Dave Gilmore, Cameron WV

 Cato suggested that women would live long, healthy lives if they 
washed their genitals in the urine of a cabbage eater.


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Re: [MBZ] way OT - fence charger repair/deer management

2014-12-08 Thread David & Kristin Gilmore via Mercedes

On 12/7/2014 7:38 PM, OK Don wrote:
What kind of fence (how high) do you electrify that keeps the deer out 
of the corn? Around here they laugh as they jump over the fences. Do 
you electrify the entire fence or just the top?
 These are mule deer you have?  I know they are bigger than our 
white-tails, so perhaps my system wouldn't work for mule deer.

/ Our garden fence has the bottom four wires electrified. The lowest 
is 3" - 4" from the ground to discourage ground hogs and raccoons.  The 
next three wires are about 1' apart.  Then a gap to the top wire which 
is about 6' from the ground and is not electrified.  The theory being if 
the deer is jumping over the top wire the animal won't be grounded 
anyway.  In fact I have never seen one try that jump.  What I have 
observed is the deer head down grazing weeds and touching the bottom 
wire with its nose - it jumps back and shakes its head as if stung by a 
bee.  After that it keeps away from the fence.  If the power is off 
awhile sometimes a young one will step through the fence and have to be 
scared out.  We use the low impedance type of charger that is supposed 
to be tolerant of weeds.  Neighbors have advised that one of the "50 
mile" (2 joule) sort is needed.

 Dave Gilmore, Cameron WV

 Victory has many fathers.


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[MBZ] moldy cars - was Re: After sitting for 10 years she started right up

2014-12-15 Thread David & Kristin Gilmore via Mercedes

On 12/15/2014 10:54 AM, Craig via Mercedes wrote:

On Sun, 14 Dec 2014 11:21:23 -0600 "Kaleb C. Striplin via Mercedes"

Another 115 with a very moldy interior.

When we were getting ready to move from Austin, TX, here to Los Alamos,
NM, I opened up our original W115 '72 220D/8 and found the interior moldy
and interior parts rusted even though I had been working on the interior
only a couple of years prior and found it dry and not mold.

 I have found mold starting on the interior of a couple cars i 
don't drive much here in WV.  What has worked for me is the heat of a 
40W bulb in a partially open tackle box in the passenger foot well.   I 
leave the windows up except for the driver side one down a crack.  The 
passenger door is closed to the first click on the cord to the bulb.  
That seems to be enough dry air/circulation to keep the mold away here.  
The cars are in a south facing shed on a ridge, shaded by two big oaks.  
We get about 45" precip annually with first frost about October 10.

 Dave Gilmore, Cameron WV

 Vegetarian is an old Indian word for bad hunter.


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[MBZ] Flying squirrels was Ick! Mice in car!

2014-12-29 Thread David & Kristin Gilmore via Mercedes

On 12/29/2014 9:27 AM, Rich Thomas via Mercedes wrote:
Yesterday I was out puttering around the new addition and heard some 
skittering above the ceiling panels of a small porch off the side of 
the house that is not entirely finished. There are some small openings 
which I have been thinking to finish, but other things have had higher 
priority.  Anyway, I took a stick and started beating on it, and could 
hear all kinds of activity, then these things started shooting out.  
At first I thought they were birds as they were flying off to the 
trees nearby.  Then I look and see it was a bunch of little flying 
squirrels.  I had never seen any of those things around here. Aside 
from being vermin in the ceiling of the porch, they were actually 
quite cool to see "fly."  I will go pound on the ceiling again to make 
sure they are gone.  I figure they can go find some other place to camp.

 They are cute.  My experience has been that once established they 
are hard to get rid of.  Here in WV if you think there is one in the 
ceiling there are ten.  I use a live trap baited with walnut pieces.  It 
usually takes weeks to get them all.

 Dave Gilmore, Cameron WV

 It is a Zoroastrian belief that drinking wine is a way to 
communicate with God.


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Re: [MBZ] Cash and fuel door learnings.

2015-01-26 Thread David & Kristin Gilmore via Mercedes

On 1/26/2015 12:03 PM, Curt Raymond via Mercedes wrote:

I hate auto door locks, they ignore the fact that you might have the door 
unlocked for a reason...Dad was at camp one time and stopped to talk to the 
neighbor. For some reason he left the Jeep running which is unusual for him. 
The Jeep auto locks the doors after like 2 minutes so he had to trudge the 3/4 
mile to the camp to get my mother's keys and 3/4 mile back to open the Jeep 
which is still running. God forbid you were out on the range by yourself and 
got hung up opening or closing a gate and it was cold
 For many years I have taped an extra  key, accessible from the 
outside, on all my vehicles.  Has saved me a lot of grief.

   Dave Gilmore, Cameron WV

   Every time you masturbate God kills a kitten.


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