Mersenne: GIMPS & SETI@Home Popularity

2001-02-06 Thread Marc Getty

> Date: Sat, 03 Feb 2001 20:05:45 -0500
> From: "Joshua Zelinsky" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Mersenne: Misc Stuff.
> A few minor comments.
> 5. One reason SETI is more popular is that they seem to have good media
> relations. Even if we could get a small mention of GIMPS in some non-math
> publication, the effect could be enormous. The Science Section of the NYT
> would be really amazing. Any thoughts?

Long ago I got some local media coverage:
but I did not see any enormous GIMPS participation leaps locally

I would have to agree that SETI is definitely more popular because it is "sexy".


Department of Dental Informatics, Temple University School of Dentistry
Phone: 215-707-8192Fax: 215-707-2208 New Dental School Room 311
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Mersenne: CPU Time Credit Calculation

2000-08-27 Thread Marc Getty

How does the CPU time contributed get calculated? I would assume that there is a
standard credit for each FFT size, but I can't find what that credit is anywhere

Can anyone help fill in the following?

 160 K FFT = ??.?? P90 CPU years
 192 K FFT = ??.?? P90 CPU years
 224 K FFT = ??.?? P90 CPU years
 256 K FFT = ??.?? P90 CPU years
 320 K FFT = ??.?? P90 CPU years
 384 K FFT = ??.?? P90 CPU years
 448 K FFT = ??.?? P90 CPU years
 512 K FFT = ??.?? P90 CPU years
 640 K FFT = ??.?? P90 CPU years
 768 K FFT = ??.?? P90 CPU years
 896 K FFT = ??.?? P90 CPU years
1024 K FFT = ??.?? P90 CPU years
1280 K FFT = ??.?? P90 CPU years
1536 K FFT = ??.?? P90 CPU years
1792 K FFT = ??.?? P90 CPU years

I doubt that anyone out there is using more then a 1792 K FFT.


Department of Dental Informatics, Temple University School of Dentistry
Phone: 215-707-8192   Fax: 215-707-2208Old Dental Building Room 420
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Mersenne: The Recent Popularity of Factoring

2000-03-28 Thread Marc Getty

Russel Brooks wrote:
> Marc Getty wrote:
> >   All of these machines
> > are 400 MHz Dell OptiPlex GX1's with the low profile cases from hell. This
> > terrible design forces me to factor due to the fact that LL tests make the video
> > flicker terribly.
> Did anyone ever contact Dell about this interference problem?  What was
> their responce? cheers... Russ

I never did contact Dell, anyone else? 


Department of Dental Informatics, Temple University School of Dentistry
Phone: 215-707-8192  Fax: 215-707-2208   New Building Room 3C05
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Mersenne: The Recent Popularity of Factoring

2000-03-27 Thread Marc Getty

> Date: Sat, 25 Mar 2000 07:53:36 EST
> From: "Nathan Russell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: Mersenne: The recent popularity of Factoring
> I don't honestly know what to say...  The real reason some of us might be
> annoyed is that there are machines out there, such as 486's and low
> Pentiums, that cannot deal with the current 10 M LL tests, or even, in the
> case of the 486s and some K-6s, the 5-6 M doublechecks.  Fortunately, I do
> not have such a machine, however those who do would be understandibly, if
> maybe not rightly, annoyed that someone with large numbers of fast machines
> that can easily do LL work has chosen to not only do factoring, but to cache
> an amount of factoring work that would normally take GIMPS as a whole months
> to finish. Regards, Nathan Russell

While I do no use the undocumented FactorOverride feature, I do have 300+
factoring assignments assigned to my TempleU-DI account. All of these machines
are 400 MHz Dell OptiPlex GX1's with the low profile cases from hell. This
terrible design forces me to factor due to the fact that LL tests make the video
flicker terribly. Please do no be annoyed at those of us "with large numbers of
fast machines" doing factoring work, the only other alternative is a pretty
screen saver.


Department of Dental Informatics, Temple University School of Dentistry
Phone: 215-707-8192  Fax: 215-707-2208   New Building Room 3C05
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Mersenne: GIMPS in the News

2000-01-17 Thread Marc Getty

Here is a somewhat lengthy article on GIMPS that appeared in the Philadelphia
Inquirer last Thursday. Presumably other Knight-Ridder papers ran it, being
that it was written by Doug Bedell of the Dallas Morning News, which is
another Knight-Ridder paper. Essentially it's a comparison of the different
distributed computing efforts with a short blurb on GIMPS in the middle.


Department of Dental Informatics, Temple University School of Dentistry
Phone : 215-707-8192  Fax: 215-707-2208  New Building Room 3C05
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Mersenne: Macintosh Speeds

1999-09-07 Thread Marc Getty

> Louis Towles wrote:
> Don't give up on those 24,000 PII hours yet - they can factor, it only
> floating point math that messes with the video (ati rage pro I think?)

You are indeed correct, the integrated ATI Rage Pro is the card in the Dell
OptiPlexes that I have. When running LL tests the video flickers quite badly.

George beat you by 4 minutes by suggesting that I try them as factoring
clients, which I will test and see if they too cause screen flicker tomorrow.
If they do not I will have them all factoring by weeks end.

I did not know that mprime was intel based before today, so that is scratched
off the list. So now it is down to MacGIMPS vs MacLucas on the Macs. Any


Department of Dental Informatics, Temple University
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Mersenne: Macintosh Speeds

1999-09-07 Thread Marc Getty

Okay, so I am here at my new job, got permission to install a GIMPS client on a
bunch of machines, cool. It turns out that >50% of the machines that I can
install a GIMPS client on are a specific model of Dell that when Prime95 is
running causes the video to flicker REALLY bad. So there goes about 24,000 PII
MHz down the drain because of poor design by Dell.

So in my quest to add more machines to GIMPS I run across 20+ Macs that are in
perfectly working order in a storage room. They have been obsolteted simply
because they are Macs, and are all mid range Power Macs to low end G3s. The room
with plenty of power and plenty of network drops. Perfect dedicated GIMPS
clients in my opinion!

Now my question to the list is, would I be better off having these machines
participate in GIMPS via MacGIMPS on MacOS or should I run mprime on Linux? My
main concern is performance. Which performs better on the same hardware,
MacGIMPS or mprime? I would guesstimate that they all have ~32 MB of RAM, and
those that do not can get upgraded to 32 MB easily. Which route should I take?

Thanks in advance for any help!


Department of Dental Informatics, Temple University
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Mersenne: Merced Assemblers

1999-08-20 Thread Marc Getty

> Seems like assemblers will have to get smarter in the future? Just the
> `simple' feature of being able to edit those 8 streams separate would
> appearently help a lot, and some visual cue on when an operation is
> finished would also be an idea. (Wonder why the last one hasn't been
> implemented in any fancy assembler GUI?)

I can see it now! Microsoft Visual Assember++ it will require 2048 MB of RAM, 16
GB of hard disk space, and an 8 GHz Merced processor. You know it's coming, you
know you don't want it, and you know you will still buy it.


Department of Dental Informatics, Temple University
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Mersenne: GIMPS Coverage at Wired News

1999-08-06 Thread Marc Getty

Wired News, the online version of Wired Magazine, did a feature on 'CPU
Contests' today. It has a lengthy write up about GIMPS, and compares it with and Seti@Home. I should warn you, this is a bit of self
promotion, I was mentioned in the article.

See it at:


Department of Dental Informatics, Temple University
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Mersenne: Average Machine Speed

1999-07-29 Thread Marc Getty

> I hope they're at least running P166s by now. What's the average machine a
> GIMPSter runs, assuming that the average machine runs 24 hours a day? I
> remember it being P181 a while ago, I think.

This brings up a very interesting question, what is the average speed of a
machine participating in GIMPS? Does PrimeNet have more data then the CPU type?
I would assume so. Can we get a breakdown of the average CPU speed of a GIMPS
producer and track this over time to see if we are keeping up with Moore's law?

Can the average machine speed be tracked from previous data? Account for the
growth in the number of participating machines and come up with an average
machine speed from year to year?


Department of Dental Informatics, Temple University
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Mersenne: 286's and 386's running Prime95

1999-06-11 Thread Marc Getty

> >Those are probably just whichever 3M-area exponents got assigned
> >to 286s and 386s :-)
> I wonder about that, however.  A 286 can't run Prime95, and a 386
> would require a 387, right?

First off, a 286 in order to do floating point math needs a math
coprocessor. The model of math coprocessor that goes along with a
80286 is the 80287 not a 387. But, Prime95 only runs on Windows95, and
Windows95 only runs on 386s and higher so there are no 286s out there
running Prime95.

The lowest end 386 is the 80386SX-16 running at a whopping 16 Mhz. 386
SX's have a 32 bit internal bus (making them Intel's first 32 bit
processor) and a 16 bit external bus. The 386DX is 32 bit inside and
out, but most of the 80386DX-16s out there have a major bug in them
that makes their external bus 16 bit just like the 386 SX. The CPUs
that have this bug are from 1985 and have a double sigma mark on them,
this distinguishes them from the working 386's.

So, anything 386 or higher will run Prime95. Lennart Grebelius has a
great benchmark page setup at:
Here he compares everything from a 386SX-16 to a P2-400 MHz (which is
540 times faster at running Prime95).

Personally I will not run Prime95 on anything less then a P5-166, and
I also will not run it on anything that does not have 32 MB or greater
of RAM. Not that Prime95 is a resource hog, far from it, I just don't
think it's worth my time to install it on anything slower then a 166,
and I don't think it is fair to the user of the machine to run a
program that requires 4 to 5 MB or RAM unless at least 32 MB is
present. But far be it from me to judge how you run it, this is just
my opinion.


Department of Dental Informatics, Temple University

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Mersenne: screen savers are necessary

1999-05-16 Thread Marc Getty

> > If Prime95 is a screensaver, we all know what is does
> > do (It prevents the screen from burning in
> I've had exactly two monitors in the last eight years and neither one had
> anything close to burn-in artefacts. Besides privacy, security, and novelty,
> there's no need at all for screensavers these days on a machine that someone
> actually uses, IMO.

Screen burn it is definitely a problem for some. I have 72 monitors in
one of my lab that have just a tad of the desktop wallpaper burned
into it in only ~12 weeks of 24/7 operation. Luckily I setup the blank
screen saver before it became a real problem. I myself have had two
monitors so far in my lifetime, a Nec XV15 from 1992-1994 and a Nec
MultiSync 5FG since 1994. Neither one have had even the slightest of
problems, with absolutely no screen burn in.

A screen saver if used properly can definitely extend the life of a
monitor. I prefer either a blank screen as a screen saver or even
better is to use the power save features of a "green" monitor and turn
it off completely.

On the topic of a screen saver version of Prime95 I think this may be
a good idea, but let's not waste too much time on developing one. 

Marc Getty  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  - ICQ: 12916278
  http://www.getty.net  Work: 215-204-3291 215-962-5603

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Mersenne: Ghosting Solutions

1999-05-14 Thread Marc Getty

In our labs we ghost our machines as often as we can: during winter
break, spring break, beginning and ending of the summer. We also
re-ghost as needed around the lab. When I first started in GIMPS I had
Prime95 on each machine locally and just as you describe they lost the
work they started each time I re-ghosted.

My solution was to put a different copy of Prime95 on the home
directory of each workstation on the server they connect to. This
works quite well, no work gets lost on a re-ghost now. Also, I can
remotely check up on each workstation via this directory on the
server. I think this is an excellent way of implementing Prime95 in my
case. Of course it does waste about 4 MB of disk space for each
workstation * 275 workstations = 1.1 GB which is nothing in server
space these days.

> BTW, we had another problem that I'm in the process of fixing: Every now and
> then, these machines will be reset using Ghost, losing both the [pq]* files
> and the worktodo.ini files (the rest of the files are not that important). I'm
> now writing a Linux pseudo-proxy that will give out the same exponent every
> time if it has not been cleared. (The [pq]* problem remains unsolved :-( ) If
> anybody are interested (I could make this work under Windows, too, if there is
> a need for it), let me know. (Of course, if there is no uncleared exponent,
> the request will be forwarded to the standard PrimeNet server. I'm wondering
> how Prime95 will cope if it wants more than one exponent, and gets the same
> all the time. Setting `Days of work to get' to 1 should fix this problem.)

Marc Getty  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  - ICQ: 12916278
  http://www.getty.net  Work: 215-204-3291 215-962-5603

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Mersenne: Convincing University Administrators

1999-05-14 Thread Marc Getty

> I'm going to try to get my school to install Prime95 on
> their >100 PII's.  Does anyone have experience dealing with
> large stupid beurocracies?  Any pointers? Who should I try and
> talk to first? Thank you in advance, Lucas Wiman

If you are already referring to your school as a "large stupid
beurocracy" I think your hopes may be quite dim. I don't know of how
your beurocracy is setup, so it can be difficult to explain how to go
about actually getting permission to do the install.

Here at Temple, the majority of the labs are owned and ran by the
individual colleges within the university. Of the colleges that have
computer labs, about half of the computer staff work directly for the
deans office of the particular college that owns the lab. The other half
of the colleges have their staff working within a department within the
college. These departmentally based colleges typically have a department
head who then reports to the dean, while the colleges without separate
departments typically all of the staff report directly to the dean
without a department head or the like.

So, in my situation within the College of Liberal Arts we have 4 full
time staff who all report directly to an assistant dean. All I needed
was verbal permission from that assistant dean and I was clear to start.
This is the absolute best case scenario. What you have to do depends on
how your beurocracy is setup. I would imagine that a university
controlled beurocracy would be the most difficult organizational setup
to get approval to run GIMPS in my opinion. At least in a large place
like Temple it would be (35th largest university in the US, 28K
students, 9 campuses, 1600 full time faculty). But when you work
isolated from the rest of the university like here is was pretty easy.

In my situation I had no problem implementing Prime95 on >275 machines
providing I did it on my own time. I created a web page that details my
efforts as to dispel any rumors before they start. I found that it helps
to be very open about GIMPS. Universities can become he said/she said
worlds very easily. Unlike the business world where there is a bottom
line, we play by a completely different set of rules. A complaint that
Prime95 slows down "the whole system" could be the death of our GIMPS
participation. Complaints at a University can be like rumors, they don't
need to be based in fact to be taken as gospel. You must be prepared to
respond anything with immediate action if you want to succeed in GIMPS

Before I started GIMPS participation I sought some sort of faculty
sponsorship thinking that would keep me out of any possible trouble. I
was unable to find any of our Math faculty interested so I started out
on my own. If you can find a faculty member that is interested in GIMPS
and will help you write a proposal or at least a memo your chances are
much better for being approved. Faculty sponsorship is definitely the
best way to go about it in 20/20 hindsight.

Good luck in getting permission in your college or university, hope this


Marc Getty  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -  ICQ: 12916278  - Work: 215-204-3291   Cellular/Home: 215-962-5603

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Mersenne: Possible mhoney team?

1999-05-13 Thread Marc Getty

Go Marc! This would be quite interesting to see, something on the tune
of team love fest I guess. Don't worry about beating TempleU-CAS guys,
it's not that hard! While I may have 335 P90 CPU years racked up, I
doubt that it will get much higher then that. In fact, for the past
two weeks SW has actually had a higher CPU rate! I was ~93 years ahead
him, but now am only 85 years ahead. Beating TempleU-CAS should not be
too hard..

Next friday is my last day working for the College of Liberal Arts
here at Temple. I am transferring to another division within the
university and will no longer be running the 275+ machines that
currently have Prime95 on them. I don't know who will follow me, but
chances are they will not continue my search for Mersenne Primes.

On the bright side, the labs will most likely continue to run Prime95
all summer long, with little usage. But by September they will all be
pretty much dormant, back to running screen savers again. Also, I
already have permission to run Prime95 on the machines at my new job
even though they will be far fewer in number.

Lastly, GIMPS got some positive media exposure in Philly recently.
This past monday our local ABC affiliate, WPVI channel 6,  aired a 2+
minute piece on my running Prime95 in our labs. It's basically a sugar
coated story just to fill up air time but it's media exposure none the
less. I will capture it soon and put it on my web page.

Good luck on the team idea Marc, I may just join you from my new job!

> Hi everyone... I am mhoney on the prime list and am curious about something.
> How many of you with 10 or more machines personally would be interested in
> joning me if I were to form a team?  I ask because I am interested in
> finding about 6 people with 10 or more machines that would like to join me
> in going for the prize :)  If your interested in working together for the
> benefit of our team, not to mention the monatery (sp?) benefit please e-mail
> me.  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  I would like to give Temple-U a run for the money
> "Literaly" (sp?) ;) Sorry my spelling sucks, I am a yupper.. hehe

Marc Getty  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  - ICQ: 12916278
  http://www.getty.net  Work: 215-204-3291 215-962-5603

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Mersenne: Abolish PrimeNet? - Top Producers Chances - Aging Machines - Rate Rankings

1999-03-10 Thread Marc Getty
ame rate.

Other top producers lists, whether sorted by rate, by number of machines
or by rate per machine could segment the GIMPS effort even further.
representing these statistics would be quite informative, but none of
would allow the "little guy" to rise to the top of any of these lists. 
Only individuals/teams with large numbers of machines, or
with the absolute newest bleeding edge machines would ever rise to the
of any top producers list.

Marc Getty  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  - ICQ: 12916278  -  Work: 215-204-3291  Home: 215-322-8363

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Mersenne: Mersenne Machine & Single Floppy LL Tester

1999-03-10 Thread Marc Getty

> And so I have an idea: would it be possible and feasible to build the
> main memory from SRAM? I would expect this to give a bigger improvement
> than most of the processor advances that are on the horizon, including
> the Pentium III, and only 8 or 12 MB per system should be needed. Can
> anyone comment on how much this would help, what it would cost, and
> whether it is possible with existing motherboards?

I doubt that what you propose is possible with off the shelf 
components. Chipsets are designed to accommodate certain types of
memory, and I don't believe that current chipsets support SRAM as main
memory.  If a chipset does not support the type of memory you put into
the machine, then it will not work. Supposing that you can get SRAM in
DIMM or SIMM form, it would not work in any off the shelf motherboard.
Sure, SRAM in the form of cache memory works, but a variation of DRAM
whether it be SDRAM or EDO DRAM, all main memory is still DRAM. If
you could use SRAM as main memory, I'm sure that server manufacturers
would offer it standard or at least an option. Hell I would buy it!

Single Floppy LL Tester?

What would be good to have is an all in one magic Prime95 bootable
floppy disk. I would find it incredibly useful to have a bootable
disk that runs LL tests w/o an Windows operation system on the hard
disk of the machine.  Currently I have >40 new PII 400's in the box
to be distributed in various departments here at work. If I could
open them up out of the box, give them power without keyboard, mouse,
monitor, or network and let them run Prime95 off of a bootable disk
that would be great! Many of these machines have been sitting for a
month already, and may sit for another month or two longer. If I
could use these completely idle CPUs I could get perhaps 160 LL
tests done that would not be done otherwise. I would also "burn-in"
these machines at the same time. If anyone out there has a 
configuration like this already, please let me know!

What I propose is to do one of the following:

Method One
1. Make a bootable disk using MS-DOS or MS-Windows95's DOS, the end
user must provide this for software licensing reasons, GIMPS can't
go around giving out MS software. Win95 B or Win98 bootable would
be preferred so FAT32 partitions can be "seen".

2. Have a program not unlike Prime95, but runs under a DOS that runs
LL tests. I have been thinking about this for the past few hours, and
have come to the realization that a TCP/IP stack would be too awkward
and cumbersome, so this would be limited to manual testing.

3. Being that rather large temporary files are created, often greater
then a floppy disk, they can be temporarily redirected to the hard
drive of the computer. 

Method Two
Use a linux bootable disk with mprime on it set to automatically
load on boot, again only manual testing, with temporary files
redirected to the hard drive of the computer. The linux kernel
would have to be both FAT32 aware, because most new machines
ship with FAT32 formatted hard drives now. Hell, if you are really
good network support could also be built into this disk!

I am not a linux guru by any means, but I'm pretty sure this is
possible, and can then be freely distributed as a disk image.

Any ideas people?

Marc Getty  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -  ICQ: 12916278  - Work: 215-204-3291 215-322-8363

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Mersenne: Categories 1,2 or 3?

1999-03-02 Thread Marc Getty

> What bothers me most I guess is that the ordinary humble joe in the street
> being realistic has no chance whatever of finding the next mersenne prime.
> Over-reacting? maybe, but when people like templeu have over 300 machines
> of PPRO200/PII300+ running think about it. They are generating about 14
> months of cpu per day.

Actually closer to 22-23 months per day now, with 285 machines. I do
guilty about making it difficult for an individual or group to make it
the top. I do NOT feel that I have much more of a chance then an average
individual does at finding the next Mersenne Prime though. The guy who
spends hundreds, even thousands of dollars on lottery tickets does not
have that much more of a chance at winning the lottery then the guy who
only buys one ticket. The odds of finding a Mersenne Prime are so small
I do not expect to ever find one, even though it would be nice! Over
the TempleU-CAS account will drop down from #1 and will be replaced by
some other Johnny-Come-Lately, our machines are aging and will be
sooner then you think!

In order to categorize who belongs in what category, I propose that
IPS be expanded to allow an account to display a URL where the account
can post information about their account and their status. SUNY Albany
did this, as did team love fest, and did I.


Marc Getty  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -  ICQ: 12916278  - Work: 215-204-3291 215-322-8363

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Mersenne: TempleU-CAS Top Producer

1999-02-22 Thread Marc Getty

> i see the new top producer is TempleU-CIS.  i assume
> this is temple university in pittsburg pennsylvania.  i conjecture
> that cis is computer information security?  congratulations
> templeU-CIS.  how did you do it?  spike

Try, TempleU-CAS in Philadelphia Pennsylvania. The former College
of Arts & Sciences at Temple University. See
for how it was done.

Marc Getty  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -  ICQ: 12916278  - Work: 215-204-3291 215-322-8363

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Mersenne: Exponents > 7 Million

1999-02-20 Thread Marc Getty

> Just got my first primenet assignment over 7 million yesterday.  phew.
> estimated 65 days on a pentium 166mmx system (ok, so this is one of my junk
> boxes that happened to get it).

I got my first exponent over 7 million on Tuesday, and have received
25 more since then. They appear to take 30 days on a PII 300 MHz, 40
days on a PII 233 MHz and 50 days on a PPro 200 MHz.

My smallest # is 7000313 and my largest to date is 7030579.

Marc Getty  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  - ICQ: 12916278  -  Work: 215-204-3291  Home: 215-322-8363

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Mersenne: Factoring on a 486SX

1999-02-20 Thread Marc Getty

> I'm running PrimeNet on my 486sx/25 Linux router box (yeah, I know...).  Right
> now it's factoring M8956237, and it seems to do about one pass per day.  It's
> going to take a while. :)
> Would adding a 487 math co-processor speed this up?  If so, by how much?  I
> have no idea about the algorythm used, so I don't know if this is primarily
> doing integer or floating point operations.

The "487 math co-processer" is actually a 486DX chip. Unlike previous
Intel CPUs where you just add an external math co-processer, the 486
SX line was an afterthought. I have never seen a 487, all I have ever
seen is 486DX's. They may exist, but in all likelihood they are just
a re-marked 486DX processor. 

Assuming your CPU is not a soldered on surface mount CPU, meaning
an early socket design or a ZIF socket, you should swap it out with
something a little more speedy. If you want a free 486DX33 chip, I'll
send you one if you send me a SASE, but I would recommend going out
and paying a good $15-20 for a 486DX2-66 as long as it's an old Intel
5.0 volt model.

Marc Getty  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  - ICQ: 12916278  -  Work: 215-204-3291  Home: 215-322-8363

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Mersenne: IPS errors # 3 & # 17

1998-12-22 Thread Marc Getty

I have been getting a number of errors in many of the machines that I
have running Prime95. In the middle of working on an exponent, it will
connect to PrimeNet, and will give me "ERROR 3: Exponent not assigned
to us." or "ERROR 17: Exponent not assigned to us.". I looked on the
FAQ page at but found nothing that
can explain these errors. The problem is, it seems to stop all work
on the exponent that was "not assigned to us", downloads a new exponent
and starts over at the beginning again.

See: and (did not want to
post 60 KB of pictures to the list)

Any clues???

Marc Getty  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -  ICQ: 12916278  - Work: 215-204-3291   Home: 215-322-8363

Mersenne: Contributors: Companies or Schools?

1998-11-12 Thread Marc Getty

Michael Clark wrote:
> A group of students here at Virginia Tech have formed a group here to
> promote distributed computing. The Computer Science department is
> interested in participating, but are hesitant to join GIMPs (or
> One of their questions is "What other companies or
> schools are participating?" I have read the link for the University of
> Albany. If there is anyone else out there representing a school or company,
> or who has permission to use someone else's computer systems, I'd greatly
> appreciate hearing from you.

See the web page dedicated to the efforts at the College of Liberal Arts
here at Temple University:

There is plenty of information there about both our computer labs and
our participation in GIMPS.

Marc Getty  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -  ICQ: 12916278  - Work: 215-204-3291   Home: 215-322-8363

Mersenne: Mersenne TempleU-CAS

1998-09-16 Thread Marc Getty

> Take a look at PrimeNet user TempleU-CAS.
> The soon-to-be leader?

Perhaps. :)

I plan to be #1 by the end of this calendar year. I think I can do it too.
For those of you out there who want to know how to become a rising star like
myself, all you need is: 48 Pentium Pro 200's, 97 Pentium II 300's, and 121
Pentium II 233's!

Go the under construction web page that I have devoted to my efforts at:

Funny part about it is that I started on August 28th 1998, and most of my
machines have not even returned results to primenet yet! I think a 
conservative estimate of P90 CPU hours a day is 10,000.  Yes, that is 4

Marc Getty, Network Administrator, Temple University, College of Liberal Arts