Re: Digest metacard.v003.n381

2000-05-27 Thread Hugh Senior

Scott and his team are making a herculean effort technically, but perhaps
they need to hire a promotion and marketing agency urgently. Also, get on
the board some veterans from completely different lines of business/software
and see what they have to say. Their advice may be priceless. 

"Alas, poor Allegiant... I knew him well."


Hugh Senior

The Flexible Learning Company
Consultant Programming  Software Solutions
Fax/Voice: +44 (0)1483.27 87 27

Please send bug reports to [EMAIL PROTECTED], not this list.

QT recording

2000-05-27 Thread Richard Gaskin

How many other people need the ability to record card images as frames in
QuickTime files?

 Richard Gaskin 
 Fourth World
 Multimedia Design and Development for Mac, Windows, UNIX, and the Web
 Tel: 323-225-3717   ICQ#60248349Fax: 323-225-0716

Please send bug reports to [EMAIL PROTECTED], not this list.

Re: Metacard replacing Toolbook and Director

2000-05-27 Thread Richard Gaskin


As I understand it, those people will need help.  Asymetrix seems to be at
least putting ToolBook on the back shelf:  it's been two years and all
they've come up with is a minor upgrade from 7.0 to 7.1.

MetaCard is the closest thing they've got.  Oh, and what a discovery it
would be for them:

- Great interpreter
- All three operating systems families
- Radically lower prices

Two ToolBook programmers and three production staff cost a ToolBook shop:
  TB Instructor:  $2495 x 2 = $4,990
  TB Librarian:$995 x 3 = $2,985
  Total Authoring Hit $7,975

Compare with a similarly-staffed MetaCard shop:
  MetaCard License: $995 x 2 = $1,990
  MC Starter Kit: $0 x 2 = $0
  Total Authoring Hit  $1,990

"Save more than 75% -- go MetaCard!"


The version issue raises a question:  Mr. Raney, I know we all deplore
companies who jump major version numbers for mere bug fixes (we needn't
mention names of course), but tell us:  Why are you so conservative with
MetaCard's version numbers?

2.3 could well have been called at least 2.5.  With it's QT support, new
tokens, and much better Mac support, it's anything but a _minor_ upgrade.

We appreciate the modesty, but from a marketing perspective have you
considered the perceptual value of upping your version numbers to better
communicate the strength of what you're delivering?

 Richard Gaskin 
 Fourth World
 Multimedia Design and Development for Mac, Windows, UNIX, and the Web
 Tel: 323-225-3717   ICQ#60248349Fax: 323-225-0716

Please send bug reports to [EMAIL PROTECTED], not this list.

Re: Get WebSite directories with HTTP

2000-05-27 Thread Pierre Sahores

Sivakatirswami wrote:
 I would like to make a small spider that would crawl over a section of our
 web site, check for the existence of certain files, if true then load and
 parse certain other html files and do other "stuff."
 so, is it possible to load a directory and not just a file?
 i.e. get a line-delimited list as the result of some URL command instead of
 a file?
 Hinduism Today
 Editor's Assistant/Production Manager

Hi Sivakatirswami,

I'm working on something like that, not realy ended at this time. See if
the script below can help.

on mrl1
  global Lurl,Rref,Nref
  set the cursor to watch
  if fld "Scan" is not empty
  then put fld "Scan" into Lurl
  else put "" into Lurl
  put empty into Nref
  put empty into Rref
  put Lurl into Nref
  set itemdelimiter to "/"
  if "." is not in last item of Nref
  then if last char of Nref is not "/"
  then put "/" after Nref
  put Nref into Lurl
  put url Nref into fref
  put empty into indexs
  put "1" into d
  put "META NAME="  quote  "KEYWORDS" into i
  get offset(i,fref,d)
  if it is not "0" then
put it+length(i)-1 into d
get offset ("",fref,d)
if it is not "0" then
  put char d to it+d-1 of fref into indexs
  put it+d into d
end if
get offset (i,fref,d)
if it is not "0" then
  put it+length(i)-1 into d
  get offset ("",fref,d)
  if it is not "0" then
put char d to it+d-1 of fref into indexs
put it+d into d
  end if
end if
  end if
get offset("=",indexs)
if it is not "0"
then put empty into char 1 to it of indexs
else exit repeat
  end repeat
get offset(quote,indexs)
if it is not "0"
then put empty into char it of indexs
else exit repeat
  end repeat
  put fref into sindex
get offset("td",sindex)
if it is not "0" then
  put it into d
  put offset ("/td",sindex) into f
  if f  d then
put offset ("",sindex,d) into v
if v is not "0" then
  add v to d
  if length(char d to f-1 of sindex)  100
  then if "" is not in char d to f-1 of sindex
  then put " "  char d to f-1 of sindex after indexs
  delete char 1 to f of sindex
else exit repeat
  else exit repeat
else exit repeat
  end repeat
  replace numtochar(10) with " " in indexs
  replace "  " with " -- " in indexs
  replace " " with " -- " in indexs
  replace " " with " -- " in indexs
  open file "RefMerl" for update
  read from file "RefMerl" until eof
  put it  cr  "#MTDA#"  Lurl  "#MTDB#"  cr  indexs  cr  "#MTFE#"
 cr into majml
  write majml to file "RefMerl" at 0
  close file "RefMerl"
  if "frameset" is in fref then
put offset("frameset",fref) into a
put offset("/frameset",fref) into b
if b is "0"
then put length(fref) into b
put char a to b of fref into fref
repeat for each line l in fref
  if l contains "SRC" then
  get offset("SRC",l)
  if it is not "0" then
put offset("",l) into fin
if fin is not "0" then
  put char it to fin-1 of l  cr after Rref
  delete char 1 to fin of l
else exit repeat
  else exit repeat
end repeat
  end if
end repeat
replace "SRC" with "HREF" in Rref
  else if fref contains "HREF" then
get offset ("BODY",fref)
if it is not "0"
then delete char 1 to it of fref
repeat for each line l in fref
  if l contains "HREF" then
  get offset("HREF",l)
  if it is not "0" then
put offset("",l) into fin
if fin is not "0" then
  put char it to fin-1 of l  cr after Rref
  delete char 1 to fin of l
  if last line of Rref contains "HREF=#"
  then delete last line of Rref
  else if last line of Rref contains "HREF="  quote  "#" 
quote then
delete last line of Rref
  end if
else exit repeat
  else exit repeat
end repeat
  end if
end repeat
  end if
  repeat with c = the number of lines of Rref down to 1
if line c of Rref is empty
then delete line c of Rref
  end repeat
  if Rref is not empty
  then if "404" is not in Rref
  then if "Not Found" is not in Rref
  then mrl2
  if length(Rref) is "0" and "*" is not in fld "HBuffy" then
put quote  Nref  quote  cr  cr  "Erreur : machine.domaine
introuvable"  \
cr  "ou données dynamiques inaccessibles"  cr  "en"  quote
 "GET"  \
quote  "..." into fld "Buffy"
  else if "404" is in Rref or "Not Found" is in Rref then
if "*" is not in fld "HBuffy" then
  put "url absente de l'arborescence du"  cr  "site ("  Nref  ")
..."  into fld "Buffy"
end if
sort lines of Rref
repeat with l = the num of lines in 

mini xterm window

2000-05-27 Thread James Kelly

I don't know if this is possible, but here is what I'm trying to do. I
use metacard on a Solaris box. Imagine a card with one button and two
windows a and b. I want to be able to stick an ip address in window a
and either click on the button or returnInField and see a traceroute
output go into field b.
Now I've tried put shell (whatever) into window "b" and it seems that
Metacard can do this with simple stuff like ls and date and such but has
trouble with telnet and traceroute and nslookup type commandsor more
likely I dunno what Ima doin ;-)

Could someone point me in the right direction?



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Re: Metacard replacing Toolbook and Director

2000-05-27 Thread Raymond E. Griffith

on 5/27/2000 7:11 PM, Richard Gaskin [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:

 As I understand it, those people will need help.  Asymetrix seems to be at
 least putting ToolBook on the back shelf:  it's been two years and all
 they've come up with is a minor upgrade from 7.0 to 7.1.
 MetaCard is the closest thing they've got.  Oh, and what a discovery it
 would be for them:
 - Great interpreter
 - All three operating systems families
 - Radically lower prices
 Two ToolBook programmers and three production staff cost a ToolBook shop:
 TB Instructor:  $2495 x 2 = $4,990
 TB Librarian:$995 x 3 = $2,985
 Total Authoring Hit $7,975
 Compare with a similarly-staffed MetaCard shop:
 MetaCard License: $995 x 2 = $1,990
 MC Starter Kit: $0 x 2 = $0
 Total Authoring Hit  $1,990
 "Save more than 75% -- go MetaCard!"
AMEN, preach it!

But there are some other issues. ToolBook is slow and clumsy. Every image
imported is stored as a bitmap in a resources file, immensely inflating
stack size. Its widgets are hard to manage. While ToolBook does have the
advantage of being able to create HTML from its pages, the processes are
still rather clumsy, and the output could be a lot better! I'm sure that
this export process will make it into one of the future versions of MC.
 The version issue raises a question:  Mr. Raney, I know we all deplore
 companies who jump major version numbers for mere bug fixes (we needn't
 mention names of course), but tell us:  Why are you so conservative with
 MetaCard's version numbers?
 2.3 could well have been called at least 2.5.  With it's QT support, new
 tokens, and much better Mac support, it's anything but a _minor_ upgrade.
 We appreciate the modesty, but from a marketing perspective have you
 considered the perceptual value of upping your version numbers to better
 communicate the strength of what you're delivering?
 Richard Gaskin 
 Fourth World
 Multimedia Design and Development for Mac, Windows, UNIX, and the Web

Richard says it well. Scott, you have been giving us a great product. And
while others have said something about you retiring early, I sincerely hope
you make a ton of money, but stick with MC for a long time. With such
support as you have given your product, you are a very rare person in the
application world today.


Please send bug reports to [EMAIL PROTECTED], not this list.

MC HTTP incompatible with VICOM WebCache Server?

2000-05-27 Thread Sivakatirswami

We have just installed VICOM's Web Cacher Server here os and "add on" to our
VICOM Internet Gateway soft router which handles all http calls from the LAN
out through the T1 line.

If I put the following into a script:

 put URL 
into field test

I get the following message:

HTMLHEADBODY bgcolor="#fdfeb9"TITLEVicomsoft WebCache
Error/TITLECENTERH2Vicomsoft WebCache Error/H2/CENTERPBHost
can not be found on the network/BDLDDThe host could not be found on
the network/DL/HTML

if i put the same URL

into Netscape or Explorer, it loads the image just fine. If i turn off the
WebCacher server so that only the Gateway software is working, then

 put URL 
into field test

returns the image data as it should.

Any clues before I start the trouble shooting. There is something unique
about MC's http protocol that theWeb Cacher Server "doesn't like"
Hinduism Today

Editor's Assistant/Production Manager

Please send bug reports to [EMAIL PROTECTED], not this list.

URL called from a Variablew

2000-05-27 Thread Sivakatirswami


This is a coloring book that is on line. I have the following GIF's loaded
into a button as contents:


and use the following script

on menupick which 
  set the defaultstack to "  StudyHall/MysticMouse/"
  put URL "" into
  put URL  tSiteDirectory  which  into image "a"
end  menupick

It doesn't work

I tried also 

put URL  quote  tSiteDirectory  which  quote into image "a"

that also doesn't work. I know everything is working because if i just issue
the command:

put URL 
into image "a"

the image is loaded almost immediately (very fast in fact)

So, there is some problem with the put URL command using a variable to hold
the actual URL itself. What am i doing wrong?

Hinduism Today

Editor's Assistant/Production Manager

Please send bug reports to [EMAIL PROTECTED], not this list.