Re: Jeanne's book

2002-03-20 Thread Jeanne A. E. DeVoto

At 2:27 PM -0800 3/16/2002, Shari wrote:
If there were a book of that ilk for MetaCard... nothing would be
more awesome!  I spend a lot of time doing simple things in MC
because the internal documentation is so sparse.  So there's a lot of
trial and error to figure things out.  I'd buy Jeanne's book in a

'Cept she hasn't posted yet... so I'm not sure of the status or
whether it will differentiate between Rev and MC.  Or even if there
will be one.  But I coulda sworn that somewhere on the Rev mailing
list, back when I was deciding which way to go, I heard talk of a
book in the works...

Not sure how this rumor got started, but I am not currently working on such
a book (apart from the Rev docs - my work on those is ongoing and will
include a cookbook of script snippets and more in-depth introductory
material, as well as what's in them now). Sorry about that.

Jeanne A. E. DeVoto ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Runtime Revolution Limited - Power to the Developer!

metacard mailing list

Re: Formatted text

2002-03-20 Thread Jeanne A. E. DeVoto

At 3:07 AM -0800 3/19/2002, Signe Marie Sanne wrote:
I have lots of Word files saved as .rtf (on my Mac). I then save them
as .htm-files and import them into a customProperty:

Now fld tekst contains text with italic, bold etc and with nice
specific Norwegian letters on both Windows and Mac. My question is:
Is there an easier way to do this - from ordinary Word files into
formatted text in a field?

My next question: Is there a way to export the same custom properties
and get back the formatting in a Word file?

Well, RTF is a publicly documented format, so you should be able to write a
routine to import and export the data complete with styles. Geoff Canyon
wrote a stack to convert the Rev docs to RTF format, an
d taking a look at it scripts should help you get started.

Jeanne A. E. DeVoto ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Runtime Revolution Limited - Power to the Developer!

metacard mailing list

Problems with movies in Win98

2002-03-20 Thread Ignasi Labastida i Juan


I am using Metacard to make an educational CDROM to be used in any
Now I am using version 2.4 and I am including some movies.
I have found a problem playing these .mov files on a Windows98: when I
execute the program directly from the CD I cannot see any movie at all.
I see the player but not an image. When I install all the files in the
local disk there is no problem at all. Anyone has a clue about it?
This behavior doesn't happen when the same program is played on Win95
and 2000
I have QuickTime 5 installed.


Ignasi Labastida i Juan
Universitat de Barcelona

metacard mailing list

Feature request: tooltip

2002-03-20 Thread Paul Kocsis

This may sound simple, and if there's a way to do it already, then I
apologize for labeling this as a feature request...but...for my
application it would be quite useful if a tooltip could display in something
other than a single line.  I'd like to be able to populate a tooltip with
several lines (lines separated by lineFeed characters) and have the tooltip
pop up as a small rectangular window instead of one long line :)

metacard mailing list

Re: Problems with movies in Win98

2002-03-20 Thread Jeanne A. E. DeVoto

At 11:56 PM -0800 3/19/2002, Ignasi Labastida i Juan wrote:
I have found a problem playing these .mov files on a Windows98: when I
execute the program directly from the CD I cannot see any movie at all.
I see the player but not an image. When I install all the files in the
local disk there is no problem at all. Anyone has a clue about it?

I can't find the relevant messages in my archives, but I seem to remember
there is some issue with playing movies that are in the root directory of a
CD. Are your movies in the root, or in a subfolder?

Jeanne A. E. DeVoto ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Runtime Revolution Limited - Power to the Developer!

metacard mailing list

Thank you

2002-03-20 Thread Ray Horsley

Thanks for fixing the script editor's nasty habit on the Mac of highlighting
an entire line of text with only a single click if you had previously
triple-clicked another line.  You've also imporved the same window's
propensity to jump to a different scroll location when clicking it under
certain circumstances.  Thanks!!

metacard mailing list

Re: Temporary picts

2002-03-20 Thread Shari

If so, you could try using send in commands to trigger the handler
repeatedly. The handler could check to see if the sound was done and
if so, start the next one.

After an hour of playing with various forms of the send command, I 
gave up and went back to the long, klutzy version.

Unfortunately I don't have hours to spend on one item of code.

My last failed attempt follows.  If anyone knows a fix, please make 
sure the fix works before posting it, please?  Don't assume, 'kay 
guys?  Chasing after empty code isn't fun!

# in the menuItem script
global nextSound
put darn you.wav into nextSound
answer hello

on tempHand
   global nextSound
   put darn you.wav,aaah.wav,goodie.wav,oh yeah.wav,talk to you.wav 
into soundList

   if nextSound is in sound() then
 repeat with x = 1 to the number of items of soundList
   get item x of soundList
   if it is nextSound then
 put (item (x + 1) of soundList) into nextSound
   end if
   exit repeat
 end repeat
   end if

   if the sound is done then
 play nextSound
 if talk is not in nextSound then
   send tempHand to me in 1 ticks
 end if
   end if
end tempHand

--Shareware Games for the Mac--
metacard mailing list

Re: Temporary picts

2002-03-20 Thread Shari

I'm not sure why you couldn't do it the HyperCard way, as long as your
sounds are in MC-compatible formats (which it sounds like they are --
.wav is fine.) I've had good luck with the ordinary play command (no
player object, just regular old play snd.wav), using sounds that were
imported into the stack. It works just like in HC. I don't think I've
tried to queue them up though. Was there a problem with the queueing?

Apparently so.

Tried it again, and the results are:

put darn you.wav,aaah.wav,goodie.wav,oh yeah.wav,talk to you.wav 
into soundList
 repeat with x = 1 to the number of items of soundList
   play (item x of soundList)
 end repeat
 answer hello

It plays the first part of the first sound (cuts it in half) and the 
last part of the last sound (cuts it in half).

plays 1/2 of darn you.wav
opens hello
plays 1/2 of talk to you.wav

It's as though the hello window opening gets in the way, cutting 
out all the sounds in the middle.
--Shareware Games for the Mac--
metacard mailing list

Re: Temporary picts

2002-03-20 Thread J. Landman Gay

Shari wrote:
 If so, you could try using send in commands to trigger the handler
 repeatedly. The handler could check to see if the sound was done and
 if so, start the next one.
 After an hour of playing with various forms of the send command, I
 gave up and went back to the long, klutzy version.

I did some quick tests. Apparently MC won't queue sounds the way HC
does; as soon as you play a second sound, it will cut off the first. So
using send in is the only way to queue sounds, unless you use a wait
until the sound is done command, which won't work if you want to
simultaneously issue other commands.

The problem with answer is that it displays a modal dialog. Modal
dialogs stop all messages until they are dismissed, meaning any send
in commands won't execute until the user dismisses the dialog. In my
tests, the first sound did complete while the answer dialog was
displayed, but of course no further sounds were triggered because no
messages were sent until the dialog was closed.

So the solution has to be to avoid modal dialogs. You could do that by
creating your own dialog stack and storing it as a substack in your main
stack. You'd fill the text field with the appropriate response and set
the button labels to whatever you want. Then display it as modeless:

  modeless myDialog

The always-available global dialogdata can be used to store the user's
button click response, or you can just have the custom dialog set a
property that you can read to get the button they clicked. The drawback
to using a modeless stack is that the user can click outside the stack
and the custom dialog will pop behind other windows. 

So, no easy way to do what you want I guess.

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
metacard mailing list

Re: Temporary picts

2002-03-20 Thread Shari

So the solution has to be to avoid modal dialogs. You could do that by
creating your own dialog stack and storing it as a substack in your main
stack. You'd fill the text field with the appropriate response and set
the button labels to whatever you want. Then display it as modeless:

   modeless myDialog

This would definitely be an option for the current project...

Though I'm wondering how other projects will fare.  Remembering a 
piece of code in Pork Barrel, where I have several soundchannels 
playing at the same time, each in a repeat loop, while a whole series 
of visuals and images do things on the screen, while at the same time 
other handlers are running in the background...

(I think this is the part where you hit Saddam Hussein with a bomb 
and blow him out of the desert, to the sounds of planes and bombs and 
screams to appropriate visual effects to show you were successful :-)

I'll tell you, it took me awhile to work out the soundChannel 
scripts, as even my wondrous Hypertalk 2.2 didn't give quite enough 
detail, but once I figured it out, it sure opened up a whole world of 
sound!  No doubt Hypercard had a lot of hidden talents that weren't 
well documented.  Too bad Apple abandoned it.  I held out as long as 
I could before switching.

I picked a really good time to switch, as I'm getting into projects I 
want to release cross platform, and one very enthusiastic project 
which could be done in Hypercard, but it sure will fare much better 
in Metacard.  In fact, I'm starting to see ways of doing things in 
Metacard that will make me a very happy programmer when I get back to 
work on this project :-)  (Actually started it in Hypercard a long 
while back, and got distracted away from it into other projects.)

Can't wait to get back on it now!

--Shareware Games for the Mac--
metacard mailing list

Re: Temporary picts

2002-03-20 Thread J. Landman Gay

Shari wrote:

 Though I'm wondering how other projects will fare.  Remembering a
 piece of code in Pork Barrel, where I have several soundchannels
 playing at the same time, each in a repeat loop, while a whole series
 of visuals and images do things on the screen, while at the same time
 other handlers are running in the background...

Of course, another option is just to combine all the sounds using a
sound editing program and save the result as a single sound file. Then
you have the illusion of multiple sounds but you only have to play one.

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
metacard mailing list

Re: Temporary picts

2002-03-20 Thread Shari

Of course, another option is just to combine all the sounds using a
sound editing program and save the result as a single sound file. Then
you have the illusion of multiple sounds but you only have to play one.

I use the same sounds in several pieces of code, but not in the same 
order/format.  I do this with virtually every program I create.  I 
use sounds a lot and it's not uncommon for a program to have 50 
sounds or more.  Blackjack and Poker have about 200 sounds each. 
Used at different times and in different combinations.

Commonly I'll have several global variables, each with a set of sounds.


global winSound,loseSound,streetSounds,airSounds
put did good,you won,happy into winSound
put bad job,you lost,awww into loseSound
put scream1,scream2,kids,dogs,horns into streetSounds
put airplane,bomb into airSounds

One script might just play one specific sounds.

play awww

Another script might combine sounds.

set the soundChannel to 1
(not having my soundChannel scripts in front of me, I'd hate to post 
from memory and have it be wrong)
# play item 1 and 2 of airSounds in a repeat loop

set the soundChannel to 2
# repeat however many times, play any item of streetSounds


Another script will play a set of sounds in order, some chosen from 
winSound, some chose from loseSound, etc.

put you won,awww,bomb,dogs,did good into soundByte
repeat with x = 1 to the number of sounds of soundByte
play (item x of soundByte)
end repeat

I like to randomize it, so the player doesn't get the exact same 
thing every time.

--Shareware Games for the Mac--
metacard mailing list

mci midi questions

2002-03-20 Thread Leston Drake

I need some help.

I'm trying to add some 'background' music to an application and I would 
like to use MIDI (small files are good).
In MetaCard (on Windows) you use the mciSendString() function to send 
commands to the Windows system, and this is fine, except that I need a 
comprehensive list of commands.

Specifically, I need to periodically query the device to know when it has 
reached the end, so I can restart it.
There is a STATUS command for MCI, but it doesn't seem to work with the 
MIDI SEQUENCER device. If it does, I have no idea what the valid parameters 
are. The example for STATUS in the MCI.MC file available from MetaCard's 
website doesn't work either, it is lacking a (vital) parameter.

Does anyone know of a comprehensive list of MCI Commands?

Related question that I will need to address - is there any way to 
*natively* play MIDI on Mac?


metacard mailing list

Re: mci midi questions

2002-03-20 Thread Ken Ray


Check out

Have fun!

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site:

- Original Message -
From: Leston Drake [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2002 3:45 PM
Subject: mci  midi questions

 I need some help.

 I'm trying to add some 'background' music to an application and I would
 like to use MIDI (small files are good).
 In MetaCard (on Windows) you use the mciSendString() function to send
 commands to the Windows system, and this is fine, except that I need a
 comprehensive list of commands.

 Specifically, I need to periodically query the device to know when it has
 reached the end, so I can restart it.
 There is a STATUS command for MCI, but it doesn't seem to work with the
 MIDI SEQUENCER device. If it does, I have no idea what the valid
 are. The example for STATUS in the MCI.MC file available from MetaCard's
 website doesn't work either, it is lacking a (vital) parameter.

 Does anyone know of a comprehensive list of MCI Commands?

 Related question that I will need to address - is there any way to
 *natively* play MIDI on Mac?


 metacard mailing list

metacard mailing list

RE: mci midi questions

2002-03-20 Thread Yates, Glen

Not sure what you mean by *natively*, but quicktime will play MIDI on a Mac.

-Glen Yates

 Related question that I will need to address - is there any way to 
 *natively* play MIDI on Mac?
metacard mailing list

Re: Temporary picts

2002-03-20 Thread Mark Talluto

On Wednesday, March 20, 2002, at 10:29 AM, Shari wrote:

 Of course, another option is just to combine all the sounds using a
 sound editing program and save the result as a single sound file. Then
 you have the illusion of multiple sounds but you only have to play one.

 I use the same sounds in several pieces of code, but not in the same 
 order/format.  I do this with virtually every program I create.  I use 
 sounds a lot and it's not uncommon for a program to have 50 sounds or 
 more.  Blackjack and Poker have about 200 sounds each. Used at 
 different times and in different combinations.

This is what I would do.  Set up all of your sounds and music in one 
file.  Put a one second delay in between all the sounds.  Then you write 
down the order in which all the sounds are laid out.  Know the timing of 
each sound and you can have QT play from 10 seconds into the file up to 
15 seconds.  Do this with as many players as you like and you can really 
go to town.

The only hard part is the setup.  Once it is done though you have a 
solution that will be easy to use through the program.  You could even 
write a small randomizer that would call on random tracks if you like 
and play them.

-Mark Talluto

metacard mailing list


2002-03-20 Thread Scott Rossi

When setting the windowShape of a stack on Windows, MC's perceived 
height of the stack is apparently dependent on the height of the stack's 
titlebar.  Is there a way to test the potential varying height of the 
titlebar and allow the mask to be correctly positioned?

Thanks  Regards,

Scott Rossi
Creative Director, Tactile Media

metacard mailing list

Re: WindowShape

2002-03-20 Thread J. Landman Gay

Scott Rossi wrote:
 When setting the windowShape of a stack on Windows

I tried to do that too, but I don't think I had the right kind of image.
How do you make a masked image? I'm not entirely straight on what an
alpha mask is.

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
metacard mailing list

Re: Temporary picts

2002-03-20 Thread Shari

This is what I would do.  Set up all of your sounds and music in one 
file.  Put a one second delay in between all the sounds.  Then you 
write down the order in which all the sounds are laid out.  Know the 
timing of each sound and you can have QT play from 10 seconds into 
the file up to 15 seconds.  Do this with as many players as you like 
and you can really go to town.

The only hard part is the setup.  Once it is done though you have a 
solution that will be easy to use through the program.  You could 
even write a small randomizer that would call on random tracks if 
you like and play them.

-Mark Talluto

No thanks!  I doubt my computer even has enough memory to handle a 
sound file that big.  You want me to put 200 sounds in one long sound 
byte, many of them much longer than a single beep, and try to figure 
out where each piece starts and stops??  And do this for every 
program I create???  That's nuts!  I have programs with that many 

Might as well program in C... a whole lot of code just to accomplish 
a simple task.  I fell in love with Hypercard for its ease of use. 
For its simplicity.  I bought all the C books and Codewarrior Gold 
awhile back, but guess what?  Decided I did not want to waste time 
doing things the hard way when they could be done the easy way.  Even 
if I had to make sacrifices for the simplicity.  And as we all know, 
Hypercard was a wondrous tool but could not compete with C.  I gave 
that choice a great deal of thought, before choosing Metacard.  It 
was not an easy choice.  But simplicity and ease won out.

As with Hypercard, I chose Metacard for ease of use.  Otherwise, I'd 
crack open my C books.

Shari C
--Shareware Games for the Mac--
metacard mailing list

Re: WindowShape

2002-03-20 Thread Shari

When setting the windowShape of a stack on Windows, MC's perceived 
height of the stack is apparently dependent on the height of the 
stack's titlebar.  Is there a way to test the potential varying 
height of the titlebar and allow the mask to be correctly positioned?

Speaking of windows, I ran into something, I'm sure I'm missing a 
piece of code somewhere.

I have a menubar, to show for Windows.  And I pretty much always have 
Edit Menus on while the project is open.

Sometimes I forget to click the box, and Edit Menus are off.  And 
frequently, the stack grows in height, adds the height of the 
menubar to the bottom of the stack, with Edit Menus off, and I have 
to manually resize the stack back to its normal size.

I haven't edited Metacard's resize handler.  And my menubar started 
off as Metacard's.  I think the menu choice was Create Menu?  And I 
of course added/deleted menuItems to suit my program, and deleted a 
couple of menu buttons and added a couple.  Help is at the end as it 
should be.

I could write a handler that sets the size of the stack every time it 
opens, to trap for this.  But surely it's a bug in my code somewhere. 
Or something I failed to put in.  I'm so new to Metacard's menubars.

Has anyone else experienced this, and what did it turn out to be?

Shari C
--Shareware Games for the Mac--
metacard mailing list

Re: WindowShape

2002-03-20 Thread Scott Rossi

Recently, J. Landman Gay wrote:

 When setting the windowShape of a stack on Windows
 I tried to do that too, but I don't think I had the right kind of image.
 How do you make a masked image? I'm not entirely straight on what an
 alpha mask is.

Ever create a transparent GIF?  That image has a mask that determines which
parts of the the image are opaque and those that are transparent.  You can
use transparent GIFs or PNG images as the source images for your window
masks, but note that the alpha mask needs to be 1 bit black and white only
-- no shades of gray (but hopefully in the future...).

Photoshop is the big player for creating these images but FireWorks and any
other bitmap apps that allow you to save GIFs and PNGs will work.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director

Tactile Media, Multimedia  Design

metacard mailing list

Re: Temporary picts

2002-03-20 Thread Mark Talluto

On Wednesday, March 20, 2002, at 06:33 PM, Shari wrote:

 This is what I would do.  Set up all of your sounds and music in one 
 file.  Put a one second delay in between all the sounds.  Then you 
 write down the order in which all the sounds are laid out.  Know the 
 timing of each sound and you can have QT play from 10 seconds into the 
 file up to 15 seconds.  Do this with as many players as you like and 
 you can really go to town.

 The only hard part is the setup.  Once it is done though you have a 
 solution that will be easy to use through the program.  You could even 
 write a small randomizer that would call on random tracks if you like 
 and play them.

 -Mark Talluto

 No thanks!  I doubt my computer even has enough memory to handle a 
 sound file that big.  You want me to put 200 sounds in one long sound 
 byte, many of them much longer than a single beep, and try to figure 
 out where each piece starts and stops??  And do this for every program 
 I create???  That's nuts!  I have programs with that many sounds.

 Might as well program in C... a whole lot of code just to accomplish a 
 simple task.  I fell in love with Hypercard for its ease of use. For 
 its simplicity.  I bought all the C books and Codewarrior Gold awhile 
 back, but guess what?  Decided I did not want to waste time doing 
 things the hard way when they could be done the easy way.  Even if I 
 had to make sacrifices for the simplicity.  And as we all know, 
 Hypercard was a wondrous tool but could not compete with C.  I gave 
 that choice a great deal of thought, before choosing Metacard.  It was 
 not an easy choice.  But simplicity and ease won out.

 As with Hypercard, I chose Metacard for ease of use.  Otherwise, I'd 
 crack open my C books.

 Shari C

200 sounds per program was a piece of information you had not mentioned 
earlier.  I do not know why I did not just suggest that you put all the 
sound files into one folder.  Read the directory of files and put that 
into a variable or a property.  Then create a randomizer that will call 
on the different lines in the variable.  Play that line (which is the 
name of the saved sound) through a player.  The amount of code needed 
would be just a few lines.

If you need them to play seamlessly from one file to the next, that 
would be the biggest trick.  I would start out by having your program 
get the size (in time) of the file it is going to play first and have a 
send command create  another player and start it at the estimated end 

Yes it would be nice if you could do it the old way from HC.  But there 
are alternatives that should work out just fine.  What you get in the 
end is longer sound code, but advanced features not available in HC 
without a truckload of externals.  Don't get me started on the power of 
running on multiple platforms.

Put your C books down and put your diskettes of HC away and give this a 

-Mark Talluto

metacard mailing list

Re: WindowShape

2002-03-20 Thread J. Landman Gay

Scott Rossi wrote:
 Recently, J. Landman Gay wrote:

  I tried to do that too, but I don't think I had the right kind of image.
  How do you make a masked image? I'm not entirely straight on what an
  alpha mask is.
 Ever create a transparent GIF?  That image has a mask that determines which
 parts of the the image are opaque and those that are transparent.

Oh THAT! Thanks Scott. I am your basic layperson when it comes to
graphics but I do understand transparent gif. Now I can try this
window thing, it sounds very slick.

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
metacard mailing list