Re: Metacard support

2003-12-04 Thread Alex Rice
On Dec 3, 2003, at 6:05 PM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

I don't think it's fair to ascribe a less-than-Raney level of 
to reluctance.  There may be any number of factors involved, not the 
that they may simply be busy.
I agree with that conclusion, but I have similar concerns as Wilhelm on 
this point.

Although the thread is about the metacard project, here my observations 
about the use-revolution list. I guess it is NOT an ambivalence about 
the metacard project, rather support problems in general.

IMHO there are lots of threads on the use-revolution list that need 
feedback from runrev staff, but they often go untouched.

Looking at my use-revolution mail folder there are 4061 messages. There 
are only 82 messages from After removing broadcast 
announcements from (multiple copies because I'm subscribed 
to multiple lists) then the number is down to 67 messages from 42 of those are from Tuviah.

This amounts to only ~ 1% of the messages are from Runrev staff!

As with most user-to-user discussion forums, while it's always 
when Heather, Goeff, Jeanne, Kevin, or others posts there I don't 
they have an obligation to do so.
In the recent past I've been on mailing lists hosted by apple, 
omnigroup, and realsoftware. I haven't counted, but I estimate that 
posts by staff members on those lists ranged about 5-10% of total 
traffic. That makes a big difference in the feel of the list. The apple 
and omnigroup lists were not even product-related, just general 
programming-on-mac-os lists. Just the fact the lists are hosted @ - I would expect more activity from the staff.

Recently people complained on the use-rev mailing list about getting no 
response from [EMAIL PROTECTED] These are people with, presumably, 
current Runrev licenses.

Maybe Scott Raney exhibited great tech support, but no matter how I 
look at the current support situation, it doesn't look good, even for a 
small company that's having growing pains.

OTOH a surprisingly high number of posts to use-rev were from yours 
truly. So I guess I should zip it now :-/

Alex Rice [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Mindlube Software |

what a waste of thumbs that are opposable
to make machines that are disposable  -Ani DiFranco
metacard mailing list

Re: Metacard support

2003-12-04 Thread Simon Lord
To use the current version of the engine with the MC IDE you need to 
go to and download a package named Revolution.  You can rename 
it to
anything you like, but for communicating with the community as a whole 
may be less confusing to just use its current name.
I guess this would seem logical due to the new ownership (if not out of 
respect for Revolution - it's their right).  But I have to wonder about 
all the people out there that have used HyperCard and SuperCard or 
XTalk and never heard of MetaCard.

I switched from HyperCard to SuperCard v1.5 when I saw the name (plus 
SC supported colour, BONUS!).  Then I moved to MetaCard v1 because I 
was working on an SGI (and I saw an engineer at the company using it, 
that's how I saw the name MetaCard and nearly died of joy), now I 
program in Flash because I need full browser support (and it has an exe 
and works on Linux and SGI so I'm covered).  I still use MetaCard 2.5 
to build my custom XML creation tool which feeds Flash it's data, but 
will move that to PHP in the near future.  I'm sure I'll be using MC 
2.5 for some time to come.

RIP MetaCard, you and I had a good ~11 year run together...

metacard mailing list

Re: Metacard support

2003-12-04 Thread Richard Gaskin
Simon Lord wrote:

 I have to wonder about all the people out there that have used
 HyperCard and SuperCard or XTalk and never heard of MetaCard.

Precisely.  Scott is an excellent engineer, but has no illusions about being
a marketer.  The buzz is all about Revolution.

 I switched from HyperCard to SuperCard v1.5 when I saw the name

Another plus for Revolution: While HyperCarders and SuperCarders have very
positive associations with names ending in Card, we are a minority.
Apple's crippling of HyperCard gave the majority of the computing world the
mistaken impression that xTalks are toys.

By eschewing Card, Revolution has a chance to be perceived on its own
terms, unencumbered by any unpleasant associations with Apple's
single-window monochrome architecture.

 RIP MetaCard, you and I had a good ~11 year run together...

The queen is dead!  Long live the queen!

While MetaCard as a product is gone the engine lives on under the name
Revolution, with a larger and faster-growing audience than it's ever known

 Richard Gaskin 
 Fourth World Media Corporation
 Developer of WebMerge: Publish any database on any Web site
 Tel: 323-225-3717   AIM: FourthWorldInc

metacard mailing list

Re: Metacard support

2003-12-04 Thread Richard Gaskin
Alex Rice wrote:
 Although the thread is about the metacard project, here my observations
 about the use-revolution list. I guess it is NOT an ambivalence about
 the metacard project, rather support problems in general.
 IMHO there are lots of threads on the use-revolution list that need
 feedback from runrev staff, but they often go untouched.
 Looking at my use-revolution mail folder there are 4061 messages. There
 are only 82 messages from After removing broadcast
 announcements from (multiple copies because I'm subscribed
 to multiple lists) then the number is down to 67 messages from 42 of those are from Tuviah.
 This amounts to only ~ 1% of the messages are from Runrev staff!

At the risk of sounding like an apologist, they've only recently begun to
expand staffing to match the rather appreciable growth they've been
experiencing.  I suspect that by the time staffing is brought up to match
the growth, the standard behavior Wilhelm observed will resume being the

I've seen this pattern before with many companies in early stages of growth.
In many ways, managing growth in any company is a more complex problem than
even the startup phase.  It'll either pass or the company dies.  Either way
it will resolve itself. :)  In RunRev's case I expect the former.

 As with most user-to-user discussion forums, while it's always
 appreciated when Heather, Goeff, Jeanne, Kevin, or others posts
 there I don't believe they have an obligation to do so.
 In the recent past I've been on mailing lists hosted by apple,
 omnigroup, and realsoftware. I haven't counted, but I estimate that
 posts by staff members on those lists ranged about 5-10% of total
 traffic. That makes a big difference in the feel of the list. The apple
 and omnigroup lists were not even product-related, just general
 programming-on-mac-os lists. Just the fact the lists are hosted @ - I would expect more activity from the staff.
 Recently people complained on the use-rev mailing list about getting no
 response from [EMAIL PROTECTED] These are people with, presumably,
 current Runrev licenses.

Not getting timely support that has been paid for is an issue, but not one
likely to be corrected on the MC list.  I would encourage you to write
Jeanne on that.

FWIW, the Adobe, Macromedia, and at least one Apple list (the HI-Dev list,
before it was shut down for disturbing political reasons) have a policy of
being user-to-user; the vendor may chime in, but there is no obligation to
provide support through those forums.

But it is certainly a very good idea for everyone, perhaps for the vendor
more than anyone else:  every single question answered in a public forum
saves ten private communications on the same topic.

I opened a user-to-user forum for WebMerge several months ago and my support
costs relative to sales have dropped appreciably.  Part of that is
attributed to the smart, helpful people who post there, and part of it is
that I can address support issues for everyone at one time by posting there.

 Maybe Scott Raney exhibited great tech support, but no matter how I
 look at the current support situation, it doesn't look good, even for a
 small company that's having growing pains.

Scott was a god with responsiveness.  Never seen anything like it before,
doubt I ever will again.  It takes a certain almost OCD-like quality that on
my most obsessive day I only meet halfway.  Yet even in my
merely-halfway-to-Scott-level obsessiveness, I get strong feedback that
tells me its worth the effort, like this email that came in today:

  Thank you very much for your help. It's a shame some of
  the software companies larger than yourselves don't model
  their customer service, support and product quality on
  FourthWorld - I'm not even a customer quite yet, and I
  feel completely secure about your company and software.

Scott inspired a new level of support commitment here, and it has tangible
benefits.  Hopefully as RunRev increases staff size they'll catch the
obsession with similar results.
 OTOH a surprisingly high number of posts to use-rev were from yours
 truly. So I guess I should zip it now :-/

Why do we need Rev folks when we have you? :)

 Richard Gaskin 
 Fourth World Media Corporation
 Tel: 323-225-3717   AIM: FourthWorldInc

metacard mailing list

Re: Touchy selection business

2003-12-04 Thread Dave Cragg
At 6:50 am +0100 4/12/03, MisterX wrote:
hi everyone,

Im making a long overdue tool that's just too fruity!
But i came across a limitation...
on mouseenter
  put the selection into s1 -- bla bla bla
  put the selectedchunk into s2 -- char x to y of field 1
  put the selectedfield into s3 -- field 1
  put the target into s4 -- the control receiving the mouseenter
  put s1,s2,s3,s4 into lselection
  put lselection
end mouseenter
if your selection is in the message, you dont know
it is in the message box or your top stack for example.
There is no long selectanything...

The problem is that there is no way of knowing what stack
(given palettes exist) contains the current selection.
How about

  put the long id of the selectedfield into s3

Does that give you what you need?

metacard mailing list

Re: Metacard support

2003-12-04 Thread Dom
Richard Gaskin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 While MetaCard as a product is gone the engine lives on under the name
 Revolution, with a larger and faster-growing audience than it's ever known

Take a look on the data with a text editor, you will see something as :

# MetaCard 2.4 stack
# The following is not ASCII text,
# so now would be a good time to q out of more
exec mc $0 $

PS: wonder what means a good time to q out of more?

Digital photos (nature, garden) :
Scripting :
metacard mailing list

Multiple sounds playing at once - how?

2003-12-04 Thread Karl Becker
I'm looking for suggestions on how to get multiple sounds to play at 
once using MetaCard 2.4.3.

I currently use the play command (play audioClip, specifically) to play 
AIFF sounds.  I had used the play videoClip command in many past 
projects, letting my file size be smaller by using QuickTime 
compression codecs to compress my sounds, but I just found out when 
developing my golf game that playing a video clip introduces a 
significant stutter of the MetaCard engine both when I start and finish 
a play videoClip command.

I would love to just have a few player objects and have them play for 
different things (one for the bounce of my ball, another player for 
crowd noise, another for the line judge, etc.), but whenever I have 
even one player object in my stack, my stack seems to degrade pretty 
bad over time, eating up more and more and more processor.  That's just 
with even one player.  Even with one player right away, it just seems 
to eat up a huge amount of processor - and this is on a relatively 
speedy 800 MHz G4.

Anyone have any ideas for me?  Any way to reproduce (easily) the 
soundchannels of HyperCard?

(apologies for bringing up HyperCard  ;-)  )

metacard mailing list

Re: Metacard support

2003-12-04 Thread Richard Gaskin
Dom wrote:

 Richard Gaskin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 While MetaCard as a product is gone the engine lives on under the name
 Revolution, with a larger and faster-growing audience than it's ever known
 Take a look on the data with a text editor, you will see something as :
 # MetaCard 2.4 stack
 # The following is not ASCII text,
 # so now would be a good time to q out of more
 exec mc $0 $

The file format was last changed prior to the acquisition.  I imagine the
header will be updated with a future file format change.

Adobe has a legacy issue like this:  having purchased CyberStudio from
GoLive Inc., although they've renamed the product to Adobe GoLive they're
still saddled with JavaScript libraries labelled with CS before all the
function names.

 PS: wonder what means a good time to q out of more?

More is a UNIX command to read files.

 Richard Gaskin 
 Fourth World Media Corporation
 Tel: 323-225-3717   AIM: FourthWorldInc

metacard mailing list

Re: Multiple sounds playing at once - how?

2003-12-04 Thread Scott Rossi
On 12/4/03 1:08 PM, Karl Becker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm looking for suggestions on how to get multiple sounds to play at
 once using MetaCard 2.4.3.

There is no native option other than player objects (which you claim eat up
processor time but if you're making a game, I'm not sure why that's a
problem).  It's a sad state of affairs.

One thing you might try is using a combination of one player and imported
sounds.  If you want a sound to loop seamlessly (often difficult if not
impossible in MC/Rev), you must use an imported sound for this since players
will not loop seamlessly.  If you can accommodate a pause between loops,
then players should be fine.  You might also try using WAV formatted sounds
instead of AIFF.

If you are developing for Mac OS only and for systems lower than OSX, you
could use SndChannel, a HyperCard external that was developed in the 90's
and should still work in MC through OS9.  This will play as many channels as
can be accommodated by memory.  Unfortunately, there's no modern day

Regarding players and processor issues, have you tried setting the fileName
of player objects to empty in between playing sounds?  Also, are you using
the latest version of QT?


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia  Design

metacard mailing list

Re: Multiple sounds playing at once - how?

2003-12-04 Thread Alex Rice
On Dec 4, 2003, at 2:23 PM, Scott Rossi wrote:
 This will play as many channels as
can be accommodated by memory.  Unfortunately, there's no modern day
There is also this new, potentially xplatform external. I haven't used  
it but it looks interesting 

Alex Rice [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Mindlube Software |

what a waste of thumbs that are opposable
to make machines that are disposable  -Ani DiFranco
metacard mailing list

Re: Multiple sounds playing at once - how?

2003-12-04 Thread Scott Rossi
On 12/4/03 1:36 PM, Alex Rice [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  This will play as many channels as
 can be accommodated by memory.  Unfortunately, there's no modern day
 There is also this new, potentially xplatform external. I haven't used
 it but it looks interesting

I may be mistaken but I don't believe the FMOD external inherently provides
multi-channel audio support.  The benefit of the external (as explained to
me by the author) is support for various file types that would otherwise
require QT for playback.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia  Design

metacard mailing list

Re: Multiple sounds playing at once - how?

2003-12-04 Thread Alex Rice
On Dec 4, 2003, at 2:43 PM, Scott Rossi wrote:

I may be mistaken but I don't believe the FMOD external inherently 
multi-channel audio support.  The benefit of the external (as 
explained to
me by the author) is support for various file types that would 
require QT for playback.
Maybe the fmod4rev author just hasn't implmented very much of the FMOD 
API yet.

Take a look at this
Tons of features including: multiple channels, all kinds of mixing, 3D 

Alex Rice [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Mindlube Software |

what a waste of thumbs that are opposable
to make machines that are disposable  -Ani DiFranco
metacard mailing list

Re: Metacard support

2003-12-04 Thread Wilhelm Sanke
As I will be offline for the next five days, two remarks:

First, I will follow Richard's advice to ask my questions again next 
week when I am back and Rev may have rounded up their new troops by then.

I have done some more benchmarking, which I will report about, 
concerning the relative speeds of the MC and Rev IDEs both for using the 
IDEs during the development and for building standalones. I think I have 
found sort of a critical mass of controls where the Rev IDE absolutely 
bogs down (and the MC IDE does not). A sober analysis of the causes for 
these differences - about which I have some private and possibly 
educated guesses -  could maybe be instrumental and helpful for the 
improvement of both IDEs.

Secondly, list members have sometimes used the adjective spartan as a 
general characteristic of the Metacard IDE.

Richard alluded to that when he wrote yesterday:

While you and I are enamored of MC's simplicity, for others that same
simplicity can be seen as hellishly spartan (to use the words of one 
of my
clients who prefers Rev).

I have looked up spartan in the Britannica World Language Dictionary 
(part of the Encyclopedia Britannica). Here is the entry:

Pertaining to Sparta or the Spartians; heroically brave and enduring.
A native or citizen of Sparta; hence, one of exceptional valor and 
Adding what has been reported about the Spartans elsewhere one could 

Spartans were disciplined, enduring, efficient, and powerful.

Another aspect is equally interesting. When the Romans conquered  Sparta 
and other states on the Greek pensinsula in 146 B.C., Sparta remained an 
autonomous region inside the occupied area.

So I retract my proposal to speak of Metacard as a slim or power 
edition of Revolution. Spartan - spelled with a capital S to 
indicate the extended meaning - would be a much better choice.

Translating the attributes to characterize the Metacard IDE could look 
like this:

disciplined: concise and relatively short scripts; fewer parts of the 
IDE that are interrelated and interact, organized surface

enduring: can handle a substantial amount of objects, e.g. controls

efficient: despite the material load the Metacard IDE maintains its 
speed etc.

powerful: can be relatively easily customized to one's own needs; 
quicker development because of fewer bugs etc.

autonomous: deserves to be preserved as an alternative IDE.---

See you next week.


Wilhelm Sanke

metacard mailing list

[OT] Sparta (was Re: Metacard support)

2003-12-04 Thread Richard Gaskin
Wilhelm Sanke wrote:

 I have done some more benchmarking, which I will report about,
 concerning the relative speeds of the MC and Rev IDEs both for using the
 IDEs during the development and for building standalones. I think I have
 found sort of a critical mass of controls where the Rev IDE absolutely
 bogs down (and the MC IDE does not). A sober analysis of the causes for
 these differences - about which I have some private and possibly
 educated guesses -  could maybe be instrumental and helpful for the
 improvement of both IDEs.

Another great thing about plug-ins:  Geoff Canyon's Navigator can be used in
any IDE, as can my Stack Browser and Property Sheet, so there are lean
options available for those tasks.

Taking it a step further, one could write a plug-in that pulls out Rev's
front- and backscripts and inserts leaner versions that do only the bare
essentials.  You'd lose the Geometry Manager, Profile Manager, etc., but
folks so inclined probably aren't using those anyway.  I had to write one
that removes even MC's lean frontscript in order to get certain messages
with the pointer tool active (mouseDoubleUp and a couple others are not

Which brings us back to spartan -- the definition you found reflects my
own personal feelings:

 I have looked up spartan in the Britannica World Language Dictionary
 (part of the Encyclopedia Britannica). Here is the entry:
 Pertaining to Sparta or the Spartians; heroically brave and enduring.
 A native or citizen of Sparta; hence, one of exceptional valor and

While noted for their valor, Sparta is also a good argument against the
macroeconomics of militaristic societies.

Sparta was an expansive military culture, and I'm told that in outlying
areas it required roughly one soldier/policeman for every twelve citizens to
maintain stability.  Under the burden of such overhead, Spartan society
never enjoyed the luxuries Athenians once took for granted.

Most of the contributions to modern culture attributed to the ancient Greeks
(theatre, literature, philosophy) were specifically from Athens; Sparta gave
us only a cautionary tale of a society burdened by a large
military-industrial complex (or as Bucky Fuller might describe it, the
classic difference between investing in what he called livingry as opposed
to weaponry).  The Peloponnesian Wars were expensive to both societies and
ultimately benefitted neither:  Athens had the Acropolis and the Lyceum;
Sparta had an armory. :)

Hence this definition from, which is probably what my client
was referring to:
  # Simple, frugal, or austere: a Spartan diet; a spartan lifestyle.
  # Marked by brevity of speech; laconic.
  # Courageous in the face of pain, danger, or adversity.

For my client, using MC meant using the Message Box a lot (which it used to
for me also until I made my Property Sheet tool).  All that typing amounted
to pain, danger, and adversity for him.

So as the Athenian Artistotle would remind us, ultimately every metaphor
fails to fully describe that which it is supposed to illuminate.
Encountering a bug or limitation in any IDE requires the courage to face
pain, danger, and adversity. :)

 Richard Gaskin 
 Fourth World Media Corporation
 Tel: 323-225-3717   AIM: FourthWorldInc

metacard mailing list

Player messages

2003-12-04 Thread J. Landman Gay
I am playing a series of QT sound-only movies by changing the filename 
of a player. A playstopped handler is supposed to trigger when the 
player is done and then loads the next sound file.

I am not getting a playstopped message if the stack containing the 
player is frontmost. As soon as I click on the message box or the script 
editor or otherwise suspend the stack, the playstopped is immediately 
sent and the next sound loads and plays. I have checked to make sure 
that messages are not locked.

I tried running the stack in Revolution and it works fine in the IDE; I 
do get a playstopped message there. However if I suspend the IDE or 
build a standalone, I no longer get the playstopped message and it acts 
just as it does in MC. Can anyone think of anything that would cause this?

Below is a simple script that reproduces the problem on my machine. If 
someone can verify it I will post a bug report. I'm testing in OS X but 
I would like to know if the same thing happens in Windows. You'll need a 
stack with a player set to an audio file; type playloop into the 
message box to kick it off. Then try clicking on both the stack and the 
message box as the sound plays. If the message box is frontmost, it 
loops. If the stack is frontmost, it doesn't.

on playLoop
  global gPlay
  if the shiftkey is down then -- stop loop
put false into gPlay
put true into gPlay
start player 1
  end if
end playLoop
on playStopped
  global gPlay
  if gPlay = true then playLoop
end playStopped
I also tried setting a callback message at the duration of the player, 
but that doesn't get called either. It is like the player is in limbo 
when the sounds ends if the stack is frontmost. Am I overlooking something?

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
metacard mailing list

Re: Player messages

2003-12-04 Thread Jack Rarick
I've used the playPaused handler as a part of the player script.  It 
works pretty well - wanted to use playStopped but it never worked.

Hope this helps!

Jack Rarick
Braintree Athletic Systems
On Thursday, December 4, 2003, at 08:41 PM, J. Landman Gay wrote:

I am playing a series of QT sound-only movies by changing the filename 
of a player. A playstopped handler is supposed to trigger when the 
player is done and then loads the next sound file.

I am not getting a playstopped message if the stack containing the 
player is frontmost. As soon as I click on the message box or the 
script editor or otherwise suspend the stack, the playstopped is 
immediately sent and the next sound loads and plays. I have checked to 
make sure that messages are not locked.

I tried running the stack in Revolution and it works fine in the IDE; 
I do get a playstopped message there. However if I suspend the IDE or 
build a standalone, I no longer get the playstopped message and it 
acts just as it does in MC. Can anyone think of anything that would 
cause this?

Below is a simple script that reproduces the problem on my machine. If 
someone can verify it I will post a bug report. I'm testing in OS X 
but I would like to know if the same thing happens in Windows. You'll 
need a stack with a player set to an audio file; type playloop into 
the message box to kick it off. Then try clicking on both the stack 
and the message box as the sound plays. If the message box is 
frontmost, it loops. If the stack is frontmost, it doesn't.

on playLoop
  global gPlay
  if the shiftkey is down then -- stop loop
put false into gPlay
put true into gPlay
start player 1
  end if
end playLoop
on playStopped
  global gPlay
  if gPlay = true then playLoop
end playStopped
I also tried setting a callback message at the duration of the player, 
but that doesn't get called either. It is like the player is in limbo 
when the sounds ends if the stack is frontmost. Am I overlooking 

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
metacard mailing list
metacard mailing list

RE: Touchy selection business

2003-12-04 Thread MisterX
That's it! 

Thanks very much Dave!!!

 The problem is that there is no way of knowing what stack
 (given palettes exist) contains the current selection.
 How about
put the long id of the selectedfield into s3
 Does that give you what you need?
 metacard mailing list
metacard mailing list